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From: Alcoseri (Original message) |
Sent: 17/02/2011 14:10 |
Dice el pensador tibetano Djwal-Khul mediante Alice A. Bailey en “Los Rayos y las Iniciaciones”: “He insinuado en mis diferentes libros que el sol Sirio está estrechamente relacionado con nuestra vida planetaria ...” (página 341 distribuido por la editorial Kier). Este gran Sol, que para nuestro Logos solar es lo que la mónada para el hombre espiritual, desempeña una parte particular en lo que a nuestra tierra concierne. Quienes poseen un sólido sentido de proporción esotérica, quizás consideren que nuestro pequeño planeta y su Logos planetario (uno de los “Dioses imperfectos” de La Doctrina Secreta) sería demasiado pequeño para penetrar, en lo más mínimo, en la conciencia de esa Suprema Entidad Iluminada, aún más grande que nuestro Logos solar. No obstante es así. Hay una relación de muy antigua data entre nuestro Señor del Mundo, Sanat Kumara, y el Señor de Sirio, la cual existe a pesar del hecho de que nuestro planeta no es sagrado. ... 2. La relación existe entre la Jerarquía y Sirio, y no entre Shamballa y ese estupendo Sol. La energía evocada en respuesta a esta relación penetra en la Jerarquía por el Corazón del Sol (N.E: Vulcano o Hefestos que siendo etérico, está en la misma órbita de Mercurio. Cristo tiene mente de Primer Rayo, es decir sintética integradora y sencilla. Si se consulta la parte final de “Astrología Esotérica” se apreciará que D.K. dice de Vulcano que allí los Hijos de la Mente casi terminan su trabajo, pudiendo decirse que son la Aur-ora del sistema solar o “arianos” iniciadores del “día solar”, quizás “los portadores de la Luz” manásica o “Lucis-ferens”.) ... (Página 342). b. Una corriente de energía proveniente del sol Sirio, penetra directamente en la Jerarquía y contiene en sí el principio budi, el amor cósmico, el cual constituye, en forma misteriosa, el principio dentro de cada átomo del corazón. ... La energía de Sirio deja de lado a Shamballa y se enfoca en la Jerarquía. Su efecto no se siente hasta después de la tercera iniciación ... 4. Todo el trabajo de la Gran Logia Blanca es controlado desde Sirio; los ashramas son sometidos a su influencia cíclica ... 5. Esta influencia de Sirio no fue reconocida, y una pequeña parte estaba definidamente enfocada en la Jerarquía, hasta que vino Cristo y reveló el amor de Dios a la humanidad. Él es la expresión, por excelencia, de una iniciación de Sirio, y a ese lugar elevado Él irá eventualmente -no importa a dónde puedan llevarLo mientras tanto sus deberes y obligaciones jerárquicas. Buda tenía que haber elegido originalmente el cuarto sendero (N.E: sendero cósmico hacia Sirio) pero otros planes Lo enfrentan hoy, y probablemente tendrá que tomar la decisión que Le corresponde. 6. Sanat Kumara no está en la línea de Sirio, pero -hablando simbólicamente aunque no en forma muy oculta, Lucifer, Hijo de la Mañana, está estrechamente relacionado con dicha línea, de allí que un gran número de seres humanos, se convertirán en discípulos de la Logia de Sirio. Esta es la verdadera “Logia Azul”, y para ser aspirante de esa Logia, el iniciado de tercer grado debe convertirse en un humilde aspirante, al que le esperan las verdaderas y plenas iniciaciones “dentro de la luz solar mayor”. (P. 343). .. ... la vida que se manifiesta por medio de Sirio, expresión organizada y vital que está más allá de lo que el hombre pueda imaginar y tiene completa e ilimitada libertad, análogamente más allá de la comprensión del hombre. El principio de la libertad es una energía leudora que puede compenetrar a la sustancia en forma excepcional; este principio divino representa un aspecto de la influencia que ejerce Sirio sobre nuestro sistema solar y particularmente sobre nuestro planeta. Dicho principio de liberación es uno de los atributos de la Deidad (como la voluntad, el amor y la mente) del que la humanidad muy poco sabe todavía. La liberación por la cual luchan los hombres es uno de los aspectos inferiores de esta liberación cósmica, relacionada con ciertos grandes desarrollos evolutivos que permiten al aspecto vida o espíritu, liberarse del impacto, del contacto y de la influencia de la sustancia. Este mismo principio de liberación permite a Sanat Kumara morar en la Tierra y, sin embargo, permanecer libre de todo contacto, excepto con Quienes han hollado el Sendero de la Liberación y permanecer ahora libres en el plano físico cósmico; es lo que permite al iniciado realizar un estado de “unidad aislada”; es lo que subyace en el Espíritu de la Muerte y constituye el poder motivador de ese gran Agente liberador; es lo que proporciona una “senda de poder” entre nuestra Jerarquía y el distante sol Sirio, y constituye el incentivo del “cultivo de la liberación” o libertad, que motiva el trabajo de los Maestros de Sabiduría; es lo que produjo el fermento y el vórtice del conflicto en épocas muy remotas y ha sido reconocido actualmente por los resultados de la Ley de Evolución en cada reino de la naturaleza, la cual “sustenta” o subyace, o está detrás de todo progreso -esta “influencia ejercida” misteriosamente, este “tirón hacia afuera” de la forma (como podría denominárselo simplemente) emana de Sirio, y no existe término para describirlo; es una ley, de la cual las tres leyes cósmicas -de Síntesis, de Atracción y de Economía, sólo son aspectos. Ninguna de estas leyes subsidiarias impone reglas o limitación alguna al Señor del Mundo. Sin embargo, la Ley de Liberación impone ciertas restricciones, si puede emplearse una frase tan paradójica (P. 344). Es la responsable de ser Él conocido como “el Gran Sacrificio” (N.E: “sacrificio” se relaciona con “hacerse cargo” y no con el concepto de dolor”), porque (bajo el control de esta ley) creó nuestra vida planetaria y todo lo que hay dentro y sobre ella, a fin de aprender a manejar esta ley con total conocimiento y con plena conciencia, aunque al mismo tiempo liberar las incontables formas de Su creación. ... Nota editorial: Al tomar uno de los Siete Senderos cósmicos, el Maestro trabajará con la Ley de la Libertad que es la inferior - equivalente a la de Economía en la forma planetaria, pues la “libertad” y la “liberación” son efectos de la “Ley de hacerse cargo de ...” que por no haber palabras adecuadas se dice Ley de Liberación. La masonería, tal como fue instituida originalmente, en la remota época de la noche del tiempo y mucho antes de la dispensación judía, fue organizada bajo la influencia directa de Sirio, teniendo un ligero parecido con nuestra vida jerárquica -tal como se la ve a la luz del Eterno Ahora. Su “Logia Azul”, y sus tres grados, está relacionada con los tres grupos principales de Vidas de Sirio, pues allí no hay reinos de la naturaleza, tales como nosotros los poseemos; estos grupos reciben a Quienes eligen el cuarto sendero (N.E: el Sendero cósmico hacia Sirio. Nótese que no es hacia la luna cósmica de Sirio -véanse las VIII partes del archivo CLARIDAD SOBRE LA OSCURIDAD ..., donde están los que “se fusionaron con la madre materia” y no siguieron al Padre; el “mal cósmico” o los seres prisioneros del primer sistema solar de la Madre Materia son los devas -evolución paralela a la de la consciencia humana, habiendo de ellos -por poner un ejemplo mítico: Quirón el centauro sanador, que colaboran con el Plan divino y con la Jerarquía. En este caso y otros -tales como los Oannes quienes pueden ser prototipos colaboradores cósmicos de sus analogías inferiores de nuestro sistema “lunar” que casi hicieron fracasar al sistema, podrían encarnar en la Tierra, recibiendo una oportunidad por la detención momentánea de su karma, por la ayuda de un Maestro o de la Jerarquía planetaria. Esto se relaciona a su vez con el número 6 y su perfección el 12, de tipo “marciano”, representando una humanidad de la línea dévica o de la evolución de los dioses. Aquella masonería que aún permanece con el símbolo de la carta 15 del Tarot [donde el “Véspero” o Lucifer caído del “atardecer” tiene en su frente las estrella de cinco puntas invertida esclavizando a la pareja humana], debe transformarse por la presencia del Rayo divino Iluminador y Transfigurador que les presenta el camino de la estrella matutina de Venus, para que la pareja se regenere triunfalmente en el caballo blanco crístico neptuniano; éste, por virtud del Cristo Marino ascendente levanta la “hostia” con la estrella de cinco puntas correcta. El programa con la estrella invertida donde aún el “Unicornio simbólico del Cristo” no atraviesa la frente de la cabra materialista saturnal en Capricornio, mantiene la línea del primer sistema solar, trabajándose con la energía fruto de la “caída” y no de la transmutación alquímica, por lo cual se dice que la masonería tiene corrupción por permanecer en contacto con el “mal cósmico” o los seres dévicos lunares que sólo pueden dar la forma de la personalidad, pero no la Conciencia solar de los devas solares. La vía sugerida indirecta o inconscientemente por cualquier astrónomo que esté aportando a la interpretación del “mito de los Oannes” de Sirio no es correcta si está obsesionado por impulsar los viajes al espacio físico cósmico “exterior” pues la auténtica meta es supradimensional o en octavas superiores y no inferiores condensadas en “la luna cósmica”. El contacto dévico sugerido por el tibetano D.K. es bajo la mediación crística de la dimensión superior búdica cósmica donde el Cristo Cósmico de Sirio armoniza ambas evoluciones: la dévica o de la forma, y la de la conciencia o humana. Otra meta de CONTACTO es retroceder evolutivamente y si esa es la meta de los viajes espaciales, van hacia el sendero de la perdición de la oportunidad liberadora brindada por el “Gran Sacrificio” S.K. Con esto se invita hacia el culto viajero no sólo en el nombre del transporte turístico de élite y del comercio, sino en el nombre del Alma. Este fue presentido “proféticamente” por Walt Whitman en su poema “Navegar a las Indias”) y Los entrena acerca de la existencia y el tipo de vivencia que rige en Sirio. Esto pondrá en claro que las Vidas menos desarrolladas de Sirio son -desde nuestro punto de vista, iniciados de muy alto grado. Por lo tanto, la masonería ha sido conservada a través de las edades, cambiando su nomenclatura de tiempo en tiempo, reinterpretando su Palabra de Poder y, por lo tanto, alejándose cada vez más de su belleza e intención originales. De acuerdo con la ley cíclica y en preparación para la nueva era, ha llegado el momento de que los masones, con comprensión espiritual, efectúen ciertos cambios (N.E: acertadamente Robert Temple dice en “El Misterio de Sirio” que la masonería tiene aún unos ritos “pasados por agua”, es decir antediluvianos” o Atlantes y sugiere encontrar la tumba de Imothep -el “iniciador” de la sucesión de la casta sacerdotal egipcia, constructor de la pirámide de Sakara hecha por humanos y no por los devas). La actual coloración judía de la Masonería está completamente fuera de moda y se mantuvo mucho tiempo, pues actualmente es tanto judía como cristiana (N.E: aunque D.K. sostiene que se basará en una reinterpretación de la cristiandad original o prístina) y no debería ser ni una ni otra. Los grados de la Logia Azul son enteramente judíos en sus frases y palabras y deberían ser cambiados. Los grados superiores son predominantemente cristianos, aunque compenetrados de nombres y palabras judías. Esto también debe terminar. El matiz judío es actualmente uno de los mayores obstáculos para la plena expresión de la intención masónica y debe ser alterado, aunque preservados intactos los hechos, detalles y estructura, del simbolismo masónico. Cualquiera sea la forma que tome la nueva nomenclatura (y este cambio vendrá inevitablemente), también desaparecerán después de haber prestado el debido servicio. De esta manera proseguirá la transformación cíclica, hasta el momento en que la masa humana, que está en el cuarto Sendero, pase a Sirio por medio del proceso iniciático, de lo cual nuestro grado E. .. A. .. (N.E: a los dos puntos se les debe colocar otro encima formando el triángulo) es un débil reflejo. (p. 346). http://groups.google.com/group/secreto-masonico/browse_thread/thread/668abfdef2bda419/9b3b0122b2c72c31?lnk=gst&q=cristo#9b3b0122b2c72c31
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Message 160 of 174 on the subject |
Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Nebulosa Cabeza de Caballo |

Statue of Liberty
The height of the Statue of Liberty is 111′-1″ from bottom of foot to top of head. The 7 rays on the crown and the 11 points of the base star echo the proportions of the Great Pyramid’s 7:11 height to base proportion. The superb book Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval convincingly shows this goddess is actually the Egyptian Isis.
Image courtesy Elcobbola under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

hace 3 días - Manipularon la historia a través de las fuentes de los textos en su lenguaje inventado llamado Latín, peeeeero no pudieron cambiar el ... Jose Alfonso Hernando ... la famosa batalla de Troya, y HASTA AHÍ NOS VAMOS PARA VER QUE ... “Las matemáticas nos hacen más libres y menos manipulables”.
hace 3 días - Principal / Valdeande Magico / ¡¡¡ Visitamos TROYES, donde fue la Guerra de Troya !!! ¡¡¡ Visitamos TROYES, donde fue la Guerra de Troya !!!

Troyes is the former capital of Champagne and is a perfect short trip visit from Paris. At just an hour and a half by train it can be a day trip but a couple of days and an overnight stay would be better because there’s so much to see and do in this lovely, vibrant city.
A town that is shaped like a Champagne cork in Champagne?
Troyes is an ancient city, once a Roman town with a direct road from Milan and onwards to Boulogne-sur-Mer on the Opal Coast in the north of France – the route for the invasion of Britain. Later the rich and powerful Counts of Champagne built a palace in Troyes and it was a prosperous place that attracted merchants from all over Europe. The counts fortified their town and though at that time Champagne didn’t even exist, the walls took the form of a Champagne cork.
Following a huge fire in 1524 that destroyed many of the ancient buildings that were constructed from wood, new brick buildings were erected and many of them remain to this day. Indeed the inhabitants of Troyes lived in these buildings pretty much as they had been for hundreds of years right up until the 1950s. It was a decade when the town council went on a bit of a renovation rampage to improve conditions since many of the old buildings had no bathrooms and poor hygiene conditions.
Fortunately they didn’t destroy too much and visiting Troyes is like stepping back in time. Every street seems to have its quota of half-timbered houses and there are cobbled streets and tiny alleyways that create a mesmerising maze in the centre of the old town of Troyes. In the little ruelle des Chats (Cats Alley) you’ll see it is so narrow that the houses lean in and touch via a central gutter at the top and cats could cross from houses on both sides of the roads. At the side of the office of the Mutuelle Societe at 111 rue Emile Zola you can enter a gate and at the back you’ll discover a stunning renaissance house looking exactly as it did when it was built. At the Cour du Mortier d’or, the ancient timber frames still bear the workman’s trademarks.
Everywhere you go here you’ll discover traces of history from hundreds of years ago, quaint, quirky and irresistibly charming…
Read the rest of this story in our free magazine – click here to go straight to it!
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Message 171 of 174 on the subject |

The great circle alignment from Giza to Alexandria has an azimuth of 51.85° north of due west from Giza (the same angle as the slope of the Great Pyramid). Extended beyond Alexandria, this great circle also crosses over Delphi, Rollright and Newgrange, as well as the city of London.

Map image © VectorGlobe
The azimuth of a great circle alignment from Dendera to Paris is also 51.85° north of due west.

Map image - Roger Hedin
Dendera was dedicated to Isis/Sirius. The ancient Egyptian year began on the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in mid July. The helical rising of Sirius heralded the annual inundation of the Nile that was essential to the welfare of ancient Egypt. The axis of the temple of Isis at Dendera was aligned 20° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius from the latitude of Dendera.
Robert Bauval describes a number of connections between Isis/Sirius and Paris in Talisman (2004). Isis is shown riding on a boat in many ancient Egyptian drawings and carvings. At the direction of Napoleon, Sirius and a statue of Isis were added to the coat of arms for Paris shown below.

During the French revolution, a statue of Isis known as the Fountain of Regeneration was constructed on the former site of the Bastille. The engraving below commemorated this statue.

Fountain of Regeneration Engraving
The Elysian Fields is described as a place of eternal salvation in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Named after the Elysian Fields, the Champs Elysees is the main axis of Paris. The names Elysian and Elysees both suggest an association with Isis. The photograph below is facing southeast. The Arc de Triumphe is visible in the background. Beyond the Arc de Triumphe is the Louvre. The azimuth of the Champs Elysees is 26° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius/Isis from the latitude of Paris.

The termination point of the Champs Elysees to the northwest is the Grande Arche, in the foreground of the picture above. The axis of the Grande Arche is offset 6.33° south of the axis of the Champs Elysees. With an azimuth of just over 32° south of due east, the azimuth of the axis of the Grande Arche is the same as the azimuth of the great circle alignment from Paris to Dendera.
The Grande Arche is a nearly perfect cube with a height of 110 meters, a width of 108 meters and a depth of 112 meters. It is often described as a cube with side lengths of 110 meters. This is equal to 210 ancient Egyptian cubits:
110/210 = .5238
.5238 meters is a precise measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit, equating to 20.6222 inches, well within the ± .005 inches in Petrie's 20.62 inch measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit. Instead of the usual comparisons between the cubit and the meter of .52375/1 or .524/1, the best comparative measure may be the simple fraction of 11/21 that is suggested by the Grande Arche.

Image © Insecula.com
The sides of the Grande Arche are divided into 5 x 5 large panels and within each large panel are 7 x 7 smaller panels. Side lengths of 110 meters suggest lengths of 22 meters for the sides of the large panels with lengths of 22/7 meters for the sides of the smaller panels. The fraction 22/7 equals 3.1428, an accurate expression of π that is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Side lengths of 210 cubits in the Grande Arche suggest lengths of 42 cubits for the sides of the large panels and 6 cubits for the sides of the smaller panels. This also shows that the relationship between the meter and the cubit is 6/π, using the measure of 22/7 for π:
21/11 = 6/π
22/7 x 21/11 = 6

The northern pyramid at Dashur, known as the Red Pyramid, was the first true (smooth sided) pyramid built in Egypt and it was the last pyramid built prior to construction of the Great Pyramid. The baselengths of the Red Pyramid are 420 cubits (220 meters) long, 20x multiples of 21/11.

Image by Jon Bodsworth
One of the oldest stone circles in England is at Rollright. The diameter of the Rollright circle is 31.4 meters, an accurate expression of π times 10 meters. Given the 6/π relationship between the meter and the cubit, the diameter of the Rollright circle is also 60 ancient Egyptian cubits.

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Message 172 of 174 on the subject |
- "[T]his makes it rather clear that Janet Jackson, via exposing her right breast and her juxtaposition with Beyonce
(representing the American spirit), was 'designed' to embody Lady Justice/Liberty - signifying or prompting the rebirth of the spirit of 'Columbia'. The prevalent 'blackness' additionally alludes to the pertinence of another related figure Mary Magdalene, recently made popular by the huge success of the book The Da Vinci Code, as this biblical/esoteric 'wife' of Jesus - embodying the feminine and sexuality - was sometimes portrayed as the 'Black Madonna'."
https://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/lucifer-timecode-2.htm |
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Message 173 of 174 on the subject |
Dog Days Prophecy
Sirius, Regulus, Super Bowl, financial crises, earthquakes & August 2015 Lucifer time codes
By Goro
August 02, 2015
 [Great Sphinx aka "Father of Terror"]
[NOTE: Yes, the global stock market chaos of August 2015 was predicted with precision in this article (posted on Aug 2, 2015) as you'll see below or in the new article When Prediction Comes True.... If you're new here, this is not a fluke as this is what I do on my websites (Etemenanki & STRUG). You may find the approach baffling, but you can't argue with this kind of unambiguous results. Key parts of this information was originally posted all the way back in February on STRUG (members only).]
Terror was the opening music for the year 2015, potentially foreshadowing what may transpire in August...

Our job here is to discern and decode a set of "time codes" lurking just below the surface of reality which in this case is celestially anchored by two stars: Sirius and Regulus.
Sirius is the star of Isis per ancient Egyptian tradition, and Paris ("Par-Isis") is semi-officially a city of Isis-Sirius where we find the Historical Axis (including the world-famous Champs Elysees boulevard) oriented toward the daily rising of Sirius.
The same axis happens to align with the sunset on August 6–8...

…as well as May 4–5 which this year gave us highly meaningful events already:

The Historical Axis also aligns with sunrise around February 1 (& Nov 9–11). This one coincided with the Super Bowl where Katy Perry did her halftime show in Phoenix this year.

On STRUG ("Super Torch Ritual Underground" members/underground area) I noted back in February that University of Phoenix Stadium (Super Bowl 2015) has some serious Sirius alignments...

...plus the fact that at the latitude of Phoenix (~33.45 N) the heliacal rising of Sirius takes place around August 7th, precisely coinciding with the Paris axis-sunset alignment day.

(The heliacal rising of Sirius is the "rebirth" of the star at dawn right before sunrise after a prolonged period of invisibility in the glare of the Sun; in ancient Egypt this was of great importance as it was for a period of time a signal for the life-giving annual flooding of the Nile, and also due to the general importance of the star and the goddess it represents, Isis.)
On the same day (~August 7, 2015) we'll even see a tight gathering of Jupiter, Mercury and Regulus at the "heart" of the lion (Leo)...

...bringing to mind the fact that Katy Perry spends most of her time at the heart/Regulus position between the paws of the Sphinx (lion/Leo) in her 2014 music video for Dark Horse…

…something evoked during the opening scene of Katy's 2015 Super Bowl halftime show (riding a giant lion).

Regulus is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, which is not only the "heart of the lion" but also "prince" (or "little king") as well as "the King", just as Jupiter is named after the king of the gods. It is highly significant therefore that Regulus and Jupiter will be in "royal" conjunction on ~August 11.

Remarkably ~August 11, 2015 is also pinpointed by a "Mayan financial crisis" time code I started highlighting back in February (STRUG) which is based on the Golden Ratio ("phi") and at least three major dates/events: 1) Transit of Venus (2004), 2) the day the US financial system almost came crashing down (9/14/2008), and 3) the "end" of the Mayan calendar (12/21/2012):

 [Transit of Venus - June 8, 2004 & June 6, 2012 - rare phenomenon of Venus passing in front of the Sun]
Sep 14, 2008 Lehman Files for Bankruptcy; Merrill Is Sold Sep 15, 2008 Crisis on Wall Street as Lehman Totters, Merrill Is Sold, AIG Seeks to Raise Cash [Wikipedia - Global financial crisis in September 2008] ["Inside the Meltdown" (PBS) video]

https://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/dogdays_prophecy.html |
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Message 174 of 174 on the subject |
Sirius – Heliacal Rising & Setting – 800 BC – 2000 AD
Sirius is a first magnitude star (HR 2491 HD 48915 Flamsteed Number: 9 Bayer Letter: Alpha) in the constellation of Canis Major, with a visual magnitude of -1.46. Sirius is also known as Canicula; the Dog Star and Aschere. Sirius is 2.01 times the size of the Sun and the brightest star in our heavens.
The heliacal rising of the dog star signalled the most searing heat of the Summer, hence the term ‘dog days.’. The star is most easily found by tracing the belt of Orion downwards. Sirius is a binary star with a white dwarf companion, Sirius B. This “pup” is an eight-magnitude star, separated from Sirius by a couple of arcseconds. This makes it exceedingly difficult to see in a telescope because of the great brilliance of Sirius.
Manilus writes of Sirius (the Dog) as one who
“will fashion unbridled spirits and impetuous hearts; it will bestow on its sons billows of anger, and draw upon them the hatred and fear of the whole populace. (The impetuosity of the speaker causes him to utter words before he has time to adapt them to grammar or logic).
Their hearts start throbbing at the slightest cause, and when speech comes their tongues rave and bark, and constant gnashing imparts the sound of teeth to their utterance.
Their failings are intensified by alcohol, which gives them strength and fans their savage wrath to flame. No fear have they of woods or mountains, or monstrous lions, the tusks of the foaming boar, or the weapons which nature has given wild beasts; they vent their burning fury upon all legitimate prey.
Lest you wonder at these tendencies under such a constellation, you see how even the constellation itself hunts among the stars, for in its course it seeks to catch the Hare in front.”
( Liber V Astronomica, lines 206-233). See original Latin text.
Sirius has always been considered a very important star, and it was watched diligently. It is also one of the primary stars of navigation. The importance of calculating the heliacal rising and setting of Sirius was recognized in Ancient times and is still relevant today. The table below shows the anticipated times of the heliacal rise and set dates in three locations over a span of 2800 years.
The Original Table in Italian is @http://www.cieloeterra.it/strumenti/sorgeresirio.html
As is true of any star, Sirius is only visible between the time of its helical rising and setting. Conversely, it is invisible from the time of heliacal setting until its heliacal rising.
The “heliacal rising” is the first day when the star rises and the Sun is far enough below the eastern horizon to make it visible in the morning twilight. In the same way, the “heliacal setting” is the last day when the star sets and the Sun is far enough below the western horizon to make the star visible in the evening twilight. This is not to be confused with what is called “cosmic rising”. In the latter case, it is not possible to see the star, due to the light of the Sun.
Because the magnitude and brilliance of stars differ considerably, their heliacal risings and settings occur with different altitudes of the Sun below the horizon (this is called in Latin “arcus visionis” of the star).
For example, the Sun’s altitude which makes Sirius visible (-7°) is quite smaller than the altitude (-11°) that allows Antares to be visible in the early dawn or twilight sky. This is because Sirius is brighter than Antares and can, therefore, be seen in a lighter sky. The approximation in calculations of these heliacal rising and setting times over the centuries is unavoidable .(see J. Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, Richmond, Virginia 1997, pp. 289-2960.)
However, this table serves as a very close approximation of the periods of the first and last dates of the visibility of Sirius in relation to the horizon. It is oriented from the horizon (height 0°), with the Suns place to a negative height of 7°.
It may be difficult for many contemporary astrologers to understand the phenomena of first and last visibility of a celestial body. This is due to the unfortunate modern divorce of astrology from her sister science, astronomy.
Sky Map 1
In ancient and Classical astrology, no such divorce had occurred and the heavens were watched very closely. The sky maps below are designed to help illustrate the concept of heliacal rising more clearly.
Sky Map 1 was generated using SkyChart software, set for sunrise in Rome, 08 August 2000. 6:19 am. The red line is the local horizon. The Sun is seen at the far left. Sirius is the bright star in the constellation Canis Major. Note that the Sun is on the eastern horizon, but Sirius is still not visible in the morning twilight.
Sky Map 2
Sky Map 2 is for the same date and location, at 05:38:01 am, which is the precise time of the rising of Sirius. Sirius is seen ascending on the eastern horizon but is still not visible due to the morning twilight.
Sky Map 3 is set for one day after the anticipated date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in Rome according to the table, on 12 August 2000 at 3h34m UT — 4:31am LMT.
Star Map 3
This is the precise time of the heliacal rising of Sirius, seen rising on the eastern horizon. The star is visible because it has cleared the necessary -7 negative height of the Sun, for the first time after approximately 3 months of invisibility This is the true heliacal rising of Sirius for the date given. On the anticipated date of 11 August, the Sun’s altitude is only -6°52’, and we cannot be sure of the visibility of Sirius.
This article was written whilst in conversation with Giuseppe Bezza. I’m indebted to his assistance and guidance during the Summer of 2003. I heartily recommend reading his page “Alcuni testi sulla levata eliaca di Sirio” at Cielo e Terra. The compendium he offers in translation is an indispensable contribution to the study of ancient star lore in general and to Sirius in particular.
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Sirius – Heliacal Rising & Setting – 800 BC – 2000 AD | The Classical Astrologer |
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