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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 25/12/2014 20:06

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 04:48
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/02/2014 00:51

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 05:06
Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 187 of 266 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/06/2013 22:20

Welcome to the Key of Solomon

Great Celestial Conjunction

The most important diagram that Herschel has discovered originates from the Hebrew version of the Key of Solomon (Mafteah Shelomoh):

Diagram A) Key of Solomon diagram appearing in a Hebrew version of the Key of Solomon

According to Herschel, the eight-pointed cross depicted at the 10 o’clock position in the left upper corner of the diagram is exactly the same token used in the diagram depicted below and supposedly represents the constellation Orion.

Diagram B) According to Herschel, The eight-pointed cross in the diagram supposedly represents the constellation Orion.

Herschel claims that the symbolic representation of Orion is an eight-pointed cross. While the three belt stars certainly align and the four ‘corner’ stars can be connected to form diagonals, Herschel has been very creative to demonstrate how the six tiny stars that form the ‘Sword of Orion’ form yet the eighth radii of the eight-pointed cross. The problem is that there are no other known historic references that identified Orion with an eight-pointed cross.

Herschel’s rendition of the eight-pointed cross

About the square with the two semi circles in diagram A of the Hebrew Key of Solomon, Herschel writes the following on his website.

The meaning of the square and the two curves on each side of the star most likely represent sunrise and its path to sunset - the Ecliptic.

We fully support Herschel’s view that the two semicircles in between the two slopes represent the Sun. The glyph in the centre of diagram A looks very familiar with the Egyptian Akhet glyph where the Sun was depicted in between similar slopes. The Akhet glyph represented the rising and setting Sun on the horizon, and in hieroglyphic texts it is often translated as ‘horizon’.


The Sun on the right represents the rising Sun in the East while the Sun on the left represents the setting Sun in the West. Only twice does the Sun rise and set exactly at the cardinal directions East and West, and this is during the Equinox. We therefore surmise that the two semicircles in the square of diagram A symbolise the Equinox. Following the same reasoning, the semicircles in diagram B should also represent the Sun. Wayne fails to give any reasonable explanation as to why these semicircles occur around a symbol that represents Orion. The semicircles representing the Sun at the corners of the square in the South and North region of the circle (globe) and its diagonals that form a cross could mean either one of two possible things:

• It represents the Solstices


Notice that the diagonal in the upper left corner has two instead of one cross bar through its axis. This diagonal seems to be special and is associated with the Summer Solstice since its sunset occurs in the North-West, the region where the double cross bars occur. The axis connecting the cardinal directions East and West represents the Equinox axis.

The same double cross bars have been used in the eight pointed cross in diagram A. This time however the double cross bars occur at the axis representing the Equinox. This corresponds with the central depiction of the Equinox Sun in diagram A. We therefore suggest that diagram A is referring to the Equinox.

Square with semicircles represents the Equinox as does the eight-pointed cross with double cross bars through the East-West axis. (encircled in red)

Considering this fact, the eight-pointed cross could also mean:

• The Sun at the Galactic Cross in the precession cycle.
Great Celestial Conjunction

The blue cross represents the Galactic Cross while the red cross represents the equinox-solstice axis or Earth Cross. The orange circle represents the precession cycle. During a Great Year, the Sun resides exactly four times on the Galactic Equator, twice at an Equinox and twice at a Solstice. Put in other words, during one revolution of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the fixed Galactic Cross, the crosses overlap exactly four times. The symbology of the square with its four corners and its four suns attached to these corners could therefore represent these four Great Celestial Conjunctions of a Great Year.

Read more: Part II | Tetragrammaton | Great Celestial Conjunction | Pleiades starmap


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/06/2013 23:14

Welcome to the Key of Solomon

Pleiades starmap

Wayne Herschel has cleverly identified the eight stars in the rim of diagram A as parts of the Pleiades constellation. On his website, Herschel explains in great detail how the Pleiades can be constructed from these stars. His explanation is rather complex and involves the joining of the stars with a jump in the sequence for star number ‘6’ and removing the pencil from the paper not once, but twice!  According to Herschel, star number 6 is a ‘lost’ star of the Pleiades constellation that is no longer visible in our present time.

Aaron Parlier has worked out a far simpler and more logical rendition of the Pleiades star cluster.  His solution requires neither a jump in the sequence nor does it involve removing the pencil from the paper.  Also, Parlier’s rendition does not account for an irregularity with any ‘lost’ star.

The Pleiades in the Key of Solomon form the pointer to the Silver Gate, the place of the Sun during a Great Celestial Conjunction at an Equinox or Solstice.

Starting at position 1 in the rim the stars are assembled by, as Herschel states, ‘binding’ them. Each star has a beam protruding from it and when these beams are connected in a counter clockwise direction starting with star 1 in exactly the same layout as they occur in the diagram, the Pleiades star cluster is formed.  The beam of star number 5 is pointing downwards exactly in the direction of the Silver Gate. The Pleiades template in the picture above is exactly the same template that has been tested on Stonehenge whereas the star map was pointing to the Summer Solstice Sun on the Silver Gate at the current Great Celestial Conjunction (summer solstice 1998).

In the diagram, star number 5 (red encircled) appears straight above the central star with the light beam inside the square. The beam of star 5 is pointing exactly downwards towards the central Sun with the beam. Since the central Sun itself inside the square represents the Equinox Sun, the authors therefore surmise that: 

Diagram A in the Key of Solomon symbolizes a Great Celestial Conjunction (8-pointed cross) during an Equinox (double cross bars in the 8-pointed cross and Equinox Sun in the central square). The diagram may therefore refer to the last Great Celestial Conjunction when the vernal equinox was in the Gate of Silver! This amounts to 25,920 (years in a Great Year)/4 = 6480 years ago. That equates to +/- 4482 B.C. and is roughly the same year as encoded in the Palette of Narmar.











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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/06/2013 23:40
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/06/2013 23:48
Washington Monument sunrise
15th september midnight
Seven Hills of Rome
Stonehenge, Dendera Egypt, Lalibela, Mars, etc,etc
Stonehenge Matches key of Solomon
Key of Solomon
Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 191 of 266 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/06/2013 02:14

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 05:11
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/01/2013 00:26
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/01/2013 00:36
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/01/2013 00:37

    Key of Solomon

    www.keyofsolomon.net/En caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
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    The Solomon Key becomes The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

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    Buy now The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. A website that looks at its mystery's and remaming from The Solomon Key. A new book by Dan Brown the bestselling ...

    The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown - Welcome to The Key of Solomon

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    15 Sep 2009 – 'The Lost Symbol' will most likely be 'The Key of Solomon' since this was the initial working title for the book. We have extensively researched ...
  • ANCIENT STAR MAP - Pt 1 - Solomon key Masonicl secret - human ...

    11/12/2009 - Subido por wayhersc
    The cipher sourced from the Clavicula Salomonis - Solomon Key ... It is the original and earliest ...

    2012 Forum • The lost symbol of the " Key " of Solomon.

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    15 publicaciones - 7 autores - 11 Jun. 2009
    The lost symbol of the “ Key “ of Solomon, which is also the key of St. Peter and the key of Hiram Abiff….is Orion!!! Orion as a “ key “ shows the ...

    The Lost Symbol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    It has been suggested that The Lost Symbol (film) be merged into this article or ... Solomon has also asked him to bring a small, sealed package which he had .... New Book" ETonline, February 12, 2009; ^ "Keys to Dan Brown's Solomon Key".

    Key of Solomon (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Key of Solomon, any of several versions of a medieval book of magic, dating back to ... Solomon Key, the working title of The Lost Symbol, a novel by Dan Brown ...

    The Lost symbol in the Solomon Key Parchment - The Hidden Records

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    The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown latest: April 2009. Latest on Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' title, April 09: Dan Brown has just announced his new title will be "The ...


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    LOST SYMBOL OF RA UPDATE – Pt 2 – St Peter holds Solomon Key

    seeker401.wordpress.com/.../lost-symbol-of-ra-u...En caché - Traducir esta página
    26 Sep 2011 – Image shows Vatican viewed from above – St Peter's Key – Masonic star map! Wayne Herschel's narrated full version following TV interview on ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 21 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 05:13
    So you want to see some evidence to some of this stuff? Okay. Here is the ultimate key to unlock the mysteries associated with all these supernatural and unbelievable allegations.

    Symbolism Revealed!

    Have you heard of the Talisman? Have you heard of the "Ascended Masters"? Have you heard of the anticipation of "Apotheosis" (restoration to "god status")? Have you heard of "The Key of Solomon"? Have you heard of the matching symbolism in the Egyptian pyramids on the Gila plateau? Have you seen the symbol of the "Chi Ro" (wikipedia that term)? Do you know that the "Chi Ro" symbol is the "double cross"? Do you realized this symbol is all over the Vatican and on the British flag? Have you heard of the 7 Hills of Rome? Do you know that Washington D.C. has Satanic symbolism that matches perfectly with all the other ancient Egyptian mysteries? Have you heard they eventually plan to have UFO's land in Washington D.C? Do you realized that Washington D.C. is a LANDING STRIP?

    Do you know they are coming?

    Enter Wayne Herschel

    I present to you the work of Wayne Herschel (thanks Angela). Wayne's research is entitled "The Lost Symbol of Ra" and is in two parts on You Tube right now. I present to you Part Two only. If you want to see the origins and speculation of Mr. Herschel in part one, then you can find it on the same page. But the real "meat and potatoes" is all in "part two" and it leaves out some confusing connections to the "cross" that are unnecessary to make the "Jesus" point in all this data.



    Without even realizing it, Wayne has basically proven all the allegations Tribulation-Now has made over the last year. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and some dedicated research and the works of awesome "email list" subscribers (too numerous to mention - special kudos to ALL OF YOU IN JESUS NAME), Mr. Herschel, has "connected all the dots". These dots even explain why "Constantine" adopted the cross into his pagan version of Christianity. Constantine didn't see the cross, he saw the CHI RO! The "Chi Ro" is a symbolic depiction of the "double cross" and the "double cross" (which is in the symbolism of Washington D.C and the Vatican) is THE STAR SYSTEM OF ORION and PLEIADES!

    They are coming.
    They are coming for us.



    Lost Symbol of Ra Video Snap Shots

    Here below I am including some video snapshots of the Lost Symbol of Ra video of Mr. Herschel. I will briefly narrate some pointers below each snap-shot.

    Here you see the introductory summary slide of The Lost Symbol of Ra video. Here you see the lying stories of Dan Brown that are laced with truths and pointers for the Illuminati Brotherhood to see the symbolism worldwide. You also see what looks like a big orange circle with a fiery star inside. This is actually in the Washington D.C. capital building. It is the ceiling mural of George Washington's Masonic "Apotheosis" as an "ascended master" into the Heavens, thus achieving "god" status and being "restored". Get it?

    You also see, just to the right, The Key of Solomon. The Key of Solomon has double-cross "chi ro" symbolism that correlates precisely to the star system ORION. The other star symbols in the Key of Solomon correlate to the star system "Pleiades". To the far right you see the ULTIMATE Satanic "obelisk" ... the Washington Monument. This monument, with the appropriate measurements, extends 33 degrees off the horizon. And the star system Orion also extends 33 degrees off the horizon when measured on specific dates from Australia (which is a known location for Star Gate portals).
    Here you see the star system Orion. Look closely to see the light colored reddish lines that show the "double cross" chi ro symbolism associated with this star system. This is a key element in this Luciferian "approach".
    Here Wayne explains the origins and Satanic symbolism of the obelisk and the x-mas tree with the Star Sirius on the top. I'm sorry Jesus for all the Christmas Trees I put in my home (tears in my eyes).
    Here Wayne shows three documents. One from ancient Egypt, the center is the Masonic Lodge mural and the right is the Key of Solomon. All three, separated by thousands of years, depict this Star Sirius shining down.
    Here Mr. Herschel shows a close up of the Key of Solomon from the British Library. Note the double cross pattern. This is the star system Orion. This is also the Chi Ro worn by the Pope(s) probably without many of their complete understanding. Note the double cross depiction of the Orion star system in the upper left corner of the right symbol. This aligns perfectly with the location of the star system from earth astrologically.

    Here Wayne shows the actual Orion star system shown from a telescope and the "chi ro" symbol worn by the papacy and how they align perfectly. He goes on to show that Roman symbolism also included the Chi Ro symbol.

    Here Wayne shows the sign of the double cross / crosses over history and how they correlate to Solomon's Key and Orion. He goes on in great detail to demonstrate the Solomon's Key diagram and now they align perfectly with the star systems of Orion and Pleiades. It is utterly horrific. You should watch and SAVE this video as it will save souls for Jesus some day.

    He goes on to point out that on "September 15th" that Orion is located on the "Eastern Horizon" at the same time as Pleiades is located on the "Western Horizon". WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS DATE? I don't know other than the alignment. Could it be their "arrival date"? But what year? Why do the "two witnesses" lie dead and people give gifts on the pagan x-mas fake holiday on the Winter Solstice?

    Furthermore, this picture shows the 33 degree alignment with the horizon of the earth on September 15th when seen from Australia - the location of a major "star gate". Do your homework and email me please.

    Here he shows the Dan Brown secrets of St. Peter pointing to the various symbols. Dan Brown released his book "The Lost Symbol" on Sept. 15th. He also shows the correlation to Orion here.

    Here you see the 7 Hills of Rome and how they align perfectly with the Pleiades Star System. This location is a STAR MAP just like the Key of Solomon. He points out that on Sol Invinctus, December 25th, the Pope looks directly down the alignment from the Vatican past the obelisk in the Vatican court yard and "waves" to the Orion and Pleiades star systems.

    He further goes on to explain that Mars also has blocks and pyramids that depict the same symbolism. Cydonia Mars! They align perfectly with these star systems. Not a coincidence.

    Here you see his demonstration of many symbolic monotliths and geological symbols pointing to the same star systems welcoming their "buddies" to earth. Stonehenge, Tikal, Mars, Egypt, even in Iran.

    And here he shows Washington D.C. correlation as a "landing strip" for "them" to arrive. It correlates perfectly to the symbolism in the monoliths on Mars.


    If you haven't seen enough to convince you that Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation, then you must read more articles here on Tribulation-Now. Read "The Escape Route", read "Star Gate of Praise", read the Aliens, Demons, Time Travel and God series, read them all and BELIEVE THAT YOUR ONLY HOPE IS JESUS CHRIST.

    Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the God of all Creation. He is the only way to SALVATION from this total onslaught of humanity. Please understand this is NOT about what happens here on earth for those who are saved by the blood of the Lamb. This is a fight for your SOUL. These "things" are coming for YOUR BLOOD. These "alien demons" intend to murder you and take your soul. Do NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.





    and most of all ...


    ===== POST EDITORIAL NOTE =======


    You should see "all" the symbolic and literal references in the Bible to these "reptilian" things.
    For example, did you know the "Pale" horse is actually the word "chlorus" in Greek which means "greenish"?
    And in Rev 13:11 the beast (s) come "out of the earth" and have "two horns" and speak like a "dragon".


    Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Part 1-2) here:

    The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 2) here:

    and the "Alien Demon Agenda (Part 3) Apotheosis here:


    This is some awesome research on 2012

    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 21 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/03/2015 05:33
  • Vídeos sobre LOST SYMBOL YOU TUBE

    The Making of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol - YouTube
    4 min - 8 Sep 2009
    Subido por Knopfdoubleday

    Secrets Of The Lost Symbol - Part 1 - YouTube
    9 min - 27 Oct 2009
    Subido por trutheorist

    Dan Brown: EL SIMBOLO PERDIDO [Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol ...
    1 min - 17 Dic 2009
    Subido por albertolo89

    Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" - YouTube
    30 s - 10 Sep 2009
    Subido por washingtondc

    The Lost Symbol - Soundtrack (El Simbolo Perdido) - YouTube
    3 min - 30 Ago 2011
    Subido por naiselcroft

    Dan Brown The Lost Symbol Movie Allariz edition - YouTube
    4 min - 15 Nov 2011
    Subido por johnsteerlingtwo

    "The Lost Symbol" - Magic Squares and the Masonic ... - YouTube
    43 min - 16 Dic 2009
    Subido por CUNYQueensborough

    The Lost Symbol - Trailer - YouTube
    2 min - 10 May 2010
    Subido por GameOvai5

    KEY OF SOLOMON CIPHER - Orion Cross & Vatican City - YouTube
    5 min - 3 Mar 2009
    Subido por wayhersc

  • Dan Brown The Lost Symbol YouTube Videos Online — VideoSurf ...

    Results 1 - 15 of 108 ... Dan Brown's "the Lost Symbol" Pt. 1: Wha... From YouTube. Added: 2 yrs. ago.
    Views: 24097. YouTube. 24097 Views. Added: 2 yrs. ago ...
    www.videosurf.com/videos/Dan+Brown+The+Lost+Symbol?providers=2 - Similares

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