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Reply  Message 1 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 10/07/2011 01:30

Las perplejidades y las dificultades que estorban todos tientan para adaptar los breves períodos de tiempo tanto a movimientos solares como a lunares, como en el calendario, desaparecer, directamente esto es una pregunta de intervalos más largos.

Los períodos cortos artificialmente tienen que ser armonizados, más largos se armonizan. Allí exista varias veces y estaciones, que son naturalmente mensurables tanto antes de años solares, como meses lunares, sin el resto, o con restos tan pequeños para ser sin importancia.

Tales períodos son CICLOS por lo tanto SOLI-LUNARES, y de allí en adelante hablaremos de ellos como tal. Ellos armonizan con más o menos la exactitud revoluciones solares y lunares, y ellos pueden ser considerados como unidades divinamente designadas para la medida de los períodos largos de tiempo, unidades de con precisión el mismo carácter que el día, el mes, y el año, (que es creado por revoluciones solares, lunares, y terrestres) pero de dimensiones más grandes. Ellos son por lo tanto períodos claramente separados(tachados) como tal, sobre los mismos principios que aquellos en los cuales nuestro calendario está basado, que es ellas son las medidas naturales de tiempo, proporcionado(amueblado) por el Creador Él mismo para el empleo humano.

El ciclo lunar de diecinueve años empleados por los Griegos es uno de estos períodos, y el ciclo antiguo de Calippus es el otro. Su descubrimiento siempre era un objeto con astrónomos, como su utilidad práctica es considerable. Pero era sumamente difícil de encontrar los ciclos de cualquier exactitud tolerable, sobre todo la combinación de ciclos y la armonización del día, y el mes, con el año.

Sobre el medio de siglo pasado un hecho notable fue descubierto por un astrónomo suizo M.de Cheseaux, un hecho que es lleno del interés más profundo a la mente cristiana, y que nunca ha recibido en las manos de la Iglesia o del mundo, la atención que esto merece.

Los períodos proféticos de 1260 años y 2300 años, asignados en el Libro de Daniel y en el Apocalipsis, como la duración de ciertos acontecimientos predichos, son tales ciclos soli-lunares, ciclos de perfección notable y exactitud, pero cuya existencia era completamente desconocida a astrónomos, hasta, dirigida por la Escritura sagrada, M.. de Cheseaux descubrió y los demostró para ser tal. Y más lejos, la diferencia entre estos dos períodos, que es 1040 años, es el ciclo exacto soli-lunar más grande sabido(conocido).

La importancia de este descubrimiento, y el hecho que sumamente poco lo saben(conocen), debe ser nuestra apología de firmar(establecer) una cuenta algo llena de la materia(del asunto) aquí. Es además vital a nuestro propio sujeto más inmediato, y era de verdad el medio de administración de nosotros a la investigación presente.

M.. de Cheseaux’s el libro es agotado, difícil de procurar y aún consultar. Una copia de ello existe en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Lausana, y el otro en el Museo británico. Es titulado(dado derecho) " Mémoires postzumbidos de M. de Cheseaux " y fue corregido y publicado por sus hijos, en 1754. Esto contiene " Remarques historiques, chronologiques et astronomiques, sur quelques endroits du livre de a Daniel. " Los cálculos de la parte astronómica, fueron sometidos a señores Mairan y Cassini, los astrónomos famosos de la Academia Real de Ciencias en París, ninguno de quien llamó en cuestión la exactitud de M. de Cheseaux’s principios, o la corrección de sus resultados. M. Mairan, después de con cuidado haber leer su ensayo, dijo que " era imposible dudar de los hechos y descubrimientos que esto contuvo; pero esto que él no podía concebir como o por qué ellos habían venido ser incorporado tan claramente en los Escrituras Sagrada. " M. Cassini escribió, después de haber leer el tratado y trabajado los problemas, que los métodos de calcular las posiciones solares y lunares y movimientos, que M. de Cheseaux había deducido de los ciclos del Libro de Daniel, eran los más claros, y absolutamente compatibles con la astronomía más exacta; " él deseó que el ensayo fuera leído antes de la Academia.

M.de Cheseaux fue contratado en algunas investigaciones cronológicas, y para fijar con la certeza la fecha de la Crucifixión, él fue conducido para examinar las ciertas partes de Escritura, y sobre todo el Libro de Daniel. La primera parte de su ensayo es puramente cronológica, y sin importancia a nuestro sujeto, podemos decir, sin embargo, que él claramente percibió que " las veces de tiempo y medio - " de Dan. vii. quiso decir un período de 1260 años. " La importancia de esta conclusión y de algunos principios precedentes, " añade él, " será percibida, cuando mostramos como esto condujo a un descubrimiento de la relación singular que existe entre este período de Daniel, y los hechos de astronomía. Sin embargo extraño puede parecer, positivamente puedo deducir a partir de los períodos de Daniel, tan con exactitud como por los mejores métodos astronómicos, y aún más tan, los cinco elementos de la teoría solar. "

Él continúa a explicar cual un ciclo es: " un período que trae en la armonía revoluciones diferentes celestes, conteniendo un cierto número definido de cada uno, sin el resto o la fracción, " y él muestra que allí es cuatro clases diferentes de ciclos unidos(conectados) con el sol, la luna, y la tierra.

1. Aquellos armonizando el día solar y año.
2. Aquellos armonizando el año solar y mes lunar.
3. Aquellos armonizando el día solar y mes lunar.
4. Aquellos armonizando todos los tres, día, mes, y año.

M. de Cheseaux añade, " el descubrimiento de tales ciclos siempre era un gran objeto con astrónomos y chronologists. Ellos lo han considerado una materia(un asunto) tan difícil, que ellos casi lo han posado(dejado) como un principio que es imposible, por lo menos en cuanto a aquellos de la cuarta clase. Hasta ahora, el descubrimiento de un ciclo de esta clase ha sido a astrónomos, - como el movimiento perpetuo a mecánicos,-a el tipo philosopher’s la piedra. Deseoso de colocar si la cosa era realmente imposible, comencé hace un rato(hace tiempo) a aspirar a un ciclo de la segunda clase. "

M. de Cheseaux entonces describe el proceso por el cual él fue conducido al descubrimiento que 315 años son un ciclo tan soli-lunar, diez veces más exactos que los diecinueve años Metonic el ciclo en el empleo por el ancients; el sol y luna que viene después de un lapso de aquel período, a dentro de tres horas veinticuatro segundos de acuerdo absoluto: y él procede, - " yo apenas había descubierto este ciclo, que observé que esto era un cuarto(trimestre) de los 1260 años de Daniel y el Apocalipsis, y que por consiguiente, este período es un ciclo soli-lunar; " después de lo cual el sol y vuelta de la luna, dentro de menos de medio grado, al mismo punto de los los de la eclíptica con precisión, y que una hora el uno antes del otro.

" La relación de este período, asignado por el Espíritu Santo como el límite de ciertos acontecimientos políticos, a los movimientos más notables de los cuerpos divinos, me hizo pensar podría ser lo mismo con los 2300 años. Por la ayuda de las mesas astronómicas examiné este éste, y encontré que al final de 2300 años Gregorian, menos seis horas catorce segundos, el sol y la vuelta de la luna a dentro de medio grado del lugar de lo cual ellos comenzaron, y que una hora más tarde el sol ha alcanzado su punto de partida exacto sobre el de la eclíptica: de dónde se sigue que el período profético de 2300 años, es un período cíclico (también notable para el número de sus partes alícuotas, y para contener un número completo de ciclos) y un tan perfecto, que aunque esto sea treinta veces más largo que el ciclo famoso de Calippus, esto tiene un error de sólo trece horas, una decimoséptima parte del error de aquel ciclo antiguo.

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Reply  Message 2 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/07/2011 01:30
 La semejanza exacta del error de estos dos ciclos de 1260 y 2300 años, me hizo pronto concluir que la diferencia entre ellos, 1040 años, debería ser un ciclo perfecto, libre(gratis) de todo el error; y aún más notable como unión de las tres clases de ciclos, y amueblar por consiguiente un ciclo de aquella cuarta clase, tan mucho tiempo buscado en vano, y finalmente concluido para ser quimérico, imposible para encontrar.

" Por el examen de este período de 1040 años por el mejor módem mesas astronómicas encontré que era aun así. Su error es absolutamente imperceptible, en un período tan largo, y de verdad puede ser considerado para por errores en las mesas ellos mismos, debido a la inexactitud de algunas observaciones antiguas sobre las cuales ellos son fundados..

" Este período de 1040 años, indicados indirectamente por el Espíritu Santo, es un ciclo inmediatamente solar, lunar, y diurno o terrestre de la exactitud más perfecta. Posteriormente descubrí dos confirmaciones singulares de este hecho, que explicaré en este momento, cuando he aducido todas mis pruebas puramente astronómicas; puedo yo mientras tanto ser - permitido dar a este nuevo ciclo, el nombre DEL CICLO DE DANIEL. "

M. de Cheseaux entonces entra en el detalle lleno astronómico, de una clase que fallaría en interesar a nuestros lectores, demostrando la naturaleza misma notable de este ciclo: y él posteriormente sigue, " Como yo antes no dicho, un ciclo de esta clase mucho tiempo había sido buscado en vano; ningún astrónomo o chronologist, habían sido capaz de alumbrar(encender) sobre un durante diecinueve siglos; y aún durante dos mil trescientos años, allí ha sido, ha escrito en carácteres bastante legibles, en el Libro de Daniel: legible, es decir a él que estaba dispuesto a hacer esfuerzos de comparar los grandes períodos proféticos, con los movimientos de los cuerpos divinos; en otras palabras, a él, que comparó el libro de naturaleza con el libro de revelación. "

" El error más leve, aún de unos segundos, en - la determinación de la longitud verdadera del año solar, quitaría totalmente de estos números, su carácter cíclico. Sólo la perfección de instrumentos modernos astronómicos de hecho, puede demostrarlo en absoluto. ¿De modo que nosotros tengamos el problema, Cómo hizo a Daniel, o el autor del Libro de Daniel, quienquiera él era (si, como unos afirman, la profecía es de una fecha posterior que Daniel), la luz sobre estos indescubribles y no descubierta, aún en exceso ciclos exactos celestes, a la vez cuando no había ningunos instrumentos existentes capaces de medir revoluciones solares con la exactitud suficiente, revelar el carácter cíclico de los períodos? "

M. de Cheseaux añade, " debo enfrentarme una observación. Para muchos años el Libro de Daniel, y sobre todo estos pasos de ello, han sido cotizados(citados) y comentados por autores numerosos y variados, de modo que sea imposible durante un momento llamar en cuestión su antigüedad. ¿Quién puede haber enseñado a su autor la maravillosa relación de los períodos él seleccionó con revoluciones soli-lunares? ¿Es posible, considerando todos estos puntos, fallar en reconocer en el Autor del Libro de Daniel, el Creador del cielo y todos sus anfitriones, de la tierra y las cosas que están allí? "

En una parte subsecuente de su disertación, M. de Cheseaux muestra que no sólo puede los cinco elementos solares ser deducido de los datos en Daniel, pero también el lunar. Él comparó sus resultados teóricos con las observaciones registradas por los astrónomos antiguos Hipparchus y Tolemeo. Contando adelante primero, él encuentra que la nueva luna tacaña del equinoccio de vernal de Año de Cristo. 1879, en Alexandría en Egipto, ocurrirá en 11 43 de la tarde sobre el 10 de marzo (O.S).. Él entonces aplica este ciclo de 1040 años, y cuenta hacia atrás. Dos tales ciclos, iguales a 2080 años, de la susodicha fecha, llevan a 11 43 de la tarde del 26 de marzo, aC 202 (p. ej., dieciséis días más tarde que el 10 de marzo, contando por el calendario De Julian).

¡Ahora según las mesas de Hipparchus y Tolemeo la nueva luna del equinoccio de vernal ese año, hizo en Alexandría se caen el 26 de marzo, en 11.39 de la tarde, no exactamente cinco minutos antes que, por el cálculo cíclico, esto debería haberse caído! M. de Cheseaux añade, " lo dejo a otros para juzgar si una diferencia leve como esto, bien no puedo ser atribuido a los errores inevitables de las mejores observaciones antiguas. "

En su segunda disertación este astrónomo deduce el tamaño verdadero y la figura(el número) de la tierra, de estos mismos ciclos, y trabaja mediante ellos aproximadamente treinta o cuarenta elaboran problemas astronómicos y geográficos.

Tal eran M. de Cheseaux’s descubrimientos; y ellos son del interés más profundo y la importancia, como la manifestación, en una nueva luz, la sabiduría y la gloria de Dios en la conexión con su palabra santa. Que el profeta antiguo Daniel veinticinco hace siglos, " y el discípulo quien Jesús gustó " dieciocho hace siglos, ambo se incorpore a sus libros misteriosos de profecía simbólica, como los límites cronológicos de los ciertos acontecimientos más importantes, períodos de tiempo, que las investigaciones exactas de ciencia moderna han demostrado ser ciclos formados por los movimientos enormes, complejos, largos duraderos de los cuerpos divinos, parece un maravilloso hecho, un hecho para ser considerado para sólo por la inspiración Divina bajo la cual estos hombres santos de viejos escribieron.

Ya que ello está seguro, y ninguno puede disputarlo, que estos períodos son ciclos exactos celestes: está igualmente seguro, y pocos serán inclinados a hacer preguntas ello, aquel, ni Daniel, ni enero, el pescador del Mar de Galilee, sido capaz de calcular estos ciclos, o eran aún conscientes de su existencia. Si ellos habían estado en la cópula con los primeros astrónomos de su día, o aún tenían ellos sido ellos mismos los astrónomos de los conocimientos más altos, habría sido imposible para ellos en de entonces estado existente de ciencia astronómica, haber observado el carácter cíclico de estos períodos. No había ningún tal conocimiento exacto de la longitud verdadera del año solar, o del mes lunar, como habría hecho el descubrimiento de estos ciclos posibles. En día Daniel’s aún el Metonic o el ciclo lunar eran desconocidos, y estos ciclos más grandes pero similares, eran en realidad, descubrió sólo el siglo pasado.

Por lo tanto seguramente no fue como movido por su propia inteligencia, que los escritores sagrados seleccionaron estos períodos; ¿y si ellos no fueron movidos por la inspiración Divina, cómo es el hecho de su empleo de ellos para ser considerado para? ¿Podría ser por la posibilidad - por el accidente - que a cierto la serie sumamente importante de acontecimientos, fueron asignados como el período de su duración, estos períodos cíclicos?

Tal explicación del hecho, sería improbable al último grado. Nada más que una desgana de admitir el milagro de inspiración, podría conducir a su sugestión como una alternativa. Esto sería una cuenta insatisfactoria de la materia(del asunto) allí había estado un ciclo solo sólo, tan habían empleado, y el hecho que hay tres; lo hace totalmente inadmisible. Pero hay más, y aún muchas tales pruebas, del empleo en la Escritura por escritores ignorantes de astronomía, de períodos delimitados claramente como ciclos, por las revoluciones menos obvias de los cuerpos divinos. Este hecho, que hace nosotros cree nunca antes no sido no demostrado, tiene tal importancia como el realzar pruebas de la inspiración de Escritura, merecer la consideración más cuidadosa..

En los capítulos siguientes procuraremos revelar(desdoblar) los remotos eslabones multiplicados, y más notables de conexión que hemos descubierto, entre la cronología de Escritura, histórica y profética, y los ciclos de revolución soli-lunar.

Reply  Message 3 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2011 14:00
Daniel, the Magi and the Luni-solar Calendar of Israel

   An interesting aspect of the teachings of the Magi comes from their founder, Zoroaster whose writings in the Zend Avesta, uphold much of the depth of meaning we found in Numbers 24:17. The Magi may have also applied this prophecy to the return of the older Zoroaster. The ancient roots of the Zoroastrianism lie in the ancient Persian traditions, and share many common elements with Judaism and Christianity. The tenets of the Christian Faith were preserved by God and handed down to other faithful men via the oral traditions, even as the truths of the Biblical Patriarchs were. The historical record bears this out, relating to the important point of how the Babylonian zodiac of 12 signs each of 30 degrees was transmitted to ancient Greece. Many scholars are not certain, as to the process by which this occurred, thus its an engaging point of history that both the ancient Greeks and Babylonians came under the rule of the Persian empire initiated by Cyrus the Great in 539 BC. It was during the rule of Darius I "the Mede" that the Prophet Daniel presided over his Court Astronomers and Chaldeans. Drawing on the rich astronomical traditions of the Biblical Patriarchs not to mention, the famous astronomical expertise of the Persian Magi, Daniel's potent influence convinced Darius to adopt some salient principles of Biblical Astronomy in the period around 522 BC. Certain important aspects of Zoroastrianism agreed with the Biblical standard practiced by the Hebrews, carried on by Daniel. The Magi would certainly have been familiar with Daniel's prophecy concerning the 70 weeks judged on Jerusalem relating to the coming Messiah, [Dan. 9:2, 24-27]. Daniel's influence had the added effect of preserving the astronomical truths of the promised seed, contained in the form of the zodiacal narrative, which God put in the most capable hands of the time. To illustrate this point more robustly, let's look at the practice of the Intercalation of months in the Hebrew Lunar Calendar, an important part of this practice of the Israelites in preserving their astronomical heritage.


   We know the Hebrew practice of Intercalation of months dates back at least to the time of Moses, who instituted the sacred observances of the Old Testament Law during Israel's wanderings in the wilderness in the mid-second millennium BC. This preceded Meton of Athens who is given credit for discovering the saros in 432 BC, by at least a thousand years. The roots of the word "saros," and its practices however are much older. The Calendar of Israel is governed by the 354-355 day lunar year with twelve months of 29 or 30 days. The named months of the Israelite year coincide with the Babylonian months, including Adar Sheni, the extra 13th month which was added to keep the solar year aligned with the seasons. The practice of Intercalation of months kept the holidays of Passover, Pentecost and Rosh Hashanah, just prior to the Feast of Tabernacles in the month of Tishri, in their proper seasons of early Spring, the beginning of summer and at summer's end. The "11-day gap between the solar & lunar years expands to a period of seven months over this 19-year lunar cycle. In the Calendar of Israel a total of seven years (3rd 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th) during this 19-year lunar cycle, would normally contain an extra month of Adar Sheni."1
   With every 19 solar years plus two hours, the Sun and Moon return to meet each other at the same appointed time and place in the sky. The saros, however, consists of 19 eclipse years, which is only 18 solar years plus eleven days. An eclipse year thus consists of 346.62 solar days, which is equal to 11.738 lunations. When we divide the saros by 11.738, we get 1.618, (or phi),2 accurate to 4 digits! Since the Sun intersects a lunar Node two times every 346.62-day eclipse year, we find the cycle of the celestial rendezvous of the Sun and Moon also governed by the phi ratio. The Hebrew calendar also unifies these luni-solar cycles according to phi, in concert with Israel's sacred fifty-year cycle of Jubilees. This is evident because there are 618 lunations in any given 50-year Jubilee cycle. Thus, as the Hebrew calendar shows the perfect correlation of the sacred and secular celestial cycles, governing the rhythms of a myriad terrestrial and cosmic cycles, we find more evidence of the signature of God the Creator and His rulership of light reflected in the heavens, the Source behind all kingdoms of earthly life. This exhibits the perfect relation between the civil [lunar], and sacred [solar] years of the Calendar of Israel, in the larger context of precession. These related standards of the sacred and secular are also unified in the promised seed, Jesus Christ as the Priest--King of Israel, and light of the world presiding over all circadian rhythms and other aspects of the kingdoms of terrestrial life.
   As we briefly mentioned earlier, the roots of the word for saros are much older than Meton's application of the term. In fact it goes back at least as far as ancient Sumeria, because the Sumerian name for the great lunar eclipse cycle was also called the saros. This word traces through to the basic Babylonian unit of measure, also called a "sar," showing ancient elements of the sacred celestial rule of measure. This period of lunation consisting of 18 years & 11, (10.96) days, was utilized by the Chadean priests to predict eclipses. Wallis Budge supported this notion when he stated; "the Babylonians were a nation of stargazers observing the appearances of the moon, eclipses, & planets etc." This was the culture that produced the Magi, and speaks volumes on not only their astronomical expertise, but also their focus while watching the heavens for the celestial signs revealing the birth of the promised seed. The Chaldeans also had a period of 3600 (60 x 60) years that they called a saros. Here again we see the Sexegesimal pattern behind the organization of the heavens, including the cycle of the Moon joining Saturn and Jupiter every 60 years in their celestial dance. Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions exhibit the essence of this "base 60" numerical system as part of its function as a cornerstone of Biblical cosmology, providing the context of the Celestial Prelude marking the birth of Christ. Additionally, it gives us a window on the "celestial mechanism" that frames all Creation, the precession of the equinoxes. This will be fully explained in the Specific signs of the Celestial Prelude. Both of these planets frame the ancient solar system as its two outer-most naked-eye planets, while opening a window on precession. It also shows a unity of Saturn's 29.5-year orbit with the 29.5-day lunar cycle on a year-day basis. This is half the Sexegesimal order of the solar system, formatted in the orbits of these two gas giants, the other half being Jupiter's near 12-year cycle spending a year in each zodiacal sign, even as the Sun spends a month in each of the 12 signs. The solar half of the order is based on a division of 60, by twelve: (12 x 5), and the lunar half by 30 [30 x 2], both multiples of sixty. This is part of the numerical order of the solar system as it was patterned by the Creator according to the phi ratio.
   The Babylonian "Sar" is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; "prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head." The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, "Aesar" is a word for "God" in both, Icelandic and Irish, "Osar" in Egypt like "Osiris" was the prince. The English word "sir" and the Roman "Ceasars" are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel's prayer. In Isaiah 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the promised seed, it is used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.

   According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; "Zer," meaning "to encompass" gives us not only the English basis for: "Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans," but also Zero; "the seed." Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the "woman's promised seed" was "Zero-ashta," that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman's promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:

"In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One." 3

   This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially when we view the supernova in this child's head [pictured below from the Dendera zodiac] who was the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: "As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; "the circle," and zero; "the seed" was easily established."4


   The Biblical references to Christ associated with the Sun as the "light of the world," the "Sun of Righteousness" [Mal. 4:2] and in Psalm 19:4-6, are only a few of many such references. Thus, in the case of the promised seed, Zero-ashta, the religion of the Magi served as a vessel for many principles and astronomical precepts, that led Mankind to the realization of the promised seed.

   Ignatius, one of the Church Fathers and the Bishop of Antioch, in about 69 AD, records that, "At the appearance of the Lord a star shone forth brighter than all other stars." If we are careful not to confuse this reference with the planet Jupiter, we can deduce that this supernova was still visible almost 200 years after it was first seen as the celestial marker of the general timeframe of Jesus' birth. Seiss has some viable historical references on this point:

   "Hipparchus about one hundred twenty-five years before Christ, observed it [Coma supernova] as a new star, and was led by it to draw up his catalogue of stars. Ptolemy, about one hundred and fifty years after Christ, refers to it as having been observed by Hipparchus, but as having become so faint as hardly to be any longer discernible."5 (parenthesis and emphasis mine)

   A point of interest here regarding Hipparchus is that he is generally credited with the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes, by modern science in about 134 BC. He reportedly came upon this discovery while studying the star Spica, on a celestial map produced by his predecessor, Timocharis. He noticed that Spica was about 2 degrees away from its location on the star map, and decided that it was moving an average of 1 degree every 75 years: [close to the actual 72 years]. This is a key to remember in our study of Dendera's zodiac related to Spica, and this general sign later in this study. Also during this same period referred to by Ptolemy above, shekels from Judea struck during the period of the second revolt, [132 AD.] bear the design of a bright star over the Jerusalem Temple, called Bar Kaukab, or Son of the Star. This would have also been a logical reference to the supernova that appeared in the head of the woman's son in Coma's lap, the desired of the nations, perhaps even a providential reference to Jesus as the true temple. The decan of Coma is pictured below as the three bright stars forming the inverted "L" shape, which significantly contains the North Galactic Pole, located 5 degrees west of Beta Coma. This is interesting in light of the original star picture associated with this decan, as seen in the Denderah zodiac, of a mother holding her Son in her lap, known as "the Desired of the Nations," [pictured above]. The close proximity of the Northern Galatic Pole, recalls the imagery of Cepheus "the crowned king" who regally sits astride the Celestial Pole star polaris, picturing Christ seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Heavenly Father [Eph. 1:20-23].    


   The Magi would have witnessed both this new star shining brightly in Coma, a decan of Virgo, while Jupiter was in retrograde, standing still on the Meridian in Virgo, in December of 2 BC. The general sign of our Celestial Prelude thus harmonizes with the specific signs, as the Magi headed south from Jerusalem, their visit with Herod just concluded, towards Bethlehem in search of the promised seed. This also explains why the Magi were the only group to recognize these specific celestial signs of the Messiah's birth, because the general sign was a fixture in Coma for about 200 years prior to this period. The typical person wouldn't have noticed anything out of the ordinary in the heavens, because it would not stand out unless coupled with the knowledge of the specific signs, which brought the Magi to Israel in the first place. This is another reason why the Magi were so joyful when they saw "his star," Jupiter over Bethlehem. This scenario of what the Magi beheld in the skies over Bethlehem in December of 2 BC, is depicted in the banner of this article above. In Numbers 24:17, when Jacob is referred to in Balaam's prophecy, it bears reference not only for the seed of Jacob, but also in the land promised to him as an inheritance, in his covenant with God [Gen. 15:18]. Rolleston has an interesting remark regarding this:

      "The forewarned that the star must appear over Jacob, over his inheritance, would see that star in Coma passed over the center of that inheritance: but as it would also appear to pass vertically over every part of it that was nearly in the Latitude of Jerusalem, they could not at once fix on the spot of the Messiah's birth, therefore they went to inquire; the Latitude, as it were, being given by the star, the longitude by the prophecy.Magi"6

   Here we see the witness of the stars, and the Scriptures, working together to bring the to the toddler Jesus, because their alert observation of "his star" brought them to Jerusalem and the scribes declaration from Micah 5:2, when Herod questioned them, sent the to Bethlehem. While en route they witnessed the heavens come alive with the proof that their historic journey was not in vain, because they saw both the Coma supernova, and Jupiter in Virgo in the same skies over Bethlehem. 
   In summary then, the key points regarding the general sign of the celestial prelude are first, that this supernova in Coma, set the timeframe in which the Magi were to expect the specific signs surrounding the birth of Christ. Secondly, that when this general sign is separated from the set of specific signs of Jupiter-Saturn triple conjunctions, the confusion clouding the "Star of Bethlehem," for the most part dissolves.MagiMagi


1 Symbols of Judaism M.A. Ouaknin p.12.

2 Sun, Moon and Earth.  Robin Heath, p.28

3 The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 59

4 The Two Babylons  Hislop, p. 18

5 Gospel in the Stars, Joseph Seiss. P.161.



Mazzaroth; The Star of Bethlehem, Rolleston,
*Strong's Concordance word definition for H8269, H2233, etc.

Reply  Message 4 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/11/2013 02:14
En la profecia de los 2300 dias de Daniel 8, sabemos que en el periodo de 2300 años hay un periodo redondo exacto de ciclos sidereos de la luna.
Lo que es desconocido es su relacion con el numero 322 en un contexto matematico.
322=46x7 osea que 46=322/7

Divisors of the Number 322

  • 322 has 8 positive divisors: 1, 2, 7, 14, 23, 46, 161, 322
    • The sum of the positive divisors is 576
  • 322 has 7 proper divisors: 1, 2, 7, 14, 23, 46, 161
    • The sum of the proper divisors is 254
  • 322 is a deficient number since the sum of the proper divisors is less than 322
  • 322 is not a perfect number
  • 322 is not an abundant number

Reply  Message 5 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/12/2013 18:12
31 de agosto de 1997=243 dia del año (122 DIAS PERIODO 31/8-31/12)
1998=365 dias
1999=365 dias
2000=366 dias (BISIESTO)
11/2/2001=42 DIAS
122+365+365+366+42=1260 DIAS
11 DE FEBRERO DEL 2001=42 dia del año (323 DIAS PERIODO 11/2-31/12)
2002=365 dias
2003=365 dias
323+365+365+207=1260 dias
964. Apocalipsis 11:3: Y daré a mis dos testigos que profeticen por mil doscientos sesenta días, vestidos de cilicio.
968. Apocalipsis 12:6: Y la mujer huyó al desierto, donde tiene lugar preparado por Dios, para que allí la sustenten por mil doscientos sesenta días.
Tenemos también la palabra profética más segura, a la cual hacéis bien en estar atentos como a una antorcha que alumbra en lugar oscuro, hasta que el día esclarezca y el LUCERO de la mañana salga en vuestros corazones;
32. Marcos 1:19: Pasando de allí un poco más adelante, vio a Jacobo hijo de Zebedeo, y a JUAN su hermano, también ellos en la barca, que remendaban las redes. (EL MISMO MARCOS, EN EL VERSICULO 1:19, CONFIRMA LA INTERRELACION DE LAS DOS TORRES GEMELAS CON LOS DOS HIJOS DE MARIA DE SALOME EN EL CONTEXTO A SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA-CAMINO DE SANTIAGO) 
279. Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA
22:16 tambien es 22:(1+6) o 22:7

Reply  Message 6 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/09/2015 23:47

I say we, since the devil pinned it on the Jews during Hitler’s reign of terror, must take a MUCH CLOSER LOOK at its math and understand the profound significance of its geometry (math and geometry that the Jews and Christians may not have noticed – but surely, the devil who knows he has but a short time, is well aware of its symbolic measurements and introduced its so-called malignant identifications as his own—just as he has attempted to hijack the Rainbow).


Astonishing, and as we shall shortly see, the Star of David and its “extensions” lend themselves wholly to the measurements of the New Jerusalem. When integrated with the measurements and geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG), the Star of David expands those prophetic themes with grandeur—utterly amazing. Could it be that as the Almighty stirred within the Jews to return to their ancient homeland in preparation for the coming of the Son of Man at the “end of time” that He gave them this symbol and is now making it known by its geometry and math, while it very well could bear a prescient message of divine deliverance and hope for the world? Yes, the “enemy of our souls’ knew of its measurements—just as he knows the real meaning of the RAINBOW—but, alas, as Hitler did, even so, the “enemy of our souls” corrupting imprint deigns to deceive and distort the “6” for it is man’s number as is the six-pointed Star of David.

The Geometry of the Star of David & Its Expansion in the GPG

Firstly, however, the hexagon itself as a six-sided object or the six-pointed Star of David (the number “6”) created by the overlay of two triangles in opposite directions is what is called in “Sacred Geometry” the “perfect number” in that the factors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3, so that 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 or 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 with the next perfect number being 28 derived from 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 and the third such number being 496, etc. Its geometry is considered “perfection” and the most malleable to manipulate; likewise, it is riveted upon man for on the sixth day was he created and has been given 6,000 years in the numbering of his days.


We must keep in mind that the geometry of the Magen David itself is a total of 2520° wherein 1080 degrees are totaled in its 6 pyramidion (points of the Star) and 1,440 degrees in its 12 ea. 120 degree parts (known as “supplementary” angles seen between each of the points of the Star, as well as within each of the interior bends of the hexagon. The six triangles of the Magen David each being 180 degrees X 6 is equal to 1080° + 1440° (the 12 each 120 degree supplementary angles so formed by the 2 large inverted triangles of the Star of David) = 2520°.

Those of you familiar with our writings grasp the “18” and the “144” as peculiar to the “Dimensions of Paradise”—the New Jerusalem in that her revelation as found in Revelation 21:16-17 give clear evidence that she is in the form of a cube wherein “The city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand furlongs. Its length, breadth, and height are equal.”

The furlong is measured as 660 ft. At 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. her edge is equal to 7,920,000 ft. ÷ 5,280 ft. (one mile) is equal to 1,500 linear miles X 12 (number of edges in a cube) will equal to 18,000 miles; hence, the “18” of the New Jerusalem. We can also eliminate zero from the 12,000 and arrive at “144” by multiplying 12 X 12 is equal to 144 on each of her six faces; whereas, her “Wall” is measured as 144 cubits (Revelation 21:17).

The 2520 is a fractal of the 25.20 inches of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit which this author, as well as the late David Flynn (among others), summarily concluded was this dimension and throughout the King James Version of the Bible (nigh miraculously preserved therein–and I’m no KJV only guy).

It may be pointed out that the “18” and the “144” as factors, when multiplied, produce a product which is the fractal of the Great Processional of the Equinoxes as in: 18 X 144 is equal to 2,592 (the Great Processional of the Equinoxes is 25,920 years with each of its 12 “traditional” constellations bearing 2,160 years or 12 X 2,160 years is equal to 25,920 years). This is one of the glaring reasons why this author views the “Woman of Revelation 12” as not only Israel but is representative of the Church and Israel—the Woman of Genesis 3:15 (aka, the Protoevangelium) wherein the Woman’s Seed (Messiah) would bruise the serpents head, though the serpent would bruise His heel (the crucifixion of Christ).


Now, allow me to jump ahead a bit before we actually discuss the “extended geometry” of the Star of David. Initially, and in order to do this, we are obliged to place the Star of David into a circle drawn whose perimeter touches the four sides of the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG). By placing the Star into the interior of the circle all six of its points (pyramidion) touch the perimeter at six equally spaced distances along its circumference (blue lines).

We are going to expand the GPG’s circle’s potential by extending 3 additional lines (red lines) to complete the duodecimal (i.e., “the system of twelve”) expression around the perimeter of its circle as seen below with simple “dots” indicating where lines can bisect the center of the circle and extend to the other side of the circle. Again, we placed the Magen David (six-pointed star or two inverted triangles) inside the circle (blue lines) which is surrounded by the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (dark black perimeter lines).



We are viewing the GPG (4-sq. of the Great Pyramid of Giza as the four-square containing the circle and triangles). I simply extended three extra lines (in red and colored the original Star in blue) and have created a platform with 12 equilateral triangles. These are the smaller 180 degree ones - there are, of course, others which overlap; however, these 12 do not overlap each other.  The six new triangles were created within the hexagon itself.

Do not concern yourself at the present with the interior red-dotted square lines; however, please note that in this dotted square two of the four vertices were made from the original Star of David and the other two vertices were made by one of the line extensions, the Star being slightly tilted to the left in its original position in the graphic previous to this one at the start of this article. Again, all the points of the Star (6) and the lines bisecting the middle of the circle and extending out to the perimeter of the circle (6 points each) are equally spaced along the circumference of the interior circle of the GPG, while the circle itself theoretically touches the base perimeter of the GPG in four separate places, if you would, left/right and top/bottom.


Therefore, 12 X 180 degrees (180° per 12 triangles) = 2160 degrees; however, all lines formed within the circle produce an additional 120 degrees (but are not triangles, just supplementary angles of 60 degree (2 ea. X 60° = 120° when added together) or 6 x 120° = 720 degrees. 

If these angles are added to the 2160° + 720° = 2880° thereby producing the two sets, again, of the 144 or 2880° ÷ 2 = 1440° which is likewise the perimeter of the base of the GPG itself at 3024 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (one Hebrew Sacred Cubit) = 1,440 Hebrew Sacred Cubits (HSC).  Here the number of degrees vs. the number of Hebrew Sacred Cubits is 1,440 each but in degrees or HSC but all within the base parameter of the GPG.

Again, this “288” throughout antiquity connotes, I believe, the two sets of 144,000 found in Revelation 7 (Israel – sealed upon the earth prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and in Revelation 14 (the Church raptured to the Heavenly Mt. Zion prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and then found on all sides of the New Jerusalem or 12 x 12 = 144 (i.e., 12,000 furlongs X 12,000 furlongs = 144,000,000 sq. furlongs per each face for “Its length, breadth, and height are equal” Rev. 21:16.), and, of course, the Wall of the New Jerusalem is “144 cubits” or 144 X 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 302.4 ft. (a fractal of the base edge of the GPG itself at 756 ft. X 4 = 3024 ft.
All 3 lines intersecting the esoteric center of the circle are 756 ft. (for this is the diameter of the interior circle).

Therefore:  There are 3 additional 756-foot "base lines" + the 4 on the perimeter for a total of 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (Sacred Cubit) = 2,520 HSC or the very fractal of the HSC itself (viz., 25.20 inches)! 


The precise fractal of the HSC can only be discovered if such a circle with the Star of David is inserted in its midst thereby demanding that additional equal-distance lines be drawn around the circle (providing us 12 equal arcs along the circle formed within the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza) totaling 3 ea. 756-foot lines as per the duodecimal system of measurement—again: 7 lines (3 interior of the circle and 4 on the perimeter of the GPG) X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC.

This SAME reflection can be replicated if the GPG were cubed making it 6 faces or 6 X 2520 HSC = 15,120 HSC and then doubled (as an octahedron) = 15,120 HSC X 2 = 30,240 HSC or the fractal of the perimeter of the four-square base of the GPG expressed in feet at 3024 ft. (4 X 756 ft. = 3024 ft.).


I repeat: The 7 ea. 756 ft. lines (4 on her perimeter or 3024 ft.) + 3 on the interior of the circle so formed (i.e. 3 X 756 ft. = 2268 ft.) or 3,024 ft. + 2,268 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 Hebrew Sacred Cubits—this is most amazing.

We are literally getting two sets of 2520s—one geometric and the other dimensional. The one set in degrees taken from the Star of David itself (as shown above) and the other taken from the Hebrew Sacred Cubit by combining the seven sets of 756 ft. lines taken from the 3 on the interior of the circle bisecting its center and the four-square perimeter of the (GPG) (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft.) and converting the 5,292 ft. into Hebrew Sacred Cubits (i.e., 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).

Please note that none of the points of the Magen David created by the overlaid triangle lines are 756 ft. The seven sets of 756 ft. are derived from the four-square base of the GPG and the three additional lines drawn to create the 12 equidistant points along the circle drawn within the GPG.

Again, our two sets of “2520” are derived from the Magen David as so described in degrees (2520°) and the other created by the 2520 HSC formed from the perimeter of the GPG + the 3 interior lines which bisect the circle so created—together these two sets of 2520 X 2 = 5040 which is Plato's Optimal Number for Societal Harmony wherein the City of Magnesia (system of 12) is juxtaposed to Atlantis (system of 10) – for in the Revelation the “12” triumphs over the “10.”

Astronomical Confirmations of the Star of David – Leading to the New Jerusalem


Be it known that the radii of the Moon (1080 miles) and of the Earth (3960 miles) are equal to 5040 miles and that 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 = 5040, and 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 = 5040 and that their sum: 5040 + 5040 = 10080 (combined diameters of the Earth and Moon), or the diameter of the Moon (2160 miles) and of the Earth (7920 miles) are equal to 10080 miles (which again is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s linear, 12-edged perimeter of 18,000 miles or “18” = “18”).

Since the “esoteric radius” of the combined Earth and Moon is 5040 miles (i.e., two sets of 2520) it would mean that if a circle were made from their combined radii by doubling their radii (or 5040 miles X 2 equals a diameter of 10080 miles) then the circumference of the circle created from this 10080-mile diameter would be: C (circumference) = Pi X d (diameter) or 3.142857 X 10080 miles = 31680 miles.

Yes, be it known that having found this “Altar unto the Lord in the midst of Egypt, and a Pillar to the Lord at its border” (lit. Giza; Isaiah 19:19) we’ve discovered that “embedded” within its foundation is the “5040” or the two sets of 2520 created by the degrees of the Star of David’s geometric marvel and the surrounding measurements (in Hebrew Sacred Cubits) of the interior circle’s circumference embracing the Star of David added to the perimeter of that Pillar to the Lord at Giza (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).

And what of the circumference created from this “5040” (i.e., having started out as two sets of “2520” from the Star of David . . . moving toward the creation of two sets of 5040 discovered in the combined radii of the Earth and Moon and then doubling them for their total diameters at 10080 and therefrom to form the great Earth/Moon esoteric circle/circumference at 31680 miles)?

Yes, it is equal to 31680 miles but far more . . . far, far more. Since the Star of David has generated the “5040” connoting Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony (i.e., two sets of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit of 25.20 ins. or 2520 X 2 – 5040) . . . that same doubling of the Star’s 2520 now creates the 31680-mile circumference from the diameter of the 5040 radii of the Earth and the Moon off its 10080-mile diameter. Now, the miracle takes place orchestrated by the astronomical, archaeological and cosmic wonderment as the New Jerusalem descends to Earth with her 12,000 furlong base edge wherein her “length, breadth, and height are equal” (Revelation 21:16) thereby we calculate “the city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth” (Rev. 21:16); therefore: 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. (one furlong) = 7,920,000 feet X four-square = 31,680,000 feet or “31680” the fractal of the Star’s magnificence.

31,680 Miles + 31,680 (New Jerusalem Perimeter) = 63,360

It appears likely that the 31,680 of the Star of David (generated from the Star’s two sets of 2520 equaling 5040 which we projected to the combined radii of the Earth and Moon, ultimately gave us a combined diameter and esoteric circumference of a circle bearing 31,680 miles. This 31,680 miles is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s four-square base perimeter.   Her four-square perimeter is calculated at 7920 X 4-sq. = 31,680).

What we’ve done with the Star of David is to place it, on the one hand, within the GPG, but, on the other hand, and as a consequence to this placement, catapulted it to embrace the Earth and its Moon—“For the Earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell herein.” (Psalm 24:1); and again:

“Now a great sign appeared in heaven:

A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,

And on her head a garland of twelve stars.”

(Revelation 12:1)

small woman

It is here that I wish to bring to our attention that what appears as a “great sign in the heaven” is comprised of the Woman who is truly the expression of the Earth, for it is here that God’s eternal plan and purpose for the ages is fulfilled. The Woman is, however, clothed with the Sun, for she does not express her own righteousness but that of the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-2). The Moon is beneath her feet and atop her head she is bedecked with a garland with twelve constellations (aka, stars).


Reply  Message 7 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:02

Reply  Message 8 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:08

Reply  Message 9 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:12
The “126” (5 cubits is equal to 126 inches) is the fractal of the radius of the Moon or 2160 miles (Moon’s Diameter) ÷ 2 gives us 1260 miles or “126” is reflective of “126” – in that the “Moon is Beneath Her Feet” (Rev. 12 – the Woman Clothed with the Sun) – even so the Height of the Mystical Sea of Cast Bronze is “beneath” at “126” – DO YOU SEE IT?

Reply  Message 10 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:23
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/09/2015 21:20

**Everything printed on this page is taken directly from David Flynn's book, TEMPLE AT THE CENTER OF TIME (pp.84-87)**


David Flynn, in his book, Temple At The Center Of Time, said, "The biblical chapter and verse of the Ark's construction ending in Exodus 25:20 may not have been by accident. The Israelites' cubit in the time of Moses until Solomon was equal to 25.20 modern inches. This number also follows the pattern of 2520, the writing on the wall." (pg.84)

"Flanders Petrie, in his extensive study of ancient calibration from the book Inductive Metrology, defines the Sacred Cubit of the Hebrews in the time of Moses as being,   

'The 25-inch cubit…found in ancient Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Syria, and probably in Greece, varying from 25.1 to 25.4. In modern Persia, Arabia, Greece, a pic or braccio of the same length also [varies] from 25.0 to 25.3. The mean of measurement from ancient structures around Jerusalem is 25.2 + - .1, which is the sacred Hebrew cubit.'"


 "The Sacred Cubit as a fractal of the number of the writing on the wall, 2520, represented an elemental law in the creation of God. It was the standard of design according to the pattern of heaven showed to Moses on Mount Sinai. It was the standard of design according to the pattern of heaven shown to Moses on Mount Sinai.


​The ancient Jewish sages maintained that time and space were of the same distinction, inferring that they mirror each other in shape. Although the universe is infinite, the matter within and time that binds it is not. Therefore time, like matter, has a defined beginning and end. According to this understanding, the division of time into smaller units does not alter its inherent structure, just as the division of physical objects does not alter their structure. The pattern of both, according to the Law of God, is based on the number 2520 and its fractal in the sacred cubit, 25.20.

 It is significant that this number, encoded in the writing of the wall, manifested through the agency of a “hand,” maintaining the ancient metaphor of the “finger or hand of God” working His will in the material universe.

However, it is the arm that extends the hand and fingers. These work to execute the will, to create, write, and even make war. The cubit was directly representative of these functions, and was the linear standard of all creation. James Strong (1822–1894), professor of biblical literature and exegetical theology at Troy University, further explained this concept:


'In the figurative idiom of the Hebrew its name is characteristically amah, which is merely a variation of the word em, a mother not so much (as the lexicons explain) “because the forearm is the mother of the [entire] arm” (a metaphor not very obvious surely), but because the cubit (or ulna) is the “mother,” as it were, of all dimensions whether in the human body or elsewhere.'


In ancient Egypt, cubit rods used for architecture and building were divided by the units of “digits,” which are primarily a reference to the fingers of the hand. This further connects the number written on the wall as corresponding with the Sacred Cubit, as it is based on the dimension of the arm and is also measured in units of the hand itself. According to Daniel 5:5,  


At that moment (fingers) of a man’s (hand) came out and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace across from the lampstand. And the king saw the palm of the hand that wrote.   


Newton included work on the cubit of the Jews in several manuscripts and books.  He explained the relationship of the Sacred Cubit to “palms” of length. In his Prolegomena to a Lexicon propheticumhe, Newton lists the Sacred Cubit as 7 palms and the Common Cubit as 6 palms, based on the description of the rod that was used to measure the temple in Ezekiel 40:5.


The 7-palm cubit would stand out as sacred due to its relation to the number 7. Seven is the only cardinal number that does not divide evenly into 360. The sacred number, 2520, (100 times the sacred cubit) is also the result of 360 x 7.



The Ark of the Covenant

And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat.

 ​Exodus 25:20

Reply  Message 11 of 11 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/09/2015 21:21

Reply  Message 11 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:31
Éxodo 25:20-22
20 Y los querubines tendrán extendidas las alas hacia arriba, cubriendo el propiciatorio con sus alas, uno frente al otro; los rostros de los querubines estarán vueltos hacia el propiciatorio.
21 Y pondrás el propiciatorio encima del arca, y en el arca pondrás el testimonio que yo te daré.
22 Allí me encontraré contigo, y de sobre el propiciatorio, de entre los dos querubines que están sobre el arca del testimonio, te hablaré acerca de todo lo que he de darte por mandamiento para los hijos de Israel.

Reply  Message 12 of 12 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/09/2015 00:48

A Revelation Key: Tribute to Isaac Newton | A Watcher Original

/ October 19, 2012

A Revelation “key”: Tribute to Isaac Newton

Postby Newton2012 [David Flynn]» 17 Jan 2010 09:11

Isaac Newton believed that the prophecies of Daniel and St. John the Revelator were in fact a single prophetic work separated by time.”THE Apocalypse of John is written in the same style and language with the Prophecies of Daniel, and hath the same relation to them which they have to one another, so that all of them together make but one complete Prophecy; and in like manner it consists of two parts, an introductory Prophecy, and an Interpretation thereof. The Prophecy is distinguished into seven successive parts, by the opening of the seven seals of the book which Daniel was commanded to seal up: and hence it is called the Apocalypse or Revelation of Jesus Christ…. these Prophecies of Daniel and John should not be understood till the time of the end: but then some should prophesy out of them in an afflicted and mournful state for a long time, and that but darkly, so as to convert but few. But in the very end, the Prophecy should be so far interpreted as to convince many…” Isaac Newton, Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John (1733)The time-distance correlation (In Temple at the Center of Time) works with statute miles for years BC and nautical miles for years AD. A “mirroring in distances” already exist between Patmos, where St. John wrote “Revelation” 539 n miles from the temple and Babylon where Daniel wrote his prophecies, 539 s miles from the temple, (Babylon fell in 539 BC). However, because Newton postulated that the prophecy of Daniel was the introduction to a later interpretation by the Revelation of St. John, the distances of each prophet from the temple are combined using nautical miles only. Numerous findings of nautical miles equaling years of events pertaining to the temple of Jerusalem in the present era, AD show that nautical miles should be used in this combined calculation for discerning the future mapped out in these two prophetic books. This distance is 1008 nm. Image In the entire New Testament, the only word that equals ‘1008’ is found in Revelation 16:16: “Armageddon” ????????? ! Image Kurios Ihsous Christos Lord=800 Jesus=888 Christ=1480 —- TOTAL 3168 Image The very dimensions of the earth/moon system declares the Lord Jesus Christ. What is more, the coming year, 2016 is also indicated. Image Image Image The gematria of “Apocalypsis, (Revelation in Greek) having the value 1512 “,is key to a prophetic time-line that Newton clearly foresaw, yet lived too early to realize. It functions using the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in which Isaac Newton established the “sacred cubit” at 25.20 inches in his work : “A DISSERTATION upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of the several Nations; from the Dimensions of the greatest Egyptian Pyramid”. Image Image Using the Revelation key of 1512, (the word Apocalypse equaling 1512 in Greek) the Great Pyramid dimensions and prophetic year, 2016 are determined.The biblical sacred cubit is seen especially in the Great Pyramid’s perimeter measurement, 3024 feet ( 36288 inches) at 25.20 x 1440 & also one fourth its perimeter, (9072 inches) at 25.20 inches x 360. 1512 / 2 = Pyramid side in feet 756 (756 x 3.3333333333333… = 2520) 1512 x 6 = Pyramid side in inches 9072 (9072 = “Greek gematria for “the Kingdom of Heaven” 2888 x PI) 1512 / PI = Pyramid height in feet 481 1512 x 2 = Pyramid perimeter in feet 3024 Using round figures, the sum of the radii of both the Earth and Moon (in miles) is 3960 + 1080 = 5040. 1512 x 3.33.. = 5040 1512 + 2016 + 1512 = 5040 5040 is the perimeter of the Temple mount in feet… 2016 equals the raised platform within the Temple mount in feet. …the difference between these two measurements repeats the perimeter of the Great Pyramid, 3024. The number 1008, interacts with the dimensions of the Great Pyramid and 1512 “Revelation” showing an “end-time” signature year (2016). It also produces the number of days extant in the last week of Daniel. 1008 + 1512 = 2520 (days of Daniel’s 70th week, also mentioned in Revelation) 1008 + 2520 = 3528; 3528 – 1512 = 2016 1008 / 2 = 504; 504 + 1512 = 2016 1008 x 2 = 2016 1008 x 3 = 3024 Pyramid perimeter (1512 + 1512) 1008 x 4 = 4032; 4032 – 2520 = 1512 1008 x 5 = 5040; 5040 – 3024 = 2016 1008 x 6 = 6048; 6048 / 4 = 1512 1008 x 7 = 7056; 7056 – 5040 = 2016 1008 x 8 = 8064; 8064 – 5040 = 3024 1008 x 9 = 9072 (1/4th Great Pyramid perimeter in inches) 1008 + 2888 (Greek gematria for “the Kingdom of Heaven”) = 3896; 3896 / 2 = 1948 (rebirth of Israel) 1008 x ancient PI, 22/7 “3.142857 = 3168 (Greek gematria “Lord Jesus Christ”) 1008 + 2160 (diameter of the moon in statute miles) = 3168 3.142857 x 2520 = 7920 (mean diameter of the earth in statute miles) The sum of the earth & moon diameters(7920 & 2160) is also the number of minutes in a week (7 days × 24 hours × 60 minutes = 10,080). 3,168 Gematria Hebrew The names of the Twelve Patriarchs (Jacobs sons) combined 3,168 Inches Perimeter Combine the Holy & Most Holy Rooms /Solomon’s Temple 31,680 Feet Perimeter The Millennial City (Ezekiels Vision) 316,800 Inches Perimeter New Jerusalem’s cities of refuge 31,680,000 Feet Perimeter New Jerusalem 31,680 Furlongs Radius The Earth http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/gr_3168.asp


The words below, that equal 3168, participate in one of the most astounding set of alphanumeric identities ever seen in the history of the world. Perhaps the most astounding is the exact identity between the numerical value of the full Greek New Testament title of the LORD JESUS CHRIST with that of the greatest prophecy of Him found in the Old Testament, Isaiah 53:11The Mediator between God and men [I Tim 2.5] Mesites Theou kai anthropos…Jesus Christ is Lord… Philippians 2.11 …the gospel of the kingdom of God…Mark 1:14 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Isaiah 53:11

Below is the reflection of the time-line within the coordinates of Washington DC and the year of the founding of the United States. 1512 / 38.88 = 38.88 Latitude of Washington monument. 1512 x 77.012 (Longitude of Washington monument) = 116444.16; 116444.16 / 2016 = 57.76 (5776 is the height of the Great Pyramid in inches and the Jewish year 2016) 1512 / 77.012 = 19.6333; 19.6333 x 12 = 235.5996; 235.5996 + 1776.6 = 2012 Just found this… In the entire New Testament, the only word that equals ‘1008’ is found in Revelation 16:16: “Armageddon” ????????? ! It is also a strange fact that the oldest manuscripts of Revelation had this spelling and number, the later added one delta (D) to the name, obscuring the phenomenal time- proportion value that it contains. It seems that some the most important puzzle pieces were deliberately hidden until now… but by whom?, that is a good question. What remains is that this number is connected only to the book of Revelation, whose number (1512) is intricately proportioned with the earth- moon system, the Great Pyramid and the prophecies of Daniel and St. John. All these concern the second coming and the ‘timing’ of that great event. MARANATHA


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