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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 03/08/2012 16:08


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Metatrón es representado en algunas leyendas como el ángel mediador entre Dios y el hombre

Metatrón es el nombre de un ángel presente en el judaísmo y algunas ramas del cristianismo. Sin embargo no hay ninguna referencia a él en el Tanaj judío (el Antiguo Testamento de los cristianos) ni en el Nuevo Testamento cristiano. También se puede ver escrito como Metratón, y otras en latín: Metator.



[editar] Descripción

No hay consenso acerca de su génesis o del rol que representa en la jerarquía del cielo y el infierno.

En la versión talmúdica leída por el erudito karaíta Kirkisani, Metatrón es una figura misteriosa llamada «YHWH menor».

Curiosamente, el término hebreo metátron es numéricamente equivalente a Shaddai, de acuerdo con el gematría hebreo, por lo que se dice que tiene un ‘nombre como su amo’. El Talmud también registra un incidente con Elisha ben Abuya, también llamado Aher (‘otro’), de quien se decía que había entrado en el Paraíso y había visto a Metatrón sentado (una posición que en el Cielo sólo se le permite a Yahvé mismo). Por lo tanto Elisha ben Abuya consideró que Metatrón era una deidad, y dijo: «¡Realmente hay dos poderes en el cielo!». Los rabinos explican que a Metatrón se le permitió sentarse debido a su función como escriba celestial, que registra todos los hechos de Israel.

De acuerdo con una doctrina judía, Enoc fue llevado por Yahwéh y transformado en Metatrón. Sin embargo esta opinión no es compartida por muchas autoridades talmúdicas. También parece que existen dos Metatrones, uno de siete letras y otro de seis. El primero sería el Metatrón primordial y el segundo Enoc.

El Zohar llama a Metatrón «el Joven», y lo identifica como el ángel que guio al pueblo de Israel en el desierto, luego del éxodo desde Egipto, y lo describe como un sacerdote celestial. También se menciona a Metatrón en los Seudoepígrafos, principalmente en el hebreo Libro de Enoc (también llamado el Tercer Enoc), en el cual reaparece su título como «el YHWH menor».

De acuerdo con Johann Eisenmenger, Metatrón transmite las órdenes diarias de Yahwéh a los ángeles Gabriel y Rafael. A veces a Metatrón se lo identifica como hermano gemelo de Sandalfón, quien se dice que fue el profeta Elías.

Según el escritor Robert Graves, el término metatron sería una corrupción hebrea del griego metradromos (‘el que persigue con venganza’) o de meta ton thronón (‘más cercano al trono’).[1]

[editar] El cubo de Metatrón

Cubo de Metatron (version incompleta que no contiene coordenadas válidas para el dodecaedro o el icosaedro). En la imagen se observan los trece círculos de la "Fruta de la vida"; a través del trazado de líneas se obtiene el Cubo de Metatrón, que sería únicamente el contenido del hexaedro central que surge en el dibujo.

La fruta de la vida (un componente de la Flor de la Vida, un cuerpo de la geometría sagrada ) está compuesto de trece círculos. Si cada círculo se considera un "nodo", y se conecta con el siguiente mediante una única línea recta, un total de setenta y ocho líneas resultan creadas. Así, el cubo de Metatrón es un cuerpo geométrico directamente obtenido de la "Fruta de la vida"; dentro del cubo se pueden encontrar otros cuerpos, como los dos modelos dimensionales de los cinco sólidos platónicos.

En las primeras escrituras cabalísticas se dice que Metatrón creó este cubo a partir de su propia alma. Esto se puede ver también en el arte cristiano, donde éste aparece sobre su pecho, o flotando detrás de él. El cubo de Metatrón se considera también un glifo sagrado, y a veces se dibuja alrededor de un objeto o persona para protegerlo de los demonios y los poderes satánicos. Esta idea también aparece en la alquimia, en la que el círculo fue considerado un círculo de contención, o un círculo de la creación. Y en otras palabras puede ser un cubo en 5/cinco dimensiones.

[editar] Metatrón en la cultura popular

  • En la serie de videojuegos Silent Hill, se revela que un símbolo recurrente en la historia en es el talismán de Metatrón, también llamado Sello "Virun VII" con el poder de destruir o proteger lo que su invocador desee.
  • Metatrón aparece como un personaje principal de la película Dogma (de Kevin Smith), donde es interpretado por Alan Rickman. Aquí él es la voz de Yahvé, quien no puede hablarles directamente a los humanos, debido a que su voz es tan poderosa que mata a las personas que la oyen. «Cinco Adanes murieron antes de que se nos ocurriera cómo resolver esto», comenta humorísticamente.
  • La novela Gravity's Rainbow (de Thomas Pynchon) también presenta a Metatrón.
  • La película Cosmos Incorporated (de Maurice Dantec) presenta a Metatrón como el ángel principal con quien tiene que tratar el héroe Serguéi Plotkine.
  • En la novela Good Omens (de Terry Pratchett y Neil Gaiman), Metatrón aparece como la voz de Yahvé. Un pie de nota explicativo iguala su rol al del secretario de prensa del presidente. Como dato curioso decir que en este libro el Metatrón habla de sí mismo en plural, diciendo: "Somos el Metatrón".
  • En la trilogía La materia oscura (de Philip Pullman), Metatrón es un ángel malévolo, regente del Reino de los Cielos (ya que la Autoridad está incapacitada) habiendo sido quien hacía cumplir sus leyes, pero ahora tratando de suplantarlo.
  • En la expansiva saga de cómics épicos New Gods se presenta una docta deidad llamada Metron, quien aparece donde se le necesita, y ofrece a los protagonistas palabras crípticas de sabiduría.
  • En la novela visual del originalmente anime de Sunrise,Mai HiME Unmei no Keitouju,Metatron es el nombre del Child de Alyssa Searrs,aunque en el anime,tiene otro llamado Artemis.
  • En el videojuego Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage, una versión del personaje llamado Asura tiene un movimiento llamado Nortatem (Metatrón al revés). Esto hace que el personaje se vuelva mucho más poderoso (aunque a expensas de drenar gradualmente su energía vital).
  • El músico mexicano Carlos Santana (1947) dice que la revitalización de su carrera en el siglo XXI se debe a Metatrón. Santana ha declarado que Metatrón lo visita mientras medita. Lo describe como un ángel blanco con barba.
  • En la serie de anime Cyber Team in Akihabara se llama Metatron a un niño genio que escapa en una nave hacia el espacio después de la 2 Guerra Mundial.
  • Metatron es el nombre del segundo track que la banda de rock progresivo The Mars Volta incluye en su álbum The Bedlam in Goliath (2008).
  • En la serie manga "Angel Sanctuary" de Kaori Yuki aparece Metatron representado como un niño que no parece ser peligroso y que es como una marioneta a manos de su primer ministro.
  • En el videojuego Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 de Play Station 2 una de las personas invocables es Metatron, que se logra fusionando a los cuatro Arcángeles que aparecen en el juego,también aparece en Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4.
  • En el videojuego Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor para Nintendo DS, Metatron aparece como el demonio mas poderoso de la raza "Divine". Es la representación de "La voz de Dios" dentro de la mitología del juego.
  • En la serie manga "666 satan", de Seishi Kishimoto, Metatron es uno de los diez angeles de la kabbalah sagrada representado por Cross.
  • En el videojuego Zone of the enders y Zone of the enders the second runner (de hideo kojima) la unidad de energia que se usa para mover al robot jehuty se llama Metatron
  • En la novela ligera Kaze no Stigma el personaje Catherine McDonald tiene un angel guardían llamado Metatron con el que es capáz de controlar el fuego.
  • En el libro "Dos velas para el diablo" se le presenta como un ángel muy longevo, encerrado en una sala, y que es el único que queda que recuerda como comenzó la vida, además en el libro se le considera el rey de los ángeles.
  • En el anime "Shaman King" es uno de los 7 arcangeles perteneciente al grupo de soldados "X-Laws"
  • Metatron es el nombre de una Banda de Metal en El Salvador
  • En la serie Yugioh 5ds aparece como una de los 10 Temporal Machine Gods bajo el nombre de Metaion, usado por el antagonista de la segunda temporada, Zone.
  • Metatrón es el más alto Rango Asesino PVP en la plataforma MMORPG Shaiya Online, y se consigue al lograr 200.000 matanzas.
  • En la serie "Supernatural" es un angel que escribe la palabra de Dios, como todos los seres mitológicos de la serie tiene su propio profeta.
  • http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metatr%C3%B3n

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Resposta  Mensagem 18 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2012 17:52
The Black Cube Cult
“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”

- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.

Actually, the Mardi Gras celebration originated in the pagan pre-Christian celebration of spring. Ancient Greeks would sacrifice a goat, cut its hide in to strips and run naked through the fields while their pagan priests lashed them with the goat-hide strips. This was a part of their spring fertility rite to insure a productive harvest for their fields and increase the fertility of their flocks and women. The custom was degenerate even by pagan standards, being a time of lewdness, immorality, drunkenness and revelry and was associated with the worship of the Greek god "Pan".

"Most scholars see a relationship between present day Mardi Gras and the ancient tribal rituals of fertility that welcomed the arrival of Spring. A possible ancestor of the celebration is the Lupercalis, a circus-like orgy held in mid-February in Rome."

the day before Ash Wednesday was Carnival! It meant "farewell to flesh" (at least for the Lenten season). The French called it Mardi Gras for Fat Tuesday

What's Really Behind the Mardi Gras Masks?

"But behind the sequins and war paint, and deep under the light-hearted Carnival spirit, is there some quirk in the human personality that makes people want to mask? And if so, is there some twist in each individual's psyche that makes him choose the alter-identity he does?

Enter the anthropologists and sociologists, who assure us that yes, there certainly may be a darker side to Carnival. Joseph V. Guillotte, Ph.D., associate professor of anthropology at the University of New Orleans, says that maskers have been traced at least as far back as the Ice Age. The proof is a dated drawing from southwestern France of the Dancing Sorcerer, a man dressed in a reindeer costume. Among early man, masking was considered a conduit to the supernatural, Guillotte says. A man donned a mask and believed he was possessed by the spirit of a god or dead ancestor who was trying to communicate with the living. "the individual becomes the character the mask depicts... Masking (or costuming) altered the state of consciousness."5

In the same article, Fuller quotes Fred Koening, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at Tulane University:

"Masks are a way of being anonymous, and if you wear a mask, ' you take on a different persona.' Among the early tribes, men who wore masks were considered crueler toward their enemies than those who did not. Certainly nobody is claiming that masking at Carnival. has anything to do with cruelty. But, Koening says, 'You can be a little drunker, a little wilder, a little more primitive.' Furthermore, at Carnival 'people will be more tolerant of you,' he says. 'Normal rules are gone. Traditional routines are put on hold.'"

The Masks of Carnival was easily influenced the African and Indian population of America because it had a connection to their rituals for the dead.



Pan ....and Saunieres angels over pan

Rosslyn Chapel and the head of the goat on the roof

The importance of the number 8
The Kaaba, was erected in the center of Mecca’s shrine area, where Venus as a meteorite has been worshipped for thousands of years. The cube shape of the Kaaba incorporates the alchemical number eight by having two four-sided squares, one above and one below (4+4), thus emphasizing and enhancing the alchemical properties of its indwelling form of Venus. Eight symbolizes the number of perfect expression, the octagon, the cube. As mentioned, the number 8 denoted both enlightenment as well as the two “worlds, “ Heaven and Earth, a point made explicit by the builders of the Kaaba, who incorporated into its structure thirty-one courses of stone and wood, then added two more, symbolizing Heaven and Earth, thus making thirty-three, the number of enlightenment.

In particular the Semites regarded trees, caves, springs, and large stones as being inhabited by spirits; like the Black Stone of Islam in a corner of the Ka'bah at Mecca, in Petra and other places in Arabia stones were venerated also" (History of the Islamic Peoples, Carl Brockelmann, p 8-10)
"According to a theory held by many, this temple [Kabah] had been sourceally connected with the ancient worship of the sun, moon and stars, and its circumambulation by the worshippers had a symbolical reference to the rotation of the heavenly bodies. Within its precincts and in its neighborhood there were found many idols, such as Hubal, Lat, Ozza, Manah, Wadd, Sawa, Yaghut, Nasr, Isaf, Naila, etc. A black stone in the temple wall was regarded with superstitious awe as eminently sacred" (Muhammad and Muhammadanism, S.W. Koelle, 1889, p. 17-19)

Everything is Connected and there are no

Resposta  Mensagem 19 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/12/2012 02:53
The Kaaba


According to Islam, the semicircle enclosure to the left (NW), side of the Kaaba is the gravesite of Hagar, 2nd wife of Abraham, and the 2nd most maligned woman in the Bible.
The exact location of this gravesite is 21 25 21.29N 39 49 34.11E

Nice pictures Lov.

on the trail of the grail

Resposta  Mensagem 20 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/12/2012 03:19
I want to point out there is a difference between the cubes in the stained glass windows at St Sulpice and the cubes on the floor at Rennes

the floor cubes at Rennes are Black and the ones at Saint Sulpice is White

DaVinci's Flower of Life

the cube pattern is there

Fruit of Life Platonic Solids

The "Fruit of Life" symbol is composed of 13 circles taken from the design of the Flower of Life
The Fruit of Life is said to be the blueprint of the universe, containing the basis for the design of every atom, molecular structure, life form, and everything in existence.

The number 13 has a connection with the Templars
There are 13 Archimedean solids
The apparitions of the Virgin of Fátima in 1917 were claimed to occur on the 13th of six consecutive months.[3]

In Catholic devotional practice, the number thirteen is also associated with Saint Anthony of Padua, since his feast day falls on June 13. A traditional devotion called the Thirteen Tuesdays of St. Anthony involves praying to the saint every Tuesday over a period of thirteen weeks. Another devotion, St. Anthony's Chaplet, consists of thirteen decades of three beads each.

The end of the Mayan calendar's 13th Baktun is superstitiously feared as a harbinger of the apocalyptic 2012 phenomenon
At Jesus Christ's last supper, there were thirteen people around the table, counting Christ and the twelve apostles

37 years which have 13 full moons compared with 63 years with 12 full moons,
Everything is Connected and there are no


Resposta  Mensagem 21 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/12/2012 03:31

You can see the Four fixed points the eagle lion water man and bull angels
We find them in Ezekiel and in Revelations
there are 13 spheres

Enoch lived for 365 years before he became the Metraton.....365 = a year
In the Southern Jourisdiction of the Scottish Rites the Thirteenth Degree relates to what is called the Royal Arch of Enoch (as in an arch supported by two columns). In this Enoch legend he is instructed to excavate nine chambers featuring nine arches and to hide a white cube bearing a golden triangle inscribed with the name of God. Instead of dealing with the soul's journey alone (as Metatron's Cube appears to) this legend deals with the history of the World/Universe. In Enoch's myth, the cube represents materiality in general (Shekinah), and the golden traingle represents the divine spark inherent in everything. (see Alchemy, Hasidism etc.) The lowest of the nine arcs (ark, arch) in this scheme is the earth. This is the Shekinah story again.

Manley Hall suggests that the nine worlds image relates to the nine stages of the Nordic initiation, the chambers where the rites were performed and the nine divisions of their cosmological template. Albert Pike suggests the same thing of the Enoch legend, that it pointed to a rite with nine stages that was performed literally underground, the form of which was related mathematically to their astronomical template. The logic goes like this: We'll form a club based on the nine planetary spheres, there with will be nine degrees to represent the phases of the souls journey. These numbers and ideas will inform our architecture and ceremonies. Underground chambers symbolize the womb, and nine of them would represent the human gestation period, nine months. The legend is an astronomy learning tool fashioned around the story of human reproduction.
http://dcsymbols.com/journey/treebook3.htm great article
The Great Seal of the US stars above the eagle
has a pattern of the Seal of Solomon
arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star.
The Number thirteen is the arrows and circles(olives) on the leaves

Everything is Connected and there are no

Resposta  Mensagem 22 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2012 17:30
The Metratron Cube and the Koch Snowflake together

and a Spiral with a Koch Snowflake

Metratron cube

Metatron, an angel mentioned in apocryphal texts including the Second Book of Enoch and the Book of the Palaces.[1] These texts rank Metatron second only to YHVH in the hierarchy of spiritual beings.
Metatron as the means by which humanity was given knowledge of YHVH; presumably implying that study of Metatron's cube would be necessary to understanding the tree of life.

The Latin word Metator (messenger, guide, leader, measurer) had been suggested by Eleazar ben Judah of Worms (c. 1165 - c. 1230), Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, and brought to light again by Hugo Odeberg.[13] When transliterated into the Hebrew language, we get מטיטור or מיטטור. Gershom Scholem argues that there is no data to justify the conversion of metator to metatron.[18] Philip Alexander also suggests this as a possible origin of Metatron, stating that the word Metator also occurs in Greek as mitator–a word for an officer in the Roman army who acted as a forerunner. Using this etymology, Alexander suggests the name may have come about as a description of "the angel of the Lord who led the Israelites through the wilderness: acting like a Roman army metator guiding the Israelites on their way".[21][22
Another possible interpretation is that of Enoch as a metator showing them "how they could escape from the wilderness of this world into the promised land of heaven". Because we see this as a word in Hebrew, Jewish Aramaic, and Greek, Alexander believes this gives even more strength to this etymology

Occultists sometimes associate archangels in Kabbalistic fashion with various seasons or elements, or even colors. In some Kabbalah-based systems of ceremonial magic, all four of the main archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel) are invoked as guarding the four quarters, or directions, and their corresponding colors are associated with magical properties

Everything is Connected and there are no


Resposta  Mensagem 23 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/12/2012 16:53
Yes never heard of Peach Cerda

On Peach Cardou we can find the Knight Templar 8 pointed star engraving, the star of Ishtar down below the shaft which stands for the galactic center key.




The researcher used the coumersorde stone and the serpent rouge



Gummi bear dancing over the 8 pointed star on the galactic center

So where does this symbolism come from ?

The hypercube


The regular octagon hypercube were 9 and 6 spirals start the new time cycle, you will also clearly notice were the
Knight's of Malta cross comes from, follow it and add always 15 which is binary 1111, number in which the matrix equilibrates.


3 D Hypercube - 2 D shadow projection

The gummy bear story started in Rosicrucian Germany as candies



The gummi bear originated in Germany, where it is popular under the name Gummibär (help·info) (rubber bear) or Gummibärchen (help·info) (little rubber bear). Hans Riegel Sr., a candy maker from Bonn, started the Haribo company in 1920. In 1922, he invented the Dancing Bear,[1] a fruit-flavored gum made in the shape of a bear.[2] The success of the Dancing Bear's successor would later become Haribo's world-famous Gold-Bears candy product in 1967.[3] Trolli is another gummi candy manufacturer and the first to introduce gummi worms in 1981.[4] Gummi bears are also one of the few types of candy to have inspired a television show.[5]

What does this encrytps ?


The burning alchemical process of sulfur, red stage is the gummi, gets green when starts burning in the blue flame - blue apples serpent rouge code.

Why ? because sulphur is also an octagon equating the macro and microcosmos


So the gummy bear is green fluo, ready to burn code and he is also a pop star, he also pops as he shows you his buTT code, the double TT words, such as BuTTerfly, BuTTer, BuTTon, BoTTom, are codes of the ark-adia, the bear.



Rosslyn Chapel is called a rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. It was designed by William St Clair over a fifty year period beginning c. 1434 AD. The first shovel hit the ground in 1441, with the first four years being taken to dig the foundation. It is astonishing so much time would be spent on the foundation since the building is of such cozy dimensions.

William died in 1484, two years before Rosslyn’s completion. Before his death he supervised the creation of each of the thousands of carvings within the structure. Every carving, from the stars sprinkled across the ceiling to the pyramids and images of Moses were first modeled in wood for his approval before being carved in stone.

William hired some of Europe’s finest master craftsmen who carved within Rosslyn’s luxuriant friezes and decorative stone carvings plants and leaves and flowers. Included are American plants such as maize and aloe cactus. These plants should have been unknown to St Clair. Colombus did not discover America until 1492, six years after Rosslyn had been completed, American plants and all.

Dozens of miniature Temples of Solomon also dot the wall. Most prevalent at Rosslyn is the visage of the Green Man. His face appears over 100 times. It could be called his ‘chapel’, but this is not to say it was a church. There is some doubt as to whether it was consecrated as a Christian building until 1862. If not a chapel, then what is Rosslyn?

Nasa interested in why pop corn explodes



So just how does popcorn pop? Only popcorn kernels can pop, and the secret is water. Each kernel contains a small amount of water stored in a circle of soft starch inside the hard outer casing. When heated to around 450� F, the moisture turns to steam, creating pressure within. As the pressure builds, the casing eventually gives way, and the kernel explodes and pops, allowing the water to escape as steam and turning the kernel inside out. If you have ever popped popcorn, you know that it explodes everywhere!

Were does the word corn comes from ? From Latin Corn-u which means horn - leading back again to Asmodeus and Rennes Magnum Opus explosive key

Resposta  Mensagem 24 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/12/2012 22:10
Note the Gaussian chaos bell in the middle resembling Napoleon's hat - Ordo ab Chao 33 mon-key


Between the pillars J & B and below the arch-i-medes, middle of the arch - Gemini - 12 / 6 = 2

Note also the 60 degrees key in the X, Jacob's ladder, the 8 pointed star as the hypercube.


Serket guarding the gate

In Egyptian mythology, Serket[pronunciation?] (also spelled Selket, Selchis, Selkis, and Serqet) is the goddess of healing poisonous stings and bites who originally was the deification of the scorpion.[2]
Scorpion stings lead to paralysis and Serket's name describes this, as it means (she who) tightens the throat, however, Serket's name also can be read as meaning (she who) causes the throat to breathe, and so, as well as being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion stings and the effects of other poisons such as snake bites.
In Ancient Egyptian art, Serket was shown as a scorpion (a symbol found on the earliest artifacts of the culture, such as the protodynastic period), or as a woman with a scorpion on her head. Although Serket does not appear to have had any temples, she had a sizable number of priests in many communities.
The most dangerous species of scorpion resides in North Africa, and its sting may kill, so Serket was considered a highly important goddess, and was sometimes considered by pharaohs to be their patron. Her close association with the early kings implies that she was their protector, two being referred to as the scorpion kings.
As the protector against poisons and snake bites, Serket often was said to protect the deities from Apep, the great snake-demon of evil, sometimes being depicted as the guard when Apep was captured.
As many of the venomous creatures of Egypt could prove fatal, Serket also was considered a protector of the dead, particularly being associated with poisons and fluids causing stiffening. She was thus said to be the protector of the tents of embalmers, and of the canopic jar associated with poison—the jar of the intestine—which was deified later as Qebehsenuf, one of the Four sons of Horus.
As the guard of one of the canopic jars and a protector, Serket gained a strong association with Aset (Isis), Nebet Het (Nephthys), and Neith who also performed similar functions. Eventually, later in Egyptian history that spanned thousands of years and whose pantheon evolved toward a merger of many deities, Serket began to be identified with Isis, sharing imagery and parentage, until finally, Serket became said to be merely an aspect of Isis, whose cult had become very dominant.

Resposta  Mensagem 25 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2012 05:06
TCJ wrote:
"Moon shadow, moon shadow."

Cat Stevens - Teaser & Firecat animated



Good work TCJ,

Fire and Teaser cat - solved
Fishbone - vesica piscis - H2S
Tin - Zinc -philosopher stone - borromean rings
Sewergas- H2S
Newspaper - ignites fire
96 spirals - Cancer Zodiac symbol - back in time - on the wooden wall - 9 + 6 + 15 = 1111
The moon mon-key
The hat in Latin Spanish is named Gal-era sureley connected with Gal-ena magnetic ore which gave name to the Gauls, and Kitty Gal-ore.
All seeing eye encrypted in the wood wall
Tree of life.


Fishbone - moon - mon-key center of the universe - singularity


8 pointed star - the hypercube

Resposta  Mensagem 26 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2012 16:42
Renne wrote:
"Alessandra Nassuato makes more observations within her collage regarding the recent Hackepen Hill and the July, Warnborough Plain formation also with this text - 'The picture speaks for itself.... love this CC!!!!"






Get ready to be astounded Saturn has the Metraton cube
or the hexagon

It is not a fluke it has been there for 20 years observed by Cassini

ya gotta love it ....a geometric formation on Saturn similiar to the cropcircle

Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2012 17:30

in the corners are the trefoils in Saunieres study
I love this picture of the Meandros and the cubes at Rennes

there is magic inside the church at Rennes :wink:

Merovingian shield

Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2012 17:31

Joined: 13 Jan 2009 3:29 am
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Saturn Hexagon

Everything is Connected and there are no

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/01/2013 05:33
You mean the three rhombus signs?....here red, blue, black...

1star_of_david3.jpg [ 10.63 KiB | Viewed 803 times ]

Connecting the vertices of the hexagram produces a hexagon, while adding the pythagorean y produces three rhombus and a cube, symbol of incarnation

Like the measuring angels in the Book of Enoch, or in revelation (like a compass).....
Revelation 7:1
1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

Resposta  Mensagem 30 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2013 06:14

Metatron's Cube

Here we see an idealized verion of the shortened, 13 circle Metatron's Cube, superimposed on the DC map. The three axiis that determine the six directions in space (black lines) are provided by 16th Street, Pennsylvania and New York Avenues. You can see how the displacement of the Capitol Building has resulted in the mis-alignment of Penn Ave, which moved the Archives Building (on PA between the CB and WH), the Wash Mmt, the Lincoln Mml, and the Jeff Mml.


Note that, while the Lincoln Mml does lie in line with the axis at 23rd Street, as well as the line from the CB running through the Wash Mmnt, it does not correlate to a feature on the tree/cube. It is the largest monument which does not fit, and derives from the McMillan Plan of 1901. As I point out elsewhere, several elements of the 1901 plan were never adopted, and those responsible for that plan, appear not to have been part of the inner circle of planners who are in control recently. The placement of the LM emphasizes that fact.


This image shows an overlay of the shortened version of Metatron's Cube (with ellipses rather than circles) onto the DC map. The thirteen ellipses have been numbered beginning at the center and then moving clockwise from the top, two times round. The idea here is to show how closely the monuments are to the centers of these ellipse making up the cube.

The WH at 1 is located at the exact center of it's ellipse, as is Scott Circle at 2, Mt Vernon Square at 3, and Washington Circle at 7. These are the four corners of the rhombus formed by the overlap of the pentagon and the hexagon. The HOT at the top at 8, is located low, actually at the bottom edge of it's ellipse (where it touches sphere 2).

The NW corner of the blue hexagon falls in the middle of Georgetown at 13, while the opposite corner falls on an intersection in the middle of ellipse 9. This point is directly north of the CB and east of Scott Circle.


The SW corner at 12 is not marked by a landmark that I know of yet. The Medical and Surgical Center is just offset from the center of 6. The Wash Mmt is north and east of the center of 5. The Archive Building is at the center of 4.

Since the position of the Jeff Mml at 11, was tied to the pos of the CB at 10, and since the CB was moved to the north a little bit, both of these lie north of their centers.

My assertion is that the planners utilized Metatron's Cube as a template for the map, but before doing so, they reduced it in height so that the triangle which had been equilateral, now has base angles of 52 degrees, like the cross-section of the Great Pyramid, and I hope that I have proven my point.













Resposta  Mensagem 31 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2013 19:44



washington in Simple Gematria Equals: 130 ( w

Resposta  Mensagem 32 de 62 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2013 20:28

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