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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 10/10/2011 19:39
Los rollos del "mar muerto", tan promocionado por los evangelios gnosticos en EL CODIGO DA VINCI, pueden ser un SIMBOLO espiritual por la CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, en el contexto al fuerte enlace de MARIA/MIRYAM y su relacion con el MAR/GENTILES. "MAR MUERTO" es una obvia analogia esoterica a la MUERTE ESPIRITUAL QUE LE HA PRODIGADO EL "CRISTIANISMO" A MARIA MAGDALENA, LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. Haciendo un analisis numerologico el numero 1947=33x59. El numero 33 tiene un fuerte nexo con el SANTO GRIAL/JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2 O 3:3). ¿Si no es asi, porque tuvieron estos rollos tanta influencia en EL CODIGO DA VINCI e incluso en su nexo con el matrimonio de JESUCRISTO? El "experimento philadelphia" tambien fue en 1947. FILADELFIA SIGNIFICA UTERO DE ISIS. Los mismos ESTADOS UNIDOS, QUE SON LA NACION DEL SANTO GRIAL, nacieron en FILADELFIA, CIUDAD DE 7 COLINAS. NOTEN SU RELACION CON EL NUMERO DE ORO PHI (PHI-LADEL-PHI-A).LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN EQUIVALE AL SHABBAT Y EL GRIAL. "PUERTA DE TU CIUDAD"/STAR GATE/ESCALERA DE JACOB. Observen la "cuadratura del circulo"/hombre de Vitrubio/escalera de Jacob interrelacionadas con el NUMERO 19.47. La mayoria de las piramides de este planeta estan ubicadas cerca del paralelo 19.47. Concretamente este numero tiene fuerte nexo con la ESCALERA DE JACOB QUE ES LA ALQUIMIA, OSEA JESUCRISTO SEGUN JUAN 1:51, QUE ES TIPO DEL GRIAL (JUAN MARCOS). La VERDADERA TRINIDAD CRISTIANA ES JESUCRISTO QUE SIMBOLIZA A DIOS EL PADRE, MARIA MAGDALENA QUE SIMBOLIZA AL ESPIRITU SANTO Y JUAN MARCOS EL GRIAL, OSEA EL HIJO. ESA ES LA TRINIDAD CON SU ANTAGONISMO EGIPCIO OSIRIS, ISIS Y HORUS. LOS CRISTIANOS TENEMOS UN SOLO DIOS CON DOS FACETAS UNA MASCULINA CUYO ARQUETIPO ES JESUCRISTO Y UNA FEMENINA SIMBOLIZADA POR MARIA MAGDALENA. EN INTERNET TODOS ESTOS CODIGOS SON MAYORMENTE MAL UTILIZADOS BUSCANDO UN NEXO CON LOS EXTRATERRESTRES  que en realidad es una obvia referencia a los ANGELES QUE SUBEN Y BAJAN EN LA ESCALERA DE JACOB. PARA LOS CRISTIANOS TODOS ESTOS MENSAJES, mal utilizados por la mayoria desgraciadamente porque no buscan a DIOS, son fuertes nexos con el GRIAL.
21. Éxodo 20:10: mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus PUERTAs.
85. Deuteronomio 5:14: mas el séptimo día es reposo a Jehová tu Dios; ninguna obra harás tú,ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu sierva, ni tu buey, ni tu asno, ni ningún animal tuyo, ni el extranjero que está dentro de tus PUERTAs, para que descanse tu siervo y tu sierva como tú.
501. Apocalipsis 3:20: He aquí, yo estoy a la PUERTA y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la PUERTA, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo.

502. Apocalipsis 4:1: Después de esto miré, y he aquí una PUERTA abierta en el cielo; y la primera voz que oí, como de trompeta, hablando conmigo, dijo: Sube acá, y yo te mostraré las cosas que sucederán después de estas.

503. Apocalipsis 21:12: Tenía un muro grande y alto con doce PUERTAs; y en las PUERTAs, doce ángeles, y nombres inscritos, que son los de las doce tribus de los hijos de Israel;

504. Apocalipsis 21:13: al oriente tres PUERTAs; al norte tres PUERTAs; al sur tres PUERTAs; al occidente tres PUERTAs.

505. Apocalipsis 21:15: El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus PUERTAs y su muro.

506. Apocalipsis 21:21: Las doce PUERTAs eran doce perlas; cada una de las PUERTAs era una perla. Y la calle de la ciudad era de oro puro, transparente como vidrio.

507. Apocalipsis 21:25: Sus PUERTAs nunca serán cerradas de día, pues allí no habrá noche.

508. Apocalipsis 22:14: Bienaventurados los que lavan sus ropas, para tener derecho al árbol de la vida,y para entrar por las PUERTAs en la ciudad.

Here is an interesting read on Stargates and 19.47
"YO SOY EL ALFA Y EL OMEGA, EL PRINCIPIO Y EL FIN"/SALMO 119 (comienza por la primera y termina por la ultima letra del abecedario hebreo)
15. Apocalipsis 1:8: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso.
18. Apocalipsis 21:6: Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida.

19. Apocalipsis 22:13: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.



Capítulo 7 

Incredulidad de los hermanos de Jesús
7:1 Después de estas cosas, andaba Jesús en Galilea; pues no quería andar en Judea, porque los judíos procuraban matarle. 
7:2 Estaba cerca la fiesta de los judíos, la de los tabernáculos;Levitico 23. 34Deuteronomio 16. 13
7:3 y le dijeron sus hermanos: Sal de aquí, y vete a Judea, para que también tus discípulos vean las obras que haces. 
7:4 Porque ninguno que procura darse a conocer hace algo en secreto. Si estas cosas haces, manifiéstate al mundo. 
7:5 Porque ni aun sus hermanos creían en él. 
7:6 Entonces Jesús les dijo: Mi tiempo aún no ha llegado, mas vuestro tiempo siempre está presto. 
7:7 No puede el mundo aborreceros a vosotros; mas a mí me aborrece, porque yo testifico de él, que sus obras son malas. 
7:8 Subid vosotros a la fiesta; yo no subo todavía a esa fiesta, porque mi tiempo aún no se ha cumplido. 
7:9 Y habiéndoles dicho esto, se quedó en Galilea. 

Jesús en la fiesta de los tabernáculos 

7:10 Pero después que sus hermanos habían subido, entonces él también subió a la fiesta, no abiertamente, sino como en secreto. 
7:11 Y le buscaban los judíos en la fiesta, y decían: ¿Dónde está aquél? 
7:12 Y había gran murmullo acerca de él entre la multitud, pues unos decían: Es bueno; pero otros decían: No, sino que engaña al pueblo. 
7:13 Pero ninguno hablaba abiertamente de él, por miedo a los judíos. 
7:14 Mas a la mitad de la fiesta subió Jesús al templo, y enseñaba. 
7:15 Y se maravillaban los judíos, diciendo: ¿Cómo sabe éste letras, sin haber estudiado? 
7:16 Jesús les respondió y dijo: Mi doctrina no es mía, sino de aquel que me envió. 
7:17 El que quiera hacer la voluntad de Dios, conocerá si la doctrina es de Dios, o si yo hablo por mi propia cuenta. 
7:18 El que habla por su propia cuenta, su propia gloria busca; pero el que busca la gloria del que le envió, éste es verdadero, y no hay en él injusticia. 
7:19 ¿No os dio Moisés la ley, y ninguno de vosotros cumple la ley? ¿Por qué procuráis matarme? 
7:20 Respondió la multitud y dijo: Demonio tienes; ¿quién procura matarte? 
7:21 Jesús respondió y les dijo: Una obra hice, y todos os maravilláis. 
7:22 Por cierto, Moisés os dio la circuncisión (no porque sea de Moisés, sino de los padresGenesis 17. 10); y en el día de reposo circuncidáis al hombre(22/7=3.14 (Numero PI). increiblemente tenemos un NEXO DE LA PI-RAMIDE TRUNCADA (SIMBOLO FALICO CIRCUNCIDADO) INTERRELACIONADO INCLUSO CON EL DIA DE REPOSO)

illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
7:23 Si recibe el hombre la circuncisiónLevitico 12. 3 en el día de reposo, para que la ley de Moisés no sea quebrantada, ¿os enojáis conmigo porque en el día de reposo sané completamente a un hombre?Juan 5. 9
eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)

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Resposta  Missatge 96 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 21/11/2012 03:01

Mitología de la juventud - Capítulo VI - Juno

P. ¿Quién era Juno?

R. Juno era hija de Saturno y de Cibeles, y por consiguiente hermana de Neptuno, de Plutón, de Ceres, etc. Algunos dicen que nació en Argos (1) y otros en Samos (2).

P. ¿Con quién se casó?

R. Con su hermano Júpiter, y así fue reina del cielo y de la tierra.


P. ¿Esta unión fue dichosa?

R. No: la inconstancia de su esposo la hizo muy celosa, y se vengó de sus rivales con el mayor rigor. Persiguió a Latona, Alcmena y Semele; cambió a Io en vaca y a Calisto en oso; entregó a las Furias a la familia de Athamas; suscitó los trabajos de Hércules, y prolongo diez años las desgracias de los troyanos, para sepultarlos al fin en las ruinas de su propia ciudad.

P. ¿Tuvo Juno hijos?

R. Sí: fue madre de Marte, Vulcano,

La mayoria de los volcanes estan cercanos a 19.47 grados en el planeta tierra.
Hebe, y también de Ilitía o Lucina.

P. ¿Es representada Juno como una esposa dócil y sumisa?

R. No: persiguió a Hércules, hijo de Júpiter y de Alcmena, con tanto rigor, que para castigarla, Júpiter la hizo suspender con una cadena de oro entre el cielo y la tierra, y habiendo querido Vulcano librar a su madre de esta situación humillante, le arrojó del cielo de un puntillón, y al caer en la tierra se rompió una pierna.

P. ¿Cómo se vengó Juno de esta afrenta?

R. Empeñó a los dioses en una conspiración contra Júpiter, pero éste, con el auxilio del gigante Briáreo, supo burlar su empresa, y Apolo y Neptuno fueron desterrados del cielo.

P. ¿Cuál era el empleo ordinario de Juno?

R. Además de que ocupaba el primor puesto entre los dioses del Olimpo, Juno presidía a los matrimonios y a los partos; era la divinidad particular de las mujeres virtuosas, y ninguna mujer de malas costumbres podía entrar en su templo.

P. ¿Cuáles son los atributos de Juno?

R. Se la representa algunas veces sentada en un trono, o en un carro tirado por pavos reales, con una diadema en la cabeza, y un cetro de oro en la mano. Iris, adornada con los bellos y ricos colores del arco, que lleva su nombre, es su mensajera ordinaria.

Resposta  Missatge 97 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 22/11/2012 17:47
12. 1 Reyes 4:33: También disertó sobre los árboles, desde el cedro del Líbano hasta el hisopo que nace en la pared. Asimismo disertó sobre los animales, sobre las aves, sobre los reptiles y sobre los peces.

si'-don (tsidhon; Sidon; the King James Version, Sidon and Zidon; the Revised Version (British and American) SIDON only):

1. Location and Distinction:

One of the oldest Phoenician cities, situated on a narrow plain between the range of Lebanon and the sea, in latitude 33 degrees 34 minutes nearly. The plain is well watered and fertile, about 10 miles long, extending from a little North of Sarepta to the Bostrenus (Nahr el-'Auly). The ancient city was situated near the northern end of the plain, surrounded with a strong wall. It possessed two harbors, the northern one about 500 yds. long by 200 wide, well protected by little islets and a breakwater, and a southern about 600 by 400 yards, surrounded on three sides by land, but open to the West, and thus exposed in bad weather. The date of the founding of the city is unknown, but we find it mentioned in the Tell el-Amarna Letters in the 14th century B.C., and in Genesis 10:19 it is the chief city of the Canaanites, and Joshua (Joshua 11:8) calls it Great Sidon.

Multi-Version Concordance


Sidon (35 Occurrences)

38. Mateo 11:21: Ay de ti, Corazín! Ay de ti, Betsaida! Porque si en Tiro y en Sidón se hubieran hecho los milagros que han sido hechos en vosotras, tiempo ha que se hubieran arrepentido en cilicio y en ceniza.


39. Mateo 11:22: Por tanto os digo que en el día del juicio, será más tolerable el castigo para Tiro y para Sidón, que para vosotras.


40. Mateo 15:21: Saliendo Jesús de allí, se fue a la región de Tiro y de Sidón.


41. Marcos 3:8: de Jerusalén, de Idumea, del otro lado del Jordán, y de los alrededores de Tiro y de Sidón, oyendo cuán grandes cosas hacía, grandes multitudes vinieron a él.


42. Marcos 7:24: Levantándose de allí, se fue a la región de Tiro y de Sidón; y entrando en una casa, no quiso que nadie lo supiese; pero no pudo esconderse.


43. Marcos 7:31: Volviendo a salir de la región de Tiro, vino por Sidón al mar de Galilea, pasando por la región de Decápolis.


44. Lucas 4:26: pero a ninguna de ellas fue enviado Elías, sino a una mujer viuda en Sarepta de Sidón.


45. Lucas 6:17: Y descendió con ellos, y se detuvo en un lugar llano, en compañía de sus discípulos y de una gran multitud de gente de toda Judea, de Jerusalén y de la costa de Tiro y de Sidón, que había venido para oírle, y para ser sanados de sus enfermedades;


46. Lucas 10:13: ¡Ay de ti, Corazín! ¡Ay de ti, Betsaida! que si en Tiro y en Sidón se hubieran hecho los milagros que se han hecho en vosotras, tiempo ha que sentadas en cilicio y ceniza, se habrían arrepentido.


47. Lucas 10:14: Por tanto, en el juicio será más tolerable el castigo para Tiro y Sidón, que para vosotras.


48. Hechos 12:20: Y Herodes estaba enojado contra los de Tiro y de Sidón; pero ellos vinieron de acuerdo ante él, y sobornado Blasto, que era camarero mayor del rey, pedían paz, porque su territorio era abastecido por el del rey.


49. Hechos 27:3: Al otro día llegamos a Sidón; y Julio, tratando humanamente a Pablo, le permitió que fuese a los amigos, para ser atendido por ellos.



Resposta  Missatge 98 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 27/11/2012 22:52

The Martian Message

By Goro Adachi
Sept. 29, '02
/ Jan. '03


[The following is a portion taken from Chapter 2 of my book The Time Rivers. It should quickly summarize the baffling saga of the "Monuments of Mars" for those not very familiar with the subject.]



19.5°: A Signal From Mars

[...] The esoteric significance of 19.5° was actually first brought to mankind’s attention through another celestial body much closer to Earth – the Red Planet.

This is not as strange as it sounds. For instance, Mars happens to be intertwined with ancient Egypt in curious ways: 

  • The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira denoting Mars. (More literally it means ‘the victorious’.)

  • The ancient Egyptians called Mars ‘Horus of the Horizon’ (Horakhti), which was the very same name given to the Great Sphinx. Mars was also called ‘Horus the Red’ (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red.[1]

  • Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha, the ‘Man-Lion’.

  • The term ‘pyramid’ derives from the Greek term pyr meaning ‘fire’, as in Mars the ‘fire planet’. (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek.)

As for the angle 19.5°, it resides at the heart of the geometric ‘message’ claimed to have been found on the deceptively barren Martian surface.

Indeed, the first sign of the ‘Martian message’ emerged through certain structures that were not only pyramidal but also tetrahedral.

These apparent pyramids were captured on camera in 1972 by NASA’s Mariner 9, the first spacecraft to enter Mars orbit in history. As it flew over a region called Elysium Quadrangle, the probe just happened to detect this ‘tip of the iceberg’ – as they would turn out to be – quietly sitting there.

While no serious scientific investigation was launched, it was certainly anomalous enough for celebrated scientist Carl Sagan to comment that these ‘beckoning pyramids’, as he called them, did ‘warrant…a careful look’.[2]

Following this little prelude came Cydonia.

Oh my God, look at this!’, exclaimed Tobias Owen of JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) as he came across a photograph labeled 35A72, sent from Mars by Viking 1 in 1976. What he saw was the now infamous ‘Face on Mars’ situated in a region called Cydonia.

It was a rock formation resembling a huge human face silently staring up into space.

While seemingly a silly notion, there was at least some symbolic coherence here, as noted by Richard Hoagland, in that the Egyptian name given to the ‘Martian god’ Horus was Heru, which could also mean ‘face’.[3] 



Figure 2.6  The first picture of the ‘Face on Mars’ (35A72) taken by the Viking spacecraft in 1976.

Then came Vincent Dipietro, a NASA computer scientist, who discovered another photograph (70A13) in 1979 that showed the same object still looking like a face. But more importantly, DiPietro along with Gregory Molenaar found another peculiar feature in the vicinity of the ‘Face’. This was a gigantic and seemingly five-sided pyramidal structure, nicknamed the ‘D&M Pyramid’ (after DiPietro and Molenaar).

Unlike the ‘Face’, this pyramid proved to be more effective in determining the involvement of intelligence, thanks to its geometric nature. And shocking was what the subsequent analysis revealed: the inferred design of the D&M Pyramid seemed to express Pythagorean mathematics and geometry![4]



Figure 2.7  Geometric analysis of the ‘D&M Pyramid’ model.

NASA, however, simply could not be bothered to look into the growing mystery.

Understandably frustrated, Dipiero and Molenaar resolved to write Unusual Mars Surface Features – which would catch the attention of Richard Hoagland, a science writer and former space program consultant. (He presently heads ‘The Enterprise Mission’, a group devoted to investigating space anomalies as well as anything remotely related).

Doing some investigation of his own, Hoagland found other anomalous objects in Cydonia, such as what he nicknamed the ‘City’, ‘Fort’, ‘Cliff’, and ‘Tholus’.

Increasingly fascinated by those ‘Monuments of Mars’ and driven by pure curiosity, he went on to establish the Independent Mars Investigation (IMI) funded by SRI International, a renowned think tank in California involved with cutting-edge science and technology. This eventually evolved into the ‘Mars Mission’ and then into ‘The Enterprise Mission’. Among the members were DiPiero, Molenaar, anthropologist Randolpho Pozos, plasma physicist John Brandenberg, SRI scientists Lambert Dolphin and Bill Beatty, image-processing expert Mark Carlotto, and cartographer Erol Torun.

These independent researchers then managed to accumulate ample evidence to strongly support the structures’ artificiality – the most compelling being the geometric attributes of the D&M Pyramid model found by Torun:

What Torun discovered was a mathematically rich figure whose geometry contains the mathematical bases for the hexagon, the pentagon, and the classic proportions of the Golden Ratio… Twenty of the model’s internal angles, angle ratios, and trigonometric functions redundantly express three square root values, sqrt 2, sqrt 3, sqrt 5, and two mathematical constants, pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) and e (the base of the natural logarithms) with a mean error of one-half of one percent… Except for sqrt 2 and sqrt 3, the constants do not appear alone, but in seven different mathematical combinations... The most redundant values discovered were e/pi, e/sqrt 5, and sqrt 3. These values are repeated four times each in at least two different modes of measurement.[5]

The investigators additionally revealed that the geometry of the D&M Pyramid seemed to emphasize key tetrahedral angles such as 19.5° and 60°.[6] In particular, the ‘tetrahedral constant’ 19.5° was found encoded everywhere in the region of Cydonia.[7] There was, for example, a set of sixteen little ‘mounds’ in the ‘City’ area examined by Horace W. Crater, a physicist and pattern-analysis expert at the Tennessee Space Institute.

Crater was astounded to discover that the mounds were definitely not randomly placed features. Many of the angles made by the mounds, he had to conclude, were decidedly tetrahedral and functions of 19.5°.[8]



Tetrahedral geometry, therefore, had firmly emerged as the ‘message of Cydonia’. And on this point, Hoagland states in The Monuments of Mars:

The key… now unmistakably centers on the geometric and geodetic properties of an inscribed tetrahedron… surrounded by a sphere, communicated so redundantly through the inter-locking geometry, angles, mathematical constants, and their associated trigonometric functions discovered so redundantly across Cydonia.[9]


[Hoagland's 'Geometric Relationship Model' of Cydonia]

If these findings are accurate, it would amount to one of the biggest revelations in history – the first sign of intelligence outside of our own planet. And yet, today the general public is largely oblivious to this development. Most people’s knowledge on this does not go beyond the mere existence of ‘the face-like thing on Mars’, as they are utterly unaware of all the remarkable geometric data.

Why is this? Why is the explosive matter of Cydonia being ignored? Is it because the findings are invalid conclusions conjured up by a bunch of crackpots?

Not so, according to Stanley McDaniel, professor emeritus and former chairman of the philosophy department at Sonoma State University, a man most suited for evaluating this kind of issue for he is specifically trained in reasoning – man’s only true friend in finding truth.

As McDaniel writes in The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Investigating Possible Evidence of Artificial Structures on the Surface of Mars and in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program (1993):

My initial approach was one of considerable skepticism… [But] over the course of the investigation my appreciation for what these researchers had done, and the underlying scientific integrity of their work, began to grow. I found that the occasional faults in their work were far outweighed by the solidity of the data and their responsiveness to the needs of what is, after all, the first study of its kind in history.[10]


The data collected in the course of these investigations appears to be highly reliable. The most advanced techniques of image enhancement, photoclinometry and fractal analysis, confirmed by cross-checking and thoroughly documented, have been used. The investigators are acknowledged experts in their fields with strong academic and professional qualifications. In every test, the data has consistently tilted in the direction of artificial, rather than natural, origin. Moreover, the various tests performed, including anthropometric and aesthetic evaluation, have been mutually cross-confirming.[11]

As it was done by ‘an impeccable, unquestionably academic source’, The McDaniel Report represented ‘a major scientific and political breakthrough for the entire subject of Cydonia’.[12]

So why, we must ask again, have the Martian findings not made the headlines all over the world, as they surely deserve?

We find that this is largely thanks to the strange reaction of the establishment – namely NASA – to Cydonia. On this, McDaniel writes: 

As my study of the work done by the independent investigators and NASA’s response to their research continued, I became aware not only of the relatively high quality of the independent research, but also of glaring mistakes in the arguments used by NASA to reject this research. With each new NASA document I encountered, I became more and more appalled by the impossibly bad quality of the reasoning used. It grew more and more difficult to believe that educated scientists could engage in such faulty reasoning unless they were following some sort of hidden agenda aimed at suppressing the true nature of the data. Eventually my original naïve view – that all NASA scientists were sincerely interested in the truth – was utterly shattered…[13]


Seventeen years [as of 1993] of ridicule by NASA and a small handful of scientists whose field of expertise is severely limited has encouraged many people to ignore the data and dismiss the [issue] as a joke… Instead of carrying out legitimate scientific inquiry, NASA has regularly sent false and misleading statements regarding the landforms to members of Congress and their constituents. NASA has condoned efforts to unfairly ridicule and discredit independent researchers… despite the fact that the only real scientific study of the landforms indicates a clear possibility that they are artificial.[14]

The issue concerning the ‘hidden agenda’ of NASA is ultimately too complex and obscure to delve into here. But suffice it to say that there are those behind the scenes who seem to know much more than the general public, academia, media, and even the government do, and they seem to wield an invisible but strong influence on our perception of ‘reality’. And for whatever reason, it appears that ‘they’ do not want the matter of extraterrestrial artifacts taken seriously.

While there are certainly many layers of reasons and agendas involved here, on a basic level anthropologist Randolfo Pozos was probably on the mark when he stated: 

The greatest difficulty posed by these curious landforms on Mars occurs… at the level of beliefs and fundamental values… In essence these landforms on Mars are intellectual land-mines.[15]

It is also quite feasible that the apparent suppression of the information has much to do with the ultimate meaning of the ‘message of Cydonia’, which, according to Richard Hoagland, concerns what he calls ‘hyperdimensional physics’.

This is a form of ‘hyperspace’ theory that basically adds extra dimensions to the normal four dimensions of space and time to explain physical phenomena. In the model promoted by Hoagland, stemming from the Cydonia research, tetrahedral geometry and angular momentum are viewed as the key to uniting the physical and ‘hyperdimensional’ realms.[16] And this unification, if achieved, would lead to the harnessing of an entirely new form of energy or force.

If valid and developed further, it has the potential to quickly and completely upset the societal structure and utterly undermine those in control of the world’s economy – as the new physics would easily translate to something akin to ‘free energy’, which in turn translates to dramatically decreased dependency on oil and other conventional energy sources.



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Resposta  Missatge 99 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 27/11/2012 23:21
By Goro Adachi
September 29, 2003

© 2003 Goro Adachi

On April 30, 2003, NBC aired an episode of the popular show The West Wing titled 'Life On Mars'. I just happened to catch it and was quite intrigued by the fact that this very mainstream and political TV program had decided to deal with such an controversial subject. Of course The West Wing, a creation of Aaron Sorkins, didn't come right out and tell us that there is undeniable evidence of life on Mars - it was only implied. Still, I found this significant and also noted that various clues were inserted into the story that demonstrated his great insights into not only the shady Mars/Cydonia situation but also what's happening with regard to the Iraq war and such - including, apparently, future events.

As expected, Richard Hoagland, well known for his extensive investigation into the 'Monuments of Mars' (Cydonia), was quick to offer his view on the show. Just after a week so after its airing, Hoagland posted on his Enterprise Mission website a lengthy article, titled Life On Mars?: The Search for Intelligence in Washington, in which was provided his detailed analysis of the 'coded' story. And he sounded very confident about his observations. He wrote:

If the point of this whole “West Wing” episode -- remember, titled specifically “Life on Mars’ -- was NOT what we have analyzed, then there must be some other equally complex, equally plausible alternative… some other equally intricate interpretation, some other encompassing significance to [the writer/producer] Sorkin’s choice of THAT specific subject title...

No, this time it will NOT be enough for critics to simply dismiss our interpretation of this truly bizarre April 30, 2003 episode of NBC’s flagship, award-winning political drama. They must now put forth a convincing, viable alternative scenario -- not only for the truly Byzantine, precisely timed Mars and Hyperdimensional references made throughout this episode… but for what immediately followed. Sorkin suddenly resigned.

First, let me state that I'm not a 'critic' of Hoagland, and I do think Hoagland did an admirable job interpreting the episode. Having said that, I am writing this article because I have come up with just such an 'alternative scenario/interpretation' that is indeed capable of explaining the story with more depth, cohesiveness, and clarity. From my point of view, Hoagland missed the 'hidden' context, or theme, of the story. And due to this his interpretation became rather superficial and shaky.

They key here is that the whole 'Life On Mars' theme was itself actually a simple metaphor. This was hinted by the following: 1) the episode in question was (presumably) written and aired during the Iraq war (3/20-5/1), and 2) traditionally Mars is considered the planet/god of war. 'Life On Mars' would therefore be a thinly veiled code for 'Life Of War' or 'Story of the Iraq War'. This is the context needed for proper decoding.

So presented below is my own interpretation of the West Wing episode. I have copied Hoagland's article (in gray) into which my comments are inserted (in white). This format will allow the reader to easily compare the different interpretations.


NOTE: It is probably necessary for many readers to be first told about the significance of the number '19.5' and '33'. These are 'hyperdimensional numbers' that have much to do with the 'Monument of Mars' (Cydonia), as strongly suggested by the investigation led by Hoagland. As he wrote in the article:

The connection between the two numbers is definitely “non-trivial.” In fact, it’s fundamental. The actual contact point of a circumscribed tetrahedron... is precisely 19.47°, rounded up to the canonical "19.5°." The sine of 19.47° is .3333 (which, by the way, is where we believe the significance of the mysterious Masonic “33rd Degree” comes from). We have noted numerous instances of both "19.5's" and "33's" in various NASA missions, activities and symbols over the years, and the fact is that "decimal harmonics," i.e. 3.33 or 33.3, also seem to show up repeatedly in our analysis.



“Life on Mars”
An annotated Synopsis of the April 30th “West Wing” Episode
By Richard C. Hoagland
May, 2003




Dramatis Personae

Josiah "Jed" Bartlet - POTUS
John Hoynes - The Vice President
Leo McGarry - White House Chief of Staff
Josh Lyman - Deputy White House Chief of Staff
Donna Moss - Josh's Assistant
Toby Ziegler - White House Communications Director
CJ Cregg - White House Press Secretary
Charlie Young - The President's Personal Assistant
Will Bailey - Staff Speech Writer
Joseph Quincy - Associate White House Council



The story opens in the rain outside the White House. It’s Tuesday morning, 5:58 AM.  A cab pulls up and a young woman gets out.  Charlie Young greets her and escorts her into the Oval office.  With Masonic First President, George Washington, looking over Jed Bartlet’s shoulder, she hands an envelope to the President of the United States. In a close-up on the letter inside, WE SEE:


“Dear Mr. President:

“I hereby resign the Office of Vice President of the United States effective 6:00AM today.


John Hoynes


The next scene (after the traditional Show opening) begins:

“24 Hours Earlier ….”

The Science Editor of the Washington Post [a highly prestigious, high profile news organization that would not make such an inquiry lightly] is being brought by another Post reporter into CJ's office. He's asking about a "NASA Commission on Space, Science and Research [SSR] Report," which states that the Agency found "fossilized water molecules in a meteorite from Mars" a long time ago ....

CJ cuts to the chase, calls the first Post reporter into a back room and says indignantly "Your question is 'is there Life on Mars?', and 'is the White House hiding that there's life on Mars?!' -- and what the hell does this have to do with the Vice President?!"

The reporter answers: "the Vice President is head of the NASA Commission. He PERSONALLY told a source at the Post that the White House is suppressing the Report. The source then told another Post reporter, who told the Science Editor.

CJ then goes back to the Post Science Editor in her office and says: "I can't imagine that it's true. But I'll check." The Science Editor then asks the key question: "Will it be made public? If not, why? And, if not, isn't that ILLEGAL?"


CJ (clearly NOT believing any of this) promises to find some answers, but in terms of the legality she refers the Post Editor to the "White House Counsel's Office." In fact, she says, she knows "just the right guy ...."

She's referring, of course, to the new guy [played by Matthew Perry, of Friends] they hired as Counsel in last week's episode, Joseph Quincy, a young Republican lawyer. Throughout this "Mars episode," White House staff are constantly playing practical jokes on the "new guy," and CJ (obviously thinking this is a nutcase story), decides to pawn off the "legalities" of the "life on Mars" query on Quincy, as part of the Whiter House hazing ritual for new hires.


Half joking, CJ asks Quincy to look into the matter to see "if we broke the law, please." A VERY important, redundant point in the entire episode... a White House which actually takes the LAW seriously -- and on THIS subject!

Quincy, responding as Associate White House Counsel, begins to ask questions and starts seeing a disturbing pattern. Following the clues, he eventually comes to an astonishing conclusion -- which ultimately results in the Vice President's forced resignation. But, that's not until much later...

A sub-plot is introduced at this point: Toby Ziegler [the Director of White House Communications] is being shown an attack ad on fuel efficiency by his new speechwriter, Will Bailey. Will says they have to "respond" with their own ad. This running sub-plot will intersect with the main plot toward the end of the episode.

Hoagland's Interpretation

Goro's Interpretation

The next major data point on the Mars story line -- the bird tapping at the White House window -- begins at exactly "19:05," from the start of the show (19.5 in the decimal variances -- of course!). It peaks at "19:30" -- which is 19.5 again, in terms of actual clock time. So, there is more than adequate redundancy here to make the key point ... which is that the bird is tapping a "code" ... related directly to "19.5," "33," and ultimately Mars and Hyperdimensional physics. To whit:

The scene opens in black with a slow pan and tilt from under Donna's desk, in Josh's office. We hear the first three sharp taps at 19:05 ... followed by a space ... followed by three more ... another space (as the camera focuses on Donna at her desk), and then three more. Only after the last three, for a total of "three threes," does Donna say "Stop it."

The bird taps three again. Donna now immediately says "Stop it." Three more taps. Donna again says "Stop it." [Not "stop," or "cut it out" -- but "stop it"... as if the phrase was also to refer to something more]. After a couple more, she says (at precisely 19:30... 19.5) "You HAVE to stop it."

The entire series of taps -- by both the bird, as well as by the White House Counsel, Quincy, when he knocks on various doors throughout the episode -- is ALWAYS in "threes." As we stated above, the sine of 19.47, or the canonical 19.5, is 0.3333.

And... an equally obvious reference -- in terms of secrets, implied by "codes" -- to the whole Masonic importance of "the 33rd Degree."

Here I agree with Hoagland's interpretation. But I'll just add that there also seems to be an deliberate pun involving 'sine' and 'sign'. (The sine of 19.5 is 0.333...) So one of the messages conveyed here is that the whole thing with the bird is a significant 'sign' in this story, inviting us to look into its meaning. It may also be subtly suggesting that this episode represents a 'sign' (or preview) of things to come in the near future.

It is not until after 19:30 -- and Donna's emphatic "You HAVE to stop it!" -- that we get a shot of the bird itself... which we now discover is (you guessed it) --

-- a dove.


Hoagland's Interpretation

Goro's Interpretation

All sorts of obvious associations here -- from Noah, to messages (carrier pigeons), to imminent disasters.... But --

In an Aaron Sorkin episode of “The West Wing?!”

Sure, the dove, 'Columba', is relevant to Noah's flood. But does it represent 'disasters' because of that? Doesn't the dove normally symbolize peace instead? While Hoagland's interpretation has some merit, it is kind of silly to overlook the most obvious 'peace' connection.

Another obvious association Hoagland misses here is that of space shuttle Columbia. The name derives - via 'Columbus' - from 'Columba' (Noah's dove). The Columbia disaster occurred in February '03 and this West Wing episode came just three months after it. So chronologically this is very plausible.

And because of the Columbia connection, we are now encouraged to associate the dove with America as well - after all 'Columbia' is another name for the United States. It is due to this that Hoagland's interpretation is still applicable - because the shuttle Columbia, the embodiment of the US, ended in a major disaster. So there is indeed some ominous symbolism involved here.

Josh now walks in (at precisely 19:47!) and asks: "What the hell are you doing?" Donna answers in a way that is clearly ALSO a code -- as are many, many lines throughout this episode:

"The bird has been sitting here, tapping on the window for ... a long time. I don't know how long. I've lost track. I'm moving into certain phases of dementia with this thing."


Hoagland's Interpretation

Goro's Interpretation

My interpretation is that this, and other comments Sorkin injects throughout the script, reflects not only the very long-term nature of this "conspiracy," but Sorkin's recurring personal astonishment and disbelief at the absurdity of all this ... that it's all "nuts" ... but obviously has been going on IN THE WHITE HOUSE " for a long time. Because he didn't establish the proper context, Hoagland is beginning to misinterpret the story.

Columbia is both the US and the dove (Columba) - the latter symbolizing peace - so the bird in the scene would easily signify 'American peace'. And this just happens to directly relate to the imperial dream of the 'neo-conservatives' in/around the Bush administration. (The neo-conservatives, closely affiliated with the PNAC think tank, include Vice Pres. Cheney, defense secretary Rumsfeld, his deputy Wolfowitz, and others like Perle, Bolton, Libby, Feith etc.) Calling it 'Pax Americana' (meaning American peace), it had been the dream of the neo-conservative hawks to create a global empire ruled by the US.

And they had been at it for a long time. The Pax Americana vision was already in existence by the time of the first Bush administration (41) in the early '90s. The 'neo-cons' tried to sell their radical idea to Bush Sr. but it was quickly rejected. They even tried to get Clinton's attention, unsuccessfully of course. It was not until George W. Bush's administration and 9/11 that the neo-cons were finally able to convince the White House and move ahead with the 'Pax Americana' plan.

So yes, those American-peace 'birds' - (false) doves - had been tapping on the White House window for a long time indeed.

As for the craziness ('dementia') reference, it fits right into this interpretation in that those neo-conservatives were indeed viewed as 'crazies' and not taken seriously (until George W. Bush came along).

And it is not a secret today that the neo-con Pax Americana agenda was actually the driving force behind the Iraq war - which began in the month of Mars (i.e. March) just several weeks after the disaster of Columbia (= dove/'American peace').

Now, let me also point out that the grid pattern in the scene made by the window/blind in front of the dove reinforces the relevance of Noah's dove (Columba). In Greek mythology, its version of Noah's ark, (the ark of Deukalion) comes to rest at Dodona or Delphi. We can infer that this landing site corresponds to Ararat where Noah's ark descended. And this is acknowledged geodetically - since both Dodona and Ararat sit on the same latitude, 39.5°N. (It's interesting to note that Dodona is also evoked by the name 'Donna', the lady in the above picture standing in front of the window.)

At any rate, the notion of a 'grid' becomes significant when we realize that Delphi (the other claimed landing site of Deukalion's ark) was thought to be the 'navel of the world' (geodetic center) marked by the 'navel stone', or omphalos. Traditional depictions of the omphalos show two doves (or eagles) perched upon the stone, and they are said to represent 'a net of meridians and parallels', i.e. the grid of the earth.


Further, the omphalos stone is often equated with the Egyptian 'Benben stone', traditionally the capstone placed at the apex of the pyramid or obelisk. Like the omphalos, the Benben stone is often thought to have come from heaven - i.e. a meteorite. Also being a form of 'seed', those 'foundation stones' may be easily related to Mars, since we already have strong evidence of ancient Martian rocks coming here with microbes, or 'seeds of life', carried inside... And this is of course a major theme of the West Wing episode.

In terms of Masonic symbology, the Benben stone (capstone) would definitely turn into the embodiment of the 'All-Seeing Eye' (as seen on the back of the US $1.00 bill).


In ancient Egyptian terminology this would be the 'Eye of Horus'. Since Mars was also viewed as a form of Horus ('Horus the Red'), we have here a confirmation of the foregoing 'rock from Mars' theory.

To get back to the political context, these days the 'All-Seeing Eye' is often viewed as a symbol of the 'New World Order' - a super-elite group allegedly scheming to control the whole planet. Of course, the 'Eye' of the pyramid isn't inherently an 'evil' symbol. For instance, in the Bible it is Jesus to whom the cornerstone or capstone ('that the builders rejected') is compared. So it is probably more accurate to say that the 'capstone Eye' is symbolic of a cosmic opportunity capable of producing either or both 'Christ' and 'Antichrist', so to speak.

The neo-conservative 'Pax Americana' is clearly a form of the New World Order - especially since the Bush family traditionally has a big role in NWO conspiracy theories.

So We've come full circle. We've come back to neo-conservatives. It's now quite evident that, through 'contextual transposition', Sorkin was primarily talking about the current US administration and its war.

Josh then offers to "scare the bird away," and Donna objects, saying "he's a bird. He's not bothering anybody ...." This is one of SEVERAL references to "scaring people" made throughout the episode [especially, in terms of the sub-plot -- above].


Resposta  Missatge 100 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/11/2012 00:45

Under the flashy 'alien contact' storyline is therefore hidden the 'real' message all about super-advanced secret technology, or 'Ultra-Tech'. This is supported by the strange fact that the glyph was a close replica of a graphic found on the 'Watcher' website (first mentioned in Endgame II) on which is discussed familiar issues such as Mars/Cydonia, fallen angels (Lucifer), and the Antichrist (though with more Christian overtones overall). The graphic says 'Ultra-Tech'...


The main brain behind the Watcher website is David Flynn who recently published his own book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, now endorsed by Hoagland. I have communicated with him and having read each other's book we agreed that our findings (mine being The Time Rivers) are pieces of the same grand puzzle.

David Flynn left, Hoagland right

He informed me that the 'Ultra-Tech' logo design (done by his brother) alludes to the rumored story of the US military-industrial complex secretly back-engineering alien technologies recovered from the legendary Roswell UFO crash. As noted earlier, 'flying saucers' are associated with antigravity and often theorized to have been advanced vehicles developed by the Nazis. I for one cannot discount the possibility that the whole UFO/alien mythology is in fact a contextually modulated story about the hidden Nazi legacy.

So the 'Ultra-Tech' graphic brings us right back to the 'stargate' theme, further corroborated by the existence of another version of the graphic showing a rotating tetrahedron instead of a computer circuit. Recall that tetrahedral geometry is the key to 'stargate'/hyperdimensional physics as deriving from Hoagland's Cydonia investigation - most prominently expressed by the latitude pinpointed by a circumscribed tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees, or to be more accurate, 19.47 degrees.


Curiously, the Roswell crash took place in '1947' - which is even the year of Schwarzenegger's birth. In fact these two events came in the same month... July.

There is more to this hyperdimensional aspect of the glyph, as I found out when I contacted David Flynn recently via email to check if I got the story of the Ultra-Tech logo correct. I did, but after being told about my article he informed me that he had done his own investigation into the glyph and promptly sent me a collection of graphics, originally created for his presentation at Roswell July 4th this year. These were exciting discoveries very much in line with my own findings and decidedly hyperdimensional...


David noted there were 59 horizontal lines in the rectangular frame and 33 lines of spiraled ASCII codes along the bisected disc which together pointed to 1947 and 19.47 because: 59 x 33 = 1947, and 33% of 59 = 19.47!

He also found pi (= 3.14159...) deeply embedded in the puzzle. The glyph's bisected circle was a hint since pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Going beyond this, David discovered that the Roswell crash site itself was a pi-encoded geographical position, as shown in these illustrations:


This even correlates with Contact because Sagan's novel includes an important development involving pi:

In a kind of postscript, Ellie, acting upon a suggestion by the senders of the message, programs a supercomputer to compute the digits of π [= pi] to record lengths, and to analyze the stream of numbers for a non-random pattern. Far from the decimal point, she finds that a special pattern does exist far earlier than statistically likely. It is an unmistakably intelligent artifact, "the artist's signature," woven into the fabric of space.

It's also an important point that the Roswell UFO crash came on/around July 4, Independence Day. We have the 1996 alien movie involving Roswell titled 'Independence Day'. The holiday's most prominent symbol is the Statue of Liberty which is also a memorable symbol used in the film. The same director who did 'ID4' is behind The Day After Tomorrow released earlier this year, reiterating the Lady Liberty/torch connection - see graphics below - and the weather/hurricane connection... (after all ,the film is all about the weather going crazy).



(There is also a 1949 book called 'Sixth Column' published also under the name 'The Day After Tomorrow'. The story involves electro-gravitic 'ultra technology'!)

Lady Liberty is of course the world's most famous torch-bearer - a big part of the 'super torch ritual' anchored by the 'light-bearer' star Venus. Tellingly, this year's 'Lady Liberty day' (i.e. Independence Day) was specifically designed to interact with the Athens Games, the climax of the torch ritual, in that:

  • On July 4 (the 'torch' day), Greece's national soccer team won the European Championship in a historic upset.

  • The Tour de France (another major sporting event) began on July 4. (The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.) As per tradition the race ended in Paris, the city of Isis-Venus ('Par-Isis'). Paris as a character in Greek mythology is analogous to a torch.

  • On July 4 the cornerstone of 'Freedom Tower' was laid at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers. 1) The new tower is designed to reflect the basic shape of the Statue of Liberty. 2) A 'tower' is representative of Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus), an alter ego of Lady Liberty, as 'Magdalene' ('Magdala') denotes 'tower'. 3) The name 'Tour de France' can mean 'Tower of France', practically synonymous with 'Freedom Tower'. 4) The Pentagon, another structure attacked on 9/11, signifies Sirius-Venus-Lady Liberty (traditionally symbolized by a pentagram). 5) 2001 was 225 years after the birth of the United States (1776), '225' being the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun and matching the opening day of the Athens Games (225 days after 1/1/04).





Common to both Athens and Paris is the notion of the prime meridian (chief longitudinal line). Paris has the historically and Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line', and the Mars rover Opportunity carrying the 'Athena' payload landed in Meridiani Planum ('Meridian Plane') near the Martian Meridian in January 2004. This becomes important combined with the following...

Just a month after its rare union with the Sun, Venus crossed the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°) on Independence Day and at the hyperdimensional latitude of -19.5°!


The crossing occurred just as Venus was making a U-turn, changing its (apparent) direction from retrograde to direct. This was indeed yet another manifestation of the 'Tour/Tower de France' theme since 'tower', as well as 'tour', etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'! It also relates back to the twister theme.

Apparent path of Venus as it crossed Galactic Meridian
near Aldebaran (meridian not shown).

All together, Independence Day 2004 featured no less than four 'Tour de France' manifestations: 1) start of the Tour de France race, 2) Freedom Tower's cornerstone laid, 3) Statue of Liberty, a form of Venus and a gift from France, highlighted by the holiday celebrations, and 4) Venus making a 'hyperdimensional turn' at the Galactic Meridian. Another 'Tour de France' manifestation worth noting is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where the Tour race traditionally ends (Champs Elysees). It is the 'tower' of France, if not of the entire world, standing in the Champ de Mars, or 'Field of Mars', hence underscoring the Martian Meridian association.

Another key point here is the fact that the Meridian crossing was closely marked by the position of Aldebaran, a bright star in Taurus known also as... the 'Torch-Bearer'! It's also called 'Bull's or God's Eye', conjuring up the (Golden) 'Eye' theme again.

As already noted, GoldenEye refers to a 'Star Wars'-type satellite weapon relatable to Reagan whose recent death event coincided with the Transit of Venus and concluded on June 11 with the 'passing of the torch' ritual involving Schwarzenegger. Well, it just happens that Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian on that very day too! I wrote elsewhere:

...the recent Transit of Venus... coincided with the week-long funerary proceedings following Ronald Reagan's passing. The transit took place on June 8 at the edge of the Milky Way and very close to the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°).

Few days later on June 11 Venus actually crossed the Meridian, coinciding with the funeral/burying of Reagan down on earth which also simultaneously signaled the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.


Back to the July 4 crossing, I noticed that it took place at a V-shaped region of Taurus known as the Hyades. As pointed out by Jane B. Sellers and later by Robert Bauval (The Orion Mystery, pp.147ff), it was associated with the Egyptian god Seth (or Set), the embodiment of evil/chaos and Horus' archenemy. In their epic battle, Horus lost his left eye and Seth his testicles.

In this context the left eye of the Crabwood alien was perhaps an allusion to Seth. Indeed, Seth was considered a 'foreigner' or 'alien', and the name Seth - also spelt 'Set' - brings to mind SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence...

The fact that only the right side of the face was highlighted alludes to the double-face model of the Face on Mars in which the right side represents the head of the beast (leonine). Now check out the following, written by me back on October 24, '03:

In the first Endgame article, I discussed what appeared to be a 'leak' by an 'insider' posted on the former message board of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise website. [...] The post by 'KBS' included only a series of numbers that was hyperlinked to a webpage displaying the 2002 'alien disk' crop glyph. Soon another poster there (perhaps the same 'insider')... found the following encoded message: 'HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd'.

...The key: the message was posted on August 27 ('02) . And with the mention of 'anniversary', meaning 'returning with the year at a stated time', it became clear... that it was pointing ahead to the August 27 of the following year, 2003 - the exact date of [Mars' historic close approach to Earth]! Since Hoagland is [the famous 'Mars/Cydonia guy'], there was no question that this was the intended message.

...The alien crop glyph, to which the coded message was hyperlinked, was created on Aug. 14 (= Aug. 27 Gregorian); and the message itself was posted on Aug. 27 (= Aug. 14 Julian) and pointed ahead to the Aug. 27 of 2003. [...]

...On [or very near] the predicted 'Hoagland anniversary' day (8/27/03), Richard Hoagland [published] his new paper on his website [featuring] a new picture of the 'Face on Mars' taken by the Odyssey spacecraft...


Hoagland begins the paper by stating:

This startling new image of the well-known "Face on Mars" (above [right]) may ultimately be regarded as one of the most important photographs of the entire Space Program. For, after almost 30 years of acrid controversy and debate, a "whole new side" to this perplexing Martian mystery - and the profound social and scientific questions it continues to present - has now literally dawned...

He goes on to discuss how the lighting of the rising sun reflected on the eastern side of the 'Face' reveals a new mystery, an inexplicable amount of reflectivity. The paper is all about the brightly lit right half of the Face.

This 'beast' revelation closely coincided with the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' whose political ascension began on August 6 ('03). His designated role in the 'super torch ritual' is an 'Antichrist' or... 'Beast' which is symbolically coherent. But Arnie is also a form of Horus, contradicting his Seth/Beast connection. It would still make coherent sense, however, if - as likely - the 'rise of the Terminator' signifies the 'rise of a false Horus', i.e. Seth.

At any rate, it cannot be missed that the 'light bearer' star (Venus) illuminating the Hyades (= Seth) on the torch/light day (July 4, '04) was a reproduction of sunlight illuminating the beast side of the Face. A direct comparison (using the glyph) below reveals an intriguing resemblance.


Even the glyph's angle relative to the grooves in the field corresponds to the angle made by the Galactic (shown) and Ecliptic (not shown but basically horizontal) grid systems.

Finally, interactions between Seth and Horus (such as their great battle) can be epitomized by the pictorial theme showing them in the 'act of churning/drilling' which, combined with Seth being the god of wind and storm, brings back the twister theme.

The act of churning had another version in which the Nile twin gods do the 'drilling' instead of Seth and Horus. The interchangeability is also evident in the close link found between the Horus-Seth battle and the 'Winding Waterway', an Egyptian term for the Milky Way and its earthly counterpart the Nile. From Pyramid Texts 594-6:

Horus has cried out because of his Eye, Seth has cried out because of his testicles, and there leaps up the Eye of Horus, who had fallen on yonder side of the Winding Waterway, so that it may protect itself from Seth. Thoth saw it on yonder side of the Winding Waterway when the Eye of Horus leapt up on yonder side of the Winding Waterway and fell on Thoth's wing on yonder side of the Winding Waterway. O you gods who cross over on the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, in order to dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus: I will cross with you upon the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, and I will dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus. [emphasis added]

In my book The Time Rivers I argue that the 'Winding Waterway' is a more specific reference to the Nile's huge, anomalous bend in Sudan. The Nile being an unusually straight river flowing directly northward - the first hint that it's an intelligently designed river - the big bend, where the water suddenly turns around and flows southward, is very notable. It is the only section of the Nile that clearly 'winds' - hence a 'Winding Waterway'. And here '19.5' emerges again: the bend's northern peak precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 (or 19.47) degrees north!

The Nile bend even pinpoints longitude 33.0 degrees east... '33' being the other important hyperdimensional, as well as ritualistic/Masonic, number. (The Nile is a 'hyperdimensional river'.) You may recall that the the alien glyph's disk contained exactly 33 lines... The frame contained 59 lines; 33% of 59 is - as David Flynn pointed out - exactly 19.47...

The Time River Theory is not yet widely known - I call it the 'Nile denial'. But it is a major piece of the grand cosmic 'puzzle'. It's an 'alien message' so big and unexpected that it had been overlooked all this time.

While this article puts emphasis more on the Nazi/ultra-tech aspect of the 'alien message', the involvement of Cydonia, the Nile, and such make it plain that we are ultimately dealing with a cosmic design that is truly 'out of this world'. These are quiet whispers of a higher intelligence...






















Resposta  Missatge 101 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 29/11/2012 07:17
Tracing the Line of Fire

The new revelation began to unfold as I began to wonder about the literal counterpart of the sunset itself, i.e. sunrise. No doubt the sunset of June 11 at/near Los Angeles was ritualistically very important and designed to mark the death of Osiris as well as the conception/birth of Horus. If the sunset itself was symbolic of the death of Osiris/Reagan, I thought, there ought to have been a sunrise somewhere to signify the simultaneous rise of Horus - the sunrise-god/king - embodied by Schwarzenegger.

As the Sun went down in Los Angeles (or Simi Valley), the Sun was seen rising on the horizon somewhere - more or less the opposite side of the earth. Then I remembered a comment posted by an Etemenanki reader 'Alfredo', pointing out that the Olympic torch currently going around the world was at Giza/Cairo on June 11, i.e. the same date as Reagan's funeral. I found this intriguing because of its relevance to Schwarzenegger. As noted in Part 1, the 'rise of Arnold' cannot be separated from Giza/Cairo, the notion of fire, and the Olympics:

  • Schwarzenegger's dramatic election announcement on Aug. 6, 2003 was apparently designed to coincide with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius as seen from Giza/Cairo - a celestial event that signaled for ancient Egyptians the beginning of the annual life-giving flood of the Nile, signifying the resurrection of Osiris/birth of Horus.
  • The term 'Sirius' is linked to the notion of 'scorching' (thus also with fire); the term 'pyramid' is also etymologically linked to fire.


  • One of Schwarzenegger's nicknames happens to be 'The Olympian' (he won the 'Mr. Olympia' bodybuilding competition six times).
  • Venus - or Lucifer the 'light bearer' - has an orbital period of 225 earth-days. The Athens Olympic Games, the destination of the torch, will begin on the 225th day of the year 2004 [after Jan. 1] - August 13.


  • The name 'Cairo' denotes Mars, and both Mars and the Great Sphinx at Giza were thought to have been a form of Horus in ancient Egypt.
  • The California 'Total Recall election' last summer/fall coincided with Mars coming historically close to Earth (closest in 60,000 years), peaking around August 27. The film Total Recall, featuring Schwarzenegger, is all about Mars.

And so naturally I decided there was good enough reason to check the position of the Sun as seen from Giza/Cairo at the moment of the LA (Simi Valley) sunset (~8 pm local).

I quickly fired up my Starry Night Pro program and reproduced the Californian sunset as seen on June 11. I then instructed the program to jump to Cairo. What emerged next was both shocking and satisfying.

The Sun was rising right at the horizon of Cairo/Giza!

Hence came the inevitable conclusion: the 'rise of Horus/Schwarzenegger' was designed to be 'acknowledged' by the Egyptian/'Martian' sunrise at Giza/Cairo - coinciding perfectly with the fall of Osiris, the sunset, taking place at Simi Valley/LA!

I found this mind-boggling. The level of sophistication and precision demonstrated by the design/coordination was off the scale. (We wonder who could set all this up so perfectly.) This was a powerful 'passing of the torch' ritual indeed.

The 'ritual' didn't end there, of course.

Technically speaking, the Olympic torch and the sunrise at Giza/Cairo didn't literally coincide. That's because the 'Antichristic' sunrise found above took place on the morning of June 12 (a day 'ahead' of California due to the time-zone difference) while the torch was passing by Giza on June 11 local time. Between June 11 and 12, the torch was actually traveling from Cairo to Cape Town at the southern tip of Africa.

As the illustration above shows, the torch's movement from June 11 to 12 closely followed the course of the Nile river.

The Nile is an unusually 'vertical' river that flows northward from the equator to Giza/Cairo (30°N latitude). It can easily be seen as a meridian - a longitudinal line - carved directly on the earth's surface.

Now consider the following: Today's official International Prime Meridian is the longitude going through Greenwich; more esoterically the Zero/Prime Meridian would be the one going through Paris, sometimes called the 'Rose Line' and associated with the Grail/messianic bloodline; and an even more esoteric Zero Meridian would be the one going through or near the Great Pyramid of Giza. Even beyond that - i.e. the most 'esoteric' - would be the 'Nile anchor meridian', 33°E longitude, of the 'Time River scheme' revealed in my book, The Time Rivers. {The latter two are close enough to make no difference in our discussion here.)

In other words, the longitudinal line marked by the Nile is a form of esoteric 'Zero Meridian'. This then relates right back to the earlier Longinus/Spear of Destiny discussion stemming from the Super Bowl/Pepsi-ad symbolism, and linked to the Transit of Venus, the Messianic bloodline, and, as noted before:

Birth of Horus, birth of Antichrist - that would probably the strongest concept conveyed by all this.

Now let us review the key points made earlier:

  • "What I find particularly interesting here is the potential connection between the term 'longitude' and the name 'Longinus'. I don't think it's a mere coincidence that Longinus is associated with a lance, i.e. a straight line... such as a longitudinal line (meridian), especially since Jesus' blood/bloodline is esoterically associated with a meridian called 'Rose Line' (more or less equated with the Paris Zero Meridian). And this certainly increases the symbolic depth of the longitudinal celestial alignment formed around the spring equinox..."
  • "...I saw the name of the area where Opportunity landed - 'Meridiani Planum'. That is, 'Meridian Plane' - so called because the site is near the Prime Meridian, or longitude zero, of Mars! Very unexpected, but this certainly seems to confirm my symbolic interpretation regarding Longinus, i.e. the relevance of longitude zero/Prime Meridian/Rose Line."

And this:

Because Mary Magdalene, or Isis the sister-wife of Osiris, is traditionally identified with Venus and the breast is decidedly a feminine symbol, we can easily interpret the Sun nipple-ring on Janet's breast as signifying the Sun covering Venus. And the direct conjunction of Sun and Venus is exactly what will take place on June 8 this year!

The above connection is intensified by the following:

  • Breasts produce milk. [...]
  • The Transit of Venus takes place at the edge of the Milky Way.

What I didn't point out earlier is that the Venus transit of June 8, a rare Sun-Venus union, actually took place very near the galactic 'Prime Meridian' - i.e. the longitude zero (or 180°) of the sky grid based on the Milky Way! But the real punch line here is this: Venus crossed the galactic meridian more precisely on June 11, the very day of Reagan's funeral!

We thus have the following, amazing set of ritualistic 'coincidences':

  • June 11: Sunset at LA (Simi Valley) signifying the death of Reagan/Osiris
  • June 11: Sunrise taking place simultaneously at Cairo/Giza signifying the rise of Schwarzenegger/Horus
  • June 11 (local time): The Olympic torch passing through Cairo/Giza, 'commemorating' the rise of Arnold aka 'The Olympian'
  • June 11-12: The Olympic torch traveling along the Nile, an esoteric Prime Meridian
  • June 11: Venus crossing the galactic Prime Meridian

(Note: Venus crossed the galactic meridian earlier on May 8/9 also, which closely coincided with the release of the 'shock & awe' video showing the beheading of Nick Berg whose body was found on May 8.)

Well, this is still not the end of the 'ritual' design. The next 'magical coincidence' would represent the final nail in the coffin.

Get this:

  • On June 16, the Olympic torch came to Los Angeles, a prominent city in Arnold's state, California, and approximately where Reagan's funeral was held
  • On the same day, a film called Around the World in 80 Days opened in which Schwarzenegger makes an appearance
  • The title 'Around the World in 80 Days' evokes the Olympic torch 'going around the world'
  • In the film, Arnold's character - a Turkish prince - is called 'Hapi'. In ancient Egypt, Hapi was the god of the Nile! More specifically Hapi personified the annual inundation of the Nile which in turn signified the revitalization of Osiris (also a Nile god), i.e. the birth of Horus!

So, clearly, this is a super-ritual... at the center of which is Arnold Schwarzenegger. All the indications are that Arnie is destined to 'change the world' - or at least the New World - in the near future by playing the role of Horus, Messiah, and/or 'Antichrist'.

Countdown To Final Solution

Osirian resurrection, Horus, Giza, Mars, Venus, meridian, Olympics... It is truly uncanny how coherently these major themes interact with X-72, one of Nostradamus' most famous quatrains:

Quatrain X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

My interpretation of X-72 was first presented in September '98 in an article titled 1999: Final Solution. Since then it's been updated somewhat but the basic elements remained unchanged and consistent - something quite normal for me but a rare phenomenon in the largely foresight-less field of prophetic interpretation.

Among other things, I have shown how X-72 was very much applicable to the 9/11 'terror' event - the date of '1999 seven months' being calendrically analogous to '2001 September', etc. - in my post-9/11 articles such as The Labour of the Sun (February 15, '02), Rex Deux (March 11, '02) and The Message of Cycle 23 (May 24, '02).

Here let me first point out that:

  • Osiris is called the 'Lord of Terror' in the Book of the Dead
  • The Great Sphinx, a form of Horus/Mars, is also known as 'Father of Terror'
  • Mars, directly mentioned in line 4, can be viewed as the 'king of terror' in that its two moons are named 'Phobos' and 'Deimos', both basically meaning 'terror'
  • The 'resurrection' theme appears in line 3, coming right after the phrase 'King of terror'
  • As for 'Angolmois' (line 3), there was a province in south-east France called 'Angoumois' where today we find 'Angouleme', a city notable for being at longitude 0 deg.

Let me next bring your attention to the fact that in 1999: Final Solution one of the big pieces of the puzzle used to solve the quatrain riddle was Cassini - a NASA space probe sent to Saturn in the late '90s.

Back in 1998/1999, I focused on the fact that Cassini, launched in Oct '97, was about to come back from the inner solar system to make an earth-flyby on Aug. 18, 1999. I associated it with the 'king of terror' said to come 'from the sky' a la Quatrain X-72 especially since Saturn is in many ways the Greco-Roman version of Osiris, the god of resurrection and the 'once and future king'.

Well, the Cassini mission is heating up again today. The probe is about to reach its destination on July 1, '04 - now just days away! So combined with the symbolic implications already mentioned, this ominous timing makes it clear that the quatrain is becoming very much relevant again.

Century IV-28
When Venus will be covered by the Sun,
Under the splendor will be a hidden form:
Mercury will have exposed them to the fire,
Through warlike noise it will be insulted.

Furthermore, in 1999: Final Solution I associated X-72 with another quatrain, IV-28, i.e. the quatrain apparently alluding to the Transit of Venus. As I wrote back then ('98):

Now, what's interesting..., coming back to IV-28, is that Venus is to be "covered by the sun"... in August 1999 - the very timeframe suggested by X-72. And it's when Cassini’s Earth-flyby occurs. Only roughly 60 days before the Earth-flyby, Cassini’s Venus-flyby occurs (June 20, ’99), and consequently, Cassini is to approach from the "direction of Venus" and be "temporarily hidden by the sun". The match between this and the IV-28 information is quite uncanny, and it brings together IV-28 and X-72.

So obviously you cannot say that my quatrain interpretations are done in hindsight since much of what's emerging today was conceptually anticipated years ago. And the pattern discerned through the quatrains seems to be approaching some kind of climax at the present time.

The significance of the timing is hard to miss. Cassini's arrival on July 1 closely coincides with the 'handover' of Iraq, scheduled for June 30, (the last day of month). It represents a politically intense day and a source of much violence going on today. So this coincidence is quite ominous.

Further increasing the gravity of the timing is the fact that Venus will be crossing the galactic meridian in early July again. (Venus is going back and forth in that region during this period.) The meridian crossing will occur on July 4 - Independence Day. This could be viewed as a key date especially when added that the crossing point's galactic latitude will be -19.5 degrees, an angle said to be the 'Holy Grail' message found geometrically encoded on the surface of Mars (Cydonia).

Related to the above are the following key dates of late June:

  • The summer solstice, June 20/21, is obviously a key date for our themes.

  • June 24, the John the Baptist day, is another key date - Schwarzenegger being a form of John/Oak King, associated with decapitation, and all.

  • Cassini's Venus flyby in 1999 before heading toward Earth took place on June 24.

  • The date of Reagan's funeral, June 11, representing a big 'Osirian Resurrection' day, is calendrically analogous to June 24 since there is a 13-day difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars. (June 11 + 13 days = June 24)

It may also be relevant that June 24 is calendrically interchangeable with July 7, separated by 13 days...

As for what can happen during this window covering late June and early July, I'll just basically repeat the potential events projected in The Lucifer Time Code: Part 1:

  • Major development involving or associated with 9/11 and/or Iraq.

  • Major event that has to do with the fall/exit of one or more of the 'Babylon leaders' (which include figures such as, and those closely associated with, Bush/Cheney, Blair, Sharon, and particularly the Pope).

  • Major announcement concerning Mars, such as the discovery of life or present water of Mars.

  • Major event involving Arnold Schwarzenegger and/or other Horus ('Antichristic') figures.

  • Some kind of nuclear event.

These themes are likely to continue beyond the June-July window and into the latter part of 2004. The Athens Olympic Games in August is obviously a key event in all this. There is also going to be a very significant celestial configuration in September. And of course we'll have that presidential election in November...

I must also say that the issue of the 'Patriot Act' is likely to be a big part of what's coming in the near future. Sparks may begin to fly by late June as Michael Moore's powerful documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11, opening on June 25, will force this controversial issue to go further mainstream. The question is: Did the triumph of the Patriots in this year's Super Bowl foreshadow the triumph of the Patriot Act, or did it foreshadow the triumph of the real patriots, i.e. the defeat of the Patriot Act? While not very clear at this point, signs leans toward the former.

In any case, these topics will be discussed in future installments of The Lucifer Time Code.

A uniquely eventful period in history is upon us... Stay tuned.

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Resposta  Missatge 102 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/12/2012 00:49
Pyramids of Cydonia - City Complex - Hoagland Monuments of Mars - pyramid, Great Pyramid, Pyramid of Giza, pyramids of Egypt, Egyptian pyramids, Cydonia pyramids, Mars pyramids, Mars, Cydonia, Giza, sphinx, Mars sphinx, Cydonia sphinx, sphinx of Giza, sphinx of Mars, passages, pyramid passages, sphinx chamber, ufo, ufos, angels, nephilim, anakim, seraphim, cherubim, Bible prophecy, end time prophecy, New Age prophecy, millennial prophecy, pyramid prophecy, tribulation, revelation, antichristPyramids of Egypt - Giza plateau - pyramid, Great Pyramid, Pyramid of Giza, pyramids of Egypt, Egyptian pyramids, Cydonia pyramids, Mars pyramids, Mars, Cydonia, Giza, sphinx, Mars sphinx, Cydonia sphinx, sphinx of Giza, sphinx of Mars, passages, pyramid passages, sphinx chamber, angels, nephilim, anakim, seraphim, cherubim, Bible prophecy, end time prophecy, New Age prophecy, millennial prophecy, pyramid prophecy, tribulation, revelation, antichrist
Jer. 32:20 God has set signs and wonders
in the land of Egypt, even to this day.


The Pyramids of Egypt & Mars

Cydonia City Complex - Monumental Relations: The Cydonia Monuments and Prophecy - End Time Prophecy & Judgment - Angels Cherubs Cities of Angels Cydonia City of Angels Cydonia Mars Angelic city on Mars Martian Face Mars Sphinx face, mars pyramids, D & M Pyramid, Pyramids of Mars and Egypt - Cities of Angels and 19.5 - tetrahedral geometry and hyperdimensional physics - richard hoagland monuments of mars - watcher website watcher conspiracy end time deception angels aliens & antichrist"Typology"is the study of prophetic foreshadowing -- the use of metaphor, allusion, and symbol that goes beyond the literal interpretation of words, phrases,and the mere physical expression of an object. By studying the typologyof the anomalous structures on Cydonia -- the geometry and the numbers encoded therein -- one can gain insight into the identity of the builders. These anomalies resemble monumental structures : a sphinx-like face, a huge five sided pyramid, a complex of over 12 smaller pyramids resembling a city,and a strange mile wide, 500 foot high seemingly artificially mound or"tholus", complete with a peripheral ditch and central spiral groove. 

The Altar of Witness
Mars - Cydonia mound -  altar of witness- mars hill, mars mound - tholus monument - Cydonia Monuments, Prophecy, End Time Prophecy,  Angels,  Cherubs, Cydonia City of Angels, Cydonia Mars, Angelic city on Mars, Martian Face, Mars Sphinx face, mars pyramids, D & M Pyramid, Pyramids of Mars and Egypt - Cities of Angels and 19.5, tetrahedral geometry, hyperdimensional physics, richard hoagland, monuments of mars, david flynn, watcher website, watcher, conspiracy, end time deception, angels aliens & antichristSilbury Hill, Sulbury Mound - Wiltshire England - countepart on earth - Cydonia Monuments, Prophecy, End Time Prophecy,  Angels,  Cherubs, Cydonia City of Angels, Cydonia Mars, Angelic city on Mars, Martian Face, Mars Sphinx face, mars pyramids, D & M Pyramid, Pyramids of Mars and Egypt - Cities of Angels and 19.5, tetrahedral geometry, hyperdimensional physics, richard hoagland, monuments of mars, david flynn, watcher website, watcher, conspiracy, end time deception, angels aliens & antichrist
Mars Mound Cydonia region*** Silbury Hill Wiltshire England

Precisely to the East of the city another significant monument looms into view. It is a majestic landmark made of "earth", the soil of the planet from which it rises rises 500 feet above the desert plane. (Ibid., Illustration.# 11) This artificial hill and its terrestrial counterpart have a typological precedent in scripture.

Joshua details the tribes of Israel after they had entered the promised land. God designated the areas where each tribe of Israel would settle. The troops of Rueben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manassah left the army of Israel in Canaan and crossed the Jordan River to their own homeland of Gilead.  Before they went across, while still in Canaan, they built a huge earthenmonument for everyone to see, "an altar of grand appearance". Joshua 22:10. This altar was designed after the specifications commanded by God in Exodus 20: 24

Exodus 20: 24
You shall make an altar of earth for Me, and
you shall sacrifice your burnt offerings and
your peace offerings on it, your sheep and your
cattle. In every place in which I cause My name
to be remembered, I will come to you and bless you.
And if you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall
not build them of cut stones. When you swing your
tool on it, you defile it.
The giant hill on Cydonia is an altar to Yehovah. This gigantic martian earthen mound is built to the exact instructions God gave to Moses while on Mount Sinai. The altars of both the tabernacle and the temple in Jerusalem were placed precisely to the East of the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. They were situated immediately behind the entrance of the courts. The altar was the first object encountered by anyone entering the house of God (S.Ridout, Lectures on the Tabernacle p. 411). Though the temple or tabernacle demonstrated the provision given by God enabling manto dwell with Him, it was only by sacrifice that this provision could be achieved. The altar typified the absolute judgment of the Almighty, which He would lay on His only begotten son, Jesus the Messiah. East of the Cydonia city, the great mound of martian "earth" demonstrates the same message.

Because other tribes suspected building the altar was an idolatrous act, the constructors had to provide an explanation:

Joshua 22:22
If this has been in rebellion or disobedience to the LORD, do not spare us this day. If we have built our own altar to turn away from the LORD ... may the LORD himself call us to account. We did it for fear that some day your descendants might say to ours, `What do you have to do with the LORD, the God of Israel? The LORD has made the Jordan a boundary between us and you... That is why we said, `Let us get ready and build an altar--but not for burnt offerings or sacrifices.' On the contrary, it is to be a witness between us and you and the generations that follow... `If they ever say this to us,or to our descendants, we will answer: Look at the replica of the LORD'saltar, which our fathers built, not for burnt offerings and sacrifices,but as a witness between us and you.'

The altar of Cydonia was also built as a witness to future generations, causing God's name to be remembered.

A closer look at the altar builder's names reveals typology and a link to the mound on Cydonia.

The sons of Rueben = “behold a son", Gad = "distributing fortune",and Menasseh = "forgetfulness" built the altar in accordance to God's specifications to "remember His name" (Exodus 20: 24) across from the land of Canaan = "vanquished" in the regions of the Jordan= "place of the descent".
The martian mound, the altar of Mars soil, is built on a planet that is both a "placeof descent" of pre- rebellion Cherubim [the builders of Cydonia who were at the time giving glory to God] and across from the planets which were"vanquished" after their rebellion [the exploded planet Rahab among them]. The builders constructed the martian altar as a witness precisely because they beheld a son who would distribute fortune and the forgetfulness of sin -- the messiah.

The martian mound has another peculiar characteristic -- a trench encompasses the perimeter. Once again, there is a scriptural correspondence to a feature built at Cydonia. Elijah built an altar to God during his challenge to the priests of Baal:

I Kings 18: 32
And (Elijah) made a trench around the altar ...
Elijah instructed the Israelites to pour four jars of water over the sacrifice three times. The water covered the sacrifice and spilled down off of the altar into the trench around it. When Elijah called to God, fire came down from heaven and burnt up the offering, the altar and all the water which was in the trench (I Kings 18: 38).

The trench around Elijah's altar prevented the water, a type of "the spirit", from escaping the all consuming fire of God's judgment. The Messiah would receive the full measure of God's righteous judgment on man's behalf as he poured out His spirit in death. The weight of evidence, consistant typology, seems to verify the contention that the Cydonian mound is an altar / monument to God.

There is yet another feature of the martian mound, illuminating the purpose of the structure and having a scriptural precedent. Winding upwards from the base of the monument is an apparent "pathway" which leads to the top (RichardC. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, Illustration. # 11).This unlikely detail confirms that the mound of martian soil at Cydonia must have been an altar built to God. The pathway up the altar would necessarily be a spiral inclined plane, to ascend the altar in a manner conforming to God's scriptural specifications. Why not just create a path straight up the mound, or ascend a set of stairs?

Exodus 20: 26
And you shall not go up by steps to My altar,
that your nakedness may not be uncovered on it.
God did not forbid ascending the altar, but he specifically said an alternative to steps was needed. A very large and steep structure is easily ascended via a spiraling path. The spiral of the Cydonia mound seems to originate at its outside, northern edge winding clockwise 360 degrees to its summit. The typology of even this minor detail underlines the altar's prophetic meaning. Nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of "clockwise", and"counter clockwise", rotation. Finding the same paradigm displayed on Mars as well as on Earth is more than a coincidence. The greatest example of clockwise rotation in nature is the seasonal progression of the celestial zodiac in the skies above the earth. The right spiraling path up the altar mound imitates the narrative of the Messiah and His work, in the stars.

D & M Pyramid of Mars - five side pyramid, pentegon, Cydonia Monuments, Prophecy, End Time Prophecy,  Angels,  Cherubs, Cydonia City of Angels, Cydonia Mars, Angelic city on Mars, Martian Face, Mars Sphinx face, mars pyramids, D & M Pyramid, Pyramids of Mars and Egypt - Cities of Angels and 19.5, tetrahedral geometry, hyperdimensional physics, richard hoagland, monuments of mars, david flynn, watcher website, watcher, conspiracy, end time deception, angels aliens & antichristKnown as the D & M pyramid -- after discoverers Vincent Dipietro and Gregory Molenaar--  this structure looms above the martian terrain half a mile. Roughly 1.6 by 2 miles across, the pentagonal pyramid appears to be composed of at least one cubic mile of martian terrain. This pyramid is oriented over the southern point of Cydonia's implied equilateral triangle.(RichardC. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars)

The sheer vastness of the D & M Pyramid implies that it is an integral component in understanding the Cydonia message. The pyramidal monument is oriented in such a manner as to direct the "line of sight" from space towards the Cydonia sphinx - face, elaborating on that enigmatic structure's meaning as well. What then does a two mile long half a mile high five sided pyramid symbolize? 

Messianic and prophetic types have been noted in the Great Pyramid of Giza, leading many pyramidologists to conclude its divine authorship, or at least the intention of the builders to reflect the Divine Author of the universe. Great pioneers in the field of pyramidology such as John Greaves, Robert Menzies, Pro. Piazzi Smith, James Rutherford, W.M. Flinders Petri, were obsessed with the unique geometrical symbolism of the pyramid that seemed to transcend human ingenuity(E. Raymond Capt, The Great Pyramid Decoded p. 95).

To put the acheivment of the Egyptian Great Pyramid into perspective, keep in mind that modern man does not possess the structural genius required to build the Great Pyramid even today. Volumes of research have been compiled debating how the structure may have been built, yet the answers to this puzzle remain elusive as does the identity of it's builders (Ibid.,p. 8). Even if man today could arrange limestone blocks weighing the equivalent of modern locomotives, polish them to an exactnessof 1/100th of an inch, (equaling contemporary optical standards) and place them within 1/50th of an inch together without damaging them, as the casing stones were placed, the symbolic significance of the pyramid could never be duplicated. The Great pyramid is set on the geographical center of all the land mass of the whole world (Ibid., pp. 11, 49-51).

According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion,the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.

Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,500 BC and who, at that date,would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC? There is an answer in Scripture:

God has set signs and wonders
in the landof Egypt, even to this day.
Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:
They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.
The Bible mentions the constellation Orion specifically: twice in Job (Job 9:9;38:31)and once in Amos (Amos 5:8). The Hebrew name for Orion is Chesil which means “a strong one, a hero”. The Egyptian name for Orion is Oar meaning “brightness” and also Hagat, “this is he who triumphs”.The Akkadian’s name for Orion is Urana which means “light of heaven”.The original spelling of Orion, Oarion, shows the Egyptian and Akkadian roots -- both denote a God of resurrection coming to the earth. (God’sVoice in the Stars., Kenneth C. Fleming., p.105 ) Jesus is the one who was slain, who will come as the Prince of Light and Glory to judge the world. The constellation of Orion is a type of Jesus.
Isaiah 60:1-3:
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, And the glory of the
Lord is risen upon thee.For, behold the darkness shall
cover the earth, And gross darkness upon the people:
But the LORD shall ariseupon thee, And His glory shall
be seen upon thee. And the gentiles shall come to thy light,
And kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Orion is the brightest constellation in the heavens. The significance of Orion in typology is awe inspiring and very easy to understand. Orion is a decan of the zodiacal sign Taurus “such as a deck on a ship is connected withthe ship”. It embellishes Taurus, the 9th symbol in the narrative, symbolizing the return of the messiah in judgment. The principle stars of Orion develop the meaning which is already apparent in the name of the constellation.

In the analogous Giza plateau monuments, the two pyramids corresponding to the stars Rigel and Betelgeuse are missing. Typology suggests that these missing pyramids were intentionally left out of the configuration at Giza.The names of these missing stars symbolize the future completion of messianic prophecy. The message of Betelgeuse, "the coming of the Branch":

Jeremiah 23:5
Behold, the days come,saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David
a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall
execute judgment and justicein the earth.
Rigel isa type of Messiah's victory, having “crushed the enemy”. The missing pyramids in the Giza / Orion analogy demonstrate that this mirror of heaven on earth represents the Messiah’s work of redemption at His first coming, but not the future completion of Christ's work when He comes in Judgment of the whole earth. The Giza structures were placed in complete agreement with the Gospel narrative in the stars by God’s design, consistant with monumental typology -- perhaps in the future God will raise the two missing pyramids symbolizing the setting up of His Kingdom on earth. The existing numberof Giza pyramids representing Orion is 5, the number of grace. With the setting up of the remaining two, the number is 7, symbolizing “completion”.

While the Giza plateau pyramids refer to Orion and allude to Christ's Second Coming, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a tangible fulfillment of prophecy in itself:

In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord
in the midst of Egypt, and a monument at the
border there of to the Lord. And it shall be for
a sign,and a witness to the Lord of Hosts in
the land of Egypt.
This passage describes the location of the great Pyramid exactly. The Pyramid sits inthe center of Egypt and on the border of upper and lower Egypt.(E. Raymond Capt, The Great Pyramid Decoded p.12 ) During the millennium, either the Great Pyramid will either have to be moved for this "monument" to be set up, or, the Great Pyramid is this monument. If this fact is not convincing enough of the scriptural significance of this structure, consider the following; When the Hebrew letters from Isaiah 19:19 describing the Lord's monument are added together, the sum is 5,449. This is the exact height, in inches, of the Great Pyramid. These inches are the standard of linear measurement encoded within the Great Pyramid itself.(E. Raymond Capt, The Great Pyramid Decoded p.59)

Jesus described the cap stone or cornerstone, which is missing from Great Pyramid, as a symbol of Himself:

Matt 21:42
Did you never read in the Scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing and itis marvelous in our eyes (also Psalm 118:22).
Paul also describes the corner stone of the Great Pyramid as symbolizing Christ;
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
in whom all the building fitly
framed together into a holy temple in the Lord..
In Zechariah 4:7 it is written:
He shall bring forward the cap stone amid shouts of 'Grace, grace, unto it..

In Bauval's Giza / Orion connection, the star corresponding to the Great Pyramidis Alnitak, "the wounded one". The greatest of the Giza structures represents the essence of the saving work of the Messiah. All Biblical descriptions of the Great Pyramid typify the Messiah. Keep in mind that the number 5 represents "GRACE", that is, the gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus. In Scripture, the message of grace is manifested againand again by the number 5. (E. Raymond Capt, The Great PyramidDecoded, p. 58)The Great Pyramid, without it's cornerstone, has 6 sides. With the addition of the cap stone, or cornerstone-- the top stone of a pyramid touching all the sides at once, the pyramidhas finally 5 sides. The name pyramid comes from the Coptic word pyrwhich means "division" and the word met which means "10, or 10 divided equaling 5.56" The number 6, " the imperfect state of man" , is coupled with 5 "grace", the perfection of the Messiah. Even the root words of the pyramid connote man and God united by "grace". The typology of the Great Pyramid, currently without the cap stone, illustrates beautifully the promises of God to mankind -- Jesus' First Advent and redemptive work on the cross,and the Second Coming in judgment, will be completed and the corner stone will be on Earth. The laying of the corner stone on the edifice of the Great Pyramid in the future will symbolize the Messiah, the Lord of all the universe having descended to the Earth where He will live forever withmen.

The pyramid of Cydonia has much in common with the Great Pyramid of the Earth. Studied more closely, the five-sided Martian pyramid of course has a sixth side which is "covered" by the five above. The word which can be found in the Bible for this ingenious physical representation of truth is atonement. (James Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible) Just as Jesus atoned for the sins of man = 6, by shedding His blood in our place, covering us with his perfection, so the greatest pyramid in the solar system atones its 6th side, the number of man, with the covering of its 5 sides, 5=GRACE. The same message is duplicated in the typology of the corner stone of Earth’s' Great Pyramid. One day the corner stone will cover the six sided Egyptian monument. Further, the massive D & M Pyramid emphasizes the Mars Sphinx face, the symbol of the incarnation of the Word -- the orientation of the pyramids and face of the Cydonia region declare "this is the one by which grace and justification will come".


Resposta  Missatge 103 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/12/2012 00:53

The colossal martian pyramid also demonstrates a redundant geometry which, according to Richard Hoagland, holds the key for understanding high level quantum mechanics. These redundant geometrical messages encoded in the Cydonia monuments have continued to stand up under meticulous scrutiny from the scientific world. (Richard C. Hoagland, The Monumentsof Mars, p. 355) There is no surprise that knowledge of such magnitude would be found in a city built by the angels of God.

Cydonia= City of Angels
To the North, North West of the Great martian pyramid, sits the "city" complex of 12 giant pyramids. There are four central structures of classic pyramidal shape surrounded by 5 larger various shaped pyramid like constructions.Once again the Cydonia geometry refers to a prophetically significant relationship. A line drawn connecting the exterior monuments of the Cydonia city formsa pentagon. The whole city complex also rests on the corner of the implied Cydonia equilateral triangle . (Ibid., Illustration. # 30)
The five large pyramids of the city complex surround four smaller pyramids.This typifies "grace", the number 5, surrounding "creation" represented by the number 4. The scriptural truth that grace comes only from the Messiahis demonstrated by the line of sight orientation of the city and the martian sphinx face. Richard Hoagland calculated the orientation of the face on Mars with respect to the city complex, noting that the layout of the Cydonia pyramids within the city seems specifically designed for viewing the martian summer solstice. (Ibid., p. 64). On the morning of the martian summer solstice, at some time in the very remote past, the EARTH would rise out of the mouth of the Cydonia sphinx followed by the sun.This celestial event would have been viewed the builders of the Cydonia monuments-- the pre-rebellion angelic civilization on Mars.
The Martian sphinx face is a symbolic representation of Jesus , The Word made flesh, the Word of God Who spoke the universe into creation.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

The Martian Sphinx and the rising of the Earth symbolized the Word, Jesus, manifesting in the flesh on Earth, redeeming the Earth by His death and resurrection. At the time the Cydonia monuments were constructed, the Word of God hadnot yet manifested in the flesh on the earth. But the builders of the Cydonia monuments obviously knew that one day God would dwell with humans in theform of a man... on Earth!

When a line is drawn connecting the centers of the pentagonal pyramid, the city,and the face, an equilateral triangle is formed. The length of each side of this triangle is 1/360th of the total polar diameter of the planet Mars(RichardC. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars, Illustration. # 30).The number 360 connotes a 360 degree circuit, a full circle . The use ofa 360 degree calibration, and the symbol of the circle, are linked to theGospel via the signs of the Zodiac. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are each spaced 30 degrees apart or 12 x 30 = 360 (E.W. Bullinger,The Witness of the Stars p. 10). These numbers are significant in typology: 12 = "governmental perfection", 10 = "the number of ordinal perfection", x 3 = "the number of God" ( E.W.Bullinger, Numberin Scripture p. 3). Using this system, 360 degrees ona circle is both the point of beginning and of ending. 360 is the "completion of the whole" and thus the circle typifies righteousness.

The number 360 encoded in the triangle of monuments on Cydonia demonstrates a dichotomy. The length of the sides of the triangle typologically demonstrates"perfection", while at the same time declaring "judgment" (Ibid.p. 2). Each angle of an equilateral triangle has 60 degrees. The 60 degree angle demonstrates not only 10 = "Perfection of Order", but also 6 = "the number of man and sin". When all the angles of the triangle are added together, the numbers 60, 60, 60, add up to 180. When traversing a circle of 360 degrees, 180 degree point is only half way around. In this sense 180 typifies " man in direct opposition to God". Man's state of imperfection and sin renders him in a direction away from "completion" and "perfection". The meaning of 180 is clear, 9 = "the number of judgment" x 2 = "the number of division" , x 10 = "God's ordinal perfection".

For the purpose of studying the typology of the heavens referred to withinCydonia's lay out, imagine a triangle superimposed within the great "Circle of the Zodiac". The Zodiacal narrative is a 360 degree system sectioned into 30 degree portions . If an equilateral triangle is placed inside it, with one of it's vertices touching 360 degrees, the other two vertices touch significant points.

Sphinx of Egypt Sphinx of Mars - Cydonia Monuments, Prophecy, End Time Prophecy,  Angels,  Cherubs, Cydonia City of Angels, Cydonia Mars, Angelic city on Mars, Martian Face, Mars Sphinx face, mars pyramids, D & M Pyramid, Pyramids of Mars and Egypt - Cities of Angels and 19.5, tetrahedral geometry, hyperdimensional physics, richard hoagland, monuments of mars, david flynn, watcher website, watcher, conspiracy, Pyramids of Egypt - Giza plateau - pyramid, Great Pyramid, Pyramid of Giza, pyramids of Egypt, Egyptian pyramids, Cydonia pyramids, Mars pyramids, Mars, Cydonia, Giza, sphinx, Mars sphinx, Cydonia sphinx, sphinx of Giza, sphinx of Mars, passages, pyramid passages, sphinx chamber, angels, nephilim, anakim, seraphim, cherubim, Bible prophecy, end time prophecy, New Age prophecy, millennial prophecy, pyramid prophecy, tribulation, revelation, antichrist, end time deception, angels aliens & antichristThe first point, at 360, is between Leo and Virgo -- the message of the Sphinx. Both the Cydonia face and the Sphinx are combined figures from Virgo and Leo, symbolic representations of the first and second advent of Christ on Earth. The point between Virgo and Leo is the beginning and ending of the Circle of the Zodiac, the first and the last. God Himself is the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, perfect and eternal.

Moving clockwise 109.5 degrees, the triangle's second point touches the fourth sign, Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the 4th in the sequence of the zodiac, has the number which represents "creation". Sagittarius also symbolizes the "dual natured one", a type of Christ -- both God and God made flesh. Sagittarius is pictured with a bow drawn towards the heart of the Scorpion, poised to let his arrow loose in judgment. God, in human form, took upon Himself  the judgment of all of man's sin, paying the penalty on the cross.

The third point at  250.5 touches the ninth sign, Taurus. Taurus is a type of The Second Coming of Christ. This constellation represents yet another duality, with horns of judgment poised towards heaven and towards the ecliptic. The horn towards heaven points to another messianic symbol, the foot of Auriga, while the other horn is poised towards the ecliptic, a type of the judgment of the earth yet to come. Taurus is the 9th in the Zodiacal narrative - 9 is the number of judgment.

Significantly, the positioning of the triangle's second and third vertices within the Circle of the Zodiac locates them at 90 degrees plus 19.5 degrees belowthe apex of the circle. Researcher Richard C. Hoagland has discovered thatthe number 19.5 is repeated throughout the geometry of the monuments of Cydonia. According to Hoagland the number 19.5 is an indication that the intelligences behind monumental structures like those at Cydonia, and perhaps other planets as well, utilize "Tetrahedral Geometry" and "Hyperdimensional Physics". 19.5 is the signature number of Hoagland's Hyper D research, since the number 19.5 is derived by placing a tetrahedron in a sphere withone of the vertices at the pole. This is the three dimensional configurationof an equilateral triangle circumscribed by a circle. The remaining three vertices will touch at 19.5 latitude. (Richard C. Hoagland, The monuments of Mars, plate #32) Teothihuacan - monumental structures at 19.5 latitude on Earth - Earth Monuments, Prophecy, End Time Prophecy,  19.5, tetrahedral geometry, hyperdimensional physics, richard hoagland, monuments of mars, david flynn, watcher website, watcher, conspiracy, end time deception, angels aliens & antichrist
Mexican city of Teotihuacan, meaning' the place where men became gods', with its three distinctive pyramids dedicated to the Sun, Moon, and to Quetzalcoatl, the Central American counterpart of Osiris. Located at latitude 19.5 degrees north

Biblical numerics provides the meaning of the number 19.5

E.W.Bullinger writes:
Nineteen is a number not without significance. it is a combination of 9 and 10, and would denote the perfection of divine order connected with judgment. It is the number of the Hebrew names for Eve and Job. Number in Scripture, E.W.Bulliger, p. 262
Though the ominous meaning of 19 is evident, there is more to the equation. The .5 of a degree connected to the number of judgment reveals that the complete message is one of hope. The number five resolves the sentence of judgment,for it is the number of grace and forgiveness.
The Planet Mars: Judgment Past and Future
The monuments of Cydonia remain as evidence that a thriving technologically advanced civlization existed on Mars. Further, the typology of the structures demonstrates that the occupants gave glory to God in a manner which He Himself specified. The monuments on Cydonia are prophetic types, intentionally pointing to the future when God would redeem His creation through His Son on the planet Earth. The evidence left on Mars tells of a great destruction befalling these monument builders... such a destruction of beings, who had at one time followed God the Creator, could only be seen as a judgment from God. For more information on why God judged the inhabitants of Cydonia...go here: http://www.mt.net/~watcher/stones.html
The significance of Cydonia has been hidden from the public because of an agenda with spiritual implications. The agencies of disinformation are both physical and "extraterrestrial". Researchers and conspiracists like Richard Hoagland have speculated on the NASA coverup of the Cydonia monuments, and on the media's complacency, but seldom does anyone consider that the rebellious occupants of Cydonia themselves may be using these structures to further the deception. This page is an attempt to mitigate the End Time Deception by decoding the message of Cydonia according to typology and scriptural symbolism.

thus I brought a fire from your midst (Ezekiel 28)

Antichrist will Counterfeit Prophecy

The Antichrist will SEEM Like the messiah - UFOs and Antichrist Linked - Mars and Antichrist- Antichrist Identity Anti Christ Counterfeit of Christ
When considering the identity of the antichrist,
keep in mind he will SEEM like the Messiahof Israel.

return to Watcher's updates and conspiracy files

Flynn was also a featured speaker at Richard Hoagland's God Man & ET conference, and the recent Joshua Tree 2012 seminar. FROM WHAT I HEAR, THE 2012 CONFERENCE AT JOSHUA TREE WAS MIND BLOWING, ORDER YOUR 2012 DVDs NOW THRU RICHARD HOAGLAND'S LINK BELOW.

Kokopelli & the End of Time: The Mayan Countdown to 2012
evidence of ancient artificial structures on Mars, analysis by Richard Hoagland - Cydonia complex on Mars, with Martian Sphinxevidence of ancient artificial structures on Mars, analysis by Richard Hoagland - Cydonia complex on Mars, with Martian SphinxWhen Satan rebelled, God cast him as profane from the height of heaven. Because of his rebellion, Satan was destroyed from the midst of the STONES OF FIRE, the planets, where he had reigned over literal physical kingdoms. Evidence of the civilization on Mars can still be seen, while another civilization of B'nai ha Elohim was destroyed thoroughly, becoming the asteroid belt. It is not surprising that a two-faced Sphinx has been found amongst the ruins of Mars. Lucifer is the most powerful Cherubim, and the Biblical description of a cherub can be illustrated by a Sphinx. David Flynn's research into Bible references of Satan & Cherubim on Literal Planets - THE STONES OF FIRE.

Resposta  Missatge 104 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/12/2012 02:04

Resposta  Missatge 105 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/12/2012 02:11
Estados unidos de América, dice, es el único país que creó un sistema único.
Un sistema político que permite tener una revolución interna sin destruir el lugar ni tirar abajo un edificio, dice Richard Hoagland.

Estamos viendo esta revolución teniendo lugar otra vez, esta vez ha sido televisada comenzando en Febrero 25 cuando la difusion televisiva del Health care plan, (seguro de salud), de Barack Obama.(*)
La izquierda y la derecha, dice, son forzados a posicionarse juntos en el centro, para beneficio del país.

Dice, estamos moviéndonos, dice, hacia más libertad, más capacidades, más individualidad y más autodeterminación. Para poder ser quienes al fin de cuentas queremos ser.

En estos días dice, los americanos son blandos, gordos y araganes; entonces, dice, Barack Obama no puede agarrar un control laser y hacer click y bingo! todo volvió a la normalidad.

Luego habla del calendario Azteca que menciona 2 mundos previos que fueron destruidos. No especifica porque solo dice cómo.
Vuelve a mencionar que son 3 los calendarios mayas con sus 13s y la importancia de este número para ellos.

Entonces calcula 3 x 13 = 39; inmediatemnte lo asocia con lo visto arriba (*) respecto del número 39 para la masonería, visto este número también en los muebles usados durante la convención constitucional de 1776.

Veamos Washington: el distrito de Columbia es tangencial a 39 grados, que dividido por 2 da 19.5 grados. Y, pregunta, por qué el distrito es cuadrado?
y,la respuesta es que Washington responde a la magia de la geometría masónica, con la que si formas un cubo con un tetrahedro en su interior tienes la simbología de las 27 líneas en la superficie general del cubo, que dá el código secreto de la Física hiperdimensional en el infinito.

Energía, conciencia, capacidades, viaje en el tiempo, en el espacio.... dice usted nombrelo...imagínelo.

En el cuadro siguiente aparece el área que abarca la frontera con México ocupada por los Navajos, Anazasi, Hopis, Bufalos...guardianes en U.S.A del conocimiento Maya.

Dice que el problema que estamos enfrentando no tiene que ver con 3D, o tercera dimensión, es dice Hoagland, un problema hiperdimensional.
El valle del Sol en Teotihuacan,yo creo dice, que es varios miles de años más viejo, no solo unos cientos de años como dicen. Pero lo más destacado es que su latitud es 19.5 grados.

En la pirámide del Sol y, observando la pirámide de la Luna, encontramos una significante medida en el cuarto nivel que significa la Cuarta Dimension. Esa medida es 19.47 grados en la de la Luna y 19.69 grados en la del Sol. Esta gente hace mucho tiempo atrás tenía este conocimiento.
Lo más destacado es la similitud que encontramos en la geometría con las del desierto de Cydonia en Marte. (Ver video minuto 1:33:41). La latitud reflejada es 19.5 grados.

Todas estas medidas de aquel entonces coinciden con las de Einstein:
Campo métrico de Torsión=Tensor que permite un campo giro para retorcer el espacio. Porque todo es acerca de la rotación de los cuerpos.
Este campo de torsion arrastra a otros. Si imaginamos al planeta Tierra y, luego imaginamos un campo de torsión que lo envuelve, éste tuerce el espacio-tiempo por la rotación y todos los cuerpos del sistema solar retuercen espacios-tiempo, interactuando, absoviendo y re-irradiando unos a otros; así se produce una suerte de Matrix de Energía constantemente comunicándose con este campo hiper-dimensional.

Como se mide un campo de torsión?
Esta torsión en si, modifica la inercia del objeto en si mismo o, la materia.
Inercia=Materia. video 1:37:21minutos.
En este punto comencé a trabajar,dice, en la investigación de este 4to. nivel de la pirámide de la Luna, para demostrar que el campo de torsión tiene Polaridad.
Cuando orientas el acutrón,(generador de frecuencias) en una dirección, responde mejor cuando la incidencia es vertical que cuando es horizontal.
El Tetrahedro es el mensaje fundamental de Teotihuacan.
La clave es el Shuffling double 6 del que hablamos más arriba y, los tetrahedros rotando dentro de cualquier cuerpo celestial; en este caso la Tierra.
Washington es una ciudad secreta,misteriosa, dice Hoagland. En una investigación que hice buscando donde se reportaban menos casos de incidencia de Cáncer en todo el planeta, una ciudad fue Hawaii a 19.5 grados de Latitud y la otra es Washington DC.
Ahí la energía construída bajo esta hiperdimensional arquitectura masónica,aplicada por los padres de esta patria para crear esta nación, donde crearon un amplificador que aumenta el campo de torción en Washington DC; en este campo el senador más viejo sirviendo en washingto llegó a los 100 años trabajando, pero ni bien se retiró y de de asistir a su oficina en Washington, murió en un par de meses. Fue sin duda la energía hiperdimensional lograda con la arquitectura masónica que le permitió trabajar hasta los 100 años.Cuando el descubrió que tenía cáncer siguió trabajando y el cáncer hizo remisión, mientras estubo ahí. Yo creo que porque el pasaba mayor parte de su tiempo en este campo hiperdimensional de Washington DC.

Si realmente Washington es un espacio secreto, no es sorpresa que todo lo que ocurre en ese lugar afecte no solo al pueblo americano pero también al mundo entero.
Como dije, esta magia se puede usar para el bien o para el mal. Es tiempo de que los buenos chicos se hagan cargo y la usen para el bien.

Usada por Obama y su gente, están tratando de comunicarnos algo.

A continuación explica el origen de las imágenes que aparecen en los billetes de un dolar, que fueron modificados por Roosevelt en 1933y lo relaciona con una imágen de la revista Times, donde aparece una foto retocada con la imágen de Obama sobre la de Roosevelt simbolizando el siguiente gran cambio.
Hace mención del antiguo escudo del billete donde a la derecha hoy podemos ver el aguila antes aparecía un ave Fenix que simboliza la resurrección de entre las cenizas y, se pregunta:

  1. La resurrección de qué?
  2. De algún cataclísmo por ocurrir?
  3. Podría ser acerca de algún alineamiento galáctico por ocurrir otra vez en 2012?
Entonces explica:

Si observamos las estrellas arriba de la cabeza del Fenix, podemos observar que si las unimos como lineas de punto se forma el doble Tetrahedro.(ver minuto 00:10:49 del video)
Para mi dice, no cabe duda de que estas son antiguas ideas no recientes que tienen que ver con la construcción del país con una idea piramidal y el nacimiento de esta nación; que cuando haces los cálculos matemáticos de la estructura piramidal, involucra la cuenta regresiva desde la fundación de la nación hasta el 2012.

Los Estados unidos de América fueron creados por los padres fundadores masónicos, dice Hoagland, para lidear con este problema del 2012.


Muchas personas hablan del declive del país y la pérdida de valor del dolar, etc, etc....
Pero yo veo un extraordinario plan detrás y, los que estuvieron detrás del plan sabían que tendrían que enfrentarse con fuerzas oscuras
buscando controlar y yo creo que nosotros vamos a ganarles, continúa diciendo Hoagland... y, creo que Barack Obama no es un accidente sino un presidente elegido para completar la misión.

Si estoy en lo correcto esta nación tiene un propósito y ese propósito es SALVAR a la RAZA HUMANA DE ALGO PEOR.

Resposta  Missatge 106 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 04/12/2012 17:18

Despegue del cohete Atlas V en la base espacial de cabo Cañaveral (Florida) con la nave Juno que se dirige a Júpiter. / NASA

La nave interplanetaria Juno ha partido con destino a Júpiter y comienza un largo viaje de cinco años en los que recorrerá 2.800 millones de kilómetros para llegar al planeta gigante. El lanzamiento, en un cohete Atlas V, se ha realizado desde la base espacial de cabo Cañaveral (Florida, EEUU) con tres cuartos de hora de retraso retraso debido a un problema registrado en el último momento en la segunda etapa del cohete."Hoy, con el lanzamiento de la nave Juno, comienza el viaje hacia otra nueva frontera", ha declarado el director de la NASA, Charles Bolden. "El futuro de la exploración incluye [misiones de] ciencia de primera línea como esta para ayudarnos a comprender mejor nuestro sistema solar y ensanchar el panorama de nuevos destinos desafiantes".

Esta sonda automática de la NASA debe colocarse en órbita polar de Júpiter el 4 de julio de 2016. Allí, y durante un año, con los ocho instrumentos científicos que lleva, estudiará el campo gravitatorio del planeta, su estructura interna, el campo magnético, las auroras y la dinámica y composición química de las nubes. Sólo una nave espacial hasta ahora ha estado en órbita jupiteriana, la Galileo, también de la NASA, que funcionó desde 1995 hasta 2003.

La cuenta atrás se ha detenido al detectarse un nivel anómalo en el sistema de helio de la etapa Centaur del Atlas V. Una vez solventado, se ha dado luz vede a la partida, que se ha producido a las 18.25 (hora peninsular)."Estamos en camino y los primeros indicadores muestran que seguimos la trayectoria prevista", ha informado después del despegue del cohete Jan Chodas, jefe del proyecto Juno. "Dentro de un par de horas sabremos más acerca del estatus de la nave, cuando empiece a radiotransmitir y las señales sean captadas por las antenas de Camberra [Australia], de la Red de Espacio Profundo".

Tras el lanzamiento y el despliegue de sus tres grandes paneles solares, la Juno debe prepararse para la denominada fase de crucero, que consta de varias etapas. En su trayectoria la nave dará una vuelta y media al Sol. En octubre de 2013, cuando habrá recorrido ya 1.600 millones de kilómetros, se acercará de nuevo a la Tierra para tomar el impulso gravitatorio que necesita para llegar hasta Júpiter.

La misión, con un coste de 770 millones de euros, durará en total seis años. Los ingenieros calculan que, dada la alta radiación que recibirá en órbita de Júpiter, los instrumentos electrónicos estarán dañados en un año de funcionamiento allí, aunque los equipos más sensibles van protegidos dentro de un recipiente de titanio.

"Júpiter guarda la historia del sistema Solar. Si quieres comprender los primeros pasos de cómo se pasó de la formación del Sol a la de los planetas, tienes que comprender qué fue a parar a Júpiter y cómo se formó éste", ha declarado Scott Bolton, investigador principal de la misión, informa The New York Times. Los científicos quieren retomar la investigación donde la dejó la Galileo e intentar responder preguntas que aquella misión abrió.

"Júpiter es la piedra de Rosetta de nuestro Sistema Solar", ha destacado hoy Bolton tras el lanzamiento de la Juno. "Es, con mucho el planeta más antiguo, suma más materia que todos los demás planetas, asteroides y cometas juntos, y guarda en su interior la historia no sólo del Sistema Solar sino también la nuestra. Juno será allí nuestro emisario para interpretar los que Júpiter tenga que decir".

la Juno será la primera nave espacial que podrá ver en detalle los polos del planeta gigante. Estará en una órbita de trabajo muy elíptica que completará cada once días y cuando haya cumplido 33 órbitas, habrá sobrevolado todo el planeta; habrá transcurrido entonces el año de trabajo previsto. Entonces tomara una trayectoria de impacto contra las capas altas de nubes del planeta para destruirse. Lo mismo hizo la Galileo, para evitar que en el futuro, descontrolada, pudiera impactar en una de las nubes de Júpiter y contaminarla.

La Juno es una nave automática de tres toneladas y media de 3,5 metros de alto y 3,5 de diáemtro, desarrollada en el Jet Propulsión Laboratory (California), el centro por excelencia de exploración espacial interplanetaria en EE UU.

Busqueda para JUPITER

1. Hechos 14:12: Y a Bernabé llamaban Júpiter, y a Pablo, Mercurio, porque éste era el que llevaba la palabra.

2. Hechos 14:13: Y el sacerdote de Júpiter, cuyo templo estaba frente a la ciudad, trajo toros y guirnaldas delante de las puertas, y juntamente con la muchedumbre quería ofrecer sacrificios.

3. Hechos 19:35: Entonces el escribano, cuando había apaciguado a la multitud, dijo: Varones efesios, ¿y quién es el hombre que no sabe que la ciudad de los efesios es guardiana del templo de la gran diosa Diana, y de la imagen venida de Júpiter?

Resposta  Missatge 107 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 11/12/2012 15:43
On the floor, in front of the Holy Sepulchre, is a mosaic figure of a double headed eagle - symbol of the Byzantine empire and the Greek Orthodox church.

that is also the symbol used by

Resposta  Missatge 108 de 155 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/12/2012 00:12

Pléyades / TAURO 




    Resposta  Missatge 109 de 155 del tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/12/2012 15:39
    SABEMOS QUE VENUS, esta diseñado en funcion al numero de oro Phi, en funcion a su ciclo en funcion a la tierra y el sol. La luna creciente es una REFERENCIA A ISHTAR (MADRE ENGENDRA UNA ESTRELLA/GRIAL)
    La posicion de LA MECA, que segun los arabes esta en el Monte Paran, tambien esta diseñada en funcion al numero de oro.

    1618 GOLDEN RATIO of the WORLD ***MECCA*** - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0f-LugkXts14 May 2009 - 10 min - Subido por kewserx
    Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Koran, it is the high time for Divine Secrets ...
  • Golden Ratio Point Of The World * Mecca - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD2323zkQUM20 Abr 2009 - 10 min - Subido por HighFlyingDutchman
    Presenting the clear scientific facts that the 'holy' city of Islam is in the Golden Ratio point of the world. It ...
    Millones de musulmanes esperan el MAHDI.
    EL CORAN, kavalisticamente tiene fuerte relacion con el numero 19, QUE TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON MARIA.
    The Black Cube Cult
    “Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”

    - Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

    So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.

    Actually, the Mardi Gras celebration originated in the pagan pre-Christian celebration of spring. Ancient Greeks would sacrifice a goat, cut its hide in to strips and run naked through the fields while their pagan priests lashed them with the goat-hide strips. This was a part of their spring fertility rite to insure a productive harvest for their fields and increase the fertility of their flocks and women. The custom was degenerate even by pagan standards, being a time of lewdness, immorality, drunkenness and revelry and was associated with the worship of the Greek god "Pan".

    "Most scholars see a relationship between present day Mardi Gras and the ancient tribal rituals of fertility that welcomed the arrival of Spring. A possible ancestor of the celebration is the Lupercalis, a circus-like orgy held in mid-February in Rome."

    the day before Ash Wednesday was Carnival! It meant "farewell to flesh" (at least for the Lenten season). The French called it Mardi Gras for Fat Tuesday

    What's Really Behind the Mardi Gras Masks?

    "But behind the sequins and war paint, and deep under the light-hearted Carnival spirit, is there some quirk in the human personality that makes people want to mask? And if so, is there some twist in each individual's psyche that makes him choose the alter-identity he does?

    Enter the anthropologists and sociologists, who assure us that yes, there certainly may be a darker side to Carnival. Joseph V. Guillotte, Ph.D., associate professor of anthropology at the University of New Orleans, says that maskers have been traced at least as far back as the Ice Age. The proof is a dated drawing from southwestern France of the Dancing Sorcerer, a man dressed in a reindeer costume. Among early man, masking was considered a conduit to the supernatural, Guillotte says. A man donned a mask and believed he was possessed by the spirit of a god or dead ancestor who was trying to communicate with the living. "the individual becomes the character the mask depicts... Masking (or costuming) altered the state of consciousness."5

    In the same article, Fuller quotes Fred Koening, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at Tulane University:

    "Masks are a way of being anonymous, and if you wear a mask, ' you take on a different persona.' Among the early tribes, men who wore masks were considered crueler toward their enemies than those who did not. Certainly nobody is claiming that masking at Carnival. has anything to do with cruelty. But, Koening says, 'You can be a little drunker, a little wilder, a little more primitive.' Furthermore, at Carnival 'people will be more tolerant of you,' he says. 'Normal rules are gone. Traditional routines are put on hold.'"

    The Masks of Carnival was easily influenced the African and Indian population of America because it had a connection to their rituals for the dead.



    Pan ....and Saunieres angels over pan

    Rosslyn Chapel and the head of the goat on the roof

    The importance of the number 8
    The Kaaba, was erected in the center of Mecca’s shrine area, where Venus as a meteorite has been worshipped for thousands of years. The cube shape of the Kaaba incorporates the alchemical number eight by having two four-sided squares, one above and one below (4+4), thus emphasizing and enhancing the alchemical properties of its indwelling form of Venus. Eight symbolizes the number of perfect expression, the octagon, the cube. As mentioned, the number 8 denoted both enlightenment as well as the two “worlds, “ Heaven and Earth, a point made explicit by the builders of the Kaaba, who incorporated into its structure thirty-one courses of stone and wood, then added two more, symbolizing Heaven and Earth, thus making thirty-three, the number of enlightenment.

    In particular the Semites regarded trees, caves, springs, and large stones as being inhabited by spirits; like the Black Stone of Islam in a corner of the Ka'bah at Mecca, in Petra and other places in Arabia stones were venerated also" (History of the Islamic Peoples, Carl Brockelmann, p 8-10)
    "According to a theory held by many, this temple [Kabah] had been sourceally connected with the ancient worship of the sun, moon and stars, and its circumambulation by the worshippers had a symbolical reference to the rotation of the heavenly bodies. Within its precincts and in its neighborhood there were found many idols, such as Hubal, Lat, Ozza, Manah, Wadd, Sawa, Yaghut, Nasr, Isaf, Naila, etc. A black stone in the temple wall was regarded with superstitious awe as eminently sacred" (Muhammad and Muhammadanism, S.W. Koelle, 1889, p. 17-19)

    Everything is Connected and there are no

    Resposta  Missatge 110 de 155 del tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/12/2012 07:56
    17 - Vesica piscis summation = 153 vesica psicis Arch-i-medes key - fish sacrifice
    September = i= 9 = Galactic center clockwise spiral
    9-11 Jacob's ladder key - El-even key

    In ancient Roman religion and myth, Vulcan (Latin: Vulcanus) is the god of both beneficial and hindering fire,[1] including the fire of volcanoes. Vulcan is often depicted with a blacksmith's hammer.[2] The Volcanalia was the annual festival held August 23 in his honor. His Greek counterpart is Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithery. In Etruscan religion, he is identified with Sethlans.

    The festival of Vulcan, the Vulcanalia, was celebrated on August 23 each year, when the summer heat placed crops and granaries most at risk of burning.[1][15] During the festival bonfires were created in honour of the god, into which live fish or small animals were thrown as a sacrifice, to be consumed in the place of humans.[16]

    Tephaistos is the Greek word that defines the God whom the Romans gave the name of Vulcan. Hence Sanconiatho and curios similarity of names and occupations, tended to derive the name of Tubal Cain to Vulcan by means known to etymologists. omitting the initial T of Tubal Cain, which is the article in the Phoenician language, and no vowel, the word is formed by the nature Balcan Interchangeable B and V is easily transformed into Vulcan.

    Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honour of him was called the Vulcania in which Human sacrifices were offered. "According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian devil.' It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans.'
    In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree.
    Listen to what occultist and Mason, Manly Palmer Hall, has to say:
    "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mastery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a ploughshare.'
    There is also a sexual connotation associated with Vulcan and Tubal Cain. Former Mason, Bill Schnoebelen, explains:
    "For Masons who wish to conceal their membership from non-Masons, but still advertise it to their Lodge brothers, there is a special pin (or tie tack) they can wear. It looks like an upside down golf club with two balls near the top....Many people assume the person is a golfing enthusiast, but it is actually a visual Masonic pun.
    "This is called the 'Two Ball Cane,' and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, 'Tubalcain (sic).'...It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the 'god' of Masonry, the male reproductive organ.

    In Dowland manuscript we reads as follows: "Before the flood there was a man called Lamech as is written in the Bible in the fourth chapter of Genesis, and this Lamech had two wives, one named Adah and the other Zillah; of Ada first wife had two children, one named Jubal Jubel and the other, and his second wife had a son and a daughter. These four sons founded the principle of all sciences in the world. the firstborn Jubel founded the science of geometry and was engaged in driving sheep to the field, and first built houses of wood and stone, as stated in the chapter above. and his brother Jubal founded the science of music and songs of the tongue, the harp and the organ. and the third brother, Tubal Cain, founded the guild of smiths who worked in gold, silver, copper, iron and steel, and his daughter founded the art of weaving. and these children knew well that God would punish the sins through fire or water, for which reason they wrote the sciences that had been founded on the pillars to be found after the flood. One pillar was marble and could not burn in the fire, the other was of copper and could sink into the water. "


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