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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 122 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 26/03/2012 03:30

El Misterio de la Esfinge de Ghizeh

“Así que no temaís, porque nada hay

encubierto que no hayade ser descubierto;

ni oculto que no haya de saberse”

Mateo X, 26


Al decir de los sabios más eminentes este coloso de piedra que esta junto a las Pirámides es el más antiguo monumento del mundo; esta enorme estatua de 57 metros de largo (la sola cara tiene 9 metros) parece haber sido tallado en la misma roca que formaba parte de una cresta que sobresale en la meseta de Ghizeh que ella domina.
Colocado a 500 metros de la segunda Pirámide (la de Kephrén) es uno de los más bellos vestigios de las razas desaparecidas, porque es preciso remontar esta obra “antes de Mena”; es decir, a los tiempos de la Dinastía Fabulosas de los Sheso-Hor, y su forma es por sí misma un gran enigma. Una cabeza humana sobre un cuerpo de toro con alas de águila a sus lados y garras de león que parecen arañar la arena.

Los Adeptos de los Colegios de Iniciación eran conducidos ante este enigmático símbolo y debían dar una explicación a esta misteriosa figura de piedra, antes de ser introducidos por la puerta que estaba entre las dos patas delanteras del animal sagrado y que conducían por profundas galerías a salas subterráneas.
Es obvio que tenemos que pasar por alto la descripción de las Pirámides, de los templos, de los santuarios, agrupados en torno de la Esfinge en razón de analizar el enigmático axioma: SABER-QUERER-OSAR-CALLAR:

SABER: Corresponde a la cabeza del hombre, es la Inteligencia.

QUERER: Esta simbolizado por el cuerpo del toro, es el Trabajo.

OSAR: Equivale al león que personifica la Fogosidad.

CALLAR: Esta simbolizado por las alas del águila, que caracteriza la Alta Filosofía.

Estas cuatro personificaciones (hombre-toro-león-águila) expresadas en la Esfinge se refiere a los cuatro elementos de la física antigua, a los cuatros Signos Fijos del Zodiaco, de las cuatro
Hombre= Aquarius
Toro = Taurus
León = Leo
Águila= Escorpio

Estos cuatro signos del zodiaco que son los puntos más importantes del cielo porque contienen las estrellas regias representan otras analogías más, para llegar finalmente al término sagrado, al tetragrama divino que no se pronuncia pero que se deletrea con las cuatro palabras: Yod-He-Vaw-He, que se ha traducido en la Biblia como Jehová.
Sobre las Estrellas Regias se puede decir que en el Antiguo Egipto marcaban el comienzo de las Estaciones, así: Aldebarán (Ojo de Toro); Régulus (Corazón del León); Antares (Corazón del Escorpión) y Fomalhaut (Boca del Pez Austral). Estas cuatro estrellas hacen una enorme Cruz en el cosmos, que rige poderosamente en el alma del hombre y de la humanidad.

Para terminar las referencias de la meseta de Ghizeh, diremos que se ha determinado a través de análisis astronómicos de las tres grandes pirámides cercanas a la Esfinge, que la edad de estos monumentos son de 10,500 años antes de Jesucristo. Resulta que las tres pirámides son imágenes exactas de las tres estrellas del “Cinturón” de la constelación de Orión, y que la Esfinge, en la época de la construcción de las pirámides, ya era un monumento muy antiguo. Con esto último, podemos darnos cuenta de la antigüedad de estas construcciones, y del nivel científico de la civilización a la que pertenecía, tanto como sus conocimientos iniciáticos alcanzados en tan lejanos tiempos.
Todo esto nos demuestra que los signos zodiacales y la astrología no procede de los Caldeos, como se cree actualmente, sino que es mucho más antigua; los últimos iniciados atlantes lo llevaron a Egipto y otros lugares sabedores del hundimiento de su continente, con la finalidad de no romper la cadena de la Tradición Iniciática; tradición que existe en el mundo desde que el hombre salió del reino animal.

La Biblia y los cuatro animales de la Esfinge

En la Biblia se menciona a estos cuatro animales de la Esfinge, que son tan importantes en el autoconocimiento iniciático del ser humano.
Siendo que estos cuatro signos que emiten sus poderosas vibraciones en cuatro puntos diametralmente opuestos dos a dos, constituyendo una gran cruz en el plano de la Eclíptica, obviamente que influyen en la vida del hombre, y la Tradición Esotérica trata de utilizar su onda para trascender el zodiaco y conseguir la libertad de la mente humana. Para este efecto, los egipcios inventaron un animal mitológico para personificar (si se puede hablar así) estas influencias astrológicas.
Pero, no sólo los egipcios hicieron esto, sino que muchos pueblos que siguen una Tradición Iniciática tienen un animal de las mismas características, como por ejemplo los sumerios. La tradición judeo-cristiana también conocía estas influencias y también hacen referencia a estos cuatro animales del zodiaco, tanto en el Antiguo como en el Nuevo Testamento.

“El aspecto de sus caras era como una cara de hombre y una cara de león al lado derecho de loas cuatro, y como una cara de buey a la izquierda de los cuatro. Además los cuatro tenían una cara de águila” (Ezequiel, Cap. I, versículo 10).

“El primer ser viviente era semejante a un león; el segundo era semejante a un becerro; el tercero tenía rostro de hombre; y el cuarto era semejante a un águila volando” (Apocalipsis IV, versículo 7).

En ambos casos se hacen alusión a los animales
León = Leo
Becerro, buey = Tauro
Hombre = Aquarius (el “aguador”, un joven con un cántaro)
Águila = Escorpio (signo doble que se compone del escorpión y de un águila)

Los cuatro evangelistas
Los cuatro evangelistas del Nuevo Testamento están relacionados con estos cuatro Signos Fijos del zodiaco: Acuario, Toro, Escorpio (águila), León. Son representados con los atributos de esto signos:
San Lucas: es representado por un toro, porque habla extensamente de los sacrificios.
San Marcos: se le ve junto a un león, puesto que anuncia al precursor que predica en el desierto.
San Juan: con un águila junto a él, el anunciador de la sublime elevación.
San Mateo: con un ángel (el aguador), para recordar a Gabriel, que anuncia la llegada de Cristo así como de la segunda venida del Mesías, porque el signo del Aquarius (el Aguador) es verdaderamente el signo del Hijo del Hombre que este Evangelista menciona (Mateo XXIV, 30).
En muchas iglesias del mundo se encuentra pintado los cuatro evangelistas con sus respectivos “animales” como atributos de su misión crística.


San Mateo, que está junto a un Ángel, habla sobre la Segunda Venida de Cristo, Hijo del Hombre, el Aguador (Aquarius).


San Lucas representa junto con el Toro el sacrificio, porque aquel enseña la bnúsqueda de la justicia mediante el sacrificio.


San Marcos está representado con el León, porque enseña acerca del osar en la misión cristica en el mundo.


San Juan tiene el Águila sobre el hombro. El Águilaes la revelación, la transmutación. "¡Os es necesario nacer de nuevo¡"

El ingreso del Sistema Planetario Solar a 0º de la constelación de Aquarius hace que la luz se haga en la Tierra, y se cumpla las profecías bíblicas de la revelación de todos los misterios, tal como lo previa Mateo en su Capitulo X, versículo 26.
La Gran Fraternidad Universal también representa el axioma iniciático SABER-QUERER-OSAR-CALLAR, que corresponde a los cuatro Signos Fijos del zodiaco, en la cruz de sus Misioneros.

La Cruz de Aquarius, se percibe las cuatro signos fijos del zodiaco correspondiente a los “animales” de la esfinge de Gihzeh y los doce constelaciones del mismo (3 “rayos” entre lados de la cruz X4=12)

La Cruz Occitana, con los cuatro lados y tres puntos en cada uno de ellos, que hacen un total de 12, que son el número de constelaciones zodiacales. Se cree que los Cátaros poseían los conocimientos esotéricos de Jesús, que recibieron de los Primeros cristianos.

Cruz Chacana de los pre-incas, con sus cuatro lados que representan las cuatro palabras claves en Quechua de los cuatro signos fijos del zodiaco (Yachay-Llank’ay-Munay-Kausay), habría sido la cruz aquariana de un ciclo anterior.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 78 de 122 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/11/2012 23:47

Respuesta  Mensaje 79 de 122 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/11/2012 05:58
The Line of 'Antichrist'

Caesar was killed on the 'Ides of March' (March 15) - a date indirectly associated with the death/crucifixion of Jesus. Here is what I wrote on March 12 regarding this interesting connection:

As long-time correspondent Glenn recently told me:

...March 15th a.k.a. 'The Ides of March'. Shakespeare (better known as Sir Francis Bacon) slipped in the clue in his play 'Julius Caesar' - "Beware the Ides of March" - in which Caesar was warned that his friends would take him out. ...it is also known as the Catholic Feast day of St. Longinus. The same Longinus whom pierced the side of Christ with the Spear of Destiny!!

And this 'Spear of Destiny' takes us right back to the Pepsi commercial because we have already talked about (Feb. 23) the symbolism of the three ladies in the ad being a reference to the 'three goddesses of fate' in Norse mythology called Norne. 'Fate' and 'destiny' are pretty much interchangeable words, after all.

What's more, we've already discussed how the reverse of 'Norne' is 'Enron' and how Schwarzenegger is linked to this energy company. So we are again back to Arnold, the messianic 'Antichrist'. And sure enough, Spear of Destiny is said to have been possessed or at least sought by various messianic and antichristic leaders throughout history like Herod the Great, Constantine, Hitler, etc. The Spear represents the power that Antichrist must obtain in order to be successful. So obviously there is a coherent symbolic pattern here.

Let me now point out that Arnie's most recent film was Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines released just last year... [...] As you can see in the Terminator 3 graphic shown left, the Arnie Terminator has only one active red eye. We can easily view this as an allusion to 'HAL', the AI machine in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey which similarly has only one glowing red 'eye'. And of course HAL rebels against its human masters. Thus the story of 2001/HAL is very much about the 'rise of the machines'. And '2001' being the year of 9/11... [we can sense the underlying context].

But the real punch line here is this: as Glenn correctly pointed out to me, Longinus who pierced the side of Jesus with his 'Spear of Destiny' had only one eye! (He was blind in one eye, but was healed by Jesus' blood.) And, in the film The Passion [of the Christ, a controversial film about the final 12 hours of Jesus, released soon after the Super Bowl fiasco], Jesus is mostly... you guess it, one-eyed.

Needless to say, this... relates to the Eye of Horus, or the 'All-Seeing Eye' of the pyramid capstone that you see on the back of the US dollar bill. It symbolizes Osirian resurrection, seed/sex, Mars, New World Order... etc. etc. all very relevant. Birth of Horus, birth of Antichrist - that would probably the strongest concept conveyed by all this.

At this point, I introduced a new piece of the puzzle - an astronomical one - that would become increasingly important:

...we are likely in for some very significant 'antichristic' events in the near future - as early as this month. Key dates coming up are March 15 (Ides of March, feast day of St. Longinus) and around March 20 (spring equinox/'Super Mars Day') and/or March 22 ('322'/'Skulll & Bones day').

I'd say there is a high probability that the spring equinox window coming up will produce some significant event(s) that will conform to the pattern discussed above. Because not only is March 20 the 'Super Mars/Sphinx/Horus Day', the spring equinox is traditionally the day of the rebirth of the Sun (-king), i.e. birth of Horus/Christ/Antichrist. Furthermore, ~March 20 this year is astronomically emphasized in a very meaningful way. As Gary, a close observer of the heavens, recently informed me:

...the Sun , New Moon and both comets [Linear and Neat] will be aligned along the 0h right ascension/meridian point.

He's right. Those four celestial objects will closely align along the 'zero longitude' of the sky grid on March 20/21. What I find particularly interesting here is the potential connection [we see] between the term 'longitude' and the name 'Longinus'. I don't think it's a mere coincidence that Longinus is associated with a lance, i.e. a straight line... such as a longitudinal line (meridian), especially since Jesus' blood/bloodline is esoterically associated with a meridian called 'Rose Line' (more or less equated with the Paris Zero Meridian). And this certainly increases the symbolic depth of the longitudinal celestial alignment formed around the spring equinox coming up shortly.

A week and a half later on March 26, I analyzed what had taken place during the spring equinox window:

Well, March 20 was last Saturday and like most Saturdays it was a relatively uneventful day. But this was not surprising because 3/20 being the first anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war, there wouldn't have been enough 'twists' to the timing symbolism. And there was also the 'Skull and Bones day' of March 22 ('322') coming only 2 days later. This is why I had treated the timeframe as a 'window' rather than a 'key date'.

Things began to heat up on Sunday (3/21). Let's start with The Passion. It was reported Sunday that the Jesus movie was dethroned from its #1 box-office position by the new film called 'Dawn of the Dead'. The symbolism there is quite intriguing as 'Dawn of the Dead' can easily be viewed as an allusion to Horus, the (rising-) Sun-god and the son of Osiris the god of the dead. Passion depicts the death of Osiris; and as if to reenact the mythological story, the death is immediately followed by a rebirth - i.e. the 'dawn of the dead'... the birth of Horus.

Next, the birth of Horus is something we have long seen in the rise of Schwarzenegger; indeed, Arnold was quickly identified as a major 'antichristic' figure here at Etemenanki (see past posts). Arnie was specifically mentioned in the 3/12 post when discussing the key March/Mars dates. We've talked a lot about the seeming 'destiny' of Schwarzenegger becoming a US president before and this 'plan' finally began to be detectable this winter/spring as one of the news headlines on Feb. 22 ('222') was: 'Schwarzenegger Argues for White House Run'. (See my 2/23 post.) And the media helped pushing this idea again several days later by inexplicably throwing in the 'Arnold amendment' question during a Democratic presidential debate televised on CNN.

Well, guess what happened on Sunday 3/21... One of the news items bore the title: 'Kennedy would back law enabling Schwarzenegger to run for US president'. Arnie is married to former journalist and Kennedy heiress, Maria Shriver, a niece of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy. I see this marriage as a key element of the symbolic role - if not a literal one - Arnie now appears to be playing - i.e. Horus/Messiah/Antichrist. Note that the JFK presidency was called 'Camelot', which makes JFK an Arthurian figure who is inseparable from the tales of the 'Holy Grail'. And the Holy Grail largely represents 'Blood Royal' or the supposed bloodline stemming from the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. And the Messiah/Antichrist has to possess this Davidic royal blood - just like St. Longinus' legendary 'Spear of Destiny' that pierced Jesus' side while on the cross is believed to represent something that 'Antichrist' must obtain in order to be successful... [...]

[Longinus' likely connection to] 'longitude' and 'meridian'... creates an amazing correlation with the event we introduce next.

Although not March 20 (equinox) or March 22 (Skull & Bones/'322'), March 23 was also a symbolically significant date included in the 'Super Mars Day' window. Since 'Super Mars Day' is analogous to 'Super Tuesday' as discussed [before], it is natural to view the Tuesday closest to March 20/22 as carrying the same theme. This happened to be March 23. The previous 'Super Tuesday' on March 2 was marked by the NASA announcement of Mars' past water. On the second 'Super Tuesday', March 23, pretty much the same thing happened! On that day, NASA held a special press conference to triumphantly announce to the world that the landing site of the Mars rover Opportunity was once the shore of a salty sea. [...]

...I saw the name of the area where Opportunity landed - 'Meridiani Planum'. That is, 'Meridian Plane' - so called because the site is near the Prime Meridian, or longitude zero, of Mars! Very unexpected, but this certainly seems to confirm my symbolic interpretation regarding Longinus, i.e. the relevance of longitude zero/Prime Meridian/Rose Line.

The above also has the implication of attaching the messianic 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' theme to the Red Planet. This happens to be a fully expected development. As early as Nov. 2002, I was already propounding this connection; as I wrote in Endgame III back then:

... I'm sure this is the first time that all the different subject matters, especially Cydonia [/Mars] and the underground Gnostic tradition, have been put together and viewed as aspects of the same 'game'. Strange stuff, yes, but this is where the 'game' is going, so people should get used to it.

And now we are seeing the 'game' getting there indeed. This is still only the tip of the iceberg, and I'm sure I will be talking more about this 'game' in the future.

And then we entered the month of May...

Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 122 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/11/2012 07:11
Tracing the Line of Fire

The new revelation began to unfold as I began to wonder about the literal counterpart of the sunset itself, i.e. sunrise. No doubt the sunset of June 11 at/near Los Angeles was ritualistically very important and designed to mark the death of Osiris as well as the conception/birth of Horus. If the sunset itself was symbolic of the death of Osiris/Reagan, I thought, there ought to have been a sunrise somewhere to signify the simultaneous rise of Horus - the sunrise-god/king - embodied by Schwarzenegger.

As the Sun went down in Los Angeles (or Simi Valley), the Sun was seen rising on the horizon somewhere - more or less the opposite side of the earth. Then I remembered a comment posted by an Etemenanki reader 'Alfredo', pointing out that the Olympic torch currently going around the world was at Giza/Cairo on June 11, i.e. the same date as Reagan's funeral. I found this intriguing because of its relevance to Schwarzenegger. As noted in Part 1, the 'rise of Arnold' cannot be separated from Giza/Cairo, the notion of fire, and the Olympics:

  • Schwarzenegger's dramatic election announcement on Aug. 6, 2003 was apparently designed to coincide with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius as seen from Giza/Cairo - a celestial event that signaled for ancient Egyptians the beginning of the annual life-giving flood of the Nile, signifying the resurrection of Osiris/birth of Horus.
  • The term 'Sirius' is linked to the notion of 'scorching' (thus also with fire); the term 'pyramid' is also etymologically linked to fire.


  • One of Schwarzenegger's nicknames happens to be 'The Olympian' (he won the 'Mr. Olympia' bodybuilding competition six times).
  • Venus - or Lucifer the 'light bearer' - has an orbital period of 225 earth-days. The Athens Olympic Games, the destination of the torch, will begin on the 225th day of the year 2004 [after Jan. 1] - August 13.


  • The name 'Cairo' denotes Mars, and both Mars and the Great Sphinx at Giza were thought to have been a form of Horus in ancient Egypt.
  • The California 'Total Recall election' last summer/fall coincided with Mars coming historically close to Earth (closest in 60,000 years), peaking around August 27. The film Total Recall, featuring Schwarzenegger, is all about Mars.

And so naturally I decided there was good enough reason to check the position of the Sun as seen from Giza/Cairo at the moment of the LA (Simi Valley) sunset (~8 pm local).

I quickly fired up my Starry Night Pro program and reproduced the Californian sunset as seen on June 11. I then instructed the program to jump to Cairo. What emerged next was both shocking and satisfying.

The Sun was rising right at the horizon of Cairo/Giza!

Hence came the inevitable conclusion: the 'rise of Horus/Schwarzenegger' was designed to be 'acknowledged' by the Egyptian/'Martian' sunrise at Giza/Cairo - coinciding perfectly with the fall of Osiris, the sunset, taking place at Simi Valley/LA!

I found this mind-boggling. The level of sophistication and precision demonstrated by the design/coordination was off the scale. (We wonder who could set all this up so perfectly.) This was a powerful 'passing of the torch' ritual indeed.

The 'ritual' didn't end there, of course.

Technically speaking, the Olympic torch and the sunrise at Giza/Cairo didn't literally coincide. That's because the 'Antichristic' sunrise found above took place on the morning of June 12 (a day 'ahead' of California due to the time-zone difference) while the torch was passing by Giza on June 11 local time. Between June 11 and 12, the torch was actually traveling from Cairo to Cape Town at the southern tip of Africa.

As the illustration above shows, the torch's movement from June 11 to 12 closely followed the course of the Nile river.

The Nile is an unusually 'vertical' river that flows northward from the equator to Giza/Cairo (30°N latitude). It can easily be seen as a meridian - a longitudinal line - carved directly on the earth's surface.

Now consider the following: Today's official International Prime Meridian is the longitude going through Greenwich; more esoterically the Zero/Prime Meridian would be the one going through Paris, sometimes called the 'Rose Line' and associated with the Grail/messianic bloodline; and an even more esoteric Zero Meridian would be the one going through or near the Great Pyramid of Giza. Even beyond that - i.e. the most 'esoteric' - would be the 'Nile anchor meridian', 33°E longitude, of the 'Time River scheme' revealed in my book, The Time Rivers. {The latter two are close enough to make no difference in our discussion here.)

In other words, the longitudinal line marked by the Nile is a form of esoteric 'Zero Meridian'. This then relates right back to the earlier Longinus/Spear of Destiny discussion stemming from the Super Bowl/Pepsi-ad symbolism, and linked to the Transit of Venus, the Messianic bloodline, and, as noted before:

Birth of Horus, birth of Antichrist - that would probably the strongest concept conveyed by all this.

Now let us review the key points made earlier:

  • "What I find particularly interesting here is the potential connection between the term 'longitude' and the name 'Longinus'. I don't think it's a mere coincidence that Longinus is associated with a lance, i.e. a straight line... such as a longitudinal line (meridian), especially since Jesus' blood/bloodline is esoterically associated with a meridian called 'Rose Line' (more or less equated with the Paris Zero Meridian). And this certainly increases the symbolic depth of the longitudinal celestial alignment formed around the spring equinox..."
  • "...I saw the name of the area where Opportunity landed - 'Meridiani Planum'. That is, 'Meridian Plane' - so called because the site is near the Prime Meridian, or longitude zero, of Mars! Very unexpected, but this certainly seems to confirm my symbolic interpretation regarding Longinus, i.e. the relevance of longitude zero/Prime Meridian/Rose Line."

And this:

Because Mary Magdalene, or Isis the sister-wife of Osiris, is traditionally identified with Venus and the breast is decidedly a feminine symbol, we can easily interpret the Sun nipple-ring on Janet's breast as signifying the Sun covering Venus. And the direct conjunction of Sun and Venus is exactly what will take place on June 8 this year!

The above connection is intensified by the following:

  • Breasts produce milk. [...]
  • The Transit of Venus takes place at the edge of the Milky Way.

What I didn't point out earlier is that the Venus transit of June 8, a rare Sun-Venus union, actually took place very near the galactic 'Prime Meridian' - i.e. the longitude zero (or 180°) of the sky grid based on the Milky Way! But the real punch line here is this: Venus crossed the galactic meridian more precisely on June 11, the very day of Reagan's funeral!

We thus have the following, amazing set of ritualistic 'coincidences':

  • June 11: Sunset at LA (Simi Valley) signifying the death of Reagan/Osiris
  • June 11: Sunrise taking place simultaneously at Cairo/Giza signifying the rise of Schwarzenegger/Horus
  • June 11 (local time): The Olympic torch passing through Cairo/Giza, 'commemorating' the rise of Arnold aka 'The Olympian'
  • June 11-12: The Olympic torch traveling along the Nile, an esoteric Prime Meridian
  • June 11: Venus crossing the galactic Prime Meridian

(Note: Venus crossed the galactic meridian earlier on May 8/9 also, which closely coincided with the release of the 'shock & awe' video showing the beheading of Nick Berg whose body was found on May 8.)

Well, this is still not the end of the 'ritual' design. The next 'magical coincidence' would represent the final nail in the coffin.

Get this:

  • On June 16, the Olympic torch came to Los Angeles, a prominent city in Arnold's state, California, and approximately where Reagan's funeral was held
  • On the same day, a film called Around the World in 80 Days opened in which Schwarzenegger makes an appearance
  • The title 'Around the World in 80 Days' evokes the Olympic torch 'going around the world'
  • In the film, Arnold's character - a Turkish prince - is called 'Hapi'. In ancient Egypt, Hapi was the god of the Nile! More specifically Hapi personified the annual inundation of the Nile which in turn signified the revitalization of Osiris (also a Nile god), i.e. the birth of Horus!

So, clearly, this is a super-ritual... at the center of which is Arnold Schwarzenegger. All the indications are that Arnie is destined to 'change the world' - or at least the New World - in the near future by playing the role of Horus, Messiah, and/or 'Antichrist'.

Countdown To Final Solution

Osirian resurrection, Horus, Giza, Mars, Venus, meridian, Olympics... It is truly uncanny how coherently these major themes interact with X-72, one of Nostradamus' most famous quatrains:

Quatrain X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

My interpretation of X-72 was first presented in September '98 in an article titled 1999: Final Solution. Since then it's been updated somewhat but the basic elements remained unchanged and consistent - something quite normal for me but a rare phenomenon in the largely foresight-less field of prophetic interpretation.

Among other things, I have shown how X-72 was very much applicable to the 9/11 'terror' event - the date of '1999 seven months' being calendrically analogous to '2001 September', etc. - in my post-9/11 articles such as The Labour of the Sun (February 15, '02), Rex Deux (March 11, '02) and The Message of Cycle 23 (May 24, '02).

Here let me first point out that:

  • Osiris is called the 'Lord of Terror' in the Book of the Dead
  • The Great Sphinx, a form of Horus/Mars, is also known as 'Father of Terror'
  • Mars, directly mentioned in line 4, can be viewed as the 'king of terror' in that its two moons are named 'Phobos' and 'Deimos', both basically meaning 'terror'
  • The 'resurrection' theme appears in line 3, coming right after the phrase 'King of terror'
  • As for 'Angolmois' (line 3), there was a province in south-east France called 'Angoumois' where today we find 'Angouleme', a city notable for being at longitude 0 deg.

Let me next bring your attention to the fact that in 1999: Final Solution one of the big pieces of the puzzle used to solve the quatrain riddle was Cassini - a NASA space probe sent to Saturn in the late '90s.

Back in 1998/1999, I focused on the fact that Cassini, launched in Oct '97, was about to come back from the inner solar system to make an earth-flyby on Aug. 18, 1999. I associated it with the 'king of terror' said to come 'from the sky' a la Quatrain X-72 especially since Saturn is in many ways the Greco-Roman version of Osiris, the god of resurrection and the 'once and future king'.

Well, the Cassini mission is heating up again today. The probe is about to reach its destination on July 1, '04 - now just days away! So combined with the symbolic implications already mentioned, this ominous timing makes it clear that the quatrain is becoming very much relevant again.

Century IV-28
When Venus will be covered by the Sun,
Under the splendor will be a hidden form:
Mercury will have exposed them to the fire,
Through warlike noise it will be insulted.

Furthermore, in 1999: Final Solution I associated X-72 with another quatrain, IV-28, i.e. the quatrain apparently alluding to the Transit of Venus. As I wrote back then ('98):

Now, what's interesting..., coming back to IV-28, is that Venus is to be "covered by the sun"... in August 1999 - the very timeframe suggested by X-72. And it's when Cassini’s Earth-flyby occurs. Only roughly 60 days before the Earth-flyby, Cassini’s Venus-flyby occurs (June 20, ’99), and consequently, Cassini is to approach from the "direction of Venus" and be "temporarily hidden by the sun". The match between this and the IV-28 information is quite uncanny, and it brings together IV-28 and X-72.

So obviously you cannot say that my quatrain interpretations are done in hindsight since much of what's emerging today was conceptually anticipated years ago. And the pattern discerned through the quatrains seems to be approaching some kind of climax at the present time.

The significance of the timing is hard to miss. Cassini's arrival on July 1 closely coincides with the 'handover' of Iraq, scheduled for June 30, (the last day of month). It represents a politically intense day and a source of much violence going on today. So this coincidence is quite ominous.

Further increasing the gravity of the timing is the fact that Venus will be crossing the galactic meridian in early July again. (Venus is going back and forth in that region during this period.) The meridian crossing will occur on July 4 - Independence Day. This could be viewed as a key date especially when added that the crossing point's galactic latitude will be -19.5 degrees, an angle said to be the 'Holy Grail' message found geometrically encoded on the surface of Mars (Cydonia).

Related to the above are the following key dates of late June:

  • The summer solstice, June 20/21, is obviously a key date for our themes.

  • June 24, the John the Baptist day, is another key date - Schwarzenegger being a form of John/Oak King, associated with decapitation, and all.

  • Cassini's Venus flyby in 1999 before heading toward Earth took place on June 24.

  • The date of Reagan's funeral, June 11, representing a big 'Osirian Resurrection' day, is calendrically analogous to June 24 since there is a 13-day difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars. (June 11 + 13 days = June 24)

It may also be relevant that June 24 is calendrically interchangeable with July 7, separated by 13 days...

As for what can happen during this window covering late June and early July, I'll just basically repeat the potential events projected in The Lucifer Time Code: Part 1:

  • Major development involving or associated with 9/11 and/or Iraq.

  • Major event that has to do with the fall/exit of one or more of the 'Babylon leaders' (which include figures such as, and those closely associated with, Bush/Cheney, Blair, Sharon, and particularly the Pope).

  • Major announcement concerning Mars, such as the discovery of life or present water of Mars.

  • Major event involving Arnold Schwarzenegger and/or other Horus ('Antichristic') figures.

  • Some kind of nuclear event.

These themes are likely to continue beyond the June-July window and into the latter part of 2004. The Athens Olympic Games in August is obviously a key event in all this. There is also going to be a very significant celestial configuration in September. And of course we'll have that presidential election in November...

I must also say that the issue of the 'Patriot Act' is likely to be a big part of what's coming in the near future. Sparks may begin to fly by late June as Michael Moore's powerful documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11, opening on June 25, will force this controversial issue to go further mainstream. The question is: Did the triumph of the Patriots in this year's Super Bowl foreshadow the triumph of the Patriot Act, or did it foreshadow the triumph of the real patriots, i.e. the defeat of the Patriot Act? While not very clear at this point, signs leans toward the former.

In any case, these topics will be discussed in future installments of The Lucifer Time Code.

A uniquely eventful period in history is upon us... Stay tuned.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 122 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/12/2012 03:55
Eze 1:1 - 1:19
As  I looked, behold, a storm wind was coming from the north, a great cloud with fire  flashing  forth continually and a bright  light around it, and in its midst something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire. Within it there were figures resembling four living beings . 

And this was their appearance: they had human form. Each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight and their feet were like a calf's hoof, and they gleamed like burnished bronze.[...]  As for the form of their faces, had the face of a man; all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle.

Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each had two touching another and two covering their bodies And each went straight forward; wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go, without turning as they went. In the midst of the living beings there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches darting back and forth among the living beings . The fire was bright,and lightning was flashing from the fire. And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning.

Now as I looked at the living beings ,behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living beings , for the four of them.The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship as if one wheel were within another. Whenever they moved, they moved in any of their four directions[...]

Please view the following books for further info:
Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger
The Gospel in the Stars by Joseph Seiss

  • Virgo, is depicted as a virgin in every ancient reference, holding in one hand abranch, and in the other a sheaf of grain, or seed, always associated with a child, "Shesh nu" in Egyptian, the desired son, the symbol of the incarnationof God on earth.
  • Libra, the scales or in the earliest zodiacs, an altar. Its meaning is the measuring of a price. One of its stars in Arabic means, "the price which is deficient",while opposite is a star whose name means, "the price which covers," or atonement. Libra symbolizes the price of the conflict, the deficient works of man compared to the perfect and finished sacrifice of Jesus accomplished on the cross.
  • Scorpio,with his claws reaching out to influence the scales, is crushed beneath the foot of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, who in earliest times was depicted as an eagle. Ophiuchus 's foot is stung (wounded foot, like Oedipus) by the upraised tail of the scorpion, his other foot is above the scorpion's heart. He restrains the serpent coiled around him from taking a crown.Ophiuchus depicts the earliest prophecy in the Bible, "I will put enmity between the serpent and the offspring of the woman, it will strike at his heel, and he will crush (the serpent's) head."
  • Sagittarius,in the oldest pictures of the zodiac is a cherubim. This symbol is situated 1/3 rd of the way around the zodiacal circle. It had the body of both lionand bull with wings of an eagle and the head of a woman. Sagittarius is the symbol of the incarnation, both God and man, animals representing the four corners of the heavens and symbolizing the aspects of God's redemptive work on this earth, he is poised with his arrow drawn and pointed at theheart of the scorpion. Underneath him is the southern cross.
  • Capricorn, the goat with the tail of the fish. To the Hebrews, the goat was the sin offering, Capricorn is posed with his foot under him and his head bowed,as if in death. The second half of this symbol is the tail of a fish, the most prolific creature in nature, the fish lives in the waters, symbol of life and God's spirit. Out of the son of God's death, comes everlasting life.
  • Aquarius,the water bearer, the one pouring out life giving waters that symbolize God's spirit, into the mouth of the fish.
  • Pisces, the fishes connected to the neck of the sea monster, one points to the center of heaven the other follows the ecliptic, the path of the earth around the sun. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
  • Aries, the lamb prepared from the foundations of the world, the unblemished sacrifice for mankind. with his foot poised to strike off the tether attaching the fishes to the neck of the sea monster. "He (Jesus Christ), came to set the captives free".
  • Taurus, the Bull. His horns, symbolizing God's judgment, are pointed to the earth,one stabs the heal of a shepherd "Aquilla", who holds his flock, Christ the good shepherd, received in our place God's absolute judgment. In the bull's neck is the Pleiades, the congregating of the judges, who come back to earth after their resurrection to judge the earth with Christ at his second coming.
  • Gemini, the twins. Castor is the suffering redeemer, and Pollux is the king. Symbols of the first and second coming of Christ.
  • Cancer, the crab. Originally it was the fortress, the impregnable enclosure of protection.In Egypt it was a scarab, the beetle that hatched from the ground and flew to heaven, the stronghold of the saved.

    Leo, the great lion. "The conquering lion of Judah", Jesus Christ, who will come again. The king that the apostle John traced back to that tribe of Israel. In his heart is the star called Regulus.

    This is the whole story of God's atonement work on earth, its beginning and ending are symbolized by the sphinx - combining Virgo and Leo.

      At this point it will be helpful to understand some basic principles of the meaning of numbers in scripture. With insight into the symbolic meaning that numbers possesas they occur in the Bible one will understand the full meaning of the "riddle of the sphinx" The study of the meaning of numbers in scripture is called Biblical Numerics or Biblical Numerology. This study is intrinsicto theology and history of the Bible because of the language it was written in, Hebrew and Greek. These two languages share the aspect of using letters for words and also a system for counting. The spiritual meaning for numbers that continuously show up in scripture, intentionally put there by God,can be discerned. The following list is a brief description of the symbolic meaning of primary numbers.
  • One: symbol of unity, primacy and beginning, in all languages.
  • Two:  first number that can be divided from itself, it symbolizes division or difference.
  • Three:  Divine perfection. Trinity. 3 also refers to the necessary dimensions for physicality.
  • Four: The number of Creation, the 3 of God plus the 1, a new beginning.
  • Five: 4+1, Creation plus a New Beginning. 5 = grace or favor.
  • Six: The number of imperfection, the number of man. Creation plus division 4+2.
  • Seven: Completion. The number of spiritual perfection. Creation was completed, God rested on the7th day.
  • Eight: is the number of resurrection 7+1 completion plus newness.
  • Nine: Symbol of judgment. Akin to the number 6,  3x3=9 and 3+3=6, it can refer to the End.
  • Ten: Symbolizes completeness of order -- after 10 the numbers repeat.
  • Eleven: The subversion and undoing of 10 - a flawed addition to that perfect order.
  • Twelve: is the symbol of governmental perfection or rule 3x4 -- God's rule over His creation.
      The Greek myth Oedipus Rex contains revealing symbology -- too much to address in this article. But for our purposes, let's examine the riddle of the sphinx.  The monsterous Sphinx asked Oedipus: "What speaks with one voice, yet in the morning walks on four legs, walks at noon on two legs and in the evening walks on three legs?" Upon hearing the correct answer,  the Sphinx left her lofty perch and fell to the rocks below. The symbolism alludes to the true identity of the sphinx as a rebellious cherub -- perched in the mountainous high places -- literally amongst the stones -- outsideThebes, the City of Light.  The man who defeats this rebellious cherub will have a messianic name, Oedipus, literally wounded in the foot. The man who was named Wounded Foot, upon defeating the rebel cherub, redeems his promised bride at the end of Oedipus Rex, taking his place as king.

      The sphinx or wrathful cherub, asked the question, "What speaks with one voice, yet walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon and three feet in the evening?" The question  decoded using Bible numerics, would read: "What creature, spoken into creation by God, (one) walked before God in perfection at the beginning, (four) fell from grace and was divided from God, (two) and will be redeemed and made perfect by God, (three)?
      The answer: man.The real question couched ingeniously in the riddle was this, who will redeem man?

      The earliest prophecy in the Bible concerning the messiah who will defeat the serpent, or the rebel cherub is in Genesis 3:15. Oedipus the Wounded Foot is symbolicof the coming Messiah,  who would be born of the lineage of Adam and Eve. The defeater of the Greek Sphinx -- the defeater of death -- would speak the answer and the cherub would be destroyed. That is, The Word is Wounded Foot's weapon, and the means by which the bride, and all of the land, would be redeemed.

    "From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your
    offspring and her offspring will be enemies. He will crush
    your head, and you will strike his heel." Genesis 3:15

    The Serpent Wrestler - The Serpent Holder -  Serpents HeadAccording to Menzel, author of A Field Guide to the Stars ,   "Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, may well be an alternative form of Hercules,  for the giant frequently had to deal with snakes, beginning in infancy when he strangled the serpentin his crib. Ophiuchus bears Serpens, the Serpent, in his hands, and his right foot is almost touching the stinger of the Scorpion".  The offspring of Adam & Eve, the prophesied Messiah, "Bears the Serpent" as a representation of sin, and redeems all man through his crucifixion and resurrection. Ophiuchusis the resurrected Asclepius [also, Esculapius ], the healer whose symbolis the serpent staff. The learned Greek hero Asclepius was killed because he was able to raise the dead. Here is a brief but illuminating account:

    Orion (the blinded demigod who had regained his eyesight) journeyed to the island of Crete. There he met the beautiful Artemis, goddess of the Moon, also called Kynthiabecause she and her twin brother, Apollo, were born on Mount Kynthos. Apollo disapproved of the union between his sister the Moon Goddess and Orion.  His sister was so involved with Orion that she forgot to carry the Moon across the sky.  Apollo was disgusted with his sister and thought the only way to solve this problem was to kill Orion.

    One day Apollo sent Orion to the sea to catch some fish. When Orion waded through the sea,his head just above water, Apollo called his sister and pointed out the unrecognizable black dot far away. He tauntingly told her that although she was good with her bow, even she had her limits, and it was highly unlikely that she could hit the tiny target. Artemis felt insulted, immediately fit an arrow to her bow, and shot the target. Her aim was perfect, as always.The arrow pierced Orion's head, killing him instantly.  Artemis was horrified to discover her mistake.  She took Orion's body to her nephew Esculapius (son of Apollo & Coronis), begging him to resurrect Orion. Before Esculapius could act, a thunderbolt from Zeus destroyed Orion's body, but killed Esculapius as well. Artemis the Moon Goddess set Orion in the heavens, and Zues, realizing that Apollo's son Esculapius didn't deserve his fate, set him in the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus.

      Another reference to the man who is victorious over one the many manifestations of the rebel cherub is found in the typology of Orion. According to Bullinger's The Witness of the Stars: His name is given as Ha-ga-t, which means thisis he who triumphs. The hieroglyphic characters below read Oar. Orion was anciently spelt Oarion, from the Hebrew root, which means light. So that Orion means coming forth as light. The ancient Akkadian was Ur-ana,the light of heaven.

      The constellationis mentioned by name, as being perfectly well known both by name and appearance, in the time of Job; and as being an object of familiar knowledge at that early period of the world's history. See Job 9:9; 38:31, and Amos 5:8 (Heb.Chesil, which means a strong one, a hero, or giant).

      Orion - Star Names tell Messianic Symbolism - Bruised Foot, He Who CrushesThe picture presents us with "the Light of the world." His left foot is significantly placed upon the head of the enemy. He is girded with a glorious girdle,studded with three brilliant stars; and upon this girdle is hung a sharp sword. Its handle proves that this mighty Prince is come forth in a new character. He is again proved to be "the Lamb that was slain," for the hilt of this sword is in the form of the head and body of a lamb. In hisright hand he lifts on high his mighty club; while in his left he holds forth the token of his victory -- the head and skin of the "roaring lion" [ww - he has been victorious over the rebel cherub/sphinx] We ask in wonder,"Who is this?" and the names of the stars give us the answer.

      The brightest, a(in the right shoulder), is named Betelgeuz, which means the coming (Mal 3:2) of the branch.

      The next, b (in theleft foot), is named Rigel, or Rigol, which means the foot that crusheth.The foot is lifted up, and placed immediately over the head of the enemy,as though in the very act of crushing it. Thus, the name of the star bespeaks the act.

      The next star, g (in the left shoulder), is called Bellatrix, which means quickly coming,or swiftly destroying.

      The name of the fourth star, d (one of the three in the belt), carries us back to the old, old story, that this glorious One was once humbled; that His heel was once bruised. Its name is Al Nitak, the wounded One. * Similarly the star k (in the right leg) is called Saiph, bruised, which is the very word usedin Genesis 3:15, thus connecting Orion with the primeval prophecy. LikeOphiuchus, he has one leg bruised; while, with the other, he is crushing the enemy under foot.

      It is no mere coincidence that the constellations and star names echo the messianic prophecy of the "man" with the wounded foot, who crushes the enemy.

      And it is also no surprise that the narrative in the heavens would be twisted by those cherubs who, pre-rebellion,  were present at the creation of the heavens.

      Job 38:1-7
      Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said ... "Where were you when
      I laid the foundation of the earth ? ... When the morning stars sang together And
      all the sons of God shouted for joy ?
      The Bible describes a history of our solar system, and the ancient non-human occupants of the solar system. Popular culture seems to be obsessed with the ancient mysteries of the Pyramid and Sphinx of Giza, and at the same time, futuristic science fiction scenarios like those in Star Trek, Close Encounters etc.  Recently, CNN featured photos of what seems to be a sphinx-face on Mars. NASA scientists have confirmed that Mars was once a more habitable planet, and legions of fans of the X-Files are convinced that the Truth is Out There -- the truth that there is life on other planets. Or perhaps the truth that is being discovered by researchers like Hancock and Hoagland -- that some other civilization of scientists and builders came before us, and as Hoagland suggests, "we are the Martians".

      If there proves to be a giant Sphinx Face on Mars, the identity of these monument builders should not be a mystery: Genesis 6:4   These non-human builders populate the Bible, and are the progenitors of those beings of myth and legend, demi-gods, heroes and men of name.

      The typology of the Martian Sphinx confirms that its construction is of angelic origin.

      The Sphinx face on Mars unites Virgo and Leo, the human face and that of a lion.

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 05:03

    Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 05:07

    Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 05:08

    Respuesta  Mensaje 85 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 05:09

    Respuesta  Mensaje 86 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 06:29

    Respuesta  Mensaje 87 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 06:45

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    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 07:33

    Respuesta  Mensaje 89 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 08:40


    How 100-Dollar Bill Changed in 150 Years Seen On www.coolpicturegallery.net
    USA MiniOWL

    In the DVD, it points to the cornerstone ceremony for the Washington Monument, noting that the sun aligned with Sirius then. They fail to point out that the ceremony took place on July 4th, and that the sun aligns with Sirius then every year. Next they present an image of DC looking east -



    They proclaim that on the day of the cornerstone ceremony for the monument, you would have been able to see Sirius rising in the east, and hovering over the Capitol Building as seen above. You now know that you can not see Sirius July 4th, since the sun lies directly in front of it then!! What you would have seen would have been the sun only. Sirius does not emerge from behind the sun until August, the time that David Ovason writes so much about.


     Esfinge de Gizeh en el equinoccio de primavera

    La anotación de los periódos del año, equinoccios y solsticios, es importantísimo para la fijación del calendario anual, y para el seguimiento y datación de la precesión de los equinoccios, como veremos más adelante.

     Equinoccios y Solsticios.

    Vamos a ver en imágenes como se producía esta anotación en función de la esfinge de Gizeh.

    1. Equinoccio de primavera. Durante el equinoccio de primavera, el 21 de Marzo, el Sol sale justo por el Este  durante 2 días.

    2. Solsticio de Verano.



    Actualmente, cada 19 de junio del calendario gregoriano, la Nave Tierra en la que viajamos se coloca en el punto de su órbita en el que cruza por la línea que une al Sol y al centro de la Galaxia, es decir, que el planeta se coloca entre dos centros cósmicos: el centro del Sistema solar (el Sol) y el común a todas las estrellas, el Centro de la Galaxia. El centro del Ser galáctico es el punto de referencia fundamental para nuestra orientación en un Espacio en el que no existen fechas ni horas, y por ello es un "vacío terrible" para la mente acostumbrada a "marcapasos".
    Teniendo en cuenta que el Sol (Sistema solar, y con él las órbitas de los planetas como la Tierra) gira alrededor de otro centro como puede ser el propio centro galáctico, y que los calendarios son estructuras mentales estáticas no vivientes y por ello incapaces de adaptarse a la dinámica de los movimientos de los astros en el Espacio, es fácil imaginar que hace 2000 años (por ejemplo) esta circunstancia ocurriera en otra fecha, en tal caso de hace 2000 años el 24 de mayo. Pero para los astros no existen nuestras fechas sino sus movimientos circulares y sus alineaciones que se producen cíclicamente en el infinito EspacioTiempo (88) del Ser universal. Sus astros (sus reflejos, sus señales, nuestros guías) son los puentes para la reintegración de nuestra conciencia en la dinámica universal. Los calendarios, al ser estáticos, "congelan" la conciencia, y se hacen útiles sólo para una existencia lineal con una esperanza media de 70 años (tal es la duración media de una persona moderna).

    Durante el solsticio de verano, el 21 de Junio, el Sol salía por el Noreste a 28º a la izquierda de la visión de la esfinge.

    3. Equinoccio de Otoño. Durante el equinoccio de otoño, el 21 de Septiembre, el Sol salía justo por el Este  durante 2 días.


    4. Solsticio de invierno. Durante el solsticio de invierno, el 21 de Diciembre, el Sol salía a 28º Sureste de la visión de la esfinge.


    La conexion con "la serpiente de bronce" esta codificada en funcion al mismo signo $$$ al tener forma de serpiente. Recordemos que la SERPIENTE segun GENESIS es la misma tribu de DAN con nexo con A-DAN.
    7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
    6. Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
    8. Número 21:6: Y Jehová envió entre el pueblo SERPIENTEs ardientes, que mordían al pueblo; y murió mucho pueblo de Israel.

    9. Número 21:7: Entonces el pueblo vino a Moisés y dijo: Hemos pecado por haber hablado contra Jehová, y contra ti; ruega a Jehová que quite de nosotros estas SERPIENTEs. Y Moisés oró por el pueblo.

    10. Número 21:8: Y Jehová dijo a Moisés: Hazte una SERPIENTE ardiente, y ponla sobre una asta; y cualquiera que fuere mordido y mirare a ella, vivirá.

    11. Número 21:9: Y Moisés hizo una SERPIENTE de bronce, y la puso sobre una asta; y cuando alguna SERPIENTE mordía a alguno, miraba a la SERPIENTE de bronce, y vivía.
    171. Deuteronomio 33:22: A DAN dijo: DAN es cachorro de león Que salta desde Basán.
    Everything is Connected and there are no

    Respuesta  Mensaje 90 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/01/2013 05:05

    Respuesta  Mensaje 91 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/01/2013 16:23
    El Malleus Maleficarum (del latín: Martillo de las Brujas) es probablemente el tratado más importante que se haya publicado en el contexto de la persecución de brujas y la histeria brujeril del Renacimiento. Es un exhaustivo libro sobre la caza de brujas, que luego de ser publicado primeramente en Alemania en 1486, tuvo docenas de nuevas ediciones, se difundió por Europa y tuvo un profundo impacto en los juicios contra las brujas en el continente por cerca de 200 años. Esta obra es notoria por su uso en el período de la histeria por la caza de brujas, que alcanzó su máxima expresión desde mediados del siglo XVI hasta mediados del XVII.

    Se remitían constantemente a la autoridad del Malleus Maleficarum los principales autores y grandes demonólogos como el inquisidor Bernardo Rategno da Como, el jesuita español Martín del Río y el jurista francés Jean Bodin.[1



    Martillo de las brujas
    Malleus 1669.jpg
    Portada del Malleus maleficarum en una edición de 1669.
    Autor Heinrich Kramer y Jakob Sprenger
    Género Religión Derecho
    Edición original en latín
    Título original Malleus Maleficarum
    País Flag of Germany.svg Alemania
    Fecha de publicación


    Sir Leigh Teabing, un apasionado de la leyenda del Santo Grial, lo arroja al experto en simbología Robert Langdon –interpretado por Tom Hanks– en el film El Código Da Vinci. Dan Brown, en cuyo libro del mismo nombre se basaron para rodar este film, dice de éste que es responsable de la muerte de cinco millones de mujeres. Michael Baigent, un reputado historiador religioso, dice que es «uno de los libros más infames de la historia», tildándolo de «un ejemplo destacado de erudición al servicio de la locura»[1]. The Malleus Maleficarum o “El martillo de las brujas” es, sin duda, uno de los tratados que más sangre ha derramado en la historia de la humanidad. Fue utilizado como manual de cacería de brujas en toda Europa y es causante de miles de muertes. Lo tengo en mis manos, en la misma edición que aparece en la película, la de 1971, publicada en Nueva York, con el título y las imágenes en fondo rojo que transmitieron cierto temor reverencial al público espectador. Escrito, según Baigent, en 1486 por dos dominicos alemanes muy cultos[2], Heinrich Kramer y James Sprenger, bajo la protección de la Bula del Papa Inocencio VIII, el Malleus Maleficarum, llevó a la hoguera, al decir de Brown, «a las mujeres que tenían estudios, las sacerdotisas, las gitanas, las místicas, las amantes de la naturaleza, las que recogían hierbas medicinales y “cualquier mujer sospechosamente interesada por el mundo natural”»[3]. Es un libro, pues, desdichado que tuvieron los inquisidores al alcance para arrancar a sus víctimas, por medio de la tortura o la confesión inducida, su condición brujeril. Dice cosas increíbles.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 92 de 122 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2013 23:46


    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Thor en la batalla contra los gigantes, de Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872.

    Thor es el dios del trueno en la mitología nórdica y germánica. Su papel es complejo ya que tenía influencia en áreas muy diferentes, tales como el clima, las cosechas, la protección, la consagración, la justicia, las Lidias, los viajes y las batallas.[1]

    Era el dios más venerado de las tribus germánicas al menos desde los primeros registros escritos hasta los últimos bastiones del paganismo germánico en la época vikinga tardía. La mayoría de los mitos germánicos lo mencionan o se centran en sus hazañas y en los relatos de las Eddas cumple el papel de protector del Midgard, el mundo de los hombres.[2]

    Su arma es el martillo de guerra arrojadizo, llamado Mjolnir, del cual se hicieron réplicas en miniatura como amuleto que luego se convirtió en un símbolo desafiante de los paganos nórdicos durante la cristianización de Escandinavia.[3]

    Durante y una vez que el proceso de cristianización fue completado, la figura de Thor fue demonizada por la creciente influencia de misioneros cristianos. Después de que el cristianismo se cimentara, restos de su fe se conservaron de forma clandestina principalmente en áreas rurales,[4] sobreviviendo así hasta tiempos modernos en el folclore germano y más recientemente reconstruido bajo diversas formas en el neopaganismo germánico.




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