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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 07/05/2022 01:15
Archivo:WTC Washington Square.jpg - Wikipedia

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/05/2022 21:33
The tabernacle of Moses, the visible light spectrum and the Golden Ratio. -  Imgflip

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/05/2022 21:20

fi en la biblia

Aunque tal vez no sea inmediatamente obvio, phi y la sección áurea también aparecen en la Biblia. Vea también la  página de Teología  .

El Arca de la Alianza usa números de Fibonacci, aproximándose a un Rectángulo Dorado

En Éxodo 25:10, Dios le ordena a Moisés que construya el Arca del Pacto, en el cual celebrar Su Pacto con los israelitas, los Diez Mandamientos, diciendo:

arca del pacto

“Haced que hagan un cofre de madera de acacia, de
dos codos y medio de largo,
codo y medio de ancho,
y codo y medio de alto”.

La proporción de 2,5 a 1,5 es 1,666..., que es lo más cercano a phi (1,618...) que se puede obtener con números tan simples y ciertamente no es visiblemente diferente a la vista. El Arca de la Alianza se construye así utilizando la Sección Áurea, o Proporción Divina. Esta proporción también es la misma que 5 a 3, números de la serie de Fibonacci.

En Éxodo 27:1-2, encontramos que el altar que Dios le ordena a Moisés que construya está basado en una variación del mismo tema de 5 por 3:

“Edifica un altar de madera de acacia, de tres codos de altura; será cuadrado, de cinco codos de largo y cinco codos de ancho.

Nota: Un codo es la medida del antebrazo debajo del codo.

Altar de Éxodo 27

El Arca de Noé usa números de Fibonacci en sus dimensiones

En Génesis 6:15, Dios le ordena a Noé que construya un arca diciendo:

“Y de esta manera la harás: la longitud del arca será de trescientos codos, su anchura de cincuenta codos, y su altura de treinta codos.”

Así, el extremo del arca, de 50 por 30 codos, también está en una proporción de 5 a 3, o 1.666..., nuevamente una aproximación cercana de phi no visiblemente diferente a simple vista. El arca de Noé fue construida en la misma proporción que diez arcas del pacto colocadas una al lado de la otra.

Arca de Noé

El Número 666 está relacionado con Phi

Apocalipsis 13:18 dice lo siguiente:

“Esto requiere sabiduría. Si alguno tiene entendimiento, calcule el número de la bestia, porque es número de hombre. Su número es el 666”.

Esta bestia, considerada por algunos como el Anticristo descrito por Juan, se relaciona así con el número 666, uno de los mayores misterios de la Biblia. Curiosamente, si tomas el seno de 666º, obtienes -0,80901699, que es la mitad de phi negativo, o quizás lo que uno podría llamar el "anti-phi". También puedes obtener -0.80901699 tomando el coseno de 216º, y 216 es 6 x 6 x 6.

La relación trigonométrica de seno 666º a phi se basa en un triángulo isósceles con base de phi y lados de 1. Cuando este triángulo está encerrado en un círculo con un radio de 1, vemos que la línea inferior, que tiene un ángulo de 306º en la primera rotación y 666º en la segunda rotación, tiene un seno igual a la mitad de phi negativo.

La relación de phi, la proporción áurea y el 666

En esto vemos la unidad de phi dividida en positivo y negativo, tal vez análoga a la luz y la oscuridad o al bien y al mal. ¿Podría este “seno” ser también un “signo”?

Además, 666 grados son 54 grados menos que el segundo círculo completo y al dividir los 360 grados de un círculo por 54 grados obtienes 6,66… El otro lado de un ángulo de 54 grados en un ángulo recto es 36 grados y 36 dividido por 54 es .666.

Phi aparece en toda la creación y en cada  proporción física del cuerpo humano . En ese sentido es el número de la humanidad, como tal vez revela el misterioso pasaje del Apocalipsis.

Vea también la  página de Teología  .

Los colores del Tabernáculo se basan en una relación phi

El  programa PhiBar  produce los colores que la Biblia dice que Dios le dio a Moisés para la construcción del Tabernáculo.

Como dice en Éxodo 26:1, “Haz el tabernáculo con diez cortinas de lino fino torcido y de hilo azul, púrpura y escarlata, con querubines labrados por un hábil artífice”.

Establezca el color principal del programa PhiBar en azul, el color secundario de PhiBar en púrpura y revelará que el color Phi es escarlata.

Esta referencia a la combinación de azul, púrpura y escarlata en la construcción del tabernáculo aparece 24 veces en Éxodo 25 al 39, describiendo los colores que se usarán en las cortinas, cinturones, pectorales, fajas y vestiduras.

Consulte la  página Color  para obtener información adicional.


Reflexiones sobre el Arca de la Alianza y el 666 aportadas por Robert Bartlett.
Perspectivas sobre el Altar en Éxodo 27 aportadas por Sir Hemlock.
Perspectivas sobre los colores del Tabernáculo aportadas por JD Ahmanson.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2022 01:13
Golden Ratio in the Bible by Shania Bucao

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2022 01:14
Golden Beauty - The Jerusalem Post

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2022 01:24
The Golden Ratio - Bible Gematria

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2022 01:25
ARK OF THE COVENANT.........SOURCE TEMPLEINSTITUTE.ORG...........The Ark of  the Covenant was a rectangular box about th… | The tribulation, The covenant,  Mercy seat

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/05/2022 01:27

The Great Flood: the transformation and purification of the world.

The generation of the Flood were the closest descendants of the first man, who possessed unimaginable spiritual power, because he communicated directly with the Creator. Therefore the generation of the Flood also possessed immense spiritual power and potential. (The fact that they could subsist solely on vegetation serves as evidence for this.)

Considering their intense power and ability to influence, the evil these people perpetrated was also extremely toxic. The world, all that’s in it, and its spiritual substance was contaminated with evil. “And G‑d said to Noah the end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them, and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” From this it emerges that the purpose of the Flood was not just to destroy the people of the time (for they could have been annihilated in a much easier manner) but to totally transform and cleanse the whole world.

Evidence of this can be found in the writings of the Midrash which state that the laws of nature did not operate during the process of the flood; the Sun and other heavenly bodies did not light up the world. However, during the process of the cleansing, the Almighty had to protect the inhabitants of the Ark. In order to do that he created a special sacred space within the ark, akin to the Holy of Holies in the Temple, inside the Ark of the Covenant.

This idea is also alluded to in the phrase in the Torah: “And the Lord shut [Noah] in.” Noah could have shut himself in, however the above quote is evidence to the fact that a special sacred space was created within the Ark.

Geometry of the Ark: the first pyramid-like structure to be built according to the “golden ratio.”

The geometry of the ark is described in the following way in the Torah: “And this is how thou shalt make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A light shalt thou make to the ark, and to a cubit shalt thou finish it upward.”

The geometrical illustration of those instructions is given below.

Fig. 1: Geometry of the Ark

Fig. 2: Geometry of the Pyramid of Cheops

From Fig. 1 we can see the Ark took the shape of a cut off pyramid. The slope of the side walls of the ark is 50,76°. The slope of the Pyramid of Cheops is 51, 52°. The slope of the Pyramid of Chephren is 52,2°. The slope of the Pyramid of Mycerinus is 50,47°.

Thus it can be seen that the angle of the walls of the ark match those of the three pyramids of Giza, allowing for measurement error. If we calculate the ratio of the sum of its height and width to its width 50+30,612/50 we get 1,612. The golden ratio is φ=1,618. The same ratio for the Pyramid of Cheops is 1,631, which is also, allowing for measurement error, very close to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a universal number found everywhere in nature including: cosmology, quantum physics, the structure of a flower stem, crystals, music, architecture and painting.

Science today is also aware of the special properties a space within a pyramid possesses, e.g.: food stays fresh for longer, plants grow faster, water is cleansed etc.

From the above it can be concluded that the sacred holy space of the Ark was a pyramid built according to the principle of the golden ratio, the builders of the pyramids must have been aware of the geometry of Noah’s Ark and built them following the same design.

Why did Noah release a raven?

“And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. And he sent forth a raven, and it went forth.”

Here arises the question of why Noah sent out a raven and not another bird? And why not a dove straight away?

I asked the following question to my son Vladimir Shyfrin: do ravens possess any traits that distinguish them from other birds? He came back to me with the following answer. Modern science is aware that the Corvid family of birds is the most intelligent out of all the birds. Biologists sometimes refer to ravens as “primates with feathers.”

Today it is proven that birds from the Corvid family are able to solve complex problems, construct and use simple tools and remember and distinguish different images on a computer. This means the first bird Noah released is the most intelligent of birds first, a raven.

A reason as to why he did so can be this: when Noah was building his Ark the people of the time promised to kill him, so the first thing Noah wanted to know when the waters came down was if there were any of the pre-flood generation left, as he was concerned about his life. Only a raven that can remember and distinguish different images and faces could have supplied Noah with that information.

The author would like to express his feelings of deep gratitude to Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar for his invaluable guidance, comments and help.


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De: PierceWelsh Enviado: 27/05/2022 16:17
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/05/2022 00:09
Golden Ratio

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/06/2022 00:58
Astrid Diaz в Twitter: "Descansemos en la trabquilidad de que Dios es el  arquitecto del Universo y el constructor de nuestra paz.. y todo tiene su  razón de ser al tiempo de

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/06/2022 01:04
Hebreos 11:10 (lba) - porque esperaba la ciudad que tiene cimien...

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/06/2022 04:13

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2022 22:41

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/06/2022 01:28
33 Louvre Pyramid ideas | louvre pyramid, louvre, louvre paris
Northern France | Paris landmarks, Vacation france, Tower in paris
264 Louvre Pyramid Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock
Day 4: Louvre Museum and Catacombs of Paris - LE Travels
Triumphal Arch in Front of the Louvre Museum in Paris Editorial Stock Image  - Image of morning, garden: 151619969
Guide to the Louvre Museum in Paris: Tips, History and Tickets -  ParisTouristInformation.fr
Paris - triumphal arch and glass pyramid in louvre. louvre is one of the  biggest museum in the world; receiving more than 8 | CanStock
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, architecture, art, France, Europe, glass,  glassware, Louvre, museum, Stock Photo, Picture And Rights Managed Image.  Pic. H44-10810457 | agefotostock
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Paris - Triumphal Arch and Glass Pyramid in Louvre. Louvre is one of the  biggest Museum in the world; receiving more than 8 million visitors each  year Stock Photo - Alamy
Paris - Triumphal Arch and Glass Pyramid in Louvre. Louvre is one of the  biggest Museum in the world; receiving more than 8 million visitors each  year Stock Photo - Alamy

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/06/2022 00:15
The Golden Gate Bridge will be the next 911.The false messiah will come  through theGolden Gate Bridge and the start of the world war 3.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2022 20:33

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2022 18:52

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