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البريد الإلكتروني

كلمة السر:

سجّل نفسك الآن

هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
الفقرة السابقة  الفقرة التالية
جواب  رسائل 1 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 18/07/2015 02:50
137 ~ Itzhak Bentov ~ Mystical Friend of Mine and the Swastika
“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”

The best quote in the video can be found starting @17:40

“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”

BUT what did Itzhak write in his book A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness that he knew the mundane profane world was not ready to hear on TV?
And it reveals the work of Itzhak more profound because Itzhak was Jewish too.
He loved to meditate and this is what he ‘saw’ when meditating and it is central to his theory, his story recovered, part of the narrative recovered that effects you and me.

“This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.

It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.

In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”

bfc added by me
Worth repeating one more time;

“one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”

What kind of paradox would two opposed swastikas put onto the Emerald Round Table for discussion?


The Mystic Tower

3  Chambers
7  Levels

My Guide with his wand touched a small and hidden door in the rugged walls of the triangular Tower, which opened and admitted us, then he turned to me and said:

‘The Tower is high and it containeth seven levels, and on each level are three Chambers, and above all lieth one Chamber, and the ascent thereto is long and wearisome.’

I replied:

‘My Master, thy footsteps will I follow …’

source: The Mystic Rose from the Garden of the King

Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths

The sun rises from the mound of creation at the beginning of time.

The central circle represents the mound, and the three orange circles are the sun in different stages of its rising. At the top is the “horizon” hieroglyph with the sun appearing atop it. At either side are the goddesses of the north and south, pouring out the waters that surround the mound. The eight stick figures are the gods of the Ogdoad, hoeing the soil.

 Twenty-first Dynasty (c. 1075–945 BC)


Allow me to enter the evidence of a mystic/meditator/scientist/mediator/inventor/teacher and a guru to some.
Evidence of an IDEA that seems to be connected to the evolution of our CONSCIOUSNESS.

Another JC mystic in fact.
He was a Jewish Czech mystic.
Itzhak Bentov’s name is a recognizable name in many, many circles.
Those that knew him well simply called him Ben.

The following two images below were drawn by Ben and without a doubt the first one bears a resemblance to the above image from the Egyptian 21st dynasty on the left.

Can this be confirmed?
Does God’s name in the original Hebrew text YHWH literally mean
“He Causes to Become”

And the text that accompanies these images on pages 50-51 of Bentov’s book A BRIEF TOUR OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS states the following: (highlights in red have been added by me)

“This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.

It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.

In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”

Bentov died in 1979 in an air accident.

By no coincidence I turned 22 that year.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and this intuitive journey I find myself on requires I acquaint myself with the Hebrew alphabet…and the 22 chapters found in the last book of the bIbLE, Revelations and the 22 archetypes put on display as the Major Arcana in the Tarot, and the source of the Rotas Sator Magic Square is probably Hebrew/Jewish, not Christian.

“The front side of the Aleph is luminous and the back side is dark. This expresses two polarities. From the luminous side  emerges a stream of twenty-two interference patterns of Hebrew letters, in the correct order of the alphabet, hovering in space; on the black side, the twenty-two letters are in a jumbled sequence. You are puzzled and wonder what this means.

The explanation comes … ”
(refer to pages 49-54)
-Itzhak Bentov

Bentov and me together could have written Part 3 of his book entitled A Brief ‘Tour of Higher Consciousness, we arrived at virtually the same conclusions, but through different entry points.

There are no coincidences…soon that will become apparent.

Don’t forget that in the MEME game of associations based on a Law of Associations, evidence of unity is everywhere.
Evidence that time travels, it hops, skips and does quantum jumps and leaps of faith through Space and Time.

And using this Law of Associations has paid dividends in helping me conceptualize in my mInD, what cannot be put into words.
But I do try anyway, with the assistance of much imagery.
Don’t I?

If we remember, if our memory banks store data/info using images why do folks go on and on and on and on using wordy descriptions?
Why are bIbLEs today lacking images?
What happened to illuminated manuscripts?

Are images being ‘incepted’ as seeds into our fertILE minds?

Rosetta Mandala Fractal

Just recently I finally got around to associating this image that I photographed in 2006 in Peru, (a Kodak/Nikon moment that has changed my life forever) to the SQUARE or CUBE, which I am now associating with the numbers 137, placed between two GREEN pillars.

Is it because the number 137, referred to as a ‘dimensionless number’, which is associated with the two spectral lines** of a hydrogen atom,  is also placed between two lines similar to the pervading archetype of two pillars flanking an entrance.
(**spectral lines look like bar codes and reveals a unique fingerprint)

YES this association is so profound.

And right here in the HERE and NOW, I do declare, I finally realize WTF I have here.
What we have is a powerful MANDALA, it is without a doubt an archetype that we can associate with both the macro cosmic zodiac and something ‘atomic’ beyond the molecular…the ‘microcosm’.
A Model that can be applied to both the Big and the Small equally, with lessons learned with each application.

I feel what I have here, in this image, (circa 16th-18th century is a guess till I can authenticate) that I had nicknamed the ‘Rosetta Mandala Fractal’ (some time ago) is a MODEL for what befuddles the greatest mInDs today, certainly on the atomic level.

And it concerns the number 137 which the physicist has placed between two fine spectral lines.
And though I can place the CUBE between these two spectral lines, which appear as GREEN PILLARS, along with the number 137, the next step is placing a tetrahedron with a 137 sphere packing inside the CUBE.

Please note in this demonstration re: the evolution of the MiNd that the cutting edge of humanity is usually considered crazy.
The video gets interesting around 5 minutes.

Itzak’s demonstration in this video clearly illustrates why genius/crazy share the same space on the evolutionary curve, a convergence that is usually found not in the peaks but in the valleys of evolution.

Itzhak, or Ben as his friends knew him, is the fella who taught ME about …

137 sphere packing

note the 137 sphere packing model in the center

The above image was taken from The Kabbalah Unveiled translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers

38. There are three qabalistical veils of the negative existence, and in themselves they formulate the hidden ideas of the Sephiroth not yet called into being, and they are concentrated in Kether, which in this sense is the Malkuth of the hidden ideas of the Sephiroth.

I will explain this. The first veil of the negative existence is the AIN, Ain = Negativity. This word consists of three letters, which thus shadow forth the first three Sephiroth or numbers. The second veil is the AIN SVP, Ain Soph = the Limitless, This title consists of six letters, and shadows forth the idea of the first six Sephiroth or numbers. The third veil is the AIN SVP AVR, Ain Soph Aur = the Limitless Light. This again consists of nine letters, and symbolizes the first nine Sephiroth, but of course in their hidden idea only. But when we reach the number nine we cannot progress farther without returning to the unity, or the Dumber one, fur the number ten is but a repetition of unity freshly derived from the negative, as is evident from a glance at its ordinary representation in Arabic numerals, where the circle 0 represents the Negative, and the 1 the Unity. Thus, then, the limitless ocean of negative light does not proceed from a centre, for it is centreless, but it concentrates a centre, which is the number one of the manifested Sephiroth, Kether, the Crown, the First Sephira; which therefore may be said to be the Malkuth or number ten of the hidden Sephiroth. (See Plate II.). Thus, “Kether is in Malkuth, and Malkuth is in Kether.”

Or, as an alchemical author of great repute (Thomas Vaughan, better known as Eugenius Philalethes) says, apparently quoting from Proclus: “That the heaven is in the earth, but after an earthly manner; and that the earth is in the heaven, but after a heavenly manner.” But inasmuch as negative existence is a subject incapable of definition, as I have before shown, it is rather considered by the Qabalists as depending back from the number of unity than as a separate consideration therefrom; wherefore they frequently apply the same terms and epithets indiscriminately to either. Such epithets are “The Concealed of the Concealed,” “The Ancient of the Ancient Ones,” the “Most Holy Ancient One,” &c

page 16 – paragraph #38

things are getting magical

more, more, and more ‘137‘ coincidences that have piled up to become evidence of a numerical unity we fail to comprehend.


by James P. Crutchfield, J. Doyne Farmer, Norman H. Packard, and Robert S. Shaw

There is order in chaos: randomness has an underlying geometric form. Chaos imposes fundamental limits on prediction, but it also suggests causal relationships where none were previously suspected.

A good example of a dynamical system is found in the simple pendulum. All that is needed t.determine its motion are two variables: position and velocity. The state is thus a point in a plane, whose coordinates are position and velocity. Newton’s laws provide a rule, expressed mathematically as a differential equation, that describes how the state evolves. As the pendulum swings back and forth the state moves along an “orbit”, or path, in the plane. In the ideal case of a frictionless pendulum the orbit is a loop; failing that, the orbit spirals to a point as the pendulum comes to rest.


STATE SPACE is a useful concept for visualizing the behavior of a dynamical system. It is an abstract space whose coordinates are the degrees of freedom of the system’s motion. The motion of a pendulum (top), for example, is completely determined by its initial position and velocity. Its state is thus a point in a plane whose coordinates are position and velocity (bottom). As the pendulum swings hack and forth it follows an “orbit”, or path, through the state space. For an ideal, frictionless pendulum the orbit is a closed curve (bottom left); otherwise, with friction, the orbit spirals to a point (bottom right).



p.s. It is all part of the design by the master mathematician, and it is very very cool as it reveals itself to you … the inter-connectivity is full of aha and awe and aums.

I also want to point out that I believe the orientation of the swastika that Bentov shows is incorrect for the direction he has indicated…

UPDATE March 2013

However after studying the movement of the swastika on the NANO scale I AM convinced either swastika oriented to the left or right can rotate in either direction.
And the direction that Bentov is indicating is probably correct.
The direction he is suggesting is due to high frequencies.

Go to APPLICATION #6 found at this link:

Optical forces induced on a light mill motor

Optical forces induced on a light mill motor by an illumination wavelength of 810 nm and 1700 nm. At 810 nm wavelength, light impacts the outer side of the arms, inducing a counterclockwise torque on the motor. At 1700 nm, light passes through the gaps and impacts the elbow of the motor, providing a clockwise torque. (Courtesy: Zhang group)

But in the image above take a look at the shadow that the swastika casts!

Does it look like the Hebrew letter aleph?
Yes of course it does.

Now that we have acquired NANO Lightmill/Swastika insights recall what Itzhak Bentov had said earlier …

“The front side of the Aleph is luminous and the back side is dark”

“This expresses two polarities.

From the luminous side  emerges a stream of twenty-two interference patterns of Hebrew letters, in the correct order of the alphabet, hovering in space; on the black side, the twenty-two letters are in a jumbled sequence…”

Leucippus and Democritus: atomist philosophers

The complex world is created by a whirling motion of atoms separated from the void.  This motion is like an Anaxagorean or Empedoclean vortex – spinning in a centripetal and centrifugal process.  Democritus took this accepted theory of the vortex and superimposed his atomic theory onto it so that the vortex would work in terms of atoms. The atomist theory creates a new mechanistic method at ground level.  However, these theories of scientific processes (so close to modern atomic theory) were, for these philosophers, pure speculation without experiment.  Amazingly, they were searching and postulating in the darkness of speculation.

A student then asked the question:  How does Democritus explain the weight of things if atoms themselves have no weight? 

Professor Hutchinson then said that Democritus answered that question in terms of centripetal and centrifugal forces.

UPDATE April 14, 2015

April 10 at 3:02pm Dan Winter: “worked with ben in boston and in italy- notes on his planet penetrating kundalini – physics”

source of image ~ Dan Winter

I have never seen Dan Winter mention the ‘swastika’ in any of his work.
It appears his entire theory defaults to ‘phi’ and  everything golden.

But let it be noted that in the theory recovered by ME+me building on the work of others, including Dan Winter and Livio Catullo Stecchini there exist at least two axis and Rene Schwaller de Lubicz identified three in the Temple of Luxor.

2B continued …

selah V



“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-A. Einstein




أول  سابق  60 إلى 74 من 104  لاحق   آخر 
جواب  رسائل 60 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 19/11/2015 23:35
Bruce Cathie's work with harmonic waveforms in matter and anti-matter clearly has a 137 connection, the numbers prove it to be worth some further investigation. 

Diagram 2 shows how matter and antimatter are created out of the same wave-forms. As the electron is moving through a spiral in each matter and antimatter pulse, it travels through a space of more than 360 degrees during each cycle: 


• the theoretical number of degrees would be 370.95199. 

• the double cycle is 741.90399. 

• the reciprocal harmonic of 370.95199 is 2.6957666 -3. 




جواب  رسائل 61 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 19/11/2015 23:36
Optimist777 wrote:
Raphael wrote:
Raphael wrote:


37/27=1.37037037037 to infinity 

28 + 36 = 64 

36/28 = 1.285714285714
 to infinity 

We now have the RANGE as discussed by science regarding the FINE STRUCTURE constant, aka the morphing ALPHA based on SUN/MOON whole number ratios. 

I just want to address why the moon can be expressed as the denominator 27 or 28. 
This discrepency can be traced to the use of Hindu asterisms. Both numbers were used. 

The wild card, whether 27 or 28 asterisms were used was not #28 but #22 Vega. 


The 28 moon mansions are VERY important in astrology. In this case I believe 28 is derived from adding 1 to 27, which has been a re-occurring theme in this numbers game. 

In the kings chamber, the north wall has 27 blocks and the south wall has 37 blocks. Also note that 37 x 27 = 999 

There is a website suggesting the Egyptians based all they're math around the constant of hydrogen, and the great pyramid was built to match the dimensions by applying repitans to the harmonic structure. 


1 / 27 = .037037 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 27 
2 / 27 = .074074 - - - / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 54


1 / 81 (3 x 27) = .01234567 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 9 
8 / 81 (3 x 27) = .098765432 / .001371742 (fine structure constant) = 72


The Grand Gallery is rightfully considered to be an architectural marvel. Its full length is just under 158. British feet. There are several features of this gallery that play major roles in the description of the total mathematical message of the pyramid. 

The Grand Gallery has 7 ceilings that once were composed of 37 individual over lapping stone slabs. This was a very ambitious physical undertaking if the pyramid was built to serve only as a tomb. One ceiling would have certainly served the purpose. 

It has been determined that the 7 ceilings of the Grand Gallery represent the 7 periods of the "periodic table of the elements" or electron shells " K to Q." The 37 over lapping stone slabs each represent fractions of the number 37. or: .027 - .054- 81- 135 ect. . This is where I acquired the knowledge of the 37 values for the Ra Table of Nines. 

When we consider that the omega major values for the Ra table of Nines (T.O.N.) also relate to the omega major values of the wave lengths of the spectral lines that are emitted the by the elements, along with the fact that the 37 slabs are found as components of the 7 ceilings (7 electron shells) the message of the 7 ceilings and 37 overlaps becomes clear. 

The Grand Gallery has curbs (banquettes) that run the length of the gallery's ramp. In these curbs are found 27 pairs of slots which are evenly spaced apart. These slots of course represent the 27 Ra repitans. Where as the 7 ceilings and 37 over laps represent electron activity the 27 repitans represent factors that pertain to the functions of atomic nuclei. The idea that the repitans represent mathematical descriptions of "quarks" is supported here. 

The 37 over lapping stone slabs situated over the 27 slots suggests the fraction 37 / 27 or 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure units). 

There is a 28th pair of slots that are located in the platform (Great Step) located at the top of the Grand Gallery. This pair of slots represents the 000 - - - repitan. Notice, that this pair of slots is located directly above the center of the Fibonacci spiral that was superimposed over a cross section of the pyramid , as seen in an earlier illustration. I believe that this is an indication that an undiscovered passage or chamber exists beneath the Great Step and at the center of the spiral (centered about 24 feet to the west in the pyramid where the north -south axis and east -west axis cross). 


Here's a good question, if hydrogen were to sing a song, what note would it prefer Question 

The Rydberg constant of hydrogen is 37 / 27 = 1.370370 (999. fine structure units) 

Here was a biggy for me, the reciprocal of the FSC value is 0.729 !! (27 x 27) 

729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching with a direct relation to 64 (DNA) 

9 x 9 x 9 = 729 
27/37 = .729729... 

hmmmmm..... what about that musical ratio 729/512 ?? (the balanced interval?) 
5(E)12(L) is the 9th octave Wink 

(note how the stage color switches to violet right when he starts playing)

great info re: Grand Gallery 

re: 729, you should check out the work of ME buddy Mo and Plato's cubes problem. 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 62 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 19/11/2015 23:40
Thanks for that link, I now believe the sun square of 729 is very important to 137. The number 3 cubed is 3*3*3 = 27, then squared is 27*27 = 729. This is Plato's magic number for measuring the interval between two extremes. 

The ratio of an augmented fourth is 729:512, or exactly 1.42382813. 

When we double that cube we get 1458:1024, which is the Pythagorean tritone. When divided is 1458 ÷ 1024 = 1.42382813, just as 729/512. Doubling again we get 2916 ÷ 2048 = 1.42382813. It just keeps on going, the more we square it, the more it stays the same within it's balance. 

9*729 = 6561 (9 to the 4th power), 6561 is the square of 81 Wink 

3*3 = 9 
9*9 = 81 
81*81 = 6561 

Physicist John Jakob Balmer discovered a series of spectral lines in the visible red spectrum of hydrogen with 6561 Angstroms. 
The Balmer Series of Hydrogen also has has 34 spectral lines, connecting to the Fibonacci sequence Question 

6561's square root is 81, the square root of 256 is 16. The square root of 256*6561 is 1296 (36=9), a harmonic of half the precession cycle. Very Happy 


In star trek, "warp 9" was 9 cubed times the speed of light or 729 times the speed of light. Laughing 

Might 729 be the cubesquare of light that is operating from 729 x 2 = 1458 + 270 = 1728 frequencies within the 64 cubes of space? 
But I'd rather be in touch with the 270 if you ask MI Wink 

Ernest McClain has much to say on 729 as well. 

Don't you just love that number 27. The moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth while the sun takes 27 days to revolve once on it's axis. It also takes 27 days for a human cell to re-grow. 9 and 27 are indeed married. We need Mo to come around and enlighten us further on the importance of the Horus eye number 64 and 1728. 

The square root of the Pythagorean comma ratio # 531441 is 729, and the square root of 524288 is 512 x 2 
Divide 531441 by 3 and 524288 by 2 and we get the wolf fifth 177147:262144!


جواب  رسائل 63 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 20/11/2015 00:38

At 33:39 of the video we are introduced to the first 39 steps of pi. 

Why are there 39 steps? 

Because this accuracy is all that is needed to: 

"to calculate the circumference of a CIRCLE the size of the entire observable universe accurate to the RADIUS (i.e. STRAIGHT LInE) of a single hydrogen atom"

WOW thanks MS 

the 39 steps that follow the '3' 

39 after the decimal, interestingly if we add the 3 we get 40 numbers necessary for our universal calculations. Wink 


But but but did you notice if you take the 3 and the last three digits of this string of 39 pearls i.e. 197 we in fact end up with the prime number CODE 1379 that we can link to both the Freemasons and the Maya? 


I like it, where are the scholars on BOTH sides, those who cannot get their act together i.e. science and religion??? 

TIME for BOTH of you to meet your maker. 



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

جواب  رسائل 64 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 23/11/2015 03:58
we need to talk about how your 729 brane intersects with my 1/137 brain dude.

for those of you listening in...
fine structure constant 1/137 = 0.0072992700729927 ....


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

جواب  رسائل 65 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 23/11/2015 04:22

جواب  رسائل 66 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/12/2015 00:21

جواب  رسائل 67 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/12/2015 00:26

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the Fine Structure Constant 1/128 and 1/137 and 1/146


The ‘supernatural’ facilities of
Ratio or Reason
Mens or Mind

The relation of Man, the microcosm, with the Universe, the macrocosm, c1617

The spheres of the Sun, Moon and planets and the hierarchy of angels and archangels, lead to the trinity of God represented by the triangle at the top.
In the centre are the spheres of the four elements earth, water, air and fire marked with the four temperaments. 

From Utriusque cosmi… historia by Robert Fludd.
(Oppenheim, 1617-1619).

128 vs 137 vs 146

DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the newly discovered (reciprocal) value for the Fine Structure Constant 128.5 and also provides us with the old established (reciprocal) value of 137 too.

Stone layers on the top of the pyramid of Khufu
from an Italian aerial photography [3] – PhotoVideo

And whoever built the pyramids used RATIOS…I suspect.
The current height of the Great Pyramid is approximately 137 meters in the north-east corner according to trail blazing architect Jean-Pierre Houdin.
The original height was approximately 146.5 meters.

We can arrive at approximations using ratios based on two numbers which always sum to64‘.
are the number of DNA codons that all life on earth defaults to.

i.e. sum of 64 based on values for the sun + moon 

36 + 28 = 64

37 + 27 = 64

38 + 26 = 64

the ratios based on those numbers are



38:26 = 1.461538 

Did the builders use RATIOS because there is good REASON behind it…?

The above numbers if you correlate them to the Great Pyramid suggests a story.

The ratio 38:28 corresponds to the original finished height of the Great Pyramid of 146.5 meters

The ratio 37:27 suggests where we are today 137 is the inverse of alpha the fine structure constant 1/137
The ratio 36:26 is associated with the number 128 which has been associated with an older universe, an older larger alpha of 1/128 (see below)

So it appears I may have stumbled onto a simple and elegant pattern linking an oscillating ‘alpha’ to the height of the Great Pyramid.
I must conclude that in the vicinity of 128-129 meters, approximately 9 meters below the current summit of 137 meters is a treasure yet to be found.

“We have no right to assume that any physical laws exist, or if they have existed up to now, that they will continue to exist in a similar manner in the future.”
– Max Planck
The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics (1931)

The reason I needed Max to walk the Planck and take the plunge into a new frontier is because it appears that the speed of light, and along with it, the fine structure constant are both in jeopardy of no longer being ‘constants’.

Current advances:
The fine-structure constant and quantum Hall effect

The fine-structure constant  is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137.

It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.

At shorter distances corresponding to higher energy processes or probes (large momentum transfers), the screen is partially penetrated and the strength of the electromagnetic interaction increases since the effective charge increases.

Thus  depends upon the energy at which it is measured, increasing with increasing energy, and is considered an effective or running coupling constant. Indeed, due to e+e- and other vacuum polarization processes, at an energy corresponding to the mass of the W boson (approximately 81 GeV, equivalent to a distance of approximately 2 x 10-18 m), (mW) is approximately 1/128 compared with its zero-energy value of approximately 1/137.

Thus the famous number 1/137 is not unique or especially fundamental.

Speed of light may have changed over time

The number is 137…not 42

The Great Pyramid–Martin Gardner *outdated skepticism*

Now I wrote this back in 2009:

And then I found this post I had written:

i.e. the fine structure constant (1/128 or 1/137) is somehow connected to the ‘zodiac’ and the 4 gospels.

That was then, this is now.  

We have since acquired a simple SUN/MOON ratio that can be applied to the CUBE of 64 based on 4^3 which happens to match up nicely with the number of codons of our DNA, that forms the basis for all life on earth.

It all sounds like a blueprint, or a grail tale worth preserving and placing into a chest or an ark, and calling it the holy of holies batman. DNA knowledge and wisdom regarding the preservation of life on earth would/should be a big deal.

And the association to the 64 Hexagrams that comprise the 5000 year old I Ching is not a coincidence, as others have noted too.

Those 64 codons form the codes which comprise our DNA, which is the common denominator of ALL life on earth, presenting itself as a candidate worthy of ‘grail’ status.

We have already noted the connection between the numbers 37 + 27 = 64 AND the fine structure constant called alpha, recognized as 0.00729, 1/137, and simply 137.



27/37 = 0.729729 

Then Frank C. Higgins reminded me that long ago the ancients had assigned the number 36 to the SUN and 28 to the MOON

So I did the obvious. I took the SUN/MOON as a ratio. And the results were stunning to say the least.
Could it be this simple?

Recall that Ha/tha (as in Hatha yoga) means Sun/Moon.




Which brings us back to the beginning of this blogpost and the number 1.258
One of the numerical clues that I am following as I time travel, remembering what I already seem to know?

My former firefighter badge was #1258

So it appears the SUN/MOON ratio is directly connected to the maintenance of our DNA
a.k.a. known as the Holy Grail
the Ark of the Convenant
and the buried treasure


eks marks the spot

Famous early x-ray image of DNA a.k.a. PHOTO 51 taken by Rosalind Franklin
Her role in the discovery of the double helix:

جواب  رسائل 68 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/12/2015 00:28

جواب  رسائل 69 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/12/2015 01:23

“LSD found in Solomon’s Temple ~ HIDDEN DIMENSIONS ~ LEvI priests I37 Magnetosphere changes” by invoking …

“LSD found in Solomon’s Temple ~ HIDDEN DIMENSIONS ~ LEvI priests I37 Magnetosphere changes” by invoking 1π ~ 2π ~ 3π ~ 5π
I just want to point out that the TILT of the earth’s axis leads to ‘asymmetrical boundaries’.
Connections exist between the number 55/DNA, physical and non-physical ‘boundaries’, and the asymmetry found embedded in the architecture at Stonehenge/Great Pyramid/Mecca/I Ching.And the associations regarding the primal IDEA/NUMBER do not stop there.
This next image of how the orbit of the earth ‘fluctuates’ over a 100,000 year cycle fits the LSD/Solomon’s Knot/4 Evangelists archetype pretty damn good.And Robert it was you who mentioned the zig zag, well did you know that one of the earliest glyphs showing the birth of our zig zag consciousness is from around 100,000 BCE?A perfect fit for this next theory too?
Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages – solar and earth wobble – CO2 not main driver
CORVALLIS, Ore. – A team of researchers says it has largely put to rest a long debate on the underlying mechanism that has caused periodic ice ages on Earth for the past 2.5 million years – they are ultimately linked to slight shifts in solar radiation caused by predictable changes in Earth’s rotation and axis.

BATS and a changing Magnetosphere



The first image shows how much the Earth’s orbit can vary in shape next to an image of the FLYWHEEL at the Coral Castle,  note the green >>> arrows indicating the bulges.
This process in a slow one, taking roughly 100,000 years to complete a cycle.
(Credit: Texas A&M University note: illustration is not to scale)


L eague for

S piritual


LSD Solomon’s Knot and the 4 Evangelists:


Can you see how I have chanced upon a Primal IDEA, recognized by the ancients, later embedded into the ‘narratives’ to pass on and retain knowledge and wisdom in a mnemonic form.
There is a simple reason we rEMEMber in images, pictures are worth a 1000 words or 10,000 things perhaps.


Easy enough to prove the ancients were aware of asymmetry.
Yes they were aware, and we are rather ignorant of this fact that they were more aware of that underlying hidden hand playing a role in creation than we appear to be.
It seems we have been focused on the idea of a symmetry model far too much, far too long…probably because symmetry is equated with and implies perfection, and perfection is ‘god’.

Asymmetry in science is often referred to as broken symmetry.

However is it not obvious that the flaw of the fallen man is a reference to ASYMMETRY and this is a departure from SYMMETRY.

And it is not a revelation that matter would possess an anti-christ, anti-rotation.
Matter just like Christ has its own asymmetrical shadow called anti-matter.

Have we been ignoring what is hidden in plain sight, all around us…in HIDDEN DIMENSIONS?

go to 6:30 of the video

“ONE OF THE KEY THINGS THAT OFTEN LOST IS … when you are testing a theory you do not need to test every single prediction of the theory …. you need to test enough of the predictions that you gain confidence that the theory is a good guide to the nature of reality and then if that theory tells you things about realms that you can’t see like a realm before the big bang you are actually learning about that realm even though you can’t test it or see it.”
Brian Greene

Well I have much confidence in the Theory of Everything called ‘137’.
Most people know ‘137’ as the QaBaLaH, Kabbalah, Cabala, etc….

So the idea of ‘137’ which in fact is the gematria value of the Hebrew spelling of QaBaLaH, which long ago had presented itself as a good guide to the nature of reality. And the QaBaLaH is in fact a theory that tells us things about realms we cannot see, like a realm before the big bang.

Thus the QaBaLaH teaches about realms that the ancients could not test or see, but hey according to Brian Greene that is OKAY!!!

So it is okay with ME too. Thus begins the dismantling of science using science quotations.

(As you read this blog …. keep those words of Brian Greene prophecy echoing in your mind as the 137 ‘coincidences’ begin to reveal a DESIGN)

I hate to say it, but this comes from deep deep within … ewe, we, and me, we all live in the land of Asymme-TREE of Life.

We inhabit a dimension where the flow of TIME is defined as asymmetric in nature, and asymmetry can be defined as the breakdown of symmetry.

Essentially symmetry ends where asymmetry begins and vice versa.

Entropy is the 2nd law of thermodynamics (some say the third now), it is the penalty for breaching the law that precedes it.

Entropy is the penalty, which has a hand in directing the arrow of time, taking the mortal trapped in matter for a ride, the ride of his or her life of course.

IF we wanted to change the direction TIME seems to flow to us, I think we would need to acquire a new SENSORY SKILL set.
How does the IDEA of a FLYwheel line up with the swastika and that 100,000 year cycle?
LSD the Lucky 4 Leaf Clover the New Atlantis and Prime Numbers
How do the Coral Castle mysteries line up with this PRIMAL ARCHETYPE that is NOT bounded by TIME, or SPACE, because it reflects MOTION?
FLY rhymes with ELI?
Can we connect the FLYwheel to ELI and the enigmatic dimensionless fine structure constant I37 too?
And at the same time showing the associations to the SHAPE and FORM which we can find embedded in the Precession of the Equinox Cycle too, linked to Solomon’s Knot.
Which brings us back to the opening image of that 100,000 year cycle identified by science today.
It is a match for what the ancients had embedded into the symbols as MNEMONIC
devices, like the Greek Zodiac Cross.
Those LUCKY 4-leaf clover quatrefoils are KEY because they express a reality that is determined by what appears to be things beyond our control.
i.e the tilt of the earth due to precession and angular momentum.
So how do we use the magic of I37 using LEvI priest knowledge of the Electro-magnetic field of the Earth?
Stay thirsty my friends
the most interesting MEN in the world drink Dos Equis!!!!
image on left: Owl outside a Freemason Lodge in Riga, Latvia.
NOTE the bookmark…from a distance I thought it was XX,
later I would realize the obvious
XX = compaSS and Square
But why the reverence for the OWL?
Why the OWL?
Why do those Freemasons use owls to symbolize their crafty craft?

The secret to an owl’s ability to hear is due to the ‘asymmetrical’ placement of its ear openings
this is what gives these dapper raptors their edge at night over their prey.

And the owl can twist its head nearly 360 degrees like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.

Asymmetry is a KEY to the OWL symbolism and SOUND
Asymmetry is the KEY to unlocking many of the secrets to the universe.
What IF?
And the owl’s monocular vision is also indicative of a deeper symbolism.
Kim Peeks who is a savant, (the real life original ‘Rain Man’ portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film of the same name), can read two pages of an open book at the SAME TIME.
Kim Peeks can read books incredibly fast, and he has a photographic memory to boot, IF you reboot his computer, the information is not lost.
However his gift of OWL vision came with a severe handicap.
This could be another reason for the OWL fascination too.


Interference of waves from two point sources.

1π ~ 2π ~ 3π ~ 5π

Constructive interference occurs when the phase difference between the waves is a multiple of 2π, whereas destructive interference occurs when the difference is 1π, 3π, 5π, etc.

If the difference between the phases is intermediate between these two extremes, then the magnitude of the displacement of the summed waves lies between the minimum and maximum values.

Consider, for example, what happens when two identical stones are dropped into a still pool of water at different locations.

  • Each stone generates a circular wave propagating outwards from the point where the stone was dropped.
  • When the two waves overlap, the net displacement at a particular point is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves.
  • At some points, these will be in phase, and will produce a maximum displacement.
  • In other places, the waves will be in anti-phase, and there will be no net displacement at these points. Thus, parts of the surface will be stationary—these are seen in the figure below as stationary blue-green lines radiating from the centre.

RaphaEL a.k.a. LabbIEL
to be updated till the end of time or I run out of space…

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory

“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein




جواب  رسائل 70 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 04/12/2015 17:28

Several things to be noted, the idea of A-B-C-D or 1-2-3-4 and the numbers mentioned.

27 – 37 – 73 – 137

جواب  رسائل 71 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 10/01/2016 22:33

The sum of the letter places of the two words 'between the light' in verse Gen.1:4 is: 31+32+33+34+35+36+37=238. This is the number value of the last two words of Gen.1:3: and there was light, : 207+31=238. From the start of the bible the sum of the letter places of the two words 'between the light' in verse Gen.1:4 is: 134+135+136+137+138+139+140=959, which is of course 7x137.

جواب  رسائل 72 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/01/2016 17:38
I agree about that site, looked it might hold something at first but I should have know off the bat from the babble.
weak nuclear force? It should be extremely strong !!

We can closely approximate this using 37 and 27 in Einstein's equation E=M(c^2) as:

m = E/(c^2)
c^2 = 27
m = 37 / 27
m = 1.37037037037...

100 X m is approximately equal to the fine-structure constant.

Multiply this number by 9-squared and we have a triple Unity (what we might call a "holy trinity").

1.37037037 * 81 = 111

There are 137 atoms in chlorophyll which are organized into 6 concentric rings around a magnesium atom with 12 equal radial branches out from the center. Similarly, the hermatin molecule in blood has 137 atoms organized in the exact same way around an iron atom. In both plants and animals, the 137 atoms are needed to extract energy from light and convert energy into matter.

So all matter can be described as a structural ratio of 37 to 3-cubed. Light is really cubic and defines the Planck length of a quanta of the cubic quantum lattice.

Incidentally, 37 X 73 = 2701 and 2701 / 27 = 100.037037.

Oh, and 2701 + 1072 = 3773. // 1072 is 2701 reflected while 3773 is 37 reflected.

Odd and Even, 3 and 2 are a reflection of one another. Harmony in all things originates in this reflected balance.

Arrow http://worldoftak.ning.com/forum/topics/58-mars

The nature of VITRIOL "See in the interior of the purified earth, and you will find the secret stone, the true medicine"

Path of the middle pillar, Autiot-Yassod = 90(1)3

C.G. Jung identified "The Emerald Tablet" with a table made of green stone which he encountered in the first of a set of his dreams and visions beginning at the end of 1912, and climaxing in his writing the Seven Sermons to the Dead in 1916.
To other alchemists who worked primarily with vegetable matter and processes, rather than the mineral work, the Green Lion was an image of the green raw energy of nature, "the green fuse which drives the flower" as Dylan Thomas elegantly expressed it in one of his poems. Here the Green Lion which devours the sun is the green pigment chlorophyll. The green leaves of the plant are formed out of the energy of sunlight. Alchemists often attempted to create living processes in their flasks and looked especially for precipitates or crystallization's which resembled leaves or plant forms. The Green Lion here could be a plant sap extract which was often the prima materia for their alchemical work. The Gryphon, half-eagle and half-lion, was sometimes associated with the end of this stage. The eagle nature of the Gryphon gave this hybrid being an ability to ascend in the flask, so it marked, in a sense, the spiritualization/crystallization of the Green Lion.

Hmmmm, this structure looks very familiar. Shocked

The black sun is the green sun and the sun of Ra was not the golden sun in the sky, but a Green Sun. The black sun eclipse represents the stage of putrefaction called nigredo. And when the sun emerges from behind it, it is “Aurora” the whitening stage, called Albedo. In India the eclipse symbolizes Rahu, demon of darkness devouring the sun.

Manuscript from 14th century Aurora Consurgens (“the rising dawn”):
"Turn to me with your whole heart and do not despise me because I am black and dark, for the sun has burned me so, and the black depths have covered my face.”

the phrase "turn to me with your whole heart" = the 4th chakra/horse represents the heART and it is linked to the color green.
(Green Wings of Ma'at)

The "Staff of Brahma" and the "Rod of Hermes" are virtually the same thing but they come from different cultures. The Ball at the top of the Rod of Hermes is equivalent to the Human Head on the Staff of Brahma (the spine), thus the winged helmet worn by Hermes, and note the visual similarity between the Rod of Hermes and the (black) Angel. She is holding the crest over her stomach and her wings are green. She holds the crest indicates the chakra she has already mastered (the third chakra yellow - like the yellow sun) and the next chakra that she is attempting to open (the fourth chakra green - the green sun): and her wings are reflecting the color of the chakra she is trying to open.

جواب  رسائل 73 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 29/02/2016 00:37
Originally Posted by mihryazd View Post
Hi everyone,

I see a lot of activity going on. I am joining the gang in order to point out to the significance of 37.
Welcome to the thread, MihrYazd...

Here's a wee bit more research compiled on 37 and the Lo Shu Values:

The number 37,
as shown below (and in greater detail in post#16),
has a pervasive, yet often 'hidden', influence in the set of 81 tones:

Linear Arrangement of the 81 Lo Shu Tones
shown here in their 3-digit frequency form
{Reduced by their only common denominator, which is 3** 

Note that in the above diagram, now 37 becomes the 'primary' number
as well as the main vertical (in this diagonal diagram) incremental number...


1/81 = .012345679...

these digits sum to, you guessed it, 37...


Subset of 27 tones
{anchored by the 37 points of the Hemicube

More on 27 and 37

The numbers 27 and 37 are 'reciprocals' of each other:

1/27 = .037037037...
1/37 = .027027027...


27 x 37 = 999
{999 is the largest frequency in the 81 toneset**


The 27 (2-digit) tones shown on the Hemicube
in the previous post add up to the value of 1485:

1485/37 = 40.135135...

1485/27 = 55

The central hub around which the entire
81 Lo Shu toneset revolves is 55:

55/40.135135 = 1.370370...


40.135135/55 = .729729...


37/27 = 


27/37 = 


729 is the number of hexagrams in the Tai Hsuan Ching:

9 x 9 x 9 = 729


This value of 
1.370370... is also quite significant:

According to the United States Bureau of Standards 
the physical constant (or fine structure constant)
of the hydrogen atom is 37/27 x 100:

As we saw above 37/27 = 

1.370370 x 100 = 137.037037...


{The following is exerpted from chapter 4 of Wilcock's Divine Cosmos**


This constant has been continuously studied by spectroscope analysis,
and the highly revered physicist Richard P. Feynman explained the
mystery in his book The Strange Theory of Light and Matter.

(This value) has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more
than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this
number up on their wall and worry about it.

Immediately you would like to know
where this number for a coupling comes from:
is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? 

Nobody knows, it is one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics:
a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man.
You might say that the "hand of God" wrote that number,
and "we don't know how He pushed His pencil." 


Last edited by mythmath; 01-08-2010 at 11:49 AM.

جواب  رسائل 74 من 104 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/07/2016 01:19

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