Serpent Wisdom
- July 10th, 2014
- Posted in Alignments . Astronomy . Coincidence . Geometry . Mythology . Urban Design
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Serpent wisdom from the Bible, Genesis Chapter 3, King James version:
Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.
Note: They did not die. Instead, they learned something. Who told the truth and who lied?

Eve Offering The Apple To Adam In The Garden Of Eden And The Serpent by Lucas Cranach the Elder (c.1520)
The apple Eve passed to Adam represents knowledge, the basis of serpent wisdom. Steve Jobs well understood the power of one of these symbols.

Steve Jobs’ Apple designed by Jonathan Mak
He also knew the power of number. Here is the original advertisement for the computer that started Jobs’ trajectory from a kid in a garage to running the the largest company in the world by market capitalization at the end of his lifetime. The Apple-1 had a very interesting price point.

Apple-1 price point
Apple’s new Campus-2 corporate headquarters is under construction in Cupertino, California. It just happens to be 8604 km from Stonehenge (see center of image). I noticed the architectural plan’s resonance with a 7-pointed star and overlaid an alchemical diagram representing the process of turning lead, or in this case silicon, into gold. Apple’s stock just split 7-for-1.

Apple Campus 2’s sacred geometry
Another symbol from Genesis is one that photographer Richard Avedon capitalized on in 1981. Nastassja Kinski was emblazoned on many a teenager’s wall and imagination in the 80s, myself included.
I find that sixes and serpent wisdom go together quite often.
The distance from Serpent Mound, Ohio to the Louvre Pyramid is 6600.66 km (discovered by Asplund).
“The Egyptian creator deity, Cneph, was represented as a serpent with an egg thrusting from his mouth, similar to the Ohio Serpent Mound.” -Source
In SIPS Volume 1, I showed how the Louvre Pyramid deconstructs into a total of 666 rhombi, large and small.
“Why was the Great Pyramid called ‘House of the Serpent?’ Because, according to Bushby, ancient Egyptian priests maintained that, “a serpent lies coiled in the Great Pyramid.” -Source
I noticed that it is almost exactly the same distance again, 6600 km, from the tip of the Louvre Pyramid to the center of Connaught Place, at the top of the Indian capital’s pyramid. Lutyens’ Delhi is based on sextile geometry.
If you look at the site plan you see that New Delhi was built right next to a serpentine railroad and river. Sixes and snakes again.

New Delhi Site Plan
In Taking Measure I showed how there are some very interesting azimuths emanating from the center of the India Gate hexagon.

India Gate hexagon in New Delhi
Come to think of it, I have seen that rounded hexagon before: the mysterious hexagon with an edge length of 8640 miles on the north pole of Saturn.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Hampton University
I have seen another rounded hexagon in Canberra, the capital of Australia (and many more). City Hill is the site of Australian Capital Territory’s Legislative Assembly and Supreme Court.

City Hill Canberra
I compared Canberra and New Delhi in Taking Measure because their templates have many similarities. They both remind me of this famous crop circle, said to encode many mathematical concepts.

Barbury Castle Crop Circle from 1991
What I didn’t comment on in the book are the bodies of water. Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin is quite serpentine, don’t you think? It even has a protruding tongue! The water volume is reported as 33,000,000 cubic meters with a surface area of 6.6 square kilometers.
Jan Thulstrup discovered that the Parliamentary Triangle has a perimeter of 8640 m. 864 is a member of The Cosmic Sequence.
I noticed that Canberra’s “land axis” has a bearing of 216° true north. 216 = 6 x 6 x 6. Canberra’s serpent wisdom includes the relationship of 6/5 in the City Hill hexagon to the Russell defense pentacle.
Connecting the dots, the azimuth from Canberra’s Parliament House to New Delhi’s Connaught Place is 303.33° true north.
Following the trail of synchronicity, a Parisian with the last name Hapax messaged me and asked if I wanted photos he took at Cergy. I have read the late Philip Coppens’ eye-opening article on Cergy called Mitterand’s Great—Unknown—Work and so have been interested in Cergy since then. I wrote about Cergy in my 2011 post on 666.
Hapax photographed this unusual spiral platform on the shore of the lake he called the escargot. It doesn’t seem to serve any practical purpose. It has been said that the spiral snail shell is the specific sign of French freemasonry, called the cochlea, because it embodies the golden ratio.

Spiral platform on shore of lake at Cergy
However, the following plaque is mounted on the stone wall of this spiral platform. I think it is a “smoking gun.”

Plaque on spiral platform at Cergy, photo by HAPAX
Why would this tedious metrological information be posted unless the complex was consciously planned to encode something with measurements or occupy an important point on the Earth in relation to other sites? Why did the architects of Cergy post this plaque on site but offer no explanatory information as to why it is there? You can see that the “English” and “French” systems of measure are given equal importance in red and blue, respectively.
Some secrets in plain sight do not require human awareness to be created. That is certainly true in some cases like this one (from my previous post):
However, Cergy is a different story. There appears to be an elite that is aware of Earth measure and numerology. Speaking of, take a look at this speech by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF. What do you make of her mention of the “lunar new year” and “the magic 7″? I’m not sure about the editor’s conclusions but there is no denying that numerology and astronomy are unusually important to this member of the global financial elite. She talks in riddles that only those with cochlea to hear will comprehend.
Take a look at my analysis of Cergy’s site plan. Look at how they managed to squeeze in a lake, separated from a serpentine river by a narrow border of land. The lake has two artificial islands, one in the form of a circular mound and the other a small stone pyramid.

Cergy-Pontoise, France
A line drawn from the altar stone of Stonehenge to the rondpoint of Notre Dame of Paris passes directly over the center of the officially titled, “Astronomical Island” in this city of hidden symbolism. See?

Signage at Cergy
The distance from Stonehenge to the Astronomical Island is 365242 meters, echoing the solar year of 365.242 days. The island is bare by the way, having just a few trees. No astronomical equipment. The bridge doesn’t even lead there.

Cergy vista – photo by HAPAX
Where that first measurement from Stonehenge leaves off, the next one begins. The distance from the Astronomical Island to the rondpoint of Notre Dame is 30303 meters.
This next one is also a mind-blower: I measured the distance from the Astronomical Island at Cergy to Parliament House in Canberra and it is 55,555,555 feet or 666,666,666 inches. My hunch is that the Astronomical Island is an origin point for geodetic measurements.
Speaking of origins, the pyramid in the lake is related to the Egyptian creation myth of Atum. He arose on a mound that emerged from the primeval waters. He later lived in or became a pyramid that also emerged from the waters. The myth fits the artificial reality of Cergy.
I have a theory that 6 represents Osiris, as Osiris is the oldest root of this tree: Osiris, Cronus, Saturn, Chronos, and most recently Father Time.
Europe’s largest clock is at the terminus of Cergy’s minor axis.

Cergy’s Clock is the largest in Europe
Cergy’s official information brochure states the following about this clock:
“Réalisée par l’horloger Huchez, la double horloge de 10 mètres de diamètre (333 fois plus grande qu’une montre-bracelet ordinaire!), qui évoque les gares du début du siècle, est la plus grande d’Europe.”
Google translates this into English as follows:
“Made by the watchmaker Huchez, double clock 10 meters in diameter (333 times greater than ordinary wristwatch!), Which evokes the stations of the early century, is the largest in Europe.”
Ever wonder who Notre Dame or “our lady” really is? This sculpture at the entrance of Notre Dame might give us a hint.

Rebecca Kennison CC BY-SA 2.5
Could she be serpent wisdom? The divine feminine creative power is called kundalini shakti in Delhi.
“In any discussion of serpent wisdom we cannot fail to also mention the ancient Hindu Kundalini practice. Kundalini means simply “coiled serpent” and in the Indian system the ida and pingala energy (through serpent channels) are raised up and down the spine to raise the consciousness of the adept.” -Philip Gardiner
Correspondingly, a serpent climbing a rod is the ancient and modern symbol of medicine.

The Star of Life is the symbol of medicine
“Pythagoras” and “Pythia” are words related to pythons. Their consciousnesses were clearly elevated.
Funny how Delphi and Delhi are such similar words as well, perhaps that is just a coincidence if there even is such a thing.

Pythia, or Priestess of the Oracle of Delphi by John Collier (1891)
The name Cergy is also a clue. Coppens pointed out that “Cergy” is the mirror of “Y grec,” which is how the French call the letter Y. It works sort of like this:
“Y grec” or “Greek Y” is also known as the Pythagorean Y that I discussed in SIPS Volume 1. The Y is like the forked tongue of a serpent. It symbolizes the choice we all have to do evil or live, another mirror-choice.
We have inherited the culture of those who wanted to control us. Tradition told us that serpent wisdom is evil and there is something wrong with gaining knowledge ourselves. It is time to see this clearly for what it is and make a new, and hopefully rational, choice.
Why is the Astronomical Island called that? I wonder if it might refer to Ophiucus, the serpent bearer. This 13th sign of the zodiac was suppressed when the solar cult gained dominance.

Kepler’s depiction of Ophiucus
Compare Ophiucus with Lilith who was reborn in the 80s in the form of Nastassja Kinski and the Serpent:

Lilith by John Collier (1892)
The Hebrew term Lilith is translated variously as “night creature”, “night monster”, “night hag”, or “screech owl” and is identified as a female demon. In Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, whom God created at the same time as Adam. The literal First Lady as it were.
This contrasts with his second wife Eve, who was created from one of Adam’s ribs, a subservient role. The lunar serpent wisdom was suppressed and twisted by a misogynist patriarchy who sought to eclipse the old ways with a Sun/Son cult. I wonder if Ophiucus was really Lilith but it’s been so long that we have largely lost the plot?
I published this image in Quantification…

“Thirteen Moons”
…and this is an excerpt from my write up about the image:
We reach sexual maturity around 13 years of age and women have on average 13 menstrual (or Moon) cycles a year. Human biology therefore harmonizes with a 13 month calendar so our 12 month calendar keeps us off balance. The suppression of the feminine is correlated with the solar calendar and a cultural fear of the number 13, called triskaidekaphobia. This phobia manifests in the common architectural practice of skipping the 13th floor in multi-level buildings, the irrational fear of Friday the 13th, and the fact that 13 witches are said to make a coven. I say bring back the 13 moon calendar and restore balance to the force!
We seem to do a lot of things backwards such as celebrating New Year’s in the dead of winter and marking off a new day in the middle of the night.
The major axis of Cergy points not to central Paris but to a site on the outskirts called Project Balard. In fact Cergy points directly to what has been called, “The French Pentagon” because it is the new 1.08 billion Euro armed forces headquarters. The French Army, Navy and Air Force will all be led from a “pentagon” that is actually a hexagon. 5 and 6 all over again.

The French Pentagon is actually a Hexagon
“The idea of a central hexagon that would point out in six different directions to form small islands of buildings…came to me at the end,” said its architect Nicolas Michelin.
The design of Project Balard is especially resonant with the shape of France which has long been compared to a hexagon. I made this graphic:

The woman on the flag of the French Republic is none other than Isis/Lilith, her spine aglow with serpent wisdom. How you see the goddess of nature is a choice that is up to you.

Dendera Light, birthplace of Isis – Twthmoses CC BY 2.5