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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 29/04/2012 01:34
La llegada del hombre a la luna tiene un fuerte nexo esoterico y exoterico con el SANTO GRIAL. El numero 1969 tiene un fuerte nexo KAVALISTICO CON CANCER(CAN MENOR=69 E INCLUSO CON SIRIO) e incluso con el numero 19.
Sin ninguna duda incluso tambien tiene un nexo esoterico con la BATALLA DE JERICO (CIUDAD DE LA LUNA Y DE LOS PERFUMES) en que JOSUE DERRIBO LOS MUROS (¿NEXO CON EL DERRUMBE DE LOS MUROS DE BERLIN?). En el ungimiento de BETANIA, justamente NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO, EL SOL,  FUE UNGIDO CON PERFUMES POR MARIA MAGDALENA, OSEA LA LUNA. JUAN 12. Sin ninguna duda  que dicha llegada contribuyo AL DERRUMBE DEL MURO DE BERLIN el 9 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1989 (OTRO 911).

6:1 Ahora, Jericó estaba cerrada, bien cerrada, a causa de los hijos de Israel; nadie entraba ni salía.
6:2 Mas Jehová dijo a Josué: Mira, yo he entregado en tu mano a Jericó y a su rey, con sus varones de guerra.
6:3 Rodearéis, pues, la ciudad todos los hombres de guerra, yendo alrededor de la ciudad una vez; y esto haréis durante seis días.
6:4 Y siete sacerdotes llevarán siete bocinas de cuernos de carnero delante del arca; y al séptimo día daréis siete vueltas a la ciudad, y los sacerdotes tocarán las bocinas.
6:5 Y cuando toquen prolongadamente el cuerno de carnero, así que oigáis el sonido de la bocina, todo el pueblo gritará a gran voz, y el muro de la ciudad caerá; entonces subirá el pueblo, cada uno derecho hacia adelante.
6:6 Llamando, pues, Josué hijo de Nun a los sacerdotes, les dijo: Llevad el arca del pacto, y siete sacerdotes lleven bocinas de cuerno de carnero delante del arca de Jehová.
6:7 Y dijo al pueblo: Pasad, y rodead la ciudad; y los que están armados pasarán delante del arca de Jehová.
6:8 Y así que Josué hubo hablado al pueblo, los siete sacerdotes, llevando las siete bocinas de cuerno de carnero, pasaron delante del arca de Jehová, y tocaron las bocinas; y el arca del pacto de Jehová los seguía.
6:9 Y los hombres armados iban delante de los sacerdotes que tocaban las bocinas, y la retaguardia iba tras el arca, mientras las bocinas sonaban continuamente.
6:10 Y Josué mandó al pueblo, diciendo: Vosotros no gritaréis, ni se oirá vuestra voz, ni saldrá palabra de vuestra boca, hasta el día que yo os diga: Gritad; entonces gritaréis.
6:11 Así que él hizo que el arca de Jehová diera una vuelta alrededor de la ciudad, y volvieron luego al campamento, y allí pasaron la noche.
6:12 Y Josué se levantó de mañana, y los sacerdotes tomaron el arca de Jehová.
6:13 Y los siete sacerdotes, llevando las siete bocinas de cuerno de carnero, fueron delante del arca de Jehová, andando siempre y tocando las bocinas; y los hombres armados iban delante de ellos, y la retaguardia iba tras el arca de Jehová, mientras las bocinas tocaban continuamente.
6:14 Así dieron otra vuelta a la ciudad el segundo día, y volvieron al campamento; y de esta manera hicieron durante seis días.
6:15 Al séptimo día se levantaron al despuntar el alba, y dieron vuelta a la ciudad de la misma manera siete veces; solamente este día dieron vuelta alrededor de ella siete veces. (EL ALBA TIENE UN NEXO CON SIRIO-A Jacob, se le cambio por el nombre de ISRAEL, en el ALBA y tambien CON JUAN 20:1, en contexto a la RESURRECCION DE JESUCRISTO CUANDO SE PRESENTA FRENTE A MARIA MAGDALENA) 
6:16 Y cuando los sacerdotes tocaron las bocinas la séptima vez, Josué dijo al pueblo: Gritad, porque Jehová os ha entregado la ciudad.
6:17 Y será la ciudad anatema a Jehová, con todas las cosas que están en ella; solamente Rahab la ramera vivirá, con todos los que estén en casa con ella, por cuanto escondió a los mensajeros que enviamos. (RAHAB ES UN TIPO DE LA "RAMERA" MARIA MAGDALENA QUE SOBREVIVIRA Y LA CASA ES OBVIAMENTE EL GRIAL. EN 1969 EL VATICANO RECONOCIO QUE MARIA MAGDALENA NO ERA PROSTITUTA O RAMERA) 
6:18 Pero vosotros guardaos del anatema; ni toquéis, ni toméis alguna cosa del anatema, no sea que hagáis anatema el campamento de Israel, y lo turbéis.
6:19 Mas toda la plata y el oro, y los utensilios de bronce y de hierro, sean consagrados a Jehová, y entren en el tesoro de Jehová.
6:20 Entonces el pueblo gritó, y los sacerdotes tocaron las bocinas; y aconteció que cuando el pueblo hubo oído el sonido de la bocina, gritó con gran vocerío, y el muro se derrumbó. El pueblo subió luego a la ciudad, cada uno derecho hacia adelante, y la tomaron. (OBVIO NEXO CON LA CAIDA DEL MURO DE BERLIN-JERICO SIGNIFICA CIUDAD DE LA LUNA Y LOS PERFUMES EN UN OBVIO NEXO CON BETANIA. EL ORO SIMBOLIZA AL GRIAL-APOCALIPSIS 3:18)
Y destruyeron a filo de espada todo lo que en la ciudad había; hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y viejos, hasta los bueyes, las ovejas, y los asnos.
547. Mateo 2:13: Después que partieron ellos, he aquí un ángel del Señor apareció en sueños a José y dijo: Levántate y toma al niño y a su madre, y huye a EGIPTO, y permanece allá hasta que yo te diga; porque acontecerá que Herodes buscará al niño para matarlo.

548. Mateo 2:14: Y él, despertando, tomó de noche al niño y a su madre, y se fue a EGIPTO,

549. Mateo 2:15: y estuvo allá hasta la muerte de Herodes; para que se cumpliese lo que dijo el Señor por medio del profeta, cuando dijo: De EGIPTO llamé a mi Hijo.

550. Mateo 2:19: Pero después de muerto Herodes, he aquí un ángel del Señor apareció en sueños a José en EGIPTO,
33:12 A Benjamín dijo: El amado de Jehová habitará confiado cerca de él; Lo cubrirá siempre, Y entre sus hombros morará.
33:13 A José dijo: Bendita de Jehová sea tu tierra, Con lo mejor de los cielos, con el rocío, Y con el abismo que está abajo.
33:14 Con los más escogidos frutos del sol, Con el rico producto de la luna,
33:15 Con el fruto más fino de los montes antiguos, Con la abundancia de los collados eternos,
33:16 Y con las mejores dádivas de la tierra y su plenitud; Y la gracia del que habitó en la zarza Venga sobre la cabeza de José, Y sobre la frente de aquel que es príncipe entre sus hermanos.
33:17 Como el primogénito de su toro es su gloria, Y sus astas como astas de búfalo; Con ellas acorneará a los pueblos juntos hasta los fines de la tierra; Ellos son los diez millares de Efraín, Y ellos son los millares de Manasés.
CONCRETAMENTE QUE LA LLEGADA DEL HOMBRE LA LUNA TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO ESOTERICO CON MARIA MAGDALENA, ya que fue justamente en 1969 que el VATICANO reconocio que la misma no era prostituta.
 En contexto a FATIMA, que tiene un fuerte nexo con con el 11 de septiembre, el verdadero pentecostes en LUNA LLENA el 29 de thamus/1 de Av, e incluso insisto en la caida del muro de Berlin. Detras de la VIRGEN DE FATIMA tambien esta CODIFICADO EL VERDADERO CALENDARIO LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO CON SHABBATS REGULADOS CON LAS FASES LUNARES Y ROSH JODESH EN LUNA LLENA.
COLUMBIA, es la paloma de NOE, que simboliza a ISTAR/ESTER y el aguila, es el AVE PHOENIX, OSEA EL GRIAL. Columbia incluso tambien tiene nexo con LA GRAN PIRAMIDE QUE JUSTAMENTE SIMBOLIZA AL GRIAL.

15. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como vid que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de OLIVO alrededor de tu mesa.
15:1 Yo soy la vid verdadera, y mi Padre es el labrador.
15:2 Todo pámpano que en mí no lleva fruto, lo quitará; y todo aquel que lleva fruto, lo limpiará, para que lleve más fruto.
15:3 Ya vosotros estáis limpios por la palabra que os he hablado.
15:4 Permaneced en mí, y yo en vosotros. Como el pámpano no puede llevar fruto por sí mismo, si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco vosotros, si no permanecéis en mí.
15:5 Yo soy la vid, vosotros los pámpanos; el que permanece en mí, y yo en él, éste lleva mucho fruto; porque separados de mí nada podéis hacer.
15:6 El que en mí no permanece, será echado fuera como pámpano, y se secará; y los recogen, y los echan en el fuego, y arden.
15:7 Si permanecéis en mí, y mis palabras permanecen en vosotros, pedid todo lo que queréis, y os será hecho.
15:8 En esto es glorificado mi Padre, en que llevéis mucho fruto, y seáis así mis discípulos.
15:9 Como el Padre me ha amado, así también yo os he amado; permaneced en mi amor.
15:10 Si guardareis mis mandamientos, permaneceréis en mi amor; así como yo he guardado los mandamientos de mi Padre, y permanezco en su amor.
15:11 Estas cosas os he hablado, para que mi gozo esté en vosotros, y vuestro gozo sea cumplido.
15:12 Este es mi mandamiento: Que os améis unos a otros, como yo os he amado.
15:13 Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que uno ponga su vida por sus amigos.
15:14 Vosotros sois mis amigos, si hacéis lo que yo os mando.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 16:04
July 20, 2011. Por: Moonmentum En: Especial de HoyMultimedia

480px Apollo 11 launch 240x300 Mision Apolo 11En la mitología tanto en Grecia como en Roma, Apolo es el más  versátil de los dioses del olimpo, pues como dios rige: la luz y el sol; la verdad y la profecía; el tiro con arco; la medicina y la curación; la música, la poesía y las artes; entre otras virtudes y talentos. El hijo de Zeus y Leto, es hermano gemelo de la Artemisa.

La Misión Apolo 11, Fue la primera de las misiones tripuladas en descender en la superficie lunar. Su comandante Neil Armstrong (38 años), “Buzz” Aldrin (39 años) el piloto del módulo lunar “Aguila” y el encargado del orbitador lunar “Columbia” Michael Collins (38 años), concluyeron con éxito la misión de llevar y descender el modulo en el sitio llamado Mar de la Tranquilidad.

Ver más…

Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 16:12

Astrology of the "First Man on the Moon"

Lilith reveals it all

According to the official story the American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man ever to step on the lunar soil in a place called the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969, at 10:56 pm EDT. He then pronounced the famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

But there are many who claim otherwise. And they bring really solid scientific evidence supporting that there was no human landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969, and the whole thing was just a mascarade to impress the Russians and the world during the cold war.

Did Neil Armstrong step on the Moon on July 20, 1969 ?

I decided to have have my own point of view on this. If there really was such a terrible lie, then the Black Moon Lilith, was about to reveal it without doubt. For Lilith is always very present in those mundane or event astrological charts related to falsehood, lies, cheating, dirty tricks and so on.

So, I looked on the internet for the exact dates and times of the main characters involved and I erected the corresponding astrological charts, taking care previously to select Lilith to be shown.

The first chart to explore was the one set for moment when Neil Armstrong supposingly stepped on the Moon, and the location Washington, DC, the heart of the American nation, the place from where President Nixon addressed by radio to the astronauts.

Moon square Lilith; Lilith conjunct US Sun

Moon square Lilith

The first applying aspect the Moon makes is the square to Lilith. This is already a question mark on the sincerity of this venture.

Lilith conjunct US Sun

The other question mark is the tight conjunction between Lilith and the Sun from the natal chart of the US (July 4, 1776), which could be an indication of a huge lie.
Another thing is the conjunction of the Descendant of the event chart and the US natal chart Neptune-Lilith conjunction (may mean an American trickery on the "others" as represented by the Descendant of the event chart).

Let's have a look at Neil Armstrong's natal chart. (August 5, 1930, at 12:10 am CST - Gauquelin Book of American Charts, in St Marys, OH - 84w23, 40n32)

Neil Armstrong

Lilith conjunct MC

Lilith is so tightly conjunct the Midheaven, a good indication of celebrity based on a fraud.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong's progressed Sun was at 19°41' Virgo tightly conjunct US Lilith (19°35' Virgo). It just means that Armstrong incarnated then the American way to cheat the world, he was the tool used for this.
This correlates greatly with the presence of Lilith on the MC in his natal chart.

Let's move our attention to the US chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA - Sibley) and let's watch transits to the progressed and natal chart in the triple wheel chart below:

Triple Wheel for July 20, 1969

Transiting Moon conjunct progressed Lilith

We notice right away the conjunction of the transiting Moon with the progressed Lilith and the conjunction of the transiting Lilith with the natal Sun. These are revealing influences, which express clearly that this "fake Moon landing" might have a very real base, unfortunately.

What is the conclusion?

You draw it. I just wanted to point out in this article that there is a Lilith signature all over this event, in whichever relevant chart we look.

Experience and reading have taught me that Lilith is about falsehood, fake situations, dirty tricks.


Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 16:21

 Figure 4  The interaction in the 5th harmonic of Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto in the noon chart for NASA.

Apollo 11 lifted off from launch pad 39A at Cape Canaveral on July 16, 1969, at 9:32 AM EDT.4  The sky over the Cape boasted a classic tribute to the Masonic Sqaure, with the Pleiades culminating:

Pleiades culminates as Apollo 11 lifts off
Astrology wheel of Apollo 11 liftoff
 Figures 5 and 6  Pleiades culminating over Cape Canaveral as Apollo 11 lifts off.

This same ideal is expressed in the Inauguration of George Washington on April 30, 1789, when he took the oath of office as the Pleiades was culminating over New York City.

The position of Luna is a transit to the MC of the Penfield chart for the Declaration of Independence:

Biwheel of Apollo liftoff and D of I
 Figure 7  Apollo 11 liftoff Moon transits the MC of Marc Penfield's Declaration of Independence chart.

Apollo 11 was really two craft in one -- the main module Columbia and the landing craft Eagle.  These names are obviously in reference to the nation's Capitol and the national symbol, as seen in the graphics at the header of this page.  Apollo 11 entered lunar orbit at 1:28 p.m. EDT on July 19, where nearly 24 hours would elapse before the critical moment of separation. "It came down to a state of mind: they would convince themselves, as they coasted out to the moon, that the mission had not really begun, and that it would not begin until the moment when Armstrong and Aldrin floated into the lunar module Eagle, undocked from Columbia, and started to final descent to the moon."5  This time was 1:11 PM EDT on the 20th, and yet we see another Masonically inspired astrological moment over Washington D.C., with Spica rising exactly at high noon:

 Figure 8  Another mundane square over Washington D.C. as Columbia and Eagle separate.  Spica, the chief star in Virgo, rises as the Sun culminates at high noon.  Due to precession, this formation can only happen on July 20 in the current century.

The fact that this mundo square of Spica and the Sun occurrs on or near the 20th of July at Washington D.C. in the 20th Century may have more to do with its Masonic/ritual prevalence in the space program than this date's connection to the heliacal rising of Sirius in ancient Egypt, as Richard Hoagland has promulgated.  The use of Spica will be shown in detail in further installments in the CAVE.

Before this critical moment of separation, a spectacular triple conjunction of the (geocentric) Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus occured at 2:36 AM EDT on the 20th.  This conjunction was precise to the very minute of arc, at 0°40' Libra, a cardinal degree, and as in Table A above, a special degree associated with Washington's latitude.  Such a conjunction astrologically would be interpreted as highly favorable, profitable, enourmously successful, and far-sighted.6  This conjunction is also on the midpoint of Sun/Mars [SO/MA], what Ebertin gave as an indicator or "extraordinary achievement,"7 and thus we have on this date the fleeting but important combination of [MO/JU/UR = SO/MA].

This particular conjunction (parallax Moon) can be seen as it formed over Washington D.C.:

triple conjunction
 Figure 9  Triple conjunction of Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus at 0°40' Libra as it became exact over Washington D.C.

On the 20th of July, the Eagle touched down on the Lunar surface at 4:17:40 PM EDT. Luna was now in the 9th degree of Libra, and transiting the Sun of the NASA chart:

 Figure 10  Biwheel showing Luna transiting the radical NASA Sun/MC, and thus activating the primary quintile.

Notice the abundance of quintiles:

The Eagle has landed amidst a bevy of quintiles
 Figure 11  Quintiles are present between Sun/Moon and Jupiter/Uranus//Saturn.

And, notice that Mars, conjunct Graffias, is rising.

Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface at 10:56:20 PM EDT, after which saying, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong's words represented the spirit of the entire Apollo program, as engraved on a plaque attached to the Lunar Module, which he real aloud to a national TV audience:

Here men from the planet earth
first set foot on the moon July 1969, A.D.
We came in peace for all mankind.

As Armstrong took his large step, back at Washington D.C., the astrology is remarkable, as another mundo square forms with the Galactic Center culminating while the Lunar North Node, ecliptically conjunct the fixed star Markab, rises:

The GC culminates as the NN rises over DC as Armstrong steps on the Moon
 Figure 12  The Galactic Center culminates of Washington as the North Lunar Node rises, ecliptically conjunct Markab.

Markab, better known as alpha Pegasus, is located at the ecliptic latitude of +19.5°, and sits at the corner of the celestial square, also a Masonic symbol.

 Figure 13  Constellation Pegasus, the "winged horse," and its cheif star Markab.

Here is the skymap of the Galactic Center culminating over Washington D.C.:

Skymap of GC culminating over DC at Armstrong footfall
 Figure 14  The Galactic plane's center intersects the local meridian at Washington D.C. as Freemason Armstrong steps out of the Eagle.

This next biwheel shows how the mission's Mars/Graffias conjunction activates the NASA combination mentioned above; notice that the Moon is in quintile to the NASA Part of Fortune (POF):






Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 16:45

The Lunar Landscape

by Dr Jamie Love © 1997 - 2011

The Moon, sometimes called Luna, is a wonderful sight and many amateur astronomers love to learn their way around it. However, many astronomers hate the Moon because, when it is full, its brightness is so overwhelming that it hides many dim stars, meteors, nebula, etc. Indeed, even astronomers who love to view the Moon often hate it when it's full because a Full Moon hides most of its more delicate features.

Of course, the Moon is a world of its own and it has its own geography (actually, a "lunagraphy"). Much has been learned about the Moon in the last few decades but there is still a lot to discover. Entire books have been written about the geology of the Moon and there is enough information that we could have an entire course, as big as this astronomy course, just about the Moon! But we won't. Instead I want to limit this lesson to a tour of the features on the Moon. I won't try teaching you the features on the far side of the Moon because chances are you wouldn't find it useful.

I like to think that the Moon is a rainbow of colors but all of them are gray. What I mean is that the variations in the Moon are subtle and can change due to the way that particular part of the Moon is illuminated.

Where do you find the best views?

The best views of the Moon occur along the terminator - a sharp line which divides the sunlit and dark parts of the Moon. The terminator represents that part of the Moon experiencing sunrise or sunset. (Think about that for a moment and convince yourself that makes sense.) Whenever you look at the Moon, especially with optical devices, pay particular attention to the area near the terminator. The angle of the sunlight brings out features that often disappear as the terminator moves on. That's because at sunrise or sunset objects project their greatest shadows. Craters and mountains have a real three-dimensional look when the terminator is near them. If you look at the same spot some days later, when it's in more direct sunlight, you will notice that the finer details are now gone and the brightness of the fully illuminated area causes it to have lost much of its beauty.

The most obvious features on the Moon are the "seas" called maria (singular "mare"). Of course, they aren't seas at all. They are relatively flat areas produced between 3.8 and 3.1 billion years ago by massive flows of lava. When the molten lava first erupted it behaved like water and, while still in a liquid state, it flooded the surrounding areas and filled in much of the low-lying land. Today, those maria produce the "man-in-the-Moon". These lava flows are made mostly of a rock called basalt. Basalt is what commonly remains of lava flows on Earth, too. Lunar basalts are made mostly of pyroxene (a silicate mineral rich in magnesium) and ilmenite (which itself contains lots of titanium - the strongest metal). Basalts are very dark so maria are obvious features on the Moon.

Maria cover about 16% of the Moon but they are not evenly distributed. The near side ("our side") is rich in maria while maria on the far side are small and scarce. That's because the Moon's center of mass is not at its geometric center. The Moon's center of mass is shifted about 2 kilometers in our direction.


So, the Moon's crust (outer layer) is thinner on the near side than on the far side. That means the magma (molten rock underground, before it erupts as lava) was more likely to make it to the surface and produce lava flows on the near side than on the far side.

Highlands make up the rest of the Moon's surface. These are very rugged and heavily cratered lands. Chances are these areas of the Moon got bombarded by meteors just as much as the maria areas but the maria lavas covered up the damage. Therefore, the highlands represent the oldest surface of the Moon. Most of the highlands formed between 4.0 and 3.8 billion years ago although some highland materials date as far back as 4.3 billion years. The intensive bombardment started about 4.6 billion years ago and that is considered the age of the Moon because it is supposed that is when the Moon first started to solidify. [Rocks this old are dated by the ratio of potassium to argon inside them. I don't want to go further into this - I've already included more geology here than I intended! You can learn all about rock dating methods elsewhere on the web.]

The highlands have been so battered by ancient impacts that most of the surface has been reduced to a rubble that geologists call breccia. Most of this breccia is composed of a mineral called plagioclase feldspar, which is rich in calcium and aluminum. There is also plenty of olivine (a silicate mineral containing lots of iron) and pyroxene (a silicate mineral rich in magnesium). Many highland rocks are enriched in certain elements that normally are not found in rocks on Earth. These rocks are called KREEPs because they contain lots of potassium (chemical abbreviation "K"), rare-earth elements (abbreviated "REE") and phosphorus (chemical abbreviation "P")

Why don't we mine those KREEPy breccias?

They're too far away! It takes a lot of energy to bring them back.

Highlands are sometimes called "terrae" which literally translates as "earth" so I don't like to use that confusing term. I think a better term might be "breccia land" or simply "rubble". Indeed, the impacting meteoroids and asteroids have ground a large portion of the Moon to dust! This dust, called regolith, covers most of the highlands and the maria like a thin blanket but may be up to 20 meters deep in some places.

The Moon has many mountains, especially in the highlands and between the maria. There is no erosion on the Moon so these mountains are very jagged and often very steep. Also, the low gravity of the Moon (one-sixth that of Earth) allows mountains to be very tall. Some mountain peaks reach elevations of 4 or 5 kilometers above the lunar surface! They are particularly striking when the terminator is nearby. Large mountain ranges are often at the borders of maria, presumably because the lava flows were not big enough to cover the mountains but were extensive enough to cover the foothills. Of course, where you find mountains you will find valleys and some of them cut nicely through the lunar mountain ranges. To see these valleys or details of the mountains you really must use a telescope.

Of course, the most "moonish" features of the Moon are its craters. These were caused when meteoroids or asteroids impacted onto the Moon. This bombardment still goes on today but not with the frequency it did billions of years ago. Most of these collisions hurled materials away from the point of impact in a radial pattern (like the spokes on a wheel). Some of this material is brightly colored and when it landed on the lunar surface it produced bright rays against the dark landscape that are still visible today. It will take about a billion years for these rays to fade. (They will eventually be obliterated by other impacts. But then, those new impact craters may produce rays of their own.) The best time to catch these Moon rays is during the Full Moon ( ) because then the Sun is positioned in such a way so as to make the rays shine.

Some of the bigger craters have a mountain peak or two in their centers. Some peaks are kilometers high! Such peaks were produced at the time of the impact. The material within the crater was immediately melted by the impact energy. The center of this pool of molten Moon was then caught up by the shock wave that rebounded off the crater's walls and hurled the material upwards where it solidified as a sharp column of rock. You can see this effect if you carefully watch drops (of anything) falling into a glass of water. These central peaks never rise as high as the crater walls.

Sometimes the inner walls of a crater will be too steep and loose. This can cause a "landslide" and the inner walls of the crater collapse. This might have happened several times producing a staircase pattern that we call terraced.

Some of the largest craters, which were probably formed long ago, when the Moon was still being bombarded by very big objects, have experienced lava flows within the crater. This produced walled plains which appear as large flat areas encircled by a low wall of an ancient, now partially buried, crater. If you look carefully you will see that many of the maria are defined by walled plains and mountain ranges.

Do you need a telescope to see these things?

Yes, you really need a telescope to see the details in craters. You certainly need magnification for you to see rills (also called rilles or clefts). Rills look like dried up riverbeds and can be either straight or irregular. The irregular rills were probably created by flowing lava behaving like water and moving like a stream. The straight rills are probably faults like those on Earth - formed when a part of the surface collapsed on one side of the rill, leaving a cliff face. They are fairly common on maria because the basalt plains of the maria are only a few meters thick (but some may be thicker). Maria, however, are very wide. The crust under them easily deforms causing the surface to crack and sink, producing a fault that looks like a straight rill.

A telescope would also allow you to see and understand the history of the Moon. Geologists, whether they study the Earth or other worlds, often behave as detectives in order to piece together an event that happened long ago. One common technique is to study the patterns produced as one geological process overlaid another.
For example, a crater with a floor of lava, a "walled plain", is a two-step process. The crater must have been there first and the lava filled in the floor of the crater at a LATER time.
A rill passing through a crater must have passed through the crater AFTER the crater was formed.
Overlapping craters provide a series of time points in which we can deduce that the most recent crater is the one with the complete rim. The oldest crater will be the one that is the most obliterated by the subsequent impacts from its overlapping neighbors.
By studying these details of crater overlap, lava flows and rills, geologist can reconstruct the sequence of events that produced the current features.

I haven't brought up these lunar features with the intention that you run out and get a telescope. Instead, I want you to be aware that they exist. The Moon is an entire world with a complicated landscape and geology. If, after this course, you become serious about astronomy and are particularly interested in the Moon, you can get a telescope and make your own observations.

Most of the processes I have described occurred billions of years ago when the Moon was still very young. We know this from samples returned from the Moon and our understanding of both geology and the likely history of our Solar System. The Moon is now "dead". It no longer has volcanic activity because it has cooled down and there isn't enough radioactive materials in the Moon to produce enough heat to create new volcanoes. Bombardment still occurs but not like in the good ol' days. [Fortunately. Otherwise we too would be getting bombarded and one big asteroid can ruin your day. ] However, it would be unfair to say that nothing happens on the Moon. There are occasional reports of localized "glows" and "brightenings" that are called Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP). We suspect these are caused by the release of gas from below the Moon's surface or the impact of something against the Moon. Some amateur astronomers specialize in looking for and recording LTPs. Of course, these folks have first become experts on lunar features and geography.

Maybe one day I will too. Show me some of the best features of the Moon.

OK. Throughout this lesson I will be using a single photo of the Moon as our point of reference. That's because I want you to see "the big picture", but it's impossible for one photo to show all the features of the Moon and a photo that shows the entire Moon must, by necessity, be a Full Moon, or close to it.

The image I am using is actually a composite of several images, taken at various times during various phases, in order to show all the best of the Moon all at once. (All the Moon photos on this page are derived from LunaView 2000).

I will divide the Moon into four quadrants in order to make our lesson more useful. These quadrants are NOT the lunar "quarters" that the Moon passes through each month.

I am just using this image as a guide to our lesson. And remember - the various shades of gray can be different from one night to the next. I have pictured the Moon as it would look through a pair of binoculars (or real good eyes). Through a telescope the picture would be mirrored (left and right) and, depending upon the scope, the Moon may appear inverted (upside-down).

As we go though this lesson keep in mind that subtle differences in brightness can make a world of difference and the views I show you may not be what you see. So let's get started!

The northeast quadrant is dominated by three large maria.

Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) is the more northerly one approaching the centerline of the Moon. Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises) is at the extreme east side. Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquillity) is bordered by Mare Serenitatis to the northwest and Mare Fecunditatis (Sea of Fertility) on the southeast which is mostly in the Moon's Southern Hemisphere. Mare Vaporum (Sea of Vapors) is a small dark mare southwest of Mare Tranquillitatis. Another long, thin mare, Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold), runs north of Tranquillitatis and across to the Western Hemisphere.

On the southwest side of Mare Serenitatis lie the Haemus Mountains which rise to over 2.4 kilometers. Along the southern border of Mare Frigoris is one of the most beautiful mountain ranges on the Moon, the Alps! With a telescope you can find the Alpine Valley on the western border of this northeast quadrant. It cuts a full 130 kilometers through the Alps and a good telescope reveals a delicate rill along its floor as well as smaller valleys. Just to the south of the Alpine Valley is Mount Blanc, reaching a height of 3.5 kilometers.

There are plenty of craters to choose from but most require a telescope in order to be thoroughly enjoyed.

Crater Julius Caesar is irregularly shaped (not circular) and is just to the west of Mare Tranquillitatis. Its very dark floor causes it to stand out. On the floor of Mare Tranquillitatis, southeast of Julius and about half its size, is a nice (circular) crater called Arago. A good telescope shows "domes", elevated land, nearby. In the opposite direction, northwest of Julius, on the edge of Mare Vaporum is Manilius with walls made of a very reflective material that causes this crater to really stand out during a Full Moon. Between Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Serenitatis is the crater Plinius. Between Mare Crisium and Mare Tranquillitatis is Proclus. It is the center of a nonsymmetric ray system and is a brilliant crater. Aristoteles is a large crater (100 kilometer in diameter with walls extending more than 3 kilometers above the floor) on the south edge of Mare Frigoris. Immediately south of Aristoteles lies the crater Eudoxus. There are several other large craters around Mare Frigoris including Endymion and Atlas along the west side of this mare and crater Bond on the north, opposite the Alpine Valley.
The northwest quadrant contains the gigantic Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers) which takes up most of the north section, up to the Alps. The west end of this quadrant is covered by Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms). Just to the south of Mare Imbrium is the tiny mare called Sinus Aestuum (Bay of Heats), while on the other side of Mare Imbrium is Sinus Roris (Bay of Dews).

Most of the southeast side of Mare Imbrium is defined by the Apennines Mountains, with the Carpathians Mountains making up the rest of the south side. The northeast of Mare Imbrium is defined by the Alps and most of the north of the mare is bordered by the Plato Uplands.

Copernicus is the dominant crater in this quadrant. It's just south of the Carpathians. This crater is nearly 100 kilometers in diameter and a telescope shows its walls are terraced and, instead of a central peak, it has a complex mountain group of its own! During a Full Moon Copernicus' rays are the dominant feature in the Northern Hemisphere.

At the far western end of the Apennines is Eratosthenes, about half the size of Copernicus, with a high central peak and tall walls (seen with a good telescope).

On the other side of Copernicus is Kepler, a small (35 kilometer diameter) crater with a very bright ray system of its own. Plato makes a significant dent (about 100 kilometers in diameter) into the eastern side of the Plato Uplands. It has a large walled plain of dark gray that makes it obvious, even during a Full Moon. Archimedes is slightly smaller than, and south of, Plato in Mare Imbrium. Its walled plains are obvious with a telescope. Just to the northeast of Archimedes (and also visible in our first quadrant images) are two smaller but distinct craters, Aristillus and Autolycus. Pythagoras crater is north of the Plato Uplands and it is so far north that it looks like an ellipse because the angle is so steep. But that angle also tends to bring out its best features (including a central peak, if you have a telescope). Aristarchus is a small (37 kilometer diameter) crater in Oceanus Procellarum with nice walls and central peak made of a highly reflective material that makes this crater the brightest crater on the Moon. (That doesn't count rays. Many other craters have brighter rays.)

Sometimes the Earthshine (sunlight reflected off the Earth) can slightly illuminate Aristarchus while it is still in shadow causing some folks to think they have discovered an active volcano on the Moon!

Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 16:48

The most obvious features on the Moon are the "seas" called maria (singular "mare"). Of course, they aren't seas at all. They are relatively flat areas produced between 3.8 and 3.1 billion years ago by massive flows of lava. When the molten lava first erupted it behaved like water and, while still in a liquid state, it flooded the surrounding areas and filled in much of the low-lying land. Today, those maria produce the "man-in-the-Moon". These lava flows are made mostly of a rock called basalt. Basalt is what commonly remains of lava flows on Earth, too. Lunar basalts are made mostly of pyroxene (a silicate mineral rich in magnesium) and ilmenite (which itself contains lots of titanium - the strongest metal). Basalts are very dark so maria are obvious features on the Moon.

Maria cover about 16% of the Moon but they are not evenly distributed. The near side ("our side") is rich in maria while maria on the far side are small and scarce. That's because the Moon's center of mass is not at its geometric center. The Moon's center of mass is shifted about 2 kilometers in our direction.


So, the Moon's crust (outer layer) is thinner on the near side than on the far side. That means the magma (molten rock underground, before it erupts as lava) was more likely to make it to the surface and produce lava flows on the near side than on the far side.


Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 17:22

Sunday, 20 July 1969 Birthday



Chart Details

Jyotish - Equal House, North Indian Style

  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Rahu
  • Ketu
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • 27 Cancer 29
  • 2 Libra 17
  • 24 Cancer 55
  • 14 Gemini 33
  • 2 Sagittarius 42
  • 0 Libra 35
  • 8 Taurus 16
  • 24 Pisces 0
  • 24 Virgo 0

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Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/05/2012 17:28

El Mes de Kislev

De acuerdo con el Sefer Ietzirá, cada mes del año judío tiene una letra del alfabeto hebreo, un signo del zodíaco, una de las doce tribus de Israel, un sentido, y un órgano controlador del cuerpo que le corresponde.

Kislev es el noveno de los doce meses del calendario judío.

Es el mes de Januca, la única festividad que combina dos meses, comienza en el mes de kislev y continúa y concluye en tevet.

Su nombre deriva de la palabra hebrea "seguridad" y "confianza". Hay dos estados de fé, uno activo y otro pasivo, que se manifiestan en el mes de kislev (bitajón, confianza). El milagro de jánuca refleja la confianza activa de los Jashmonaim (Macabim) para levantarse y luchar contra el imperio helenista y su cultura. El sentido de "dormir" ligado a kislev refleja la fé pasiva de que la providencia de Di-s siempre proteje a Israel.

En la tradición jasídica, el día 19 de kislev es conocido como "el Año Nuevo del Jasidut", día de la liberación de la prisión y redención del rebe Shneur Zalman, autor del Tania, texto clásico de jasidut, discípulo del Maguid de Mezerich, el sucesor del Baal Shem Tov. Fue encarcelado por diseminar los más profundos misterios de la Torá y su liberación implica que es a través del canal espiritual de este día que se baja a este mundo la sabiduría interna del jasidut y el poder de integrar esta sabiduría a nuestra vida diaria. La base del sendero del jasidut es la confianza y la fé en la omnipresencia de Di-s y la omnipotencia de Su providencia Divina.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Color: azul violeta

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Letra: samaj.

Samaj significa "sostener" o "apoyar". La experiencia de sentirse apoyado corresponde a la fé y la confianza en la providencia Divina asociada con el mes de kislev como se describió arriba. Así lo encontramos expresado en los Salmos: "Di-s sostiene (somej) a todos los caídos y endereza a todos los encorvados"; "Aún cuando caiga no se lo dejará caer hasta el suelo, porque Di-s lo sostiene (ismaj) en sus manos".

La forma de la samaj es un círculo que representa la omnipresencia de Di-s y Su providencia que abarca o rodea . Según explica la cabalá y el jasidut el "gran círculo" de la luz Infinita de Di-s refleja Su "brazo derecho" que abraza (y soporta, desde abajo) la realidad toda con enorme e infinito amor, como está dicho: "Y desde abajo, los brazos del universo".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Mazal: "keshet", (sagitario, el arco)

El arco de kislev es el de los Macabim. Simboliza su confianza activa en Di-s para luchar contra el imperio y la cultura que entonces regían la tierra.

Aunque los Jashmonaim eran de la tribu de los Sacerdotes de Israel, el "arte" de la arquería es atribuido en la Biblia a la tribu de Benjamín en particular, la tribu del mes de kislev.

Los Cohanim (y Leviim) no son considerados como una de la tribus correspondientes a cada uno de los meses del año (de acuerdo con el Arizal). Como una manifestación "todo abarcadora" del alma judía, los Cohanim contienen y reflejan la fuente espiritual de cada una de las tribus. Esto es así especialmente con respecto a la tribu de Benjamín, ya que en su parte de la tierra de Israel estaba el Templo sagrado donde los Cohanim hacían su servicio. Por eso la relación entre estas dos tribus es similar a la del alma y el cuerpo. Los Cohanim libraron la guerra santa corporizada por el arco de Benjamín. El arco de guerra de kislev es realmente proyectado ("disparado") desde el arco (el arco iris, que en hebreo corresponden a la misma palabra keshet) de paz (entre Di-s y la Creación) del mes anterior Jeshvan, como se explicó antes). Los dos arcos (semicírculos) se unen para formar el círculo completo de la samaj de kislev.

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Tribu: Benjamín

Como se mencionó, esta es la tribu más dotada en el arte del arco. En su porción está el Templo Sagrado de Jerusalem, como consta en la bendición de Moisés a esta tribu en el final de la Torá (que sigue directamente a la de las tribus de Cohen y Levi, de acuerdo con la relación que hay entre ellos según se explicó antes) y que es una profecía de la guerra de los Macabiim contra los griegos: "Para Benjamín dijo: el amado de Di-s, El morará seguro sobre él, El sobrevolará sobre él todo el día, y reposará entre sus hombros" (Deuteronomio 33:12). Vemos aquí explícitamente que Benjamín simboliza seguridad y descanso, el sentido del mes de kislev.

De todas la tribus de Israel, Benjamín fue el único que nació en la tierra de Israel, el lugar donde podemos experimentar en mayor medida la Divina providencia y la omnipresencia absoluta de Di-s. En la palabras del Zohar: "No hay ningún lugar libre de El".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Sentido: dormir (sheiná).

El sentido del sueño es la tranquilidad y el reposo que viene de la confianza y la seguridad en Di-s y Su Divina providencia, por eso encontramos en la bendición del final del libro de Levítico (26:5-6): "Y morarás seguro en tu tierra. Y daré paz en la tierra, y podrás acostarte sin temor…".

Como la palabra "sentido" (jush) es semejante a "rápido" (jish), el sentido de dormir implica la capacidad de dormir bien pero rápido (como está dicho de los grandes tzadikim quienes necesitaban muy porcas horas de sueño por día).

El verdadero talento de Benjamín de disparar directo a su objetivo depende de una suma tranquilidad interior del espíritu. Dispara y acierta casi dormido, Di-s lleva su flecha a su destino. Una persona tranquila tiene muy poca fricción y tensión interior. Este sentido implica la habilidad de liberar el stress, confiando en el sustento de Di-s.

El sentido de dormir también trae consigo el de soñar. De acuerdo con nuestra fé en la Divina providencia, manifestada especialmente en relación con la conección entre las porciones semanales de la Torá y el ciclo anual de los meses y sus eventos, todos los sueños de la Torá están contenidos en las porciones que se leen durante el mes de kislev.

Cuando se posee una confianza absoluta en Di-s, se sueñan buenos sueños sobre el futuro. Los buenos sueños en la noche reflejan buenos pensamientos durante el día, especialmente la actitud y conciencia optimista enseñada por el jasidismo (cuyo año nuevo es el 19 de kislev): "Piensa bien, y estará bien".

Red_BallB030.gif (916 bytes)Miembro dominante: el abdomen (kevá).

La Kevá es una de las tres ofrendas que se nos ordena dar a los sacerdotes al sacrificar un animal casher. Enseñan nuestros sabios que estas tres ofrendas, "el brazo, las mejillas y el abdomen", aluden al acto de autosacrificio de Pinjás al matar a Zimrí (el príncipe de Shimón) y Kozbí (la princesa de Midián), con el cual salvó a los hijos de Israel de la plaga que se había desatado entre ellos. Allí la palabra keiva se refiere al útero de Kozbí.

Vemos así que la keva, que significa "abdomen en el sentido general, incluyendo la región entera del abdomen, tanto como estómago, intestino grueso o útero (también en la Torá significa estómago o útero). Este último se relaciona con la tribu de Benjamín, que en cabalá personifica el secreto del iesod femenino.

Es clara aquí la relación entre el abdomen (cuando está "lleno" y saciado) y el tranquilo estado de dormir (y explícito en las enseñanzas de nuestros sabios).

La palabra keva deriva de kav, que significa "medida". Se dice del gran sabio tanaíta rabi Janina ben Dosa: "El mundo entero se sostiene por el mérito de rabi Janina ben Dosa, aunque para rabi Janina ben Dosa es suficiente una medida (kav) de algarroba de viernes a viernes". Un abdomen tranquilo es el que conoce su propia medida. Este concepto aparecerá nuevamente con respecto al mes de shevat, su sentido (de comer y el gusto) y su controlador (el estómago o kurkavan, desde el esófago hasta el estómago).

En la rectificación de nuestros rasgos de carácter, la keva rectificada (y el sentido del dormir) es no estar celoso de los demás. Enseñan nuestros sabios: "un hombre prefiere una medida [kav] de lo suyo que nueve de lo de su amigo". Y así se nos enseña en Pirke Avot: "quien es rico?, el que está contento con su porción".


Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2012 01:07
Entre Jerusalem y Washington hay 108 grados



Compuesto: 23∙33∙5. Número místico y simbólico, opuesto y complementario al 666 en su significación. Si éste representa la fuerza cósmica fecundante, el principio solar, el mando, el dinamismo de masculino, el yang, el 1080 es la fertilidad fecundable, el principio terrestre o lunar, la sumisión, la estaticidad, lo femenino, el yin. Pero como el 666, también el 1080, abandonado a sí mismo, se degrada en lo estático lo abisal, lo estéril, lo tenebroso y es preciso el concurso de ambos­ integrándose en el principio fértil y procreador del 1746, su suma.

Es imprescindible confrontar algunas interpretaciones gemátricas dadas al 1080:


  • to hagion pneuma, ‘El Espírítu Santo’:       = 1080                                                                
  • pêgê sophias, ‘la fuente de la sabiduría’:    = 1080
  • semelo, ‘Semele’, la diosa afín a la Tierra: = 1080                                         
  • Iêsous Mariam, ‘Jesús María’                     = 1080


Hay que citar también abyssos = 1081, ‘el abismo’, el pozo sin fondo del Apocalipsis, donde Satán estará encerrado mil años, expresión del lado negativo del 1080. Y también he propheteia, ‘la profecía’ = 1082, cualidad específicamente femenina, que tan frecuentemente se halla asociada con mujeres en la Biblia.

Palabras del DRAE con número 1080:


  • Radio de la Luna: 1080 millas
  • Volumen de la Tierra: 1080 miles de millones de km3.
  • 1080 estrellas de primera magnitud contó Hiparco.

Respuesta  Mensaje 40 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2012 01:53

Fig 17. Esfinge de Gizeh en el equinoccio de primavera


La anotación de los periódos del año, equinoccios y solsticios, es importantísimo para la fijación del calendario anual, y para el seguimiento y datación de la precesión de los equinoccios, como veremos más adelante.

Fig 18. Equinoccios y Solsticios.

Vamos a ver en imágenes como se producía esta anotación en función de la esfinge de Gizeh.

1. Equinoccio de primavera. Durante el equinoccio de primavera, el 21 de Marzo, el Sol sale justo por el Este  durante 2 días.

2. Solsticio de Verano. Durante el solsticio de verano, el 21 de Junio, el Sol salía por el Noreste a 28º a la izquierda de la visión de la esfinge.

3. Equinoccio de Otoño. Durante el equinoccio de otoño, el 21 de Septiembre, el Sol salía justo por el Este  durante 2 días.

4. Solsticio de invierno. Durante el solsticio de invierno, el 21 de Diciembre, el Sol salía a 28º Sureste de la visión de la esfinge.


En Egipto los misterios se apilan unos sobre otros. En efecto, de las aproximadamente cien pirámides censadas en todo Egipto, en ninguna se ha encontrado jamás el cuerpo de un faraón.

Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2012 02:36
49:1 Acerca de los hijos de Amón. Así ha dicho Jehová: ¿No tiene hijos Israel? ¿No tiene heredero? ¿Por qué Milcom ha desposeído a Gad, y su pueblo se ha establecido en sus ciudades?
49:2 Por tanto, vienen días, ha dicho Jehová, en que haré oír clamor de guerra en Rabá de los hijos de Amón; y será convertida en montón de ruinas, y sus ciudades serán puestas a fuego, e Israel tomará por heredad a los que los tomaron a ellos, ha dicho Jehová.
49:3 Lamenta, oh Hesbón, porque destruida es Hai; clamad, hijas de Rabá, vestíos de cilicio, endechad, y rodead los vallados, porque Milcom fue llevado en cautiverio, sus sacerdotes y sus príncipes juntamente.
49:4 ¿Por qué te glorías de los valles? Tu valle se deshizo, oh hija contumaz, la que confía en sus tesoros, la que dice: ¿Quién vendrá contra mí?
49:5 He aquí yo traigo sobre ti espanto, dice el Señor, Jehová de los ejércitos, de todos tus alrededores; y seréis lanzados cada uno derecho hacia adelante, y no habrá quien recoja a los fugitivos.
49:6 Y después de esto haré volver a los cautivos de los hijos de Amón, dice Jehová.
49:7 Acerca de Edom. Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: ¿No hay más sabiduría en Temán? ¿Se ha acabado el consejo en los sabios? ¿Se corrompió su sabiduría?
49:8 Huid, volveos atrás, habitad en lugares profundos, oh moradores de Dedán; porque el quebrantamiento de Esaú traeré sobre él en el tiempo en que lo castigue.
49:9 Si vendimiadores hubieran venido contra ti, ¿no habrían dejado rebuscos? Si ladrones de noche, ¿no habrían tomado lo que les bastase?
49:10 Mas yo desnudaré a Esaú, descubriré sus escondrijos, y no podrá esconderse; será destruida su descendencia, sus hermanos y sus vecinos, y dejará de ser.
49:11 Deja tus huérfanos, yo los criaré; y en mí confiarán tus viudas.
49:12 Porque así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí que los que no estaban condenados a beber el cáliz, beberán ciertamente; ¿y serás tú absuelto del todo? No serás absuelto, sino que ciertamente beberás.
49:13 Porque por mí he jurado, dice Jehová, que asolamiento, oprobio, soledad y maldición será Bosra, y todas sus ciudades serán desolaciones perpetuas.
49:14 La noticia oí, que de Jehová había sido enviado mensajero a las naciones, diciendo: Juntaos y venid contra ella, y subid a la batalla.
49:15 He aquí que te haré pequeño entre las naciones, menospreciado entre los hombres.
49:16 Tu arrogancia te engañó, y la soberbia de tu corazón. Tú que habitas en cavernas de peñas, que tienes la altura del monte, aunque alces como águila tu nido, de allí te haré descender, dice Jehová.

49:17 Y se convertirá Edom en desolación; todo aquel que pasare por ella se asombrará, y se burlará de todas sus calamidades.
49:18 Como sucedió en la destrucción de Sodoma y de Gomorra y de sus ciudades vecinas, dice Jehová, así no morará allí nadie, ni la habitará hijo de hombre.
49:19 He aquí que como león subirá de la espesura del Jordán contra la bella y robusta; porque muy pronto le haré huir de ella, y al que fuere escogido la encargaré; porque ¿quién es semejante a mí, y quién me emplazará? ¿Quién será aquel pastor que me podrá resistir?
49:20 Por tanto, oíd el consejo que Jehová ha acordado sobre Edom, y sus pensamientos que ha resuelto sobre los moradores de Temán. Ciertamente a los más pequeños de su rebaño los arrastrarán, y destruirán sus moradas con ellos.
49:21 Del estruendo de la caída de ellos la tierra temblará, y el grito de su voz se oirá en el Mar Rojo.
49:22 He aquí que como águila subirá y volará, y extenderá sus alas contra Bosra; y el corazón de los valientes de Edom será en aquel día como el corazón de mujer en angustias.

Respuesta  Mensaje 42 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/06/2012 19:55

33. Apocalipsis 12:14: Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la serpiente al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo.
Busqueda para aguila

1. Éxodo 19:4: Vosotros visteis lo que hice a los egipcios, y cómo os tomé sobre alas de águilas, y os he traído a mí.

2. Levítico 11:13: Y de las aves, éstas tendréis en abominación; no se comerán, serán abominación: el águila, el quebrantahuesos, el azor,

3. Deuteronomio 14:12: Y estas son de las que no podréis comer: el águila, el quebrantahuesos, el azor,

4. Deuteronomio 28:49: Jehová traerá contra ti una nación de lejos, del extremo de la tierra, que vuele como águila, nación cuya lengua no entiendas;

5. Deuteronomio 32:11: Como el águila que excita su nidada, Revolotea sobre sus pollos, Extiende sus alas, los toma, Los lleva sobre sus plumas,

6. 2 Samuel 1:23: Saúl y Jonatán, amados y queridos;
Inseparables en su vida, tampoco en su muerte fueron separados;
Más ligeros eran que águilas,
Más fuertes que leones.

7. Job 9:26: Pasaron cual naves veloces;
Como el águila que se arroja sobre la presa.

8. Job 39:27: ¿Se remonta el águila por tu mandamiento,
Y pone en alto su nido?

9. Salmos 103:5: El que sacia de bien tu boca
De modo que te rejuvenezcas como el águila.

10. Proverbios 23:5: ¿Has de poner tus ojos en las riquezas, siendo ningunas?
Porque se harán alas
Como alas de águila, y volarán al cielo.

11. Proverbios 30:17: El ojo que escarnece a su padre
Y menosprecia la enseñanza de la madre,
Los cuervos de la cañada lo saquen,
Y lo devoren los hijos del águila.

12. Proverbios 30:19: El rastro del águila en el aire;
El rastro de la culebra sobre la peña;
El rastro de la nave en medio del mar;
Y el rastro del hombre en la doncella.

13. Isaías 40:31: pero los que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán alas como las águilas; correrán, y no se cansarán; caminarán, y no se fatigarán.

14. Jeremías 4:13: He aquí que subirá como nube, y su carro como torbellino; más ligeros son sus caballos que las águilas. ¡Ay de nosotros, porque entregados somos a despojo!

15. Jeremías 48:40: Porque así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí que como águila volará, y extenderá sus alas contra Moab.

16. Jeremías 49:16: Tu arrogancia te engañó, y la soberbia de tu corazón. Tú que habitas en cavernas de peñas, que tienes la altura del monte, aunque alces como águila tu nido, de allí te haré descender, dice Jehová.

17. Jeremías 49:22: He aquí que como águila subirá y volará, y extenderá sus alas contra Bosra; y el corazón de los valientes de Edom será en aquel día como el corazón de mujer en angustias.

18. Lamentaciones 4:19: Ligeros fueron nuestros perseguidores más que las águilas del cielo;
Sobre los montes nos persiguieron, en el desierto nos pusieron emboscadas.

19. Ezequiel 1:10: Y el aspecto de sus caras era cara de hombre, y cara de león al lado derecho de los cuatro, y cara de buey a la izquierda en los cuatro; asimismo había en los cuatro cara de águila.

20. Ezequiel 10:14: Y cada uno tenía cuatro caras. La primera era rostro de querubín; la segunda, de hombre; la tercera, cara de león; la cuarta, cara de águila.

21. Ezequiel 17:3: Y dirás: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Una gran águila, de grandes alas y de largos miembros, llena de plumas de diversos colores, vino al Líbano, y tomó el cogollo del cedro.

22. Ezequiel 17:6: Y brotó, y se hizo una vid de mucho ramaje, de poca altura, y sus ramas miraban al águila, y sus raíces estaban debajo de ella; así que se hizo una vid, y arrojó sarmientos y echó mugrones.

23. Ezequiel 17:7: Había también otra gran águila, de grandes alas y de muchas plumas; y he aquí que esta vid juntó cerca de ella sus raíces, y extendió hacia ella sus ramas, para ser regada por ella por los surcos de su plantío.

24. Daniel 4:33: En la misma hora se cumplió la palabra sobre Nabucodonosor, y fue echado de entre los hombres; y comía hierba como los bueyes, y su cuerpo se mojaba con el rocío del cielo, hasta que su pelo creció como plumas de águila, y sus uñas como las de las aves.

25. Daniel 7:4: La primera era como león, y tenía alas de águila. Yo estaba mirando hasta que sus alas fueron arrancadas, y fue levantada del suelo y se puso enhiesta sobre los pies a manera de hombre, y le fue dado corazón de hombre.

26. Oseas 8:1: Pon a tu boca trompeta. Como águila viene contra la casa de Jehová, porque traspasaron mi pacto, y se rebelaron contra mi ley.

27. Abdías 1:4: Si te remontares como águila, y aunque entre las estrellas pusieres tu nido, de ahí te derribaré, dice Jehová.

28. Miqueas 1:16: Ráete y trasquílate por los hijos de tus delicias; hazte calvo como águila, porque en cautiverio se fueron de ti.

29. Habacuc 1:8: Sus caballos serán más ligeros que leopardos, y más feroces que lobos nocturnos, y sus jinetes se multiplicarán; vendrán de lejos sus jinetes, y volarán como águilas que se apresuran a devorar.

30. Mateo 24:28: Porque dondequiera que estuviere el cuerpo muerto, allí se juntarán las águilas.

31. Lucas 17:37: Y respondiendo, le dijeron: ¿Dónde, Señor? El les dijo: Donde estuviere el cuerpo, allí se juntarán también las águilas.

32. Apocalipsis 4:7: El primer ser viviente era semejante a un león; el segundo era semejante a un becerro; el tercero tenía rostro como de hombre; y el cuarto era semejante a un águila volando.

Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la serpiente al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo.

Respuesta  Mensaje 43 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/06/2012 21:57

Jericho and surrounding area

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Numbers 22:1 The children of Israel traveled, and encamped in the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan at Jericho.

Numbers 26:3 Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke with them in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying,

Numbers 26:4 " Take a census of the people, from twenty years old and upward; as Yahweh commanded Moses and the children of Israel." These are those that came out of the land of Egypt.

Numbers 26:19 The sons of Judah: Er and Onan; and Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.

Numbers 26:59 The name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt: and she bore to Amram Aaron and Moses, and Miriam their sister.

Numbers 26:63 These are those who were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.

Numbers 26:64 But among these there was not a man of them who were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.

Numbers 28:6 It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in Mount Sinai for a pleasant aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

Numbers 28:7 Its drink offering shall be the fourth part of a hin for the one lamb. You shall pour out a drink offering of strong drink to Yahweh in the holy place.

Numbers 31:12 They brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and to the congregation of the children of Israel, to the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by the Jordan at Jericho.

Numbers 33:48 They traveled from the mountains of Abarim, and encamped in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.

Numbers 33:50 Yahweh spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying,

Numbers 35:1 Yahweh spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying,

Numbers 36:13 These are the commandments and the ordinances which Yahweh commanded by Moses to the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.

Deuteronomy 32:49 "Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;

Deuteronomy 34:1 Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. Yahweh showed him all the land of Gilead, to Dan,

Deuteronomy 34:3 and the South, and the Plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, to Zoar.

Joshua 2:1 Joshua the son of Nun secretly sent two men out of Shittim as spies, saying, "Go, view the land, including Jericho." They went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was Rahab, and slept there.

Joshua 2:2 The king of Jericho was told, "Behold, men of the children of Israel came in here tonight to spy out the land."

Joshua 2:3 The king of Jericho sent to Rahab, saying, "Bring out the men who have come to you, who have entered into your house; for they have come to spy out all the land."

Joshua 3:16 that the waters which came down from above stood, and rose up in one heap, a great way off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those that went down toward the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off. Then the people passed over right against Jericho.

Joshua 4:13 About forty thousand men, ready and armed for war passed over before Yahweh to battle, to the plains of Jericho.

Joshua 4:19 The people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and encamped in Gilgal, on the east border of Jericho.

Joshua 5:10 The children of Israel encamped in Gilgal. They kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at evening in the plains of Jericho.

Joshua 5:13 It happened, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man stood in front of him with his sword drawn in his hand. Joshua went to him, and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"

Joshua 6:1 Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the children of Israel. No one went out, and no one came in.

Joshua 6:2 Yahweh said to Joshua, "Behold, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the mighty men of valor.

Joshua 6:25 But Rahab the prostitute, her father's household, and all that she had, Joshua saved alive. She lived in the midst of Israel to this day, because she hid the messengers, whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

Joshua 6:26 Joshua commanded them with an oath at that time, saying, "Cursed is the man before Yahweh, who rises up and builds this city Jericho. With the loss of his firstborn shall he lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up its gates."

Joshua 7:2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Beth Aven, on the east side of Bethel, and spoke to them, saying, "Go up and spy out the land." The men went up and spied out Ai.

Joshua 8:2 You shall do to Ai and her king as you did to Jericho and her king, except its spoil and its livestock, you shall take for a plunder for yourselves. Set an ambush for the city behind it."

Joshua 9:3 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai,

Joshua 10:1 Now it happened when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;

Joshua 10:28 Joshua took Makkedah on that day, and struck it with the edge of the sword, with its king. He utterly destroyed them and all the souls who were in it. He left none remaining. He did to the king of Makkedah as he had done to the king of Jericho.

Joshua 12:9 the king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai, which is beside Bethel, one;

Joshua 13:32 These are the inheritances which Moses distributed in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho, eastward.

Joshua 16:1 The lot came out for the children of Joseph from the Jordan at Jericho, at the waters of Jericho on the east, even the wilderness, going up from Jericho through the hill country to Bethel.

Joshua 16:7 It went down from Janoah to Ataroth, to Naarah, reached to Jericho, and went out at the Jordan.

Joshua 18:12 Their border on the north quarter was from the Jordan. The border went up to the side of Jericho on the north, and went up through the hill country westward. It ended at the wilderness of Beth Aven.

Joshua 18:21 Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, Beth Hoglah, Emek Keziz,

Joshua 20:8 Beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Reuben, Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh.

Joshua 24:11 "'You went over the Jordan, and came to Jericho. The men of Jericho fought against you, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Girgashite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; and I delivered them into your hand.

2 Samuel 10:5 When they told it to David, he sent to meet them; for the men were greatly ashamed. The king said, "Wait at Jericho until your beards have grown, and then return."

1 Kings 16:34 In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid its foundation with the loss of Abiram his firstborn, and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son Segub, according to the word of Yahweh, which he spoke by Joshua the son of Nun.

2 Kings 2:4 Elijah said to him, "Elisha, please wait here, for Yahweh has sent me to Jericho." He said, "As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you." So they came to Jericho.

2 Kings 2:5 The sons of the prophets who were at Jericho came near to Elisha, and said to him, "Do you know that Yahweh will take away your master from your head today?" He answered, "Yes, I know it. Hold your peace."

2 Kings 2:15 When the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho over against him saw him, they said, "The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha." They came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

2 Kings 2:18 They came back to him, while he stayed at Jericho; and he said to them, "Didn't I tell you,'Don't go?'"

2 Kings 25:5 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jericho; and all his army was scattered from him.

1 Chronicles 6:78 and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, were given them, out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with its suburbs, and Jahzah with its suburbs,

1 Chronicles 19:5 Then there went certain persons, and told David how the men were served. He sent to meet them; for the men were greatly ashamed. The king said, "Stay at Jericho until your beards have grown, and then return."

2 Chronicles 28:15 The men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers: then they returned to Samaria.

Ezra 2:34 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty-five.

Nehemiah 3:2 Next to him built the men of Jericho. Next to them built Zaccur the son of Imri.

Nehemiah 7:36 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty-five.

Jeremiah 39:5 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; and he gave judgment on him.

Jeremiah 52:8 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after the king, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho; and all his army was scattered from him.

Matthew 20:29 As they went out from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.

Mark 10:46 They came to Jericho. As he went out from Jericho, with his disciples and a great multitude, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the road.

Luke 10:30 Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

Luke 18:35 It happened, as he came near Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the road, begging.

Luke 18:37 They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.

Luke 19:1 He entered and was passing through Jericho.

Hebrews 11:30 By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down, after they had been encircled for seven days.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 44 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/06/2012 21:57

jer'-i-ko (the word occurs in two forms. In the Pentateuch, in 2 Kings 25:5 and in Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles it is written yerecho; yericho, elsewhere): In 1 Kings 16:34 the final Hebrew letter is he (h), instead of waw (w). The termination waw (w) thought to preserve the peculiarities of the old Canaanite. dialect. In the Septuagint we have the indeclinable form, Iericho (Swete has the form Iereicho as well), both with and without the feminine article; in the New Testament Iereicho, once with the feminine article The Arabic is er-Riha. According to Deuteronomy 32:49 it stood opposite Nebo, while in 34:3 it is called a city grove of palm trees. It was surrounded with a wall (Joshua 2:15), and provided with a gate which was closed at night (Joshua 2:5), and was ruled over by a king. When captured, vessels of brass and iron, large quantities of silver and gold, and "a goodly Babylonish garment" were found in it (Joshua 7:21). It was on the western side of the Jordan, not far from the camp of Israel at Shittim, before crossing the river (Joshua 2:1). The city was on the "plains" (Joshua 4:13), but so close to "the mountain" on the West (probably the cliffs of Quarantania, the traditional scene of Christ's temptation) that it was within easy reach of the spies, protected by Rahab. It was in the lot of Benjamin (Joshua 18:21), the border of which ascended to the "slope (English versions of the Bible "side") of Jeremiah on the North" (Joshua 18:12). Authorities are generally agreed in locating the ancient city at Tel es-Sultan, a mile and a half Northwest of modern Jericho. Here there is a mound 1,200 ft. long and 50 ft. in height supporting 4 smaller mounds, the highest of which is 90 ft. above the base of the main mound.

The geological situation (see JORDAN VALLEY) sheds great light upon the capture of the city by Joshua (Joshua 6). If the city was built as we suppose it to have been, upon the unconsolidated sedimentary deposits which accumulated to a great depth in the Jordan valley during the enlargement of the Dead Sea, which took place in Pleistocene (or glacial) times, the sudden falling of the walls becomes easily credible to anyone who believes in the personality of God and in His power either to foreknow the future or to direct at His will the secondary causes with which man has to deal in Nature. The narrative does not state that the blowing of the rams' horns of themselves effected the falling of the walls. It was simply said that at a specified juncture on the 7th day the walls would fall, and that they actually fell at that juncture. The miracle may, therefore, be regarded as either that of prophecy, in which the Creator by foretelling the course of things to Joshua, secured the junction of Divine and human activities which constitutes a true miracle, or we may regard the movements which brought down the walls to be the result of direct Divine action, such as is exerted by man when be produces an explosion of dynamite at a particular time and place. The phenomena are just such as occurred in the earthquake of San Francisco in 1906, where, according to the report of the scientific commission appointed by the state, "the most violent destruction of buildings was on the made ground. This ground seems to have behaved during the earthquake very much in the same way as jelly in a bowl, or as a semi-liquid in a tank." Santa Rosa, situated on the valley floor, "underlain to a considerable depth by loose or slightly coherent geological formations,.... 20 miles from the rift, was the most severely shaken town in the state and suffered the greatest disaster relatively to its population and extent" (Report, 13 and 15). Thus an earthquake, such as is easily provided for along the margin of this great Jordan crevasse, would produce exactly the phenomena here described, and its occurrence at the time and place foretold to Joshua constitutes it a miracle of the first magnitude.

Notwithstanding the curse pronounced in Joshua 6:26 the King James Version, prophesying that whosoever should rebuild the city "he shall lay the foundations thereof in his firstborn," it was rebuilt (1 Kings 16:34) by Hiel the Bethelite in the days of Ahab. The curse was literally fulfilled. Still David's messengers are said to have "tarried at Jericho" in his day (2 Samuel 10:5 1 Chronicles 19:5). In Elisha's time (2 Kings 2:5) there was a school of prophets there, while several other references to the city occur in the Old Testament and the Apocrypha (2 Chronicles 28:15, where it is called "the city of palmtrees"; 2 Kings 25:5 Jeremiah 39:5 Ezra 2:34 Nehemiah 3:2; Nehemiah 7:36; 1 Maccabees 9:50). Josephus describes it and the fertile plain surrounding it, in glowing terms. In the time of Christ, it was an important place yielding a large revenue to the royal family. But the city which Herod rebuilt was on a higher elevation, at the base of the western mountain, probably at Beit Jubr, where there are the ruins of a small fort. Jericho was the place of rendezvous for Galilean pilgrims desiring to avoid Samaria, both in going to and in departing from Jerusalem, and it has been visited at all times by thousands of pilgrims, who go down from Jerusalem to bathe in the Jordan. The road leading from Jerusalem to Jericho is still infested by robbers who hide in the rocky caverns adjoining it, and appear without warning from the tributary gorges of the wadies which dissect the mountain wall. At the present time Jericho and the region about is occupied only by a few hundred miserable inhabitants, deteriorated by the torrid climate which prevails at the low level about the head of the Dead Sea. But the present barrenness of the region is largely due to the destruction of the aqueducts which formerly distributed over the plain the waters brought down through the wadies which descend from the mountains of Judea. The ruins of many of these are silent witnesses of the cause of its decay. Twelve aqueducts at various levels formerly branched from the Wady Kelt, irrigating the plain both North and South. Remains of Roman masonry are found in these. In the Middle Ages they were so repaired that an abundance and variety of crops were raised, including wheat, barley, millet, figs, grapes and sugar cane.


George Frederick Wright



International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Respuesta  Mensaje 45 de 136 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/06/2012 21:58

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2012 17:57


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