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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:26

Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich


Radials and Territory Defined by the Three Bosnian Pyramids (Moscow was discovered to contain the main geoglyph for Russia.)



Pie (unidad)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El pie es una unidad de longitud de origen natural, basada en el pie humano, ya utilizada por las civilizaciones antiguas.

El pie romano, o pes, equivalía, como media, a 29,57 cm; el "pie carolingio", o anteriormente denominado «pie drusiano o drúsico» [pes drusianus], equivalía a nueve octavos del romano, esto es, aproximadamente 33,27 cm; y el pie castellano equivalía a 27,8635 cm.[1]

Actualmente, el pie ha sido sustituido en casi todo el mundo por las unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI), salvo en el uso corriente en algunos países anglosajones, donde equivale a 30,48 centímetros. Es también la unidad de medida empleada en aeronáutica para hacer referencia a la altitud.

210. Juan 12:3: Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de nardo puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los PIES de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
206. Juan 11:2: (María, cuyo hermano Lázaro estaba enfermo, fue la que ungió al Señor con perfume, y le enjugó los PIES con sus cabellos.)
190. Lucas 7:44: Y vuelto a la mujer, dijo a Simón: ¿Ves esta mujer? Entré en tu casa, y no me diste agua para mis PIES; mas ésta ha regado mis PIES con lágrimas, y los ha enjugado con sus cabellos.

191. Lucas 7:45: No me diste beso; mas ésta, desde que entré, no ha cesado de besar mis PIES.
166. Zacarías 14:4: Y se afirmarán sus PIES en aquel día sobre el monte de los Olivos, que está en frente de Jerusalén al oriente; y el monte de los Olivos se partirá por en medio, hacia el oriente y hacia el occidente, haciendo un valle muy grande; y la mitad del monte se apartará hacia el norte, y la otra mitad hacia el sur.

167. Zacarías 14:12: Y esta será la plaga con que herirá Jehová a todos los pueblos que pelearon contra Jerusalén: la carne de ellos se corromperá estando ellos sobre sus PIES, y se consumirán en las cuencas sus ojos, y la lengua se les deshará en su boca.

168. Malaquías 4:3: Hollaréis a los malos, los cuales serán ceniza bajo las plantas de vuestros PIES, en el día en que yo actúe, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos.

169. Mateo 5:35: ni por la tierra, porque es el estrado de sus PIES; ni por Jerusalén, porque es la ciudad del gran Rey.

170. Mateo 10:14: Y si alguno no os recibiere, ni oyere vuestras palabras, salid de aquella casa o ciudad, y sacudid el polvo de vuestros PIES.

192. Lucas 7:46: No ungiste mi cabeza con aceite; mas ésta ha ungido con perfume mis PIES.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 37 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:27

La colina de Visocica, en la población de Visoko, en Bosnia-Herzegovina, al noroeste de Sarajevo, se convirtió en foco de atención internacional en octubre de 2005 después de afirmaciones de que ésta era en realidad una pirámide hecha por el hombre.

El investigador bosnio Semir Osmanagic afirma que se trata de construcciones artificiales hechas por el hombre, acertando en lo primero pero errando en lo segundo, porque quienes las erigieron no fueron los terrestres sino los extraterrestres…

Las pirámides de Egipto eran simplemente máquinas teletransportadoras, y fueron construidas por extraterrestres de Orión 3 hace aproximadamente 10.000 años. La Esfinge, por otra parte, no tenía ninguna connotación esotérica, sino simplemente el mismo significado baladí que nuestros obeslicos…


Los constructores de las pirámides de Bosnia fueron extraterrestres provenientes de Bellatrix, los mismos que intervinieron en el ataque al Pentágono, sustituyendo el avión que iba a estrellarse allí por un misil electrónico. Datan de aproximadamente diez siglos, es decir que son muy posteriores a las pirámides de Egipto. Esta misma raza construyó en la misma época otras pirámides a la altura de Perú, pero del otro lado de la cordillera de los Andes, y son más nuevas que las Mayas, las Incas y las Aztecas.


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 37 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:27


piramidesdebosnia.com/2012/07/En caché
28 Jul 2012 – Las pirámides de Paratoari son una prueba fehaciente de estas obras. En diciembre de 1975, el satélite norteamericano Landsat 2, que ...


    piramidesdebosnia.com/2012/07/08/piramides-ocultas/En caché
    8 Jul 2012 – Las pirámides de Paratoari son una prueba fehaciente de estas obras. En diciembre de 1975, el satélite norteamericano Landsat 2, que ...

    Las Pirámides Bosnias

    www.grupoelron.org/temasextraterrestres/piramidesbosnias.htmEn caché
    27 Mar 2007 – Las pirámides de Egipto eran simplemente máquinas ..... "Pirámides" de Pantiacolla / Paratoari fotografiadas por el satélite SPOT II © CNES ...

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 37 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:28

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 37 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:28

    Bosnian pyramids

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Coordinates: 43°58′35.63″N 18°10′34.49″E / 43.9765639°N 18.1762472°E / 43.9765639; 18.1762472

    Visočica overlooking Visoko in 2007

    The Bosnian pyramids are a cluster of natural geological formations known as flatirons[1] near the Bosnian town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. The hill named Visočica became the focus of international attention in October 2005 following a news-media campaign promoting the idea that they are human-made and the largest ancient pyramids on Earth.

    In analysing the site, its known history, and the excavations; geologists, archeologists, and other scientists have concluded that they are natural formations and that there are no signs of human building involved.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying: "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."[5] A 2007 report suggests that one of the pyramids is a hill which has been modified into a pyramid-like shape by humans, possibly in order to prevent erosion, which is widely occurring in the area in question.[6] A 2008 report calls for further research.[7]

    The 213-metre (699 ft) Visočica hill is where the Old town of Visoki was once sited. The idea that it constitutes an ancient artificial edifice was publicised by Bosnian author Semir Osmanagić. His subsequent excavations at the site have uncovered what he claims to be a paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar which he has suggested once covered the structure. Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, United Kingdom and Slovenia.[8] However, many archaeologists he named have stated they had not agreed to participate and were never at the site.[9] The dig began in April 2006, and has resulted in reshaping the hill, making it look like a Mayan step pyramid.[1]



    Osmanagić's interpretation[edit]

    Osmanagić has named the Visočica hill the "Pyramid of the Sun", and two nearby hills, identified from satellite and aerial photography, the "Pyramid of the Moon" (Plješevica hill) and the "Pyramid of the (Bosnian) Dragon" (another two, "Pyramid of the Earth" and "Pyramid of Love" have been mentioned in reports). Newspaper reports have quoted Osmanagić as claiming that they were constructed by ancient Illyrian inhabitants of the Balkans as early as 12,000 BC. In an interview with Philip Coppens in Nexus (April–May 2006), Osmanagić attempted to clarify his previous statements, stating he was misquoted: he does claim that they were most likely constructed by the Illyrians, who he claims lived in the area from 12,000 BC to 500 BC, and that the pyramid was therefore most likely constructed between those two dates – not in 12,000 BC.

    Osmanagić claims the excavation has produced evidence of building blocks as well as tunnels. Additionally Osmanagić claims to have found tunnels in the hillside which he interprets as ventilation shafts.

    Osmanagić believes his discoveries around Visoko will have further implications for world prehistory. By comparing the varying heights of the tallest pyramids in Mexico and Egypt with Visočica hill, he concluded that the pyramids were all built by the same people, with the Bosnian Pyramid being the last to be built. However, upon further thought he has decided that this dating mechanism may not be reliable and has now announced Visočica hill could be "The mother of all Pyramids", a claim he says would be corroborated by the existence of sacred geometry and further numerological study of messages left in the pyramid for future generations.[10]

    Osmanagić estimates that the Sun pyramid stands 722 feet (220 m) high (or, depending upon the report, either 230 feet (70 m) high or 328 feet (100 m) high). If it is 722 feet, it would be one third taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza, making it the largest pyramidal structure on Earth.

    The current target of the project is to complete excavation by 2012.[11] This is in order to "break a cloud of negative energy, allowing the Earth to receive cosmic energy from the centre of the galaxy" according to Osmanagić,[11] who also hopes that it will be listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site.[12]

    In October 2011 a Sarajevo court ended a four-year court case by giving permission for further investigation of Visočica hill.[13]

    Scientific explanations[edit]

    Several academic branches are involved in the dispute surrounding the pyramids, including prehistory, archeology, geology and egyptology.


    Boston University's Curtis Runnels, an expert in prehistoric Greece and the Balkans states that, "Between 27,000 and 12,000 years ago, the Balkans were locked in the last Glacial maximum, a period of very cold and dry climate with glaciers in some of the mountain ranges. The only occupants were Upper Paleolithic hunters and gatherers who left behind open-air camp sites and traces of occupation in caves. These remains consist of simple stone tools, hearths, and remains of animals and plants that were consumed for food. These people did not have the tools or skills to engage in the construction of monumental architecture."[14]


    In a letter to the editor of The Times on 25 April 2006, Professor Anthony Harding, president of the European Association of Archaeologists, referred to Osmanagić's theories as "wacky" and "absurd" and expressed concern that insufficient safeguards were in place to protect Bosnia's "rich heritage" from "looting and unmonitored or unauthorised development".[15] After visiting the site himself, Harding reported, "we saw areas of natural stone (a breccia), with fissures and cracks; but no sign of anything that looked like archaeology."[3]

    Harding, together with six other prominent archeologists, also signed a declaration stating: "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."[5]

    Geology and paleogeology[edit]

    On 8 May 2006, members of the Geological team investigating Visočica on behalf of the Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation held a press conference in Tuzla to present the results of their research. The academics, from the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the University of Tuzla and led by Professor Dr. Sejfudin Vrabac, concluded that the hill is a natural geological formation, made of clastic sediments of layered composition and varying thickness, and that its shape is a consequence of endodynamical and exodynamical processes in the post-Miocene era.[16][17]

    According to Professor Vrabac, who specializes in paleogeology, there are dozens of similar morphological formations in the Sarajevo-Zenica mining basin alone. The Geological team report on Visocica, based on the data collected in six drill holes at 3 to 17 metre depths, is supported by the Research and Teaching Council of the Faculty of Mining and Geology, as well as the Association of Geologists of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.[17][citation needed]

    In June 2006, Zahi Hawass's name became linked to the excavations[18] as recommending a supposed expert, Ali Abdullah Barakat, to investigate the hills. Barakat is affilated to the Egyptian Mineral Resources Agency, and has co-authored an article in the prestiguous scientific journal Science.[19] Upon being contacted Hawass denied any involvement, accusing Osmanagić of "giving out false information", and clarifying that Barakat "knows nothing about Egyptian pyramids".[20]

    The Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation has said that Barakat inspected the hills and stated, "My opinion is that this is a type of pyramid, probably a primitive pyramid."[9][21] In November 2007 an English version of a 2006 report by Barakat was posted on the foundation site.[22] In the report, Barakat states that Visoko is located at an important intersection of ancient roads; that the age of the tunnel might be dated from karstification features;

    On the Sun pyramid, Barakat writes, "The possibility that natural processes created this shape is very weak. Natural processes can create hazards, but not such pyramidal forms as these. (...) One may conclude that the human hands modified this hill to give it a more regular/geometrical shape (artificial pyramid) (...) The nature of this pyramid indicates that human hands sculptured the body of the pyramid from top to bottom. (...) This model of construction can be easily destroyed by natural processes, leaving the natural hill, thus only the traces of the covering stones may remain". Barakat suggests that reason for the sculpting of this pyramid may have been to protect it from natural processes, as the pyramidal form is a more resistant shape. His conlusion is as follows:

    The observed hills (Visocica, Pljesevica, Buci) are most likely natural hills that were later modified in places by human activities, possibly during several historical episodes. The traces of such modifications have been either overprinted by later cultures, or by simple erosive tectonic processes, which are rather significant and far-reaching in a complex of the geographical, cultural and geological system, as seen in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even though, there is a compelling evidence of the existence of the pyramid-shaped, man-made hill-forms in Bosnia, the results are still inconclusive and require further detailed geological, geophysical, tectonic and most importantly, archaeological studies.

    Osmanagić also invited geologist and alternative archaeologist Robert Schoch to visit the site. In a preliminary report Schoch concluded that there were natural geological explanations for all the features claimed to be artificial by Osmanagić. In the case of the tunnels he further added:"The much-touted “ancient inscriptions” seem not to be ancient at all. I was told by a reliable source that the inscriptions were not there when members of the “pyramid team” initially entered the tunnels less than two years ago. The “ancient inscriptions” had been added since, perhaps non-maliciously, or perhaps as a downright hoax.[23] Schoch's website documents "extreme damage being done by the way the excavations are being performed," and accuses Osmanagić of launching "a deliberate smear campaign."[24]

    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 37 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:29


    In 2007 a report by Egyptologist Nabil Mohamed Abdel Swelim was publicised by the Archaeological Park which said that the Pyramid of the Sun was the world's largest pyramid.[25] After two visits to Visoko he released a report in 2007 in which he concluded: “Arguments in favour or in disfavour have no effect on the fact that the pyramid concept and the properties are there for everyone to see”.[26] However, in 2010 he released a report in which he clarified that he does not claim it is a man-made pyramid, but rather that he uses the term for any feature, natural or artificial, which is a geometric pyramid. He does not exclude the possibility it is man-made.[27]


    Osmanagić's claims, widely reported in the mass media, have been categorically refuted by a number of experts, who have accused him of promoting pseudo-scientific notions and damaging archaeological sites with his excavations. Amar Karapus, a curator at the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo, said "When I first read about the pyramids I thought it was a very funny joke. I just couldn't believe that anyone in the world could believe this."[1] Penn State University Professor Garrett Fagan is quoted as saying "They should not be allowed to destroy genuine sites in the pursuit of these delusions[...] It’s as if someone were given permission to bulldoze Stonehenge to find secret chambers of lost ancient wisdom underneath."[28]

    Enver Imamović of the University of Sarajevo, a former director of the National Museum of Sarajevo, concerned that the excavations will damage historic sites such as the medieval royal capital Visoki, said that the excavations would "irreversibly destroy a national treasure".[29] Excavations by archaeologists not related to the Foundation in the summer of 2008 uncovered medieval artefacts and led to renewed calls for the government to cancel Osmanagić's digging permits.[30]

    In response to the controversy, in his 2008 report, Nabil Swelim states,[31]

    The realization of the presence of the Bosnian pyramid hills have generated joy, anger and other reactions that range from reasonable to temperamental. The angry and temperamental who claim that there are no pyramids in Bosnia must know that in scientific research: negative evidence is no evidence.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 37 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/06/2013 21:30

    30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement

    Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:13
     % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

    (Before It's News)





    The New Era Times reports that independent analysis from five separate Institutes of materials confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete construction material eliminating all skeptical claims about the authenticity of the Bosnian Pyramids. 



     The controversial site of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has a team of over 200 interdisciplinary scientists from all over the world doing scientific analysis on not only the nature and age of the building materials, but also determining how the energy of the pyramid was used by the ancient scientists for applications beneficial to humanity ranging from geothermal transportation, climatology, and advancements in human physiology and health. 



    Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest stone structure in the shape of the pyramid on the Planet with the height of 220 meters, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina

    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich



    Results released by the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy of chemical and diffractometry laboratory analysis done on sandstone and conglomerate blocks taken from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun show that the samples are an inert material with a binding, similar to that found in ancient Roman concrete. These results were confirmed by analysis on the samples done at the University of Zenica,Bosnia-Herzegovina.


    Stone terrace made from sandstone plates on top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, September 2008

    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich  Many more photos here http://www.bosnianpyramidofthesun.com/



    In a separate independent test, Professor Joseph Davidovits, renowned French Scientist, member of the International Association of Egyptologists and author confirms this claim. “I performed electron microscopic analysis of the sample and I propose the geopolymer chemistry that was used to make this is ancient concrete,” wrote Prof Davidovits. http://www.davidovits.info/34/the-pyramids-in-bosnia-europe-perhaps-in-roman-concrete


    Stone terrace made from sandstone plates on top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, September 2008


    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich



    He further adds that the sample is composed of “a calcium/potassium-based geopolymer cement and that although he cannot date the sample, he can discern that it is not modern concrete, but more like the technique used by the Egyptians 3500 years ago.” In his book,The Pyramids: an Enigma Solved,Davidovits presents the current knowledge of pyramid construction that is supported by scientific, historical, and linguistic studies which prove that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed using agglomerated stone (limestone cast like concrete).


    Outside walls of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun made of the concrete conglomerate blocks, Northern side, July 2008

    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich



    The research on pyramid technology has long suspected that pyramid energy involves science and machinery far more advanced than what we currently have today. Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant, published in 1996 explains that the pyramids were ancient energy machines, currently a popular theory among researchers. The pyramids of Bosnia have the same elements described in the Giza pyramids that define the structure of an ancient power generator system.




    After visiting Bosnia in 2011, Chris Dunn stated, “While I was in Visoko, experts from various disciplines showed excitement on the result of their studies of the so-called pyramid hill. Hopefully, in due course, clear signs of ancient precision engineering will eventually be discovered.”Now in 2013, the Bosnian archaeological site is further excavated and new scientific evidence has emerged proving that ancient precision engineering was indeed used to build the Bosnian Pyramids.


    Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, with it’s height of 190 meters second biggest stone structure in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. Together with the Sun and Dragon pyramids form a perfect equilateral triangle. All pyramids have been covered by soil and vegetation similar to pyramids in Central America and China.

    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich


    Further evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by the work ofProfessor Michel Barsoum, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, and Professor Gilles Hug, of the French National Aerospace Research Agency who have found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete. This debunks an age old myth that the pyramids were built using only cut limestone blocks and proves the theory that concrete and nanotechnology was used by the ancients. 


    Megalithic blocks in the underground tunnel network have carved symbols that have been covered by conglomerate material for more than 30.000 years according to the radiocarbon dating.

    Credit: Sam Semir Osmanagich




    Since it was discovered in 2005 by Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthroplogy and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Bosnian Pyramid complex has been stonewalled by mainstream archaeologists until recent scientific evidence which makes it impossible to deny the authenticity of this history changing discovery.


    “The team of interdisciplinary scientists conducting studies on the cosmic energy enigma at the archaeological site in Bosniaare on a relentless pursuit to uncover the wisdom from the ancient culture that left this behind,” states Dr. Sam Osmanagich. “There are facts about physical phenomenon that can be scientifically verified, yet there remain many unanswered questions unexplainable using our current recorded history.”


    Facts that have been verified by scientific analytic testing include:


    · The Sun pyramid stands over 722 feet (220 m) high one third taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza


    · Radio carbon dating shows the pyramid to be at least 24,800 years old


    · Material Analysis shows that the structure is from man-made concrete


    · There is an 8.000 kg ceramic block under the pyramid in the underground labyrinth


    · An energy beam, electromagnetic in nature with a radius of 4.5 meters and a frequency of 28 kHz,has been detected and measured coming from the top of the Sun pyramid


    · An ultrasound beam with a radius of 10 meters and frequency of 28-33 kHz has been measured on the top of the pyramid, as well


    · The pyramids are aligned with the earth’s cardinal points and oriented to stellar North


    “Although tens of thousands of pyramids have been discovered across the planet, none have the construction quality and date back as far as the ones in Bosnia,” states Osmanagich. “Bosnia is the original pyramid, the oldest and largest ever constructed. It has an exact zero degree North orientation and is potentially the key to releasing information about ancient technology that can free the world of its dependence on fossil fuel along with offering the possibility of finding astounding medical breakthroughs in the scientific community.”



    Radials and Territory Defined by the Three Bosnian Pyramids (Moscow was discovered to contain the main geoglyph for Russia.)



    Medical tests on the effect on the human aura have started at the Bosnian Pyramids and early evidence shows that human physiology and emotional states are highly elevated in the pyramid. This is due to the reduction of negative ions that are found in our atmosphere.


    The Bosnian Pyramids, are unique in that they seem to combine locations and cities which were important to the builders along with the ancient protocols of using geographical features, in defining their territory. The Bosnian Pyramids are less symmetrical, and are of a cruder construction, than most of their counterparts. This is also true of the Indonesian Pyramids on Java Indonesia, whose construction is very similar to the Bosnian pyramids.
    This crudeness alone could indicate a culture that is recovering
    from a catastrophe that left them with their past knowledge but without the
    tools to exercise that knowledge effectively. The increasing sophistication of
    pyramids which follow this era, leading up to the Egyptian era, would seem
    to confirm this hypothesis. Conversely, the non-physical attributes of the
    Bosnian Pyramids would seem to indicate a culture with a superior


    The Bosnian Pyramids, are unique in that they seem to combine locations
    and cities which were important to the builders along with the ancient
    protocols of using geographical features, in defining their territory. The
    Bosnian Pyramids are less symmetrical, and are of a cruder construction,
    than most of their counterparts. This is also true of the Indonesian Pyramids
    on Java Indonesia, whose construction is very similar to the Bosnian
    This crudeness alone could indicate a culture that s recovering from a catastrophe that left them with their past   knowledge but without the tools to exercise that knowledge effectively. The increasing sophistication of pyramids which follow this era, leading up to the Egyptian era, would seem to confirm this hypothesis. Conversely, the non-physical attributes of the Bosnian Pyramids would seem to indicate a culture with a superior knowledge of physics.
    Click to enlarge image 5_m03.jpg
    History tells us that the Celts once occupied what is now called Europe. Recent research indicates that the geoglyphs placed atop the Bosnian pyramids, long after they were constructed, are Celtic in nature. History also tells us that the Celtic culture originally developed in the Middle East and progressed west, through Europe, to the English Channel. A timeline of the geoglyphs construction should be developed from an archaeological dig.

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