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FRANCOMASONERIA-TEMPLARIOS-CONSPIRACION-: ¿El anticristo viene de la tribu de Dan?
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 14/06/2011 22:54

"Nadie os engañe en ninguna manera; porque no vendrá sin que antes venga la apostasía, y se manifieste el hombre de pecado, el hijo de perdición,.."(2Tess.2:3)
Candidatos para ser el Anticristo





Los merovingios:

Los merovingios mantenían que sus derechos reales les provenían del linaje real de Troya, anterior a la iglesia católica, por lo cual, rechazaron la coronación patrocinada por la iglesia. También indicaban provenir de la tribu de Judá a través de Jesús y de María de Magdala.

Los reyes merovingios daban gran valor a su pelo largo e indicaban que les daba fuerza. El nombre de Sansón era común en la casa real merovingia. Los monarcas de largas cabelleras se identificaban con el héroe de la tribu de Dan.

Los merovingios enterraron a su último rey, Childerico III, con una capa cubierta de abejas de oro. Napoleón sacó las abejas de la tumba y las colocó en su propio manto de la coronación exhibiendo así la independencia de la autoridad papal que caracterizó a los merovingios, Napoleón cogió la corona de las manos del obispo y se la colocó sobre su propia cabeza.

La reclamación de la sucesión davídica por los merovingios era un anatema para la iglesia.

En 751 n. e. de Pepino el Breve (751-768) depuso al rey merovingio Childerico III, con la ayuda papal. De este modo empezó la dinastía Carolingia. Ocho años después, Pepino tuvo una derrota militar a manos de los sarracenos en Narbona.

El Reino Judío de Septimania:

La población judía acudió en su ayuda y le abrió las puertas de Narbona para protegerlo.

Pepino les recompenso elevando esta ciudad/estado del principado de Septimania a capital de un principado judío independiente. Pepino accedió a esta independencia, pues ese estado le servia para protección con la frontera sarracena. Ese estado judío es el inicio de la Marca Hispánica, un reino independiente gobernados por condes independientes de origen judío que abarca todos los Pirineos desde el Atlántico hasta el Mediterráneo. (El verdadero nombre de Marca Hispánica, es Estado Judío, así lo nombra el tratado con el emir de Córdoba (año 812) “... el respeto hacía este Estado Judío fronterizo entre los dos reinos...” Marca Hispánica es un invento de los historiadores españoles del siglo XVIII.)

La garantía de antiguos privilegios, la administración, tributos propios, el sistema legal judío, y la protección real, provocaron una reprimenda amarga del Papa Esteban III en 768. La concesión del arrendamiento hereditario de la “Tierra de Dios”, era particularmente polémica y contraria a la política Papal y de los Carolingios.

Los judíos de Septimania establecieron la sucesión davidica en su Principado. El Nasi, o el príncipe judío en perpetuidad, debía ser descendiente de la línea directa de David. El primer Nasi era el Rabino Natronai-Makhir. Él era antes el Exilarca de los judíos en Bagdad y un erudito príncipe de la casa de David, que el Califa de Bagdad envió a Septimania. Natronai- Makhir acepto el nombre de Theodoric y tomó a la hermana de Pepino III, Aida, como esposa.

En agradecimiento a la elevación de Septimania a Principado, los Rabinos endosaron a Pepino la sucesión Davidica del Sacro Imperio Romano para su hijo Carlomagno. Carlomagno confirmó más adelante el Estado de Septimania en el 791, estableciéndolo como estado permanente y acordado con el emir (812) de Córdoba el respeto hacía este Estado Judío fronterizo entre los dos reinos (la mal llamada Marca Hispánica.)

El principado había crecido en energía e influencia con las campañas del hijo de Natronai-Makhir, el gran Guilhem de Toulouse en el sur de los Pirineos, incluyendo, Nimes y el Rosellón, y los condados catalanes la zona sur: Girona, Vic (Osona), Urgell, Pallars Ribagorza y Barcelona.

Natronai-Makhir murió en 793. Su hijo Guilhelm de Toulouse, le sucedió. Posteriormente el hijo de este, Bernat de Septimania fue el principe. Septimania entonces se convirtió en un REINO JUDÍO, más que principado, que pervivió hasta el fin de la dinastía Carolingia.



La dinastía celestial, por Fermín Castro (Artículos en Revista Almiar)


Hay un gran misterio en torno a la dinastía Merovingia y una clara vinculación ... en esto eran originales pues sólo hay que recordar la Historia de Sansón, ...
www.margencero.com/articulos/f.../dinastia.htm - En caché - Similares







    El Rey perdido de los Merovingios - MyL Mitología y Leyendas

    17 Feb 2010 ... De ese pueblo sicambro, se supone, nace la dinastía merovingia. ... como la de Sansón, residía en sus cabellos, de modo que no eran amigos ...












    Genealogia, Reyes y Reinos - Francia 02 ( 558 / 613)

    Clotario II el Joven. Merovingio, Clotario, Rey, Borgoña. Clotario I el Viejo ... Sanson. Merovingio, Sanson, Principe, Neustria. Sigeberto I ...
    www.homar.org/genealog/iv_europa.../frc02.htm - En caché - Similares












    Dinastía Merovingia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    La dinastía merovingia fue una familia de estirpe germánica que gobernó la actual Francia, Bélgica, una parte de Alemania y de Suiza entre los siglos V y ...
    es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinastía_Merovingia - En caché - Similares












    Esquina Mágica - En Agosto: El Grial Secreto de los Merovingios

    20 Dic 2001 ... Hay un gran misterio en torno a la dinastía Merovingia y una clara ... eran originales pues sólo hay que recordar la Historia de Sansón, ...
    www.esquinamagica.com/articulos.php?id1=43... - En caché - Similares












    LOS JUDÍOS MEROVINGIOS - Juan Polaino López | Más Libertad

    1 Ene 2011 ... El nombre de Sansón era común en la casa real merovingia. ... más que principado , que pervivió hasta el fin de la dinastía Carolingia. ...
    www.maslibertad.net/Foros/mensaje.php?nMen=39609... - En caché












    Chandelle Rene - Mas Alla Del Codigo Davinci Boa

    Un hermano del rey Clotario II fue bautizado con el nombre de Sansón, un conde de Rosellón ... Pero, ¿qué sucedió con la dinastía merovingia? En el año 496, ...
    www.scribd.com/.../Chandelle-Rene-Mas-Alla-Del-Codigo-Davinci-Boa - En caché - Similares












    Momentos (y lugares) estelares de la Humanidad.

    20 entradas - 5 autores - Última entrada: 16 Nov 2008
    ... tropas carolingias (Charles Martel truncó la dinastía Merovingia para ... Las torres como estas (de Samson y d'Avar, a la derecha de la ...
    forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?...(y... - En caché












    Historia « Inútil manual

    5 Nov 2010 ... Así se entiende que para los siglos V, VI y VII, los merovingios gobernaron la ... con la figura de Sansón y pruebas históricas de que es así, ... Sin embargo, Dagoberto II no fue el último de la dinastía merovingia. ...
    blogs.deia.com/inutilmanual/category/historia/ - España - En caché












    Crimen y misterio: Jim Hougan

    EL ULTIMO MEROVINGIO Sinopsis En la CIA hay mucha gente con trabajos rutinarios, ... para restablecer a la antigua dinastía merovingia en el trono. ...
    crimenymisterio.blogspot.com/.../jim-hougan.html - En caché - Similares










    Joan Martì



    Sexualidad en la Torá

    Escalera de Jacob-Alquimia entre el cielo y tierra

    El matrimonio y la familia

    Fornicación -Septimo mandamiento




    ¿El anticristo viene de la tribu de Dan?



    Primeira  Anterior  29 a 43 de 58  Seguinte   Última 
    Resposta  Mensagem 29 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2011 01:34
     Para el cristianismo el Arca del Pacto solo contiene símbolos porque el nuevo pacto entre Dios y los hombre lo realizo Jesucristo, pero los judíos como las organizaciones secretas creen que allí se encuentra el poder del Dios de Israel y que retomaran el poderío de las épocas del Rey David.


    El Anticristo y el Arca de la Alianza

    He aquí el gran engaño. Al estar construido el Templo el hombre que se presente con el Arca se dará a conocer como el Mesías. Los judíos verán que es Arca del Pacto es verdadera y creerán en su mentira.


    Porque para este Mesías falso no será ningún problema traer el Arca a Jerusalén porque este Mesías es opositor a Dios desde el principio. El problema es serio de verdad: Muchos no tienen ni idea del problema Muchos tratan de encontrar los secretos místicos de los templarios, de los rosacruces, de los masones, de los francmasones de los iluminados, del club de Leones, de la Orden de Malta y muchísimas más; y estos son todos grupos, que tienen sus particulares ideas pero es otra cosa la que se disputa en Jerusalén. Para que se entienda: Desde que los judíos mismos se metieron en Jerusalén, ayudado por los ingleses y la declaración de Balfour, empezaron a tener importancia los palestinos. Varias veces en las últimas décadas los judíos quisieron dinamitar la mezquita de al-Aqsa y Omar y hubo varias resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas a ese respecto. Esto creo que demuestra que el problema del templo de Jerusalen no pasa solo por el misticismo que implica. Las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas y los enfrentamientos entre ejércitos israelíes y palestinos son reales.

    La construcción del Tercer Templo y la Tercer Guerra Mundial

    Aqui está el verdadero problema. Estos conflictos que se generan por la construcción del Templo de Salomón van a llevar a la tercera guerra mundial. No digo pueden llevar a la guerra: van a llevar a la guerra. Los conflictos en Medio Oriente se generan por dos motivos: la presencia judía en Israel y la construcción del Tercer Templo. Muchos en esta página van a querer encontrar los aspectos místicos del Templo de Salomón. Estos aspectos estarán en su mayoría en el libro pronto a publicarse y algunos están en:

    La Ubicación del Tercer Templo



    Mezquitas de Domo de la Roca y Omar y Al-Aqsa

    Geográficamente para que nos ubiquemos bien el lugar donde se construirá el tercer templo se llama el Domo de la Roca donde se encuentran las mezquitas de Omar y Al-Aqsa. En los próximos puntos explicare la importancia del lugar.

    La construcción del Tercer Templo ocasionara la Tercer Guerra Mundial: Además de las creencias de quien está interesado radicalmente en la construcción del Tercer Templo hay una guerra que es real a partir de la ubicación geográfica de Israel y de los intereses de los Estados Unidos, Rusia y las Naciones Islámicas.


    Para más información lean:

    El Templo de Jerusalén es un lugar clave para las dos civilizaciones Muchos se creen que esto es una exageración pero no lo es: Toda la historia de Israel y del mundo gira alrededor del tercer templo de Salomón: Occidente realizo más de diez cruzadas para liberar de los musulmanes el Templo de Jerusalén. Entre las más importantes estaba la de Ricardo Corazón de León de Inglaterra, hermano de Juan Sin Tierra que lucha, según la leyenda contra Robin Hood para explotar a los pobres. Pero la mayor hazaña a favor de Occidente la realiza Carlos Martel que vence a los musulmanes en su máximo intento en la historia para quedarse con Jerusalén y Europa.

    Los Tesoros del Tercer Templo de Salomón y los Templarios


    Esto tampoco pasa solo por una tercera guerra mundial. Aqui se junta las tradiciones y las leyendas con respecto a los tesoros. El más importante y que menos se menciona es el Tesoro del Rey Salomón que aparentemente estaría en Etiopia junto con el Arca de la Alianza también llevado en gran parte por la reina de Saba. Los otros tesoros que se encuentran desaparecidos son los de los caballeros templarios y los de muchas órdenes como las teutónicas que comenzaron defendiendo con justa causa el Templo y luego sufrieron, los caballeros, como un aburguesamiento y se dedicaron a juntar riquezas. También, según las leyendas, los templarios se convirtieron en banqueros de la Edad Media.








    Capilla de las Tablas en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Sión, que alberga, según la tradición de Etiopía, el Arca de la Alianza.

    La Reconstrucción del Templo y la posible invasión árabe de Israel con la ayuda de Rusia.




    El Final de la Historia del modelo destructor de la humanidad: La construcción del templo tendrá que surgir de una guerra que desde principios de la humanidad se viene planeando: "Esta guerra (por la construcción del Tercer templo y el ataque ruso a Israel) aunque resultaría muy paradójica y pocos analistas la mencionan es la culminación de un proceso histórico, político y religioso iniciado con el comienzo de los idiomas en Babilonia, actual Irak, donde el posible primer masón llamado Nimrud.



    Todo el material anteriormente expuesto ha sido tomado de libros Los Templarios de Pastora Barahona, El Enigma Sagrado de Michael Baigent o otros muchos materiales publicados en Internet.

    Resposta  Mensagem 30 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2011 04:33


    . . .and the False Prophet and 10 kings downsized to 7 and. . .









        "Some of the stars in this particular constellation are Denebola, which means 'The Judge,' 'The Lord Who Cometh Quickley'; Zosma, meaning 'The Shining Forth,' the 'Epiphany' (or manifestation, as when Christ shall come again); Minchair al Asad, meaning in Arabic 'The Punishing' or 'Tearing of Him who Lays Waste'; Al Defera, meaning 'The Putting Down of the Enemy.' Here indeed is a vivid picture of the wrath of the Lamb; the coming forth of Christ in final judgment and victory over His foes.

        "In the sign of Cancer, The Crab, and all of its decans, the saints are finally held securely by Christ and are brought at last into the heavenly arch, into safe harbor, and into home at the end. Christ has finally securely brought His own unto Himself. But before the end there is the destruction of His enemies. In this final sign of Leo it is equally clear and uncontestable that this is a picture of the destruction of the wicked." - D. James Kennedy (872:123-4)


    Dr. Kennedy's knowledge of astrology and Egyptology are prominent throughout his book, The Real Meaning of the Zodiac. As well, he knows much (too much) about ancient sacred sites. We recall that Chuck Missler also has an unhealthy interest in sacred sites, such as the Tarxien temple which tourists on his Malta Expedition will visit in April, 2004. To elucidate the symbolism of the Sphinx, Dr. Kennedy refers to a 'sky painting' in an ancient Egyptian temple, discreetly omitting the fact that the Temple of Esneh is dedicated to the Egyptian creator-god, Chnum. 

    "I know it will surprise you, but the sphinx actually unlocks the mystery of the zodiac. It is fascinating to note that in the Temple of Esneh in Egypt, there is a great sky painting in the portico on the ceiling which shows the whole picture of the zodiac with all of its constellations. Between the figures of Virgo, The Virgin, and Leo, The Lion, there is carved the figure of the sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion. The woman's face is looking at The Virgin and the lion's tail is pointing to Leo, telling us that we begin with The Virgin and end with Leo." (D. James Kennedy) (872:19)

    The zodiac at the Temple of Esneh was patterned after the most famous ancient Zodiac of Denderah in the Temple of Hathor. In Egyptian mythology, Hathor was the daughter of Nut and Ra, the wife of Ra called the 'Eye of Ra,' and mother of Horus the Elder. It seems the Egyptians anticipated that future generations would not be able to understand the zodiac without some help. So they built the Sphinx, which had the head of a woman and the body of a lion, to signify that the zodiac begins with the sign of Virgo and ends in Leo. Jim Cornwell, another astrologer in sheep's clothing, explains:

     "And so the Sphinx was invented as a memorial guide to the heavens. It had the head of a woman and the body and tail of a lion, to tell us where to start and stop. The word 'Sphinx' is from the Greek 'sphingo,' to joinbecause it binds together the story's two ends, making this circle of the heavens.
        "Confirmation of this is found in one of the oldest zodiacs, dating back to approximately the year 2000 B.C. This is the zodiac of Dendereh. It was discovered by scholars in the ceiling of the portico of the temple of Esneh in Egypt. In this zodiac there is placed between the signs of Virgo and Leo a picture of the Sphinx."

    "That, then, solves the 'riddle' of the Sphinx." (1045)

    Contrary to the false gospel in the stars, Virgo's position in the Zodiac has nothing at all to do with the Promised Seed of the Virgin Mary; rather the first sign of the Zodiac was Virgo/Isis, the sister-wife of Osiris, who was also known as Saturn, Tammuz and Nimrod and who was reincarnated in his son, Horus. Please recall that the dismemberment of Osiris represented the fragmenting of the different races, religions and cultures of humanity which Nimrod had attempted to unite (Gen.11). Isis' equivalent in Greek mythology was Rhea, the sister and wife of Cronus (the Roman Saturn) and the mother of Demeter (Rom. Ceres), Hades (Pluto), Hera (Juno), Hestia (Vesta), Poseidon (Neptune), and Zeus (Jupiter). 


    In his book, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, Fritz Springmeier explains the singular importance of Saturn in the occult world:

    "Saturn/Chronos was the father of all Gods in the mythology of the ancient world. David M. Talbot in his book The Saturn Myth documents how all over the world Saturn has been worshipped even more than the sun god. Saturn has been the secret god of the occult. When (sic.) we read in Deut. 18:9-10, 'When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.' All of these practices are abominations done by Satanists today and are becoming commoner among Americans. Note that the first item mentioned by Moses in this passage was passing (putting) children into the fire (of Molech)... The worship of Molech was the worship of Saturn." (49:159)

    Quoting Scripture as proof, Springmeier proceeds to demonstrate that Saturn was, in fact, Molech:

        "Amos wrote, 'Did ye bring unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O House of Israel? Yea, ye have borne the tabernacle of your king ('siccuth malkecem', or in the Septuagint it reads 'skenen tou Moloch'!!), and the shrine (kiyyun) of your images, the star of your God, which ye made to yourselves' AMS 5:25-26

        "The Christian Stephen quotes these passages of Amos and connects it with the worship of the golden calf (bull or Taurus). His words on this are recorded in Acts 7:41. He further connects it in the next verse with the worship of 'the hosts of heaven'. In line with translations like the Septuagint, he states in verse 43 that Amos 5 refers to the cult 'of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan'.

        "...Further, the word Chiun...has been represented by the word Rephan in Acts 7:43. Rephan is Kaivan (Chiun) which is the Arabian and Syrian way of saying Saturn. The adoration of the calf (bull) in the wilderness was an important act of defiance by the Israelites—while Moses went up on the mountain to speak to God face to face. This worship of the bull was actually worship of Saturn! Some call this star worship, and the bull was worshipped because at that time the constellation Taurus (the Bull) marked the position of the sun at the time of the spring equinox...

        "Moloch, then was the Sun God, ruing the Zodiac period from Taurus to Serpens and Scorpio which is when the sun is hottest." (49:159-160)

    We turn now to Dr. Cathy Burns' book, Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star. On page 150 is found a strange but well-known picture among occultists whose esoteric meaning, as interpreted by a Masonic source, is most informative. From the Masonic Short Talk Bulletin we learn that Leo, the final sign of the Zodiac, is Rhea's husband—Saturn or Chronos, the god of Time.

         "'A broken column denoted that a pillar of the state had fallen. In Egyptian mythology, Isis is sometimes pictured weeping over the broken column which conceals the body of her husband Osiris, while behind her stands Horus or Time pouring ambrosia on her hair. In Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Isis is said sometimes to be represented standing; in her right hand is a sistrum, in her left hand a small ewer and on her forehead is a lotus, emblem of resurrection. In the Dionysaic Mysteries, Dionysius is represented as slain; Rhea goes in search of the body. She finds it and causes it to be buried. She is sometimes represented as standing by a column holding in her hand a sprig of wheat, emblem of immortality; since, though it be placed in the ground and die, it springs up again into newness of life. She was the wife of Kronos or Time, who may fittingly be represented as standing behind her.'...

        "There is, however, a deeper meaning to this symbol. Former Mason and Satanist, William Schnoebelen, relates:

        "'Isis was both virgin and mother, so the 'beautiful virgin' is Isis weeping. The broken column is the missing member of Osiris [the phallus], the acacia, an allusion to the eternal life preached by the Egyptians as well as the fertility cults' emphasis on vegetation. The urn is an evocation of the canopic jars used in Egyptian funerals to store the vital organs of mummies. Finally, we have 'Time,' the god Saturn, a later form of the mysterious and evil god, Set. In astrology, Saturn is called the 'greater malefic,' or greater evil." (625:149-150)

        (Cf. the positions of the constellations Virgo and Leo in Constellations of the Zodiac)

    According to the above Masonic source, the sprig of wheat in the right hand of Isis (representing the female side of Lucifer) stands for immortality, the strong delusion of the New Age Movement. But why is Saturn/Chronos holding a farm instrument, the scythe, under his left arm?? (In some versions of this picture he holds the scythe in his left hand.) Please note (to the left) the Great Seal of the United States, specifically the sprig of wheat in the right talon of the eagle and the arrows in the left talon. We have already established that this American Eagle is none other than the brilliant star Vega in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp [note the harp on the eagle's breast] in the sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. As the star Vega, which rises at sunset on May 1st, the American Eagle is the 'risen phoenix', aka 'Lucifer rising' from the Underworld on Beltane (May 1).  Recall that Virgo once carried the sheaf of wheat, but now, as Virgo-Libra, carries the spike (Spica) as a weapon to destroy the enemies of Gnosis, the hidden wisdom of Lucifer. The scythe is the symbol of Saturn, whom famous 19th century occultists, Eliphaz Levi and H.P. Blavatsky, identified as Baal, the Lord of Death, whose worship required human sacrifice:

        "Eliphaz Levi claims: 'Works of malediction and death' were 'under the care of Saturn.' It's no wonder, then, that Saturn is called the Lord of Death.' In fact, human sacrifices were even offered to him...

        "'...Baal was the Saturn of Greece and Rome; and there was great conformity between the rites and sacrifices offered to Saturn and what the Scriptures related of the sacrifices offered to Baal.'

        "Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, occultist and New Ager, also confirms that Saturn is Bel or Baal...

        "Another correlation between Saturn and the broken column symbolism is that the symbol for Saturn is a scythe. The Masonic figure of the broken column shows the god with a scythe standing behind Isis." (625:151-2)

    Occult sources agree that the emblem of Chronos/Saturn was the scythe, and that this instrument was used to perform rites of human sacrifice. An article in NASA's Casini-Huygens Journal, "In Search of the Real Saturn," specifically mentioned 'beheading' as the means of murder: "The scythe carried by Saturn was not necessarily a farm instrument. Scythes were also used as weapons particularly for the beheading of monsters and giants." (363


    It seems that the occult underground, which is really the occult establishment, intends to revive this form of execution in order to restore the ancient religion of Osiris. To justify the mass slaughter of those who will not worship the devil in his varied forms, the worshippers of Satan (Saturn) scramble for ways to rationalize his bloodlust. In Fritz Springmeier's book, The Illuminati Formula, a Satanist known as Mother of Darkness defends human sacrifice on the grounds that such a cleansing will regenerate the earth, restore the balance, and serve as a deliverance for all parties involved. It seems that Saturn will be the gateway for the arrival of the ancient gods who will cleanse the earth. This is the meaning of the opening of the eye of Molech:

        "Mother of Darkness: 'Saturn is the gateway that must be opened. For a season God has winked that man might be illuminated... Soon the other eye of God must open. Those who are illuminated have kept the balance point. The majority of mankind has not. Few seek the ancient seed of wisdom that comes from the brow of Lucifer... The other eye of God, as some would say. Chemosh. Cleansing fire. The outstretched arms of Molech.'

        "Interviewer: 'What has that got to do with Saturn?'

        "Mother of Darkness: 'Everything. This is the most secret thing. Saturn is the gateway. The point at which all thought is fixed. The point at which all feeling shall be projected as the eye opens. Much ritual and preparation has gone into the issuance through the gateway of the ancient ones. A strengthened invisible quintessence to hold them in this plane at the time of advent.

        "Interviewer: 'And what will be the result of this advent? What will it mean?

        "Mother of Darkness: 'A restoring of the balance. Those who do not seek wisdom shall cease... When the other eye opens the dawn shall come. The Golden Dawn shall be upon us... The urge to sacrifice others is a gift. It is a liberation from the awful rigidity...of other humans. However badly treated... They do not truly die. Light increases. Wisdom grows...Death begets life. The sacred cycle of the ancient. The earth shall regenerate herself when the eye of Molech opens." (49:161)  

         Regulus = Saturn's Scythe


    Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval would have us believe that that the sickle of Saturn, i.e. Leo, is a question mark (?) and that Regulus is the lion's heart: "Leo resembles the animal after which it was named. A right triangle of stars outline the back legs...the front of the constellation, like a giant backward question mark, defines the head, mane and front legs. At the base of the question mark is Regulus, the heart of the lion..." (132:152)  In his book on astrology, D. James Kennedy also refers to Regulus as the heart of Leo, the Lion.


    Regulus is a brilliant 1st magnitude star in the constellation of Leo. In his astrological handbook, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen identifies Regulus as Leo's sickle.

    "The Egyptian stellar Lion...comprised only a part of ours, and in the earliest records some of its stars were shown as a Knife, as they now are as a Sickle... [Regulus] was of course prominent among the lunar-mansion stars, and chief to the 8th nakshatra [constellation] that bore its name, Maghā, made up by all the components of the Sickle... In Arabia, with γ, ζ, and η of the Sickle, it was the 8th mansil [mansion of the moon], Al Jabbah, of the Forehead." (927:255,257)

    According to J.R. Church, this star is the sword of Christ: "Regulus, the king star in Leo also happens to be in the handle of a sickle in the head of Leo. The point of the sickle protrudes from the lion's mouth. Could that sickle represent the sword in the mouth of Christ? Revelation 19:15 says, 'And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations.'" (1046)


    From these seemingly dissonant sources, we see that disinformation abounds not only in the New Age community but also in the Christian community, where pseudo-biblical astrologers are preparing the apostate Church for reception of the Antichrist as Jesus Christ wielding a scythe against His enemies. Whilst the strategy of Reformed Amillennialists such as D. James Kennedy is to deny the Tribulation period altogether, pseudo-Dispensationalists like J.R. Church mislead their readers through false interpretations of proper eschatology. A major objective of Dispensational false teachers, such as J.R. Church, is to eventually fool apostate Christendom that the mid-point of the Tribulation Period is the end of the Tribulation. Popular prophecy conferences provide a far-reaching platform for false prophecy teachers to pervert Dispensational truth through false interpretations. Multitudes of Christians are led into error through this scam. 


    J.R. Church appears to be a major player in the New Age scheme to stage a counterfeit Tribulation period. His article "Where Will The Planets Be In The Year 2000?" is basically the New Age propaganda that the planetary conjunctions in May of the year 2000, which occurred in the sign of Taurus, began the New Age. Christians, he implied, should interpret this New Age event as the onset of the Tribulation. According to Church, the end of the Tribulation period will occur in August of 2007 with a Saturn/ Regulus conjunction, at which time Saturn's sickle will also fallon the enemies of "Christ":

        "Some remarkable conjunctions will occur in May of the year 2000 as all five major planets, along with the sun and moon, group together leaving the constellation, Aries, and entering Taurus around May 4.

        "Jupiter and Saturn will be extremely close as Venus has a conjunction with Jupiter on the morning of May 17 and with Saturn a few hours later, May 18. Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our Solar System, will meet a few days later on May 27. This is a remarkable series of events to occur in a single month.

        "According to THE WITNESS OF THE STARS, by E. Bullinger, published in 1893, Taurus begins the story of the second coming of Christ. Bullinger writes, 'In this third and last book, we come to the concluding portion of this heavenly revelation. Its subject is redemption completed, and consummated in triumph ... the glory that should follow ... The sign in Chaldee is Tor; Greek, Tauros; Latin, Taurus. The Hebrew name is Shur, which is from a root which means both coming and ruling. It is a prophecy of Christ, the coming Judge, and Ruler, and Lord of all the earth.'...

        "Over the next seven years, from 2000 to 2007, Saturn will travel through the constellations that tell the story of the wrath of God being poured out upon an unbelieving world. That would be Taurus, the coming Judge; Gemini, which in ancient zodiacs tells the story of the Bridegroom and his bride; Cancer, the symbol of resurrection; and Leo, the lion pouncing on Hydra, a many-headed serpent. These constellations along with their sidereal sidepieces tell the story of the second coming of Christ...

        "In the Rotunda ceiling at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California, is a mural of Saturn by Hugo Ballin. It shows Saturn below the sickle in the mouth of Leo. Will Saturn use Leo's sickle? Coming up around August 29, 2007, Saturn will have a conjunction with Regulus. It will be near its conjunction as the calendar approaches Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year on September 12, 2007. Will Saturn's conjunction with Regulus complete the story which began on the night of Jupiter's conjunction with Regulus in 3 B.C.?" (1046)

    J.R.'s projection of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is based on the Jupiter/Regulus triple conjunction theory of the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the first coming of Christ. To support this erroneous concept, J.R. appeals to the gnostic tradition of assigning astrological symbols to the twelve tribes of Israel:

    "On the night of Rosh Hashanah, September 11, 3 B.C., Jupiter was in conjunction with Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, the lion. It passed across the star, stopped around the first of December and began a retrograde movement, crossing Regulus again on February 17, 2 B.C. It continued its backward trek 40 days, then turned around again and had a third conjunction with Regulus on May 8, 2 B.C...

    "The remarkable thing about this triple conjunction is that the dying Jacob gave a prophecy on his deathbed concerning the coming of the Messiah from the tribe of Judah - to which he gave the sign of the celestial lion:

    "Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.

    "Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

    "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Genesis 49:8-10).

    Resposta  Mensagem 31 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2011 04:34
    The Hebrew word used for 'his feet' reglaiv, is very close to the Latin, Regulus. We get the word regal and regulation from Regulus. The Hebrew regel (foot) appears to be so similar to the name of the star, we suspect a connection.

        "Regulus has been known down through the centuries as the 'king star.' Jacob said that the 'scepter [a royal rod held in the hand of a king] shall not depart from Judah ... until Shiloh [a reference to the Messiah] come. On the other hand, Jupiter was also known as the royal planet - the king planet. It must have had some special significance to the Magi when Jupiter, the king planet had the first of three conjunctions with Regulus, the king star between the feet of Leo. Circling above Regulus, Jupiter seemed to draw a crown - perhaps signifying the arrival of the divine King." (1046)

        The Counterfeit Tribulation

    Using various fronts posing as Christian ministries, the secret societies have used the Grand Planetary Alignment and Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the year 2000 to mark the beginning of a false Tribulation Period. The rationale behind commencing a false Tribulation period before the genuine Tribulation starts is to ultimately deceive the apostate Christian masses with a false Antichrist, a false False Prophet, a false Mark of the Beast—a pseudo New World Order which will be overthrown by the real Antichrist posing as Jesus Christ. So when J.R. Church projects that August 29, 2007 is the end of the 7-year Tribulation period and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the reader can reasonably assume that this date may be the midpoint of the Tribulation when the Antichrist makes his grand entrance, per Revelation 13:1.


    To illustrate Satan's counterfeiting of real Tribulation events, the following table charts the events of the false Tribulation in chronological relation to the actual Tribulation events 3.5 years later. This table is based on the assumption that the Book of Revelation follows a strict chronological order, as Jesus instructed the apostle John: "Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter." (Rev.1:19)



    False Trib 3.5 yr

    False Great Tribulation 3.5 years

    Golden Age 3.5 yrs

    False New Heavens & New Earth

    False False Prophet   


    New Jerusalem

    Release of> False Satan











    Rapture of 

    the Church>


    of Desolation  

    False Prophet

    Christ's> Return  

    Tribulation Saints

    Satan Released

    Last Judgment>

    Church Age

    Tribulation 3.5 years

    Great Tribulation 3.5 years

    Millennial Reign of Christ

    New Heavens/Earth


    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the true Church will be the event that God uses to begin the actual seven-year Tribulation Period. During the first 3 1/2 years of the real Tribulation, the secret societies will set up a false Antichrist, a false False Prophet, a false Dragon, a false Babylon the Great, false Mark of the Beast and many other counterfeit fulfillments of Bible prophecy. These counterfeits will function as decoys and scapegoats in order to (1) justify the elimination of established governments and traditional religions and (2) prevent recognition of the true Antichrist, the true False Prophet, true Mark of the Beast and Satan's gnostic religious system. At the midpoint of the Tribulation period, the real Antichrist and False Prophet will destroy the false Antichrist, the false False Prophet, the false Dragon which is Mystery Babylon the Great, the Roman Catholic Church.


    According to D. James Kennedy, the chief star of Leo, Regulus, will be the heavenly sign of 'Christ' when he tramples on His enemies.

        "The chief star [of the constellation Leo, The Lion] means 'He That Tears Asunder.' And God represents Himself in that way... The chief star, situated in the lion's breast, whence its mighty paws proceed, bears the name of Regal, which means 'The Treading Underfoot,' That is precisely what the feet of the lion can do. In fact, Joseph Seiss, author of The Gospel in the Stars, tells us that the forepaw of the lion can exert the same force as dropping a twenty-five point hammer. With one blow of its paw it can break the backbone of an ox or crush the skull of a horse. With one blow its claws can cut four inches in depth on another beast. No wonder man is ill-equipped to fight with a lion!.. (872:119)

    There is a hint in Kennedy's remarks that the mighty fall of Christendom will be connected with the discovery of the Hall of Records in the Lion's forepaw ('the lion's breast, whence its mighty paws proceed') with the result that 2,000 years of Christian dogma will be pronounced invalid.

        "In this last of the constellations, the feet of the lion are about to land on the head or neck of the serpent... In this final sign of Leo it is...clear and incontestable that this is a picture of the destruction of the wicked." (872:119-20)

    In August of 2003 there were several conjunctions leading up to a conjunction of Regulus and Jupiter, which is regarded by astrologers as the King of the Planets, King Star, Melchizedek and the Messiah all rolled into one. Robert Wadsworth reported on this "unique rendezvous" in his 'Biblical Astronomy" (i.e., astrology) newsletter of August 2003:

        "Starting around August 21, the Sun, Jupiter and Venus will be closing in on a rendezvous with the star Regulus in the constellation Leo (Arieh, the lion).  Continuing on through August 26, there will be various massings and conjunctions of the above- mentioned heavenly bodies. Chart 324 below shows the close grouping of the above-mentioned bodies for August 22, 2003.  The planet Jupiter is the large dot above the sun, and the star Regulus is the smaller dot below Venus.  The bodies are too close together here to show the labels of all...

        "Before getting into the events, I will give a review of the Biblical meanings of the constellation Leo (Arieh), the star Regulus, the planets Jupiter and Venus, and the Sun.

        "The constellation Leo (Arieh, the lion) represents not only Messiah crushing the enemy, but also the Tribe of Judah and the House of Judah. 

        "The star Regulus in the constellation Leo (Arieh) is the brightest star in that constellation and the chief or king star (the king star of Yehudah).   All ancient civilizations recognized Regulus as the king star, the one and only king star in the zodiac.  Regulus means kingly in Latin.  The Arabic word regel means foot and is identical in meaning to the Aramaic word regla and the Hebrew word regel.  Thus the brightest star in the constellation of Arieh, has the Biblical connotation of the foot, tying in with the "from between his feet," of Genesis 49:10 ("the sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be") represented by the king star, Regulus.    

        The planet Jupiter or Tzedeq in Hebrew is the chief or king planet of all the planets.  Its Hebrew name Tzedeq is the root of Melchizedek.  Jupiter has long been recognized as a messianic star and associated with the Messiah.  Tzedeq means righteousness.  The Messiah who would come from David's genetic line was to be the righteous Branch, according to Jeremiah 23:5, who would reign as a king and execute righteousness.  His name would be called the Lord our Righteousness (Jer. 23 5, 6 and Jer 33:15, 16).  Thus Jupiter has characteristics that would associate it with the Messiah. Yahshua is made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec (Heb. 6:20).

        "Venus is the bright and morning star.  This is also associated with Yahshua HaMashiach, "the bright and morning star" in Rev. 22:16. 

        "The Sun represents the going forth of the bridegroom (Psalm 19:5, 6)

        Celestial Events
               August 17 – Sun and Venus in conjunction.

               August 21 – Jupiter and Venus in conjunction.

               August 22 – Venus and Regulus in conjunction.

                                   Sun and Jupiter in conjunction.

               August 23 – Sun and Regulus in conjunction.

               August 26 – Jupiter and Regulus in conjunction

               August 27 – Mars at its closest approach to Earth in the last 59,000 plus years.

               August 28 – Mars at opposition.

                                   Sighting of New Moon (Elul 1 begins)." (1047)


    Former Kansas City false prophet, Bob Jones, gave Jupiter similar approbation in his 1999 article, "The Lance of the Basilisk."  Based on one of Jones' revelatory visions, the article states that the Shoemaker-Levy comet that impacted Jupiter in 1994 was really an attack of a powerful arch demon of Hell, an agent of Satan named Basilisk, against the Michael the Archangel, misrepresented as Melchizedekwhose name happens to be synonymous with Jupiter.  Here is a prime example of a false prophet pretending to oppose the very falsehood he is promoting:

    "On July 16, 1994, which is the 9th of Av on the Hebrew Calendar, the twenty-one pieces of Shoemaker-Levi comet began its bombardment on the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is commonly recognized as a symbol of idolatry and paganism. One of the most devastating events in the history of Israel occurred when the image of Jupiter was placed in the Temple of God. We continue to observe the feast of Hanukkah as a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees in removing this pagan god from the temple and re-instituting temple worship.

    "It is clearly prophetically significant that the Shoemaker Levi comet began its assault on the planet Jupiter on this notable date. The Heavens declare the Glory of God. It is also significant that the comet was broken into twenty-one pieces also representing the twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV, the season which this prevailing spirit operates with its greatest authority.

    "Even though Jupiter is a symbol of idolatry for the pagan world, it is also a term for righteousness in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew name for Jupiter is Tzedeq and comes from the word meaning 'righteous' or 'righteous one'. It is from this term that the name Melchizedek is derived denoting 'King of Righteousness'.

    "Clearly, we can see that Satan has perverted Jupiter into a symbol of idolatry. However, we can glean understanding from this term as a symbol of righteousness in the hope of our being cleansed by the Truth of God's Word thereby making us a suitable habitation for His Holy Spirit so that we can share in His holiness." (1050)

    Using the Hebrew calendar to support an astrological false teaching, Bob Jones was claiming that the 1994 assault of Shoemaker-Levi on Jupiter symbolized a strategic attack by the powers of darkness on the Jesus Christ, whom God represents by the planet Jupiter. It's a good thing all Bob Jones' intercessors waged spiritual warfare in the heavenlies, as he exhorted them, "This high level authority cannot be combated individually but must be engaged through corporate united intercessory prayer." Jones was happy to report in his "Plans and Strategy for Spiritual Warfare in 1999 and 2000" that Basilisk was defeated through their prayers. According to Jones' fellow astrologer in sheep's clothing, Bob Wadsworth, God gave us the planetary alignment of May, 2000 and the Jupiter/Regulus conjunction of 2003 as portents that the Messiah is on His way.

    "After thousands of hours of research, I know for certain that these were and are the greatest signs ever to occur marking the Return of Messiah.  In the last 6,000 years and for at least 5,000 years to come, there was and will not be an array of such fine signs as we were witness to over these past 7 years (saving when the sun turns black and the moon blood red after the tribulation of those days)." (1047)

    The Prince of the Covenant


    In his book, From the Omens of Babylon, Michael Baigent predicted that a conjunction of Jupiterthe King of the planets called the King Star by New Agers—and Regulus, another King Star, would presage the removal of a reigning monarch from power.

    "One [Akkadian] text states unequivocally the connection between a celestial challenge and one upon the earth: 'When Jupiter advances on Regulus...another will rise up and kill the king, and seize the throne... Regulus has long been named 'The Royal Star', called by the Assyrians Sharru, which means 'the king'. Jupiter, then, in this text is assuming the role of a strong challenger to the reigning monarch symbolized by Regulus." (696:150)


    "In ancient Jewish tradition, Jupiter was the planet called the 'King's Star'...." (53)


    "The star Regulus in the constellation Leo (Arieh) is the brightest star in that constellation and the chief or king star (the king star of Yehudah). All ancient civilizations recognized Regulus as the king star, the one and only king star in the zodiac. Regulus means kingly in Latin." (1047)  

    The Columbia Encyclopedia states that "Regulus is a visual triple star. Its name is Latin for 'prince'." (124:2297)  Is it possible that Regulus, as Saturn, is named for the 'prince that shall come' to sign a peace treaty with Israel?

    Resposta  Mensagem 32 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2011 04:35

    ...and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. - Dan. 9:27

    If so, this 'prince of the covenant' will fail to deliver on his promises and be overthrown at mid-Tribulation by the Antichrist, i.e., Jupiter advancing on Regulus.

    And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. - Dan. 11:21-22

    In The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital, author David Ovason stated that Regulus means 'little ruler' and that this 1st magnitude star was the 'guiding star' of Rome.

    "What is most remarkable about the merging of history with mythology is that ancient Roman astrologers had linked the foundation of their own city with a fixed star in Leo. This was Regulus, whose name means 'little ruler'perhaps a reasonable association for a city that was to rule the world for so many centuries. The star Regulus is said to have entered the zodiacal sign of Leo in 293 B.C., and has been taken ever since by astrologers as the guiding star of the Eternal City."

    Rome was also known as the city of Saturn and, according to Alexander Hislop, "...the Pope is...the legitimate representative of Saturn,... But it still further it turns out...that the original name of Rome itself was Saturnia, 'the city of Saturn.' Thus, then the Pope...is the only legitimate representative of the original Saturn at this day in existence, and he reigns in the very city of the seven hills where the Roman Saturn formerly reigned..." (156:259)

    Saturn was a malicious god who was overthrown by his son, Jupiter (Gr. Zeus), whence he established a Golden Age on earth. The Mythology Dictionary describes the brutal disposition of Saturn:

    "The titan Saturn (equated with the Greek Cronus) castrated his father, hated his children, devoured them, and was castrated and overthrown by his son Zeus. After his defeat, Saturn ruled over the Golden Age of the world; according to Roman mythology, he fled to the west and brought a new golden time to Italy. Originally Saturn was an old Italic deity of the harvest; the Roman's built a temple to Saturn on the Capitoline hill and each December celebrated the winter planting with the Saturnalia, a time of revelry and the giving of presents. Saturnalia today denotes a period of unrestrained or orgiastic revelry. Saturn gives his name to the sixth planet from the sun, the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. ...a saturnine temperament...is...gloomy or melancholy, characteristics of the god who castrated his father and was overthrown. Saturnian simply means pertaining to the god or the planet Saturn. The planet Saturn was also associated with the element lead, and so the term for lead poisoning is saturnism." (1047)

    At the Roman Saturnalia was celebrated each year the overthrow of the Atlantean god Saturn (Gr. Chronos) by the god Jupiter (Gr. Zeus) and return to the Golden Age of Atlantis. John King, author of The Celtic Druid's Year, explains:

    “The Roman festival dedicated to Saturn, the Saturnalia, began on 19 December. It celebrated the overthrow of the old father-god, Saturn, by the new, Jupiter or Deus-Pater (God the Father, although in our context he is actually God the Son). These gods have direct counterparts in Greek mythology (Chronos and Zeus) and in Celtic mythology (Bran and Bel or Belin)…” (270:133)

    In Roman mythology, Jupiter (Gr. Zeus), was the last god of Atlantis. Ignatius Donnelly tells of Jupiter's fame and glory after he deposed his father, Saturn: "The third and last on the throne of the highest god was Zeus... He was called 'the thunderer,' and 'the mighty thunderer.' He was represented with thunder-bolts in his hand and an eagle at his feet. During the time of Zeus Atlantis seems to have reached its greatest height of power. He was recognized as the father of the whole world..." - 635 (Part IV, Ch. II)

    The Dialectic

    The conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter in May of 2000 presaged, in astrological folklore, the reunion of these ancient gods to recreate the new Atlantisa social order based on the pre-flood civilization which God judged in Genesis 7. The motto of 33rd degree Freemasonry is "ordo ab chao" ('order out of chaos') which means that a new social order is only possible through the planned destruction of the old order. The planetary god of Saturn is characterized in astrology as one that brings suffering as Vera Alder stated in her book, The Initiation of the World: "Pain and pressure are born upon this planet ...from the planet Saturn." (1049:109)

    In keeping with the Masonic axiom 'ordo ab chao', Saturn (Chronos) will produce massive upheavals in the old order and Jupiter, the King Star or Zeus, will restore social order under a new system of law. In The Illuminati Formula, Fritz Springmeier amplifies Alder’s model of Saturnian severity as the cosmic force, which, in a classic dialectical operation, will merge with Jupiter to create the Golden Age of Saturn:

    "...the religion of Saturn is Saturnian gnosiswhich turns out to be a rehash of the gnosticism that the high level Satanists believe in. Saturn is severe. Jupiter is mild. The merging of Saturn (severity) with Jupiter is the creation of the new Golden Ageaccording to high level Satanic hierarchy teachings." (49:160)

    It will be seen in the course of the Tribulation events that Saturn and Jupiter are astrological representations of the Roman Pope and the Merovingian Antichrist respectively. The infiltration of the Vatican early on by the Merovingian dynasty has been previously documented and many of the popes have been agents of the Merovingians, including John XXIII and John-Paul II.

    Saturn is the malevolent god of time, representing the period of chaos and severity that precedes Jupiter, the god of benevolence. Saturn will rule over the first half of the Tribulation period, producing the chaos which destroys the present social order. At mid-Tribulation, Jupiter (the Merovingian king) will pass judgment on Saturn (the Roman Catholic Pope and Church) in a global court of law for crimes committed during the Inquisition and the Holocaust.  In a fiery judgment, Jupiter (the Merovingian Beast) will overthrow Saturn (the Great Whore of Rome). This cataclysmic event is first mentioned in Revelation 14 and described in vivid detail in chapters 17 and 18:

    And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. - Rev. 14:8

    And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
    And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
    And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. - Rev. 17:1-17

    Then shall commence the Great Tribulationthe reign of terror of the Beast.

    Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. - Dan 7:23-25


    The New Age plans for mankind to go 'back to the future' to the astrological Age of Leo, which The Message of the Sphinx locates as beginning in 10,500 B.C.

        "All the clues are in place. Geology and archeo-astronomy have already indicated that the lion-headed Sphinx may be vastly older than Egyptologists currently believe, dating not from 2500 B.C., but from 10,500 B.C.the beginning of the astrological Age of Leo...

        "...Using sophisticated computer simulations of ancient skies, they unravel the riddle of the Sphinx... Their discoveries led the authors to this question: Does mankind have a rendezvous with destiny—a rendezvous not in the future, but in the distant past, at a precise place and time? The secrets can be kept no longer..." (132 back cover)

    In the Egyptian Calendar Year of the Ages of the Zodiac, the First Age was the astrological Age of Leo.


    First Age

    Second Age

    Third Age

    Fourth Age

    Fifth Age

    Sixth Age

    Seventh Age

    Eighth Age

    Ninth Age

    Tenth Age

    Eleventh Age

    Twelfth Age

    Age of Leo

    Age of Cancer

    Age of Gemini

    Age of Taurus

    Age of Aries

    Age of Pisces

    Age of Aquarius

    Age of Capricorn

    Age of Sagittarius

    Age of Scorpio

    Age of Libra

    Age of Virgo

    dawned in 10948 BCE

    dawned in 8788 BCE

    dawned in 6628 BCE

    dawned in 4468 BCE

    dawned in 2308 BCE

    dawned in 148 BCE

    dawns in 2012 AD

    dawns in 4172AD

    dawns in 6332 AD

    dawns in 8492 AD

    dawns in 10652 AD

    dawns in 12812 AD


    The preeminence of Leo would seem to conflict with the commonly held New Age belief that the most primitive eon was the Age of Virgo, when the Great Mother Goddess ruled over the Motherland of MU. Recall that the inhabitants of Lemuria, which supposedly existed 18 million years ago, were the ascended race of Great Initiates from the star system Sirius who left their utopian realm to undertake a sacrificial mission to our solar system. A Masonic website, Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations, explains the discrepancy in the Great Calendar Year from the vantage point of the Egyptians, who worshipped the male creator-god, Hu, instead of Mu, aka Nut, the mother of Isis and Osiris.

        "The question arises as to why the Age of Leo was chosen by the Ancient Egyptians as the First Age when clearly the Ancient Egyptians regarded Hu, the Celestial Sphinx, as the giver of Life in the Beginning. The answer lies in the New Beginning following the gradual Fall of Hu from his majestic position on the horizon in 14000BCE...
         "It could be argued that technically the New Beginning should have started at the Dawn of the Age of Virgo in 13108BCE. Why wait until the Dawn of the Age of Leo in 10948BCE for the New Beginning? Was it perhaps because Virgo was female? Initially I would have suggested that this was not the case because the Ancient Egyptians represented the heavens in the female form: that of Nut, the Sky Goddess. However it must be remembered that Hu, the Celestial Sphinx and Creator, was male … as evidenced by his Osiris Beard. Moreover the heavens which Hu created were impregnated into the body of Nut. The female was clearly subordinate to the male, and her purpose was one of childbearing. Hu represented the Male Principle while Virgo and Nut represented the Female Principle...
        "There is an additional, and perhaps more straight forward reason why Leo was chosen over Virgo as the First Age. By 13108BCE the Celestial Sphinx had not fallen sufficiently below the horizon at Giza for a New Age to be even considered. However by 10948BCE the Ancient Egyptians had lost their affiliation with Hu. The Celestial Sphinx no longer had the same relevance in their lives as he had had for their ancestors."

    A New Age website explains the progression from the Age of Leo to the present threshold of the Age of Aquarius as the downward spiral from female to male dominance. Aquarius will be the turning point during which the human race will begin to reverse the male dominated social order and ascend toward another Golden Age of Virgo, 13,000 years in the future.

    "Leo - The Lion - Age of Leo - Lion King - approximately 13,000 years ago - the time the energies supposedly moved into a male cycle - to return to the feminine - higher frequencies - 13,000 years later - Age of Aquarius...

    "We are presently ending a century, a millennium, and now 180 degrees around the star clock of the procession of the equinoxes. That was the time of the great flood. That was the Age of Leo....Many ancient Star clocks depict the age of Leo. The Flood happened somewhere in the beginning to the middle of Leo." (1051)





                   ANTICHRIST IN VIRGO

                   THE GREAT CHYREN











                      ANTICHRIST IN CANCER

                      THE THREE BEARS

                      FALSE PROPHET IN CANCER

                     THE MICHAEL IN CANCER


    Resposta  Mensagem 33 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2011 21:19
    Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

    Resposta  Mensagem 34 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/09/2011 01:20

    The Dragon Queens

    If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
    Mark Twain

    The Illuminati appear on the surface to be a male-dominated operation. But, in fact, the high priestess is as important in their rituals as the high priest and at the heart of Illuminati symbolism is the worship of the goddess -the serpent goddess. The New Age movement wants a return of the "goddess" because it is equated with female energy and releasing women from suppression. On that level, so do I.


    But it is vital for New Agers and others to understand that this is not the "goddess" symbolism the Illuminati and their placemen talk about. They just want you to think it is. The serpent goddess is known under countless names around the world, including Diana, Artemis, Athene, Semiramis, Barati, Britannia, Hecate, Rhea, Persephone ("First Serpent") and so on.


    These same names have also been used to symbolize esoteric concepts like the phases of the Moon and female energy, but at its foundation this goddess worship of the Illuminati would seem to relate to the DNA transmitted through the female and possibly originating in the constellation of Orion. I have heard this DNA source symbolized in various cultures as the Dragon Queens, the Orion Queen or Queens, and the "Snake Mother".


    From what I am told by insiders and serious researchers, the full-blown reptilian society has its own version of queen bees, which produce the eggs from which the bloodlines and their offshoots, originate. Artemis, a key Illuminati goddess, is depicted with eggs all over her chest and she is associated with bees. One of the prime symbols of the Merovingian bloodline, so connected to Artemis/Diana worship, is the bee and the hive.


    You also find this symbolism in Freemasonry. The reptilians and greys have been described over and over by abductees and experiences as having a kind of swarm or hive mentality, very much like bees, and they have worked to make the human race a mirror of that.


    Researcher Frans Kamp also came across this theme of the Orion Queen:

    "The Bee-queen has a herd. The memories of the herd/swarm are transferred to them by the female/queen. A chemical substance/hormone 'pheromones' is required for this in the same way as melatonin is needed for more intuition [interdimensional connection]. The memories are the typical rules of behavior of the herd. An animal is pure subconscious. He lives on intuition. We call that paranormal. We humans use our brains. We think that brains do everything. The rest is instinct.


    Well instinct is subconsious. Our DNA knows everything. Your DNA/subconscious keeps you alive, not your brains. As the Orion people are still animals in the fourth density, they are by their collective subconscious connected with each other by their queen. The Orion Queen. Every swarm has its own queen. She has the pure bloodline...the mitochondrial DNA is only transferred by women and is the strongest DNA there is."1

    I have been told many times that the DNA carried by the female in the reptilian bloodlines is the most important to them and the symbolism of the "goddess" and the "serpent" have been linked since ancient times. Sir Laurence Gardner is a spokesman for the Imperial Royal Dragon Court and Order that represents the interests of the "Dragon bloodlines" seeded by the DNA of the "Dragon Queens".


    He says that this symbolism and the theme of the Dragon Queens goes back to the "founding mother" of the Anunnaki he calls Tiamat, the Sea-dragon in Mesopotamian accounts. These queens, he suggests, were commonly represented as mermaids (amphibious/Sirius?), and were often called Ladies of the Lake (see In the Realm of the Ring Lords).


    Throughout the lands settled by the former Atlantean-Lemurian peoples you find the worship of the serpent goddess and her serpent son, who is often symbolized as a bull. James Churchward reveals from ancient tablets and artwork that Lemurians worshipped the goddess called "Queen Moo", and that Lemuria/Mu was called the "Motherland". Around the Mediterranean the priest-kings were known as the "Children of the Serpent Goddess".2


    In this same region, temples and Mystery schools were created in her name, most notably the Temple of Artemis/Diana at Ephesus in Turkey, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Turkey (formerly Asia Minor), Greece, and the islands of Samothrace, Cyprus, and Crete were among the main centers of the goddess cult. Samothrace, "the Sacred Isle", seems to have been the headquarters for this in the Mediterranean/Aegean region. Here the rites of the "Sisterhood of Daughters" of the Goddess Hecate were performed.3


    She was depicted with snake feet and snakes for hair.4 Dogs, the sacred animal to Hecate, were sacrificed to her in these rituals during the dark phase of the Moon. This emphasis on the dog in Hecate myth could connect her symbolically to the "dog star" Sirius, a base for the reptilians. In Colchis, that ancient Egyptian settlement at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, there was a cemetery sacred to Hecate. Jason of the Argonaut legends was said to have offered a sacrifice to Hecate at Colchis.5 (Colches-ter is the oldest recorded town in England and its first Roman capital).


    The Illuminati Satanic network continues to perform sacrifice rituals to Hecate and this goddess was massively part of the symbolism surrounding the ritual murder of Princess Diana, as explained in The Biggest Secret. Indeed, Diana could well have been a sacrifice to Hecate, the triple-headed goddess with the symbolism of Sirius, Sirius B, and Sirius C. The name, Hecate, literally means "One Hundred".


    Both Sirius B and C take 50 years to orbit Sirius A and the symbolism of one hundred, the duel orbit of "the twins", was often used as code for the Sirius system, according to Robert Temple in The Sirius Mystery. It is also important to note that, as Temple points out, the ancient Egyptian word and hieroglyph for goddess also means serpent, and their hieroglyph for Sirius also means tooth. Thus the stories of the "serpent's tooth" can be read as the "Goddess Sirius". The Egyptian word for tooth also means dog and, more specifically, dog-god and one hundred.7

    The Minoan civilization on Crete, part of the Sumer Empire, was another serpent-bull culture. They called its line of Aryan "Minos" kings the Sons of the Serpent Goddess because, once again, the Aryan line is the purest of the reptilian hybrids. These were the Serpent Kings who ruled Atlantis and the later Sumer Empire. Ancient Crete, as with other connected centers, was famous for its labyrinth, a word meaning "House of the Double Axe" or "House of the Serpent Goddess".8


    Greece was another serpent goddess culture. They called her Athene and at Delphi, the Oracles (interdimensional channelers) would speak the words of the serpent goddess, known there as Delphinia.9 The Oracle would go into a trance state while staring into the eyes of a snake. She would also use cannabis and chew laurel leaves, the sacred herb of the goddess or "pythoness".


    The laurel leaves are used by the Illuminati in the symbol of Freemasonry and the logo of the United Nations, in which they frame an Earth broken into an esoterically significant 33 segments (Figure 18).

    Pythagoras, the famous Greek hero and mathematician, grew up in the mysteries of the serpent goddess cult and his very name means "I am the Python" or "I am the Serpent".

    DNA of the dragon queens

    The author, Sir Laurence Gardner, says that the ancient Imperial Royal Dragon Court and Order can first be identified as the Dragon Court of ancient Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu in about 2170BC. It later became a "pharaonic institution" thanks to Queen Sobeknefru (C.1785-82BC) and operated as a sort of "royal academy", a "unique assembly of science and scholarship".


    That's according to its official website, anyway. The Dragon Court was re-launched in the 15th century as the Hungarian Court of the Dragon and was strongly connected with "Dracula".


    Gardner calls himself,

    "Chevalier de Saint Germain and Attache to the Grand Protectorate of The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order -Ordo Dragonis, Sarkany Rend, 1408".

    He loves titles, old Larry. He has written a number of books, including Bloodline Of The Holy Grail (1996), in which he claims that the Merovingians and their offshoots, like the British House of Stuart, were seeded by Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This is not the case, as we'll see, although there could be some symbolic truths in the theme of a "Jesus" and "Mary" bloodline. Gardner, in my view, knows far more than he is telling, although, if you read between the lines, he's already telling quite a lot. He has been given great prominence by the Australia-based Nexus magazine, which claims to expose how the world is manipulated.

    Gardner says that bloodlines (the "Dragon Kings") were specially conceived by the Anunnaki to rule on their behalf. He says that they drank menstrual blood known as Star Fire, but he doesn't mention the blood they drink from the victims of human sacrifice right to this day. The drinking of menstrual blood, symbolized as "red mead" or "red wine", goes back to the dawn of history and many ancient calendars were based on the Moon-menstrual cycle.


    The Greeks called it Ambrosia ("supernatural red wine" of the goddess Hera), while in India it was Soma (the food of the gods) and in Persia, haoma. They believed the menstrual blood was sacred and the life essence that could bring immortality. Sir Laurence Gardner calls the Anunnaki bloodlines the "dragon bloodlines", but claims that this derives only from the use of crocodile fat in the royal ceremonies of ancient Egypt. Right, Larry, and I can hang by my willy from a hot air balloon.


    He dismisses any idea that these bloodlines are reptilian shape-shifters, although he acknowledges that such claims were made in ancient times. He said in a Nexus magazine article that he found it hard to imagine that anyone (i.e. me) could still believe such stories in these more enlightened times. Mmmm. The records of Sumer, Gardner says, reveal that the Anunnaki had a "creation chamber" to produce these "royal" bloodlines and he says that the senior line of descent was determined by the "Mitochondrial DNA of the Dragon Queens".


    Gardner talks of the "Blood Royal" or Sang Graal in the "womb of the Dragon Queen". Other texts in France called this bloodline, "Le Serpent Rouge" - the red serpent or the serpent blood.10 The female or "goddess" DNA is most definitely the key here.


    The Cathars or Albigensians, who were slaughtered by the Roman Church in the 13th century, were supporters of the "elven" or dragon bloodline, according to Gardner. A female elf was called an elbe, he says, and this is the inspiration for Albi, the main city of the Cathars or Aligensians, in their stronghold in the Languedoc region of southern France.


    "Gens", as we saw earlier, relates to tribe and is used to this day as a code for the bloodlines. The Cathars appeared to be close to the Knights Templar, who also had a major presence in that same area around the mysterious mountain-top village of Rennes-le-Chateau. Could this mountain have been an inner-earth entrance to a reptilian base? It certainly seems to be an interdimensional doorway. I have been all around there and the whole area has a very strange vibe.


    The horrific slaughter of the Cathars by armies of Pope Innocent III and the Roman Church ended with the siege of their mountain-top fortress at Montsegur in 1244. Gardner's contention is that the Roman Church destroyed the "dragon" succession when it removed the Merovingians from power in the 8th century and began to appoint its own monarchs, including Charlemagne, in what later became France. Gardner says that the church also suppressed the female and worship of the "goddess" (Dragon Queen) with its male-dominated religion.11 I beg to differ. We shall see that while the Roman Church and Christianity in general is an outwardly male religion, it is secretly a continuation of pagan goddess worship.


    Also, the reptilian bloodlines constantly fight with each other for power, and the Roman Church, Charlemagne, and the Merovingians were different expressions of the same reptilian bloodlines battling with each other to be top dog - as usual.

    Resposta  Mensagem 35 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/09/2011 01:21
    The British Edda

    The story of a battle between the Nordics and a reptilian force for control of the planet is told in some considerable detail in the Edda, the epic ancient British account of the events in Sumer and elsewhere, translated by L.A. Waddell. The emphasis by the serpent cult on the female is also confirmed. The Edda text was found in Iceland in the 12th century and was believed by scholars to be of Icelandic and Scandinavian origin.


    Waddell reveals in his book, British Edda (Christian Book Club, California, 1929) that it is actually written in Old Briton, a language closely linked to Old English, Anglo-Saxon, and Eastern Gothic. And Gothic came from the Sumerian, which came from Atlantis/Lemuria. The Edda is not of Icelandic origin, but British.12 It was taken to Iceland, it appears, by settlers from Scotland, Orkney, the Hebrides, and North Britain. Among them were the Culdees, who had their headquarters at St Andrews in Scotland, an area with strong Illuminati connections to this day.13


    The "Culdees" came from "Chaldees", a people who followed the Sumer Empire in Mesopotamia and worshipped the mother-son cult in which they claimed that God's son had died to save them. This was long before Christianity. And, of course, these northern lands of Europe were the realms of the Nordics who went south to the Near and Middle East thousands of years ago before returning as the "Sumerians", the "Phoenicians", and the "Egyptians".


    Scholars have misrepresented the Edda, not least because an Icelander called Snorri Sturlason (1179-1241) included his translations of this text in his own work. This led to the erroneous idea that he had compiled it. But he merely used sections from it and mistranslated them to a large extent. He mistook the titles and personal names of the same person to be names of different people and the whole meaning was lost.14


    Waddell again used his knowledge of ancient languages to retranslate the Edda and he says it tells the story of events in ancient Troy and Cappadocia, both now in Turkey, and the Danube Valley in Europe. These events and their heroes and villains became foundations for myths and legends throughout the former Sumer Empire and later entered the texts that became the Bible.

    You are going to be hit by a stream of names, symbols, and connections in this chapter. You might get a headache in the next few minutes, but understanding how different names and titles refer to the same people can unlock so many mysteries. The themes running through this chapter and the names, titles, and symbols I will introduce, are:

    (a) the battle between the "Nordics" and the reptilians or serpent cult

    (b) the interbreeding between the Nordic and reptilian bloodlines

    (c) the fundamental importance of the goddess to the reptilians

    L.A. Waddell first began to see the connections between apparently unconnected people and events during his early days in India while studying Hindu history and mythology. He noticed that Eindri, the name used in the Edda text for the European and Norse "god" called Thor, was remarkably close to the Hindu god, Indra. The Indian Vedas, which were inspired by the Lemurian and Sumerian legends and accounts, describe Indra as tall, fair, invincible, and armed with a bolt.


    This is how Eindri or Thor is described in the Edda and Waddell concluded from considerable research that the European god, Thor, and the Hindu god, Indra, were the same person, and that this guy was also the first "Aryan" king of Sumer. The Vedas connect Indra to the Greek god Zeus, also known as Jupiter. Some Sanskrit scholars regarded Indra as the same as Jupiter and suggested that he was a heroic human king who had led the early Aryans or "Nordics" to victory against the "serpent cult".


    Waddell produces a stream of evidence to show that the Hindu god, Indra, and the European, Thor, after whom we get Thursday or "Thors-day", are the same person or deity. He also says that the legend of Thor is the origin of the legends of King Arthur. Thor is known in the Edda as Her-Thor, which became Ar-Thur. Both Her and Ar come from the same root meaning...Aryan.15 The mist began to clear even further when Waddell observed that the name of the first Aryan king of the Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia had the name of Indara, In Dur, In-Tur, or King Tur.16


    This, Waddell says, later became Thor of northern Europe and Prometheus of the Greeks. Indara was the traditional founder of civilisation and was deified by the Sumerians.17 He was said to have defeated the demons and slayed the serpent-dragon and the "giants", and his Sumerian titles are identical in the Sumerian and the Edda, where he appears as Eindri or Thor.


    Like Thor, Indara was also portrayed with a hammer by the Sumerians. The fairy story of Jack and the Beanstalk or Jack the Giant Slayer comes from the tales of Indara/Thor. A title for Thor in the Edda is Sig or Ygg, which, in Sumerian and Cappadocian inscriptions, is spelt Zagg or Zakh. This is the origin of the modern name, Jack.18


    Waddell writes of Indara:

    "The Sumerian records regarding him date continuously back to the inscription on his sacred trophy bowl or Holy Grail by his great-grandson, about 3245BC ...They contain fairly full details of the personality and exploits of himself, his queen and son-champion knight, and his warrior-clan of Guts or Goths, with their portraits chiseled on stone and engraved on their sacred seals, representing them as wearing horned hats like the European Goths, Ancient Britons and Anglo-Saxons, and like the Eddic heroes in medieval art.


    The goat and deer metaphors, pictographic of his name, are freely applied to him by the Sumerians and the Hittites, just as they are to Thor in the Edda. And his capture and consecration of the sacred bowl or Holy Grail is in agreement with that by Thor or Her-Thor (Arthur) in the Edda. Indra's sacred Rowan tree, guarded by goats, is pictured by the Sumerians and the Nordic-Aryan Hittites and Cappadocians and this is precisely described as Thor's 'Ygg-drasill' Rowan tree in the Edda."19

    Waddell presents more than 100 seals and sculptures from Sumer and the Hittites that portray scenes described in the British Edda. He says he could have
    published 300. There is no doubt, he says, that King Thor or Arthur were other names for the first historical Sumerian king, Indara. Later renditions of the King Arthur story lost these connections and became an invented, though highly symbolic, fable.


    In Egypt, Waddell says, Indara (Thor) was known by the title of Asari, which became Osiris, the leading deity in the Egyptian worship of the Sun. Osiris was often depicted as a blue-eyed Aryan, just as Indara was. King Indara, Dur or Tur of Sumer, Indra of India, Thor or Eindri or Andvara (Andrew) of the Edda, Osiris of Egypt, and the original version of King Arthur, are all the same person, Waddell contends. So, he says, is Dar-Danos, the first king of Troy in Homer's Iliad. Thor was known as Dan and from this same root you get Danube and Danmark, the Danish spelling for Denmark.


    The name relates to the Danaans, who originated in Atlantis. The British Israelite movement claims that the "lost tribes of Israel", especially the Tribe of Dan, moved out of the Middle East and settled in the British Isles and Europe. This, they claim, led to the names Danube and Danmark and therefore makes the British, and their genetic kin, God's "chosen people".


    They have, however, completely lost the plot, I would suggest, not least because they are obsessed with the idea that the Bible is accurate. It is not! The Edda says that Thor (Dan) and his Aryans went from Europe in the first place to settle in Turkey and Mesopotamia and found the civilization of Sumer. That is precisely what happened, as I indicated earlier. It also says that the Aryans of the Danube Valley were already well in advance of the rest of the world before they went down to Mesopotamia.20


    The Danube Valley is very significant to the bloodlines. The Danube is the second longest river in Europe and runs from Germany through Romania ("Dracula" country) and into the Black Sea. The Edda says that Thor fought and defeated the serpent worshippers of Phrygia (in Turkey), a word that comes from the Sumerian name, Firig or Pirig, and it means literally "Land of the Lions".21

    Thor is depicted on ancient carvings symbolically fighting and taming "lions" in this battle with the Phrygians (Figure 19) and so we have the symbolic Hebrew story of Dan-iel taming the lion. Thor was also "Midas", the king who turned everything into gold with the "Midas touch".22 His victory over the Phrygians was commemorated in those ancient lands in a monument known as the Tomb of Midas, although it is not actually a tomb.


    On it are nine enormous crosses of St George (another name for Thor-Indara) and dates to about 1000BC.23

    The red cross

    One of the common themes from Lemuria, Atlantis, through Sumer, to the present day Illuminati, is the use of the Sun Cross as a symbol. This cross is the origin of the Christian cross with "Jesus", as we shall see, symbolizing the Sun at the centre. The Sun-Cross, or Red Cross, was found drawn in red pigment in the alleged "tomb" of the Sumerian-Egyptian emperor, Menes, Waddell says. This is the same symbol that became the "Cross of St George" and later the flag of England after Sumerian-Phoenicians settled there.


    The red Sun-Cross is also the symbol of the Knights Templar secret society which has played a major role in the story of the bloodlines over hundreds of years and, of course, it is the logo of the Red Cross organization, which, as I outline in The Biggest Secret, is an Illuminati creation to allow them to manipulate within countries during wars and other events behind the cover of humanitarian aid. The vast majority of genuine Red Cross workers are not aware of this. The Red Cross was also flown on the ships of Christopher Columbus, an Illuminati frontman, whom historians still insist discovered the Americas.


    The Red Cross or Sun-Cross was originally written as a T and this became the "T-square" of Freemasonry, or the Tau cross. The splayed cross known as the Maltese Cross, so beloved of British royalty, was also found depicted in caves within this same Sumer Empire. This is today the symbol of the Knights of Malta (formerly the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights of Rhodes). The Knights of Malta are another elite and extremely sinister secret society and they have been around for the same period as the Knights Templar.


    The ruling bloodlines and their secret society web, the Illuminati, are obsessed with symbolism and ritual and, as I have indicated, they use the same symbols and ceremonies today that their ancestors did who ruled the Sumer Empire, Atlantis, and Lemuria.

    The serpent trinity

    The Edda tells the story of how Thor-Indara fought a constant battle with the serpent cult. The text equates "St George", the dragon-slayer of Cappadocia (Turkey), with the European god, Thor, who was also a "dragon-slayer". Both were said to have fought the "serpent dragons of the abyss" -their underground cavern systems and bases? In the Edda, the serpent cult engages in human sacrifice and blood drinking.


    Same old story, and again we see the theme of the Nordics or "Aryans" in conflict with the serpent people. The Edda says there were three main leaders of this serpent cult. They were the serpent goddess known as El; her consort, the male entity called Wodan (Votan was the Atlantean fire god); and their son, Baldr or Balder. This was the serpent "trinity" of mother-father-son.


    El was also known as Eldi or "Fiery El", the "Hound", and, highly significantly, as "Mary".24 From this cult and "Fiery El" came the term Hell, "burning in Hell" and "fires of Hell." El or Hel was the Norse queen of the underworld and her followers became known as "kinsman of Hel".25 In Medieval times, this was symbolized as the "Harlequin", the lover of the maiden Columbine-the-Dove. Columba, Columbine, and the symbol of the dove are all other names and symbols for El, the serpent or dragon queen of the Edda.


    The more I research, the more the world that exists under our feet becomes increasingly significant.


    The underground "Hell" is supposed to be the place of judgment and eternal punishment where the "Devil" and evil spirits dwell beneath the Earth. The longer we go on, the more you will see how relevant this is to the races and bloodlines that manipulate this world. El is the Hebrew name for "God" and she was also known as Heidi and Ida.


    The Elohim, the gods of the Old Testament, were the race of El, a dragon queen. The Greeks knew El as Artemis, the cruel mother-goddess who demanded human sacrifice. Artemis (also known as Diana) was the major deity of the Merovingians. Artemis was symbolized with bees, as is the Merovingian bloodline. It is the same with other versions of the goddess like Demeter, the "pure mother bee", and a symbol of Aphrodite was a golden honeycomb.


    Her priestess was given the name Melissa, or "Queen Bee". The word honeymoon comes from this. It spanned a lunar month, normally in May, which was named after the Virgin Maya, another version of El. The honeymoon would include the menstrual period of the bride and the combination of menstrual blood and honey was once thought to be the elixir of life. El is also the inspiration for the children's stories of Mother Hubbard or "Mother Hubur", as she was to the Babylonians.


    Mother Hubbard was distressed because she couldn't find a bone for her dog (a domesticated wolf)-Mother Hubur, also Tiawath, was described as the,

    "Plague, the Fearful Dragon, the Dragon which shines brightly, the female spirit who devours with a serpent's mouth".

    The other members of the serpent trinity in the Edda, consort Wodan and son Balder, were major "gods" of the reptilian-controlled Nazis. The Nazis were the creation of the Teutonic Knights network (Illuminati) in Germany which has always been associated with the highly significant reptilian bloodline known as the Habsburgs. The Teutonic Knights operated in the same "Holy Land" in the same period as the Knights Templar and the Knights of Malta and they work to the same reptilian agenda. Wodan and Balder were national deities of the Teutons.


    The legendary founder of the Maya culture in Mexico was also called Votan or Wotan.

    The Amazons

    The Edda refers to the serpent cult as the "Amazons", the "Wolf Tribe", and the "Valkyrs", and here we have the meaning of the musical work called The Ride Of The Valkeries, composed by Richard Wagner. Hitler once said that to understand the Nazis, you must understand Wagner. The Amazons in ancient myth were a tribe of warrior women who expressed the characteristics traditionally associated with men.


    The legend is rampant in Greek mythology, which was inherited from Sumerian mythology, and the Amazons were known as the Valkeries in northern Europe, the warrior-maidens from Valhalla. The Greek historian, Herodotus, said the Amazons were enemies of the Greeks and he claimed that they lived in the steppelands of the Ukraine and southern Russia, once known as Scythia and Sauromatia (sauro = lizard and mater = mother). Other areas claimed for their homeland are Lycia, Phrygia, and Cappadocia, all of which are named in the Edda accounts, and Taurus, Lemnos and Lebos, hence lesbian.


    The foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia was a major location for the Amazons and this would seem to have been a major centre for the interbreeding of the Nordics with the reptilian bloodlines. Libya is another place of Amazon legend and in those days Libya referred to the whole of North Africa, except for Egypt.


    The Amazon River and region in South America was named after these women when a Portuguese explorer in the 16th century found fighting women there. Legends and accounts depict the Amazons as a nomadic people dominated by women and they appeared to be extremely ritualistic. Strabo, the Greek geographer, said they would only "mate" during a special two-month period, just like animals do. Sex was strictly for the production of children.26


    Among the gods and goddesses they worshipped was once again Artemis, a later name for "El" of the Edda texts, and Hecate, the dark Moon goddess and "goddess of the Infernal Arts". It appears that Amazon means "Moon Woman" and this again fits with the Edda texts about the serpent cult.

    A very important location for the Amazons was Sauromatia, or "Lizard Mother". This is in the region of the Black and Caspian Seas and bordered the Persian Empire, the land of the Magi initiates. Sauromatia has been connected to European nobility and we can now see why. One theory is that the coats of arms of Polish nobility, for instance, developed from magical signs of the Sauromatians or Sarmatians called "tamgas". In fact, Poland was often called Sarmatia or Sauromatia.27


    Historical accounts say that the Amazons in Sauromatia bred with Scythian warriors. The Scythians were a Nordic-Aryan people who moved into northern Europe from the Near and Middle East through the Caucasus Mountains and Sauromatia, and they included the bloodlines that became the Sicambrian Franks and... the Merovingians. Once again we have the theme of Nordic-reptilian interbreeding. The fusion of the Amazon and Scythian language became known as Sauromatian.


    The Scythians worshipped the same goddess as the Amazons. They castrated themselves and wore women's clothing as part of their ritual to the goddess known by the Greeks as Artemis. One location for the Scythians was called Partia or "Virginland" in deference to their goddess and when the Illuminati moved in on America they used the same symbolism in naming Virginia. The idea that it was named after Elizabeth 1st, the "virgin queen", is ludicrous. First of all, she was no more a virgin than Madonna. The Scythians were governed by priestess-queens, who tended to be older women.


    In 1954 five kurgans or "queen-graves" were found in southern Russia at Pasyryk. These priest-queens performed sacrifices and caught the blood in "sacred cauldrons", and went with the men into battle and cast spells for victory. This again fits with the Edda texts and is almost certainly the origin of the witches in "Shakespeare's" Macbeth. In the Celtic legends the cauldron is associated with the underground world and has been symbolically connected to the womb of the "death-goddess". Using this theme, children of the bloodlines come "out of the cauldron" - the womb of the women who carry "royal blood", the reptilian DNA.


    The Moon-sickle used by the Scythians, the mythical weapon that castrated the gods, became known as the scythe and was associated with the "grim reaper". Yet again the grim reaper refers to a goddess, Rhea, who was clothed in a garment of blood and devoured all of her offspring, the gods. She became the Celtic goddess Rhiannon. Eire, the Celtic name for Ireland, comes from the name of the goddess Erinn, a form of Hera or Rhea.

    The Berber people of North Africa have been associated with the Amazons and still call themselves Amazigh. The Amazons included a tribe called the Neuri, who "turned themselves into wolves." The term "Wolf tribe" is associated with goddess worship or the She-Wolf. This is probably a version of dog-star worship -Sirius. Credo Mutwa says that the Zulu peoples have long called Sirius the "Star of the Wolf" and their ancient accounts say that a "sea-dwelling fish people" from Sirius came to the Earth.


    They looked pretty human, but had skin like a reptile, he says. Interestingly, the Edda reveals that the forbears of the Nordic peoples under the leadership of Thor-Indara were also members of the "The Seafaring Wolf Tribe". An Irish tribe in Ossory were said to become wolf people while attending the Yuletide feast or ritual, and they devoured the flesh of cattle as wolves before regaining their human shape. This could all be symbolic or it could be connected to the phenomena of the "werewolf" which, according to some former Satanists, do exist.


    The legends of the "Troll" or "Trulli" demons also appear to be associated with the Amazons or Valkeries. This is the root of the word, Trull, which means loose woman and the Troll could have been a Pagan "Hag" or Earth-priestess. Norse myth says that the trolls waited under bridges waiting to eat those who crossed without making an offering. The Valkeries were said to guard the bridge to heaven or the "Bifrost".


    Angels of Death were said to attend a ritual called the trolla-thing. Woden's day Wodan was the consort of the dragon queen, El, according to the Edda, and he is a major figure in ancient myths. One of the older names for Wodan (also Wotan or Woden) is Bodo or Bauta. This corresponds with the Sumerian name of Budu, Butu, or Budun, which means "The Serpent Footed".28


    In Waddell's translation of the Edda, Wodan was an aboriginal chief of a Moon and Serpent-Dragon cult seeking to defeat the Nordic-Aryans of Thor-Indara. We find the same story in the Indian Vedas attributed to Indra, their name for Thor-Indara, who was said to have battled with Budhnya or "The Bottom". Budhnya was known as "The Great Serpent of the Bottom or Deep."29 This was the Puthon or Python of the Greeks, says Waddell. Budhnya and Wodan are the same character. In India, Wednesday or "Wodens-day" is known as Budh! 30


    Interesting how close that is to Buddha, and, according to Waddell, Buddha is a derivative of Woden and Buddha claimed to have had several "former births" as a serpent. The Indian Brahmans adopted the Moon and serpent cult. So too, according to Waddell, did the "Semitic priests of the Nile Valley".31 He says that they replaced the original Sun worship of Asar or Osiris and deliberately introduced the serpent and sacrificial cult to Egyptian culture. Balder, who is El and Wodan's malicious son in the Edda, corresponds with the Green Man of the King Arthur legend and Loki, the original of Lucifer, according to Waddell. He says that Balder is also Lancelot in the Arthur stories from his title in the Edda of "The Lance-bearer".


    Like his mother, El, Balder has been depicted with wings.

    The mother-son cult of the serpent

    Scene one in the Edda portrays a world awash with the violence, human sacrifice, and blood-drinking rituals of "the Mother-Son cult of the Serpent-Dragon". Scene two sees the arrival of the great reformer, the tall, red-bearded, Eindri or Thor (Indara), who brought civilization (see picture section). Waddell believes that he is also the origin of Adam and this part of the story, he says, is massively misrepresented in the Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden story in the Hebrew Old Testament.


    I think there is a lot more to the Adam and Eve story and what it represents than this, however, and I think if Waddell had been alive today he would have accepted that himself. I feel the Edda accounts include symbolic, as well as literal, accounts and some originated in Lemuria. "Adam", as Thor/Indara, fought the serpent cult of the "Edenites", Waddell's translations of the Edda say.


    If the serpent worshippers were operating in Mesopotamia before the Nordics arrived, it would certainly explain why the Ubaid culture, which preceded Sumer in the same area, buried their dead with figurines of serpent humanoids (see picture section). Waddell's translation of the Edda tells of how Thor, the "dragon-slayer", established his capital in Cappadocia under the name "St George of the Red Cross" and thus we have the origin of St George of Cappadocia, later of England.32


    This was Thor/Indara yet again, says Waddell, and so was St Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, which came from Andvara or Andvari, another name for Thor. The story of George defeating the dragon can be found all over the world in various forms. In Egypt, "George" was the Sun god, Ra (Thor/Indara, says Waddell); in India it was Indra (Thor/Indara); and in the Hebrew Old Testament, it was Adam, under his title, la or Jah, who slayed the serpent."


    Thor or "Goer" (George) killed El, the Matriarch of the serpent cult, the Edda tells us, and she was symbolized as the "serpent-dragon". Thus "George" (Thor) defeated "the dragon" (El). The story of George and the Dragon symbolizes the battles with the reptilians located under the Earth. The accounts in the British Edda are confirmed in great detail by depictions all over the former Sumer Empire. In a Babylonian seal dated to around 3300BC, El is pictured with the crescent moon of the serpent cult and Wodan is given the body of a serpent.


    Satanists worship the reptilians and also the Moon, and have always done so. The inscription behind El in this Babylonian seal reads Ildi or "Il-the-Shining", yet another confirmation of the portrayal of reptilians as "shining" or "luminous" in some way.


    El or Ida is given the title of Rann in the Edda and this is the origin of the nursing serpent mother and matriarch, Rann-t, in Egyptian myth, or vice versa.34

    Serpent cult symbolism

    The obsession with Troy and the Trojan War by descendants of the Merovingian bloodline can be understood when you read the Edda. It tells of how Thor's Troy was raided by the "Edenite" serpent cult led by Wodan. The Phrygians were serpent worshippers before their defeat by Thor, and totems of the serpent cult were the lion and the wolf. This is why Phrygia means "Land of the Lions".


    Still today the Illuminati use the lion profusely in their symbolism -look at Britain and the British royal family alone. This same serpent cult described in the Edda continues to manipulate the world to this day. We call it the Illuminati. The British royal family are reptilian "host" (possessed) entities who work for the serpent cult/Illuminati and we can now see the true symbolism of the royal crest with the lion facing a chained unicorn (Figure 20).


    The symbol of Thor/Indara and his Nordics was the goat and this later evolved into the unicorn.35

    Thus we have the symbolism of the lion (serpent cult) controlling and imprisoning the tethered human race and their great enemies, the Nordics (unicorn). Notice also the great similarity between the royal crest and that of the House of Rothschild, complete with lion, unicorn and fleurde-lis (Figure 21).

    The Greek hero Prometheus is a version of Thor/Indara/Adam, according to Waddell, and he is depicted in chains being tortured by the "gods" (reptilians) for trying to educate humanity and give them "illumination". He is often depicted holding the flame of knowledge.


    The coat of arms of the City of London, one of the global centers for the serpent cult today, is the St George's Cross being held (owned, controlled) by two flying reptiles (Figure 22).

    When you drive into the City alongside the River Thames, you pass two flying reptiles holding the Cross of St George (see picture section). As I mentioned before, the reptilian Rockefeller bloodline has placed a gold statue of Prometheus in the Rockefeller Centre in New York (Figure 23).

    The heraldry and coats of arms of Poland are another example. They include the images found among all European royalty and aristocracy - the openly reptilian serpent, griffin, salamander, and caduceus, plus the sphinx and unicorn.36

    Resposta  Mensagem 36 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/09/2011 01:22

    Rule Britannia

    The accounts in the Edda of the battles between the Nordics of Thor/Indara and the serpent cult of El, Wodan, and Balder, can explain many ancient and modern mysteries, symbols, and Biblical texts (Figure 24). The Edda tells how Thor/Indara and the Nordic/Aryans came down from the Danube region of Europe into the domain of the serpent cult in the Near and Middle East, especially the place known as Eden.

    After many battles between the Nordics and the serpent cult a peace treaty was agreed between the entity known as Thor/Indara/ Adam and the leaders of the serpent cult, El, Wodan, and Balder, the Edda tells us.


    There is a portrayal of a meeting between Thor/Indara and El on a Babylonian seal of about 3000BC. The "peace treaty" also led to the marriage between Thor/Indara/Adam and a priestess of the serpent cult known as "Eve" or "Gunn-Ifa, the Edda says. The story of the marriage of Her-Thor (Ar-Thur) and his "queen" Guin-EVE-re, is a version of this, Waddell suggests.37


    He adds that "Eve", despite being the "chief vestal priestess" of the serpent cult of Eden, was, nevertheless, a Gothic "Aryan". However, the Edda says that she was a "ward" of El and "born of the Sea-froth or Seafoam kin". She was later represented by the Greeks as "Aphrodite" or "Sea-Froth", and Aphrodite was said to be born from the sea -the amphibious Anunnaki? The constant connection of the goddess with the sea can be seen with the Phoenician Barati, who became the British "Britannia".


    The famous British song "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves" is not about Britain, but the ancient goddess, which, under different names, has been worshipped by the Illuminati since ancient times. The sea-faring Wolf Tribe, from which the Edda says the Aryans were also descended, was the serpent cult. Eve herself is described in the Edda as an "Amazonian" and a "Valkyr", the same as the other serpent worshippers. So could it be that this marriage of "Adam" and "Eve" in the Edda was symbolic of the interbreeding between those of the Nordic and reptilian bloodlines that became known as the "Aryans" and the "serpent kings"?


    Their wedding procession described in the Edda can be seen on Hittite Thor/Indara/Adam's old capital of Pteria, which is now BogazKoy in Turkey (Figure 25).

    "Adam and Eve" are depicted exchanging a cross-like emblem and a "globe" object, which Waddell says is an apple from the rowan or mountain ash tree. This tree was Thor/Indara/Adam's symbol for his "Tree of Knowledge" and the apple from this tree could be the one in the Garden of Eden story, the "forbidden fruit", he says. In the Edda, the serpent leader, priestess "of the Rowan".

    The Edda refers to Eve as "Idun", who dispenses life-giving apples to the Goths from their sacred tree. Idun was Adueni or Atueni to the Sumerians and this later became Athene, mother goddess of the Greeks (Figure 26).


    The Levite fairy tales

    Waddell says the Levite priests of the Hebrews took this symbolism and produced the make-believe story of Adam and Eve with the serpent in the Garden of Eden in which they were punished for eating from the Tree of Knowledge, the rowan tree, symbolic of the Nordic religion. The Levites were serpent worshippers of El and the Old Testament gods, the Elohim, were the reptilians of the serpent cult.


    The Edda also refers to the serpent cult as the Valkyrs of Ur and the Levites made their invented character of Abraham hail from "Ur of the Chaldees". The Chaldeans were serpent worshippers, the Valkyrs. El also came from Ur according to the Edda, and she was known as Hrimni in the Edda and Ahriman, or "Great Serpent" by the Persians. This is fascinatingly close to the Biblical "Abraham". They associated Ahriman with Aeshma. He was the origin of Asmodeus, the Christian demon accused of possessing nuns and young women to make them lustful.38


    Asmodeus is also the "devil" character mysteriously placed at the entrance to the church at Rennes-le-Chateau in Provence, southern France, which is a mass of Illuminati symbolism and includes references to the Priory of Sion, the secret society of the Merovingians. The little church at Rennes-le-Chateau is dedicated to Mary Magdelene, a symbolic name for the reptilian bloodlines passing through the female line -the Dragon Queens like El.


    I have heard that MAG is a code for the reptilian bloodlines passed through the female DNA and that MAG relates to queen. The church at Rennes-le-Chateau was redesigned in the late 1800s by the priest Abbe Sauniere, who became extremely rich after discovering coded manuscripts and other artefacts.


    The story is told at length in The Biggest Secret.

    Cain and Abel?

    The Edda describes how Thor/Adam/Indara and "Eve" had a son called Gunn, Ginn, or Kon. This is the Biblical "Cain" and "Gawain" of the King Arthur stories, Waddell contends. In Babylonian seals dated to before 2500BC, he is called "Adamu-the-son-of-the-god-Induru". Gunn or "Cain" was attacked and wounded in the Edda narrative by Baldr or Balder, the son of the serpent cult leaders, Wodan and El. Balder is the same guy as the Biblical "Abel", Waddell says, and the Edda refers to him as Epli, which equates with the Hebrew E-b-l, and his Sumerian title was Ibil or Bal (the Hebrew Baal, says Waddell). Baal worship would therefore be serpent worship.


    Another name for Balder was Egil and this is almost identical to Egel, the Hebrew for "a bull calf" and the "Golden Calf" worshipped in the Old Testament.39 "Golden Calf" worship = serpent worship? Balder was symbolized as a bull or steer and became the "Steer god" of Israel or Isra -El. He is referred to in the Edda as the "Steer of Eden". Balder is also called "the young Hydra".


    In Greek mythology, the Hydra is a nine-headed serpent monster with poisonous breath and when one head was severed, two would grow in its place. It was killed in the second of the 12 labours of the Sun god, Hercules. The Edda says that Thor/ Indara/Adam called his Cappadocian capital, Himin or "heaven" and that Balder ("Abel") of the serpent cult went to Thor's banqueting hall in Himin/Heaven.


    There he began a riotous quarrel and insulted Eve. With this, Balder of the serpent cult was ejected by Gunn or "Cain" or Miok (Michael), the son of Eve and Adam. This is the origin, Waddell says, of St Michael casting out Satan/Lucifer from heaven.40

    The battle of Eden

    The Edda tells of a war between the serpent cult and the forces of Thor/Indara for control of Eden. As Waddell remarks, the whole feel of the Wolf-tribe, serpent cult, offensive in the "Battle of Eden" includes the anticipation of bombing by airplanes, red-hot missile projections, the belching forth of fire and poisonous clouds of smoke. He says it vividly suggests the "hellish methods of destruction in modern warfare" and this is in line with Sumerian accounts of battles involving the Anunnaki.


    In parts of the Edda and in Sumerian and Hittite seals, both El and Balder are given "wings" (Figure 27).

    In the Indian Vedas you have accounts of the gods warring in the sky. It suggests a credible explanation for the ancient ruins that indicate they were destroyed by some kind of high-tech, even nuclear, weaponry. The Edda tells how Thor won the victory against the serpent cult and this is known as the "Harrying of Hell [El]" in Welsh traditions. A key moment was when Prince Cain, Miok or Michael, the son of Thor, killed Balder or Abel, the son of El, and this is depicted in many Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, and Persian seals and sculptures.


    Cain, as Horus, is seen spearing Abel-Set, symbolized as a demon crocodile, in an Egyptian bas-relief of around 1000BC (see picture section).41 This is a version of St Michael defeating the Dragon. St Michael, the Sumerian-Cappadocian deity, is portrayed as a dragon fighter. In India, Balder is the "great Deva" (Tiva, or "Devil") felled by Lord Gan (Cain).42


    The stories of St Patrick in Ireland say that he was sent by "St Michael the Victor" to expel the "snakes" from Ireland.


    When the Phoenicians and others from the Sumer Empire landed in Britain they named many places after St Michael, as with St Michael's Mount in Cornwall. When the Christians began to build their churches on the ancient pagan sites, they inherited the name St Michael for many of their churches. The Edda describes how El, or "Old Mary" as it calls her, fled from the battle by boat on the Euphrates as the battle was lost, but she was caught and killed by Thor/Adam (Figure 28).


    El and her son, Balder or Abel, are both represented as crocodiles in some depictions of their demise.

    The phoenix rises

    After this defeat, the reptilians and their serpent cult went underground. In fact, they possibly came from underground. Rollins Ancient History, published around 1907, says that Eden was inside a mountain.43 It says that the two major rivers of Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates, have their sources on opposite sides of Mount Taurus.


    This was a region populated by the Amazons and the serpent cult. Rollins adds that these rivers flowed "through" the mountain of "Eden", which, he says, was artificially constructed by the gods. These rivers, therefore, watered the "Garden of Eden". That may well be correct, but I feel the original "Eden" was Lemuria. Thor/Indara and his successors expanded what became the Sumer Empire in the way I described earlier, as far as Britain, the Americas, even Australia.


    But the Edda tells how the serpent cult returned to power after Thor's death and that "She (El) still lives." It infiltrated the Nordic DNA in the "royal" bloodlines and possessed their bodies, as described in the Emerald Tablets. The serpent cult regrouped and eventually made its headquarters in Babylon. From there it began to infiltrate its agents and bloodlines into the positions of royal and religious power across the former Sumer Empire, not least in Egypt. These Children of the Serpent took control of the Mystery schools and the state religion, and turned them into vehicles of the reptilian agenda.

    How much of Waddell's translation of the Edda is literal and how much is symbolic is difficult to tell. He thinks it is literal, but the use of symbolism was so fundamental to the ancients, and it is unlikely that the Edda would be an exception. My jury is still out on the precise meaning, or meanings, of the Adam and Eve symbolism, for instance, and I think there are Lemurian tales woven into the story, just as there are Sumerian tales woven into British "history".


    What Waddell's brilliance has done, however, is to confirm the Nordic-reptilian theme of history and the focus the serpent cult has with the female or the goddess.


    1 Correspondence with the author
    2 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 206
    3 Ibid, p 208
    4 Ibid
    5 The Sirius Mystery, p 147 164 Children of the Matrix
    6 Ibid, p 159
    7 Ibid, pp 267 and 268
    8 The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 210
    9 Ibid, pp 212 and 213
    10 In the 1960s, a document of uncertain background called Le Serpent Rouge came to light in the National Library in Paris containing the genealogy of the Merovingians, two maps of "France" in the Merovingian period, and a ground plan of St Sulpice, the Roman Catholic centre for occult studies in Paris. See The Biggest Secret, p 148
    11 You can read STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods
    12 L.A. Waddell, British Edda (Christian Book Club, Hawthorne, California, 1930). The origin of the Edda text is outlined in the introduction. This book is available through Hidden Mysteries at the David Icke website
    13 Ibid
    14 Ibid
    15 Ibid
    16 Ibid
    17 Ibid
    18 Ibid
    19 Ibid
    20 Ibid
    21 Ibid
    22 Ibid
    23 Ibid
    24 Ibid
    25 Caverns. Cauldrons. And Concealed Creatures
    26 See the Kara Parsons website, The Amazons: http://www.plu.edu/~parsonkj/ 
    27 Rafal T. Prinke, "The Occult Meanings Behind Polish Heraldic Devices": http //www.iac.net/~moonweb/archives/RTP/Polish1.html 
    28 British Edda. Introduction
    29 Ibid
    30 Ibid
    31 Ibid
    32 Ibid
    33 Ibid
    34 Ibid
    35 Ibid
    36 Rafal T. Prinke, "The Occult Meanings Behind Polish Heraldic Devices": http //www.iac.net/~moonweb/archives/RTP/Polish1.html 
    37 British Edda 38 The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 67. This is a superb reference book for making goddess and other connections 39 British Edda 40 Ibid 41 Ibid 42 Ibid 43 Rollins, Ancient History (Hurst & Co.. New York, Vol 2, circa 1907)

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    Resposta  Mensagem 37 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/09/2011 15:04


    The Mark

    The concept of ‘as above, so below’ pervades the mark of the beast subject.

    χξς (666) In Hebrew would be rendered:

    The ם mem sofit is only at the end of Hebrew words so the only word which could be translated correctly is וסם (v’sam) starting at the left and going right.  This makes sense as Greek is written from left to right and Hebrew is written from right to left.

    סם(samek mem sofit) is translated into Hebrew as drug/poison…the vav in the front would be rendered ‘and’ or ‘adding’.  Adding poison.

    The Hebrew word for number is ‘mispar’ which is from the same root as the word for book, ‘sepher’.

    The number 666 then may be alluding, on a deeper level, to a poison book that is added to the Book of Life (Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19).  The Quran…The Talmud (Oral law)…The Gnostic Gospels…The Catholic Catechism…  On a physical level what is the book of life? DNA.  Adding poison to the book of life = adding ‘poison’ to DNA.

    This word samek mem sofit is not used in Scripture.  The root word is ‘sam’

    However, looking at the word ‘sum’ which comes from this root, draws some interesting connections to 666.

    Notice that this word is translated into English as name and mark.  Also notice that the word shem שם is related to this word as it is a ‘df’ defective spelling.  Shem is the word typically translated as name.  It means the character, the breath of a thing.

    The Hebrew letter shin is related to ‘fire’ in ancient thought.  The Hebrew letter Mem is a pictograph of water.  Water & fire.

    Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 109

    Notice what image is formed by combining fire and water in occultic thought.  The Hexagram.  Also notice that it is the combination of air (heaven) and earth.  וסם means to add poison or שם the name of the beast…his character.  The mixture of heaven and earth.  As above so below…beast & man.

    The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is the same as Paleo Hebrew.  χξς would be rendered in Phoenician as:

    χ = which is a picture of crossed sticks

    ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch

    ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled serpent.

    Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree.  It is the equivalent of the tree of knowledge of good and evil click here.

    The Pythagorean Triangle pg 70
    “The superstition, which was so common throughout all antiquity, of realising the duality* by combining the worship of the serpent with that of a tree, or offering rites to the Ophite deity in a sacred grove, originated with the paradisiacal serpent and the tree of knowledge.”

    *Duality is another way of saying ‘as above, so below’, the union of opposites.  Good and evil, male and female, etc.  Hence, the image of the serpent in the tree represents ‘as above, so below.’

    The superstition mentioned above, according to the author of ‘The Pythagorean Triangle,’ is referring to the ‘dying and rising god,’ Bacchus, Osiris, Adonis etc.  Hence, the author alludes to the serpent on the tree being linked with ‘resurrection/born again experience.’  This is the duality that the author is referring to as well.  As above, so below.  The ‘god’s (immortal) mixing with mankind (mortal).

    Counterfeit sign of the true Messiah


    “The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.

    The Star of David, or magen David (‘Shield of David’), is a strong symbol of Jewish identity, and as a hexagram it represents the interaction of the Divine with the mortal*. It gets its name from the tradition that David carried a hexagram-shaped shield during his defeat of the giant Goliath. It has strong links with the Kabbalah, and is sometimes known as the Seal of Solomon or the Creator’s Star. When the Star of David is called the Creator’s Star, the six points each represents a day of the week and the center corresponds to the Sabbath.”

    *The Hexagram is a picture of the ‘god-man’.  The beast.

    Some assign a benign origin to the hexagram symbol by saying it is two dalets combined together from the ancient Hebrew name of David.

    David in Ancient Hebrew is:

    These letters are explained as thus:

    ‘The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail.  The meaning of this symbol when it is combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the “Messiah” who comes to rule the earth as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.”

    Notice the ‘as above, so below’ theme.  Truly, Messiah Yahshua was Elohim in the flesh…this is why the adversary seeks to bring about a counterfeit that will be part ‘god/elohim’ part man.  The beast will be part fallen angelclick here.

    The Star of David – Dr. Asher Eder
    “In the culture of India, where it must have been known since ancient times, the six-pointed star still plays a role. It is found there in Hindu temples and shrines, and also on the flag of Indian ships, while in Nepal it is embroidered on the front of the king’s headgear.
    There, it is considered a symbol of harmony between spirit and matter. In Yoga schools, this idea is well expressed by graphic representations of the human chakras with the star marking the heart chakra as the central and connecting link between the three lower “carnal” chakras and the three upper “spiritual” chakras. While the lower and upper chakras are all represented by Sanskrit letters, it is noteworthy that only the heart chakra is depicted by an abstract sign, the six-pointed star.
    In the tantric teaching, the star serves as a symbol for relationship between man and wife.
    Some Indian tribes of North America have used it “since ancient times as a symbol expressing the wisdom of ‘as it is above, so it is below’, as well as the union of spirit and matter, heaven and earth.

    Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 143

    “What the sun is to the solar system, the spirit is to the bodies of man; for his natures, organs, and functions are as planets surrounding the central life (or sun) and living upon its emanations.  The solar power in man is divided into three parts, which are termed the threefold human spirit of man.  All three of these spiritual natures are said to be radiant and transcendent; united, they form the Divinity in man.  Man’s threefold lower nature- consisting of his physical organism, his emotional nature, and his mental faculties-reflects the light of his three fold Divinity and bears witness of It in the physical world.  Man’s three bodies are symbolized by an upright triangle, when united in the form of a six-pointed star, were called by the Jews ‘the Star of David,’ ‘the Signet of Solomon,’ and are more commonly known today as the ‘Star of Zion.’  These triangles symbolize the spiritual and material universes linked together in the constitution of the human creature, who partakes of both Nature and Divinity.  Man’s animal nature partakes of the earth; his divine nature of the heavens; his human nature of the mediator.”

    Transcendental Magic – Eliphas Levi

    The phrase surrounding the oroboros in the above image is ‘Quod Superius Macroprosopus, Quod Inferius Microprosopus.’  It is equivalent to the Latin phrase ‘Quod superius sicut quot inferius’ which means ‘As above, so below.’

    Macroprosopus: Spiritual Theosophical Dictionary on Macroprosopus

    “Macroprosopus (Ancient Greek). ‘A Kabalistic term, made of a compound Greek word: meaning the Vast or Great Countenance (See “Kabalistic Faces”); a title of Kether, the Crown, the highest Sephira.

    It is the name of the Universe, called Arikh-Anpin, the totality of that of which Microprosopus or Zauir-Anpin

    “the lesser countenance”, is the part and antithesis. In its high or abstract metaphysical sense, Microprosopus is Adam Kadmon, the vehicle of Ain-Suph, and the crown of the Sephirothal Tree, though since Sephira and Adam Kadmon are in fact one under two aspects, it comes to the same thing. Interpretations are many, and they differ.”

    “Microprosopus (Latin) [from Greek mikros small + prosopon face]

    Qabbalistic rendition of the Chaldean phrase Ze`eyr ‘Anpin (Short Face), which designates the nine smaller Sephiroth, in contradistinction from the Macroprosopus (Long Face). Microprosopus or the nine Sephiroth are the manifested universe or Third Logos unfolded in manifestation; whereas Macroprosopus (the Crown or Kether), the first and highest of the Sephiroth, is the First and Second Logoi considered as a unit, the purely spiritual universe and its roots. Hence the Microprosopus is the Logos manifested, and of such logoi there are many in boundless space. Naturally each such universe has its own Macroprosopus, Crown, or Kether, all these universes being united by their divine-spiritual roots in the Boundless.”

    In short the above image of the hexagram is a form of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life which in reality is the tree of knowledge.

    Resposta  Mensagem 38 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2011 20:35

    Resposta  Mensagem 39 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2011 22:41

    Resposta  Mensagem 40 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/09/2011 17:18

    Sep 19: As far as immediate future, Comet Elenin is about to converge with "reborn" Venus, the Evening Star, right around the autumn equinox, September 22-23rd, in effect "igniting" the popular but invisible comet for a day or two. On those days, if you look at Venus briefly visible right after sunset, you're also looking at Elenin. Venus, which until recently was "Lucifer" (Morning Star), will be shining for it. Symbolically this is analogous to the birth of a second sun dubbed "Lucifer" in Arthur C. Clarke's 2010: The Year We Make Contact (or Odyssey Two). It's a very powerful conjunction... (there's a deeper, hidden context).

    Sep 15, 2011 Planet with 2 suns discovered

    A big "ritual" that we already know is coming right around September 23 is this big defunct satellite falling from the sky...

    Defunct Satellite Falling to Earth around September 23

    Perhaps my big Elenin article will be posted on September 22-23 too (if not sooner). That would be fitting, given the significance of the revelations...



    Sep 03: Quietly coming up on September 8th is the planned launch of NASA's "GRAIL" mission to the Moon...

    ...perfectly echoing the Royal Wedding earlier this year which quite literally had to do with the Resurrection of the Grail/Stuart bloodline of Princess Diana (Diana = moon goddess)...

    ...symbolically signifying Lucifer - or the phoenix or King Arthur - rising from the Underworld as discussed in "Lucifer's Destiny". Lucifer ("light-bearer") is the Morning Star (original meaning) referring to phase of Venus when it rises shortly before sunrise. Since November 2011 Venus was the Morning Star/Lucifer which just ended last month (~August) as the planet disappeared behind the Sun, in effect went back into its "tomb". It is now set to be "reborn" as the Evening Star" and for many places including the US, the Evening Star will make its first appearance right around the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

    Like the (projected and fulfilled) "apocalyptic" chaos of August, it is expected September's reversed rebirth will have its effect felt quite deeply as well.

    Now, where does Comet Elnin fit in all this? Stay tuned...



    Aug 23: ~August deep impact continued...

    • From March 11 post: "I should tell you, there is going to be a 'Deep Impact' period this summer, a key window around late July (anchor date July 27) and then probably more intensely, around August 16. You will feel the impact, particularly the latter date/window. (You heard it here first.)"

    • From April 18 article: "There are a couple of very intense 'deep impact' windows coming up around late July and mid August that may well come into play."

    - - - - - - - 

    8/24 End of an era: Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO
    5.8 Quake: Evacuations in DC, NYC
    Rebels 'breach Gaddafi compound'
    8/21 Gadhafi regime on verge of collapse
    Aug 18 Share markets plummet as fear returns
    Aug 18
    Syria unrest: World leaders call for Assad to step down
    Aug 13 Stage collapse at Indiana State Fair kills several
    Aug 13 Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumps into 2012 presidential race

    [Several-day difference above has an explanation - I may decide to discuss it later]

    From July 27 post: "The Underworld Resurrection [...] in the form of the Egyptian Uprising, expressing Osiris-Lucifer rising from the Duat underworld [...] The window we are entering right now [...] Venus superior conjunction itself (Venus directly behind the Sun) is around August 16, mirroring the end/climax of the Egyptian Revolution. [...] "The Underworld is being activated again (or deactivated?) and we will feel it. (Another Birthquake? Royal impact event? Revolution? Economic Armageddon? Terror? Air trouble? Contact?"


    Aug 10: The summer underworld deep impact window so far...

    Hitting the Fan...
    8/10 Dow plunges 519 pts as fear grips Wall Street
    8/09 Sun Unleashes Largest Flare (X7) in Years
    8/8 London riots spread across England
    8/8 Wall Street rocked by downgrade of U.S. debt

    8/8 Markets volatile following European Central Bank move
    8/8 Asian stock markets dip on global economic growth fears
    8/8 London riots: Looting and violence continues
    8/7 Syrian tanks attack eastern city of Deir al-Zour

    8/7 Emergency talks to calm global financial crises
    22 Navy SEALs dead in Afghan chopper crash
    Israelis stage mass protests over rising living costs
    8/5 US credit rating downgraded for first time
    8/5 Major geomagnetic storm as CMEs hit Earth
    8/4 Dow free falls 512 points
    8/4 NASA Data Suggest Water Flowing on Mars
    8/3 Mubarak's trial begins in Cairo

    "The window we are entering right now
    ~Jul 27 through Aug 16 (or more generally "around
    [...] we will feel it." (from July 26)

    From March 11 post: "I should tell you, there is going to be a 'Deep Impact' period this summer, a key window around late July (anchor date July 27) and then probably more intensely, around August 16. You will feel the impact, particularly the latter date/window. (You heard it here first.)"

    From April 18 article: "There are a couple of very intense 'deep impact' windows coming up around late July and mid August that may well come into play."

    From April 26 post: "There is also an 'eventful' window in late July-August (mentioned before a few time already)..."

    From June 27 post: "Personally though I continue to be more interested in the coming period closely matching the traditional Dog Days with a number of anchor dates including ~July 27 and ~August 16. We're looking at some sirius stuff there."


    Jul 26: The Gate of the Underworld ("Hell gate") is opening up again (or maybe closing) right now.

    Continue reading... 


    Jun 27:

    Future Code:
    Blast from the Past...

    Continue reading... 


    Jun 15: Our "Ascension" window early June did its thing via Knowing (2009 starring Nicolas Cage)...

    Jun 01 Partial Solar Eclipse: Starts Thursday, Ends Wednesday
    Jun 02 Marvel at the 'Midnight Sun' eclipse

    Jun 07 Sun Unleashes 'Spectacular' & Powerful Eruption
    Jun 08 Solar flare eruption puts on cosmic display


    End of the World & Ascension:

    Jun 01 Endeavour STS-134 Returns to Earth After Final Mission

    Knowing = all about the end of the world
    and ET-assisted

    ...of special children.

    Just like in Childhood's End discussed in Lucifer's Destiny...

    ...similarly all about ETs, ascension of special children,
    end of the world, and
    Carina, the home world of
    the "Overlord" aliens. As noted before,

    Carina = Catalina = Catherine = Hecate = Underworld

    Catalina-name-diagram.jpg (84280 bytes)

    We have Catalina Mountains of Tucson where
    Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was born and
    nearly shot to death in January 2011...

    [Tucson & Santa Catalina Mountains]

    ...who along with her astronaut husband Mark Kelly
    on space shuttle Endeavour STS-134 had pinpointed
    Ascension Day (June 2) via Pentagram:

    Jun 01 Endeavour STS-134 Returns to Earth After Final Mission
    Jun 12 New photos of Rep. Giffords appear on Facebook
    Jun 15 Gabrielle Giffords released from hospital

    *    *    *

    There is more involving the Chile volcano, Arizona "Wallow Fire", etc. but you get the point. You can see the pattern.

    Resposta  Mensagem 41 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/09/2011 17:45
    • A little more about the symbolic significance of the JFK Jr. plane crash:  As mentioned before, the incident was the continuation and confirmation of the airplane-Grail/Ark pattern discussed in '1999: The Ark of Sirius'.  A new piece of data further corroborates this view:  JFK Jr. was sometimes called the 'Prince of Camelot' (though I don't know why exactly), and of course 'Camelot' figures prominently in the tale of King Arthur - in which we find the story of the quest for the Holy Grail.
    • So, since this event of the JFK Jr. plane crash occurred in July, the "seventh month", one might wonder whether this was the fulfillment of the infamous X-72 quatrain.  Since my approach doesn't focus on just single event but look at the grand underlying pattern of events, I don't point to one event and identify it as the fulfillment of this or that quatrain/prophecy.  But I will say that the event does have a quite direct correlation to X-72, especially the often-quoted second line "From the sky will come a great 'King of terror', because the Gaelic word 'uther' which is linked with the name 'Arthur' (=> JFK Jr.) means 'terrible'.  In other words, the JFK Jr. plane crash can be described as: 'terrible prince/king came down from the sky', i.e. the Line 2 of X-72.

      Then one naturally wonders how the next line,  "To resurrect the great King of Angolmois", would fit into this scenario.  The "To resurrect the great King" part can be correlated with the date of the crash, July 16, being the date of Apollo 11's historic launch - the culmination of the space program initiated by the father of the prince (JFK Jr.), President Kennedy, the "great King".  As mentioned before, 'Apollo' could be seen as the Greek counterpart of the Egyptian sun-god Horus, the son of Osiris/Orion (note that the patch of the Apollo program showed the constellation of Orion);  and upon death the Horus-king (i.e. Pharaoh) was considered to become Osiris.  In other words, the death of Horus (JFK Jr.) can be seen as the rebirth/resurrection of Osiris (JFK).  Thus, the death of JFK Jr. 'resurrected the great King', his father (JFK/Osiris), fittingly on the date 7/16 on which the fulfillment of the father's dream (i.e. Apollo 11 mission) began.

      To strengthen this view, let me reference the Egyptian 'opening of the mouth' ritual which involved the new Horus-king opening the mouth of the mummified dead king.  In the ritual, the son(s) of the dead king splits open the mouth of the king using a metallic tool ('adze') to free/resurrect the soul (i.e. resurrection of Osiris).  And the shape of the adze has been linked to the constellation Ursa Major or Minor.  Recall that Ursa Major figured in my '1999: Ark of Sirius' in conjunction with the theme of 'ark'.  Also, it should be pointed out that Ursa Major/Minor is the celestial 'bears', and 'bear' happens to be what the name 'Arthur' ('arth') may have derived from.  Furthermore, Beta Ursa Minor happens to be where the northern 'air shaft' of the Great Pyramid's Queen's Chamber (see 'The Orion Mystery' or 'The Message of the Sphinx' by Bauval w/ Gilbert/Hancock) was targeted toward in the Pyramid Age c. 2500 BC (the other shaft from Queen's Chamber on the south side is targeted toward Sirius - another key theme).  Additionally, as Bauval/Gilbert point out, the shape of the northern shaft resembles the shape of the sacred adze.  It seems from the strong correlation that I have to bring back the issue of '39' that has been deleted from the 7/17 update (see previous update for detail).  The angle of the Queen's Chamber's northern shaft is 39 degrees, and even though JFK Jr. was 38 years old, he was living his '39'th year thus in this way matching the angle.

      Now, as for 'Angolmois' of Line 3, I found a web page that provided an intriguing interpretation of the word - that 'Angolmois' is an anagram for 'sang lion' (French) meaning' 'blood of the lion'.  And that would again refer to the Holy Grail, the blood of Jesus - which in turn represents the Davidic bloodline, and David is of Judah which was symbolized by the 'lion', thus the 'blood of the lion'.

      Seeing all these connections, I'm very curious at this point as to whether the bloodline of the Kennedys is linked to the Messianic branches in Europe (coming from the Merovingians).

    • The spaceshuttle Columbia scheduled to be launched on the key Sirian date, July 20, was delayed and lifted off early July 23.  This is not unexpected and that is why I carefully used the phrase "attaching a special space mission to [the date July 20]" in my 7/7 Update to indicate that the shuttle does not necessarily have to be launched on that date but that the scheduling itself is significant enough.
    • The main mission of this shuttle was the deployment of the Chandra X-ray observatory - one of the most powerful space observatories ever put into orbit.  The name 'Chandra' appears to continue the reference to the Apollo mission (recall that the name of the first-ever woman commander, Eileen, is derived from a word meaning 'sun' => Apollo the sun god) as 'Chandra' means 'moon'. 

    • Instead of spaceshuttle Columbia, the NASA July 20 "ritual" was done with the Liberty Bell space capsule that came out of the water after spending 38 years at the bottom of  the Atlantic Ocean.  This correlates with the resurrection of the Saturnian realm or "Atlantis" discussed in my '1999: Final Solution'.

    • It is also interesting that Colombia's Independence Day is July 20.  The name "Colombia" almost matching the name of the spaceshuttle 'Columbia' (pronounced the same and derived from the same root word 'Columbus', well at least that's the 'official' claim), and both would relate to 'Columba' the dove of Noah's Ark as mentioned before.  Interestingly, one of the most important rivers in Colombia is named 'Magdalena', an obvious reference to Mary Magdalene (=> Grail, as discussed before, and comparable to Isis/Sirius).  And one of its major cities is named 'Medellin' - also a likely reference to the Magdalene (as the name 'Madeline' is derived from Magdalene).


    Resposta  Mensagem 42 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/09/2011 01:22

    Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.

    Génesis Capítulo 49


    16 Dan juzgará a su pueblo,

    Como una de las tribus de Israel.

    17 Será Dan serpiente junto al camino,

    Víbora junto a la senda,

    Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete. (49:17 EQUIVALE A 13:8-AQUI ESTA CODIFICADA LA CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU)

    (Con las letras de MAGDALENE se puede escribir EAGLE O AGUILA Y DAN)
    eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
    14:1 Aconteció en los días de Amrafel rey de Sinar, Arioc rey de Elasar, Quedorlaomer rey de Elam, y Tidal rey de Goim,
    14:2 que éstos hicieron guerra contra Bera rey de Sodoma, contra Birsa rey de Gomorra, contra Sinab rey de Adma, contra Semeber rey de Zeboim, y contra el rey de Bela, la cual es Zoar.
    14:3 Todos éstos se juntaron en el valle de Sidim, que es el Mar Salado.
    14:4 Doce años habían servido a Quedorlaomer, y en el decimotercero se rebelaron.
    14:5 Y en el año decimocuarto vino Quedorlaomer, y los reyes que estaban de su parte, y derrotaron a los refaítas en Astarot Karnaim, a los zuzitas en Ham, a los emitas en Save-quiriataim,
    14:6 y a los horeos en el monte de Seir, hasta la llanura de Parán, que está junto al desierto.
    14:7 Y volvieron y vinieron a En-mispat, que es Cades, y devastaron todo el país de los amalecitas, y también al amorreo que habitaba en Hazezontamar.
    14:8 Y salieron el rey de Sodoma, el rey de Gomorra, el rey de Adma, el rey de Zeboim y el rey de Bela, que es Zoar, y ordenaron contra ellos batalla en el valle de Sidim;
    14:9 esto es, contra Quedorlaomer rey de Elam, Tidal rey de Goim, Amrafel rey de Sinar, y Arioc rey de Elasar; cuatro reyes contra cinco.
    14:10 Y el valle de Sidim estaba lleno de pozos de asfalto; y cuando huyeron el rey de Sodoma y el de Gomorra, algunos cayeron allí; y los demás huyeron al monte.
    14:11 Y tomaron toda la riqueza de Sodoma y de Gomorra, y todas sus provisiones, y se fueron.
    14:12 Tomaron también a Lot, hijo del hermano de Abram, que moraba en Sodoma, y sus bienes, y se fueron.
    14:13 Y vino uno de los que escaparon, y lo anunció a Abram el hebreo, que habitaba en el encinar de Mamre el amorreo, hermano de Escol y hermano de Aner, los cuales eran aliados de Abram.
    14:14 Oyó Abram que su pariente estaba prisionero, y armó a sus criados, los nacidos en su casa, trescientos dieciocho, y los siguió hasta Dan. (Aqui no es por casualidad que justo aparece DAN. HAY un fuerte nexo espiritual entre MELQUISEDEC, LA SANTA CENA, DAN Y OBVIAMENTE MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL (JUAN MARCOS)) 

    14:15 Y cayó sobre ellos de noche, él y sus siervos, y les atacó, y les fue siguiendo hasta Hoba al norte de Damasco.
    14:16 Y recobró todos los bienes, y también a Lot su pariente y sus bienes, y a las mujeres y demás gente.
    14:17 Cuando volvía de la derrota de Quedorlaomer y de los reyes que con él estaban, salió el rey de Sodoma a recibirlo al valle de Save, que es el Valle del Rey.
    14:18 Entonces Melquisedec, rey de Salem y sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, sacó pan y vino; (Observen que en la pintura de DA VINCI no es casualidad que MARIA MAGDALENA esta al lado de PEDRO. El CODIGO DA VINCI, escrito por DAN BROWN fue el libro que popularizo el matrimonio de NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO  a nivel mundial. ¿PORQUE EL ESCRITOR JUSTAMENTE SE LLAMA DAN? ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD? Por supuesto que desgraciadamente en el mismo libro no han expresado que JUAN MARCOS fue el HIJO DE CRISTO Y MARIA MAGDALENA HACIENDO UN TRASLADO A FRANCIA, como delegando el linaje de CRISTO en los MEROVINGIOS. DESGRACIADAMENTE HAY UNA CONSPIRACION MASONICO TEMPLARIA QUE OBVIO EL LINAJE DE CRISTO EN JUAN MARCOS CREANDO LA POSIBILIDAD DE UN FUTURO ANTICRISTO LITERAL DESCENDIENTE DE LOS MEROVINGIOS)
    14:19 y le bendijo, diciendo: Bendito sea Abram del Dios Altísimo, creador de los cielos y de la tierra;

    14:20 y bendito sea el Dios Altísimo, que entregó tus enemigos en tu mano. Y le dio Abram los diezmos de todo.
    14:21 Entonces el rey de Sodoma dijo a Abram: Dame las personas, y toma para ti los bienes.
    14:22 Y respondió Abram al rey de Sodoma: He alzado mi mano a Jehová Dios Altísimo, creador de los cielos y de la tierra,
    14:23 que desde un hilo hasta una correa de calzado, nada tomaré de todo lo que es tuyo, para que no digas: Yo enriquecí a Abram;
    14:24 excepto solamente lo que comieron los jóvenes, y la parte de los varones que fueron conmigo, Aner, Escol y Mamre, los cuales tomarán su parte.
    1. Génesis 14:18: Entonces MELQUISEDEC, rey de Salem y sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, sacó pan y vino;

    2. Salmos 110:4: Juró Jehová, y no se arrepentirá:
    Tú eres sacerdote para siempre
    Según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.

    3. Hebreos 5:6: Como también dice en otro lugar:
    Tú eres sacerdote para siempre,
    Según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.

    4. Hebreos 5:10: y fue declarado por Dios sumo sacerdote según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.

    5. Hebreos 6:20: donde Jesús entró por nosotros como precursor, hecho sumo sacerdote para siempre según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.

    6. Hebreos 7:1: Porque este MELQUISEDEC, rey de Salem, sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, que salió a recibir a Abraham que volvía de la derrota de los reyes, y le bendijo,

    7. Hebreos 7:10: porque aún estaba en los lomos de su padre cuando MELQUISEDEC le salió al encuentro.

    8. Hebreos 7:11: Si, pues, la perfección fuera por el sacerdocio levítico (porque bajo él recibió el pueblo la ley), ¿qué necesidad habría aún de que se levantase otro sacerdote, según el orden de MELQUISEDEC, y que no fuese llamado según el orden de Aarón?

    9. Hebreos 7:15: Y esto es aun más manifiesto, si a semejanza de MELQUISEDEC se levanta un sacerdote distinto,

    10. Hebreos 7:17: Pues se da testimonio de él:
    Tú eres sacerdote para siempre,
    Según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.

    11. Hebreos 7:21: porque los otros ciertamente sin juramento fueron hechos sacerdotes; pero éste, con el juramento del que le dijo:
    Juró el Señor, y no se arrepentirá:
    Tú eres sacerdote para siempre,
    Según el orden de MELQUISEDEC.
    7:1 Porque este Melquisedec, rey de Salem, sacerdote del Dios Altísimo, que salió a recibir a Abraham que volvía de la derrota de los reyes, y le bendijo,
    7:2 a quien asimismo dio Abraham los diezmos de todo; cuyo nombre significa primeramente Rey de justicia, y también Rey de Salem, esto es, Rey de paz;

    Resposta  Mensagem 43 de 58 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/10/2011 15:38


    Copyright 2003

    From the original 1993 website entitled:


    "In addition to revealing the timing of the first and second coming of Messiah the Prince, the Biblical prophet Daniel reveals yet another prince who shall later arrive. He is mentioned in 9:26-7, “and the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary” which speaks of both the original Roman destruction of Jerusalem and it's Temple in 70 AD led under Titus, yet this prophecy is also referring to a future time when the Antichrist - often referred to as the little prince, little horn, and later as King (see Dan. 11:36) rises out of the Empire which was once ancient Rome, taking his rightful seat of authority, the power of his kingship, and the crown of the Red Dragon."

    Masonic powers, Knights Templar, and other occult factions within the Governments of America, Britain, and Europe hold many secrets. You are about to uncover their most carefully guarded, the Bloodline of the Holy Grail and of the Royal King whose appearance awaits a world ravaged by nuclear war and cataclysm, all to propagate a new and 'needed' paganized version of Magickal Utopia by the year 2012. Indeed, a New King descended from the Holy Lineage of Israel shall come, to whom is given Godly wisdom and temperance to a hurting world in need of such a leader of Light, a 'Resitiutor Orbis' to some, a Messiah to all. Begin your learning by examining the following:




    I know the blasphemy of them which CLAIM to be Jews (Bloodline of Judah)
    and are NOT. They are the Synogogue of Satan, and do LIE

    Revelation Chapters 2:9 and 3:9


    Two Royal Families in Great Britain claim and have claimed of them to be descendants of Israel. These are the current House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth, Charles, etc.) and the House of Stewart/Spencer (Late Princess Diana). Both these are well known in Occult societies to have what is called the Holy Bloodline of Judah [from which ancient Judaism states their Messiah MUST herald from]. In light of this, it was therefore of paramount importance that the Windsors sought out to find a 'Virgin' from the Stewart Bloodline (also known as the Merovingian Dynasty) to marry into. They found this one in Diana yet what most don't know is that this most intriguing of arranged marriages and it's plan was not hatched solely by the Windsors, it was of very ancient design and meant to be carried out in secret, it's origin is unknown yet we are safe to say it's history made an important and noticeable apex during the Crusades when nine Knights found 'something' underneath the Temple Mount. What they brought back with them to France was no less than the very foundation for the modern occult itself, secrets that eventually forced them into exile into Scotland where they waited and still reside to this very day, and they grew. Most of today's occult and "fraternal orders" such as the Scottish Rite Freemasons trace their spiritual roots to Templarism. Many still wonder exactly what is it the Knights Templars found during their crusade in Zion, what have they learned over the centuries? Perhaps the better question would be, what are they protecting even now? Some say the Ark of the Covenant, others - the Holy Grail, yet what they have most so carefully guarded over the centuries was no tangible object seen by mortal eyes, but a lineage, a Bloodline.

    The Merovingian Kings, and their 'Holy Bloodline' has a sinister history of it's own, going thru more interesting twists and turns than the allegorical 'Ring' in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. This Bloodline was always to find it's way thru the violent ages into our own modern age - and to it's intended, chosen, One. So it shall be. It is widely known that the current British Royal Family sought out a young Virgin not for the "love" that many [including Diana herself] were at first deceived with, yet their seedy arrangement was only for one single purpose, it was solely for the occult-Merovingian blood ancestry she held...and here is where the literal conspiracy begins. It begins with the birth of a firstborn from these two so-called 'Holy' Lineages of Windsor and Spencer, a child who would seemingly carry a dual portion of the Holy Blood lineage of Christ known as the Holy Grail Bloodline, of whom many in the Occult even now regard that first born to be the 'New Age Christ-Child.' The 'Man-Child' who shall rule all Nations as depicted in their odd twisting of Revelation Chapter 12, the needed King of Peace who shall finally set the world to right as well as preparing for a coming strong deception presenting this New King for the world as the long awaited Davidic-Messiah.

    THE BRITISH HOUSE OF WINDSOR: THRONE OF KING DAVID ~ genealogical chart included here

    Charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to legends and endless genealogies,
    which minister questions. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their
    own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth,
    and instead shall be turned unto legends.
    1Timothy 1:3-4 and 2Timothy 4:3-4



    Synopsis of Sir Laurence Gardner's research [Click Here] 

    "From Royal and suppressed archives comes proof of the descendant heritage of Jesus in the West. Penetrating new light is cast upon the Grail Code of Service and the venerated feminine element, abandoned by the Church in order to forge a male dominated society.The pagan idols and Goddess of Christendom Secret scribal codes of the New Testament Dynastic wedlock and the Virgin Birth Magdalene heritage of the lost Royal bride Detailed genealogical descent of the Messiah King Arthur* and the Grail Code of Avalon Heresy..."

    "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" is the new controversial and comprehensive book describing Messianic descent, compiled from the most intriguing histories ever written. - "Bloodline of the Holy Grail," is the name of the bestselling book written by Sir Laurence Gardner, Chief Royal Genealogist to the Scottish House of Stewart. This same book, quite surprisingly to most, refers to a real and historic King Arthur having this same Bloodline of the Messiah, the ancient Bloodline of Israel's King David. To the Jewish mind, having the Bloodline of their ancient King David is also equated to being one considered to be their Messiah, of whom they are still waiting for.

    GARDNER goes on to state this same Scottish-Celt, Arthurian-Christ Bloodline has also been traced to Scotland's Royal House of Stewart, and you have heard of them, as their most famous offspring was the late Princess Diana. More than this shocking revelation is the subliminal implication Gardner is really trying to get across -- that Diana has left us with her firstborn son, a child having what amounts to the "Holy Bloodline of the Messiah," or so it would seem. He also details the history and why the current powers of Europe believe in the power of the Grail, mysteries of Atlantis, as well as other subjects in more alignment with Europe's secret societies. Parallel to this, certain facts are surfacing attempting to expose the secretive occult factions behind British Government ("Babylon"-London) and it's intelligence agencies whose end goal is the creation of a British-led Anglo-Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth an Arthurian figure at the forefront to lead it. We aren't directly told who this future King might be, yet the occult is preparing their ranks for a young and charismatic King who carries "truth" and what's best in man, a leader not unlike either Kennedy or Lincoln. A King who carries the Merovingian Grail of blood and will be seen as Arthur returned.

    Time for another King Arthur?
    Saturday March 9, 2002: The Guardian U.K. newspaper

    "When the Queen dies, the Crown should skip a generation, evading Prince Charles and moving directly to William. If I were a monarchist, which I am not, I would settle this issue by asking one simple question. Which of the pair is willing to call himself King Arthur? It's time we had another King Arthur, since the only one in our history occurred 15 centuries back. Charles [Charles Philip Arthur George] and William [William Arthur Philip Louis] are Arthurs... although Princes who use the name Arthur have a record of mysteriously never reaching the Throne." It appears that will soon change.


    The Mystery and Legend of the Once and Future King

    The account of Arthur as a Future King who will return again, leading his people to victory at a time of their greatest peril is thought to have it's origins in the 5th-6th century defeat of the Celts by the Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain. Hence, the early Welsh stanza, “Concealed til Doomsday is the grave of Arthur.’ It is certain that by Malory's time, this same legend of a future return attained an even more subtle connection emblazoned in the Celtic heart when he wrote “...King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of our Lord Jeshu gone into another place; he shall come again, and he shall win the Holy Cross. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say: here in this world he changed his life. There is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic Jacet Arthurus, Rex Quondam, Rexque Futurus...Here lies Arthur, the Once and Future King." Of course the well documented account of Arthur's grave having been found, excavated, and subsequently moved, in 1191 at Glastonbury only adds to the literal and historical aspect of his life, yet it was the heavy lead cross found at the site which brings back the legend to a preparedness in the heart once more. HIC IACET SEPULTUS INCLITUS REX ARTURIUS IN INSULA AVALONIA "Here lies buried the renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon."

    PRINCE WILLIAM ARTHUR WINDSOR: The Future King of England

    The coming World Leader commonly known as the Antichrist has 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13 in the New Testament. Two of the most copelling are: "the King who was and will be again" (the Once and Future King?) found in Revelation 17:8 and "the Prince that shall rise" of Daniel 9:26-27. Stated in the future-tense, the people of this Prince that shall come would destroy the city and the sanctuary, meaning the future Temple in the city of Jerusalem making this Scripture another clear example of what is called multi-layered prophecy where the original fulfillment occurred in history [Roman legions under Titus Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD], and the yet final future fulfillment will be carried out by the Antichrist himself. This reflexive reference to the Romans in Daniel 9:26 is one of several reasons why most Bible scholars view the future "Prince" that shall come as a "Roman," that is to say, a European from one of the original countries of the ancient Roman Empire. It seems that a certain young Prince and Future King of England has also caught the attention of several others...






    Jewish Author, Tim Cohen, has put together a very informative book called "Amtichrist and a Cup of Tea" which mostly makes the connections of the Antichrist to Prince Charles, certainly one from the House of Windsor, who shall ascend the world stage in a dramatic way with a series of ill-fated events and omens that guide his way. One of the most interesting admissions made in this extensive work is this, found on page 240...

    "The state of Charles' and Diana's marriage was one of the prime
    reasons the Queen clearly indicated she intended to continue as Monarch
    until her death...[If there was a formal separation or divorce], Charles
    would find it all but impossible to take the religious vows at his
    coronation as King and head of the Church...If those events did indeed unfold,
    then the Throne would pass directly to Prince William..."





    The Antichrist must have died from a Mortal Wound to the head

    REVELATION 13:3 And I saw, one of it's heads as it were mortally wounded to death; and his mortal wound was healed.

    On June 3 1991, Prince William himself at the age of 9, received a near fatal head wound and was close to death. The prophecy about a Prince/King surviving a head wound in Revelation is interesting. Coincidentally, it is well known that King Arthur died from a "mortal wound to the head" having his skull cut and crushed in battle from a sword at the Battle of Camlann between 516-550 AD. It then becomes another note of intriguing interest that both the Biblical Antichrist and the legendary Arthur both died of the "mortal head wound." Again both are said to return, leading the world in a Millennial peace. Both Arthur and Revelation's Antichrist are surrounded by a dark age world where sorcery and one man establishing a new order are seen as a Messiah by the masses. Both exhibit unparalled strength and loyalty from the people, and both achieve great exploits along the way. On a completely different level, there is something else that should be pointed out here- the same language used by the Bible for the Messiah is the exact same language used in medieval and Celtic lore for King Arthur. Like Jesus Christ, King Arthur is referred to as: The King of Kings, King of the World, The [Celtic] Messiah, and the Once and Future King. Even more intriguing is to make a comparison of Revelation 1:18 and 17:8 to see how close these two can blur the lines in some less discerning eyes.

    The Mortal Wound to the head from a sword

    REVELATION 13:14 And he deceiveth them that dwell upon the earth by the means of miracles which he had power to do in sight of the Beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast, which had a mortal wound by a sword, yet did live.

    The Antichrist must resurrect from death to lead the world

    REVELATION 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world marvelled after the Beast.




    REVELATION 17:8, 11 The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the pit, and go into [the Son of] Perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast THAT WAS, and is not, and yet is. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the Eighth (King), and is of the Seven (Merovingian Kings).

    DANIEL 11:33-36 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the Time of the End: because it is yet for a time appointed. And the KING shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself above every god,
    and shall speak against the God of gods.

    DANIEL 8:23-25 In the latter time, a KING of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall arise. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally, and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the Holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause Craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken.

    2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-5 For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work: only he who now restrains will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked be revealed...Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the Love of the Truth (Jesus Christ), that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie...

    What is this 'Strong Delusion' and lie that Satan will have most of the world under? UFO's, Atlantis, alternative creation theories, other 'Gods'? All of them will have their place in that future deception, yet I am here to tell you specifically about the Antichrist and his lie that brings him closer to the Jewish hearts and minds - for they perceive their Messiah will have the "Royal Lineage of David" meaning he can have his unbroken Bloodline literally traced thirty centuries all the way back to Israel's patriarch, King David (It is therefore sad to note how Jews both past and present won't recognize Jesus, the True Messiah, who easily has his lineage traced back to David and fulfills every Messianic prophecy attributed him in both advents). On the other hand, the British and European Royals [and their propagandists] are infamous for claiming that they are descendedants of Ephraim, chief of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel," holding in their possession specific genealogical charts and faux histories to prove it. As we have already seen in the case of the chart given in the link above- it was and already is, a lie. A powerfully deceptive lie that will see 'new evidence' found soon pertaining to it's credibility. I am speaking of everything from falsified documentation of ancient manuscripts convienantly found at the right time 'proving' that the prophesied Messiah will actually be descended from "Celtic-Israel" origin, thus allowing Satan to possess one King of Ephraim (England) along this newly defined criteria and ultimately gain access into Israel - to be worshipped as the Messiah.

    Despite their myriad of genealogical falsehoods, elborate charts, faked scrolls (click here) and "detailed histories" extending back to the Holy Land, Israel is currently picking up on the idea - Rabbi Avraham Feld, Yair Davidy, and even pastor Arnold Murray himself - (with his Glastonbury rhetoric) are themselves leading a huge American, Israeli, and European following built upon this same heresy stating the modern British as being descended from this main Lost Tribe of Israel [Ephraim] while stringing along the underlying implication that Israel now has a brand new direction to look in when considering and finally deciding upon their choice of a Messiah-King. [Details and their links provided later in this website]. To those whose interest is peaked needing more evidence, again, you need not look much further than Rabbi Yair Davidy and his Israeli cult-like following and their usage of Ezekiel Chapter 37:16-22 which states a Future King, a so-called "KING TO THEM ALL," will unite both Israel with Ephraim, once more. Interesting on the surface yet when reading that, remember he is also saying that ENGLAND = EPHRAIM so it is a King of England that he implies Jews should look for as being their Messiah! With this level of deception, in the form of bloodline and historical "evidence," is it any wonder the future Antichrist himself (already accounted in this same lineage being a British Royal), will be thought anything less than the Messiah by the Jewish mindset and indeed, the rest of the world. As a result of that false teaching softening up the masses in the present, he will have much less of a struggle convincing Israel he is their Messiah in the future. Once possessed, he takes on an entirely different persona and many claims shall be further made of him, his 'prophet' will claim to both Jews and Christians alike that the prophetic Judaic Scripture of a hero-like conquering King Messiah, actually represent himself and not Christ. His claims of being the "New Son of David," along with all the supposed great miracles attributed to him, and other deceptions given by his False Prophet will completely stun the world and especially the Jewish nation who still struggles to find it's 'National Identity' which they see resides in primarily two things: The Third Temple and The Messiah who brings them lasting peace.

    JEREMIAH 30:9 They shall serve the Lord their God, and "DAVID" their King, whom I will raise up unto them.

    Since this was written at least two centuries after King David died, it is therefore referring to the Messiah who is also called 'the Son [thru Bloodline] of David.' Make a comparison of Ezekiel 8:25-26 with Daniel 9:26-27 to find a necessary clue. Since Israel did not accept the True Messiah, Jesus Christ, they are still waiting for what they call "Mashiach Ben David" (Messiah - Son of David) and it is right here where the Antichrist steps in, as they have left the door wide open, so to speak. Satan will provide his False "Son of David" to the world with the ultimate goal of luring Israel into the trap.




    Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the Latter Times
    some shall depart from the Christian Faith, and instead listen
    to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
    1Timothy 4:1

    The following links are prime examples of exactly how Israel will be deceived in the future into believing that England, moreover the Scottish House of Stewart and the British House of Windsor [both lines in William], are the literal ancestral lineages from which their Messiah will herald from. This same deception can be found in the fast growing psuedo-religion called "Metaphysics" [New Age] that is gaining strength in Europe, Israel, the U.S., and even in American churches going under very deceptive and racist theological names such as Christian Identity, Replacement Theology, and New Israel. Beware of it. The most well known author of this future Antichrist doctrine is Laurence Gardner, with his series of books 'The Grail Kings' yet as you know, he is certainly not alone in this field. He and others are putting forth a great deal of heretical information targeted to those of a responsive Christian, even Pagan mind, yet is there anyone pushing forth this same doctrine to the Israelis themselves? Yes, his name is Yair Davidy. Study the following links very carefully, always remembering the fixed gulf between mainline Judeo-Christianity, and what these self-styled "reseachers" are proposing.









    As you can now see - these same subliminal Satanic lies of so-called "British-Israelism" will be THE VERY FOUNDATION from which the coming Antichrist will use his European dominance over Israel and then the world. As it's ongoing indoctrination continues, slowly revealing more pseudo-facts and falsified genealogical histories of how the Lost Tribes of Israel migrated west into Europe, Britain, and ultimately this catering to the notion that British Royals are direct descendants of King David, it will take further the hearts and minds of many others leading them astray into ignorant acceptance. You should know this agenda does not end with the information presented here, nor will it stand alone as the only false doctrine the future world will yet see, as new claims and scientific, as well as archaeological discoveries, are being made with each passing year that moves closer - lending more 'crediblity' to this heresy, while hidden under many layers of it's teaching is the extremely subtle idea that a Celtic/Briton could in anyway be the literal Messiah.





    Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and Signs and lying wonders,
    And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not
    the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion,
    that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth.
    2Thessalonians 2:9-12

    After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth Beast [Kingdom], dreadful and terrible...I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them a Little Horn, and in this Horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till the Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, His Throne as fire. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the Little Horn spake: I beheld even till the BEAST was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. I saw in the vision one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given Him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His Dominion is an Everlasting Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. Daniel Chapter 7

    Staying with the book of Daniel, let us now compare the similarities between verse 7:5 with 7:24 the Beast..."A BEAR" who subdues 3 "ribs" / 3 Kingdoms. This suggests that the Antichrist first arrives in either warlike fashion or peacefully places three Kings or Kingdoms under his subjection. Some have said this to be Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, unifying them into one Celtic-Anglo nation. Take careful notice that it is the Angel Gabriel making the interpretation of the vision, simply telling us that the "Little Horn" [Antichrist] in verse 20-21, is symbolized by "the Bear" in other words, the Antichrist is "The Bear."


    REVELATION 13:2 The Beast was like unto a Leopard, and his feet as A BEAR, and the mouth of a Lion

    *The Lion represents the country that this King will come from. It is the Lion that is the Heraldic and national symbol of England. The Leopard represents his youth contrasted by his new power [like Alexander the Great, who was himself represented by the youthful symbol of the Leopard; quick to conquer]. This name of Philip is taken from his grandfather Prince Philip who is actually from Greece and named after Alexander the Great who also had the middle name of Philip, telling us that when William becomes King, he will quickly conquer, becoming a voice that the world will certainly listen to. The Bear is what stands up out of England, Arthur, the Once and Future King - returned. THE BIBLE'S REFERENCE TO THE BEAST HAVING THE ATTRIBUTES OF A LION, BEAR, AND A LEOPARD ARE CODE FOR THE BEAST'S NAME...


    William - The Conqueror (England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking-Charismatic Leader
    Arthur - King Arthur (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Spring Return
    Philip - Alexander-Philip the Great (Greek) = LEOPARD / Body /Youth
    Windsor-WALES - Cainitic lineage = RED DRAGON /Celtic-British Power/Wealth




    FUNDING RESEARCH INTO ENOCHIAN COMPUTER -Image of the Beast will speak







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