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Message 1 of 3 on the subject |
The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction published APR 26, 1998
600 BCE to 2400 CE
copyright 1998-1999 by Richard Nolle
all rights reserved -
|SEP 10, -581 | 06:56 AM | 000 | 16VI47 | 16VI47 |
|JUL 27, -562 | 12:09 PM | 000 | 07TA33 | 07TA33 |
|NOV 01, -562 | 02:11 PM | 000 | 05TA05R | 05TA05R|
|FEB 10, -561 | 01:21 AM | 000 | 02TA29 | 02TA29 |
|DEC 13, -542 | 10:49 PM | 000 | 03CP51 | 03CP51 |
|DEC 16, -522 | 11:46 PM | 000 | 27VI59 | 27VI59 |
|MAR 14, -521 | 02:10 PM | 000 | 25VI54R | 25VI54R|
|JUL 10, -521 | 05:24 PM | 000 | 23VI07 | 23VI07 |
|MAY 26, -502 | 01:16 AM | 000 | 15TA54 | 15TA54 |
|MAR 06, -482 | 01:59 AM | 000 | 14CP37 | 14CP37 |
|OCT 09, -462 | 05:47 PM | 000 | 03LI52 | 03LI52 |
|APR 04, -442 | 11:16 AM | 000 | 23TA37 | 23TA37 |
|DEC 28, -423 | 11:18 AM | 000 | 19CP12 | 19CP12 |
|AUG 09, -402 | 05:20 PM | 000 | 09LI07 | 09LI07 |
|JUL 06, -383 | 05:44 AM | 000 | 06GE40 | 06GE40 |
|MAR 19, -363 | 03:23 PM | 000 | 29CP51 | 29CP51 |
|OCT 30, -343 | 11:49 PM | 000 | 19LI23 | 19LI23 |
|MAY 16, -323 | 06:45 PM | 000 | 14GE03 | 14GE03 |
|JAN 10, -303 | 02:29 PM | 000 | 04AQ29 | 04AQ29 |
|AUG 29, -283 | 04:13 PM | 000 | 24LI05 | 24LI05 |
|AUG 17, -264 | 12:49 PM | 000 | 26GE44 | 26GE44 |
|APR 02, -244 | 10:35 PM | 000 | 15AQ26 | 15AQ26 |
|NOV 17, -224 | 05:26 AM | 000 | 04SC12 | 04SC12 |
|JUN 26, -204 | 04:17 PM | 000 | 04CA21 | 04CA21 |
|JAN 27, -184 | 06:04 PM | 000 | 20AQ35 | 20AQ35 |
|SEP 16, -164 | 02:16 AM | 000 | 08SC49 | 08SC49 |
|OCT 18, -145 | 11:50 AM | 000 | 16CA44 | 16CA44 |
|DEC 10, -145 | 12:56 PM | 000 | 15CA33R | 15CA33R|
|MAY 04, -144 | 03:15 PM | 000 | 12CA11 | 12CA11 |
|APR 24, -125 | 08:15 PM | 000 | 02PI14 | 02PI14 |
|DEC 05, -105 | 09:50 PM | 000 | 19SC11 | 19SC11 |
|AUG 11, -85 | 06:20 PM | 000 | 25CA10 | 25CA10 |
|FEB 20, -65 | 10:58 AM | 000 | 08PI23 | 08PI23 |
|OCT 06, -45 | 01:14 PM | 000 | 24SC01 | 24SC01 |
|JUN 29, -25 | 01:41 PM | 000 | 03LE17 | 03LE17 |
|MAY 29, -6 | 09:13 AM | 000 | 20PI56 | 20PI56 |
|OCT 01, -6 | 06:02 AM | 000 | 17PI25R | 17PI25R|
|DEC 05, -6 | 02:46 PM | 000 | 15PI34 | 15PI34 |
|DEC 26, 14 | 08:20 PM | 000 | 04SA53 | 04SA53 |
|OCT 05, 34 | 05:29 AM | 000 | 16LE40 | 16LE40 |
|MAR 26, 54 | 04:04 AM | 000 | 28PI24 | 28PI24 |
|OCT 29, 74 | 07:47 AM | 000 | 10SA03 | 10SA03 |
|AUG 21, 94 | 09:22 AM | 000 | 25LE01 | 25LE01 |
|JAN 29, 114 | 11:03 AM | 000 | 06AR13 | 06AR13 |
|JAN 20, 134 | 00:32 AM | 000 | 21SA17 | 21SA17 |
|JUL 08, 154 | 00:37 AM | 000 | 03VI12 | 03VI12 |
|MAY 08, 173 | 07:49 AM | 000 | 20AR17 | 20AR17 |
|NOV 22, 193 | 03:45 AM | 000 | 26SA35 | 26SA35 |
|OCT 11, 213 | 08:34 AM | 000 | 16VI11 | 16VI11 |
|MAR 20, 233 | 03:07 PM | 000 | 28AR31 | 28AR31 |
|FEB 13, 253 | 02:05 PM | 000 | 07CP52 | 07CP52 |
|AUG 27, 273 | 04:10 AM | 000 | 23VI31 | 23VI31 |
|JUN 27, 292 | 09:09 AM | 000 | 12TA43 | 12TA43 |
|DEC 13, 312 | 03:34 PM | 000 | 12CP59 | 12CP59 |
|NOV 28, 332 | 02:29 AM | 000 | 05LI36 | 05LI36 |
|APR 22, 333 | 04:55 PM | 000 | 02LI10R | 02LI10R|
|JUN 15, 333 | 08:22 PM | 000 | 00LI57 | 00LI57 |
|MAY 06, 352 | 08:26 PM | 000 | 20TA59 | 20TA59 |
|MAR 06, 372 | 01:19 PM | 000 | 24CP00 | 24CP00 |
|OCT 02, 392 | 11:42 PM | 000 | 11LI59 | 11LI59 |
|AUG 28, 411 | 08:28 PM | 000 | 04GE08 | 04GE08 |
|NOV 02, 411 | 09:58 AM | 000 | 02GE32R | 02GE32R|
|MAR 11, 412 | 08:42 AM | 000 | 29TA13 | 29TA13 |
|DEC 31, 431 | 05:01 PM | 000 | 28CP47 | 28CP47 |
|JAN 14, 452 | 06:20 AM | 000 | 22LI43 | 22LI43 |
|MAR 17, 452 | 02:10 PM | 000 | 21LI13R | 21LI13R|
|AUG 03, 452 | 07:25 AM | 000 | 17LI54 | 17LI54 |
|JUN 20, 471 | 00:56 AM | 000 | 12GE27 | 12GE27 |
|MAR 23, 491 | 07:36 AM | 000 | 09AQ31 | 09AQ31 |
|OCT 30, 511 | 07:54 AM | 000 | 28LI29 | 28LI29 |
|APR 30, 531 | 04:24 AM | 000 | 20GE00 | 20GE00 |
|JAN 14, 551 | 03:59 AM | 000 | 14AQ05 | 14AQ05 |
|AUG 29, 571 | 09:36 PM | 000 | 03SC32 | 03SC32 |
|JUL 30, 590 | 08:41 PM | 000 | 02CA52 | 02CA52 |
|APR 05, 610 | 09:39 AM | 000 | 24AQ51 | 24AQ51 |
|NOV 18, 630 | 08:56 PM | 000 | 13SC44 | 13SC44 |
|JUN 10, 650 | 08:07 PM | 000 | 10CA16 | 10CA16 |
|JAN 27, 670 | 04:26 PM | 000 | 29AQ36 | 29AQ36 |
|SEP 17, 690 | 11:36 AM | 000 | 18SC24 | 18SC24 |
|SEP 13, 709 | 07:41 PM | 000 | 22CA53 | 22CA53 |
|FEB 04, 710 | 11:30 PM | 000 | 19CA33R | 19CA33R|
|MAR 30, 710 | 04:44 PM | 000 | 18CA20 | 18CA20 |
|APR 20, 729 | 11:43 PM | 000 | 10PI48 | 10PI48 |
|DEC 06, 749 | 02:47 AM | 000 | 28SC38 | 28SC38 |
|JUL 23, 769 | 01:44 AM | 000 | 00LE39 | 00LE39 |
|FEB 14, 789 | 10:17 PM | 000 | 16PI14 | 16PI14 |
|OCT 05, 809 | 10:54 AM | 000 | 03SA20 | 03SA20 |
|JUN 04, 829 | 02:34 PM | 000 | 08LE32 | 08LE32 |
|MAY 15, 848 | 05:10 AM | 000 | 28PI14 | 28PI14 |
|DEC 24, 868 | 07:01 PM | 000 | 13SA54 | 13SA54 |
|SEP 08, 888 | 05:17 PM | 000 | 21LE41 | 21LE41 |
|MAR 13, 908 | 04:42 PM | 000 | 04AR46 | 04AR46 |
|OCT 25, 928 | 11:07 PM | 000 | 18SA54 | 18SA54 |
|JUL 28, 948 | 12:16 PM | 000 | 29LE51 | 29LE51 |
|JUN 25, 967 | 12:44 PM | 000 | 17AR34 | 17AR34 |
|OCT 06, 967 | 09:30 AM | 000 | 14AR42R | 14AR42R|
|JAN 04, 968 | 05:51 AM | 000 | 12AR09 | 12AR09 |
|JAN 16, 988 | 05:11 PM | 000 | 29SA55 | 29SA55 |
|NOV 08, 1007 | 00:25 AM | 000 | 13VI05 | 13VI05 |
|MAR 07, 1008 | 02:38 AM | 000 | 10VI23R | 10VI23R|
|JUN 01, 1008 | 05:23 PM | 000 | 08VI28 | 08VI28 |
|APR 20, 1027 | 07:42 AM | 000 | 25AR26 | 25AR26 |
|NOV 18, 1047 | 09:35 PM | 000 | 05CP08 | 05CP08 |
|SEP 19, 1067 | 02:07 PM | 000 | 21VI25 | 21VI25 |
|FEB 26, 1087 | 08:18 AM | 000 | 03TA22 | 03TA22 |
|FEB 09, 1107 | 09:44 PM | 000 | 16CP27 | 16CP27 |
|AUG 07, 1127 | 06:54 AM | 000 | 29VI19 | 29VI19 |
|JUN 04, 1146 | 04:28 AM | 000 | 17TA31 | 17TA31 |
|DEC 11, 1166 | 08:21 PM | 000 | 21CP43 | 21CP43 |
|NOV 08, 1186 | 08:10 AM | 000 | 12LI04 | 12LI04 |
|APR 16, 1206 | 07:08 PM | 000 | 25TA46 | 25TA46 |
|MAR 05, 1226 | 04:10 AM | 000 | 02AQ58 | 02AQ58 |
|SEP 21, 1246 | 08:52 PM | 000 | 19LI07 | 19LI07 |
|JUL 25, 1265 | 10:19 AM | 000 | 09GE42 | 09GE42 |
|DEC 31, 1285 | 09:19 PM | 000 | 08AQ02 | 08AQ02 |
|DEC 25, 1305 | 11:23 AM | 000 | 00SC49 | 00SC49 |
|APR 20, 1306 | 01:48 PM | 000 | 28LI05R | 28LI05R|
|JUL 19, 1306 | 11:11 AM | 000 | 26LI01 | 26LI01 |
|JUN 01, 1325 | 05:46 PM | 000 | 17GE53 | 17GE53 |
|MAR 24, 1345 | 11:54 AM | 000 | 19AQ01 | 19AQ01 |
|OCT 25, 1365 | 11:29 AM | 000 | 07SC01 | 07SC01 |
|APR 09, 1385 | 03:54 AM | 000 | 25GE54 | 25GE54 |
|JAN 16, 1405 | 07:58 PM | 000 | 23AQ46 | 23AQ46 |
|FEB 14, 1425 | 01:39 PM | 000 | 17SC18 | 17SC18 |
|MAR 18, 1425 | 08:40 AM | 000 | 16SC33R | 16SC33R|
|AUG 26, 1425 | 07:19 AM | 000 | 12SC40 | 12SC40 |
|JUL 14, 1444 | 03:19 AM | 000 | 08CA57 | 08CA57 |
|APR 08, 1464 | 08:01 AM | 000 | 04PI35 | 04PI35 |
|NOV 18, 1484 | 05:15 PM | 000 | 23SC11 | 23SC11 |
|MAY 25, 1504 | 05:31 AM | 000 | 16CA25 | 16CA25 |
|JAN 31, 1524 | 06:13 AM | 000 | 09PI14 | 09PI14 |
|SEP 18, 1544 | 02:34 AM | 000 | 28SC05 | 28SC05 |
|AUG 25, 1563 | 05:48 PM | 000 | 29CA10 | 29CA10 |
|MAY 03, 1583 | 00:35 AM | 000 | 20PI11 | 20PI11 |
|DEC 18, 1603 | 06:52 AM | 000 | 08SA19 | 08SA19 |
|JUL 16, 1623 | 10:39 PM | 000 | 06LE36 | 06LE36 |
|FEB 24, 1643 | 11:18 PM | 000 | 25PI07 | 25PI07 |
|OCT 16, 1663 | 11:50 PM | 000 | 12SA58 | 12SA58 |
|OCT 24, 1682 | 07:35 AM | 000 | 19LE09 | 19LE09 |
|FEB 09, 1683 | 01:28 AM | 000 | 16LE43R | 16LE43R|
|MAY 18, 1683 | 05:48 AM | 000 | 14LE30 | 14LE30 |
|MAY 21, 1702 | 08:58 PM | 000 | 06AR36 | 06AR36 |
|JAN 05, 1723 | 03:15 PM | 000 | 23SA19 | 23SA19 |
|AUG 30, 1742 | 08:53 PM | 000 | 27LE09 | 27LE09 |
|MAR 18, 1762 | 04:42 PM | 000 | 12AR21 | 12AR21 |
|NOV 05, 1782 | 09:26 AM | 000 | 28SA07 | 28SA07 |
|JUL 17, 1802 | 10:49 PM | 000 | 05VI08 | 05VI08 |
|JUN 19, 1821 | 05:14 PM | 000 | 24AR39 | 24AR39 |
|JAN 26, 1842 | 06:10 AM | 000 | 08CP54 | 08CP54 |
|OCT 21, 1861 | 12:26 PM | 000 | 18VI22 | 18VI22 |
|APR 18, 1881 | 01:38 PM | 000 | 01TA36 | 01TA36 |
|NOV 28, 1901 | 04:28 PM | 000 | 14CP00 | 14CP00 |
|SEP 10, 1921 | 04:14 AM | 000 | 26VI36 | 26VI36 |
|AUG 08, 1940 | 01:21 AM | 000 | 14TA27 | 14TA27 |
|OCT 20, 1940 | 04:38 AM | 000 | 12TA28R | 12TA28R|
|FEB 15, 1941 | 06:38 AM | 000 | 09TA07 | 09TA07 |
|FEB 19, 1961 | 00:01 AM | 000 | 25CP12 | 25CP12 |
|DEC 31, 1980 | 09:17 PM | 000 | 09LI30 | 09LI30 |
|MAR 04, 1981 | 06:55 PM | 000 | 08LI06R | 08LI06R|
|JUL 24, 1981 | 04:13 AM | 000 | 04LI56 | 04LI56 |
|MAY 28, 2000 | 03:58 PM | 000 | 22TA43 | 22TA43 |
|DEC 21, 2020 | 06:19 PM | 000 | 00AQ29 | 00AQ29 |
|OCT 31, 2040 | 11:44 AM | 000 | 17LI56 | 17LI56 |
|APR 07, 2060 | 10:29 PM | 000 | 00GE46 | 00GE46 |
|MAR 15, 2080 | 01:28 AM | 000 | 11AQ52 | 11AQ52 |
|SEP 18, 2100 | 10:33 PM | 000 | 25LI32 | 25LI32 |
|JUL 15, 2119 | 11:21 PM | 000 | 14GE52 | 14GE52 |
|JAN 14, 2140 | 04:01 PM | 000 | 17AQ05 | 17AQ05 |
|DEC 21, 2159 | 03:04 AM | 000 | 07SC59 | 07SC59 |
|MAY 28, 2179 | 03:13 AM | 000 | 23GE03 | 23GE03 |
|APR 07, 2199 | 10:31 PM | 000 | 28AQ19 | 28AQ19 |
|OCT 31, 2219 | 11:05 PM | 000 | 14SC42 | 14SC42 |
|SEP 07, 2238 | 04:35 PM | 000 | 06CA38 | 06CA38 |
|JAN 13, 2239 | 11:25 AM | 000 | 03CA25R | 03CA25R|
|MAR 22, 2239 | 07:59 PM | 000 | 01CA41 | 01CA41 |
|FEB 03, 2259 | 02:53 AM | 000 | 03PI15 | 03PI15 |
|FEB 06, 2279 | 05:25 PM | 000 | 25SC59 | 25SC59 |
|MAY 07, 2279 | 05:59 AM | 000 | 23SC51R | 23SC51R|
|AUG 31, 2279 | 02:24 PM | 000 | 21SC07 | 21SC07 |
|JUL 12, 2298 | 07:01 PM | 000 | 14CA44 | 14CA44 |
|APR 27, 2318 | 06:32 AM | 000 | 14PI13 | 14PI13 |
|DEC 02, 2338 | 06:25 AM | 000 | 02SA01 | 02SA01 |
|MAY 23, 2358 | 04:46 AM | 000 | 22CA32 | 22CA32 |
|FEB 18, 2378 | 11:01 PM | 000 | 18PI57 | 18PI57 |
|OCT 02, 2398 | 09:45 PM | 000 | 07SA25 | 07SA25 |
BCE = Before Common Era (aka BC)
CE = Common Era (aka AD)
R = Retrograde
All time and zodiacal position data are computer generated for the conjunction aspect of Jupiter and Saturn in geocentric ecliptic longitude (tropical zodiac) using Matrix's BLUE*STAR software, with nominal precision to the nearest minute of arc. NOTE: BLUE*STAR uses 0 (zero) for 1 BCE, and negative numbers for each year prior to that. Therefore 0 = 1 BCE, -1 = 2 BCE, etc.
Jupiter's alignment with Saturn occurs at intervals of just under 20 years. The aspect is occasionally repeated due to a retrograde of one or both planets. Each successive conjunction (not counting retrograde repeats) occurs at a mean advance of approximately 243 degrees relative to its predecessor; although from one alignment to the next this arc can vary considerably. Every third conjunction - once every 60 years - brings the alignment back to its starting place, plus around 9 degrees: this 60 year cycle is termed the first order recurrence of the conjunction. Every 40th conjunction - roughly once every 800 years - brings the alignment back to within about 1 degree of its starting place: this approximate 800 year cycle is termed the second order recurrence, astrologically known as the Great Mutation cycle.
Jupiter and Saturn were the outermost known planets in ancient times, and were called the "Great Chronocrators" by astrologers of old. For millennia, the alignment of these two planets has been regarded as a significator of great social, economic and political watersheds - historic turning points, if you will.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur in signs of the same element for a mean period of a bit less than 200 years at a stretch, typically with some overlap at the beginning and end of the cycle. For example, the current cycle of conjunctions in the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) was initiated on January 26, 1842 and concludes on May 28, 2000. This cycle was interrupted by the December 31, 1980 - July 24, 1981 triple conjunction in Libra. (For more on the current earth sign series, see The White House, the Great Chronocrator & Tecumseh's Curse.) The previous Great Chronocrator cycle in the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) began with the 1663 alignment and ended with the one in 1821; having been interrupted by the 1802 conjunction in Virgo.
(Exactly where to divide these series by element is a bit of a judgment call. I have chosen to consider a series in one particular element to begin with the first of three consecutive conjunctions in that element – not counting triple conjunctions that occur due to retrograde in the space of a year or so.)
The next cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will be in signs of the air element (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). It begins with the December 21, 2020 alignment and concludes with the 2199 conjunction; broken up by the 2159 conjunction in Scorpio. Following that comes the series in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), from 2219 to 2378 (interrupted by the 2338 alignment in the fire sign Sagittarius).
The change of element in a Great Chronocrator series is known as the Trigonalis, from ancient times considered as the hallmark of epochal social and political change. (On average, this occurs only once every couple hundred years or so.) From this perspective, it would seem that we are now living in the twilight of an historical epoch stretching from the 1840s to 2020.
Triple conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn are rare enough to be regarded as indicators of major cultural change, much like the Trigonalis. It was just such a triple conjunction in Pisces – anciently regarded as the sign of the Jews - that led the Magi to search for "The King of the Jews" in 7 BCE. (Magi translates as 'astrologers'.) There have been only two triple conjunctions in the current earth sign series, that being the 1940-41 and 1980-81 trios – the latter being the 'interruptor' alignment in Libra that broke the all-earth sign series begun in 1842. There won't be another triple conjunction until the 2238-39 series in Cancer.
| copyright © 1998-1999 by Richard Nolle all rights reserved |
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Reply |
Message 2 of 3 on the subject |
Raphael wrote: |
Saturn is blue and Jupiter is red I would expect those associations. |
I would Xpect them as well. Those colors also fit in with the theme that they were regarded by in the mythic archetypes of old. They have a great conjunction every 20 years or so and was regarded as extremely important by the ancients.
Quote: |
Saturn acts as a good mirror for planet Earth's capricious dance through space.
As we might suspect, Saturn dramatically demonstrates the pervasiveness of the Golden Proportion in our solar system. Known as Phi, 1.618122977 or .618, the Golden Proportion is the framework origin of all Nature. Though only an abstraction, it is through comparison with this mean, that we establish the individuality of any natural event or living geometry. The identity of a plant for example, is recognizable by its individual adaptation to or departure from the Golden Mean—Nature's guarantee of individuality within the law.
Numerically, the Golden Number is expressed as the minutes in Saturn's rotational day, 618. Geometrically it is exemplified on a planetary level by the conjunction period of Saturn and Jupiter. Every twenty years or so, Saturn conjuncts with Jupiter at the phi point or .618 mark of its orbit. In other words, when Jupiter completes one revolution around the Sun plus .618 of its next 360 orbit, it is closely aligned or conjunct with Saturn. From Earth we see Jupiter and Saturn together in the heavens. After twenty more years we will again see them close in the sky but advanced about 222+ degrees or the phi proportion of the orbital circuit of the heavens. |
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Message 3 of 3 on the subject |