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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 22/05/2017 00:23

'Volver al futuro' cumple 30 años

  • Este 2015 se cumplen 30 años de que se estrenó en Estados Unidos la primera película de la trilogía Volver al futuro

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, México, ene. 15, 2015.- En Estados Unidos, el 3 de julio de 1985 se estrenó Volver al futuro con Michael J. Fox como protagonista. Fue la más taquillera de ese año.


 La historia coincidía con la esencia del discurso político de Ronald Reagan, quien aseguraba que el tiempo pasado era mejor que el presente que vivía su país. Que para resarcir el deterioro social de Estados Unidos consecuencia de los años 60, habría que retomar los valores de la década anterior.


Por accidente, un joven es enviado a los años 50 en una máquina del tiempo construida a partir de un auto deportivo. El invento era de su amigo y profesor, el doctor Emmett Brown. La trama se justifica porque Marty McFly debe salvar el matrimonio de sus padres. Para ello, viaja a la época en que sus padres estaban en la secundaria.


Dirigida por Robert Zemeckis, Volver al futuro es una trilogía. En noviembre de 1989 se estrenó la segunda parte. En esa historia los protagonistas se transportan al año 2015 y luego a 1955 para hacer algunos cambios para evitar el caos de su presente: 1985, pero sin alterar su primer viaje.


Un año después, se estrenó la tercera y última parte de la saga. Debido a que la vida del doctor Emmet Brown está en peligro, visitan el oeste en 1885. Luego de salvarle la vida, el Doc encuentra el amor, se casa, tiene hijos y, junto con su familia, viajan permanentemente en el tiempo. Entre 1991 y 1993, en Estados Unidos se transmitió en televisión la serie animada basada en la versión fílmica.


Volver al futuro se ha vuelto una película de culto para los amantes de los gadgets y las nuevas tecnologías. De un tiempo a la fecha se ha especulado sobre la filmación y estreno de una nueva entrega. Hasta el momento solo ha salido una edición remasterizada en DVD y Blue Ray con escenas inéditas y material extra.


El argumento esencial de Volver al futuro tendría referencias literarias como a La máquina del tiempo de H.G. Wells, incluso Un yanqui en la Corte del Rey Arturo de Mark Twain, o El ruido de un trueno de Ray Bradbury.


Además del sueño científico de los viajes en el tiempo, la trama de Volver al futuro también explora las teorías del efecto mariposa. Siempre con una historia de amor paralela a la principal, sería asimismo una alegoría del mundo ideal.


Debido a la celebración de los primeros 30 años del estreno de Volver al futuro, sobre todo en redes sociales, han surgido discusiones de sus fanáticos sobre cuáles de las posibilidades tecnológicas planteadas en las tramas de la trilogía se cumplieron y cuáles no.


Los zapatos tenis que se autoajustan aún son un mito. El hidratador de alimentos, la ropa con sistema de autosecado instantáneo y la correa que pasea perros sin que un humano la sostenga no existen todavía.


 Lo que sí es una realidad son las videollamadas, las tabletas, los anteojos inteligentes como los de realidad ampliada, la tecnología biométrica o identificadores de huellas dactilares, así como la holografía.


Algunos otros adelantos científicos presentados en Volver al futuro aun siguen en el laboratorio. Aunque en prototipo, ya se inventó el primer auto volador y está en proyecto la patineta voladora. Y la UNAM creó una máquina que convierte la basura en energía a través del proceso conocido como pirolisis.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/05/2017 00:24

Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
de Mark Twain
Connecticut Yankee4 new.jpg
Género Novela
Subgénero Fantasía, ciencia ficción, sátira y ucronía
Idioma Inglés
Fecha de publicación 1889
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo El bobo Wilson y The American Claimant
[editar datos en Wikidata]
Yankee in KAC book.JPG

Un yanqui en la corte del Rey Arturo (A Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court) es una obra literaria del escritor estadounidense Mark Twain que enmarca ideas religioso-políticas y conocimientos tecnológicos de la época del autor en una ficción caballeresca satírica. Al intervenir en una pelea y tras sufrir un golpe en la cabeza, el yanqui de Twain, Hank Morgan, es transportado hacia atrás en el tiempo llevando consigo todo el conocimiento tecnológico del siglo XIX y su ideología republicana y protestante.


Cuenta la historia de un norteamericano del siglo XIX que en circunstancias increíbles, menciona la 'transposición' de cuerpos, viaja a través del tiempo y va a parar al mítico siglo VI inglés que se describe en los libros de las leyendas artúricas.

Hank es condenado a morir en la hoguera. Sin embargo, y al coincidir el momento de su ejecución con un eclipse de sol, se salva amenazando con no dejar llegar la luz del sol y sumir al pueblo en las tinieblas. Al creerle en posesión de asombrosas facultades mágicas, el rey Arturo lo deja libre y lo nombra ministro suyo. Más adelante, será el pueblo mismo, y tras alguno de sus 'mágicos' logros, el que le conceda el título de Jefe que Hank llevará con orgullo.

Hank no comprende qué sucede en un primer instante, pero en seguida se adapta, y haciéndose cargo de la situación, empieza a utilizar sus conocimientos para crear el contexto social y las instituciones que él considera necesarias para convertir esa Inglaterra medieval en un país del siglo XIX.

Enlaces externos[editar]


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/06/2015 20:02


UN YANQUI EN LA CORTE DEL REY ARTURO. Título original: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Año 1949. País: Estados Unidos. Director: Tay Garnett. Reparto: Bing Crosby (Hank Martin), Rhonda Fleming (Alisande La Carteloise), Sir Cedric Hardwicke (Lord Pendragon / Rey Arturo), William Bendix (Sir Sagramore), Murvyn Vye (Merlin), Virginia Field (Morgan Le Fay), Joseph Vitale (Sir Logris), Henry Wilcoxon (Sir Lancelot), Richard Webb (Sir Galahad), Alan Napier (Verdugo), Julia Faye (Lady Penelope), Mary Field (mujer campesina), Ann Carter (niña campesina). Guión: Edmund Beloin (según novela de Mark Twain). Música: Victor Young. Fotografía: Ray Rennahan. Paramount Pictures. Duración: 106 minutos. Musical. Fantástico. Comedia. Aventuras | Edad Media. Viajes en el tiempo

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, conocido por el seudónimo de Mark Twain (Florida, Misuri, 30 de noviembre de 1835 – Redding, Connecticut, 21 de abril de 1910), fue un popular escritor, orador y humorista estadounidense. En 1889 publicó su famosa novela Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo, una de las primeras en utilizar la temática del viaje en el tiempo. De una forma accidental y sin dar ninguna explicación retrocede en el tiempo a la Edad Media y se encuentra nada más y nada menos en la corte de Camelot, un Camelot distinto a las leyendas porque la monarquía queda en sí mismo en mal lugar.
Mark Twain escribió la novela satírica para realizar un discurso político. El héroe busca modernizar la sociedad medieval pero choca con la cerrajón mental de aquel tiempo.
El cine vio en esta novela argumento para realizar una buena película pero generalmente sus adaptaciones nunca fueron fiel al original porque su presupuesto sería astronómico y sus textos darían lugar a varias películas prohibitivas económicamente.
La primera versión data de 1921 con Harry Myers, de la que no tenemos datos, la segunda ya sonora cuenta con la aparición protagonista del afamado Will Rogers,  dirigida en 1931 por David Butler. Sólo he visto algunas fotos de la misma y nada puedo añadir sobre el tema.
En 1949 se rodó la versión que nos ocupa con Bing Crosby. En 1955 una adaptación televisiva con Edie Albert y Boris Karloff como rey Arturo. Destaquemos un telefilme Un español en la corte del rey Arturo (1964) rodado en película de cine por TVE y dirigido por Fernando García de la Vega para el programa Escala en Hi-Fi en la que unos actores cantaban en play back discos ajenos. Ninguna otra adaptación merece ser citada aquí, a veces ofrecen espectáculos que producen vergüenza ajena por su pésima calidad por lo que no vamos a insistir.

La presente y technicoloreada versión está dirigida por Tay Garnett (Los Ángeles, California 13 de junio de 1894 – 3 de octubre de 1977) autor irregular de El cartero siempre llama dos veces (The Postman Always Rings Twice) (1946) y El caballero negro (The Black Knight) (1954). La película está al servicio del cara de luna del cine de Hollywood, el famoso crooner Bing Crosby, cantante de voz cálida pero como actor fue muy limitado. No resulta antipático, ni desagradable. Todo lo contrario, su personalidad es incluso simpática pero es poco convincente.
La película es pobre en guión porque eliminan mucho material de la novela quedando todo reducido a unas escasas incidencias. Los actores son muy dignos todos, cumplen sin excepción con su cometido y la  ambientación está lograda para el cartón piedra de la época. Lo malo es que más que contarnos una historia parece que nos encontramos ante un vehículo para que el protagonista se luzca, lo que consigue en algunas ocasiones. Para mí la mejor secuencia es aquella en que el rey Arturo (el entrañable Sir Cedric Hardwicke) en compañía del yanqui y Sir Sagramore (William Bendix) se disfrazan de vagabundos para conocer la realidad del pueblo de Inglaterra y van cantando y bailando como buenos colegas.
Pero la película, sobre todo por estar apoyada excesivamente en Crosby, no desarrolla plenamente sus tramas y queda como una película agradable, simpática, divertida y nada más.

Salvador Sáinz

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/05/2017 00:25

Viajamos con Mark Twain y su yanqui a la corte del Rey Arturo

12 de abril de 2015 por Dejar un comentario

Los viajes en el tiempo, conocer el pasado y descubrir el futuro, son un oscuro objeto de deseo. ¿Quién no ha deseado encontrarse una de esas cajas enterradas con objetos de años atrás? O mejor aún, enterrar tus propios presentes para los habitantes del futuro… Nos gusta, en cualquier caso, alterar la línea temporal que las leyes de la física nos marca. ¿De qué son fruto grandes novelas como La máquina del tiempo, de HG Wells; o películas como Regreso al futuro (1985)? De nuestro inherente deseo de controlar el pasado y el futuro. Sí, el ser humano tiende a querer controlarlo todo, y lo que no puede controlar le aterra y fascina por igual. En eso se basa el miedo… Pero este es otro tema.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Sobre el viejo deseo han reflexionado infinidad de autores, y uno de ellos es uno de lo más importantes escritores norteamericanos, si no el que más. ¿De quién hablo? De Samuel Langhorne Clemens, por supuesto, más conocido por su seudónimo Mark Twain. Sí, será la primera vez en estos cinco maravillosos años de La Milana Bonita (se acerca nuestro cumpleaños) que analizaremos este clásico de la Literatura. Es lo bueno de que nos apasione el arte de las letras, que la retahíla de autores por analizar es prácticamente infinita. La novela que pasará por nuestra redacción no es otra que Un yanki en la corte del Rey Arturo.

Publicada en 1889, narra las peripecias de Hank, natural de Connecticut, EEUU, que, tras un fuerte golpe en la cabeza, se despierta en una desconocida pradera asediado por un extraño viandante. ¿Cota de malla, armadura, ser su prisionero? Sí, Hank ha viajado 1300 años atrás en el tiempo, dejando atrás su ya entrado siglo XIX por el peligroso y caballeresco siglo VI inglés. Además, para mayores problemas, ha sido hecho prisionero y la horca le está esperando. Pero 1300 años de historia de la humanidad deben servir para algo, por lo que tirará de ingenio para tratar de salir ileso del embrollo, por llamarlo de alguna forma.

Portada original de la edición de 1889

Portada original de la edición de 1889

Esta satírica novela del prolífico escritor estadounidense juega con el eterno anhelo de viajar al pasado. Pero la obra es mucho más que eso. De hecho, en opinión de algunos en la redacción de La Milana, no es más que un artificio bien usado que permite al autor contraponer ideas político-religiosas y sociales. ¿Acaso el principal objetivo de Twain era ridiculizar las maneras inglesas en contraposición a los prácticamente recién independizados (100 años en la Historia es prácticamente un rutinario y actual milisegundo) Estados Unidos? Sobre esta y otras cuestiones versará el programa al que, como cada semana, estáis más que invitados.

¡Y atentos, porque no faltarán las sorpresas!


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/04/2016 13:33

Part Three, Water in the Desert, Ramps verses Crocodiles



There have been many books and television shows about how the Great Pyramids were built. Let us start with those theories on how to build the pyramid the hard way: Most of those theories used ramps of some kind.1 Though on the late night talk shows some guests say the lifting of the stone was done by space aliens, other theories say the lifting was done by Giant Cone headed men that hummed them into place, still others say the lifting was done by good or bad Angels. My favorite failed theory was airlifting the stones. We will talk about that theory but even that system was far too slow.

The Long Ramp Theory

The mainstream theories of the Egyptologist use ramps. The most common is the long ramp. The theory goes: that the slaves could not push a huge block of stone up a gradient of more than (ten to one) ten feet of horizontal movement2 to one-foot vertical movement. To build the Pyramid to the projected height of 480 feet tall with ramps, you would need a ramp four thousand, eight hundred feet long of material that is very hard and smooth. (Have you ever tried to push a car in sand?). The volume of materials that would be needed would be more than EIGHT MILLION CUBIC YARDS3. Nevertheless, some construction engineers say to lift all those stones; it would take FOUR of those ramps4 which would be more than THIRTY TWO-MILLION cubic yards of materials5. The Great Pyramid itself only has a little more than two-point eight million cubic yards of materials. But where did all the materials6 go that were used to build those ramps after the construction was finished?



Spiral Ramp Theory

Former professor, John Blaines of Oxford University developed a spiral ramp theory by which the Egyptians went round and round the pyramid until the stone blocks on log rollers reached the top.7 The problem is that those log rollers do not make tight turns. The blocks would fall off before they could make the turn. Unless the ramps were far beyond the foot print of the structure itself which would take almost as much materials as a straight Long Ramp.



Many Fringe Egyptologist say Edward Leedskalnin knew the secret method used to lift the stones used in the pyramid construction. Sadly, No, Ed used a large compressor and tube type truck tires as lifting bags to air lift the stones for his Corral Castle in Miami, Florida. No magic, sorry, a photo shows an air compressor in the background taken during the construction phase –simple but effective– Nonetheless, Egyptians had a much faster and easier way of moving stones.

Aesop’s Thirsty Dog

In this story, the Dog (the common or unclean) was thirsty. However, the water that he was given by the stork or Egyptian Ibis (Thoth) was in the bottom of a narrow container. Making an easy drink for the Dog impossible, Even so, the Dog solved his problem by placing stones into the container, in so doing raised the water level allowing him to drink. That problem of thirst and the solution of placing stones into a water source is the “Key Stone” to understanding the Egyptian process of stacking the stones 450 feet above the valley floor. The Geological records of the river Nile basin and the world wide sea level records (see charts8), tell us that in the later portion of the Pleistocene Epoch Earth was in a time of Great Drought. Even so, at that time of drought, (12,500 to 13,500 years ago) the Nile river level suddenly rose by hundreds of feet, an event that turned the Nile River Valley and delta into a fruitful place for man in a time the rest of the world was in a Great Drought. Then almost as suddenly eight thousand years later about 2141 years before the Christian era began the river levels dropped about the same amount.


The Geological Record of Egypt


Great Pyramids were constructed about 13,000 years ago

The Gatekeepers of knowledge will not consider the evidence that the three Great Pyramids were constructed about 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch. To have that date verified would foul up their carefully crafted “Traditions” of the development of Civilization. Verifying that there was a civilization that far advanced would cause “The Traditions” of countless Scholars to go up in “Smoke.”


Even so, there is evidence of just that construction date. The Book of Job places the Great Pyramid construction in a time when Polaris was a seasonal star of early summer, not a Pole star as it is today. Polaris only becomes a seasonal star when the Progressions of the Equinoxes moves that star below the Northern Horizon Circle. That only happens to Polaris once every 26,000 years and then only for a few years, and the last time Polaris was under the Northern Horizon Circle was 12,000 to 13,000 years ago, A time that matches the astronomer, Robert Bauva’s10 alignment of three Great Pyramids with the three stars of Orion’s Belt. Bauva determined that the three Great pyramids have the same relationship in size ratio and placement as the three stars in the Belt of Orion as they were seen from earth 12,450 years ago.11 Even the colors of those stars match the three Great Pyramids, white, red and white.

three Pyramids white

This one shall comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands

These pieces of “seemingly implausible” evidence have been rejected by the Gate Keeper of History; nevertheless, the “Spinner of Time” has locked those pieces of silk threads into place with geological records of The Nile River Valley. Geological records show the Nile River level rising hundreds of feet during a time of World Wide Drought12, a river level rise that has NO NATURAL reason to rise during a time of regional drought.

About that time (13,000 years ago) a man named Lemech who had a son and when he was born Lemech said of his son:

This one shall comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the lord has cursed.”13

The son of Lemech went by many Names: Gilgamesh called him Utnapishtim,14 The Aztecs called him Coxcoxtli15, the Central Americans called him Tezcatil16, To the Brahmans he had the name Manu17. This man also authored most of the book now known as the Book of Enoch, because portions of his book were incorporated into the Book of Enoch over the centuries.


All the same, we must first deal with another member of “the family”; Great-Great-Great Grandpa Khunm (Khain) Khufu. The name Khufu meant in the ancient Semitic tongue, “to cover up.18 And in Greek, Cheops means, a well-watered garden19. Khufu built the Great Pyramid and controlled the annual flooding of the Nile River. Now how did he do his amazing feats of engineering, like controlling the flooding of the Nile? The same way the Egyptians control the annually flooding now: with an irrigation dam of course. As Sherlock Homes would say, “The Game is a foot.” The development of irrigation systems was said to be the one of the biggest factors in the civilization of man. Egypt is the birthplace of that science.20 Along the Nile, irrigation was used and Egypt became known as “Wheat Cakes.” The problem with the Nile is that the river is in flood or drought. That is one of the reasons that the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser were built, to regulate the flow of the Nile

Plateau or Valley?

The Experts say that, “The Great Pyramid is on a big flat plateau”, giving you pictures of a flat land that looks as if that plateau goes on for hundreds of miles, and that plateau does go on for hundreds of miles. Even so, the River Nile cuts a very deep valley through that plateau. Back in the country where I come from we call that kind of thinking being a “Flat Lander;” or what you might call being a two-dimensional thinker.

 74jpg Isis Dam sat zzz

The Nile river valley is hundreds of feet deep and in some places eight to twelve miles wide then narrowing to spots like where the Aswan dam is now, and behind that dam is Lake Nasser which is the Second Sea of Nun. This lake is very important in the history of the future.

Egypt Sat

These narrows in the Nile valley are called cataracts. There is a narrowing just up the river from Cairo and then the Nile River begins its delta. That narrows is a lot wider now than it was ten thousand years ago; although just a few years ago a hydroelectric dam project was canceled at that point. The reason was that dam’s lake would have covered the Great Pyramid.


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/06/2017 19:10
"EUA": El techo del Capitolio (techo del domo, la cúpula) y la pintura del fresco

Washington DC: el Capitolio es en realidad un                       templo solemne de los "EUA"  Capitolio, el fresco en el domo con un hueco                       del sol (oculus) - de Constantino Brumidi (1865)
Washington DC: el Capitolio es en realidad un templo solemne de los "EUA" - Capitolio, el fresco en el domo con un hueco del sol (oculus) - de Constantino Brumidi (1865)

Ese techo del Capitolio está con simbolismo así el Capitolio sale como un templo solemno de "América" con un fresco en la mitad del domo. George Washington está sentado en un arco iris y es acompañado por 13 mujeres. George Washington es convertido en un dios (28min.5seg.). En el margen hay 6 grupos que cuentan historias sobre los "dioses antiguos" [son extraterrestres]. Los líderes de esos grupos son:
-- Mercurio
-- Volcano
-- Neptuno
-- Ceres
-- Minerva
-- Colombia.

Capitolio en Washington DC: el fresco con 6                         historias de 6 dioses [extraterrestres]
Capitolio en Washington DC: el fresco con 6 historias de 6 dioses [extraterrestres]

Con la historia oficial de los "EUA" esos dioses [extraterrestres] no tienen NADA (28min.28seg.).

Alrededor del fresco hay 72 estrellas llamando los dioses en la tradición judía mística (28min.33seg.). En 72 años el planeta Tierra avanza 1 grado de precisión (28min.45seg.).

El culto de Isis en el Capitolio
Isis es representada muchas veces en ese fresco (cripto referencias): en el fresco con Ceres hay la diosa Flora con senos libres, hay una mujer "América Joven" con un "gorro de libertad", y hay una diosa Ceres, la diosa de agricultura (29min.5seg.).

Una hoja de trigo es muchas veces el símbolo para una diosa de la natura, p.e. para la diosa Virgo (29min.12seg.). Senos libre y un gorro de libertad como la "Libertad" de la "Revolución Francesa" son bien conocidos como tributos de Isis (29min.17seg.). Las diosas siguientes representan Isis: Naturaleza, Justicia, Libertad, y Columbia (29min.39seg.).

El "gorro de libertad" ("gorro rojo") es mostrado en más lugares, p.e. en monedas de dólares, en el logotipo del senado de Washington DC (29min.58seg.). La diosa "Libertad" está aun en la punta del domo del Capitolio, y los arquitectos fueron obsesionados de la idea de Isis la que es en realidad la diosa de la "Libertad" (30min.13seg.). 

[Esa libertad es puro racismo de los blancos porque los nativos con todo su saber sobre Madre Tierra no cuentan].

El cuadrado de Washington DC - el "Distrito de Columbia" - el faro de Isis - y "Alexandria" con el Monumento Nacional Masónico a George Washington

El cuadrado de Washington DC está "at                         quadratum" en una punta, 1791
El cuadrado de Washington DC está "at quadratum" en una punta, 1791

En el año 1791 el Sr. George Washington marcó el cuadrado de DC. Y más tarde una ciudad de "Alexandria" fue creada en Virginia al lado donde hay una isla en la cual han construido un monumento que es similar al faro de Isis que fue en una isla cerca de la costa de la ciudad de Alexandria de Egipto. Ese faro de Isis fue tan fuerte así fue llamado "estrella del mar", y es uno de los milagros del mundo egipcio (31min.7seg.). La torre del Monumento Nacional Masónico a George Washington en "Alexandria" es la elevación la más alta de la ciudad y es construido de 3 cubos que son siempre más pequeños. Eso es una copia del faro de Isis de Egipto. El simbolismo [con 3 cubos de tamaño diferente] puede ser encontrado también en Londres [en la Iglesia del Temple francmasón] y en París [con los tres arcos] (31min.28seg.).

Washington DC, Arlington y Alexandria -                         para más culto de Isis  Alexandria: el faro para el culto de Isis                         "Monumento Nacional Masónico" es la                         elevación la más alta de Alexandria
Washington DC, Arlington y Alexandria - para más culto de Isis - Alexandria: el faro para el culto de Isis "Monumento Nacional Masónico" es la elevación la más alta de Alexandria

Elementos egipcios en los "EUA" - ¿por qué?

Hay Alexandria, hay Isis, y hay esfinges allá en las fachadas en Washington DC (31min.40seg.).

Washington DC: conexiones con la estrella Sirio - el culto egipcio de Sirio en Washington DC
El principio del orto helíaco
[Los faraones de Egipto Antiguo fueron extraterrestres de la estrella Sirio. Por eso en la cultura antigua de Egipto vivieron con la adoración de esa estrella (sol) de Sirio lo que se encuentra en la constelación del Canis Mayor [Perro Grande] aunque casi jamás es visible en ese lugar (!), ver los libros de Däniken].

En el hemisferio del norte de la Tierra esa estrella (sol) Sirio solo es visible durante unos días por año un corto tiempo antes de la salida del sol. Ese fenómeno de ser visible solo corto tiempo antes de la salida del sol se llama "orto helíaco" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliacal_rising). Wikipedia indica sobre Sirio que la visibilidad de Sirio tenía su función en el calendario de Egipto y también en otros calendarios de otros cultos: "En la lengua popular Sirio es también conocido como la "Estrella del Perro", reflectando su origen en esa constelación del Canis Mayor (Perro Grande). En Egipto Antiguo el orto helíaco de Sirio marcó las inundaciones por el río Nilo y para los griegos antiguos marcó los "días del perro" del verano, mientras a los polinesios en la hemisferio del sur la estrella marcó el invierno y fue un punto de referencia importante para la navegación en el Pacífico."

(original inglés: "Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog).[18] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians in the Southern Hemisphere the star marked winter and was an important reference for their navigation around the Pacific Ocean." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius).

Ahora el Sr. Scott Onstott afirma eso: las logias, "caballeros", francmasones e iluminati instalaron muchas avenidas que apuntan a ese orto helíaco a esa estrella Sirio: la avenida Pensilvania en Washington DC, la avenida grande de Champs Élysées en París etc.]:
La avenida Pensilvania apunta al orto helíaco de Sirio (31min.48seg.). Los egipcianos antiguos tenían la base de su calendario en ese "orto helíaco" (31min.53seg.). Sirio fue dedicado a Isis (32min.0seg.) respectivamente primero a la diosa Sopdet y más tarde fue cambiado su nombre en Isis. Ella manejó las inundaciones del río Nilo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius).

Durante los primeros días del agosto Sirio es visible de la Casa Blanca directamente sobre el edificio del Capitolio - corto tiempo antes de la salida del sol (32min.9seg.).

Sirio en la constelación del Perro Grande                         (Canis Mayor)  Sirio es visible sobre el Capitolio, vista                         de la Casa Blanca durante unas noches del inicio                         de agosto unos minutos antes de la salida del                         sol
Sirio en la constelación del Perro Grande (Canis Mayor) - Sirio es visible sobre el Capitolio, vista de la Casa Blanca durante unas noches del inicio de agosto unos minutos antes de la salida del sol

Durante esos días cuando Sirio es visible en la madrugada unos minutos antes de la salida del sol se puede ver también la puesta del sol precisamente sobre el Capitolio iluminando la avenida Pensilvania (32min.17seg.).

Washington DC - 2 pentagramas (estrellas con 5 puntos) - cruz de templarios

En total Washington DC es estructurado con 2 estrellas de pentagramas (estrellas de 5 puntos) que tocan una a otra en el Capitolio. Al lado izquierdo Y al lado derecho salen avenidas de manera inclinada del Capitolio. El estadio RFK (estadio Kennedy) fue precisamente construido en un ángulo interno de una de esas estrellas. Y también verticalmente salen avenidas como rayos inclinados. Considerando todas las avenidas inclinadas que salen del Capitolio sale un cruz de templarios (32min.53seg.).

Washington DC con diseño vial con 2                         pentagramas (estrellas de 5 puntos)   Washington DC, el diseño vial muestra una                         cruz de templarios
Washington DC con diseño vial con 2 pentagramas (estrellas de 5 puntos) - Washington DC, el diseño vial muestra una cruz de templarios

Templarios instalaron todo el simbolismo en Washington DC. Puede ser que los templarios han salido, pero los francmasones son activos hasta hoy todavía (33min.4seg.).

[Templarios y francmasones son el MISMO grupo, y su actividad manipuladora hay desde 1000es de años ya. También las religiones son invenciones de ellos con un "Jesús" de fantasía con un grado 33 - también el "Mahoma" es fantasía, es probado con el libro "Good bye Mohammed" - ver en Amazon. Todo es un juego con las poblaciones mundiales].

Washington DC con edificios y monumentos como signos zodiacales - el Triángulo Federal - Isis (Virgo) y Osiris (Leo)

David Ovason detecta en su libro "La arquitectura secreta" (original inglés: "The Secret Architecture") que Washington DC tiene más signos zodiacales que cada otra ciudad en el mundo - están concentrados en el "Triángulo Federal" (33min.25seg.). Hay estructuras gubernamentales allá, p.e. los Archivos Nacionales (National Archives), la Oficina Nacional del Correo (National Post Office), el Departamento de Justicia (Department of Justice) etc. Allá hay signos zodiacales, sobre todo Virgo (33min.51seg.).

Washington DC: el "Triángulo Federal"                     con edificios administrativas federales importantes  Washington DC: el Triángulo Federal con las                     estrellas Spica (Virgo), Regulus (Leo) y Arcturus                     (Boyero)
Washington DC: el "Triángulo Federal" con edificios administrativas federales importantes - Washington DC: el Triángulo Federal con las estrellas Spica (Virgo), Regulus (Leo) y Arcturus (Boyero)

Cuando se completa el "Triángulo Federal" así sale el triángulo Casa Blanca - Monumento a Washington - Capitolio (34min.20seg.). El Monumento a Washington fue movido un poco - puede ser para respetar la línea del Monumento a Jefferson a la Casa Blanca o porque no había un piso duro allá (34min.25seg.). Las constelaciones son como así: Virgo sobre el Triángulo Federal y Leo sobre el Capitolio (34min.32seg.). Las estrellas son las siguientes:
-- Arcturus (Casa Blanca)
-- Spica (Monumento a Washington)
-- Regulus (Capitolio) (34min.58seg.).

El astrónomo francés masónico Jerôme Lalande [1732-1807] dijo: Virgo es dedicado a Isis, y Leo a su esposo Osiris (34min.40seg.). Virgo apunta a la Casa Blanca con su mano derecha, y con la mano izquierda ella ha tomado el obelisco del Monumento a Washington, puede ser eso simboliza el pene de Osiris como alusión a la conexión en la historia de Isis y Osiris (35min.10seg.).

Washington DC con Spica (constelación Virgo),                     Regulus (constelación Leo) y Arcturus (constelación                     Boyero)
Washington DC con Spica (constelación Virgo), Regulus (constelación Leo) y Arcturus (constelación Boyero)

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/03/2018 17:31
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
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Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/03/2018 18:15
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
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Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
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Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para pyramid dollar bill
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para NUMBER 13 FREEMASONRY
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Resultado de imagen para MILKY WAY CLOCK
Resultado de imagen para MILKY WAY CLOCK

comp 2014


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Resultado de imagen para einstein estupidez infinita
Juan 16:21 La mujer cuando da a luz, tiene dolor, porque ha llegado su HORA; pero después que ha dado a luz un niño, ya no se acuerda de la angustia, por el gozo de que haya nacido un hombre en el mundo.
Resultado de imagen para back to the future BABY
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Resultado de imagen para simchat torah kabbalah 22 tishri
Resultado de imagen para CLOCK STAR OF DAVID
Resultado de imagen para exagon phi

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/04/2018 17:23

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Wernher von Braun
Wernher von Braun.jpg
Wernher von Braun en mayo de 1964 en su despacho del Marshall Space Flight Center, en Huntsville (Alabama), con varios modelos de sus cohetes.
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacimiento 23 de marzo de 1912
Bandera de Alemania WyrzyskImperio alemán, actual Bandera de PoloniaPolonia
Fallecimiento 16 de junio de 1977 (65 años)
Bandera de Estados Unidos AlexandriaVirginiaEstados Unidos
Causa de la muerte Cáncer de páncreas y cáncer hepático Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Residencia Alemania y Estados Unidos
Nacionalidad Alemán y estadounidense
Religión Luteranismo y cristianismo evangélico Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Partido político Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemán Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Padres Magnus von Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Emmy von Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Cónyuge Maria Luise von Quistorp
Educación Ph.D. Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Alma máter Universidad Técnica de Berlín
Supervisor doctoral Erich Schumann Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Área Ingeniería aeronáutica
Conocido por Diseño y construcción del V2 y del Saturno 5
Empleador Tercer ReichBandera de Alemania nazi (1933-1945)
SSFlag of the Schutzstaffel.svg (1940-1945)
NASA NASA logo.svg (1950-1972)
Rama militar Schutzstaffel Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Participó en Segunda Guerra Mundial Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Miembro de
  • Schutzstaffel (1940–1945) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
  • Cruz del Mérito de Guerra
  • Gran Cruz de la Orden del Mérito de la República Federal de Alemania
  • Medalla Rudolf Diesel
  • National Aviation Hall of Fame
  • Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy (1958)
  • Medalla Elliott Cresson (1962)
  • Langley Gold Medal (1967)
  • Member of the Alabama Academy of Honor (1969)
  • NASA Distinguished Service Medal (1969)
  • Wilhelm Exner Medal (1969)
  • Medalla Nacional de Ciencia (1975)
  • Werner-von-Siemens-Ring (1975) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Firma VonBraun-sig.png
[editar datos en Wikidata]

Reply  Message 29 of 29 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/04/2018 14:07
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Reply Delete message  Message 30 of 30 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/04/2018 13:57
Resultado de imagen para alexandria virginia mapa

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/04/2018 20:25
Resultado de imagen para turkey grail

Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/05/2018 18:11
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL MARS REVELATION 12

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/06/2018 14:07
Resultado de imagen para BIBLIA MARCO TEXTO Y CONTEXTO
Resultado de imagen para BIBLIA MARCO TEXTO Y CONTEXTO
1 Pedro 5:13: La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi HIJO, os saludan.

If you were to start in Ancient Babylon on the plains of Shinar in what is now downtown Baghdad, you would be 33.3 degrees E latitude. This is just about where most experts place the tower of Babel . You would also be near the banks of the Tigress river  with the Euphrates river to your west before you would hit the end of this large desert valley surrounded by mountains plateaus and mesas. If you were to walk a straight line west to about 380 some miles, you would be on the top of MT Herbon












Babilonia/babel estaba ubicada en la mesopotamia asiatica en el paralelo 33, que es el PARALELO DE LA PRODUCCION DEL VINO A NIVEL MUNDIAL.

Resultado de imagen para latitud 33
Resultado de imagen para latitud 33
Resultado de imagen para latitud 33
Resultado de imagen para latitud 33
Resultado de imagen para latitud 33
Resultado de imagen para latitud 33

Respuesta  Mensaje 544 de 544 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/06/2018 14:02
Resultado de imagen para SANTIAGO Y JUAN EFESO Y ESPAÑA
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
San Pedro
Escudo de San Pedro (Buenos Aires).png
Otros nombres: «El Verde Más Cercano»
San Pedro ubicada en Provincia de Buenos Aires
San Pedro
San Pedro
Localización de San Pedro en Provincia de Buenos Aires
Coordenadas 33°40′46″S 59°40′01″OCoordenadas: 33°40′46″S 59°40′01″O (mapa)
Idioma oficial español
Entidad Ciudad
 • País Bandera de Argentina Argentina
 • Provincia Bandera de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.svg Buenos Aires
 • Partido San Pedro
Intendente Cecilio Salazar, (Cambiemos-FE)
 • Declarada
26 de agosto de 1748(269 años)
25 de julio de 1907(110 años), por (Ley Provincial N° 3040)1
 • Media 31 m s. n. m.
Clima Templado
Población (2010)  
 • Total 47 452 hab.
Gentilicio sampedrino/a
Huso horario UTC -3
Código postal 2930
Prefijo telefónico 03329
Patrono(a) Virgen del Socorro
Variación intercensal
+12,6 % (2001 - 2010)

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/06/2018 14:33
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGON WASHINGTON D.C WAR

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/06/2018 15:05

Sunday, February 25, 2007

9/11's Pentagon Pyramid and the Martian Stargate (Part 3 of 3)


In Part 1 we learned about and investigated synchromysticly the claim that George W. Bush is Aleister Crowley's grand-son. The few of you who bravely weathered that speculation were challenged yet again in Part 2 where connections between dynastic secret society family Bush, Pyramids/The Sphinx/Horus and 9/11 were suggested. Now that I have shaken off those with rigid belief systems or 'squares', the handful of us left can 'go the whole hog' and head for space. There is a disturbing trend on the net of making fun of those who would dare connect 9/11 to aliens. Would-be hecklers get ready, this one's for you...

Please check out my new podcast with Greg from "Occult of Personality"

German director Wolfgang Peterson's films were used as synchro-mystic crystal ball in Part 1 while investigating the validity of the claim that George W. Bush is a blood relative of Aleister Crowley. Specifically, the film "The Never Ending Story" was shown to contain Sphinxes (resonating Horus) and a reference to the "Moonchild". We looked at another Peterson film, "Air Force One" with Harrison Ford, as it concerns the President of the U.S.A. and a terrorist airplane hijacking, in resonance with 9/11. Included in this "Air Force One" American President and 9/11 resonance was the concept of the Holy Grail, the Grail having been the prize Harrison Ford (as Indiana Jones) searched for in the heavily Templar-themed "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". This post will continue using a few Peterson films syncromysticly. That is, I will look for meaningful coincidences involving these films, that resonate with occult and mystical significance and much more...

Peterson's Brad Pitt-starring "Troy" has been mentioned in these pages before as has the concept that many historical and biblical references believed to be "Israelite" are in fact real Egyptian Hyksos Pharaoh incidents that have been altered over time to suit the currently reigning ideological agenda.

Another posts dealing with Egyptian Hyksos Israelite syncs:
Akhenaton the Ancient Astronaut and the 9/11 Stargate

Ralph Ellis posits that the Trojan war was another such obfuscated historical incident. The reality of the Trojan war (as portrayed in Homer's "Iliad") being rather an invasion by Hyksos-Israelite forces into Egypt than as generally believed "Greek" forces trying to recapture stolen Helen.

"As I have speculated previously, one possible explanation for all of this is that the Sea People confederation was organized and lead by elements of the exiled Hyksos-Israelite nation... lead by the descendants of Pharaoh Dannus [Pharaoh Ay]" p.199, "Eden in Egypt"

Can any esoteric Egyptian resonance be found in or surrounding "Troy" and other pop-culture Trojan war references that might help support this claim?

Brad Pitt's presence in "Troy" alone already helps support this Hyksos-Trojan connection as his girlfriend Angelina Jolie has battled the Illuminati in "Tomb Raider". She is seen, in the Indiana Jones inspired film, jumping into a stargate (time vortex) and running up a giant pyramid after an artifact that resembles a free-floating triangular capstone or Benben. Pretty cool for our speculation; still a very poor film.

Another way of confirming the specific occult pyramid resonance of Brad Pitt is by sighting his leading role in last year's simply and relevantly titled, "Babel". Babel, the famous biblical tower that aspired to reach the heavens, is another intentionally veiled reference to the Great Pyramid of Giza, according to Ralph Ellis.

I have repeatedly pointed out over the last few posts how the Twin Towers and building seven intentionally invoked the three Great Pyramids at Giza during their ritualistic destruction. Interesting then, to see how the Tower of Babel and the Twin Towers can all esoterically be viewed as veiled pyramids.

A quick rundown of the most compelling evidence that the Twin Towers and building 7 were intended to symbolize and invoke the three great Pyramids of Giza:

*The floor plan of the WTC plaza seen from above reveals the Twin Towers symmetry to the two great Pyramids at Giza.

Overhead plan of the WTC complex compared to the layout of the three Great Pyramids of Giza. The double squares of the Twin Towers are a very good match for the Great Pyramids. Contemplation of the Orion/Pyramid connection observation made by Robert Bauval lead to this WTC/Pyramid clue.

*A profile view reveals the similar relative sizes of the ancient Pyramids and their modern counterparts, the Twin Towers and building seven.

Two almost equally sized buildings, WTC 1 and 2, and one much smaller WTC 7.

Compare the three Great Pyramids of Giza, two larger, one much smaller.

*The first degree Masonic tracing board's three pillars makes this comparison far more compelling realizing that the three pillars have the same relative sizes as the three towers destroyed on 9/11 and that the pillars themselves are modeled, originally, after the three Great Pyramids of Giza and Solomon's Temple (itself based on the layout and design of Giza).

"For instance, this is why the tracing board portrays the three pillars as all being of different heights, with two larger pillars in the foreground and a much smaller one behind. This is not simply a matter of perspective, as the two foreground pillars are placed at exactly the same depth within the picture, but are given slightly different heights; while a much smaller pillar lies behind. Yet this depiction exactly reflects the reality at Giza, where two major pyramids are nearly but not quite of the same height, while the third is much smaller."
"Eden in Egypt," p. 165, by Ralph Ellis

*"The Sphere" sculpture which stood right in the centre of the WTC plaza was deliberately intended to represent the Kaaba at Mecca, a holy Muslim sight of pilgrimage believed by the faithful to contain a black stone which fell from heaven or was given to Abraham (a Hyksos Pharaoh). The black stone could be a meteorite or representation of the Benben (heavily pyramid resonating) or provocatively, both!

* The destroyed buildings in N.Y. were situated on an island (Manhattan) just like representations of the primordial mound rising from the watery chaos in ancient Egyptian creation myths and seen portrayed in Masonic imagery.

The Island of Manhattan, with its three pillars: WTC 1, 2 and 7.
The primordial mound of Atum (island) rising out of the chaotic waters of the void. The mound/island sports the three candles representing the three pillars of the first degree tracing board, themselves, as we have learned thanks to Ellis, representations of the Great Pyramids of Giza. This image was scanned from a third degree certificate I bought at a flea market.

For more details on this subject try:
Contacting God our Alien Creator: The Occult Motivation for the 9/11 Mega-Ritual

Having shown convincingly (I believe) how the Twin Towers and building seven are intended to invoke the Pyramids of Giza in a decidedly Freemasonic symbol system and having learned the true identity of the Tower of Babel as pyramid itself, we can now see how towers have in many instances been used as veiled pyramids and how Brad Pitt's "Babel" (nominated for best picture and director Oscar this year) synchromysticly invokes the Pyramids of Giza.

Getting back to the Trojan war we have a classic bit of Monty Python comedy to ponder. In "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" we see a 'Trojan Rabbit' spoofing the famous giant horse the Greeks used in the "Iliad" to fool their way into Troy. A very overt sync between the Holy Grail and the Trojan horse can now be put forward for our consideration and illumination. The Grail is esoterically believed to be the Royal Bloodlines of Jesus Christ, still existing in certain monarchy of Europe through Mary the wife and sister of Jesus. It is also a simple task of connecting the Grail and the Trojan story line through proximity to King Arthur (a Grail legend) in the classic Python film. Aliens are included as the Pythons have featured E.T.'s numerous times in their routines and films. One such relevant connection is seen in "Life of Brian," where the messianic Brian is abducted by aliens, later to be crucified by the Romans as heretic. The Royal Bloodlines (Grail Kings) are, of course, believed to be descended from the Hyksos Egyptian Pharaohs (see researchers Michael Tsarion, Ralph Ellis, etc.) and aliens from Sirius or some such other worldly location (David Icke, Michael Tsarion, etc). Pharaohs like Akhenaton are shown in wall carvings as having grey alien features. Akhenaton was probably either expressing his own blood connection (DNA passed down from Atlantis/Mu?) or secret knowledge of the image of the gods. Connecting the Trojan (Hyksos Pharaoh) story to aliens as well as Egypt is another ulterior motive of the author as we head later to 9/11 (the modern pyramids of N.Y.), the stars and planet Mars.

I did a piece connecting the Grail to Mary and aliens here:
Pharaoh Jesus and the 9/11 Stargate. (WTC Pyramid: Part 1)

The idea of aliens involvement in humankind's early history and Royal Bloodlines carrying more original alien DNA in their bodies seems to divide many occult researchers and polarize readers. Some delight at the intrigue while others find it just too outlandish and unsubstantiated. Either way the syncronicities involved in 9/11 and Egypt point that way and my attention follows. As is my habit, I suggest accepting UFOs, aliens, stargates, etc. as metaphors for higher cosmic consciousness, illumination, etc. Therefore, in my view, the Royal Bloodlines could also be the 'Illuminati wizards' who understand magick and shamanic ecstasy as opposed to folks who have alien links. You may choose whichever fits your belief system more snugly, Illumination or real aliens who have interacted with mankind in the past, present or future... Really 'hip cats', in my opinion, would be able to see both possibilities at once.

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/06/2018 15:07

Two Simpsons episodes deal with the Troy story. "Lemon of Troy" (above) shows Homer and company exiting a motor home used as Trojan horse ruse and "Tales from the Public Domain" (below) with Homer as Odysseus.

Connecting Homer Simpson (our Greek/Hyksos adventurer) to the esoteric grail tradition and occult view of Egypt is a simple task, much of which was already done in the previous post (Part 2 of this 3 Part series).

Homer as a Pharaoh, King Solomon presiding over a dispute involving Jesus (Grail King), being initiated into the Freemason inspired Stonecutters and fighting with George H.W. Bush.

Homer is seen in the episode "Two Bad Neighbours" (below) trying to fool George H.W. Bush with two cardboard cut-outs of his sons George W. and Jeb.

Within the mechanics of synchromysticism we can now speculate that George W. Bush is a puppet controlled by secret society forces involving the Egyptian Hyksos Pharaohs (as Homer invokes all of these). We can throw in the god Horus, aliens and Aleister Crowley as influences through the presence of Bart in this cardboard cut-out incident, just for good measure. See Part 2 for Bart/Sphinx/Horus 'sync-nificance'.

One more Simpsons sync that helps this esoteric view of the Trojan incident and we can move on to space/Mars. Above we see into an imagined future world of Bart from the "Lemon of Troy" episode. A close look will reveal a pyramid and even a Grey type alien in the crowd of onlookers. The crowd declares Bart, a synchromystic composite Hyksos Pharaoh and Aleister Crowley resonator, their new god!

Peterson's 1985 film, "Enemy Mine," leads us into space and reptilian alien themes as Wikipedia informs us: During the 21st century interstellar war between humans and Dracs (reptilian-like aliens) (presumably 'Drac' is the human name for the species rather than their own, as it implies the Latin word for 'dragon').

We have thus far, in these three posts, connected Peterson films "Air Force One" (President of the U.S.A, Terrorism, The Holy Grail), "The Never Ending Story" (Sphinx, Aleister Crowley), "Troy" (Pyramids, Occult Hyksos Egyptian History) and now "Enemy Mine" (reptilian aliens named after dragons, no less). Synchromysticly we can now consider all the attributed occult resonance of these films intimately connected to the concepts specified in brackets.

A short whimsical narrative about the attributes connected to these films would follow: The dynastic president of the United States "Moonchild" Bush, a secret society initiate and/or puppet connected to the Royal Bloodline of Jesus and one who is involved in the 9/11 mega-ritual. Through the fraternal occult networks connected to the wizards/magickians of ancient Egypt and possibly Atlantis, the human race is being prepared for the New World Order by the opening of stargates, involving aliens (cosmic illumination).

The poster of "Enemy Mine" sees a comet between the human and reptilian alien echoing (or giving me an excuse to mention) the recent arrival of Comet McNaught which made a dramatic entrance into human consciousness in the southern hemisphere of our planet. The fact that it was visible in the area of Venus in the night sky will become very relevant when we discuss Mars and theories by Immanuel Velikovsky.

It was visible in the northern hemisphere near Venus...

Part 1 of this series dealt with Orson Welles.

Orson Welles' last job before his death was voice acting as the planet destroying Unicron in the animated 1986 "Transformers" movie. Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg will be subjecting us to a revamped and updated 'slicker than snot' live action version this year. The wisdom of this move remains to be seen. As well as the Orson Welles connection, which causes "Transformers" to resonate with Crowley and Bush (see Part 1), this film brings Mars back into the occult synchro-web. Well, Mars is already invoked by the mention of Orson Welles given his "War of the Worlds" radio drama involvement but becomes doubly confirmed with Spielberg now in the mix, having remade the Martian invasion flick "War of the Worlds" in 2005, based on the same source. O.K, in fact Mars' relevance is completely overwhelming when we view the teaser trailer which sees Mars itself as part of the plot of the trailer, involved in a NASA conspiracy (just to make things perfect for my investigation).

The "The Mars Mystery" by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and John Grigsby posits that NASA has possibly covered up many facts about the Martian planetoid, including knowledge about non-natural objects on Mars, the Cydonia region specifically. Could NASA know more about Cydonia than it has admitted? Could it have discovered something there which it has decided to withhold from the Public? (p. 139)

Our own impression is that NASA has attempted to manipulate public perceptions concerning the issue of artificial origins at Cydonia and that it does seem to be covering something up. (p. 147)

It is even mentioned that NASA's true intentions behind certain missions to Mars might be more occult motivated than scientific. On Independence Day, 4 July 1997, NASA's lander Pathfinder touched down...Richard Hoagland was the first to point out that Pathfinder has a pronouncedly tetrahedral design with distinctive solar panels in the form of equilateral triangles. Moreover its landing site in Ares Vallis is located at 19.5 degrees north latitude (p. 136) More significance will be attached to this excerpt shortly.

For more controversial info online about space anomalies and NASA cover-ups try:
Researcher Richard Hoagland, a popularizer of the Face on Mars hypothesis and a veteran of the field at his websight:
Goro Adachi, a major personal influence of mine and master 'sync searcher' also has much to say about Mars and NASA:
Some interesting and relevant Mars related links from Etemenanki:

A very rough synopsis of the occult relevance of Mars hinted at by these and other sources, necessary for the full understanding of the amazing relevance of the Orson Welles "Transformers" (original animated and new live action film) sync would go tentatively given my developing understanding of the topic, as such:
The make-up of the solar system was vastly different at a far more recent point in Earth's history than currently maintained by orthodox astronomy. The planetary line-up, their geology and the solar systems constitutional parts were altered by large catastrophy(ies). Mars was inhabited by 'higher (humanoid?) life' or at the very least had an atmosphere and running water suitable for microbes or 'lower-life' forms. Following this(these) catastrophy(ies) intimately linked to Earth's own destructive past (ice age, deluge, Atlantis, etc.), the vibrant living Mars was rendered desolate. The inhabitants of Mars came to Earth, either mixing (DNA tampering?) with the extent population or being the original 'seed' that formed the Earth's population themselves. In less extravagant versions with a much older time line the 'seed' could be primitive life that sparked Earth's eco development. Models for the nature of the catastrophy(ies) are many but 2 important ones in my humble experience would be:
*Tom Van Flandern's Exploded Planet Hypothesis (EPH) in which Mars was a moon of a larger planet, remnants of which form the asteroid belt.
*Immanuel Velikovsky's theory that Mars was involved with numerous colisions with Venus, which was itself originally a comet! For more on this wonderful theory, read the hypnoticly vivid "Worlds in Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky.

Remember that Comet McNaught was visible near Venus? I think it can be justified to get the feeling that Comet McNaught was highlighting Venus. This becomes very interesting considering Velikovsky's speculation of Venus as a comet and disruptive force in Mars' history. As if to solidify this line of reasoning, the cosmic giggle gave us another Venus highlight in the form of a film overtly called, "Venus." It's release coincided very closely with and theatrical run co-existed right alongside McNaught's flight through our planet's sky...

Peter O'Toole played Priam, King of Troy, in Wolfgang Peterson's "Troy," giving us a nice little sync-echo that harks back to this post's earlier emphasis on the suspected Hyksos-Trojan connection. Is the esoteric Comet Venus connected to the occult history of the Hyksos-Israelite-Sheppard-Pharaohs? Readers of Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" might know already, but more speculation in that direction will have to wait for future posts.

Ben Fairhall touches upon planetary intrigue in a new post over at his blog, "Battling the Behemoth". He has also mentioned the "Venus" film in an esoteric light there.

Researchers who adopt this line observe that the commonly accepted interpretations of ancient symbols and texts assume a consonance with present reality, whereas an entirely different astronomical order pertained a mere six thousand years ago. Could the symbols and poetry of the ancient world point to a far more distant epoch, when the skies contained things entirely unfamilar to us moderns?

If we now, armed with this knowledge about 'Mars and Comet Venus" and Flandern's EPH, look back at Orson Welles' (narrator of the historical Martian invasion radio drama incident) planet-destroying character, Unicron from "Transfomers," our ears should be opened to the cosmic giggle laughing at us very loudly indeed.

The above screenshots from "Transformers" shows Unicron, a giant alien robot voiced by Orson Welles, destroying a populated planet. Let's take a tally of the context and see if we can make anything of this complex sync. Welles is connected to Charleton Heston (Moses/Akhenaton) through "Touch of Evil" (see Part 2) and Aleister Crowley through the character Le Chiffre in "Casino Royal" (1967 version), thus George W. Bush "The Great Beast 666's" suspected grandson. "Casino Royal" also saw a cameo by Peter O'Toole from "Troy" and "Venus." Welles is also intimately connected to Mars through the "War of the Worlds" radio play which caused real life panic about alien attack, an event believed by some to be a reason for government apprehension to admit and cover-up knowledge of 'vistors'. The Crowley resonance of Welles makes it important to highlight the fact that Crowley meditated in the King's Chamber of the Pyramid before 'receiving' "The Book of the Law" through Aiwass (angel/alien), messenger of Horus (see Part 2). Remember that Mars itself invokes the Great Sphinx according to "The Mars Mystery" (relevant passage quoted in Part 1 and 2) and Goro Adachi.
Goro on Mars-Sphinx, WTC and Iraq:

Within the mechanics of syncromysticism I would say that the above sync, Unicron/Welles (resonating Mars, Crowley) destroying a populated planet, gives us good clear confirmation about Mars' suspected status as ancient inhabited world devastated by another planetoid in some manner, knowledge of which is known and suppressed by the higher levels of the secret society networks. Syncromystic proof; for empirical data I fear we must wait patiently in hope that the shadowy NASA isn't actively suppressing such knowledge. Until then, here's some more crazy cool "Transformer" action...

Another shot from a different teaser trailer for "Transformers" shows the alien robots arriving like a comet, again echoing Comet McNaught and the Venus Comet concept.

Remember "Tranformers" resonates Mars (through Welles and the NASA conspiracy teaser trailer), which makes its release date amazing for the following reason. In Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" we read in the Part 2, Mars, under the subject title "The Year -747".
"If this conclusion is correct the upheaval took place in the year -747". (p. 217) The upheaval referred to here is the Martian planet having an encounter with the Venus Comet, the resulting destabilization of Mars, Venus and Earth, affecting the earth profoundly and disastrously. This is a simply amazing sync and I for one would not begrudge a person, taking into account the "Transformers" Mars NASA conspiracy trailer, for thinking some kind of occult intention was at play in the minds of the film makers. But the universe's amazing interconnected underbelly, when exposed, tends to make things look like a controlled and directed conspiracy perpetrated by human agencies and one cannot rule out the "cosmic giggle" factor in these matters. Usually I opt for a bit of both, depending on the particulars of the sync.

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 44 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/06/2018 15:09

The Pentagon, in the new Mars resonating "Transformers" film.

The release date of 7.4.7 (4 July 2007) seen dissolving into a shot of the Pentagon in the teaser brings up a pair of interesting 'coincidences' to mull over, considering esoteric interpretations of the true meaning of America's Independence Day. Graham Hancock and Robert Buaval's epic book "Talisman" elucidates:

It is the date of the Templar's massive defeat by Muslim armies in the Holy Land at the Horns of Hattin on 4 July AD 1187, which was followed by the loss of Jerusalem to Christendom. There could therefore hardly be a more evocative 'Templar' or 'Solomonic' date than 4 July - evocative, that is, of the aspiration to build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. The reader will also be aware, of course, that 4 July is Independence Day in the US, commemorating the signature of the Declaration of Independence and converting the date forever into a powerful talisman that spells out 'Independence' and 'Freedom" for the New World and, now by and large, for a new world order. (p. 470)

The attentive reader (I'm never one when writers say that...) will remember having seen the, as we now know occult date of 4 July, once before in another quote by the same authors in this very post. I will repeat it here for hopeful maximum dramatic effect:

On Independence Day, 4 July 1997, NASA's lander Pathfinder touched down...Richard Hoagland was the first to point out that Pathfinder has a pronouncedly tetrahedral design with distinctive solar panels in the form of equilateral triangles. Moreover its landing site in Ares Vallis is located at 19.5 degrees north latitude. (p. 136 "The Mars Mystery")

Let’s get this all straight, as we have much to chew on. The amazingly overt Mars-resonating (even in a deliberate NASA Mars conspiracy context), alien-themed "Transformers" film highlights the Pentagon and the 'Templar' date of July 4. The Pentagon, obviously in my work, will be sited as a 9/11 reminder. We can thus in one image (the Pentagon/July 4 shot above) see almost the whole syncromystic narrative I am trying to put forward. The key elements are 9/11(represented by the Pentagon), secret society conspiracy (represented by the 4 July 'Templar' date and the implied pentagram of the Pentagon) and 'Mars/aliens' (represented by the fact that this is an image from "Transformers"). Adding to this, we have the speculation of NASA using tetrahedral-wrapped robots to explore and perhaps communicate occult messages to non-terrestrial intelligences through ritualized magickal invocation, using symbolically significant talisman on occult dates and meaningful co-ordinates.

Pathfinder is also the name of a film to be released on 27 April 2007 including pre-Columbus contact between the Vikings and Native Americans. The idea of contact between Europe and America before Columbus is an esoteric standard often connected to the Knights Templar. Reflect for a second, with the above context and taking into account what we have discussed thus far, on this little fact.

Landing on Mars was planned for July 4, 1976, the United States Bicentennial, but imaging of the primary landing site showed it was too rough for a safe landing.

This was the very mission (Viking 1) that captured the first photos sparking the Artificiality of Cydonia theory, again connected to 'Templar' date July 4.

The face on Mars has been connected to the Sphinx in works like "The Mars Mystery" because it seems to have a Pharaohnic Nemes as is seen on the Sphinx. In more recent times, newer photos have convinced researchers like Hoagland, Adachi and David Flynn that the face is half human and half lion. If true, this would fit like a glove with the attributes already connected to the Pyramids' giant sentinel, the Sphinx. Part 2: "The Sphinx/Horus and the 9/11 Stargate" explored the connections between Pyramids of Giza's giant stone sentinel, the Sphinx and Horus. Speculation was aired about the significance of Aleister Crowley's communication with Aiwass, a messenger of Horus, after meditating in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Added to this was the possibility that George W. Bush is Crowley's grand-son. It was suggested that if the blood relation is true, the fact that George W. was presiding as President of the U.S.A. over the 'Pyramid mega-stargate-rituals of 9/11' (as I believe) during September 11, 2001, surely a significance must exist between the fact that his grand-father, Aleister Crowley, received 'alien' communication, ushering in the new Aeon (of secret societies like the O.T.O.) in the Great Pyramid through "The Book of the Law"! Then if Horus was the 'alien' (angel, cosmic intelligence, Great White Brotherhood or whatever) who communicated through Aiwass to Crowley and the Sphinx is a representation of Horus and Mars, couldn't a distinct and tantalizing connection exist between Crowley, Bush, and 9/11?!

Can we connect the possible dynastic secret society lineage of Bush/Crowley to 9/11 and aliens? Aliens are relevant as my current belief system sees the purpose of the 'Pyramid mega-stargate-ritual of 9/11' as involving fraternal secret society higher ups (Illuminati, if you will) trying to send occult messages to their alien creator god (perhaps our creator?). This message operates, in a similar fashion, as the Mars Pathfinder tetrahedron. The timing and symbolism at play in 9/11 may be a kind of 3-D space/time communication to be picked up by non-local cosmic intelligences receptive to such techniques. A variety of metaphors could be suggested for the above statements that might help one swallow this bitter pill if it is not to your particular liking or engenders fear. Fear being the last thing I hope my work might stimulate. High level mystery school initiates using our very cities and bodies to stage and power their magickal emails to aliens could certainly be construed as alarming, I concede. Another slightly less sensationalistic way of explaining this is that a bunch of over-developed third eye occultists, attempting transcendental illumination through elaborately staged rituals, are causing trouble on our planet. We have to open our hearts (chakras) to these people and reclaim our own ecstatic connection to divinity.

The above scene from "Scary Movie 4" amazingly connects 9/11 to aliens and the President. Leslie Nielson is seen enacting a parody of the famous video, taped the first moment George W. Bush supposedly heard about the terrorist attacks, while reading along with elementary school children from "The Pet Goat".

In "Scary Movie 4" however, terrorist attack is replaced with aliens that are destroying the earth, as Nielson is being informed in this scene.
(Please see Part 1 for more George W. Bush syncs).

If we are looking at Aleister Crowley's grand-son in the image above reading "The Pet Goat," another part of the 9/11 mega-ritual might be revealed.

Jack Parsons, one of the founders of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) and Crowley's hand-picked leader of the Ordo Templi Orientis, would invoke Pan (A Greek Goat God) with 'The Great Beast 666's' very own poem, "Hymn to Pan".

He is less well known than Wernher von Braun or Theodore von Kármán in the rocket program and the origins of JPL. Nonetheless, von Braun remarked that Parsons, and not he, should be regarded as the father of the American space program.

Before each test launch, he was in the habit of invoking Aleister Crowley's Hymn to Pan, the wild horned god of fertility.

Reflecting on this masterpiece, "Pan's Labyrinth" created a causal chain that uncovered the Bush/Pan invocation.

Is 'Moonchild' Bush sending a coded message to the upper echelons of the occult fraternities with his veiled invocation of Pan, or is the universe's uncanny synchronicity and entrainment exposing itself to our eyes? Is it the embedded seamless interconnectedness of all things merely playing with itself through coincidence and conspiracy? Could George W. Bush be unaware of how his possible dynastic roots are pulling him into the strange attractor of destiny? Is it just a coincidence that the "Skull and Bones" member is reading about a goat as the world is ushered into a new Aeon?

I can’t find confirmation of this fact online but Michael Tsarion claims in his lecture, "The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbols in the Media," that John a.k.a. Jack Parsons helped design the Pentagon.

How does the Pentagon fit into the 9/11 ritual? I have pointed out in earlier posts that the Pentagon implies obviously, a pentagram and that this connects it easily to Freemasonry through their five-pointed "Blazing Star". The identity of the particular heavenly body this pentagram represents varies from researcher to researcher but whether it be Venus, Sirius or the Sun itself makes little difference to its undeniable esoteric allusion. All three speculated identities would yield interesting results. Be it Venus, it could remind us of Mars' violent past encounters with Comet Venus, perhaps memorialized by the design of the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. Indeed, Velikovsky says Venus became a planet after emerging from it's comet tail cloud and could be the original new "Blazing Star" in our skies, later deified by ancient cultures. Sirius would connect the structure to Isis and remind us of her child Horus (also well-connected to Mars) and of course point towards the most often sighted local of our possible alien creators and/or genetic manipulators. Be it rather closer to home and merely the Sun (the real Eastern star?), it would still pass as the primary symbol of Akhenaton’s Aton and central to the Egyptian roots of America's hidden masters. Further, we can connect the sun and all three possible five-pointed star candidates to Horus thusly:

The religion of the ancient Egyptians metaphorically linked any source of light with spiritual enlightenment. They also linked by association the eye as a collector of light to the sources of light. The Sun and Moon were thus often described as "eyes". The Egyptians also tended to merge their gods as if they were a continuum. The creator god Atum and the Sun god Ra/Re became Atum-Ra/Re. Similarly, through the association of sunrise with resurrection the god Horus became the patron of the rising Sun.

Therefore, whatever the 'real' intended heavenly body (if not indeed any light source in the heavens is applicable), the very idea of a "Blazing Star" connects the Pentagon through the pentagram to Horus and through Horus to Mars.

A companion of the controversial 'face' in Cydonia is a speculated five-sided pyramid, the D&M pyramid. In all honesty, I have never been too warm on the photographic evidence of Cydonia but there are many facets of this site that warrant closer attention and where the syncs lead I follow...

As the above image and the earlier Cydonia complex overhead shot indicate, the D&M pyramid and other features and mathematical relationships between them have the 19.5 number encoded in their geometry. Remember that 19.5 is the latitude where Pathfinder, the speculated occult NASA message, landed on Mars. Many crop circles, such as the famous Barbury Castle, have the tetrahedral resonating 19.5 number embedded in their make-up. Again we ask ourselves, is it intentional human-type agencies who interact through conspiracy in these matters or are we seeing the notes that make up the universe's beautiful symphony. In my opinion, it’s a bit of both mixed together in different amounts depending on the individual case. In fact, the conspirators and the researcher might be involved in the beautiful symphony itself, the universal game of chasing your own tail, AUM!

So let's see... There is a five-sided, extremely likely "Blazing Star" representation, giant Pentagon in America as an important government building, construction of which started on 11 September, 1941. This building was part of what I have already called the "Pyramid-mega-ritual of 9/11". We have connected it's "Blazing Star" design to Horus and Mars. Now we also have a giant speculated five-sided pyramid on Mars. I would surely be negligent not to make a few observations.

The partially collapsed 'D&M Pyramid', on the other hand, is pentagonal -- echoed by the U.S. Pentagon partially destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.

Goro Adachi already made a connection between 9/11 and Cydonia back in 2002; it simply amazes me that I have not run across mention of this fact til starting to write this article. The man toils in relative obscurity while the rest of us are years in his wake.

As he says, the partially collapsed 'D&M Pyramid' echoes eerily the similar collapse on 9/11 of one of the sides of the Pentagon (Blazing Star) during the ritual. Could this sync be an intentional message sent by our secret society networks to our alien forefathers? Is it rather, the collective unconscious of mankind picking up the symbolic language on Mars and mimicking or sending messages to non-local intelligences in a strange unconscious fashion? Are these events so hypnotizing to some of us, leading us to view them from so many angles til they fit our unconscious desire to believe in the most ridiculous scenarios that can’t really be proved or disproved? I can entertain many viewpoints but must admit my bias at this moment leads me to be suspicious of our hierarchical governments and their probable 'wizard chiefs' connections to cosmic intelligences.

As well as being partially collapsed, "The Mars Mystery" also points out that the D&M pyramid has a tunnel-like hole or entrance into the pyramid's side. Was part of the ritualistic connection on 9/11 between the Washington Pentagon and the D&M pyramid made to highlight this 'tunnel/hole'? Whatever hit the Pentagon left a tunnel in it's side; was this intentionally done to mimic the D&M pyramid?

We now have the possibility of including the Pentagon itself as a pyramid-referencing talisman in the 9/11 mega-ritual. Thus the major players of 9/11 WTC 1, 2 and 7 (referencing the Giza monuments of Earth) and the Pentagon (referencing Cydonia of Mars) are all likely veiled pyramids!

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