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Message 1 of 18 on the subject |
Biblical Astrology
The language of the Bible has a way of leading unsuspecting readers into thinking it was recording human historical events when, in reality, it was referring to the patterns of the stars. A general overview serves to explain how the Bible's allegorical language reflects a superstitious fear of darkness. This page serves as an introduction to a series of articles on bible astrology.
We go back to the ancient world when it was believed that earth was enclosed by a metallic dome called the firmament. Because of sky's blue color, they believed the firmament shrouded them from the water above.
6And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. (Gen. 1:6-7)
They believed that earth was stationary and that the stars moved in a circular fashion around earth.
10He has described a circle upon the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness. (Job 26:10)
Isaiah describes God sitting above the circle, and the dome as a curtain and a tent. Apologists who say that the word "circle" implies that they knew earth was spherical don't know what they are talking about.
22It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; (Isaiah 40:22)
This circle (Figure 1) was divided into twelve sectors we know today as the Zodiac. The primary development of the Zodiac goes back to ancient Egypt, Babylon and Greece. The names we are familiar with today came from the Greeks, but other cultures in the ancient world had their own names and myths associated with the Zodiac. The task before us is to decipher how the Bible's language relates to the constellations.

Figure 1.
Zodiac Motifs
The pie chart (Figure 2) shows the twelve "houses" with their dates. It's the same chart used by astrologers today. Ancients were correct in seeing the sun and its light as indispensable to life, but to the point where they worried that as daylight hours got shorter, the sun was endangered of dying a permanent death. When sunlight hours began to increase again, they were relieved. Thus darkness was personified as evil, because to them, it was the sun's enemy. This tension between good and evil ebbed and escalated every year.
The chart has four quadrants that represent the four seasons of the year. Starting at the bottom of the chart, in their mindset, the sun was dead for three days from December 22 to 24. It came back to life, or it was resurrected on December 25 when daylight hours start to increase. Evil was in power during the dark winter months, but it was also a time, as daylight hours were increasing, when the sun was winning its way back to glory.
At the spring equinox, when daylight and nighttime hours are equal, the sun has nullified the dark forces. As the days get progressively longer, the sun is on its righteous path back to full strength. It is the only season of the year when there is no dissension and there is peace on earth.
At the summer solstice, when the sun is at its zenith, it is on its throne at full power. As the sun starts to descend, the dark forces are starting to edge their way back. As the days get progressively shorter, the sun is still strong, but its strength is being sapped by all this constant tribulation.
At the fall equinox, things begin to look bleak. There is not much more that can be accomplished before the sun is betrayed and killed.
The zodiac year has twelve sectors because the moon makes approximately twelve cycles in a year. By most accounts, the ancient Egyptians developed the themes used today.
They had their creation myths which began from a primeval sea. Thus Capricorn the sea goat represents that transition. In fact, the entire winter quadrant has to do with water. We see parallels in the first chapter of the Bible.
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. (Gen. 1:1-2)
When the sun emerges from darkness, God said "Let there be light".
3And God said, "Let there be light; and there was light. (Gen. 1:2)
Then God separated the waters.
6And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." (Gen. 1:6)
In early spring, Aries the lamb symbolizes the time when lambs come out of their mother's womb. Taurus the bull represents the time when bulls were used for plowing. Gemini has the strength of two men. In the beginning of summer, Cancer the crab symbolizes a time of concern about which way the sun was going to go, because crabs move irregularly. When the summer months were the hottest, Leo the lion was the king of beasts. Virgo is at the end of innocence. Libra the scale weighs between good and evil. In the late fall months, Scorpio the scorpion and Sagittarius the archer were hurling their stings and arrows.

Figure 2.
Puns are words that have double meanings. Here is where the Bible trips up unsuspecting readers. The Bible's story motifs follow the course of the sun through the four seasons.
In the Old Testament there are several books like Psalms and Proverbs, called the wisdom literature. Wisdom, in biblespeak, comes from knowledge of astrology. God's plan is written in the stars. He reveals his plan by the way he moves the stars and planets, not by mental telepathy. Angels bring their messages by the angles of the stars.
When stars are said to fall from heaven, it means they are descending. Dissension grows until it crosses the fall equinox, and then the sun is said to be betrayed. Then dissension grows to all out war. The fall equinox also symbolizes the gates to hell. Satan rules during the lower half of the sun cycle in fall and winter. The sun dies in the pits of hell at the winter solstice. At night the sun was believed to go under the world, so we have the term "underworld".
When the sun, or son of God, starts to ascend again (Jesus' ascension), the dark forces are trying to thwart him. It enters the gates to heaven at the spring equinox. In the spring, the sun brings righteousness and glory. It is in power during the light months of spring and summer, and on its throne at the summer solstice. This is where the kingdom of God is, when he has the power to send the righteous to heaven. The good side is on the right and the bad side is on the left of his throne.
The sun if crucified at the cross of the solstices and equinoxes. Sirius, the brightest star next to the sun, was called the star of Bethlehem. The stars of Orion the hunter was called the Son of Man. Orion has three stars that form its narrow waistline. The same three stars were the wise men from the east because they align with Sirius, the star of Bethlehem on December 25. Virgo was Virgin Mary and Bootes was Joseph. John the Baptist was Aquarius the water bearer.
This is only an introduction. Full explanations can be found on the home page.

Figure 3.
The Great Year
Another one of Christianity's insanities has to do with the end of the world and Jesus' second coming. For 2,000 years they have been waiting without satisfaction. The King James Version of Matthew 28:20 reflects that view.
20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matt. 28:20 KJV)
It was a misinterpretation. According to the authoritative Strong's Dictionary, "world" was mistranslated from the Greek, aion, meaning "an age". Ignorant of astrology, Strong's goes on to say aion implies "world". There are some powerful differences between world and age.
A fundamentalist favorite, the New International Version gets it right with "age".
20teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20 NIV)
The "end of the world" implies some kind of calamity like a giant meteor or a nuclear war. If something like that happens, one's faith is not going to make a difference. The end of the age refers to an astrological age within the Great Year.
The Earth's rotation axis is not uniform. Like a rotating toy top, the direction of the rotation axis has a slow wobble or precession with a period of 25,920 years.
Since the rotation axis is precessing in space, the orientation of the Celestial Equator (Figure 3) also precesses with the same period. This means that the position of the equinoxes is changing slowly with respect to the background stars.
Thus, Polaris will not always be the Pole Star or North Star. The Earth's rotation axis happens to be pointing almost exactly at Polaris now, but in 12,960 years the precession of the rotation axis will mean that the bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra will be approximately at the North Celestial Pole, while in 25,920 more years Polaris will once again be the Pole Star.

Figure 4.
Astrologers call the 25,920 year cycle a Great Year and divide it into twelve Ages according to the constellations. When the sun enters the spring equinox, the constellation in the background determines the zodiacal Age. Figure 5 shows the sun entering the Age of Pisces at 6 BCE. 2160 years before, the sun was in the Age of Aries. 2160 years after Pisces, about 2012 CE, Aquarius will be in the background and it will be the Age of Aquarius. Because of the direction of precession, the Great Year cycle progresses in the reverse direction of the solar cycle.

Figure 5.
To summarize, the Age of Aries was marked in the Old Testament by the Passover lamb.
21Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. (Ex. 12:21)
The Age of Pisces began when the sun entered Pisces at the spring equinox (Figure 5).
18As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:18-19)
So when Jesus told his disciples he will be with them until the age, he meant the Age of Pisces. His time is almost over. There will be no end of the world, only the end of an Age.
20teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20 NIV)
Take a tour of the Garden of Eden and see the stars of the Bible and where they fit in the Zodiac. |
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Message 4 of 18 on the subject |
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Message 5 of 18 on the subject |
Daniel 4:33: En la misma hora se cumplió la palabra sobre Nabucodonosor, y fue echado de entre los hombres; y comía hierba como los bueyes, y su cuerpo se mojaba con el rocío del cielo, hasta que su pelo creció como plumas de águila, y sus uñas como las de las aves.
24:15 Por tanto, cuando veáis en el lugar santo la abominación desoladora de que habló el profeta Daniel (el que lee, entienda), 24:16 entonces los que estén en Judea, huyan a los montes. 24:17 El que esté en la azotea, no descienda para tomar algo de su casa; 24:18 y el que esté en el campo, no vuelva atrás para tomar su capa. 24:19 Mas ¡ay de las que estén encintas, y de las que críen en aquellos días! 24:20 Orad, pues, que vuestra huida no sea en invierno ni en día de reposo; (En la ERA DE ACUARIO, SCORPION/AGUILA CAE EN EL SOLSTICIO DE INVIERNO EN EL HEMISFERIO NORTE. Recordemos que segun la PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS cuando NUESTRO SEÑOR ESTUVO EN LA TIERRA COMENZO LA ERA DE PISCIS)
Sign Type
Celestial Position
Living Creature
Fall Equinox
Spring Equinox
Winter Solstice
Summer Solstice
24:21 porque habrá entonces gran tribulación, cual no la ha habido desde el principio del mundo hasta ahora, ni la habrá. 24:22 Y si aquellos días no fuesen acortados, nadie sería salvo; mas por causa de los escogidos, aquellos días serán acortados. 24:23 Entonces, si alguno os dijere: Mirad, aquí está el Cristo, o mirad, allí está, no lo creáis. 24:24 Porque se levantarán falsos Cristos, y falsos profetas, y harán grandes señales y prodigios, de tal manera que engañarán, si fuere posible, aun a los escogidos. 24:25 Ya os lo he dicho antes. 24:26 Así que, si os dijeren: Mirad, está en el desierto, no salgáis; o mirad, está en los aposentos, no lo creáis. 24:27 Porque como el relámpago que sale del oriente y se muestra hasta el occidente, así será también la venida del Hijo del Hombre. 24:28 Porque dondequiera que estuviere el cuerpo muerto, allí se juntarán las águilas. 24:29 E inmediatamente después de la tribulación de aquellos días, el sol se oscurecerá, y la luna no dará su resplandor, y las estrellas caerán del cielo, y las potencias de los cielos serán conmovidas. 24:30 Entonces aparecerá la señal del Hijo del Hombre en el cielo; y entonces lamentarán todas las tribus de la tierra, y verán al Hijo del Hombre viniendo sobre las nubes del cielo, con poder y gran gloria. 24:31 Y enviará sus ángeles con gran voz de trompeta, y juntarán a sus escogidos, de los cuatro vientos, desde un extremo del cielo hasta el otro. 24:32 De la higuera aprended la parábola: Cuando ya su rama está tierna, y brotan las hojas, sabéis que el verano está cerca. 24:33 Así también vosotros, cuando veáis todas estas cosas, conoced que está cerca, a las puertas.
24:34 De cierto os digo, que no pasará esta generación hasta que todo esto acontezca. 24:35 El cielo y la tierra pasarán, pero mis palabras no pasarán. 24:36 Pero del día y la hora nadie sabe, ni aun los ángeles de los cielos, sino sólo mi Padre. 24:37 Mas como en los días de Noé, así será la venida del Hijo del Hombre. 24:38 Porque como en los días antes del diluvio estaban comiendo y bebiendo, casándose y dando en casamiento, hasta el día en que Noé entró en el arca, 24:39 y no entendieron hasta que vino el diluvio y se los llevó a todos, así será también la venida del Hijo del Hombre. 24:40 Entonces estarán dos en el campo; el uno será tomado, y el otro será dejado. 24:41 Dos mujeres estarán moliendo en un molino; la una será tomada, y la otra será dejada. 24:42 Velad, pues, porque no sabéis a qué hora ha de venir vuestro Señor. 24:43 Pero sabed esto, que si el padre de familia supiese a qué hora el ladrón habría de venir, velaría, y no dejaría minar su casa. 24:44 Por tanto, también vosotros estad preparados; porque el Hijo del Hombre vendrá a la hora que no pensáis. 24:45 ¿Quién es, pues, el siervo fiel y prudente, al cual puso su señor sobre su casa para que les dé el alimento a tiempo? 24:46 Bienaventurado aquel siervo al cual, cuando su señor venga, le halle haciendo así. 24:47 De cierto os digo que sobre todos sus bienes le pondrá. 24:48 Pero si aquel siervo malo dijere en su corazón: Mi señor tarda en venir; 24:49 y comenzare a golpear a sus consiervos, y aun a comer y a beber con los borrachos, 24:50 vendrá el señor de aquel siervo en día que éste no espera, y a la hora que no sabe, 24:51 y lo castigará duramente, y pondrá su parte con los hipócritas; allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes.
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Message 6 of 18 on the subject |

De la Nueva Era ya se ha hablado mucho y se seguirá hablando. Por mi parte, yo pedí a un especialista, Jean Vernette, que dedicara una voz a los movimientos de la Nueva Era en la tercera edición de mi Gran Diccionario de las Religiones, el cual los describe de la siguiente manera: "Los movimientos de la Nueva Era, como un gran río que fluye con muchos arroyos, representan una forma típica de sensibilidad religiosa contemporánea, como una nueva religiosidad que asume muchos caracteres de la gnosis eterna" (Piemme 2000, pp. 1497-1498). Además, a la Nueva Era se han dedicado recientemente dos números especiales de la revista trimestral de cultura religiosa Religiones y sectas en el mundo (1996, 1-2). En mi editorial presenté así este fenómeno: "El fenómeno de la Nueva Era, juntamente con otros nuevos movimientos religiosos, es uno de los desafíos más urgentes de la fe cristiana. Se trata de un desafío religioso y, al mismo tiempo, cultural: la Nueva Era propone teorías y doctrinas sobre Dios, sobre el hombre y sobre el mundo incompatibles con la fe cristiana. Además, la Nueva Era es síntoma de una cultura en profunda crisis y, a la vez, una respuesta equivocada a esta situación de crisis cultural: a sus inquietudes e interrogantes, a sus aspiraciones y esperanzas" (Religiones y sectas en el mundo, 6, 1996, p. 7).
Hoy, juntamente con mons. Fitzgerald, tengo el honor de presentar un documento relativo a este fenómeno, elaborado por don Peter Fleetwood, entonces oficial del Consejo pontificio para la cultura, y por la doctora Teresa Osório Gonçalves del Consejo pontificio para el diálogo interreligioso; por tanto, fruto de una auténtica y larga colaboración interdicasterial, precisamente para ayudar a responder "con dulzura y respeto", como recomendaba el apóstol san Pedro (cf. 1 P 3, 15), a este desafío religioso y, al mismo tiempo, cultural.
En la actualidad, la cultura occidental, seguida por muchas otras culturas, ha pasado de un sentido casi instintivo de la presencia de Dios a lo que a menudo se llama una visión más "científica" de la realidad. Todo debe ser explicado según nuestras experiencias diarias. Cualquier cosa que lleve a pensar en los milagros resulta inmediatamente motivo de sospecha. Así, todos los gestos y los objetos simbólicos, conocidos como sacramentales, que antes formaban parte de la praxis religiosa diaria de todo católico, son hoy, en el panorama religioso, mucho menos evidentes que antes.
Las razones de ese cambio son muchas y diversas, pero entran todas en el ámbito del cambio cultural general de formas tradicionales de religión a expresiones más personales e individuales de lo que ahora se llama "espiritualidad". Al parecer, son tres los motivos que han dado origen a ese cambio. El primero es la sensación de que las religiones tradicionales o institucionales no pueden dar lo que antes se creía que podían dar. Algunas personas, en su visión del mundo, no logran encontrar espacio para creer en un Dios trascendente personal; y a muchos la experiencia los ha llevado a preguntarse si este Dios tiene poder para realizar cambios en el mundo o incluso si existe. Las tristes experiencias que han afectado al mundo entero han vuelto muy escépticas a algunas personas con respecto a la religión: pienso en acontecimientos terribles como el Holocausto y las consecuencias de la bomba atómica lanzada sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki al final de la segunda guerra mundial. Lo percibí personalmente durante una reciente visita que realicé a Nagasaki, cuando tuve el privilegio de orar, pero me sentí totalmente incapaz de encontrar palabras, ante el monumento a la memoria de aquellas personas cuya vida quedó truncada o gravemente afectada para siempre en aquel agosto de 1945. Hoy, la amenaza de una guerra en Oriente Medio me recuerda lo que me decía mi padre, enfermero durante la segunda guerra mundial. Lo que me contaba sobre los horrores de la guerra me ayuda a comprender más fácilmente las dudas de la gente con respecto a Dios y a la religión. El desconcierto de tantas personas ante el sufrimiento de los inocentes, explotado también por ciertos movimientos, explica en parte la fuga de algunos creyentes hacia ellos.
Hay otra razón para explicar cierta inquietud y cierto rechazo con respecto a la Iglesia tradicional. No olvidemos que en la antigua Europa las religiones paganas precristianas eran muy fuertes y a menudo se producían lamentables conflictos vinculados al cambio político, pero inevitablemente calificados como opresión cristiana de las antiguas religiones. Uno de los pasos más significativos en lo que se podría llamar el ámbito "espiritual" en el siglo pasado, más o menos, fue una vuelta a las formas precristianas de religión. Las religiones paganas contribuyeron en gran medida a sostener algunas de las ideologías racistas más violentas de Europa, consolidando así la convicción de que ciertas naciones desempeñan un papel histórico de alcance mundial hasta el punto de que tienen derecho a someter a otros pueblos, y eso ha implicado, casi inevitablemente, un odio hacia la religión cristiana, a la que se ve como una novata en la escena religiosa. La compleja serie de fenómenos conocidos con el término de religiones "neopaganas" pone de manifiesto la necesidad, que sienten muchos, de inventar modos nuevos para "contraatacar" al cristianismo y volver a una forma más auténtica de religión, vinculada más íntimamente a la naturaleza y a la tierra. Por eso, se debe reconocer que en la religión neopagana no hay sitio para el cristianismo. Guste o no, se produce una lucha para conquistar la mente y el corazón de la gente en la relación entre el cristianismo, las antiguas religiones precristianas y sus "primas" de origen más reciente.
El tercer motivo de un desengaño generalizado con respecto a la religión institucional deriva de una creciente obsesión en la cultura occidental por las religiones orientales y los caminos de sabiduría. Cuando ha resultado más fácil viajar fuera del propio continente, muchos europeos aventureros han comenzado a explorar lugares que antes sólo conocían repasando las páginas de textos antiguos. La atracción de lo exótico los ha puesto en contacto más estrecho con las religiones y las prácticas esotéricas de varias culturas orientales, desde el antiguo Egipto hasta la India y Tibet. La creciente convicción de que existe cierta verdad de fondo, un núcleo de verdad en el centro de toda experiencia religiosa, ha llevado a la idea de que se pueden y deben captar los elementos característicos de las diversas religiones para llegar a una forma universal de religión. Una vez más, en ese ámbito hay poco espacio para las religiones institucionales, en particular, el judaísmo y el cristianismo. Vale la pena que lo recordéis la próxima vez que tengáis ocasión de observar un anuncio publicitario relativo al budismo tibetano o a algún tipo de encuentro con un chamán; eso se puede ver a menudo en cualquier capital europea.
Lo que me preocupa es el hecho de que mucha gente, implicada en esos tipos de espiritualidad oriental o "indígena", en realidad no es capaz de ser plenamente consciente de lo que se oculta bajo la invitación inicial a participar en esos encuentros. Además, conviene notar el hecho de que, desde hace mucho tiempo, en algunos círculos masónicos que tienden a una religión universal, existe gran interés por las religiones esotéricas. El Iluminismo promovía la idea de que era inaceptable que hubiera tantos conflictos y se hicieran tantas guerras en nombre de la religión. En esto no puedo por menos de estar de acuerdo. Pero sería incorrecto no reconocer una actitud antirreligiosa generalizada que se desarrolló partiendo de la preocupación original de garantizar el bienestar de la humanidad. También en ese caso, con frecuencia, se califica como conflicto religioso lo que, en realidad, no es más que un conflicto de índole política, económica o social.
El espíritu de esta nueva religión universal se explica más claramente de una manera muy popular en el musical Hair del año 1960, cuando al público de todo el mundo se le dijo que "esta era el alba de la Era del Acuario", una era basada en la armonía, la comprensión y el amor. En términos astrológicos, la Era de Piscis ha sido identificada con el tiempo del cristianismo, pero esta era, según dicen, debería acabar pronto para dar paso a la Era del Acuario, cuando el cristianismo perderá su influjo, dejando el sitio a una religión universal más humana. Gran parte de la moral tradicional no tendría ya lugar en la nueva Era del Acuario. Sería totalmente transformado el modo de pensar de la gente y ya no existirían las antiguas divisiones entre hombres y mujeres. Los seres humanos deberían ser sistemáticamente llamados a asumir una forma de vida andrógina, en la que ambos hemisferios del cerebro se usen oportunamente en armonía y no desconectados como ahora.
Cuando vemos y escuchamos la expresión Nueva Era, es importante recordar que originariamente se refería a la nueva Era del Acuario. El documento que se presenta hoy es una respuesta a la necesidad que experimentan los obispos y los fieles en varias partes del mundo. Han pedido muchas veces ayuda para comprender la Nueva Era, puesto que se han dado cuenta del número de personas implicadas en ese movimiento de diversos modos y en diferentes niveles. También han solicitado una guía para responder mejor a este fenómeno ya presente por doquier. El título mismo del documento aclara, desde el principio, que el Acuario nunca podrá ofrecer lo que Cristo puede ofrecer. El encuentro entre Jesús y la samaritana, junto al pozo de Sicar, que narra el evangelio de san Juan, es el texto clave que ha guiado la reflexión durante la preparación de la relación provisional sobre la Nueva Era, que se presenta hoy. Como se puede ver, el documento no está destinado a ser una declaración definitiva sobre el tema. Se trata de una reflexión pastoral encaminada a ayudar a los obispos, a los catequistas y a los que están comprometidos en los diversos programas de formación de la Iglesia, para descubrir los orígenes de la Nueva Era, para ver de qué forma logra influir en la vida de los cristianos, y para elaborar medios y métodos adecuados a fin de responder a los numerosos y diversos desafíos que la Nueva Era plantea a la comunidad cristiana en aquellas partes del mundo donde se encuentra presente. Puede ser también un desafío para los cristianos tentados por lo que la Nueva Era dice a propósito de Jesucristo, para reconocer las numerosas diferencias entre el Cristo cósmico y el Cristo histórico. En definitiva, este documento es un nuevo fruto de la atención que la Iglesia presta al mundo. Nace del deber que tiene la Iglesia de permanecer fiel a la buena nueva de la vida, muerte y resurrección de Jesús, que ofrece de verdad el agua de la vida a todos los que a él se acercan con la mente y el corazón abiertos.
Podréis comprender mejor la naturaleza y el alcance del documento si os explico de qué modo se ha escrito. Existe una comisión interdicasterial de estudio que se ocupa de sectas y nuevos movimientos religiosos. Forman parte de esa comisión los secretarios de los Consejos pontificios para la cultura, para el diálogo interreligioso y para la promoción de la unidad de los cristianos, así como de la Congregación para la evangelización de los pueblos. Para preparar este documento, los oficiales de estos cuatro dicasterios vaticanos que trabajaban en el texto contaron con la ayuda de un oficial de la Congregación para la doctrina de la fe. Así, es evidente que la Santa Sede lo ha considerado un proyecto importante que convenía realizar bien y con esmero. Ha sido necesario un largo período de tiempo antes de que este documento viera la luz. Sin embargo, espero que suscite reflexiones entre los obispos, en las comunidades católicas y cristianas de todo tipo. Si es sustituido por un texto mejor y de índole más definitiva, querrá decir que ha conseguido su finalidad, estimulando a los que están comprometidos en la pastoral y a los que trabajan con ellos para reflexionar en el tema de manera teológica.
El documento quiere impulsar a los lectores a hacer todo lo posible para comprender correctamente el fenómeno de la Nueva Era. Eso exige una actitud abierta, de la que os hablará a continuación, con mucho detalle, monseñor Fitzgerald. Pero quisiera decir que ante este documento algunos cristianos podrían quejarse de que en él se critican algunas formas actuales de espiritualidad, en las que están comprometidos. Ya es problemático el hecho mismo de usar el término Nueva Era para definir el fenómeno. Por eso, algunos prefieren recurrir al término Próxima Era, pero, sinceramente hablando, a mi parecer, se trata sólo de un desplazamiento del problema, ocultándolo bajo una terminología nebulosa. El hecho de que el término incluya muchas cosas indica también que no todos los que adquieren productos de la Nueva Era o afirman que les sienta bien la terapia Nueva Era han abrazado la ideología de la Nueva Era. Por consiguiente, es necesario un cierto discernimiento, tanto por lo que atañe a los productos con etiqueta Nueva Era, como por lo que atañe a los que, en mayor o menor medida, podrían considerarse "clientes" de la Nueva Era. No es lo mismo ser clientes, devotos o discípulos. La honradez y la integridad nos exigen ser muy prudentes y no meterlo todo en el mismo saco, etiquetando con mucha facilidad.
Para concluir, quisiera decir simplemente que la Nueva Era se presenta como una falsa utopía para responder a la sed profunda de felicidad del corazón humano, sometido al dramatismo de la existencia e insatisfecho ante la infelicidad profunda de la felicidad moderna. La Nueva Era se presenta como una respuesta engañosa a la esperanza más antigua del hombre, la esperanza de una Nueva Era de paz, armonía, reconciliación consigo mismo, con los demás y con la naturaleza. Esta esperanza religiosa, tan antigua como la humanidad misma, es una llamada que brota del corazón de los hombres especialmente en tiempos de crisis. El pequeño documento que se presenta ahora ayudará a conocer mejor el tema, a discernir entre las propuestas y a suscitar en la comunidad cristiana un renovado compromiso de anunciar a Jesucristo, portador del agua viva.
Seguiré con atención el debate que se entablará ante nuestro documento, a la vez que doy vivamente las gracias a todo el equipo de expertos, en especial a don Peter Fleetwood y a la doctora Teresa Osório Gonçalves, que han trabajado con ahínco y esmero para poderlo redactar.
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Message 7 of 18 on the subject |
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Message 8 of 18 on the subject |
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Message 9 of 18 on the subject |
Causa: inclinación del Eje de rotación del planeta

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Message 10 of 18 on the subject |
Existe lo que se llama el PUNTO VERNAL... que es donde ocurre el inicio del Zodiaco Tropical a 0 grados del signo de Aries. Este punto VERNAL está siempre moviéndose HACIA ATRÁS en relación con las CONSTELACIONES.
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Message 11 of 18 on the subject |
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Message 12 of 18 on the subject |
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Message 13 of 18 on the subject |
Precesion de los equinoccios en la tora
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Message 14 of 18 on the subject |
The Axes of the Dendera zodiac The foregoing narrative has focused primarily on the Sun's annual cycle through the 12 houses of the ecliptic during the year. This record of the clockwise motion of the Sun is one level of truth related in the Celestial Gospel, but there is more. As we mentioned above, there is strong evidence that the ancient Hebrews and Egyptians were also aware of the slower precession of the equinoxes reflecting a knowledge of the Sun's longer counter-clockwise motion through the ecliptic. The Dendera zodiac provides facsinating proof of this, corroborating the themes already expressed in the Sun's annual cycle. This structure is intended as a check and balance of sorts, supporting what we have already learned in the witness of the shorter timeframe of the year. The Sun's precessional movement is highlighted by which sign of the zodiac it rises in at the spring equinox. For the last 2000+ years it has been in Pisces, thus we are presiding in final years of the Piscean Age according to the Sun's precessional movement. The following chart shows how the precessional ages would correlate to the Biblical Administrations, revealing a consistent progression of themes as God's Plan of the Ages unfolds. This provides the overarching context for the plan of redemption and restoration of Mankind, through the redeeming work of Christ-the centerpiece of the the Ages. Our TIMELINE section on the web-site goes into greater detail, explaining the significance of these age-times in God's Plan.
Precessional Ages Aligned with Biblical Administrations
Zodiacal Sign |
Biblical Administrations |
Heavens & Earth |
Start Dates |
Scripture |
Sirius |
Angels First Estate |
First |
Gen.1:1-2 |
Gemini |
Original Paradise |
Second |
6480 BC |
Gen. 3:8ff |
Taurus |
Bible Patriarchs |
Second |
4320 BC |
Gen. 3:23ff |
Aries |
O.T. Law |
Second |
2160 BC |
Ex. 19:16ff |
Pisces |
Christ/Grace/Revalation |
Second |
7BC-now |
Matt. 3:11ff Acts 2:1ff IThess. 4:13 |
Aquarius |
Final Paradise |
Third |
2153 AD |
Rev. 21 |
This march of the precessional ages is recorded in the Dendera zodiac, in a recognition of the axes built into its structure. The primary axes of the Dendera zodiac are indicated in the graphic below, from Schwaller De Lubicz' seminal analysis of this zodiac, showing the coordination of the precession of the poles with the precession of the equinoxes. As the pole star recedes from the star Thuban of Draco to the current pole, in Polaris of Ursa Minor [little bear] in the center of the graphic, we can see the corresponding precessional ages/years BC marked on the outer circle. The fact that the ancient Egyptians recognized these two poles and their inter-relationship itself, bespeaks a knowledge of the precession phenomea. The role and Biblical Archaeo-astronomical approach to this subject, in one sense, will separate the symbolic details associated with the idol entites of the Egyptian Star Religion, which corrupted the original unity they shared with the Hebrew Star names, that we have just witnessed in the preceding section. Astrology as had a vast corrupting influence on the idea of the precession of the equinoxes. By idolizing the zodiacal signs and blurring the link between the shorter clockwise, and much longer counterclock-wise solar cycles, Astrology not only lacks the ability to accurately distinguish when one precessional age ends and a new age begins, but a clear concept of the relationship between these two zodiacs [tropical and sidereal] is totally lacking of any standard, and no astrologer can agree as to when these two zodiacs were first coordinated "in synch," so to speak. They are thus left in a free-for-all to subjectively determine their own systems according to whatever point they choose to emphasize. This has led to chaos and confusion where divine celestial truths have been obscured. As the Sun moves on the eclipticduring the solar/ tropical year, it moves through the backdrop of "fixed" stars [sidereal zodiac]. These two must be understood BOTH as separate celestial zodiacs, and together in a unified system. The annual solar year lacks meaning without the context of the stellar backdrop of the sidereal zodiac. On the other hand, the very long stellar zodiac lacks an application to men's everyday lives associated with the shorter annual Sun cycle. As in the chart above, once the Biblical Administrations are tied to these celestial zodiacs, along with the related precessional ages, their Biblical import is clarified, and the purpose of the Heavens in God's Plan for the Ages is revealed. Once we adopt the understanding and perspective of the Biblical Patriarchs in the context of God's Plan to restore the Ages, we uncover the divine perspective, which has been hidden under the debris of man's dilapidated idols in ancient history. As we recognize the story of the Coming Redeemer written in the heavens, at the root of all cultural sky myths, we can unearth the primal secrets and original symbolic truths of the celestial gospel in every culture, thus decoding the world monomyth. Overlaid Zodiacs of the Celestial Pole and ecliptic Pole of Dendera As we can see in the graphic above, the receding pole star is mapped on the smaller inner circle, along a series of four points corresponding to four points on the larger outer circle of the zodiac. This shows us the pole star in the specific precessional ages going back to the Age of Gemini, marked on the larger zodiacal circle by the symbol "II", prior to 4380 BC, showing the transition from the Age of Gemini to the Age of Taurus. This depicts that Gemini stands at the early stages of Egyptian reckoning of precessional ages in Dendera's zodiac, even though the latest version of the Temple of Dendera housing this zodiac, was rebuilt in the late Hellenistic period. As the outer circle progesses in a counter-clockwise movement, we come next to the sign of Taurus the Bull, marked by one of the main axes of the larger circle in solid lines above. On the full circle of the zodiac, Scorpius is directly across from Taurus, forming one of the main axes, while Leo the Lion is across from Aquarius forming the other. This gives us a picture of the main zodiacal axes during the precessional Age of Taurus, as marked by the axes of the Dendera zodiac above. We find the Biblical correspondence to this in Numbers 24.
Numbers 24:7-9 7 He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher thean Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. 8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn: he shall eat up the nations, his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows. 9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesses thee and cursed is he that curses thee.
Here we see the Biblical recognition of the same celestial axes mapped out in the Dendera zodiac. Numbers 24:7 refers to Aquarius' water buckets, at one end of the axes, whose other end is occupied by Leo, the Great Lion seen in verse 9. Verse 8 refers to the Unicorn [reem] which means the wild bull of Taurus, opposite the Scorpion on the second main axis. The context of Numbers 24 lays out the the tents and tabernacles of Israel [Num. 24:5] as the pattern of the 12 tribes of Israel mapped out in correspondence to the 12 signs of the Biblical zodiac.
In his work Skies of Memory, John Lash summarizes evidence he found of the ancient Egyptian awareness of precession as follows:
"The [Dendera] has 2 North poles: one located in the Jackal, known to us as the Little Bear, and the other in Tu-art, the Hippotamus, known to us as Draco, the celestial Dragon. There are two poles because,as we know, the earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees relative to its plane of motion around the Sun. The North pole points currently to the Jackal as at Dendera, but not to precisely the same place in the Jackal. This is because the terrestrial axis slowly rotates around the axis of the earth's orbital plane, ever centered in Draco. This long-term wobble marks the cycle of 25,920 years. The inclusion of both poles in the Dendear may be plain evidence that precession was known to the ancient Egyptianszodiaczodiac."8
The Hippopotamus at the North Pole referenced by Lash, is pictured below with a crocodile riding his back, reminiscent of the description of Behemoth in Job 40 and Leviathan in Job 41. As these figures are symbolically identified with Draco, their description and astronomical function comes to light.
Lash was not alone in making reference to the axes of the Dendera zodiac, As mentioned above, Schwaller De Lubicz is another scholar who argued in favor of the Egyptian knowledge of precession. He points out 2 hieroglyphs on the outer rim of Dendera's zodiac that mark a line between Aries the Ram and Taurus the Bull, which correlates to a date around 2100 BC, indicating how the Egyptians wanted to mark the transition in precessional ages, in this case from the age of Taurus to that of Aries. "The mere fact that the cult of the Bull [Apis/Mentu] preceded the cult of the Ram [Amon] in Egypt, and that the dates of these cults correspond to the equinoctial positions of their constellations at the appropriate time-approximately 4000 and 2000 BC-is conclusive"9 according to Schwaller DeLubicz, that the ancient Egyptians were aware of and applied their knowledge of precession. Lash continues this line of easoning on Dendera's axes as follows:
"As I studied the overall design of the zodiac I realized there was a 5th, as yet undetected axis. My attention was first drawn to its presence by the figure of Virgo the grain goddess identified with Isis, who holds up a stalk of wheat in a gesture known from Sumerian sources as early as the third millenium BC."10
We should recognize Virgo's wheat stalk as her brightest star, known today as Spica, but in the Hebrew as [Al Zemach] meaning the branch which is one of the prominent titles of the Promised Seed, or offspring of God, in the Old Testament [Jer 23:5-6]. What is unique about this as it relates to Dendera's zodiac is that Spica/Al Zemach is only one of two individual stars marked on this entire star map, the other being Sirius. As Lash further elaborates on this point:
"Sirius, is placed between the horns of the sacred cow on axis B, and Spica, the star traditionally identified with Virgo's sheaf of wheat. This led me to wonder what an axis inscribed from Spica through the Jackal pole would look like..."11 Lash makes note of some specific observations in connection with what we can refer to as the "Spica Axis" on Dendera's zodiac that are worthy of our attention:
"First, the axis culminates by bisecting the altar mounted by 4 ram's heads situated on the periphery of the zodiac. This seems to interlock its internal features, represented by the solar zodiac of ecliptic Constellations, with the lunar pattern of decans, 10 degree divisions of the Moon's orbit running around the periphery. Second, Axis E [Spica axis] crosses Pisces at the tail of the lower or foremost fish exactly where the spring equinox occurs today. Third, Axis E, extended to Virgo's feet marks the tail of Leo at a point that corresponds by precession to 10,500 BC. All in all, axis E marks the moment of precession when one full cycle ends and a new one begins."12 [brackets & bolds mine]
The first observation Lash points out makes reference to is the recognition that the Spica axis bisects the Ram altar on the periphery of the zodiac. This points out clearly the correlation between Spica/Al Zemach and the altar of sacrifice that the Promised Seed would endure to pay the price for forgiveness of sins, that only Christ could pay for all mankind. Lash also refers to the Luni-solar year on this ancient Egyptian star map. This provides additional evidence that these ancient astronomers were not only aware of precession, but also a coordinated luni-solar year far in advance of what was previously thought by historians. This also fits with the use of the Sothic Calendar, based on the star Sirius, first in Egypt, showing why they would chose to designate Sirius on their star map. Lash elaborates on his second observation as follows:
"As the total pattern came into focus, I recognized that axis E signals this moment of epochal transition in a vivid intentional way. Whoever designed Dendera was looking ahead in time to our age, when the spring equinox occurs under the tail of the western fish, because this is the time that the entire cycle culminates. With the spring equinox just at that position in Pisces, the axial cross locks into unique alignment with the Galaxy".13
This comment by Lash indicates not only the precessional awareness of these ancient astronomers, but also how the precession of the equinoxes provides a window into this galactic alignment. We can see further evidence of this, in the axis indicated by Schwaller De Lubicz between Taurus and Aries. As this axis extends through the otherside of the zodiac, it brackets Sagittarius and Scorpius in the central point of the Milky Way Galaxy, where the tip of the Horseman's Arrow trains his aim into the dark rift of the galactic heart, as seen in the graphic above. To be clear on this point, the axes of the Dendera zodiac seem to be designed to point any learned observers attention to the importance of Spica/Al Zemach and Sirius in decoding this star map. Relating to Spica it is apparent that the axis is pointed towards the Age of Pisces, whose inception witnessed the birth of Jesus Christ the Promised seed, marked by 2 rare triple planetary conjunctions both involving Jupiter. The culmination of the Piscean Age is marked also by this axis, at the other end of Dendera's zodiac marking Sagittarius and Scorpius, pictured above in December 21st, 2012, even as it is marked by the Mayan astronomers, as the end of their 5th Age. This is an obvious eye-opener, which is further corroborated by Lash below! As Lash points out, the precessional half cycle of 12,960 years back in history from today, brings us to 10,500 BC. In fact Lash believes that Spica was designed among other things, to act as a pointer towards this galactic alignment as seen in his following summation:
"Spica, which I call the precessional star, seems to be the master key to the Dendera . Axis E [Spica axis] reveals an infrastructure based on galactic features only thought to have been known in recent times. If my inferences are correct, Dendera proves not only that precession was known and applied to a scheme of World Ages, but that the entire 26,000 year cycle was understood in its formal organizationzodiac."14 [brackets mine]
The fact that this study of the axes of the Dendera zodiac lead us directly to the timing of Christ's birth at the inception of the Age of Pisces alone, is worth the price of admission. The details of the celestial signs leading up to the birth of Christ are covered in our website study on the "Celestial Prelude" which is found under the Biblical Astronomy of the Birth of Christ section of this site. The Significance of Jupiter-Saturn triple planetary conjunctions are laid out there, along with how these Conjunctions were also central to Mayan Astronomy. The Dendera zodiac as a prominent artifact of ancient Egyptian archaeology provides an independent witness to the principles of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy, but when combined with the witness of the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramid their collective chorus becomes almost deafening to those who have ears to hear.
As we allow the heavens to have their say in declaring the manifest glory of the Creator, we will avoid the pitfalls of those throughout history, who decided to rather change the glory of the incorruptible God into any form found in Creation, be it man, animal or insect. Let's learn our lessons from the Egyptians who stumbled on this downward path away from God's Grace, into His wrath and fiery judgment in the age of Moses.
1. Echoes of the Ancient Skies, E.C. Krupp. p. 258
3. Echoes of the Ancient Skies, E.C. Krupp. p. 172 4. Strong's Concordance 5. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, p.168 6. Witness of the Stars, EW Bullinger
7. Gospel in the Stars. Joseph Seiss. pg. 113 8.The Companion Bible, E.W. Bullinger. Appendix 42. 9. The Skies in Memory, John Lash as quoted in The Atlantis Blueprint, Wilson & Flem-Ath. p. 169 10. Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins ppg.169-172. 11. The Skies in Memory John Lash as quoted in The Atlantis Blueprint p. 170
12. IBID
13. IBID p. 171
14. IBID 15. IBID p. 172 |
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Message 15 of 18 on the subject |
It is interesting that the Temple area between the porch and the altar is emphasized as having such powerful influence because the actions of the ministry leadership of the 24 courses of priests, had a pervasive effect on the entire nation as they "filled the land with violence." Idolatry in any form and especially Astrology in this case, will always bring the wrath of God on those who promote its practice. This record in Ezekiel 8 is thus a key indicator of the spiritual health of the nation of Israel at that time, showing the influence of spiritual leaders in any culture. Let's now resume our study of the record of II Chronicles as King Solomon continues with the dedication of the Temple.
II Chronicles 6:10-21
10The LORD therefore hath performed his word that he hath spoken: for I am risen up in the room of David my father, and am set on the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised, and have built the house for the name of the LORD God of Israel. 11And in it have I put the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, that he made with the children of Israel. 12And he stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands: 13For Solomon had made a brasen scaffold, of five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the court: and upon it he stood, and kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven, 14And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts: 15Thou which hast kept with thy servant David my father that which thou hast promised him; and spakest with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is this day. 16Now therefore, O LORD God of Israel, keep with thy servant David my father that which thou hast promised him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit upon the throne of Israel; yet so that thy children take heed to their way to walk in my law, as thou hast walked before me. 17Now then, O LORD God of Israel, let thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy servant David. 18But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built! 19Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O LORD my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee: 20That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place. 21Hearken therefore unto the supplications of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, which they shall make toward this place: hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from heaven; and when thou hearest, forgive.
In verse 13 above, Solomon set the brasen scaffold in the midst of the court, between the altars of the holy place, and the holiest of all. The configuration of these two altars mirror the basic structure of the alignment of Earth's polar axis, as depicted in the graphic [Figure C.] below. We can see how the geographic and magnetic poles on Earth are reflected in the North Poles of the ecliptic and the Equator, in the heavens as we view the graphic below.
As we keep the Temple of Jerusalem, the terrestrial paradigm of the North Pole in mind, the word "midst" above in II Chron.6:13, is "tavek" [*H8432] meaning the center, or bisection, so called from its being divided.16 As a terrestrial reflection of the celestial structure of the firmament, an important aspect of the Temple ground-plan is revealed as we consider some other places in God's Word where this Hebrew word "tavek" occurs. Genesis 1:6 is the first occurrence of this word, in reference to the order of the firmament, dividing the midst of the waters of the great deep, the waters outside the firmament, from the waters inside the firmament. This paints a picture of the firmament of heaven akin to vast a cosmic bubble, bordered by an immense reservoir. This firmament contains all the celestial bodies in the created Universe. This terrestrial paradigm is not figuratively limited to the Temple or Tabernacle of the Israel, but by the use of "tavek" in context of God's ordering of all Creation, it extends to include the entirety of our planet Earth. Genesis 1 tells us that the waters inside the firmament are concentrated on Earth, and the continents of the Earth are bisected at their geographical center by the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau.This memorial type of altar bisecting the Delta of Egypt, this part of the Nile, being anciently called "the sea." We find the details of this with the usage of "tavek" in Isaiah. This is handled in detail, in the section of our web-site on the Biblical of the Great PyramidAstronomy.
The information we have been studying shows us a direct Biblical correlation, and a celestial reflection of the two altars of the Temple and Tabernacle, illustrating the bipolar structure of the Earth as it mirrors the galactic poles of the two great celestial circles of the ecliptic and the Equator in northern skies. The symbolism of the circle is heavenly, while the symbolism of the square is Earthly. When we overlay the celestial double circle of the galactic North Pole on the terrestrial double square of the Tabernacle's ground-plan, the 1 x 2 rectangle forming the midst of the Tabernacle's court, conforms to the common area of the North polar Vesica, between these overlapping celestial circles. This depicts the Creator's original plan of His Creation reflected on both the macro and micro levels, as seen in the blueprints of the Temple and the "pattern of theTabernacle" [Heb. 8:5, Exod. 25:9, 40] Only the true Creator could give the details of this Intelligently Designed Plan with such accuracy. Only the Almighty God is able to account for the work of His Hands with such a sweeping vista, encompassing everything from the largest to the smallest scale. All of this is preserved in the fullness of its inherent glory in God's Holy Word, so that it is undeniable even for the fool. Even the fool knows this cannot originate by Chance, but only in the deliberate Intelligent Design and foreknowledge of Almighty God. On the micro level, this structure is intended to symbolize God's chosen dwelling place in the hearts and minds of the Church in Christ, showing man as the reason for Creation, and the container and reflector of the Creator's gift of holy spirit. In this sense Christ is the ideal man and an emblem of all Creation. All the symbols, like "Vitruvian man," are based on this original ideal which has been corrupted in the idols of the ages. We as believers will either align our thinking with the poles of the flesh or spirit by the freedom of our will, determining our fellowship with the Heavenly Father through His only mediator, the promised seed-Jesus Christ, the chief corner stone who crowns his Temple, the Church.
As King Solomon, son of David, spoke his prayer to God from this central scaffold between the altars, he practically unified the secular (dynamic) office of the King, with the sacred (static) office of the Priest, from a location that encompassed both spheres of activity for the nation of Israel. This is pictured astronomically as the dynamic equatorial pole slowly moves around the static pole of the ecliptic, with the common area between these overlapping polar wheels seen as a vesica or Venn Diagram. This gives us another viewpoint of the precession of the poles, as the equatorial pole shifted from Thuban of Draco to Polaris of Ursa Minor over the past 5000 years. This fulfills the promise of the coming redeemer as the current pole star Polaris resides under the feet of Cepheus the Crowned King, [Eph. 1:20-22]. This celestial image of the King of kings is realized and fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
As II Chronicles 6:16 tells us; There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit upon the throne of Israel; yet so that thy children take heed to their way to walk in my law, as thou hast walked before me.
It is Jesus Christ as the High Priest after the order of Melchisedek, who ultimately fills this position as both king and priest, signifying Christ the fish, giving the true meaning for the vesica as a fish shaped icthus, that is also a Greek word for "fish." This sign or cipher of the fish was popular in the early days of Christianity, especially with its Piscean associations, and has come into vogue again, towards the end of the age. These truths originally put forth in the astronomical context of the fish shaped icthus, at the North Pole, were divorced from these former affiliations as their use was degraded in occult astrological practices. We need only return to the first truths of the celestial gospel to recover the hidden secrets of the ages, that only God's Word can reveal. By forsaking the pagan astrological idols, the wisdom and Symmetry inherent in the Creator's Order will be revealed as never before. The starry host provides the faithful heavenly witness of these everlasting spiritual truths, as witnessed in the Hourglass Nebula below. This aptly named Nebula implies the sands of time running out on the serpent's dominion. This fascinating nebula closely resembles the vesica pattern, with the heart of the Nebula itself inside the fishes vessel. Intriguingly, this symbol also favors the number 8, having the spiritual significance of a new beginning, while resembling the division of a cell and the birth of new life. God, the Author of life has truly made new life available to all who believe through His Son, the agent of our new and everlasting life.
Figure D. The Hourglass Nebula
The Hourglass Nebula appears as another celestial indicator of the importance of the symbolic "vessel of the fish," representing the Age of Pisces as the precessional age that would reveal the long awaited and prophesied promised seed, and the final victory over the serpent. We have seen how important the advent of this age is in the chronology of the ages of the precession of the equinoxes. The details of how the opening of this Piscean Age was marked during the Celestial Prelude, are in my book: The Season of the Morning Star. This accounts for much "Piscean symbolism" in the Christian mysteries. Many of these "mysteries" were based on an emphasis of the purely geometric aspects of this knowledge, divorced from their true celestial roots, and mystified in a labyrinth of mythic and occult admixtures, to corrupt their true meaning. We have seen how the pagan cultures of the "fertile crescent" and ancient Egypt took elements of this "mighty system" of Patriarchal Astronomy into idolatrous applications of their individual star religions. Yet we still discern the original pattern of truth hidden under these idolatrous facades of ancient Astrology. The Chaldeans and Egyptians, as the Pythagoreans after them, present a clear case where this cloaking of the original truths in the celestial gospel resulted in its corruption. To remove the insidious influence of Astrology, we must recognize the original celestial symbols before they were corrupted and return to the solid ground of their Scriptural underpinnings upon which these truths can be re-set in their original purity. The association of the earthly twelve tribes of Israel with the twelve signs of the zodiac, gives us a perspective wherein we see a way in which the "ordinances of heavens have their dominion in the earth," [Job 38:33]. This is a primary goal of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy utilizing the tools of the God-Breathed Word in concert with the witness of the stars.
As the presence of the stone tablets of the original Ten Commandments preserved in the Ark, represented the Old Covenant, their transfer from the Tabernacle to the Temple foreshadowed the transition from the Old to the New Covenants. This transfer foreshadowed the transition embodied in the ministry of the High Priest, to Jesus after the order of Melchisedek. As the ultimate High Priest, Christ inherits the breastplate of 12 precious stones, metonomizing the 12 tribes of Israel under the authority of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This fulfills II Chronicles 6:16, providing all humanity the perfect man to model our lives after. One original truth of this celestial structure as it is reflected in the terrestrial, is the realization that Christ and his Saints, the spiritual seed are preeminent over all Creation, in the divine authority of their kingly priesthood. This is evident in the 89th Psalm.
Psalm 89:36-37 Psa 89:36 His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before me. 37 It shall be established forever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
The manifestation of His seed above is realized in the Church of His spiritual body, which is called "The Temple." The awesome details of this teaching are reserved for later publications, but for now, there are seven references to the believers in the New Testament as the Temple, with the first in I Corinthians 3.
1 Cor. 3:10-17 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. [11] For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. [12] Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; [13] Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. [14] If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. [15] If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. [16] Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? [17] If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Verses 16-17 plainly tells us that we, as the born again believers are the temple, because collectively we are the habitation of God spiritually. Individually God has called each of us to share fully in the greatness of the loving fellowship with Him, mediated by His only begotten Son. As Jesus Christ is the head of his spiritual body, so he is also the head of the corner-the chief cornerstone figuratively at the pinnacle of the Temple. Thus the figure of the Temple in Jerusalem is carried forward into the New Testament Church of the Spiritual Body of Christ, and ultimately we will fulfill our heavenly calling when our new bodies take up their spiritual position at the right hand of the Heavenly Father, in Christ.
This illustrates how the Creator has brought man through the ages, back to a reconciled state of Fellowship and Son-ship with Him, through the mediator of His Covenant, Jesus Christ. We can see Christ as this chief cornerstone also in Ephesians 2:20-22 and I Peter 2:4-7, which are two of the other records in the New Testament where the Church is called the Temple, or habitation of God.
A master-theme worth noting, running through this teaching involves the external plan for the Tabernacle and Temples of the Old Testament, always being built around the focal point of the Holy of the Holies, the sacred juncture between God and man. These external blueprints reflect the internal worship of God's people, which has advanced from the O.T. sacrifices of bulls and goats to the living sacrifices [Rom. 12:1-2], of our lives in service to the overriding purposes and Will of God.18 As we discover the individual direction of our calling into the Church, we can finally offer a true sacrifice from the heart, fit for the Creator. Even as our very lives are gifts from God, so the worship we can now offer was perfected by God, from Whom all blessings flow.
This essay serves only as an appropriate introduction to the celestial symbolism of the Temple and Tabernacle of Israel, which will be handled in much greater detail in forthcoming editions of my published works. It is designed to give the reader an appreciation for the intrinsic Godly design of these sacred structures, as they embody the sacred architecture and detailed work of the Creator's Hand. As we are enlightened to God's purposes in these levels of His creation, we are also awakened to our own purpose in His master plan. It is my prayer for the reader that those of you who desire to dwell in the courts of our Heavenly Father's house, will find a welcome and friendly entrance here, even as we welcome Him into our hearts, through His only begotten Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
1 Figures of Speech used in the Bible, E.W. Bullinger. p. 769.
2 New Bible Dictionary, p. 1157.
3 Funk & Wagnalls Dictrionary Vol. 1 p. 109.
4 The Companion Bible, E.W. Bullinger, App.65, IV.
6 The Temple,its Ministry and Services, Alfred Edersheim, p. 158. 7 Strong's Concordance, James Strong, note on #H6957. 8 Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Peter Thompkins, p. 263.
9 King James Version, II Chronicles 5.
10 Sacred Geometry, Nigel Pennick ppg. 58-62.
11 The City of Revelation, John Michel 12 The Star that Astonished the World, Earnest Martin p. 58
13 The Temple, its Ministry and Services, Alfred Ederseim ppg. 222-223.
14 The King James Version, ( Cambridge : Cambridge ) 1769.
15 Strong's Concordance, James Strong, note on #H8432.
16 The Temple, its Ministry and Services, Edersheim, p. 176.
17 IBID. p. 225.
18 The Tabernacle of Israel, James Strong, ppg. 68-69.
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Message 17 of 18 on the subject |
 The image on the right I recognize the artist, (he appeared briefly on the 2012Forum) but where did you get the other image on the left?
Try to post the sources for your images in case somebody else in the future is following along with the clues. namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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