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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 13/07/2011 22:52
Chess and the Knight's Tour

    The origin of chess is rather mysterious as .....""The chequered pattern of 64 squares is an old one. Clearly, it represents the deep philosophical and spiritual concept of the eternal struggle between and coexistence of the forces of lights and dark, good and evil, The pattern was used in ancient Greece to denote the fabled “labyrinth” of the Minotaur, and seem to have been interchangeable with the more familiar circular labyrinth shape. H. Peter Aleff writes that, “checkerboards .. decorate the entrances to labyrinths in many ancient Greek vase paintings.” This same author believes that the ground plan of Solomon’s Temple was based upon an 8 x 8 checkerboard,.""  (From http://www.dragonkeypress.com/articles/article_2004_10_23_5313.html ).

     But as can be found out Solomon's Temple design was given directly by the
Lord himself to King David, and paralleled his basic design of the Tabernacle, which of course included a rectangular cube, the Holy Place as well as the perfect cube, the Holy of Holies. (10 cubits x 10 cubits x 10 cubits) This perfect cube being important to the Masons who took the secrets of the Templars, and considered this 4x4x4 CUBE as the Philosophers Stone, or Grail Stone. Consequently in the writings about where the Templars
hid their secrets and 'GRAIL', they mention 64 scattered stones which have to be rearranged to find their treasure.

     ""Another system of universal elements that can be adapted to the chessboard is that of Cabalism. In this system, the universe is organized into a “
Tree of Life”, with ten “sephiroth”, or “worlds”, and 22 paths between them, corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, each representing an aspect or stage of existence. But there is also another tree, that of the “Qlippoth”, or Shells, which is a mirror-image of the Tree of Life and descends below the “surface of the Earth”, as it were, to form the dark side of the Tree, or the “Tree of Death.” The Shells are thought to have been “dispersed” amongst existence at the time of the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and now intermingle with the living world, so that each of the 32 aspects of existence on the Tree of Life has its own shadow counterpart. What better way to lay out these symbols then to have a mosaic of 64 alternating black and white squares?""  ( From http://www.dragonkeypress.com/articles/article_2004_10_23_5313.html )

     And interestingly enough, just as the Templars had a spiral Apprentice Pillar, which obviously had roots back to the lineage of the royal blood they were supposedly trying to protect, then this spiral would have represented the genetic line, or the double helix spiral of DNA and RNA. And lo and behold its coding is dependant on the combination of three nucleotides so that there are 64 possibilities (4x4x4).

      ""Genetic code. Each amino acid building block of a protein is specified by the order of nucleotides (A,C,T and G) in the gene for that protein. Three adjacent nucleotides, called a codon, are required to specify one amino acid. The genetic code can be displayed in a table that translates each of the 64 possible triplet codons into an amino acid. There are 64 possible combinations resulting from having one of four nucleotides in each of three possible positions in the codon (4 X 4 X 4 = 64)"". (From  http://www.cgm.northwestern.edu/glossary.htm )

     ""Four arches radiate from the Master Mason’s pillar and four more from the Apprentice Pillar, each with 64 cubes, perhaps alluding to the 64 genetic chromosomes. Along with the DNA spiral symbolism on the Apprentice Pillar , this theme is mirrored ‘coincidentally’ in Rosslyn’s nearby genetic farm, where the world’s first cloned sheep and chickens were created! Is all this an uncanny allusion to genetics of a grail bloodline or the alchemical secrets of life contained in the blood and guarded by the Knights Templar, Guardians of Magdalene’s legacy ?"" (From http://www.aniwilliams.com/magdalene.htm )

    So who will find the Grail, the legacy of
Mary Magdalene ? Yes, a child of the Lord of Lords, and a True Christian Templar Knight for the Right....but surely not non-Christian Masons. Rather a "Fool' brave enough like Percevial who can 'pierce the valley' (Psalm 23). And with FAITH enough to traverse all the land of 64 squares. (Co-relate  8x8 Magiuc Square Acre)  Only he shall surely know how to rearrange the 64 scattered stones, and checkmate the evil Black King to gain the VICTORY for the WHITE KING of KINGS..

Consider as Primer ""
The Ultimate Mystery of Life""

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Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/08/2012 21:47

Génesis Capítulo 49


16 Dan juzgará a su pueblo,

Como una de las tribus de Israel.

17 Será Dan serpiente junto al camino,

Víbora junto a la senda,

Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete. (49:17 EQUIVALE A 13:8-AQUI ESTA CODIFICADA LA CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU)




Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2012 01:32
Rennes Chateau: Mary Magdalene the one Jesus loved the most

by Carolyn Shield

Mary Magdalene plays a major role this past week in the Easter story of Jesus's  Resurrection. She is the first one that Jesus appears to after he rises from the dead. He doesn't appear to Peter, John, James his brother, or even his mother. He appears to the one who he loves the most Mary Magdalene. She followed him through his journeys and supported his cause financially. She is at the Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection. Pope John Paul II has called her the "Apostle to the Apostles". She is named fourteen times in the bible more than most of the apostles. Magdalene is mentioned more than Mother Mary in the bible. Jesus cured her of a serious illness and as a result saved her life. Her bravery is outstanding when compared with Saint Peter. It is Saint Augustine who said "it was the Holy Spirit who made  Magdalene the Apostle of the Apostles." We are lucky to have the Gospel of Mary Magdalene which she tells the Apostles secret teachings Jesus taught her. Jesus teaches a woman and then this woman teaches his Apostles. It is another terrific part of the story. No more Magdalene carries the false label of the prostitute but not an equal to the Apostles. Many can debate if she is seated next to Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper. It is her actions that speak for themselves. She has earned the right to be seated with the Apostles.


At  Rennes Chateau in France Mary Magdalene carries a cross and holds a urn.  On the cross she  bears is  a five pointed star. The five pointed star is the symbol of Venus. Titian has a painting called Venus with Mirror. The two cherubs are there holding her mirror.

Hit the link to see the Rennes Chateau image of Mary Magdalene carrying the cross below her feet are two cherubs. In the mirror the eye of the goddess Venus is older and more wrinkled. She will be crowned by roses which have thorns. In the mirror do we see the all seeing eye of the goddess peering back at her. The Egyptian all seeing eye of the goddess Wedjet known as green one and the Greeks called it "risen one".


Titian Pieta is his last painting. In the painting we see Mary Magdalene with two cherubs one above and the other below. A woman carrying the cross crowned with rose crown of thorns. She was a Cumaen Sibyl who predicted the coming of the savior.

It is interesting that the cherubs under Magdalene  at Rennes Chateau are pointing down and one wonders if there is a crypt under the church. The cherubs are seen in many paintings dealing with the burial of Christ.  Bourdon, Poussin, Titian, and others have placed the cherubs with Magdalene and the other women at Jesus grave. These women who came to Jesus's grave possibly had children. The cherubs in the paintings maybe a symbol representing the children of the Holy Family or children of Jerusalem. Luke 23:28-31 says

"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us'; and to the hills, 'Cover us'. For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"

It doesn't surprise me that Venus the goddess of Love whose symbol is the five pointed star would be connected to Mary Magdalene. It could be the reason for the symbol on the tree cross that she carries. Venus symbol has a cross in it for its astrological symbol. It is connected to the Ankh. The key of life to the Egyptians connected to Isis and eternal life. 

Venus retrogrades every 584 days (19 months) making five retrograde points around the Sun. After eight years, Venus forms a five-pointed star in the sky. Ishtar and Astarte carry the jar of life and so Mary Magdalene carries her jar . Mark 14:3 talks about the woman with the alabaster jar. The jar the Egyptians used for the funeral rites. It seems the symbolic connections with Magdalene and Venus makes sense. She loved Jesus with such passion and he loved her by showing his resurrected self first to her. It is all about the power of  love and that is what Venus and Isis is all about.

At the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is a wooden panel which depicts the life of Christ. A panel depicts the Wedding of Cana. Three people have halos one is Jesus another is a woman who sits next to Jesus. . Is she Mother Mary or possibly Magdalene?One wonders who the fellow next to Jesus who has a halo too? Is he Jesus brother? Is he the bride's father? Is he the bride's groom? The lady next to him does not have a halo and she is darker skinned than the others. She does wear a gold crown and her hair is not covered. I'm interested to hear what other people think of this interpretation of the Wedding of Cana especially the saint next to Jesus. The French had a oral tradition which said Mary Magdalene came to France by boat with other saints. She brought with her the dark servant girl Sara the Egyptian. Napoleon made the Paris coats of arms the five pointed star and the ship who brought Isis to the city called Paris. It is interesting the similar story of Isis and Magdalene coming by boat to France.  Napoleon created the Arch de Triumph as a symbol of Isis and her star Sirius. Isis was devoted and loved Osiris very much. I could see how Magdalene and the story of Isis could be similar. What do you think?







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Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2012 17:28
Poster WTC
1. 1 Reyes 7:21: Estas columnas erigió en el pórtico del templo; y cuando hubo alzado la columna del lado derecho, le puso por nombre Jaquín, y alzando la columna del lado izquierdo, llamó su nombre BOAZ.

2. 2 Crónicas 3:17: Y colocó las columnas delante del templo, una a la mano derecha, y otra a la izquierda; y a la de la mano derecha llamó Jaquín, y a la de la izquierda, BOAZ.

Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/08/2012 16:36



Rockefeller Center: La Atlántida Global y sus símbolos

Posted on marzo 4, 2012



New York City Rockefeller Center 05 Atlas Statue And St Patricks Cathedral

El Rockefeller Center es uno de los lugares simbólicos más densos del planeta, aunque muy pocos entre sus millones de visitantes se paren a reflexionar sobre lo que significan estas imágenes. Se trata de una simbología relacionada con la historia reciente del capitalismo global, cuyas consecuencias estamos ahora sufriendo. El mito de la Atlántida, resurgida del océano para volver a desafiar a los dioses mediante la ilusión del conocimiento humano sin límites, el poder de la técnica y el dinero, y el individualismo como motor del mundo.

Es una simbología relacionada en parte con España. Según la mitología griega, Hércules en su viaje a la Península Ibérica se atrevió a robar la fruta sagrada que cuidaban las Hespérides, hijas de Atlas, fundador de la Atlántida, cumpliendo así la profecía sobre el fin de ese reino de titanes, como estaba anunciado. Este relieve del Museo de Olimpia muestra maravillosamente este episodio. Hércules sujeta el cosmos ayudado por la diosa Atenea, que le pone un almohadón en la espalda, mientras el mismo Átlas le trae las frutas de las Hespérides. Es una versión muy peculiar del mito, pues Átlas coopera en su propia destrucción, y sitúa en España, Hesperia, ese jardín prohibido.

Durante cincuenta años de su vida, el profesor Schulten efectuó investigaciones históricas y arqueológicas en la Península Ibérica en búsqueda de la Atlántida, y los últimos hallazgos parecen apoyar su hipótesis de que el reino andaluz de Tartessos, desaparecido en el siglo VI antes de Cristo, coincidía con la descripción que nos dejó Platón en el Timeo:

“(…) Sabios reyes habían formado en esta Atlántida una vasta y maravillosa potencia que dominaba toda aquella tierra además de otras muchas islas, y algunas comarcas del continente, apoderándose de todas, desde Libia al Egipto, y de Europa hasta Tirrenia (…) Empero sobrevinieron diluvios y terremotos, y en un solo día y en una sola noche fatal, todos aquellos guerreros fueron tragados por la tierra abierta. Desapareció la Atlántida y he aquí por qué aun hoy no se puede recorrer y explorar aquel mar, encontrando la navegación un escollo en el fangoso lodo que dejó la tierra al abismarse”.

El nombre del océano Atlántico viene de este supuesto reino hundido, que los cartógrafos del Renacimiento situaban entre América y Europa. Jacint Verdaguer en su famoso poemario La Atlántida, defiende que la búsqueda de ese mítico continente originó la aventura de Colón hacia el Atlántico e, indirectamente, el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Desde entonces, la Atlántida se asocia con América, y así lo describe el catalán José María Sert en los frescos de Titanes que pintó para decorar el vestíbulo principal del Rockefeller Center de Nueva York. Este mismo artista fue encargado por Manuel de Falla, para pintar los decorados de la cantata escenificada Atlántida, que aunque nunca llegó a estrenarse por culpa de la Guerra Civil, es la gran ópera española, escrita sobre todo en catalán, pues está inspirada en los poemas épicos de Verdaguer.

La Atlántida narra la lucha entre los dioses y los titanes hijos de Atlas, una lucha que recuerda bastante a la narración de la lucha entre los ángeles y los demonios, que fueron finalmente vencidos y arrojados al infierno. También la Atlántida fue destruida y hundida en el océano según los viejos mitos griegos. Por eso, el relato de la Atlántida, como el del Génesis sobre el Árbol del Conocimiento del Bien y del Mal en el Paraíso terrenal, simboliza la ambición sin límites del ser humano, y también del origen mismo de la civilización tal como hoy la conocemos, basada en el saber por experiencia, en la ciencia.

Todos los símbolos del Rockefeller Center siguen una estética griega que ha quedado un tanto adulterada para adaptarse al gusto popular del momento: El Art Decó, símbolo por excelencia del capitalismo americano. De hecho, este complejo de rascacielos y plazas fue construido entre 1930 y 1939 por John D. Rockefeller, Jr., al que debe su nombre, uno de los grandes magnates y pioneros de la economía de mercado actual. Se trata del primer conjunto urbanístico diseñado ex profeso en Manhattan, con diecinueve edificios que ocupan una superficie de 89,000 m2, entre las Avenidas Sexta y Quinta, y las calles 48 y 51, justo en frente de la catedral católica de Nueva York, la famosa San Patricio.El Atlas es la escultura más grande y, quizás, la más característica del complejo Rockefeller Center junto con la figura dorada de Prometeo y el Zodiaco, que está situada en la plaza interior, en frente del vestíbulo principal que decorara Sert.

Atlas, según la mitología griega, fue condenado por Zeus a soportar sobre sus hombros los pilares que mantenían la tierra separada de los cielos. La escultura del Rockefeller Center en Nueva York fue realizada en 1936 por Lee Lawrie y Rene Chambellan. En ella, el eje norte-sur del gran orbe de bronce apunta a la Estrella Polar, y en uno de sus anillos se encuentran representadas las 12 constelaciones por las que pasa el Sol a lo largo de un año (visto desde la Tierra). Sobre los hombros de Atlas también puede observarse una especie de viga curvada con los símbolos tradicionales de Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, y Neptuno.
Sol - Luna
cuarto dia, las dos lumbreras y las estrellas
jachin y boaz, genesis 1 (gen de isis)

Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/08/2012 05:02
Since archaeologists in the Holy Land tended to be religious and to enter the field of biblical archaeology in order to unearth evidence substantiating the Bible’s story, it has taken awhile for the plain truth to become clear. Gradually, however, more objective archaeologists, such as Dever, are making headway in proving Asherah’s case. The Bible says Hebrews kept worshiping Asherah; the archaeological record confirms it. What the Bible doesn’t say, and the archaeological record shows, is that Asherah was a mother goddess.

She is the Queen of Heaven


"Lady Asherah of the Sea"-
could be why the I looks like an anchor
Asherah was also identified with the Sumerian goddess Inanna and the Babylonian Ishtar, whose symbol was the eight-pointed star and crescent preserved by the Sumerians as an old shamanistic symbol for the godhead. Ishtar became Astarte to the Semitic Phoenicians, and later Tanith, the serpent goddess.

As Tanith, Asherah's symbolic pole was represented as a pole with two serpents twisted around it (the caduceus). In the Garden of Asherah, the Serpent of Wisdom taught men how to become immortal like the gods (Aleim, one of the Children of the Gods, which the Jews wrote as Elohim)."

could the S be a reference to Asherah..... :wink:

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 00:11


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




We ended the last article looking at the correlations between the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and the path of the Sun through the Zodiac, in particular the constellation Taurus as it parallels the depiction of the "Jesus Story" taken chronologically throughout the New Testaments' depiction of Jesus Christ. We have traced the "Jesus Story" not only through the Heavens as it parallels the path of the Sun through the Zodiac when "personified" and "allegorized" but have seen the genius of the Creator to inscribe upon the Heavens above His will for mankind and their "Spiritual Evolution". We have traced the Sun through the previous Houses of the Zodiac and when "personified" and with the aid of "anthropomorphic" language we have seen how the "Evolution of the Soul in matter" has been told through the "myths" and "legends" of sungods. The irony of this whole thing is that the "Jesus Story" is the story of the birth, life, growth, and death of the Soul in this physical realm we call "life". This "Jesus Story" is a "plan-o-gram" for mankind to follow and emulate as were many of the prior "sungod" stories as well. We have seen beginning with Capricorn that man was born into this physical world with the necessity of a "2nd birth" which is symbolized as we move to the House of Aquarius where we find the symbolic immersion into a "watery womb" or a "watery tomb" in baptism where as Judaism teaches man receives the "Soul that comes down from Heaven" and is "born again". We saw that this imagery of being "born again in water" is accompanied with "repentance" as seen in the immersion of John the Baptist and his "baptism of repentance". We saw that the language of John is very important as he lays out the desired growth of man's Soul; for it must increase as the power of his flesh decreases. We immediately move from this even in our spiritual growth to a full-blown war with our soul as we must fight the "darkness" within seen in the allegory of "Jesus' Temptation" with the Devil. This is but a picture of the Sun and its eternal battle with "darkness" again symbolized in the "Jesus Story" in Jesus' temptation where the "spirit" and "flesh" battle continuously. The Soul is intended to increase in strength over our flesh as we live out our lives and continually reflect more of the light of God daily as does the Sun in it new ascending path in the Heavens. We saw as we moved to Pisces that as we grow "spiritually" we must feed ourselves "the bread that comes down from Heaven" before we can feed others and become "fishers of men". Thus the symbolism of Pisces which stresses again the need for this bread due to the "intersection" in Heaven of these "two fish" or "2 natures in man; spiritual and fleshly". As we live a life of repentance unto good works we accomplish such a goal when fed the true "manna" of God. We then followed God's Sun into the Constellation of Aries where we first met up with the idea of "sacrifice" in relationship to the Lamb of God. We learned from this that God was teaching us that we are to become "living sacrifices", holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service while at the same time we are not conformed to this world continue to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in order that we might prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:1-2...KJV). We next found ourselves at the Spring Equinox were we learned that this is a special time with God and man which speaks God's Harmony and peace to all Creation. We also learned that this is the Harvest time when the Earth brings forth her fruit. We made note of the need for our fruit in our lives that comes through good works and obedience to the Commandments of God were according to Judaism we find and receive our atonement. As living sacrifices according to the Hebrew Scriptures we accomplish our own atonement. As we moved with the Sun into the Constellation of Taurus we saw the repeated emphasis upon "sacrifice" and continued fruitfulness on a large scale; a scale large enough to reach the world with this true message of maturation of man's Soul. We camped a little while here as we contrasted the Houses of Aries and Taurus for parallels between them and the unbelievable similarities between the "personified Sun" as "Mithra" and as "Jesus" in the New Testament. We move must move on with the Sun as it never sleeps and move with it into the House of Gemini and learn the next "Spiritual Lesson" that God has for us as we learn of the maturation of the Divine within matter; ie., our Souls.

Now we{short description of image} continue to go more deeply as we trace the Sun in its path through the Zodiac as it leaves Taurus and enters the constellation of Gemini. We by now are familiar with the astronomical concept that the Sun goes on a journey through the Zodiac during the 12 months of the year. We have been following this journey of the Sun and we have seen how uncannily the path of the Sun through the Zodiac matches up with the chronological depiction of "Jesus" and the journey that Jesus takes during his life and ministry as depicted by the writers of the New Testament. We have seen that according to the writers of the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus' ministry is said to last a year. We have also seen that the Sun completes its circuit of the Zodiac in a year. This is not a coincidence. We now look at the constellation Gemini to see the continuing struggle of the Sun against the darkness and note the parallels to the depiction of Jesus and his ministry as recorded in the New Testament.

The constellation of Gemini has been seen as twin figures by cultures throughout the world, back into prehistory. The 'Two Stars', referring to its very bright suns, which the Greeks recognized as Castor and Polydeuces, were named for the younger and elder forms of the god Horus by the Egyptians. To the Romans they were Hercules and Apollo. Often perceived as twin boys, the lore sustains that they were placed in the night sky by Jove to honor and exemplify the fidelity of their brotherly love. In other instances they were seen as a sister and brother or two angels, then within later Christian traditions, as Adam and Eve.

Stories of hero twins are also related throughout the world. For the Greeks their was Castor and Polydeuces, also known as the Dioscuri, or Heavenly Twins. They were the children of Zeus and Leda, queen of Sparta (yes...you may call them: 'sons of the swan.'), thus also the brothers to the infamous Helen, late of Troy. The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic. In their youth they sailed with Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece. To the Romans, who knew them as Castor and Pollux, the twins were invoked on the field of battle to assure victory. For centuries beyond they were held as guardians to sailors on extended or risky voyages.


We have not up to this time spent a lot of time with the Summer Solstice but our time has come as we find the Sun struggling to rise to the zenith of its path across the Heavens where it will eventually reach the apex of its path which is the Summer Solstice. Let us not forget the Sun, since raised from the dead at the Winter solstice has been ascending in the Sky on its way to its zenith. Associated with this path of the Sun across the Sky is the constellation Gemini. The constellation Gemini is traditionally depicted as two men (the twins). The two brightest stars in Gemini, Castor and Pollux (north of the bright star Procyon in Canis Minor), are two of the brightest stars in the sky and were identified by the Greeks with two children, in most accounts the twin sons of Zeus and Leda. As indicated by the "twins of Gemini" this is a time of increasing or doubling as the Sun reaches onward to its zenith. This path of the Sun to its zenith in the Sky ends on the Summer solstice when days are the longest and nights the shortest. It is at this time that the Sun is at the peak of its strength. In the northern hemisphere the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year (near June 22) when the Sun is farthest north. The Summer solstice is the longest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year. It is the time of the greatest light. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Summer solstice and Winter solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the Vernal equinox and Autumnal equinox. People around the world have observed spiritual and religious seasonal days of celebration during the month of June. Most have been religious holy days which are linked in some way to the Summer solstice. On this day, typically Jun 21, the daytime hours are at a maximum in the Northern hemisphere, and night time is at a minimum. It is officially the first day of summer.

Let us not forget that the seasons of the year are caused by the 23.5º tilt of the earth's axis. Because the earth is rotating like a top or gyroscope, the North Pole points in a fixed direction continuously -- towards a point in space near the North Star. But the earth is also revolving around the Sun. During half of the year, the southern hemisphere is more exposed to the Sun than is the northern hemisphere. During the rest of the year, the reverse is true. {short description of image}At noontime in the Northern Hemisphere the Sun appears high in the sky during summertime, and low during winter. As mentioned above the time of the year when the Sun reaches its maximum elevation occurs on the Summer solstice -- the day with the greatest number of daylight hours. On the Summer Solstice, which occurs on June 21, the Sun is at its highest path through the sky and the day is the longest. Because the day is so long the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but rises to the north of east and sets to the north of west allowing it to be in the sky for a longer period of time. After the Summer solstice the Sun follows a lower and lower path through the sky each day until it reaches the point where it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours again. This is the Fall or Autumn Equinox. Just like the Spring Equinox, the Sun will rise exactly east and set exactly west on this day and everyone in the world will experience a 12 hour day. After the Fall Equinox the Sun will continue to follow a lower and lower path through the sky and the days will grow shorter and shorter until it reaches its lowest path and then we are back at the Winter Solstice where we started.

The Summer solstice typically occurs on, or within a day or two of, Jun. 21 which is the first day of summer. The lowest elevation occurs about Dec. 21 and is the Winter solstice which is the first day of winter, when the night time hours reach their maximum. We get the word "Solstice", from the Latin for "Sun stands still", in astronomy, either of the two points on the ecliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular distance of 90°). For several days before and after each solstice the Sun appears to stand still in the sky, i.e., its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day. At the solstices the sun's apparent position on the celestial sphere reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial equator, about 23 1/2° of arc. At the time of Summer solstice, about June 22, the Sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Cancer.

Now that the technical information is out of the way we now focus on the fact that in pre-historic times, Summer was a joyous time of the year for those Ancient people who lived in the northern latitudes. The snow had disappeared; the ground had thawed out; warm temperatures had returned; flowers were blooming; leaves had returned to the deciduous trees. Some herbs could be harvested, for medicinal and other uses. Food was easier to find. This is the time of the first harvest, which usually consisted of the herbs planted during the Vernal Equinox. Other crops had already been planted and would be harvested in the months to come. Although many months of warm/hot weather remained before the fall, they noticed that the days were beginning to shorten, so that the return of the cold season was inevitable. Midsummer has been one of the important solar events throughout the evolution of humankind. It was an indicator that the year was about to begin waning, thus winter would be again returning. Although not all the ancients were as precise in the calculations from an astronomical point, you can be sure that they were keenly aware of the Sun's progression, and did most assuredly know when Solstice was upon them, as the Sun appeared to stand still in its northern progression.

The ancients knew that life came from the Sun, it was life giving, life supporting, without it life would be lost. The Sun was viewed as the Ancient's "Savior" of sorts. The journey of the Sun impacted life at every level in the course of time, only relatively recently with the advances of electricity, greenhouses, transportation networks, has human reliance on the passage of the Sun been lessened. Even with this dependence lessening, in this technological age, necessity of the Sun and its path is crucial to our existence, however it is not as apparent today to many. Midsummer is the time when the Sun reaches the peak of its power, the earth is green and holds the promise of a bountiful harvest.


We say in the previous article that Jesus, in the form of the personified Sun, passed through Taurus and in so doing likewise passed across the Milky Way which is that starry band of millions of stars that lies like a lake across the sky. We saw that at this point in the "Jesus Story" Jesus crosses "the lake" and we as expected found the allegorical story of Jesus walking on water.

Answer for yourself: What happens as the Sun moves past Taurus and the Milky Way?{short description of image}

On the star map provided I want the reader to look to the bottom right and locate the "Hyades" which is part of the Constellation of Taurus. If you draw a diagonal line ascending from bottom right to upper left you come to another Constellation named Gemini. This path between the "Hyades" in Taurus and ascending to Gemini is called the "Ecliptic" and this is the path of the Sun as it moves through the Zodiac in the Heavens. In our study it is important to note as seen in the reference above Sun crossing the "water" or "milky way" in the Heavens which is later retold in the "personified Jesus Story" as Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee and walking on water. After the Sun crosses the Milky Way it moves into the constellation Gemini called "the twins" Castor and Pollox (the two bright stars in Gemini are named Castor and Pollux).

Answer for yourself: What do we find Jesus doing in the gospels right after crossing the lake? We find an account of Jesus healing the sick but how many? How many people is Jesus healing? He is only healing "two".

If our premise holds we should expect to find Jesus associated with "two" (Castor and Pollox) people and that is exactly what we find. In the "Jesus Story", after crossing the lake (which we saw was Jesus as the personified Sun crossing the Milky Way), Jesus heals two demon possessed men.

Matt 8:28-34 28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? 30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. 31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. 32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. 33 And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. 34 And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Does the New Testament mention Castor and Pollux? It sure does

Answer for yourself: Is this just a coincidence that Jesus meets two men that need to be healed or is this again symbolic for the constellation Gemini as the Sun moves through the Zodiac?

Acts 28:11 11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. (KJV)

We made mention earlier of the connection of the Harvest with this time of the year around Summer when the Sun enters Gemini. This is a time of increase or doubling as the Sun continually rises in the Sky to its Zenith and its peak of strength. This is especially so noting the connection of Shavuot, or Pentecost, with the sign of Gemini. In Matt. 12:1 we find Jesus and his disciples going through the fields full of grain plucking the heads of grain to eat. As you can see the seasons are advancing.

Matt 12:1 1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. (KJV)

We find in the "Jesus Story" the masterful strength portrayed by Jesus in his teachings where he pronounces that like the Sun his strength is without limit and beyond contest:

Matt 12:8 8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. (KJV)

No one can challenge Jesus and win or try to usurp his power for none can win for we find Jesus in all his glory and majesty in his ministry portrayed at this time which is keeping in symbolism of the Sun moving to its Zenith where its light is at its greatest. This great power of the "personified Sun" in the allegory of the "Jesus Story" is seen in Jesus ability to control the "darkness of the physical realm" as witnessed in the many accounts of the miracles of Jesus over "demons" in the New Testament. Let us not forget what we previously learned about the "Devil" being "personified darkness".

Matt 12:22 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.

Matt 12:23-24 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Is Jesus being challenged by these evil Pharisees accurate to Jewish theology and Jewish history? No not really as we show in other articles where Jesus was likewise supposedly challenged by the Pharisees for healing on the Sabbath and eating of the Sabbath. Jewish law allows for both healing on the Sabbath as well as plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath when one's life is endangered and we find Jesus in the text fleeing from Herod Antipas. This action would be perfectly permissible by Jewish Law but the writers of the New Testament had to show the opposition to Jesus and did so by misrepresenting the Pharisees. This dualism between light and darkness and it constant and eternal struggle is pictured in these false representations of the Pharisees.






We mentioned previously that at the Solstices, both the Winter and the Summer Solstices, the earth's tilt reaches it maximum and begins to retrograde and along with this it appear that the Earth has remained motionless or "dead" once again in 3 years. In keeping with the parallel of the personification of the Sun and the life and evolution of the life and ministry of Jesus in the New Testament we should expect to find at this particular time in the ministry of Jesus some reference to "death for 3 days".

Answer for yourself: Do we find such a reference in sequence to the events in the life of this Jesus as found in the Gospel account of a death for 3 days? We sure do!

Matt 12:38-40 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (KJV)

Here we find, in sequential order in the Gospels mind you, Jesus' reference to the Summer Solstice and the 3 days of death of Jonas where he is in the belly of the big fish. This teaching of Jesus occurs when the Sun is in Gemini which is the time of the Summer Soltice. This death of Jonas is likened by Jesus to his own coming death at the next Solstice which is 6 months away, the Winter Solstice, were like Jonas he will remain dead for 3 days like the Sun is dead for 3 days before being resurrected again.

Answer for yourself: Is this just a lucky coincidence that when the Sun remains "dead" in the Heavens and Sky for 3 days, at the Summer and Winter Solstice, we find Jonas dead for 3 days and later Jesus dead 3 days?

We find associated with this event the challenge of those bad Pharisees that seem to be constantly challenging Jesus in the "Jesus Story" just like the Sun is constantly challenged by the darkness continually in its rise to its zenith of strength at the Summer solstice in Gemini.

John 3:19-21 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. (KJV)


Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 01:21
Event Jubilee Years
Birth of Abraham 40th 2000
Exodus 50th 2500
Dedication of Solomon’s temple 60th 3000
Decree to Rebuild Jerusalem 70th 3500
Death and Resurrection of Jesus 80th 4000
Consummation 120th 6000



Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/09/2012 17:57
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5

105. Salmos 119:142: Tu justicia es justicia eterna,
Y tu ley la VERDAD.

106. Salmos 119:151: Cercano estás tú, oh Jehová,
Y todos tus mandamientos son VERDAD.

107. Salmos 119:160: La suma de tu palabra es VERDAD,
Y eterno es todo juicio de tu justicia.
252. Juan 8:32: y conoceréis la VERDAD, y la VERDAD os hará libres.


274. Juan 8:7: Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté LIBRE sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la PIEDRA contra ella.

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/12/2012 20:26

Here`s another chessboard for you L., "Queen`s Knight" - chess game in

the kingdom of Akhenaten.

From the Borderlands - mjastudio.com

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/12/2012 15:33
No not a catalogue Sheila

but Flammarion had a tower
Emma Calve had a tower
Sauniere had a tower

Renne makes a great point here the Templars like their towers and for good reason
and the Temple church in london has a Tower

Also the Templars had the Tower in Paris

Magdal eder means watchtower


Here is the rook on a chess board of black and white
like the tiles on Saunieres floors
his tower looks like a rook

The head of the World Chess Federation believes chess was handed down by possibly extraterrestrials or a Atlantian

The Templar church in London has the two riders on one horse
just like the Knight stone at Sauniere Museum

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/12/2012 16:35





    When molten sulphur is cooled, it solidifies into monoclinic sulphur. Sublimate of sulphur is called ‘flower of sulphur’. When sulphur is obtained by a chemical reaction as precipitate it is called ‘milk of sulphur’. These are made up of rhombic sulphur. Scientists have discovered many more allotropes of sulphur under different conditions.

    All of them get transformed into rhombic sulphur at room temperature.

    Sulphur has catenating power. It forms strong S-S covalent bonds. This results in formation of Sg molecules. Sg molecules have a shape of a crown like ring (Fig. 1.5). Both, rhombic and monoclinic sulphur contain S8 rings. At high temperatures smaller molecules like Sg, S4, S2, S also exist.

Rhombic sulfur and the unfinished pyramid

Kether the Crown of the Kabbalah

Sulfur or sulphur (play /ˈsʌlfər/ SUL-fərsee spelling below) is the chemical elementwith atomic number 16, represented by the symbol S. It is an abundantmultivalentnon-metal. At normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with chemical formula S8. Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow crystalline solid. Chemically, sulfur can react as either an oxidant orreducing agent. It oxidizes most metals and several nonmetals, including carbon, which leads to its negatives charge in mostorganosulfur compounds, but it reduces several strong oxidants, such as oxygenand fluorine.

In nature, sulfur can be found as the pure element and as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Elemental sulfur crystals are commonly sought after by mineral collectors for their brightly colored polyhedron shapes. Being abundant in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times, mentioned for its uses inancient GreeceChina and Egypt.

St Peters Square Vatican octagonal division
Mount temple top view
Mount temple fron view
Orpheus ceiling

Rhombic dodecahedron

The rhombic dodecahedron can be used to tessellate 3-dimensional space. It can be stacked to fill a space much like hexagons fill a plane.

This tessellation can be seen as the Voronoi tessellation of theface-centred cubic lattice. Some minerals such as garnet form a rhombic dodecahedral crystal habitHoneybees use the geometry of rhombic dodecahedra to form honeycomb from a tessellation of cells each of which is a hexagonal prism capped with half a rhombic dodecahedron. The rhombic dodecahedron also appears in the unit cells of diamond and diamondoids. In these cases, four vertices are absent, but the chemical bonds lie on the remaining edges

Honey comb

Copper sulfate crystal

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the hull of the vertex-first projection of a tesseract to 3 dimensions. There are exactly two ways of decomposing a rhombic dodecahedron into 4 congruent parallelepipeds, giving 8 possible parallelepipeds. The 8 cells of the tesseract under this projection map precisely to these 8 parallelepipeds.

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the maximal cross-section of a 24-cell, and also forms the hull of its vertex-first parallel projection into 3 dimensions. The rhombic dodecahedron can be decomposed into 6 congruent (but non-regular) square dipyramids meeting at a single vertex in the center; these form the images of 6 pairs of the 24-cell’s octahedral cells. The remaining 12 octahedral cells project onto the faces of the rhombic dodecahedron. The non-regularity of these images are due to projective distortion; the facets of the 24-cell are regular octahedra in 4-space.

This decomposition gives an interesting method for constructing the rhombic dodecahedron: cut a cube into 6 congruent square pyramids, and attach them to the faces of a second cube. The triangular faces of each pair of adjacent pyramids lie on the same plane, and so merge into rhombuses. The 24-cell may also be constructed in an analogous way using two tesseracts.

The tesseract represents 4 th dimension and is the projection or shadow of the rhombic dodecahedron

A 3D projection of an 8-cell performing adouble rotation about two orthogonal planes

1111 familiar ?

The rhombic dodecahedron forms the convex hull of the tesseracts vertex-first parallel-projection. The number of vertices in the layers of this projection is 1 4 6 4 1 – the fourth row in Pascal’s triangle.

Pascal triangle

Each number in the triangle is the sum of the two directly above it.

Patterns and properties

Pascal’s triangle has many properties and contains many patterns of numbers.


  • When adding all the digits in a single row, each successive row has twice the value of the row preceding it. For example, row 1 has a value of 1, row 2 has a value of 2, row 3 has a value of 4, and so forth.
  • The value of a row, if each entry is considered a decimal place (and numbers larger than 9 carried over accordingly) is a power of 11 ( 11n, for row n). Thus, in row two, ’1,2,1′ becomes 112, while ’1,5,10,10,5,1′ in row six becomes (after carrying) 161,051, which is 115. This property is explained by setting x = ’10′ in the binomial expansion of (x + 1)row=n, and adjusting values to the decimal system. But x can be chosen to allow rows to represent values in any base – such as base 3; 1 2 13['1,2,1'] = 42 (16), 2 1 0 13 ['1,3,3,1'] = 43 (64) – or base 9; 1 2 19 = 102 (100), 1 3 3 19 = 103 (1000) and 1 6 2 1 5 19 ['1,5,10,10,5,1'] = 105 (100,000). In particular (see next property), for x = 1 place value remains constant(1place=1). Thus entries can simply be added in interpreting the value of a row.
  • The sum of the elements of row m is equal to 2m−1. For example, the sum of the elements of row 5 is 1 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 16, which is equal to 24 = 16. This follows from the binomial theorem proved above, applied to (1 + 1)m−1.
  • If rows are numbered starting with n = 0, the sum of the elements in the row is simply 2n, so row 0 adds to 20 = 1, row 1 adds to 21 = 2, etc.
  • Some of the numbers in Pascal’s triangle correlate to numbers in Lozanić’s triangle.
  • The sum of the squares of the elements of row m equals the middle element of row (2m − 1). For example, 12 + 42 + 62 + 42 + 12 = 70. In general form:
sum_{k=0}^n {n choose k}^2 = {2n choose n}.
  • Another interesting pattern is that on any row m, wherem is odd, the middle term minus the term two spots to the left equals a Catalan number, specifically the (m + 1)/2 Catalan number. For example: on row 5, 6 − 1 = 5, which is the 3rd Catalan number, and (5 + 1)/2 = 3.
  • Another interesting property of Pascal’s triangle is that in rows where the second number (immediately following ’1′) is prime, all the terms in that row except the 1s are multiples of that prime.
Square dipyramids or octahedron
    A particularly popular polyhedron is the pyramid. If we restrict ourselves to regular polygons for faces, there are three possible pyramids: the triangle-based tetrahedron, the square pyramid, and the pentagonal pyramid. Being bounded by regular polygons, these last two fall within the class of Johnson solids. One interesting property of pyramids is that like the tetrahedron, their duals are also pyramids. (Incidentally, the Egyptian pyramids have square bases but the triangular side faces are not quite equilateral; they are very close to half a golden rhombus.)

Louvre Pyramid and rhombic sulfur
Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 03:49

Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/01/2013 04:55

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/01/2013 23:43

Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 87 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2013 05:33
Whoop getting back to the Black and White imagery and symbolism

So then we have the Freemasons banner

The knights wore a white surcoat with a red cross and a white mantle; the sergeants wore a black tunic with a red cross on front and back and a black or brown mantle.[58][59] The white mantle was assigned to the Templars at the Council of Troyes in 1129, and the cross was most probably added to their robes at the launch of the Second Crusade in 1147, when Pope Eugenius III, King Louis VII of France, and many other notables attended a meeting of the French Templars at their headquarters near Paris.[60][61][62] According to their Rule, the knights were to wear the white mantle at all times, even being forbidden to eat or drink unless they were wearing it

It is that light and dark imagery which Jesus talks about often

Matthew 5:13-16(#19 of 25 Bible Verses about Light)
13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

sound similiar to the Sufi master in away

Romans 13:12 (#25 of 25 Bible Verses about Light)
12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Isaiah 50:10(#16 of 25 Bible Verses about Light)
10 Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the word of his servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.

Knights Templar played Chess

Here is George Washington with his apron

and we see the black and white tiles of Rennes
which the black and white imagery is in Notre Dame and other churches

Everything is Connected and there are no

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