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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 07/02/2013 18:38
Tanto el Tabernáculo y el Templo consistían de tres partes:
  El Atrio El Lugar Santo El Lugar Santísimo

Con relación al Tabernáculo

  El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (10 pies x 10 pies x 10 pies)

Con relación al Templo:

  El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (20 pies x 20 pies x 20 pies)

El tabernáculo propiamente dicho era una tienda cuadrangular, de 30 codos* de
largo, 10 de ancho y 10 de alto. Las dimensiones del conjunto de la estructura
no figuran con exactitud en los registros del Exodo, pero se las puede calcular
sobre la base de los detalles que se dan de las cortinas y las tablas que se
usaron en las paredes del tabernáculo, y de las medidas proporcionales, pero
mayores, del templo de Salomón (1 R. 6:2). La tienda estaba dividida en 2
compartimentos: el 1º conocido como "lugar santo" (Ex. 28:29), y el 2º como
"lugar santísimo", literalmente "el Santo de los Santos" (26:33, BJ). Este
constituía un cubo de 10 codos por lado, mientras el lugar santo era de 10
codos por 20. El tabernáculo estaba rodeado por un atrio o patio de 50 codos
de ancho por 100 de largo, limitado por cortinas de lino de 5 codos de alto
(27:18). Esta pared de cortinas estaba suspendida por 60 columnas, quizá de
maderas de acacia* (por ser esta la madera usada para los muebles y otras
columnas; cf 26:37) revestidas de plata y sostenidas por pedestales de bronce.
En la parte central del extremo oriental del patio se hallaba la entrada, que
estaba constituida por una cortina especial de 20 codos de largo (27:9-17). En
la mitad oriental del patio, cerca de la entrada, estaba el altar de los
holocaustos (vs 1-8) y el lavacro o lavatorio (30:17-21).

Leer más: Diccionario Biblico Cristiano Online y Gratis en Español - Significado o definicion de Tabernaculo

god in Simple Gematria Equals: 26 ( g
15. El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro.
16. La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales.
17. Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2013 06:27

Metatron's Cube


This image is entitled "The Nine Worlds of the Odinic Mysteries", and is taken from Manley P. Hall's book "Secret Teachings of All Times". This is the basic shape of Yggdrasil, the Nordic version of the Tree of Life.

Note that this image differs from the Hebrew Tree of Life in two ways; one is that the Hebrew tree has ten spheres, and the other is that the sun lies at the center of the Hebrew tree, instead of the earth. Here the sun instead of the Throne of God, as the goal of the spirit, is placed at the top of the tree, somewhat like a star atop a Christmas Tree.


Yggdrasil is a geocentric (earth centered) view of things, while the Kabbalistic tree is heliocentric (centered on the sun). This figure is essentially the six directions in space imagery, the Cartesian coordinate grid, where the four outer spheres of the cube (the Big Rectangle) have been replaced by the directions, N,S,E and W, and space has been depicted as curved rather than square. The Templar Cross is the 2D version, an abbreviation, of this image.

Remember that previously we have discussed two versions of the tree that resulted from altering the original (13 circle) cube image. One of those was based on a dodecahedron with overlapping pentagon and hexagon, and the other on a double cube (1x1x2) with overlapping circles and hexagons. The changes in the cube image were necessitated by a move from nine to ten spheres, and were accomplished by splitting the second sphere from the top in to two spheres, and de-emphasizing that sphere; this is called Daath, and is not depicted explicitly in the Kabbalistic tree.

Here the cube remains intact, yet has been conceptually divided into 9 and 4 spheres. According to Hall, the number 9 relates to chambers used for initiation practices by both the Norse and Greeks:

"The Nordic Mysteries were given in nine chambers or caverns, the candidate advancing through them in sequential order. These chambers of initiation represented the nine spheres into which the Drottars divided the Universe. There is undoubtably a relationship between the nine worlds of the Scandinavians and the nine spheres, or planes, through which the initiates of the Eleusian Mysteries passed in their ritual of regeneration."




According to tradition, Metatron is seen as the entity who transmitted Kaballistic knowledge to man (in the same manner as Mercury, Apollo and Isis are said to have given man Mathematics, writing, etc). In Kabbalistic stories, Enoch is said to have become the Archangel Metatron after ascending to the Throne of God. Note that the notion of Enoch living 365 years before being taken, marks him as a solar figure.

"And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." KJV Genesis 5:21-24

By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, "and was not found, because God had taken him"; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Hebrews 11:5


Loss, Recovery and Preservation

Encoh is associated with the transmission and preservation of Knowledge. Recall that, in the Bible, it was Enoch who was responsible for constructing the two pillars of brick and stone that were intended to preserve human knowledge, which had remained an oral tradition since the time of Adam, thru the Flood. This notion ties in with the legend that Enoch invented writitng.

The legend of Enoch is commemorated by Scottish Rite Masonry in the Royal Arch Degree, a Jewish degree based on Kabbalistic philosophy. It is the 13th degree and called the Royal Arch of Enoch, or the Master of the Ninth Arch.

Enoch is said to have "received" the True Name of God in a vision, and with the help of his son Methuselah, to have excavated nine apartments or chambers in the earth in Canaan, one below the other, and each with a supporting arch. In the lowest, or ninth, he placed a CUBE of agate with a triangular plate of gold with the Ineffable Name engraved on it and sunk into one face of the cube.

Recalling that Enoch's name signified in the Hebrew, INITIATE or INITIATOR, it appears clear that the Enoch legend refers to both a place of initiation, nine chambers in the earth, analagous to the Odinic and Eleusian Mysteries, and to a Secret Tradition concealed there in. The term excavation is used in allegories to indicate study and meditation, as in "the Templars were excavating below the Temple".


A Cube and a Triangle

As the story goes, when Solomon began surveying for his Temple, workmen "discovered" the opening to the vaults; in which were discovered the cube of agate into the surface of which he had placed a triangular plate of gold emblazoned with the Name of God.

[The Kircher tree features a pair of circles and hex/cubes like a vesica, while the a-shaped tree uses overlapping pent and hexagons symbolizing the macrocosm and the microcosm (above and below), the enoch story juxtaposes triangles and squares or cubes.]

Concerning the hexagon/cube, we hear from Albert Pike (p 827; Morals and Dogma): "The hexagon faintly images to us a cube, not visible at first glance, and therefore a fit emblem in faith in things invisible....reminding you of the cubical stone deposited by Enoch". This reminds us of Metatron's Cube, which is composed of hexagons, and of how the cube of 2 remains hidden in the cube of three formed by M's Cube, and the One (at the center of it all) that is contained within that.

In Henry Calusen's "Commentaries on Morals and Dogma" (page 72) we read:

"Secrets are hidden from all but a discerning few and are revealed only through fuller and deeper study. For example, in ancient mythology a square is the symbol of the material principle; a cube, the symbol of the material man (and universe). A triangle is the symbol of Deity and by association of all things divine and of the spiritual. Hence a triangle within a square, or upon the face of a cube which appears similar, symbolizes the divine within the material."

This, of course refers to the Gnostic and Hasidic notion of the divine spark, and the alchemical notion of gold in basic matter.

Then from Pike again (Morals and Dogma; p 209):

"The Holy of Holies of the Temple formed a cube..four represented Nature..three represented the Supreme Being...the name of the Deity engraved on a triangular plate and sunken into a cube of agate..teaches us that the true knowledge of God is written by him upon the leaves of the great Book of Universal Nature... This knowledge of God, so written there...is the Master Mason's Word."


Metatron = Enoch

Look again at cube, and note the triangle on and "within" the cube, and recall what Clausen said about that. It is my contention that the story of Metatron's Cube, and the Cube of Enoch are the same. Note how the earth at the bottom, is outside the triangle, and remember the notion of the Shekinah, the "divine presence", being an exiled Bride.


Plato correlated the cube to the element of earth and the dodecahedron to the whole of the Universe. Metatron's Cube is intimately related to both these figures. While the square and cube have material connotations, the triangle symbolizes things spiritual. The Royal Arch legend juxtaposes a cube and a triangle, which was golden with the Name of God inscribed on it.

The A-shaped "Portae Lucis" (Gates of Light) version of the Tree of Life, which depicts the emanation of the Many from the One, fits the triangle form within Metatron's Cube. If we add the numerical values for the letters in the name Jehovah (J=10, H=5, V=6 H=5) we get 26. If we add the values of the spheres up the middle of the tree (the straight way) we get 10+9+6+1 or 26 again. Here is that name graphically. God man man in his own image.



The A-shaped tree utilizes the symbolism of an overlapping pentagon and hexagon to illustrate the hermetic notion of the analogy between the macrocosm and the microcosm. Extending the sides of the hexagon inside the tree image, points to top corners of the pentagon.


If you do this in all three axiis of the triangle, you are presented with a figure that maps to the front 3 faces of the dodecahedron. The upright yellow triangle below marks the centers of these 3 faces. The three small yellow triangles above, point to the three faces that are just out of view, while the other three outer circles match faces that are turned to us. The upside down orange triangle indicates the centers of the three faces on the far side.

All of the elements of the cube, except for 2, also fit the DC landcape.


The Kircher tree does not work here, or in the DC map. The city planners seem to favor this version of the tree. I hope that this helps to show that there was more to the pentagram in the map than a goat's head.







































Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2013 01:33

The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown


On September 15th 2009, Dan Brown will release his next book entitled ‘The Lost Symbol’. The book will surely give his readers much to ponder.  It has taken six years for his new book to mature and allegedly a lot of research went into this book to become the sequel of the ‘Da Vinci Code’.  Although no one yet knows what the book will be about, it has been revealed earlier that the plot of the book will focus on the Key of Solomon, Freemasonry and the Capitol of the United States, Washington D.C. At the time of this writing, only the book release date and the covers of the US and UK editions of the book are known. Though it is easy to endlessly speculate about both the exact and general details to be revealed between its covers, we would however, like to share some insight into the very interesting clues Dan Brown has decided to share thus far.  The most telling clues happen to be the covers themselves!  Like many ancient symbols and traditions, the answers (or keys) are hidden in plain sight . . . . .

This article will delve into these subjects and share the obvious and factual encoded esoteric knowledge that Mr. Brown will likely reveal in his fictional work.  The authors are fully aware that what is written here is fully speculative when comparing it to the contents of a yet-to-be released book.    Even if our material is not fully-covered within ‘The Lost Symbol’, this article will still provide intriguing, thought-provoking, and eye-opening material supplementary or paralleling to what Dan Brown will be releasing. We will enlighten the reader as to the origins of Christianity, Precession of the Equinoxes, Freemasonry and the design of Washington D.C. and last but not least, the Key of Solomon. Lastly, we put forward that all data and discoveries are our own unless otherwise referenced and hence given credit.  Unlike a fictional plot line, this material is factual, precise, and easy for anyone verify. 



Why do we believe that Dan Brown will touch on the subject of the Precession of the Equinoxes and the esoteric knowledge embedded within Christianity? Firstly, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of the Sun is depicted on the cover of the US version of ‘The Lost Symbol’. This symbol is a dot within a circle and represents the solar deity ‘Ra’.  This is a well-known symbol within Freemasonry.  The dot within a circle can be found in the letter ‘O’ of DA VINCI CODE.

Secondly, the angle of the tilted Earth Axis, 23.5 degrees was encoded on the cover of the US edition.  The title contains italic text and it so happens that the slant angle of this text is exactly 23.5 degrees.  This also holds true for the slant angles of some of the capital letters of the title, such as the letter ‘V’ and ‘A’ in DA VINCI CODE.

These clues released in the US book cover makes us strongly suspect that Dan Brown may have been inspired by the work of Gary Osborn and will touch on the ancient esoteric and astronomical knowledge about the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’ embedded within Christianity.

The phenomenon of ‘Precession’ is made possible by the tilt of the Earth’s Axis at 23.5 degrees from the Ecliptic Plane.  Because of this axial tilt, the Earth has a slow ‘wobble’ (like a top winding down) that takes about 26,000 years to complete.  This movement causes the equinox and solstice points to move along the path of the Sun, or Ecliptic.  The repetition of this very specific angle on the cover of ‘The Lost Symbol’ seems to be hinting about Precession. 

The Lost Symbol US cover
All lines are slanted 23.5 degrees from horizontal or vertical

The slanted lines are measured at 23.5 degrees.  The words ‘a novel’ and ‘author of’ are tilted 23.5 degrees.  This same angle is also found in ‘A’ and ‘V’ of ‘DA VINCI CODE’.  The latter may explain why ‘DA VINCI CODE’ was done in capitals.  Circle with a dot in the word ‘CODE’ represents the Egyptian solar deity Ra.

‘The Lost Symbol’ will most likely be ‘The Key of Solomon’ since this was the initial working title for the book.  We have extensively researched the entire Key of Solomon on this website, and you can find our more-detailed interpretation of its significance here .

Although speculative, we postulate that the most important ‘Lost Symbol’ is not only the Key of Solomon, but the eight-pointed cross encoded within the Key of Solomon. We propose that the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction occurring at the End of Times in era-2012. In Christian tradition, this astronomical event has become known as the End of Times …

The aforementioned ‘lost symbol’, the eight-pointed cross, can be found in Churches around the world in great abundance. Just recently, we discovered new compelling evidence to suggest this ‘lost symbol’ ties in with the Christian End Times doctrine as will be explained in this article.



We suggest that the release date of Dan Brown’s latest novel was not randomly chosen, but that the date itself is a very important clue that ties in with the subject of the book.  In the modern Gregorian calendar, September 15th happens to be the the day of the ‘Exaltation of the Holy Cross’ (13, 14 and 15 of September).  Earlier, we wrote on the significance of the day of the .Exaltation of the Holy Cross’ or the day of the ‘True Cross. In Latin, this day was called ‘Exaltatio Sanctae Crucis’ (literally, ‘Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross’).  Later, we will demonstrate later what this raising of the Holy Cross means in astronomical terms. Officially the day of the 'Exaltation of the Holy Cross' starts at september 14th, but it it celebrated for three days. September 15th is officially the feast of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’.

The ‘true cross’ on which Jesus died was supposedly recovered by Helena Augusta, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great.  She built the ‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre’ in Jerusalem to store the remains of the (wooden) cross she recovered. The day of the ‘True Cross’ was henceforth associated with the consecration date of the Church of Holy Sepulchre; September 13, 335 AD.  The 13th,  14th  and 15th of September are still being used today to celebrate the day of the ‘raising of the cross’ and to venerate the ‘true cross’ of Christ.

Both the ‘raising of the cross’ and the ‘true cross’ have profound astronomical connotations as we will demonstrate. We speculated before that, in reality, Helena (the mother of Constantine the Great) did not recover the original wooden cross Christ was crucified on, but instead found the pagan astronomical origins of the cross, including the origins of Christianity itself.  Seeking to unite the crumbling Roman Empire under one religion, Her son Constantine then went on to establish and found the Catholic Church at the Nicean Council in 325 AD.  Next, he systematically destroyed all pagan roots that could reveal the true origins of Christianity. Although the exoteric and tangible roots were destroyed, the esoteric roots of Christianity were preserved.  Catholic churches still contain the secret, esoteric and occult information revealing the religion’s secret origins.

The truth is that Christianity originated from the pagan Sun-worshipping cults that it has vehemently been trying to destroy from the earliest founding. These pagan cults venerated Sun gods and were keepers of time (tracing the Sun’s movement along the 12 signs of the Zodiac caused by a phenomenon called the ‘Precession of the Equinoxes’).  Central in these pagan religions were Sun gods, all born from virgin mothers on the Winter Solstice, or around December 25th.  Like Jesus, these Sun gods died on the cross at the Vernal Equinox, around March 21st.  The authors Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy have revealed the striking similarities of the pre-cursor ‘Saviours’ (Osiris, Dionysis, Attis, Adonis, Mithras and many others) of Christianity in their book ‘The Jesus Mysteries, was the original Jesus a pagan God?’.

What the authors have found in their research supports the thesis put forward by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy;  Christianity rose from the ashes of the pagan Sun worshipping religions, the pagan roots were destroyed such that a ‘new’ religion on the dawn of the Age of Pisces could emerge. Christianity far from original; it has borrowed almost every aspect of the Jesus stories in the New Testament from much older pagan myths as Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy convincingly prove in their book.

The authors therefore put forward the suggestion that the ‘true cross’ venerated on September 15th  is not the cross that Jesus was crucified on, but is nothing less than the cross of the Zodiac formed by the four fixed signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio.  Proof exists for this thesis since this ancient pagan knowledge is still displayed in churches today.

True Cross.jpg 
‘True Cross’ Cathedral Lisieux, France

True Cross2.jpg
‘True Cross’, Baselique Notre Dame d’Ouvres La Delivrande, France

In churches, the four signs of the Zodiac often reoccur and are associated with ‘Judgment Day’ and the ‘End of Times’

Judgement Day.JPG
Jesus portrayed at the Last Judgment can often be found in the Tympanium above the entrance of churches and cathedrals. Notice, the lion (Leo) on the left, the bull on the right (Taurus), the angel on the left (Aquarius) and the eagle on the right ( Scorpio).

The four evangelists Luke, John, Mathew and Mark likewise have been associated with these four Zodiac signs as well:

Mark = Scropio (Eagle),          Luke = Taurus,                  John = Leo,              Matthew = Aquarius

There can be no doubt that the cross is associated with sun worship, since it’s been associated with the Sun in many Christian occult symbols:

Cross of the Sun.JPG  Cross of the Sun 2.JPG
‘Cross in the Sun’, symbolizing that the Christian Cross is a zodiacal cross

Emperor Constantine the Great, who played such a fundamental role and basically shaped the modern Catholic Church, saw in a dream a ‘cross in the Sun’ and this symbol became Chi-Rho symbol in Christianity.


Jesus at ‘Judgment Day’ inside a Vesica Pisces (Age of Pisces) and surrounded by the four signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scrorpio (Eagle) with the Chi-Rho on top.  Cathedral Lisieux, France.

The four fixed signs of the Zodiac found in Christian art form a four-pointed cross in the 12 signs of the Zodiac. We have postulated before that this cross is actually one of two crosses that merge around era-2012 to mark the ‘End of Times’ in the Precession cycle.

We have called the four-pointed cross formed by Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio the ancient understanding of the ‘Galactic Cross’. These four signs rise before the Sun during moments of Great Celestial Conjunctions. To be more precise, the Galactic Cross is formed by the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Galactic Equator.  (for a clear explanation, see earlier writings on the subject see  and http://www.keyofsolomon.org/part1.php). 

In short, a Great Celestial Conjunction is the merger of two crosses in the Zodiac; the first cross is the aforementioned Galactic Cross (in ancient times denoted by the Leo-Taurus-Aquarius-Scorpio cross) and the second cross is the Equinox-Solstitium cross.  Around era-2012, both crosses merge to become a single four-pointed cross.

Although we have extensively written about the significance of the eight-pointed cross occurring in Christian occult symbolism, we have found new convincing proof to suggest that the eight-pointed cross is a symbol of the ‘End of Times’, or Great Celestial Conjunction, that occurs when the two Zodiac crosses merge.  Currently, we live in a time of a Great Celestial Conjunction and refer to it as era-2012 for it occurs between the years 1978-2017.

This latter fact is commonly misunderstood. It is termed ‘era-2012’ since this Great Celestial Conjunction corresponds with the ending of the Maya calendar on the Winter Solstice of 2012.  Galactic Alignment is simply another perspective of the Great Celestial Conjunction.


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2013 01:44

During the last Great Celestial Conjunction around 4,500 BC, the Vernal Equinox Sun (central star, akhet glyphs, eastern and western horizon) was on the Milky Way (pillar beneath central Sun) and the Pleiades (rim stars) were used to point to the place where the Sun would both rise and cross the Galactic Equator, a pointer.

The diagram below shows both the sequence for decoding the outer rim stars and the function of the Pleiades cluster to point the Sun on the Milky Way.

(Taken From)  http://keyofsolomon.org/Pleiades%20starmap.php

Further evidence of the Pleiades being used for this purpose can be found at Stonehenge   

The decoding of the final ‘cross’ symbol is as follows:


  • The small cross symbol appears to be a code for the axial tilt of the Earth itself.  Notice the following important points:
  • The central star or Sun falls on the Ecliptic Plane exactly where it should be.  This would confirm our suspicion that this star is really our Sun.
  • The symbol lines with the small ‘cross hatches’ line up perfectly with the Ecliptic Pole Meridian.  (Perhaps the cross hatches themselves were alluding to the Poles . . . .)
  • The symbol’s remaining two diagonal lines match up surprisingly well with the axial tilt (23.5 degrees) and the ‘Precessional Cone’ of the Earth.

If our interpretation is correct, then every symbol discussed points to and reinforces our overall thesis.  This piece of the Key of Solomon parchment appears to be communicating knowledge of not only the last great Celestial Conjunction around 4,500 BC, but also to the cyclical nature of this phenomenon.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/02/2013 04:03

The Great Seal of America




Annuit Coeptis - Novus Ordo Seclorum - E Pluribus Unum

No amount of dissembling by Freemasons can hide the fact that the Great Seal of America, as printed on the dollar bill, is a Masonic emblem: the eye in the pyramid, the eagle and the inscriptions are replete with secret Masonic symbolism. In this context it is self-evident that the three mottos on the Seal will repay a close cabalistic analysis. What occult secrets of Freemasonry do they conceal?

  The obverse and reverse of the Great Seal of the United States of America  


Annuit Coeptis

The phrase 'Annuit Coeptis' is derived from Virgil and is usually translated as 'He favours our undertakings'. 'He' is presumed to be the monotheistic deity of Christianity. This interpretation is encouraged by the earlier motto, 'Deo Favente Perennis', meaning, 'God Favours us through the Ages'. However some believe there is also a reference to 'Nuit' or 'Nut' the sky goddess of ancient Egypt. This is supported by the way 'Annuit Coeptis' arches over the top of the pyramid (a phallic symbol) - a direct analogy to the Egyptian symbolism of Seb (or Geb) and Nut. Nut is usually shown as a tall woman whose body is bent in a great semi-circle to represent the sky; her consort Seb is lying flat like the earth with erect phallus. The raising up of Nut from the embrace of Seb represented the first act of creation. Nut gave birth to the Sun each day and then swallowed it at night.

The value of 'Annuit' is 390, which equates her appropriately enough with the words, 'Mother of God'. Her name seems to be a compound of Anna and Nuit, both of whom were goddesses who played this maternal role. 390 also gives us the value of the Hebrew word 'ShMIM' - 'heaven', and so supports the identification with Nut/Nuit.

However, the numerate Mason might point out that 390 also comprises the product of 15 and 26, which are the two Hebrew names of God - 'IH' (Jah) and 'IHVH' (Jaweh). These are numerically linked in the Cabala, because 26 divided by 15 yields the square root of three (1.732). This is a very important fraction for the sacred architect because it defines the proportions of the vesica piscis (among other things).

At 317, 'Coeptis' shares the value of the goddess 'Aphrodite'.

'Annuit Coeptis' has a value of 707. This is the value of another incarnation of the mother of God - Παρθενος Μαριαμ - The Virgin Mary (1). However this may not be as important as the fact that it also denotes Ο Θεος Ερμης - The god Hermes. Hermes is the patron of the esoteric science of Hermeticism underpinning Masonic philosophy. The great significance for the builders of 707 is that its digits denote a half of the square root of two (1.414). This fraction (1/rt2) is called 'the sacred cut' and has been used from Roman times, at least, in classical architecture. It also provides a means of constructing a regular octogon from a square by means of a compass and straight-edge (2).

707 must also be significant as the value of 'AVN', a Hebrew word which means 'On' or 'Heliopolis', the Egyptian city of the sun (3). In this it is interesting to note that 390 - Annuit - is the value of
Πολις ('Polis' means city in Greek); and 317 - Coeptis - is the value (+ 1) of Ηλιος - the Greek name of the sun. Therefore 'Annuit Coeptis' gives us 'Heliopolis' by two totally different numerical routes. It seems that the Great Seal designers were especially interested in invoking the Egyptian "City of the Sun" (4).

Why would they have been interested in this city? They may have been drawn to Campanella's Utopian vision of the future, Citta del Sole. Thomasso Campanella was a Hermetic magus who upset papal sensibilities and was tortured in the dungeons beneath the Vatican on several occasions. Citta del Sole, written in 1602, prefigured Francis Bacon's New Atlantis in emphasising the use of learning and science for the public good. The historian Frances Yates interpreted Campanella's book as aiming for a return to the Egyptian religion as predicted in the Asclepius of the Hermetica. She cited a particular passage from Asclepius that may have relevance to the seed germ of ideas behind the founding of America:

The gods who exercise their dominion over the earth will be
restored one day and installed in a City at the extreme limit of
Egypt, a City which will be founded towards the setting sun, and
into which hasten, by land and sea, the whole race of mortal men.

The Great Seal designers may well have believed themselves to be following an ancient blueprint involving a restoration of the harmonic philosophy that ensured the stability and contentment of ancient Egypt.

Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/03/2013 04:13
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/03/2013 01:02

64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube


DNA says so …


The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent.
On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes.
If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.


Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire.
Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.

The importance of the number 64


Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …

Arrow   ‘IN THIS SIGN CONQUER’ the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Cut by Tons Brunés leads us to Nikola Tesla and the Philosopher’s Stone

Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).

This is a great great article:

Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell

by Peter Turney




I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the Cut Cube image on the right.
I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners.
I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the Great Pyramid.
(see image/links below)

5 6 7 8 = 26

But here is the wow.
After my neighbor of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale.
I picked up a few items that belonged to John P., one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it.
It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life.
After all he was a cop for 31  years so that does not surprise me.

Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

Drawing the Hypercube # 1

Tesseract Pencil Visualization

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2

Swastika + pi + phi + Speed of Light = Great Pyramid

It might help before proceeding to have a quick look at this link first:

DNA is the common denominator that links the we are the 99% .
Even the 1% belongs to the 99% as defined by DNA.

note the Friendship Knot that is made by 4 hands in an embrace.

… follow the forearm to the 4 bends in the 4 elbows >>> so what symbol that helps define CW or CCW movement comes to mind?

Does CHASE Bank want to be counted among your friends?

If you do not enjoy this documentary I will refund you your funny Freedom 55 CHASE the money.


Arrow   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmnnJytYjpM

Many AHA to be found among the ruins in that documentary.
Did you know that the first king of Egypt called Menes by the Greeks was know as King AHA!

Relationship of both the great pyramid and the swastika to the squared circle, aka pi using two circles?

Go to 1:18:20 of that video.
listen carefully to what is being said about the two circles being drawn relative to a square pyramid with eight sides.

Is the speed of light mentioned along with pi?

These next mages were taken out of books printed in and around 1923.

Note in the first image, we have those 4 special constellations mentioned in the documentary, highlighted in the four corners.
i.e. The Man, the Eagle, the Lion, the Bull

…similar geometry. Is it difficult to connect the star of david to the square or cube?
Not at all.

And throughout the video we saw how they divided the Great Pyramid into eight sections, not four.

Go to 16:00 of that video for a discussion of the 8 sided pyramid.

Does the 8 sided pyramid whose 8 sides can only be seen briefly during the two equinoxes have any relationship to the BaB-iLu and the BiBLe?

BaB-iLu is similar to BiBle with the vowels removed…BBL….so is BaBeL, BiBLioS, BaRBeLoS, and the word QiBBLe which is the root of the word CaBaLa.

GeNeSiS is GNoSiS, or both can be written GNSS, if you remove the vowels.

I did promise you an aha or two.

Now you need to find the match to those hexagons/trapezoid in the next image.

Temple of Man Schwaller de Lubicz page 177 Serpents in the Sky by John Anthony West


WTF 911

WTC 7 is the same shape as the YHVH trapezoid? 

YHWH = 26
QaBaLaH =137

Arthur I. Miller ends his book ‘137‘ discussing the ‘26‘ constants physics is currently using trying to formalize a ‘theory of everything’.

Yes 26 of course….and 137 is the most fundamental of them ALL encapsulating 3 other constants into ONE dimensionless constant.

Now would be a good time to introduce the work of engineer Tons Brunes and his insights into geometry.

Specifically ‘the Sacred Cut’.
Arrow   http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=74451#74451

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 12 de 12 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/03/2013 01:03

Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/03/2013 03:32

Properties of the number 13

The number 13 has intrigued for many a year, is it pertaining to the Last Supper, is it regarding the death knell of the Knights Templar: Friday 13th, who actually knows?


{A} The approximate Equatorial rotation period of the Sun being 26 days, the Gem: YHWH being 26 {obviously 13 x 2}

Accordingly 360 {degrees} divided by 26 {days} obtains a rotation period of: 360 ÷ 26 = 13.846153

However Gem: Lord Jesus Christ: 3168 is 13.846153 x 228.8, furthermore at a perpendicular height of 449.735449  from the GP base I calculated the GP as having a "top platform" perimeter of 2288 {modern-day inches}  

Equally 3168 x 26 = 82368, at the moment we perceive Gem: Jesus Christ: 2368

Therefore 82368 ÷ 2368 = 34.78378 which is 9.729729 x 3.575 exactly that is 2288 ÷ 640, the acres in one square mile


Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 23 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/04/2013 05:46

by Kathie Garcia

Atlantis Rising Magazine Issue 9
from AtlantisRising Website

recovered through WayBackMachine Website

The day was April 21, 1519, a very significant day for 34-year-old Spanish Explorer Hernando Cortes. It happened to be Good Friday.

Outnumbered thousands to one, Cortes astutely depended on guile and psychological treachery as his greatest weapon. Within ten years a population of 25 million was reduced, through plague, starvation, massacres and enforced slavery, to less-than a million. Such was the beginning of the prophesied cycle of nine hells, each lasting 52 years.

How had they arrived at such a precise and dire omen? The Aztecs had inherited their calendar from the Maya. The Maya attributed their incredibly complex calendric system as well as their passion for studying the solar system and astrological divination through numeration and the repetition of cycles to another people whose origin was lost in the dim past. Zecharia Sitchin provides an intriguing argument to prove that the Maya received their astronomical know-how and calendars from the Sumerians who in turn were instructed by Nephilim, technologically advanced beings from another planet.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches that the Maya were originally from Venus (those who are Maya today are not the same souls who incarnated in ancient times and who bore the Venusian culture). Jose Arguelles speaks of Galactic Masters who left in the framework of the calendar an advanced culture and a galactic code, a synchronicity with not only planets but levels of consciousness in evolutionary cycles.

The Maya had three calendars. All three calendars were based on the vigesimal mathematical system (times twenty) which is the refinement of the calendar by the Maya over other similar systems in Mesoamerica. The calendars were designed to harmonize actual time, the solar year and the revolutions of the various heavenly bodies.

The first calendar called The Long Count was used for looking back in time and for recording events. An event was reckoned by the number of days that had passed at the time of its occurrence since Aug. 13, 3113 B.C. Judging by archaeological evidence, 3113 B.C. was before the emergence of the Maya civilization. What happened, then, that the Maya would place such importance on this date, a date seemingly as important to them as the birth of Christ to those who formulated the Christian calendar we use today? No one really knows for sure, although the date could commemorate the inauguration of the last Mayan Great Age.

The numeration of the Long Count calendar begins with,

  • kin for ones

  • uinal for twenties

  • one Tun for 18 uinal periods or what we would call months plus a vayeb of five unnamed days

  • one katun for 20 Tun or 7,200 days which is 19 years, 73 days

  • one baktun for 20 katun or 144,000 days or 394 years, 52 days and so forth until the multiples reached alau-tun which equals 23,040,000,000 days or 63,080,082 years!

The Maya spoke of eras of 5,125.40 years each equaling 13 baktuns of 144,000 days each. Each cycle of 13 baktuns was reckoned as an Age or Great Cycle, a specific historical epoch. Like the days and the uinal months, each era had a qualifying meaning represented by its particular glyph. Each Great Cycle was said to be governed by a different Sun with a specific destiny for the evolutions of those incarnating during that era.

In addition to the Long Count, the Maya employed two cyclical calendars.

The Maya intermeshed a solar exoteric calendar Haab with a sacred esoteric calendar, Tzolkin.

The solar calendar, used primarily for practical and agricultural reasons, consisted of 365.242129 days and is actually more precise than our Gregorian calendar of 365.242500 days. The year haab was intended to begin with the transit of the sun on the zenith and was counted from July 16.

The Maya year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each. This left five days without names or unlucky days at the end of the year. Each of the 18 uinals was dedicated to a specific deity and his corresponding festivals which related to the season of the year, the work to be done during the season and the nature of the season itself.


During the five useless or unnamed days, the Spanish chroniclers wrote that no action of any importance, even of sweeping the house or combing one's hair, was undertaken. It was believed that if one quarreled during those days, one would be destined to do so for the rest of the year! Woe to the poor person who happened to be born during one of the nameless days! His life was fated to be one of misery and unhappiness!

The days were designated in groups of 13. Each day had its specific omens, used for astrological divination. Twenty-eight of these 13-day weeks equals 364 days leaving an extra day at the end. When 13 years had elapsed, the number of these extra days would equal 13, called kin katun, the katun of the days.


The Spanish chroniclers called these kin katuns indictions. When four indictions have passed, in other words, 52 years, the year would begin with a year bearer of the same name. This cycle of 52 years was reached by the Aztecs and other peoples of Mesoamerica in the same manner. Five cycles of 52 years is 260 years, a Great Cycle, also reached by 13 x 20 and called Ahau Katun. Ahau is the word for chief, king, ruler. The Ahau was the key to the nature of the cycle.

The Tzolkin, the sacred year calendar, used for ceremonial and ritualistic purposes, lasted 260 days. The Tzolkin consisted of a smaller wheel of 13 glyphs rotated with a larger wheel of 20 days, resulting in the 260-day sacred year. Any given day represented a particular intermeshing of the HAAB Solar Year and the ritualistic Tzolkin resulting in a specific forecast. Jose Arguelles believes that through the Tzolkin the Maya were able to track and interpret sunspot cycles. He also claims that the Tzolkin provided the means to connect with two star systems, specifically the Pleiades and possibly Arcturus as well.

The two cyclical calendars, the Haab and the Tzolkin intercalibrated together created the Sacred Round of 52 years called the binding of the years. For only once in 52 years or 18,980 days could the combination of 13, 20 and 365 repeat itself. The 52-year cycle was sacred to all ancient peoples of Mesoamerica and a key factor in their understanding of past and future events.

Moira Timms sums up Jose Arguelles complex speculations: The Tzolkin can be regarded as a periodic table of galactic frequencies, because it is a fractal of the vague count of the 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes. The 26,000-year cycle of the sun's revolution around the Pleiades, the 26,000,000-year periodicity of extinctions reported in an extensive literature related to comet showers, and possible pole shift, as Earth recurrently passes through the Oort cloud, and other celestial cycles related by periods of time, the factor of which is 260.


Jose Arguelles has named this calendar the Harmonic Module because the 260 possible permutations of the 13 numbers and 20-day glyphs accommodate every possible computation of all the calendric movements.

The basis, then, of this seemingly complex but ultimately simple system is in the harmonizing factor of the 20x13. For example, the solar revolution of Venus is 584 days. Five such revolutions = 2,920, or eight solar years of 365 days. Sixty-five such periods = 37,960, double the period of 52 years, the direct result of the application of the designation of days in accordance with the system of 20 characters and 13 digits to the solar year of 365 days.


Likewise, the solar revolution of Mercury is 115 days; 104 of these revolutions produce the number 11,960 which also is 46 times the period of 20x13 days. Brian Swimme writes in his introduction to Jose Arguelles book, The Mayan Factor. The Maya felt they were engaged with the mind of the Sun, which manifested for them the mind and heart of the galaxy. Arguelles shows how the calendars relate to the revolution and frequency of the planets as well; a topic too extensive to go into in detail in the space of this article.

Apparently, around A.D. 843, in the heyday of its civilization, the great Mayan cities and ceremonial centers were suddenly and inexplicably abandoned. Pyramids were deserted and left to be engulfed by the Yucatan jungle for hundreds of years. Referring to the departure of the Galactic Masters in the ninth century, Arguelles writes:

Their achievement, their actual calling card, was a series of monuments which recorded in a very precise manner the correlations between the galactic harmonic pattern and the terrestrial solar calendar. The current 5,125 year cycle, 3113 B.C. - A.D. 2012, is a precise calibration of the galactic fractal, 5,200 tun in diameter. This 5,200-tun (or 1,872,000 kin or 260 katun or 13 baktun) cycle literally acts like a lens focusing a beam through which information from galactic sources is synchronized via the Sun to the Earth.

Why the obsession with time? A moment is surely a measurement of opportunity. The cycles of time are accelerating as is our perception of them. A shift as prophesied in the current 13 Baktun cycle, Baktun 12 (the Baktun cycles begin with Baktun zero so the second is Baktun one, etc.), the Transformation of Matter, seems inevitable. The Maya glyphs for the period 1992 to 2012 are 13 Reed/20 Ahau.


In Beyond Prophecies and Predictions, Moira Timms interprets the meaning of 13 Reed/20 Ahau.

  • Thirteen Reed synchronizes cycles. In order to do this, it brings transformation and new beginnings by means of destruction or renewal, breakdown or breakthrough... 13 Reed is the time tunnel to new dimensions. Planetary alignments and evolutionary shifts occur during 13-Reed periods.

  • Twenty Ahau as the last glyph of the day calendar, and heart of the calendric system, unifies and completes all natural, cultural, religious and prophetic time cycles. The tail end of the Age of Pisces is upon us, as is the close of the Mesoamerican Fifth World, and the Kali Yuga of the Hindus, all nested within the culminating revolution of the precessional Great Year.

The current Maya Great Age, the fifth, said to be a synthesis of the last four Great Ages and is symbolized by the glyph Ollin, meaning movement or shift. This age is believed to have been initiated by Quetzalcoatl in 3,113 B.C. and is due to complete its cycle, Dec. 21, 2012.

In the Mayan Chronology, the date 3113 B.C. date is written On Dec. 21, 2012, the date will again be written The coefficient 13 in the date refers to the completion of a cycle of 13 baktuns. Between the first cycle and the ending cycle, 13 Baktun cycles of slightly less than 400 years each have passed. Therefore, the first Baktun of the new cycle is Baktun zero again. Note that 13 in esoteric tradition represents the Christ. There were 12 disciples, Jesus as the Christed One was 13.

The Maya-based Aztec calendar places Ollin in the center of the calendar. Ollin represents a point of synthesis. We are currently in the thirteenth cycle, Baktun 12, the Baktun of the Transformation of Matter spanning the years 1618 to 2012. The last katun of this Age began 1992 and ends 2012. The glyph for this katun is Storm followed by Sun; a period of darkness followed by one of light. This is where we are today.

The point of interest of the Maya calendar today is not only in solving the mysteries of ancient civilizations but in that it corroborates and coincides with so many other sources of prophecy, astrological, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, the predictions of the Ascended Masters through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Fatima and the warnings of Mother Mary in her many appearances around the globe in recent years, and others, of the significance of these end times.

The Maya calendar has been re-excavated and given greater attention in recent years because the wisdom upon which it is based is becoming more comprehensible to our consciousness as we do indeed approach a shift in the portals of Aquarius, not only in the imminent possibility of polar shifts and earth alignments, but in consciousness. A shift that in the nature of the yin/yang of cycles fulfilling themselves appears to be inevitable. Metaphysics can no longer be separated from our archaeological interpretations and our musings on ancient civilizations.


Metaphysics speaks of a Seventh Root Race, a new wave of life-streams that are destined to incarnate in South America, the forerunners of a potential Golden Age, but whose timetables have been held up by the sorry state of human affairs.


Cortes may not have been Quetzalcoatl but he may indeed have been the bearer of a judgment to a people steeped in the blood of human sacrifice and of a time prophesied of great turmoil, followed by the promise of a new era of enlightenment. He was clearing the way for the Seventh Root Race.


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