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Reply  Message 1 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 21/11/2014 14:00

Templo de Salt Lake City

Templo de Salt Lake City
Salt Lake Temple, Utah - Sept 2004-2.jpg
Ubicación Bandera de los Estados UnidosFlag of Utah.svg Utah, Salt Lake City
Coordenadas 40°46′14″N 111°53′31″O / 40.770469, -111.891958Coordenadas: 40°46′14″N 111°53′31″O / 40.770469, -111.891958 (mapa)
Culto La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días


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El Templo de Salt Lake City es uno de los templos construidos y operados por La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, el quinto construido por la iglesia, el tercero en Utah y uno de los más reconocidos del movimiento de los Santos de los Últimos Días, ubicado en el centro de Salt Lake City, capital del estado de Utah en los Estados Unidos. El templo de Salt Lake City es el cuarto templo que ha estado en operaciones desde el éxodo de los pioneros mormones desde Nauvoo.




La ubicación del templo de Salt Lake City fue marcada por Brigham Young el 28 de julio de 1847, cuatro días después de su llegada al valle del Lago Salado.[1] El terreno del templo se dedicó en una ceremonia el 14 de febrero de 1853 y el 6 de abril del año siguiente se comenzó la construcción del templo. Originalmente se usó arenisca para la fundación. Durante la Guerra de Utah, se enterraron las bases del edificio hasta 1858 cuando se reanudaron los esfuerzos de la construcción del templo, descubriéndose que la fundación previamente construida había quebrado. La arenisca se reemplazó por un tipo de cuarzo muy similar al granito extraído de cañones unos 30 kilómetros del terreno del templo. La roca era transportada por bueyes hasta la construcción del tren trascontinental en 1869.

Wilford Woodruff dedicó el templo el 6 de abril de 1893, exactamente cuarenta años desde la fecha de la colocación de la piedra angular.

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Reply  Message 2 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/11/2014 14:05

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Salt Lake Temple is the
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Mormon Temple in Salt Lake
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The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake
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Contact Address
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The LDS Salt Lake Temple,
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The Salt Lake Mormon Temple in
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Utah, Salt Lake City Mormon
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Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City
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Salt Lake Mormon Temple
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Go inside the Salt Lake Temple
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Salt Lake Mormon Temple
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Mormon Tabernacle Choir
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Mormon Temples
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Reply  Message 3 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/11/2014 14:17
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Manzana del templo, 1897.

La Manzana del Templo, Temple Square en inglés, es una zona de 40.000 m² en Salt Lake City, estado de Utah, propiedad de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, conocidos como mormones. Dentro de la Manzana del Templo se encuentran el Templo de Salt Lake City, el Tabernáculo (Salt Lake Tabernacle), la Sala de la Asamblea (Salt Lake Assembly Hall), el Monumento de la Gaviota (Seagull Monument) y dos centros para visitantes.

Con entre 3 y 5 millones de visitantes anuales, es la mayor atracción turística de Utah. Por comparar, cinco parques nacionales de Utah (Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands y Arches) tuvieron 5,3 millones de visitantes en 2005.

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Coordenadas: 40°46′13″N 111°53′33″O / 40.77041, -111.89246 (mapa)

Reply  Message 4 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 21/11/2014 14:28

Salt Lake City is the Symbolic Sacrifice location to the SUN god, the HOLY SEA. The Jewish Holy of Holies under the Islamic Dome of the ROCK, coincides with the location of the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ. Now if you look down 3 charts to the MECCA FISH GOD chart, you’ll see that the KAABA STONE also coincides with this most holy place of Islam. These 3 religions are the lying Children of Abraham, who have conned the majority of the world, to believe the illusion of this 3 dimensional illusion, which causes suffering, pain, death, war, disease, …is real … and all for control of our Paradise State.

Now consider the dimensions of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. Does that appear to be a RATIO of 1.5 to 2.5, or the same ration as the Holy of Holies, Ark of the Covenant?


Now consider the dimensions of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. Does that appear to be a RATIO of 1.5 to 2.5, or the same ratio as the Holy of Holies, Ark of the Covenant?



Foundation ROCK 1.5 to 2.5 Cubits – Temple SQUARE 1.5 to 2.5 RATIO

Joseph Smith, (a J name) founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, planned the layout in the “Plat of the City of ZION”.

The first permanent settlements in the valley date to the arrival of the Latter-day Saints on July 24, 1847. They had traveled beyond the boundaries of the United States seeking an isolated area to practice their religion, away from the hostility they had faced in the East. Upon arrival, President of the Church Brigham Young (a B name) is recorded as stating, “this is the right place”, after seeing the area in a vision. They found the broad valley empty of any human settlement.
Only 4 days after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Brigham Young designated the site for the Salt Lake Temple, intended to be the third temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to replace the abandoned Kirtland Temple in Ohio and Nauvoo Temple in Illinois.
Constructed on Temple Square, TEMPLE SQUARE=RAUQS=ROCK, in the center of the city, the temple took 40 years to complete, being started in 1853 and dedicated on April 6, 1893. These delays meant that temples in St. George, Logan and Manti were completed before the Salt Lake Temple. The temple has become iconic of the city and is its centerpiece.


The southeast corner of Temple Square, the block in which the TEMPLE is situated, is the initial point of reference for the Salt Lake Meridian, and for all addresses in the Salt Lake Valley. The coordinates being 40 degrees N. and 111 degrees W.

The number 40 coincides with 4 on the 4th clockface.
The number 111 coincides with 3 on the 10th clockface.
It took 40 years to build the TEMPLE.

That was one hell of a VISION. Even the coordinates line up symbolically with Freemasonic Sacred Geometry. Of course, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were Freemasons, and were therefore, easily inspired to ‘hear’ the word of the lord, and to become exceptionally adept at reading maps.

In the previous 2 years before Joseph Smith brought his followers to Utah, U.S. Army officer John C. Frémont surveyed the Great Salt Lake and the Salt Lake Valley in 1843 and 1845. It’s for this reason, that Brigham Young had such a PERFECT VISION of WHERE TO establish the site for the Mormon Temple within just 4 days of arrival. Also knowing exactly where the 111 Degrees West was situated.

The number 1 will become more and more evident as the luciferian agenda unfolds. One representing the New World Order, the Kingdom Age, the Age of Aquarius and the Environmental Green Movement.

New World Order = NWO = OWN NOW WON = ONE

VISION = V number 5 / IS=EYES=ISIS / ION=Electrically charged ION or more literally – a VISION is the SACRIFICE of ZION.

The photograph below shows the Temple Square in 1912.


UTAH – Centre of the ROCK

As you consider the charts demonstrating the position of Utah within the 11 Western States, keep in mind that this ROCK is THE ROCK that Muslims believe to be the JUDGMENT ROCK of ALLAH (which is symbolizing Los Angeles). By extension, the Christians, and the Jews also believe this to be THE ROCK where Jesus, or the coming Messiah, will execute Judgment on behalf of the Father God. Of course, being entranced in their religious protocol as they are, they have no idea that the 11 Western States form this Judgment Rock. Nevertheless, this is exactly the situation.

Now consider that Freemasons draw many of their adherents from the religions of the world, and especially from the Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths in North America. To become a Mason, one should have a belief in a Supreme Being. It used to be a pre-requisite until recently, simply because, with the advent of the Environmental Green Movement, faith in a Supreme Being is shifted back, literally, towards what it always has been, the WORSHIP of the SUN GOD of EGYPT and BABYLON, the WATER/SKY – EARTH – AIR. This in turn, is literally translated into the belief that the 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE IS REAL. There’s no need to hide behind the term, SUPREME BEING, any longer, as the manipulation has been successful.

Since we’re considering such things, consider that Freemasons use the Islamic QUR’AN, and the Old and New Testaments, amongst their sacred texts. This tells us that to be a Freemason, one must find common ground with these writings. In other words, to be a Freemason, one must not be in objection to the writings of MUHAMMAD or the PROPHETS or the APOSTLES. Yet again, this means that one must recognize that these writings regarding ALLAH, or JEHOVAH, are credible.

When a Freemason moves through the degrees, by the time they reach the 32 degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, they can apply to become a SHRINER. One stipulation is that they MUST PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO ALLAH. No if’s, and’s or but’s. They must do it, or they cannot become a SHRINER. What this indicates, is that the higher in rank one becomes in Freemasonry, the more important is the ISLAMIC BELIEF SYSTEM and faith in ALLAH, and all that faith in ALLAH represents. The formal name of 32 degree SHRINERS who have pledged allegiance to ALLAH is:


As has been shown previously on this site, faith in Allah, and the Judgment of Allah, is nothing more than hypnotic trance inducement, whereby all people devoted to Allah, are conjuring up, through the Islamic ritual holy days, the Judgment of Los Angeles, and the supposed corruption and sin of this part of the world. The SHRINERS are used to promote and to perpetuate this illusory future reality. The Judgment of ALLAH is to involve brimstone and fire, and a flood of devastation as written by the Prophets whom Islamic followers adhere to. For this reason the SHRINERS sponsor events, (unknowing to themselves), such as the SHRINERS BURN UNIT HOSPITALS. They also sponsor a huge SOCCER TOURNAMENT throughout the world. The subliminals established are obvious. The BURN UNIT HOSPITALS implant in our subconscious mind, the notion of volcanic seismic eruption. The SOCCER TOURNAMENT is played in a STADIUM, a ritualistic circular rectangle resembling the SACRAMENTO and SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY’S, wherein is created a WAVE of EMOTION, and where just recently, a physical WAVE PASSING AROUND THE STADIUM as the crowd stands in delayed sequence, has been implemented. As well, the harmless little BLACK and WHITE SOCCER BALL is designed with HEXAGRAM and PENTAGRAM symbolic patches. These are representative of the 5 Pointed Star and the 6 Pointed Star. The number 5=SACRIFICE and 6=the SACRIFICER. Together, they total 5+6=11, the number of DEATH.

With this in mind, consider the chart below, showing the 11 Western States, and how the OCTAGON CENTRE is right in alignment with the GREEN X that includes the area from San Francisco to San Diego, which includes the entire Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley’s. The Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, and the Mormon Temple (home of the Latter Day Saints), are located within the GREEN X triangle that extends to California. The OCTAGON symbolizing the DOUBLE CROSS of religious SUN / BLOOD WORSHIP and TOTAL CONTROL.

The Interstate HighwaysI-5, I-15, I-8, and I-80 further symbolize this SACRIFICE 5, from ALLAH to LA 15, (15 goes right into LA), and CONTROL 8, and CONTROL with INTENSITY 80.



OIL – ARABS – ISLAM – Sacred Geometry – Freemason AUTO MAKERS – HIGHWAY EYE-WAY SYSTEMS – Romans/Mormons

The KAABA CUBE and the BLACKSTONE at Mecca described above, show the coinciding relationship with the 11 Western States and the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the ROCK in Jerusalem. The Kaaba, and the rectangle carved in the centre of the Foundation Stone, and the location of the Mormon religion in Salt Lake City, all coincide at the centre of their respective boundaries, and coincide precisely with each other when overlayed one upon the other. The Mormon religion was founded on Freemasonic guidelines, which are completely relative to Hebrew and Islamic Babylonian/Egytian sun god worship. These guidelines are also in complete harmony with Roman Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominational traditions and teachings, and the overlapping coincidences are by design and intent. This is the design and intent behind the luciferian mindset of hypnotic trance inducement, used to conjure up this world, and then to manipulate it to attract and maintain our focus away from REALITY onto this ILLUSORY 3 DIMENSIONAL SPACE.

With this in mind, consider that the Arab world is basically Islamic, which is, as mentioned, relative to Freemasonic thinking, and is what Freemasonic rituals and dogma are based on. The Islamic Arab world is also sitting on the largest reserves of OIL in the world, and has become the wealthiest and the most controlled society on the planet. What made this part of the world so wealthy, was the AUTOMOBILE and TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY which is totally dependent on a constant supply of OIL.

Taking this notion to the next step, consider that Henry Ford invented the MASS PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY LINE, mentioned previously on p.18. Henry Ford was a FREEMASON, as was Walter Chrysler of the CHRYSLER Corporation, and Citreon of France. These were only a few of the Freemasonic/Islamic Mass Producing Assembly line initiators, that spawned a system of trance inducement through the transportation industry, that was completely dependent on the use of OIL to sustain the system. In turn, this OIL was produced in the part of the world where the Freemason principles of Sacred Geometry evolved. What is clear, is that the OIL RESERVES of the Islamic/Arab world needed the Automobile Industry in order for it to flourish.

The Islamic/Arab traditions and rituals of Sun God worship, are evident in the world today as the Islamic religion, however, the original Sun God worship goes back to Babylon about 6,000 years ago. Because the Islamic/Arab/Sun God worship part of the world needed to create an Automobile Industry in order for them to flourish, they had to establish the eventual Freemasonic organization, along with inter-related Judeau and Christian religious organizations that they could draw upon for membership, that would in turn, ‘inspire’ certain Freemasonic members to create a Mass Production Assembly Line system that would drive demand for their OIL RESERVES and eventual wealth, into what we’re witnessing today, the creation of a ONE WORLD ISLAMIC STATE, which is not a NEW WORLD ORDER, but simply the OLD WORLD ORDER in NEW ILLUSORY FORM. This is the final GOAL of the LUCIFERIAN AGENDA, and the so-called establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, devoted to the worship and judgment of ALLAH, which is, of course, the Judgment of LA.

Working HAND IN GLOVE, the original subliminal mind control elite of the ARAB WORLD, working in conjunction with the Hebrew elite, working in conjunction with the Christian elite, and then implemented through the Freemasonic movement, have manipulated a 3 dimensional system of deception that has the appearance and illusion of reality. This was willingly adhered to by those who sought to worship the grand architect of the universe, in return for the promise of riches, control and worship in the coming kingdom age. This illusory 3D system has been introduced throughout the world, throughout these illusory centuries, preparing all of this illusory population we call humanity, for the great day of judgment, coming forth from a god that doesn’t exist. All the while, with the express purpose of separating us from our original wisdom state of Paradise.

The original subliminal hypnotic trance inducement began thousands of illusory years ago in Babylon. The agenda has always been focused on producing the AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY and the ultimate wealth and control this industry would play in the final push for total control of our original Paradise State. The hypnotic principles espoused through the Freemasonic orders created the perfect mass production line systems, through their devotees such as Ford and Chrysler, and now, today, in December 2008, the ultimate calamity this was meant to cause has now become apparent. The subliminal suggestion indoctrinated into the AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY creators, was simply an indoctrination instilled through mind control principles based on sun god worship which has brought the 3 dimensional world to the point of total control, based on Islamic/Freemasonic principles, which are now culminating in their luciferian goal of TOTAL CONTROL and disconnection from our original wisdom state.

The conjuring began in the Arab world. The conjuring needed an OIL BASED RESOURCE. The conjuring needed a NEW LAND to create a NEW MASS PRODUCING SYSTEM. The conjuring needed MIND CONTROLLED PUPPETS to create an OIL BASED PRODUCT and SYSTEM. The conjuring needed this system to create an ENVIRONMENTAL problem. This ENVIRONMENTAL problem only needed to be perceived to be based on the MASS PRODUCTION SYSTEM. This whole conjured up system had to seem disconnected from the ISLAMIC WORLD even while reaping the wealth of the whole world in so doing. All of this conjuring and manipulation has one common thread running through the whole scheme. That common thread is the use of subliminal messaging and hypnotic mind control based on the principles of Babylonian/Egyptian principles of sun god worship. They are all working together as the elite of the world, on behalf of the luciferian thinking egregore mindset.

The Arab World, going back before Muhammad, were responsible for the Sacred Geometry thrust upon the world. The Arab World perpetuated the luciferian mindset through the Freemasonic organization that ultimately created the United States of America. The ultimate goal of this newly formed country was to prepare a sacrifice that would stretch beyond the imagination of any sane person, thereby creating the illusion of some great god, with some holy purpose of divine cleansing that would ultimately implant the illusion that god is great. That Allah is Great! That would leave NO ROOM FOR DOUBT any more.

As you consider the FOUNDATION STONE under the Dome of the ROCK, and how the shape of this STONE is virtually IDENTICAL to the 11 WESTERN STATES, the concept of subliminal hypnotic trance inducement stretching back to the ancient Arab World and Babylon, and that this CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION was used to conjure up this illusory reality, somehow, now seems more within the scope of probability.

For this reason, the FREEMASONIC/ISLAMIC/MORMON religious order took root in Salt Lake City Utah. This religious order followed a long, winding, twisted, hideous path of lunacy and devastation throughout these illusory centuries. However, it’s ultimate goal and location were never in doubt, and the desired sacrifice is now in place.

Interestingly, the AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY BAILOUT of the Big 3 AUTO MAKERS, was $17.4 Billion from the USA government, and $3.3 Billion from the Canadian government. In the year of total control, 2008, or 8-8, this is a highly symbolic number, as the total is $20.7 Billion. The number 20=8, and the number 7 represents completion. Together, 7+8=15, the number of the so-called DEITY. Yet again, 20+7=27 which coincides with 3 on the 3rd clockface, which is the pyramid shape of the DEITY. Of course, 3×3=9 the number of the FALL.Then again, 3 and 3=33 or 3-elevens, which represents DEATH. The amount of the BAILOUT package of $20.7 Billion is obviously instilled with symbolic importance.

Keeping in mind that the Automobile Industry and the Transportation Industry in general, relies completely on a ROAD SYSTEM and an OIL BASED ECONOMY, the importance of the Interstate Highway System of the USA is now put into clearer perspective. For this reason the symbolism of what number highway passes through what location is highly significant. On the chart below, the EYE 15 passes right through Salt Lake City. !5=DEITY. The EYE 80=CONTROL passes through Salt Lake as well. Just to the south, EYE 70 heads east from EYE 15. The numbers 70 and 80= 150, or 15, the DEITY NUMBER, with a ZERO – 0 = Intensity. Just like the $20.7 Billion used in the Auto Bailout, that symbolically represented 15, so too, do the EYE 15, EYE 70 and EYE 80 of the state of UTAH. Strange isn’t, how these coincidences keep showing up. Of course, they have to show up or there’s no subliminal implanting of suggestion to create our illusory reality, and without this, the luciferian system of hypnotic control has no strength. In similar fashion the EYE 5, 15 and 8, pass through to Los Angeles and up through the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. This is totally by design, in preparation for the sacrifice.

Magnificent road building systems dates back to the ROMANS and before.


The luciferian mindset has always been concerned with establishing trade routes by land or by sea, by camel caravan or by ship. Though it may seem that the road systems were developed primarily for more effective trade and commerce, and for greater mobility in times of war, the main purpose of developing complex road systems, was to stimulate and manipulate the TRAVEL INDUSTRY into existence, whereby the concept of SPACE and TIME become accepted and recognized as real. The terms TRAVEL and TRANSPORT carry within them the subliminal message of WATER SACRIFICE which will be elaborated on when we proceed with page 34. For now though, the letters suggest TRA=TWA=WAT as well as the French number 3, or TROIS, which speaks of the deity pyramid shape. TROIS=Sacrifice Cross + ROIS=Sacrifice ROSE




Reply  Message 5 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2014 00:02

Reply  Message 6 of 8 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2014 00:10

1.5 To 2.5 Holy of Holies RATIO


MORMONS – PROSTITUTION – GAMBLING – The Freemasonic Islam Spirit

It’s interesting to note that the Mormons, under the direction of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, settled the regions around Salt Lake City. They spread the temple building program throughout Utah and Arizona and the other states in the region. Yet this is the part of the world known for LEGALIZED PROSTITUTION and GAMBLING. Something went terribly wrong, one would assume, with their missionary work. On the other hand, maybe this is what the missionary work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was supposed to do? Create a ‘sinful’ culture that could be looked down upon from on high (MONTANA), in that great and horrible FUCKING day of judgment from that great FUCKING god called FUCK!


In all fairness though, Mormonism isn’t all about Fucking and FUCK. They have good wholesome family folks within their ranks. For instance, some perfectly PERFECT Latter Day Saint SAINTS are the OSMONDS. Remember them? The Osmond Brothers.


A PERFECTLY wonderful, super-dilly-ishus name. Nothing to be alarmed about. After all, they were discovered by DISNEY when they first appeared as a Barbershop Quartet. PERFECTLY wholesome entertainment.

DISNEY = DIZ EYE = DIZZY an FBI mind control experiment arranged by 33rd degree Freemason J.Edgar Hoover.

The most famous members of the OZMOND family, are Donny and Marie OZMOND.


Gosh willy-jee, they were so cute together. Almost boyfriend and girlfriend like.

The ancestral background of the OZMONDS hearkens back to WALES (WHALES a big fish) and the county of MERTHYR TYDFIL.


Such a wonderful, old country ancestry with no bad karma following them to the NEW LAND of ZION UTAH. Well, maybe that one thing concerning MERTHYR TYDFIL. This name comes from a female saint of Wales, St. TYDFIL. She was one of the daughters of King Brychan of Brycheiniog. It seems some pagans martyred the poor girl in 480 AD and she was thereafter made a saint. Her feast day is AUGUST (8th month or control) the 23rd (coincides with 11 or death).

Below is the Merthyr Coat of Arms. It combines the Golden Yellow of California, with the Blue of the Pacific Ocean. Absolutely brilliant, and not at all symbolic of anything special.


These special White Teethed Icons of Hole-Somnia-Ness have done some extremely refreshing commercial TV work. In 2006 they were part of the PEPSI TWIST commercials with that other wholesome OZ family, the OSBOURNES, starring OZZY OSBOURNE and family. It truly doesn’t get more family oriented (ORION-TED) than that. You just gotta’ love these folks.

PEPSI TWIST = PEPI SWIRL of OZ mythological Egyptian god.

OZZY = OZZY long form of OZ

Donny even went out on his own and did Joseph and the AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAM COAT play. We’re talking big time amazing, this coat was a RAINBOW of COLOR. Big as NOAH’S RAINBOW after the Global Warming Flood comes. This play was completely based on that precious story in the luciferian (LIGHT BRINGER) inspired Bible, concerning Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors. There just aren’t enough P words to describe how this story makes one feel. I’ve already used PERFECT and PRECIOUS.


Freemason – Mormon – Islamic – Arab World – Christian Dogma – Noahs Rainbow After the RAIN. Pure, Perfect and Precious. Let’s continue…


The Judgment Stone of ALLAH – of LA -Los Angeles

Just as Yellowstone Park is the HOLY STONE on the Judgment Stone of the 11 Western States, the MORMON TEMPLE is the HOLY of HOLIES on the Judgment Stone.



The connections with Illinois, the 11 Western States and the symbolism of the John Deere Plow and the Big Dipper/Starry Plow are further enhanced with the location of the Mormon NAUVOO TEMPLE located in Nauvoo Illinois. This temple is located right on the western border of Illinois, just as the CAHOKIA native city was. This makes them symbolically important in regards to events concerning the PACIFIC OCEAN, as the western border of Illinois is the west coast of the States.

The chart below show the location of NAUVOO and it’s location directly across from the IOWA/MISSOURI border. This coincides with the fault line entering California at Eureka and Crescent City and travels towards Sacramento.




There’s something FISHY ABOUT MECCA. Have a look at the shape of the largest Mosque in the world, as redrawn from a satellite view. This explains alot about the symbolism of Nimrod, or OANNES, who is JONAS, or JOHAH who was swallowed by a FISH, who is JOSHUA, who fought the Battle of Jericho at 800 feet below SEA LEVEL, who is JESHUA, or YESHUA, YAHWEH, who is JOHN, who is JESUS, who is ZEUS, who is the FISH GOD of BABYLON. The FISH HAT that the POPES wear. The Christian FISH SYMBOL and how Jesus made his converts to be FISHERS of MEN. Jesus also fed the masses with either 2 FISH, or sometimes a few FISH, and did a lot of hanging around with FISHERMEN.

The Mosque at Mecca is the largest Mosque in the world. That Mosque coincides with the 11 Western States, and is therefore, without a doubt, the LARGEST MOSQUE in the WORLD. Just as al-AQSA, or ALASKA, is the FURTHEST MOSQUE, Mecca, or MESA, is the LARGEST MOSQUE.



Seems Like We’ll Be Having Fish For Supper

Now for a poetic interlude:

Hey DIE-ddle DIE-ddle, the KA-T in the FIDDLE
The COW jumped over the MOON
The Little GOD LAFFed to SEA such S-POUR-T
And the DISH RAIN YAHWAY with the SPOONers


The FOX, or DOG, or BEAR, is definitely guarding the CHICKEN HOUSE NOW.

The 5 Blackwater guards charged with killings in Iraq just surrendered in UTAH. The number 5 = SACRIFICE. As this page shows, Utah is the home of the Mormons, which is the home of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This geographical location coincides with the Holy of Holies on the Foundation Stone, which coincides with the KAABA Cube building in the MECCA Mosque, which in turn coincides with the Mesa formations in the 11 Western States. All of this is now coming together to create our illusory hypnotic REALITY TUNNEL just ahead.

The Blackwater logo has 5 claws. Sacrifice again. It looks like a DOG / GOD PAprint, and a BEAR PAprint. The word BEAR = The BEAR MARKET MELTDOWN and the GLOBAL WARMING FLOOD WATER. For sure, they’re meaning it to be BLACK / DEATH WATER.


Blackwater is associated with the Knights of Malta, which is just Freemasonry, Knights Templar type thinkers. It was the island of Malta and Scotland where the Knights Templar fled after the Catholic Church started to kill them off after the Crusades. They later emerged as the Freemasons, 33 Degree Scottish Rite, and the Knights of Malta about 300 plus years ago.

These guys are Islamic, which means they’re Christian, Jewish, Islamic, … the CHILDREN of ABRAHAM. They are the children of SACRIFICE and there’s absolutely no way they’re not going to attempt sacrificing if they’re in charge of security at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Whistler, Mount Olympus. Sacrifice is what brings the ELECT of GOD in close communion with their god.

The FISH GOD which was shown in the Shape of the Mosque at Mecca, goes back to Nimrod/Oannes in Babylon. This is also the Fish God REM in Egypt.


Another Egyptian Fish God was called DAGAN and is related to the Hebrew word DAG.

Here we go on a little link up of god names:

DAGAN = DAGON = Death RAY ION = DRAGON a serpent fish monster
DAGAN = DAYON = YAD-ON = YOD the pronunciation of god’s name in Hebrew because it’s to holy to say FUCK
DAGAN = DOGAN = DOG-IAN = GOD-ION the fish god DAGAN is a DOG GOD such as the SIRIUS STAR – the DOG STAR
DAGAN = DOG-AN = YOD-AN = YAW-WAN = YAHWEH = THE WAY and links to Jesus, THE WAY the truth and the LIGHT and is the inspiration for the FISH SYMBOL used by Christians. Jesus is the FISH GOD.
DAGAN = DAY-AN = DAY-EYN = DAY EYE = DEITY the fish god DAGAN is the Deity, the Father God


Man’s best friend is a DOG. …Well, maybe not.
Hot Diggedy Dog! …Well, maybe not so hot.


This ridiculous linking between these god notions makes it pretty apparent that there are no gods. Just the fabricated myths revolving around the gods, that eventually conjure up the 3D illusions around us that support the notion that there is a god.

All through these illusory ages, every generation has sworn allegiance to the ONE TRUE GOD. Every generation is certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their JESUS is the REAL JESUS, or the REAL ZEUS, or the REAL SAVIOUR, … and the endless reasonings, and excuses they contrive to remain faithful to an illusion is beyond comprehension. With the resulting life experience of their faithfulness to an illusion, always including confusion, suffering and pain, and ultimately the illusion of death.

Roman Cathol-islam-fish-ism and The Church of Anglers


All this BLACKWATER symbolism is creating our illusory future reality. Little by little, brick by brick, the Wizard of ODDS continues it’s lunacy. Just look at all the B and J and G names, along with the other symbolic names that are associated with this organization. This is simply trance inducement symbolism relating to the SACRIFICIAL PILLARS. They are no more real than any of us. We are all an illusion, and these lunatics are doing everything in their power to keep us believing this myth.

Consider the judgment of ALLAH.

LA = ALLAH = HELL = the ETERNAL FIERY PIT for the ungodly

In other words ALLAH, the god of judgment and eternal fire, is simply a subliminal message telling the masses that ALLAH will send fire in judgment upon the corruption of LA … and it’s so conveniently located right below the city of LA. In other words, the Fiery Judgment of LA was predetermined many long illusory years before any naughty people located there. The seismic volcanic region of the western states was just waiting for the right moment in the luciferian agenda to be used to pull off this horrific stunt. It has nothing to do with corruption, sin, or wickedness that needs to be cleansed. It has everything to do with creating an illusion to draw us into a hypnotic trance whereby they can control our eternal Paradise State right now.

Keep watching the ISLAMIC CALENDAR and EVERY NEW MOON, as this signifies certain events to unfold within the luciferian agenda. Some NEW MOONTHS are more symbolically savage than others. Also, watch the FULL MOONS as the agenda rotates on FORTNIGHT cycles, or 14 day cycles. Especially watch the MOONTHS of RAMADAN, the holiest month, and the MOONTH of the HAJJ, as the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th days of this 12th MOONTH will coincide with the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.

BLACKWATER killers are ISLAMIC CHILDREN of ABRAHAM, as are Freemasons, who are types of the Knights of Malta. Keep watching and waiting.


Yellowstone National Park is the Judgment Stone in regards to the luciferian agenda. The HAJJ rituals are meant to transmute the energy and focus of these ‘mystery’ rituals from the MECCA of Saudi Arabia, to the MESA of the 11 Western States. The HAJJ rituals are meant to manipulate the natural elements that will further create the illusory reality the luciferian thinkers desire for us to experience. Today is December 30, 2008, and Yellowstone National Park is in the midst of an EARTQUAKE SWARM, beginning on the NEW MOON of the ISLAMIC CALENDAR. There have been 250 TREMORS in the last 3 days. Way beyond the normal seismic activity, even for Yellowstone. The folks tracking these tremors have no idea what’s behind this increased activity.

Today, as well, on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, a volcano has sprung to life, with minor eruptions. The first time in 3,000 years that this particular volcano has erupted. As well, on December 27, Israel began their attack on Gaza as Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel. All this is right on cue, on time, and according to the Islamic Calendar. Incidentally, coinciding with the end of the Jewish Hanakah.


Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/05/2023 04:02

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/05/2023 01:19

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