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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 25/04/2013 23:41


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La diosa Hathor.
Escultura de Hathor como vaca con los símbolos del disco solar, uraeus, collar y corona.

Hathor fue una divinidad cósmica, diosa nutricia, diosa del amor, de la alegría, la danza y las artes musicales en la mitología egipcia. Su nombre significa "El templo de Horus" o "La morada de Horus", para identificarla como madre del mismo y, a veces, su esposa.

  • Nombre egipcio Hut-Hor (Ḥwt Ḥr). Nombre griego: Hathor. Deidad griega: Afrodita. Deidad fenicia: Astarté. Deidad semita: Astoret.



[editar] Iconografía

Hathor es comúnmente representada como una diosa vaca con cuernos que sujetan un disco solar con uraeus. En otras representaciones es simplemente una mujer con orejas de vaca o una vaca (a veces con manchas en su pelaje). En períodos posteriores, a veces porta plumas gemelas y un collar menat.

Hathor en su representación más primitiva podría ser la diosa vaca de la Paleta de Narmer y de una urna de piedra que datan de la dinastía I, que sugieren un papel de diosa celeste y su relación con Horus, quien, como dios sol, es "alojado" en ella.

Su atributo era el sistro, un tallo de papiro y es de las pocas diosas que puede portar el cetro uas.

[editar] Mitología e Historia

Considerada hija de Ra, ojo de Ra y esposa del dios Horus, aunque en algunas representaciones ceremoniales aparezca como madre del dios asociada a Isis. Según la mitología egipcia juntos vengaron la muerte del padre de Horus, el dios Osiris.

Alimenta y da vida del árbol celestial. Con la imagen de vaca, acoge y protege a los difuntos, ofreciendo alimentos a los muertos y ayudándolos para no sufrir.

Estatua de Hathor. Museo de Luxor.

[editar] Sincretismo

Su veneración proviene ya de la época predinástica, donde pudo ser un desarrollo de los primitivos cultos a la fertilidad y a la naturaleza en general, representados por una vaca o una diosa celeste (no confundir con Nut) con aspecto de vaca con piel manchada de estrellas. Muy pronto se la asimiló con la antigua diosa Bat y más tarde se la conocería como Bat-Hathor.

Tardíamente se le identificó con Isis, quien la reemplazó como madre de Horus.

[editar] Epítetos

Se han podido identificar alrededor de doscientos epítetos de Hathor a lo largo de la historia. Un himno a Hathor dice:

Eres la Señora de la alegría, la Reina de la danza, la Maestra de la música, la Reina de la tañedora del arpa, la Dama de la danza coral, la Reina de la tejedora de guirnaldas, la señora de la borrachera sin fin.
  • "La Señora del occidente", "La Señora benefactora de los difuntos" o "Diosa de la montaña occidental" como señora de los muertos y alimentadora de los difuntos en su viaje al Más Allá.
  • "La Señora de la llama de oro", como fuego que consume el amor y diosa de la alegría y los placeres.
  • "La Dorada que está en los estanques rebosantes de aves, en los lugares placenteros", como símbolo de la alegría de vivir.
  • "La Señora del sicomoro", que habita en los árboles, identificando la dura madera del sicomoro, árbol endémico de Egipto, con la confección de sarcófagos y sus higos con la nutrición, siendo representada a veces con un sicomoro amamantando al rey, transmitiéndole la divinidad.
  • "La Vaca que asoma entre los papiros", como parte de los rituales al recolectar papiros.
  • "La Señora del Punt", por la expedición que se realizó en época de Hatshepsut al país del Punt.
  • "La Señora de la turquesa", como venerada por los trabajadores de las minas de turquesa en Serabit el-Jadim en el suroeste de la península del Sinaí.
  • "La Señora de Biblos", donde probablemente absorbería una divinidad local de Biblos.
  • "La Señora de los rizos", por sus sacerdotisas, que llevaban pelucas de este tipo.

[editar] Culto

Su principal centro de culto estuvo en Iunu y en época más tardía pasó al importante Templo de Hathor en Dendera como diosa del amor, la maternidad, la belleza juvenil, la alegría y el erotismo. Fue diosa del nomo XXII del Alto Egipto, III del Bajo Egipto y de varios del Egipto Medio.

El matrimonio Horus-Hathor era venerado en el Alto Egipto, sobre todo en la zona de Tebas donde tenían lugar las fiestas anuales en honor a ambas deidades.

Además de los anteriores, tuvo templos dedicados en Abu Simbel –identificada con Nefertari–, File, Deir el-Medina, Deir el-Bahari, Serabit el-Jadim (Sinaí), Gebelein y otras ciudades denominadas Afroditópolis.

[editar] Capitel hathórico

Capitel hathórico.

La imagen de la cabeza de la diosa fue esculpida en los capiteles de las columnas de varios templos y capillas erigidos en su honor: son los denominados capiteles hathóricos. Era la única diosa egipcia representada de tan singular manera.

[editar] Hathor en la península del Sinaí

Según las inscripciones, los trabajadores de las minas del Sinaí veneraban a Hathor. El templo principal de Hathor fue construido por Sethy II hacia 1200 a. C. junto a las minas de cobre de Timna, en el Seir edomita. Serabit el-Jadim (en árabe: سرابت الخادم) es una localidad en el suroeste de la península del Sinaí donde fueron extraídas turquesas desde la antigüedad, principalmente para los egipcios. Excavaciones arqueológicas iniciadas por Flinders Petrie revelaron explotaciones mineras y un templo de Hathor.

Hay teorías que indican que el becerro de oro mencionado en la Biblia pudiera ser una imagen artística del culto a Hathor (Exodo 32:4-6) en estos lugares.


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Resposta  Mensagem 6 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:03

I offer the suggestion that the Dendera zodiac was created to commemorate events of ancient times preceding the Pharaonic Dynastic times. These are the first time of creation or Zep Tepi after the Great Flood and the inauguration of the Pharaonic calendar that both coincide with Great Celestial Conjunctions.

Finally at Dendera we also find depictions of the Djed pillar and the deity Nut on a pillar helping to raise the stones with the serpents. The serpents represent the ecliptic and we suggest that the picture may symbolize the rotation of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the fixed Galactic Cross.


The Djed pillar (right) and Nut (left) lift the ecliptic


Ankh and Djed pillar

The Ankh and Djed pillars are the quintessential symbols that represent the ecliptic and Milky Way crossing par excellence.


Ankhs and Djed pillars supporting the sky

The Djed pillar represents the Milky Way, the Tree of Life and Axis Mundi. The Axis Mundi was represented in ancient times as a rope or a ladder into the skies (Jacobs’s ladder), by a pillar or a staff. The Raising of the Djed pillar is the perfect Egyptian metaphor that explains how the Earth Cross becomes conjunct with the Galactic Cross. While the Earth Cross rotates against the backdrop of the fixated Galactic Cross, motion is relative and could also be expressed in reverse terms where it appears that the Galactic Cross (Djed Pillar) aligns with the Earth Cross. In other words how the Galactic Equator becomes perpendicular to either the equinox or the solstice axis and forms a cross. This I believe is what ‘Raising the Djed pillar’ in Egyptian mythology is expressing.


The Pharaoh Seti l, Raising the Djed, from Abydos

The Ankh represents the Sun on the crossing of the Milky Way and ecliptic. It’s a symbol that may have developed from the Shen symbol (O|) into the Ankh (O|-). In the picture below on the left the crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way is expressed at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus since the scarab beetle occurs inside the Ankh. In the picture in the centre we see the Djed Pillar with the solar disk in between the horns of Taurus. It represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus. In the picture on the right we see the Djed pillar with the Ankh on top while the Ankh is holding the solar disk.




Left: Scarab beetle with solar disk flanked by two cobras (ecliptic) inside the Ankh, The scarab beetle also occurs inside the Shen (top left)
Centre: Djed pillar with the solar disk in between the horns of Taurus.
Right: Djed pillar, Ankh and solar disk

In the picture below the Ankh crosses are held in cross form to explain their meaning. They represent the two crossings of the ecliptic and the Milky Way. Pharaohs as the living Horus where buried with the flail and sceptre held in the same posture since their soul would travel to the Golden Gate or Gate of Gods after dead. The Golden Gate is the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Sagittarius - Scorpio nexus. The Silver Gate or Gate of Man on the other hand represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Gemini -Taurus nexus. The Egyptians believed that the soul of man incarnated through this gate into the physical realm.



Double Ankh held in cross form (right statue at Karnak).
The crossed arms express the fact that the Ankh is a cross.

The fact that the crossed arms are really mend to represent a cross I believe is demonstrated by sarcophaguses that show the pharaoh with crossed arms along with a big X cross depicted on his chest.



Sarcophagus with crossed arms and X cross on chest
Dutch National Museum of antiquities, Leiden.

In the picture below we see two other examples that demonstrate that the cross must be associated with the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way. The statue on the right has his arms crossed while he’s holding an Ankh (Sun on the Milky Way) in one hand and a Djed Pillar (Milky Way) in the other hand. On the left we see the decoration on the inside of a sarcophagus depicting Horus with a big X cross on his chest. Horus (as the Sun) is fully encircled by a rattlesnake representing the ecliptic.



Left: Horus with big X cross on his chest
Right: Grave statue of Tjel mayor of Memphis under Amenhotep III
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden.

The following artefact is truly remarkable and may be regarded as proof that the Egyptian understood the Great Celestial Conjunction in terms of crosses. The eight pointed cross that we identified in the Dendera Zodiac is displayed here together with two of the most sacred symbols of Egypt, the symbols that must be associated with the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way where the Sun resides at the equinoxes and/or solstices of a Great Celestial Conjunction. The Ankh and Djed pillar are placed on what may be a barque. Egyptian deities in particular those that were associated with the Sun (Ra, Horus) were often placed inside a barque because the Sun while travelling along the ecliptic in a Great Year (precession), needs a ferry to cross the Milky Way twice. The fact that these three symbols, Ankh, Djed pillar and 8 pointed cross appear together in one artefact is no coincidence and shows that these three symbols belong together.


Ankh, Djed pillar and 8 pointed cross appearing on an amulet
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden

Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis and it was said that his name meant ‘Horus who rules with two eyes’. His white right eye represented the Sun while his left black eye represented the moon. Horus lost his left eye in a fight with his wicked uncle Set, the brother of this father Osiris. Horus wanted to avenge Seth's murder of his father but in the fight Seth tore out Horus his eye. The eyes were buried and Lotus flowers grew from his eyes. Horus was finally cured by Hathor. Could the eyes of Horus be another metaphor for the two crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way?


Wadjet Eye or Eye of Horus (replica of papyrus painting)

Notice the falcon on the left and the cobra to the right of the Eye of Horus. The cobra represents the ecliptic. The blue-grey part of the eye with the ‘teardrop’ underneath the eye looks very similar to the Ankh symbol. Why was the teardrop added to the Eye of Horus?

Praise to thee, thou Eye of Horus,
the Ennead of gods rejoices,
when it (the eye of Horus) riseth
in the eastern horizon.

Praise to thee, O Eye of Horus.

(Pyramid texts)

The Sun rises in the East only at equinoxes, could the pyramid texts therefore be speaking of the equinox alignment with the ‘Eye of Horus’, the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing?

The ‘Eye of Horus’ was also seen on images of his mother Hathor and hence Hathor was associated with the Eye of Horus as well. We’ve demonstrated that Isis-Hathor must be equated with the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. In addition the Egyptians believed that the Eye of Horus assisted in rebirth. The Eye of Horus is therefore probably just another metaphor for the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing. In the Book of the Dead the Eye of Horus appears on top of the pillar next to the bull with the solar disk between the horns with the Eye of Horus.


Eye of Horus/Hathor, Book of the Dead chapter 17
The following decoration appears on a sarcophagus and contains a lot of symbolism concerning the ecliptic-Milky Way crossings combined in one picture (see picture below). First of all we see Horus with the solar disk on his head seated on his throne. He’s depicted twice once facing east once facing west, the cardinal directions of the equinox sun. Seated on his throne he may represent the Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing when the Sun resides in its most sacred place in a precession cycle; the Sun is put on his throne so to speak. Horus is depicted twice on this throne because there are two ecliptic-Milky Way crossings on the Galactic Equator, one is the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus, the other the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Both crossings appear on opposite sides of the Galactic Equator and may be expressed by the fact that the two Horuses are sitting back to back. Underneath each of the thrones the eye of Horus is depicted because as we have demonstrated above the eye of Horus is yet another metaphor for the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing.


In the centre we see the scarab beetle, symbolizing both the precessing Sun as well as the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. Right below the scarab beetle we see a winged version of Isis. Isis-Hathor must be associated with the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus.

Finally four Ankhs are depicted around the scarab beetle; the four Ankhs in this decoration are most likely expressing the fact that four times in a precession cycle the Sun resides on the Milky Way, at the vernal equinox, fall equinox, summer solstice and winter solstice. These four moments define the four Great Celestial Conjunctions in a Great Year.

Sarcophagus decoration
Dutch national museum of antiquities, Leiden


Resposta  Mensagem 7 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:04

Greek Cross

The Greek cross predates the Christian Cross and still contains the esoteric knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions in the Great Year. This cross has nothing to do with the crucifixion of Christ because it was used by the Greek long before Christ was born. Christianity later adopted the Calvery Cross as its sacred symbol and the cross association with the original ancient symbolism of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and the Great Year was gradually lost. The Catholic Church has done everything within its power to eradicate these pagan roots of the cross and its original meaning but traces of the pagan roots of the new religion of the Age of Pisces can still be found in the ancient customs, symbols and artefacts of the Church. We will discuss the Church Crosses in the next paragraph and demonstrate that the ancient esoteric cross associations with the Great Year are not lost but preserved even within the Catholic Church!



Left: Greek Alexandrian Cross in between two Ankhs
Right: Greek cross with the 8 pointed cross (2 four pointed crosses)

 The Greek zodiac cross below encodes knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and precession.


Greek zodiac cross (Notice the 8 pointed cross in the centre)

First of all notice the eight-spoked wheel in the centre of the Greek cross; it’s the symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction. The eight spoked wheel represents the zodiac wheel with the Earth Cross (the cross formed by the equinoxes and solstices) and the Galactic Cross superimposed. It is the zodiac wheel that spins during a precession cycle denoting the Earth Cross that rotates against the backdrop of the static Galactic Cross.

The Greek cross contains the 12 signs of the zodiac arranged in such a way that they encode the Great Celestial Conjunction of era-2012. From the centre of the cross there are three groups of zodiac signs in concentric rings around the centre.  In astrology these three groups are called the ‘fixed signs’, the ‘cardinal signs’ and the ‘mutable signs’. In the zodiac these 3 groups form 3 crosses and that’s why they are displayed on the Greek Cross as three separate crosses as well. This is achieved by the way these signs are distributed over the Greek Cross.

The first ring (closest to the centre) contains the cardinal signs (from the first sign on the right (Aries) in counter clockwise direction):

     Ring 1

  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Libra
  • Capricorn

These four cardinal signs in the Tropical Zodiac determine the equinoxes and solstices! By definition the ‘first point’ of Aries defines the spring equinox, the first point in Cancer the summer solstice, the first point of Libra the autumn equinox and the first point of Capricorn the winter solstice.

The second ring (in the middle) contains the fixed signs (from the first sign on the right (Leo) in counter clockwise direction):

     Ring 2

  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Aquarius
  • Taurus

These are the four signs of the zodiac that since ancient times are associated with the Galactic Cross. The third ring contains the mutable signs (from the first sign on the right (Sagittarius) in counter clockwise direction):

     Ring 3

  • Sagittarius
  • Pisces
  • Gemini
  • Virgo

The signs of the third ring (outer ring) are the signs of the true Galactic Cross where the Milky Way and the ecliptic intersect. The Galactic Cross is defined by 5° Gemini, 5° Pisces, 5° Sagittarius and 5° Virgo in the sidereal zodiac.

Notice the snake or Ouroborous (a snake biting its own tail) in the Greek cross. The Ouroborous bites its own tail symbolising the cyclic nature of time in general and precession in particular. The snake represents the ecliptic, hence the path the Sun travels both in a solar year and a Platonic Year as well. The Ouroborous connects all the signs in the Greek zodiac cross in a particular order because it runs through the signs from tail to head in a well defined sequence. This sequence is the sequence the Sun passes through the signs in the precession cycle in reverse motion. While the Sun moves in forward direction through the signs of the zodiac in a solar year, it passes through these signs in opposite direction during the precession cycle.

The snake connects the signs of the Tropical Zodiac that are associated with the equinoxes/solstices with the signs associated with the nexuses of the Galactic Cross. The equinoxes and solstices in the Greek cross and their association with the Galactic Cross nexuses are such that they seem to encode the current Great Celestial Conjunction (era-2012) when:

  • The sun resides in the Pisces-Aquarius nexus on the spring equinox.
  • The sun resides in the Gemini-Cancer nexus on the summer solstice
  • The sun resides in the Virgo-Leo nexus on the autumn equinox
  • The sun resides in the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus on the winter solstice




Galactic Cross Nexus

Solstice-Equinox association







Spring Equinox













Winter Solstice













Autumn Equinox













Summer Solstice







The Ouroborous of the Greek cross connects the signs of the zodiac
such that the current Great Celestial Conjunction (era-2012) is encoded.

If the Greek zodiac cross really encodes the current Great Celestial Conjunction can not be proven beyond any reasonable doubt because the Ouroborous follows the expected sequence order of the zodiac signs such that the signs of the three groups are automatically arranged in the four triplets as indicated in the table above.

Church  crosses

Catholic churches are the gathering places of the congregations and the church is the prime religious symbol of Christianity. Few believers are aware of the fact that these church buildings contain pagan elements that can be traced back to ancient Egypt. When a Christian enters the house of his father the first religious ritual that he’s expected to perform is to make the cross sign with the Holy Water with the words ‘In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen’. Most likely the believer does not realise that Amen stands for Amen-Ra or Amen-Re the Sun God of ancient Egypt! I suggest that the cross sign he makes represents the cross of the zodiac and not Christ’s cross!

The Holy Water is contained in a font at the entrance of the church under the steeple. Egyptian temples had sacred pools that were used in purification rituals akin to Baptism. According to Christian teachings, the child will be purified from the sins commit by the parents during the conception of the child.

The ceiling of the entrance (under the steeple) is often adorned with the ‘All seeing eye of God’. The ‘All seeing eye of God’ is copied from the Egyptian ‘All seeing eye of Horus’!



Left: Eye of Horus Egypt
Right: All Seeing Eye and pyramid, Seal of the United States of America

The ‘All seeing Eye’ also occurs on the American Seal and on the dollar bill on the keystone of the pyramid! The founding fathers of the USA were freemasons who understood the significance of these ancient Egyptian symbols.

The church steeple itself has a relation with the ancient Egyptian custom to erect obelisks as tokens of Sun worship and appraisal of the Sun God Amen-Ra. Both in shape and length the church’s steeple and the obelisk have much in common and may explain why the steeple was given a spire to reflect the pyramidal top of the obelisk. The earliest Gothic Cathedrals (Chartres) were given pyramidal shaped spires such as the twelfth-century south tower spire.

On top of the church spire we find the wind vane that aligns with the direction of the wind. There’s a fixed cross that is aligned with the cardinal directions such that the direction of the wind can be determined. Many churches have wind vanes with 8 pointed crosses. In many cases these crosses consist of two separate 4 pointed crosses that are superimposed! One could argue that these 8 pointed crosses contain the four cardinal directions including the directions in between (NNE, NNW, SSE and SSW) but I suggest that the wind vane may have a deeper esoteric meaning! Placed on top of the church’s spire (representing a giant sun worshiping obelisk) the wind vane demonstrates how the axis of the solstice and equinox (the cock) can rotate against the backdrop of a fixed cross (the cross of the cardinal directions). It’s a metaphor for the rotation of the Earth Cross against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross. The wind vane esoterically also stands for alignment, the alignment of the vane with the wind.





Wind vanes found on churches, none of them are very useful since the fixed cross is placed vertical. The one of the right is a real wind vane! Notice how the ‘wind vanes’ are composed of two different four pointed crosses that are superimposed!

At the Vatican this understanding of the two crosses is displayed in a compelling way. At Saint Peter’s Square we find the obelisk at the centre of the square. Around the obelisk we find two circles. The inner circle contains a 4 pointed cross. The outer circle contains an 8 pointed cross. The obelisk at the centre of Saint Peter’s Square represents the Sun. The rotating Earth Cross (inner circle) is displayed here against the backdrop of the 8 pointed cross. The outer circle therefore represents the superimposed crosses of the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross.

The lines of the crosses are set in travertine among the cobblestones of the Plaza. In 1817 circular stones were set to mark the tip of the obelisks shadow at noon making the obelisk a giant sundial gnomon with Saint Peter’s square perfectly aligned to the cardinal directions!





Above: the perfect alignment of the St. Peter's square to the cardinal directions.
Below: The 8 pointed cross on St. Peter's square, the obelisk is a pagan token of Sun worship. There is a 4 pointed cross in the inner circle and an 8 pointed cross in the outer circle, the obelisk represents the Sun!

When the Pope gives his blessings to the public at St Peter’s square during the morning service at Easter, he’s facing directly into the equinox Sun which rises due East! The celebration of Easter is associated with the vernal equinox and has pagan roots. Its roots can be traced back to ancient Babylonian myths concerning the goddess Ishtar (pronounced as Easter) as we have demonstrated in this article. Ishtar is linked to the Babylonian understanding of the precession of the equinoxes and its association with the 8 pointed cross (Shamash).



Pope John Paul II addresses the public at Easter 6 days after the vernal equinox at March 27 2005 while he faces the equinox Sun. The palace is adorned with 8 pointed crosses that are associated with Ishtar and Shamash of ancient Babylon.

During services at the Vatican the Pope wears a stole with 8 pointed crosses. The 8 pointed crosses on the stole are actually two different 4 pointed crosses that are superimposed! The palace from which he speaks is adorned with 8 pointed crosses.






The 8 pointed crosses on the papal stole are two different four pointed crosses superimposed! On the right Pope Benedict XVI delivering Urbi Et Orbi. One wonders who he really welcomes at Easter facing the equinox Sun when he spreads his arms to form the cross of the Zodiac? Notice the crosses on his stole.

The Coat of Arms of the Holy See contains crosses on crosses and bears little resemblance with the cross that Jesus died on, the real Christian Cross. Notice that there are two crosses on two keys. The keys themselves form yet another cross. 

Coat of Arms of the Holy See

In Christian churches we find abundant examples of 8 pointed crosses in lead glass windows and floor tiles and in most if not all cases these 8 pointed crosses exist of two separate four pointed crosses!









Impression of 8 pointed crosses photographed in French churches one of the churches is
Eglise Ste Croix (Saint Gilles Croix de Vie)

What do all these strange 4 and 8 pointed crosses do in Christian churches that bear no resemblance with the original cross that Christ died on?


Cross of Calvary
The only real Christian cross

Resposta  Mensagem 8 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:04

Chartres Cathedral

One of the earliest Gothic cathedrals that were built in France is Chartres Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral was built in between 1194 and 1220 and the initiator to the rapid construction of the gigantic masterpiece of architecture was the local bishop Renauld. A community of less than 10.000 people managed to build and finance the construction of the cathedral.

Allegedly the Knights Templar aided in both the finance and construction of the cathedral and it may explain the enormous splendour and sacred geometry that went into the design of this church. Many books have been written about the cathedral and its enigmas. But most amazingly this cathedral may also hide a secret about the ‘End of Times’. 

First of all the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice Sun. The main axis of the cathedral is oriented 47° towards the north-east and therefore perfectly aligns with the summer solstice axis. On the summer solstice the Sun falls through a window called ‘Saint Appollinaire’ depicting the Greek Sun God Apollo straight on an iron nail set in stone on the floor of the cathedral.


Summer solstice Sun Chartres Cathedral

The cathedral also contains a zodiac, very inappropriate for a church since astrology is all evil pagan belief according to Christians. The zodiac seems to be telling something very important since it’s not an ordinary zodiac.


Zodiac Chartres Cathedral, the zodiac contains two circles
 that intersects and form the Vesica Pisces.

The zodiac contains two circles that intersect and form a Vesica Pisces. A Vesica Pisces is a very ancient symbol but was later adopted by Christians to symbolize Christ. Christians nowadays used them often as bumper stickers on their cars. Vesica Pisces means bladder of the fish. The symbol when displayed vertical is also associated with birth since the shape represents the female birth canal and in ancient times was associated with the vagina of the female goddess. In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces.



      Vesica Pisces

Symbol of Christianity

Vesica Pisces, symbol of the fish and birth

Christianity of course is the new religion of our current age, the Age of Pisces. When we study the Vesica Pisces in the zodiac at Chartres we discover something very interesting. The intersection of the Vesica Pisces aligns with the Pisces-Virgo axis in the zodiac. It is telling us that the Vesica Pisces must be associated with the Age of Pisces and it is suggesting an association with birth. It could be symbolizing the birth of Christ at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, but that of course is hardly a secret. It’s no coincidence that Jesus was born from a virgin mother since Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs of the zodiac. They are connected by the symbol of birth the Vesica Pisces in the Chartres Zodiac! Since Jesus his birth date is no big secret, the Chartres zodiac is most likely symbolizing another birth in the Age of Pisces, a birth that’s very important.

There’s one very important astronomical birth happening in the Age of Pisces around era-2012 and that’s the rebirth of the Sun in the precessional cycle on the Galactic Cross. It means the beginning of a new precession cycle. Could it be that the Chartres Zodiac is meant to encode this event, a Great Celestial Conjunction?

In the years 1978-2017 on the equinoxes the 5° Pisces - 5° Virgo axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross while on the solstices the 5° Gemini - 5° Sagittarius axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross. We find these axes symbolically in the Chartres Zodiac and they are determined by the Vesica Pisces!


Chartres Zodiac. The axis of the Vesica Pisces coincides with
one of the axis that forms the Galactic Cross at the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012!

If the Zodiac Cross encodes the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that occurs in between 1978-2017 than we should at least also find clues of the importance of the summer solstice in the same zodiac. The white cross above by itself doesn’t mean anything.

If we replace the signs of the Zodiac by the cardinal directions such that Taurus is replaced by the North, Scorpio by the South and Leo and Aquarius by West and East respectively, we discover some new things. The Sun is now depicted in the right position in the upper right corner that corresponds with the North East, the direction of the summer solstice sunrise. In addition in the south West region of the Zodiac we find a marker that could represent a marker for the summer solstice axis! Also keep in mind that the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice sun itself! 

Notice there is a line that connects the Sun to the centre of the zodiac. This line is connecting the Sun with the birthplace of the Sun that is inside the Vesica Pisces (the female birth canal) and on the Galactic cross! The Vesica Pisces in this case therefore suggests the birth of the Sun at the summer solstice.

There is only one event in the Age of Pisces that qualifies for this cosmic event and that‘s the summer solstice Galactic Alignment in era-2012!


The Zodiac also encodes the summer solstice. The summer solstice Sun is depicted in the North East (sunrise). There’s an additional marker in the South West region of the Zodiac that aligns with the Vesica Pisces axis. It’s depicted enlarged in the bottom left corner of the picture.

The Chartres zodiac is not the only way the Knights Templar encoded the importance of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment. There is a very important additional clue that fits in perfectly and uses the very same symbol, the Vesica Pisces.

Chartres Cathedral is known for the veneration of the Black Madonna. The Black Madonna is placed in a nave with the shape of a Vesica Pisces. The Black Madonna has little to do with Christianity since she represents the pagan Egyptian goddess Isis! In here arms she’s not holding Jesus but her immaculate conceived son, the ‘Sun of God’ Horus!



Left: Black Madonna at Chartres
Right the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ amidst 8 pointed crosses

Notice that the virgin mother is placed on top of a pillar (Milky Way). The origin of the custom to place the virgin mother Mary on the pillar stems from the legend of ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’. The legend relates to the appearance of the virgin mother to the apostle James in the early days of Christianity on top of a column or pillar carried by angles. ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’ can be found in several Catholic Churches around the world (Zaragoza Spain for instance) but here in Chartres we find a ‘pagan’ version of it because the Knights Templar wanted to convey a message about the origin of the legend and what it really means.

In a Masonic ‘Tracing Board’ (see picture below) we find a depiction of Mary’s Immaculate Conception by the Holy Ghost. She is placed inside a Vesica Pisces near a pillar while the All Seeing Eye (eye of Horus) is watching over her. The Vesica Pisces is placed in between the two Masonic pillars while smoke arises along the pillar from the burning of inscent. The pillars are Masonic symbols for the Milky Way! For an in dept explanation of the pillar-Milky Way association we refer to the article ‘Freemasons revelations’. In this article I decoded the Galactic Alignments that were encoded in the Tracing Board by the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the descendants of the Knights Templar. 

The Tracing Board and the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ at Chartres are both expressing the very same thing. The immaculate conception of Horus near the pillars of the Tracing board and Horus in the arms of the virgin mother Isis on top of the pillar (Milky Way) at Chartres both occur inside the Vesica Pisces and they represent the birth of the Sun on the Milky Way!

Notice that the Vesica Pisces at Chartres is adorned with seven red lamps (the top lamp is not visible in the picture), they represent the Pleiades, the Sun is close to the Pleiades at the summer solstice era-2012. The Pleiades also occur in the Tracing Board of the Scottish Rite freemasons and is associated with the summer solstice Galactic Alignment (see picture below).

Laurence Gardner writes in his book ‘Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark ‘, that the Knights Templar took the Ark of the Covenant that they retrieved from Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem to Chartres Cathedral and buried it underneath the enigmatic labyrinth. Well if the Ark of the Covenant is not an artefact but arcane knowledge as I have reasoned in my article ‘Freemasons revelations’ than it seems that this secret may indeed be ‘buried’ at Chartres as the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that has been encoded at Chartres.



Left: Tracing board encoding both summer and winter solstice galactic alignment, the seven stars on the right represent the Pleiades. Right: Tracing board with the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary stands near the pillar and resides inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. Above her is the All Seeing Eye (mimicking the eye of Horus).
The Tracing board symbolizes the birth of Sun God Horus on the Milky Way.

In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. In the German Codex Bruchsal for example Christ even appears inside the Vesica Pisces along with the four signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo! (Scorpio is replaced by the Eagle, they are dual signs). See picture below!




Jesus inside the Vesica Pisces (Codex Bruchsal) with the four signs of the Galactic Cross, top left (Aquarius), top right (Scorpio alias the Eagle), bottom right (Taurus), bottom left (Leo). In the centre another example is given.
On the right a Greek version of cosmos is depicted with the Vesica Pisces, the four Cherubim and the serpent biting its own tail (representing the ecliptic)

Also in Chartres Cathedral in the centre of the West Royal Portal just above the entrance Jesus is depicted inside a Vesica Pisces. He’s flanked by the four cherubim around the Vesica Pisces. The four beasts of the Apocalypse mentioned in Revelations of John can also be equated with the four main apostles of the four canonical books of the bible, the beast with the human face can be equated with Matthew (Aquarius), the lion with Mark (Leo), the ox with Luke (Taurus) and the eagle with John (Scorpio). 

Chartres West Royal Portal

Now the Chartres zodiac is very important for it shows us that the Knights Templar understood that the ‘New Age’ or the ‘End of Times’ would occur when the Earth Cross aligned with the Galactic Cross in the Age of Pisces and not as is commonly believed at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!

Ark of the Covenant

The Knights Templar on their crusades to Jerusalem discovered something in the Temple of Jerusalem that after their return to France made them very wealthy and powerful. The secrets they discovered remain a mystery, whether it was an artefact, knowledge or a real treasure has let to wild speculations. The Temple of Jerusalem was first built by Solomon in 957 BC. The temple replaced the Tabernacle of Moses. The Tabernacle is believed to be Moses his tent but the Hebrew word for tabernacle Mishkan actually means place of Devine dwelling and might refer to a celestial place rather than a tent that Moses used during the Exodus from Egypt.

It is assumed that the Knights Templar recovered the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Ten Commandments which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. The Ten Commandments were stored in the Ark and were later transferred to their resting place in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant was built after Gods instructions given in the book Exodus chapter 25.


Ark of the Covenant

Exodus 25:8-9
8And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.
9According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.

The ark was built after the pattern of the tabernacle, the tabernacle was most likely not Moses his tent but a celestial place, the dwelling place of God.

Exodus 25:12-15
12And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it.
13And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.
14 And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.
15The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:06

Could the four rings stand for the four Galactic Alignments, remember the Egyptian Ankh symbol. The Ankh consists of a ring on a pole. Are the rings and pole of the Ark of the Covenant metaphors for the Sun on the Galactic Equator? The rings were put on the four corners of the Ark, the four ends of the Galactic Cross? The Sun resides on the Galactic Equator during a precession cycle on two opposite solstices (2 rings, one pole) and two opposite equinoxes (2 rings, one pole).

Exodus 25:17-20
17And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
18And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.
19And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
20And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.

God wants Moses to make a seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant flanked by two winged Cherubims! The two Cherubims are placed facing each other, just like the signs of Galactic Cross that equate with the Galactic Equator, Taurus and Scorpio (Eagle) face each other. The Cherubims were given the wings of the Eagle (Scorpio).

Exodus 25:22

22And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.

And that’s where God will reside seated on the Ark in between the Cherubims. Did the Knights Templar somehow understand that the Ark of the Covenant may be representing the Great Celestial Conjunctions? Was this their Holy Grail?

Fore more links between the biblical story of the Exodus of Moses and the association with the Great Celestial Conjunctions, I refer to my article ‘Freemasons Revelations’. In the article I explained that Moses his meeting on Mount Sinai encodes a Galactic Alignment, Moses represents the summer solstice Sun and Mount Sinai represents the Milky Way! The association of Moses with the summer solstice Sun originates from the Scottish Rite Freemasons themselves!

Exodus 25:37

37And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.

Do the seven lamps refer to the seven stars of the Pleiades? Remember the seven lamps above the Black Madonna at Chartres Cathedral. The Ark of the Covenant was built after God’s command to represent the pattern that Moses was shown on the mount:

Exodus 25:40

40And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.

Was this pattern perhaps the pattern of the 8 pointed cross?


Knights Templar and freemasonry

The Knights Templar fled from France to Scotland after Pope Clement V had ordered for their arrest on Friday the 13th 1307. The attempt of the pope to eradicate the Knights Templar failed and they went underground in Scotland supported by Robbert the Bruce. The treasures of the Knights Templar were brought on board ships that sailed from the port of La Rochelle France to Scotland. It’s been suggested that the Ark of the Covenant was finally buried in Rosslyn Chapel founded by Sir William St. Sinclair in 1456.

The arrival of the Knights Templar in Scotland was the start of a new branch of freemasonry in Scotland, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry who are the direct descendants of the Knights Templar.

Clues that the Knights Templar understood the Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the ‘End of Times’ can be found in artefacts of the Knights Templar and Scottish Rite freemasons. First of all the Knights Templar on their crusades to the Holly Land used several flags containing crosses. These flags contained both four and eight pointed crosses. The knights wore white robes with a red cross along with a white mantle, while the sergeants wore a black tunic with a red cross on front and back but with a black or brown mantle.

.       .         

Knights Templar crosses

There are more clues that the Knights Templar deemed these crosses important.
If we take a look at the Knights Templar Tracing Board for instance we notice that there are three crosses depicted. There are two very different four pointed crosses left and right with the classical Calvary cross symbol in the centre. The Chalice in the centre tells us that we’re dealing with the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar. The skull and cross bones along with the crossed swords suggest the importance of the crosses.


Tracing board of the Knights Templar

The very same symbols of their Tracing Board appear in their coat of arms (see picture below) however this time they reveal their true understanding of the crosses. There’s an 8 pointed cross (swords and cross with the inscriptions) along with a 4 pointed cross (Calvary Christian Cross) at the centre. Notice again that two very different 4 pointed crosses have been used in the 8 pointed cross. These are very strong associations with the Great Celestial Conjunction where the 8 pointed cross becomes the 4 pointed cross at the ‘End of Times’ when the Sun of God (Christ, Horus) is reborn on the cross.



Knights Templar, Coat of Arms

There are 33 degrees in freemasonry and at each degree a Mason is initiated into new and deeper darker secrecies of their fraternities. The Royal Arch is the first degree of a Master Mason of the York Rite. The tracing board of the Royal Arch is very interesting. In the Tracing Board (see picture below) we see the two pillars with the zodiac signs on the arch. From left to right the signs progress from Aries to Virgo with Cancer as the central sign. The stone with the sign of cancer is called the keystone of the arch and corresponds with sign of the summer solstice in the tropical zodiac. Below the keystone we see the 7 stars that represent the Pleiades.






Tracing Board of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry
Left: Summer Solstice Sun in Cancer near the Pleiades,
also notice the single X cross on the stone at the bottom! 
Right: Royal Arch with and 8 pointed cross depicted underneath the keystone!

The arch expresses the importance of the summer solstice near the Pleiades!

On the left we see the Sun while on the right the crescent moon is depicted inside the Sun! The crescent moon stands for an eclipse. However in this case the Moon-Sun eclipse stands for a conjunction, in this case the conjunction of the Sun on the summer solstice! Both Suns appear over the pillars. The pillars represent the Milky Way and the intended conjunction of the summer solstice Sun is therefore the conjunction with the Milky Way!

The shield under the keystone is giving away another very important clue; it contains the signs of the zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio (Eagle) and Leo, the signs of the Galactic Cross.

While the arch in the Tracing Board represents the Earth Cross, the shield under the arch represents the Galactic Cross! Notice that the same signs are used in this Tracing Board for the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross as the signs that were used in the circular Dendera zodiac.

The Royal Arch mimics exactly the Earth Cross and Galactic Cross in the circular Dendera zodiac !!!

The Royal Arch is intrinsically linked to the Ark of the Covenant; the Scottish Rite Freemasons as the decedents of the Knights Templar received their knowledge and wisdom from the recovery of the Ark of the Covenant by the Knights Templar.


Ark of the Covenant underneath the Royal Arch

The Knights Templar was not the only fraternity that understood the Great Celestial Conjunctions. The Earth Cross and the Galactic Cross also occurs in the ‘Rose Cross Lamen’ of the Rosicrucian’s. It seems that the Rosecrucians like the Knights Templar were initiated into the secrets of Solomon’s temple and its association with the Great Celestial Conjunctions.

Rose Cross Lamen of the Rosecrucians, two four pointed crosses (INRI cross) and
coloured Cavelry Cross superimposed. In the center we find another 8 pointed cross.

The Rosecrucians explain that the cross conceals a lot of ancient knowledge derived from the Qabalah and Hermetica involving numerolgy, astrology and alchemy but as with all secret societies the true esoteric secrets are not revealed. So let’s examin this cross in detail and use the clues that the Rosecrucians leave with respect to the exoteric aspects of the cross.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:07

In the center we find a small rose cross; notice the yellow calvery cross in the center and a blue four pointed cross that is superimposed. This 8 pointed cross is the inner rose of the larger 22 petaled rose grouped around the inner rose in three rings of 3, 7 and 12 petals respectively. The petals contain the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet divided into three groups. The ending of each arm of the cross contains a triple with each segment assigned to one of the three alchemical principles: sulfur salt and mercury. In ‘A Brief Study of the Rose Cross Symbol’ by Thomas D. Worrel, he explains how the three segments upon the four arms allude to the 12 signs of the zodiac. There are four pentagrams and one hexagram depicted on the cross. The hexagram depicts and connects the planets of our solar system, but it’s the pentagram that is far more interesting.


Rose Cross pentagram (occurs four times)

In the pentagram we notice the 8 spoked wheel on top. In clockwise direction from the left to right we notice the astronomical signs of Aquarius, the Eagle (Scorpio), Leo and Taurus. The pentagram connects the 8 spoked wheel (8 pointed cross) with the four signs of the zodiac that are associated with the Galactic Cross! Here the true significance of the the four and eight pointed crosses of the Rose Cross Lamen is revealed; the Rose Cross Lamen is a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction!

But these clues are not the only clues leading up to this conclusion. The white rays that contain the letters I.N.R.I. form yet another four pointed cross that is superimposed on the Calvery Cross part of the Rose Cross. I.N.R.I is the inscription on the Calvery Cross on which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and these roman letters stand for Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). Thomas D. Worrel explains that there are esoteric associations to these letters. Near the R we notice the circle and point representing the Sun. Next to the ray containing the R we notice the letters O and X on two smaller white rays.
The R which stands for Rex (King) and in combination with the sun glyph represents the solar king or Sun God. The letters O and X that accompany the Sun God are no coincidence, together they spell OX or bull and therefore represent the astrological sign Taurus.

On the other side near the letter N the astronomical sign of Scorpio is depicted accompanied by the additional letters V and A on the smaller white rays.  Remember that in the pentagram Scorpio, one of the four signs of the Galactic Cross is replaced by the Eagle. The Eagle represents the constellation of the Eagle or Aquila (Latin name) that resides on the Milky Way near Sagittarius and Scorpio where the Milky Way and ecliptic intersect! The Romans knew this constellation also as Vultur Volans. This explains the letters V and A that occur on the rays next to the letter N that is associated with Scorpio, V stands for Vultur Volans and A for Aquila. The R-N axis of the I.N.R.I cross therefore represents the Galactic Equator, running from the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus to Gemini-Taurus nexus; it’s one of the axes of the Galactic Cross. The sun glyph on the ray with the letter R denotes the importance of the Sun residing on the Galactic Equator, since this is the dwelling place of Sun on the solstices in era-2012.

The white rays with the letters I contain the astronomical sign Virgo depicted on the rays. According to Thomas D. Worrel the I stands for Isis, the virgin mother of the Sun God Horus. Also the letters L.V.X. can be found on the white rays of the cross. L.V.X. means Lux or light which stands for the Light of the Cross. Supposedly the I.N.R.I./L.V.X. transformation is part of what symbolically opens the vault of Christian Rosenkreutz (1378-1484), the founder of the Rosicrucians. So these letter combinations are very important with respect to understanding the mysteries of the Rose Cross.
Thomas D. Worrel points out that the letters L.V.X. are part of crosses. I would like to add that these crosses are two separate four pointed crosses (+ and X) that when superimposed form an 8 pointed cross:


I believe the analogy between Isis and Mary is intended by the Rosicrucians who designed the Rose Cross. Isis is associated with Virgo on the Rose Cross which is the opposite sign of Pisces, the birth sign of Christ. Remember we found the same symbology in the zodiac of Chartres Cathedral where this esoteric connection between the birth date of Christ in Pisces and the constellation Virgo of the virgin Mary is expressed by means of the Vesica Pisces (symbol of birth) that connects the two astrological signs. 

It seems that the Rose Cross also draws an analogy between Jesus of Nazareth and Horus the Sun God. In my opinion the cross reveals the true meaning of the Return of Jesus Christ (I.N.R.I) at the End of Times when the Sun God Horus (L.V.X.) is reborn on the cross of the zodiac (the Sun as the Light of the Cross) in the precession cycle, the time of the Great Celestial Conjunction. This time is associated with transformation and resurrection and the alchemical transformation of man. The quest of alchemy, the transformation of lead into gold is a metaphor for the spiritual transcendence of the limitations of the physical plane and to become enlightened and reunite with the Devine. On the Rose Cross we find the alchemical elements mercury (Devine consciousness), sulfur (self consciousness) and salt (subconsciousness) suggesting the alchemical transformation of consciousness at the End of Times.

Here’s another version of the Rose Cross containing the four Cherubim in an 8 pointed cross formation.


Rose Cross symbol 8 pointed cross with the four Cherubim signs of the zodiac representing the Galactic Cross. The cross was allegedly worn by the biblical Magi.
Notice the 8 petalled ‘Flower of Life’ pattern in the centre.



The Tarot originally is a set of trump cards of a card game but these trump cards developed into a fortune telling card reading method akin to the I Ching. The origin of the Tarot is unknown but it is generally believed that the first deck of Tarot cards originated from northern Italy in the 15th century. Twenty two trump cards were added to the original four suit deck of cards. Today the Tarot cards are mainly used for divination; this custom started after the Frenchman Antoine Court de Gébelin in 1791 wrote a book about the Tarot and first introduced a method of divination called a reading. Gébelin in his book asserted that the Tarot had its roots in ancient Egypt and that it preserved the wisdom and mysteries of Thoth and Isis. The 22 trump cards are part of what is called the Major Arcana of the Tarot and are supposedly relating to the higher purposes of life. The information of these cards is encoded in terms of astrology and numerology. The Minor Arcana consists of the cards that relate to daily live issues. Arcana means secrets, so the Major Arcana is related to the bigger secrets of life and we will reveal that the biggest secret of the Tarot is that it keeps the secret of the Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the End of Times on what Christianity calls Judgement Day.

Wether or not the Tarot stems from Egypt can not be substantiated but the fact is that Tarot is shrouded in mysticism and magic and has links to freemasonry. This  may explain why the Egyptian occult knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions has ended up in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It was the French occultist Jean-Baptiste Alliette (nicknamed Etteilla) who designed the first esoteric deck and added astrological attributes and Egyptian motifs to the cards. Aleister Crowley the nineteeth centry occultist designed the Thoth deck and his cards are believed to contain also highly esoteric concepts that were known in the inner circles of secret societies. The esoteric attributes of the cards were further developed by Eliphas Lévi who revised Etteilla’s deck and devised a Tarot system based on the Kabbalah and Alchemy. Around 1910 the Tarot became increasingly popular by the publication of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, a system still in vogue in the english speaking countries. Symbolic images were now related to the numbers of the cards and we will demonstrate how both the images and numbers of the cards play an important role in the deciphering of the esoteric knowledge hidden in these cards.

It’s the Rider-Wait-Smith Tarot system that we will use and investigate for it conceils knowledge of the Great Celestial Conjunctions. We’re not surprised to find this information in this deck since Arthur Edward Waite one of the designers of the deck was a freemason and member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The founders of this magical order of the late 19th and early 20th century were Rosecrucians.

The importance of both the four and eight pointed crosses in the Tarot is further demonstrated by the fact that the most popular spread of the cards is called the Celtic Cross spread whereas a four pointed cross is formed by spreading the cards in a cross formation at the start of a reading. Also the Ankh spread (also associated with the Great Celestial Conjunction, Sun on the Milky Way) exists.

I believe that the Tarot encodes the big secret of the cycles of mankind’s spiritual development that coincide and are synchronized with the Great Celestial Conjunctions. These Great Celestial Conjunctions define the four World Ages of a Great Year and trigger the start of these four Ages. In the current World Age mankind is steeped into materialism and has lost his original spiritual connection to his Devine source that he once had at the time of the Golden Age. The biblical story of the fall from paradise relates to the decline of spiritual consciousness akin to the transition from the Golden Age into the Iron Age in the Hindu philosophy system. According to the Hindu the spiritual evolution of mankind has transitioned from the Satya Yuga (Golden Age) through the Tetra Yuga (Silver Age) and Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age) into the Kali Yuga (Iron Age) where we are at present.

In the Kali Yuga man has lost his spiritual connection and he knows only his limited perception of his physical reality that he regards as the only existing reality. The first card of the Tarot is card number 0 and is called the Fool. The Fool represents the current poor mental state of man in the Kali Yuga in a patriarchal dominated world whereas the masculine energies and left brain mentality seeks control and domination over the material riches.

Notice first of all below that the Fool in the Raider Waite deck is wearing a robe adorned with 8 pointed crosses (although not clearly visible). In the last card, card number XXI (21) of the Major Arcana we see a woman depicted naked. She represents the spiritual awakening and return to female wisdom after the current Great Celestial Conjunction when the spiritual decline of mankind is believed to make an upturn towards the Golden Age again. More on this card later.


Card 0, the Fool, Raider Waite deck

The most important card of the Raider Waite deck is card number X (ten). Not only is it the central card of the Major Arcana, the Roman numeral X represents a four pointed cross. The four pointed cross of the number X represents the current Great Celestial Conjunction when the 8 pointed cross of Galactic Cross and Earth Cross align again.


Card X, the Wheel of Fortune, Raider Waite deck

Notice that the central disk called the wheel of fortune consists of two different four pointed crosses that are superimposed. The cross with the letters TORA most likely represents the Galactic Cross. The letters TORA refer to the Old Testament or the Jewish Torah where the Galactic Cross by means of the four cherubim is mentioned in for instance Ezekiel 1:10 and Revelation 4:7.

Ezekiel 1:10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.

Revelation 4:7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

The four Cherubim are depicted in the corners of the card. In the upper left corner the cherubim with the face of a man corresponds with Aquarius. In the upper right corner the eagle corresponds with Scorpio. In the lower left corner the bull represents Taurus and the lion in the lower right corner represents Leo.

The snake and dragon around the wheel of fortune represent the ecliptic; notice how the dragon is spinning the wheel. The four cherubim are reading the bible wherein they were described having wings like in Revelation 4:8.

Revelation 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

The cherubim are placed in clouds representing the fluffy white cloud at night in the sky, the Milky Way because these four signs of the zodiac that correspond with the cherubim are the constellations that helically rise before the constellations that constitute the Galactic Cross, 5° Gemini, 5° Pisces, 5° Sagittarius and 5° Virgo in the sidereal zodiac. The signs must be associated with the crossing places of the ecliptic and Milky Way.

The reverse cross symbolism of the 8 pointed or double XX cross and single four pointed is used in card number XX (twenty). Card X and XX both express the Great Galactic Conjunction by means of the numerology of the cards in relation with the depictions on these cards, the X and XX are references to the four and eight pointed crosses. Card XX is labelled ‘Judgement Day’

Card XX, Judgement Day, Raider Waite deck

Card number XX is the card of the two four pointed crosses (XX) and displays mankind at the End of Times when the seven angels blow their trumpets after the seventh seal has been opened as mentioned in Revelation 8. Notice the trumpet has a flag with a single four pointed cross. At the ‘End of Times’, the time of the current Great Celestial Conjunction the double crosses XX (card number) become one and transform into the single X cross of the flag. The cross on the flag is the cross of St George; it’s the flag and cross symbol of the Knights Templar; this of course can not be attributed to mere coincidence. It reveals the source of esoteric knowledge since the designers of the Raider Wait Tarot cards were Rosicrucians (freemasons) who were affiliated with the Knights Templar. The source of the knowledge about the Great Celestial Conjunction that would occur at the End of Times can therefore be traced back to the Knights Templar who discovered this big ancient secret on their crusades to Jerusalem where they recovered the ancient mysteries and sacred knowledge in the temple of Solomon.
The final card is card XXI (twenty one) and as we have mentioned above symbolizes the awakening of mankind at the Great Celestial Conjunction. The card is numbered 21 because the Great Celestial Conjunction occurs at the crossover of the twentieth and twenty first century (1978-2017). The four cherubim appear again in the corners of the card. The naked female is placed inside a green laurel signifying the victory of the Fool over his own ignorance. He’s regained full consciousness and his connection to the Devine. The laurel also represents the ecliptic; in other Tarot decks the laurel was replaced by a crowed Ouroborous (a snake biting its own tail) that in ancient mythology represents the ecliptic. The red twisted veils represent the two opposite crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way. These are the places where the Sun resides at the equinoxes and or solstices on a Great Celestial Conjunction.


Card XXI, the World, Raider Waite deck

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:07

Card number II is also very interesting and relates to Great Celestial Conjunctions as well. The card depicts Isis in the temple of Solomon. Isis is wearing the bull horns with the solar disk. As we have demonstrated Isis-Hathor must be associated with crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The number II of the card most likely is referencing the constellation of the two twins Gemini. The exact place of the ecliptic and Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus is in Gemini! Notice that Isis is wearing a four pointed cross on her chest, a token of the crossing of ecliptic and Milky Way and the Great Celestial Conjunction. On her lap she has a scroll with the text TORA revealing the relation of this depiction with the Old Testament or the Jewish Torah.

Card II, the High Priestess, Raider Waite deck

Isis is seated in between the two pillars in the temple of Solomon. The pillars are described in Kings 7:21-22. The right pillar is called Jachin, the left pillar is called Boaz.

Kings 7:21 And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished.

The pillars represent the Milky Way. The white and black colours of the pillars represent opposites, the two opposite sides on the Milky Way where the ecliptic and Milky Way cross. The dark pillar can be associated with the Dark Rift (hence the dark colour) near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus while the white pillar can be associated with the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The pomegranates that appear in a ‘network’ behind Isis is mentioned in Kings 7:18

Kings 7:18 And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter.

Notice there are 7 pomegranates in the net (net-work) or curtain behind Isis. They may be symbolizing the seven stars of the Pleiades near the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus that we associated earlier with Isis-Hathor seated in front of the net.

While card II represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus, card XVIII (eighteen) represents the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. Both cards II and XVIII represent the two crossing places of ecliptic and Milky May and it may be no coincidence that the sum of card II (2) and XVIII (18) equals XX (20). The double X crosses of card 20 (Judgement Day) represents both the two crossing places of ecliptic and Milky Way and the double four pointed cross of the Great Celestial Conjunction.


Card XVIII, the Moon

Card XVIII is titled ‘The Moon’ and it shows us a moon depicted inside the Sun. This card is hinting at a solar eclipse when the moon shifts in front of the Sun, but it’s not really the conjunction of the Sun and moon that is intended here. The solar eclipse is merely a metaphor for a far more important conjunction, the conjunction of the Sun and the Milky Way. Notice that there are two pillars depicted in the card. Like the pillars in card II they stand for the Milky Way. In ancient mythologies, mountains, rivers, clouds and pillars were used as metaphors for the Milky Way.

Notice there is a crab or scorpion on the river bank. The river represents the great river in the sky, the Milky Way while the scorpion represents the constellation Scorpio. The road leading to the mountains in the distance is the ecliptic that is heading towards the Milky Way (mountains). The ecliptic is the Sun’s path or ‘road’ along the sky and the Sun is depicted straight above the road in the card. The road also leads to the river and ‘crosses’ the river at the exact place of the scorpion and is suggesting the ecliptic (road) and the Milky Way (river) crossing at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus (the scorpion).

The two ‘howling animals at the moon’ represent the constellations Lupus (constellation of the wolf) and Vulpecula (constellation of the fox). Both constellations reside along the Milky Way at opposite sites of the ecliptic. This explains why the howling wolf and fox were placed on opposite sides of the road (ecliptic) along the river bank (Milky Way) in card XVIII.


Constellations Lupus (wolf) and Vulpecular (fox) on opposite sides of the ecliptic along
the Milky Way at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus.

The wolf and fox both stare at the Sun which resides in between them above the road (ecliptic) at the crossing of the road and the river. It seems that snowflakes are falling from the sky on the blue-white capped mountains in the background. It may be an indication that we are dealing with the winter solstice Sun. This card at least represents the Sun on ecliptic Milky Way crossing on the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. If the Sun really represents the winter solstice Sun, which is uncertain at this point, the card could even denote the winter solstice Galactic Alignment of era-2012.

Although some of the other cards contain elements that could be interpreted in terms of the Great Celestial Conjunction that the Major Arcana encodes, cards 0, II, X, XVIII, XX and XXI are the most profound cards when it comes to encoding esoteric knowledge about the Great Celestial Conjunction. We would like to point out one last card that reveals some interesting secrets about the End of Times and Second Coming  of Christ.


Card XII, The Hanged Man, Raider Waite deck

The first association with the number 12 that comes to mind, given the fact that the Major Arcana contains astrological information, is of course the number of signs of the zodiac. I believe that in card XII the Sacred Tree is depicted, the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way. The hanged man hanging upside down from the tree has a halo around his head implying we’re dealing with a saint. The light radiated by the man’s head resembles the rays of the Sun and the man’s head may therefore also represent the Sun. This Sun is placed on the Sacred Tree in other words it’s the Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing. The odd posture of the right leg suggests a cross as well, because both his legs are at right angles in this odd posture. The symbology of the card seems to speak of the Sun on the Sacred Tree or the Galactic Cross.

A very interesting version of this Tarot card appears in the Thoth Tarot deck designed by Aleister Crowley. Crowley is giving away much more esoteric clues about the meaning of the Hanged Man in the Tarot.


Card XII Hanged Man, Thoth deck

Notice that in Aleister Crowley’s version of the hanged man, the man in question is not only hanged but crucified as well! This is a clear reference to Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross. The Ankh symbol on top of course is a reference to the Sun on the Milky Way and the snake at the bottom is a reference to the ecliptic. What  I believe Crowley is encoding here is the Great Celestial Conjunction when the Egyptian Sun of God Horus dies on the cross (cycle ending) at the winter solstice of era-2012 to be reborn and resurrect on the same cross when the new precession cycle commences at the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012.

Aleister Crowley is revealing that the Christian belief of the Second Coming of the historical figure Jesus Christ at the End of Times is identical to the dead and rebirth of the Sun at the Great Celestial Conjunction. The life of Christ closely parallels the life of the Egyptian mythical figure Horus. Also Horus was born from a virgin mother named Isis. He was born on the 25th of December, four days after the winter solstice when the sun was reborn in the annual cycle and started to rise again in the sky. On the winter solstice of era-2012 the Sun is not only reborn in the annual cycle but also in the larger precession cycle since it signals the start of the next precession cycle!

I believe that what Crowley may have wanted to express with this card is that the return of Christ at the End of Times and the current Great Celestial Conjunction are in fact one and the same events.


Cross of Hendaye

In the Old World there is one mysterious cross that seems to encode a Galactic Alignment; the Cross of Hendaye!



Cross of Hendaye

The Cross of Hendaye has been associated with the End-of-Times prophecy in the book ‘The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time authored by Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner. The cross is situated in Hendaye in the south of France near St Jean de Luz and Biarritz.

It contains all of the required cross elements that we identified in this article to represent a Great Celestial Conjunction. The 8 pointed cross–Sun-Galactic Alignment associations are apparently not restricted to the New World but were understood in the Old World as well.   

On the Cross of Hendaye we find a Sun symbol central in a quincunx, an 8 pointed star, a four pointed cross with four A’s depicted in each of the four quadrants and the double XX cross appearing on the cross. The A’s represent the four World Ages  (Les quatre Ages de l'humanité ) each equalling a fourth of the precession cycle (6480 years).The cross contains the text INRI and its Gematria value in the Hebrew characters equals 2160, exactly one twelfth of the precession cycle, or one month of the Great Year.

The crescent moon is symbolic for a conjunction and represents the conjunction of the Sun with the Sacred Tree.

Since the Cross of Hendaye has all of the required elements, the 4 pointed star an 8 pointed star, the double XX and in addition a quincunx with the Sun, we believe the cross encodes a Great Celestial Conjunction. Bridges and Weidner suggest that the double XX (Latin number 20) stands for the 20 year period starting from the summer solstice 1992 (date of a Venus Sun conjunction) to the winter solstice of 2012. The midpoint the fall equinox of 2002 would represent Fulcanelli’s ‘End of Time’ according to the writers who recognise the fact that the Galactic Alignment of era-2012 must be associated with Fulcanelli’s ‘End of Time’.

However period of the Great Celestial Conjunction lasts 39 years instead of 20 years and ranges from Dec 22, 1978 until Dec 21, 2016 with the midpoint in 1998 and therefore we reject Bridges and Weidner’s conclusion that the double XX stands for a 20 year period.

Weidner in his later released video on the Hendaye Cross acknowledged the 1998 midpoint when he references the work of Nick Anthony Fiorenza on the ‘Erection of the Holy Cross’ (http://www.lunarplanner.com/). In personal conversations I had with Vincent Bridges he rejected my suggestion that the double crosses depicted on the Cross of Hendaye could represent the two crosses of the Great Celestial Conjunction. In these conversations it became clear to me that the authors of the book on the Cross of Hendaye keep conflicting ideas about their own theory.
In the book on the Hendaye Cross a photograph of a 1st century altar piece was published. Vincent Bridges writes on his website that it contains the Khi-Rho symbol standing between two Djed like pillars that are flanked by Ankhs. Cairo stems from the Arabic Al Cahirah, the Conqueror or Redeemer, and his name is phonetically pronounced as Cai/Khi and ro/Rho. The single place for the Great Galactic Alignment is therefore Cairo Egypt according to Bridges. I agree with Bridges his conclusions that all of these symbols are associated with Galactic Alignment. The Ankhs represent the two crossing places of the ecliptic and the Galactic Equator. The pillars represent the Djed pillars as a symbol of the Milky Way. The boat is Ra’s barque that is used by the Sun God to cross the Milky Way and symbolizes the precession of the Sun through the Galactic Plane (Galactic Alignment). I add one more observation that has evaded Bridges:

When the two crosses in the Ki-Rho alter piece are superimposed the 8 pointed cross is created!


Alter Piece Ki-Rho +cross flanked by pillars and Ankhs,
below the boat with the X cross.

Ironically the Cross of Hendaye is linked to Urcos close to Cuzco in Peru where similar symbols that appear on the cross were found in documents from Peru. The place Urcos is derived from the text on the cross OCRU X AVES PESUNICA (Hail, O Cross, The Only Hope) that when spelled as AVA X URCOS gives us the text ‘Hail the cross X at Urcos’. Notice first of all that another clue to the importance of the X cross is given!

Peru was once part of the great empire of the Inca’s. Their entire empire was divided into four quadrants by means of four main roads that originated from the centre of their capital, the city of Cuzco. The ‘cross X at Urcos’ is most likely a reference to the big X cross of the entire Inca empire that reflected the Heavens!

Resposta  Mensagem 12 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2013 03:08

It’s a fascinating thing to realize that yet another American Sun worshipping Indian culture devoted so much importance to the four pointed cross symbol! But it is even more astonishing to discover that the sacred Inca Cross Chakana is another form of an 8 pointed cross.



            Inca Cross, Chakana


Constellation of the crosses

Our inventory of the cross symbols in relation to the Great Celestial Conjunctions would not be complete without mentioning two very important celestial crosses. The first is called the Northern Cross, the constellation Cygnus, while the second cross is the Southern Cross or the constellation Crux. Both constellations have been very important in ancient times since they defined the north-south meridian. The Northern Cross appears in many mythologies and is associated with a swan. The Southern Cross became the real ‘pole star’ of the south while the Northern Cross star Denab was the pole star in between 16.000 BC and 15.000 BC.

In his book ‘The Cygnus Mystery’, Andrew Collins explains how the Northern Cross constellation Cygnus was once venerated around the world in ancient times, a veneration that can be dated back to at least 15.000 BC. According to Collins Cygnus must have been very important to the ancients since around the world sites are aligned to this constellation. Most of these sites were also aligned to the solstice Sun. We just mention a few of the examples that Collins mentions in his book:

  • Great Circle Henge in Newark,Ohio, summer solstice alignment, central bird image
  • Olmec site La Venta, alignment to summer solstice, Big Dipper and Sadr (Cygnus)
  • Cuzco Peru, winter solstice alignment, celestial Puma represents Cygnus
  • Avebury (UK), summer solstice and alignment to the setting of Sadr (Cygnus)
  • Newgrange (Ireland), winter solstice and alignment to Sadr (Cygnus)

Although he mentions the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing once in his book, Andrew Collins is convinced that the ancients worshipped Cygnus because it represented first of all the cosmic axis and secondly the ancients somehow intuitively understood that Cygnus was important with respect to human evolution. Scientists discovered that Cygnus X-3 is a microblazer, a star that emits cosmic rays that penetrate deep into the Earth itself. This cosmic radiation may be a driving force behind human evolution, a notion now supported by some scholars and may explain why the ancients saw the Cygnus constellation and the Dark Rift as the abode of the gods, the underworld to which the soul ascended after dead according to Collins.

I believe that what in fact Collins has been discovering is the interest of the ancients of the Great Celestial Conjunctions and the alignment of the Sun with the Milky Way at solstices (Galactic Alignment). Take a look at the picture below.


Cygnus rising at the winter solstice Sun 1998

Sadr the central star of the Northern Cross rises exactly at the same time as the Sun on the winter solstice era-2012! No wonder the ancients deemed Sadr as the central star of Cygnus the swan important, like the Pleiades Sadr is the pointer to the winter solstice Sun on the Milky Way! It was not Cygnus that the ancients venerated but the alignment of the solstice Sun with the Milky Way at the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus! The constellation Cygnus is the start of the Dark Rift that runs down all the way to Sagittarius-Scorpio; it’s the birthplace of the Sun!

Our final consideration; Could the Northern Cross have been the origin of the four pointed cross symbol that we have found in so many artifacts related to the Great Celestial Conjunctions? Sure why not? While the Northern Cross rises with the winter solstice Sun, the Southern Cross appears just above the horizon. Could both constellations of the crosses be the origin of the 8 pointed cross?

This seems hardly likely, why would these crosses have been superimposed to form the eight pointed cross? The only logical explanation for the 8 pointed cross that occurs in association with the Great Celestial Conjunctions, is that it represents the Earth Cross superimposed over the Galactic Cross. Remember that the Galactic Cross was known in both the Old and New World as the Sacred Tree, so at least one of the crosses does not correspond with the constellation of the crosses.



The four and eight pointed crosses that occur in the artefacts of the Old World were also meant to encode the Great Celestial Conjunctions just like in the New World. This article is the sequel to the first article on the crosses in the New World and demonstrates how these crosses are just as important in the same context in the Old World! To my knowledge there is no reasonable explanation known at present why the application of 8 pointed crosses along with 4 pointed crosses appear so frequently and in particularly in the most sacred symbols of the world.

So we can conclude that Great Celestial Conjunctions were known to our ancestors since they depicted this concept (Great Year into four equal periods that define the Four World Age doctrine) in their principle symbols.

Studying the Great Celestial Conjunctions from the perspective the conjunction of the Earth Cross with the Galactic Cross, has now paved the way to understand an array of new ancient cross symbols associated with four World Doctrine that could not be identified before.

Therefore I believe that professor’s Smelyakov’s Solar Zodiac model describing these Great Celestial Conjunctions, offers an additional and valuable tool in the study of the artefacts of both the Old and New World that are associated with creation myths and the World Age doctrine.



I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Dr. Sergey Smelyakov (www.astrotheos.com) for reviewing this article.














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Resposta  Mensagem 13 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2013 04:02

La diosa egipcia Hathor: danza, música, belleza y feminidad

Publicado en septiembre 1, 2012 de

Hathor es una de las diosas más famosas del Antiguo Egipto. Era conocida como “La Grande de Muchos Nombres” y sus títulos y atributos son tan numerosos que formaba parte de todos los aspectos de la vida y la muerte de los egipcios de la antigüedad.

Originalmente era una personificación de la Vía Láctea, que se creía que era la leche que fluía de las ubres de una vaca celestial. Conforme pasó el tiempo, absorbió los atributos de muchas otras diosas y también se le asoció más cercanamente con Isis, deidad que, en cierto, sentido usurpó su lugar como la diosa más notoria y poderosa, aunque Hathor nunca perdió su popularidad a lo largo de la historia de Egipto.

Había más festivales dedicados a Hathor que a ningún otro dios o diosa del Antiguo Egipto. Y su culto no se confinaba a Egipto y Nubia, sino que también era adorada en la parte occidental semítica de Asia, Etiopía, Somalia, Libia y en especial en la ciudad de Biblos.

Era una diosa celestial, conocida como la “Dama de las Estrellas” o la “Soberana de las Estrellas”, ya que se le vinculaba a la estrella Sirius, también conocida como Alfa Canis Maioris (α CMa), la estrella más brillante de todo el cielo nocturno vista desde la Tierra.

Como “madre de las madres” era la diosa de las mujeres, la fertilidad, los niños y el parto. Su poder abarcaba todo lo que tenía que ver con las mujeres, desde los problemas para concebir o en el parto, hasta la salud, la belleza y las cuestiones del corazón. Sin embargo, no era adorada exclusivamente por las mujeres, y a diferencia de otros dioses y diosas, tenía tanto sacerdotes como sacerdotisas.

También era la diosa de la belleza y patrona del arte cosmético. Su ofrenda votiva tradicional eran dos espejos, por lo que con frecuencia se le representaba en espejos y paletas de cosméticos. Sin embargo, no se consideraba que fuera vana o superficial, sino simplemente segura de su belleza y bondad, por lo que amaba lo bello y lo bueno.

Asimismo, Hathor era conocida como “la amante de la vida” y era considerada la encarnación de la dicha, el amor, el romance, el perfume, la danza, la música y el alcohol. Se le relacionaba en especial con la fragancia del incienso de mirra, que era considerado precioso por representar las cualidades más exquisitas del sexo femenino.

Era la patrona de la danza y se le asociaba con la percusión, particularmente con el sistro, un instrumento en forma de herradura que contiene pequeños platillos metálicos ensartados en varillas. El sistro, hecho de hierro, suena y se toca como una especie de maraca metálica.

Se cree que el sistro, que aparece en varias pinturas del antiguo Egipto, era también un fetiche de la fertilidad. Este instrumento era muy utilizado en las fiestas religiosas, especialmente en el culto de la diosa Hathor. Aún se conservan ejemplos de este instrumento en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España, el Museo Británico y el Museo de Louvre.

Hathor era asociada con la turquesa, la malaquita, el oro y el cobre, por lo que era la patrona de los mineros y la diosa de la Península del Sinaí, en donde se encuentran ubicadas famosas minas. Los egipcios usaban como cosmético sombras hechas de malaquita molida, que tenía una función protectora atribuida a Hathor contra las enfermedades de ojos.

Quizá esa sea la razón por la que también se le asociaba con el collar de cuentas Menit, un objeto ceremonial que algunos dicen que pudo haber servido también como un instrumento de percusión. (Personalmente no lo creo, a mí me parece más bien un accesorio, y la parte de metal de atrás podría simplemente haber sido un contrapeso para que el collar, que seguramente era pesado por las piedras, no pendiera directamente del cuello).

Muchos de los sacerdotes y las sacerdotisas de Hathor eran artesan@s, músicos y bailarin@s que contribuían a la calidad de vida de los egipcios y la adoraban expresando su naturaleza artística.

Hathor era la encarnación de la danza y la sexualidad y se le daba el epíteto de la “Mano de Dios” (refiriéndose al acto de la masturbación) y la “Señora de la Vulva”.

Uno de los mitos cuenta que una vez Ra estaba tan desanimado que se negaba a hablar. Hathor, que nunca sufrió de depresión o duda, bailó frente a él exponiendo sus partes privadas, lo que hizo que volviera a reírse y recuperara el buen humor. El mito se asemeja mucho a la historia de la mitología griega de Baubo, la pequeña diosa del vientre.

Como la “dama de occidente” y la “dama del sicomoro del sur”, protegía y asistía a los muertos en su viaje final. Algunas veces se le representaba entregando agua a los muertos desde un árbol de sicomoro. Debido a su papel en asistir a los muertos, con frecuencia aparece en los sarcófagos junto con Nut.

Ocasionalmente tomaba la forma de las “siete Hathors”, asociadas con la suerte y la adivinación. Se creía que las “siete Hathors” conocían la duración de la vida de todos los niños desde su nacimiento y cuestionaban a las almas de los muertos en su viaje al más allá.

Sus sacerdotes y sacerdotisas podían leer la suerte de un recién nacido y actuar como oráculos para explicar los sueños de las personas. Las siete Hathors eran adoradas en siete ciudades: Waset (Tebas), Iunu (On, Heliopolis), Afroditopolis, Sinai, Momemfis, Herakleopolis y Keset, que podrían haber sido vinculadas a las constelaciones de las Pléyades.

También era la diosa de la destrucción en su papel del Ojo de Ra, defensora del dios sol.

De acuerdo con la leyenda, la gente empezó a criticar a Ra cuando fue faraón, por lo que decidió enviar a su “ojo” en forma de Sekhmet, quien empezó a asesinar gente a destajo. Cuando Ra cedió y le pidió parar, ella se negó, porque estaba sedienta de sangre. La única forma de detener la matanza fue pintar cerveza de rojo, para que pareciera sangre, y regar la mezcla sobre los campos de la matanza. Cuando tomó la cerveza, se emborrachó y le dio sueño, por lo que durmió tres días. Cuando despertó, con resaca, ya no tenía sed de sangre, y la humanidad se salvó.

Ra la nombró Hathor, y se convirtió en diosa del amor y la felicidad. Como resultado, los soldados también rezaban a Hathor/Sekhmet para que les diera su fuerza y concentración en la batalla.

Como la “amante del cielo” era asociada con Nut y Mut. Y como la “madre celestial” amamantaba al faraón disfrazada de vaca o como hoja del árbol de sicomoro, por la sustancia lechosa que exuda.

Es por ello que la manifestación más famosa de Hathor es como vaca, e incluso cuando aparece como mujer, tiene o las orejas de la vaca o un par de elegantes cuernos. Cuando se le muestra completamente como vaca, siempre tiene los ojos maquillados. Con frecuencia se le representaba en rojo, aunque su color sagrado es el turquesa.

La diosa Isis tomó muchas de sus funciones y adoptó su iconografía a tal grado que usualmente es difícil diferenciar cuál de las dos diosas está representada. Sin embargo, existen diferencias entre ambas.

Isis era una deidad que sufrió la muerte de su marido y tuvo que luchar por proteger a su hijo, así que entendía los problemas de la gente, por lo que podía relacionarse con ella. Hathor, por su parte, era la encarnación del poder, el éxito y la resolución. Mientras que Isis era misericordiosa, Hathor era muy decidida al perseguir sus metas.

El cumpleaños de Hathor era celebrado el día que Sirius ascendía por primera vez al cielo, presagiando la próxima inundación. Durante la Dinastía Ptoloméica, que gobernó Egipto durante el período Helenístico desde la muerte de Alejandro hasta el año 30 a. C, Hathor fue conocida como la diosa de Hethara, el tercer mes del calendario egipcio.

Dos de las imágenes más conocidas de la danza y música en el antiguo Egipto son las siguientes.

Esta corresponde a la tumba de Nakht, un escriba que ostentaba el título de “Astrónomo de Amón” u “Observador de Horus” en la dinastía XVIII (alrededor de 1350 a.C), probablemente durante el reinado de Tutmosis IV o Amenhotep III. Su tumba se encuentra en el área de Sheik Abd el Qurna, al este de la tumba de Menna. La imagen pertenece a una escena de un banquete. En ella, tres mujeres tocan la flauta, el laúd y el harpa para entretener a los invitados.

Esta es un detalle de un fresco pintado en la tumba de Nebamun en Tebas, Egipto, también en una escena de un banquete de finales de la dinastía XVIII (alrededor de 1350 a.C) Actualmente pertenece a la colección del Museo Británico en Londres.

Algunos de los instrumentos de percusión que se utilizaban en el Antiguo Egipto son tambores, maracas, castañuelas, campanas y el sistro. Las palmas también se utilizaban como acompañamiento rítmico. Los principales instrumentos de viento eran las flautas, sencilla como el ney o doble como el mijwiz, mientras que los instrumentos de cuerdas incluían harpas, liras y laúdes.

Los instrumentos solían llevar inscrito el nombre del propietario y estar decorados con representaciones de la diosa Hathor o el dios Bes, otra deidad de la música.

Ser músico (shemayet) de templo para un dios o diosa en particular era un importante cargo que solía ser ocupado por mujeres. Los músicos relacionados con la casa real también eran muy valorados, así como los cantantes talentosos. Más abajo en la escala social se encontraban los músicos que tocaban con propósitos de entretenimiento en celebraciones y festivales acompañados de bailarinas.

Como los egipcios de la antigüedad no escribieron su música en notación antes del periodo greco-romano, los intentos de reconstruir la música faraónica son meramente especulativos. Sin embargo, a partir de las representaciones pictóricas es posible deducir que la música ritual que se tocaba en los templos incluía el sistro, voz y algunas veces harpa y/o percusión, mientras que las escenas de fiestas y festivales muestran a músicos tocando liras, laúdes, flautas e instrumentos de percusión, además de cantantes y el acompañamiento con las palmas.

Aunque es imposible saber con exactitud cómo era la música en el Antiguo Egipto, esta composición está basada en una amplia investigación sobre instrumentos y representaciones pictóricas de la época.


Resposta  Mensagem 14 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/07/2013 00:47

Resposta  Mensagem 15 de 50 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2014 02:22
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  • Arte_Historia_Egipto: Templo de Hathor en Dendera

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    con la estatua de Hathor antes de que comenzara la procesión.
  • Esencial Natura - Hoy 08 de junio 2013 - I día de... | Facebook

    "Hacer que la procesión de Horus de Behdet el Gran Dios del Cielo a la
    riverbarque 'Cejas de Horus, Hathor Señora de Iunet estar en' Virgen del Amor '
    el ...
  • Esencial Natura - Hoy 07 de junio 2013 - XXIX y último día ...

    procesión de Harsomptus, el Gran Dios que reside en Iunet, junto con ella (
    Hathor), de His / Her barca llamada "Aquel exaltando Su / Su perfección";

  • Resposta  Mensagem 16 de 50 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2014 02:25
  • precesión de los equinoccios | La Placa Madre

    21 Jul 2014 ... Posts about precesión de los equinoccios written by Uno. ... En Egipto, las Siete
    Hathor de la manada celeste fueron nombradas en un hechizo ...
  • Zodiaco de Dendera - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    ... una cámara dedicada a Osiris en el templo de Hathor de Dendera, en Egipto.
    ... la pieza, que los antiguos egipcios conocían la precesión de los equinoccios.
  • Historia de la Astronomía - Astroanoia

    1 Jun 2009 ... Esta precesión – o retroceso - de los equinoccios en el plano de la ... del siglo
    XIII a.C. donde se presenta a Seti junto a la diosa Hathor.
  • el misterio de las piramides y la esfinge de gizeh 2ª parte

    conscienciadespierta.wordpress.com/.../el-misterio-de-las-piramides-y-la- esfinge-de-gizeh-2a-parte/
    3 Feb 2012 ... Precesión de los equinoccios .... El templo de Déndera, es el templo de la Diosa
    Hathor, La Dama del Cielo y todos los fundamentos de la ...
  • La Placa Madre | Historias de la Antigüedad

    6 Ago 2014 ... En Egipto, las Siete Hathor de la manada celeste fueron nombradas en ..... La
    precesión de los equinoccios explica que las estrellas no están ...
  • La Revelación de Dendera - Nuestro Momento en El Mítico Orden ...

    Tal precisión no es posible sin el conocimiento de la dirección hacia el centro ...
    El mito de Hathor y su hijo Horus enlaza nuestra historia colectiva de las .... de
    los Peces, Piscis, mostrando la alineación del equinoccio de primavera al final
    del ...
  • Axial precesión, Precesión nomenclatura, Efectos, Historia ...

    Hiparco llegaron a la conclusión de que los equinoccios se movían a través del
    ... El zodiaco de Dendera, una estrella de ruta desde el templo de Hathor en ...
  • Fiesta de la apertura del año nuevo - Los Egiptos de Adina

    ... y debido a la precesión de los equinoccios, la fecha de aparición de Sothis se
    ha ido ... Ritual de Solarización: Hathor recibiendo los rayos de su padre Ra.

    10 Ago 2012 ... PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS-PUERTA DE DIOS Y ..... Both Hathor, Isis
    and Bat are all cow goddesses and Egyptologists have often ...
  • Tradición andina: edad de oro - Resultado de Google Books

    Zodiaco de dendera y la Precesion de los Equinoccios El templo de ... Este
    Templo esta dedicado a Hathor, la diosa del amor, de la alegría y de la belleza.

  • Resposta  Mensagem 17 de 50 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2014 02:26
    Cerca de 3.200 resultados

    Resposta  Mensagem 18 de 50 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2014 02:34

    como la Precesión de los
    607 × 451 - 372k - png

    Precesion de los equinoccios
    348 × 264 - 40k - jpg

    Esta divinidad cósmica, es
    659 × 600 - 68k - jpg

    507 × 506 - 84k - jpg

    Representación de la diosa
    800 × 600 - 329k - jpg

    1280 × 800 - 113k - jpg

    por los sucesores de Horus
    632 × 474 - 51k - jpg

    Diosa egipcia Hathor
    180 × 290 - 25k - jpg

    precesión. Si en el equinoccio
    340 × 331 - 94k - jpg

    0º LIBRA TROPICAL: Equinoccio
    1024 × 768 - 422k - png

    Zodiaco del Templo de Hathor
    1900 × 1900 - 2521k - jpg

    afrodita, Hathor, tauro,
    900 × 675 - 79k - jpg

    Solticios y Equinoccios:
    1500 × 1071 - 412k - jpg

    Research Institue que está
    478 × 315 - 3k - gif

    Tierra (precesión de los
    300 × 156 - 8k - jpg

    librería en
    2135 × 1692 - 2263k - jpg

    el equinoccio de primavera
    514 × 441 - 164k - jpg

    pueblo judío.
    454 × 340 - 47k - jpg

    480 × 371 - 73k - jpg

    templo de Hathor Se trata
    1200 × 797 - 89k - jpg

    Resposta  Mensagem 19 de 50 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2014 02:38
    Cerca de 50.500 resultados

    Resposta  Mensagem 20 de 50 no assunto 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/08/2014 17:57

    The 36 Decans on the Zodiac of
    443 × 421 - 31k - gif

    rectangular zodiac decans
    391 × 255 - 185k - png

    The Zodiac of Denderah South
    550 × 445 - 28k - gif

    Circular zodiac of Dendera. The 12 zodiac constellations are shown in green,
    850 × 858 - 183k - gif

    The circular Zodiac of Dendera
    684 × 737 - 169k - jpg

    seen in the Dendera zodiac
    360 × 296 - 31k - jpg

    rectangular zodiac decans
    231 × 255 - 133k - png

    Part of the rectangular zodiac. Mackey believed that the Dendera zodiacs
    686 × 469 - 410k - jpg

    Dendera zodiac.
    654 × 302 - 150k - gif

    September 25,
    593 × 593 - 281k - jpg

    For this zodiac also,
    387 × 394 - 106k - png

    20, Dendera, the
    405 × 168 - 27k - gif

    "Zodiac of Dendera" Courtesy
    299 × 305 - 42k - jpg

    rectangular Dendera zodiac
    568 × 230 - 288k - png

    Over the Zodiac of Dendera
    800 × 710 - 192k - jpg

    the Dendera zodiac ones
    383 × 293 - 186k - png

    The Axes of the Dendera zodiac
    445 × 450 - 126k - jpg

    zodiacales y las puramente
    800 × 597 - 264k - jpg

    zodiaco dendera
    800 × 358 - 268k - jpg

    The Dendera Zodiac
    475 × 559 - 88k - jpg

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