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Reply  Message 1 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 03/02/2012 14:57
1. Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa (Arturo) , el Orión y las Pléyades,
Y los lugares secretos del sur;

Arturo (estrella)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
«Arcturus» redirige aquí. Para la banda noruega de black metal/avant-garde, véase Arcturus (banda).
Bootes constellation map.png
Ubicación de Arturo en la constelación de Boötes.
Datos de observación
(Época J2000.0)
Constelación Boötes
Ascensión recta (α) 14h 15m 39,67s
Declinación (δ) +19° 10′ 56,7″
Mag. aparente (V) −0,04
Características físicas
Clasificación estelar K1.5III
Masa solar 1 – 1,5 M
Radio (25,7 ± 0,3[1] R)
Índice de color 1,24 (B-V)
1,22 (U-B)
Magnitud absoluta −0,29
Luminosidad 215[2] L
Temperatura superficial 4.290 K
Metalicidad 20 – 50% del Sol
Variabilidad Posible
Edad > 4,6 × 109
Mov. propio en α −1093,45 mas/año
Mov. propio en δ −1999,40 mas/año
Velocidad radial −5,2 km/s
Distancia 36,7 ± 0,3 años luz
Paralaje 88,78 ± 0,68 mas
SIMBAD enlace
Otras designaciones
Aramec, Abramech, α Boötis, 16 Boötis, HD 124897, HR 5340, BD+19°2777, GCTP 3242.00, GJ 541, LHS 48, y HIP 69673

Arturo o Arcturus (Alfa Bootis / α Boo / 16 Bootis) es la tercera estrella más brillante del cielo nocturno con una magnitud visual de -0,04, después de Sirio (α Canis Majoris) y Canopus (α Carinae); considerando juntas las dos componentes principales de Alfa Centauri, que no se pueden resolver a simple vista, Arturo pasa a ser la cuarta estrella más brillante. Se trata, por lo tanto, de la estrella más brillante del hemisferio celeste norte. Su constelación es Boötes, «El Boyero». Se encuentra en la Nube Interestelar Local.

[editar] Etimología e historia

Forma de encontrar a Arturo en el cielo, a partir de la Osa Mayor.

El nombre de Arturo proviene del griego antiguo Αρκτοῦρος (Arcturus), «el guardián del oso» y está relacionado con su proximidad a las constelaciones de la Osa Mayor (Ursa Major) y la Osa Menor (Ursa Minor). En árabe recibe el nombre de As-Simak ar-Ramih (السماك الرامح), traducido por «la pierna del que porta la lanza» o «el noble que porta la lanza». Este nombre, romanizado en el pasado, ha dado lugar a los nombres de Aramec y Azimech, hoy obsoletos. Otro nombre árabe es Al-Harith as-Sama' (الحارس السماء), «el que guarda los cielos».[3] [4]

En el antiguo Egipto parece que era conocida como Smat, «el que reina» o «el que gobierna», así como Bau, «el que viene».[5] Un calendario astronómico egipcio del siglo XV a.C. asocia a Arturo con Antares (α Scorpii) en una inmensa figura celestial llamada Menat. Para algunos autores era uno de los astros de culto en los templos del Nilo y en el templo de Venus en Ancona (Italia).[6]

En astronomía hindú corresponde a la nakshatra —una de las mansiones en las que se divide el cielo— de Svātī; allí también se la llamaba Nishṭya, «fuera», posiblemente por su localización boreal lejos del zodíaco. En China era conocida como Ta Kiō, «el gran cuerno», mientras que cuatro pequeñas estrellas cercanas eran Kang Che, «el lago de la sequía».[6]

En aragonés se la llama Petarruego, probablemente una denominación formada por el verbo petar y por el antiguo adjetivo royo («rojo»).

[editar] Características físicas

Tamaño de Arturo en comparación con el Sol.

Arturo es una gigante naranja de tipo espectral K1.5III, distante 36,7 años luz del Sistema Solar, la segunda estrella gigante más próxima después de Pólux (β Geminorum). Con una temperatura superficial de 4290 K, es visualmente 113 veces más luminosa que el Sol; pero si se considera la radiación que emite en el infrarrojo, su luminosidad es casi el doble, 215 veces mayor que la solar. Su radio, obtenido a partir de la medida de su diámetro angular (0,0210 segundos de de arco), es 25,7 veces más grande que el radio solar. Su masa es aproximadamente un 50% mayor que la del Sol y se piensa que en su núcleo interno ya ha comenzado la fusión nuclear de helio en carbono. Emite rayos X débiles, lo que sugiere que posee actividad magnética —pudiendo tener una «corona oculta»—, algo inusual en una estrella de sus características.[2] Se sospecha que puede ser una estrella variable, habiendo recibido la denominación de NSV 6603.[7]

La velocidad relativa de Arturo respecto al Sol, mayor que la de otras estrellas brillantes, así como su baja metalicidad —aproximadamente un 28% de la solar—, sugieren que puede ser una estrella vieja de Población II y un miembro del disco grueso galáctico.[8] [9] Forma parte de un grupo de 53 estrellas que se mueven conjuntamente a través de nuestra galaxia y que recibe el nombre de «Grupo de Arturo».[10] Una interesante teoría sostiene que Arturo, así como el resto de estrellas que forman su grupo, se han formado más allá de los confines de la Vía Láctea; la edad de algunos de sus miembros puede remontarse hasta los 10.000 - 12.000 millones de años, lo que implicaría que pueden provenir de una galaxia satélite absorbida en el pasado por nuestra propia galaxia.[11]

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Reply  Message 31 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/09/2012 21:18
In order to establish a City of the God of Government it is mandatory that the urban plan incorporate the Cosmic Design, otherwise the city is governed by chaos and it is without judgment, or worse it becomes a lair for tyrants and pirates. The urban planners of all great civil enterprises have understood this fundamental essence. In a  city dedicated to the Gods of Government special tasks must be performed because of the undeniable corruptive power of governing power. Planners of the Cities of God have to put cosmic order in their streets so that the King of Kings remains on the Throne of Truth. Consider the many tyrants who have tasted power without an appreciation for Cosmic Truth and you will see many nations at war. Was Giza, USA a Sacred Site, or was Giza, USA a commercial site, or was Giza, USA a pasture of good times? The way to find out is to unravel the lay of the Rose Line.

In Washington D.C. the earth bound Rose Line runs between the Jefferson Memorial and the Presidential Mansion along the Prime Meridian of the new country. The short north-south aspect was dictated by the need to incorporate the great civilizing influence of the Native American and Egyptian mentors who taught their people that the soul was composed of five parts, Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Light.. The west triangle off the Rose Line dictates the width and breadth of the mall. Lincoln, being a fallen hero needs to be memorialized in the west. Freedom, being the goddess of the New World Order needs to be on a pedestal to motherhood in the east. The soul matures during the experience of life. If the individual does not make a mockery of the trial of life the soul of the individual will merge all the apexes of the pentahedron into the highest apex. This is the point where the four created parts of the soul merge into the Eternal Light that is the essence of the Universal Being. To be One with God is a lofty goal, for sure. But, to deny the potential of one's own soul is simply a path to perdition. That is why great cultures have always crated Stairways to Heaven. That is also why the crystal pentahedron on the Washington mall is hidden in plane sight rising high above the grassy knoll upon the memorial phallus of the First Father of the nation for which Washington is the Rose Line and Capitol. Most people see the great obelisk, but to see the crystal pentahedron an individual must learn how to utilize the All Seeing Eye. The Beatles made the pathway to the top of heaven popular in a song about Mother Mary speaking words of wisdom, let it be. That is how we become adepts at cosmic accomplishments. We let the accomplishment unfold within us as we witness the All Seeing Eye through us in such manner that our own example is the example of heavenly righteousness. It is this spirit of righteous freedom that ruled the urban planners when they set out to raise an Eternal city of God out swamp lands of Maryland and Virginia.

Like Giza the soul of America needs cosmic alignment. The south is the physical being, the baboon, the body soul, and it is asexual. Thus, the Jefferson Memorial is a feminine monumental design dedicated to a masculine personality. That was Jefferson. The west is the land of the Ka. It is the eternal material essence. Our genes carry the Ka of billions of years of the ascending soul from one generation to the next. When we die we return to the Ka. Thus, the president who most immortalizes death as a resurrected spirit belongs in the west. No president comes close to Lincoln in this regard because he took the holocaust of the Civil War and made it an example of the United States of America. That is the Ka of our land. The north is the land of the mind, Imsety. It is here that we must place the president's mansion. What the country needs most in this mansion is a mind for the ascending soul of America. This is the House of Seth and the House of Horus. These two gods of Liberalism and Conservatism must perpetually cycle through the mansion to maintain balance throughout all the land for all ages. The final point on the plan of creation is the east. It is the direction of future rising stars. It is also the direction of the gaze of the Sphinx and the place where Wise Men see the rising stars of kings to come. This is the direction of Kingdom Come. This is the future of the intent present at the Moment of the First Occasion when the city designers set about to accomplish the will of God. On the rotunda of the Capitol stands the dream of Kingdom Come, she is a Goddess called Freedom and she is the spirit of the Native Peoples of the Land of the Free. This spirit still reverberates in the land even though the overt traditions of the Native Peoples remain hidden from the view of impious fools.

The four compass points are visible in the codex of the urban grid of Washington. And they were not placed by accident or by ruminating cows. They are intentional. There is one other point of prime interest. It is the monument at the center. The obelisk is the phallus of the God Father. He was George Washington, whose name carries on under his monument. That monument points skyward to show the way we must all strive toward. Once we can see the pyramid of the soul on the mall in Washington, we can merge all the elements of creation, body, earth, mind, and spirit into a vision of the divine. To get there we have to rise on the wings of the eagle. That eagle has the Seal of Solomon on its obverse and the vision of God on its reverse. It is the Eye of Oneness. The magic of paying attention will overcome chaos, doubt, and denial. Eventually the Great Man with the crown of innocence will walk with the Heavenly Host.

The five primary stars chosen to tell the story of the birth of the New Age are Regulus, Spica, Arcturus, Zaniah, and Mintaka, but the whole of the heavens is implied by the destiny of all Great Men. The axiom "as above, so below" must be applied in the projection down to earth. That means we must project the stars down to the earth as they are seen from beyond the stars. The image of the Potter's Field shown above is the mirror image of the Potter's Field in the District of Columbia. It is what we see when we turn our back to Mother Earth and face the heavens. This is the major stumbling block of all cosmic research. We want to project what we see onto the ancestral monuments. But, having taken our hand from the play we fall on our back sides to the Redemptoris Mater.

Click on image to open a new window with the full layout.The Redemptoris Mater Chapel of Pope John Paul II shows Christ at the center of a revolving field of stars. This is the location of Polaris at the north pole. It shows Christ with his back to the heavens as he opens his arms to the four apostles before him. This is a crystal pentahedron of the Cosmic Soul in which the Light of the World comes back down to earth. This is the meaning of salvation.

The view from the heavens through the star field toward the earth at Washington D.C. is shown by the following correspondences:  Washington monument is Spica, Lincoln Memorial is Regulus, and the White House is Arcturus. The Jefferson memorial is a mirror image of the earthward projection. It says, "as above, so below" as a doubling unto the double of the Redemptoris Mater symbolized by the rotunda of the Jefferson Memorial. That projection represents the Birth of a Nation under Heaven on July 4, 1776.

More proof of the Birth of Kingdom Come? Why does the eastward line point through the Capitol at slightly less than one degree north of east? The only star that hits that alignment is Zaniah at the back of the head of Virgo. Zaniah was the Harlot of Babylon and it was the location of Uranus in the circular horoscope of Denderah. The metaphor at Denderah was the Dream of Kingdom Come. Did the Masonic urban designers want to restore the Harlot of Babylon? Would such a timeless moment memorialize the birth of a nation? In Egypt is was the Birth of the Age of Pisces. In America on July 4, 1776 it was Novus Ordo Seclorum meaning "thus is born a new order of the ages." These metaphors use the same stars and it is difficult not to see the same Eyes of the Gods. How could expatriates of England, France, and the rest of Europe see the ancient Egyptian message when Napoleon had yet to go to Egypt and inaugurate Egyptology? There must be a simple explanation. And it may be that the consequence of using stars to forecast the destiny of a new nation results in the founders of the new nation utilizing the Eyes of the Gods to establish a birthplace on earth as it is in the heavens.

The design of the mall of Washington was simply a birth chart for a nation. The most important celestial alignment is the one that reveals the Time of the Chart. That means that the east-west line is actually a "Time Line." It points to a specific time in the east and a specific time in the west. If it pointed due east-west that would provide a time of year for one of the equinoxes. Since the city is a government city we can exclude the vernal equinox in Pisces. The autumn equinox marked the astrological entrance into the Judgment Hall of Libra. This is not the celestial house of Libra on the zodiac it is the astrological house on the birth chart. By virtue of the precession we can unite the cosmic time with the horoscope time. Zaniah was just under 1 degree north of the autumn equinox on July 4, 1776. Thus, the offset is revealing where the vernal equinox was on the birth chart for July 4, 1776.

At 11:21 am on July 4, 1776 the Harlot of Babylon, Zaniah, aligned with the Statue of Freedom as viewed from the Washington Monument. With Saturn at her back, it was time for a Virgin birth. Neptune was at the top of her head as if he were lifting her out of the cosmic abyss. According to the historical records, Neptune had yet to become a twinkle in the eyes of man.

At 4:33 pm on July 4, 1776, Mintaka aligned with the Lincoln Memorial as would have been viewed from the Washington Monument. Above the head of Orion were Jupiter and Venus on the legs of the male Gemini and Mars was between the horns of the ancient Bull. Above the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran, sat Uranus, the wandering star that carries the name of the Father of Time. As Uranus was setting in the west, his son, Saturn was just below the horizon preparing to rise in the east. Above Mintaka was the Son of Time, Jupiter, in conjunction with the Daughter of Love, Venus. These alignment would have been well known an well researched before picking the date of the birth of the first nation to carry the Greek promise of Freedom to a democratic society of man. The eyes of the gods said, "Annuit Coeptis."

Square on the zenith at the rising of Zaniah a Good Shepherd climbed a mountain with the plane of the earth fortified under his feet with a Grand Conjunction of five planets and the Sun. This is the return of Elijah at the Gateway of Men.

Directly opposite the Good Shepherd and at the Gateway of Gods the nadir rested in the Southern Crown beneath the sign witnessed by Constantine I (the Great) on the last night before he earned the title of Emperor of Rome by telling his soldiers, "In this sign you shall conquer." The sign for Constantine was a grand conjunction of planets stretching from Aquarius to Sagittarius. On July 4, 1776 as Zaniah rose in the east three wandering stars marked the ancient place of reincarnation, the Moon, Pluto, and the Earth, whose presence is shown by her shadow in the eyes of the Sage. Above the gateway a child in swaddling cloths in the mouth of Quetzalcoatl and a man wrestling with a serpent with one foot on the earth and one foot in the sea crushes the Great Red Dragon under his feet. The Great Red Dragon is the unbalanced desire of the Harlot of Babylon. But, "in this sign you shall conquer" means that a boy become a man when he can liberate unbalanced desire with the Virgin's Child with the hand of iron. Justice was born that day. And justice is born every day that Unbalanced Desire is divided into Balanced Desire. This is the word of god shown in the hieroglyph for neter between the Red Crown and Anubis.


Reply  Message 32 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2012 18:58

Reply  Message 33 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/09/2012 19:10

Reply  Message 34 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/09/2012 01:01

Reply  Message 35 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/09/2012 01:30


Washington, D.C. was designed as a Sacred Site, a City of God. By contrast Boston was designed through the daily course of life. The pasture was used by all the inhabitants for their cows. As a result it became known as The Common. People could trust that their cows would go to The Common and come home every day. The cows created paths going to and from The Common. Eventually the cow paths were paved and widened. The result is that heart of Boston is now a city laid out by cows. This makes Boston a unique city with a personality unlike any other. Since the cows were simply doing their local daily thing, they did not need a cosmic orientation. The cows did not need a star with a Rose Line orientation, or so I heard when I lived in Boston.

The contrast with New York is evident. Of course, New York was built on an island and commercial efficiency had a lot to do with the practical layout of its prime meridian which parallels the Hudson and East Rivers. Yet, as logical as the streets of New York may be, there is very little room for spiritual complexity and cosmic orientation.

The map of Washington, D.C. clearly shows that some intent other than grazing cows was behind the street design before habitation in the area. A Rose Line orients the city plan to the Earth. If the line between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol did not lay perpendicular to the Rose Line, then some other intent than orientation to an earthy Rose Line must have guided the city planners. Washington has a lay line not unlike Teotihuacán and Giza. These cities were dominated by their pyramidal architecture and the lay lines to celestial orientation and cosmic spirituality.  However, the fact that the Washington Monument is on the line between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial means that there was an intent to draw a line between the Capitol and the Lincoln memorial. Cows meander. Men of good judgment take straight paths to their destiny. The east west line is approximately one degree off the true east-west line, and yet the position of the obelisk is evidence that the designers knew that the line was straight. Either they had a defective protractor or they intended that the line be "off line" with respect to east-west line. This is how we know that the urban grid is a City of God. Teotihuacán  is oriented 15.5 degree off of the north-south meridian for the specific purpose of aligning the City of God to the return of the child in the mouth of the Feathered Serpent. Giza has so many lines of intent that one is often afraid to open Pandora's Box for fear of the Medusa that is locked inside. Yet, the Teacher of Righteousness, who was Sekhmet still stares due east at the rising stars. It has been shown else where that Sekhmet looks toward the star Spica and the dream of cosmic rebirth. But, her cosmic message is less apparent than her earthly message. She says, "Look eastward while you can, for the day is coming when you will pass through the gates of my necropolis.

New York City was not laid out by Sacred Cows or Righteous Lionesses. The intent behind New York City was efficient transit and maximum utility of a limited resource, land. They aligned the streets and the avenues to assure a thriving metropolis. The result was that NYC became the hub of rational commercial discourse. Nevertheless, Boston, Washington, and New York City clearly reveal design intent of Holy Cows, Sacred Fathers, and Commercial Enterprise. The designers put the spirit in each city at the Moment of the First Occasion for each city. The Moment of the First Occasion is the moment of the Intent to plan.

Artifacts found around ancient sacred cities clearly demonstrate that there was more than Bovine Intent when they started the project of civil construction. These artifacts may carry the essence of the Moment of the First Occasion, if they are the refuse of the original design. In archaeological undertakings we must assume that to be the case and then test the assumption by planning a city or sacred site around the artifacts we find. If the artifacts carry the true spirit of the planners the design will make itself known. However, if the rediscovered artifacts of the gods are interlopers or late comers, then we will be led down some primrose path. The next mistake is unconscionable. When we have false gods we must not force them to be the right gods for the sake of our own comfort. We desire to be on the right path. That is why the mistake of following false gods is unconscionable. We desire ourselves to be with the Right Gods and we have the power to choose which way we go. That power can get too close to usurpation and we fall into Perdition as the Eighth King of Seven. The Truth does not come with judgment, for that is when the truth dies in a mocker of a trial. The truth comes and comes and comes for ever when we witness is magical rebirth. It is for the sake of the rebirth of ancient truth that all great monumental cities were constructed. For what else is a monument is not a restoration of a Moment of the First Occasion.

That is why Judgment Day is the most important day in the processing of any plan. It is not a single Moment in Time. It is never being unconscionable for the sake of self righteousness. As such, it comes on the day of the last judgment when truth is self evident. In other words we have to see the false gods when we create them and before they become the habit of our own personality. Boston, Washington, and NYC are domains of the habitual where the people wander like ruminating beast chewing on the truth without swallowing its sweet grace.. The lay of the land creates the habits of the occupants of the land. We feel comfortable being loose and fancy free in Boston. That is how Boston became a focal point of Liberal Minds. We feel the need to do commerce in NYC. That is why The Big Apple is the greatest center of commerce in the world. We feel the governing power in Washington. That is why Washington has grown to become the city that governs all cities on earth. The plan in Boston was to ruminate. The plan in NYC was for enterprise. The plan in Washington was to govern.

In order to establish a City of the God of Government it is mandatory that the urban plan incorporate the Cosmic Design, otherwise the city is governed by chaos and it is without judgment, or worse it becomes a lair for tyrants and pirates. The urban planners of all great civil enterprises have understood this fundamental essence. In a  city dedicated to the Gods of Government special tasks must be performed because of the undeniable corruptive power of governing power. Planners of the Cities of God have to put cosmic order in their streets so that the King of Kings remains on the Throne of Truth. Consider the many tyrants who have tasted power without an appreciation for Cosmic Truth and you will see many nations at war. Was Giza, USA a Sacred Site, or was
Giza, USA a commercial site, or was Giza, USA a pasture of good times? The way to find out is to unravel the lay of the Rose Line.

In Washington D.C. the earth bound Rose Line runs between the Jefferson Memorial and the Presidential Mansion along the Prime Meridian of the new country. The short north-south aspect was dictated by the need to incorporate the great civilizing influence of the Native American and Egyptian mentors who taught their people that the soul was composed of five parts, Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Light.. The west triangle off the Rose Line dictates the width and breadth of the mall. Lincoln, being a fallen hero needs to be memorialized in the west. Freedom, being the goddess of the New World Order needs to be on a pedestal to motherhood in the east. The soul matures during the experience of life. If the individual does not make a mockery of the trial of life the soul of the individual will merge all the apexes of the pentahedron into the highest apex. This is the point where the four created parts of the soul merge into the Eternal Light that is the essence of the Universal Being. To be One with God is a lofty goal, for sure. But, to deny the potential of one's own soul is simply a path to perdition. That is why great cultures have always crated Stairways to Heaven. That is also why the crystal pentahedron on the Washington mall is hidden in plane sight rising high above the grassy knoll upon the memorial phallus of the First Father of the nation for which Washington is the Rose Line and Capitol. Most people see the great obelisk, but to see the crystal pentahedron an individual must learn how to utilize the All Seeing Eye. The Beatles made the pathway to the top of heaven popular in a song about Mother Mary speaking words of wisdom, let it be. That is how we become adepts at cosmic accomplishments. We let the accomplishment unfold within us as we witness the All Seeing Eye through us in such manner that our own example is the example of heavenly righteousness. It is this spirit of righteous freedom that ruled the urban planners when they set out to raise an Eternal city of God out swamp lands of Maryland and Virginia.

Like Giza the soul of America needs cosmic alignment. The south is the physical being, the baboon, the body soul, and it is asexual. Thus, the Jefferson Memorial is a feminine monumental design dedicated to a masculine personality. That was Jefferson. The west is the land of the Ka. It is the eternal material essence. Our genes carry the Ka of billions of years of the ascending soul from one generation to the next. When we die we return to the Ka. Thus, the president who most immortalizes death as a resurrected spirit belongs in the west. No president comes close to Lincoln in this regard because he took the holocaust of the Civil War and made it an example of the United States of America. That is the Ka of our land. The north is the land of the mind, Imsety. It is here that we must place the president's mansion. What the country needs most in this mansion is a mind for the ascending soul of America. This is the House of Seth and the House of Horus. These two gods of Liberalism and Conservatism must perpetually cycle through the mansion to maintain balance throughout all the land for all ages. The final point on the plan of creation is the east. It is the direction of future rising stars. It is also the direction of the gaze of the Sphinx and the place where Wise Men see the rising stars of kings to come. This is the direction of Kingdom Come. This is the future of the intent present at the Moment of the First Occasion when the city designers set about to accomplish the will of God. On the rotunda of the Capitol stands the dream of Kingdom Come, she is a Goddess called Freedom and she is the spirit of the Native Peoples of the Land of the Free. This spirit still reverberates in the land even though the overt traditions of the Native Peoples remain hidden from the view of impious fools.

The four compass points are visible in the codex of the urban grid of Washington. And they were not placed by accident or by ruminating cows. They are intentional. There is one other point of prime interest. It is the monument at the center. The obelisk is the phallus of the God Father. He was George Washington, whose name carries on under his monument. That monument points skyward to show the way we must all strive toward. Once we can see the pyramid of the soul on the mall in Washington, we can merge all the elements of creation, body, earth, mind, and spirit into a vision of the divine. To get there we have to rise on the wings of the eagle. That eagle has the Seal of Solomon on its obverse and the vision of God on its reverse. It is the Eye of Oneness. The magic of paying attention will overcome chaos, doubt, and denial. Eventually the Great Man with the crown of innocence will walk with the Heavenly Host.

The five primary stars chosen to tell the story of the birth of the New Age are Regulus, Spica, Arcturus, Zaniah, and Mintaka, but the whole of the heavens is implied by the destiny of all Great Men. The axiom "as above, so below" must be applied in the projection down to earth. That means we must project the stars down to the earth as they are seen from beyond the stars. The image of the Potter's Field shown above is the mirror image of the Potter's Field in the District of Columbia. It is what we see when we turn our back to Mother Earth and face the heavens. This is the major stumbling block of all cosmic research. We want to project what we see onto the ancestral monuments. But, having taken our hand from the play we fall on our back sides to the Redemptoris Mater.

Click on image to open a new window with the full layout.The Redemptoris Mater Chapel of Pope John Paul II shows Christ at the center of a revolving field of stars. This is the location of Polaris at the north pole. It shows Christ with his back to the heavens as he opens his arms to the four apostles before him. This is a crystal pentahedron of the Cosmic Soul in which the Light of the World comes back down to earth. This is the meaning of salvation.

The view from the heavens through the star field toward the earth at Washington D.C. is shown by the following correspondences:  Washington monument is Spica, Lincoln Memorial is Regulus, and the White House is Arcturus. The Jefferson memorial is a mirror image of the earthward projection. It says, "as above, so below" as a doubling unto the double of the Redemptoris Mater symbolized by the rotunda of the Jefferson Memorial. That projection represents the Birth of a Nation under Heaven on July 4, 1776.

More proof of the Birth of Kingdom Come? Why does the eastward line point through the Capitol at slightly less than one degree north of east? The only star that hits that alignment is Zaniah at the back of the head of Virgo. Zaniah was the Harlot of Babylon and it was the location of Uranus in the circular horoscope of Denderah. The metaphor at Denderah was the Dream of Kingdom Come. Did the Masonic urban designers want to restore the Harlot of Babylon? Would such a timeless moment memorialize the birth of a nation? In Egypt is was the Birth of the Age of Pisces. In America on July 4, 1776 it was Novus Ordo Seclorum meaning "thus is born a new order of the ages." These metaphors use the same stars and it is difficult not to see the same Eyes of the Gods. How could expatriates of England, France, and the rest of Europe see the ancient Egyptian message when Napoleon had yet to go to Egypt and inaugurate Egyptology? There must be a simple explanation. And it may be that the consequence of using stars to forecast the destiny of a new nation results in the founders of the new nation utilizing the Eyes of the Gods to establish a birthplace on earth as it is in the heavens.

The design of the mall of Washington was simply a birth chart for a nation. The most important celestial alignment is the one that reveals the Time of the Chart. That means that the east-west line is actually a "Time Line." It points to a specific time in the east and a specific time in the west. If it pointed due east-west that would provide a time of year for one of the equinoxes. Since the city is a government city we can exclude the vernal equinox in Pisces. The autumn equinox marked the astrological entrance into the Judgment Hall of Libra. This is not the celestial house of Libra on the zodiac it is the astrological house on the birth chart. By virtue of the precession we can unite the cosmic time with the horoscope time. Zaniah was just under 1 degree north of the autumn equinox on July 4, 1776. Thus, the offset is revealing where the vernal equinox was on the birth chart for July 4, 1776.


Reply  Message 36 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:04

Reply  Message 37 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:06

Reply  Message 38 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:11

Sky & Deep Sky

28 Major Constellations

Named Stars

The Nick Strobel's Tutorial


25 Lesser Constellations

Southern Sky

Messier Tables

The Greek Alphabet




Major Constellations
Winter Spring Summer Autumn Circumpolaris


spring Const

2) LEO











BOOTES - the Bear Driver - Boo

Date & Time


Angular separation Arcturus - Nekkar = 23°
Click on a star name for more informations        
Name Magn. Dist. (L.Y.) Temp.°K C. Type Greek Const.
Arcturus -0.04 34 4.680   K1 Alpha Boo
Muphrid 2.68 30 6.000   G0 Eta Boo
Izar 2.7 160 4.800   K0 Epsilon Boo
Seginus 3.03 53 8.000   A7 Gamma Boo
Nekkar 3.50 230 5.080   G8 Beta Boo
Asellus I 4.05 45 6.360   F7 Theta Boo
Alkalurops 4.31 84 7.080   F2 Mu 1 Boo
Asellus II 4.75 68 7.600   A9 Iota Boo
Merga 5.74 - 6.360   F7 - Boo
Asellus III 6.69 330 7.240   F1 Kappa Boo




LEO - the Lion - Leo

Date & Time


Angular separation Rasalas - Denebola = 30°
Click on a star name for more informations        
Name Magn. Dist. (L.Y.) Temp.°K C. Type Greek Const.
Regulus 1.35 72 13.600   B7 Alpha Leo
Algieba 2.01 76 4.680   K1 Gamma Leo
Denebola 2.14 40 9.040   A3 Beta Leo
Zosma 2.56 51 8.720   A4 Delta Leo
Algenubi 2.98 330 5.900   G1 Epsilon Leo
Chort 3.34 80 9.360   A2 Theta Leo
Adhafera 3.44 77 7.400   F0 Zeta Leo
Subra 3.52 590 6.480   F6 Omicron Leo
Rasalas 3.88 130 4.560   K2 Mu Leo
Alterf 4.31 163 4.200   K5 Lambda Leo
Al Minliar Al Asad 4.46 1.090 4.560   K2 Kappa Leo
M65 - NGC3623
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.2
Dist. 23.8 millions l.y.
M66 - NGC3627
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 9.7
Dist. 21.5 millions l.y.
M95 - NGC3351
Magn. 10.2
Dist. 26.4 millions l.y.
Spiral Galaxy
Mag. 10.3
Dist. 25.1 millions l.y.
65 and 66
Leo I - The Regulus Dwarf
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 9.8
Dist. 750.000 l.y.
M96 - NGC3368
Magn. 10.2
Dist. 26.4 millions l.y.




VIRGO - the Virgin - Vir

Date & Time


Angular separation Zavijava - Rijl Al Awwa = 43°
Click on a star name for more informations        
Name Magn. Dist. (L.Y.) Temp.°K C. Type Greek Const.
Spica 0.98 220 25.600   B1 Alpha Vir
Vindemiatrix 2.83 100 5.080   G8 Epsilon Vir
Heze 3.37 74 9.040   A3 Zeta Vir
Auva 3.38 269 3.040   M3 Delta Vir
Zavijava 3.61 31 6.120   F9 Beta Vir
Porrima 3.65 33 7.400   F0 Gamma Vir
Rijl Al Awwa 3.88 72 7.080   F2 Mu Vir
Zaniah 3.89 204 9.360   A2 Eta Vir
Syrma 4.08 76 6.480   F6 Iota Vir
M 87M87 - NGC4486
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 9.6
Dist. 54.8 milliions l.y.
M90 - NGC4569
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.2
M58 - NGC4579
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.6
M84 - NGC4374
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 10.2
Dist. 54.8 millions l.y.
M 86 
M86 - NGC4406
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 10.1
Dist. 54.8 millions l.y.
M49 - NGC4472
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 9.3
Dist. 54.8 millions l.y.
M61 - NGC4303
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.2
NGC 4535 
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.5
Dist. 81.5 millions l.y.


sombreroM104, the Sombrero Galaxy, NGC 4594, is more than 55 millions light years away, appearing in the sky in the Constellation of Virgo. The central spheroidal cloud of stars, which has the orange appearance characteristic of an older population, is surrounded by a prominent dust ring almost 50.000 l.y. across. It is also possible to resolve some of the globular clusters, caught by this snapshot of their multi-million year orbit though the galaxy's halo.



COMA BERENICES - Berenice's Hair - Com

Date & Time


Angular separation Diadem - g Comae B. = 15°
Click on a star name for more informations        
Name Magn. Dist. (L.Y.) Temp.°K C. Type Greek Const.
Diadem 5.22 60 6.600   F5 Alpha Com
M 64M64 - NGC4826
Spiral Galaxy
The Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
The Black eye Galaxy
Dist. 13.4 millions l.y.
M 53M53 - NGC5024
Globular Cluster
Magn. 7.6
Dist. 55.000 l.y.
M 88M88 - NGC4501
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.3
Dist. 54.8 millions l.y.
M 99 
M99 - NGC4254
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.4
M 98 
M98 - NGC4192
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.7
M 88 
M88 - NGC4502
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.3
Dist. 54.8 millions l.y.
M 91 
M91 - NGC4548
Spiral Galaxy
Dist. 17.6 millions l.y.
M 85 
M85 - NGC4382
Elliptical Galaxy
Magn. 10.1

M 100M100 - NGC 4321
Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 9.3
Dist. 60 millions l.y.
The galaxy M100 is one of the brightest members of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. The galaxy is in the spring constellation Coma Berenices. M100 is spiral shaped, like our Milky Way, and tilted nearly face-on as seen from earth. The galaxy has two prominent arms of bright blue stars and several fainter arms. The blue stars in the arms are young hot and massive stars which formed recently from density perturbations caused by interactions with neighboring galaxies which are lying just outside our image.
Despite its nearly perfect symmetric outline, this galaxy appears slightly asymmetric, as on the southern (lower) side of the nucleus more (or brighter) young stars have formed. Our Deep photographs of M100 have revealed that this galaxy is actually much larger than shown in conventional photographs. Therefore, a significant part of the galaxy's mass may lie in the faint outer regions and escape its discovery in conventional images.
In the inner disk of M100 has been investigated by Nasa's Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on its Astro-1 Space Shuttle mission. Intense star formation activity was found to take place in a ring of starburst activity along the periphery of the galaxy's innermost spiral arms. (Photograph by David Malin of the Anglo-Australian Observatory)

Melotte 111
Melotte 111
Open Cluster
Magn. 1.8
Dist. 260 l.y.
80 stars


Spiral Galaxy
Magn. 10.4
Dist. 31.6 million l.y



CORONA BOREALIS - the Northern Crown - CrB

Date & Time


Angular separation Nusakan - e Coronae B. = 7°
Click on a star name for more informations        
Name Magn. Dist. (L.Y.) Temp.°K C. Type Greek Const.
Alphekka 2.23 78 10.000   A0 Alpha CrB
Nusakan 3.68 114 7.400   F0 Beta CrB
Corona Borealis is a small and faint constellation with no important object to find but I put it in the most enjoiable ones because of the easiness to recognize and of beeing close to Bootes.



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Reply  Message 39 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:36
In iota we find a double a little difficult for our three-inch. The components are of magnitudes four and a half and nine, distance 57", p. 110 deg.. Burnham discovered that the ninth-magnitude star consists of two of the tenth less than 2" apart, p. 24 deg..

No astronomer who happens to be engaged in this part of the sky ever fails, unless his attention is absorbed by something of special interest, to glance at beta Librae, which is famous as the only naked-eye star having a decided green color. The hue is pale, but manifest.[3]

[3] Is the slight green tint perceptible in Sirius variable? I am sometimes disposed to think it is.

The star is a remarkable variable, belonging to what is called the Algol type. Its period, according to Chandler, is 2 days 7 hours, 51 minutes, 22.8 seconds. The time occupied by the actual changes is about twelve hours. At maximum the star is of magnitude five and at minimum of magnitude 6.2.

We may now conveniently turn northward from Virgo in order to explore Booetes, one of the most interesting of the constellations (map No. 11). Its leading star alpha, Arcturus, is the brightest in the northern hemisphere. Its precedence over its rivals Vega and Capella, long in dispute, has been settled by the Harvard photometry. You notice that the color of Arcturus, when it has not risen far above the horizon, is a yellowish red, but when the star is near mid-heaven the color fades to light yellow. The hue is possibly variable, for it is recorded that in 1852 Arcturus appeared to have nearly lost its color. If it should eventually turn white, the fact would have an important bearing upon the question whether Sirius was, as alleged, once a red or flame-colored star.

But let us sit here in the starlight, for the night is balmy, and talk about Arcturus, which is perhaps actually the greatest sun within the range of terrestrial vision. Its parallax is so minute that the consideration of the tremendous size of this star is a thing that the imagination can not placidly approach. Calculations, based on its assumed distance, which show that it outshines the sun several thousand times, may be no exaggeration of the truth! It is easy to make such a calculation. One of Dr. Elkin's parallaxes for Arcturus is 0.018". That is to say, the displacement of Arcturus due to the change in the observer's point of view when he looks at the star first from one side and then from the other side of the earth's orbit, 186,000,000 miles across, amounts to only eighteen one-thousandths of a second of arc. We can appreciate how small that is when we reflect that it is about equal to the apparent distance between the heads of two pins placed an inch apart and viewed from a distance of a hundred and eighty miles!

Assuming this estimate of the parallax of Arcturus, let us see how it will enable us to calculate the probable size or light-giving power of the star as compared with the sun. The first thing to do is to multiply the earth's distance from the sun, which may be taken at 93,000,000 miles, by 206,265, the number of seconds of arc in a radian, the base of circular measure, and then divide the product by the parallax of the star. Performing the multiplication and division, we get the following:

19,182,645,000,000 / .018 = 1,065,702,500,000,000.

The quotient represents miles! Call it, in round numbers, a thousand millions of millions of miles. This is about 11,400,000 times the distance from the earth to the sun.

Now for the second part of the calculation: The amount of light received on the earth from some of the brighter stars has been experimentally compared with the amount received from the sun. The results differ rather widely, but in the case of Arcturus the ratio of the star's light to sunlight may be taken as about one twenty-five-thousand-millionth—i. e., 25,000,000,000 stars, each equal to Arcturus, would together shed upon the earth as much light as the sun does. But we know that light varies inversely as the square of the distance; for instance, if the sun were twice as far away as it is, its light would be diminished for us to a quarter of its present amount. Suppose, then, that we could remove the earth to a point midway between the sun and Arcturus, we should then be 5,700,000 times as far from the sun as we now are. In order to estimate how much light the sun would send us from that distance we must square the number 5,700,000 and then take the result inversely, or as a fraction. We thus get 1 / 32,490,000,000,000, representing the ratio of the sun's light at half the distance of Arcturus to that at its real distance. But while receding from the sun we should be approaching Arcturus. We should get, in fact, twice as near to that star as we were before, and therefore its light would be increased for us fourfold. Now, if the amount of sunlight had not changed, it would exceed the light of Arcturus only a quarter as much as it did before, or in the ratio of 25,000,000,000 / 4 = 6,250,000,000 to 1. But, as we have seen, the sunlight would diminish through increase of distance to one 32,490,000,000,000th part of its original amount. Hence its altered ratio to the light of Arcturus would become 6,250,000,000 to 32,490,000,000,000, or 1 to 5,198.

This means that if the earth were situated midway between the sun and Arcturus, it would receive 5,198 times as much light from that star as it would from the sun! It is quite probable, moreover, that the heat of Arcturus exceeds the solar heat in the same ratio, for the spectroscope shows that although Arcturus is surrounded with a cloak of metallic vapors proportionately far more extensive than the sun's, yet, smothered as the great star seems in some respects to be, it rivals Sirius itself in the intensity of its radiant energy.

If we suppose the radiation of Arcturus to be the same per unit of surface as the sun's, it follows that Arcturus exceeds the sun about 375,000 times in volume, and that its diameter is no less than 62,350,000 miles! Imagine the earth and the other planets constituting the solar system removed to Arcturus and set revolving around it in orbits of the same forms and sizes as those in which they circle about the sun. Poor Mercury! For that little planet it would indeed be a jump from the frying pan into the fire, because, as it rushed to perihelion, Mercury would plunge more than 2,500,000 miles beneath the surface of the giant star. Venus and the earth would melt like snowflakes at the mouth of a furnace. Even far-away Neptune, the remotest member of the system, would swelter in torrid heat.

But stop! Look at the sky. Observe how small and motionless the disks of the stars have become. Back to the telescopes at once, for this is a token that the atmosphere is steady, and that "good seeing" may be expected. It is fortunate, for we have some delicate work before us. The very first double star we try in Booetes, Sigma 1772, requires the use of the four-inch, and the five-inch shows it more satisfactorily. The magnitudes are sixth and ninth, distance 5", p. 140 deg.. On the other side of Arcturus we find zeta, a star that we should have had no great difficulty in separating thirty years ago, but which has now closed up beyond the reach even of our five-inch. The magnitudes are both fourth, and the distance less than a quarter of a second; position angle changing. It is apparently a binary, and if so will some time widen again, but its period is unknown. The star 279, also known as Sigma 1910, near the southeastern edge of the constellation, is a pretty double, each component being of the seventh magnitude, distance 4", p. 212 deg.. Just above zeta we come upon pi, an easy double for the three-inch, magnitudes four and six, distance 6" p. 99 deg.. Next is xi, a yellow and purple pair, whose magnitudes are respectively five and seven, distance less than 3", p. 200 deg.. This is undoubtedly a binary with a period of revolution of about a hundred and thirty years. Its distance decreased about 1" between 1881 and 1891. It was still decreasing in 1899, when it had become 2.5". The orbital swing is also very apparent in the change of the position angle.

The telescopic gem of Booetes, and one of "the flowers of the sky," is epsilon, also known as Mirac. When well seen, as we shall see it to-night, epsilon Booetis is superb. The magnitudes of its two component stars are two and a half (according to Hall, three) and six. The distance is about 2.8", p. 326 deg.. The contrast of colors—bright orange yellow, set against brilliant emerald green—is magnificent. There are very few doubles that can be compared with it in this respect. The three-inch will separate it, but the five-inch enables us best to enjoy its beauty. It appears to be a binary, but the motion is very slow, and nothing certain is yet known of its period.

In delta we have a very wide and easy double; magnitudes three and a half and eight and a half, distance 110", p. 75 deg.. The smaller star has a lilac hue. We can not hope with any of our instruments to see all of the three stars contained in , but two of them are easily seen; magnitudes four and seven, distance 108", p. 172 deg.. The smaller star is again double; magnitudes seven and eight, distance 0.77", p. 88 deg.. It is clearly a binary, with a long period. A six-inch telescope that could separate this star at present would be indeed a treasure. Sigma 1926 is another object rather beyond our powers, on account of the contrast of magnitudes. These are six and eight and a half; distance 1.3", p. 256 deg..

Other doubles are: 44 (Sigma 1909), magnitudes five and six, distance 4.8", p. 240 deg.; 39 (Sigma 1890), magnitudes both nearly six, distance 3.6", p. 45 deg.. Smaller star light red; iota, magnitudes four and a half and seven and a half, distance 38", p. 33 deg.; kappa, magnitudes five and a half and eight, distance 12.7", p. 238 deg.. Some observers see a greenish tinge in the light of the larger star, the smaller one being blue.

There are one or two interesting things to be seen in that part of Canes Venatici which is represented on map No. 11. The first of these is the star cluster 3936. This will reward a good look with the five-inch. With large telescopes as many as one thousand stars have been discerned packed within its globular outlines.

The star 25 (Sigma 1768) is a close binary with a period estimated at one hundred and twenty-five years. The magnitudes are six and seven or eight, distance about 1", p. 137 deg.. We may try for this with the five-inch, and if we do not succeed in separating the stars we may hope to do so some time, for the distance between them is increasing.

Although the nebula 3572 is a very wonderful object, we shall leave it for another evening.

Eastward from Booetes shines the circlet of Corona Borealis, whose form is so strikingly marked out by the stars that the most careless eye perceives it at once. Although a very small constellation, it abounds with interesting objects. We begin our attack with the five-inch on Sigma 1932, but not too confident that we shall come off victors, for this binary has been slowly closing for many years. The magnitudes are six and a half and seven, distance 0.84", p. 150 deg.. Not far distant is another binary, at present beyond our powers, eta. Here the magnitudes are both six, distance 0.65", p. 3 deg.. Hall assigns a period of forty years to this star.

The assemblage of close binaries in this neighborhood is very curious. Only a few degrees away we find one that is still more remarkable, the star gamma. What has previously been said about 42 Comae Berenicis applies in a measure to this star also. It, too, has a comparatively small orbit, and its components are never seen widely separated. In 1826 their distance was 0.7"; in 1880 they could not be split; in 1891 the distance had increased to 0.36", and in 1894 it had become 0.53", p. 123 deg.. But in 1899 Lewis made the distance only 0.43". The period has been estimated at one hundred years.

While the group of double stars in the southern part of Corona Borealis consists, as we have seen, of remarkably close binaries, another group in the northern part of the same constellation comprises stars that are easily separated. Let us first try zeta. The powers of the three-inch are amply sufficient in this case. The magnitudes are four and five, distance 6.3", p. 300 deg.. Colors, white or bluish-white and blue or green.

Next take sigma, whose magnitudes are five and six, distance 4", p. 206 deg.. With the five-inch we may look for a second companion of the tenth magnitude, distance 54", p. 88 deg.. It is thought highly probable that sigma is a binary, but its period has simply been guessed at.

Finally, we come to nu, which consists of two very widely separated stars, nu^1 and nu^2, each of which has a faint companion. With the five-inch we may be able to see the companion of nu^2, the more southerly of the pair. The magnitude of the companion is variously given as tenth and twelfth, distance 137", p. 18 deg..

With the aid of the map we find the position of the new star of 1866, which is famous as the first so-called temporary star to which spectroscopic analysis was applied. When first noticed, on May 12, 1866, this star was of the second magnitude, fully equaling in brilliancy alpha, the brightest star of the constellation; but in about two weeks it fell to the ninth magnitude. Huggins and Miller eagerly studied the star with the spectroscope, and their results were received with deepest interest. They concluded that the light of the new star had two different sources, each giving a spectrum peculiar to itself. One of the spectra had dark lines and the other bright lines. It will be remembered that a similar peculiarity was exhibited by the new star in Auriga in 1893. But the star in Corona did not disappear. It diminished to magnitude nine and a half or ten, and stopped there; and it is still visible. In fact, subsequent examination proved that it had been catalogued at Bonn as a star of magnitude nine and a half in 1855. Consequently this "blaze star" of 1866 will bear watching in its decrepitude. Nobody knows but that it may blaze again. Perhaps it is a sun-like body; perhaps it bears little resemblance to a sun as we understand such a thing. But whatever it may be, it has proved itself capable of doing very extraordinary things.

We have no reason to suspect the sun of any latent eccentricities, like those that have been displayed by "temporary" stars; yet, acting on the principle which led the old emperor-astrologer Rudolph II to torment his mind with self-made horoscopes of evil import, let us unscientifically imagine that the sun could suddenly burst out with several hundred times its ordinary amount of heat and light, thereby putting us into a proper condition for spectroscopic examination by curious astronomers in distant worlds.

But no, after all, it is far pleasanter to keep within the strict boundaries of science, and not imagine anything of the kind.

Reply  Message 40 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:40

Step 1: Solar System

The Sun
Stars come in varying sizes, temperatures, and ages and are basically giant balls of exploding hydrogen and helium. Our Sun is an averaged sized, middled aged yellow Dwarf Star.
A star's surface temperatures usually ranges between 2,500 and 40,000°C. We are able to discover the temperature and age of many distant stars merely by observing their colour with the naked eye. The cooler, older stars appear red whereas the hotter, younger stars look blue.
A star's colour ranges from red to orange, yellow, white, bluish-white, and blue the hottest. However, other stars such as Protostars and brown dwarfs, may emit energy beyond the visible spectrum in the form of infrared radiation.
Betelgeuse in Orion is a fine example of a red supergiant star. Arcturus in Boötes appears orange, Capella in Auriga is a yellow star,  Sirius B in Canis Major is white, and Rigel in Orion is a an extremely hot blue supergiant about 100 times bigger than our sun.
 The Solar System
Our Solar system consists of 8 planets orbiting a yellow star or to give it its Roman name 'Sol."
The nearer the Sun the planet is the hotter it will be. Therefore, Mercury is the hottest planet in our Solar System and Neptune the coldest
To provide perspective on the size of our Solar Sytem, you can imagine our Sun as a basketball with Pluto a grain of sand located 1000 metres away.
Pluto, discovered in 1930, has now been re-classified a "dwarf' planet" as it failed to dominate its orbit around the Sun in the same way as the other planets.
Planet      Size  Colour     Moons  Temp  (oC)    Atmosphere Earth Day  Earth Year
Mercury    8th    orange       0         465 to - 184    hydrogen, helium 59 days   88 days
Venus       7th    yellow        0         449                CO2, nitrogen 243 days 225 days 
Earth        5th    blue           1         7.2                 nitrogen, oxygen 24 hours 365 days
Mars         6th    red            2         36 to -123       CO2, nitrogen 24:39hrs 687 days
Jupiter     1st    orange       50       -153                hydrogen, helium 9:55hrs 12 years
Saturn      2nd   yellow        61       -184                hydrogen, helium 10:40hrs 29.5 years
Uranus     3rd    blue           27       -184                hydrogen, helium 17:24hrs 84 years
Neptune   4th    blue          13        -223                hydrogen, helium 16hrs 165 years

Reply  Message 41 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 03:48
Arcturus is the archway or gateway of consciousness. We pass through it to higher consciousness or to the next life in our soul's evolution. It is the energy gateway of to life, death and rebirth. The Arc in Arcturus takes us to creation: Noah's Ark; Ark of the Covenant, Archetypes.

360 degrees - 36

Reply  Message 42 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 04:13
03-02-07, 07:43 AM
Bootes, Arcturus, Serpens? The story of the Garden of Eden. Bootes, the Herdsman, namer of all the animals. Arcturus, the Ark of Noah, and the Ark of the Covenant, what a coincidence? And Serpens, the Serpent, at the heel of Eve!:D
I admire your tenacity in this, MW.

Unfortunately, just 'cos words have the same derivation in ancient Greek and Latin does not imply, let alone prove, the symbology / link that you seem to suggest.

Arcturus comes from the ancient Greek ARKTOUROS - meaning "Bear Guard" - as the star forms the left boot of Bootes the Hunter - which is next to the two Bear constellations - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Arcturus is also derived from the future active participle of "Arcere" - a Latin word meaning to guard or to restrain.

The Greek and Latin etymology would have been from the same ancient root word.

The word "Ark" comes from the Latin "Arca" meaning chest - but there is some confusion as to the actual word "ark" for use in both the "Ark of the Covenant" and "Noah's Ark":
Clicky for explanation etc (http://www.narkas.org/EN/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=29)
The conclusion is that "Ark" in both senses means some form of "box-shape" - presumably "to guard" the contents - hence the possibly similar etymology in ancient languages to the word for "bear-guard" and / or "to restrain / guard".

However, as said, just 'cos words share the same etymology does not imply a purposeful link between the two.

Does the word Centurion immediately imply a link to Alpha-Centauri?
And who was the "Alpha Centurion"?

See what I mean - you could go on and on with such tenuous and unproven links.


Reply  Message 43 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 04:19

Reply  Message 44 of 90 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/09/2012 04:24

Significado del Nombre Arturo

Arturo es un nombre masculino de origen etrusco "Artorius", cuyo significado es desconocido; algunos autores establecen su origen en el céltico "Atva", su significado es "Aquel que es fuerte como una piedra o como una roca" o le otorgan un origen griego y lo define como "Aquel que es el guardián de la Osa del Norte"

Historia y el Santo

Arturo, rey bretón, lucho contra los anglosajones durante la primera mitad del siglo VI. Su figura esta rodeada de historias y leyendas, según la tradición Arturo era hijo del rey de Britania Uther Pendragon. Al convertirse en rey, forma la Mesa Redonda de Camelot para evitar primacía de unos sobre otros, formada por 12 caballeros de su corte. Lucho con victoria y llego a enfrentarse con el Imperio Romano en Europa, hasta que fue llamado a regresar, pues un sobrino Mordred se había apoderado de su reino. En la batalla donde se enfrenta con el traidor, ambos son alcanzados por una lanza, segun la leyenda Arturo es llevado a la isla de Avalón para sanar sus heridas.

La leyenda de Arturo. Su persona ha sido objeto de numerosas creaciones literarias y artísticas a partir del siglo VI. La leyenda del rey Arturo se desarrolla en la Edad Media, los relatos reúnen mitología celta con algo de hechos verídicos en la historia del legendario rey Arturo. Nos encontramos con el Rey Arturo en cuentos escritos en el siglo IX y X , hasta la versión del escritor inglés Godofredo de Monmouth de 1139 donde vincula al Rey Arturo con el Mago Merlín y cuenta la historia como hemos presentado al Rey Arturo más arriba.
A partir de ahí son numerosas las leyendas históricas que se han sucedido; tal vez la más notable sea la de Roberti de Boron que otorga a la historia leyendas cristianas que vinculan al Rey Arturo y sus caballeros en la Historia del Grial.

San Arturo se celebra: San Arturo, mártir el 1 septiembre y San Arturo Bell, presbítero y mártires 1 diciembre.

Variante de Arturo:
Arturo variante Artús (forma antigua inglesa de llamar Arturo), también es su forma gallega.
en otros idiomas, catalán: Artur; frances e ingles: Arthur; italiano: Arturo.

Famosos, personajes históricos célebres con el nombre de Arturo:

  • Arturo Soria, nació en Madrid en el año 1844, arquitecto destacado en urbanismo contemporáneo, creador de la teoría sobre la "ciudad lineal", propone un cambio de la ciudad en torno a un núcleo a una cuidad lineal.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte, nació en Cartagena, España en el año 1951. Novelista destaca con gran éxito popular. Entre algunas de sus obras: "La tabla de Flandes", 1990; "No me cogeréis vivo", 2005.
  • Arthur Millar, nació en Nueva York en el año 1915; uno de los escritores de obras de teatro más destacados del siglo XX. Entre sus obras: "Todos eran mis hijos", 1947; "Muerte de un vigilante", 1949.
  • Arthur Colley Wellesley, duque de Wellington; nació en Dublín en el año 1769; vencedor a Napoleón I Bonaparte en la batalla de Wateroo.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/09/2012 01:48

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