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From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 24/11/2014 19:44

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/11/2014 19:48

Reply  Message 3 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 22:53






Planeta Saturno, el señor de los anillos del Sistema Solar la
4 de abril 2011: Fin e inicio de Ciclo Sinódico
Introducción a Saturno Dimensiones de la órbita Tamaño Órbita, año Ciclo Sinódico Poema



Desde la Tierra, con la capacidad visual de nuestro cerebro, Saturno es el planeta más alejado que podemos ver a ojo desnudo. Sólo podemos verlo durante ciertos periodos desde la zona de Sombra del Planeta Tierra (la noche).

A comienzos de marzo de 2011 Júpiter acaba de llegar al culmen de su oposición con Saturno. Fue la mitad del ciclo sinódico de Júpiter visto desde Saturno. Júpiter está en una órbita interior a la de Saturno y por eso aquel se desplaza más rápido y de ahí que es el que "se acerca" a la oposición. Esta oposición ocurre cada 19,1 años. Durante estos meses ambos planetas, los más grandes del Barrio planetario, están circulando a lados contrarios del Sol. El 5 de marzo de 2011 se produjo el momento culmen de la oposición.

5 marzo 2011: culmen de la oposición entre Júpiter y Saturno

La Nave Tierra no estaba (y por eso no estuvimos) en la línea Júpiter-Sol-Saturno, aunque tampoco nos enteramos. A escala de la amplitud de las órbitas de ambos planetas y de la "lentitud" de su traslación (comparado con la "pequeña" órbita de la Tierra y la "rapidez" de traslación del planeta) podemos decir que tal oposición ha estado teniendo lugar durante meses. Es como si representáramos esos 19 años como un círculo de 360º, y a principios de febrero de 2011 sólo faltaran apenas 2 grados para que se completara la oposición (el 5 de marzo). A escala de 1 día es como si cada oposición ocurriera cada 24 horas y faltaran 19 minutos para la siguiente oposición. En esta ocasión, el 5 de marzo, desde la Isla flotante "Tierra" habríamos visto a las Islas flotantes "Júpiter" y "Saturno" cercanas a los dos puntos equinocciales la esfera celeste de la Tierra.

Durante los 2 meses anteriores al 5 de marzo (culmen de la oposición entre los dos grandes planetas del Barrio) Plutón aparece casi en ángulo recto con ellos. Han ocurrido en el planeta Tierra terremotos de importancia en Argentina, Chile, Pakistán, Nueva Zelanda, y 7 días después del culmen ha ocurrido el más fuerte en la isla de Japón el día 11 y un temblor en Chile el día 16. Sea real o no la relación entre la oposición de los dos grandes planetas del sistema y la agitación en el planeta Tierra, éste se mueve siempre, y no sólo estremeciéndose en su Corazón y su Piel ("interior" y "superficie") sino también girando y trasladándose en las 3 primeras dimensiones (Espacio) de la realidad. Como nosotros. El día 22 hay otra oposición entre la Tierra y Urano, la cual ocurre cada 369 días, aunque ésta es especial porque coincide con el equinoccio y esta coincidencia ocurre cada 84 años.

Se alinean al mismo lado del Sol cada 19,1 años de media (máximo 20,5 años y mínimo 18,7 años), o sea que la Tierra da 19 órbitas mientras Júpiter da 1,6 y Saturno da 0,6. En 3 alineamientos (57,3 años) marcan los tres puntos de sus órbitas con los que formamos el Triángulo. El Triángulo da una órbita al Sol cada 794 años (800 años, en cifras redondas) que son 794 órbitas de la Tierra, 67 de Júpiter y 27 de Saturno durante las que ambos se alinean 41 veces. 794 años son 290.000 días. Se alinearon ante las Pléyades en junio de 2000, y antes lo hicieron en abril del año 1.206.

Hace unos "10 años" -10 órbitas de la Tierra al Sol- lo contemplé y viví a través de mi primer y sencillo telescopio. Por primera vez establecí contacto íntimo con un cuerpo y energía celeste que no fuera la Madre (Tierra), la Luna o el Sol. Entonces el Planeta Saturno estaba inclinado en tal ángulo con respecto a la Tierra que nos permitía una perfecta visión sesgada de sus grandiosos anillos que le confieren su especial belleza. Toda una joya ensortijada y maravillosa flotante en mitad de la oscuridad del vacío del Sistema Planetario de la Estrella Sol. La contemplación de tal simple belleza "extramundana" -y no menor que la del Planeta que habitamos, sino diferente- me inspiró un poema a Saturno. Y llegué a ver su satélite principal como un puntito a cierta distancia.

Como curiosidades y datos del Planeta con nuestra historia y vida cotidiana, ya era conocido por los mayas o los sumerios hace 6000 años. Fue descubierto "recientemente" por el hombre moderno y bautizado con el nombre de un dios de la mitología romana heredera de la mitología griega y del nombre del dios representativo del tiempo cronológico, psicológico, lineal: Cronos, el Crono, el Reloj. En la mitología griega, Cronos era uno de los hijos de Urano (el Cielo) y Gea (la Tierra) que estaban fundidos en un perpetuo acto de fecundación. Cronos, con una hoz (la guadaña de la muerte), cortó los genitales a Urano y comenzó a devorar a los hijos de la Tierra; así ocurre igualmente con las personas y a las cosas que son consumidas por el tiempo cronológico o temporalidad (otra cosa es el tiempo espiritual o eternidad, tan existente y real como el cronológico). El pintor Goya retrató a Saturno devorando a sus hijos con una evidente literalidad y dramatismo. En la mitología romana, Saturno era una divinidad benéfica relacionada con la fertilidad de la tierra, y bajo su reinado la humanidad vivió tiempos de paz, prosperidad y felicidad, llamada Edad de Oro a la que aluden varias culturas. Se le asoció la guadaña como símbolo con el sentido de instrumento de recogida de la mies. Más adelante la significación que la cultura occidental fue dando a la guadaña derivó hacia lo mortal, de modo que terminó considerándose símbolo de la muerte que siega la vida hasta identificar al propio tiempo (cronos, saturno) con la muerte.

En el orden de los planetas del Sistema Solar, La Tierra y Urano están también separados por Saturno, como en la mitología griega. La Tierra está en la 3 ª órbita desde el Sol, y Urano está en la 7ª. Saturno queda en la 6ª.

Saturno también es el nombre del dios al cual está dedicado el sexto día de la semana de la cultura anglosajona: Saturday, Saturn Day o Día de Saturno, el "sábado" de la cultura judeocristiana. Para los israelitas, Saturno era el planeta santo y le llamaban "Sabaoth" que significa "cese" o "descanso". De tal nombre procede "Sabbath" que derivó como "sábado" en castellano, el día de descanso de trabajo según la tradición bíblica del séptimo día en que el Dios bíblico descansó de su trabajo de creación del mundo, independientemente de que "el descanso" como vivencia espiritual no tenga que ver con nombres de días de una estructura cronológica ni con la expresión "descanse en paz" asociada a la muerte o cesación de la vida. Con todo, Saturday y Sábado como nombres de días de la semana están relacionados.

Y por fin, como mera curiosidad y jugando con las letras y palabras, llamo al Planeta Saturno el "Señor de los Anillos" por una razón evidente. También es relacionable con un nombre tomado de la famosa historia de J.R.R. Tolkien en la que el Señor de los Anillos se llama "Sauron". Bien, pues la palabra "Saturno" es muy semejante a la palabra "Sauron". Si a "Saturno", siendo el dios de la cronología le quitamos la "t" de "tiempo" y ponemos el "no" al revés ( "on") da como resultado "Sauron". Mera curiosidad.


Introducción a Saturno Dimensiones de la órbita Tamaño Órbita, año Ciclo Sinódico Poema



En la sexta órbita el Planeta que lleva el nombre "Saturno" da vueltas alrededor de la Estrella Sol. 6 es el número base de nuestro sistema horario. Para hacernos una fácil idea de la distancia y dimensiones de la órbita de Saturno, entre el Sol y la órbita de Saturno caben prácticamente 4 órbitas y media de la Tierra. Es la longitud del radio de la órbita de Saturno. En esta imagen a escala puedes observarlo fácilmente.

laDimensión de la órbita de Saturno comparada con la de la Tierra

Como puedes observar, la longitud del Radio de la órbita de Saturno equivale 4'5 órbitas de la Tierra, si bien el número más exacto es 4'666. Esto supone que el diámetro de la órbita de Saturno equivale al doble: 9'333, y que en su circunferencia caben 29'3 órbitas terrestres. Y resulta que... Saturno tarda 29'5 años en completar su órbita. La media entre 29'3 y 29'5 es 29'4.

Otra forma de decirlo es que la órbita de Saturno mide 29'4 diámetros de la órbita de la Tierra mientras Saturno la recorre en 29'4 años. Sin duda una bella y armoniosa coincidencia entre el Planeta Agua y Saturno (no como vendrían a contar las historias mitológicas griegas) y entre los tamaños de sus órbitas, sus distancias y sus velocidades de traslación, todos ellos factores (además de otros) que contribuyen al mismo coctel.

Las armonías están ahí, a flor de piel espacial, listas para ser descubiertas a través de los números y simples operaciones aprendidas en casa (y en el cole). Un simple lenguaje universal, es decir, entendible por todas las razas, y conector de nuestro intelecto (cabeza) con nuestra intuición (corazón) a su vez conectora con el alma y espacio del universo en la que fluyen dinámicamente (sin conflictos) los astros, también seres vivientes, aunque la especie y dimensión humana (civilizada o natural) sean diferentes y dentro del abanico universal de formas de vida del Universo.


Introducción a Saturno Dimensiones de la órbita Tamaño Órbita, año Ciclo Sinódico Poema



Si ahora nos montamos en un rayo de luz que rebote en la Piel de la Tierra y viajamos en él al Sol, y desde ahí nos montamos en otro rayo de luz hacia la órbita de Saturno tardaríamos, SEGÚN el SEGUNdo, 1 hora y 15 minutos (1'25 horas como dice en la imagen anterior). Imaginemos que hace 1 hora y 15 minutos comenzamos el viaje y ya estamos a la altura de la órbita de Saturno. Ya podemos comparar los tamaños del Planeta Tierra y de Saturno.

El Señor de los Anillos
Planeta Aire, Agua, Tierra y Fuego
el la

Saturno tarda menos de 12 horas en dar un giro o rotación sobre sí mismo. Prácticamente 10'23 horas. Es semejante al caso de Júpiter. Así que el número de giros de Saturno en su órbita ha de resultar muy diferente al de la Tierra en la suya. Quizá de tal cálculo salgan números que descubran más misterios. Por ejemplo, cálculos como esos nos vienen a decir que 69 giros de Saturno son proporcionalmente como 1 giro de la Tierra.

Y ésta es una comparación de los tamaños del Sol y de Saturno.

Planeta Saturno, el Señor de los Anillos

En el siguiente vínculo puedes ver imágenes de los satélites de Saturno.


Introducción a Saturno Dimensiones de la órbita Tamaño Órbita, año Ciclo Sinódico Poema



Mientras Saturno da 1 vuelta al Sol, la Tierra da 29 y media, lo que es lo mismo: mientras el Planeta Aire y Agua en el que estamos cumple su órbita al Sol y nosotros sumamos -o no, por no sentirlo- un año, Saturno cubre la 29'5 parte de su órbita. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver la animación.

Órbita de Saturno
el   la

Esto lo diríamos como que Saturno tarda 29 años y medio en dar la vuelta al Sol. Cada 29 años y medio que cumplimos, si es que lo conseguimos, Saturno da una órbita al Sol. Así, si tienes 29 años y medio, Saturno acaba de cumplir una órbita desde que naciste, lo cual quiere decir que tienes 1 año saturniano. Si tienes menos de 29 años y medio, Saturno aún no ha completado su órbita, de modo que aún no has cumplido un año saturniano. Y si tienes 88 años y medio, tienes 3 años saturnianos de edad.

Aquí puedes ver la órbita de Urano, para compararla con la de Saturno.

Como puedes ver en la animación, a cada órbita de la Tierra se marca un punto en la órbita de Saturno. Dos de esos puntos delimitan la sección de su órbita que recorre Saturno mientras la Tierra completa los 360 grados de la suya.

Si observamos a Saturno durante 29 años y medio desde el punto de vista central del Sistema planetario, desde el Sol, o desde la misma Isla Tierra, podemos verlo completando un movimiento de oscilación o bamboleo. Es el efecto ilusorio resultante del hecho de que los planetas están inclinados con respecto al plano de sus órbitas. Tal inclinación de Saturno nos permite verlo en todas sus facetas durante 29 años y medio, y por eso unas veces podemos ver los anillos y otras veces no. No los vemos cuando el plano de los anillos extendido al Espacio corta por la Tierra y coincide con nuestra línea de visión.

Sombra de los anillos de Saturno sobre su propia superficie El plano de los anillos de Saturno apunta hacia nuestra línea de visión y apenas los vemos

Así mismo, si el llamado "año luz" es la DISTANCIA que recorre la luz en 1 año, que es una órbita de la Tierra al Sol, se puede comprender fácilmente que la distancia de un "año luz saturniano" es 29'5 veces más larga, o dicho de otra forma, es un año luz terrestre estirado 29 veces y media. Así, si los astrónomos o astrofísicos desde la Tierra han calculado que alguna estrella está a 29'5 años luz de distancia del Sol, quiere decir que está a 1 año luz saturniano del Sol. Posiblemente no haya astrofísicos ni astrónomos humanos en Saturno (y quizá sí haya saturnianos en el Planeta Tierra), pero un año luz de Saturno es así.

Otro ciclo natural relacionado con el número 29'5 es el Ciclo Sin�dico de la Luna, su ciclo de fases, que es de 29'5 días. Y dado que 29'5 años son 365 partes de 29'5 días, quiere decir que mientras Saturno da 1 órbita al Sol la Luna cumple 365 de sus ciclos de fases, o que, si la Luna se trasladara por la órbita de Saturno y se mantuvieran las condiciones de su movimiento alrededor de la Tierra (lo cual no es posible), completaría 365 días sinódicos dando 365 giros sobre sí misma.

Aquí, por tanto, encontramos una misteriosa relación entre Saturno y la Luna. Igualmente 2 órbitas de Saturno son 59 años, y 59 días es la medida de un día de Mercurio.

El planeta Saturno es famoso por sus anillos, al menos en la Tierra. Aunque no es el único que los tiene. Sin embargo, sí es el único del cual podemos distinguirlos observando con un telescopio. Si volamos hasta Saturno y nos colocamos sobre él podemos ver su sombra proyectada en sus anillos, y su sombra daría una vuelta completa simultáneamente a la órbita de Saturno durante 29 años y medio. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver una animación.


Introducción a Saturno Dimensiones de la órbita Tamaño Órbita, año Ciclo Sinódico Poema



La Nave Tierra circula por una órbita inmersa en la de Saturno. La Tierra se traslada mucho más rápido y cubre los 360 grados de su órbita (año) al tiempo que Saturno cubre sólo unos 13 grados de la suya. Esto hace que la Tierra pase entre el Sol y Saturno cada año y 13 días. Es una alineación o conjunción en la que ambos están al mismo lado del Sol. En el año 2011 esto ocurre el 4 de abril.

Ciclo sinódico de Saturno medido desde la Tierra

Durante las semanas anteriores y posteriores al 4 de abril de 2011 podemos ver a Saturno desde el lado de sombra de la Tierra (la noche). En la medianoche del 4 de febrero lo vemos justo hacia el sur (si estamos en el hemisferio norte), y hacia el norte (si estamos en el hemisferio sur).

Esta Firma del Firmamento en nuestro Barrio planetario ocurre cada 378 días, que es 1 año y 13 días durante los que la Nave Tierra realiza una órbita completa (360 grados) y unos 13 grados más (13 días) porque Saturno también cubre unos 13 grados de su órbita. Durante 1 segundo la Nave Tierra se desplaza 30 kms, y el Señor de los Anillos cubre 9,5 kms aunque en una órbita que es 9 veces más amplia que la de la Tierra. Tal periodo de 378 días es lo que técnicamente se da en llamar "Ciclo Sinódico de Saturno" medido desde la Tierra de un encuentro a otro emtre ambos planetas, de un sínodo a otro (y de ahí el término "sinódico") que son dos encuentros al mismo lado del Sol.

Si durante la alineación de ambos al mismo lado del Sol nos situamos imaginativamente a un lado y detrás de Saturno, contemplamos más o menos esta escena:

laMontaje de la alineación Saturno, Tierra y Sol del 9 de marzoel

El año real de Saturno es de 29'5 años terrestres. Como se ve, la diferencia con 378 días es grande. Si hacemos el sencillo cálculo correspondiente podemos comprobar que durante una órbita de Saturno (29'5 años terrestres) la Tierra se coloca un número determinado de veces entre el Sol y Saturno. Tal número forma otro ciclo. Si tal número no nos resulta entero podemos sumarlo a sí mismo hasta "integrarlo" (o racionalizarlo como "integer") y crear así un ciclo sólido en el que pueden estar acoplados otros ciclos de otros planetas como compases dentro de compases mayores en una partitura... Tal es la naturaleza de los ciclos sin principio ni final y que pueden "reproducirse" indefinidamente como ruedas dentro de ruedas.

Cada planeta tiene su ciclo sinódico correspondiente, tanto la Luna como Mercurio, Venus, Marte o Neptuno. Entre tales ciclos de tales planetas pueden haber coincidencias y sincronías. Así mismo el propio Planeta Tierra tiene su ciclo sinódico si lo observamos desde los demás planetas, como de hecho desde el propio Saturno, pues la Tierra no es el centro del universo aunque tiene todo el universo a su alrededor, como cualquier punto.

Con el año 2011 de la era romana cristiana en nuestra memoria, el fin/inicio de Ciclo Sinódico de Saturno se produce el día 4 de abril (de 2011), 13 días después que el del año 2010. Y el siguiente, en el 2012, es 13 días después del 4 de abril: el 17 de abril, y será la última alineación de Gea con Saturno en el actual Gran Ciclo Maya antes de su final y reinicio el 21 de diciembre de 2012.

Reply  Message 4 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:00

Saturno (mitología)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Para otros usos de este término, véase Saturno.

En la mitología romana Saturno (en latín Saturnus) era un importante dios de la agricultura y la cosecha. Fue identificado en la antigüedad con el dios griego Crono, entremezclándose con frecuencia los mitos de ambos.

Aunque Saturno cambió enormemente con el tiempo debido a la influencia de la mitología griega, era también una de las pocas deidades claramente romanas que retuvieron elementos de su función original. Como escribió Thomas Paine:

Nos es imposible saber en qué momento comenzó la mitología pagana, pero es cierto, desde la evidencia interna que incluye, que no empezó en el mismo estado ni condición en el que terminó. Todos los dioses de esa mitología, salvo Saturno, eran de moderna invención. El supuesto reinado de Saturno fue anterior al que se llama mitología pagana, siendo hasta entonces una especie de teísmo que admitía la creencia en un solo Dios. Se supone que Saturno abdicó del trono en favor de sus tres hijos y una hija, Júpiter, Plutón, Neptuno y Juno; tras esto, miles de otros dioses y semidioses fueron creados imaginariamente, y el calendario de dioses creció tan rápido como el calendario de santos y el de cortes ha crecido desde entonces.



[editar] Mito

Saturno es el hijo menor de Coelus, el Cielo, y de la antigua Tellus, la Tierra. Tras derrocar a su padre, Saturno obtuvo de su hermano mayor Titán el favor de reinar en su lugar. Titán puso una condición: que Saturno debía matar a toda su descendencia, para que la sucesión del trono se reservase a sus propios hijos.

Saturno se casó con Ops (Rea), con quien tuvo varios hijos que devoró ávidamente, como había convenido con su hermano. Sabiendo además que un día sería a su vez destronado por uno de sus hijos, exigía a su esposa que le diese a los recién nacidos. Sin embargo, Ops logró salvar a Júpiter. Éste, una vez adulto, hizo la guerra a su padre, derrotándole y expulsándole del cielo. Así la dinastía de Saturno perduró en detrimento de la de Titán.

Se dice que Saturno quedó reducido a la condición de simple mortal, yendo a refugiarse al Lacio, donde puso orden entre los hombres salvajes y les dio leyes.

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/03/2012 15:37
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/03/2012 15:40

The New Atlantis was first published in 1627, as a kind of appendix to the Sylva Sylvarum, a natural history in ten centuries.  On the title page is a curious design.  It shows the figure of an ancient creature representing Time drawing a female figure from a dark cavern.  The meaning is obvious: Through time, the hidden truth shall be revealed.  This figure is one of the most famous of the seals or symbols of the Order of the Quest.  Contained within it is the whole promise of the resurrection of man, and the restitution of the divine theology.

Rawley writes in his introduction to Bacon’s the New Atlantis, “This fable My Lord devised, to the end that he might exhibit therein, a model or description of a college, instituted for the interpreting of nature, and the producing of great and marvelous works, for the benefit of men; under the name of Solomon’s house, or the college of the six days work.”

The college of the six days work is, of course, a thinly veiled reference to the perfection of nature through art.  The six days are the days of creation by which the natural world was brought into existence, according to the account given in Genesis.  As God created the Universe in six symbolic days, so man by art–that is, philosophy–must create the condition of his own perfection by means of six philosophical steps.

The name of the land in which stood the Wise Man’s City was Bensalem; this means the Son of Peace. Bensalem maintained a trade with all parts of the world, but not for gold, silver, jewels, silks, spices, nor any other material commodity;  its merchandise was the Light of Truth.  Among the nations traded with was Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America.

Religion, science, and philosophy are the three parts of essential learning.  A government based upon one or even two of these parts must ultimately degenerate into a tyranny, either of men or opinion.  These three realize the unity of knowledge;  they are the orders of the Quest…The supreme human purpose is the perfection of man. This must come first, and when this end has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow….These three [religion, science, philosophy], then, are the orders of the Quest.  Together they can bring about the perfection of man through the discovery of the Plan for man…..One of the great secrets of antiquity was this realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the Quest in all the branches of learning.  The great philosophers of the past were truly great because they approached the problem of life as priest-philosopher-scientist.  The title “The Wise” is properly applied only to those in whose consciousness the unity of knowledge has been established as the pattern of the Quest.

It was part of the ancient plan that has descended to us to build again the ideal university–the college of the six days work.  Here would be taught the same arts and sciences that we teach today, but from a different basic premise.  Here men would learn that the sciences are as sacred as the theologies, and the philosophies are as practical as the crafts and trades.  Those mystical extra-sensory perceptions viewed with suspicion by the materialist would then be developed according to the disciplines of the sciences, and all learning would be consecrated to the supreme end that men become as the gods, knowing good and evil

David Ovason writes in regards to the truncated pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill:

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 235
“This ‘invisible’ symbolism recalls one important strain of arcane symbolism within Masonry itself, which maintains that the present era is that during which the Temple of Solomon is being rebuilt.  At the completion of this Temple, the present era will come to an end, and be succeeded by a more splendid spiritual era.

The Weeping Virgin

The ‘weeping Virgin’ is portrayed with Saturn which portrays in symbology the ‘resurrection of man’ or the new temple.

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 186

“…the celestial version of this Beautiful Virgin was the Virgin whom the Masons used in their mystery symbols of Washington D.C., the city of Virgo.  The important point is this: in some way, the Masonic fraternities of the United States have visualized their federal city as the founding stone not merely for the United States, but of the Fourth Ear, which will see the rebuilding, on the inner plane, of the Temple of Solomon.”…”Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciate of the arcane significance of Virgo.  It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C.  The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, that most enduring of Masonic symbols.  This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon.  Virgo is the star goddess weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 184

“It seems then, that the Beautiful Virgin is a representation of the Virgin of the skies, the celestial Virgo, and that in certain Masonic contexts she is represented as weeping.  The link between Virgo and Isis is nowhere more openly revealed than in this idea, for Isis was herself on of the two ‘weeping sisters.’  In some Masonic accounts, she is said to be weeping because she symbolizes the unfinished Temple – that is, the Temple of Solomon from which some Masonic fraternities still date the passage of the years.  Since the Masonic symbolism sees the building of the external Temple as representative of the building of the internal temple of spirit, it seems that the Virgin weeps either for the imperfections still in mankind or because the Temple is not yet finished.

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 186

“Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciation of the arcane significance of Virgo.  It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C.  The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, the most enduring of Masonic symbols.  This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill.  The pyramid is incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon:  Virgo is the star goddess weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”

The cabbalistic design of the great seal of the United States is seen with intimate connection to the Queen of Heavenclick here (Ashtoreth the wife of Saturn).

Notice the link between the pentagram and hexagram above the head of the eagle as seen above, both are linked to the seal of Solomon.  E Pluribus Unum refers back to the Bacchic rites of the ‘awakening’ of man where the resurrected Bacchus is seen as the flaming Sun which is seen above the head of the eagle which in reality is the Phoenix.


A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).

Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281

“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”

William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4.  “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes.  Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day rise triumphant.  This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”

Venus & the Phoenix

Apart from its brightness, the most distinctive feature of Venus is its cycle as a morning star and evening star. Accordingly, the Egyptians symbolized Venus as the Bennu, a heron-like bird commonly equated with the phoenix.  Venus represents Lucifer, the ‘morning star’.

Notice on the head of the eagle the little ‘tuft’ of feathers on the back of the head…this is not on an eagle but was placed there to allude to the phoenix.

Serpent Goddess

Children of the Matrix pg 146
“The serpent goddess is known under countless names around the world, including Diana, Artemis, Semiramis, Barit, Britannia, Hecate, Rhea, Persephone (‘First Serpent’) and so on.  These same names have also been used to symbolise esoteric concepts like the phases of the Moon and female energy, but at its foundation this goddess worship of the Illuminati would seem to relate to the DNA transmitted through the female and possibly originating in the constellation of Orion….this DNA source symbolised in various cultures as the Dragon Queens, the Orion Queen or Queens, and the ‘Snake Mother.’  Artemis is depicted with eggs all over her chest and she is associated with bees. One of the prime symbols of the Merovingian bloodline, so connected to Artemis/Diana worship, is the bee and the hive.

Children of the Matrix pg 147
Sir Laurence Gardner is a spokesman for the Imperial Royal Dragon Court an Order that represents the interests of the ‘Dragon bloodlines’ seeded by the DNA of the ‘Dragon Queens.’ He says that this symbolism and the theme of the Dragon Queens goes back to the ‘founding mother’ of the Annunaki he calls Tiamat, the Sea-dragon in Mesopotamian accounts.  These queens, he suggests, were commonly represented as mermaids and were called Ladies of the Lake.  Throughout the lands settled by former Atlantean-Lemurian peoples you find the worship of the serpent goddess and her serpent son, who is often symbolised as a bull.


Julius Caesar descendant of the Queen of Heaven

Reply  Message 5 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:02

Saturn = Rome

“SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saturn,” p. 231)

Romulus & Remus

Archaeologists say they have unearthed Lupercale-the sacred cave where, according to legend, a she-wolf nursed the twin founders of Rome and where the city itself was born.

According to myth, Lupercale is where a she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the twin sons of the war god Mars and mortal priestess Rhea Silvia, who had been abandoned in a cradle on the bank of the Tiber River…

Rome is said to have been founded by Romulus and Remus.  L.A. Waddell in the ‘British Edda’ points out that in the Edda text Rom is another name for Edin or Eden.  Rom or Romil was also a title of the Set and serpent worshippers of ancient Egypt. Waddell associates the ‘wolf tribe’ with the star Sirius (dog star).

British Edda L.A. Waddell pg 277
“Rome” Title for Eden & Mother-Son Cult

“Rom of the Edda is thus seen to have been a synonym for Eden and its Wolf-tribe priestess and Chaldee people.  This now appears to explain the legend that the mythical founders of the new Rome in Italy, Romulus and Remus, were ‘wolf suckled,’ suggesting that they were of the Mother-cult of the Wolf-Tribe of the Roms….Moreover, Rom or Romit was the title of the Set-Wolf and Serpent worshipping aborigines of Ancient Egypt.”

Egyptian Serpent Worship

In the Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria (‘City of the Serpent’s Son’) which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, Serapis was portrayed as a massive statue standing on a crocodile holding a staff with a serpent coiling around it.  At the top of the staff were the heads of a lion, dog, and wolf, all symbols of the serpent cult. {Return of the Serpent’s of Wisdom pg 56}

Wolf symbolism connected to Serpent Worship

While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek origins.  Later Roman writers like Plutarch suggested that it originated in Arcadia in southern Greece, where Lykaian Pan was worshiped (lykos is the Greek word for wolf). The Roman poet Virgil would turn that same Arcadia into an ideal image of Paradise, a lost Golden Age.

The ‘lost Golden Age’ is speaking of the days of Noah/’Atlantis’/the age of SaturnSaturn Days of Noah.  The origin of Lupercalia/Valentine’s day comes from these times.  Therefore, the myth of Romulus and Remus must be traced back much further than the days of Rome.


When thinking of dogs as deities few come to mind as quickly as Anubis (aka Anpu). While sometimes represented clearly as a dog, at other times he appears more like a jackal.

The most common representation appears like a cross between a dog and a jackal and/or wolf. The same image is commonly used to portray Wepwawet, another important if lesser known Egyptian deity. This portrayal has led some to believe that the Egyptians may have interbred domestic dogs with the wild dogs of Egypt, and in particular the jackal and wolf.

Anubis was one of the most ancient of Egyptian gods closely associated with funerary rites and the afterlife. He was guide to the dead and the one who weighted the souls of the deceased against the feather of Maat (truth and order). Socrates referred to Anubis when he swore “by the Dog of Egypt.”

While the Greeks called Anubis sacred city Cynopolis, the city of Wepwawet was known as Lycopolis “Wolf City.” The original king of the dead before Osiris took that position, Wepwawet was intimately connected with Egyptian royalty. The Lord of the Dead in Egyptian religion was the King of Kings and Wepwawet’s original honor survived in his placement on two of the four royal standards. The king’s standard, the shedshed with the form of the royal placenta had an image of Wepwawet and was used to lead Pharaoh’s armies into battle. It was also supposed to carry Pharaoh into heaven after his death. Wepwawet’s own standard was the other of the four, and represented Upper Egypt, the unification of the two lands and the Egyptian nobility.

Like Anubis, Wepwawet appeared to be associated at various times with the wolf, dog and jackal and often with an apparent cross of these types.

Another prominent god who appeared most often in dog form was Set. Also an ancient god, Set’s popularity declined with time. He was a god of the desert and the storm and was best known for his conflict with Osiris, and the latter’s son Horus. Although portrayed as a number of animals and also as a human with possibly an aardvark’s head, Set in full animal form was usually represented as a dog.

One hieroglyph variant of his name has an image of his dog form somewhat resembling a greyhound.
Originally Set was the equal of Osiris, but as that god and his son Horus rose in popularity, Set became more demonic in quality. He was symbolized Lower Egypt until the Hyksos invaders adopted him as their patron god. After the Hyksos were driven from Egypt, Set became the practical equivalent of the devil.

The indigenous people of the Americas revered the wolf, coyote and the domestic dog.

Some tribes were known as the “Wolf People” like the Mohican or Mohegan. The Pawnee were known by other tribes by a similar name. Numerous tribes had wolf divisions or bands. Also, animist wolf societies were very pervasive and widespread.

It is interesting to note that while the ancient Egyptians associated the star Sirius with the dog calling it the “Dog Star,” the Pawnee knew Sirius as the “Wolf Star.” Medicine men and shamans donned wolf clothing before rituals.

Dog worship extended into Central and South America also. One of the important concepts here is that of the nahuali or animal twin. Not only humans but gods had nahauli. The twin of Quetzalcoatl, the Toltec god of goodness and light, was the dog god Xolotl. The latter was a guide of the dead and of the Sun, and also the personification of the planet Venus, the most important Mesoamerican planet/star.

In Mesoamerican art, Xolotl is portrayed as a man with a dog’s head. He is said to have created a protector and guide for humans in the underworld in the form of the hairless dog, the Xoloitzcuintle.

Among most Turko-Mongol and Siberian peoples, the wolf and dog hold a very high place. One of the most well-known traditions in this regard is the descent of the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan from the wolf and the doe.

In Siberia, along with many cases of people who claim the wolf as ancestor one will also find many who claim descent from the dog.

Dogs in ‘Ur of the Chaldees’

Bau was originally one of the three main deities of the Sumerian pantheon. She is portrayed as a dog-headed goddess of healing and life. Dogs are her sacred animals with dog and puppy burials found at her temples.

The belief that a dog’s licking of wounds aided healing seems connected with Bau’s position of goddess of physicians.

With the rise of the goddess Inanna in Sumerian religion, Bau and her various manifestations began to be assimilated by Inanna. The latter goddess had seven hunting dogs. Her husband Dumuzi is also said to have black royal dogs in the story of Inanna’s descent into the underworld.


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/03/2012 16:26

Hermes & Saturn

Hermes connection to satan
Zeus the all powerful intervened saying he had been watching and Hermes should return the cattle to Apollo. As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre. The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre. Apollo later became the grand master of the instrument, and it also became one of his symbols. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. Hermes was also credited with inventing the flute. Apollo, also desired this instrument, so Hermes bartered with Apollo and received his golden wand which Hermes later used as his heralds staff.

Hermes – Ancient Mystery School Teachings – the Hermetic Orders – which is linked with Alchemy of Consciousness – Moving to a higher frequency of thought – Releasing the Hermetic seals at the End of Time – Or the Illusion of Time – the release of the soul from the physical form.

Hermes was the Master of all arts and sciences, perfect in all crafts, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of the Gods, and Keeper of the Books of Life, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus – the Three Times, the “First Intelligencer” – was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the embodiment of the Universal Mind.

Hermes is known as the trickster
The trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is he, through his creations that destroy, points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, to cause us to question not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded needs to be torn down built anew. He is the Destroyer of Worlds at the same time the savior of us all.

Hermes and Saturn

Planet Saturn and the Trickster
Saturn, the grim reaper, rules responsibilities, restrictions, limitations, and the lessons you must learn in life. He does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, or good fortune, but he does demand that these things be given structure and meaning. The karmic lessons we have come to experience and overcome in this lifetime are expressed by Saturn. Saturn is a great teacher if you allow it to be so. If you resist, then you feel like you have been dealing with the Trickster. It takes spiritual maturity to move beyond the challenges of the Trickster and to embrace Saturn the Teacher.


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/06/2012 15:18

Reply  Message 6 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:06
Awesome pics


The Black Cube Cult
“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”

- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.

The Hypercube is the Tesseract

The Kaaba

A Jewish Rabbi wearing a black cube

Saturn was said to rule Atlantis

The Black Cube is used by the Masons to cast a no vote for an applicant


Malevich Black Square


The Hadron collider is an octagon

Just as this pin of Saint Louis IX wife


Everything is Connected and there are no
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/08/2012 23:25
The pillars are not material, for sure they were represented many times as for eg in Solomon temple, we've got
also the legend of TubalCain and Hiram Abiff or the pillars of Hercules, legends encrypt knowledge for the initiates.
The pillars encrypt the knowledge of Hermes, Toth, the baboon, the moon mon-key.
Boaz - Aquarius - Boaz - Moon



Blue-Toth - Blue-tooth rune, same VW beetle codex, the valnut rune which is called the death knot, the world knot comes from nut, nuts which are seeds are the highest source of zinc the philosopher's stone - open sesame 9 = 1001 binary nights.
So if we go to the particular zinc molecule we find the Borromean rings, the rings of the Lord which is clearly the Demiurge.
What were Jachin and Boaz Sol-o-mon temple pillars made of ? Sol = Sun O = 15 =1111 MON= MON-KEY
Brass same material of Moses serpent, and alloy of copper and zinc which together with sulfate make the galvanic natural battery, Lucifer's Demiurge light key.


Nordic human sacrifice under the Valknut - underworld key




Zinc molecule - hexagonal - triquetra - Valknut


Borromean rings as elipses


Saturn rings


Saturn hexagonal north pole - Nasa picture
Planet number 6 - counterclockwise spiral rotation - start from the outside, number of the beast and man


The rings of power and the two towers of Tolkien - Jachin and Boaz



glowing mushrooms


Numerous instances are on record of Seton's projections, the majority of which were verified by multiple observers. On one occasion, while in Holland, he went with some friends from the house at which he was residing to undertake an alchemical experiment at another house near by. On the way there, a quantity of ordinary zinc was purchased, and reportedly Seton succeeded in projecting the zinc into pure gold by the application of his powder. A similar phenomenon occurred at Cologne, and even the most extreme torture could not wring the secret from him.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/philosophe ... z1trpneEMo

So lets make gold



Reply  Message 7 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:08
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/08/2012 14:09

13.000 dead predicted by the David Scarab Rockefeller foundation at London Olympic games together with the planet final Bankrupt.
13.000 - 13 based and the occult Zodiac doomsday number of Ophiuchus the serpent.

The question comes to be, will CCTV Israel based company cameras work after the 7/7 Metro bombing failure ?

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2 ... pics-video

Quote :

http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/up ... 7cc719.pdf


An economically unstable and shock-prone
world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive,
and dangerous innovations emerge
Devastating shocks like September 11, the
Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, and the
2010 Haiti earthquake had certainly primed
the world for sudden disasters. But no one
was prepared for a world in which large-scale
catastrophes would occur with such breathtaking
frequency. The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed
the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012
Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000, was
followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia
killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped
out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China
Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium
drought linked to climate change.
Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly
asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put
enormous pressure on an already overstressed
global economy that had entered the decade
still in recession. Massive humanitarian relief
efforts cost vast sums of money, but the primary
sources—from aid agencies to developed-world
governments—had run out of funds to offer.
Most nation-states could no longer afford their
locked-in costs, let alone respond to increased
citizen demands for more security, more
healthcare coverage, more social programs and
services, and more infrastructure repair. In
2014, when mudslides in Lima buried thousands,
only minimal help trickled in, prompting the
Economist headline: “Is the Planet Finally

http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/up ... 7cc719.pdf

Note how this scarab is saved under the 1111 code in Forbes magazine




The Lion/cat beast Saturn/Orion 6 marriage with the beauty Venus/ Isis 9 begat Horus the beast child or the antichrist.
9 + 6 = 15 = 1111 binary
9-11 galactic center coordinates towards the solar system in El sun God even symmetry key of the rhombic dodecahedron.
Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 22 of 105 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/08/2012 16:27

Magic square coins, one figure represents Leo and the sun, the lower one is

a conjunction of planets. The 4-sqaure magic square is the Jupiter square. Thanks

for the info. about the Siberian shamansic traditions, I`d only studied the historic ones.


A "sigil" is actually the signature of the spirit. Some crop circle formations resemble the sigils used by

the alchemists. The Kabbalists used the sigils of the archangels.

From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com
Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 23 of 105 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/11/2012 11:52
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/11/2012 22:45
Además, por todo el mundo se encuentran sitios donde, según se alega, nació este dios, caminó, sufrió, murió, etc., una ocurrencia común que no fue monopolizada, y no fue originada con la Cristiandad.



Zeus - el Rey de los Dioses

" En 1968, una investigación hecha por A. M. Molchanov reveló que el sistema solar entero era una estructura resonante quantum puesta a punto, con Júpiter siendo su principal conductor".

El historiador griego Herodoto asoció al dios griego, Zeus, y al dios romano Júpiter Amon, con el dios egipcio, Osiris. Amon, en la mitología egipcia, siendo el dios-hombre con cabeza de carnero, es más a menudo representado con barba ceremonial, como icónico a la majestad de Júpiter hacia Aries, el Carnero.

En Jerusalén, esto también coincidió con el nacimiento de Jesús (Je-Zeus), el Cordero de dios, cuando Júpiter entró en Aries, alrededor de 6 A.C., incluyendo entonces el re-posicionamiento reposición de la Edad de Aries de la cual el Sol había pasado por más de dos mil años hacia la nueva Edad de Piscis, el Pez.

Antes de que Jesús pareciera un dios Carnero, como Serapis y Zeus,

él fue muchas veces pintado sin barba y juvenil, como Apolo,

o como un Hierofante Pagano de los misterios Eleusinianos.


El Pez, Júpiter y el Zodíaco


<> El Pez de Piscis, representado por el 12avo signo del Zodíaco, encapsulado con dos medias lunas, una creciente y otra menguante, es uno de los símbolos más antiguos usado por los tempranos cristianos para identificarse con el nuevo rey de los dioses, como se distingue como el "Pescador de hombres".

Los Apóstoles Pedro, Santiago, Andrés y Juan fueron adicionalmente retratados como pescadores. En el siglo II, uno del tempranos padres cristianos, Tertulio, escribió de esta manera:

"Pero nosotros, los cristianos, somos peces pequeños, según el tipo de nuestro gran Pez, Jesús Cristo, nacido en el agua".

Los himnos populares se referían después a Jesús como "el Pequeño Pez que la Virgen cogió en la Fuente".

Sin embargo, en griego, los Peces fueron conocidos como "Icthys", que también después llegó a ser el icono para Jesús en hebreo, usado después como un acróstico del griego “Iesous Cristos Theou Hyios Soter" o "Jesús Cristo de Dios el Sol/Hijo (Sun/Son), el Salvador". Este Ichthys, pez del agua, también se conoció como descendencia del Sol del antiguo mar y diosa Luna, que por mucho tiempo fueron una figura central de muchas mitologías muy tempranas que giraban alrededor del zodíaco, cuando Júpiter entró en Aries, el Carnero, a través de Piscis.

Este símbolo del pez estaba virtualmente atado a una serie de antiguas deidades Lunares, debido a esta órbita lunar que gobierna el mar y las mareas, como según Plinio, junto con la intercesión de los Cielos, también se volvió una profesión sostenida exclusivamente por mujeres que promulgaron los cambios de estaciones y la cosecha, así como el diseño de calendarios que predecían eclipses y prediciendo el futuro. Aun en uno de los santuarios más importantes y más antiguos en Grecia, el “Delphos/Delphi", que también quería decir "Ballena" y "Útero", de donde el Oráculo de Pythia (Pitonisa) recibía sus profecías y donde los griegos consultaban antes de tomar decisiones importantes.

Plutarco, afamado sacerdote en Delfos hizo el recuento que, después de que el dios Sol, Apolo derrotó a Pitón y presidió sobre Delfos durante 9 meses, que la Urna fue después, entonces fijada y designada de nuevo a los a las Menadas de Dionisio para la preparación del renacimiento. En los Misterios Eleusinianos de la diosa Demeter, la iniciación incluía un bautizo en agua de mar, significando esto el renacimiento, con un saludo a la ascensión de la Luna nueva después haber tenido lugar de tres noches de cielos oscuros.

El escritor romano Apuleius incluso relató que la diosa Afrodita Salacia era el útero de los peces pululando que llevaba al reencarnado dios Sol Palaemon, así como Empedocles conjuró el agua como para manifestar las lágrimas de la diosa Persophone. En India, fue Vritas y Danu, o en Persia, se convirtió en la diosa Anahita, que gobernó las aguas.

En Babilonia fue el cuento Solar de la diosa-pez Derceto/Atargatis con el dios Oannes/Joannes, también incluyendo a Nammu y Tiamat. En el cuento Bíblico, como Jesús, nacido de María, de donde viene Marino, o donde viene el agua se le envió a través de Oannes/Jonah, quien alegóricamente hizo la misma hazaña dentro del Útero/Tumba del Mamífero marino más grande del mundo.

Yahweh concluyó igualmente en el Antiguo Testamento, subyugando a la Serpiente marina Leviatán ( “Ballena" en hebreo). La sediciosa evolución del historiador natural, Charles Darwin también dio énfasis a esta creencia implicando que el útero gestante del acuoso gestando era igualmente interdependiente de los ritmos
lunares de las mareas, vinculando nuestra herencia y orígenes al mar.

"porque, cuando Jonás estaba en la barriga del pez tres días y tres noches, así el Hijo de Hombre estará en el corazón de la tierra tres días y tres noches".

- Mateo12:40

Como acompañado por la historia del pez de Jesús, ayudando milagrosamente a sus discípulos a hacer una captura de 153 peces, este mismo hecho también es extrañamente logrado por Pitágoras quinientos años más temprano en una antigua leyenda registrada por el neo-platonista Porfirio. El propio Pitágoras prediciendo el número exacto de peces a ser cogidos, con el número 153 siendo un número sagrado Pitagórico, asociado con el "Vesica Piscis" o "Envase del Pez ".

Cuando la circunferencia de un círculo toca el centro del otro, ambos se combinan para producir el pez, o la proporción de altura a la longitud de esta forma, que es 153:265, una fórmula conocida a Arquímedes y era una muy potente herramienta matemática, siendo la aproximación más cercana al número entero del triángulo equilátero. Los eclesiásticos más tarde tuvieron que formular una narrativa para explicar por que estaban usando tal simbolismo, y por el siglo IX, el ideograma del pez había sido parcialmente todo menos abandonado, dadas sus conexiones paganas con Icthys y Júpiter.

Incluso en griego, el nombre para Jesús, siendo Iesous, es muy similar al nombre del mismo Zeus/Jupiter. Cuando Acharya S describió a Zeus, aka "Zeus Pateras", de quien nosotros ahora automáticamente creemos que es un mito y no una figura histórica, toma su nombre de la versión india, "Dyaus Pitar". Dyaus Pitar, a su vez, se relaciona a su vez al "Ptah egipcio", y de Pitar y Ptah viene el palabra "pater”, o "padre". Zeus, es igual que "Dyaus", que se convirtió en "Deos" “Deus" y "Dios".

"Zeus Pateras", como Dyaus Pitar, significa, "Dios el Padre", un concepto muy antiguo que de ninguna manera se originó con "Jesús" y la Cristiandad. En el Hinduismo (una de las religiones vivientes más antiguas) Krishna/Cristona también fue llamado "Khrist-os" siglos antes de que algún carácter judía fuera llamado de forma similar.


Cristianos adoptan la Navidad

" La idea de un canon completo y bien definido del Nuevo Testamento existiendo desde el principio, es decir desde los tiempos Apostólicos, no tiene ningún fundamento en la historia. El Canon del Nuevo Testamento, así como del Antiguo, es el resultado de un desarrollo, de un proceso simultáneamente estimulado por disputas con los incrédulos, tanto dentro y fuera de la Iglesia, y retardado por ciertas oscuridades y vacilaciones naturales, y que no alcanzó su término final hasta la definición dogmática del Concilio de Tridentino.”

- Enciclopedia católica

Durante los primeros tres siglos, el cuerpo colectivo de todos los cristianos, incluyendo el clero, conocían muy poco acerca del cumpleaños de Jesús, hasta el siglo IV, así como actualmente, todavía no hay ninguna evidencia bíblica que siquiera declare que el cumpleaños de Jesús es el 25 de diciembre. Simplemente no hay ninguna confirmación histórica externa para la historia, fuera del Nuevo Testamento, o con relatos que son internamente contradictorios.


Solsticio de Invierno

El más importante festival de invierno que los antiguos, sin embargo, sí celebraban, particularmente los arios, era cuando el Sol alcanzaba el punto más lejano
al sur del ecuador, comenzando el 21 de diciembre y terminando el 25 de diciembre. Esto era visto como la renovación del Sol todos los años, y aparecía en su posición más al sur, directamente sobre el Trópico de Capricornio (23 grados 27 minutos latitud sur) en el hemisferio Norte.

El solsticio de invierno también se convirtió en el cumpleaños de múltiples dioses resucitantes de fertilidad, incluso Attis, Frey, Thor, Dionisio, Osiris, Adonis, Mithra, Tammuz, Cernunnos, como se mencionó anteriormente.


Los romanos también celebraban el festival de Saturnalia, del 17 de diciembre al 24, para honrar al dios griego, Saturno, y se originó como una celebración de acción de gracias para conmemorar las plantaciones de invierno, que consistía en un período de buena voluntad, consagrado a visitar a los amigos e intercambio de regalos.

De finales de invierno hasta el equinoccio de la primavera eran los "40 días", que después se convirtieron en la cuaresma cristiana.

Reply  Message 8 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:10
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/12/2012 23:45
Awesome pics


The Black Cube Cult
“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”

- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.

The Hypercube is the Tesseract

The Kaaba

A Jewish Rabbi wearing a black cube

Saturn was said to rule Atlantis

The Black Cube is used by the Masons to cast a no vote for an applicant


Malevich Black Square


The Hadron collider is an octagon

Just as this pin of Saint Louis IX wife


Everything is Connected and there are no
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/12/2012 05:35
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/12/2012 05:45

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:12
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/05/2013 23:36
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 17/05/2013 23:39
 Source of Measure

After many years of studying the metrology of ancient monuments around the world, we have recovered what we consider to be significant mathematical correlations between the dimensions geometry, and geographic locations of many of the great sites of antiquity.

 The following article is an encapsulation of the framework we presently regard as the Canon of Measure, the basic tool of decoding the monuments. The Canon unifies Time, Distance and Number with the dynamics of Nature. The far reaching implications of the framework from which the Canon is derived are beyond the scope of this brief presentation, however the authors welcome further inquiry into the potentials of its application in many disciplines: art, architecture, ancient literature, and the physical sciences as well.

From all the legends since the days of yore
Saturn, old Chronos, will tell us more.
The measure in the cadence beat
in sound and light makes all compleat!
Saturn, source of measure.

— Bernard Pietsch, August 15, 1997

Saturn, Source of Measure
Of all the planets in the solar system, Saturn is the most rigorous, the most regular and the most stable in its orbit. Its path exhibits the least deviation and is able to absorb the perturbations and disturbances of space more than any other body in the solar system. Saturn is imperturbable.

Also known as Kronos, Saturn is the Time Keeper of the solar family. Saturn's orbital performance provides a dependable gauge against which Earth's fluctuations in space can be observed, for only against a reliable standard can deviation, development, growth, or decline be measured. From our position on Earth, when it appears that Saturn is off schedule, so to speak, we can be fairly certain that it is we who are off. Saturn acts as a good mirror for planet Earth's capricious dance through space.

As we might suspect, Saturn dramatically demonstrates the pervasiveness of the Golden Proportion in our solar system. Known as Phi, 1.618122977 or .618, the Golden Proportion is the framework origin of all Nature. Though only an abstraction, it is through comparison with this mean, that we establish the individuality of any natural event or living geometry. The identity of a plant for example, is recognizable by its individual adaptation to or departure from the Golden Mean—Nature's guarantee of individuality within the law.

Numerically, the Golden Number is expressed as the minutes in Saturn's rotational day, 618. Geometrically it is exemplified on a planetary level by the conjunction period of Saturn and Jupiter. Every twenty years or so, Saturn conjuncts with Jupiter at the phi point or .618 mark of its orbit. In other words, when Jupiter completes one revolution around the Sun plus .618 of its next 360 orbit, it is closely aligned or conjunct with Saturn. From Earth we see Jupiter and Saturn together in the heavens. After twenty more years we will again see them close in the sky but advanced about 222+ degrees or the phi proportion of the orbital circuit of the heavens.

Sacred and Phenomenal Measures
The essentials of the measurement system we are about to unfold could be derived from close observation of any natural event or structure. But our ringed celestial neighbor Saturn is a particularly eloquent model. As a planetary resource it sets the standard of timing for the solar system. From Saturn we will build the system of measures we refer to as the Canon of Measure. (See previous references on website.)

As you can see, the Canon is formulated in perfect units, yet perfect units are not perceivable in the natural world. Like the Golden Number, the Canon is an abstraction against which the physical world can be measured. For example, number concepts like the mean solar day of 1440 minutes, the year of 365 1/4 days, the lunar year of 354 days etc., are average periods. In reality the lengths of these periods vary slightly from day to day and year to year. But without the mean as concept, it would be difficult to establish just how much any one day or any one year does deviate.

Just how the Canon of Measure was transmitted historically,we cannot say. But we can always recover the Canon by going to the works themselves. The works are the evidence: temples, tombs, monuments and other sacred art forms are the repository of the concepts, and they are available to all.

Besides architectural remnants, some ancient literature also conveys sacred measures. Often the form is illusive and indirect. Herodotus for example, 4th Century B.C. Greek historian, exhibits an elaborate facility with words which is at times both circuitous and vexing. In his description of the Lake Moeris in section 149 of Book II The History, we find a coded reference to Saturn's function as the foundation of measure. Herodotus tells us that Lake Moeris, "a work even more astonishing than the Labyrinths," was sixty shones or 3600 furlongs in circumference. After his description of the Lake, Herodotus assigns numerical values to the furlong, the cubit, and the palm. (These figures may have been corrupted in translation, or perhaps Herodotus is trifling with us as he rarely gives significant information directly.)

Using the conventional or phenomenal unit of a furlong, 660 feet, the figure of 3600 furlongs is unengaging. Herodotus' intended communication becomes transparent when the Canon furlong of 657.27 feet is invoked. The numbers become instantly significant when it is seen that the Lake Moeris is a veiled reference to Saturn. The feet in 3600 Canon furlongs divided by ten is equal to the number of miles in Saturn's circumference: 236,617.2 miles. This figure is the numerical basis for developing a system of Earth measures relative to Saturn and its performance. We'll be seeing it again shortly.

The History is filled with literary absurdities and ruse which double as vehicles for coded information. Many of the keys to unveiling Canon values are given right in the language of his accounts, especially in his various and lengthy enumerations. The phrases "well worthy of notice" or "very worthy of mention" or "well deserves to be described" alert the reader to pay close attention to what is about to follow. Directions for manipulating the figures given are often inferred in such words as "subterranean passage," "ditch," or "tunnel" which can mean take the reciprocal of the number just given. The use of the word "generation" refers to the use of multiplication. "Round about" or "all around" indicates use of the circle as degrees or fractions thereof. A phrase concerning a certain number of "days journey" suggests that the total number of hours or minutes during that period may be a significant key figure.

Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Cannon measures as cosmic values.

One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.

K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)

For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:

360 Days
525816 Minutes
8763.6 Hours
24.34333 Hours
1460.6 Minutes
87636 Seconds


The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20+ minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time.

Equatorial Earth Measures
Derived from the Circumference of Saturn
How are linear units of Earth measure derived from Saturn? Each unit as standard will reflect some connection with Saturn, and because they are commensurate with each other, all equatorial Earth measures can be derived, from just two primary units:

    The number of feet to the ancient Canon mile, 5258.16, and The number of Canon miles in the circumference of the Earth as 25,000.

(The number of miles in the Earth's equator at 25,000 is taken from the Sacred Cubit of 25 inches.) (Clarke Spheroid: 24,901.55 miles @ 5280 feet/mile.)

We begin with the primary unit for measuring the Earth—the second of arc at the Equator. We again look to Saturn for the length of this unit. Saturn's daily rotational period is 10 hours 14 minutes and 35 seconds. Expressed decimally it is the number 10.1430555. Multiply this by 10 to arrive at 101.430555. Taken as feet, we now have the number of feet to the second of arc on the Earth's equator. Notice K within the number?

If we allow the testimony of Herodotus that there were "eight gods who existed before the rest," and that these eight were the gods of Measure, each is represented by one eighth of the circle or 45. Divide the foundation of measure, Saturn's circumference 236617.2 by 45 and we arrive at the ancient value for the number of feet in the Canon mile.

236617.2 / 45 = 5258.16 feet

(Recall that this number, 5258.16 times 100 is also the same as the minutes in the Cosmic Year.)

Using the framework of the 360 circle of 1,296,000 seconds or 21,600 minutes of arc, the number of feet to the second of arc (101.430555) and the number of feet to the Canon mile (5258.16), we can now develop all the Earth Equatorial units:

CIRCUMFERENCE (360 degrees) 
25,000 miles
40,000 kilometers
200,000 furlongs
131,454,000 feet
69.4444444 miles
111.111111 kilometers
555.555555 furlongs
365150 feet
ONE MINUTE OF ARC: 6085.833 feet
ONE SECOND OF ARC: 101.430555 feet or 1217.1666 inches


Canon units of measure are not created, they are derived, from Time. A period of time is also used to represent a unit of length, e.g. 5258.16 feet to the mile has the same number as the minutes in the Canon Year: 525816, a synchronicity which encourages the observation—the mile is inextricably linked to Time.

By juxtaposing distance with time, yet another unit of measure is generated by Saturn's timing—the Canon Meter. Divide the circumference of Saturn, 236617.2 by the number which is also the number of minutes in Earth's mean solar day, 1440, divide by 100, and the result is exactly one-half the measure we identify as the Canon Meter:

236617.2 1440 = 164.3175 x 2 = 3.28635 feet in 1 Canon Meter 100

There are 39.4362 inches in the Canon meter.

This Canon metric value is commensurate with the duodecimal system. When invoked, Canon metrics expose relationships not otherwise apparent. In an almost alchemical fashion, the precipitate of the two systems exceeds the limitations of either. Ideally, the two systems work together and need not be a source of contention. Thomas Jefferson was intuitively correct in resisting adoption of the French meter in the United States. He recognized the importance of endorsing a truly commensurate figure which would unify time, space, and matter. He discerned that the French system did not fulfill this requirement.

ONE CANON METER = 3.28635 feet

39.4362 inches



        ----------- = .0253574127 

.0253574127 x 100 =2.5374127cm/inch

ONE CANON MILE = 1600 Canon Meters

The ancient measure of the Canon Furlong is also recognizable on Saturn as one degree of its circumference in miles, expressed on Earth in feet as:

236617.2 / 360 = 657.27 This number is now taken as feet to the Canon furlong.

The Canon furlong is exactly 200 meters or 1/8th of a Canon Mile. The furlong times 20,000 it is the number of feet in the circumference of the Earth

657.27 x 20,000 = 131,454,000 feet on the Equator.

As shown, the figure 101430555 has a number of transformations and applications. As it is the multiplier which changes the number of seconds in the circle into the number of CANON feet on the Equator:

1,296.000 x 1.01430555 = 131,454,000 feet

As a divisor it transforms the Sacred Year into the Lunar Year:

360 / 1.01430555 = 354.9226347 days

As 101.430555 it is the number of feet to the second of arc on the Equator.

As 10.1430555 it is the hours in Saturn's day. This day is the period of our "phenomenal"observation. The Canon day for Saturn is 10.3 hours, or 618 minutes.

These various manifestations demonstrate the sychronistic aspects of the Canon system. One number can have different levels. The equatorial second of arc 101.430555 feet for example, is in a sense the first Earth measure. It also embodies what we might term the last measure—the rate of the precession of the equinoxes.

The rate of precession is a finely tuned figure, computed after all the motions, variations, and impressions of all the planets and masses in the solar system have been calculated. The rate of precession will always vary, but it averages to approximately 50.9 seconds of arc per year, also recognizable as 1/2 of .

101.430555 = 50.7152+/- seconds of arc per year.

The Canon value for annual precession is 50.90017909 seconds of arc.

If measures, though abstractions, are based on relevant frequencies or events occurring in the universe, they will be inherently related to one another. The rhythms and cycles of the cosmos abide in all of Nature, whether, mineral, vegetable or animal. The planets resonate in the physiology of the human body.

Because humans evolved in a framework affected by these vibratory rates—diurnal rotations, lunar phases, revolutions around the Sun etc., it is reasonable to infer that the spectrum of these various vibrational frequencies would be designed into what humans have become both as form and process. Mankind is, as is all of Nature, the repository of all the cycles and all the patterns of its developing environment. We are the result of our biological, geophysical, and astronomical heritage. The genetic code contains not only the blueprint of the individual organism, but also the cumulative record of the entire species.

It is from the internal measures of the perfected or harmonized individual—the frequencies and ratios of the heartbeat, the breath, the voice, the orgasmic impulse etc., that the Canon emerges. Physiological events occurring in Time are the ground of the Canon—as the Zen philosophers tell us, "Everything is in one thing." The foundation of measure is the human body itself.

When Canon measuring units are the basis for evaluation, the relationships between above and below arise as pattern. Harmony is observable and deviation from the harmonized is experienced as dis-harmony. Saturn is the source and model of our understanding of harmony, but it is from within that we yield to our relationship with the whole.

In our next installment, we'll see how each of the planets contributes to the harmony of the spheres more specifically, as we continue to link Earth Canon measures to the rhythms of the Solar family.

The relationship between all these CANON measures, and the dynamic linkage with the number of CHAOS, 4.669246833, will satisfy the framework question in a mathematical format which includes the demonstration of variance, everywhere and always. Necessary to the continuance of this presentation, a short primer on the mathematical alchemy will be presented in the next installment.


Reply  Message 10 of 70 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2014 23:16
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/05/2013 00:06

En el cuadrado de Saturno, tenemos que la suma de los números, sea en horizontal, vertical o diagonal, da como resultado siempre 6.
Esto significa , que dado que son columnas de 3 casillas, tenemos sea en horizontal o en vertical, 3 series de 666.
También si sumamos los 3 6 nos da 18, que en términos cabalísticos se reduce a 9, o el 3 veces 3, que es la clave del cuadrado.
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/05/2013 00:08

En este vídeo se explica todo con mucho más detalle:

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/05/2013 00:08

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