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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 24/08/2015 01:47
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Respuesta  Mensaje 171 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/02/2016 15:16

Respuesta  Mensaje 172 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2016 00:56

Respuesta  Mensaje 173 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/02/2016 16:56

Respuesta  Mensaje 174 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2016 00:07


One very unusual feature of the Great Pyramid is the concavity of its four faces, which makes the monument an 8-sided figure, rather than 4-sided like most of the pyramids. In other words, the four sides are hollowed to the inside. This concavity is executed to such an extraordinary degree of precision as to complement the mystery of the structure. From any ground position, it is invisible to the naked eye and only noticed from the air; indeed it was discovered by accident by a British air force pilot flying over the Giza Plateau in 1940 during the Spring Equinox (21 March). He did not miss had the opportunity and took a photograph. Petrie had already voiced a similar observation when he noticed a hollowing in the core masonry in the centre of each face such that the courses of the core had dips of as much as 1®. The concavity was presumably to prevent the casing stones from sliding, i.e. to better bond the nucleus to the casing. Another possibility was an aesthetic one: concave faces are more pleasing to the eye. The value of Phi, which is equal to the secant of the face angle of the inner triangle, is the same as the ratio between the slant height of the pyramid and half its base-length and this applies to every one of the 8 right-angle triangular faces. Each of the 8- sided faces confirms with the Golden Ratio proportion so that it is inscribed into a Golden Rectang le in which the height/base = Phi. 


click for larger image: http://www.math.nmsu.edu/~breakingaway/Lessons/candybaskets1/candybaskets_fig2.jpg 

Thus it is revealed that the Maltese Cross and the Great Pyramid have a subtle, sublime relationship, that goes back to when this pyramid was built. 
>> http://www.math.nmsu.edu/~breakingaway/Lessons/candybaskets1/candybaskets.html 

Also I just noticed another coincidence to go along with all of the other 'coincidences' that I continue to observe as I pull back the archetypal veils, a language unto itself. 

The center 9 squares are comprised of the numbers 157. 

I was born July 3, 1957.
Okay that is the first coincidence 9 + 157 = 1957. 

Now add up the value of all 9 squares containing the numbers 157. 
I arrive at 37. 
Those who know their gematria know how important 37 is.

But recall I was born on the 3rd of July = 37 

It gets even more bizarre. 
(for me...) 
Really it does. 
My facts, based on my life these past 5 years is stranger than Dan Brown fiction. 

Watch this clip of Bill Maher from his film 'Religulous' 

see what I mean? 
bizarre I say... 


still not convinced that I was awoken and that the Maltese Cross forms a part of my own personal legacy in the here and now...? 


Badge 1258 

The Maltese Cross is associated internationally with firefighters. 
I did not quite complete 25 years. 
I fell short. 

Instead my focus changed to the number '25' and Marko Rodin's cosmic blender that he associates with '25' 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einsteinhttp://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5698

Respuesta  Mensaje 175 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2016 00:11

Marko Rodin's 25 Cosmic Blender 
Does it all come back to the Great Pyramid?



Key-Fret-(1) Maughold 65. Spirals-(2) Rushen 50; (3) Michael 64; (4) Maughold 66; (5) Conchan 62. Triquetras--(6) Rushen 50; (7) Maughold 25 ; (Cool Santon 68; (9, 10) Lezayre 53; (11, 21) Maughold 51. Fourfold Rings--(12) Rushen 5o; (13) Lezayre 53; (14) Braddan 56; (15) same, as intended; (16) Lezayre 53 (with ring). Diagonal Rings Interlaced-(I7, 1Cool Maughold 52; (19, 22) Lonan 57; (20) Conchan 61. 

I see a 2-5 fret pattern listed asKey-Fret-(1) 

St. Brigid's Cross is found in the heart of images (9) (10) (12) (13) (15) (16) (17) (18 ) (19) (22) 


St Brigid's Cross 

Swastika can be clearly seen in (19) (22) 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 176 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2016 00:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 177 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2016 00:19

Respuesta  Mensaje 178 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2016 00:42
Originally Posted by skywalker9 View Post
I always noticed 108 was the angle between points in a pentagram and thought it might have something to do with the people purifying the 5 elements.

36, 72 and 108 are all 9's.

Buddhists and some other Indian systems note that the physical body has 9 doors, or nine holes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth, arse, genital.

See hyperflight.com for image
Thank you to all who replied to my question about the number 108.

I found this:

I highlighted the 12 houses and 9 planets references because this would seem to fit very well to the story of the water margin which inspired my question.

There are a number of articles I found relating the number 108 to the precession of the equinoxes as mentioned by Raphael.

The Significance of the number 108
The Indian Subcontinent rosary or set of mantra counting has 108 beads. 108 has been a sacred number in the Indian Subcontinent for a very long time. This number is explained in many different ways. 

The ancient Indians were excellent mathematicians and 108 may be the product of a precise mathematical operation (e.g. 1 power 1 x 2 power 2 x 3 power 3 = 108) which was thought to have special numerological significance. 

Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108 

Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108. 

Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are marmas where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersections has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. 54 x 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body. 

9 times 12: Both of these numbers have been said to have spiritual significance in many traditions. 9 times 12 is 108. Also, 1 plus 8 equals 9. That 9 times 12 equals 108. 

Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization. 

Marmas: Marmas or marmastanas are like energy intersections called chakras, except have fewer energy lines converging to form them. There are said to be 108 marmas in the subtle body. 

Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future. 

Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole. 

Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108. 

Gopis of Krishna: In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna. 

1, 0, and 8: 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity. 

Sun and Earth: The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. 

Numerical scale: The 1 of 108, and the 8 of 108, when added together equals 9, which is the number of the numerical scale, i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... 10, etc., where 0 is not a number. 

Smaller divisions: The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth, so that some malas have 54, 36, 27, or 9 beads. 

Islam: The number 108 is used in Islam to refer to God. 

Jain: In the Jain religion, 108 are the combined virtues of five categories of holy ones, including 12, 8, 36, 25, and 27 virtues respectively. 

Sikh: The Sikh tradition has a mala of 108 knots tied in a string of wool, rather than beads. 

Chinese: The Chinese Buddhists and Taoists use a 108 bead mala, which is called su-chu, and has three dividing beads, so the mala is divided into three parts of 36 each. 

Stages of the soul: Said that Atman, the human soul or center goes through 108 stages on the journey. 

Meru: This is a larger bead, not part of the 108. It is not tied in the sequence of the other beads. It is the quiding bead, the one that marks the beginning and end of the mala. 

Dance: There are 108 forms of dance in the Indian traditions. 

Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers. 

We have listed below 108 Upanishads as per the list contained in the Muktikopanishad . We have arranged them in four categories according to the particular Veda to which each of them belong. 

Rigveda(10): Aitareya , Atmabodha, Kaushitaki, Mudgala, Nirvana, Nadabindu, Akshamaya, Tripura, Bahvruka, Saubhagyalakshmi. 

Yajurveda(50): Katha, Taittiriya , Isavasya , Brihadaranyaka, Akshi, Ekakshara, Garbha, Prnagnihotra, Svetasvatara, Sariraka, Sukarahasya, Skanda, Sarvasara, Adhyatma, Niralamba, Paingala, Mantrika, Muktika, Subala, Avadhuta, Katharudra, Brahma, Jabala, Turiyatita, Paramahamsa, Bhikshuka, Yajnavalkya, Satyayani, Amrtanada, Amrtabindu, Kshurika, Tejobindu, Dhyanabindu, Brahmavidya, YogakundalinI, Yogatattva, Yogasikha, Varaha, Advayataraka, Trisikhibrahmana, mandalabrahmana, Hamsa, Kalisantaraaa, Narayana, Tarasara, Kalagnirudra, Dakshinamurti, Pancabrahma, Rudrahrdaya, SarasvatIrahasya. 

SamaVeda(16): Kena, Chandogya, Mahat, Maitrayani, Vajrasuci, Savitri, Aruneya, Kundika, Maitreyi, Samnyasa, Jabaladarsana, Yogacudaman, Avyakta, Vasudevai, Jabali, Rudrakshajabala. 

Atharvaveda(32): Prasna , Mandukya, Mundaka, Atma, Surya, Narada-Parivrajakas, Parabrahma, Paramahamsa-Parivrajakas, Pasupatha-Brahma, Mahavakya, Sandilya, Krishna, Garuda, Gopalatapani, Tripadavibhuti-mahnarayana, Dattatreya, Kaivalya, NrsimhatapanI, Ramatapani, Ramarahasya, HayagrIva, Atharvasikha, Atharvasira, Ganapati, Brhajjabala, Bhasmajabala, Sarabha, Annapurna, TripuratapanI, Devi, Bhavana, SIta. 


The Significance of the number 108 
We must agree that all measuring systems are merely reference frames. They give us a starting point. It doesn’t really matter if you call them farenheits or cycles. All science is based on fundamental assumptions of the mechanics of this universe. Yet, these assumptions, if correct, connect like building blocks. 

Much in the same way, the number ‘108’ is just a reference frame. It is symbolic of a bigger picture: that of humility. When devotees recite 108 Hanuman Chalisas, in their minds they believe, they are proving their love for God, and that there is in fact a need to prove their love. When devotees assign a 108 names to Shri Ganesh, they are once again gauging their devotion through numbers. This, of course, may be considered unreasonable, since it suggests that 108 chants are more effective than 109 chants. How do they know this? Have they proved it? Is 108 the magic number of the universe? No, it is not! It is a reference frame. What is important is that a system is imposed to guide us through the fundamental struggles encountered in any evolutional process. Otherwise, chaos and anarchy follow and nothing gets done. 

Having said that, I will show you justifications from a few subcultures in India. Obviously, I consider the Vedic rationale to be the most consistent with the fundamental laws of this universe. The others have borrowed and built, but it still smells of Vedic beginnings. 

In present times, we can find many rationales for the proliferation of ‘108’ throughout our scriptures. In fact, this number seems to garner its unfair share of attention from myriad cults and faith systems around the world. I will give you a few justifications that have been brought to my attention. 

This universe was created by the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. From these elements came the three attributes: Raj {birth**, Sat {protection** and Tam {destruction or death.** 

The mathematical or geographical evidence proves that one circle has 360 degrees in space. Why is this circle or wheel of life considered to be of 360 degrees only? If we take a circle and start dividing it using the four elements and three attributes, all the logic can be observed. 

The circle itself, is considered the first element of space, since we must consume space in drawing a circle. In this space {or circle**, the four remaining elements and three attributes create the idea of time. The circle is divisible by the product of four elements multiplied by three attributes. This involves the belief that the three attributes exist in the circle. By moving three times, each element completes its revolution. 

So now we have the number 12 {3 x 4**. This division gave birth to our 12 months, and also to the 12 horas {1/2 of the day or Ahoratri**. We now have 360 degrees as well as 12 divisions. We can now further divide the wheel of time: there are 27 fixed stars (nakshatras) along with three attributes that divide the time in smaller portions. So this 27 + 3 = 30 is interpreted as 30 degrees or days of one part of the wheel (circle) or month. All of this is only half of a day. The night is yet unaccounted for. Therefore, we multiply these 30 degrees by 2. This gives us our reference of 60 seconds in a minute. 

Thus the 360º x 30º = 10,800. Zero {0** is considered ‘Purna’ or complete. So we take out the last zeros and are left with 108. The idea of our total universe is represented by this number of 108. Offering 108, devotees believe that they are showing ultimate or complete respect to the Supreme. 

There are many other justifications but all can be traced back to this system. A few are explained below: 

Followers use 108 beads in their malas. They implement the following formula: 
6 x 3 x 2 x3 = 108 
6 senses [sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought] 
3 aspects of time [past, present, future] 
2 condition of heart [pure or impure] 
3 possibilties of sentiment [like, dislike, indifference] 

All Buddhists accept the Buddha Footprint with its 108 Auspicious Illustrations. These areas are considered to have been marked on the Buddha’s left foot when his body was discovered. 

108 beads on the Hindu maalaa {rosary** 
108 Arhats or Holy Ones 

108 Gopis {consorts** of Lord Krishna 
108 Holy places for Vaishnavas 
108 beads on the Japa maalaa {rosary** 
108 Upanishads 
108 Divyadeshes - Divine or Sacred Tirtha throughout India and Nepal 
108 sacred water taps in Muktinath - Nepal 

108 Pitha {Sacred Places** 
The story goes that Lord Shiva was in deep and incessant meditation. His asceticism was creating great heat in the universe. All existence was in peril and Lord Brahma was deeply concerned. Lord Brahma asked the Mother of the Universe, Maa Shakti, to use Her strength and wile to seduce Lord Shiva. Maa Shakti agreed and was born as Sati, daughter of Shri Daksha. Lord Shiva was so entranced by Sati’s asceticism and extraordinary beauty that he took human form and they were married. Years later, at a feast, Sati’s father insulted Lord Shiva. Sati was so humiliated that she began a deep meditation which led to her immolation. Lord Shiva was completely heart broken. He reached into the sacrificial fire and pulled out as much of His beloved’s body as he could grab. As He ascended to heaven, bits of Sati’s body fell to earth. 108 bits to be precise! In time, these places were acknowledged and worshipped. 

In a book by Khurana, the explanation closely mirrors the original Vedic justifications: 
A circle has 360 degrees, which when multiplied by 60 gives us 21,600 minutes in a circle. 60 comes from the 60 'ghatis' which Sanatana Dharmiks believe in. One ghati is equal to 24 minutes and 60 ghatis come to 24 hours. 

One ghati is divided into 60 parts or 'palas'. 
So the 60 ghatis multiplied by 60 palasa comes to 3,600. 
This is further multiplied by 60 (becase a pala contains 60 vipalas) which gives us 21,600. 
Half of this is for the day, and the other half for the night. So, 21,600 
divided by 2 gives us 10,800. For practical purposes, we use 108. Using the 
number 108 helps us coordinate the rhythm of time and space & we remain in harmony with the spiritual powers of nature.

Respuesta  Mensaje 179 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2016 00:46
Originally Posted by mythmath View Post
Humans incessantly look for, and sometimes
find (even when they're not there) patterns
and 'hidden meanings' in any random group...

We even give numeric assignments to random
items then apply all of the corresponding qualities
of the number to that specific random item...

And then we call it a system (or a religion, ftm)...

How much of the 'Ancient Record' was (even slightly) inaccurate...?

We really should apply every technological, physiological, psychological, 
and philosophical advantage that we're aware of, to refine our current
approach to improving the 'interface' to our transcendental capabilities...
pattern recognition is most valid, especially since we all seem to follow similar patterns or habits too.
patterns must be valid or science is a ruse.
higher physics would implode if we took their ability to make predictions based on patterns observed, both LITERALLY and FIGURATIVELY...away from the holier-than-thou science plebe.

wave/particle duality arose from different 'patterns' being observed...that is OBVIOUS
an anomaly in the pattern that needed to be investigated?

Murray Gell-Mann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969 for his efforts to develop a unifying scheme of classification for subatomic particles and their interactions.

Gell-Mann received his doctorate in physics from MIT in 1951, at the age of 21. In 1952 he joined the Institute for Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago, where his research yielded the first definition of the quantum property of “strangeness.” The concept of strangeness helped explain certain particle decay patterns that had long mystified scientists. Gell-Mann came to Caltech in 1955. Six years later, he first proposed his “Eightfold Way,” a scheme for classifying protons and neutrons into families. This work led him to theorize further that the behavior of known particles might be explained in terms of the even more fundamental building blocks he dubbed “quarks” (the word is borrowed from James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake). Gell-Mann was appointed Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Theoretical Physics in 1967. He now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he is associated with the Santa Fe Institute, an interdisciplinary think-tank he cofounded in 1984.
Eightfold Way
another fine example where science/metaphysics/religion collide. 

Is it just a coincidence that Noah's ARCHetypal ARK had 8 main family members too?
WHICH forms the basis of the beginning of a belief set afloat on the ARK...containing PAIRS of family members and animals too?
Could we position those 8 ARCHetypal ARK members around the 8 pointed ELLIPSE (4 axis) that we find in St. Peter's SQUARE?
lol lol lol
8 x 2 = 16 'wind' directions found on the compass rose in the middle of st. peter's square ellipse?
YES and lol lol lol
Is it just a coincidence that the 8 trigrams of the I-Ching (which is comparable to the western bible) are also associated with 8 family members too?
lol lol lol
Is it just a coincidence that the 8-pointed star is central to most beliefs that have set sail looking for more lebensraum in the new world trying to create order by killing 60 million heathens?
lol lol lol
just like Ma Gaia, I am splitting my gut, a new belief called TRUTH shall be born?
lol lol lol

wake up chosen christians, and ignorant science only plebes...ewe ain't so special in your beliefs.
actually a fella like Murray Gel Mann and his 8-fold way should humble most of EWE.
the same unifying principles are found the world over.

it appears that science is catching up to the RIGHT BRAINED mnemonic spewing shaman who the ignorant LEFT BRAINED scientists STILL fail to fully understand and appreciate.


Last edited by raphael; 29-06-2010 at 03:25 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 180 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/02/2016 14:35

Respuesta  Mensaje 181 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/02/2016 18:13

Respuesta  Mensaje 182 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2016 17:11
Some cool patterns in there Mane, hope you don't mind.

Reminds me of the 8-magic star http://www.magic-squares.net/order8.htm
or the Tesseract you linked. 

VIRGIN MARY 13th Century Monastic Symbols = SEED PATTERN?
Raph your post kinda freaked me out today, I just happened to be looking at some very old photo's of Bohemian grove from 1906 ( like right when you made your post) and right there in the lower left on the flag, what's that look like.


37 or 73
(search those numbers out)
I just started a small company called 73 about 5 months ago.

DNA gives the amino acids their GOOSE-stepping orders?
DNA has palindrome formations, a lot on the Y chromosome.
From wiki: A palindrome structure allows the Y chromosome to repair itself by bending over at the middle if one side is damaged. 

Not sure why they are drawing it with that weird loop at the top.

Just trying to figure this all out.

Respuesta  Mensaje 183 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2016 17:20
Originally Posted by theflow View Post

Raph your post kinda freaked me out today, I just happened to be looking at some very old photo's of Bohemian grove from 1906 ( like right when you made your post) and right there in the lower left on the flag, what's that look like.

 happens to me all the time.
freaky coincidences no longer freak me out, bring it on.
BTW want to see an image linking the ROTAS Square to the flag we see on the RIGHT?

go here for explanation: 

But what about this next image.
See a resemblance in the archetype of the man up on the mountain in Bohemian Grooovy?


Mountain of the Philosophers is an image found in the 1785 Altona Manuscript.
So why then do we see the YEAR 1604 in the bottom right hand corner?
Is it a reference to 

a/ Kepler's SUPERNOVA - Gamma Ray Burst observed and recorded
b/ the year King James commissioned the KJB of 1611 in the year 1604.

answer can be found here:

Why do image hosting services keep deleting my swastika images? 


take the swastika challenge?
want to learn how the swastika connects to VBM?

Last edited by raphael; 27-07-2010 at 07:53 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 184 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/02/2016 22:05
2 belts vs 3 belts?

only 2 back in the late 50s to my knowledge 
we put the 3rd belt there

are there now 3 permanent belts?
who knows
maybe HAARP plays a role in maintaining a 3rd belt?

but how does a 3rd belt 'alter' the light IF placed between the other two?
and think of the belts as those magic square grids.

but the BELT/magic square must be rotated 45 degrees.

which brings us back to the image flow posted, what is on the flag in the lower right, at the Bohemian Groovy.

same image or depiction of a square placed over a diamond/lozenge is found at the Nazca Lines in Peru too.
for a reason I guess....


Last edited by raphael; 31-07-2010 at 12:36 AM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 185 de 245 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/02/2016 22:10
2 belts vs 3 belts?

only 2 back in the late 50s to my knowledge 
we put the 3rd belt there

are there now 3 permanent belts?
who knows
maybe HAARP plays a role in maintaining a 3rd belt?

but how does a 3rd belt 'alter' the light IF placed between the other two?
and think of the belts as those magic square grids.

but the BELT/magic square must be rotated 45 degrees.

which brings us back to the image flow posted, what is on the flag in the lower right, at the Bohemian Groovy.

same image or depiction of a square placed over a diamond/lozenge is found at the Nazca Lines in Peru too.
for a reason I guess....


Last edited by raphael; 31-07-2010 at 12:36 AM.
Reply  Message 186 of 186 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/02/2016 19:09
Originally Posted by raphael View Post

11 2 5 8 = 26 

As I have been suggesting.
Folks reduced the creation to a mathematical expression...expressed as '26'.
Long ago
We continue to ignore the obvious.

JHVH = 26 = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26 = 11 + 2 + 5 + 8 

god was multiples of 13?
here is the link to the Freemason text that suggests, we have been down this path before?

Hi Raph, Yes its all slipping into place That card sure fits the bill again and ill have to find out if its two or three belts? maybe someone will step in? - 
point being the third step in any arrangement is the solfeggio map trine step always dark blue, ill post them later but no need as it says how on the pic.

I put the vortice well solfeggio trine map on your picture Raph showing the nested trine well map- any equal expression to all cells grows in that xtable progression of mod 9. [If anyone is going to add to this if you have individual squares always line the trine up withing groups for easy nesting when trying things out, cool].

I left the rest of the numbers off so to see the axis incidents easily- basic is good.
All one self replication- always through the cyclic maps in the same order just like maths numberlines. if a spoke starts 123 then thats it to infinity.

i think the third step is the most important. -Rupert Sheldrake?-

re the magic squares on your picture- 1234 are concentric well -spoke incidents- reflected through centre to partner = 9 
This is the yellow centre map so yellow field event horizon only of 9 is centre or 0

Along the spoke SE/NW 1 + green map 2+ = dark blue map 3
Three is not the doubling cycle in distance or number [its in between] the 4 is next in the light blue group.
Yellow green light blue = greater octave in the lateral maps and Octave video.- the third step is special- as with all other spokes of the wheel. See this as 1 lateral tile. Hope it helps.

Here is the 8<5>2 mosaic map- pictures are better than words sometimes.

i highlighted in red where the lo shu 5 is, its orientation flips down the spokes with every lateral repitition of map- seeing the 9x9 as one tile helps then lay 8 selfs around to see axis incidents and cyclic standing phase.

This is the same as your map extended- the yellow green lblue from centre = greater octave along spoke progression.

Bad day today so back tommorrow with more time.

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