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Reply  Message 1 of 2 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 25/02/2014 16:12

Los Gulag de Stalin: Campos de tortura de la Unión Sovietica ...

www.forocoches.com › ForoCochesZona GeneralGeneral
9/4/2010 - 30 publicaciones - ‎18 autores
Gulag (del ruso “Glávnoye Upravleniye Ispravitel'no-trudovíj Lagueréi”, “ Dirección General de Campos de Trabajo”). Era la rama del servicio ...

    Gulag (labour camps, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ...

    www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/.../Gulag Traducir esta página
    By 1936 the Gulag held a total of 5,000,000 prisoners, a number that was probably equaled or exceeded every subsequent year until Stalin died in 1953.

    Excursión al Gulag - Angelfire

    Gulag" significa "Dirección General de Campos de Trabajo" El sistema de los campos de Stalin era el más mortal de la historia con una "producción" mayor al  ...

    Seven million died in the 'forgotten' holocaust - Eric Margolis

    www.ukemonde.com/.../margolisholocaust.html Traducir esta página
    At the end of World War II, Stalin's gulag held 5.5 million prisoners, 23% of them Ukrainians and 6% Baltic peoples. Almost unknown is the genocide of two ...

    El gulag: Lo que ahora sabemos y por qué es importante | elcato.org

    6/4/2004 - El libro de Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, la historia del sistema de .... Los crímenes de Stalin no inspiran la misma reacción visceral en el ...

    Life in Stalin's Gulags - Tom Balmforth - The Atlantic

    www.theatlantic.com/.../03/...stalins-gulags/273681/ Traducir esta página
    4/3/2013 - Vorkuta - a labor camp-cum-city -- was built from nothing on an icebound wasteland by political prisoners from 1931 to 1957.
  • The Gulag - Library of Congress

    www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/gula.html Traducir esta página
    Stalin constantly increased the number of projects assigned to the NKVD, which led to an increasing reliance on its labor. The Gulag also served as a source of ...

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    Reply  Message 2 of 2 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/03/2014 06:36

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