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Message 1 of 200 on the subject |
3:14 Y escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Laodicea: He aquí el Amén, el testigo fiel y verdadero, el principio de la creación de Dios, dice esto: (Numero PI=3.14. La iglesia de LA-ODICEA era una de las 7 IGLESIAS/PLEYADES ubicadas en ASIA MENOR/ANATOLIA/MONTE DE ARARAT. LAS 7 IGLESIAS TIENEN UN FUERTE NEXO CON EL ARCA DE NOE. LA GRAN PIRAMIDE ESTA DISEÑADA EN FUNCION AL MONTE DE ARARAT. Incluso observen tambien que LA-ODICEA comienza con la L/ESCUADRA Y A/COMPAS. Osea que en su mismo nombre esta CODIFICADA LA ALQUIMIA, osea la cuadratura de un circulo o cubicacion de una esfera que es la escalera de JACOB. CASA DE DIOS Y PUERTA DEL CIELO. LA GRAN PIRAMIDE, INCREIBLEMENTE, TIENE UN ORIGEN CIEN POR CIENTO CRISTIANO.)
3:15 Yo conozco tus obras, que ni eres frío ni caliente. ¡Ojalá fueses frío o caliente! 3:16 Pero por cuanto eres tibio, y no frío ni caliente, te vomitaré de mi boca. 3:17 Porque tú dices: Yo soy rico, y me he enriquecido, y de ninguna cosa tengo necesidad; y no sabes que tú eres un desventurado, miserable, pobre, ciego y desnudo. 3:18 Por tanto, yo te aconsejo que de mí compres oro refinado en fuego, para que seas rico, y vestiduras blancas para vestirte, y que no se descubra la vergüenza de tu desnudez; y unge tus ojos con colirio, para que veas. (EL ORO ES EL GRIAL. LA ILUMINACION (PHI-LIPS ES SINONIMO DEL ORO/GRIAL/NUMERO DE ORO PHI)
3:19 Yo reprendo y castigo a todos los que amo; sé, pues, celoso, y arrepiéntete. 3:20 He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo. (PUERTA DEL CIELO, osea la ESCALERA DE JACOB, LA ALQUIMIA, EL GRIAL. NOTEN QUE COLUMBIA, la paloma de NOE que es tipo de MARIA MAGDALENA, esta arriba de una piramide. Noten incluso que encima es peliroja dandole un nexo con la PINTURA DE DA VINCI e incluso con la BIBLIA en el contexto del MAR ROJO/PLANETA MARTE/EGIPTO. La cristiandad desgraciadamente ha demonizado a EGIPTO no viendo que el CRISTIANISMO ESTA BASADO EN PREMISAS DE ORIGEN EGIPCIO. EL secreto de todo esto es que detras de la DEMONIZACION DE LA MUJER, ESTA desgraciadamente la DEMONIZACION DE LOS GENTILES. EL CRISTIANISMO DESGRACIADAMENTE HA CAIDO EN EL MISMO SECTARISMO QUE CAYO EL PUEBLO JUDIO. Detras de esta CONSPIRA-SION O CONFU-SION NO HA VISTO EL NEXO DE MAR-IA/MIR-YAM Y SU NEXO CON LOS GENTILES. El cristianismo tiene que aprender mucho de los mayas, incas, egipcios,babilonios, sumerios, etc,etc. EL MENSAJE AQUI ES QUE DIOS NO EXCLUYE A NADIE. TODO EL MUNDO TIENE DERECHO A SER CRISTIANO y adorar al UNICO DIOS YHWH, que es PADRE Y MADRE, y honrar al UNICO MESIAS JESUCRISTO CON SU ESPOSA.)
3:21 Al que venciere, le daré que se siente conmigo en mi trono, así como yo he vencido, y me he sentado con mi Padre en su trono. 3:22 El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias.
1. Génesis 17:16: Y la bendeciré, y también te daré de ella hijo; sí, la bendeciré, y vendrá a ser madre de naciones; reyes de PUEBLOS vendrán de ella.
244. Apocalipsis 7:9: Después de esto miré, y he aquí una gran multitud, la cual nadie podía contar, de todas naciones y tribus y PUEBLOS y lenguas, que estaban delante del trono y en la presencia del Cordero, vestidos de ropas blancas, y con palmas en las manos;
245. Apocalipsis 10:11: Y él me dijo: Es necesario que profetices otra vez sobre muchos PUEBLOS, naciones, lenguas y reyes.
246. Apocalipsis 11:9: Y los de los PUEBLOS, tribus, lenguas y naciones verán sus cadáveres por tres días y medio, y no permitirán que sean sepultados.
247. Apocalipsis 17:15: Me dijo también: Las aguas que has visto donde la ramera se sienta, son PUEBLOS, muchedumbres, naciones y lenguas.
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Message 6 of 200 on the subject |
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Message 7 of 200 on the subject |
Haz hecho público que te gusta. Deshacer
When they camped during the evenings, Numbers 2 tells us they camped in the order of the tribes as it matched the order of the course of the sun on the ecliptic, ...
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Message 8 of 200 on the subject |
Columba (constelación)
Columba, Latín para palomo, es una pequeña constelación justo al sur de Canis Major y Lepus. Fue sacada de la constelación Canis Major por Augustin Royer, en 1679.
Dado que fue creada en el siglo XVII, por la separación de una constelación ya existente, no tiene mitología relacionada, de manera independiente.
Puede referirse a la paloma que los Argonautas envían para determinar si pueden pasar por el estrecho del mar negro. También, es la paloma que Nóe utilizó en su arca.
Columba, la Paloma, junto al Can Mayor.
2. Y el aspecto del que estaba sentado era semejante a piedra de jaspe y de cornalina; y había alrededor del trono un ARCO IRIS, semejante en aspecto a la esmeralda.
3. Apocalipsis 10:1: Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el ARCO IRIS sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.
1. Génesis 9:13: Mi ARCO he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.
2. Génesis 9:14: Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi ARCO en las nubes.
3. Génesis 9:16: Estará el ARCO en las nubes, y lo veré, y me acordaré del pacto perpetuo entre Dios y todo ser viviente, con toda carne que hay sobre la tierra.
1. Génesis 9:13: Mi ARCO he puesto en las nubes, el cual será por señal del pacto entre mí y la tierra.
2. Génesis 9:14: Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi ARCO en las nubes.
Apocalipsis 4:3: Y el aspecto del que estaba sentado era semejante a piedra de jaspe y de cornalina; y había alrededor del trono un ARCO iris, semejante en aspecto a la esmeralda.
41. Apocalipsis 10:1: Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el ARCO iris sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego.
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Message 9 of 200 on the subject |
Hay una tipologia de la semana de la creacion de Genesis 1, con la semana de Juan 1 (Bodas de Cana en un septimo dia) e incluso con las siete iglesias de apocalipsis 1, 2 y 3. Concretamente el SHABBAT ES SINONINO DE LAS BODAS DE CANA E INCLUSO DE LA IGLESIA DE LAODICEA. |
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Message 10 of 200 on the subject |
Mateo 25:1 Entonces el reino de los cielos será semejante a diez vírgenes que tomando sus lámparas, salieron a recibir al esposo. 25:2 Cinco de ellas eran prudentes y cinco insensatas. 25:3 Las insensatas, tomando sus lámparas, no tomaron consigo aceite; 25:4 mas las prudentes tomaron aceite en sus vasijas, juntamente con sus lámparas. 25:5 Y tardándose el esposo, cabecearon todas y se durmieron. 25:6 Y a la medianoche se oyó un clamor: ¡Aquí viene el esposo; salid a recibirle! 25:7 Entonces todas aquellas vírgenes se levantaron, y arreglaron sus lámparas. 25:8 Y las insensatas dijeron a las prudentes: Dadnos de vuestro aceite; porque nuestras lámparas se apagan. 25:9 Mas las prudentes respondieron diciendo: Para que no nos falte a nosotras y a vosotras, id más bien a los que venden, y comprad para vosotras mismas. 25:10 Pero mientras ellas iban a comprar, vino el esposo; y las que estaban preparadas entraron con él a las bodas; y se cerró la puerta. (NEXO CON LA IGLESIA DE LAODICEA en un contexto al NUMERO PI y las SIETE IGLESIAS/PLEYADES. LA IGLESIA DE LAODICEA ES LA IGLESIA DE LA ILUMINACION)
500. Apocalipsis 3:8: Yo conozco tus obras; he aquí, he puesto delante de ti una PUERTA abierta, la cual nadie puede cerrar; porque aunque tienes poca fuerza, has guardado mi palabra, y no has negado mi nombre.
501. Apocalipsis 3:20: He aquí, yo estoy a la PUERTA y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la PUERTA, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo.
25:11 Después vinieron también las otras vírgenes, diciendo: ¡Señor, señor, ábrenos! 25:12 Mas él, respondiendo, dijo: De cierto os digo, que no os conozco. 25:13 Velad, pues, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre ha de venir. 25:14 Porque el reino de los cielos es como un hombre que yéndose lejos, llamó a sus siervos y les entregó sus bienes. 25:15 A uno dio cinco talentos, y a otro dos, y a otro uno, a cada uno conforme a su capacidad; y luego se fue lejos. 25:16 Y el que había recibido cinco talentos fue y negoció con ellos, y ganó otros cinco talentos 25:17 Asimismo el que había recibido dos, ganó también otros dos. 25:18 Pero el que había recibido uno fue y cavó en la tierra, y escondió el dinero de su señor. 25:19 Después de mucho tiempo vino el señor de aquellos siervos, y arregló cuentas con ellos. 25:20 Y llegando el que había recibido cinco talentos, trajo otros cinco talentos, diciendo: Señor, cinco talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros cinco talentos sobre ellos. 25:21 Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:22 Llegando también el que había recibido dos talentos, dijo: Señor, dos talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros dos talentos sobre ellos. 25:23 Su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. 25:24 Pero llegando también el que había recibido un talento, dijo: Señor, te conocía que eres hombre duro, que siegas donde no sembraste y recoges donde no esparciste; 25:25 por lo cual tuve miedo, y fui y escondí tu talento en la tierra; aquí tienes lo que es tuyo. 25:26 Respondiendo su señor, le dijo: Siervo malo y negligente, sabías que siego donde no sembré, y que recojo donde no esparcí. 25:27 Por tanto, debías haber dado mi dinero a los banqueros, y al venir yo, hubiera recibido lo que es mío con los intereses.
25:28 Quitadle, pues, el talento, y dadlo al que tiene diez talentos. (Tiene relacion incluso con LUCAS 19 en el contexto a JERICO adonde hay una parabola similar. ESTO INTERRELACIONA INCREIBLEMENTE MATEO 25 CON LA LLEGADA A LA LUNA. AQUI INCLUSO VEMOS QUE NUESTRO SEÑOR LE DA EL TALENTO AL QUE MAS LO TIENE)
25:29 Porque al que tiene, le será dado, y tendrá más; y al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene le será quitado. 25:30 Y al siervo inútil echadle en las tinieblas de afuera; allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes. 25:31 Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga en su gloria, y todos los santos ángeles con él, entonces se sentará en su trono de gloria, 25:32 y serán reunidas delante de él todas las naciones; y apartarálos unos de los otros, como aparta el pastor las ovejas de los cabritos. 25:33 Y pondrá las ovejas a su derecha, y los cabritos a su izquierda. (¿PORQUE LAS OVEJAS SON PUESTA A LA DERECHA Y NO LA ISQUIERDA? ¿ES UN OBVIO NEXO ESOTERICO CON LA CAIDA DEL MURO DE BERLIN?)25:34 Entonces el Rey dirá a los de su derecha: Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo. 25:35 Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis; 25:36 estuve desnudo, y me cubristeis; enfermo, y me visitasteis; en la cárcel, y vinisteis a mí. 25:37 Entonces los justos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, y te sustentamos, o sediento, y te dimos de beber? 25:38 ¿Y cuándo te vimos forastero, y te recogimos, o desnudo, y te cubrimos? 25:39 ¿O cuándo te vimos enfermo, o en la cárcel, y vinimos a ti? 25:40 Y respondiendo el Rey, les dirá: De cierto os digo que en cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, a mí lo hicisteis. 25:41 Entonces dirá también a los de la izquierda: Apartaos de mí, malditos, al fuego eterno preparado para el diablo y sus ángeles. 25:42 Porque tuve hambre, y no me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y no me disteis de beber; 25:43 fui forastero, y no me recogisteis; estuve desnudo, y no me cubristeis; enfermo, y en la cárcel, y no me visitasteis. 25:44 Entonces también ellos le responderán diciendo: Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento, sediento, forastero, desnudo, enfermo, o en la cárcel, y no te servimos? 25:45 Entonces les responderá diciendo: De cierto os digo que en cuanto no lo hicisteis a uno de estos más pequeños, tampoco a mí lo hicisteis. 25:46 E irán éstos al castigo eterno, y los justos a la vida eterna. |
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Message 11 of 200 on the subject |
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Message 12 of 200 on the subject |
The Great Seal of the United States of America |
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 133:12
The Great Seal of the United States of America employs traditional symbols of heraldry to tell the story of the foundation and the hopes of the fledgling nation. The origins and meanings of the symbols are explained, for the most part, in the official document (PDF format) supplied by the U.S. State Department . Additional details are found on John D. MacArthur's excellent site .
The Great Seal is used to seal 2,000 to 3,000 documents each year. It identifies the authority and ensures the authenticity of the documents sealed by the United States Government. As such, it provides an apt analogy of the Bible Wheel as God's Divine Seal of Approval on the structure of the Bible, the fundamental founding document of the Christian Faith.
The Great Seal was designed to explicitly acknowledge God's hand in the foundation of the United States, as stated in the official description (page 12) of the reverse side of the Seal:
The pyramid signifies strength and duration: The eye over it and the motto, Annuit Coeptis (He [God] has favored our undertakings), allude to the many interventions of Providence in favor of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it, Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages), signify the beginning of the new American era in 1776.
The "many interventions of Providence" include the integration of the numbers, mottos, and geometric forms of the Great Seal with God's design of the Holy Bible and His intent for the new nation. Regardless of the theological variations amongst the founding fathers, every signer of the Declaration of Independence , to a man, placed his life and sacred honor in the hands of Divine Providence, as recorded in the last sentence of that great document:
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
The online article Religion and the Founding of America provided by the Library of Congress provides more insight into the true Christian character of the members of the early Congress:
The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.
Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war.
These are the men used of God to found this nation. Three of them were also commissioned by the newly formed Continental Congress to design the Great Seal. Before they adjourned on July 4, 1776, Congress passed this resolution:
Resolved, that Dr. Franklin, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Jefferson, be a committee, to bring in a device for a seal for the United States of America.
Truly, the Lord's hand was on the foundation of this great country, this City on a Hill, this Beacon of Light, Life, and Liberty to all the peoples of the world! America is the Land of the Free because of the freedom wrought by Christ, our Eternal Light. May His Light shine on us forevermore!
A Radiant Constellation of Thirteen Stars
The beautiful mystery of God's hidden hand on the foundation of America, the design of the Great Seal, and the structure of the Bible manifests most clearly in the Number 13. Seven features of the Great Seal are based on this number which, in natural terms, alludes to nothing more than the original thirteen colonies. If God had no hand in these events, the number of colonies would be nothing but a mere accident of history and there would be no meaning to be found in it. It is here that the glory of God shines with great clarity, leaving little doubt about His involvement in the birth of the nation.
The biblical meaning of the Number 13 has been rigorously established by God in the reiterative structure of the Shema, the first and greatest commandment given in Deuteronomy 6:4 (cf. The Unity Holograph and Shield of the Blessed Trinity). The root ideas are Love and Unity, as seen in this fundamental pair of alphanumeric identities:
= 13 = |
The Bible calls Love "the perfect bond of unity" (Colossians 3:14, NASB). The digits One and Three reiterate the idea of the One Triune God, Who is represented by the Eye in the Triangle above the unfinished pyramid. The Triangle is an ancient Christian symbol for the Trinity, and the Eye denotes God's omniscience. It is called the "Eye of Providence" in the official State Departments description of the Seal. The relation between the Three members of the Godhead is the root ontological source of Love in the Universe. These ideas find their ultimate expression in the greatest declaration of the nature of Love ever written, the thirteen verses of I Corinthians Thirteen, where the thirteenth verses is itself explicitly built on a pattern of One and Three.
All of this was historically illustrated in the foundation of the United States when thirteen colonies united to form one nation under God. This means that the premier biblical number of Unity - the Number 13 - was historically manifested and inextricably stamped on the foundation of the USA, and has been propogated all over the planet via the ONE dollar bill. A similar work was accomplished when Israel manifested the meaning of the Number 430 in the history of their years in Egypt. In both cases, God designed History and Scripture in accordance with the alphanumeric values of fundamental Greek and Hebrew words (cf. Introduction to the Gematria Reference to learn about the numeric values of words).
Yet this is but the beginning. The idea of composite unity is exemplified in the Twelve Disciples surrounding Christ and the Twelve Tribes of Israel united in God. This is geometrically expressed in the hexagonal Star Number, commonly known as the Star of David, which appears in the constellation of 13 Stars above the eagle's head. Numbers of the form figure prominently in both the Creation and the Logos Holographs. It also relates to the name "Israel" that God gave to Jacob, with its numerical weight of 541 which is the Tenth Hexagonal Star Number, so that the numerical value of the name Israel forms a Star of David!
There are seven features of the Great Seal based on the Number 13:
Patterns of 13 in the Great Seal |
The Number 13 as Star of David |
- 13 Stars in the constellation above the eagle's head. The constellation forms a Star of David.
- 13 Stripes in the eagle's shield made of 6 red and 7 white stripes.
- 13 Arrows by the eagle's left talon.
- 13 Leaves on the Olive branch in the eagle's right talon.
- 13 Letters in E Pluribus Unum. The letter counts of 1, 8, and 4 spell Echad (One).
- 13 Letters in Annuit Coeptis divided into 6 Letters and 7 Letters.
- 13 Levels in the unfinished pyramid.
The official description of the constellation above the eagle's head specifies the number but not the pattern of the stars. MacArthur notes that the pattern violates the traditional laws of heraldry which forbid heraldic stars from being placed in a pattern, and in a personal communication indicated he knew of no historical explanation for the use of the hexagonal Star Number formation. All that is known is that it was used in the original seal made in 1782, and every seal thereafter. It would seem that the the Star pattern is another manifestation of the hidden hand of Divine Providence guiding the foundation and development of the USA.
In his article Thirteen Arrows on, under the heading "The Power of Unity", MacArthur comments:
Infinitely stronger than a single rod, the unbreakable nature of aligned rods means that the bundle of arrows also symbolizes the power of unity – the attitude needed to successfully protect and defend one's nation, and if necessary, wage war to do so.
He then cites the moral of Aesop's Fable "The Bundle of Sticks", which is "In Unity is Strength." Given its inextricable integration with both Scripture and American History, it remains a mystery how triskaidekaphobia (fear of the Number 13) ever found root in America.
E Pluribus Unum
(Echad, One) in the USA Motto |
E |
1 |
(Aleph) |
P L U R I B U S |
8 |
(Chet) |
U N U M |
4 |
(Dalet) |
The Latin phrase written on the banner held in the eagle's beak means "Out of Many, One" refering to the union of 13 States to form one nation under God. The source of of this phrase is explained on page 8 of the State Department's official document :
The motto E Pluribus Unum, emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle's beak, expresses the union of the 13 States. Recent scholarship has pointed out the probable source of this motto: Gentlemen's Magazine, published in London from 1732 to 1922, was widely read by the educated in the American Colonies. Its title page carried that same motto and it is quite possible that it influenced the creators of the seal.
The thirteen letters of E Pluribus Unum are divided into three words consisting of 1, 8, and 4 letters, resepectively. These numbers correspond to the letters Aleph, Chet, and Dalet, spelling the word (Echad, One), which is the basis of the Unity Holograph. Clearly, no human could have contrived such a coincidence - the phrase is standard Latin that was in use before the seal was even conceived. We have a threefold integration of 1) the meaning of the phrase with 2) the number of letters and 3) the division of those letters into words. And all this is found in the Great Seal that commemorates the union of thirteen colonies as one nation under God. Nothing but the infinite Wisdom of God could have caused so many lines - biblical, linguistic, geometric, symbolic, and historical - to converge with such grace and simplicity.
1776 and the Eye of God
The reverse side of the Great Seal is officially described (page 8) as follows:
The reverse, sometimes referred to as the spiritual side of the seal, contains the 13-step pyramid with the year 1776 in Roman numerals on the base. At the summit of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence in a triangle surrounded by a Glory (rays of light) and above it appears the motto Annuit Coeptis. Along the lower circumference of the design appear the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, heralding the beginning of the new American era in 1776.
Traditional Christian Iconography combining the Triangle with symbols of the the Trinity
Note the reference to the "Glory" radiating from the "Eye of Providence." There are many examples of this symbol in Christian Churches, such as the image on the right from Kansas Wesleyan University, or this stained glass window from Brophy College Prep. Oddly, there are many Christians who have lost their historical moorings to such an extent as to assert that the Eye in the Triangle is primarily an occultic symbol that has infected Christian iconography. This is a reversal of proper historic understanding. Occultists are, to a large extent, merely bad (spiritually blind) copiers. They misuse many Christian symbols, just as they misuse Scriptures, because they somehow sense that that is where the true spiritual power lies. The Triangle itself is an ancient Christian symbol of the Trinity, (cf. The Shield of the Blessed Trinity), and the Eye in the Triangle first appeared as a Christian symbol of the Omniscient Trinity no later than the seventeenth century, about a hundred years before it was adopted by occultists. The Eye in the Triangle is simply another reiteration of the interplay of Three and One that marks the Great Seal, the foundation of the United States, and the true doctrine of the Triune God revealed in Christianity.
Eye of Providence from Kansas Wesleyan University
The unfinished pyramid is generally taken as refering to the country as a work-in-progress, overseen by God. This then links to the Hebrew alphabet and the structure of the Wheel. The name of the Sixteenth Letter (Ayin) denotes the Eye (cf. The Eyes of God). It is the basis of the themes of Genesis 16 where the divine title "The God Who Sees" is revealed. It also manifests with perfect clarity in the Book of Zechariah (Spoke 16, Cycle 2) where the Stone with Seven Eyes is revealed and the rebuilding of the Temple of God is prophesied. All of this comes together in the date inscribed at the base of the unfinished pyramid surmounted by the Eye of Providence.
1776 = MDCCLXXVI |
1600 |
160 |
16 |
Each group of three Roman numerals is a multiple of 16, the ordinal value of Ayin (Eye). The triplets are divided between the doubled letters: MDC CLX XVI: This then means that the date 1776 naturally divides into multiples of powers of Ten when written in Roman numerical letters:
1776 = 16 x 100 + 16 x 10 + 16 x 1 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph)
The Number 111 is the value of the name of the first letter (Aleph), which is literally God's Initial - the first letter of (Elohim, God) - which He designed to reflect His triune nature in 1 = A = Aleph = 111 (if we allow a little mathematipoetic license). This all conspires to declare 1776 as the Eye of God:
1776 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph) ==> The Eye of God
This then integrates with the Creation Holograph and the first declaration of Vision from God - a metaphoric reference to the Eye of God - in the Bible, Genesis 1:4:
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
The sum of these words in Hebrew is exactly 1776. It is a very significant portion of the Creation Holograph (cf. The First Day). Is it possible to fail to see the true desitiny of the United States of America as the witness to God's Light in Christ? Her birth is marke by the numbers of His Name and His great Work of Creation!
This association between the Eye, the Number 16, and the Number 1776 has been distributed over the entire planet on the back of the American One Dollar Bill. Obviously, any meaning found here must be attributed to the Mind of God since mere men could never control their destiny sufficiently to integrate the date of a national revolution with the order and meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet as revealed in Scripture!
Light, Life, and Liberty!
Liberty Enlightening the World
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
John 1:1-5
The two numbers 13 and 1776 are profoundly integrated with the Divine Prologue fragment of the Creation Holograph, through the identity:
Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 13 x 1776
These numbers can be rearranged to reveal the values of the names of (YHVH, The LORD) and (Iesous, Jesus):
Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 26 (YHVH) x 888 (JESUS)
The integration of these names with the Divine Prologue and the The First Day Holographs is discussed in the Jesus and YHVH article. The two largest factors - 13 and - are both hexagonal Star numbers, which God used as the basis of the Creation Holograph. This means that the Great Seal of the United States of America and the combined alphanumeric structure of Genesis 1 and John 1 conspire to reveal the names of the Creator, the true Founder of America and Author of Scripture, the Lord God Almighty! Praise His Holy Name now and forever!
Rearranging the factors again now integrates these the Number 23088 with the Greek word for Genesis (with the definite article) and the Hebrew word for Jubile (the year of Release). Note the pattern of N x 10N+1 :
Sum of John 1.2-5 = 23088 = 48 (Jubile) x 481 (The Genesis)
The Genesis of the Jubile! Note that the Jubile happened every fifty years, and that this number now marks the number of the United States. Let us pray this be the destiny of the USA. Amen!
Finally, it is also very intriguing that John 1:1 is highly reminescent of the unfinished pyramid, since it forms the trapezoidal basis of the triangular form of Genesis 1.1 (shown here ascending rather than descending to correspond with the Seal):
An image of how this all fits together is given in the full Creation HyperHolograph. There is much more to say, but it must wait until other stones are laid. John 16:12.
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Message 13 of 200 on the subject |
To the church at Laodicea
Read an introduction to the seven churches of Revelation 2-3
This is the seventh in a series of commentaries on Christ’s letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. Read about Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis and Philadelphia.
The wealthy city of Laodicea lies 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia on the road to Colossae. The city was destroyed by an earthquake in 62 A.D. and rebuilt by its wealthy citizens without the help of the state. Laodicea is a banking center and a producer of glossy black wool from which clothes and carpets are fashioned. The city also is host to a famous medical school that produces a salve for treating ailments of the eye. A massive wall rings the city. Three marble theaters are located here and, like Rome, Laodicea is built on seven hills. There is no evidence that Paul ever visited the city, but he expresses great interest in it (Col. 2:1-2; 4:16). The city’s water supply originates in hot springs six miles away at Denizli. In its travels through the aqueduct to Laodicea, the water becomes tepid, providing a fitting backdrop for Christ’s letter to the church here, which lays claim to being the most notorious of the seven churches in Asia Minor.
Christ’s self-description
Jesus calls Himself “The Amen” (v. 14). This word appears nine times in Revelation and numerous times in other Scriptures, but this is the only time it is used as a title or name. It is a Hebrew expression of strong affirmation meaning “so be it.” More than 20 times in John’s Gospel Jesus prefaces His remarks with the words, “Amen, amen.” Paul writes of Jesus, “For every one of God’s promises is ‘Yes’ in Him. Therefore the ‘Amen’ is also through Him for God’s glory through us” (2 Cor. 1:20). As the Amen, Jesus speaks and His words are as true as His divine nature; what He speaks always comes to pass.
He also identifies Himself as “the faithful and true witness” and “the Originator of God’s creation” (v. 14). Drawing from John’s description of Him as “the faithful witness” (Rev. 1:5), Jesus emphasizes not only that He speaks the truth but that He is the truth (John 14:6). The name “the Originator of God’s creation” in no way implies that Jesus is a created being or came into existence at any time. The Greek word translated “Originator” or “Beginning” is arche, which carries the idea of “active cause.” Paul instructed the Colossian church to share his letter with the church at Laodicea. If his instructions were obeyed, then believers in Laodicea would have been familiar with Paul’s description of Christ as Creator: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn [Greek prototokos, pre-eminent; not protoktisis, first-created] over all creation; because by Him everything was created … all things have been created through Him and for Him” (Col. 1:15-16).
Christ’s evaluation of the church’s condition
As with Sardis, Jesus has no words of commendation for the church at Laodicea. “I know your works,” He says, “that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot” (v. 15). Just as water from the hot springs in Hierapolis turns lukewarm by the time it reaches Laodicea, the church has lost its zeal for God and is simply going through the motions, like water running through an aqueduct. Jesus’ wish that the Laodicean believers be either hot (literally “boiling”) or icy cold is intriguing. Why would our Savior actually find coldness less offensive than lukewarmness? Steve Gregg writes, “Perhaps we should not find this too surprising. Those who zealously oppose Christ (cold), and those who zealously serve Him (hot), have one thing in common: they both take Him seriously. The one who neither opposes nor serves offers Christ the ultimate insult – affirming His existence, but not taking Him seriously” (Revelation: Four Views, p. 79).
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown offer further insight: “[T]here is more hope of the ‘cold,’ that is, those who are of the world, and not yet warmed by the Gospel call; for, when called, they may become hot and fervent Christians: such did the once-cold publicans, Zaccheus and Matthew, become. But the lukewarm has been brought within reach of the holy fire, without being heated by it into fervor: having religion enough to lull the conscience in false security, but not religion enough to save the soul” (A Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Old and New Testaments, Re 3:15).
“So,” Jesus says, “because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth” (v. 16). The word “vomit” also may be translated “spew” or “spit.” Just as lukewarm water turns the stomach – physicians have been known to use it to induce vomiting – a church that’s indifferent to Christ is nauseating to the One who gave Himself for it. There seems little hope that the church at Laodicea will change. While Jesus has not yet brought judgment against those who profess His name, He assures them He is “going to” do so. The Lord knows the beginning from the end, and He knows what decisions we will make, whether to serve Him as Lord or grow cozy in self-satisfaction. Yet the decision and its consequences lie with us.
Next, Jesus contrasts Laodicea’s self-image with reality. The church says, “I’m rich; I have become wealthy, and need nothing” (v. 17a). Since the city itself is financially secure, the church no doubt has significant resources at its disposal. We can suppose that it meets in a comfortable and modern facility, pays its staff well, supports a wide array of programs, contributes to many civic and charitable organizations, and carries no debt. It is conceivable that other churches are coming to Laodicea for financial assistance. The church – it needs nothing. Or so it claims. But Jesus has a far different, and far more accurate, appraisal. He tells them, “you don’t know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked” (v. 17b).
It is revealing that Jesus tells His people they “don’t know” their true condition. Like the pale and gaunt woman with an eating disorder who looks in the mirror and sees only an overweight body, the church at Laodicea sees itself as robust when in fact it is spiritually on its last legs.
The words “wretched, pitiful, poor” describe a church in the throes of spiritual bankruptcy, without the strength or the good sense to extend a hand and ask God for help. The church also is “blind,” Jesus says, a term often used in scripture to depict spiritual darkness. The apostle Peter teaches that when Christians are not growing spiritually, it affects their vision. He calls such Christians “blind and shortsighted” (see 2 Peter 1:5-9). If they have any advantage at all, it is over unbelievers, whom Paul describes as “blinded” by the “god of this age,” so that the light of the gospel is hidden from them (2 Cor. 4:3-4). Finally, the Laodiceans are “naked,” a reality quite difficult to grasp in a city known for its fine linen. Like the emperor who has no clothes, the Christians in this city are aloof to their spiritual shame, preferring to believe the flattery of their countrymen rather than the facts from their Savior. “Let us daily beg of God that we may not be left to flatter and deceive ourselves in the concerns of our souls,” writes Matthew Henry (Re 3:14-22).
Christ’s comfort and/or commands
Jesus has the antidotes for all of Laodicea’s ills. “I advise you to buy of Me gold refined in the fire so that you may be rich,” He says (v. 18a). The refined gold implies character that has been refined through affliction. Job tells his friends, “He [God] knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold” (Job 23:10). And Peter comforts persecuted Christians with these words, “You rejoice in this, though now for a short time you have had to be distressed by various trials so that the genuineness of your faith – more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire – may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:6-7).
Next, Jesus tells them to buy “white clothes so that you may be dressed and your shameful nakedness not be exposed” (v. 18b). Although they could go to the market and buy fine black woolen linens, Jesus urges them to prefer white garments, which in Rev. 19:8 represent “the righteous acts of the saints.”
Finally, Jesus exhorts them to buy “ointment to spread on your eyes so that you may see” (v. 18c). The city’s famous eye salve would not remedy the church’s spiritual blindness. But Jesus, who opened the eyes of the blind on many occasions, would gladly restore the church’s spiritual eyesight.
Note that in each case, Jesus instructs the church to “buy” these antidotes. How can a spiritually impoverished church do this? In the same way God’s spiritually thirsty people in Isaiah’s day are instructed to receive divine help: “Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost!” (Isa. 55:1). Believers are sometimes deceived into thinking they can work their way out of a spiritual drought. If they would just keep going, keep working, keep doing the things they’ve always done, then the Lord will take notice and restore the joy of their salvation. King David knew it could never be this way. Broken beneath the weight of his sins with Bathsheba (with whom he committed adultery) and Uriah (whom he had ordered killed), the king simply acknowledge that if there is any remedy for his sin, it must come from God: “Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and give me a willing spirit” (Ps. 51:12). Jesus has already bought our spiritual health through His finished work on the cross. We trample His blood beneath our feet when we think our good works are of any value to cancel sin in God’s economy.
While there is not a word of commendation in this letter, Jesus reminds us of His abiding love of the church. “As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline,” He says. “So be committed and repent” (v. 19). The word “committed” is translated “zealous” in some translations. The church at Laodicea has not been “hot” (Gr. zestos), so she is urged to be “zealous” (Gr. zeleue). Both words are derived from the same Greek verb zeo, which means “to boil.” Like a loving father, Jesus lifts His voice in chastisement before He raises His arm in judgment. Proverbs 3:11-12 reads: “Do not despise the Lord’s instruction, my son, and do not loathe His discipline. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, just as a father, the son he delights in.” Those who heed Christ’s call and repent will again enjoy intimate fellowship with their Savior. Those who stand in self-sufficiency, stiff-necked and aloof, will find they stand alone.
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Message 14 of 200 on the subject |
Ruins of the city of Laodicea
"And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
"These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God:
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' — and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
"To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 3:14-27, NKJV).
The city was originally called Diospolis (which means "city of Zeus") and then Rhoas. It was renamed Laodicea by Antiochus II, king of Syria, who rebuilt the city and whose wife's name was Laodice.
Laodicea, built on seven hills like the city of Rome, was one of the most important and flourishing cities of Asia Minor. It minted its own coins, the inscriptions of which show evidence of the worship of Zeus, Apollo and the emperors. At a very early period Laodicea became one of the chief seats of Christianity (see Colossians 2:1, 4:15; Revelation 1:11).
Laodicea often suffered from earthquakes. The city was completely destroyed when an earthquake occurred during the reign of Emperor Nero. Laodicea declined Roman assistance to rebuild the city and was instead restored by its own inhabitants.
The apostle Paul mentions the city and believers of Laodicea several times in his epistle to the Colossians (Colossians 2:1, 4:13, 15-16).
Sources: Adam Clark's Commentary on the Entire Bible; Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible; Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
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Message 15 of 200 on the subject |
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Pisidia o Psidia (del latín Pisidia o Psidia y éstos del griego ἡ Πισιδική; gent. gr. Πισίδαι; lat. Pisidae). Fue una región del sur-sureste de Asia Menor. Parte históricamente de Panfilia, estaba poblada por la misma gente.
Sus límites fueron: al este la región montañosa de Isauria; al sur, Panfilia; al oeste, Licia, Caria y Frigia; y al norte Frigia (la Frigia Parorios).
El país era montañoso, atravesado por ramificaciones de los montes Tauro, pero con algunos valles fértiles y llanuras extensamente cultivadas especialmente con olivos. Las montañas que venían de Frigia (del Cadmus) tomaban el nombre de Sardemisus junto a Termeso y en el distrito de Milyas el de Climax.
[editar] Ríos y lagos
En estas montañas nacían los ríos Catarrhactes y Cestrus, que regaban Pisidia y Panfilia y desaguaban en el mar Mediterráneo en el golfo de Panfilia. Los principales lagos eran el Coralis, el Trogitis (ambos a veces mencionados como parte de Frigia y de Licaonia), el Pusgusa o Pungusa (mencionado sólo en fuentes bizantinas) y el gran lago de sal de Ascania (Gran Lago Salado).
Los principales productos del país eran la sal, las raíces de iris, de las que se hacían perfumes, y vino, siendo famoso en la época clásica el vino de Amblada.
[editar] Ciudades y distritos
Las principales ciudades fueron Antioquía de Pisidia, Sagalassos, Etenna, Isionda, Termeso, Philomelium, Neápolis, Selge, Tyaricum, Pedneliso, Cibira, Oenoanda, Bubon, Lirbe y Laodicea.
Se dividía en diversos distritos de los que se conocen:
- Al suroeste, colindante con Licia, el distrito de Milies o Milyas
- Al lado del anterior Cabalia
[editar] Población y lengua
Su población fue de etnia frigia indoeuropea. La lengua pisidia se cree que era de origen frigio y por tanto sería una lengua indoeuropea dentro de la rama anatólica.
Bajo dominio persa (siglo VI a. C.), participó con un contingente en la invasión de Grecia por Jerjes.
Alejandro Magno conquistó Sagalassos en su marcha hacia Persia, pero Termeso le hizo frente. Nominalmente dentro de Macedonia, después de la muerte de Alejandro quedó en los dominios de Pérdicas y fue concedida a Eumenes, que nunca la ocupó y pasó a Antígono I Monoftalmos (321 a. C.). Al ser considerada una parte de la satrapía de Frigia, si bien probablemente sólo eran parte el norte y el noroeste, donde formaba la llamada Frigia Pisídica, el resto del país debía permanecer independiente, y consta que se emitía moneda.
En 301 a. C. el país, que seguía de hecho independiente, pasó a los seléucidas que establecieron algunas ciudades como Seleucia Sidera y dominaron mejor el país, pero sólo parcialmente. Durante la época seléucida los pisidios se dedicaron a hacer correrías por las regiones vecinas.
Derrotado Antíoco III Megas, con la paz de Apamea, el país fue asignado al reino de Pérgamo (188 a. C.), pero permaneció independiente de hecho; en 133 a. C. el reino de Pérgamo pasó por testamento a Roma y Pisidia quedó dentro de la provincia de Asia, y hacia 125 a. C. fue entregada al reino de Capadocia, que no pudo tener el control, volviendo pronto a Roma (102 a. C.); los romanos la tuvieron que conquistar y en 88 a. C. fue incluida en Cilicia, juntamente con tres distritos de Frígia (Laodicea, Apamea, y Sinnada); otra vez parte de la provincia de Asia a mitad del siglo I a. C., hacia el 39 a. C. fue donada por Marco Antonio a su aliado el tetrarca Amintas de Galacia, al que encargó someter a los bandidos conoidos como homonadesi, que dominaban la zona montañosa y controlaban las comunicaciones entre Pisidia y Panfilia, pero Amintas murió en la lucha y Galacia se convirtió en provincia romana, incluyendo Pisidia; finalmente los homonadesi fueron exterminados el 3 a. C., pero los romanos aún no habían podido establecer ninguna colonia o mantener allí guarniciones y las ciudades sometidas simplemente pagaban un tributo, pero conservaban la independencia. Bajo Augusto se dieron tierras a los veteranos del ejército y se establecieron ocho colonias, destacando las de Antioquía, Sagalassos, Olbasa, Cremna y Comama.
Progresivamente, la región se latinizó. Antioquía fue visitada por San Pablo y después del 311 fue la sede metropolitana de Pisidia.
Fue constituida en provincia, hacia el 294 en la reorganización de Diocleciano con Antioquía de Pisidia como capital, formada básicamente por Pisidia y parte de Licaonia, dentro de la diócesis de Asia. En el siglo IV se le incorporó parte de Frigia, pero perdió la parte de Licaonia. En el período cristiano tuvo 25 sedes episcopales. La provincia subsistía en tiempos del emperador bizantino Justiniano.
La provincia romana de Pisidia fue creada hacia el 294, y limitaba al este con Capadocia; al sur con Isauria, Licia y Panfilia; al oeste con Frigia Primera y al norte con Galacia y Frigia Segunda.
En el siglo IV fue ligeramente ampliada con Frigia Parorios, pero la zona del Gran Lago Salado (Acanius) fue incluida en Licaonia.
La capital fue Antioquia de Pisidia.
En 518, la región sufrió un devastador terremoto y en 541-543 sufrió una epidemia de peste; más tarde hubo otros terremotos y en los siglos VII, VIII y IX, sufrió incursiones de los árabes. Pasó a los turcos selyúcidas después de 1071, pero fue objeto de disputa con los bizantinos hasta 1176 cuando, después de la batalla de Miriocéfalo el control turco se impuso definitivamente.
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Message 16 of 200 on the subject |
LAODICEA (AaoSiKeta). There were several places of this name, four of which it may be well to distinguish, in order to prevent them from being confounded with one another. Tbe first was in the western part of Phrygia, on the borders of Lydia ; the second, in the eastern part of the same country, denominated Laodicea Combusta ; the third, on the coast of Syria, called Laodicea ad Mare, and serving as the port of Aleppo ; and tbe fourth, in the same country, called Laodicea ad Libanum, from its proximity to that mountain. The third of these, that on the coast of Syria, was destroyed by the great earthquake of Aleppo in August 1822, and at the time of that event was supposed by many to be the Laodicea of Scripture, although in fact not less than four hundred miles from it. But the first named, lying on the confines of Phrygia and Lydia, about forty miles east of Ephesus, is the only Laodicea mentioned in Scrip ture, and is that one of tbe 'seven churches in Asia,' to which St. John was commissioned to deliver the awful warning contained in Rev. iii.
14-19. The fulfilment of this warning is to be sought, as we take it, in the history of the Chris tian church which existed in that city, and not in tbe stone and mortar of the city itself ; for it is not the city, but the church of the Laodiceans,' which is denounced. It is true that the city is utterly ruined ; but this is the case with innumer able other towns in Asia Minor. It is the pre cise reference to the seven churches as such, without any other reference to the cities than as giving them a name, which imparts a marked distinction to the Apocalyptic prophecies. But this has been little heeded by writers on the subject, who some what unaccountably seek, in the actual and mate rial condition of these cities, the accomplishment of spiritual warnings and denunciations. At the present day, would an authorised denunciation of the church in London,' as in danger of being cast forth for its lukewarmness, be understood to imply that London itself was destined to become a heap of ruins, with its bridges broken down, and its palaces and temples overthrown ? Laodicea was the capital of Greater Phrygia, and a very considerable city at the time it was named in Scripture (Strabo, p. 578) ; but the fre quency of earthquakes, to which this district has always been liable, demolished, some ages after, great part of the city, destroyed many of the in habitants, and eventually obliged the remainder to abandon the spot altogether. Smith, in his your
ney to the Seven Churches (1671), was the first to describe the site of Laodicea. He was followed by Chandler and Pococke ; and the locality has, within the present century, been visited by Mr. Hartley, Mr. Arundell, and Col. Leake.
Laodicea is now a deserted place, called by the Turks Eski-hissar (Old Castle), a Turkish word equivalent to Paleo-kastro, which the Greeks so frequently apply to ancient sites. From its ruins, Laodicea seems to have been situated upon six or seven hills, taking up a large extent of ground. To the north and north-east runs the river Lycus, about a mile and a half distant ; but nearer it is watered by two small streams, the Asopus and Caprus, the one to the west, and the other to the south-cast, both passing into the Lycus, which last flows into the Mxander (Smith, p. 85).
Laodicea preserves great remains of its import ance as the residence of the Roman governors of Asia under the emperors ; namely, a stadium, in uncommon preservation, three theatres, one of which is 45o feet in diameter, and the ruins of several other buildings (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. ii., p. 32 ; Chandler's Asia Minor, c. 67). Col. Leake say-s There are few ancient sites more likely than Laodicea to preserve many curious remains of antiquity beneath the surface of the soil ; its opulence, and thc earthquakes to which it was subject, rendering it probable that valuable works of art were often there buried beneath the ruins of the public and private edifices (Cicero, Epist. ad ii. 17 ; 5 ; v. 20 ; Tacit. Annul. xiv. 27). And a similar remark, though in a lesser degree, perhaps, will apply to the other cities of the vale of the Mxander, as well as to some of those situated to the north of Mount Tmolus ; for Strabo (pp. 579, 628, 630) informs us that Phila delphia, Sardis, and Magnesia of Sipylus, were, not less than Laodicea and the cities of the Mman der as far as Apameia at the sources of that river, subject to the same dreadful calamity' (Geography of Asia Minor, p. 253). |
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Message 17 of 200 on the subject |
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Message 18 of 200 on the subject |
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Message 19 of 200 on the subject |
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Message 20 of 200 on the subject |
a town in southwest Asia Minor residents of the town of Laodicea
just people
Laodicea = "justice of the people" 1) a city of Phrygia, situated on the river Lycus not far from Colosse. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 66 A.D. and rebuilt by Marcus Aurelius. It was the seat of the Christian church.
2993 Laodikeia lah-od-ik'-i-ah
from a compound of 2992 and 1349; Laodicia, a place in Asia Minor:-Laodicea. see GREEK for 2992see GREEK for 1349
1) a Laodicean, an inhabitant of Laodicea
2994 Laodikeus lah-od-ik-yooce'
from 2993; a Laodicean, i.e. inhabitant of Laodicia:-Laodicean. see GREEK for 2993
Laodicea [EBD]
The city of this name mentioned in Scripture lay on the confines of Phrygia and Lydia, about 40 miles east of Ephesus (Rev. 3:14), on the banks of the Lycus. It was originally called Diospolis and then Rhoas, but afterwards Laodicea, from Laodice, the wife of Antiochus II., king of Syria, who rebuilt it. It was one of the most important and flourishing cities of Asia Minor. At a very early period it became one of the chief seats of Christianity (Col. 2:1; 4:15; Rev. 1:11, etc.). It is now a deserted place, called by the Turks Eski-hissar or "old castle."
( justice of the people), a town in the Roman province of Asia situated in the valley of the Maeander, on a small river called the Lycus, with Colossae and Hierapolis a few miles distant to the west. Built, or rather rebuilt, by one of the Seleucid monarchs, and named in honor of his wife, Laodicea became under the Roman government a place of some importance. Its trade was considerable; it lay on the line of a great road; and it was the seat of a conventus . From the third chapter and seventeenth verse of Revelation we should gather it was a place of great wealth. Christianity was introduced into Laodicea, not, however, as it would seem, through the direct agency of St. Paul. We have good reason for believing that when, in writing from Rome to the Christians of Colossae, he sent a greeting to those of Laodicea, he had not personally visited either place. But the preaching of the gospel at Ephesus, ( Acts 18:19; Acts 19:41) must inevitably have resulted in the formation of churches in the neighboring cities, especially where Jews were settled; and there were Jews in Laodicea. In subsequent times it became a Christian city of eminence, the see of bishop and a meeting-place of councils. The Mohammedan invaders destroyed it, and it is now a scene of utter desolation, as was prophesied in ( Revelation 3:14-22) and the extensive ruins near Denislu justify all that we read of Laodicea in Greek and Roman writers. Another biblical subject of interest is connected with Laodicea. From ( Colossians 4:16) it appears that St. Paul wrote a letter to this place when he wrote the letter to Colossae. Ussher?s view is that it was the same as the Epistle to the Ephesians, which was a circular letter sent to Laodicea among other places. The apocryphal Epistola ad Laodicenses is a late and clumsy forgery.
LAODICEA - la-od-i-se'-a (Laodikia): A city of Asia Minor situated in the Lycos valley in the province of Phrygia, and the home of one of the Seven Churches of Rev (1:11). Distinguished from several other cities of that name by the appellation Ad Lycum, it was founded by Antiochus II (261-246 BC) of Syria, who named it for his wife Laodike, and who populated it with Syrians and with Jews who were transplanted from Babylonia to the cities of Phrygia and Lydia. Though Laodicea stood on the great highway at the junction of several important routes, it was a place of little consequence until the Roman province of Asia was formed in 190 BC. It then suddenly became a great and wealthy center of industry, famous specially for the fine black wool of its sheep and for the Phrygian powder for the eyes, which was manufactured there (compare Rev 3:18). In the vicinity was the temple of Men Karou and a renowned school of medicine. In the year 60 AD, the city was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake, but so wealthy were its citizens that they rejected the proffered aid of Rome, and quickly rebuilt it at their own expense (compare Rev 3:17). It was a city of great wealth, with extensive banking operations (compare Rev 3:18). Little is known of the early history of Christianity there; Timothy, Mark and Epaphras ( Col 1:7) seem to have been the first to introduce it. However, Laodicea was early the chief bishopric of Phrygia, and about 166 AD Sagaris, its bishop, was martyred. In 1071 the city was taken by the Seljuks; in 1119 it was recovered to the Christians by John Comnenus, and in the 13th century it fell finally into the hands of the Turks.
The ruins, now called Eski Hissar, or old castle, lie near the modern Gonjelli on the railroad, and they have long served as a quarry to the builders of the neighboring town of Denizli. Among them nothing from before the Roman period has appeared. One of the two Roman theaters is remarkably well preserved, and there may still be seen the stadium, a colonnade, the aqueduct which brought the water across the valley to the city by an inverted siphon of stone pipes, a large necropolis, and the ruins of three early Christian churches.
E. J. Banks
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