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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 19/03/2019 17:06
Resultado de imagen para NEW JERUSALEM MONTH
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para pyramid dollar bill

Resultado de imagen para APPLE TRAVEL THROUGH TIME
Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.

Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 
En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11
153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia
Resultado de imagen para moon phi
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON
Resultado de imagen para MOON VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE 666
Resultado de imagen para MOON 666
Resultado de imagen para pyramide du louvre 666
Resultado de imagen para MOON 666
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE 666

I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…


A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.

If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.

from SIPS Volume 1

from SIPS Volume 1

Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

Stonehenge Solomon's Temple

Las piedras de                                               estaciones de Stonehenge                                               forman un rectángulo con                                               la proporción de 5:12  Mapa con                                                     Stonehenge y la isla                                                     Caldey mostrando la                                                     distancia                                                     proporcional de                                                     12,369 - eso es el                                                     número de lunas                                                     llenas por año
Resultado de imagen para STONEHENGE VESICA PISCIS


Resultado de imagen para TOWER APPLE

Resultado de imagen para TREN ES UN GUSANO
Resultado de imagen para TREN ES UN GUSANO
Resultado de imagen para DINERO SERPIENTE
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS PYRAMID
Image result for phi ratio temple/tabernacle of israel
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGON PHI
Resultado de imagen para FISICA CUANTICA FLUJO
Resultado de imagen para phallus ORION
Resultado de imagen para phallus ORION
Resultado de imagen para MOON VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGON PHI
Resultado de imagen para APPLE BACK TO THE FUTURE
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON
Resultado de imagen para moon phi
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS PRECESION
Resultado de imagen para CLOCK STAR OF DAVID
Resultado de imagen para jesus christ last supper APOLLO MOON 12  MEN
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 18:18


The Great Pyramid has a base perimeter of 1007.7 yards, as measured by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1883 and confirmed by J.H. Cole in 1925.

The mean diameter of the Earth plus the mean diameter of the Moon is 10077 miles (99.99% accurate). 1007.7 yards and 10077 miles use the exact same digits, however these measurements are in different Imperial units and scales.

The polar diameter of the Earth plus the polar diameter of the Moon is 10000 x Φ kilometers (99.98% accurate). The Greek letter Φ (phi) represents the golden ratio, which is approximately 1.618033989…

The reason that there is a difference between the mean and polar diameters of the Earth is that the equator bulges out somewhat. In fact the Earth’s diameter bulges .33% beyond a perfect circle. The Earth orbits the Sun in an ellipse whose major axis bulges 3.3% beyond the diameter of a perfect circle.

The Great Pyramid’s slope angle of 51°51′ encodes the relationship of the size of the Earth to the size of the Moon. The pyramid elevation triangle in the diagram below cuts across the Earth’s equator and connects to the center of the Moon with matching angles of 51°51′.


Dividing the 4 edges of the Great Pyramid’s base perimeter by 4 gives us its mean edge length, which turns out to be 755.775 feet.


My analysis of the Great Pyramid’s elevation reveals the repeating digits 3333 inches and 555.5 feet. This can be discovered either by drawing a vesica piscis such that the height of the almond shape intersection between the circles matches the height of the pyramid, or by inscribing an equilateral triangle within its elevation. 555.5 feet equals 6666 inches.


The Washington Monument is 555.5 feet in height. Its geometry is derived from the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid. That is what I showed in this image from Quantification (it’s larger in the book).


I discovered that the Washington Monument is 333,333 meters from the spire on the Bank of America Tower in New York. Right now the Bank of America Tower is the third tallest building in Manhattan (soon to be eclipsed by 432 Park Avenue). The bank tower features an obelisk-like metal mast.


The Washington Monument is also 33003300 feet from the foundation of Etemenanki in ancient Babylon. It’s not entirely clear to scholars but Etemananki might also be the Tower of Babel.


The Seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg France was designed to resemble the Tower of Babel, as painted by Pieter Bruegel.

EU parliament

Vigilant Citizen’s article confirms this connection with the official poster promoting the EU Parliament building. Its inverted pentacles are another story.

EU poster

I measured the distance from the EU Parliament building to Thebes, Egypt and it is 3333 km. More specifically this exact distance is to the Colossoi of Memnon, two 720 ton statues at the ceremonial entrance to Amenhotep III’s temple built ~3333 years ago. I call this one “Seats of Power” in my book Quantification (page 57).


The hills behind Amenhotep III’s temple is the part of the Theban Necropolis known as Valley of the Kings, burial place of many a pharaoh. The Ancient Egyptians called the highest point in this valley ta dehent, or ‘The Peak’. The distance from ‘The Peak’ to Mount Everest is 3330 miles. Their shapes are even similar.

Valley of the Kings Mount Everest

Immediately across the Nile is the Temple of Luxor. In 1833 the French moved one of the pair of obelisks at the entrance of this ancient Egyptian temple to the 86400 square meter La Place de la Concorde in Paris, 33.0° across the surface of the Earth.


The distance from the Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre Pyramid is 3333 meters. Do you suppose that is an accident or design?


The oldest obelisk in the world still stands in Heliopolis but sadly, that’s all that remains of this once great ancient city where Pythagoras was educated and where the Ennead came from. It’s fitting that the City of the Sun is located 3333 miles from the highest point in the most massive mountain range on Earth, considering that the Sun is 333000 times more massive than the Earth.

Heliopolis Everest

Incidentally, the distance from Mt Everest to Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the world’s oceans, is 6066 km.

A pair of obelisks from Heliopolis were moved to Alexandria in antiquity by the Romans and almost two thousand years later they became known as Cleopatra’s Needles. In the 19th century, the English moved one of these obelisks from the harbor of Alexandria and erected it on the Victoria embankment in central London. This obelisk was moved a distance of 3333.33 kilometers. If you doubt any of these facts, check them yourself in Google Earth or using other precise methods. Part of the magic is seeing it for yourself.


The partner of this obelisk is in Central Park in Manhattan. The tip of Manhattan is 3333 km from the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. Cholula is the largest monument ever built anywhere on Earth. The sprawling Great Pyramid of Cholula has a volume twice as large as the Great Pyramid of Giza but is only 66 meters high. Manhattan has been described with such superlatives as Alpha++ Global Power City, cultural and financial capital of the world, largest city in the United States and so on. It seems fitting to compare Manhattan to Cholula.

NYC Cholula

The Germans moved the original Ishtar gate to Berlin in the 1910s. Saddam Hussein built a replica at the original site in Babylon in the 1980s. The distance between these Ishtar gates is 3333 km.


La Place de la Nation in central Paris is 3333.33 kilometers from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This isn’t the distance from the gas station to the hairdressers, it is the distance between symbolic national monuments. It measures 33.33° across the surface of the Earth from the Dome of the Rock to Stonehenge.


A line from the Sun King’s Hall of Mirrors at Versailles to the White House bisects the symmetric French landscape garden.

Versailles Alignment

These two power houses are exactly 3330.3 nautical miles apart.

Think about all of this. At first you might assume the threes are all part of an incredibly vast Freemasonic Conspiracy. The highest rank one can earn in the Scottish Rite is the 32nd degree. The 33rd degree is by invitation only.

Morals and DogmaCover of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

I invite you to think more deeply about it. The locations of Washington DC, New York City, Babylon, Strasbourg, Thebes, Luxor, Paris, London, Berlin, Jerusalem, Versailles, Stonehenge and Mount Everest all appear to be interrelated with repetitive threes.

A hidden hand may have shaped history.

Hidden Handhttp://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/dun/dun08.htm

A disembodied hand supposedly wrote MENE MENE TEKEL PERES on the wall of ancient Babylon at 32°32’32″N. Most importantly, what did the hand that shaped history write?

Rembrandt-BelshazzarBelshazzar by Rembrandt (1635)

These words are known Aramaic names of measures of currency:
MENE, a mina (from the root meaning “to count”),
TEKEL, a spelling of shekel (from the root meaning “to weigh”),
PERES, half a mina (from the root meaning “to divide”).

Much is illuminated when we count, weigh, and divide the Earth. After all the word “geometry” literally means Earth measure.


Modern Baghdad is located at 33.333333°N, 44.444444°E. In fact that exact point is in a lake fronting an 864 foot diameter Martyr’s Memorial complete with oculus and eternal flame.


There are 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London.

London 33

The London Eye has 32 cars rotating around a compass-like central pivot.

London-EyeDiliff CC BY 2.0

It is 333333 inches from Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square to the centre of the London Olympic Stadium. Lingam and Yoni separated by nothing but threes.


The United Nations emblem divides the Earth into 33 sectors.

UN emblem 33

In Buddhism the traditional Great Retreat lasts for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.


Jesus supposedly lived 33.33 years and performed 33 miracles.


There are 33 bones in your spine.


The speed of sound in air varies with temperature. The speed of sound is 333.3 meters per second at 3.3°C. Escape velocity is 33 times the speed of sound. Spaceport America is located exactly at 33° latitude.


We are all part of the cosmic pattern. My work hopefully is making you more aware of this great pattern: as above, so below.


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 18:46

New Jerusalems

Before I discuss New Jerusalems, let us step back and first examine Jerusalem itself. Solomon’s Temple was located somewhere on Jerusalem’s temple mount. However, there is debate as to the exact location of the “holy of holies” where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Was the holy of holies located on the Foundation Stone inside the Dome of the Rock or was it located elsewhere on the temple mount?

In 1977 Dr. Asher Kaufman published a paper, ‘New Light upon Zion: the Plan and Precise Location of the Second Temple’ that located the most sacred place in Judaism about 100 yards north of the Dome of the Rock under a small dome formerly known as the Dome of the Tablets that I covered in SIPS Volume 1.

Dome of the TabletsDome of the Tablets from SIPS Volume 1

The late John Michell discovered what he termed The Messianic Axis in Jerusalem that corroborated the Kaufman theory.

The ark of the covenant held the 10 commandments, which actually sound a lot like spell 125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but that’s another story.

Here is what the Messianic Axis looks like along with Michell’s 5×12 sacred geometric overlay. Richard Heath shows in his book Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilizationthat the X’s mark the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism. I have shown how the 6:5 proportions of these X’s have a double-layered encoding in the metrology of Cubits. Curious how all these stories occurred along a line.

Michell's sacred geometry of JerusalemMichell’s sacred geometry of Jerusalem

Jan Thulstrup noticed that the dome of St Peter’s Basilica has an inner radius of 20.736 meters. The cubit that measures Jerusalem is 20.736 inches in length. This coincidence is entirely fitting for the holiest places in Christendom. Rome is a New Jerusalem.


The name Peter means rock. Speaking of domes and rocks, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 3333.3 km from La Place de la Nation in Paris.


The Tuileries Gardens in Paris shares Jerusalem’s 5×12 proportions. The Historical Axis of Paris exhibits the same pattern as the Messianic Axis of Jerusalem. The Sun King not only had but also built a messianic complex. Paris is a New Jerusalem.


Putting these patterns together, here is what emerges:


The Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées is 3652422 yards from the center of Jerusalem. The tropical year is 365.2422 days. The Rond-Point has 6 fountains arranged in a Star of David pattern. The heading from Jerusalem to Paris is 314° true north, recalling π. None of this is an accident but if it were, how amazing! What are the chances?

New Jerusalems are not an original idea. The Book of Revelation introduces the heavenly, or as we might see it now, a higher-dimensional template of New Jerusalem:

And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. -Rev 21:2


Also later in Chapter 21 New Jerusalem’s cube-it dimensions are given:

And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. -Verse 16

12 thousand cubed is 1728 billion cubic furlongs. Michell calculated that the 5×12 rectangle in Jerusalem’s long side measures 1728 cubits. The cubits measure 6/5 feet cubed, or 1.728 feet. Therefore the heavenly new Jerusalem of the Bible is dimensioned using the template from the real Jerusalem or maybe it is the other way around.

I showed in SIPS Volume 1 how DC is a New Jerusalem.


New York’s Central Park is proportioned by double 5×12 rectangles which just so happen to also correspond to the proportions of the dollar bill with 98% accuracy.


Urban Asplund measured the distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries, which corresponds to the holy of holies inside Solomon’s Temple, and discovered that it is exactly 6666.6 km to the center of Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park, Chicago.


Look at how both complexes are fronted by water, with the sinuous Seine running through Paris and the Chicago River and Lake Michigan in Chicago. Both complexes feature fountains with sprays of water.

In Revelation Chapter 22, John of Patmos’ described New Jerusalem as having a “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God.”

La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047La Jérusalem nouvelle. Le Fleuve de Vie. c1047

Could this water of life proceeding out of his seat refer to the spinal Kundalini energy discussed in Serpent Wisdom?

Grant Park has the same 5×12 proportions. Amazingly, Buckingham Fountain is the official eastern terminus of US Historic Route 66.

The western terminus of Route 66 is the end of the Santa Monica Pier, which I discussed in SIPS Volume 2 (watch to learn how it connects to Baalbek, Century City and Hollywood). The distance from the end of the pier, the official “end of the trail” of Route 66 to the Dome of the Tablets in Jerusalem is 6600 nautical miles.

Route 66 snakes its way from Chicago to LA, over 2000 miles, all the way. Highways are like rivers. I see Route 66 symbolizing the water of life flowing to the Pacific ocean.




With all the repeating 6’s in the measures of these New Jerusalems I should point out a few more. The distance from the Round Fountain in the Tuileries Gardens to the obelisk in La Place de la Concorde is 666 meters. It’s like the template in microcosm.


The Kaaba in Mecca is 666.6 nautical miles from the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. These are the official two most sacred spots in Islam and Judaism, respectively. Clearly these encoded distances transcend any one particular religious tradition. Perhaps there is something or someone deeper, patterning the world.

"Sacred Sites" from Quantification“Sacred Sites” from Quantification

Kevin McMahon posted this graphic on Facebook today. He also discovered that it is 777.7 miles from Grant Park Buckingham Fountain to the entrance of the IPG at a heading of 314° true north.


If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.

from SIPS Volume 1from SIPS Volume 1

Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

Stonehenge Solomon's Temple

Perhaps Stonehenge was the template for Jerusalem? Food for thought.

Asplund made the following connections. I call it the “Esoteric Metro”. All four sites are in an alignment and thus in a sense, they all resonate as New Jerusalems.


Some massive integration is going on lately. Here are two more stations in the esoteric metro. The two paths from Ellora and Carnac converging on the Freemason Emblem Building at the International Peace Garden meet at a 45° angle. The IPG is located at 100°3’33.33″W.


Did you know the highest concentration of lightning on Earth (20,000 strikes per night) occurs in a specific location? This happens over a spot called Aguas Muertas where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.




So bright and reliable is the lightning that this location has been called the Maracaibo Lighthouse for hundreds of years.

The phenomenon is characterized by almost continuous lightning, mostly within the clouds, which is produced in a large vertical development of clouds that form electric arcs between 2 and 10 km in height (or more). 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if people could harness that raw power? It might light up the planet in terms of providing for our electrical needs.


An average bolt of negative lightning carries an electric current of 30,000 amperes, and transfers 15 coulombs of electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of lightning can carry up to 120,000 amperes and 350 coulombs of charge. –Source

Doing the math, I calculate that a single large bolt apparently provides the energy of 11,666,666,666 joules. ????

The Lighthouse of Maracaibo is 6666 miles from Heliopolis, which is in turn 3333 miles from the highest point on Earth. That is some serious Earthupuncture! It reminds me of moxybustion. The City of the Sun sure seems to be sited well for accumulating earth energy. It was built long before Jerusalem existed. In fact all that remains of Heliopolis above ground is this one granite needle.


The sacred geometry of Jerusalem (1728 cubits of 1.728 feet each) is encoded in our very units of measure, a secret in plain sight. One cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches.

The Earth’s diameter is 7920 miles. 7920 inches = 1 furlong. 17280 furlongs = 2160 miles. The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles. We are living in the ‘heavenly’ New Jerusalem…

Earthrise in the MatrixEarthrise in the Matrix

…spaceship Earth.


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 18:58
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS LOUVRE

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 19:03
Washington DC y el diseño vial francmasón: brújula, milla real etc.

La brújula de los francmasones está instalada en las avenidas de Washington con su punta en el Capitolio de donde salen dos avenidas en un ángulo de una brújula terminando en otros lugares importantes, la Casa Blanca y el Monumento a Jefferson (17min.57seg.). La distancia de las puntas terminales de la brújula es precisamente una milla real, la milla real de Edimburgo (18min.2seg.). 

La milla real de Edimburgo en Washington DC
                        entre la Casa Blanca y el Memorial a Jefferson  Washington DC, la esquema vial con los
                        triángulos que todos están con distancias de la
                        milla real
La milla real de Edimburgo en Washington DC entre la Casa Blanca y el Memorial a Jefferson - Washington DC, la esquema vial con los triángulos que todos están con distancias de la milla real

Y esa milla real es aplicada en Washington DC para 4 sectores por arriba y para 4 sectores en el ancho - formando un hexágono de millas reales (18min.19seg.). 

Millas reales en Washington DC: la línea central es: Memorial a Jefferson - Casa Blanca - Casa del Templo (18min.25seg.)
Millas reales en Washington DC: Memorial a Jefferson - Pentágono (18min.30seg.)

"Flor de la vida" y el cubo grande en Washington DC
Ese esquema de triángulos de millas reales en Washington DC es bien perfecto así se puede hacer una "flor de la vida" con círculos lo que es un símbolo antiguo del mundo, por ejemplo en el templo de Osiris en Egipto (18min.55seg.). También Leonardo da Vinci ha estudiado la "flor de la vida" (19min.10seg.). 

Washington DC: el esquema de triángulos es
                        tan perfecto así sale una "flor de la
                        vida"  Washington DC con el esquema de triángulos
                        de millas reales: sale una flor de la vida y un
                        cubo grande con una longitud de arista de 2
                        millas reales de Edimburgo
Washington DC: el esquema de triángulos es tan perfecto así sale una "flor de la vida" - Washington DC con el esquema de triángulos de millas reales: sale una flor de la vida y un cubo grande con una longitud de arista de 2 millas reales de Edimburgo

El radio polar con 2 millas reales: 1728, 3456
La longitud del borde de ese gran cubo en Washington DC es 2 millas reales. El radio polar de la Tierra es 1728x2millas reales=3456 millas reales - "aplicando la milla de real de Edimburgo" ("referenced to the Edinburgh Royal Mile") (19min.42seg.).

El código 1728 y hexágonos en Washington DC (Nuevo Jerusalén)
El centro de la ciudad de Washington - Washington DC - es un "Nuevo Jerusalén" de la Biblia [de fantasía] que prescribe ese "Nuevo Jerusalén" con 11.000 estadios (furlongs) (así está escrito en la Revelación, capítulo 21, frase 16): 
[1 estadio=1/8 de una milla internacional - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furlong - la milla=5,280 pies=1,609.344 metros - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile]
"Y la ciudad está en un cuadrado, y la longitud es como la altura: y se mide la ciudad con un palo natural, 12.000 estadios [1/2 de una milla]. La longitud y el ancho y la altura son iguales."
(original inglés: "And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs [1/8 of a Mile]. The length and the breadth and the hight of it are equal.")
Y eso es exactamente lo que es Washington DC de hoy, su volumen prescribe el territorio de precisamente 1.728 estadios (furlongs) (20min.11seg.), y la estrella hexagrama de 6 puntos [la estrella de Rothschild] encaja precisamente (20min.15seg.). "DC es el Nuevo Jerusalén" ("DC is the New Jerusalem.") (20min.20seg.)

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 19:17
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS

Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 85 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2019 17:43
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para LONGINO VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para ISLAND GIORGIO VENICE

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 19:41
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS LOUVRE
Resultado de imagen para moon phi
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 20:02
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BARILOCHENSE6999 18/03/2019 15:07
BARILOCHENSE6999 18/03/2019 14:59

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 20:21
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/04/2019 18:50
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/05/2019 18:47
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Vesica piscis

Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ 

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2019 20:40
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Freemasons in Venice and the Church of Saint Mary Magdalene

Mysteries & Legends

Freemasons in Venice and the Church of Saint Mary...


Venice, an ever magic and mysterious city, was already in the 18th century the centre of an influential Freemasonry fraternity, whose members also included the famous adventurer Giacomo Casanova.

Here, the Freemasonry fraternity was so powerful and rich that they had a church built following the Freemasonry doctrines – the church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Cannaregio.

A few components of the Baffo family, affiliated to the Freemasonry in Venice, contracted the architect Tommaso Temanza, also a member of the fraternity, to build the ‘Freemasonry' church. Temenza designed a perfectly round building with a neo classic style and a symbol of the Freemasonry etched on the architrave of the main door – an eye inscribed within a circle and a pyramid with the writing ‘SAPIENTIA EDIFICAVIT SIBI DOMUM', a reference to the cult of the divine knowledge, which is at the base of the Freemason ideologies.

Temanza himself is buried inside the church and his headstone is decorated with a line and compasses, the most important symbol of the Freemasonry, as its members would define themselves as ‘builders'.

It is no surprise that this ‘Freemasonry' church is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, a mysterious figure, sometimes rejected by the church, beloved instead by the Freemasonry and its members who considered her a symbol of wisdom and the struggle against the obscurantism of the church.

Unfortunately, this church is not open to visitors but if the unusual places of Venice are the ones that interest you the most, contact us! We will create an unforgettable personalized tour in Venice just for you in collaboration with Francesca, the editor of this popular section.


Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 14 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/11/2022 19:40

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