Are the belts important?
If you wanted to control the weather on earth how would you do it?
Would the Van Allen belts play a role?
So who suggested the belts existed?
And later Van Allen suggested a geiger counter be put on board a satellite to find out if true?
It was
NOT Dr. Van Allen who had the brainstorm.
It was
Nicholas Constantine ChristofolosWow!!!
Jesus H. Christ!!!
What a name. What is in a name eh?
Sounds almost like a prophecy fulfilled?
Messianic almost...
Nicholas = St. Nick Santa Satan
Constantine = the vision Chi Rho 'Van Allen Belts'
Christofolos = Christ...
I just love those colors...look at my avatar.
ADD WHITE and we have the 4 main colors of alchemy = change. we find a deeper more profound TRUTH by looking at the archetypal evidence?
Archetypal evidence which are clues to how SpaceTimeMotion operates on the many levels that exist between the macrocosm and the microcosm?
Some suggest 11 dimensions exist..
Keeping in mind once an alchemist begins the distillation process...
truth is truth is truth is truth is truth and it comes in many different modes of translation.
we can find the truth about the phi spiral in nature.
here is a truth that permeates and extends from the biggest star to the smallest particle....
So having opened your mind's eye to a different language called archetype (Carl Jung?) what do all of the following images share in common?
How do we connect these images to the bigger picture?
How can we connect the
starship NCC Nick C. Christofolos to these images and the archetypal footprints we left as evidence, through history, through SpaceTimeMotion?
Do you follow me...?

Halaf ceramics Samarra Iraq 4800 BCThe flat 2D image of the
Maltese Cross plate from Samarra Iraq
4800 BC is very similar to 2D
longitudinal SOUND wave?
Do you see the MALTESE Cross erupting in the center of the plate?

For an explanation of HOW I continue to gather undeniable evidence of intentional suppression of the 10,000+ year old swastika, turned AGAINST the common good... will need to go here...please read at least the first 4 entries by me... Raphael.
I seem to have the same name, Raphael, reserved for me on all the forums.
And for those who found that plate from Iraq interesting, I have another from
5000 BC that shows that the
SWASTIKA is without a doubt...a symbol representing a
transverse LIGHT wave on a 2D grid.

Do you see the swirling swastika in the middle of the graph?
More positive proof that we have been 'dumbed' down intentionally, using religions that instill fear, and later some of the religions and politicians use the swastika as a tool to promote Hitler.
Hitler sullied this 10,000+ year old symbol, just as it was making a comeback in the late 19th and early 20th century, in the hearts and minds of people worldwide...long before Hitler adopted this ancient symbol as a symbol of Aryan heritage, the swastika was being placed into a new status after being found in 'Troy' and being promoted by the theosophists Blavatsky and Bailey.
(Baily was married to a Freemason)
Why ALL the fuss over the swastika?
Why has this symbol been around since the time of 'Atlantis'?
Please keep the following in mind...if you have got this far...the swastika is revered by the Dalai Lama and the most peaceful human beings on the face of the EARTH...The Jain religion of southern India, they wouldn't hurt a fly, literally and figuratively.
swasti = good luck
ka = vital energy
However the Pope and the RC church adopted the Crucifix, used by the Romans and pagans to crucify people...
crucifix = oppression or a tool used to help crucify