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Reply  Message 1 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 28/09/2014 04:04

Photos of the arrival of "The Cloud of God's Glory" back onto the Earth again

The beloved one told me to notice the very unusual red red sunset that was happening outside. So I said that had to be the most amazing thing that I had ever seen. God then said to get a camera, and take a picture of it. I do. And as I stand there a huge blast of light came down. And then mighty "Shekinah" herself (God), or the "Cloud of God's Glory" came down, in a ball of fire. And it was all captured on film.

For the first time in recorded history. God allowed herself to be photographed. A total of four different pictures were captured. An groundbreaking historical event to be sure. The return of the "divine presence" or the actual physical presence of God to the earth, the mighty Shekinah.  *Note: The mighty "Shekinah" or the "Cloud of God's Glory" (another term used in the bible is the "Glory of the Lord") is a very enhanced version of the "Holy Spirit" of God. It is the "focal point" of God, it is the exact point where the "divine presence" of God exists. The Shekinah of God (the presence of God) was last seen on the Earth in 73AD, she left three years after the second Holy Temple (her home) was lost.

In this first picture, you see a huge blast of light come down from the sky, and you can just start to see the beginnings of the eyes and nose of the beloved "Shekinah", or "the Cloud of God's Glory", starting to form up and come together.

In the lower picture, after the big blast of light passed, you see a clear picture of the mighty "Shekinah" (in the bible called "the Cloud of God's Glory"), and all the many many additional signs that God added to the picture. The Shekinah is in the center, a little to the right in the lower picture, its beautiful eyes, eyelashes and nose are the first things that you see.

A total of four pictures of the "Cloud of God's Glory" (or "the Shekinah") were captured. This would be the first real image of God that has ever been captured since the dawn of time.

The beloved "Shekinah" (or the other term used is "the Glory of the Lord") that you see in the center of this blow up of that picture is a very enhanced version of the "Holy Spirit" of God.


Among the Hebrews one of the traditional names of God is "the Shekinah", and it is a feminine gender noun. From time immemorial, the Jews have always considered God to be a female. Many Hebrews see "the Shekinah" as the mother or feminine aspect of God.

To console an Israel in dispersion, the comforting, forgiving and loyal presence of God in the form of the Shekinah emerged. In the Talmud it says: "They were exiled to Babylon, the Shekinah with them. They were exiled to Egypt, the Shekinah with them." And, it says in Lamentations 1, 5, "Her children are gone into captivity," and immediately after (1,6), "From Zion her splendor is departed." (Note the use of "her" for God and "splendor" is also one of the ways to describe the Shekinah).

Other terms in the bible referring to the Shekinah are "The Glory of the Lord" and "The Cloud of God's Glory".

She was the pillar of fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness. She was the burning bush that spoke to Moses.


"The Shekinah" eventually became an interchangeable term with "the Holy Spirit' in both Judaism and Christianity.


In the new testament I referred to God as "Dear Father". But I could just as easily said "Dear Mother". "Dear Parent" might have been a little more accurate.


In the photograph of the Shekinah,

The close up of the pretty eyes and nose,

Shows that even the pupils are in the exact right spot.

Right in the center of the iris of God's eyes.

The pretty eyes and the beautiful eyelashes are also from the Song Of Solomon. "Your eyes are like doves", Song 1:15. Now you can see what Solomon was referring to. The entire Song Of Solomon book in the bible is written just about its great beauty and poise. The Shekinah is said to be the "only Holy One" or the only truly pure untainted entity in the galaxy.

"And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord". (I Kings 8:10-11)

"Now on the day that the tabernacle was erected, the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the meeting, and in the evening it was like the appearance of fire over the tabernacle, until morning". (Numbers 9:15)

This is an image of the Cloud of God's Glory or the Shekinah as it appeared over the "Tent of the Meeting" in the wilderness as the Jews left Egypt. The Cloud of God's Glory is the flame that led the Jews in the wilderness, it is the flame that spoke to Moses from within the burning bush. It still burns very hot as you see in the above pictures, this is how the flame looked to the Jews in the wilderness as they left Egypt. In the bible proper it is repeatedly called "the Cloud of God's Glory" or the "Glory of the Lord". It is written that the second coming will come in "on a cloud", this is that cloud.

**All the original photos are still in the camera for inspection and have not been altered or modified in anyway.**  Included is a photo of the originals of the pictures as they are shown on the display screen on the back of the camera to show that they have not been altered or modified. All the photos that you see are the unedited originals only. For the "Doubting Thomas's" amongst us.

On the close up of the "Cloud of Glory's" face, you can see all the hidden symbols that the Father put in to explain what is now happening on the earth. I will explain their all meanings, just as the Father explained them to me. If you set this picture as your desktop background it will blow it up to proper size for you.

The first thing that you see in the photo is "White River of Life". It flows through the Father's image out to the left. It has a branch coming up to meet it and that represents "the Shoot of Jesse" (the second coming) mentioned in Isaiah 11:1-4.

1Then "a shoot" will spring from the "stem of Jesse", and a "branch from its roots" will bear fruit.  2The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:1-4)

The two branches combine into one "White River", a bleaching or purifying river.

"The face in the white river" looking over to the Cloud of Glory (or the other term used is the "Glory of the Lord") is the second coming and "the white river" shows the bleaching or the purification process that he will bring to the whole world to cleanse it.

All the way on the right lower corner in the photo you see a smiling face, it is a representation of "a spirit of mirth" or Satan, the Accuser.

From Mirth's mouth and his eyes two black rivers flow towards the headwaters of the Father's main branch of the "white river", trying to foul it.

The black river flowing from Mirth's eyes is television. And the black river flowing from Mirth's mouth is radio. The broadcasting devices of Satan foretold in Revelation 13:15.

They are blocked just before they foul the white river by "the Hand Of God" pointing to the branch or the shoot of Jesse again from Isaiah 11:1.

The Hand of God pointing to "the Branch" mentioned in Isaiah 11:1

"The Branch" is also described in the book of Zechariah:

"Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord; even he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear "the Lord's Glory" (the Cloud of God's Glory), and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both." Zechariah 6:12-13.

Note above - this is the picture of the "Shekinah" or "the Cloud of God's Glory" arriving back on the earth again after being gone about some 2000 years. It would make a very good computer "background screen" and it will provide you with a form of good luck if you use it in that capacity to show your honor for God and to always remind yourself that the very Holy Spirit of  God (Shekinah) is now back on the earth. Now the times, they will be a changing. The Shekinah brings "The New Ways" for "The New Days". And those new ways are contained herein in the New Holy Bible.

To make it a large picture that fills the whole screen (instead of just a little picture in the middle of your screen) you must do it in two steps. First right click and save the photo to your computer. Then find the photo on your computer and right click on it again and then select "set as computer background".








Main Menu  Or to return to exactly where you came from hit the Left Arrow Button in the upper left corner of your browser.



And as you can see in its picture, anytime the Shekinah desires it can still turn on the same beautiful flame that led the Jews in the wilderness. The Cloud of God's Glory's other nickname comes from its flame, it is

The Firestorm.

"I looked, and I saw "a firestorm" coming out of the north, an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures". (Ezekiel 1:4-5)



It is written in Revelation 10:1-11 that "a mighty angel clothed in a cloud" would arrive with a "little book" to save the nations:

"1And then I saw a mighty angel come down from Heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. 2And he had in his hand a little book open, and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roared" (Revelation 10:1-3)


The "Cloud of God's Glory" or "the Shekinah" is the cloud that is mentioned, "The New Holy Bible" is the little book that is mentioned, and the mighty angel is the Messiah, the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ.



"And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great Glory" (Luke 21:27)


In this verse from Luke the "son of man" is the Second Coming of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.  "The cloud" is again the Cloud of God's Glory or "the Shekinah". The Shekinah or "the cloud" is the vehicle which brought the "little book" down from Heaven to you.



And this "little book", is The New Holy Bible.


Now, the only ticket left to Heaven.


It is called, "The Tree of Life".



You might want to read it.

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Reply  Message 2 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2014 04:08

shekinah image
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Shekinah Paranormal
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scripture stock: SHEKINAH
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Glory or the Shekinah as
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shekinah church for here
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Thank you, Melvin!
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Views: 1066
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O invoc pe Shekinah ( Duhul
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Shekinah hosts a lineup of
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Miguel LUZ de la Shekinah
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Shekinah is Hebrew, it means
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Invoking Shekinah
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"The Shekinah Glory Enters
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"The Kabbalistic tradition
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Reply  Message 3 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2014 04:13
Hathor - house of (T)horus
Djetankh - house of Enki
Hazeus - house of Zeus - Jesus
Woden - house of Odin
Shekinah - house of Yah


  1. One night my wife asked me what SHEKINAH meant. So I ran and got 2 bible dictionaries and a Catholic encyclopedia. They said SHEKINAH meant "house of YAH", "glory of God", and "a visible manifestation of the divine presence". Being a curious kind of person, the word intrigued me. So I started picking it apart. I found it to be a key. A key that unlocked a whole string of puzzles.


  2. "Shekinah" according to Strong's Bible Dictionary is "shek" - dwelling + "inah" - YAH (the Lord). From my studies, I know "aneah" = "ankh". And "tet/djed" - supporting structure. So - "shek-inah"="tet-ankh" - Tut-Ankh-(Amen). "Tut-ankh-amen" = 'Living Image' of Amen. "Visible manifestation of the divine presence" and "Living Image" are the same thing, confirming my analysis of SHEKINAH is correct. "Tet-Ankh" would also be "house of Enki", which is the same as "house of YAH".


  3. HATHOR is the Greek version of HET-HERT (the house above). Just looking at the word HATHOR - you get - "house of Thor". HATHOR is known to mean "house of Horus". You can see the connection - (T)hor-us. The "house of Odin" - WODEN - "Wo(o)den".


  4. It is said, Odin is the Great Sacrifice of our world system, hung or mounted on the Tree of Life throughout its duration.


  5. You should see where this is leading. The tree is the connection between earth and sky. The ladder to Heaven. The Eternal God - whatever name people have given Him, is either inside the tree, or hung/crucified on it. All this seems to lead to a thing in Egypt called the "Djed Pillar". It is the "house of Osirus" - and of course there is a whole huge story associated with that.


  6. A curious thing I just noticed - "Heavenly Father"=Jupiter=Zeus Pater=Dyeus Pater. The father is the support for the household. Perhaps "Dyeus Pater" is from "Djed Pillar"?


  7. I feel the "Djed Pillar"s deriviatives are: the Ankh, the Cross, the Carduceus, the world tree, the tree of life, and the rune YOLE. EL and ALLAH also mean the "strength of a tree".


  8. So I asked: what would be the "house of Zeus"- HOUSE+ZEUS=HOUZEUS-->Hazeus-->JESUS. Jesus is the SHEKINAH - the image and dwelling place of God. So it makes sense.


  9. It has been suggested elsewhere that the word "YAH" is derived from the word "DJED". When you look up "Jedi" in the Bible dictionary you get "beloved" - which is "Shiva" in Sanskrit. The Indo-European root for SHIVA is KEI. Which is the same root given for HOUSEhold. Astounding!


  10. If we consider "Djed" to be essentially within the presence of God, it can be seen as the HAND of God. You can see "Djed" is like the Hebrew "YOD". YOD+ZEUS=Jesus. If you prefer to use "Yoshua" when you pray to our Savior - YOD+SHIVA=Yoshua. Compare to JOSIAH - fire of YAH, healed (hand) of YAH, support (pillar) of YAH. Jesus definitely knew Himself to be the Hand of God:
    [Luke 11:20] But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
    [Mark 1:15] and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel."


  11. When Jesus said: the Kingdom of God is at hand - He meant: right here - right now.


  12. When you stretch out your arm and spread your fingers wide, it looks like a tree. The stretched out fingers the limbs of the tree. It also looks like you are holding up the sky. Holding your hands up like this is the common position for praising the Lord. My little daughter pointed this out to me.


  13. Before you click out of this page with the thought: "this guy is totally nuts, he has no idea what he is talking about." Look at:
    [Mat 5:48] You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


  14. "Heavenly Father" in Greek reads: "Uranus Pater" - the grandfather in Greek mythology of Zeus. In the Greek New Testament - over 240 times, Heavenly Father is URANUS PATER (Varuna - Sanskrit). Many sources say He is the highest and most ancient of all the gods.


  15. Writing of Varuna(Uranus), Muir says:
    "The grandest cosmical functions are ascribed to Varuna. Possessed of illimitable knowledge . . . he upholds heaven and earth, he dwells in all worlds as sovereign ruler. . . . He made the golden . . . sun to shine in the firmament. The wind which resounds through the atmosphere is his breath. . . . Through the operation of his laws the moon walks in brightness, and the stars . . . mysteriously vanish in daylight. He knows the flight of birds in the sky, the paths of ships on the ocean, the course of the far-travelling wind, and beholds all the things that have been or shall be done. . . . He witnesses men's truth and falsehood" (TG 360).


  16. So, indeed, "Uranus" has the identical attributes Christians identify with Almighty God - Our Heavenly Father.


  17. Knowing "Peter" in Hebrew means "rock" - pillar - and "Uranus" to be "light ring" - "Uranus Pater" would be "light ring pillar" - an ANKH. The ANKH is definitely identified with the Djed Pillar. If you look at the ANKH, you see a cross connecting earth to sky. The cross is Jacob's Ladder - Jesus.


  18. I think we have come to a place where we can no longer think of this as coincidental. The words paint such a perfect picture. And in my minds eye I see a glowing Ankh - with the stars shining within. God is here. God is here.


  19. The thing that makes me wonder, is that the name "Uranus" is supposed to be more ancient than any of the other names. It only makes sense that the Pillar was added later. But still thousands of years before Christ.


  20. In ancient Egyptian religion, the Djed Pillar was associated with the raising of the Djed - the resurrection of a divine being. This event was supposed to usher in a new age. This is obviously prophetic of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.


  21. I was thinking about the Eastern Religious Holy word for God - OM. I started playing with the words in my head and came up with the word "SHAKINOM". I did numerous word searches in many different places and lo and behold I found the word SHAQAM in a Hebrew dictionary. It means Sycamore Tree. Another tree. The Sycamore Tree is just about the holiest thing in Egyptian religion - essentially representing Heaven. Another word in Hebrew for the Sycamore Tree is SUKOMORAIA. Notice at the end of the word is RA YAH. Again going with the idea of the Almighty being the strength of a tree. The thing is - indeed He is.

    [Job 34:14] If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, 15 all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust.


  22. All of this fits together in such a marvelous way. It makes me wonder.


  23. Jesus shows us self-sacrifice in obedience to God is the Way to Heaven - the Way of the Cross.


  24. A father has to go out into the world, work, and sacrifice himself to support the household - the family. It can be seen, this is indeed the foundation of civilization ("civil" is also derived from KEI/Shiva). Too true - I am a father - I know this from first hand experience. Studies have shown fathers abandoning thier homes to be one of the main reasons for the break-down in our society.


  25. All of this testifies to a common origin to the what scientists call Indo-European peoples. And all the religious wars really brother fighting against brother. The Lord is the unifying one who tells all peoples - love one another. The smoke of centuries is clearing, what may be revealed - may shock us all.

Reply  Message 4 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2014 04:18
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Reply  Message 5 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2014 04:20

Reply  Message 6 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/10/2014 19:48



f) El día de la expiación (YOM KIPUR)
23:26 Habló Yahveh a Moisés, diciendo:
23:27 Además el día décimo de este séptimo mes será el día de la Expiación,
Levítico 16, 29-34 en el cual tendréis reunión sagrada; ayunaréis y ofreceréis manjares abrasados a Yahveh.
23:28 No haréis en ese mismo día ningún trabajo, pues es el día de Expiación, en el que se ha de hacer la expiación por vosotros
Levítico 16, 29-34 Números 29, 7-11 delante de Yahveh, vuestro Dios.
23:29 El que no ayune ese día será exterminado de entre su pueblo.
23:30 Al que haga en tal día un trabajo cualquiera, yo lo haré perecer de en medio de su pueblo.
23:31 No haréis, pues, trabajo alguno. Es decreto perpetuo, de generación en generación, dondequiera que habitéis.
32 Será para vosotros día de descanso completo y ayunaréis; el día nueve del mes, por la tarde, de tarde a tarde, guardaréis descanso.
23:33 Habló Yahveh a Moisés, diciendo:


Fases Lunares para el mes de Septiembre del año 2001

Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo

Full Moon Listings




All times GMT (UST), adjust accordingly

2001 January 9 20:26 Tuesday
2001 February 8 07:13 Thursday
2001 March 9 17:24 Friday
2001 April 8 03:24 Sunday
2001 May 7 13:55 Monday
2001 June 6 01:41 Wednesday
2001 July 5 15:06 Thursday
2001 August 4 05:57 Saturday
2001 September 2 21:44 Sunday
2001 November 1 05:42 Thursday
2001 November 30 20:50 Friday
2001 December 30 10:42 Sunday
2002 January 28 22:52 Monday
2002 February 27 09:18 Wednesday
2002 March 28 18:27 Thursday
2002 April 27 03:03 Saturday
2002 May 26 11:54 Sunday
2002 June 24 21:45 Monday
2002 July 24 09:08 Wednesday
2002 August 22 22:30 Thursday
2002 September 21 14:00 Saturday
2002 Oct 21 07:21 Monday
2002 November 20 01:35 Wednesday
2002 December 19 19:11 Thursday
2003 January 18 10:49 Saturday
2003 February 16 23:52 Sunday
2003 March 18 10:36 Tuesday
2003 April 16 19:38 Wednesday
2003 May 16 03:38 Friday
2003 June 14 11:18 Saturday
2003 July 13 19:23 Sunday
2003 August 12 04:49 Tuesday
2003 September 10 16:37 Wednesday
2003 Oct 10 07:29 Friday
2003 November 9 01:15 Sunday
2003 December 8 20:38 Monday
2004 January 7 15:41 Wednesday
2004 February 6 08:48 Friday
2004 March 6 23:16 Saturday
2004 April 5 11:04 Monday
2004 May 4 20:35 Tuesday
2004 June 3 04:21 Thursday
2004 July 2 11:10 Friday
2004 July 31 18:06 Saturday
2004 August 30 02:23 Monday
2004 September 28 13:10 Tuesday
2004 Oct 28 03:09 Thursday
2004 November 26 20:09 Friday
2004 December 26 15:08 Sunday
2005 January 25 10:33 Tuesday
2005 February 24 04:55 Thursday
2005 March 25 21:00 Friday
2005 April 24 10:08 Sunday
2005 May 23 20:20 Monday
2005 June 22 04:15 Wednesday
2005 July 21 11:01 Thursday
2005 August 19 17:54 Friday
2005 September 18 02:01 Sunday
2005 Oct 17 12:15 Monday
2005 November 16 00:59 Wednesday
2005 December 15 16:17 Thursday
2006 April 13 16:42 Thursday
2006 January 14 09:49 Saturday
2006 February 13 04:45 Monday
2006 March 14 23:37 Tuesday
2006 May 13 06:53 Saturday
2006 June 11 18:04 Sunday
2006 July 11 03:03 Tuesday
2006 August 9 10:54 Wednesday
2006 September 7 18:42 Thursday
2006 Oct 7 03:13 Saturday
2006 November 5 12:59 Sunday
2006 December 5 00:26 Tuesday
2007 January 3 13:59 Wednesday
2007 February 2 05:47 Friday
2007 March 3 23:18 Saturday
2007 April 2 17:16 Monday
2007 May 2 10:11 Wednesday
2007 June 1 01:05 Friday
2007 June 30 13:50 Saturday
2007 July 30 00:48 Monday
2007 August 28 10:35 Tuesday
2007 September 26 19:46 Wednesday
2007 Oct 26 04:53 Friday
2007 November 24 14:31 Saturday
2007 December 24 01:17 Monday
2008 January 22 13:36 Tuesday
2008 February 21 03:32 Thursday
2008 March 21 18:41 Friday
2008 April 20 10:27 Sunday
2008 May 20 02:13 Tuesday
2008 June 18 17:32 Wednesday
2008 July 18 08:00 Friday
2008 August 16 21:18 Saturday
2008 September 15 09:15 Monday
2008 Oct 14 20:04 Tuesday
2008 November 13 06:19 Thursday
2008 December 12 16:39 Friday
2009 January 11 03:28 Sunday
2009 February 9 14:51 Monday
2009 March 11 02:40 Wednesday
2009 April 9 14:58 Thursday
2009 May 9 04:03 Saturday
2009 June 7 18:13 Sunday
2009 July 7 09:23 Tuesday
2009 August 6 00:57 Thursday
2009 September 4 16:05 Friday
2009 Oct 4 06:11 Sunday
2009 November 2 19:15 Monday
2009 December 2 07:33 Wednesday
2009 December 31 19:15 Thursday
2010 January 30 06:19 Saturday
2010 February 28 16:40 Sunday
2010 March 30 02:28 Tuesday
2010 April 28 12:21 Wednesday
2010 May 27 23:09 Thursday
2010 June 26 11:32 Saturday
2010 July 26 01:38 Monday
2010 August 24 17:06 Tuesday
2010 September 23 09:19 Thursday
2010 Oct 23 01:38 Saturday
2010 November 21 17:28 Sunday
2010 December 21 08:15 Tuesday




Reply  Message 7 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/10/2014 18:33


1. Génesis 35:19: Así murió Raquel, y fue sepultada en el camino de Efrata, la cual es Belén.
2 - La Virgen María es la constelación de Virgo. América está en Virgo. El antiguo símbolo de Virgo es una "m" cambió. Esto explica por qué el nombre de María como otras madres vírgenes, como la madre de Adonis, Mirra, o el de la madre de Buda, Maya, comienza con una M. Virgo (constelación de Virgo) también se conoce como la "Casa del pan", y la representación de Virgo es una Virgen que sostiene una gavilla de trigo. Esta "casa del pan" y su símbolo de trigo representa agosto y septiembre, cuando la cosecha. A su vez, Belén (Belén), es la traducción literal de "La Casa del Pan". Belén es también la referencia a la constelación de Virgo, un lugar en el cielo, no en la Tierra.
3) Las lágrimas de Raquel - Rajel




Extraído y adaptado de El Calendario Cabalístico de Ben Itzjak


Durante el mes de Jeshván falleció la matriarca Raquel -Rajel-, la mujer amada de Iaacov -Jacob-.
Raquel -Rajel-personifica e clamor por el retorno espiritual y físico de todos sus hijos, y la que se rehúsa a ser reconfortada hasta que se concrete el retorno de sus seres amados [Jeremías 31:14].

Nuestra matriarca Raquel -Rajel- personifica el poder innato del alma y su devoción conciente de despertar la misericordia de D-os para redimir a Sus hijos del exilio y traerlos a la Tierra Prometida. Esto lo hace con lágrimas y plegaria sincera.

En las palabras del profeta Jeremías:

Así dice D-os: "Una voz es oída en Ramá, lamentación y amargo llanto; Raquel -Rajel- llora por sus hijos, se niega a ser reconfortada, por sus hijos, que no está". Así dice D-os: "Gurda tu voz del llanto, y tus ojos de las lagrimas; porque hay recompensa por tu esfuerzo, dice D-os; y ellos volverán de la tierra del enemigo. Y hay esperanza para tu futuro, dice D-os, y os hijos volverán a su frontera".

Recitamos esta profecía como lectura de los profetas -Haftará- en el segundo día del Año Nuevo, Rosh HaShaná. En esta festividad, denominada también Iom HaZikarón, el día de Recordación, es el día en que Rajel, después de haber sido estéril por muchos años, fue recordada por D-os para tener un hijo. Treinta años después, en el mismo día de Rosh Hashaná, su hijo José -Iosef- fue liberado de la prisión y nombrado virrey de Egipto. La frase de la profecía "por sus hijos, que no está", en donde Raquel -Rajel- llora, se refiere en particular a su hijo José -Iosef-, el representante espiritual de las tribus exiliadas de Israel.

En la Cábala se enseña que los doce meses del año tiene dos cabezas: el mes de nisán es el "padre" de todos los meses del año, mientras que tishrei es la "madre". El shofar de Rosh Hashaná simboliza el útero materno, y su sonido el nacimiento de un nuevo año.

El valor numérico del nombre Rosh Hashaná, 861, equivale a la suma de todos los números del 1 al 41 (denominado matemáticamente el "triangulo" de 41), siendo el numero 41 el valor numérico de la palabra em, madre. Este es el valor del nombre beit hamikdash (Templo), que para la mujer, la madre, simboliza la casa y el construir un santuario sagrado para su familia.

Raquel -Rajel- murió el 11de jeshván, el mes que sigue a tishrei, y como este siempre posee 30 días, esta fecha es el día 41 desde el comienzo del año, valor numérico de la palabra em, madre.

Este periodo completo de 41 días puede entonces ser entendido como una continuación y extensión del servicio espiritual de Rosh Hashaná (que es la suma del 1 al 41, como ya dijimos). El aniversario del fallecimiento de Rajel consuma el nacimiento del año (desde el útero materno, en este mismo día da a luz a su segundo hijo, Biniamin, devolviendo en el parto su alma al Creador).

Enseñan nuestros sabios que "los portales de las lagrimas nunca se cierran". Por eso, en la plegaria de la medianoche, conocida como Tikun Rajel (la rectificación de Rajel), reflexionamos sobre que el nombre Raquel -Rajel- equivale a 238, que es igual a 2 x 119, siendo 119 el valor numérico de la palabra dimá, lagrima. Así nuestra madre Raquel -Rajel- personifica las dos lagrimas cósmicas de la Shejiná, la presencia inmanente y revelada de D-os en nuestro mundo, que brota de sus ojos y despierta la misericordia.
Estas dos lagrimas corresponden a los dos días de Rosh Hashaná ( el pasaje de los profetas -Haftará- que se refiere a Raquel -Rajel- se lee en el segundo día, cuando ambas lagrimas ya han sido derramadas).

Encontramos en el Zohar: "Aquel que es pequeño es [verdaderamente] grande". Cuanto más pequeños somos ante nuestros ojos, mas grandes aparecemos a los ojos de D-os.

Cada lagrima de nuestra matriarca Raquel -Rajel- alimenta en la conciencia de sus hijos el sentido de pequeñez. Alimenta nuestra conciencia con sus lagrimas y nos lava, limpiándonos de nuestras imperfecciones espirituales.

La palabra madre (em) se escribe igual que "si" (im). El profeta Isaías dice: "Si (im) D-os ha lavado la suciedad de las hijas de Sión", implicando que es la madre (personificado por nuestra matriarca Rajel, que en particular es conocida en la Cábala como la "madre inferior", en la sefirá de Maljut, cuyo Nombre Divino es Adnut, el Nombre de D-os que aparece en ese versículo) quien lava y limpia la suciedad de las hijas de Sión, las almas de sus hijos.

Podemos ahora visualizar a una de las dos lagrimas de Raquel -Rajel- como nutriendo nuestra conciencia desde dentro, y la segunda lavando nuestras almas desde fuera. Cada una corresponde a un estado de pequeñez, la primera al estado de nuestra pequeñez existencial innata frente al infinito Todopoderoso, y segundo en reconocimiento de nuestro distanciamiento de Él debido a nuestra propias iniquidades.

Cuando este estado completo y rectificado de conciencia y reconocimiento es integrado dentro de nuestras almas, la palabra pequeñez, meat, se invierte para transformarse en sabor, taam, el buen "sabor" de los secretos de la Torá, que van a ser revelados por el Mesías.

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