Chatelain, Maurice, Our Cosmic Ancestors, Sedona, Arizona: Temple Golden Publications, 1988. Introduction, p. 5.
“A clay tablet covered with cuneiform script and discovered in the ruins of Nineveh shows a huge number, 195,955,200,000,000, which represents expressed in seconds, an enormous period of time of 2268 million days or 6.3 million years. This period of time is an exact multiple of any astronomical cycle known so far and must, therefore, have been an astronomical constant of the universe.”
The exactitude of the Nineveh constant is concise in one key quote from Chatelain.
“Every period of revolution or conjunction of all the solar system bodies calculated by the Constant of Nineveh corresponded exactly down to several decimal points with the values given in the modern tables of United States astronomers… I have not been able to find even a single period of revolution or conjunction of a solar system planet or satellite that would not be an exact fraction down to the fourth decimal point of the Great Constant of the Solar System”
As the late, great, John Michell, maintained within the inspirational moreover challenging “The Dimensions of Paradise”
“In the operations of simple arithmetic and throughout all the numerical manifestations of nature, such as the periods and intervals of the solar system, certain “nodal” numbers occur, providing a link between processes and phenomena which otherwise appear quite unconnected with each other”