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Rispondi  Messaggio 1 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Messaggio originale) Inviato: 17/04/2015 03:48
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Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Verse # = 1   |   Words =7   |   Letters = 28
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
In the beginning ראשית 911
God אלהים 86
created ברא 203
(untranslated) את 401
the heaven שמים 390
and את 401
the earth. ארץ 291
Total = 2701
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
בראשית 913
ברא 203
אלהים 86
את 401
השמים 395
ואת 407
הארץ 296

Primo  Precedente  45 a 59 di 209  Successivo   Ultimo 
Rispondi  Messaggio 45 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 02:41

Rispondi  Messaggio 46 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 02:50


El Salmo 119 fue escrito por David. Tiene 176 versículos. Están las veintidós letras del alfabeto hebreo. Es un salmo poético que pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos cada una. Veintidós veces ocho, hacen 176.

El alfabeto hebreo empieza por la letra, Alef, y termina con la letra, Tav. En Revelación 22:13, Jesús dijo estas palabras según está escrito:

"Yo soy el Alfa y Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último."

El Alfa y Omega son la primera y última letras del alfabeto griego. La manera en que esto se diría en hebreo es "Yo soy Alef y Tav."

En Génesis 1:1 está escrito: "En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra." Si examina este versículo en hebreo, encontrará que la cuarta palabra hebrea es, Alef, Tav."

Por lo tanto, en hebreo, Génesis 1:1 dice, "En el principio (Be-reshit), Dios (Elohim) creó (bará), (Alef, Tav)…" De aquí podemos comprender que Jesús es ciertamente el Alef y el Tav, el principio y el fin.

En cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Como Jesús es el Alef y Tav, el principio y el fin, entonces todo el Salmo 119 está escrito acerca de Jesús. ¡¡De esto podemos comprender que Jesús es la Torá viviente!!

Hay tres cosas principales que resaltan en el Salmo 119. Son las siguientes:

  1. La lengua hebrea
  2. La Torá de Dios
  3. El número ocho

En el Salmo 119, se resalta la lengua hebrea, porque pasa por todo el alfabeto, letra por letra. Se resalta la Torá de Dios porque en cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Se resalta el número ocho porque el Salmo 119 pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos.



Cada versículo del Salmo 119:1-8, empieza por la primera letra de la lengua hebrea, la Alef. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:9-16, empieza por la segunda letra de la lengua hebrea, la Bet. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:17-24, empieza por la tercera letra del alfabeto hebreo, la Guímel. Este modelo se repite por todo el alfabeto hebreo hasta el final del Salmo. Por lo tanto, el Salmo 119 resalta la lengua hebrea, la Torá y el número ocho.



¿Por qué se resalta el número ocho en el Salmo 119? Siete es el número de Dios para la perfección y plenitud. Los siete días de la creación representan 7000 años de tiempo. En el Salmo 90:4 está escrito:

"Porque mil años delante de tus ojos son como el día de ayer, que pasó, y como una de las vigilias de la noche."

En 2ª Pedro 3:8 está escrito:

"Mas, oh amados (un término para la Novia de Dios), no ignoréis esto: que para con el Señor un día es como mil años, y mil años como un día."

Por lo tanto, los siete días de la creación son un cuadro espiritual de siete mil años de tiempo. El séptimo día de la creación, el Shabat, es un cuadro espiritual de la Edad Mesiánica del Milenio.

En Levítico 23, Dios dio a su pueblo siete fiestas. Son la Pascua, los Panes sin Levadura, los primeros Frutos, Pentecostés, las Trompetas, la Expiación y los Tabernáculos. Una vez más, el siete es el número bíblico para la perfección y la plenitud. Estas siete fiestas son importantes porque revelan el plan profético de Dios. Las cuatro primeras fiestas nos revelan sobre la primera venida de Jesús. Las tres últimas lo hacen sobre la segunda venida de Jesús. Todas estas fiestas nos enseñan sobre nuestra relación personal con Dios. Para más información sobre las fiestas bíblicas, lea mi libro, "Las Siete Fiestas del Mesías." Se puede comprar escribiendo a Hebraic Heritage Ministries International (Ministerios de la Herencia Hebrea Internacional). Al final del libro se informa cómo conseguirlo.

La séptima fiesta es la de los Tabernáculos. La fiesta de los Tabernáculos debe celebrarse durante siete días. En Levítico 23:33-34 está escrito:

"Y habló el Señor a Moisés diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor por siete días."

La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos no es sólo la séptima fiesta sino que tiene lugar en el séptimo mes, y debe celebrarse por siete días. En esto, Dios está resaltando la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos y el número siete. La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es profética de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica. Al final de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica termina el cuadro profético de los siete días de la creación y el día séptimo de las siete fiestas. Por lo tanto, a la conclusión de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, el plan profético de Dios para la raza humana se completará y se entrará en la eternidad.

Dios dio una pista profética de la eternidad cuando él dio instrucciones referente a la celebración de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos. En Levítico 23:33-34, 36 está escrito:

"Y habló el Señor a Moisés, diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor …Siete días ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; el octavo día tendréis santa convocación, y ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; es fiesta solemne…"

La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es una fiesta de siete días para Dios. Se celebra según el Calendario Judío del 15-21 de Tishrí. El octavo día, el 22 de Tishrí, es conocido en hebreo como "Sheminí Atséret" que significa, "La octava conclusión." El día siguiente de "Sheminí Atséret" es el 23 de Tishrí, que es conocido en hebreo como "Simjat Torá" que significa, "El regocijo de la Torá."

Por lo tanto, después de la conclusión del tiempo, según está representado por la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, que es la séptima fiesta, en el séptimo mes, y celebrada por siete días, y es un cuadro espiritual de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, tenemos "Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá," que representa la eternidad.

Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá se celebran conjuntamente y está vista por el pueblo judío como un solo día que se extiende sobre dos días físicos del calendario. Por lo tanto, el octavo día que Dios adjuntó a los siete días de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos fue hecho por Dios para representar el tiempo que sigue a la conclusión de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos o eternidad. Porque Sheminí Atséret (la octava conclusión) está asociada a Simjat Torá (el regocijo de la Torá) y esto representa la eternidad, podemos comprender que durante la eternidad, todos los creyentes estarán en el cielo regocijándose en la Torá de Dios. Por lo tanto, el número ocho representa los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra ( Revelación 21:1-3 ) y la eternidad.

La eternidad se resalta en las fiestas bíblicas de Dios por el día octavo que sigue a los siete días a la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá. Simjat Torá es conocida en hebreo como el "Regocijo de la Torá."

Por lo tanto, el número ocho en el Salmo 119 resalta la eternidad. La eternidad es vislumbrada por todos los creyentes que estarán en el cielo y se regocijarán en la Torá de Dios, así como David se regocijó y alabó la Torá de Dios en cada versículo del Salmo 119.



Como conclusión, ¿Qué es la llave de David y por qué dijo Dios que David era un hombre conforme a su corazón? La llave de David es la Torá, Dios llamó a David un hombre conforme a su corazón. David en hebreo significa, Amado." Amada es un término para la Novia de Dios. Por lo tanto, la Novia de Cristo será "amada" de Dios porque será como David y amará la Torá de Dios.

En el libro de Revelación Jesús dio testimonio a las iglesias que él tenía la llave de David y él es la raíz y el linaje de Dios. Haciéndolo así, Jesús quería que Su Iglesia se identificase con David cuando ellos se identificaran con Jesús. Cuando Jesús vivió en la tierra, fue un judío observante de la Torá. Cuando Jesús mismo se asoció con David, se estaba identificando Él mismo con la Torá y con el papel de la Novia para gobernar y reinar sobre la tierra como reyes y sacerdotes con Él, durante la Edad Mesiánica y, después, la eternidad.

En el Salmo 119, Dios resalta la lengua hebrea, la Torá y el número ocho. El hebreo es la lengua dada por Dios a Su pueblo. El número ocho en la Biblia representa nuevos comienzos, así como la eternidad. En el Salmo 119, la Torá se resalta junto con el número ocho, porque Dios quería comunicarnos un mensaje espiritual a Su pueblo a través del Espíritu Santo, que la Torá de Dios es eterna. La Torá de Dios será guardada por Su pueblo por toda la eternidad cuando Dios cree los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra. David, fue un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios, porque David amó la Torá de Dios. La llave de David es la Torá. La llave de David está escrita en el corazón de la Novia de Dios.

Rispondi  Messaggio 47 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:15
Jer 27:1 In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word unto Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,

Verse # = 19598 | Words = 15 | Letters = 62
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
In the beginning ראשית 911
of the reign ממלכה 135
of Jehoiakim יהויקים 181
the son בן 52
of Josiah יאשיה 326
king מלך 90
of Judah יהודה 30
came this word דבר 206
unto Jeremiah ירמיה 265
from the LORD, יהוה 26
saying, אמר 241
Total = 3406
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
בראשית 913
ממלכת 530
יהויקם 171
בן 52
יאושיהו 338
מלך 90
יהודה 30
היה 20
הדבר 211
הזה 17
אל 31
ירמיה 265
מאת 441
יהוה 26
לאמר 271
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/11/2012 15:26
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/11/2012 15:32


Con esta mágica palabra se inicia la lectura del Génesis, el primero de los cinco libros del Pentateuco o Antiguo Testamento. Investigando el real sentido etimológico del término, descubrimos el ignoto origen de la Creación, y las aportaciones del Zohar, la Cábala o la esoterista Helena P. Blavatsky apuntan hacia nuevos horizontes de comprensión científica y cosmogónica.

Bereshit es la transcripción normalmente admitida - desde el punto de vista exotérico - de la primera palabra del Génesis, el primero de los cinco libros del Pentateuco o Torah (Biblia hebraica), o Antiguo Testamento según la versión cristiana. Bereshit significa: "al principio".

Hay diferentes claves para interpretar la Torah, al igual que sucede con otros sistemas esotéricos de la tradición oriental. No se trata aquí de discutir sobre la antigüedad de la Torah o acerca de su autenticidad como revelación. Helena P. Blavatsky, en el tomo V de su Doctrina Secreta, nos describe con suficiente claridad los antecedentes caldeos de la Torah hebraica. Además, la autenticidad del texto - gereneralmente aceptada - sigue siendo objeto de polémica para algunos; en efecto, los manuscritos originales hebreos se perdieron en la época del primer destierro de los judíos a Babilonia. Los libros fueron transcritos de memoria por el sacerdote Esdrás, y no tenemos otra alternativa que confiar en su memoria y en su integridad.

Sin embargo, la Torah encierra un esoterismo propio, que se revela a través de la Cábala, en el cual se enraiza el judaísmo. Junto a la Torah, - o ley escrita - existe el Talmud - ley oral - , compilación de la Mishna - comentarios sobre la ley escrita - y de la Guemara - comentarios sobre los comentarios - , al que se refiere la ortodoxia hebrea. De esto resulta que, a veces, las prescripciones del Talmud están muy alejadas de las enseñanzas ocultas de la Torah.

Cábala viene del hebreo, significa "recibir". Los cabalistas dicen que Moisés, además de la ley escrita, recibió en el monte Sinaí la revelación de una ley secreta: la Cábala.

Por otra parte, según la Cábala la totalidad de la Torah está contenida en el primero de los cinco libros del Pentateuco: el Génesis. El primer libro, en su totalidad, está contenido en el primer capítulo, que a su vez está contenido en la primera sentencia; la misma se haya íntegramente en la primera palabra, y ésta se resume en la primera letra: beth.

La primera sentencia del Génesis es generalmente leída: Bereshit bara Elohim eth hashamaïm v'eth h'areths; o sea: "Al principio, Dios creó los Cielos y la Tierra".

En hebreo no se escriben las vocales, y a menudo no se respeta el espaciado entre palabras. Helena P. Blavatasky incide en este rasgo y nos ofrece otra lectura; así, la misma sentencia se vuelve: "Viniendo de la esencia eterna, la doble fuerza ha formado el cielo doble"; o también: "En la fuente-madre, los dioses desarrollaron los Cielos y la Tierra".

Un comentario del Zohar, el Libro de los Esplendores - de referencia cabalística - , asocia el "principio" a la luz: "Antes que nada, el Rey hizo posible la transformación del vacío en un éter transparente e imponderable. Después, por un misterio de los más secretos, ese fluido se transformó en un gas sin ninguna configuración ni color. Sólo cuando el Rey dio contornos a la materia, se originó esa variedad de colores que, en realidad, no existe (...). Así, con el sonido del verbo, el infinito golpeó en el vacío; por tanto, el sonido del verbo constituyó el principio de la materialización del vacío. Pero esa materialización se hubiera quedado siempre en el estado de imponderabilidad si, en el momento en que golpeó al vacío el sonido del verbo, no hubiese surgido el punto deslumbrante, origen de la luz, que constituye el supremo misterio y del cual la esencia es inconcebible. Por esta razón, el verbo se llama 'principio'" (Zohar, I, 15a).

Ahora bien, en la palabra bereshit (principio) hallamos las palabras siguientes: rosh, que significa cabeza, y baït, que significa morada.

בראשית = ראש + בית


Helena P. Blavatsky precisa que el antiguo jeroglífico de la letra resh, primera de la palabra rosh, era una cabeza o un círculo. En el Zohar leemos: "Mientras la centella divina estaba encerrada en el sublime palacio, es decir, antes de manifestarse, no había ninguna particularidad que pudiera designarse en la esencia divina por un nombre: el todo no formaba más que uno, que se llamaba rosh".

Baït, la morada, parece simbolizar el "palacio de materia" que rodea la centella divina en el momento de la manifestación. Entonces se obtiene el sentido siguiente: Be rosh baït (bereshit) bara Elohim, o sea: "Cuando la divina centella (rosh) sirvió como semilla al palacio de materia (baït), fue creado Elohim".

Un comentario de R. Hiya parece relacionado también con aquella interpretación: "El misterioso Santo ha grabado un punto, y en ese punto ha encerrado todas las obras de la Creación. Igual que se puede cerrar todo con una llave, y esa llave puede encerrar todo en un palacio; ese palacio tiene cincuenta puertas: diez en cada uno de los cuatro puntos cardinales, nueve en el Cielo y una misteriosa".

Por otra parte queda por determinar lo que significa Elohim, palabra plural traducida por el singular "dios"; palabra femenina en hebreo que tiene un plural masculino.

Si volvemos a usar el método precedente de descomposición de las palabras hebreas, encontramos que mi ( מי ) significa: "el cielo de arriba", y ma ( מה ) : "el cielo de abajo". O sea, la divinidad no manifestada y la divinidad manifestada.

Así, la pregunta de Rabbi Simeon bar Yohaï: "¿Quién ha creado qué?", es en realidad una afirmación. En efecto, en hebreo mi significa también "quién", y ma significa "qué": el cielo de arriba ha creado el cielo de abajo.

Pero necesitamos un tercer término, "eso", como respuesta a la pregunta anterior (¿quién ha creado qué?: eso). "Eso", en hebreo, se dice eleh : ( אלה).

Rabbi Simeon bar Yohaï comenta: "Cuando el misterio de todos los misterios quiso manifestarse, creó primero un punto, que volvió a ser el pensamiento divino. Eso, ocultado en el nombre, existiendo sin existir, se llama en ese momento mi. Queriendo manifestarse, mi emana un vestido (la materia: eso), eleh, y se manifiesta como eleh-im. Elohim es, así, la legión, "los dioses-Uno", manifestada a través del Logos".

Ahora bien, no se trata de la primera misteriosa hipóstasis, pero sí de aquella que preside la creación material.

Se encuentra la misma significación esotérica del texto, escrito en hieroglíficos, con las claves que nos sugiere Helena P. Blavatsky. El misterio entero de la Creación es contenido en las palabras: Bereshit bara Elohim, o sea, las catorce primeras letras del Génesis.


Beth:morada, región, palacio.
Resh: círculo, cabeza.
Aleph: toro, potencia generativa o creadora.
Shin: tridente, diente, trescientos, Tres-en-Uno.
Yod: unidad perfecta o Uno; órgano de procreación.
Tav: raíz, fundación.
... o el Logos no manifestado.


Beth, Resh, Aleph,
... o el misterio de la Creación.


Aleph: toro.
Lamed: aguijón de boyero; procreación activa.
He: apertura, matriz.
Yod: órgano de procreación.
Mêm: aguas, caos, poder femenino, complemento del Yod.
... o los poderes en la manifestación.

Todo lo cual se escribe, según el alfabeto arcaico (de derecha a izquierda):



"Bereshit es un velo que cubre el Logos no manifestado, y corresponde igualmente al Eter superior o Aksha, virgen celeste y madre de todas las formas y de todos los seres" (Doctrina Secreta, tomo II). Aquel éter superior es el "fuego universal", el caos primordial. Ahora bien, bereshit también contiene la palabra "fuego": ech, que suprimida deja aparecer la palabra brit o "alianza".

בראשית = ברית + אש



Según esto Bereshit es asimismo: "la Alianza del Fuego".

La interpretación de las tres primeras palabras del Génesis, conocido su significado críptico a la luz de esas llaves, es: "Por la alianza del Fuego, la centella divina, poder generativo, Tres en-Uno en la unidad y residiendo en la raíz (fundamentos) sirvió como semilla (sembró) en el palacio de materia, y volviéndose hizo nacer a las poderosas que, a través de la matriz, procrean en la generación".

Como vemos, el sentido literal, "Al principio, Dios hizo...", queda muy lejos.

Para concluir, acudimos de nuevo a las palabras de H. P. Blavatsky: "Los libros mosaicos están llenos de conocimientos inestimables, puramente ocultos, en particular en los seis primeros capítulos. Leídos con la ayuda de la Cábala, descubrimos un templo sin igual de verdades ocultas, una fuente de belleza profundamente hundida debajo de un edificio, cuya arquitectura visible, a pesar de su aparente simetría, es incapaz de resistir las críticas de la razón seca, o de revelar su edad, pues pertenece a todas las épocas".

Pierre Poulain


Rispondi  Messaggio 48 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:24
21 DE SEPTIEMBRE=REGOCIJO EN LA TORA=22 DEL SEPTIMO MES (EL SALMO 119 TIENE FUERTE NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON EL "RECOCIJO EN LA TORA", osea el 22/7 (22 del septimo mes hebreo). Recordemos que 22/7 es una buena aproximacion del numero PI.
7 DE JULIO DEL 2004= 6 DE AV


Compare estas graficas con el movimiento de la luna.

El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:

  • Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
  • Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
  • Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
  • Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.



Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.



Las cosas nunca suceden sin una mano que las mueva, y en este caso la mano es evidente. Las monedas de los países que fueron agredidos son la clave para la solución de este enigma. Al girarlas toman su ubicación en el pentagrama y anuncian además las fechas de los atentados, pero es solo el comienzo. Todas las investigaciones anteriores han llegado hasta aquí, esta sin embargo comienza en este punto.

Aquí los signos monetarios toman su lugar en el pentagrama a 0, 90 y 180 grados. Al ser girados las fechas de los crímenes aparecen claramente.


The golden ratio, φ = (1+√5)/2 ≈ 1.618, [...] plays an important role in regular pentagons and pentagrams. Each intersection of edges sections the edges in golden ratio: the ratio of the length of the edge to the longer segment is φ, as is the length of the longer segment to the shorter. Also, the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the 2 intersecting edges (a side of the pentagon in the pentagram’s center) is φ. As the four-color illustration shows:


The pentagram includes ten isosceles triangles: five acute and five obtuse isosceles triangles. In all of them, the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is φ. The acute triangles are golden triangles. The obtuse isosceles triangle highlighted via the colored lines in the illustration is a golden gnomon.”


It appears we have a pentagram embedded into the design of Washington DC. It is important to note that the Whitehouse sits at the lower point of this. The origin of the pentagram or pentagon is believed to be derived from occult astrology.

(El 14/15 de septiembre o aparentemente tiene un nexo con el 15 de Tisri en contexto a Fatima y la secuencia lunar del 2012, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, primer dia del primer mes, fue en un 8 de Marzo. En este contexto el 15 de septiembre nos cae 15 de Tisri (cuasi anagrama de ISTAR). ¿PORQUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ALLI HACE REFERENCIA A LAS VIRGENES CON UN CANDELABRO, estatua de la LIBERTAD o COLUMBIA, en el contexto a la medianoche en MATEO 25? EL 15 de septiembre ORION (ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE) SALE POR EL ESTE JUSTO A LA MEDIANOCHE). LA SIMBOLOGIA DE LOS REYES MAGOS TIENE NEXO CON ORION (APARENTEMENTE ES LA ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE EN CONTEXTO A LA MEDIANOCHE-FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS)

Rispondi  Messaggio 49 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:27
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginnning with God. John 1: 1-2

If root words in Hebrew are used to proclaim this Biblical truth, the identity of the Word is confirmed. (Strong's number indicated for each word)

In the beginning (H7225) was (H1961) the Word, (H1697) and the Word (H1697) was (H1961) with (H5973) God, (H430) and the Word (H1697) was (H1961) God. (H430) The same (H1931) was (H1961) in the beginning (H7225) with (H5973) God (H430) and was (H1961) the Son (H120) of God. (H430)
ראשִׁית הִיה דּבר דּבר הִיה עם אלהִים דּבר הִיה אלהִים הוּא הִיה ראשִׁית עם אלהִים הִיה בּן אלהִים
86 + 52 + 20 + 86 + 110 + 911 + 20 + 12 + 86 + 20 + 206 + 86 + 110 + 20 + 206 + 206 + 20 + 911 = 3168

Lord Jesus Christ = Κυ̍̍ριος ̔’Ιησοῦς Χριστο̍ς = 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168

In the New Testament, the word "rhabboni" is used only twice, both times in regard to Jesus.

Jesus (G2424) is (G2076) the only begotten (G3439) Son (G5207) of God, (G2316) Rhabboni. (G4462)
̔’Ιησοῦς ’εστι̍ ὁ μονογενης Υιος Θιος Ραββονι = 888 + 515 + 70 + 496 + 680 + 284 + 235 = 3168
LORD JESUS CHRIST = Κυριος ̓’Ιησοῦς Χριστος = 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168

Virgin (G3933) born (G1080) of God, (H2316) the onlybegotten (G3439) Son (G5207) of God. (H2316)
Παρθενος γενναω Θεος μονογενης Υιος Θεος = 515 + 909 + 284 + 496 + 680 + 284 = 3168
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
OIKODOMEO (GEMATRIA)=1089=792+297=33X33
Mary Μαρια 152
Magdalene. Μαγδαληνη 145
152 MAS 145 ES IGUAL A 297

The number difference for the mirror pair 65 and 56 results in 1089. The mirror of the result, 9801 can be expressed as 33 x 297. Adding the various results to their mirrors often sums to 1089 --

396 + 639 = 1089
297 + 792 = 1089
495 + 594 = 1089


The number 1089 and its mirror, 9801, are the squares of double digit pairs --

33^2 = 1089
99^2 = 9801


32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
1. Génesis 35:19: Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
2. Génesis 48:7: Porque cuando yo venía de Padan-aram, se me murió Raquel en la tierra de Canaán, en el camino, como media legua de tierra viniendo a Efrata; y la sepulté allí en el camino de Efrata, que es Belén.
- La Virgen María es la constelación de Virgo. América está en Virgo. El antiguo símbolo de Virgo es una "m" cambió. Esto explica por qué el nombre de María como otras madres vírgenes, como la madre de Adonis, Mirra, o el de la madre de Buda, Maya, comienza con una M. Virgo (constelación de Virgo) también se conoce como la "Casa del pan", y la representación de Virgo es una Virgen que sostiene una gavilla de trigo. Esta "casa del pan" y su símbolo de trigo representa agosto y septiembre, cuando la cosecha. A su vez, Belén (Belén), es la traducción literal de "La Casa del Pan". Belén es también la referencia a la constelación de Virgo, un lugar en el cielo, no en la Tierra.
OTRO DETALLE ES QUE 3168=96X33=9X352=9X11X32=9X11X8X4

Rispondi  Messaggio 50 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:34

Job 38:1-42:6
« Job 37 | Job 38-42 | Psalm 1 »

God begins his first speech from the whirlwind [ chapter 38 ]. The two voices from the whirlwind are the climax of the book. The question of innocent suffering is finally resolved, though not fully answered. The plot motif of reversal is fully evident, in the following ways: after God’s silence all through the deliberations among Job and his counselors, God finally speaks; Job had attempted to bring God to question, and now God questions Job; instead of answering Job’s questions, God asks a series of counter-questions; although God speaks, he does not (as we surely expected) answer Job’s questions.As we start to read God’s first speech, we are overwhelmed by the rhetorical force of what pours forth from God. It is as though God sends Job (and us) reeling with a seemingly endless barrage of *rhetorical questions (questions asked to elicit assent rather than information). All of the questions concern the mysteries of nature in the two areas of the origin of various natural phenomena and the providence that directs and sustains them. Since the implied answer to the questions is that only God knows and does these things, the catalog of questions is a demonstration of God’s superior knowledge and power.

38:1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:

2 “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
3 Dress for action 1 like a man;
I will question you, and you make it known to me.

4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
5 Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
6 On what were its bases sunk,
or who laid its cornerstone,
7 when the morning stars sang together
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

8 “Or who shut in the sea with doors
when it burst out from the womb,
9 when I made clouds its garment
and thick darkness its swaddling band,
10 and prescribed limits for it
and set bars and doors,
11 and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther,
and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?

12 “Have you commanded the morning since your days began,
and caused the dawn to know its place,
13 that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth,
and the wicked be shaken out of it?
14 It is changed like clay under the seal,
and its features stand out like a garment.
15 From the wicked their light is withheld,
and their uplifted arm is broken.

16 “Have you entered into the springs of the sea,
or walked in the recesses of the deep?
17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you,
or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?
18 Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?
Declare, if you know all this.

19 “Where is the way to the dwelling of light,
and where is the place of darkness,
20 that you may take it to its territory
and that you may discern the paths to its home?
21 You know, for you were born then,
and the number of your days is great!

22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow,
or have you seen the storehouses of the hail,
23 which I have reserved for the time of trouble,
for the day of battle and war?
24 What is the way to the place where the light is distributed,
or where the east wind is scattered upon the earth?

25 “Who has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain
and a way for the thunderbolt,
26 to bring rain on a land where no man is,
on the desert in which there is no man,
27 to satisfy the waste and desolate land,
and to make the ground sprout with grass?

28 “Has the rain a father,
or who has begotten the drops of dew?
29 From whose womb did the ice come forth,
and who has given birth to the frost of heaven?
30 The waters become hard like stone,
and the face of the deep is frozen.

31 Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
or loose the cords of Orion?
32 Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth 2 in their season,
or can you guide the Bear with its children?
33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
Can you establish their rule on the earth?

34 “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
that a flood of waters may cover you?
35 Can you send forth lightnings, that they may go
and say to you, ‘Here we are’?
36 Who has put wisdom in the inward parts 3
or given understanding to the mind? 4
37 Who can number the clouds by wisdom?
Or who can tilt the waterskins of the heavens,
38 when the dust runs into a mass
and the clods stick fast together?

39 “Can you hunt the prey for the lion,
or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,
40 when they crouch in their dens
or lie in wait in their thicket?
41 Who provides for the raven its prey,
when its young ones cry to God for help,
and wander about for lack of food?

Reply Hide message Delete message Message 51 of 206 on the subject
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/11/2012 23:02

Rispondi  Messaggio 51 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:35


Job 38:13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?

Verse # = 13807 | Words = 6 | Letters = 29
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
That it might take hold אחז 16
of the ends כנף 150
of the earth, ארץ 291
that the wicked רשע 570
might be shaken out of it? נער 320
Total = 1997
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
לאחז 46
בכנפות 558
הארץ 296
וינערו 342
רשעים 620
ממנה 135
Job 38:14 It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment.

Verse # = 13808 | Words = 6 | Letters = 27
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
It is turned הפך 105
as clay חמר 248
to the seal; חותם 454
and they stand יצב 102
as a garment. לבוש 338
Total = 2555
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
תתהפך 905
כחמר 268
חותם 454
ויתיצבו 524
כמו 66
לבוש 338
Job 38:15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken.

Verse # = 13809 | Words = 6 | Letters = 27
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And from the wicked רשע 570
their light אור 207
is withholden, מנע 160
and the high רום 246
arm זרוע 283
shall be broken. שבר 502
Total = 2519
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
וימנע 176
מרשעים 660
אורם 247
וזרוע 289
רמה 245
תשבר 902
Psalm 22:11-23

11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion .

14 I am poured out like water , and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet .17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog .21 Save me from the lion's mouth : for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns . 22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee . 23 Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.

This is a forceful witness of the lord's crucifixion as Psalm 22:1 and 22:18 directly attest, being quoted in all the gospels, [ Matt. 27:3, 46, Mk. 15:24,34 Lk. 23:34, John 19:24 ]. We have found references to the four cardinal points of the horizon in Numbers 23:21-24, 24:1-9 . They are listed with specific mention of the "strength of a unicorn" the [reem], in reference to Taurus the Bull, Leo the great Lion and Aquarius the water bearer, whose seed was poured out of many buckets . In the 22nd Psalm we find the same references with some important differences. The context of Numbers 23-24 refers to Balaam's prophecy of the coming promised seed, whose glory is referenced in Numbers 23:21, 24:8 . The "shout of a king" was certainly among the seed of Jacob, who would "eat up the nations of his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows." This refers to his triumphant return as the King of kings, the mighty conquering judge that no element of darkness will ever withstand. We find this image of the Lord clearly expressed in the sign Sagittarius seen in the arrows of Numbers 24:8 . We will cover this in greater detail in our look at Sagittarius next. The context of the 22nd Psalm however is the suffering of the Lord at his crucifixion and death. This was the height of the enemy's hour, who holds the power of the sting of death. It was the agents of the evil one who crucified the Lord, both the spiritual agents embodied in the "four winds" of the host of heaven and the human agents, or the circling dogs, ravening lions and gaping bulls who surrounded him bringing about his tortured death. These human agents of the evil one are pictured with the enlivened astrological faces of their false ensigns, bringing the desires of their evil father to pass in the world. In the midst of this assembly of the wicked was Jesus Christ who was poured out like water, a reference to his holy sacrificial offering, as he selflessly endured the excruciating pain of his death, laying down his life as the essence of Israel's High Priest. The end result of his ultimate sacrifice brought the "all truth" of "the Comforter" of John 16:7 , the gift of holy spirit that became available as a result of the New Birth, seen for the first time on the day of Pentecost. This is the liquid seed that was poured out of the bucket known in the stars as Aquarius' Urn , the living waters that truly quench men's souls, seen in Numbers 24:7. Even as these agents of the enemy encircled the Lord, bringing about his sufferings, these shadows of the Cherubim are bold in defiance of the Son of the Living God, infused with the four dark winds of the cardinal points, activating the power of the dog [ Ps. 22:20 ], as the fullness of the evil desires of the lord of darkness. The double meaning of these related passages of Scripture becomes clear as we take a closer look at the word for " wicked " in the 16th verse of Psalm 22. Lets take a detailed look at this word and its Hebrew root employed in Job 38 .

The following is a reference note in Revised English Version of the Bible on the "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 & 15 . 1 This is translated as "the wicked" in the majority of other versions, thus on the surface "Dog-star" does not seem to fit in Job 38 , but as we allow God's Word to speak for itself we will uncover some long obscured and priceless gems of truth. To clarify this lets look at a marginal note in the Companion Bible, 2 where it says "the wicked" is the same as "lawless" [* H7561 , rasha]. In both Job 38:13 & 15 , the Hebrew letter "ayin" is suspended, without it the word means "head, top, cheif" [* H7222 , rosh]. With "Ayin" supplied it is "the wicked." All the ancient versions and early printed editions read "the Lawless."
In Bullinger's related note on Judges 18:30 , in reference to "Mannasseh" the letter "nun" is suspended, written partly in the line and partly above the line, to show that originally it formed no part of the word, but was put in to make it spell "Mannasseh" instead of "Moses." This was done for two reasons, first to spare the honor of Moses memory and name and secondly, to put sin upon one [Mannasseh] who committed so gross a sin. The Authorized Version follows the Septuagint & Chaldee by putting "Mannasseh" in the text; while the Revised Version follows the Latin Vulgate and those codices and early editions, which have "nun" suspended, by putting "Moses" in the text and "Mannasseh" in the margin. 3
[ emphasis mine ]

If the usage of this suspended letter " ayin " in Job 38 follows suit with " nun " Judges 18 , then "originally it formed no part of the word," and should properly read " rosh " instead of " rasha ". This would change the text from the wicked or lawless to "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." From the astronomical viewpoint evident in the Revised English Version of Job 38 , this etymology is enlightening because the in Egypt's Denderah zodiac , the star Sirius or Canis Major, the Dog-star is called " Apes " which means " the head ". Since the Dog-star is the brightest star in all the heavens from earth's perspective, the meaning of the " head or prince " is a precise fit. This " prince of the Heavenly host " was also referred to in the sacred books of Persia as " Tistar, " the " Chieftain of the East." This is not only a symbol of the sunrise embodied in the new light of the world, but it also refers to the Pyramid's capstone or " Chief cornerstone, " [ Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20, 5:23 ] as it catches the first rays of the dawn and sunrise of a new day. In Zech. 4:7 "headstone"- *H7222 [ roshah ] from rosh *H7218 means the "topmost stone at the corner." We will see this concept fully developed Biblical Astronomy of the Great Pyramid . We have seen this as a recurring theme of our study of the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ. The fact that Lucifer was the original light of the world, the "faithful witness in Heaven," [ Ps. 89:36-37, Mal. 4:2 ] and Sirius , the brightest star in the Heavens, shows us a correlation to the first bright and morning star, as the original sun of the First Heaven and Earth. This reflects an early time when the celestial calendars of 360-day sacred solar year and 365.25-day Sirius- Sothic Calendar were running in synch, before Lucifer attempted his coup in heaven. As the angel of light, all temporal matters and the timekeeping of all Creation ran under his watch. After he was cast down however, there was a needed a separation between what had become profaned, in the fallen Lucifer and what would remain sacred and holy in the coming promised seed, the rising light of the world, embodied in the sun. It is this powerful truth that is reflected in the suspended letter "ayin" in the Hebrew, revealing a double truth related to the star Sirius as a symbol of Lucifer, the original embodiment of the bright and morning star. Before his revolt and fall from his position as the head (rosh) of Creation, he was the "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." However once iniquity was found in him [ Ezek. 28:15 ], he became "the lawless," [Heb.-rasha] the wicked one. He is the embodiment of the activation of the principle of evil [ra'a], also understood in the spiritual Entropy of his original sin, the incept point of all darkness. This would also explain the extremely negative mythological connotations of Sirius . Burnham's states: "In the ancient Greek and Roman world, the influence of Sirius was regarded as extremely unfortunate, as the allusion to the wrathful Achilles in the Iliad would seem to suggest. In Virgil's Aeneid we read of the Dog Star, that burning constellation, when he brings drought & disease on sickly mortals, rises and saddens the sky with inauspicious light." 4


Rispondi  Messaggio 52 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:40
msn-alfapapablanco1 wrote on Jul 8, '08
JustaVoice2 (Mensaje original)
Enviado: 19/09/2004 13:27
Shalom to all Saints endeavoring to contend for the truth once delivered to the Saints;
The supposedly continual seventh day
called Saturday
Under "Calendar" on page 1662 second column of the volume 5 Funk and Wagnalls standard reference Encyclopedia of 1961 , we find this statement for consideration;
The week, which was based on the Mosaic law, that requires rest from labor every seventh day (Esodus 20: 9-10) , was not recognized in the calendar of the ancient Greeks, and did not appear in the Roman Calendar until about 400 A. D.
If we consider this statement made by the writer of the Funk and Wagnall encyclopedia for a moment , it is not hard to see that the "Roman nor the Grecian Calendars" did not contain a "seven day cycle" within their calendar until about 400 years after the Messiah's date of visitation to the Jews.
Therefore the Roman Calendar that is now presently got a seven day cycle within its structure was not introduced into the Roman Calendar untill 321 A.D. and is not a safe "Calendar " to follow to determine a continued 7 day count , that would need to be preserved from Creation for the Rememberence of the "Seventh day " Sabbath that all believers are required to observe in order to please Elohim Yahweh in the keeping of his Commandments.
Of which the Roman Calendar has only been preserving "its" seven day count since 400 A. D. Not near long enough to satisfy the need of preservation of a Seventh day to Yahweh , especially since the Grecians and the Romans were Heathens and not Hebrews or believers to say the least for their attempt at setting a 7 day week into their caledndar in the year of 321 A.D.
When we go to Scripture to establish a "continual 7 day count " to establish a "Saturday Sabbath" again we find frustrations , because there is no mention of a continual 7th day count for a Sabbath within the Scriptures either.
In fact , we find one deliberate account in the book of Joshua where no Sabbath was recorded as being kept within a 7 day count .
Let us consider it';
Joshua 6: 1-16 . verse 3, You shall compass the city all you men of war, and go round about the city once, thus you shall do six days.
verse 4. And seven priest shall bear before the Ark seven trumpets of rams horns: and the seventh day you shall compass the city seven times, and the preist shall blow with the trumpets.
Now since the "Remembering the Seventh day was so strickly commanded" to the Israelites, it would have been very important to have showed where they kept the Seventh day sabbath on this seventh day if such had been the case. But not so. There is no indication or record of evidence that the Sons of Israel kept a Sabbath on this particular seventh day of the conquering of Jericho. NOr was it recorded as a 7th day that was indeed a Sabbath to be kept.
There is likewise no record or evidence that the 7th day Sabbath took place on any one of the other 6th days of marching arround Jericho.
There is those who will 'argue" , and when I say argue, I mean they use no substance to verify their arguement , but just dogmatic insistence that there surely was a "seventh day " sabbath during that space of "7 days", whethere it is recorded or not , and thus their arguement goes like this.
That this was spiritural war, and they were not required to rest from spiritual activities such as this.
Or that , in the time of war they were not required to keep a sabbath...
Or that , it does not have to record that they kept a Sabbath during that space of time cause , it was not , recording that part of their conquering Jericho.
But contrariwise, to all these arguements, that have no basis of substance attached with them, The understanding of Scripture must be limited to "rightly dividing scripture for the truth of the scripture" or we will get off into "Dogmas" of our own thoughts in what ever culture we have been raised in , instead of actual facts and evidence, to establish why we believe , what we believe of the Scriptures.
Therefore we , conclude, That the most probally substantial Answer to the events and happenings of Joshua 6 is that there was no Seventh day Sabbath that needed to be kept with in that seven days for this cause.
In the 5th Chapter of Joshua we find that the one that is giving Joshua the orders of how to conquer Jericho is the "Capton of Yahweh of Armies" and that , If this " Captain of Yahweh's Armies " had intended for them to keep a Sabbath EVERY seven days , he could have caused Joshua to have won the war over Jericho in just six days instead of extending it to the seventh day, since the whole things was a matter of the time when the walls would fall and then they destroy the inhabitants of the city.
Thus "Yahweh knew" that this was a space of time that there was no Sabbath , untill after the Seven day war was to be over!
Any other Arguement is mere dogmatizm as to the reason for a seven day war at the Command of Yahweh with out an intermission of a Sabbath within its 7 day space of time, other than there was no Sabbath every 7 days.
We that observe the 7th day Sabbath by the calendar of the Moon which is the Creators Calendar, Understand and acknowledge that at the beginning of every New MOONTH , that day is called "reshith or Roshe or Rosh, and means first is rank and order of the days of the Moon, and then comes YOM Echad, which means day one of the work week , which gives 7 days between the last Seventh day of the Old moon and the first 7th day Sabbath of the New Moon.
Thus, Joshua had 7 days counting "Roshe" to conquer Jericho in before the 7th day of the New Moon would need to be observed. Excellant , because this is the only "discussion" that is based upon scriptural evidence, instead of "dogmatic arguement" !
 Now for the next discussion on why there is not a continous 7 day count for a 7th day Sabbath.
There is not one Scripture in the entire sacred writtings accepted as inspired, which gives any other day of the calendar count of the biblical calendar for a 7th day Sabbath , other than , the 8th, 15th , 22cd, or the 29th days of the calendar of the Moon.
In Numbers 29: 12-39 , when it gives and itemizes every day of the feast of tabernacle that is required to be done, not one mention is made of a "continuous 7th day Sabbath " to be kept in the midst of this 8 day cellabration, leaving no doubt as to the fact that , there was to be no interrruptions within that 8 day feast of tabernacles for a continuous 7 day Sabbath to be observed seperately of this feast!
Thus establishing by evidence , that there was to be no "contiunous 7th day sabbath" outside of the Calendar of the Moon to be observed what so ever!
 And now for the third piece of evidence to be considered;
In the New Testament Chronology of the events of the crucifixion another key case of documented evidence is discovered;
John 12: 1 (States that Yahshua Messiah comes to Bethany where Lazarus was "6 days before the passover".
John 12: 12 (states that on the next day [which would be 5 days before passover] when the people heard that Yahshua was come to the feast at Jerusalem, 13, took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him shouting , "Hosanna, blessed is the king that cometh in the name of Yahweh."
Now this was the 10th day of Abib being 5 days before Passover, the 15th of Abib being passover and the first day of unleaven bread , which exodus 12: 8-11 Identify's the feast of Passover to be in the night that follows the 14th when the flesh of the lamb that was slain should be ate with unleavened bread, making that night the night of the 15th of Abib.
Thus John 12:12-13 took place on the 10th day of Abib 5 days before the 15th which was the first day of unleavened bread and the day of the eating of Yahweh's passover Lamb.
Now let us journey to another account of this same event in the book of Mathew chapter 21 verse 8- 13;
Mathew 21:8-13 clearly declares that the same as was declared in John 12: 12-13 was happening in this account also , altho another event also was recorded as taking place on this very day also . lets read it;
Mathew 21: 12 And Yahshua went into the temple of Yahwh, and cast all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seat s of them that sold doves.
13, and said unto them, It is written, My House shall be called the House of Prayer, and you have made it a den of theives
14. And the blind and the lame came uinto him in the temple, and he healed them.
 Now when I realized that this day of the casting out of the money changers was the 10th of Abib I knew immediately that there was no way for a 3 day and a 3 night burial and ressurection according to this chronology of scripture cause if the 10th of Abib was not a Sabbath neither could the 17th be a Sabbath and according to all of the 3 days and 3 night "dogmas" , they have to count the 15th as the first day Yahshua was in the grave, and then the 16th day of Abib would have to be the 2cd day of Yahshua's intombment, and then the 17th would have to be the 3rd day of his entombment, thus the 17 was not a Sabbath no more than the 10th was a Sabbath!
Illustration number four;
Many will try to use the count to Penticost as a "dogma" to argue that The seventh day Sabbath cannot be by the Moon.
This is their dogmatic Arguement ;
#1. That supposedly they are to count 7 , seven day weeks to the 49th day and then the 50th day was to be Penticost.
This is the Truth of the Hebrew and of the actual counting by the Apostles in the new Testament to the feast of Kamasheem;
#1. In Leviticus 23: 11-16 The Priests shall then wave the sheaf of the firstfruits on the morrow after the Sabbath (i.e. the 16th of Abib).
#2. verse 15. And you shall number to you from the day after the Sabbath (i.e. the 16th of Abib) from the day you bring in the sheaf of the first fruits, seven sabbaths perfect they shall be. verse 16, from the day after the 7th Sabbath you shall count 50 days.
It is very clear in the Hebrew that there was to be two distinct measurements of time that were counted.
#1. The Seven Sabbaths being complete, and,
#2. The Fifty days to be counted from the morrow after the 7th Sabbath.
Now let us take the illustration that is given us of the observance of this count in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul in Acts 20: 6- Acts 21: 27;
#1. Acts 20:6 After the days of unleavened bread they sailed away from Phillipi.
#2. In five days they came to Trioas. Where they stayed 7 days.
#3. verse 7 And upon the first of the "Sabbaton" (week?) the disciples came to gether to break bread. [So far we have 7 and 5 days which is 12 days plus it appears to be the "first of a Sabbaton", thus being after the days of unleavened bread it is clear that starting with the 22cd of Abib would be considered "after the days of unleavened bread" thus we have these 12 days that can be counted for so , the term the "first of the Sabbaton " in the greek would mean either it was the "first of a Sabbath , or it was the first day of a week " , either would mean that this was the 3rd Sabbath in counting to the 7th sabbath !
#4. Acts 20: 13-16 Here we find a period of time where the Apostle Paul went by foot to Assos, while the others went by ship which would be time consuming, to say the least, and then there is made mention of 3 next days, mentioned after the Apostle Paul caught up with them at Asos, making a period of time of atleast another "7days" of which the 17th verse starts like this;
Acts 20:17 And from Meletus he sent to Ephesus and called the Elders together of the church. [This nodoubt would have been another Sabbath day, thus another week had passed in his journey to Jerusalem to keep Penticost. Making the 4th Sabbath in counting, leaving only 3 left to the 7th Sabbath.
#5. While here at Ephesus the Apostle Paul expressed his desire to make it to Jerusalem before Penticost.
#6. Acts 21: 1-4 we find a space of time again of "sailing on a ship" to the island of Coos, and then to Rhodes and thence to Patara and then to Phenicia and then to Cyprus, and then they sailed into Syria and landed at Tyre, A good 7 days journey to say the least by a sailing boat! Thus it would be the 5th week in counting with 2 weeks remaining of the 7 week count!
#7. Acts 21:4 says they after they landed at tyre , they stayed "7 more days, .....making the 6th week in counting..... with only 1 week left of the 7 weeks !
#8. Acts 21: 6- They took Ship again to Ptolemais, [this must have been atleast a days journey also if not more! They stayed one day and the next day departed and went to Caesarea and entered into the house of Phillip , and the 10th verse says they "tarried there " many days"! Well how long is Many days?
We find that in Pauls acount of how he spent "many days" was considered to be the same as 40 days!
#9. Here we can see clearly that "the feast of Penticost" did not come at the end of 7 weeks or 7 Sabbaths being complete, but that the count of 50 days only began at the end of the 7th Sabbath being complete, Thus Paul could spend "many days" i.e 40days, at Phillip's house before going on to Jerusalem and spending another "7 days" purifying himself and the others with him , before the actual 50th day would come, which is called "Penticost" !
So here we have the conclussion of an actural "case law of observance of the Apostle Paul of the count to Penticost measureing 7th Sabbaths, and then counting 50 days to the feast of Penticost. Thus there was no "Penticost at the end of the counting of the 7 complete Sabbaths or weeks, but only the beginning of the count of the 50 days !
Thus as already concluded, there was no continual 7th day Sabbath that was divorced from the calendar of the Moon for all Sabbaths including the 7th day sabbath was determined and identified by the phases of the Moon and its beacons of evidence in agreement with Genesis 1: 14 and Psalms 104:19 and Leviticus 23:2-3 and Exodus 16: 1-25 and others .
And thus as this begun, so it ends, There is not one place in the entire inspired scriptures where on single 7th day Sabbath was identified as a continual and seperate counting for its observance other than from the Calendar of the Moon which is respectively the 8th , 15th, 22cd and the 29th days of the Calendar of the Moon in every Month .
Shalom, Just a voice, Isaiah, Yesha-Yah

Rispondi  Messaggio 53 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 03:51





El simbolismo de la luna es muy complejo y amplio. En general representa el poder femenino, la Diosa Madre, la reina del cielo y la protección. No obstante también tiene otros significados como por ejemplo el lado oscuro y el aspecto invisible de la naturaleza; el aspecto espiritual de la luz en la oscuridad; el conocimiento interior; lo irracional, intuitivo y subjetivo. Es el ojo de la noche, el que ve todo lo que sucede en una etapa del día considerada prohibida. Tiene un papel regulador de las mareas, lluvias, aguas, inundaciones y estaciones por lo que se convierte en la mediadora entre el cielo y la tierra. La luna se relaciona también con el huevo del mundo, la matriz y el arca. Su metal correspondiente es la plata por su color y pureza. La luna se asocia con la fantasía y a la imaginación por su misterio y representación dentro de la noche, de la cual es representante.

Los símbolos más habituales que representan gráficamente a la luna son la media luna como unos cuernos de vaca (considerada “nave de luz en el mar de la noche”); las diosas lunares controlan y tejen el destino, y por esta razón a veces se la simboliza como la araña en el centro de su tela; un hombre viejo y decrépito puede simbolizar la luna menguante.



Las fases de nacimiento, crecimiento y muerte de la luna simbolizan la inmortalidad y la eternidad, la renovación perpetua; iluminación. Se utilizan como recreación periódica, es el tiempo y su medición que en un principio se realizaba por fases lunares. La luna llena significa la totalidad, la plenitud, fuerza y poder espiritual. El cuarto menguante es funeral, la luna menguante representa el aspecto siniestro y demoníaco, mientras que el cuarto creciente o la luna creciente representa la luz, el crecimiento y la regeneración. Los tres días que la luna no esta visible (luna llena) representan el descenso del dios al mundo subterráneo del que emerge, al igual que la luna (luna creciente). Estas fases, por analogía, se parecen a las estaciones anuales, a las edades del hombre (el crecimiento -infancia y juventud- y el decrecimiento -madurez y ancianidad-), de ahí nace el mito que la luna nueva, tiempo donde no está visible, corresponde en la muerte,


La luna y el sol juntos representan la perfección, el matrimonio sagrado entre el cielo y la tierra, el rey y la reina, el oro y la plata, …


  • Islámica: Representa la medida del tiempo. La media luna representa la divinidad y la soberanía. Es el símbolo del Islam y una muestra clara es su representación en las banderas de todos los países islámicos.

  • Africana: El tiempo y la muerte. Pero en algunas tribus la asocian con los arboles, y en otras significa una deidad masculina.

  • Amerindia: “La anciana que nunca muere” y “La doncella del agua”. Se relaciona con la palmera y el maíz en Sudamérica y en Norteamérica con un árbol. La luna llena se asemeja con la luz del Gran espíritu, y en algunas tribus representa un poder maligno.

  • Budista: Paz, serenidad, belleza. La luna llena y la nueva indican tiempos de fortaleza del poder espiritual. También es símbolo de unidad o del yo. La luna y las aguas juntas representan la naturaleza no obstructiva.

  • China: La esencia del principio femenino de la naturaleza, lo pasivo y transitorio pero también la inmortalidad.

  • Cristiana: La luna es la morada del arcángel Gabriel, la seguridad u pureza.

  • Egipcia: “La hacedora de la eternidad y la creadora de la duración eterna”. La media luna principalmente es la Reina del Cielo.

  • Esquimal: La luna es quien envía la nieve.

  • Hindú: La media luna representa al recién nacido impaciente por crecer.

  • Japonesa: La luna es de carácter masculino.

  • Maorí: La luna es el dios padre.

  • Oceánica: La luna es masculina y simboliza la eterna juventud.

  • Sumerio-semita: El dios masculino de la sabiduría y el medidor del tiempo.

  • Taoísta: La luna es la verdad absoluta y el ser sobrenatural.

  • Teutónica: La luna es el poder divino masculino.


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/12/2012 11:39

It should be noted that the recovery here of the ancient Egyptian stade has been made possible only very recently by the emergences of the Global Positioning System and Google Earth (see Appendix C). In other words, with data from artificial satellites and radio telemetry. The question of how the builders could position the Horizon Pyramid so very precisely without such aids belongs with that other great mystery ­­­­­– how the Horizon Pyramid was built.

The significance of the 30th Parallel in the scheme of things is that it can be geometrically constructed in cross-section, with compasses and straightedge, via a vesica piscis. The three-dimensional analog of the vesica is formed by the overlapping of two equal spheres such that the centre of one lies on the surface of the other, with the 30th Parallel occurring along the intersection of the surfaces.

Figure 3-19. Vesica Piscis And 30th Parallel

From here on the latitudes of the apex of the Horizon Pyramid, of the radius of exactly 3⅔ Lunar radii and of the most northerly overhead Moon will be treated as identities of the 30th Parallel. Furthermore, Moon and Earth will be treated as reference spheres whose radii are in the ratio 3:11. And π will be evaluated at 22/7, for by doing all of these things a series of remarkable coincidences will be encountered.

Figure 3-20. Earth, Moon And Horizon Pyramid

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/12/2012 11:36

When the disk of the Moon is also enclosed in a square, the first such coincidence is the appearance of Pythagorean {3-4-5} triangles in the geometrical construction resulting from its juxtaposition with the disk of the Earth.

Figure 3-21. Earth, Moon And {3-4-5} Triangles

Extending the construction to form a cross-section of the Grand Pyramid, the lengths of the component lines must be multiplied up, in this case by 12 (the sum of 3, 4 and 5), in order to continue expressing them all as whole numbers. This gives a unit exactly equal to 60 English miles, 60 being the product of 3, 4 and 5. Put another way, if the modulus of the diagram shown in Figure 3-22, equal to 1/132nd of the diameter of the Terrestrial reference sphere, the Grand span, is subdivided by the product of 3, 4 and 5 then the result is a unit of length which is exactly equal to a modern English or U.S. mile.

Figure 3-22. Earth, Moon And Grand Pyramid

In terms of the Grand span derived in Figure 3-22, the combined diameters of the Terrestrial and Lunar reference spheres is 168. That is also the number of hours in each and every week. Just as the Grand span is exactly divisible into 60 English miles, so the hour is divided into 60 minutes and the number of minutes in every seven-day period is exactly 10,080. Seven days is very roughly the period of a single Lunar quarter.

Figure 3-23. The Seven Days of The World

The radius of the large circle whose circumference is equal to the perimeter of the square around the Earth, taking π (pi) to be 22/7, is 5,040 miles. 5,040 is the product of all the numbers from 1 to 7, written 7! and is known as the factorial of seven.

5,040 = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 = 7!

The modulus of the diagram shown in Figure 3-21 is 720 miles. 720 is the factorial of six.

720 = 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 = 6!

The circumference of the large circle, again taking π = 22/7, is exactly 528 Grand spans, or 31,680 miles, and this is of course equal in length to the perimeter of the square around the Earth, the base of the virtual cosmic Horizon Pyramid whose height is equal to the combined radii of Earth and Moon, or 5,040 miles.

Figure 3-24. Abhisambodhi Vairocana Mandala (Tibet, 14th Century)

Rispondi  Messaggio 54 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:02
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/12/2012 13:11

Vesica piscis

Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ




La vesica piscis (vejiga de pez en latín) es un símbolo hecho con dos círculos del mismo radio que se intersecan de manera que el centro de cada círculo está en la circunferencia del otro. Esta forma se denomina también mandorla (que significa "almendra" en italiano).

Era un símbolo conocido en las antiguas civilizaciones de Mesopotamia, África y Asia.
C.C. Catch

Biología Animal: el ojo de los gatos

Publicado el Dic 21, 2011(5) Comentarios


A diferencia de los humanos, los felinos y más precisamente los gatos domésticos cuentan con ojos que pueden ver casi en lo que nosotros percibimos como plena oscuridad. Cómo ven los gatos y algunas preguntas más serán respondidas hoy en OjoCientífico.

Gatos y humanos

Es verdad que los gatos pueden ver mejor durante la noche que los humanos, pero sucede totalmente por el contrario durante las horas de sol.

Esta cualidad de poder ver mejor en la oscuridad es compartida por varios animales entre ellos los perros. Esto se debe a que estos animales cuentan con un tapetum lucidum, esto es un tejido que se ubica en la parte posterior de los ojos de los animales.


El tapetum lucidum hace que el ojo absorba mucha más luz antes de llegar a la retina. De esta manera con menos luz ellos pueden ver mejor porque igualmente más luz está entrando en su retina.

Por otra parte como dijimos estos cuentan con peor visión durante el día, teniendo así un umbral de detección de luz siete veces menor que las personas, el tapetum lucidum también es el culpable de esto ya que por permitir mayor iluminación debe limitar la calidad de la visión durante períodos de mucha luz.



Durante las horas de luz el gato cierra constantemente su iris de esta manera consigue una mejor y más fina profundidad de campo.

Con profundidad de campo nos referimos al espectro nítido de visión. Si ustedes ponen un dedo al frente suyo podrán ver que pueden enfocar su vista hacia el dedo o hacia el fondo, eso es controlar la profundidad de campo de la vista.

Los gatos son animales depredadores, por esta razón al igual que el resto de los depredadores estos cuentan con los ojos al frente de la cabeza. De esta manera pierden un amplio espectro de visión hacia los lados, pero ganan visión en profundidad, para así poder cazar mejor.


Los felinos cuentan con una banda central dentro del ojo llamada raya visual. Gracias a esta raya estos pueden distinguir cierta cantidad de colores, pero no todos.

Entre los colores que pueden distinguir encontramos:

  • tonos verdosos
  • azul
  • celeste

Sin embargo se cree que no pueden ver los colores con mucha definición, y solamente pueden percibirlos a corta distancia.

Otra característica de la visión gatuna es su amplitud de vista. Estos cuentan con una amplitud visual de unos 200º (grados). Por otro lado los humanos contamos con un rango aproximado de 180º. Aunque esto no parezca mucho, lo es.

La membrana nictitante es un párpado extra con el que cuentan algunos animales incluyendo los gatos. Este párpado extra sirve como protección, tanto para bacterias como para posibles amenazas mayores.
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/12/2012 19:09
Juan 1

Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy (NBLH)


1 El anciano a la señora escogida (elegida) y a sus hijos, a quienes amo en verdad, y no sólo yo, sino también todos los que conocen la verdad, 2 a causa de la verdad que permanece en nosotros y que estará con nosotros para siempre: 3 La gracia, la misericordia, y la paz estarán con nosotros, de Dios el Padre y de Jesucristo, Hijo del Padre, en verdad y amor.


Rispondi  Messaggio 55 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:13




    When molten sulphur is cooled, it solidifies into monoclinic sulphur. Sublimate of sulphur is called ‘flower of sulphur’. When sulphur is obtained by a chemical reaction as precipitate it is called ‘milk of sulphur’. These are made up of rhombic sulphur. Scientists have discovered many more allotropes of sulphur under different conditions.

    All of them get transformed into rhombic sulphur at room temperature.

    Sulphur has catenating power. It forms strong S-S covalent bonds. This results in formation of Sg molecules. Sg molecules have a shape of a crown like ring (Fig. 1.5). Both, rhombic and monoclinic sulphur contain S8 rings. At high temperatures smaller molecules like Sg, S4, S2, S also exist.

Rhombic sulfur and the unfinished pyramid

Kether the Crown of the Kabbalah

Sulfur or sulphur (play /ˈsʌlfər/ SUL-fər; see spelling below) is the chemical elementwith atomic number 16, represented by the symbol S. It is an abundant, multivalentnon-metal. At normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with chemical formula S8. Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow crystalline solid. Chemically, sulfur can react as either an oxidant orreducing agent. It oxidizes most metals and several nonmetals, including carbon, which leads to its negatives charge in mostorganosulfur compounds, but it reduces several strong oxidants, such as oxygenand fluorine.

In nature, sulfur can be found as the pure element and as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Elemental sulfur crystals are commonly sought after by mineral collectors for their brightly colored polyhedron shapes. Being abundant in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times, mentioned for its uses inancient Greece, China and Egypt.

St Peters Square Vatican octagonal division
Mount temple top view
Mount temple fron view
Orpheus ceiling

Rhombic dodecahedron

The rhombic dodecahedron can be used to tessellate 3-dimensional space. It can be stacked to fill a space much like hexagons fill a plane.

This tessellation can be seen as the Voronoi tessellation of theface-centred cubic lattice. Some minerals such as garnet form a rhombic dodecahedral crystal habit. Honeybees use the geometry of rhombic dodecahedra to form honeycomb from a tessellation of cells each of which is a hexagonal prism capped with half a rhombic dodecahedron. The rhombic dodecahedron also appears in the unit cells of diamond and diamondoids. In these cases, four vertices are absent, but the chemical bonds lie on the remaining edges

Honey comb

Copper sulfate crystal

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the hull of the vertex-first projection of a tesseract to 3 dimensions. There are exactly two ways of decomposing a rhombic dodecahedron into 4 congruent parallelepipeds, giving 8 possible parallelepipeds. The 8 cells of the tesseract under this projection map precisely to these 8 parallelepipeds.

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the maximal cross-section of a 24-cell, and also forms the hull of its vertex-first parallel projection into 3 dimensions. The rhombic dodecahedron can be decomposed into 6 congruent (but non-regular) square dipyramids meeting at a single vertex in the center; these form the images of 6 pairs of the 24-cell’s octahedral cells. The remaining 12 octahedral cells project onto the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron. The non-regularity of these images are due to projective distortion; the facets of the 24-cell are regular octahedra in 4-space.

This decomposition gives an interesting method for constructing the rhombic dodecahedron: cut a cube into 6 congruent square pyramids, and attach them to the faces of a second cube. The triangular faces of each pair of adjacent pyramids lie on the same plane, and so merge into rhombuses. The 24-cell may also be constructed in an analogous way using two tesseracts.

The tesseract represents 4 th dimension and is the projection or shadow of the rhombic dodecahedron

A 3D projection of an 8-cell performing adouble rotation about two orthogonal planes

1111 familiar ?

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the convex hull of the tesseracts vertex-first parallel-projection. The number of vertices in the layers of this projection is 1 4 6 4 1 – the fourth row in Pascal’s triangle.

Pascal triangle

Each number in the triangle is the sum of the two directly above it.

Patterns and properties

Pascal’s triangle has many properties and contains many patterns of numbers.


  • When adding all the digits in a single row, each successive row has twice the value of the row preceding it. For example, row 1 has a value of 1, row 2 has a value of 2, row 3 has a value of 4, and so forth.
  • The value of a row, if each entry is considered a decimal place (and numbers larger than 9 carried over accordingly) is a power of 11 ( 11n, for row n). Thus, in row two, ’1,2,1′ becomes 112, while ’1,5,10,10,5,1′ in row six becomes (after carrying) 161,051, which is 115. This property is explained by setting x = ’10′ in the binomial expansion of (x + 1)row=n, and adjusting values to the decimal system. But x can be chosen to allow rows to represent values in any base – such as base 3; 1 2 13['1,2,1'] = 42 (16), 2 1 0 13 ['1,3,3,1'] = 43 (64) – or base 9; 1 2 19 = 102 (100), 1 3 3 19 = 103 (1000) and 1 6 2 1 5 19 ['1,5,10,10,5,1'] = 105 (100,000). In particular (see next property), for x = 1 place value remains constant(1place=1). Thus entries can simply be added in interpreting the value of a row.
  • The sum of the elements of row m is equal to 2m−1. For example, the sum of the elements of row 5 is 1 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 16, which is equal to 24 = 16. This follows from the binomial theorem proved above, applied to (1 + 1)m−1.
  • If rows are numbered starting with n = 0, the sum of the elements in the row is simply 2n, so row 0 adds to 20 = 1, row 1 adds to 21 = 2, etc.
  • Some of the numbers in Pascal’s triangle correlate to numbers in Lozanić’s triangle.
  • The sum of the squares of the elements of row m equals the middle element of row (2m − 1). For example, 12 + 42 + 62 + 42 + 12 = 70. In general form:
sum_{k=0}^n {n choose k}^2 = {2n choose n}.
  • Another interesting pattern is that on any row m, wherem is odd, the middle term minus the term two spots to the left equals a Catalan number, specifically the (m + 1)/2 Catalan number. For example: on row 5, 6 − 1 = 5, which is the 3rd Catalan number, and (5 + 1)/2 = 3.
  • Another interesting property of Pascal’s triangle is that in rows where the second number (immediately following ’1′) is prime, all the terms in that row except the 1s are multiples of that prime.
Square dipyramids or octahedron
    A particularly popular polyhedron is the pyramid. If we restrict ourselves to regular polygons for faces, there are three possible pyramids: the triangle-based tetrahedron, the square pyramid, and the pentagonal pyramid. Being bounded by regular polygons, these last two fall within the class of Johnson solids. One interesting property of pyramids is that like the tetrahedron, their duals are also pyramids. (Incidentally, the Egyptian pyramids have square bases but the triangular side faces are not quite equilateral; they are very close to half a golden rhombus.)

Louvre Pyramid and rhombic sulfur
Everything is Connected and there are no
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/12/2012 22:49
Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA. (22:1+6 O 22/7=3.14=PI/PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/MARY)

Plate 13: Artist's impression (courtesy : Ano Cero © )

Had the placing of the capstone ceremony taken place, the whole event would have been a spectacular "reunion" of Sirius and its symbol to mark the new year. For as seen from the north face of the Great Pyramid and in alignment with the North-South axis (i.e. along the meridian), the star Sirius would appear to hover on top of the summit of the pyramid at precisely midnight on the 31st December, as if to urge us that its principal symbol, the golden capstone, has been missing for far too long. In many esoteric traditions the capstone of the Great Pyramid, and more especially its return to the summit of the Great Pyramid, will signal the return of the 'great initiate' which, according to some prophecies, such as those of Edgar Cayce, signifies the return of the Christ. Many have argued that the true start of the new millennium is, in fact, 31st December 2000. If so, then the Egyptian authorities still have another opportunity to perform this powerful and evoking ceremony. What better signal than the ancient star of 'divine rebirth' seen hovering over the golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza to symbolise the start of a new spiritual age for Humankind.

Plate 13: Sirius A and its "companion" Sirius B (the small spot to the left)


Rispondi  Messaggio 56 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:27
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Verse # = 71 | Words = 15 | Letters = 61
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
And I will put שית 710
enmity איבה 18
between thee and the woman, אשה 306
and between thy seed זרע 277
and her seed; זרע 277
it shall bruise שוף 386
thy head, ראש 501
and thou shalt bruise שוף 386
his heel. עקב 172
Total = 4266
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ואיבה 24
אשית 711
בינך 82
ובין 68
האשה 311
ובין 68
זרעך 297
ובין 68
זרעה 282
הוא 12
ישופך 416
ראש 501
ואתה 412
תשופנו 842
עקב 172

Rispondi  Messaggio 57 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:35

Noah's Calendar

Conventional wisdom has long held that the Babylonians were among the first to use a 360-day 12 month calendar, but the Biblical record shows a different scenario. This study will reveal the record of the Biblical Patriarch Noah using this 360-day calendar prior to the great flood. Since Noah and his family were the only human survivors to live after the flood, all men can trace their genetic roots to his family. Thus the many cultural records of the great deluge found in ancient myths and archaeological records, obviously were written down after the flood, and would have followed Noah and his descendants. Noah is a key Biblical Patriarch because he represents the transition between the pre-flood and the post-flood world. Thus all the systems of Biblical timekeeping that we have already documented in the article on The Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, going back to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, after the flood, including the coordination of the luni-solar year, the year divided into 12 months of 30 days, giving a 360-day year relating to the 360 degrees of the circle, all are traceable back to Noah's day. Thus, the calendrical practices of the Biblical Patriarchs are summarized in Noah, combining the Lunar, Solar and Sidereal years in his standards of timekeeping. Since Noah was already 600 years old when the flood waters descended upon Earth [Gen. 7:6], Noah continued the use of his calendar leading up to and during the 120-year period (120 x 3= 360) wherein he built the Ark. The construction of the ark was according to God's revealed plan, which follows a consistent divine pattern, the same tripartite pattern found in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of David and Solomon. Before we provide the evidence for Noah's 360-day calendar, let's review some additional evidence for the calendar based on the star Sirius.
We have already documented the recognition of the star Sirius or Sothic Calendar in the Book of Job [Job 38:12-15], as the oldest book in Biblical Canon and the only book of the Bible specifically addressed to the time period known as the Patriarchal Administration, [see our Timeline]. Historically, the Sothic Calendar first appears in ancient Egypt as the earliest 365-day calendar in history. One detail to notice here is that every 4 years the 365-day calendar falls behind the 365.25-day calendar, which is where our modern practice of the "leap year" comes in to correct this problem. Thus, every 4 years (365 x 4 = 1460 days) a leap-day was added to keep the coordination of the calendar in place. Job tells us that these calendrical practices were already in place among the Biblical Patriarchs, as part and parcel of their standard practices in Astronomy and timekeeping, which God first revealed to Adam.

Job 38:31-33
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

Job's reference to the Mazzaroth above, refers to the entire zodiac of 12 signs, applied also by the Biblical Patriarchs. Among some of the earliest overt astronomical references in all of Scripture, these verses are important aspects of the ordinances of heaven, or "statutes from the Creator as laws of Nature that were permanently binding." The universal influence of the 365-day calendar and the division of the zodiac circle into 12 equal sections of 30-days each, represent two indispensible innovations in the history of Astronomy forming a foundation upon which the rest of ancient Astronomy and timekeeping were built. Thus the Biblical records of Job based on Noah, establish the advanced astronomical practice of the Biblical Patriarchs, providing a basis from which the roots of ancient and studies in can be traced in their true context. Noah's Covenant with God took place after his family came out of the ark, and included the first burnt offerings on the altar that Noah built [Gen. 8:20-22]. This initial and unconditional Covenant not only re-established the major elements of Jehovah's Covenant with Adam, but also set a divine standard established later in the Old Testament Law, which was carried out in the ministry of the Tabernacle and Temple. The common tripartite pattern seen in God's divine design of Noah's Ark, the Temple and Tabernacle, exhibits the Creator's of His temporal order of sacred , that He first revealed to the Biblical Patriarchs. We are not speaking here of the modern politically correct version of that refuses to admit that God is the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent power behind all Creation. On the contrary, God is the only One Who is capable and wise enough to design His Creation with the consistent themes of phi running through all levels of His Four Kingdoms of Life and His temporal order in Nature, witnessing to His dominion.
With Noah and his family preserved in the Ark, as the Biblical progenitors of human ancestry after the flood, we see his calendrical practices going back as far as the early 3rd millennium BC. On the other hand, the accepted historical record of the post-flood world does not put a 12 month, 30-day calendar in Babylon until around 1000 BC, and the final recognition of the 12 signs of a complete until around 500 BC. For the most part, this is based on the work of the late historian of ancient astronomy, Willy Hartner of Frankfurt University, who concluded that the transition from the Old-Avestan calendar to the Young-Avestan Calendar occurred on March 21st, 503 BC. This "Young-Avestan calendar consisted of 12 months, each of 30 days, except the eighth month which was 35 days." 1 Although Hartner's research provides historical evidence that the 12 month, 365- day calendar was in use in Babylon by this time, it does not prove that this was the first time it was used in history. One purpose of this Biblical study is to provide some strong evidence that the astronomer-priests of Sumer-Babylon were not the originators of this innovation in ancient timekeeping, but that in fact it originated with the Biblical Patriarchs.
AstronomyArchaeo-AstronomyIntelligent DesignSpace-TimeIntelligent DesignSymmetryzodiac

As we take a detailed look at the record of Noah's flood in Genesis 7, the first thing that requires our attention is the septenary pattern of the temporal record. In verse 4, God tells Noah that the flood rains were going to begin in seven days... From the very start of the events of the Creation Week, God had ordered temporal things according to a week of seven days. There is no historical precedent for a 7-day week in history that cannot be traced back to what the Creator instituted in the Creation Week [Ex. 31:15-16]. Thus the Sabbatical year founded upon this standard [Levi. 25:8], has continued through all sacred and secular calendars that followed, not only in Israel, but around the world. In Noah's Calendar the recorded dates of the flood in Genesis 7-8 are all Sabbaths, with one exception which we will discuss presently.

Genesis 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is the first time the word "month" is used in the Bible, upon which the Lunar Monthwas founded in Israel. The first day of the New Moon was considered holy, and was associated with the weekly sabbath, and was usually first visible near sunset. This also explains why the day began at sunset in Hebrew timekeeping. The New Moon that began every month [Num. 28:11], especially in the holiest seventh month [Num. 29:1], were special days of sacrifice and offerings to the Lord, which were enshrined throughout the Old Testament Law in the Tabernacle and Temple of Israel. In keeping with this septenary pattern of God's temporal order, the seven sabbaths of years became 49 years, leading unto the 50th year of the Jubilee [Levi. 25:8-13]. As we have seen already the luni-solar year was harmonized according to the 50-year Jubilee via the phi ratio, with 618 lunations in each 50-year cycle. This harmony of the luni-solar year allowed a predictive capability pertaining to the eclipse cycle, which was terrifying to the ancient cultures based on divination, but not to the Biblical Patriarchs, for whom divination was forbidden by God. Instead these men of God reaped the benefits of honoring the Creator for His Handiwork, and enjoyed the precision by which He set the celestial orbs in their paths, as a witness to His glory. It should be noted that man has continued to struggle with this coordination of the Solar and Lunar Cycles throughout the rest of the history of human timekeeping, and it remains a problem even into modern times. Due to the evolutionary bias in modern science, most researchers have not been willing to give the Creator His due when it comes to recognizing His Intelligent Design of these elements of Creation, along with the ordinances of Heaven that rule on Earth. Their preference has been to choose to continue chasing their theoretical tails in the scientific and social circles that they frequent, so they can take credit for their scientific "discoveries," and keep those reseach dollars flowing. As has been documented in Ben Stien's recent film "Expelled," any researcher or educator who even mentions the words Intelligent Design has been blackballed by the evolutionary thought police, and many times lost their tenure and professional teaching positions as a result. This is the same social environment, influenced by athieism that has prohibited God from being mentioned in the classroom, and called into question the very idea of American politicians opening their deliberations with prayer.
It has always been a recognition and honoring of the Creator that provided the impetus of the Natural Law approach to Astronomy, whose influence was key in the development of a predictive mathematical Astronomy that far exceeds any Astrology carried out by the ancient heathen idolators. Their divination only served to degrade the original truth of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs, which accounts for the roots of the world monomyth. For additional information and further evidence of this corruption based on Astrology, please refer to our study on Biblical Astronomy vs. Astrology, including the section on "The Corrupted Constellations," which will give specific cases where the astrological practices of divination changed the original meaning the Creator attached to specific star pictures. [Ps. 147:4]
We should also take note that the specific calendar days marked in the Biblical record of the flood, were later enshrined as holy days in the Old Testament Law. The months of the year were designated by number, 3 of them in this record [2nd, Gen. 7:11, 7th, Gen. 8:4, 10th, Gen. 8:5]. Most of the other numbered months are named in the Penteteuch, which confirms that Noah was working with the same Mazzaroth Job was; an entire zodiac of 12, 30-day months, as implied in the 360 degrees of the circle linked to the 360 days of this calendar. These twelve months were not named in Israel until after the Babylonian captivity, centuries later. This tropical zodiacalso incorporates a practical knowledge of the pi ratio at work in Noah's calendar, long before it was ever considered in ancient Astrology or celestial science. More importantly, it gives us a decisive glimpse of the mathematical sophistication inherent in this Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, without doubt revealed by God, not motivated by divination, but the Revelatory Astronomy disclosed to these ancient Patriarchs, long prior to the development of any celestial science in ancient Mesopotamia. The origins of the mathematical standards of a Sexegesimal place-value notation are also evident in this system revealed by the Creator, based on the dual solar year of both its annual and precessional cycles. The great cycle of the precession of the equinoxes framed by the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycle, provides a window on this Sexegesimal Rhythm of precession, that was the basis of every major celestial calendar of the ancient world. The 12 months of 30-days in the 360 day-year of Noah's Calendar, all multiples of 60, provide values where each degree of time was equal to 1/360 of a day, or 4 minutes. This gives us the 60 second-minute, the 60-minute-hour, and the (6 x 60) 360-degree circle, all of which we still use in the modern world. This place-value notation system afforded all kinds of mathematical calculations from algebra to linear and quadratic equations, which Otto Neugebauer says: "became the foundation of a theoretical of mathematical character,Astronomy"2 the ancestor of modern scientific Astronomy.

Genesis 7:24
And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.

According to the calendar of 12 months with 30 days each, utilized by Noah, this 150 day period consisted of 5 months. This is established in Gen. 8:3b, which states: "and after the end of the one hundred and fifty days the waters were abated." If we add these 5 months to the second month mentioned in 7:11, we come to the seventh month.

Genesis 8:4-5
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops [rosh; H7218] of the mountains seen.

From the 17th day of the 2nd month, to the 17th of the 7th month is exactly 5 months, in the 12 month, 30-day calendar. The Hebrew word for the "tops" of the mountains in verse 5: "rosh" [H7218]2 in the context of Noah's calendar, is also rendered "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 and 15, in reference to the star Sirius, in The Revised English Bible.3 The ancients many times used the mountain ranges set against their horizon, as a reference point to orient themselves regarding the seasonal positions of the stars, Sun and Moon in their cycles. Archaeo-Astronomy notes a rich history of this practice in ancient cultures of the world and this could be very early evidence, perhaps even of the origins of this practice with the Biblical Patriarchs. This would also have associated the only star that provides a 365.25-day calendar, that also happens to be the brightest star in the heavens, with the highest mountain peaks where the Ark came to rest. If this is evidence of Noah's wisdom regarding the recognition of the Sirius or Sothic Calendar as it became known in ancient Egypt, it gives us an initial glimpse that the Biblical Patriarchs kept both of these calendars at the same time, as part of their harmonized luni-solar year. This also agrees with the Creator's purpose for the celestial lights stated in Genesis 1:14-17, to shed light upon the earth, in relation to the timekeeping of weeks, days and years. The luni-solar harmony based on the phi ratio [1.618...] which contains 618 lunations in every 50-year Jubilee cycle, exhibits the divine signature of the Creator's handiwork, as the "Source of life" throughout all levels of His Creation. This is why we also find the phi ratio or the divine proportion, so ubiquitously in all levels of the Kingdoms of Life in Nature. The phi ratio is the master pattern of all growth life on earth, as various life forms progress through succeeding geometric stages of life development.

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:47
This is God's way of illustrating His Intelligent Design of Creation. We find common elements of this temporal harmony in the 50-year Jubilee, preserved in the Old Testament Law, coinciding with the 50-year cycle of "Sirius A" with "Sirius B,," the White Dwarf companion of the Dog-star. The beauty and precision of the original pattern of the Creator's divine design of the heavens was clearly corrupted in Babylonian Astrology, witnessed in how the Babylonians later employed with their partial zodiac of normal stars, with elements of their sidereal year. Their normal stars were a group of 31 stars that appear in early cuneiform texts as reference points for planetary positions in Babylonian divinatory Astrology. Added to what we have found here in Genesis 8:5, in reference to the middle-east's highest mountain peaks, rosh [H7218] also occurs in the Biblical context of the summit of the ziggurat or Tower of Babel [Gen. 11:4], and the "cheif cornerstone" [Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20].
The blueprint of Noah's 360-day calendar was carried forward with the builders of the Tower of Babel, not in the original sense of spreading the message of mankind's Coming Redeemer, written in the celestial gospel, but in an idolatrous sense which began to mix in their idolatrous practices of Astrology with the original Astronomy of these Patriarchs, not honoring the true God. This is a major reason that they incurred God's judgement of the confusion of tongues at Babel, because this early attempt at a one-world government motivated by Nimrod, outside of Godly standards and opposed to Godly purposes, just had too much of an advantage going for it. Thus God took action to prevent it. You would think these people would learn that ultimately, it does not pay to oppose the Creator and His divine purpose, it only shows the extent to which "the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not," [II Cor. 4:4]. Still, we find that many aspects of the original truth in the celestial gospel, were carried forward in a mathematical and geometric context, found in these Babylonian, Mexican and Egyptian temple-towers or "step pyramids," like the one found at Saqqara in ancient Egypt, built according to a septenary pattern. Below is an example of the Mayan Pyramids, like Quetzalcoatl's Pyramid, that incorporated a model regulated on the dimensions of the Earth, even as the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.
According to H.G. Wood: "the ziggurat of Jupiter Belus at Babylon had an ideal basis in the number 360. He describes a 7-staged pyramid in which each of the six upper stages is 360 inches shorter than the one next below it: the base side was 3,600 inches, and the total height of the structure was 3,600 inches. Wood therefore concludes that: the entire system of ancient Babylonian metrology appears to have been derived from 360 x 360 x 100 or, 12,960,000."4

This numerical total (12,960,000) happens to be half the length of solar years in the precession of the equinoxes showing the precessional basis of timekeeping as an ancient temporal standard related to Noah's calendar. This perfect template of the cosmic order is based on the beauty of the precessional pattern, as seen in the sun’s trajectory through it’s annual course, where it "dwells" in each of the 12 houses of the zodiac for one month. The Sun moves in its circuit at a rate of 12 miles per second or 43,200 miles per hour (1/3 of 1,296,000) carrying its train of planets in our solar system, and shedding its light upon the earth within the boundary lines of the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. As the Sun illuminates the earth for twelve hours each day; (43,200 seconds), and since there are 86,400 seconds in each 24-hour day, we find the earth moving through 1,296,000 seconds of arc every 24 hours. It is also interesting to note that the diameter of the sun is 86,400 miles, thus the time it takes for the sun’s light to cover the space of the earth’s surface relates to it’s own diameter. We can find the consistency of this divine rule of light, or the Creator’s DNA, at every level of the temporal and physical order, marking & dividing the seasons, days and years [Gen. 1:14-18]. Also, this shows that the builders of the Great Pyramid were intimately aware of this divine standard, since they modeled the earth’s northern hemisphere on a [1/43,200] scale, upon which the Pyramid represents the exact dimensions of the Earth, long before they were rediscovered by modern science. When we divide the sun’s orbital speed of 43,200 mph, by the 12 houses of the ecliptic, we get 3600, or the number of arc-minutes in a solar day. This matches the 36 decans of the zodiac’s 360 degrees, the same celestial and numeric standard manifested at increasing powers of 10, showing the Creator's signature of Symmetry throughout His Creation. The sun’s orbital speed; of 43,200 mph, is also 10% of half of its circumference in miles (864,000 miles or 2/3 of 12,960,000). This is undeniably the signature of the divine Hand of the Creator, or the Great Geometer as the Pythagoreans called Him, exhibiting the dominion of His divine measure of Light, His own essence ruling over all kingdoms of terrestrial and temporal life. [John 1:3-4]

These mathematical principles survived in the Astronomy of ancient Mesopotamia which formed the basis of their advanced practices in celestial science, but with the adulteration of their practices in Astrology over time, they wandered further away from their true origins. As the floodwaters continued to abate so that the peaks or tops of the mountains were visible, on the first day of the tenth month, this according to Bullinger, was the only recorded flood date that is not a sabbath.
In ancient Egypt where the Sothic Calendar was based on the star Sirius, coordinated the first day of the sidereal year in harmony with the first day of the lunar year and the New Years Day of the solar year, that also marked the annual flooding of the Nile. But due to the 365-day Egyptian Civil Year losing a day every 4 years (365 x 4=1460 days) against the 365.25-day Sirius calendar (1461 days), it actually took 1461 years for the Egyptian Civil Year to return in synch with the Sirius cycle's realignment on New Year's Day. Here we can see a year-day relation between the 1461 days of the Sirius calendar and the 1461 years it took the Egyptian civil calendar to realign with Sirius on New Year's Day. There are Biblical prophecy precedents for this day-year correspondence [Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:4-6] which relate directly to the 40-year cycle, which itself contains 14,610 days, (1461 x 10). We have pointed out the significance of this 40-year generational cycle previously relating to Noah's period in building the Ark (40 x 3 = 120) along with the correlations to Moses leading the Children of Israel through the wilderness for 40 years, during the third 40 year segment of his own life of 120 years. We have also recognized the relation of this 120-year period (120 x 3 = 360) to Noah's Calendar. Again, this is evidence of the Creator's consistent pattern of symmetrical Intelligent Design throughout multiple levels of Creation, that collectively become an undeniable and overwhelming cascade of truth, exhibiting His Divine Omniscience. This is far beyond man's ability to fully comprehend, we can only point to its perfection and give honor and glory where its due, to the Only One capable of putting it All together-The Almighty God.

There were similar calendrical observances in ancient Babylon. Lets take time to closely inspect one of these rituals in ancient Babylon and note some of the important parallels between the mythology of ancient Egypt and Babylon, and the Biblical record. The creation myth in ancient Babylon was called the Enuma elish. It records the victory of their god Marduk, over the chaos of the underworld and his subsequent ordering of the Babylonian cosmos. Their ritual for the New Year occurred at the equinox either in the spring or the fall. This ceremony at the entering of the New Year was called akitu and it lasted 11 days, which is interesting in light of the fact that there is an 11-day gap between their 354-day lunar year and the 365-day solar year, which would have harmonized the luni-solar cycle, ushering the New Year. This 11-day gap expanded to 7 months over the 19-year lunar saros, and 235 full moons of the Metonic Cycle. According to E.C. Krupp:

"In the first three days of the ceremony, Marduk was symbolically confined in what texts call 'the Mountain.' For three days Marduk remains in the underworld, a realm of chaos and the dead. The term "Mountain" also refers to the tall, multi-leveled temple-towers (or ziggurats) the Mesopotamians built of clay bricks on the flat flood plain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is possible that this point in the ceremony was connected in some way with the ziggurat. On the Fourth day of the akitu, the Enuma elish was repeated, and this activity, accompanied perhaps by others, brought Marduk back to life and allowed him to emerge from the Mountain, or the underworld...Marduk's emergence from the mountain at the equinox and New Year, in any case, represents the creation of the world order. Krupp continues his statment: "By staging this myth in ritual terms at the turning point of the seasons and the year, the Babylonians recognized their cyclic nature of the world. The end of each year is a reentry into the time before the creation of the world. The previous world must break down before it is refabricated, and that is why Marduk is imprisoned and slain in the Mountain."5 [emphasis mine]

This scenario is most likely recalled in a cylinder seal from the Akkadian period [2360-2180 BC.] shown below. Here the Babylonian sun-god Shemesh (with a saw in his hand)appears at dawn, marked between the mountain peaks on the horizon.6 The idea of this equinox sunrise at New Years is conveyed by the two-faced figure at the far right, an early representation of the Roman god Janus, whose two faces facing in opposite directions, symbolize one view of the going out of the year just passed, while the other face greets the coming New Year. The ancient Chaldeans actually attribute their astronomical knowledge to Noah, who was also known by the name Janus/Oannes, as the inventor of Astronomy. In these traditions Noah became a "two faced" diety since he could look both backwards and forwards via his astronomical expertise, and the truth that he and his family were the only ones who lived on the other side of the great flood.. This depicts how the Biblical Patriarchs themselves were diefied by the ancient heathen cultures of the middle east because Janus, as a corrupted form of Noah, was seen as a solar diety, like Shemesh. The Chaldean "Epic of Gilgamesh" is only one example of this traditional corruption, as witnessed in the Akkadian cylinder seal below.

Rispondi  Messaggio 59 di 209 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 22/04/2015 04:53

Noah's Calendar

Conventional wisdom has long held that the Babylonians were among the first to use a 360-day 12 month calendar, but the Biblical record shows a different scenario. This study will reveal the record of the Biblical Patriarch Noah using this 360-day calendar prior to the great flood. Since Noah and his family were the only human survivors to live after the flood, all men can trace their genetic roots to his family. Thus the many cultural records of the great deluge found in ancient myths and archaeological records, obviously were written down after the flood, and would have followed Noah and his descendants. Noah is a key Biblical Patriarch because he represents the transition between the pre-flood and the post-flood world. Thus all the systems of Biblical timekeeping that we have already documented in the article on The Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, going back to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, after the flood, including the coordination of the luni-solar year, the year divided into 12 months of 30 days, giving a 360-day year relating to the 360 degrees of the circle, all are traceable back to Noah's day. Thus, the calendrical practices of the Biblical Patriarchs are summarized in Noah, combining the Lunar, Solar and Sidereal years in his standards of timekeeping. Since Noah was already 600 years old when the flood waters descended upon Earth [Gen. 7:6], Noah continued the use of his calendar leading up to and during the 120-year period (120 x 3= 360) wherein he built the Ark. The construction of the ark was according to God's revealed plan, which follows a consistent divine pattern, the same tripartite pattern found in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of David and Solomon. Before we provide the evidence for Noah's 360-day calendar, let's review some additional evidence for the calendar based on the star Sirius.
We have already documented the recognition of the star Sirius or Sothic Calendar in the Book of Job [Job 38:12-15], as the oldest book in Biblical Canon and the only book of the Bible specifically addressed to the time period known as the Patriarchal Administration, [see our Timeline]. Historically, the Sothic Calendar first appears in ancient Egypt as the earliest 365-day calendar in history. One detail to notice here is that every 4 years the 365-day calendar falls behind the 365.25-day calendar, which is where our modern practice of the "leap year" comes in to correct this problem. Thus, every 4 years (365 x 4 = 1460 days) a leap-day was added to keep the coordination of the calendar in place. Job tells us that these calendrical practices were already in place among the Biblical Patriarchs, as part and parcel of their standard practices in Astronomy and timekeeping, which God first revealed to Adam.

Job 38:31-33
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?

Job's reference to the Mazzaroth above, refers to the entire zodiac of 12 signs, applied also by the Biblical Patriarchs. Among some of the earliest overt astronomical references in all of Scripture, these verses are important aspects of the ordinances of heaven, or "statutes from the Creator as laws of Nature that were permanently binding." The universal influence of the 365-day calendar and the division of the zodiac circle into 12 equal sections of 30-days each, represent two indispensible innovations in the history of Astronomy forming a foundation upon which the rest of ancient Astronomy and timekeeping were built. Thus the Biblical records of Job based on Noah, establish the advanced astronomical practice of the Biblical Patriarchs, providing a basis from which the roots of ancient and studies in can be traced in their true context. Noah's Covenant with God took place after his family came out of the ark, and included the first burnt offerings on the altar that Noah built [Gen. 8:20-22]. This initial and unconditional Covenant not only re-established the major elements of Jehovah's Covenant with Adam, but also set a divine standard established later in the Old Testament Law, which was carried out in the ministry of the Tabernacle and Temple. The common tripartite pattern seen in God's divine design of Noah's Ark, the Temple and Tabernacle, exhibits the Creator's of His temporal order of sacred , that He first revealed to the Biblical Patriarchs. We are not speaking here of the modern politically correct version of that refuses to admit that God is the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent power behind all Creation. On the contrary, God is the only One Who is capable and wise enough to design His Creation with the consistent themes of phi running through all levels of His Four Kingdoms of Life and His temporal order in Nature, witnessing to His dominion.
With Noah and his family preserved in the Ark, as the Biblical progenitors of human ancestry after the flood, we see his calendrical practices going back as far as the early 3rd millennium BC. On the other hand, the accepted historical record of the post-flood world does not put a 12 month, 30-day calendar in Babylon until around 1000 BC, and the final recognition of the 12 signs of a complete until around 500 BC. For the most part, this is based on the work of the late historian of ancient astronomy, Willy Hartner of Frankfurt University, who concluded that the transition from the Old-Avestan calendar to the Young-Avestan Calendar occurred on March 21st, 503 BC. This "Young-Avestan calendar consisted of 12 months, each of 30 days, except the eighth month which was 35 days." 1 Although Hartner's research provides historical evidence that the 12 month, 365- day calendar was in use in Babylon by this time, it does not prove that this was the first time it was used in history. One purpose of this Biblical study is to provide some strong evidence that the astronomer-priests of Sumer-Babylon were not the originators of this innovation in ancient timekeeping, but that in fact it originated with the Biblical Patriarchs.
AstronomyArchaeo-AstronomyIntelligent DesignSpace-TimeIntelligent DesignSymmetryzodiac

As we take a detailed look at the record of Noah's flood in Genesis 7, the first thing that requires our attention is the septenary pattern of the temporal record. In verse 4, God tells Noah that the flood rains were going to begin in seven days... From the very start of the events of the Creation Week, God had ordered temporal things according to a week of seven days. There is no historical precedent for a 7-day week in history that cannot be traced back to what the Creator instituted in the Creation Week [Ex. 31:15-16]. Thus the Sabbatical year founded upon this standard [Levi. 25:8], has continued through all sacred and secular calendars that followed, not only in Israel, but around the world. In Noah's Calendar the recorded dates of the flood in Genesis 7-8 are all Sabbaths, with one exception which we will discuss presently.

Genesis 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

This is the first time the word "month" is used in the Bible, upon which the Lunar Monthwas founded in Israel. The first day of the New Moon was considered holy, and was associated with the weekly sabbath, and was usually first visible near sunset. This also explains why the day began at sunset in Hebrew timekeeping. The New Moon that began every month [Num. 28:11], especially in the holiest seventh month [Num. 29:1], were special days of sacrifice and offerings to the Lord, which were enshrined throughout the Old Testament Law in the Tabernacle and Temple of Israel. In keeping with this septenary pattern of God's temporal order, the seven sabbaths of years became 49 years, leading unto the 50th year of the Jubilee [Levi. 25:8-13]. As we have seen already the luni-solar year was harmonized according to the 50-year Jubilee via the phi ratio, with 618 lunations in each 50-year cycle. This harmony of the luni-solar year allowed a predictive capability pertaining to the eclipse cycle, which was terrifying to the ancient cultures based on divination, but not to the Biblical Patriarchs, for whom divination was forbidden by God. Instead these men of God reaped the benefits of honoring the Creator for His Handiwork, and enjoyed the precision by which He set the celestial orbs in their paths, as a witness to His glory. It should be noted that man has continued to struggle with this coordination of the Solar and Lunar Cycles throughout the rest of the history of human timekeeping, and it remains a problem even into modern times. Due to the evolutionary bias in modern science, most researchers have not been willing to give the Creator His due when it comes to recognizing His Intelligent Design of these elements of Creation, along with the ordinances of Heaven that rule on Earth. Their preference has been to choose to continue chasing their theoretical tails in the scientific and social circles that they frequent, so they can take credit for their scientific "discoveries," and keep those reseach dollars flowing. As has been documented in Ben Stien's recent film "Expelled," any researcher or educator who even mentions the words Intelligent Design has been blackballed by the evolutionary thought police, and many times lost their tenure and professional teaching positions as a result. This is the same social environment, influenced by athieism that has prohibited God from being mentioned in the classroom, and called into question the very idea of American politicians opening their deliberations with prayer.
It has always been a recognition and honoring of the Creator that provided the impetus of the Natural Law approach to Astronomy, whose influence was key in the development of a predictive mathematical Astronomy that far exceeds any Astrology carried out by the ancient heathen idolators. Their divination only served to degrade the original truth of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs, which accounts for the roots of the world monomyth. For additional information and further evidence of this corruption based on Astrology, please refer to our study on Biblical Astronomy vs. Astrology, including the section on "The Corrupted Constellations," which will give specific cases where the astrological practices of divination changed the original meaning the Creator attached to specific star pictures. [Ps. 147:4]
We should also take note that the specific calendar days marked in the Biblical record of the flood, were later enshrined as holy days in the Old Testament Law. The months of the year were designated by number, 3 of them in this record [2nd, Gen. 7:11, 7th, Gen. 8:4, 10th, Gen. 8:5]. Most of the other numbered months are named in the Penteteuch, which confirms that Noah was working with the same Mazzaroth Job was; an entire zodiac of 12, 30-day months, as implied in the 360 degrees of the circle linked to the 360 days of this calendar. These twelve months were not named in Israel until after the Babylonian captivity, centuries later. This tropical zodiacalso incorporates a practical knowledge of the pi ratio at work in Noah's calendar, long before it was ever considered in ancient Astrology or celestial science. More importantly, it gives us a decisive glimpse of the mathematical sophistication inherent in this Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs, without doubt revealed by God, not motivated by divination, but the Revelatory Astronomy disclosed to these ancient Patriarchs, long prior to the development of any celestial science in ancient Mesopotamia. The origins of the mathematical standards of a Sexegesimal place-value notation are also evident in this system revealed by the Creator, based on the dual solar year of both its annual and precessional cycles. The great cycle of the precession of the equinoxes framed by the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycle, provides a window on this Sexegesimal Rhythm of precession, that was the basis of every major celestial calendar of the ancient world. The 12 months of 30-days in the 360 day-year of Noah's Calendar, all multiples of 60, provide values where each degree of time was equal to 1/360 of a day, or 4 minutes. This gives us the 60 second-minute, the 60-minute-hour, and the (6 x 60) 360-degree circle, all of which we still use in the modern world. This place-value notation system afforded all kinds of mathematical calculations from algebra to linear and quadratic equations, which Otto Neugebauer says: "became the foundation of a theoretical of mathematical character,Astronomy"2 the ancestor of modern scientific Astronomy.

Genesis 7:24
And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days.

According to the calendar of 12 months with 30 days each, utilized by Noah, this 150 day period consisted of 5 months. This is established in Gen. 8:3b, which states: "and after the end of the one hundred and fifty days the waters were abated." If we add these 5 months to the second month mentioned in 7:11, we come to the seventh month.

Genesis 8:4-5
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops [rosh; H7218] of the mountains seen.

From the 17th day of the 2nd month, to the 17th of the 7th month is exactly 5 months, in the 12 month, 30-day calendar. The Hebrew word for the "tops" of the mountains in verse 5: "rosh" [H7218]2 in the context of Noah's calendar, is also rendered "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 and 15, in reference to the star Sirius, in The Revised English Bible.3 The ancients many times used the mountain ranges set against their horizon, as a reference point to orient themselves regarding the seasonal positions of the stars, Sun and Moon in their cycles. Archaeo-Astronomy notes a rich history of this practice in ancient cultures of the world and this could be very early evidence, perhaps even of the origins of this practice with the Biblical Patriarchs. This would also have associated the only star that provides a 365.25-day calendar, that also happens to be the brightest star in the heavens, with the highest mountain peaks where the Ark came to rest. If this is evidence of Noah's wisdom regarding the recognition of the Sirius or Sothic Calendar as it became known in ancient Egypt, it gives us an initial glimpse that the Biblical Patriarchs kept both of these calendars at the same time, as part of their harmonized luni-solar year. This also agrees with the Creator's purpose for the celestial lights stated in Genesis 1:14-17, to shed light upon the earth, in relation to the timekeeping of weeks, days and years. The luni-solar harmony based on the phi ratio [1.618...] which contains 618 lunations in every 50-year Jubilee cycle, exhibits the divine signature of the Creator's handiwork, as the "Source of life" throughout all levels of His Creation. This is why we also find the phi ratio or the divine proportion, so ubiquitously in all levels of the Kingdoms of Life in Nature. The phi ratio is the master pattern of all growth life on earth, as various life forms progress through succeeding geometric stages of life development.
SIRIUS = MACHINE TIME=50-year Jubilee =618 lunations

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