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MARIA MAGDALENA - SANTO GRIAL: Mas pruebas de que Marcos es Hijo de Cristo
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Reply  Message 1 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 06/06/2011 16:14

Mas pruebas de que Juan Marcos es Hijo de Cristo y Maria Magdalena

1) Mateo 16:18 (Numero de Oro) en contexto a la señal de Jonas, en el mismo capitulo 16 e incluso con la ESCALERA DE JACOB. En Hechos 12:12 (1+2,1+2:3,3 o 33) es PEDRO el que aparece con Maria la madre de Juan Marcos. ¿Porque es PEDRO el que tiene mas fuerte relacion con JUAN MARCOS? LA CONSPIRACION MASONICO/TEMPLARIA GIRA ALREDEDOR DEL NUMERO 33. Dicho numero sale de la estrella de 6 puntas (estrella de David), el cual un numero 3 equivale al triangulo superior y el otro 3 al inferior. Dicha estrella simboliza a la union entre el hombre y la mujer

. A la misma la vemos en la misma bandera del estado de Israel. En este contexto vemos a la interrelacion de la ESCALERA DE JACOB/ISRAEL con la UNION DEL HOMBRE Y LA MUJER en la misma bandera del actual ESTADO DE ISRAEL.

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción

Escalera de Jacob-Alquimia entre el cielo y tierra



2) JUAN MARCOS ES UN NEO-JONAS segun HECHOS 13, 14 y 15 ya que no va con PABLO  a predicar a MALTA y se queda en Jerusalem.

3) PHI-LO-SO-PHI-A O FILOSOFIA tiene fuerte relacion con el NUMERO DE ORO FI o PHI. ¿Se acuerdan de la REINA VESTIDA CON ORO DE O-FI-R O O-PHI-R de SALMOS 45:9)? Vemos que esta en clave el NUMERO DE ORO. La gematria de MARIA MAGDALENA (297) en el griego es igual a la gematria de OPHIR en el hebreo que tambien es exactamente el mismo numero.

4) JUAN MARCOS era NIÑO EN LA EPOCA DE CRISTO. ¿Que tenia que hacer un niño y mas en contexto a que la SANTA CENA hay fuerte probabilidad que fue en la casa de MARIA LA MADRE DE MARCOS?


5) La relacion de JUAN MARCOS con la ESCALERA DE JACOB e incluso con el SHABBAT. "Ni el extrangero que esta adentro de tus puertas". Juan significa puerta



6) La presencia fuerte de Pedro en la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS en contexto a los GENTILES en HECHOS 10 Y 11 y obviamente previamente a HECHOS 12. MAR-IA O MIR-YAM en hebreo tiene fuerte NEXO CON LOS GENTILES. MAR=PUEBLO, NACIONES, MUCHEDUMBRES Y LENGUAS SEGUN APOCALIPSIS 17. En la BIBLIA CUANDO siempre se expresa de la viuda es en un contexto al huerfano y el extrangero.




8) El fuerte nexo de los capitulos 12 con MARIA MAGDALENA en contexto al cumplimiento del pacto ABRAHAMICO GENESIS 12, en contexto al UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA (EL UNGIMIENTO QUE NO SE ESTUDIA EN LA CRISTIANDAD MISOGENA Y PATRIARCAL) con JUAN 12 e incluso con APOCALIPSIS 12 la mujer que esta en el cielo vestida con el sol Y CON LA LUNA bajo sus pies. UNA REFERENCIA ALEGORICA FUERTE CON EL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA TENIENDO EN CUENTA QUE CRISTO ES ISRAEL/VIRGEN CON LA LUNA/MARIA MAGDALENA EN SUS PIES Y CON LAS 12 ESTRELLAS/APOSTOLES ARRIBA DE SU CABEZA. Los capitulos 12 e incluso dicho numero tiene fuerte nexo con MARIA LA MAGDALENA. Estudiar el sueño de Jose. MAGDALENA APARECE 12 VECES EN LA TORA.





 בָּנָה baná; raíz prim.; construir (lit y fig.):-albañil, canterón, poner cimientos, construir, edificador, edificar, edificio, fabricar, fortificar, hacer, tener hijo, labrar, levantar, maestro, obra, poner, properar, reedificar, reparar, restablecer, restaurar.



En el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa y levantar el nombre de la familia. En el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7, el Mesías Regio judío es llamado el Hijo de Di-s, según está escrito:

"Yo he puesto mi rey sobre Sión, mi santo monte. Yo publicaré el decreto [uno de los pasos para la entronización del rey judío>; el Señor me ha dicho: Mi hijo eres tú; Yo te engendré hoy."

En Hechos 13:33, confirma el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7 está hablando sobre el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, según está escrito:

"La cual Dios ha cumplido a los hijos de ellos, a nosotros, resucitando a Jesús; como está escrito también en el salmo segundo: Mi hijo eres tú, yo te he engendrado hoy."

En la Mikvá (inmersión/bautismo) del Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, una voz (kol) del cielo habló a Yeshúa/Jesús y le llamó el Hijo de Di-s. En Mateo (Matityahu) 3:13, 16-17 está escrito:

"Entonces Jesús vino de Galilea a Juan [Yojanán el Inmersor> al Jordán, para ser bautizado por él…y Jesús, después que fue bautizado, subió luego del agua; y he aquí los cielos le fueron abiertos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios [Rúaj HaKódesh> que descendía como paloma, y venía sobre él. Y hubo una voz que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado [Salmo 2:7>, en quien tengo complacencia."

Una vez más, en el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa. Esta verdad se puede comprender de la lengua hebrea misma. La palabra hebrea para hijo es "ben." Es la palabra 1121 de Strong en la Concordancia Hebrea. Hijo o ben en hebreo significa "un hijo o constructor del nombre de la familia." Hijo o ben en hebreo viene de la palabra 1129 que es la palabra hebrea "Baná" que significa "construir." La palabra hebrea para casa es, beit, Es la palabra 1004 de Strong. La palabra hebrea para casa, beit, también viene de la palabra hebrea "baná" que significa "construir." Por lo tanto, la lengua hebrea nos comunica que tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa o levantar el nombre de la familia. Esta verdad espiritual se puede ver en la Torá en el libro de Deuteronomio (Devarim) 25:5-9, según está escrito:

"Cuando hermanos habitaren juntos, y muriere alguno de ellos, y no tuviere hijo, la mujer del muerto no se casará fuera con hombre extraño; su cuñado se llegará a ella, y la tomará por su mujer, y hará con ella parentesco. Y el primogénito que ella diere a luz sucederá en el nombre de su hermano muerto, para que el nombre de éste no sea borrado de Israel. Y si el hombre no quisiere tomar a su cuñada, irá entonces su cuñada a la puerta, a los ancianos, y dirá: Mi cuñado no quiere suscitar nombre en Israel a su hermano; no quiere emparentar conmigo. Entonces los ancianos de aquella ciudad lo harán venir, y hablarán con él; y si él se levantare y dijere: No quiero tomarla, se acercará entonces su cuñada a él delante de los ancianos, y le quitará el calzado del pie, y le escupirá en el rostro, y hablará y dirá: Así será hecho al varón que no quiere edificar la casa de su hermano."




10) El YOM KIPUR con fuerte nexo CON LA VIUDA (CASA DE ORACION) e incluso con las BODAS DE CANA Y CON LA RESURRECCION DE LAZARO (AMBAS EN UN SEPTIMO DIA) EN CONTEXTO A QUE EL SHABBAT ES LA NOVIA (¿Porque aparece MARIA LA MADRE EN LAS BODAS DE CANA Y NUESTRO SEÑOR LE LLAMA MUJER? ¿Usted alguna vez le llamo a su madre mujer?¿No dice el quinto mandamiento (el 5 es el numero de la alquimia) HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE? ¿Segun Galatas 3 y 4, insisto en contexto al ungimiento de Betania y cumplimiento del pacto abrahamico de Genesis 12, no aparece que CRISTO FUE "NACIDO DE UNA MUJER" en contexto a que PABLO HACE REFERENCIA A "JERUSALEN" NUESTRA MADRE GALATAS 4:26? Volviendo con el YOM KIPUR segun LEVITICO 16 el SUMO SACERDOTE TENIA QUE HACER LA EXPIACION PRIMERO POR SU CASA, osea que la TORA EXIGIA SI O SI QUE EL MISMO TENIA QUE SER CASADO.

Mt 3:11, texto koiné restaurado









  13) En manuscritos mas antiguos en contexto a la Santa Cena firura el nombre de Juan Marcos.


En los proximos dias, DIOS MEDIANTE, vamos a agregar mas evidencias.


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Reply  Message 13 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/07/2011 00:33

Reply  Message 14 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/07/2011 22:33
                                    Sexy Star of David

In an attempt to show the wavering that God's gift of sex is not
'evil' but an integral part of His Design, a consideration and under-
standing of the sexy "STAR OF DAVID' would be helpful. It's also
called the 'Seal of Solomon', and is composed of two equilateral tri-
angles that form a six sided star. This symbol was adopted by nationalistic political Israel in the  late
1800's to represent them but actually derived from what the Lord told King David almost three thousand years ago. (SEE also
Star of David SEAL)

   The triangles taken by themselves are exactly the same (See
Equality of the Sexes) and each is an extension of the ineffable Name of the Lord of Lords, YHWH, sometimes called Jehovah. In simple terms, this great triangle, top to bottom, right to left unfolds the Y, or Yod, or number 10, to Yod-He, to Yod-He-Vau, to Yod-He-Vau-He (YHWH) or Yahweh. In the alphanumeric sacred language of Hebrew, this corresponds to 10+15+21+26 equals the GREAT NUMBER 72. (SEE Magic Ratio's)

   The upward pointing triangle obviously sexually represents the male element, whereas the downward pointing triangle graphically represents the female. And together when layed on top of each other or in union and intertwined as in the Star of David configuration, they add up to the significant number 72+72+ 1444, or 12 times 12 (tribes), which correlates to the Bride of Christ as mentioned by Jesus in His

   Iin Hebrew terms, the completion of the Holy Name follows from Yod, the Father (masculine)..He, the Mother (
Holy Spirit. - feminine).. Vau, the Son (Jesus - masculine).. and the final He is the Bride of the Bridegroom. (feminine) So from the very beginning it has been God's plan to both plant and have his righteous seed reproduce to fill not only the Earth but the soon to come New Jerusalem, His Heavenly City. He started with the original couple, Adam and Eve, created on the sixth literal day and from then on they were to follow the 1st physical and spiritual commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis). And as we know, they weren't taught how to do it, but it came naturally and instinctively from their God-given hormones and divinely designed equipment. They merely obeyed the Lord and as others have noted in the scriptures his commandments are not grievous.

   Yet even after the bad seed killed the good seed, Adam and Eve reproduced and did their multiplication math once again creating a righteous seed, until it got established thru maturity and then reproduced again from generation to generation. This was the basis of the ancient riddle, the solution of which answers one of our greatest questions.

   The question of sacred geometry was how many people or rabbits etc would a mature couple produce in time if their ancestry also matured and reproduced? Why, because all nature follows this branching pattern of the Lord in His Creation from the literal branches of a tree (and flowers etc. etc.) to the human family tree.The solution looks like this, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 and on and on, which is called the Fibornacci Series. As each new step is an addition of the last two steps, or the next generated generation. Eventually this series fine tunes itself into a multiplication series where ultimately each new number is l.618....... times as large as the last one. And magically this is the hidden
GOLDEN SECTION, or PHI, the esoteric absolute proof that the Lord created all of life whether in the macrocosm or the microcosm. For this proportion of .382+.618= 1, is not only in nature like the trees and in - sections insects, but in our own bodies as well. This is why it was also called the DIVINE proportion.

   All famous mathematicians, artists, architects and other masters of the past knew it but kept it hidden from the goyum masses. Yet from the beauty of its absolute mathematical proof of the design of Nature thru our Common Creator, we could only glimpse its correlation with ourselves thru veiled paintings likeDaVinci's, naked man with outstretched arms inside the squared circle. The square being equal to the circumference of the circle which had a radius of the square root of PHI (square root of 1.618 or 1.272. This correlates with the design of man and with the pyramidal structure of crystals as demonstrated by the Giza pyramid. For the Giza pyramid like crystal quartz has a height of l.272 and a side length of l.618. And to further boggle your mind, the five pointed star, incorporates this same proportions, of 1 and 1.618 in its design, which all means we should be worshipping the
Creator of Creation not the mere Creation, stars or the heavenly bodies of man and woman.

   So anyway with a little study an honest student will learn that true science will confirm true religion because the Lord's spirit actually created the material world. So let's now, get back to the sexy Star of David, and see if there is any confirmation in the physical realm, whether in the microcosm or the macrocosm because  in sacred geometry size and distance has little value, only the proportion and 'harmony and music of the spheres'....This music, curiously enough, coming from the Egyptian word meaning 'birth' thru the Christian symbol, the FISH, the Vesica Pisces, but that's another sexy geometric story for another time (SEE
Music Frequency Board)

   And Viola, with a little time and effort, you find that just as PHI was the link between static and living geometry, the PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT of crystals correlates mechanical and electrical energies together.The Piezo effect is the reversible quality of crystals to go from mechanical energy (sexual squeezing) to electrical energy (lightning - climax). This is the door used by our computers that opens and closes via electrical impulse like the Key of David (Revelations) which can only be opened and closed by the Lord's electricity. With inward pressure, the hexagonal (Star of David) transverse shape of a crystal, contracts the centers of the two triangles causing a difference in their centers producing a spark of electricity

  That's why sex feels good, it is literally an electric charge from our Maker, whether we are male or female. The build-up is the same, the physiology basis is the same. For we are created to compliment each other in equality to produce the spark of life and reproduce and pass on the seeds of righteousness, so how then can our bodies be 'evil'?  For we aren't some accident of nature, the luck of evolution or the product of chaos, but a divinely designed creation of the Creator being made in his very 'image'. So no wonder King David said 'we are wonderfully and beautifully designed.'

   So when somebody says his or her touch was electrical, it is not just emotional exaggeration but based on science and according to our Creator's will and design, even shown by his Beloved' David's Star. This is why massage therapy has value, and why the Lord instructed us to 'lay hands on the sick.' Touch is more than soothing but actually can Heal (SEE
Faith Healing) And so the same is true with sex, if done under the right conditions with the right people, at the right time. For we are electrical in nature, which is just a vibration (and up and down frequency) which should be in tune or harmony with the One who created us. His Name is Jesus.

Don't you agree? In His Service


Reply  Message 15 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 13/07/2011 22:46
33 HZ

Reply  Message 16 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/07/2011 04:30



De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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Todos los días

El 15 de agosto es el bicentésimo vigésimo séptimo (227º) día del año del Calendario Gregoriano y el 228º en los años bisiestos. Quedan 138 días para finalizar el año.

La Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana celebra en este día la Festividad de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora, que es tradicionalmente fiesta de ámbito nacional en toda España, además de en otros países.

Reply  Message 17 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 16/07/2011 15:45
A es igual a al COMPAS
L es igual a la ESCUADRA
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados).
Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
(Mateo 11: 25-26).

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"
(Romanos, 11: 33).

"Y esto ruego, que vuestro Amor (agape) abunde aun más y más
en Ciencia (gnwsei=gnosis)
y en todo Conocimiento, ("epignosis": Conocimiento (Gnosis) Pleno.)"
(Filipenses, 1: 9).


La Galaxia del Remolino (M51), de Ken Mackintosh muestra la Galaxia del Remolino lentamente devorando su vecino más pequeño 

Reply  Message 18 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/07/2011 22:57

33 Degrees

Number of the Master.

© Olga Morales Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered? In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.' 1

'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years." 2

Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 3 'And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinox…the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line." 4

What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess.

According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was 'Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the 'Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed heavenward.

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves. Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the 1850's it well accepted. 'Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe.' 5

An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades'7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'. 8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar.9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the cranary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light.10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis…but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us.' 11

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa.12 His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar13 actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. 'Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves' Matthew 11:16 'Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.' 14

The Phoenix Capsule symbolic of the Stargate. Stairway to Zion.
The Five-Pointed Star on Chilean Flag - Icon of Sirius. Red, Blue
and White - Colors of Sirius Star System. Stairway to Sirius.

This ascension was ritualized in the symbolic rescue of the 33 miners at the San Jose gold and copper mine near the city of Copiapo, Chile. The miners were stuck in a mine shaft shelter at 2,300ft, about 5 kilometres from the mine entrance.. It took 33 days for the drill to complete the rescue shaft. The rescue shaft had a diameter of 66 centimeters, which is 33 times two. They were rescued on October 13th, 2010. 1013. Ergo 23 and 33. The first note the miners sent up to show they were still alive was "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter), which was 33 characters in length. The director Rodrigo Ortuzar plans to script a film around the tale of desperate descent and rebirth, aptly titled "The 33" and it is slated to have a runtime time of one hour and 33 minutes. There are 33 days between 9/11 (September 9th) to 13/10 (October 13th ). The capsule used in the rescued was called "The Phoenix." The Phoenix capsule was measured at 13 feet long, and 26 (2 x 13) inches wide. The first miner that was rescued at the time of 11:11 PM and his last name was Silver. There is a big black healing stone near to the mine, said to have fallen from space several hundred years ago. The Incas were the custodians of this rock and they formulated a secret society called the Lords of the Black Stone. Which reminds me of the Black Rock in LOST that eventually formulating part of the Jack's odyssey to ascension. Incidentally, the Knights Templars was one of the groups that helped to free Chile from Spain and Britain; and the date of October 13 is quite symbolic to the Templars, since it was on that date in 1307 that the members of the Order was arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, leading ultimately to total disbandment by the Papacy in 1312. The red cross and symbolism of the Templars represents Sirius and the Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The miners were rescued after 69 days. 69 is 23 x 3. 69 is a Rapture (Ascension) Code, since it is believed that God's clock will switch from 69 to 70 - marking the beginning of the 70th week of the prophet Daniel or Tribulation. October 13th, represents 227 days following another Rapture. And on February 27th, (2/27) of 2010, a major earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit Chile. The quake occurred exactly 33 weeks before the mine collapse. The Babylonian Empire and the Tower of Babel was established on the 33rd Degree Parallel. According to the Bible, Jesus died and ascended to Heaven when he was 33 years old. Solomon's Temple (Temple of the Sun) designed by Hiram Abiff, the Freemason, lasted for 33 years. This brings us back to the Stairways to Heaven, Stairways to Sirius, Stairways to Zion. The Star of David, since the Jesus is the Stairway or Stargate and the number of the Star of David is 33.  Because of Jesus' ascension at 33, the Master Number was attributed to the Master Initiate in Freemason, signifying the achievement of the highest spiritual consciousness. The DNA and Ascension themes is further seen when you consider that there was 33 miners in the mine for 69 days, six is representative of Earth joining with Heaven, represented by nine similiar to mythologies like that of Gaia/Uranus and Nuit/Geb. This entrains with the work of Mayan expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman,  who believes that we are leaving the sixth night to enter the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld:

"As the thirteenth energy, or seventh day, of the Galactic Underworld starts on November 3, 2010 we may say that the particular Yin/Yang-polarity that this has been projecting onto the Earth is locked into position and will not be replaced by any further night in this Underworld."

Calleman believes that we are on course towards complete ascension of the cosmic pyramid at  the ninth wave or level, which resonates with my theory.

So, let's take it back where I started. According to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, 33 and its extension 333 represents the resurrection and ascension from death like the Phoenix. In a handmade drawing of King Solomon's signet ring to show the deep meaning of 3, 33, and 333 a crude illustration of the Star of David is revealed.  The drawing signifies the escape of the death/reincarnation cycle or the Sirius-Sol convergence through ascension. The birth, death and reincarnated cycle of the Garden of Eden; of Isis, Osiris and Horus; and of Jesus. 333 is half of 666. As I have said before, 333 in Jewish Gematria is KUNDALINI and MASONIC LADER. Blavatsky's drawing appeared in her book "Isis Unveiled," and we have already mentioned that Isis represents Sirius.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3.

In our present state of amnesia, we subscribe fervently to the teachings and philosophies that emanate from religious strongholds, not understanding that we are witnessing the masking by the Luciferian Priest Class of Magicians of the devolutionary history of this world, the DNA hybridization and the posthumanism evolution towards the ascension of the "Serpent Gods." Perhaps the following symbolic video of the interstellar explosion of Sirius, the death and rebirth of the Phoenix and the red Aeon of Horus from Kanye West will open your eyes to the deception perpetuated in the illusionary matrix construct.

 "It’s the story of a Phoenix fallen to Earth, and I make her my girlfriend, and people discriminate against her and eventually she has to burn herself alive and go back to her world... I’ve been feeling the idea of the Phoenix. It’s been in my heart for a while. It’s maybe parallel to my career." - Kanye West.

Reply  Message 19 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/07/2011 23:50
1 Y RESPONDIO Jehová á Job desde un torbellino, y dijo: 2 ¿Quién es ése que oscurece el consejo Con palabras sin sabiduría? 3 Ahora ciñe como varón tus lomos; Yo te preguntaré, y hazme saber tú. 4 ¿Dónde estabas cuando yo fundaba la tierra? Házme lo saber, si tienes inteligencia. 5 ¿Quién ordenó sus medidas, si lo sabes? ¿O quién extendió sobre ella cordel? 6 ¿Sobre qué están fundadas sus basas? ¿O quién puso su piedra angular, 7 Cuando las estrellas todas del alba alababan, Y se regocijaban todos los hijos de Dios? 8 ¿Quién encerró con puertas la mar, Cuando se derramaba por fuera como saliendo de madre; 9 Cuando puse yo nubes por vestidura suya, Y por su faja oscuridad. 10 Y establecí sobre ella mi decreto, Y le puse puertas y cerrojo, 11 Y dije: Hasta aquí vendrás, y no pasarás adelante, Y ahí parará la hinchazón de tus ondas? 12 ¿Has tu mandado á la mañana en tus días? ¿Has mostrado al alba su lugar, 13 Para que ocupe los fines de la tierra, Y que sean sacudidos de ella los impíos? 14 Trasmúdase como lodo bajo de sello, Y viene á estar como con vestidura: 15 Mas la luz de los impíos es quitada de ellos, Y el brazo enaltecido es quebrantado. 16 ¿Has entrado tú hasta los profundos de la mar, Y has andado escudriñando el abismo? 17 ¿Hante sido descubiertas las puertas de la muerte, Y has visto las puertas de la sombra de muerte? 18 ¿Has tú considerado hasta las anchuras de la tierra? Declara si sabes todo esto. 19 ¿Por dónde va el camino á la habitación de la luz, Y dónde está el lugar de las tinieblas? 20 ¿Si llevarás tú ambas cosas á sus términos, Y entenderás las sendas de su casa? 21 ¿Sabíaslo tú porque hubieses ya nacido, O porque es grande el número de tus días? 22 ¿Has tú entrado en los tesoros de la nieve, O has visto los tesoros del granizo, 23 Lo cual tengo yo reservado para el tiempo de angustia, Para el día de la guerra y de la batalla? 24 ¿Por qué camino se reparte la luz, Y se esparce el viento solano sobre la tierra? 25 ¿Quién repartió conducto al turbión, Y camino á los relámpagos y truenos, 26 Haciendo llover sobre la tierra deshabitada, Sobre el desierto, donde no hay hombre, 27 Para hartar la tierra desierta é inculta, Y para hacer brotar la tierna hierba? 28 ¿Tiene la lluvia padre? ¿O quién engendró las gotas del rocío? 29 ¿De qué vientre salió el hielo? Y la escarcha del cielo, ¿quién la engendró? 30 Las aguas se endurecen á manera de piedra, Y congélase la haz del abismo. 31 ¿Podrás tú impedir las delicias de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras del Orión? 32 ¿Sacarás tú á su tiempo los signos de los cielos, O guiarás el Arcturo con sus hijos?
 33 ¿Supiste tú las ordenanzas de los cielos? ¿Dispondrás tú de su potestad en la tierra? 34 ¿Alzarás tú á las nubes tu voz, Para que te cubra muchedumbre de aguas? 35 ¿Enviarás tú los relámpagos, para que ellos vayan? ¿Y diránte ellos: Henos aquí? 36 ¿Quién puso la sabiduría en el interior? ¿O quién dió al entendimiento la inteligencia? 37 ¿Quién puso por cuenta los cielos con sabiduría? Y los odres de los cielos, ¿quién los hace parar, 38 Cuando el polvo se ha convertido en dureza, Y los terrones se han pegado unos con otros? 39 (39-1) ¿CAZARAS tú la presa para el león? ¿Y saciarás el hambre de los leoncillos, 40 (39-2) Cuando están echados en las cuevas, O se están en sus guaridas para acechar? 41 (39-3) ¿Quién preparó al cuervo su alimento, Cuando sus pollos claman á Dios, Bullendo de un lado á otro por carecer de comida?

Reply  Message 20 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/07/2011 16:44



Antiguo Testamento
 Génesis 50
 Éxodo 40
 Levítico 27
 Números 36
 Deuteronomio 34
 Josué 24
 Jueces 21
 Rut 4
 Primera de Samuel 31
 Segunda de Samuel 24
 Primera de Reyes 22
 Segunda de Reyes 25
 Primera de Crónicas 29
 Segunda de Crónicas 36
 Esdras 10
 Nehemías 13
 Ester 10
 Job 42
 Salmos 150
 Proverbios 31
 Eclesiastés 12
 Cantares 8
 Isaías 66
 Jeremías 52
 Lamentaciones 5
 Ezequiel 48
 Daniel 12
 Oseas 14
 Joel 3
 Amos 9
 Abdías 1
 Jonás 4
 Miqueas 7
 Nahúm 3
 Habacuc 3
 Sofonías 3
 Hageo 2
 Zacarías 14
 Malaquías 4
Nuevo Testamento
 Mateo 28
 Marcos 16

Reply  Message 21 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/07/2011 18:24
The Phoenix Capsule symbolic of the Stargate. Stairway to Zion.
The Five-Pointed Star on Chilean Flag - Icon of Sirius. Red, Blue
and White - Colors of Sirius Star System. Stairway to Sirius.

This ascension was ritualized in the symbolic rescue of the 33 miners at the San Jose gold and copper mine near the city of Copiapo, Chile. The miners were stuck in a mine shaft shelter at 2,300ft, about 5 kilometres from the mine entrance.. It took 33 days for the drill to complete the rescue shaft. The rescue shaft had a diameter of 66 centimeters, which is 33 times two. They were rescued on October 13th, 2010. 1013. Ergo 23 and 33. The first note the miners sent up to show they were still alive was "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter), which was 33 characters in length. The director Rodrigo Ortuzar plans to script a film around the tale of desperate descent and rebirth, aptly titled "The 33" and it is slated to have a runtime time of one hour and 33 minutes. There are 33 days between 9/11 (September 9th) to 13/10 (October 13th ). The capsule used in the rescued was called "The Phoenix." The Phoenix capsule was measured at 13 feet long, and 26 (2 x 13) inches wide. The first miner that was rescued at the time of 11:11 PM and his last name was Silver. There is a big black healing stone near to the mine, said to have fallen from space several hundred years ago. The Incas were the custodians of this rock and they formulated a secret society called the Lords of the Black Stone. Which reminds me of the Black Rock in LOST that eventually formulating part of the Jack's odyssey to ascension. Incidentally, the Knights Templars was one of the groups that helped to free Chile from Spain and Britain; and the date of October 13 is quite symbolic to the Templars, since it was on that date in 1307 that the members of the Order was arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, leading ultimately to total disbandment by the Papacy in 1312. The red cross and symbolism of the Templars represents Sirius and the Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The miners were rescued after 69 days. 69 is 23 x 3. 69 is a Rapture (Ascension) Code, since it is believed that God's clock will switch from 69 to 70 - marking the beginning of the 70th week of the prophet Daniel or Tribulation. October 13th, represents 227 days following another Rapture. And on February 27th, (2/27) of 2010, a major earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit Chile. The quake occurred exactly 33 weeks before the mine collapse. The Babylonian Empire and the Tower of Babel was established on the 33rd Degree Parallel. According to the Bible, Jesus died and ascended to Heaven when he was 33 years old. Solomon's Temple (Temple of the Sun) designed by Hiram Abiff, the Freemason, lasted for 33 years. This brings us back to the Stairways to Heaven, Stairways to Sirius, Stairways to Zion. The Star of David, since the Jesus is the Stairway or Stargate and the number of the Star of David is 33.  Because of Jesus' ascension at 33, the Master Number was attributed to the Master Initiate in Freemason, signifying the achievement of the highest spiritual consciousness. The DNA and Ascension themes is further seen when you consider that there was 33 miners in the mine for 69 days, six is representative of Earth joining with Heaven, represented by nine similiar to mythologies like that of Gaia/Uranus and Nuit/Geb. This entrains with the work of Mayan expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman,  who believes that we are leaving the sixth night to enter the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld:

"As the thirteenth energy, or seventh day, of the Galactic Underworld starts on November 3, 2010 we may say that the particular Yin/Yang-polarity that this has been projecting onto the Earth is locked into position and will not be replaced by any further night in this Underworld."

Calleman believes that we are on course towards complete ascension of the cosmic pyramid at  the ninth wave or level, which resonates with my theory.

So, let's take it back where I started. According to Madame Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, 33 and its extension 333 represents the resurrection and ascension from death like the Phoenix. In a handmade drawing of King Solomon's signet ring to show the deep meaning of 3, 33, and 333 a crude illustration of the Star of David is revealed.  The drawing signifies the escape of the death/reincarnation cycle or the Sirius-Sol convergence through ascension. The birth, death and reincarnated cycle of the Garden of Eden; of Isis, Osiris and Horus; and of Jesus. 333 is half of 666. As I have said before, 333 in Jewish Gematria is KUNDALINI and MASONIC LADER. Blavatsky's drawing appeared in her book "Isis Unveiled," and we have already mentioned that Isis represents Sirius.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:3.

In our present state of amnesia, we subscribe fervently to the teachings and philosophies that emanate from religious strongholds, not understanding that we are witnessing the masking by the Luciferian Priest Class of Magicians of the devolutionary history of this world, the DNA hybridization and the posthumanism evolution towards the ascension of the "Serpent Gods." Perhaps the following symbolic video of the interstellar explosion of Sirius, the death and rebirth of the Phoenix and the red Aeon of Horus from Kanye West will open your eyes to the deception perpetuated in the illusionary matrix construct.

 "It’s the story of a Phoenix fallen to Earth, and I make her my girlfriend, and people discriminate against her and eventually she has to burn herself alive and go back to her world... I’ve been feeling the idea of the Phoenix. It’s been in my heart for a while. It’s maybe parallel to my career." - Kanye West.
Teniendo en cuenta que el terremoto chileno fue un 27/2 o 2/27 en forma americana, vemos un fuerte nexo con el numero PI ya que 22/7 es una buena aproximacion de 3.14. Desde el terremoto chileno hasta el 13 de octubre tenemos:
febrero=2 dias
Sumando todos estos dias tenemos 229 dias. Excluidos los extremos volvemos con el numero 227 que es la misma cantidad de dias que tenemos desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15 de agosto. Otro dato muy curioso es que desde el 27 de febrero hasta el 24 de junio (solsticio de verano en el hemisferio norte) hay 118 dias que es el mismo numero de dias desde el primero de Nissan (primer mes hebreo) hasta el 29 del cuarto mes, VERDADERO PENTECOSTES. Otro detalle numerologico es que EL RESCATE CHILENO FUE EN LA SEMANA 33 DESDE EL TERREMOTO CHILENO. ESE MISMO NUMERO OBVIAMENTE TAMBIEN ESTA INTERRELACIONADO CON EL 15 DE AGOSTO O FECHA DE LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN.

Reply  Message 22 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 06:26



Miqueas Capítulo 4


 Acontecerá en los postreros tiempos que el monte de la casa de Jehová será establecido por cabecera de montes, y más alto que los collados, y correrán a él los pueblos. 2 Vendrán muchas naciones, y dirán: Venid, y subamos al monte de Jehová, y a la casa del Dios de Jacob; y nos enseñará en sus caminos, y andaremos por sus veredas; porque de Sion saldrá la ley, y de Jerusalén la palabra de Jehová. 3 Y él juzgará entre muchos pueblos, y corregirá a naciones poderosas hasta muy lejos; y martillarán sus espadas para azadones, y sus lanzas para hoces; no alzará espada nación contra nación, ni se ensayarán más para la guerra. 4 Y se sentará cada uno debajo de su vid y debajo de su higuera, y no habrá quien los amedrente; porque la boca de Jehová de los ejércitos lo ha hablado.

5 Aunque todos los pueblos anden cada uno en el nombre de su dios, nosotros con todo andaremos en el nombre de Jehová nuestro Dios eternamente y para siempre.


 En aquel día, dice Jehová, juntaré la que cojea, y recogeré la descarriada, y a la que afligí; 7 y pondré a la coja como remanente, y a la descarriada como nación robusta; y Jehová reinará sobre ellos en el monte de Sion desde ahora y para siempre.

8 Y tú, oh torre del rebaño, fortaleza de la hija de Sion, hasta ti vendrá el señorío primero, el reino de la hija de Jerusalén. 9 Ahora, ¿por qué gritas tanto? ¿No hay rey en ti? ¿Pereció tu consejero, que te ha tomado dolor como de mujer de parto? 10 Duélete y gime, hija de Sion, como mujer que está de parto; porque ahora saldrás de la ciudad y morarás en el campo, y llegarás hasta Babilonia; allí serás librada, allí te redimirá Jehová de la mano de tus enemigos.

11 Pero ahora se han juntado muchas naciones contra ti, y dicen: Sea profanada, y vean nuestros ojos su deseo en Sion. 12 Mas ellos no conocieron los pensamientos de Jehová, ni entendieron su consejo; por lo cual los juntó como gavillas en la era. 13 Levántate y trilla, hija de Sion, porque haré tu cuerno como de hierro, y tus uñas de bronce, y desmenuzarás a muchos pueblos; y consagrarás a Jehová su botín, y sus riquezas al Señor de toda la tierra.

A.F: Según los lingüistas, el nombre Magdalena o Magdala deriva del sustantivo hebreo Mígdal, o «torre». ¿Cómo justifica esta derivación?
M.S: Creo que el título honorífico de María Magdalena deriva del pasaje profético de Miqueas 4: 8-11, cuando este profeta se dirige a la «Magdal-eder», la «torre de guardia» o «la fortaleza de la grey», que se identifica con la «Hija de Sion». Los autores de los evangelios utilizaban pasajes de la Biblia hebrea que profetizaban el advenimiento y la gesta del Mesías (como el siervo sufriente en Isaías, o su nacimiento en Belén en Miqueas). Aquellos que vieron en la profecía de Miqueas de la esposa que llora a su rey, una fuerte predicción de María Magdalena, decidieron utilizarla como base para su título «de Magdala». Al mismo tiempo, querían crear la correcta suma gemátrica, el 153 asociado a la Vesica piscis y al «Pez». Mi investigación demuestra que la pequeña ciudad de Galilea, llamada hoy Magdala o Migdol, antiguamente se llamaba Tariquea (que en griego significa «pez salado»), como vemos en Las guerras judías de Flavio Josefo. Por lo tanto, pienso que este epíteto era un título conferido a María (hermana de Lázaro de Betania) porque la comunidad la reconocía como la esposa –la «Magdal-eder»– de Miqueas 4: 8– enviada al exilio: «Allí será liberada». Y creo que este es nuestro deber, ¡devolverle su lugar como Esposa!

Reply  Message 23 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 07:35
) Mateo 16:18 (Numero de Oro) en contexto a la señal de Jonas, en el mismo capitulo 16 e incluso con la ESCALERA DE JACOB. En Hechos 12:12 (1+2,1+2:3,3 o 33) es PEDRO el que aparece con Maria la madre de Juan Marcos. ¿Porque es PEDRO el que tiene mas fuerte relacion con JUAN MARCOS? LA CONSPIRACION MASONICO/TEMPLARIA GIRA ALREDEDOR DEL NUMERO 33. Dicho numero sale de la estrella de 6 puntas (estrella de David), el cual un numero 3 equivale al triangulo superior y el otro 3 al inferior. Dicha estrella simboliza a la union entre el hombre y la mujer

. A la misma la vemos en la misma bandera del estado de Israel. En este contexto vemos a la interrelacion de la ESCALERA DE JACOB/ISRAEL con la UNION DEL HOMBRE Y LA MUJER en la misma bandera del actual ESTADO DE ISRAEL.

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción

Escalera de Jacob-Alquimia entre el cielo y tierra





11:11 Thru 12:12 - Stargate Energies


The most popular code of awakening - the one that most people see - is 11:11. This represents the spiraling twin strands of human DNA coming into consciousness.

11:11=4=4th dimension=time.

12:12 is often linked with 2012 - the end time of the Mayan Calendar.

12=1+2=3=3rd dimension.

12:12 = 3+3=6=Star of David Frequency=Merkabah = Spirals of Consciousness = Sacred Geometry = SG = Stargate.

Many look upon November 11th or 11:11 and December 12 or 12:12 - as keynote dates that trigger awakening. It allows your conscious mind to understand that linear time is an illusion. Numerology













Reply  Message 24 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 07:36

Reply  Message 25 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/07/2011 07:55



by Bryon


Message from Heaven 3/23/98

It was a dark night. Father was driving the boat. We were going up a river. Father had something to show me. He said a flying-saucer had been sighted up the river. There was something important their he had to show me.

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights. I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly. Father could see clearly and knew player he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill. As we came near and I could see more clearly something  happened. I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man. I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory. On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft. I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped. I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft. The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer. I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it. There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil. On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books. I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it. I had a pencil in my hand. I was trying to figure out the meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page. I lifted the page to see the next month. I was shocked see their were no more days. There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building. This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that. Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot. People were getting out and going to the building. A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth. I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one." One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note. Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line. I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people. I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this. She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.


This dream contains a special message from heaven.

Father = God

this boat = Fathers business

U.F.O. = sign from above/heaven the message itself represents literal symbol

Observatory = simply saying "observe this"

U.F.O. made several circles around the observatory. Circles = cycles.

These are frequently things that are repeated at certain times.

Trying to learn meaning = literal

No more days on calendar = end of ages

12-12 = My birthday is the 12 month on the 12 day. Other things may also apply to the numbers we have seen in this dream. There was something between the 12 and the second 12 on the paper. It may have been a symbol like a * or a + or - or / or something. This was the reason I was trying to calculate the meaning of the numbers in the dream. The same thing happened after I awakened. I am still pondering the meaning of the dates and I realize my birthday is also relevant. As with many dream symbols it may also correspond with another event.

Be with your family = physical family or spiritual family? I had this dream just before we went to a birthday party with relatives. I think it may be possible the dream was simply speaking of the birthday event. But why would it use such symbols as father the boat the observatory and especially the U.F.O.?



Interpretation by Joseph Mason



This is a BIG BIG BIG dream! The "11:11 Doorway" concepts have been HUGE in my questing path for about eight years. Around 1994, I received  a newsletter with a big "12:12" on the front. Roberta Osanna, the editor of  The Dream Network Journal sent it to me.

I did not attribute much validity to it, but your dream seems to support the idea that there IS something to it. But, I know there is also something to the 11:11 material too.

The "problem" is, in my view, that these concepts come from channeling, or something similar. I do not trust the validity of such things, yet dreams, coincidences, and other things seem to have similar messages. My quest and study has led me to the theory that the channelers are picking up valid messages, but their own consciousness puts "overlays" on them. The messages, as with dreams, have symbols and metaphors that can be interpreted in many ways or taken literally.

My study of these things involves comparisons of the various sources in an attempt to find the more "true" meanings. The most convincing "evidence" to me are dreams such as this one of yours. "Coincidences" or synchronicities, that is, actual events that happen, can also be convincing, if they are obviously far beyond chance. When a crop circle formation, or UFO/ET event clearly seems related, that is convincing too. I come to certain interpretations by following dreams and coincidences, as if they are guideposts. It seems to work, that is, material comes later that seems confirming.

For example, Solar, who started the "11:11 Doorway" ideas, and wrote the book about it, said it is a dimensional doorway that opened in the belt stars of Orion in 1992, and will remain open for 20 years. Certain "Lightworkers" will go through the Doorway to a place where there is a "Greater Sun," not the old one that we know. My experiences with it led me to Revelation 11:11, and the meaning clearly seemed to be a leap to the heart chakra level of consciousness evolution by mankind.

Interestingly, I sent my story to Solara, and she said it did not disagree with her teachings.

It is difficult to know what 12-12 or 12:12 means, but my guess is that it is related to the same idea. The heart chakra is symbolised by a lotus flower with 12 petals, with a Star of David inside. In Revelation 12, The woman With Child comes down, wearing a crown of 12 stars. Rev. 12:12 speaks of the devil coming down to earth because he knows that his time is short. Interestingly, I was preparing to send out a dream that seems related to this, and received an e-mail from the dreamer today. The man awoke from the dream at exactly 11:11 p.m.

The 3 1/2 days mentioned in Rev. 11:11 seem to be related in other ways in the Bible. Rev. 12 has it twice. I'll paste in my whole list:


1. Rev. 11:9 and 11:11 - 3 and 1/2 days.

2. Rev. 11:2 and 13.5 - 42 months, 3 and 1/2 years.

3. Rev. 11:3 and 12:6 - 1260 days - 3 and 1/2 revolutions on a 360 degree circle, or the Zodiac, or 3 and 1/2 years on the Jewish calendar, which had 30-day months.

4. Daniel 12:7 and Rev. 12:14 - "a time, two times, and half a time" -

1 + 2 + 1/2 = 3 and 1/2.

5. James 5:17 and Luke 4:25 - telling the story in 1 Kings about Elijah's prayer that it not rain, and it did not rain for 3 years six months. Then he prayed again, this time for rain, and Heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit.

6. Daniel 9:27 - "And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator."


Another possibility is that it is related to the 144,000 in Rev. 7:4-8 and Rev. 14:1. They are 12,000 people from each of the 12 Tribes. There are many interpretations about the meaning. My guess is that Blavatsky was right, the 12 Tribes are also related to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. That would include anyone born under those signs, which could include everyone. The number itself may be symbolic. Carl Munck and others have done a lot of research into ancient numbers. There is a form of Gematria that basically uses multiples of 36. So, you have 36, 72, 108, 144, etc.

The 1260 days in the Bible are also part of it. All these numbers are divisible by nine and add to nine or a multiple. Carl shows overwhelming evidence that they were used to exactly position the ancient sites around the world. There was a code system with it, where "Alpha" or word meanings are given to the numbers. 144 means "Light." Two German researchers have shown that the numbers are also appearing in the crop circle formations in their measurements, angles, and such.

Yet another possibility is that it is related to The New Jerusalem Plan, a geometrical concept based on St. John's description in Revelation. I had quite a "coincidence" about it, because I dreamed about the shape before knowing about it. It has 12 circles in a ring, inside of which is four overlapping triangles, forming a 12 pointed star. Some symbols of the Zodiac are similar, with the triangles labeled, "fire, air, water, and earth." Each triangle points to three Zodiac signs. This is what Blavatsky means when she says such things as, "Cain presides over the earthy trigon." (related to Taurus, the bull).

Not long after I got on-line, I found the Spirit Web site. Solar has some material there. I also found some "12:12" information, and a writing by Solara which claimed the 12:12 was not the real thing. Here are some of the links, with a few pastes:


12:12 Gateway to Freedom

On December 12th 1994 144,000 dedicated souls will co-create the miracle of evolution.



Here's a few pastes from the page:


The Ascended Host call 12:12 the "Gateway to Freedom" and joyfully speak of it as the independence day on this planet. As anchors of this energy worldwide, we are in essence completing ourselves and preparing the way for others. In the spirit of true freedom, Earth graduates and officially enters the Golden Age.

On our way, we will receive the gifts of wholeness and the biological keys to mastery and ascension.

Private 12:12 Ceremonies in the Great Pyramid

Founders of "Ascension Celebrations", the "Conclave of Michael",

"Alchemies for Immortality", & 12:12 events internationally.


Therefore as the cells of our bodies anchor these new 12:12 frequencies on December 12th, the chains of limitation will fall away. Physical immortality becomes not only a possibility, but death will soon become the exception to the rule.

The new energies anchored on 12:12 will make this possible. If 144,000 people (the sacred number needed to cause the "hundredth monkey" effect) commit to personal mastery, then it will cause a trickle-down effect to the rest of humanity.

Another powerful option is to be in the sacred land of Egypt. Egypt has long been considered the "temple of the world". As Egypt goes, so goes the rest of the world. This is why the Ascended Masters have asked that at least 1,000 light-beings be in Egypt at the Great Pyramid to personally receive the new frequency. The Great pyramid acts as an antenna for all archetypical energies as they enter the planet. The frequencies then in turn ripple out to the other main vortexes of the world. To be at the Great Pyramid on 12:12 will be like being at the headgates of a river, or a dam when the water is released. Those of us there will never be the same!

Therefore, with love and enthusiasm we invite you to join us on a magical trip along the Nile, to reenact ancient initiations at all the chakra temples, finishing at the Great Pyramid to welcome the energies on 12:12. We invite you to "return to Egypt" and embrace the powerful initiate priest/priestess that has lived many lives in the temples of that mystical land and to take part in this evolutionary leap for humanity.

[end of pastes]


Here's a link and pastes from Solar's opinion about the 12:12:


Solara's Opinion on 12:12


The unfortunate choice of calling this new activation the "12:12" has caused much unnecessary confusion. Interestingly enough, another group in Australia tried a 12:12 activation last year which didn't work.)

The "12:12" activation is not the next step after the 11:11, rather it is an entirely separate event belonging to a different level of ascension.

The "12:12" literature states that this marks the birth of Egypt as the new spiritual center of the planet. No wonder people are getting confused! Sadly this confusion distorts, misinforms, and deprives people of the amazing opportunity we have right before us to truly graduate from duality. We have worked so hard to get the Doorway of the 11:11 open, let's not neglect our journey through it!

[end of pastes]


Solara has other material at:

Spirit Web - Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins and ETs





The Doorway of the 11:11



I found your interpretations quite on the mark. If it were my dream, I would add these possibilities - dark night - lack of enlightenment/knowledge in the time cycle. Boat on the water/river= Age of Pisces, as with Noah. The "Titanic" phenom is related. Also, water = the unconscious or spirit/dream reality. Also, the rhyme, "Three, six, nine, the truth takes time . . . and we all went to heaven in a little row boat."

observatory = Yes, "to observe." Great one! It can also be our perception of reality, which ancient people depicted. The circle of the horizon, with the sky-canopy. It is shown in the shape of the observatory.

yourself, your father and another man = the Triple Male Trinity.

third pass (perhaps) = Yes, cycles, and could be similar to the 3 1/2.

I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft =WE have to do the investigative work to find the answers. Father God and the Holy Spirit help and confirm, but it is not just handed without effort.

rolled up mailer with small piece of paper inside = It reminds me of the scrolls or seals of Revelation.

in a study with desk and books = Similar to above - WE must do the work.

After receiving the symbols/messages, we must study and think to find the right interpretations.

clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad = "Legal" may refer to the idea of the final judgment. In some dreams, it seems to be shown by lawyers, judges, or courthouses. Dee just had one of those dreams.


no more days = Yes, the end of time, which may be a metaphor. I wrote an article that seems related:

The Strange Attractor Crop Formation and the End of Time


These ideas are coming from people who have researched the Mayan calendar, the most accurate one. They say it simply "ends" in 2012. We have a whole page about it:



There is a lot of speculation about this. Some say it will end

December 21st, 2012. That's not far from 12-12-2012, or it could be written 12-12, as we might write 12-97 to indicate December 1997.

This article gives the background on the subject:


in my car = Vehicles can be big symbols, as we discussed before ("Charger").

A complex string of dreams and coincidences led me to believe there is a "Merkaba" vehicle involved in the changes. It is the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation, or "Ezekiel's Wagon." Merkaba means four-wheeled chariot. It is apparently an invisible energy. The solar eclipse in 1999 will happen when there is a Grand Cross alignment of the planets, pointing to the Zodiac signs that correspond to the Four Living creatures. It will strike England at Cornwall, near ancient Carleon, the Circle of Lions, at 11:07 a.m. The sun will peak out from the moon's shadow at exactly 11:11 a.m. See:


This started with me in late 1993, when a voice said in my dream, "The Merkaba will not come for another five years." I did not know the meaning, but it now seems related to the symbolism of the 1999 eclipse.

hospital = healing in a grand and spiritual way.

Many vehicles pulling into the parking lot and ticket booth = Perhaps others who have "awakened" to the messages about the changes. But, other hints in the dream may suggest taking the ticket is the "wrong" choice. This would be supported by Jan's great dream:


(it follows Dee's dreams at the top of the page)

held note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one, and only one woman has one = This may represent finding others who have found the same symbol meanings. This reminds me of the man and woman who came together in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," by following a symbol quest. More likely, it is showing the duality of the self coming together. This is HUGE in the great change symbols.

open doorway and following her = This fits very well with the "Doorway" symbolism involved in the 11:11 and 12:12 channeled material. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says that one must make the male and female into a single one to enter the Father's Domain. There may be a connection between the "Triple Male Trinity" symbolism mentioned above, and the woman at the end. These symbols are big now. Jung called it the 3 + 1 quaternity, with three males and a female. I believe it is the same as the ideas expressed by Blavatsky. The first Trinity is male, female, and child, who is androgyne, or Father, Mother and androgyne Son. Next comes the Triple Male. Each male has a feminine consort, who are usually combined into a single feminine figure, such as Isis or Ishtar. In the Christian Trinity is should be the Virgin Mary. She is also the Woman With Child in Revelation 12. This makes "The Perfect Four."

The woman leading, in my theory, represents the dreaming/spiritual/intuitional side. It's part of the "Lion" symbolism, where the female gathers the food (for thought).

she was going to try to find out = This would represent very great help from the other side in finding the answers.

This last part confuses me a bit. I would think that finding the symbol or message meanings would come prior to going through the doorway. The dream seems to suggest that finding the symbol/message and then the woman with the matching one allows one to go through the door into another area, yet you still do not know the meaning. So, it seems to be a stage in a process. Solara does mention that there are more doorways, and that fewer people go beyond the first.

One more thing of interest. Joseph Campbell mentioned that the word "symbol" means "putting two things together." I had a little funny sync with this back in late 1990. Having just one half of the symbol, is like trying to make a sound with only one cymbal, as in the musical instrument. It's like trying to clap with only one hand.

Thanks for sharing you great dream, Byron. Dee said she will put it up at our site. I'm not sure how much of it I got "right," but I AM convinced it is a very important dream about the great earth changes.

Best wishes, and dream on PLEASE! -

Joe Mason


[the rest of your dream]

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights. I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly. Father could see clearly and knew where he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill. As we came near and I could see more clearly something happened. I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man. I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory. On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft. I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped. I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft. The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer. I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it. There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil. On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books. I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it. I had a pencil in my hand. I was trying to figure out the meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page. I lifted the page to see the next month. I was shocked see their were no more days. There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building. This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that. Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot. People were getting out and going to the building. A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth. I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one."

One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note. Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line. I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people. I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this. She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.


If you would like to ask questions or comments about this dream, please e-mail JMason4557@aol.com


Reply  Message 26 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/08/2011 00:46
16 MAS 8 MAS 9 = 33
Antiguo Testamento
 Génesis 50
 Éxodo 40
 Levítico 27
 Números 36
 Deuteronomio 34
 Josué 24
 Jueces 21
 Rut 4
 Primera de Samuel 31
 Segunda de Samuel 24
 Primera de Reyes 22
 Segunda de Reyes 25
 Primera de Crónicas 29
 Segunda de Crónicas 36
 Esdras 10
 Nehemías 13
 Ester 10
 Job 42
 Salmos 150
 Proverbios 31
 Eclesiastés 12
 Cantares 8
 Isaías 66
 Jeremías 52
 Lamentaciones 5
 Ezequiel 48
 Daniel 12
 Oseas 14
 Joel 3
 Amos 9
 Abdías 1
 Jonás 4
 Miqueas 7
 Nahúm 3
 Habacuc 3
 Sofonías 3
 Hageo 2
 Zacarías 14
 Malaquías 4
H MAS I =17
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de OPHIR.

Si tienes MS Word, escribe en mayúsculas Q33 NY (el número de vuelo de uno de los aviones que chocó con las Torres). Luego, cambia el tamaño de letra a 26 y cambia el tipo de letra a Wingdings. 
En caso de que no lo hayas intentado, cuando tú tipeas "Q33 NY" y lo conviertes a Wingdings, obtienes = 

A mi nunca me llegó este mail, no se si a alguno de ustedes si. 
Rebuscado o no, "Q33NY" no es el número de vuelo de ninguno de los aviones secuestrados el 11 de septiembre. Los números reales eran AA11, AA77, UA93, y UA175. Buen intento. 

  1. Q33 NY‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH871wVLRso30 s - 17 Nov 2006 - Subido por TheYugoslavian1
    sorry for such a bad vid...but am I the only one who finds this freaky?

    Microsoft Conspiracy - 9/11 (Q33 NY)‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=45IkJiexol837 s - 1 Jun 2008 - Subido por dinomario10
    For everyone who says that star is the star of David. this skeleton is just a few bones, these twin towers are just 2 papers(documents) and ...

    Misterio Q33 NY Torres Gemelas‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=goVTi_hMbi84 min - 7 Sep 2009 - Subido por GTACarl1980
    Standard YouTube License. 5 likes, 5 dislikes; Michael Jackson ... o simbol do aviaõ significa o q33 NY as 2 folhas as torres o ...

    Loren'Co - Q33NY‏ - YouTube

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    youtu.be/watch?v=QpoEIBj8OfM&feature=related - En caché
    3 Apr 2011 – Réalisé par nos soins, sans trop en prendre d'ailleurs ;-) Juste pour rire...ou pas.

    Q33 NY

    Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word
    Torres Gemelas, Misterio, (da mucho miedo). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQmCy61Qv44. Q33 NY. Q33 NY.

Reply  Message 27 of 492 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/08/2011 14:54

Primera de Reyes Capítulo 5


 Hiram rey de Tiro envió también sus siervos a Salomón, luego que oyó que lo habían ungido por rey en lugar de su padre; porque Hiram siempre había amado a David. (¿Hiram no es un anagrama de MARY?)

2 Entonces Salomón envió a decir a Hiram: 3 Tú sabes que mi padre David no pudo edificar casa al nombre de Jehová su Dios, por las guerras que le rodearon, hasta que Jehová puso sus enemigos bajo las plantas de sus pies. 4 Ahora Jehová mi Dios me ha dado paz por todas partes; pues ni hay adversarios, ni mal que temer. 5 Yo, por tanto, he determinado ahora edificar casa al nombre de Jehová mi Dios, según lo que Jehová habló a David mi padre, diciendo: Tu hijo, a quien yo pondré en lugar tuyo en tu trono, él edificará casa a mi nombre. 6 Manda, pues, ahora, que me corten cedros del Líbano; y mis siervos estarán con los tuyos, y yo te daré por tus siervos el salario que tú dijeres; porque tú sabes bien que ninguno hay entre nosotros que sepa labrar madera como los sidonios.

7 Cuando Hiram oyó las palabras de Salomón, se alegró en gran manera, y dijo: Bendito sea hoy Jehová, que dio hijo sabio a David sobre este pueblo tan grande. 8 Y envió Hiram a decir a Salomón: He oído lo que me mandaste a decir; yo haré todo lo que te plazca acerca de la madera de cedro y la madera de ciprés. 9 Mis siervos la llevarán desde el Líbano al mar, y la enviaré en balsas por mar hasta el lugar que tú me señales, y allí se desatará, y tú la tomarás; y tú cumplirás mi deseo al dar de comer a mi familia. 10 Dio, pues, Hiram a Salomón madera de cedro y madera de ciprés, toda la que quiso. 11 Y Salomón daba a Hiram veinte mil coros de trigo para el sustento de su familia, y veinte coros de aceite puro; esto daba Salomón a Hiram cada año. 12 Jehová, pues, dio a Salomón sabiduría como le había dicho; y hubo paz entre Hiram y Salomón, e hicieron pacto entre ambos.

13 Y el rey Salomón decretó leva en todo Israel, y la leva fue de treinta mil hombres, 14 los cuales enviaba al Líbano de diez mil en diez mil, cada mes por turno, viniendo así a estar un mes en el Líbano, y dos meses en sus casas; y Adoniram estaba encargado de aquella leva. 15 Tenía también Salomón setenta mil que llevaban las cargas, y ochenta mil cortadores en el monte; 16 sin los principales oficiales de Salomón que estaban sobre la obra, tres mil trescientos, los cuales tenían a cargo el pueblo que hacía la obra. (Numero divisible por 33)

17 Y mandó el rey que trajesen piedras grandes, piedras costosas, para los cimientos de la casa, y piedras labradas. 18 Y los albañiles de Salomón y los de Hiram, y los hombres de Gebal, cortaron y prepararon la madera y la cantería para labrar la casa.

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