7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day
July 7, 2007
by Goro (goroadachi.com)
What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.
So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).
From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.
- Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian
- Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

[image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]
The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...

The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.
Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.
Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'.
The connection is reinforced by the lyrics of 'Vertigo' alluding to the progressive rock/pop band 'Genesis'. Their last big hit was 'I can't Dance' from their 1991 album 'We Can't Dance' which is referenced in the second verse of 'Vertigo':
The night is full of holes
Those bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll
They know that they can't dance
At least they know

Update: Genesis, reunited and touring this year, was the first band to perform in London's Live Earth concert.