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Reply  Message 1 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 13/08/2011 00:16
El paralelo Pi

La Gran Piramide de Keops

Se dice que hay una relación entre las medidas de la altura de la Gran Pirámide y su lado que es exactamente igual al número Pi, el famoso 3,14159265... etc. Número irracional con infinitos números decimales no periódicos. El lado mide 231 metros, la altura 147 m (la arista 220 m), la relación es Pi = 2 x lado / altura. Los egipcios que la construyeron debieron conocer Pi.

El mundo se puede cuadricular en meridianos y paralelos. Los meridianos son círculos máximos (de radio igual al terrestre) y van de polo a polo. Los paralelos como su nombre indican son círculos menores paralelos al ecuador y perpendiculares al eje de La Tierra. Cada punto de La Tierra gira alrededor de su eje siguiendo su paralelo. En el Ecuador, este giro tiene de radio el radio terrestre, pero conforme aumenta la latitud el radio de giro va siendo menor hasta ser cero en los polos. Los paralelos van disminuyendo su diámetro. En unos puntos determinados hay una relación entre el radio terrestre y el diámetro del paralelo igual a Pi, al igual que ocurre en la pirámide de Keops.

Esto arranca de la primera definición de metro como la diezmillonésima parte del cuadrante del meridiano de París. Por tanto del Ecuador al Polo hay exactamente 10.000 km (diez millones de metros). De ahí se puede calcular el radio terrestre, si 40.000 km es la circunferencia que es igual a 2*Pi*Rt, el radio terrestre medio es de 6.366.197,72 metros

Los divisores de 10.000 del cuadrante son sacando factores primos 10.000=2^4*5^4 es decir es divisible por 2,4,5,8,10,16,20,25 etc. Un paralelo que tuviera de radio esa división: 10.000 /divisor = 5000, 2500, 2000, 1250, 1000, 625, 500, 400 etc. estaría relacionado con el radio terrestre a través de Pi.
Para el caso de 2, el diámetro es de 10.000, radio de 5000, la relación sería Pi=2*Dp/Rt
Donde Dp es el diámetro del paralelo y Rt el radio terrestre. El ángulo del paralelo se puede calcular, teniendo del radio del paralelo Rp=5000 de cateto contiguo, y el radio terrestre de hipotenusa. El coseno es Cos A=5000 / 6366.19772. Y el ángulo A= ARCos (5000/6366)= 38º14.5’.
Para el caso de 4 el diámetro es de 5000, radio de 2500, la relación sería Pi=4*Dp/Rt.
Para el caso de 5 el diámetro es de 4000, radio de 2000, la relación sería Pi=5*Dp/Rt
Para el caso de 8 el diámetro es de 2500, radio de 1250, la relación sería Pi=8*Dp/Rt etc.
Pero para todos estos casos, el radio del paralelo es tan pequeño que todos están cada vez más cerca del polo dentro del circulo polar. Así:
Para el caso de 4, el ángulo A=ARCos(2500/6366)= 66.9º ya dentro del circulo polar y por tanto en zona inhabitable.
Por lo tanto sólo para el caso de 2, el paralelo hallado pasara por zonas habitables. Así al paralelo 38º14’33’’le he llamado el paralelo Pi. Tiene 10000 km de diámetro y la relación con Pi y el radio terrestre es:
Pi = 2 x Dp / Rt, muy parecida a la de la pirámide de Keops.

Mirando un mapamundi, el Paralelo Pi pasa por Abanilla (Murcia), Elche, Lisboa, Las Azores, Washington D.C., Charleston (Virginia occidental), Colorado Springs, Sacramento y San Francisco en California, Cruza el Pacifico y Japón por la isla de Honshu, pasa por la divisoria entre las dos coreas (el famoso paralelo 38), Norte de China, Repúblicas exsovieticas de Turkmenistan, Tayikistán, Uzbekistan, Mar Caspio, Norte de Irán, Turquía, Atenas, Calabria (la punta de la península italiana), Palermo (Sicilia) y Mar Mediterráneo.
Lógicamente todo esto también se cumple en hemisferio sur, en este caso siguen la misma ruta que en la novela de Julio Verne Los Hijos del Capitán Grand pero un grado más al sur. Es decir En el hemisferio Sur pasa por entre Bahía blanca y Mar del Plata en Argentina, Temuco en Chile, el Pacífico, la isla Norte de Nueva Zelanda, Melbourne en Australia, Isla San Pablo en el centro del Indico y pasa al Atlántico por debajo de Africa.
El paralelo Pi pasa por zonas frías especialmente el del hemisferio sur. Es curioso pero quizás el punto más cálido sea Abanilla o Elche donde pueden vivir las palmeras datileras, en el resto suele nevar en invierno.

El Paralelo Pi tiene 10.000 km de diámetro.
Para calcular el ángulo, la hipotenusa vale el radio terrestre Rt=6.366,19772 km
y el cateto contiguo vale 5.000 (es el radio del paralelo de diametro 10.000).


A petición popular voy a tratar de traducir al cristiano lo que dice aquí:
Si tenemos una circunferencia, por definición Pi es la razón entre su longitud y su diámetro. Pi= C/D ó lo que es lo mismo C=2 x Pi x R siendo R el radio.
Un cuadrante (la cuarta parte de la circunferencia) de longitud L, será L=C/4 es decir L=Pi*R/2. El Paralelo Pi de diámetro igual a la longitud del cuadrante L=Dp luego Dp=Pi*R/2 despejando Pi= 2*Dp/R con lo que se demuestra que hay una relación entre el diámetro del paralelo y el radio de la circunferencia igual a Pi y es clavada a la de la Gran Pirámide de Keops.
¿Cuál es este paralelo? Para hallar el ángulo: haciendo un triángulo rectángulo (ver foto), el cateto contiguo es el radio del paralelo, la hipotenusa es el radio de la circunferencia Cos A= cateto contiguo / hipotenusa.
Cos A=Rp/R como Rp =Dp/2 entonces Cos A= Dp / (2*R) pero Dp era Dp=Pi*R/2 entonces Cos A= Pi*R/(2*2*R) simplificando R se va, queda CosA= Pi/4, hallando la inversa del coseno, A= ArcCos (Pi/4)=38º14’33”

El Paralelo Pi es el paralelo 38º14’33’’
Y cumple la relación Pi =2 x Dp / R

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Reply  Message 3 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:20

Freemasonry, Astrology, and the Washington D.C. Street Plan

During the 1790s French Freemason Pierre L’Enfant designed the street plan and architectural layout of Washington D.C. to include many occult talismans. If you see D.C. from an aerial view, you may be shocked to find things like an iron cross (used by Hitler), the Star of David (used by the Rothschilds), an upside down (satanic) pentagram pointing to the White House, and even a pyramid with a huge owl sitting atop at the Capitol building. The Egyptian hieroglyph for the Illuminati Goddess Isis/Sirius is a star, an oval, and an obelisk all drawn together. In Washington D.C. there just happens to be the Washington Monument obelisk, the Oval office, and a pentagram encoded in the streets/architecture.

“The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly, this is just what we find in stone in Washington D.C. The entire city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling Plutocrats it seems. Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to use the divination arts for their own personal physical and spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and devil-worshippers.” -David Ovason, “Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol”

“Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do.” -J. P. Morgan

In Washington DC we have the phallic "Monument" facing the female "Oval" office, plus the pentagon and L’Enfant’s pentagrams. In Paris we find “Cleopatra’s Needle” another obelisk in front of the Notre Dame ("Virgin" Mary’s) Cathedral. The Vatican has another masculine obelisk surrounded by a feminine circular building structure. In London, New York, and many other places you will find the same. The Brotherhood has placed their sexual architecture at key geomantic points all over the Earth.

“The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. This is the symbolism of the Oval Office (the womb, female) in the White House which looks out on the Washington Monument, the vast stone obelisk (phallic, male). These symbols attract and generate the energy they represent: they are a physical thought form. The obelisk also symbolizes the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatra’s Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria... A sphinx has been placed on either side at its London location. Another Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minute’s drive from the scene of Diana’s crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk. The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (354) 

They also keep the secrets of ancient ley lines and continue building along them. For instance the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all on a perfect diagonal that continues down to Teohitican and all the way up to Stonehenge, Troy, and Baalbak. London to Giza and Paris to Dendera are almost equidistant parallel lines as well. This geomantic knowledge was understood and kept hidden by ancient builders/Masons and remains that way today.

“Has anyone ever asked themselves why a war memorial nearly always has to be an obelisk? And why do you think the Washington monument in the centre of Washington DC is a giant obelisk? Because obelisks, like all these symbols and geometrical shapes, generate the energy they represent. I remember climbing some stone steps inside a big obelisk near Hebden Bridge in England and feelig enormous male sexual energy all around me. I wondered what on Earth was happening until I remembered where I was ... inside a male penis in effect. What a symbol is built to represent is the energy it will generate, because symbols are a physical manifestation of the thoughts which create them. These guys don’t put their symbols everywhere just for fun. They do it because it helps to resonate the energy field to the vibrational frequency they want. In turn, this affects the thoughts and feelings of the people.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (136)  

“The extraordinary truth is that the very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well as a star. How is it possible that this most important star of the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in the architecture of the United States. …in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over Sirius … Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius. The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog days…which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.” -David Ovason, "Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol"

Reply  Message 4 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:20

1799-1829 Bushrod Washington, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.

1800-1804 Alfred Moore, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Unknown Mason Status.

1800 John Quincy Adams opposed Thomas Jefferson for the presidency and wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, exposing how Jefferson was using Masonic Lodges for subversive Illuminati purposes.  The information contained in those letters is credited with winning Adams the election.  The letters were held in the Rittenburg Square Library, in Philadelphia.

1800 Aaron Burr, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason.

1800 John Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Confirmed Illuminati.

1800s The Collins family had a branch that shot off from it during the early 1800s which was the Todd family. The Todd family branch remained an important part of the Illuminati. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier)

1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson, 3rd. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Illuminati & Mason. (Masonic Edition, Holy Bible 1951 Edition) Poor records kept by the Colonial Lodges, the destruction of records by fire and war, make it impossible to consult original Lodge records. Jefferson may have been a Member of Charlottesville Lodge No. 90, Charlottesville, Va., since his name appears on the Minutes of this Lodge on September 20, 1817. Jefferson was also a member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses in Paris and the Beenan Order (Order of the Bees) known outside Bavaria as the Illuminati. Vice President, Aaron Burr (DR), 1801-1805. Confirmed Mason. Was also a member of the Collins family of Satanists who called themselves the Hell Fire Club. Thomas Jefferson was one of the members of this purely Satanic group who practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. (The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1805-1809. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. De Witt Clinton N.Y. Gov. was Georges nephew. Confirmed Mason. Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury. Confirmed IlluminatiJefferson was related to the following Presidents: William Henry Harrison, Jackson, Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

Thomas Jefferson had an affair with Sally Hemings. One of his slaves who it is said was his mistress for thirty six years, but after the death of his wife. Recent scientific DNA evidence strongly suggests he was the father of her youngest son, Eston Hemings. Presidents and their reputed Affairs External Link

Note: Andrew Jackson, whose portrait appears on the U.S. $20 bill today, in 1814 supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses, the bodies of men, women and children that his troops had massacred, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead, slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins. ( Historian Ward Churchill, A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE; HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS, 1492 TO THE PRESENT (San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.186) The issue in these days were Indians. The issue of our day is Gun Control, militia, and according to Janet Reno Christians. Janet Reno reflects the issue's of the Clinton administration. Cultist Definition by Janet Reno, Attorney General USA

1801-1835 John Marshall, S.C.J. Chief Justice. Nominated by President John Adams. Previously he was Grand Master of Virginia, from 1793-1795. (However, there is evidence that John Marshall was not proud or enthusiastic about being a Freemason, at least later in his life.) Confirmed Mason.

July 11, 1804: Gun-barrel Politics
Vice President Aaron Burr confirmed Mason, mortally wounds former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in a pistol duel near Weehawken, New Jersey.

1804-1834 William Johnson, S.C.J.  Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.

1807-1823 Henry Brockhoist Livingston, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Unknown Mason Status.

1807-1826 Thomas Todd, S.C.J. Nominated by President Thomas Jefferson. Confirmed Mason.

1801-1814 Albert Abraham Alfonse Gallatin. Fourth U.S. Secretary of the treasure. Instrumental in negotiating an end to the war of 1812. Confirmed Mason.

1804 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.

1808 Charles Pickney, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) Unknown Mason Status.

1809-1817 James Madison, 4th. President of the United States (DR) Confirmed Mason. (New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, pg. 21) Madison is said to have been a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County, Virginia, a Lodge which had only a short existence, and whose records are lost. (Was married to a Todd, of the Satanic Collins according to The Illuminati Bloodlines, Fritz Springmeier) Vice President George Clinton, 1809-1812. Confirmed Mason and Illuminati. Vice President, Elbridge Gerry 1813-1814. Unknown Mason Status.

1811-1835 Gabriel Duvall, S.C.J. Associate Justice. Nominated by President James Madison. Unknown Mason Status.

1811-1845 Joseph Story, S.C.J. Nominated by President James Madison. Story is listed as a member of Philanthropic Lodge in Marblehead, Massachusetts, in 10,000 Famous Freemasons and the MSA 1940s study, but not in Masonic Trivia and Facts.

Other parts of the world during this presidency: 1811-1821 Jose de San Martin. Soldier and Statesman. An officer in the Spanish army for 20 years. Led South America's independence movement for confirmed Mason President Simon Bolivar. Confirmed Mason.

1812 De Wit Clinton, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (F) DeWitt Clinton, who was assoc. with the Illuminati very early in the history of the United States. George Clinton, vice president to Thomas Jefferson, was De Wit Clintons Uncle.

1812 Winfield Scott. Grad from West Point. Fought in the war of 1812 and rose to the rank of major general .Fought in the battle of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane in 1814.Supervised the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Southern state to reservations west of the Mississippi River. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1853. Confirmed Mason.

1814 Francis Scott Key, lawyer and the author of the U.S. national anthem. Confirmed Mason. Officially adopted in 1931. 

The Federal 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati last week in a 30-page decision, stated that references to God are not permissible because they are clearly Christian. The state of Ohio wanted to use the motto "With God, All Things Are Possible" on its official seal or anywhere else. The US Circuit Court said, "In God We Trust" comes from "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key and is not a reference to a specific faith.  (C-span 4.20.2000)

1816 Rufus King, served in the state legislature, and in the Continental Congress, where he introduced the resolution calling for a convention at Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. Was elected as New York's first U.S. senator. Was also the loosing (F) party running against James Monroe for the Presidency. Confirmed Mason.

1817-1825 James Monroe, 5th. President of the United states (DR) Confirmed Mason. (The New Age Magazine, January 1953, pg. 44) Initiated: November 9, 1775, St. John's Regimental Lodge in the Continental Army. Monroe was not yet eighteen, but "lawful age" had not yet been universally fixed at twenty-one. Later, Brother Monroe took Membership in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia. Also a member of the Knights Of The Garter. Order of the Garter is the core leader of the Committee Of 300. Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins 1817-1825. Unknown Mason Status. President Monroe was related to President Richard Nixon. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)

1823-1843 Smith Thompson, S.C.J. Associate justice. Nominated by Mason President James Monroe. Unknown Mason Status.

Other Parts of the world During this Presidency: Argentina. 1819-1830 Simon Bolivar, President of, New Granada, 1819, Venezuela, 1821, Ecuador, 1822, until finally with the liberation of upper Peru, which became Bolivia after Bolivar, already President of Columbia, his rule on the continent became complete. Confirmed Mason.

1820 John Quincy Adams, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (IR) Unknown Mason Status.

1824 Albert (Abraham Alfonse) Gallatin. 4th. Secretary of the treasury 1801 -1814. Nominated for vice presidency. Withdrew in fear of weakening ticket due to foreign birth. Confirmed Illuminati.

1824 Andrew Jackson, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (D) Confirmed Mason.

1824 Henry Clay, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Confirmed Mason. Henry Clay was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky and Grand Orator for the G.L. 1806-09. Very good friends to the Illuminati Dupont's. The Dupont's were already one of the primary top families, it is rumored that Clay was coming to them for guidance on how to steer the nation. The Dupont's played a role in the building of the American capital, which was laid out and constructed with numerous occult patterns. Clay also became the leader of the Whig Party. It is from this info the Presidents who were on the Whig Party are in question.

According to occultists/Satanic doctrine, the upper four points of the Goat head (left) represent the four elements of the world, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.  The bottom fifth point represents the spirit of Lucifer.  In the above photocopy of the Goat head Pentagram, the fifth point extends down into the mind of the goat, who represents Lucifer. Notice the above pentagram of the Washington Streets layout in which the south part of the pentagram falls on the White House. Where the Spirit of Satan is to dwell. 

Photo courtesy of David Icke's website symbolism archives.

The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl.

Photo courtesy of David Icke's website symbolism archives.

Notice the owl on the dollar bill. 

The Beast of the Apocalypse: 666 a gigantic self programming computer!

WWW=World Wide Web. Web=net, trap. World Wide Web=World Wide Trap External Link

The System they are working towards is called LILITH External Link

1824 William H. Crawford, loosing Presidential candidate for Presidency (DR) Unknown Mason Status.



| Part 1 | Part 1b | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |


Reply  Message 5 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:21
The Great Inverted Pentagram of Washington DC
"I'll spare you assorted conjecture on why the designers of this city decided to place Masonic symbolism all across the landscape on a scale that can be seen from space. Just take a look." (15)


Masonic Stones of the Washington Monument


"On the 4th of July, 1848, under a clear sky in the presence of the President of the United States and virtually every notable of the government including former first lady Dolley Madison, the cornerstone was set with masonic ceremonies by the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia. One of the principle addresses of the occasion was given by Benjamin B. French, Grand Master, who wore the masonic apron that Washington wore at the laying of the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. In his address French referred to the masonic master's chair used by Washington as Worshipful Master of Washington-Alexandria Lodge, and the gavel used by the first President to set the cornerstone of the Capitol, in the custody of Potomac Lodge #5 of Georgetown, D.C. Both of these were on display for the occasion along with other Washington masonic relics." (18)

See also: More Masonic Stones of the Washington Monument


On the U.S. dollar bill is displayed the Great Seal of the United States, which contains important symbols of Judeo-Freemasonry: the All-Seeing Eye, the Great Pyramid, the Six-Pointed Star, the Eagle, the phrases Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo Seclorum, and the motto E Pluribus Unum. Altogether, the Judeo-Masonic symbolism on the dollar bill reveals in a code the true origins and destiny of the United States.

Manley P. Hall wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages that the United States was dedicated to fulfillment of the Judeo-Masonic (Zionist) agenda from the day of its inception:

"The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body [a secret body existing in Europe] - unseen and for the most part unknown - and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board setting forth the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception." (19)

A British Israel website, Straight Talk, explains the hidden Zionist symbols of the Obverse and Reverse sides of the Great Seal:

"E. Raymond Capt, in his booklet, 'Our Great Seal says: The Great Seal given to our country, after years of laborious heraldic and symbolic study, reveals our true national origin and destiny. The Obverse face is Israel in the Old Testament; The Reverse face is our race under the New Covenant. Each face is a masterly harmony of all that is potent in symbolism and prophecy. It was originated and adopted by men who recognized the overshadowing presence of the Great Architect of the Universe and submission to His will as revealed in the Scriptures and the Laws of Nature. They planned a government in conformity to His great Plan. They recognized that America's greatest task was to go toward the goal of the Plan -- the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth."

In Judeo-Masonic numerology, the number 13 has enormous significance. For this reason, the many symbols in the Great Seal were composed of 13 units, as described by Manley P. Hall, founder of the Philosophical Research Society:

"The significance of the mystical number 13, which frequently appears upon the Great Seal of the United States, is not limited to the number of the original colonies. The sacred emblem of the ancient initiates, here composed of 13 stars, also appears above the head of the 'eagle.' The motto, E Pluribus Unum, contains 13 letters, as does also the inscription, Annuit Coeptis. The 'eagle' clutches in its right talon a branch bearing 13 leaves and 13 berries and in its left a sheaf of 13 arrows. The face of the pyramid, exclusive of the panel containing the date, consists of 72 stones arranged in 13 rows. MPH"
The British-Israel Straight Talk, explains that the number 13 refers to Jacob's (Israel's) blessing upon his sons in Genesis 49. The 12 Tribes of Israel became 13 when Joseph's inheritance was divided between his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh: "It must be remembered the Manasseh is the thirteenth tribe. Ephraim moved into Joseph's place and Manasseh was added to the twelve."
"...Most of the symbols used by the tribes of Jacob's descendents are derived from the blessings and prophecies that were given to his sons in Genesis 49... Although Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh are not listed, we know from other sources that Ephraim and Manasseh each had two symbols. Ephraim used the Ox primarily and the Unicorn was his secondary symbol. Manasseh's primary symbol is an Olive Branch, while his second symbol is a Bundle of Arrows. It must be remembered the Manasseh is the thirteenth tribe. Ephraim moved into Joseph's place and Manasseh was added to the twelve...

"It will be found that the Great Seal of the United States contains ten features of thirteen. And given that some sixteen drafts, over a time period of 159 years through which the seal was constructed, it makes coincidence impossible as an explanation for those 13's. I know that the easy answer to the fact of all these thirteens is that there were thirteen original colonies, but this surface explanation doesn't fit all the evidence. When the facts of the United States and the Great Seal are viewed in the context of the whole Lost Tribes teaching, it obviously fits like it belonged. The 'coincidence' of there being thirteen colonies doesn't add a whit to the total picture unless it is taken to be part of the [Lost Tribes] material. Finally in 1935 the final die was cut for the seal that we see on the one dollar bill today.

"The obverse, or front, side of the Seal as proposed by Thomas Jefferson was to show the Israelites being led by the Pillar of Cloud and of Fire. Benjamin Franklin suggested the event of Pharaoh's drowning in the Red Sea. The Harp of David was included in three early designs, while the number of olives and leaves did not settle to thirteen each until late in the nineteenth century."

13 Courses of the Pyramid = 13 Tribes of Israel


The standard interpretation of the Pyramid on the Great Seal is that the 13 courses represent the 13 colonies of the United States. But do they really?  Take a close look at the following drawing of "The Distribution of the Land of Israel During the Millennium" and compare the 13 divisions according to the Tribes of Israel with the unfinished Pyramid on the Great Seal.  These illustrations provide stunning evidence that the various and sundry "13s" on our Great Seal symbolize the 13 Tribes of Israel, as stated by the British Israelite author.  As well, that the unfinished Great Pyramid of Egypt is a structural symbol of "Eretz Israel" (Greater Israel) which will extend from the Nile River to the Euphrates River! 




   Analyzing the Great Seal with this new information presented us with the following interpretation:

  • The Great Pyramid represents Eretz Israel or Greater Israel, allegedly during the Millennium, but also the false fulfillment of Bible prophecy by the Zionists. The Great Pyramid has 144,000 stones.

  • The detached Capstone of the Pyramid represents Lucifer who, in the person of the Antichrist, will preside over Eretz Israel during the Millennium.

  • The All-Seeing Eye in the Capstone is the Eye of Horus, the Egyptian Sun God who will be reincarnated as the False Messiah of Eretz Israel.

  • "Annuit Coeptis" has 13 letters and is Latin for "He (God) has favored our undertakings."

  • "Novus Ordo Seclorum," is translated "A New Order of the Ages" when the world will be ruled from by the False Messiah from Israel. 

  • "E Pluribus Unum," which also has 13 letters, means "Out of Many, One."  This is a reference to God's Millennial promises to the dispersed tribes:


    ". . . in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. . . Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand." (Ezek. 38:8; 37:19)

  • In God We Trust” over the word "ONE" expresses the Jews' rejection of Jesus Christ which they erroneously derive from  Deuteronomy. 6:4: “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”

  • The 6-Pointed Star consisting of 13 stars represents the "Star of David" which is really the Seal of Solomon, a pagan symbol which will be the Mark of the Beast in Rev. 13:16.

  • The emblem of the Eagle was substituted for the Serpent by the Tribe of Dan, from which the False Messiah will come:

"Dan's position in the journey was on the North of the Tabernacle, with Asher and Naphtali. The standard of the tribe was of white and red and the crest upon it an eagle. . .Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent. Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents, as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag." [Unger's Bible Dictionary, p. 273]

  • The 13 arrows in the left claw of the Eagle represent the 13 tribes of Israel fomenting wars and revolutions throughout the world.

  • In its right claw, the Eagle carries an Olive Branch which has 13 leaves. The Olive Tree represents the House of Israel and House of Judah (Is. 17:6, 23:14, Jer.11:16, Rom. 11). The 13 leaves represent the 13 tribes of Israel and Judah.

Thus the numerous "13s" found in the Great Seal, as identified by Manly P. Hall, really represent the 13 tribes of Israel, although Hall would never divulge that very esoteric interpretation. The reason for the omission is found in Fritz Springmeier's book, The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, which briefly mentions that Marie Bauer Hall was the wife of Manly P. Hall:

"... Manly P. Hall whose wife was a Bauer (very likely part of the Rothschild bloodline.)" (p.43)

Based on this new information, which has been withheld from the Gentile world, it becomes apparent that the Great Seal of the United States reveals in a symbolic code the quest of the Zionist Jews to return to and conquer the Holy Land which God originally gave them, but which they forfeited through their rejection of the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. Moreover, the Great Seal reveals that they are using the United States of America and to reestablish the kingdom of Israel from which their Antichrist, a descendant of King Solomon, will rule the world. 

A timeline of this Zionist conspiracy is presented in our report, Heeding Bible Prophecy: New Israel. The Judeo-Masonic Plan for the final stages of the Zionist conspiracy is the subject of another report, Death of the Phoenix: Final Act for the United States of America.

Reply  Message 6 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:21

Reply  Message 7 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:22

A brief timeline is required to better fathom the scope and details of the Capitol.  Only then can you the reader (or initiate, if you will) better comprehend the meaning of the symbols. The question of where to locate the United States Capital was initially raised in 1783.  Among the numerous sites to be suggested were New York City, Philadelphia, Annapolis, Princeton and Williamsburg just to name a few.  Of the numerous disputed points was the fact that the Northern States did not want to recognize a capital in the South and vice-versa.  There was even an agreement that provided for two separate capitals that was revoked the following year.

The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 and saw the drafting of the Constitution. The United States Congress was established upon ratification of the Constitution in 1789, and New York was the initial place of convening.  With the Constitution's ratification, both the need and process for establishing a permanent and official Capital was in place.   When Congress met in 1790, an agreement on the site had yet to be reached.

Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury at the time and was pushing Congress to pass a financial plan, or budget.  One of the key components in the plan was in dealing with the debt still left from the Revolutionary War.  The Northern States were still heavily burdened, and Hamilton's plan was to have the Federal government consolidate and assume the debt.  An aspect of the plan included Southern States to help in the payment; they obviously were not that thrilled. 

Thomas Jefferson encountered Alexander Hamilton at the home of George Washington later that year.  Jefferson kindly (and wisely) offered to host a dinner to bring both parties together and adjudicate a solution to the stalemate.  This proved fruitful and productive as a compromise was reached.  The Northern delegates would approve of the southern (and current) Potomac River site, while the more prosperous and affluent Southern delegates would agree to the Federal government assuming War debts of the Northern States, and hence helping to pay those debts themselves.

The 'Assumption Bill' was thus narrowly approved by both houses, and the consequent 'Residence Act' gave the President George Washington the authority to select the precise location and hire the appropriate surveyor for the project. 

Congress held its first session in the still unfinished Capital Building on November 17, 1800.  It would be another 11 years before both wings were complete setting a model for both Federal budget and building miscalculations for two centuries!

Noted French architect Pierre L'Enfant first expressed his desire for the design of the Capital to George Washington in 1789.  At that time, there was a hot debate about exactly where this new city would be located.  L'Enfant's aspirations had to be put on hold until 1791 with the passage of the Residence Act.  With his newly granted authority, Washington quickly appointed L'Enfant to begin design work on the new Capital.

Thomas Jefferson wrote letters to L'Enfant outlining his objectives and Pierre's task of designing the federal city and sites for the government buildings.  Jefferson had quite modest ideas for the design. 

Thomas Jefferson’s sketch of the Capital, March 1791

When the architect’s draft design was presented to President Washington later that year........... it was obvious that Pierre L'Enfant had much more exalted plans for the Capital of the New World. 

752px-L'Enfant_plan.jpg1792 Revision of Pierre L’Enfant’s Design for the Capital of Washington D.C.

Pierre L'Enfant was gifted French-born American architect and civil engineer.  It should be noted that he left formal studies at the Louvre in Paris to enlist and fight in the American Revolution. Pierre L'Enfant could not help but be influenced by the baroque-style gardens of the Louvre as his father had been a court painter at Versailles. 

It cannot be overlooked that L'Enfant based his Capitol City designs on the work of Le Notre as used at Versailles and Domenico Fonatana’s  plan for the re-design or Rome under Pope Sixtus V. The latter is most interesting for it was the peculiar re-design of Rome under Sixtus V that originally caught our attention last year!  It was this monumental re-design of Rome and peculiar placement of bridges, fountains and obelisks which show a peculiar affinity for the Sun at specific times of the year. 

We have demonstrated that in our article was that this re-design of Rome was to meant encode a very unique and ancient method of tracking the phenomenon of the Earth's wobble about its axis, or Precession.  It is this distinctive movement, or wobble, of the Earth that allows us to observe the Sun traveling along its path in the heavens through the signs of the Zodiac, also known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Cultures throughout the ancient world knew of, and more importantly recorded, this phenomenon.  It would appear that the actual layout and design of Washington D.C. encodes this knowledge as well.




Everyone knows of the Great Pyramid.  Fewer people know of the actual precision of this pillar of human achievement.  (For instance, The Paris Observatory is the most accurately aligned modern structure and varies a mere 6 minutes of a degree from true North . . . . . the Great Pyramid is off by only 3 minutes)  Fewer still know or have heard of the Pyramid’s internal and external functions.   For brevity, we will leave the reader to do their own research and focus only on one of purposes served by the Great Pyramid……. as the Prime Meridian.

The Prime Meridian is the line of longitude (runs North-South) that is defined as 0 degrees.  It from this vertical line that makes it possible to ‘step-off’ and measure all other lines of longitude; without an understanding and accurate measurement of longitude, accurate navigation and mapmaking would not be possible.  The choice for a Prime Meridian is purely arbitrary, and could theoretically be placed anywhere.  Typically, a large terrestrial landmark is used.  Our current Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England.   This was not always so.

Thomas Jefferson even tried to get the Prime Meridian to run through the White House.

Though Pierre L’Enfant originally planned on it running one mile east of the Capitol, by the time final drafts were realized the plan had the new Meridian running through the Capital Building itself.  Curiously, when Thomas Jefferson became President in 1804, he requested that a new Meridian be surveyed that ran directly through the White House.  This point was marked by a small granite stone known as ‘Jefferson’s Pier’.  Scholars are still perplexed as to why Jefferson desired the new Meridian to run through the White House when he himself directed the survey of a different one when he was the Secretary of State 11 years prior.  We believe we can explain why. . . .

It has been suggested by many that the Great Pyramid was built by the survivors of Atlantis, and that it was built to store knowledge.  We do not yet know, nor can prove, exactly who built this pillar; but one thing is for certain . . . . it does contain knowledge.  The Great Pyramid has been slowly revealing its secrets over the last two centuries, and the sheer volume and combination of data and accuracy is almost . . . . . god-like.  (This article alone will not suffice nor attempt to even touch upon the colossal amounts of data collected.) 

The authors of this article are immensely indebted to the work of Gary Osborn who has logically and undeniably demonstrated that the Great Pyramid was, designed to point to itself on the Earth.  It was the work of Mr. Osborn that enabled us to make the connections and reach some of the conclusions being presented in this article.

Earth and Nile2.jpg
The Earth’s Axis of Rotation inclined at 23.5 Degrees from the Ecliptic. (The River Nile is highlighted).
(Taken From)  http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/235degrees.htm

Location of Great Pyramid 5.jpg
The Great Pyramid’s Location on the Earth, Rotated 90 Degrees
(Taken From)  http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/greatpyramidandaxis.htm

(Compare this diagram with that decoding the ‘symbol’ from The Key of Solomon found above.)


The Superimposition of both Diagrams by centering everything on the King's Chamber . . . a perfect match. Taken From  http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/greatpyramidandaxis.htm

These images speak both volumes and for themselves.  Astonishing as they may be, even out-of-context these diagrams do not do the entire research due credit.

All of this is crucial to understand.  For if we are only now beginning to understand this knowledge. . . . how was it that others have known throughout history? 
This (and other) information has been handed down and protected by secret societies (like Templars or Freemasons) for thousands of years.  The knowledge has been passed to those initiated and deemed worthy, and it helps to explain some of the most curious artwork, actions and architecture in history.  

The Founding Fathers were documented Freemasons and would certainly be privy to such knowledge.




Let us now take another look at the actual plans for the city of Washington D.C.  This is the 1792 revision of L’Enfant’s plan for the city.  The White House (then called the ‘President’s House’) and the Capitol Building have been identified with green dots.  The red lines mark the point of intersection and more importantly serve as a square, horizontal foundation.  (Notice the original latitude and longitude designations in the lower left-hand corner.  The longitudinal number 0: 0. clearly shows that a new Prime Meridian running through the city was intentional all along.)

1792 Revision of Pierre L’Enfant’s Design for the Capitol of Washington D.C.

The following diagram shows just what seems to have been the message of Washington D.C. 

L’Enfant’s City Plan with Model of Great Pyramid Superimposed

Credit to Gary Osborn who initially discovered this!

Voila!  The green triangle is a model of the Great Pyramid.  The slope angle of each side is 52 degrees.  Notice how well it fits the city plan!  There even appears to be an intentional reference street on the left side (New Hampshire Avenue) which matches the 52 degree angle almost perfectly!  The main avenues in red are all at 23.5 degrees and converge at the central point of the pyramid, also known as the King’s Chamber.  The King’s Chamber happens to be none other than the White House.

The New World’s Prime Meridian paying homage and reverence . . . . . to the ‘old’ one.

It is also no coincidence that the desired Prime Meridian for the New World fell in a narrow strip of land referred to as ‘God’s Longitude’ and is  fundamentally tied to our modern Gregorian calendar. 

Next is a satellite image of Washington D.C. as it was built and exists today.  Take note of the similar street layout and positions of both the White House and the Capitol Building.

Satellite Image of Washington D.C. (GoogleEarth)

Let us now take the same scale diagram and see how faithfully L’Enfant’s plan was realized.

Washington D.C. with the Same Great Pyramid Model Superimposed (GoogleEarth)

The Great Pyramid model is not quite a perfect match but very close especially considering that the city covers over 70 square miles!

Note how well the angle of the slope again matches the left-most street, New Hampshire Avenue.  All the major avenues leading to the White House are angled at 23.5 degrees.  Even though both Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues do not run through the White House, observe how they too are angled at 23.5 degrees. Even Arlington Memorial Bridge in the bottom left corner spans the Potomac River at this angle!

A keen eye will notice that the street running from the Capitol Building to the White House (blue line in lower right corner) is at a slightly more acute angle than 23.5 degrees as the other streets.* 

*This apparent alteration to L’Enfant’s original plan also made possible an all-important alignment with the birth of the star Sirius on the horizon to be revealed in the following sections. 

When comparing the images above, it appears the aforementioned detail was intentionally added to Pierre L’Enfant’s plans for placement of the Capitol Building. Objectively, the actual building site for the Capitol Building could have been moved in the planning stage for any number of reasons.  (foundational, logistics, etc.)  But what are the odds that the Capitol Building would just so happen to move. . . . to exactly where it would align the White House with the birth of Sirius?

It would seem that more than one of the architects was ‘in the know.’

Lastly, it is worthwhile to note that Gary Osborn has discovered a hidden mathematical code at the scale of 1/16th found and within the geometry of the Great Pyramid itself  Can it be tallied as coincidence that the street that runs through the White House and the apex of our pyramid also just so happens to be . . . . 16th Street?

Washington16thStreet2.jpg 16th Street Code with Washington Street Plan (GoogleEarth)



There are two versions of ‘The Lost Symbol’ cover that have been made available to the public thus far.  One is the United States version, and the other is the United Kingdom version. The first image shows the US version (See pictures above).

The obvious elements are the large wax seal, the diagonal tear, and the US Capitol Building. 

Overlay of Osborn’s diagram of the Great Pyramid with the US version of ‘The Lost Symbol’
(Taken from http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/thepyramidcode.htm)

The base of the pyramid sits atop the text and the ‘tears’ follow the slope of the Pyramid quite nicely, enough to hint at it anyway.  Notice how the very apex of the pyramid is perfectly in-line with the top of the ‘33’ pyramid in the seal.  Notice also how the red ‘Equator’ line runs through both King and Queen’s Chamber to the very top left corner of the cover.  The red line bisecting the ‘33’ pyramid happens to point to the opposite corner.  The blue lines highlight the obvious 23.5 degree slant of the font.  There are more clues as well.  This is an obvious allusion to the overall message being handed down and possibly in Brown’s book. . . . Precession.

We can tell that the building is the US Capitol, but from what side?  There is the genius of Mr. Brown; the clues have been given but in two differing covers!

‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version

Now we can clearly see what side of the Capitol Building is being shown, the eastern side.
Next we use our good friend GoogleEarth and match the perspective.

LostSymbolUK4.jpg ‘The Lost Symbol’ UK version compared to US Capitol Building from GoogleEarth

The match is not perfect, but pretty darn close.  A perfect match is impossible given the 3D models employed by GoogleEarth, as they differ in both the scale and architecture of the actual buildings. 
But again, pretty darn close. . . .

Brown cleverly chose this perspective for several reasons. 

First, is what he left off the cover.  Below is the same GoogleEarth image, only not cropped.

BrownCapitol13.jpg Capitol Building, Washington D.C.

We can see that the left edge of the book cover just so happens to cut-off where the obelisk should be.  That would place the obelisk on the spine of the book would it not?   Wayne Herschel has cleverly found a source that seems to confirm this theory; and according to him, an image of the Washington Monument does appear on the spine of the book. 

The second reason this perspective may have been chosen was just as intriguing.  We know this cover photo clearly cuts off the Washington obelisk.  It also hides something. . . . .

Look at what hides behind the Capitol Building if we nudge the building aside.

BrownCapitol12.jpgCapitol Building, nudged to the right

The Capitol Dome was totally obscuring Pennsylvania Avenue, seen just to the left of the dome.   Do you know what also lies on Pennsylvania Avenue. . . . . . the White House.  So the White House, Washington Monument and Capitol Building are all connected; but why hide the connection?




We have previously published work demonstrating that monuments in Washington D.C. that align with the Sun at solstices, just as in the Vatican.  More have been found that are very thought-provoking.  These clues help to lead us to the conclusion that these alignments were not only intentional, but obviously very well-thought-out.

Near the beginning of this work, we shed some light on the unique day of September the 15th.  Dan Brown obviously chose that date for a very specific reason.  Most importantly, it is the only day that the ‘True Cross’ of Christianity reveals its pagan and sun worshiping roots as the Great Cross will be fully erect just before the dawning sun veils the stars in the sky.   This date is both unique to this location on Earth and, to this time.  It can only occur every 6,700 years (1/4 Precession Cycle) during a Great Celestial Conjunction, as we are going through now.

The Freemasons have a long-standing tradition of venerating the star Sirius.  Richard Hoagland has made an astonishing discovery that our modern Gregorian calendar was perfectly and timed and calcualted so as to have Sirius directly on the Meridian on January 1, 2000 AD to mark both the beginning and  end of the Precession cycle! 

This veneration dates back to ancient Egypt as Sirius was the stellar embodiment of Isis.  (We again refer the reader to Hoagland for a more detailed history and analysis of this relationship ) This fascination seems to be hidden within the city as well. The first alignment relates to the birth of Sirius on the horizon.  This day was so important to the ancient Egyptians that it compelled them to base their calendar around it as it heralded the annual flooding of the Nile.  Sirius was the stellar embodiment of Isis who paired with Osiris (Orion constellation) to give birth to their son Horus.

 A ‘heliacal rising’ is the day a heavenly body becomes visible on the horizon just before sunrise.   The body in question (in this case, Sirius) was not visible before this special day as it was either below the horizon or hidden by the glare of the Sun.  This heliacal rising of stars, as it is known, is how the Egyptians and other cultures measured and timed their calendars and is the basis for what is to be revealed next.

Earlier, we mentioned that the road connecting the Capitol Building to the White House did not conform to the overwhelming 23.5 degree pattern.  (This latter discrepancy actually helps to make this alignment possible.)  The angle, or azimuth as it is known, was measured by GoogleEarth to be 110.43 degrees.

Washington Google Earth Angle from White House to Capitol Building (GoogleEarth)

The following is a screenshot from Starry Night Pro version 6.2.  The viewing point has been set as if one were standing at the White House.  This precise location was entered as 38° 53’ 51.52” N, by 77° 02’ 11.52” W.

SiriusRising1.jpg Screenshot from Starry Night Pro, Version 6.2

Sirius is labeled in red and can be seen at the eastern horizon.  (Though it appears below the horizon, Sirius or any celestial body will appear to be rising due to refraction of light through the atmosphere)
Here are the details:
Target:  Sirius
Date:  September 15, 2009 AD
Rises:  2:09:13 AM
Azimuth:  111° 12.981’

Remember that from the White House to the Capitol Building is 110.43 degrees, or 110° 25’ 48”.  Sirius rises at 111° 12.981’.  (We will even round that up to 111o 13’)  That equates to a difference of 47’ 12”.

47 MINUTES of arc!!  That is a margin of error of LESS than 0.5%!

What all of this means is that from the White House, Sirius will appear to rise every morning (when visible) from behind the Capitol Building Dome. (Note the authors discovered that Robert Beaval and Graham Hancock have have discovered this alignment ealier and that it was published in 'Talisman: Gnostics, Freemasons, Revolutionaries, and the 2000-year-old Conspiracy at Work in the World Today'

Remember that Dan Brown’s book cover has the central seal seen rising above the Capitol Dome?

 This gets even more thought-provoking when we see that the Egyptian hieroglyph for ‘Sirius” also contains a dome. 

The dome is one of three parts of the solar Trinity of Isis – Osiris – Horus.  It is this mythos that has a long-documented history from Masonic authors and scholars, among them Albert Pike and Manley Hall.
It is also this Trinity mythos that takes us to the second symbol and its unique alignment.

The second part of the aforementioned Trinity is the male aspect.  The generative force in the union is the pyramid symbol, meant to symbolize a phallus.  There is only one pyramid or phallus monument in Washington D.C.      . . . . . . the Washington Monument.
First, we must determine the angle, or azimuth, from the White House to the Washington obelisk.
The azimuth and distance were determined by GoogleEarth to be 172.61°, or 172° 36’36”.  Distance between them is 2,989.26 feet.

WhiteHouseObelisk.jpgAngle from White House to Washington Monument (GoogleEarth)

Let us fast-forward the sky on the star program until Sirius is at this precise azimuth as well. 

WashingtonSkyObelisk.jpgScreenshot from Starry Night Pro Version, 6.2

Again, Sirius is labeled in red.  The vantage was purposefully shifted to fit in the Sun (yellow dot on left), but obviously does not affect calculations.  Here are the details.
Target:  Sirius
Date:  September 15, 2009 AD
Time:  6:49:54 AM
Azimuth:  172° 36.724’

Sirius is now located directly above the Washington Monument at 172° 36.724’, or 172° 36’ 43”.
The Azimuth of the obelisk (as above from GoogleEarth) was found to be 172° 36’ 36”.  (This was the greatest accuracy attainable and reflects an elapsed time difference of a fraction of a second.)

The height of the Washington Monument is known to be 555’ 5.125”, or 555.427 feet.
We now use simple geometry to determine the perceived height of the obelisk. 
From the White House, the Washington obelisk would appear to be reaching a height, or
altitude of 10° 31’ 33.24”.

Here is the data from the same Starry Night image, only for now the Sun.
Target:  Sun
Date:  September 15, 2009 AD
Time:  6:49:54 AM
Altitude:  10° 46.631’

The Washington obelisk itself reaches an altitude of 10° 31’ 33.24”; and while Sirius is directly above the obelisk, the Sun is at an altitude 10° 46’ 38” in the sky. 
Subtract, and we have a difference of only 15’ 4” of arc.  15 MINUTES of arc!

The margin of error is LESS than 0.25%!  This alignment is less than 90 SECONDS from mathematically perfect!  Such astonishing precision and timing was obviously VERY well-though-out and calculated.

This means that while Sirius is in-line with the very center of the Washington Monument, the Sun itself is almost precisely at the height of the very tip of it!

This last alignment is most interesting as it may not only fulfill the second male aspect of the Trinity; it also directly relates it to the Sun.   You may recall that Isis (Sirius, dome shape, Capitol Building) unites with Osiris (Orion, pyramid shape, Washington Monument) and they conceive and give birth to Horus.



The symbolism at play is thousands of years old, and we are living it right now.  We are living in ‘era’ 2012 as the Sun is currently crossing the Milky Way/ Galactic Equator (during a solstice) only to be ‘born’ again on the other side.  We are witnessing not only the birth of a ‘new’ Sun, but also of a new Age.  This is the grand cycle of ‘Precession’ and what the ancients were passing down and recording.

It would seem that people have been passing this knowledge down all along though. . . .
. . . . right in plain sight. 





Read more: Washington Alignments


Reply  Message 8 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:23

The United States of America is not merely a nationality. In the two centuries since its founding the United States has grown from a coastal alliance of colonial divisions into an entire civilization. Whereas many countries are identified by use of a native language, or allegiance to a certain religion, the United States encompasses all. If the rest of the world were to burn to a cinder tonight, every language, every nationality, every culture, every religion and virtually every gene pool would still exist within the borders of the United States.

English is the international language of business and up to the time this was posted,the U.S. dollar has been the benchmark currency from which global values are derived. The United States has become this largely because of the individual freedom that is recognized as birthright in the Declaration of Independence, and Constitution which governs, regulates, and limits the power of the State to control individual actions, save those deemed criminal. Nothing more than the hope that freedom, both political and economic, might exist has caused wave after wave of international immigration.

In the U.S., not only is freedom a native birthright, but, until recently, also conveyed to all who came to stay, or to those merely here to visit. Our citizenship has always been available on a truly open basis. The U.S. has always been open to people, business, religion, culture, and politics. As if by magic are both personal privacy and economic freedom accommodated. Coupled to a system of scheduled political referendum, the U.S. has done nothing but grow since its inception. The United States rose to glory on the basis of its permissiveness.

The keys to this were the elimination of royalty and hereditary titles, the permanent separation of political alliances between church and state, and a mechanical system of political referendum. The great promises of the United States are freedom and liberty. As long as freedom and liberty are expanding, the United States will expand. If liberty and freedom become restricted, the power, prestige, and influence of the United States will contract. This is the all and all of the entire formula.

This model of government was largely crafted by members of an international continuum of intellectually gifted, and open minded thinkers known as the Freemasons. Virtually all of the founding Fathers were Masons. It is no wonder then, that masonic symbols adorn our money, our documents, and our architecture. As with the all seeing eye in the capstone of the Pyramid which appears on a dollar bill, many of the symbols are of ancient Egyptian origin. It may be that no one alive today possesses the knowledge of their exact meaning. The only thing for certain is that the Masons thought it important, and were acting with deliberate intent. Being a secret society, and one which had suffered unspeakable persecution by alliances of Church and States wherever they organized, the Masons had good reasons for disguising their arcana. Even today, their rites of initiation, and lore are largely oral. But with the design of the Federal City it was their intent to incorporate their symbols in a monolithic way.

As can be seen on the following map section, the District of Columbia conformed to a very specific plan. While its streets were to laid out on a grid which was perfectly north/south, east/west; the corner- points of its borders were found at the cardinal points of the compass. The borderlines were set at 45 degree angles to the grid. More so, while the street grid was aligned to true North, the corner-points were aligned to magnetic North. The map section referenced in this essay was first issued by the U.S. Geological Survey, and was based on aerial photographs made by the Air Corps, U.S. Army in 1914. If one looks at it with an initiated mind,patterns emerge which have never been specifically identified before. This is made possible, in part, by the fact that certain landmarks have been changed since the map was made. Looking first at the pink bordered figure , it can be plainly seen that a gigantic pentagram star had been laid out which went from what is now Howard University at its northern point, from Georgetown to a point north of Benning Road, on its E/W axis, and the descending lines met diagonals at points in Anacostia, and Alexandria. The largest portions of this star are formed by actual streets, the cross-bar being ‘K' Street, and the others being diagonals named after States.

It must be noted that the descending diagonals bisect both the U.S. Capitol Building, and The White House with Pennsylvania Avenue set as a sight line for the Constellation Orion. At the center of the ‘K' Street cross-bar (at its intersection with New York and Massachusetts Avenues, [yellow,]) is sited the first of the Carnegie Libraries, at Mount Vernon Square. This location is certainly no accident, and it is probable that within its structure, or perhaps cornerstone will be found explanatory documents. Currently it hosts the University of the Museum of the District of Columbia, and is across the square from the new convention center. Here ‘ X ' marks the spot as New York and Massachussetts Avenues intersect in the square.

The area encompassing The White House from Pennsylvania Avenue, south across the Ellipse, to a site line [green,]formed by the conjunction of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument (Egyptian obelisk,) and the Dome of the Capitol Building is absolutely spectacular in its subtlety. The circle formed by the Ellipse is actually part of an Ankh ([Purple] Egyptian symbol of eternal life) the arms of which are a segment of Independence Avenue, and the tail of which is a road which formerly extended to the axis line described above. In other words, the White House grounds appear from the air to be sitting atop an Ankh.

The White House grounds themselves are bordered by a horseshoe-shaped perimeter which is round at the bottom (southern border,) and open at the top (Pennsylvania Avenue.) Within this border sits the White House. Its southern driveway forms within the larger borders a circle of closure which circumscribes a sun disk, which taken together with the semi-circular Pennsylvania Avenue driveway forms a very distinct, and accurately scaled Crown Of Hathor (Egyptian Mother-Goddess [orange]). Within the Executive reservation are a Crown atop an Ankh, with an obelisk thrown in for good measure. The driveway from Pennsylvania Ave. under the portico of the White House forms the horns of an apis bull, which when appearing atop the Crown of Hathor denotes the symbol of the goddess Isis. This may commemorate the Masonic Lodge of Isis in Paris, where much of the twin revolutions in America and France were planned.

The zero milestone marker may represent the third eye, in this case at the conjunction of higher and lower consciousness (the spiritual, and the temporal; the pineal and the pituitary). Of note is the fact that the height of Jefferson's head in his memorial across the Tidal Basin is dead level with the pinnacle of the zero milestone. Measure down from this line at mean high tide and sea level may be established at the Tidal basin from the South lawn of the White House itself.

Every President to occupy the White House has been living and serving within a monolithic Egyptian glyph.

The combined symbols of the ankh, the obelisk, and the Crown of Isis constitute a very powerful protected reservation. They are in and of themselves transcendental in nature. These types of symbols have the power to convey understanding without education or training. One wonders how many, if any, of our Presidents have known or comprehended this.

The Capitol Building is another story however. The Capitol dome is the zero point for the four quadrants of the city: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast. Streets running East-West bear alpha-numeric designation, while streets running North-South are themselves numbered. Diagonals are named after states. In theory, it is possible for anyone to identify their location on the grid at every street corner. 1st Street N.W. and 1st Street N.E. are two blocks apart, separated by North capitol Street, and so forth. Logic was imparted to the grid beginning at the Capitol, but the zero milestone from which the survey actually began is sited at the conjunction of the Crown of Isis/Hathor, and the Ankh of eternal life.

The Capitol building is sited on grounds that appear to be a flower. It is an imprint of a rose. As such, a basic Masonic symbol has been installed sub-rosa, which is a method they used in times of persecution to disguise their work, but to identify it to the initiated. It forms the entire Capitol Building reservation. This sub-rosa emblem is purely Masonic. At the base (western edge) of the symbol are twin circular reflective pools (blue- now gone) equidistant and aligned with diagonals of Pennsylvania and Maryland Avenues. The center axis of the Capitol dome aligns itself with the center axis of the Washington Monument, the dome of the Lincoln Memorial, and the White House. All axes of which are maintained with unobscured sight lines. The Capitol dome, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial are all sited in a perfect East/West alignment and in conformity with the Golden section (PHI). The symbol of the Rose is seen as the baseplate for the Capitol Building itself.

In the Northwest section of the city, circles were incorporated at the intersections of diagonal streets (blue) There are six of these, seven if the circumscription of the Lincoln Memorial is included. In the Southeast quadrant however, squares and rectangles were incorporated at the intersections of diagonal streets. The NW circles may represent a configuration of heavenly bodies as once aligned, or the same which may be observed in a future alignment. The circles of Northwest, and the squares of Southeast may also represent the northern and southern hemispheres. In an area just to the left of Connecticut Avenue and South of Rock Creek Park, is found another ankh (red.) It appears atop the hieroglyph for a djed pillar. The djed pillar represented the stability and order of ancient Egypt. This was also known as 'Maat.' Crowned by an ankh, it comes to mean the stability of eternal life. Just why it appears where it does is a mystery.

The star configuration was obviously overtaken by other events which included the State of Virginia taking back its land. This ultimately prevented its completion. Enough of it exists that its phantom members can be identified from existing remnants however. Accurate conclusions may never be drawn, but as with this description, enough facts blended with a little imagination makes for a very entertaining theory.

Sacred geometry has its laws and Washington, D.C. is in conformity with them. With this conformity, it is possible to tell the time and date of the year from above or below. The Federal complex functions as both a clock and a calendar. It is beyond comprehension to suggest that this was at random, or was designed independently by separate planners. The entire plan was drawn and scaled prior to execution.

Like the pyramids, it was implemented and installed over multiple generations by architects, artisans, and laborers who were serving a Divine plan without being aware of the plan itself.

The very strangest mystery of all lies in the fact that these monolithic symbols can only be identified from the air, and yet their planning occurred at a time when airborne travel had not yet been envisioned. Further, we know today that they are readily visible from space. For whom then, were these symbols intended, and why were they so systematically incorporated?

The men who gave us freedom must be recognized 200 years later as having had a superior ability to turn thoughts, ideas, dreams, and visions into reality. Their powers of creation rank foremost among those of modern Times. It is evident that they sought to preserve the symbols of their dreams and visions in a way so blatantly permanent, that no matter how much time it took, eventually the meaning would become clear to succeeding generations. The Masons as a matter of routine, stored explanatory documents within their architectural structures. Such may be found in the institutions incorporated within the grand design. Meanwhile, the perfection of their accomplishments continues to educate, entertain, and fascinate scholars of every disposition, as the foundations of Egyptian legends are preserved.

Over 200 years later, the electronic internet arrives. This picture was compiled at the University of Illinois supercomputing center in 1994. It appeared in Newsweek magazine. It is a graphic representation of trillion line bytes of internet traffic. As can be seen, the internet is a star radiating from Washington, D.C. The U.S. government accounts for half of all daily internet traffic on the world wide web. One star seems to predict the other. This is, of course, very strange. It may indicate the guiding hand of the Grand Architect, the one who put the constellation of the Eagle over the U.S. landmass. The explanations are probably endless. But it certainly seems to be a perfectly prescient prediction.

It seems that the city of Washington, D.C. was both designed as, and has become, the Stargate City.



Reply  Message 9 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:24

Conversation with Robert Bauval
on the Subject of Egyptian and Masonic Symbolism as Incorporated into the Master Plan of the District of Columbia

Robert Bauval is an accomplished author whose work is known to strike fear and loathing into the psyches of the closed minded wherever he goes. He participated in this interview on 20 minutes notice and spoke completely extemporaneously. He is an amazing person. Truly a man for all seasons.



Robert Bauval at the console. Jennis Strickland pyramids on  both palms

OLD FARTS Incorporated

Jennis Strickland: The capital of the United States is Washington, D.C., the plan for which was primarily laid out by Master Masons. At least 50 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons. Mr. Robert Bauval, who, in addition to being a published author, is an expert on freemasonry and the republican movement has some particular theories which tie into the subject at hand.

Robert Bauval: If I am to understand what was happening in America, in particular to understand the ideologies which are behind the founding of Washington, D.C., we must appreciate the intellectual ideas of republicanism. The philosophical ideas have their roots and origins in France in what led to the French Revolution. There has been great debate whether there was a Masonic movement, and its undercurrents of the Masonic movement in the French Revolution. I very much believe that there was. We know that many of the protagonists were members of the fraternity. We know that the main protagonists of the Revolution... individuals led by Robespierre among others, were using the lodges prior to the deposition of the King as a meeting point... as an underground system to pass on ideologies... to track movements that finally exploded in the revolution.

We know that many of the American main players of the war of independence, after the war of independence, were based in Paris. We know for instance that Franklin spent a long time in Paris. We know that Franklin joined the Masonic Lodges in Paris, particularly the so called Nine Sisters Lodge which certainly had a great activity, and a hotbed of revolutionaries were there. We know that Jefferson was in Paris for quite a while when he replaced Franklin... and had contacts with the French revolutionists... in fact Jefferson got caught in the events of the revolution. We know that much of the intellectual ideologies were passed on and exchanged between the French protagonists and Tom Paine...( who was) probably the originator of the Declaration of Independence. So all this as a hotbed of ideologies has to be taken into account.

But what is often ignored is that the French Revolution carried another movement with it. This movement was an attempt to completely eradicate not just the monarchy, but to actually completely change the religious and cultural status of France. There was a de-Christianization movement that immediately picked up after the revolution. It came to a head in 1793 when the government of the revolution, practically outlawed Christianity and introduced the concept of the Supreme being.

Now the concept of the Supreme Being by merely its name, is implicit of Masonic ideologies. The concept of the Supreme being was headed by Robespierre and(a) rather odd, strange series of festivities took place in Paris in 1793. One of the strangest perhaps was a celebration at the Bastille which took place on the 10th of August, known as the feast of regeneration. There they had set a statue, a makeshift statue, of a goddess apparently representing the regeneration of France. Amazingly the statue that they chose... the goddess that they chose... was the Goddess Isis, the famous Egyptian Goddess. Why they did so deserves a complete study in itself. But the background was that many of the historians of the time, who were in fact the masons... many masons of the time, were supporting a belief that the origins of the city of Paris, the truth regarding the city of Paris had been the Goddess Isis. Napoleon himself was particularly interested in this movement, and in fact had commissioned an investigation to look this matter. And the commission reported to him that indeed that there was strong historical evidence of a link between the Goddess Isis and the City of Paris. And he instructed... this is the extraordinary thing... that he instructed by letter... we have the letter... it exists inside the Bibleoteque Nationale... that the coat of arms of Paris... which was traditionally a boat, the famous boat of Paris, should include a statue of the Goddess Isis at the prow.. With her star, which is the famous star... the five pointed star. So this is where we get the idea of the five pointed star that introduces itself into the iconography of the revolution. Of course Napoleon was the major follow up of the revolution. So taking this into account, it is not surprising that many of these ideologies perpetrated themselves into the movement in America. We know as Jennis is saying that many of the main players of the American Revolution, many of the signatories to of the Declaration of Independence were Masons...That when the idea came to design the city of Washington, many of these ideologies were taken on board.

I think most important is to realize something that is not often looked at is why in the first place Pierre L’Enfant was selected as the designer of the City. Now we know there was much debate in government as to where the Federal city should go. There were proposals of course to have it in Boston. There were proposals to have it in Pennsylvania. But ultimately in order to avoid clashes between factions, it was decided to have it in the native area where Washington had grown up. The choice of the location was definitely Washington’s. He selected the area... correct me if I am wrong... on the east bank of the Potomac at a very interesting position.

The original survey was passed on to Jefferson, but then suddenly almost out of the blue, the idea of having L’Enfant came to Washington through a letter he received from L’Enfant... directly from Pierre L’Enfant. L’Enfant immediately recognized that there hadn’t been a city in the western world designed from scratch. This was let alone a capital city, and let alone the first federal capital city for the new Republican movement. So clearly, whoever would be awarded this contract would enter history in a big way. The fact that it went to a relatively mediocre architect... he had worked on several buildings in Boston and New York... but really he was not well known for at all such a kind of a job. There is a curious letter that Washington receives which is very straight forward, L’Enfant says please give me the project. But the date on the letter has always intrigued me, especially these days, it is dated the 11th of September of 1789. It is the year of the revolution... we’re talking a few months after the French Revolution.

The French Revolution was very much in the minds of these activists. It is peculiar to me, particularly being from the construction industry, to realize that this enormous project was given single handedly to one man. Because that’s what happened. L’Enfant was given the full carte blanche to design as he pleased, of course with approval of the main people, from Washington and Jefferson at the time, to design the city of Washington. L’Enfant literally did what he wanted. And indeed we know the tremendous clash between L’Enfant and the committee that was set up by Washington and Jefferson in order to supervise the design of the city. [ L’Enfant quit and returned to France with his plans while the work was in progress.] But whatever happened there is no question in my mind that L”Enfant used strong Masonic ideologies incorporated in his plan. And that would not be at all surprising in view of the strong feelings that were building at the time that linked Freemasonry with the republican movement.

The alignment of roads is very obvious. The city of Washington’s main alignment is of course Pennsylvania Avenue, which links up Capitol Hill with the White House. Many people today think the main axis of the city is the Mall which runs from the White House all along the so called obelisk, the Washington Monument. Well, this may be so today, but in the plan of L’Enfant the main axis was what you call the Presidential Avenue, which of course is the road that joined the White House with the Capitol. This was the main axis of the city.

Now it is curious that the access was selected at an azimuth which at its face value seems to have absolutely no meaning. It is aligned approximately 22 degrees to the North of West and several people have pointed out that there is possibly a solar alignment in consideration here. There is a lot of work being done on this by a British author David Ovason. He has noted that the sun, on a particular day in August, is in alignment with Pennsylvania Avenue.

Now this attracted my attention because I knew from my own work that in modern days, and of course in the days of the time of Washington, there was a very prominent stellar alignment that took place in August, from which time immemorial was celebrated by the ancient Egyptians, which of course was the helical rising of the star Sirius. Now the star Sirius immediately rings a bell here because it is the oldest known five pointed star icon that we know in history. And there is very little doubt that five pointed stars that we see in Masonic lodges and Masonic iconography is pulled, is culled from this idea of the ancient Egyptians. Indeed many of the Mason’s historians confirm that that star, that five pointed star, which we see now on the American flag, which we see on just about everything, that has to do with American republicanism, that has to do in fact with Christianity because the star appears on Christmas trees and so forth, has its origins in the star of Sirius which the Egyptians identify with the Goddess Isis. So suddenly Isis comes in the picture again, or may come in the picture again, as we saw it in Paris.

Now the alignment of 22 degrees North of true West, which is the alignment of Pennsylvania Avenue, amazingly falls, if you extend it eastward... passed over the Capitol and extend it eastward... is the position at sunrise of the star Sirius. Now that this is a coincidence is highly unlikely. What they had in mind in not so clear, but it is almost certain that they wanted to incorporate not just Masonic symbolism in the actual layout of , actual monuments, symbolism of the monuments, like the White House, the Capitol and so forth, but they wanted somehow to tie it in to the astronomical or cosmological aspects of the symbols they were representing... predominantly this five pointed star.

Jennis: referencing the grid of the city where in the Northwest quadrant a series of circles was incorporated at the intersections of diagonal streets ( named after states.)

I have always thought that this configuration of circles might represent a formation of a constellation, but I don’t know which. I also call your attention to a configuration between Massachusetts and Connecticut Avenues which is unmistakably an ankh ( the Egyptian symbol of eternal life,) But when you get into the Southeast quadrant, squares and rectangles replace circles at the intersections of diagonal streets. This seems very deliberate, but the true meaning is largely lost.

Bauval: Like I said, certainly David Ovason has wrote in a lot of stellar aspects of this design. He is very centered on the constellations like the Virgin, seeing links with the Masonic symbols. The point I was raising today with you is this... although today the main axis appears to be the central line leading from the obelisk to the...

( Jennis referencing map; the tip of the Washington Monument, the tip of the Capitol dome, and the tip of the Lincoln memorial are in perfect alignment.)

Bauval: As you can see very clearly it really is. But the original intent of L’Enfant was to centralize the actual layout of the city along the axis of Pennsylvania Avenue for practical reasons. There was a problem in ensuring the quick access of the President from the White House to the Capitol. So, but what has to be questioned is why did he choose this particular alignment ? And we know very little was left to hazzard. They would... laying a city is in a sense a very symbolic act. I mean if one chooses an alignment for a city, one must have a reason to do so either for strict practical reasons, or for meaningful reasons. I think there is a combination of both. But if you extend the axis going from the White House through the Capitol to the horizon it will be approximately, the angle of the alignment, will be approximately 22 degrees from due East-South. Now very quick calculation with astronomical software shows you that this is the position of the star Sirius. Now we know it is the quintessential five pointed star not only of the Masonic movement, but it was adopted as a major component of the symbolism of republicanism as you know. So it seems unlikely that this choice of axis was taken by hazzard.

Jennis: (describing huge pentagram star superimposed in the center of the city.)

The left descending axis of the star bisects the White House, the right descending axis bisects the Capitol. Its crossbar is formed by K Street. The diagonal descending cross bars of Maryland and Virginia Avenues complete the star. In addition, the White House reservation represents the Crown of the Goddess Hathor, which is sited atop an ankh formed by the Ellipse and Constitution Avenue. All of these are unmistakably Egyptian icons. But they only visible from above. So the question becomes who ever was to know they were there?

Bauval: The mere fact that they are there for people who are initiated into the idea, will work as a talisman. I mean, I see these kinds of city plans as being talismantic in the sense that they are like an artifact.

Jennis: I think you are very right. I also think it very ironic that the Presidents of the United States have lived and governed in that icon without one of them ever, if they knew about it, mentioning it. I don’t think they realize it.

Bauval: The other thing which has been suggested which I find particularly interesting, is that you can discern quite clearly ( referencing map,) that there is a kind of diamond shape. We know that this kind of layout is very typical of Masonic so called tracing boards where that represents a rather interesting idea which we know the Masons bear in mind in their very highest points of initiations, which is the idea of the Temple of Jerusalem. So as you know...

Jennis: That would be the Temple of Solomon?

Bauval: The Temple of Solomon is one of the foremost ideological beliefs in the Masonic movement, that the Temple of Solomon should be rebuilt. But the Masons would insist that the rebuilding is purely an intellectual one, a spiritual one, and that the Mason who initiates himself in the ultimate grades of Freemasonry is in a sense rebuilding the temple of Solomon within himself. But it may be that the idea of actually rebuilding the temple of Solomon is a physical reality, and that a plan to express the notion that there are links to Solomon’s Temple and Jerusalem, and the new founded republic is not impossible.

I mean we know the founding Fathers very much liked the idea. It has to be remembered that when the Declaration of Independence was signed, everybody that put his name on that document literally put his name on what could have become a death warrant. I mean if the revolution had failed, every single signatory on that document would have been hanged, that’s for sure. By signing that document they had committed high treason against the British, which was still ruling at the time. So the intensity of their belief is that not only were they ready to commit themselves in writing to that movement, but they must have seen the emergence of a new system of government, a new country, a new vision to rule, as something almost like a Biblical event. Many of them enjoyed the idea of being perceived as the founding Fathers of a new Israel, of a new Jerusalem. For these ideas were very, very common in Masonic circles at the time.

We know that the same ideologies, incidently, were advocated at a certain time in England when a new city was on the verge of being designed. Now, long before the city of Washington came into existence, in fact to be clear essentially before, let me get this right... that’s right.. two centuries before...the opportunity had arisen to redesign from scratch, the city of London. Now... there have been many studies of what was going on at the time. We know that in the events that led finally to this opportunity to redesign the city of London was, of course, the restoration of the British monarchy in 1660. The restoration of the Stuarts on the throne of England after the civil war was followed by a disaster, and that disaster was the burning of the city of London. Four fifths of the city had burned completely. And suddenly many individuals who were prominent in advising the King as to how to redesign the city, emerged from the Royal College. Several of them, we know, were part of the Masonic movement, and it is curious that the plans they presented were, I suppose one could call, plans associated with the ideologies behind Jerusalem. We see for example not just the plan of Washington, but in the plan of London that was proposed. It was never built but it was proposed, ideas of laying out the streets in the form of the cabalistic Tree of Life, which was very, very much the kind of symbolism used to express the idea of Jerusalem in Masonic circles.

So to see that this kind of ideologies again emerge 200 years later and actually acheived in designing a city, the city of Washington, is very interesting. Could Pierre L’Enfant have been influenced by these ideas that were going on both in London at a time of the great fire, and in Paris at the time of the revolution? Well yes! We know that L’Enfant was a great admirer and student of the architect Christopher Wren, who designed the city of London. And we know that he had studied under the authority and teachings of the famous Lenoche, who was very much instrumental in the designing of the city of Paris.

So here we have a very curious situation. The design of the city of Washington is handed to a man who is of French origin, who is clearly schooled with ideologies which come from European city plans, and who has a clean slate. So to me it is extremely likely that he would have grabbed the opportunity and pushed the ideologies that were in his mind, and in the mind of those who commissioned him; Washington, Jefferson and others.

Jennis: So in actuality the Masonic influence we are looking at here extends both to Egypt and to Jerusalem ?

Bauval: Well we know there are two... that’s what makes Washington so interesting.. is that there are two strands in the Masonic movement. One clearly is what we call the Templar strand, or a Hebraic strand; i.e. that much of the ideologies and symbolism comes from Hebraic origins.... The idea of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon, the symbology that goes around there, the death and rituals of Hiram Abiff and so forth, these are very Hebraic ideologies. I am sure they are historical, but nonetheless, linked to Hebraic ideologies.

But we also know that there is another strand that I suppose we can call Hermetic, or Egyptian. And this strand comes specifically from France. France at the time of the revolution, Freemasonry was intensely Egyptian. They say that even characters... characters like... main characters that played a part in the revolution were not just part of that movement, but actually heads of the lodges of the so called Egyptian Masonic Lodges. So it is not surprising that these two strands, Hebraic and Hermetic Egyptian are expressed not just in the iconography of the Lodges, but finally are exploded, on a massive scale of the city plan. We spot them everywhere. You can spot them not just in Washington, but there are many monuments in Paris for example, that are very clearly of Masonic Egyptian ideology. There is a pyramid in front of the Louvre. There is obelisks that we know were placed... that were originally from Egypt... that were placed in strategic spots in the city that are linked to actions... directions. All this clearly invites investigation in seeing not only why these ideas were put in place but where did they come from? And if one traces the stream across history... you’re inevitably going to get back to ancient Egypt.

Jennis: That’s the question. The stream throughout history is so long and its was so steady, and so unbroken ... but the life span of a man may only be 75 years, so how did this master plan flow through people who were only going to be here for a short temporary time? Because it is flowing through. It’s religious, it’s philosophical, it’s political, it’s scientific, it’s all of these things, and it started 3 or 4 thousand years ago, and it’s continuing today. The question is ‘how is that possible?’

Bauval: Well I think the question is, and one has to see first... first I don’t see a physical survival of tradition. What we see is that tradition itself is self perpetrating through its symbols, through its texts, and through its monuments. Millions of people have gone to Egypt simply because they are attracted to these ancient monuments. The monuments are there. The monuments have their influence that in a sense is how talismans work. An object can have an influence even though the people who put them there are not there anymore. We know how important certain objects are not to just individuals, but to a whole nation... such as the Cross... or the Islamic crescent. These are very obvious talismans.

But the city itself becomes a talisman. We see in America... we see how the whole American nation has been affected when one of their major cities, and in particular a major icon in that city, and a particular building was hit. It has a tremendous psychological affect on individuals who are linked to the city, and the ideologies that the city proclaimed. So we know the Egyptians designed monuments with the intention to do this. The Pyramids were designed with this intention. The temples of Egypt were designed with this intention. They are not pretty monuments just to please the eye. They were monuments that were designed to affect and have a strong psychological and spiritual affect on those who came to see them... particularly those who were initiated. So in a sense it is not surprising at all that the cult survived.... but why does it link itself up to republicanism? In a sense one has to understand... that in a sense republicanism was the opposition to the existing system of rule.

The existing system of rule was monarchy. Monarchy... the authority of European monarchy, in particular the French monarchy, and the British monarchy was authority through Divine rule. In short the religion, the church, the Pope provided the authority to the state, or the monarchy, and therefore in a sense it is not surprising to see an anti-religious movement, or an anti-Catholic movement in France when there was a modernizing movement.

Jennis: One other thing you said which is a major interest is that the city of Washington might have been designed as a lodge itself.

Bauval: Well it certainly makes sense to me... is that what was happening then, let’s be clear...is that the revolutions had succeeded. Those who had staked their lives now were in command. The risk was over, and therefore coming out with republicanism, and coming out with Masonic ideologies way in the open was o.k. And therefore that the lodge itself wanted to completely come out on such a scale is not surprising.

I think the idea behind it was that these new, huge cities, in particular Washington D.C., being the city, the federal city, the federal capital that was going to gather the new republic and extend its ideologies... because remember the movement was not restricted to the United States. Napoleon was on a huge rampage in Europe to export the revolution. And therefore this federal city was going to serve as the headquarters for that kind of long term global movement, that it itself became a gigantic lodge where the leaders and rulers of this movement are housed in this city, and that the city dwellers are part of the movement makes sense. That you would be constantly... somebody has described it... and I think it appeals to me... as a huge perpetual prayer. When you are in a church or cathedral, you are in a state of prayer. When you are in one of the cities which has been designed as a gigantic temple, you are in a state of prayer... or let’s put it this way, a state of republicanism, and these kind of ideologies are permanently in your mind. It becomes your reminder, you are reminded by the symbols you see. And if you are initiated specifically in those symbols then your mind is perpetually activated to take you in that direction. That’s how a talisman works.

So it obviously works because the movement is taught on tremendous motivation and even more so now, where we are pushing nations who have resisted this movement to the extreme... like Saudi Arabia and some of the gulf states... [ This statement was made prior to the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. ] are now even considering and giving consideration to ideologies, even democracy into their governing systems. So it is quite extraordinary from that point of revolution it finally takes shape into a global system. And therefore the symbols will be those symbols and hence why there is a great awareness and resistance to changing symbols. You find that symbols that represent these ideologies, or are opposing these ideologies are floated in a big way, especially these days.

Jennis: I certainly agree. One of the ideas regarding the United States is that the intent is to lead by example. By and large we have pretty well done that over a 200 year period of Time. I think it is a commentary on the state of education in the United States that hardly anyone here can elucidate the situation as you just did, including all of the Presidents who have ever lived on the White house reservation inside the glyph, inside the icon, without any conscious awareness of doing so at all.

Bauval: The problem is that it’s kind of tabu to discuss these matters. It does appear to be a bit ridiculous these days because you look in them in the light of the modern world. But it was very real at the time that Washington was designed. So what is to project your investigation in the context of when these things happened? And the context was as volatile euphoria, a volatile regeneration, a volatile rebirth of the human race. I mean this is how they served. And therefore it would be strange if they didn’t take into account the dominant ideologies which had infiltrated the republican movement.

And there is no question at all that Masonic ideologies were very much the backbone of ideas like the Declaration of Independence and the Rights of Man. And to deny this...to deny this is odd. So although we may find it strange and bizarre that we find Egyptian symbolism and the Masonic symbolism in these city plans. They weren’t strange at the time.

Now, we were talking about the movement, the global movement which is essentially a democratization movement of our world which has, in a sense, republicanism. I find it very odd in America that you have two parties, which is republican and democratic but they are not holding hands. Democracy is merely the ideology of republicanism. But that this movement has grafted itself through the Masonic ideologies... biblical ideologies... and this is where I find it a little bit awkward, because clearly we’re seeing that the activity that is going on at the moment... seen from that perspective of a much deeper perspective... has incorporated the tension that is going on between the Arab world and Israel...which is intensely biblical.

Jennis: In Israel you have a church and state that has a synonymous identity. Probably the two greatest principles incorporated into the Constitution was the elimination of royalty and hereditary titles along with the separation of the interests of the State from religion. Political alliances between church and state are the bane of mankind’s existence. When people can be made to kill in the name of religion there is no end to war.

Bauval: Sadly, we haven’t seen the elimination of war.


TALISMAN Gnostics, Freemasons, Revolutionaries, and the 2,000 year-old-conspiracy at Work in the World Today by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval was published two years after this interview.



Reply  Message 10 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:24


On 11-8-98, I was laying awake in bed and heard a voice announce:

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: "The Melodies of the Washington Monument"

I hereby present the secrets of the Washington Monument.





Authorized by Congress in 1833, construction was not begun until 1848. Architect Robert Mills was hired by the privately funded Washington National Monument Society to design a great column with a colonnade at its base. It was intended that the colonnade would have heroic statues of Washington and other revolutionary heroes and founding fathers. Financial considerations forced the abandonment of the colonnade and statues.

In 1854, members of the controversial Know-Nothing Party gained control of the Washington National Monument Society. Private contributions, which had only been trickling in, came to a halt during the Know-Nothing period, effectively forcing construction to halt for almost 25 years.

In 1876, frustrated that the nation's tribute to George Washington was still incomplete during the Centennial year, the Grant administration got the Society to donate the project to the people of the United States, allowing Congress to appropriate public funding for the Monument's completion. Construction was resumed in 1878 under the auspices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The exterior of the obelisk was completed in 1884. It was dedicated in 1885 by President Chester A. Arthur and opened to the public in 1888. Stewardship of the Monument was transferred to the National Park Service in 1933.

The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall. It has 897 steps which are now closed to the public except for ranger-led tours. An elevator takes visitors on the 70 second trip up to the 500 foot landing for magnificent views of the city. A bronze replica of the Jean Antoine Houdon statue of George Washington adorns the waiting room. The stairwell walls contain 192 memorial stones honoring Washington, all donated as gifts of the 50 states, and foreign governments, organizations, cities, and individuals.


Memorial stones are embedded in the granite walls of the stairway of the Washington Monument. The stones serve as individual tributes to George Washington's leadership and are as diverse as their 192 donors. The donors were all 50 states (some of which were territories at the time the stones were donated), various municipalities, private companies and organizations, the Cherokee Nation, individual citizens, and various foreign governments.

The first to be installed was the Alabama stone in 1849. The Alaska stone, made of solid jade, was the last to be installed, in 1982. The most famous stone was a gift from Pope Pius IX--a marble slab that had been part of the Temple of Concord in Rome. On the night of March 6, 1854, a band of masked thieves stole the stone from a storage shed. Later, participants identified the thieves as members of the American, or "Know-Nothing" Party, a party which was both anti- foreigner and anti-Catholic. The "Pope's Stone" was stolen and believed to be destroyed. In 1982, the Vatican donated a replacement stone which is a replica of the original.

In 1976, the National Park Service was forced to close the stairway to unescorted visitors primarily because of vandalism to the stones. Visitors can see the stones on ranger-led tours down the 897 steps.


Masonic Stones of the Washington Monument

The cornerstone of the Washington Monument consisted of a block of Maryland marble weighing "twenty-four thousand five hundred pounds" and was presented to the Washington National Monument Society in 1848 by Thomas Symington from his quarry about eleven miles from Baltimore. The stone was shipped to Washington from Baltimore on the B&O railroad. Upon its arrival into the city of Washington, the stone was drawn to the site of the Monument by a large body of workmen from the Washington Navy Yard, assisted by other citizens.

On the 4th of July, 1848, under a clear sky in the presence of the President of the United States and virtually every notable of the government including former first lady Dolley Madison, the cornerstone was set with masonic ceremonies by the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia. One of the principal addresses of the occasion was given by Benjamin B. French, Grand Master, who wore the masonic apron that Washington wore at the laying of the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. In his address French referred to the masonic master's chair used by Washington as Worshipful Master of Washington-Alexandria Lodge, and the gavel used by the first President to set the cornerstone of the Capitol, in the custody of Potomac Lodge #5 of Georgetown, D.C. Both of these were on display for the occasion along with other Washington masonic relics.

The Washington National Monument Society, in charge of fund raising of the Monument, sensed the importance of Washington's masonic membership and the great pride that masons felt across the country for their brother, Washington, the father of our country. The Society in 1851 and 1853 solicited members of the Masonic Order nationally through the Grand Lodges, to make contributions to the construction of the monument.

The Society in an effort to publicize the monument fund raising campaign solicited each state and territory to present a carved memorial stone to be placed in the interior of the monument walls. Stones began arriving from across the country in marble, granite and sandstone. Although the Society specified that the memorial stones be four feet long, 2 feet high, and 12 to 18 inches thick, the began arriving in all sizes, and all were placed within the Monument. By 1855 the Society had installed 92 carved commemorative stones within the walls of the Monument.

The Society solicited the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Sons of Temperance and other fraternal orders as well. This action resulted in the contributions 22 masonic memorial stones, contributed by 14 Grand Lodges and 8 individual lodges.*

The first Masonic stone ascending the Monument is that of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia at the 50 foot landing. This earliest Masonic contribution was no doubt tied into the cornerstone laying ceremony where the Grand Lodge of D.C. presided. Next to it is the stone of Naval Lodge #4 of the District of Columbia. Founded among workers at the Washington Navy Yard, Naval Lodge members doubtless participated in dragging the cornerstone to the Monument site and in the cornerstone ceremony. Both stones are marble.


The Washington monuments are full of masonic symbolism. If you look at a laid out map of the area, you will see a owl formed there, the owl is one of the sacred symbols of the masonic temples

By 1854, the Washington National Monument Society had exhausted its funds and all work stopped at the 150 foot level. Turmoil within the Society, bad economic times, and the fury of the coming Civil War and its aftermath would halt monument construction for 22 years. There is still a discernible line between courses of differing stonework indicating the resumption of Monument construction funded now by Congress on August 2, 1876, and spurred on by the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence. The Army Corps of Engineers carried on construction of the monument until its completion in 1885.

Whether or not Society Secretary John Carrol Brent was moved by the letter from the Lodge in Roxbury, Massachusetts, he began to again send another solicitations to Masonic bodies and other fraternal orders. Between July and September 1874 over two hundred pledges were received by the Society from every part of the country, chiefly from the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, and other fraternal bodies. On April 15, 1875, 211 Masonic lodges across the country responded to Brent's call including four grand Lodges of Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Massachusetts, the last three named Grand Lodges giving $1000 each. The average lodge gave 10,20 to 50 dollars. Mithras Lodges of Perfection, A.A.S.R, Washington D.C. made a contribution as did 24 Royal Arch Chapters and 5 commandaries. The Odd Fellows had a equal number of participating lodges, and gave many Odd Fellow memorial stones.

The aluminum metal apex, representing a small pyramid, 5.6 inches on each base side and 8.9 inches high was set December 6, 1884 on top of the 3300 pound capstone. The apex was engraved with the names of the engineers and notables who completed the monument and on one side contained the words: LAUS DEO.

The dedication was held in cold winter on February 21, 1885. Again the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia participated using an adaptation of the cornerstone ceremony they had used in 1848. Grand Master Myron M. Parker gave an oration, and again the Washington masonic relics were displayed and Washington's Masonic career was discussed. Naval Lodge #4, my own lodge was present, as it had been at the laying of the cornerstone thirty seven years before.

* These stones today

Masonic Stones of the Washington Monument

The cornerstone of the Washington Monument consisted of a block of Maryland marble weighing "twenty-four thousand five hundred pounds" and was presented to the Washington National Monument Society in 1848 by Thomas Symington from his quarry about eleven miles from Baltimore. The stone was shipped to Washington from Baltimore on the B&O railroad. Upon its arrival into the city of Washington, the stone was drawn to the site of the Monument by a large body of workmen from the Washington Navy Yard, assisted by other citizens.

On the 4th of July, 1848, under a clear sky in the presence of the President of the United States and virtually every notable of the government including former first lady Dolley Madison, the cornerstone was set with masonic ceremonies by the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia. One of the principle addresses of the occasion was given by Benjamin B. French, Grand Master, who wore the masonic apron that Washington wore at the laying of the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. In his address French referred to the masonic master's chair used by Washington as Worshipful Master of Washington-Alexandria Lodge, and the gavel used by the first President to set the cornerstone of the Capitol, in the custody of Potomac Lodge #5 of Georgetown, D.C. Both of these were on display for the occasion along with other Washington masonic relics.

The Washington National Monument Society, in charge of fund raising of the Monument, sensed the importance of Washington's masonic membership and the great pride that masons felt across the country for their brother, Washington, the father of our country. The Society in 1851 and 1853 solicited members of the Masonic Order nationally through the Grand Lodges, to make contributions to the construction of the monument.

The Society in an effort to publicize the monument fund raising campaign solicited each state and territory to present a carved memorial stone to be placed in the interior of the monument walls. Stones began arriving from across the country in marble, granite and sandstone. Although the Society specified that the memorial stones be four feet long, 2 feet high, and 12 to 18 inches thick, the began arriving in all sizes, and all were placed within the Monument. By 1855 the Society had installed 92 carved commemorative stones within the walls of the Monument.

The Society solicited the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Sons of Temperance and other fraternal orders as well. This action resulted in the contributions 22 masonic memorial stones, contributed by 14 Grand Lodges and 8 individual lodges.*

The first Masonic stone ascending the Monument is that of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia at the 50 foot landing. This earliest Masonic contribution was no doubt tied into the cornerstone laying ceremony where the Grand Lodge of D.C. presided. Next to it is the stone of Naval Lodge #4 of the District of Columbia. Founded among workers at the Washington Navy Yard, Naval Lodge members doubtless participated in dragging the cornerstone to the Monument site and in the cornerstone ceremony. Both stones are marble.



For the continuation of stones press here.


By 1854, the Washington National Monument Society had exhausted its funds and all work stopped at the 150 foot level. Turmoil within the Society, bad economic times, and the fury of the coming Civil War and its aftermath would halt monument construction for 22 years. There is still a discernible line between courses of differing stonework indicating the resumption of Monument construction funded now by Congress on August 2, 1876, and spurred on by the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence. The Army Corps of Engineers carried on construction of the monument until its completion in 1885.

Whether or not Society Secretary John Carrol Brent was moved by the letter from the Lodge in Roxbury, Massachusetts, he began to again send another solicitations to Masonic bodies and other fraternal orders. Between July and September 1874 over two hundred pledges were received by the Society from every part of the country, chiefly from the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, and other fraternal bodies. On April 15, 1875, 211 Masonic lodges across the country responded to Brent's call including four grand Lodges of Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Massachusetts, the last three named Grand Lodges giving $1000 each. The average lodge gave 10,20 to 50 dollars. Mithras Lodges of Perfection, A.A.S.R, Washington D.C. made a contribution as did 24 Royal Arch Chapters and 5 commandaries. The Odd Fellows had a equal number of participating lodges, and gave many Odd Fellow memorial stones.

The aluminum metal apex, representing a small pyramid, 5.6 inches on each base side and 8.9 inches high was set December 6, 1884 on top of the 3300 pound capstone. The apex was engraved with the names of the engineers and notables who completed the monument and on one side contained the words: LAUS DEO.

The dedication was held in cold winter on February 21, 1885. Again the Grand Lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia participated using an adaptation of the cornerstone ceremony they had used in 1848. Grand Master Myron M. Parker gave an oration, and again the Washington masonic relics were displayed and Washington's Masonic career was discussed. Naval Lodge #4, my own lodge was present, as it had been at the laying of the cornerstone thirty seven years before.

* These stones today

Here are the numbers for The Washington Monument (from M.L. Morton, based on the Munck system) ...

Grid Longitude 108 (deg) x 10 (min) x 7.441506403 (sec) W.Giza = 8036.826915 W.Giza

= 1080 x Sarsen Circle (Stonehenge) Area in Square Feet / 1000

Note ... 1080 is the radius of the Moon in statute miles.

Grid Latitude 38 (deg) x 53 (min) x 21.59494661 (sec) North = 43492.22248 North

= (14.4 x Pi) x (Pi Cubed) x (Pi Cubed)

Grid Point Value 43492.22248 / 8036.826915 = 5.411616169

-- Michael L.M.

(c) 1998


From page 6, "Cosmic Patriot Files" (Abelard Productions, Inc.):

...take a good street map of the Washington DC area and its immediate surroundings. You can see in it many MAJOR masonic symbols in the street layout: The Square, the Compass, the Rule and the Pentagram. Notice the Capitol. Facing the Capitol from the Mall and using the Capitol as the head or top of the Compass, the left leg of the Compass stands on the White House and the right leg stands on the Jefferson Memorial. The circle drive and short streets behind the Capitol form the head and ears of what some of the more deep-level practitioners of witchcraft call the Goat of Mendez or Goat's Head.

On top of the White House is an inverted 5-pointed star, or PENTAGRAM. The point is facing south in true occult fashion. It sits within the intersections of Connecticut and Vermont Avenues north of Dupont and Logan Circles, with Rhode Island and Massachusetts Avenues going to Washington Circle to the west and Mt. Vernon Square on the East. (see: FREEMASONRY: SATAN'S DOOR TO AMERICA? by J. Edward Decker, c/o FREE THE MASONS MINISTIES, P.O. BOX 1077, ISSAQUAH, WA 98027).

The center of the pentagram is 16th Street where THIRTEEN blocks due north of the very center of the White House, the Masonic HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE* sits at the top of this occult iceberg. The "House Of The Temple" is the headquarters of the Council of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Within the walls of this pagan temple lies buried the corpse of Albert Pike, the former Grand Pontiff of all the lodges of Universal Freemasonry throughout the world (see: THE DEADLY DECEPTION, by James Shaw - former 33rd degree Mason and Past Master of all Scottish Rite bodies - P.O. Box 884, Silver Springs, FL 32688).

The Washington Monument, which happens to be an EXACT DUPLICATE of the "sun images" or alters of Baal which stood in ancient Babylon and Egypt, itself stands in perfect line to the intersecting point or the form of the masonic square, stretching from the House Of The Temple to the Capitol building. Actual "alters" of this type have been transported at great expense and energy from Egypt to other parts of the globe, including London, Paris, New York, and several of the Babylonian alters were even transported to Rome!

[end excerpt]


*Gematrian notes:


HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE=193, 1+9+3=13



NINE=42 (6)

42+9=51 (6)

51+9=60 (6)

42x3=126 (ONE TWENTY SIX=193=13)




13x2=26 (number of letters in Roman/English alphabet)




by Gary Val Tenua







Washington DC - The Stargate City

Washington D.C. and Masonic Symbology, The Lucifer Connection

Washington D.C., Cydonia, Mars, and Avebury, England; the Luciferic Connection


If you would like to make comments or add to this page,
e-mail Dee777@aol.com



Reply  Message 11 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:25


© 1998/2010 David Ben Yakov / Delusion Resistance


The sun, moon and stars, known in Scripture as the host of heaven, are found to be to the fore of Masonic imagery. These heathenish emblems, which have always been associated with Baal worship, are also found prominently displayed today within most New Age shops. It is not surprising to find such imagery spread widely throughout the occult world. Paganism has always showed its trinities in art by the sun (with a face) representing the male sun god, the moon (with a face) representing the moon goddess (or queen of heaven) and the all-seeing eye representing their offspring. Nothing on this picture represents anything scriptural. The words, "Faith, Hope and Charity," are Biblical, but the image does nothing to point a person in the direction of the Bible.



A Masonic Apron with symbols similar to the picture above it. One can only imagine that such a insipid work of art can only have it's inception from the very depths of hell. Can you find the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob anywhere on this thing? I certainly cannot.



Date found on a monument found in a park in Tarboro, North
Carolina. Masons say that the initials A.L. stand for 'Anno Lucis',
meaning, "year of light," like it is some innocuous meaning. Those of us who know that Satan, also known as being able to manifest as an "angel of light," is also called Lucifer. Too blatant to be a coincidence.


The five-pointed star, known as the pentagram, is probably the most blatant occult symbol in use today. Witches Janet and Stewart Farrar explain that the five-pointed star is "one of the main symbols of witchcraft and occultism in general" ('Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star' p. 82). The star itself is known by different names throughout the occult world, such as a witch's foot, a goblin's cross, a wizard's star and the dog star. Wiccan witches use its five points to mystically represent the elements of nature, earth, fire, water, air and spirit.

This symbol is one of the most prominent emblems within Freemasonry, though its significance, like every symbol inherited from the occult, is concealed behind a smokescreen of secret society ambiguity.

The five-pointed star is found on most Masonic memorabilia and represents the blasphemous resurrection rite of the five points of fellowship, each point mystically symbolizing a part of the resurrection act. First - Foot to foot. Second - Knee to knee. Third - Hand in hand. Fourth - Breast to breast. Fifth and last - Left hand behind back.


A Picture of Baphomet, a Masonic god. Can anyone with a clear moral conscience actually think that anything like this can have anything to do with a Holy God?



Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female.  Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle."  This term, "generative principle," is code for the sex act.


The lines of Washington D.C. intersect. There is no way this could be coincidence.



A Masonic Symbol on the back of our money.

Note: The words Annuit Ceptis - Novus Ordo Seclorum translate into "Announcing the birth of a new secular order." The date at the bottom of the pyramid is 1776. Rumor has it that when the capstone (with the eye) touches the pyramid, the new order will be complete. Freemasonry employs a mystical eye in its imagery known throughout the occult world as "the all-seeing eye." This symbol which is shared with most false religions, cults and occult bodies today has always been used as a symbol of 'deity'. Occultist Fredrick Goodman explains that, "The eye plays a most important part in occult symbolism and probably owes its origin in western magical designs to the Eye of Horus, which was one of the most frequently used of Egyptian magical symbols" May Osiris never have that pleasure




The point and the circle carries a sexual connotation.  Another Masonic author states that this symbol is used in Sun Worship, and then says: "The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette [small circular opening], or crescent, while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the lingam [Phallus] and placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship." ["Point Within A Circle," Short Talk Bulletin , August, 1931, Masonic Bulletin designed to read within the Lodges, p. 4]



Masonic author, R.H. MacKenzie, states that "among Egyptians, the base [of the triangle] represented Osiris, or the Male Principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the Female Principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son ..." [Kenneth R.H. MacKenzie, The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia of History, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography , New York, J.W. Bouton, 1877, p. 743] Thus, you can see that the hypotenuse was conceived as a result of the sexual union of the base and the perpendicular. Within Masonic symbolism, the sex act is portrayed as the union of the perpendicular and the base.



The Masonic Holiness Symbol

This symbol is rife with occult symbolism. many of the symbols are mentioned above. The thing that get me is how, what appears to be the Ark of The Covenant is displayed. First, the two characters on the Ark, which in Biblical times seems to be replaced with one male and one female character reaching out for each other as if to embrace. Second, the base of the Ark has two squares, which are indicative of femininity. The  left side of the hearth has the female square while the right has the male compass. In the center of the hearth is the symbol of coitus. There's nothing holy about this symbol.

Reply  Message 12 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:26

Mensaje por Admin el Dom Sep 20, 2009 11:22 pm


Washington poniendo la primera piedra de la capital en su regalia masonica

La capital fue disenada por Pierre Charles L'Enfante en 1791, que era mason y lo hizo con la caracteristica de encerrar la simbologia de la orden y sus significados que son solo acequibles a los iniciados en la masoneria.

En 1792 Andrew Ellicot hizo algunas variaciones a los planos originales, estando a cargo de la supervision de los trabajos Thomas Jefferson que fungia como Secretario de Estado.

1. Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, y Scott Circle en el medio forman el pentagrama

2. Washington Circle forma la parte extrema izquierda

3. Mt. Vernon Square extrema derecha

4. La Casa Blanca forma el quinto punto

Dupont Circle, Scott Circle, y Logan Circle tienen 6 calles que terminan en ellos.

La casa del Templo esta localizada a 13 cuadras al norte de la Casa Blanca.

Pennsylvania Avenue, que va del Capitolio a la Casa Blanca, representa una de las patas del compas y Maryland Avenue, que corre del Capitolio a Thomas Jefferson Memorial, representa la segunda pata del compas. Y esta a 39 grados.

La Escuadra Masonica Union Square, formando un brazo con Louisiana Avenue y el otro con Washington Avenue. Maryland.

La regla masonica, se ve al Sur de la Casa blanca y hacia el centro de la base del Monumento a Washington corriendo despues al Este del Capitolio.

Notese aqui como se aplico la Geometria Sagrada

Cydonia, Marte


* Esta construido por 36,000 bloques de granito. el numero 36 proviene de multiplicar 3x12 y es un numero importante.

* Su cuspide pesa exactamente 3,300 libras.

* El monumento contiene 188 piedras de Memorial especialmente donadas por individuos, sociedades, ciudades y naciones de todo el mundo. Hay 35 de
estas piedras de Memorial que fueron donadas por Logias Masonicas del mundo y las ultimas de estas estan situadas al nivel de los 330 pies.

* El costo total del Monumento a Washington fue $1,300,000, mostrandonos de nuevo el mas importante numero masonico, 13.

* El Monumento tiene 8 ventanas que juntas tienen un total de 39 pies cuadrados. El numero 39 es muy sagrado porque esta formado por la multiplicacion 3x13. Y, tambien recuerdese la importancia del numero 8 en la Numerologia Oculta, porque lleva el significado de "Nuevos Comienzos". Combinado con el numero 13, como Rebelion Extrema.

El Obelisco visto desde arriba en el centro de la Vesica Piscis

La Geometria Sagrada

en edicion

Reply  Message 13 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:27

Lucifer and the United States Postal System

As mentioned earlier, not all Masons worship Satan.   Only the top 5%, the other 95% are mislead. These Satanic Brothers love their symbols.  33 is a very important number to them, it reflects the highest degree within FreeMasonry.  The number 33 has other meanings as well....

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is controlled by these Luciferian Masons.  They raised the domestic first class rate to 33 cents in January 1999.   They did this to celebrate the 33rd birthday of the Antichrist (June 6, 1999).

While they increased this rate, they decreased the rate for extra ounces, from 23 cents per extra ounce to 22 cents. As a result, the new rates are:
for up to one ounce, 33 cents; for up to two ounces, 55 cents; for up to three ounces, 77 cents. Each one of these three categories has its own stamp issues. For more ounces than three, one can use additional 22-cent stamps.

Now, what is the meaning of these three primary rates, 33, 55, and 77 cents?

562040.gif (13594 bytes)33 celebrates the Antichrist's 33rd birthday. He is supposed to start his public career after June 6, 1999. Moreover, the 33rd degree is the highest publicly known degree of the Scottish Masonic Rite.

55 is the number of days that the slain sun "god" stays in the tomb before his resurrection, according to occult tradition. We saw this in practice this year: there were 55 days between the "slaying" (Impeachment) of Brother Billy Blythe Clinton on December 19, 1998, the New Moon of Hanukkah, just before the Winter Solstice, and his "resurrection" (Acquittal) from the Floor of the Senate on February 12, 1999, the birthday of ritual murder victim Abraham Lincoln.

77 is the Mark of the Vengeance of Lamech, descendant of Cain, the first murderer, and father of Tubal-Cain, the progenitor of Hiram Abiff, according to Luciferian Masonic mythology. The number 77, of course, figures prominently in the ritual human sacrifice known as the Oklahoma City bombing. Moreover, Washington, D.C., capital of New Atlantis, is located along the western 77th meridian, along W 77 degrees, 00 minutes, and 33 seconds.

The spiritual tribe of Cain is very active this year. The people of God should be extra careful from now on. Let us pray to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to protect us and sustain us in these very trying times.

For more information on the secret nature of Luciferian Masonry and satanic Zionism, please visit the Web site "Dark Millennium" at:

Reply  Message 14 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:27

Reply  Message 15 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:28
The Twice-Born God: Are “They” Preparing For the Return of Apollo in 2012?

Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, With a new breed of men sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom The iron shall cease, the golden race arise, Befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns.
He shall receive the life of gods, and see Heroes with gods commingling, and himself Be seen of them, and with his father’s worth Reign o’er a world.…
Assume thy greatness, for the time draws nigh, Dear child of gods, great progeny of Jove [Jupiter/Zeus]! See how it totters—the world’s orbed might, Earth, and wide ocean, and the vault profound, All, see, enraptured of the coming time!

It has come to the forefront recently here on ATS, the subject of Rome’s influence, not only on the ancient world, but on the present. It has been widely discussed by some brilliant minds here on ATS in various threads the very REAL influence that the Roman republic, Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire has had on the present in the form of Roman Civil Code, religion, commercial contract law. These various facets have been discussed extensively, however, there is one thing that I think has not been discussed to my satisfaction, and that is the occult movement throughout the ages by the Roman Empire that seems to be culminating in this very age of Aquarius with some powerful event. An event that seems to have been planned by the powers that be that have controlled this world for hundreds of years.

As above so below… This Hermetic doctrine is found throughout the ancient world represented in paintings, philosophy, and in the monuments that have been resurrected in honor of the gods and the stars of the cosmos, such as the Great Pyramids. But this philosophy can also be seen in the construction of more recent monuments, which are not supposed to have such a pagan and superstitious connotation.

As above so below… According to Egyptian myth, the twice-born Egyptian god Osiris was born first in the heavens as one of the children of Ra, the Sun god, and then resurrected, after he was killed by his brother Set, by his beloved wife Isis, through sexual magic, in the form of his son on earth Horus. This has been seen by some as a take on the Holy Trinity: the father (Osiris), the son (Horus), and the Holy Spirit (Isis or it could be Ra, whose magic was used and Isis seen as the Holy Mother Mary). Some see it as a Demonic Trinity, as you will see.

Isis and Osiris were among the four children born from the womb of the sky-goddess, Nut and fathered by Ra, the sungod. The other two children were Seth and Nephtys. Osiris took Isis as his wife, and they became the first rulers of Egypt. At the age of 28 Osiris was brutally killed by his jealous brother Seth and his body cut into fourteen pieces. Isis recovered all of the pieces of Osiris' body except the phallus, which she could not find. Isis fashioned an artificial phallus for Osiris, placed herself on it in the form of a kite, and became pregnant with his seed. She then went into hiding in the marshes of the Nile, and gave birth to Horus. From the Pyramid Texts and various other religious writings, it is clear that this myth has its counterpart in the stars, with Isis identified to Sirius and Osiris to the constellation of Orion.

The same mythology can be found in Roman Catholicism, which worships the divine Mother (Isis) and Her son, the God-man Jesus (Horus), and God the father (Osiris.)

There is no real way to know the true origins of this myth, but it is clear that it was adopted by various cultures, such as the Romans and the Greeks, in various names and forms, but it does appear to be the same mythology under different names. Whether it originated in Atlantis, Troy, Greece, Egypt, no one can really know, but one thing is for certain… Rome conquered the world long ago, bringing all of this together under one faction, if you will, and it is a Roman (Vatican) faction that seems to be perpetuating this myth in secret today.

Though the details are a closely guarded secret, the monuments and symbols that they have placed all around us are very much in plain site.

As above, so below…

You have the Vatican, the heavenly representative seat of the Holy Roman Empire’s spiritual power.


And then you have the earthly seat of Roman (Vatican) power in the Capitol of Sir Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis: Washington D.C., the little Vatican on the Potomac. The similarities are quite striking. Located on the 77th meridian, just like Bacon had foretold, the Rosicrucian and freemasonic influence of the founding of America can be easily seen by looking at the layout and architecture of the District of Columbia.

Just the mere fact that Washington D.C. exists at all is rather peculiar. After all, why would the founders go out of their way to place the capitol of the newly formed United States on top of useless swamp land? Why not Philadelphia, Charleston, New York, or Richmond, which were all well established cities, instrumental in the founding of the country? The answer lies in the fact that Washington D.C. sits on the 77th meridian. But there are much more peculiar things about this city than just its location.

Reply  Message 16 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:28
Both the Vatican and Washington D.C. seem to be star maps on the ground, depicting what is going on above our heads, as well as Greco Roman style temples to the Egyptian gods: Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

“In Apollyon Rising 2012, Dr. Horn illustrates how each of these symbols in DC, those in Government Center and at the Heredom, plus the symbols and mottoes on the Great Seal form a supernatural symmetry that invokes the coming of Apollo/Osiris. One of the most enlightening authentications he provides from the seal is how novus ordo seclorum ("a new order of the ages") was adapted by Charles Thompson in 1782 when designing it. According to the official record, Thomson—a friend of the Masons and great supporter of Benjamin Franklin’s American Philosophical Society—created the phrase from a prophetic line in Virgil’s Eclogue IV: Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo (Virgil’s Eclogue IV, line 5), the interpretation of the original Latin being, "And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew." This is from the Sibyl’s prophecy concerning the return of Apollo…”source

I highly recommend reading this book. Thomas Horn does an excellent job of tying all of this together, like nothing that I have read on the subject before.

Thomas Horn claims in this book that 2012 is contained in the cypher of The Great Seal on the one dollar bill, with Horus positioned at the capstone of the pyramid (the eye of Horus).

“The primeval concept was designed in antiquity for the express purpose of regeneration, resurrection, and apotheosis, for deity incarnation from the underworld to earth’s surface through union of the respective figures—the Dome (ancient structural representation of the womb of Isis) and the Obelisk (ancient representation of the erect male phallus of Osiris)….”

What can be clearly seen in the architecture of the Vatican and Washington D.C.

What’s even scarier is the Raising Ceremony of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. This ceremony, which has been reportedly performed at every Presidential inauguration since George Washington at the Masonic Temple in Washington D.C…

The symbolism is further seen by the President being inaugurated in front of the Capitol Dome (womb of Isis), facing the Phallus of Osiris (Washington Obelisk) every four years, in a clear reenactment of the Opet Festival of the transmogrification of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt.

“In Egypt, where raising Osiris to life through these magical constructs was perfected, Pharaoh served as the "fit extension" for the reborn god to take residence in as the "sex act" was ritualized at the site of the largest religious structure ever built—the temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak where Pharaoh became the receptacle of the spirit of Osiris during the festival of Opet. The festival was held at the temple of Luxor, where the Pharaoh entered the holy womb-temple beyond the Obelisk and was transmogrified into the living deity, the son of Amun-Ra and Osiris. From then forward, Pharaoh was considered the incarnation of the god Horus (resurrected Osiris) during his lifetime, and in death experienced apotheosis again, becoming Osiris in the underworld, the dying and resurrecting god, a cycle repeated with every newly appointed king.

Thus Pharaoh was—just as the god ciphered on the Great Seal of the United States will be—the son and spiritual incarnation of the Supreme Deity.” source

Reagan, on the advice from an astrologer (as we are told,) broke with tradition in 1981, and was inaugurated on the West patico of the Capitol Dome, facing the Washington Obelisk, but this change has clear implications in mimicking the Opet ceremony of the transmogrification of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. Just a coincidence? I don’t believe in them.

And it was FDR (an occultist 32nd degree mason) in 1933 that changed the date of the inauguration from March 4th to January on the cusp of Capricorn (Saturn, Satan). Saturn, which is known in astrology as the strict task master, the deliverer of cold justice, and with Karmic lessons is symbol of what America has become, since his reign, as he proceeded to declare bankruptcy, abrogate the gold standard, confiscate the gold of the American people with an executive order, intern Japanese Americans into work camps, destroy the abundance of crops and livestock across the farms of America, roll out social programs on an unprecedented scale, bringing all of us under the strict control of the Federal Government and ushering in the Saturnian age.

“But in the new audio series we are working on now, we go deeper, uncovering the historical importance of the Magic Square, how it worked, how it was used by the founders, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians in tandem with other grimories such as the Solomon Key and the Lesser Key of Solomon, which was so important to them. We will discuss the 72 pentagrams at the base of the Apotheosis of Washington in the Capitol Dome, and how they were and are used by Freemason gnostics to control the 72 kosmokrators over earth. We will reveal why the 36-cubed Magic Square’s numerology—111, 555, and 666, which binds the Bible in the base of the Washington Obelisk—is repeated in the skylight in the House of the Temple above which the Raising Ceremony is performed. By the Lodge’s own admission, their 36-cubed skylight symbolizes the Vault of Heaven and is a stylized Magic Square of the Sun God [Apollo/Osiris] used for binding and loosing the supernatural presence. The skylight Magic Square represents the celestial influences, while the square at the Washington Obelisk represents the earthly or underworldly powers. When these two counts of 36 are joined, the complete 72 supernatural agents (36+36=72) within their occult system are recognized. We will even point out how Obama, like George Bush before him, sent the appropriate signal to those who were meant to understand it, when he acknowledged this mystical value ‘72,’ saying he would complete his first 100 days ‘…in 72 days. And on the 73rd day, I will rest.’"


Reply  Message 17 of 47 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/08/2011 00:29

Cabalá y Vida Moderna- Viviendo con el Tiempo

Un Mensaje de Torá para el mes de Elul

De acuerdo con el Sefer Ietzirá, cada mes del año judío tiene una letra del alfabeto hebreo, un signo del zodíaco, una de las doce tribus de Israel, un sentido, y un órgano controlador del cuerpo que le corresponde.

Elul es el sexto de los doce meses del calendario judío.

Es llamado "el mes del arrepentimiento", "el mes de la misericordia" y "el mes del perdón". Elul sigue a los meses Tamuz y Av, los meses donde tuvieron lugar los dos grandes pecados de Israel, el del becerro de oro y el de los espías.

Las cuatro letras de la palabra Elul son un acrónimo de las letras iniciales de la frase del Cantar de los Cantares (6:3): "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado es para mi". "Yo soy para mi amado" en arrepentimiento y deseo consumado de retornar a la raíz de mi alma en Di-s. "Y mi amado es para mi" con una expresión Divina de misericordia y perdón.

Este es el mes en el cual "el Rey se encuentra en el campo". Todos se pueden acercar a El, y El hace resplandecer Su semblante hacia todos.

Elul es el mes de la preparación para las supremas festividades de Tishrei En el cual Moisés ascendió al Monte Sinaí por tercera vez por un período de cuarenta días desde Rosh Jodesh Elul hasta Iom Kipur, cuando descendió con las segundas "tablas del testimonio". Estos fueron días en donde Di-s reveló gran misericordia al pueblo judío.

En "numeración pequeña", Elul = 13, aludiendo a los 13 principios de misericordia Divina que son revelados en el mes de Elul.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Color: rojo.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Letra: iud.

La iud es la primera letra del Tetragramaton, Havaiá, el Nombre esencial de Di-s, el de la misericordia. Es también la letra final del Nombre Adnut, el Nombre que incluye el Nombre Havaiá para revelarlo y expresarlo en el mundo. Así la iud es el comienzo (de la esencia de misericordia Divina, Havaiá) y el final (de la manifestación de misericordia Divina, Adnut)

Todas las formas creadas comienzan con un "punto" esencial de energía y fuerza de vida, el de la letra iud. El final del proceso creativo es igualmente un "punto" de consumación y satisfacción, una iud. "En el principio Di-s creó …" es el punto inicial, "y Di-s finalizó en el séptimo día …"es el punto final.

La palabra iud posee la misma raíz que "mano" (iad). Nuestros sabios interpretan el versículo: "Incluso Mi mano ha fundado la tierra, y Mi derecha ha desarrollado los cielos", como que "Di-s extendió su mano derecha y creó los cielos y extendió su mano izquierda y creó la tierra". La mano derecha es el punto de iniciación y la izquierda es el del final".

En estos versos, la mano izquierda ("Mi mano, sin ninguna especificación de deracha o izquierda) aparece antes de la mano derecha. Esto concuerda con la opinión de Hillel que "la tierra precede [a los cielos]". La tierra representa la consumación de la Creación, "lo último en la acción es lo primero en el pensamiento".

La iud de Elul es, en particular, la mano izquierda, el controlador del sentido del mes, el sentido de acción y rectificación. Este es el punto final de la Creación que alcanza su propósito final, la iud de Adnut, reflejando perfectamente en la realidad creada la iud de Havaiá.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Mazal: betulá (Virgo - virgen).

La betulá simboliza la novia amada de Di's, Israel, la novia del Cantar de los Cantares quien dice a su novio "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado es para mi".

La palabra betulá aparece por primera vez en la Torá (y la única vez describiendo a una mujer específica, alabando a nuestra matriarca Rebeca, antes de su casamiento con Isaac.

En cabalá, la unión de Isaac y Rebeca simboliza el servicio espiritual de la plegaria y la devoción a Di-s. Isaac (Itzjak = 208) más Rebeca (Rivka = 307) = 515 = tefilá, "plegaria".

En jasidut el verso "Yo soy para mi amado y mi amado para mi", hace referencia, en particular, al servicio de plegaria del mes de to Elul.

La "virgen" de Elul (Rebeca) da a luz (retroactivamente, con respecto al orden de los meses del año) a los "mellizos" de Sivan (Iacob y Esav, los hijos de Rebeca, como se explica arriba). Las primeras tablas, entregadas en Sivan, fueron quebradas (a causa del pecado), las segundas, dadas a Moises en Elul (el mes del arrepentimiento) están enteras. El arrepentimiento es identificado en cabalá con la "madre" (en general y Rebeca en particular). "Madre corresponde a la sefirá de biná = 67 = Elul.

En Cabalá la "madre" permanece por siempre "virgen" (en el plano espiritual). En un estado continuo de teshuvá y tefilá su "siempre nueva" unión con el "padre" nunca cesa - "dos compañeros que nunca se separan". Tal va a ser el estado de la novia y el novio de aquí abajo con la llegada del Mashiaj. "Padre" y "madre" corresponde a las primeras dos letras de Havaiá - "la unión superior"; "novio" y "novia" o "hijo" e " hija" corresponden al segundo par de letras de Havaiá - "la unión inferior").

La betulá simboliza también la "tierra virgen", la tierra de Israel destinada a casarse con el pueblo de Israel, como declara el profeta: "como un joven desposa a una virgen, así tus hijos te desposaran [la tierra de Israel]" (Isaias 62:5). Aquí vemos que los hijos desposan a la "madre tierra" que permanece "tierra virgen".

La tierra representa la rectificación de la acción, el sentido del mes de Elul, como se describe arriba.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Tribu: Gad.

Gad comparte su raíz gramatical con "campamentos", como en el versículo en que nuestro patriarca Iacob bendice a su hijo Gad: "Gad organizará [lit. campamento] campamentos [del ejercito], y volverá con todos sus campamentos" (Génesis 49:19). El talento especial de Gad es organizar una "compañía".

Gad se puede interpretar también como "buena fortuna". Es la verdadera "buena fortuna" de Israel de ser la novia amada de Di-s, y esto se revela por medio de nuestras buenas acciones, especialmente aquellas que intentan rectificar nuestras imperfecciones y embellecernos, como la novia para su novio.

La "buena fortuna" de Gad se relaciona en cabalá con los trece principios de misericordia que son revelados en este mes, para despertar el alma desde su raíz (su "buena fortuna") para que retorne a Di-s.

Gad = 7. Gad fue el séptimo hijo que le nació a Iacob. Mazal, la palabra más común para "buena fortuna" = 77. La letra del medio de mazal es zain = 7. Cuando las dos letras gimmel dalet que forman el nombre Gad (= 7) son substituidas por zain (= 7) de mazal, se forma la palabra migdal, "torre" Declara el versículo: "Una torre [migdal = 77] de poder [oz = 77] es el Nombre de Di-s, en la que marchará el tzadik y será exaltado". En cabalá, la "torre de poder" representa a la novia, la betulá de Elul, el alma-raíz y mazal del pueblo judío. El tzadik, el novio, marcha con todo su poder, para entrar a la "torre de poder".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Sentido: acción.

Acción es el sentido y "conocimiento" interior por el cual uno es capaz de rectificar siempre cualquier imperfección o estado de quiebre del alma por medio de actos devotos de bondad. Este es el sentido necesario para el servicio espiritualde Elul, el servicio de arrepentimiento y teshuvá verdadera hacia Di-s. El sentido de acción es así el de no desesperar nunca. Este es el "punto", la iud de Elul, del servicio Divino, sin el cual uno nunca puede empezar una acción o terminarla.

Este sentido es la inclinación a arreglar un objeto roto ("salvar" una situación) más que desecharla

Sumado a esto, es el sentido de organización y el de administración de sistemas complejos (como Gad, la tribu de Elul significa "campamentos" y "compañía").

Se dice de la iud de Elul: "Con sabiduría [el punto de la iud] Di-s hizo [rectificó] la tierra [el sentido de la acción]".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Controlador: la mano izquierda.

Como se mencionó anteriormente, Di-s estiró Su mano izquierda para crear la tierra, y "Con sabiduría Di-s creó la tierra" [Proverbs 3:19]).

La mano derecha (la más espiritual de la dos manos, que creó los cielos - "Eleva tus ojos y ve Quién creó esto" - la dimensión interna y espiritual de la realidad) controla el sentido de la vista, mientras que la izquierda (más física) controla el sentido de la acción.

La mitzvá (mandamiento de acción) de los tefilin shel yad (filacterías de la mano) se realiza en el brazo izquierdo, la mano derecha los coloca en la izquierda, es decir, "ve" sus acciones realizarse en la izquierda.

Es la mano izquierda la que toca el corazón, esto nos enseña que toda acción rectificada deriva de las buenas intenciones y emociones del corazón.

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