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Réponse  Message 1 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 07/07/2011 14:39
Entre la gran cantidad e cúmulos estelares que posee nuestra Galaxia, sean visibles a simple vista o no, merecen destacarse las Pléyades o las Siete Cabras. Este último nombre proviene de que el cúmulo presente ante la visión a ojo libre, a los siete componentes, los más luminosos, aunque en total sobrepasan los 150, que alcanzan los más débiles a un brillo equivalente a la magnitud 10ª.

El Hombre ya conoce a este agrupamiento desde la más remota Antigüedad y se lo nombra en algunos pasajes de la Biblia, siendo el único caso de mención dentro de las Sagradas Escrituras, en lo que agrupaciones estelares se refiere.

Visibles a simple vista en el Hemisferio Sur, en plena época de verano, las Pléyades se ubican dentro de la constelación zodiacal de Tauro o Toro, no lejos de la posición que ocupa su estrella principal, la rojiza Aldebaran, que significa “la que precede a las Pléyades”.

Las Pléyades ante la ciencia moderna

Este grupo estelar, formado por más de 150 componentes, como se dijo, se encuentra a unos 400 años-luz de la Tierra, enclavado en uno de los brazos espirales de la Vía Láctea, uno de los más exteriores.

El estudio visual, espectroscópico y fotográfico, coinciden en señalar que están integradas por estrellas de gran luminosidad y elevada temperatura, clasificadas como estrellas jóvenes.

En efecto, de acuerdo con la evolución estelar y la mecánica celeste, se estima que el grupo se formó en el núcleo de una gran masa de gas de hidrógeno mezclado con polvo cósmico, en épocas relativamente recientes, dado que parecen ser mucho más jóvenes que nuestro propio Sol.

La fotografía astronómica nos muestra aún la presencia del gas hidrógeno original pues las siete estrellas se hallan sumergidas en nebulosidades que se manifiestan ostensiblemente en las placas fotográficas.

La estrella principal conocida como Alcione, merece llevar una de las letras griegas que corresponde a la Constelación, Theta Tauro, siendo éste el único caso en el cual una estrella de cúmulo posee una denominación de este tipo.

La espectroscopia nos señala que las siete estrellas más importantes y visibles a ojo libre, son de la clase espectral A y B, que tienen como cualidad principal la coloración blanco-azulada, alta temperatura, y sobre todo, enorme velocidad de rotación sobre su eje. Esta particularidad hace que la enorme fuerza centrífuga generada, provoque la expulsión de materia de la estrella en su zona ecuatorial, dispersándose luego la misma en el espacio.

Los astrónomos denominan a estas estrellas como “variables eruptivas” y dentro del Grupo de las Pléyades, la conocida como Pleione, es un caso típico de ellos


Esta estrella, en períodos no regulares, arroja parte de su atmósfera al espacio, y como consecuencia de ello, eleva bruscamente su luminosidad. Luego de un tiempo, su luminosidad baja nuevamente a sus niveles originales.

Los científicos creen que la estrella, luego de un tiempo, vuelve a reponer la materia eyectada, manteniéndose así constante el ciclo de erupciones. Hasta el presente no son muchas las estrellas eruptivas que el hombre conoce. Entre ellas podemos citar a Próxima de Centauro, la estrella más cerca de la Tierra y que no es visible a simple vista por su baja luminosidad.

La gran juventud del Cúmulo, como también las características notables de sus integrantes, hace que la Astronomía moderna lo utilice como patrón para el estudio no sólo de los cúmulos estelares de su tipo, sino también para conocer mejor las diversas situaciones que reinan en las estrellas que lleva al final a dilucidar el inquietante y someter latente problema de la evolución estelar.

La Biblia y las Pléyades

“¿Eres tú quien mantiene juntas las Pléyades y separadas las estrellas del Orión? ¿Eres tú quien saca a su hora al Lucero de la mañana? ¿Eres tú quién guía a las estrellas de la Osa Mayor y de la Osa Menor? ¿Conoces tú las leyes que gobiernan al Cielo? ¿Eres tú quien aplica esas Leyes a la Tierra?"

JOB 38:31-33

Los hombres del Antiguo Pueblo de Dios eran sabios observadores del cielo, su conocimiento es superior al hombre medio de hoy. Ellos conocían el cielo, palmo a palmo, porque cobraron conciencia de que era un cielo que el Creador les había dado para que disfrutar de su belleza.

El escritor del libro de Job, que citamos, pone en boca de Dios este reproche a nuestro querido y suficiente amigo Job. Nuestros viejos amigos bíblicos conocían a las estrellas nombre por nombre. El profeta Amós incitando a su pueblo a que busque al Señor que hizo a las Pléyades y a Orión, que convierte la noche en día y el día en noche oscura. Quien hace que Tauro brille tras Capricornio y que se meta después con Arturo. (AMOS 5: 8-9).

Un astronauta que estuvo en la Luna pensó ¿Qué hombre pudo viajar más alto? Sin embargo, a su regreso a la Tierra siendo él un hombre que buscaba en toda circunstancia importante de su vida tratar de comunicarse con el Creador, recibió este mensaje: TU VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO. ¿Volar más alto? Acaso no podía él estar orgulloso de ser uno de los pocos mortales que tuviera el privilegio de realizar5 el vuelo más alto que aún haya podido realizar la raza humana.

Sin embargo, la orden de parte de Dios para él era TU, VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO; y este astronauta ha fundado un movimiento espiritual que va por todo el mundo predicando USTEDES VUELEN MAS ALTO.

Tú, amigo navegante, ¿No será que Tu Creador también a ti te ha estado diciendo en este tiempo que MIRES MAS ALTO?. ¿No será que Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios de esas revelaciones que SOLAMENTE A TI, Él te dará porque hace tiempo Él te esta diciendo TU TAMBIÉN MIRA MAS ARRIBA?.

No será, amigo, que es también para ti este casi tres veces milenario mensaje de aquel humilde vocero y mensajero de Dios, profeta Amós: BUSCA AL QUE HACE LAS PLÉYADES. Buscad no al que hace cualquier cosa, sino que buscar al que creó a Las Pléyades.

Estará en tus manos el desentrañarlo si tú también en este tiempo te dispones de tiempo y TU TAMBIÉN MIRAS MAS ARRIBA.

Ezequiel fue otro que miró hacia arriba y entonces dijo

“Yo, el sacerdote Ezequiel, hijo de Buzi, estaba a orillas del río Quebar, en Babilonia, entre los que habían sido llevados al destierro. En esto se abrió el cielo y vi a Dios en Visión. El Señor puso su mano sobre mí. Entonces vi que del Norte venía un viento huracanado y de una gran nube salía un fuego como de relámpagos, en su derredor había un fuerte resplandor. En medio del fuego brillaba algo semejante a metal bruñido y en el centro mismo, había algo parecido a CUATRO SERES CON ASPECTO HUMANO... Los seres iban y venían rápidamente como si fueran relámpagos. Miré aquellos seres y vi que en el suelo, al lado de cada uno de ellos, había una rueda. Las cuatro ruedas eran iguales, y por la manera en que estaban hechas brillaban como topacio. Parecía como si dentro de cada rueda hubiera otra rueda. Podía avanzar en cualquiera de las cuatro direcciones sin tener que volverse. Vi que las cuatro ruedas estaban llenas de aros y que en su alrededor, había como muchos ojos.”

EZEQUIEL l : l-18.

Increíble, pero el profeta Ezequiel parece un moderno ovnílogo narrando un caso actual de contacto, con su lenguaje poético de aquella época. El ingeniero Blumritt de la NASA hizo un dibujo, basado en las expresiones del Profeta y parece un OVNI FOTOGRAFIADO DE LA ACTUALIDAD.

Y en la Biblia también se habla que sobre los ejércitos de la Tierra hay ejércitos de los Cielos, y por sobre todo, carros de fuego, celestiales. Y los ángeles, son seres celestiales que han traspasado la atmósfera, han viajado a través de los planetas y han venido desde donde Dios mismo está. Mensajeros Celestiales es la auténtica traducción de la palabra Ángel y la pregunta que nos hacemos surge sola ¿De donde provienen tales seres y hacia donde se dirigían luego de cumplida su misión?

Los pastores judíos MIRARON HACIA EL CIELO y vieron una multitud de seres celestiales que anunciaban HA NACIDO UN SALVADOR. A TODOS LOS HOMBRES DE BUENA VOLUNTAD: PAZ.

También Jesús enfrentando a los ejércitos romanos les dijo:


Para pensar, para reflexionar para MIRAR HACIA ARRIBA. Y Arriba están LAS PLÉYADES, como la gran incógnita de todos los tiempos.

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Réponse  Message 10 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/07/2011 03:40
Lo cierto es que, pese a lo dispuesto por Pachakutiq, la festividad tenía una connotación agrícola y no astronómica, tal como nuestras Cruces de Mayo, o por lo menos no estrictamente vinculada al solsticio de invierno como el Machaq Mara de hoy.

Si hubo alguna relación con un parámetro astronómico, tal vez no siempre y/o no en todas partes, fue con la aparición de la constelación de Las Pléyades (Cabrillas para los españoles) en el crepúsculo matutino, fenómeno que técnicamente se conoce como “salida helíaca”. Lo señala el gran destructor de “idolatrías” (costumbres nativas) Pablo José de Arriaga, al denunciar en 1621 que, pese a que el Inti Raymi había sido prohibido por los españoles en su afán por destruir lo autóctono con fines de proselitismo religioso, los indígenas seguían celebrándolo “cuando aparecen las Siete Cabrillas”. También el cura Fernando de Avendaño hace la misma advertencia y ubica el evento para “cuando se descubrían mejor las Siete Cabrillas”. Esta fecha se aproxima a Corpus Cristo, por lo que los indígenas celebraban su propia fiesta haciendo creer que rendían culto al evento católico.


Título: Las Pléyades
Desde entonces y por mucho tiempo, las fiestas del fin del año agrícola adquirieron un contexto de rebeldía y reivindicación de la  identidad indígena, los que no son ajenos al fenómeno de la contemporánea instauración del Machaq Mara aymara.

Como otras civilizaciones no americanas, los andinos concedían gran importancia a las Pléyades. Cobo describe que para los andinos los seres vivos sólo existían debido a la fuerza vital que Las Pléyades transmitían a la Pachamama, como mediador entre la dimensión terrenal en que vive el andino (Akaj Pacha para los aymaras) y las fuerzas celestiales del Araj Pacha. Sin el aporte de las Pléyades la tierra no puede ser fértil. Esto está también consignado en el único documento que relata las costumbres prehispánicas en idioma nativo, el manuscrito de Huarochirí de compleja historia, el cual, si bien escrito en quechua, se basa en un substrato aymara según Bouysse-Cassagne.

Machaq Mara. Hasta donde he podido averiguar, no es una festividad que se introduzca profundamente en el pasado andino. No la menciona van Kessler entre las festividades del sector de Isluga, ni tampoco los cronistas de la Conquista. Puede haber aquí una carencia de información, pues no hay datos consistentes respecto al calendario aymara de la época y sólo se describen las actividades agrícolas de los incas. Esto podría deberse a que el calendario de éstos, en un enclave serrano, era más o menos similar al de los agricultores aymaras del altiplano. Ciertamente no hay, como se desprende de la obra del sacerdote Ludovico Bertonio, la primera fuente consistente del
idioma aymara (1612), una estricta correspondencia entre los 12 meses del calendario gregoriano y los 10 del calendario aymara
(diciembre y marzo no tenían traducción). Sólo existe la información de Cieza de León, el más consistente de los cronistas, en cuanto a
que los altiplánicos cuentan su año “de 10 en 10 meses”, tal vez en función de efemérides solares más que las más primitivas lunares a
juzgar por las traducciones de Bertonio. Pero más tardíamente el calendario aymara aparece dividido en meses lunares (13, dado el ciclo
lunar de 28 días), con días compensatorios para ajustarlo al año solar.

Réponse  Message 11 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/07/2011 03:45



Por Mónica Liliana Plataneo

“He aquí en seguida la Gesta de Sabio Pez-Tierra, primer hijo de Principal Guacamayo. Yo hacedor de montañas, decía Sabio Pez-Tierra. He aquí que Sabio Pez-Tierra se bañaba al borde del agua cuando acertaron a pasar cuatrocientos jóvenes, arrastrando un árbol para pilar de su casa...”

La gesta de Sabio Pez-Tierra relatada en el antiquísimo Manuscrito de Chichicastenango o Libro de los Consejos, conocido como Popol-Vuh, describe el intento de los cuatrocientos muchachos de poner fin a la vida del primero. Pero..... estando todos ebrios, los cuatrocientos jóvenes no tenían ya sabiduría; entonces, su casa fue derribada sobre sus cabezas por Sabio Pez-Tierra, y acabaron por ser todos destruidos.... Así murieron los cuatrocientos jóvenes. Se dice también que entraron en la constelación llamada a causa de ellos el “Montón”

No es sino después del triunfo de Hunalhpú e Ixbalamqué (los gemelos) cuando resucitan y se convierten en Las Pléyades (El Montón). Este mito tiene un profundo sentido astronómico pues estas estrellas “son ángeles que levanta el señor” (dicen los chortis), el día del primer paso del Sol por el Zenit, entonces BRILLAN, repitiendo el acto de resurrección de los cuatrocientos jóvenes. La posición del Sol en el Zenit determina el comienzo de la estación de las lluvias.

El antiguo juego del Palo VOLADOR, tradición que aún subsiste, era la dramatización de esta epopeya. El cielo se representaba por un bastidor de madera de forma cuadrada en cuyo centro se ubicaba un actor que giraba a la par que tocaba una flauta, y en cada uno de los ángulos, se instalaba un joven disfrazado de guacamayo, objetivándose de tal forma el plano cósmico con sus regentes y el dios central, deidad del verano. Cada uno de los actores daba TRECE vueltas, simbolizando el ciclo de cincuenta y dos años con sus articulaciones y vinculación cósmica.

Es evidente que el sentido astronómico queda claramente revelado. El calendario maya se encontraba profundamente ligado a la concepción astrológica, resumida en ciclos:

- Un período de 9 días.
- Un período de 13 días formando un signo; 20 de estos signos formaban un ciclo de 260 días.
- Un período de 20 días que origina el año solar.
- Un año “venusiano” de 584 días.
- Un ciclo de 8 años solares o 5 venusianos.
- Un período de 13 años solares relacionado con los puntos cardinales.
- Un ciclo de 13 años venusianos.
- Un ciclo de 20 años solares o 7.200 días (Katun).

Por encima de éstos un grupo de ciclos mayores:

- Un período de 52 años.
- Un ciclo de 104 años.
- Un ciclo de 394 años o 144.000 días.

Es este último el que nos interesa directamente pues:

- 144.000 días = tun (año aritmético es el tun) = 13 bak tun = 13 x 400 tun
- 400 es el número de jóvenes convertidos en Las Pléyades
- 13 es un número estrechamente relacionado con el Planeta Venus

Los mayas, para conocer las horas nocturnas se guiaban por Venus y la constelación de Las Pléyades. Debe tenerse en cuenta que hace 13.000 años, la posición de las estrellas no era como en la actualidad. En esa época, Vega (utilizada como Estrella Polar) se hallaba a sólo 6 grados del Polo norte y Aldebaran, de Las Pléyades, a 56 grados. Estos datos se encuentran grabados en un mapa celeste hallado en las cavernas de Bohistán al igual que una línea punteada uniendo el Planeta Venus con la Tierra.

Los mayas, manejaron una larga serie de calendarios combinados entre el Sol y los planetas; su conocimiento les permitió la orientación de sus monumentos; cada centro ceremonial corresponde a la posición del Sol, la Luna, Las Pléyades, la Estrella Polar del Norte (Vega) y a la Vía Láctea.

Algunos astrónomos, otorgaron especial importancia a Las Pléyades y llegaron a la conclusión de que al menos 6 estrellas visibles forman un sistema físico, obedeciendo a un centro gravitatorio, girando como lo hacen nuestros planetas en torno al Sol. Nuestro Sistema Planetario forma parte del sistema de los soles pertenecientes al sistema de Las Pléyades, es decir, no son 6 soles los que giran en derredor del Alción sino mucho más, siendo el Sol el que ocupa la séptima órbita que recorre en 24.000 años divididos en dos períodos de 12.000 cada uno.

Los mayas, pues, tenían conocimiento de este sistema. La famosa Noche Larga o época de oscuridad, hallaría explicación pues de los 12.000 años, 2000 son de luz, 10.000 de oscuridad. Pero es necesario realizar algunas combinaciones que esclarezcan la “preferencia” de los mayas por las Tzab. No olvidemos que fue un pueblo obsesionado por el Tiempo.

1ro.) La posición de Aldebaran coincide con las 20 alineaciones de Stonehenge. Los celtas descubrieron lo que Maurice Chatelain llama el triángulo céltico de 20.452 días, semejante al ciclo lunisolar maya que denomina Cuadrado Maya. Existe un vocablo Xaman que constituye uno de los sitios de procedencia de este misterioso pueblo. Y Xaman significa Norte. ¿Existe relación entre mayas y celtas?

En la historia de los 400 jóvenes se dice que una vez resucitados y antes de ir a “formar” Las Pléyades, hicieron la siguiente recomendación a sus esposas:

“Oh, esposas nuestras, vosotras vinisteis también de nuestra lejana comarca...... Ya está preparado el manifiesto en el Cielo el Símbolo de los Jefes. Nosotros no hacemos más que regresar; hemos cumplido nuestra tarea, nuestros días están acabados. Pensad en nosotros, no nos borréis, no nos olvidéis”.

Y estos “semidioses” se marcharon a finalizar sus días a Oriente. ¿Hacia dónde? El mismo Popol Vuh nos dice:

“Hallábanse todas las tribus temblando y tiritando de frío cuando llegaron a donde estaba Balam Quitzé, Balam Acab, Mahucutah e Iquí Balam”.

Puede que esa comarca haya sido el Norte, zona de glaciales, corroborada por la lejana patria de origen. Tula, descubierta por Pyteas de Marsella, a 6 días de navegación de las islas Británicas hacia el Norte. Allí, donde hace 13.000 años eran visibles Las Pléyades.

2do.) Existe, sin embargo, un punto que no coincide: son 400 los jóvenes que forman este conjunto de estrellas pero son 7 según lo que conocemos y que, además, concuerda con el mito griego; según el cual Las Pléyades o Pelelai eran 7 hermanas que divinizadas, fueron transformadas en las 7 estrellas de la constelación de su nombre. Estas Pelelai eran hijas de Atlas y de Pleione. Todas se unieron con dioses, salvo Merope, que se casó con un mortal, Sesifós, a causa de lo cual, era la menos brillante.

3ro.) Pléyades: por pertenecer a la constelación de Toro, el animal sagrado de Egipto. El profesor Smith descubrió que trazando una perpendicular a la línea cronológica del pasillo descendente de la Cámara del Rey, se llega a la estrella Alción de la Constelación que nos preocupa. ¿Por qué los constructores de la gran Pirámide tomaron como punto de referencia “para sus profecías” a Alción? Recordemos que nuestro planeta gira en la séptima órbita de éste sistema de soles y que el número 7 es cabalístico y un número sagrado entre los pueblos de la antigüedad y resumiría el triángulo celta y el cuadrado maya.

Intentando una conclusión diremos que los griegos, celtas, mayas, egipcios, conocían Las Pléyades. Exactamente, los pueblos que más se destacaron en astronomía, astrología, y todas las otras ciencias. Mucho se ha hablado de un origen común, llámese desde Atlántida o Lemuria, que a causa de los grandes cataclismos sucumbieron, produciéndose la consecuente diáspora. Pero al hablar de ellos lo hacemos como civilizaciones tecnológica y científicamente desarrolladas en un grado que nos asombra y desconcierta. Y es entre estos seres que hallamos infinitas pautas que puntualizan una procedencia extraterrestre o contactos con galaxias que no conocemos.

Tal vez, podríamos atrevernos a pensar que esos 400 jóvenes procedían de ese sistema y que luego de cumplir con una misión retornaron. Un viaje a Las Pléyades, a la velocidad de la luz, llevaría 114 años. Claro que en el espacio el tiempo es como si se detuviera, por lo que otros seres, que inclusive tendrían mayor término de vida que nosotros, pudieron alguna vez, realizar esos viajes. O tal vez, viajaban a mayor velocidad que la luz. O incluso, lo hicieron cuando las estrellas se hallaban en otra posición, más cercana a nuestro planeta, hecho que confirmaría con la teoría del universo en expansión. Por lo tanto, el tiempo que empleaban para realizar sus “viajes” sería de 52 años, tal como queda indicado en la ceremonia que recuerda esa epopeya: la del Plato Volador.

No es esta una conclusión definitiva. En verdad es sólo la aproximación a un tema digno de mayor atención. Los cuatrocientos muchachos portaban un árbol (árbol de la vida = sabiduría) o un poste para levantar su casa:


“Viendo los hijos de Dios que las hijas de los hombres eran hermosas.....”

Réponse  Message 12 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 22/07/2011 22:52

33 Degrees

Number of the Master.

© Olga Morales Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered? In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.' 1

'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years." 2

Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 3 'And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinox…the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line." 4

What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess.

According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was 'Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the 'Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed heavenward.

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves. Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the 1850's it well accepted. 'Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.' 5

An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades'7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'. 8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar.9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the cranary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light.10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis…but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us.' 11

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa.12 His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar13 actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. 'Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves' Matthew 11:16 'Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.' 14

The Phoenix Capsule symbolic of the Stargate. Stairway to Zion.
The Five-Pointed Star on Chilean Flag - Icon of Sirius. Red, Blue
and White - Colors of Sirius Star System. Stairway to Sirius.

This ascension was ritualized in the symbolic rescue of the 33 miners at the San Jose gold and copper mine near the city of Copiapo, Chile. The miners were stuck in a mine shaft shelter at 2,300ft, about 5 kilometres from the mine entrance.. It took 33 days for the drill to complete the rescue shaft. The rescue shaft had a diameter of 66 centimeters, which is 33 times two. They were rescued on October 13th, 2010. 1013. Ergo 23 and 33. The first note the miners sent up to show they were still alive was "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter), which was 33 characters in length. The director Rodrigo Ortuzar plans to script a film around the tale of desperate descent and rebirth, aptly titled "The 33" and it is slated to have a runtime time of one hour and 33 minutes. There are 33 days between 9/11 (September 9th) to 13/10 (October 13th ). The capsule used in the rescued was called "The Phoenix." The Phoenix capsule was measured at 13 feet long, and 26 (2 x 13) inches wide. The first miner that was rescued at the time of 11:11 PM and his last name was Silver. There is a big black healing stone near to the mine, said to have fallen from space several hundred years ago. The Incas were the custodians of this rock and they formulated a secret society called the Lords of the Black Stone. Which reminds me of the Black Rock in LOST that eventually formulating part of the Jack's odyssey to ascension. Incidentally, the Knights Templars was one of the groups that helped to free Chile from Spain and Britain; and the date of October 13 is quite symbolic to the Templars, since it was on that date in 1307 that the members of the Order was arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, leading ultimately to total disbandment by the Papacy in 1312. The red cross and symbolism of the Templars represents Sirius and the Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The miners were rescued after 69 days. 69 is 23 x 3. 69 is a Rapture (Ascension) Code, since it is believed that God's clock will switch from 69 to 70 - marking the beginning of the 70th week of the prophet Daniel or Tribulation. October 13th, represents 227 days following another Rapture. And on February 27th, (2/27) of 2010, a major earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit Chile. The quake occurred exactly 33 weeks before the mine collapse. The Babylonian Empire and the Tower of Babel was established on the 33rd Degree Parallel. According to the Bible, Jesus died and ascended to Heaven when he was 33 years old. Solomon's Temple (Temple of the Sun) designed by Hiram Abiff, the Freemason, lasted for 33 years. This brings us back to the Stairways to Heaven, Stairways to Sirius, Stairways to Zion. The Star of David, since the Jesus is the Stairway or Stargate and the number of the Star of David is 33.  Because of Jesus' ascension at 33, the Master Number was attributed to the Master Initiate in Freemason, signifying the achievement of the highest spiritual consciousness. The DNA and Ascension themes is further seen when you consider that there was 33 miners in the mine for 69 days, six is representative of Earth joining with Heaven, represented by nine similiar to mythologies like that of Gaia/Uranus and Nuit/Geb. This entrains with the work of Mayan expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman,  who believes that we are leaving the sixth night to enter the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld:

"As the thirteenth energy, or seventh day, of the Galactic Underworld starts on November 3, 2010 we may say that the particular Yin/Yang-polarity that this has been projecting onto the Earth is locked into position and will not be replaced by any further night in this Underworld."

Calleman believes that we are on course towards complete ascension of the cosmic pyramid at  the ninth wave or level, which resonates with my theory.

So, let's take it back where I started. According to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, 33 and its extension 333 represents the resurrection and ascension from death like the Phoenix. In a handmade drawing of King Solomon's signet ring to show the deep meaning of 3, 33, and 333 a crude illustration of the Star of David is revealed.  The drawing signifies the escape of the death/reincarnation cycle or the Sirius-Sol convergence through ascension. The birth, death and reincarnated cycle of the Garden of Eden; of Isis, Osiris and Horus; and of Jesus. 333 is half of 666. As I have said before, 333 in Jewish Gematria is KUNDALINI and MASONIC LADER. Blavatsky's drawing appeared in her book "Isis Unveiled," and we have already mentioned that Isis represents Sirius.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3.

In our present state of amnesia, we subscribe fervently to the teachings and philosophies that emanate from religious strongholds, not understanding that we are witnessing the masking by the Luciferian Priest Class of Magicians of the devolutionary history of this world, the DNA hybridization and the posthumanism evolution towards the ascension of the "Serpent Gods." Perhaps the following symbolic video of the interstellar explosion of Sirius, the death and rebirth of the Phoenix and the red Aeon of Horus from Kanye West will open your eyes to the deception perpetuated in the illusionary matrix construct.

 "It’s the story of a Phoenix fallen to Earth, and I make her my girlfriend, and people discriminate against her and eventually she has to burn herself alive and go back to her world... I’ve been feeling the idea of the Phoenix. It’s been in my heart for a while. It’s maybe parallel to my career." - Kanye West.

Réponse  Message 13 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 22/07/2011 23:51
1 Y RESPONDIO Jehová á Job desde un torbellino, y dijo: 2 ¿Quién es ése que oscurece el consejo Con palabras sin sabiduría? 3 Ahora ciñe como varón tus lomos; Yo te preguntaré, y hazme saber tú. 4 ¿Dónde estabas cuando yo fundaba la tierra? Házme lo saber, si tienes inteligencia. 5 ¿Quién ordenó sus medidas, si lo sabes? ¿O quién extendió sobre ella cordel? 6 ¿Sobre qué están fundadas sus basas? ¿O quién puso su piedra angular, 7 Cuando las estrellas todas del alba alababan, Y se regocijaban todos los hijos de Dios? 8 ¿Quién encerró con puertas la mar, Cuando se derramaba por fuera como saliendo de madre; 9 Cuando puse yo nubes por vestidura suya, Y por su faja oscuridad. 10 Y establecí sobre ella mi decreto, Y le puse puertas y cerrojo, 11 Y dije: Hasta aquí vendrás, y no pasarás adelante, Y ahí parará la hinchazón de tus ondas? 12 ¿Has tu mandado á la mañana en tus días? ¿Has mostrado al alba su lugar, 13 Para que ocupe los fines de la tierra, Y que sean sacudidos de ella los impíos? 14 Trasmúdase como lodo bajo de sello, Y viene á estar como con vestidura: 15 Mas la luz de los impíos es quitada de ellos, Y el brazo enaltecido es quebrantado. 16 ¿Has entrado tú hasta los profundos de la mar, Y has andado escudriñando el abismo? 17 ¿Hante sido descubiertas las puertas de la muerte, Y has visto las puertas de la sombra de muerte? 18 ¿Has tú considerado hasta las anchuras de la tierra? Declara si sabes todo esto. 19 ¿Por dónde va el camino á la habitación de la luz, Y dónde está el lugar de las tinieblas? 20 ¿Si llevarás tú ambas cosas á sus términos, Y entenderás las sendas de su casa? 21 ¿Sabíaslo tú porque hubieses ya nacido, O porque es grande el número de tus días? 22 ¿Has tú entrado en los tesoros de la nieve, O has visto los tesoros del granizo, 23 Lo cual tengo yo reservado para el tiempo de angustia, Para el día de la guerra y de la batalla? 24 ¿Por qué camino se reparte la luz, Y se esparce el viento solano sobre la tierra? 25 ¿Quién repartió conducto al turbión, Y camino á los relámpagos y truenos, 26 Haciendo llover sobre la tierra deshabitada, Sobre el desierto, donde no hay hombre, 27 Para hartar la tierra desierta é inculta, Y para hacer brotar la tierna hierba? 28 ¿Tiene la lluvia padre? ¿O quién engendró las gotas del rocío? 29 ¿De qué vientre salió el hielo? Y la escarcha del cielo, ¿quién la engendró? 30 Las aguas se endurecen á manera de piedra, Y congélase la haz del abismo. 31 ¿Podrás tú impedir las delicias de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras del Orión? 32 ¿Sacarás tú á su tiempo los signos de los cielos, O guiarás el Arcturo con sus hijos?
 33 ¿Supiste tú las ordenanzas de los cielos? ¿Dispondrás tú de su potestad en la tierra? 34 ¿Alzarás tú á las nubes tu voz, Para que te cubra muchedumbre de aguas? 35 ¿Enviarás tú los relámpagos, para que ellos vayan? ¿Y diránte ellos: Henos aquí? 36 ¿Quién puso la sabiduría en el interior? ¿O quién dió al entendimiento la inteligencia? 37 ¿Quién puso por cuenta los cielos con sabiduría? Y los odres de los cielos, ¿quién los hace parar, 38 Cuando el polvo se ha convertido en dureza, Y los terrones se han pegado unos con otros? 39 (39-1) ¿CAZARAS tú la presa para el león? ¿Y saciarás el hambre de los leoncillos, 40 (39-2) Cuando están echados en las cuevas, O se están en sus guaridas para acechar? 41 (39-3) ¿Quién preparó al cuervo su alimento, Cuando sus pollos claman á Dios, Bullendo de un lado á otro por carecer de comida?

Réponse  Message 14 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 18/08/2011 21:01

Thursday, April 21, 2011



As Sun moves into the sign of Taurus I'm struck, once again, how wave-like is the order and "feel" of the 12 zodiac signs. How very different is each from its neighbour on either side. How each seems to be making up for its predecessor's failings yet providing ground for more diversity from its successor. Take Taurus for instance: preceded by impulsive, impatient Aries, Taurus slows things down, steadies the mind, plants feet firmly on the ground, unlikely to move at all unless some improvement or other is in the offing. Aries was ruled by energetic, war-hungry Mars, Taurus by gentle, arty Venus. On the other side of Taurus, in a few weeks' time will come Gemini - and off we'll go again extracting our feet from the mud of Earth, floating away on a new, Airy, wave driven by Mercury the great communicator - feet off the ground, eager to see and hear all that's current, ready for change however it might arise.

Take any sign at all and try the same exercise. It always works. The waves flow on.

Back to Taurus.

A snippet from astrologer Ingrid Lind's little book, Astrology and Commonsense
(NOTE: where "his/he" is used, in the 21st century we'd always say he/she or his/her......wouldn't we?)

It can be said of most of the signs that to have too much of them is a bad thing. Too much Taurus, for instance, gives the native a stolid, immovable, stick-in-the-mud quality. Nevertheless, it is like the flour in the cake: without it there would be no cake. Possessiveness and conservatism are Taurean keywords and if Aries is the primitive cave-man Taurus is the one who finds his piece of land and enters into the joys of ownership...........While Aries rushes about, Taurus sits and enjoys the fruit of his labours, with leisure to discover the music in nature, which he echoes in song. He is a man of peace and likes all the creature comforts he has created for himself. He will not pick a quarrel; but if he is finally aroused to anger it will be quite terrifying in its intensity.

From Alan Oken's Complete Astrology (1980) a few Taurus-related tid-bits:

The following are those nations, cities and peoples whose vibrations are very closely allied with the Sign of the Bull:
Ireland, Switzerland (known as the center of international banking), Poland, Cyprus, Persia, Crete.
Dublin, Mantua, Leipsig, Lucerne. The ancient Egyptians and the Druids.

Ancient Egypt was a country very much under the influence of the Bull and its polar opposite, Scorpio......Bull worship was a very significant aspect of the Egyptian religious cults......Osiris was often depicted as a man with a bull's head and living bulls were regularly selected by the priests to represent this god on Earth...........Some of the symbols used in the cult of Osiris the Bull remain with us today. If you look at the back of a one-dollar bill, for example, you will see an eye (symbol of Osiris) above a pyramid on a field of green (colour of the Earth).

We find many other references to the Bull throughout ancient history. Over 4000 years ago in Akkadia, Taurus was called the "Bull of Light" or Te Te. This double name refers to the two important groups of stars in its body i.e. the Pleiades and the Hyades. The Assyrians called their second astrological month A-aru or the "Directing Bull". The Chaldeans, who were great astrologer-astronomers, used the symbol of the winged bull-king very extensively in their architecture.

There are archived posts on zodiac sign Taurus and "my Taureans" - easily accessed by clicking on "Taurus" in the Label Cloud in the sidebar.

Photographs for passing Taurus-types: rather good bull sculptures we happened upon on our drive to Austin, Texas. First stood in the middle of nowhere, a field by the side of a deserted road, part of a Sculpture Ranch somewhere nearby, the other stood in a field close to Throckmorton Tx. (From husband's camera.)


Réponse  Message 15 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 21/08/2011 02:15
En astronomía, orto es la salida de un astro, si es orto helíaco se refiere a la salida del sol. El opuesto al orto es el ocaso. La duración del día se toma "desde el orto hasta el ocaso" si nos referimos al sol.

Como aparentemente el sol se desplaza por la bóveda celeste, a su paso va entrando en distintas constelaciones llamadas cosntelaciones del zoodíaco. Aparentemente el sol avanza hacia el este en la bóveda celeste o bien las estrellas fijas avanzan hacia el oeste respecto al sol.

Así es que la salida helíaca u orto helíaco de un astro se da cuando en astro sale justamente antes de la salida del sol. Es justamente un momento muy variable, muy empírico, dependerá de la latitud del observador, del despeje del horizonte, etc. Según el Skymaps y para mi latitud se da hacia mediados de junio, pero desde el hemisferio norte puede ser hacia mediados de agosto, depende de la latitud.
Para que te des una idea, la estella de nombre Procyon significa "antes que el perro" o sea antes que Sirio, claro, para el hemisferio norte, yo desde el sur veo salir antes a Sirio que a Procyon.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es la preseción de los equinoccios, habría que simular el estado del cielo hace 4000 años.

Como otra curiosidad, los celtas tomaban la salida helíaca de las pleyades como su año nuevo, hacia lo que hoy es el 30 / 31 de octubre. Los celtas festejaban este ciclo anual y en sus creencias pensaban que se juntaban los mundos de los muertos y los vivos. Esta tradición se conserva en los pueblos paganos como Halloween o día de brujas y en los pueblos creyentes como Fiesta de todos los Santos y todos los Difuntos hacia el 1 y 2 de noviembre.

Réponse  Message 16 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 21/08/2011 02:16
En astronomía, orto es la salida de un astro, si es orto helíaco se refiere a la salida del sol. El opuesto al orto es el ocaso. La duración del día se toma "desde el orto hasta el ocaso" si nos referimos al sol.

Como aparentemente el sol se desplaza por la bóveda celeste, a su paso va entrando en distintas constelaciones llamadas cosntelaciones del zoodíaco. Aparentemente el sol avanza hacia el este en la bóveda celeste o bien las estrellas fijas avanzan hacia el oeste respecto al sol.

Así es que la salida helíaca u orto helíaco de un astro se da cuando en astro sale justamente antes de la salida del sol. Es justamente un momento muy variable, muy empírico, dependerá de la latitud del observador, del despeje del horizonte, etc. Según el Skymaps y para mi latitud se da hacia mediados de junio, pero desde el hemisferio norte puede ser hacia mediados de agosto, depende de la latitud.
Para que te des una idea, la estella de nombre Procyon significa "antes que el perro" o sea antes que Sirio, claro, para el hemisferio norte, yo desde el sur veo salir antes a Sirio que a Procyon.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es la preseción de los equinoccios, habría que simular el estado del cielo hace 4000 años.

Como otra curiosidad, los celtas tomaban la salida helíaca de las pleyades como su año nuevo, hacia lo que hoy es el 30 / 31 de octubre. Los celtas festejaban este ciclo anual y en sus creencias pensaban que se juntaban los mundos de los muertos y los vivos. Esta tradición se conserva en los pueblos paganos como Halloween o día de brujas y en los pueblos creyentes como Fiesta de todos los Santos y todos los Difuntos hacia el 1 y 2 de noviembre.

Réponse  Message 17 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 28/08/2011 01:57

About the Pleiades

In every civilization there is a reference to the Seven (visible) Stars of The Pleiades.

The Seven Stars are connected with  the Female Principle, the Symbol of Peace and Love, The Heart, The Center of the Galaxy and the Precession of the Equinox.

The Pleiades are also related to water and the start of the rainy season, a theme associated with them around the world. Water is the essential of Aquirius (The Water Bearer). We are entering this Constellation.

The Pleiades are an important reference point in Calenders. The famous Mayan Calender the Tzolkin was based on the cycle of the Pleiades. The Pleiades were seen as the tail of a rattlesnake called, Tz’ab (the Milky Way).

The Mayas and other Civilizations are highly interested in a very special conjunction of the Cross of the Zodiac and the Center of our Creation, the Pleiades. They believed like many other ancient Civilizations that the Humans originated from the Pleiades.

The main cycle of the Pleiades was the Cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Pleiades were also associated with a 52 year cycle (The Kondratiev Cycle).

The Mayas believed that the world would end by a Flood at the end of a 52-year cycle in the beginning of November (All Saints Day). When this moment was passed they started the Fire Ceremoney.

On this evening, priests and a warrior chosen by the King began their 20 kilometer procession to the Hill of the Star. At the proper moment of alignment in the heavens, wood bundles representing the past 52 year cycle were lit, the heart sacrifice of the warrior was enacted and the new fire built on his chest.

Watching from afar, the citizens also cut and bled themselves and celebrated as the fire was brought back to the Great Temple. Priests and emissaries from outlying towns came to fetch the fire to bring back to their people, so that all could share in the marking of the time.

The Mayans and the Aztecs knew the world was already destroyed and re-created Four Times in the past and waited for the Fifth destruction (2012).

The Heart, Fire and Blood are the Symbols of the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection.

The Temple of Hathor in the ancient city of Denderah was dedicated to the goddess of Love and the stars of Hathor: the Pleiades.

A star clock in the Temple celebrates the Pleiades, marking the greater center on which our solar system revolves, taking 25,827.5 years to complete one cycle.

In Egypt, in the year 2170 BC, on the first day of spring, at precisely midnight. the Pleiades were visible through the south passageway of The Great pyramid. Cheops contains fascinating mathematical correlations to the Pleiades including, the seven mystical chambers.

The Seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor’s Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. The Seven Sisters are Alcyone (Queen who wards off evil), Asterope(Twinkling), Electra (Flowing), Maia (Grandmother), Merope (Bee-Eater), Taygeta (Long-necked) and Celaeno (Swarthy). Their father was Atlas, The Axis Mundi, The World Pole.

The Dove is the symbol of Sufism and other Gnostic Believe Systems. The Dove was also the symbol of early Christianity until it was taken over by the Cult of Mitrash (The Male Principle). The Dove is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew. In India the Pleiades are related to Agni (The Holy Fire) and another magical bird, The Peacock, the Egyptian Benu Bird. The Benu Bird was the Bird of the Egg of Creation of a new Universe.  

In the Bible the Pleiades are called the Seven Stars. They are mentioned Seven Times in the Old and the New Testament. In Hebrew the Pleiades are called Kimah which means Tablet, or Cup. The Sumerian name for the Pleiades is dimmena, which means Foundation or Faithful.


The Pleiades represent the Spirits of Seven Churches in Asia Minor, which existed when John wrote the Revelation. Interesting enough the pattern of the Seven Churches looks like the pattern of the Pleiades. The map of the Pleiades is painted in the first Churches of Christ.

The Pleaiades are also associated with the Seven Golden Lampstands. The original Jewish Lampstand, the Menorah, contains 7 branches.

The number 7 (-3,-2,-1, 0, 1,2,3) is the symbol of the Trinity that voids itself in the Center, The Foundation. 7X7=49 means 13 (=4, The Four Forces) in the counting system of the Bible that is based on 9.

Amos 5:8 is the key. It associates the Pleiades with the resurrection (turning the shadow of death into the morning). Orion is associated with the darkness (occultism) that darkens even the day. The last player in the Biblical Story of the Pleiades is the Bear. As we will see later the Bear is the Symbol of Control.

The Pleiades are now part of the constellation of the Bull. The Bull contains the Orion-System which is called Kesil, the Fool, In Hebrew. It is said that once the constellation may have referred to the Messiah, but that Nimrod (Orion, The Hunter, The Trickster, The Fool) took it to himself.

Nimrod, King Menes, created his own Religion after the Great Flood. In this Religion the God of Love was replaced by the God of Revenge.

It seems that the Pleiades are the Center of the Influence of Peace, Compassion, Love and Water. This influence was removed by a Fool who moved the Constellation of the Pleiades into the Bull.

Mitrash was the fighter of the Bull. He was related to the Sun and later to the Archangel Michael. The Cult of Mitrash took over Eearly Christianity. All the Symbols and procedures of Mitrash can be found in the Symbols and Procedures of the Church of Rome.

Mitrash was the Cult of the Soldiers of the Roman Empire. Its history goes back to the time of Zoroaster (Persia). Mitrash was the Governor of the Cycle of the Sun.

The theme of the Fool shows itself in many civilizations. In a myth of the Maori one of the Seven Sisters was raped by the fool Kidili. In the Myths of the Greek the same story is told.

 One day the Great Hunter Orion saw one of the Pleiades (Merope) as they walked through the countryside. He pursued here for Seven Years, until Zeus (Anu) answered her prayers for delivery. He transformed Merope and her Sisters into Doves and placed them among the Stars. Later on, when Zeus killed Orion, he was placed in the Underworld.

Merope married a mortal man, Sisyphus, and hid her face in shame at being the only one not married to a god and from shame at the deed; she alone of the sisters hides herself in the sky (the star does not shine). Sisyphus founded the city of Ephyre (Corinth).

Merope (also called Melissa) is a Bee-Eater and is most likely to have been a little She-Bear, a representative of Artemis. The goddess was pictured primitively with a she-bear’s head herself, and the bear remained sacred to Artemis into classical times. At a festival called the Brauronia, pre-pubescent girls were dressed in honey-colored yellow robes and taught to perform a bear dance. Once they had briefly served Artemis in this way, they would be ready to be married.

Merope is a Young Female Bear (a Virgin) who is raped by the Big Bear. The Big Bear and the Little Bear relate to two Starsystems Ursa Major (The Big Dipper) and Ursa Minor (The Little Dipper).

The Little Dipper contains The Pole Star. The Pole Star was the “Old” center of the Galaxy until the scientists of the old civilizations discovered the Precession Cycle. At that time the Sun Cycle and the Cycle of the Axis Mundi were balanced.

In early Greek mythology, the seven stars of the Little Dipper were considered to be the Hesperides, also daughters of Atlas. They were Nymphs who were protecting the Seven Apples in Paradise. Someday a Fool (Heracles) stole the Apples and the World got into big trouble because Atlas could not hold it anymore.

The Old Center of the Universe, the Pole Star, was Moved into the Bull by a Fool.

The central star of the System is called Alcyone. Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world.

The early Arabs called her Al Jauz, the Walnut; Al Jauzah or Al Wasat, the Central One; and Al Na’ir, the Bright One; In Babylonia she was called Temennu, the Foundation Stone. The Mayas call her the Goddess. She is related with Compassion and the Womb (Rebirth).

Alcyone was a Greek goddess who was changed into a kingfisher by the gods after she threw herself into the sea upon finding the body of her drowned husband Ceyx washed up on the shore. Ceyx was also transformed into a kingfisher.

Cherokee myth describes the kingfisher as a wannabe water bird without webbed feet or a good fishing bill; the animals held a council and decided to give the bird a long sharp spear with which to fish. They fastened the spear onto the front of the bird’s mouth, and the kingfisher used it to dive from the trees and catch fish, becoming the best fisher of all.

A myth from the Andaman Islands off the coast of Thailand has the kingfisher stealing Fire (The Holy Ghost) from the gods and bringing it to the people.

Another legend claims the kingfisher was the second bird Noah sent to scout for land (the first was a dove), but she flew too high and scorched her breast, thus accounting for her blue back and rust-colored breast feathers.

Noah, exhibiting his wrath in the grand tradition of his Old Testament god, punishes her by making her catch her food from the water: thus the bird’s beauty and skill become a bad thing. Note that in this particular legend the bird is specifically female: kingfisher males do not have rust-colored breast feathers.

In Arthurian myth, the Holy Grail is held in a remote castle by a custodian known as the Fisher King. The Fisher King is wounded through the groin. He cannot be healed until the Grail (the Cup, The Pleiades) is brought back into the world.

The Symbol of the Bear returns into the figure of King Arthur (the Bear) and his Twelve Knights. The magician Merlyn is forced to play the role of Thoth but he refuses. Merlyn is a White Magician who did not wanted to use the Black Magic of Morgan Le Fey.

The seven days preceding the Winter Solstice and the seven days after it are know as the Halcyon Days, named after Alcyone.

It was during this time, according to ancient Greek mythology, that Alcyone kept the Waters Peaceful and calm so that she could build her nest upon the surface of the sea and sit on it until her Eggs hatched.

The last link I want to make is the link to Mary Magdalena. Mary is of the town Magdela or Migdal which was known as the Village of the Doves, a place where Sacred Doves were bred for the Goddess Temple of Isis.

Isis has many names like : The Brilliant One in the Sky, The Star of the Sea and She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart. Her dance of the Seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades.

The worship of Isis was merged into the Church of Rome by the worship of Mary and Mary Magdalena, the Black Madonna. In contrast with the male dominance of the Cult of Mitrash the cult of Isis was open to the “lower classes (the poor)” and females.

Again we see a relationship between the number Seven, Water, Fish (Christianity), The lost Female principle and an Evil force that has killed the Fisherman. The Fisher King is a symbol of Christ.

A very important event is the Great Flood, the moment when the Anunaki’s tried to destroy mankind. Christ, The Force of Love, is waiting until somebody finds the lost Cup, The Grail, The Pleiades.

This Force will return when the three cycles of the Sun (Mitrash, Church of Rome), the Pole Star (The Star of the Shaman in Siberia) and the Pleiades (The Mother Goddess) are balanced. According to the Mayas this will happen in 2012.

There is much more to say about the other (five) sisters of the Pleiades. The stories of all of them weave a complicated web of hidden codes. At this moment I don’t want to explain all of them. I want to “jump to a conclusion“.

What happened???

To find out what happened we have to move to a brilliant Cabbalist called Luria.

Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) was a Jewish Mystic in Safed.

At the moment of creation the Ein Sof (Without Ending) concentrated (Tzimtzum) Himself. From this concentration proceeded the Infinite Light. This Light enfolded itself into ten circles or vessels (kelim) called the Sefirot, (Circled Numbers).

The Three outermost circles were able to bear the light, the inner six were unable to do so, and burst.

As a result of this cosmic catastrophe, the Sefirot, are shattered and out of place, and the world within which we reside, is composed of the shards of the broken values. Six of the Ten Sefirot were fully shattered. Malchut (Earth), the 7th vessel was broken partially.

Humans are on this Earth to repair the Universe. We are here to raise the sparks of the Light (our Souls) to repair the broken vessels.


We raise the sparks when we act out of Love, our Heart. The Sparks are a symbol for our relationship with the Infinite Light.


The Sparks are also represented by the Flames of a Menorah.


The Sparks are helped by the Holy Spirit (In-Spiration).

The First Triangle is in balance but the next step in the Tree of Life, The Square is out of balance.

The Square is a symbol of the Four Forces and represents The Infinite Game of Creation.

The four Forces act on all the Levels. I want to move to the level of the Human to give you a “complete” picture.

The Four Forces are moving around the Centre. The Centre of the Human is the Heart. The Seven Sisters are implemented in the Seven Chakra’s. The Heart Chakra is in the Middle.

The Center of Control is situated in the “Head”.

When we want to Control we want to manage our Expectation (Hope) and be sure that everything happens according to our plans.

We are without any Faith about the Future. We are Thinking all the Time. The Head and the Governor can be found in the Star System The Great Bear or Ursa Major.

The Chinese astrologers named Ursa Minor “Prime Minister“, “Big Sun Governor“, “Minister of State“, “the 3 Dukes“, “Factory Chief“, along with many other ministers, chiefs, generals and people of high rank within the Imperial Court. The Bear is the symbol of Control.

When the vessels were broken the link between two forces called Control (The Sun, Mitrash, Apollo, Artemis, The Great Bear (Ursa Major)) and Desire (Ego, The Bull, Orion, Black Magic) became unstable. Mitrash is always Fighting the Bull. The Bull Fights in Spain are a simulation of this Fight. Humans are afraid to lose Control and when this feeling of Fear increases they become Paranoid.

In the myth of Mitrash the Bull was finally killed. Control took over Control.  Many of the Religions that emerged out of Mitrash forced their members (all male!) to do many rituals to get rid of Desire.

The Roman Church invented the concept of Sin and Penetance to force the believers to fight their Impulses. The force of Desire is related to the Impulses and the lower chakras. It is about Sex without Love, Violence and all kinds of Addictions.

The Force of Control defines Rules and the force of Desire (the Ego) fights the Rules. Both of them are Extremes. They are Male/Male and Female/Female.

The two other forces are Male/Female. They are bisexual and related to Spirit (The Force of Creation) and Soul (The Force of Love, The Pleiades). They are not aggressive and unable to fight because they are non-violent.

The Star System of the Pleiades is sending the Force of Love and this Force is not a Strong Force. It Knocks at the Door of Your Soul and it Whispers in your Ear. It asks you to take care of Your Self and the Other. It asks you to become Conscious and to look at the World. It only asks you to act in you’re own context and to give unconditional love.

I end with a Piece of Poetry send by Paul to the City of Merope, Corinth; It will Help her to find Rest and to forget the acts of the Big Bear of Control who lost his temper when he was taken by the Bull of Desire. She and her six Sisters have to lead us back to Paradise.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Réponse  Message 18 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 28/08/2011 02:05

Réponse  Message 19 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 28/08/2011 02:08
Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery?
This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds.
The astrological circle equals 360 degrees – 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered?
In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon’s movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika – which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit.
If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees – the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star – 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor’s Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters.
‘The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.’

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world.
It was believed to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves.
An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions.
Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians.
The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth.

‘Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.’

Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? ‘Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.’ Psalm 87.
The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades’ Apparently for 62 years, 1891 – 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion’s Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads,

‘And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.

Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess – the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton.

‘Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis…but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us.’

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa.
His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet.

Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar – which means Great Serpent?

The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger.

Jesus was a naggar – a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt.

‘Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves’ Matthew 11:16 ‘

Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve ‘from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.’’

Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Levites, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls.
There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-terrestrials.

‘ Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades. [According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the ‘sacred seven,’ and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis.’

(Could this be the source of the Fallen Angels in The Book of Enoch?) This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene and Alcyone, two of the seven Pleiadian sisters, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.

What I have presented above in edited form, is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have discovered. It is obvious from legends and myths that the Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the Mystery Schools of Isis.

Olga Morales is an Australian astrologer and author of Eclipse of the Soul, a novel inspired bymuch of the information contained in the article above. For more information, visit
Olga can be contacted by email at

Réponse  Message 20 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 01/09/2011 23:21

Réponse  Message 21 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 01/09/2011 23:27

Today the Pleiades are officially considered part of the

constellation of Taurus the bull. Most people view the Pleiades as

located on the shoulder of the bull, some on the neck, and others on

the back. Hyginus placed them on the hindquarter while Pliny,

Columella, Vitruvius, and Nicander placed them on the tail of the bull.

Pliny is also reported to have made them out as a separate

constellation. Eratosthenes, Homer, and Hesiod placed them above the

bull and separate from it. Eudoxus and Aratos placed them near the

knees of Perseus, a constellation to the north of them, and again

separate from Taurus. The Jews and Arabians place the Pleiades as on

the rump of Aries, the ram, which is the constellation to the east of

them. The Hindus place them on the head of the bull. The rest of the

ancient world seems to view the Pleiades as a separate constellation.

Figure 4:


The Pleiades as virtuous maidens

In the West, the best-known tale of the Pleiades hails from

14 The Bible and the Pleiades

Greece. According to Greek legend, Orion met Pleione and her seven

nymph daughters in Boeotia and pursued them through the woods for

five years until Zeus translated them all, Pleione, her seven virtuous

daughters, Orion, and even his dog into the heaven as the respective

constellations (the constellation of the dog is Canis Major). Figure 4

shows the locations of the constellations Orion, Taurus the bull, and

the Pleiades. All the daughters of Pleione became ancestresses of

divine or heroic families. As for the missing Pleiad, various accounts

say it is Electra mourning for Troy, or Merope in shame for marrying

the mortal, king Sisyphus, and so settling for far less than her sisters

who all married gods.

Despite the beclouding of the ancient Bible truth in the Greek

tale, the biblical truth is still recognizable. According to the Jews,

Orion is Nimrod, the founder of the Babylonian religious system,

which for more than four thousand years has pursued all the children

of the living God, even his Church to this very day. Their Father

upholds the earth with the word of his power (Hebrews 1:3), and their

mother is Jerusalem which is above (Galatians 4:26).

As the Church is a chaste virgin, washed by the blood of the

lamb, we are not surprised that Hesiod should refer to the Pleiades as

seven virgins. Likewise the rabbis call the Pleiades the

, the booths of the maidens. The Syrian name for the asterism


also means “booths.”

Even the queen of heaven gets into the act. The transformation

of the virgin queen into a star was rather late as far as legends are

concerned; yet, Ishtar, whose pagan holiday is Easter, reputedly

became one of the Pleiades. This is, to the Christian at least, an

obvious corruption of the figure of the church, the bride of Christ.

Insofar as Jesus is the King of kings, and king of heaven in particular,

his bride, the Church, is the “queen” of heaven. Nevertheless, the

Holy Bible never refers to the Church as the queen of heaven, and all

scriptural references to the queen of heaven are negative (see Jeremiah

44:17 v.f.).






Orion, Taurus, and the Pleiades.

(The horizontal scale is slightly exaggerated.)


Réponse  Message 22 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 02/09/2011 01:06
Taurus the Bull is also evident in the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy.

Deut. 33:13-17

13 And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, 14 And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, 15 And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, 16 And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. 17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

   Here in Moses’ Song, he uses the same language found in Numbers in the horns of the "reem" or "Unicorn," as the KJV renders it. It is certainly plain that the popularly imagined unicorn, the mythical beast, is not pictured with more than one horn, but the Bull is. These Bull horns are identified as the sons of Joseph in verse 17. The reference in verse 15 to the "chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills," refer directly to the most famous star cluster in the history of astronomy, called the Pleiades. This star group located in the upper shoulder of Taurus, is one of the signs specifically named in the Book of Job, the Bible’s oldest book.

The Pleiades, the most famous Star cluster in History

Job 9:7-9

7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

   This is one of a number of specific references made to the Pleiades in God’s Word. The name Pleiades means the "congregation of the judge." We should also notice in verses 7-8 above that it was God alone Who spread out the heavens, and sealed up the names of the stars, [Ps. 147:4].   Verse 7 above plainly states that the Creator is the One in control of the Sun, which is proved in the miracle of the Sun going backwards on the Sundial of Ahaz in Isaiah 38:7-8The celestial symbolism of the Bull also appears in the context of the four-corners or heavenly pillars, in the furniture of Israel’s Temple, in what is known as the Brasen Sea. We find details of this in I Kings 7.

I Kings 7:23-30

23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about. 24 And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops were cast in two rows, when it was cast. 25 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward. 26 And it was an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths. 27 And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it. 28 And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges: 29 And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work. 30 And every base had four brazen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver were undersetters molten, at the side of every addition.

   The "line of thirty cubits" in verse 23 refers to the Hebrew’s ancient knowledge of the pi ratio as it is applied in the Hebrew Temple, also found in reference to the great brass pillars Jachin and Boaz [I Kings 7:15], at the Temple’s entrance. This famous ratio governing the relation of the diameter to the circumference rules over these great cylindrical pillars, as well as the great round brass basin called the brazen Sea. This is covered in more detail in our "Pi in the Sky" article under the "Natural Law" section of this site. The appearance of the oxen both on the base and borders of "the Sea," mirorring to the four Cardinal Directions is a symbol for the precessional Age of Taurus, that we have repeatedly encountered throughout our study. The fact that the Cherubim are mentioned in the same breath as the lions and oxen in the symbolic design of the Brazen Sea and its base, reminds us of Ezekiel’s vision of the four living creatures at the river Chebar. In his vision each of the Cherubims four faces matched the signs of the four celestial pillars [Ezek. 1:4-28, 10:1-22]. I Kings 7:30 above also tells us of the relation of the four wheels at the base of the Brasen Sea as they relate to the Cherubim, [Ezek. 10:9-17]. The details of Ezekiel’s cryptic vision can only be understood in light of the celestial symbolism of the millennial Temple. We will look into this in greater detail in the section of this web-site dedicated to the Celestial Symbolism of the Temple and Tabernacle. One of the main stars of Taurus the Bull is called Aldebaran, the Bull’s Eye, which refers to the "subduing power of the king." This star was known as one of the four Royal Stars in Persian astronomy, at the four-corners of heaven. We find elements of this in Psalm 89, where the Hebrew root for Aldebaran occurs in verse 18.

Psalm 89:16-29

16 In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. 17 For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted. 18 For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king. 19 Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people. 20 I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: 21 With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him. 22 The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor the son of wickedness afflict him. 23 And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him. 24 But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted. 25 I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. 26 He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. 28 My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. 29 His seed also will I make to endure forever, and his throne as the days of heaven.

   We will see more of the significance of these four-corners of the heavens as our study progresses. As we have just witnessed in Job 9 above, the Pleiades are mentioned along with Orion. We find this pattern holding true later in the Book of Job as well. Next we will look at Orion, which is one of the Constellations specifically named in only the book of the Patriarchal Age, the Book of Job.

Job 38:31-33

31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? 33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the Earth?

The decan of Orion 

   The original meaning of Orion is "coming forth as light." The same word is used in Genesis. 1:17 and Isa. 60:1, referring to the light of the celestial luminaries. In this sense it is almost a generic term for the light of all the stars, an interesting point as we consider the symbolism of Orion in connection with the power of both the fallen and risen Morning Stars. This original meaning of Orion will really hit home when we consider the alignments of the Star Shafts of the Great Pyramid, on the stars of Orion and Draco in particular, in our section of the website devoted to the Biblical of Great PyramidAstronomy. We have also discussed in detail the relation between Orion & Sirius the brightest star in the heavens, refering to the stars of the "Navigators line," or Orion’s three belt stars, in the section of our site entitled the Calendar of the Biblical Patriarchs. The root word for Sirius [sar] is used in Isaiah 9, in this famed prophecy concerning the prince of peace.

Réponse  Message 23 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 03/09/2011 01:30




Un camino circular y un viaje gratis en torno a una estrella.

Estamos en un planeta que está a cierta distancia de su estrella en torno a la cual se desplaza trazando una elipse que llamamos "órbita" y que da lugar a nuestra percepción temporal de lo que llamamos "año".

Podemos comprender la órbita del Planeta Aire, Agua y Tierra desde dos aspectos de lo mismo: el espacial y el temporal que son indisociables, como el color y el sonido lo son de la energía. Ambos aspectos de distancia y duración entrelazados forman el Tejido EspacioTiempo en el que evoluciona el Planeta. Ambos aspectos combinados nos aportan una conciencia espaciotemporal completa del entorno espacial y temporal tridimensional en el que existimos, previa a una conciencia de 4ª dimensión.

Distancia a escala proporcional entre el Sol y la órbita de la Tierra

Esta imagen muestra a escala proporcional a la real la distancia entre la Estrella Sol y la órbita de la Tierra, y también el tamaño del Sol, el cual cabe 108 veces en esta distancia. A esta escala no podemos ver a la Tierra pues estamos en un planeta que es 109 veces más pequeño que la esfera solar, así que en la imagen el Sol también aparece en la órbita de Tierra para que podamos hacernos una idea, si es que podemos. ¿Puedes imaginar 109 Tierras en el diámetro de ese puntito anaranjado y luminoso? Observa el inmenso "vacío" espacial (lleno de energía) salpicado por lo que nuestros ojos sí pueden percibir: puntitos de luz flotando. En ese "vacío" también están las órbitas de Mercurio y de Venus.

¡¡El "enorme" planeta Aire, Agua y Tierra es parte de una diminuta región del microcosmos del Sistema Solar!!

La cifra en kilómetros de la distancia entre el Sol y la órbita terrestre es tan grande para nuestra mente kilométrica que no vale la pena manejarla. Por eso, para poder hacernos una "idea cósmica" adecuada y manejable podemos usar otras unidades de medida, como la distancia recorrida por un rayo de luz en 1 segundo (1 metro luz) o el diámetro del Sol como "metro solar".

Así, tal distancia es de 500 tramos de 300.000 kms que un rayo de luz, SEGÚN el SEGUNdo, recorre en 500 segundos (8,3 minutos). La imagen que vemos del Sol en nuestro cielo es la del Sol tal como era hace 8,3 minutos, aunque la diferencia es prácticamente imperceptible pero si ahora viéramos apagarse al Sol y pudiéramos contarlo podríamos darnos cuenta de que se habría apagado hace 8,3 minutos, o si ahora mismo se apagase el Sol nos daríamos cuenta dentro de 8,3 minutos.

Y como 300.000 kms es distancia podemos llamarlo "metro luz" y decir que es 500 metros luz, o sea medio kilómetro luz, de modo que el diámetro de la órbita de la Tierra es 1 kilómetro luz. Y su perímetro... 3,14 kms luz, es decir PI kms luz.

Y en "metros solares" (diámetros del Sol) desde el Núcleo del Sol caben 108 (casi 109, como el número de veces que cabe la Tierra en ese metro solar, el diámetro del Sol), de modo que el diámetro de la órbita terrestre equivale a 216 soles, número que es el cubo de 6, es decir, 6 x 6 x 6. También esta cifra de 216 define otro aspecto del Sol, como es su velocidad de traslación de 216 kms por segundo (según los astrofísicos expertos). Por tanto, su perímetro mide 4 partes de 169 soles, es decir, 4 partes de 13x13 soles que equivalen a 6 partes de 113.

Así, la órbita de la Tierra medida con metros luz o con metros solares da resultados interesantes.

Si proyectamos dos rayos de luz que irradian del Núcleo del Sol formando un ángulo de 1 grado, cuando llegan a la órbita de la Tierra lo hacen con una separación en la que el Sol cabe 1,83 veces (y la Tierra 200 veces).

Kepler descubrió que la órbita de la Tierra es elíptica, ligeramente estirada, como todas. De hecho la Nave Tierra está en su punto más cerca del Sol a comienzos de enero y en el más alejado a comienzos de julio. Posiblemente no existe en el Universo ningún círculo perfecto, racional, como el que podemos trazar artificialmente con un compás, a no ser que sea una partícula elemental, o quizá una pupila que chupa partículas elementales de energía/luz. Teniendo en cuenta que son elípticas, hay tres aspectos que definen a todas las órbitas: su grado de "elipticidad", su excentricidad y su inclinación. Según las mediciones de las personas expertas, la órbita de la Tierra es más elíptica que la de Venus (que es la más cercana al círculo perfecto aunque está unos 3 grados inclinada) pero es la menos inclinada (ligeramente un poco más de 0º) respecto al plano del ecuador de la esfera que está en el centro del sistema (la estrella Sol).

La órbita de la Tierra, como la de todos los planetas, es excéntrica, lo cual significa que a cada órbita alcanza dos puntos en los que está más cerca y más lejos del Sol. Técnicamente se les llama "perihelio" y "afelio". Este factor junto con la inclinación del Eje de rotación del planeta es fundamental para que experimentemos los extremos térmicos en el planeta cada 6 meses sin necesidad de viajar al norte o al sur de la región en la que solemos vivir.

La Nave Tierra alcanza su perihelio cuando la fecha en nuestra memoria es "día gregoriano 4 de enero" (y el afelio es el 4 de julio), así que el año gregoriano finaliza y comienza 4 días antes del perihelio de la Tierra. También, el perihelio coincide prácticamente con el afelio de Marte, es decir que si trazamos una línea desde el afelio de Marte hasta el Sol, tal línea cruza también la órbita de la Tierra por un punto que para nosotros es el "día gregoriano 6 de enero". Esto no significa que cada 6 de enero (cada año nuestro) Marte alcance su afelio (lo hace cada órbita suya, cada 1,88 años terrestres) sino que cuando en nuestra memoria es "6 de enero" la Tierra está entre el Sol y el afelio de Marte independientemente de que Marte esté en otro punto de su órbita (lo cual es lo más normal). Curiosamente, el perihelio de la Tierra es el 4 de enero. Es decir que prácticamente cuando la Tierra alcanza su perihelio (4 de enero), la Tierra está entre el Sol y el afelio de Marte.

Podemos representarlo así:

Afelio de Marte------>Perihelio de la Tierra------------------------------------------------> Sol

Ya tenemos cierta idea espacial de la proporción y forma de la órbita del planeta en el que estamos con respecto a su centro, la Estrella, el Sol, y como la distancia y el tiempo son inseparables, también hemos de añadirle la concepción temporal.

Lo que en términos espaciales y de tamaño se llama "órbita", en términos temporales es lo que llamamos "año". Mientras el año solemos concebirlo como una línea recta en nuestra mente, la órbita es un círculo en el Espacio, la Dimensión espacial del Universo de múltiples dimensiones (al menos de 3). Hemos aprendido a usar un calendario, una estructura lineal cuyo diseño consiste en 12 partes o meses que hacen un año pero no tiene nada que ver con la forma de la órbita del Planeta en el que cumplimos "años", pues esas 12 partes se representan en los calendarios como bloques rectangulares (irregulares) de números. Pero la forma es circular, la misma que la de los ojos y pupilas con las que vemos esos calendarios, es la más simple de la creación, pues todas las formas se basan en ella. De hecho podemos adaptar un calendario a la órbita de la Tierra, creando un calendario natural, el circular.

El calendario romano en la órbita de la Tierra

En este RELOJ DE TIERRA puedes seleccionar el punto de la órbita en el que estaba la Nave Tierra cuando tu madre te dio a luz. La cultura islámica Baha'í comienza su año en el equinoccio de primavera (21 de marzo del calendario gregoriano). Dividen su año en 19 meses de 19 días: 361 días + 4 días. 361 es el número de grados que gira la Tierra en cada 24 horas.

Como vemos, este calendario ya es semejante al diseño de un reloj. Y además nos permite identificar la posición del Planeta Tierra con respecto a las estrellas, las constelaciones y el propio Centro de la Galaxia. Dado que este "calendario" es un instrumento más allá de nuestra conciencia social, no incluye festividades sociales, políticas ni religiosas, pues estas son circunstancias de la sociedad humana. También en un calendario orbital como este están incluidos otros dos mundos y tiempos: el del Planeta Venus y el del Planeta Mercurio, los dos planetas que se mueven en sus órbitas respectivas inmersos en la órbita de la Tierra y creando sincronías cíclicas entre sí cuales piezas de un engranaje insospechado e inabarcable a la razón (pero no a la conciencia). Asomarse a tal realidad y conciencia es como salir de la ciudad a la Naturaleza.

Todos conocemos el número de días del año: 365, pero no todos sabemos que realmente son 365'2422 ni tampoco que el Planeta Tierra da 366'24 giros en su órbita al Sol porque esos 365 son desde mediodía a mediodía (que realmente los medimos desde medianoche a medianoche). Dado que la unidad en que dividimos el año es la semana de 7 días, 91 días son justamente 13 grupos de 7 días, es decir, 13 semanas. 91 es sumatorio de 13. Así, la órbita de la Tierra es divisible en 4 partes de 13 semanas cada una: 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 semanas: 52 semanas. "13", una representación de la serie "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" o de una cruz con 3 unidades por lado y 1 en el centro. Así, podemos crear una formula del tiempo del año terrestre en base al número 13 como:

13+13+13+13 semanas + 1 día.

Y también como 13 meses de 28 días. La Luna también da 13 órbitas completas (y 0,4 de otra) a la Tierra a la vez que 1 órbita del sistema Tierra/Luna al Sol.

El 13 aparece en varios aspectos. Dado que 1/4 de órbita de la Luna es 7 días, podemos decir que el Ciclo Orbital de la Tierra es el de la Luna escalado 13 veces o multiplicado por 13, y podemos diseñar una especie de simple fórmula matemática cósmica gráfica, sin necesidad de haber estudiado carrera. Puedes pulsar sobre la escena para ver una animación.

 7 x 13 x 4 = 91 + 91 + 91 + 91

Durante la historia, con la ignorancia lógica de una especie evolucionante y con los intereses de poder se ha convertido a la Tierra y su órbita en motivo de polémica y división en relación a los famosos sistemas geocentrista y heliocentrista, si bien, haciendo un juego de letras y palabras (pues con el prefijo latino "GEO" se forma "EGO") el sistema GEOcentrista (o TIERRAcentrista) realmente viene a ser una creación/creencia y experiencia de nuestro EGO(centrista) que sólo hace unos 400 años con Copérnico y Galileo empezó a descubrir su irracionalidad, pues consistía en que -aunque sí existíamos en un planeta- éste no tenía ÓRBITA, lo cual equivale a estar "fuera de órbita" de la realidad de la Madre Tierra y de todo el Universo y Conciencia multidimensional estando en estas 3 primeras dimensiones que forman la dimensión espacial, el Espacio, Cielo espacial. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver una animación.

Réponse  Message 24 de 159 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 24/09/2011 01:06

33 Degrees
Number of the Master
© Olga Morales
(Posted here by Wes Penre, January 10, 2005)

[Printer-Friendly Version]

Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered? In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.'

'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years." 2

Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 3 'And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinoxthe Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line." 4

What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess.

According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was 'Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the 'Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed heavenward.

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves. Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the 1850's it well accepted. 'Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.'

An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades'
7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'.
8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar.9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the cranary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light.10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isisbut Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us.'

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa.12 His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar13 actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. 'Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves' Matthew 11:16 'Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.' 14

Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Levites, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls. There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-terrestrials. ' Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades. [According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the 'sacred seven,' and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis.' 15 (Could this be the source of the Fallen Angels in The Book of Enoch?) This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene and Alcyone, two of the seven Pleiadian sisters, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.

Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke, 16 Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, 'This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren.'
13 The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate for red is sworn to in Masonry. I believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees - the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun. It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia/Maya/Mary when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.

In the Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston connects the Hebrew alphabet with the constellations and Pleiades is said to be associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, the pictograph being an eye. Immediately, I thought of the 'All Seeing Eye' used so prolifically in Masonic imagery, especially above the apex of the Great Pyramid, even on the American dollar bill. Remember, Seiss' belief that the Pyramid was built as the midnight throne celebrating the midnight culmination of the Pleiades - could this be symbolised by the Pyramid and the Eye? I went a little further and located the letter Ayin on the Kabala tree. It is found on the 26th pathway and connected with the sign of Capricorn and the Tarot card of the Devil. In the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck, the Devil is represented in the traditional form of the Goat, however there is some unusual imagery that I found very intriguing. The goat has a third eye and his head is adorned with a bunch of grapes. (Wine had a mystical relation to the Dove (the Pleiades) which is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew.) Below him, is a winged caduceus (Hermes) and under its hoofs are two balls with humans inside going through what I assume to be symbolic creation. You can see the DNA chromosomes and mitosis occurring. Behind this, is a shaft piercing a cosmic ring in the heavens. Most horned creatures like Pan represented fertility and creation and the May Time celebrations of Beltane incorporated this celebration. The Maypole had seven ribbons, I believe representing the seven sisters of the Pleiades. 'Pan was an important model for medieval pagans' Horned God, whom the church called Satan. The devil always displayed Pan's attributes of goat-hoofs, horns, and unremitting lust; sometimes also a goat head and an attendant throng of satyrs.'
14 When the Knights Templer were accused of heresy in the 14th century, it was based on their worship of Baphomet - a bisexual idol pictured with hoofs, a goat's face, with both male and female features, and thus they were called 'devil worshippers'. Could it simply have been another Pleiadian connection?

'With November, the Pleid-month, many primitive people began their year; and on the day of the midnight culmination of the Pleiades, November 17, no petition was presented in vain to the ancient Kings of Persia; the same event gave the signal at Busiris for the commencement of the feast of Isis, and regulated less immediately the celebrations connected with the 52 year cycle of the Mexicans. Australian tribes to this day dance in honour of the 'Seven Sisters'.
15 The months of May and November and their numerous festivals and celebrations are all associated with the Seven Sisters. Their rising in November marked the time for worship of deceased family and friends. 'Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades' archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Hathors. The dead had to speak the names of these Goddesses to pass their 'critical' examination and enter paradise.' 16

I believe this is the source of the Judgement of the Dead linked with the month of November, when the Pleiades are high in the night sky. In the Halls of Judgement, the goddess Maat weighed the souls of the dead against her ostrich- feather of truth as the ibis-headed scribe Thoth stood to record the judgement. In Christian iconography, Archangel Michael holds a pair of scales on the Day of Judgement recognised as All Soul's Day on the 2nd November. The ancient Celtic civilisation gathered to celebrate the festival of death 'Samhain' during the dark night of October 31st and at midnight, a time of death to the old year and birth to the new, it was the Celtic New Year. November is the month of the dead and Scorpio and ruling planet Pluto are all connected with death and rebirth. The Persians called November Mordad, or 'Angel of Death.'

I often wonder how the zodiac signs acquired their symbolism, for example why Scorpio and its eight house and ruler Pluto are all linked to death and rebirth? What I have found through my research into The Pleiades, might be the answer. It has been recorded in the Babylonian Talmud that the flood of Biblical Noah was the result of two stars falling from Khima (the Pleiades) towards Earth. Could this correspond with the legend of the lost pleid? Was this the sinking of Mu/Atlantis and the end of the Golden Age and thus we still mourn the dead in November? I discovered some very confirming evidence in the book When the Earth Nearly Died by Allen and Delair. They argue that the world experienced total catastrophe in 9500 BC when a Vela supernova exploded and the Earth's axis subsequently tilted to 23 and a half degrees and the Age of Darkness took hold. What I found in the book was this. 'Chinese traditions similarly tell how, during the time of the legendary emperor Ya-hou: 'a brilliant star issued from the constellation of Yin' prior to a tremendous global upheaval.'
17 I searched my Chinese Astrology book and found the Yin Star to correspond with Beta Scorpionis (Graffias, a triple star situated in the head of the Scorpion) and connected with plenty of water (flood). The symbol of Yin and Yang thus represents Scorpio (Yin) and its opposite sign Taurus (Yang). Remember in November, the Sun is in Scorpio but at night The Pleiades are high in the sky, in Taurus. The Maya/Aztec called the Pleiades the tzab rattle - that of a snake and every 52 years, in the middle of November, when the Pleiades were directly at the zenith at midnight at Mexican latitude, it was believed that the world would end; it had already been destroyed and re-created four times in the past. The New Fire Ceremony was held once they knew that they were safe for another 52 years. Thus, the specific symbolism of the constellations, zodiac signs and planets seem to reflect actual historical events, similarly recounted in many Myths.

What I have presented above is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have discovered. It is obvious from legends and myths that the Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the Mystery Schools of Isis.



1. Hand Clow, Barbara. Catastrophobia, Vermont: Bear and Co., 2001. pg 101
2. Allen, Richard Hinckley. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. NY: Dover Pub. 1963. pg 392.
3. Ibid., pg 399
4. Seiss, Joseph A. Miracle in Stone: or the Great Pyramid of Egypt (1877). Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, USA.
5. Ibid, pg
6. Rolleston, Frances. Mazzaroth Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, pg 28.
8. Picknett, L & Prince, C. The Templar Revelation, NY: Touchstone 1997, 248.
9. Starbird, Margaret, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Santa Fe: Bear and co, 1993 pg 50.
10. Polich Bluestone. Judith. Return of the Children of Light. Vermont: Bear and Co, 2001. Pg. 12.
11. Straiton Valentia, E, Celestial Ship of the North, Kessinger Publishing, 1927, pg. 101.
12. Hatcher Childress, David, Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and India, USA; Adventures Unlimited, 1985, pg. 271.
13. See note 8, pg. 235.
14. Walker, Barbara G. Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. NY: HarperCollins 1983, pg. 803.
15. Pinkham, Mark Amaru. The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom. USA: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997, pg. 231.
16. Icke, David. Children of the Matrix. USA: Bridge of Love Publications, 2001, pg. 328.
17. Brown, Robert Hewitt, 32 degrees. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, pg. 51.
18. See note 14, pg. 765.
19. See note 2, pg. 401
20. See note 14, pg. 803
21. Allan, D.S and Delair, J.B. When the Earth nearly died. Bath: Gateway Books, 1995. Pg. 212.

Olga Morales is an Australian astrologer and author of Eclipse of the Soul, a novel inspired by much of the information contained in the article above. For more information, visit

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