SABEMOS QUE VENUS, esta diseñado en funcion al numero de oro Phi, en funcion a su ciclo en funcion a la tierra y el sol. La luna creciente es una REFERENCIA A ISHTAR (MADRE ENGENDRA UNA ESTRELLA/GRIAL) May 2009 - 10 min - Subido por kewserx Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Koran, it is the high time for Divine Secrets ... Abr 2009 - 10 min - Subido por HighFlyingDutchman Presenting the clear scientific facts that the 'holy' city of Islam is in the Golden Ratio point of the world. It ...
The Black Cube Cult “Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.
Actually, the Mardi Gras celebration originated in the pagan pre-Christian celebration of spring. Ancient Greeks would sacrifice a goat, cut its hide in to strips and run naked through the fields while their pagan priests lashed them with the goat-hide strips. This was a part of their spring fertility rite to insure a productive harvest for their fields and increase the fertility of their flocks and women. The custom was degenerate even by pagan standards, being a time of lewdness, immorality, drunkenness and revelry and was associated with the worship of the Greek god "Pan".
"Most scholars see a relationship between present day Mardi Gras and the ancient tribal rituals of fertility that welcomed the arrival of Spring. A possible ancestor of the celebration is the Lupercalis, a circus-like orgy held in mid-February in Rome."
the day before Ash Wednesday was Carnival! It meant "farewell to flesh" (at least for the Lenten season). The French called it Mardi Gras for Fat Tuesday
What's Really Behind the Mardi Gras Masks?
"But behind the sequins and war paint, and deep under the light-hearted Carnival spirit, is there some quirk in the human personality that makes people want to mask? And if so, is there some twist in each individual's psyche that makes him choose the alter-identity he does?
Enter the anthropologists and sociologists, who assure us that yes, there certainly may be a darker side to Carnival. Joseph V. Guillotte, Ph.D., associate professor of anthropology at the University of New Orleans, says that maskers have been traced at least as far back as the Ice Age. The proof is a dated drawing from southwestern France of the Dancing Sorcerer, a man dressed in a reindeer costume. Among early man, masking was considered a conduit to the supernatural, Guillotte says. A man donned a mask and believed he was possessed by the spirit of a god or dead ancestor who was trying to communicate with the living. "the individual becomes the character the mask depicts... Masking (or costuming) altered the state of consciousness."5
In the same article, Fuller quotes Fred Koening, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at Tulane University:
"Masks are a way of being anonymous, and if you wear a mask, ' you take on a different persona.' Among the early tribes, men who wore masks were considered crueler toward their enemies than those who did not. Certainly nobody is claiming that masking at Carnival. has anything to do with cruelty. But, Koening says, 'You can be a little drunker, a little wilder, a little more primitive.' Furthermore, at Carnival 'people will be more tolerant of you,' he says. 'Normal rules are gone. Traditional routines are put on hold.'"
The Masks of Carnival was easily influenced the African and Indian population of America because it had a connection to their rituals for the dead.
Rosslyn Chapel and the head of the goat on the roof
The importance of the number 8 Kabba... The Kaaba, was erected in the center of Mecca’s shrine area, where Venus as a meteorite has been worshipped for thousands of years. The cube shape of the Kaaba incorporates the alchemical number eight by having two four-sided squares, one above and one below (4+4), thus emphasizing and enhancing the alchemical properties of its indwelling form of Venus. Eight symbolizes the number of perfect expression, the octagon, the cube. As mentioned, the number 8 denoted both enlightenment as well as the two “worlds, “ Heaven and Earth, a point made explicit by the builders of the Kaaba, who incorporated into its structure thirty-one courses of stone and wood, then added two more, symbolizing Heaven and Earth, thus making thirty-three, the number of enlightenment.
In particular the Semites regarded trees, caves, springs, and large stones as being inhabited by spirits; like the Black Stone of Islam in a corner of the Ka'bah at Mecca, in Petra and other places in Arabia stones were venerated also" (History of the Islamic Peoples, Carl Brockelmann, p 8-10) "According to a theory held by many, this temple [Kabah] had been sourceally connected with the ancient worship of the sun, moon and stars, and its circumambulation by the worshippers had a symbolical reference to the rotation of the heavenly bodies. Within its precincts and in its neighborhood there were found many idols, such as Hubal, Lat, Ozza, Manah, Wadd, Sawa, Yaghut, Nasr, Isaf, Naila, etc. A black stone in the temple wall was regarded with superstitious awe as eminently sacred" (Muhammad and Muhammadanism, S.W. Koelle, 1889, p. 17-19)
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
59. Hechos 2:30: Pero siendo profeta, y sabiendo que con juramento Dios le había jurado que de su descendencia, en cuanto a la carne, levantaría al CRISTO para que se sentase en su trono,
60. Hechos 2:31: viéndolo antes, habló de la resurrección de CRISTO, que su alma no fue dejada en el Hades, ni su carne vio corrupción.
61. Hechos 2:36: Sepa, pues, ciertísimamente toda la casa de Israel, que a este Jesús a quien vosotros crucificasteis, Dios le ha hecho Señor y CRISTO.
62. Hechos 2:38: Pedro les dijo: Arrepentíos, y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de JesuCRISTO para perdón de los pecados; y recibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo.
Rennes Chateau: Mary Magdalene the one Jesus loved the most
by Carolyn Shield
Mary Magdalene plays a major role this past week in the Easter story of Jesus's Resurrection. She is the first one that Jesus appears to after he rises from the dead. He doesn't appear to Peter, John, James his brother, or even his mother. He appears to the one who he loves the most Mary Magdalene. She followed him through his journeys and supported his cause financially. She is at the Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection. Pope John Paul II has called her the "Apostle to the Apostles". She is named fourteen times in the bible more than most of the apostles. Magdalene is mentioned more than Mother Mary in the bible. Jesus cured her of a serious illness and as a result saved her life. Her bravery is outstanding when compared with Saint Peter. It is Saint Augustine who said "it was the Holy Spirit who made Magdalene the Apostle of the Apostles." We are lucky to have the Gospel of Mary Magdalene which she tells the Apostles secret teachings Jesus taught her. Jesus teaches a woman and then this woman teaches his Apostles. It is another terrific part of the story. No more Magdalene carries the false label of the prostitute but not an equal to the Apostles. Many can debate if she is seated next to Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper. It is her actions that speak for themselves. She has earned the right to be seated with the Apostles.
At Rennes Chateau in France Mary Magdalene carries a cross and holds a urn. On the cross she bears is a five pointed star. The five pointed star is the symbol of Venus. Titian has a painting called Venus with Mirror. The two cherubs are there holding her mirror.
Hit the link to see the Rennes Chateau image of Mary Magdalene carrying the cross below her feet are two cherubs. In the mirror the eye of the goddess Venus is older and more wrinkled. She will be crowned by roses which have thorns. In the mirror do we see the all seeing eye of the goddess peering back at her. The Egyptian all seeing eye of the goddess Wedjet known as green one and the Greeks called it "risen one".
Titian Pieta is his last painting. In the painting we see Mary Magdalene with two cherubs one above and the other below. A woman carrying the cross crowned with rose crown of thorns. She was a Cumaen Sibyl who predicted the coming of the savior.
It is interesting that the cherubs under Magdalene at Rennes Chateau are pointing down and one wonders if there is a crypt under the church. The cherubs are seen in many paintings dealing with the burial of Christ. Bourdon, Poussin, Titian, and others have placed the cherubs with Magdalene and the other women at Jesus grave. These women who came to Jesus's grave possibly had children. The cherubs in the paintings maybe a symbol representing the children of the Holy Family or children of Jerusalem. Luke 23:28-31 says
"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us'; and to the hills, 'Cover us'. For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
It doesn't surprise me that Venus the goddess of Love whose symbol is the five pointed star would be connected to Mary Magdalene. It could be the reason for the symbol on the tree cross that she carries. Venus symbol has a cross in it for its astrological symbol. It is connected to the Ankh. The key of life to the Egyptians connected to Isis and eternal life.
Venus retrogrades every 584 days (19 months) making five retrograde points around the Sun. After eight years, Venus forms a five-pointed star in the sky. Ishtar and Astarte carry the jar of life and so Mary Magdalene carries her jar . Mark 14:3 talks about the woman with the alabaster jar. The jar the Egyptians used for the funeral rites. It seems the symbolic connections with Magdalene and Venus makes sense. She loved Jesus with such passion and he loved her by showing his resurrected self first to her. It is all about the power of love and that is what Venus and Isis is all about.
At the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is a wooden panel which depicts the life of Christ. A panel depicts the Wedding of Cana. Three people have halos one is Jesus another is a woman who sits next to Jesus. . Is she Mother Mary or possibly Magdalene?One wonders who the fellow next to Jesus who has a halo too? Is he Jesus brother? Is he the bride's father? Is he the bride's groom? The lady next to him does not have a halo and she is darker skinned than the others. She does wear a gold crown and her hair is not covered. I'm interested to hear what other people think of this interpretation of the Wedding of Cana especially the saint next to Jesus. The French had a oral tradition which said Mary Magdalene came to France by boat with other saints. She brought with her the dark servant girl Sara the Egyptian. Napoleon made the Paris coats of arms the five pointed star and the ship who brought Isis to the city called Paris. It is interesting the similar story of Isis and Magdalene coming by boat to France. Napoleon created the Arch de Triumph as a symbol of Isis and her star Sirius. Isis was devoted and loved Osiris very much. I could see how Magdalene and the story of Isis could be similar. What do you think?
Pentagonal se refiere al Ciclo formado por 5 ciclos sinódicos.
Venus y la Tierra danzan en sincronía matemática y geométrica en el salón del Espacio, al son de la sutilísima vibración de la música de las esferas, pues esferas son. El milenario mito de la llamada "Música de las Esferas" es mito mientras no se comprende qué es o a qué se refiere. Es como si una persona no reconociera que los instrumentos musicales suenan y por eso concluye que la "música de los instrumentos" es mito. Sólo le basta escuchar, sentir, vibrar y comprender. Nosotros estamos en una de esas esferas: el Planeta Tierra, aunque si pensamos un poco comprenderemos que es normal que sea posible que no conozcamos la maravilla en la que estamos inmersos ni que participemos activamente en ella, como aquel espectador que está de gratis en un maravilloso concierto y él mismo es un instrumento y se queda dormido, pero no porque la música sea aburrida sino porque no sabe que está ahí.
Cada 8 años, que son 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus, ambos planetas se encuentran 5 veces en sus puntos más cercanos, al mismo lado del Sol, 5 puntos que son equidistantes y que forman los 5 vértices de una estrella de 5 puntas. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver la animación.
Si continúas observando podrás comprobar cómo Venus y la Tierra continúan trazando la figura pentagonal, aunque ya no desde el mismo punto que la anterior. De hecho, comienzan una nueva 2,33 días antes que la anterior. La actual la comenzaron el 8 de junio de 2004 y termina el 6 de junio de 2012. Esto significa que esa estrella de 5 puntas gira también alrededor del Sol hasta dar una vuelta en 1.252 años: un Ciclo mayor compuesto por 156 subciclos Pentagonales (1.252 órbitas de la Tierra y 2.035 de Venus). Así es como los planetas crean los Ciclos Cósmicos. 1.252 años son 457.457 días, que es prácticamente 676 x 676 ó 26x26x26x26 ó (13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13) días.
Aquí puedes verlo de otra manera comenzando desde el 8 de junio de 2004 (cuando se produjo un tránsito de Venus) hasta el 6 de junio de 2012 en que se produce otro tránsito. Puedes hacer click sobre la escena repetidamente.
Los números 5, 8 y 13 son números consecutivos de la serie Fibonacci en la que cada número dividido por su anterior tiende al valor del número Phi, el que marca la llamada "proporción divina" de ciertos elementos de la Naturaleza, por no decir muchos o todos, y entre los cuales están las propias piezas que componen el esqueleto de nuestros cuerpos: los huesos. En la vigésima división de la serie Fibonacci, entre los números 6.765 y 4.181, se obtiene un valor de phi afinado hasta el sexto decimal: 1'6180339. También se puede ver que los números de la serie Fibonacci 6.765 y 4.181 como días terrestres convertidos a Tzolkins son 26 y 16 Tzolkin, y mientras el año de la Tierra (365 días) es 1,62 veces más largo que el de Venus (225 días), siendo 1,62 el redondeo de 1,618 que es el valor de Phi, en el ciclo sinódico Venus da 2'6 órbitas y la Tierra da 1'6 (fracciones de 26 y 16). Y por fin, reproduciendo los tres números de la serie Fibonacci 5, 8 y 13 en el ciclo pentagonal resulta que 5 es el número de encuentros entre La Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus.
Viendo desde el planeta Tierra, desde el meridiano del mediodía, sin que gire el planeta (pero sí trasladándose) y acelerando mucho el movimiento de los astros hasta que en 20 segundos transcurrieran 8 años, podríamos ver a Venus realizar 5 movimientos retrógrados cada 8 años, 2 en forma de lazo, 1 en zig zag (cruzando la eclíptica) y otros 2 de nuevo en forma de lazo (casi simétricos a los dos primeros). Los trazos en forma de lazo los realiza por encima o debajo de la eclíptica según ande circulando por el nodo superior o inferior de su órbita (inclinada respecto a la de la Tierra). Empleando una expresión metafórica, son las Curvas de Venus.
También podemos verlas como las letras gráficas del lenguaje venusiano. Tales trazos derivan gradualmente en el cielo terrestre cada 8 años en sentido contrario al del Sol ante el fondo fijo de las estrellas y las constelaciones, de modo que desde hace unos 100 años, el movimiento en zig zag de Venus ha venido ocurriendo sobre la constelación de Orión.
El 13 es número basico en el Ciclo Pentagonal, pues es el número de órbitas de Venus, de modo que en 13 Ciclos Pentagonales Venus da 169 órbitas (13x13). Este ciclo de 13 ciclos Pentagonales es 37.960 días durante los que Venus realiza 65 ciclos sinódicos (o alineamientos con la Tierra) y en los que también intervienen 146 ciclos del Tzolkin 146 e incluso 104 del Haab (103,96 años de 365,2422 años). Vemos que el el 65 y el 104 son múltiplos del 13.
13 Pentagonales = 13 x 2920 días = 37.960 días
65 ciclos sinódicos = 65 x 584 días = 37.960 días
104 Haabs = 104 x 365 días = 37.960 días
146 Tzolkines = 146 x 260 días = 37.960 días
A su vez este ciclo de 37.960 días ó 13 Ciclos Pentagonales es una unidad de otros ciclos mayores.
Pentagonal se refiere al Ciclo formado por 5 ciclos sinódicos. ... Cada 8 años, que son 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus, ambos planetas se encuentran 5 ...
19 May 2011 – En un ciclo de 243 años del Tránsito de Venus , hay dos pares espaciados de 121,5 ± 8 años de diferencia. El último tránsito de Venus (par) ... Feb. 2012 - 4 min. - Subido por navelegante Recreación de la dinámica y geometría entre los planetas Tierra/Gea/Gaia y Venus durante 8 años en los que ...
8 Abr 1996 – Venus es, aparte del Sol y la Luna, el objeto mas brillante y notorio del ... sinódicos de este planeta corresponden casi exactamente a 8 años...
Este periodo se conocía como el ciclo Sothis en el Antiguo Egipto. ... Una aproximación casi tan cercana será en el año 2101, cuando Venus alcanzará ..... una precesión de unos 2 días cada 8 años, la coincidencia de ambos en el punto de ...
Este período corresponde a los 152 períodos orbitales de Venus. El patrón de 105,5; 8; 121,5 y 8 años no es el único posible para un ciclo de 243 años, debido ...
La estrella de cinco puntas de Venus fue conocida por los antiguos asirios. ... de cinco ciclos de observación, han transcurrido ocho años (5 x 1.6 año = 8 años), ...
25 Ago 2011 – Es el Ciclo Octogonal de Venus. Eso significa que desde la Tierra, en los últimos 112 años cada 8 años (14 ciclos octogonales), habríamos ...
6 Oct 2011 – el ciclo pleyadiano de venus. Hace unos 100 años, desde la Tierra, cada 8 años (cada octenio) a comienzos de abril, se podía ver al planeta ...
Anuncio relacionado con venus CICLO DE 8 AÑOS¿Por qué este anuncio?Se mostró este anuncio debido a tus términos de búsqueda actuales.
LA FECHA GREGORIANA segun mi criterio mas probable en que nuestro Señor fue crucificado, en el contexto a que el verdadero calendario hebreo es con LUNA NUEVA/ROSH JODESH EN LUNA LLENA, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA EN EL AÑO 33 fue en MARZO 5, seria el 18 de Marzo /14 de Nissan y su RESURRECCION habria sido el 22/3 o 22 de Marzo del AÑO 33. ¿ESTA EL MISTERIO DEL NUMERO 322 RESUELTO? Vamos a seguir estudiando si es viable esta posibilidad. Tenga en cuenta que el 22/3/33 fue LUNA CRECIENTE.