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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 205 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:02
Eso es posible debido a que el eje de rotación del planeta Agua, Aire, Tierra y Fuego está inclinado 23.5 grados y el planeta da su órbita al sol mientras su eje mantiene fijo.
  • The Master's Square - compares the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the New Jerusalem to the Masonic Temple, and investigates the universal, astronomically based, geometric method for Temple design and construction. This relates the patterns in the Masonic Floor to all the sacred objects in the Bible, as well as temples around the world.

    Poster WTC

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:21

    Columnas de Hércules

    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
    Columnas de Hércules, incluidas en el escudo nacional de España.
    Monumento a las Columnas de Hércules, en el Territorio Británico de Ultramar de Gibraltar.
    Columnas y lema «Plus Ultra» en el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla.
    Detalle en un mapa antiguo de las columnas.

    Las Columnas de Hércules fueron un elemento legendario de origen mitológico, situado en el estrecho de Gibraltar y señalaba el límite del mundo conocido, la última frontera para los antiguos navegantes del Mediterráneo. Los griegos conocían bien el Mediterráneo, aunque dadas las considerables distancias, sus conocimientos sobre lo que se extendía en el océano Atlántico era más limitado, dando lugar así a leyendas y temores. Bajo el lema «Non Terrae Plus Ultra» los romanos asignaban el confín del continente, que si bien se asoció a Finisterre, también simbolizaba el estrecho de Gibraltar.

    El nombre más antiguo que con seguridad alude a las mismas parte de los griegos, quienes las denominaron Στῆλαι Ἡρακλήϊαι o Ἡρακλέων στηλέων «Estelas de Heracles» y que los romanos después llamaron Columnas Herculis, o sea, Columnas de Hércules.

    La columna norte (antiguo Kalpe o «Calpe») es identificada con el peñón de Gibraltar (426 m). La identidad de la columna sur (antigua «Abila») ha sido disputada a través de la historia, siendo los dos candidatos más probables el Monte Hacho (204 m) en Ceuta y el Monte Musa (851 m) en Marruecos.

    [editar] Mitos

    En un arrebato de locura Heracles (Hércules) había matado a sus hijos. Recobrada la razón, el Oráculo de Delfos le había indicado que para purificarse, debería estar al servicio del rey de Tirinto, Euristeo, durante doce años. Habiendo llegado al monarca la fama de los bueyes de Gerión, ser fabuloso que poseía tres cuerpos y que moraba en el Lejano Occidente, y aprovechándose que aún no habían expirado los doce años de servicios, encargó a Heracles que capturase dichos rebaños. El viaje de ida, antes de llegar a Eriteia (una de las antiguas islas sobre las que actualmente se asienta la ciudad de San Fernando), fue pródigo en aventuras y luchas de todo tipo, hasta el extremo que "para conmemorar sus hazañas fueron elevadas las columnas que llevan su nombre, que separan Europa de África".

    Heracles tomó prestada la Copa de Helios para navegar sobre el océano y llegar a la tierra de Gerión. Mató a éste y regresó al reino de Euristeo con el ganado. Fue Hércules quien separó las dos rocas para abrir el camino al océano Atlántico.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:24

    The Twin Pillars of Hercules - Richard Merrick

    www.tokenrock.com/.../The-Twin-Pillars-of-Her...En caché - Traducir esta página
    22 Oct 2009 – The most recent are the twin towers, but it goes way back. ... But instead of climbing the mountain, Hercules smashed through it using his ...
  • Hercules & Mars Linked to World Trade Center Pentagon 9 -11 ...

    www.mt.net/~watcher/columbuscorrelations.htmlEn caché - Similares - Traducir esta página
    Today, Sept.11th, American Flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers, christening the twin obelisks with the blood of its 92 (9 + 2 = 11) passengers. American ...
  • Meaning of Two Towers Symbolism - David Icke's Official Forums

    www.davidicke.com › ... › Main ForumsGeneralEn caché - Traducir esta página
    23 publicaciones - 12 autores - 11 Oct. 2010
    Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers Moon Tarot Card Freemasons - Jachin and Boaz Twin Pillars of Hercules at Atlantis 11:11. We are told that ...
  • Twin Towers of Hercules | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    www.flickr.com/photos/hidrosnino/5244555812/En caché - Traducir esta página
    8 Dec 2010 – This photo belongs to. ismaelcd1972's photostream (197) · Los lunes al sol · Novia · Twin Towers of Hercules · Light II · Light ...
  • What is the Meaning of Two Towers Symbolism? - Page 2

    www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/.../pg2  - Traducir esta página
    30 publicaciones - 4 autores - 11 Oct. 2010
    Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers Moon Tarot Card Freemasons - Jachin and Boaz Twin Pillars of Hercules at Atlantis 11:11. We are told that ...
  • The Twin Pillars: Jachin and Boaz | Secret Arcana

    secretarcana.com/occultsymbols/the-two-pillars/En caché - Traducir esta página
    The two columns called the “Pillars of Hercules” in Ancient Greece stood at the gateway ..... no not our petronas twin tower,hope it got nothing to do with the two ...
  • Survivor Series 88 - The Mega Powers Team vs Twin Towers Team ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHragIUSFak4 Ago. 2010 - 10 min. - Subido por WrestlingUploader234
    Mega Powers Team (Randy Savage,Hulk Hogan,Koko B.Ware,Hercules,Hillbilly Jim) vs Twin Towers ...
  • Twin Towers « Hercules Fence

    www.herculesfence.com/blog/tag/twin-towers/En caché - Traducir esta página
    The 9/11 Memorial of Maryland will honor the extraordinary heroism, commitment and sacrifice of Maryland's 9/11 victims, rescuers, first responders and their ...
  • When was the tower of Hercules made

    wiki.answers.com › ... › CategoriesUncategorizedEn caché - Traducir esta página
    Hercules was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Alcmena. ... The Twin Towers of New York were completed in 1973, nearly 7 years after they began ...
  • WWF The Main Event - February 3, 1989

    www.dawrestlingsite.com/.../the-main-event-020...En caché - Traducir esta página
    16 Jul 2012 – Tonight, it'll all come to a head when the Mega Powers take on the Twin Towers. Oh, and Hercules goes one-on-one with Ted Dibiase (a year ...

    Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:26
    The combining of the two oppsite forces of the twin pillars produce the center pillar: the perfected man.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:32



    HOURS = HORUS = HORSE = WHORES, with the significance of each relating to the luciferian agenda.

    The whole configuration of the light particle and the geometric way its constructed, lends itself to the formulation of a thing called hours. However, this isn’t a very potent subliminal in itself, so let’s now attach a religious thought to the whole thing and called it Horus the sun god, or son of god. Now we feel compelled to take it a bit more seriously. However, to push the hypnotic suggestion even farther, let’s conjure up a creation that runs like the wind and call it a horse. This horse notion, and horse racing, may be the pasttime activity of the elite of the world. This sport of kings has helped cause the elite of the world to believe they’re really in control and in the know, but in reality, are the most deeply entranced of all.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:35



    The dollar sign is said to have come from the Spanish royal family 's coat of arms, consisting of the two Pillars of Hercules with a serpentine banner bearing a motto. The appropriateness of the Pillars of Hercules as an emblem of the currency of the Americas is described in THE SPANISH MILLED DOLLAR by Ernie Richards:

      "The story that it tells is of Spanish entrepreneurs venturing out into an unknown ocean because it was felt (due to Columbus’ early voyages) that there was “more beyond” (PLUS ULTRA). It brazenly displays the “two worlds”, the old and the new, capped by one Spanish Crown and riding on waves emanating from between the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar). This is a declaration that Spain claimed dominion over both worlds..."
    In mythology, Hercules reached the limits of the Mediterranean and raised two great columns upon which he inscribed Non Plus Ultra - as this was the supposed border of the known world. The Pillars of Hercules now refers to the twin mountains of Gibraltar and Mt. Acho. Below is an illustration of the old Spanish "Pillar Dollar" bearing the Twin Columns of Hercules & Twin Globes of the Old & New World. [back to the 7-11 Gibraltar Connection]

    This symbolism reminded me of the Freemasonic Twin Columns shown here, where the "two worlds" are Heaven and Earth. Clearly Twin Columns is an evocative symbol, understood by Architects, Merchants, Bankers & Freemasons.

    "Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. One sees a foreshadowing of antichrist in those goals, Revelation 13.


    Isn't it interesting that there is a pyramid on the dollar bill, and that the "Pyramid Timeline" was said to end September 17. Now , that might not have been intended to refer to the end of the world, but the End of the Pyramid. Doesn't it seem like the age of the Almighty Dollar has ended?

    Prophetic Date September 17 /18 Eventful Rosh Hashannah!!

  • Bible Code Software Yields "Prophecy" September 18 2001 War in Middle East
  • Pyramid Inch Timeline Correlation of Piazzi Smyth Yields "Prophecy" September 17/18 2001


    Watcher Website - UFOs and the Bible, Nephilim and Noah, Ezekiel Cherubim & the Zodiac - Mars Sphinx & Giza Sphinx - Cydonia Mars Moon NASA Conspiracy - David Flynn Stones of Fire
    return to Watcher's updates and conspiracy files
  • The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards which are protected by the womb-shaped PENTAGON at the center - the United States Pentagon is appropriately associated with defense and protection. Because the United States has symbolically lost the protection of its Pentagon, look for more war reigning happily ... perhaps along the 13th meridian or, more likely, the 33rd latitude (i.e. symbolic areas might include Phoenix, Atlanta or Texas). In our hometown of Helena Montana, on the 112 meridian (1+12=13) the Federal Reserve Bank has just installed a barricade the likes of which our small town has not seen since the days of the Unabomber (found in the Scapegoat Wilderness just west of Helena).
    : The two spheres on the Pillar Dollar were abbreviated on some coins, showing up as half-circles instead of whole. The symbol for Gemini seems to me an image of Twin Pillars standing atop the semi-circle of the Earth, capped by the semi-circle of the vault of Heaven. The location of Atlas's Herculean task was said to be secret, in the land of the Hesperides, where the three daughters of Atlas and the Dragon called Ladon guarded the Golden Apples of Juno.  

    Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 21:59
    Dates to watch:
  • October 8 or * 8 / 8 *Udjat symbolic of Health Related Crisis
  • October 12 Columbus Day *Muslims trace loss of hegemony to 1492 *10-12 USS Cole Terrorist Attack
  • October 13 *Freemasons trace their origin to October 13 *White House Masonic Foundation Ceremony 10-13
  • October 26 *Feast of Hathor - Cow Goddess of Death - Bovine Related Bio War?
  • October 31 *FBI Warns Bulk Candy Purchases - Don't Let Your Children Out Halloween!
  • Nov 11 * Feast of Andromeda = Andromeda Strain? AndroMEDA & PERSeus = Medes & Persians


  • Columbus Journey Beyond Pillars of Hercules 1492 funded by Royal Family of Spain
    • Royal family of Spain & Pillars of Hercules (legendary location Gibraltar on Iberian Peninsula & Morocco)
      • Twin Pillars of Hercules on Royal Family Crest because they funded New World Exploration
      • Twin Pillars Crest on Spanish Dollar, becomes early American Dollar design
      • Twin Pillar Dollar design abbreviated, becomes the Dollar Sign $ (with two columns, not just one)
        • US Dollar Design Symbolizes the Philosophy of the Land
          • Just as Spanish Pillar Dollar symbolic of the Spanish Age of Exploration & New World Conquests
          • Horus Eye in Pyramid on Back of Dollar Bill
            • Horus = Mercury, Hermes, Thoth - Gods of Information, Commerce, Illumination
          • Freemason Washington on front of Dollar
          • Monument to Washington's Dollar = Monument to Horus = Twin Towers = Twin Pillar Reference
      • Spanish Royal Family Defeat of Muslims 1492 - Iberian Peninsula or "Andalusia" or "Lusitania" Forced to Convert
      • Ferdinand & Isabella claim victory over Muslims at Granada - Islam not allowed openly on Iberian Peninsula
      • Muslim article says dates of Islamic defeats must be commemorated "for the rehabilitation of the Iberian Peninsula"
        • WTC Towers Collapsed Sept. 11, literally 11th day of 7th month, or * 7-11 * Muslim Warriors Success in America
        • 711 AD Year of Initial Muslim Success in Europe - 711 - 1492 Muslims ruled "Andalusia" Portugal, Spain, Southern France
  • Columbus Identity
      • Columba Roman for Dove
        • "The Dove of Genoa" Catholic Reference to Columbus "Man of God"
        • Columbia symbolic name for America - District of Columbia supposedly means District of the Dove
          • Isis in her incarnation as Semiramis is called The Branch Bearer, Symbolized by the Dove: Hislop's Two Babylons
            • Illuminated meaning District of Columbia = "District of Isis"
            • The Branch of Isis / Semiramis / Dove is her son = Horus
    • Italian: Tradition has Columbus born in Genoa according to Catholic Encyclopedia (Roman Catholic)
    • Spanish: Many say Cristobal Colon never claimed he was Genoese, and always wrote in Spanish Catalan
    • Portuguese: Papal Bulls written in Latin still refer to him as CRISTOV& Atilde;O COLON not Latin Columbus, as one would expect


    • The date of the attack - 9/11 - 9+1+1=11
    • Phone number to report life threatening events = 911
    • "Eleven -shaped Building" Twin Towers Collapse on 9-11
    • 11th Labor of Hercules Included Holding up Twin Pillars
    • Flight 11 hit the Twin Towers
    • Flight 11 had 92 on board : 9+2=11
    • Flight 77 had 65 on board : 6+5=11
    • September 11 th is the 254th day of the year 2+5+4=11
    • After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year
    • State of New York - 11th state to be added to the Union
    • New York City - 11 letters
    • Afghanistan - 11 letters
    • The Pentagon - 11 letters
    • George W Bush - 11 letters
    • September 11, 1922 The British mandate of Palestine began - Osama & Islam Commemorate Date?

    THE NUMBER 77( 7 X 11=77 ):

    PENTAGON ON THE 77TH MERIDIAN, ATTACKED BY FLIGHT 77 Flight 11 and Flight 77 were both "twin" numbers. Atlas, whose pillars were temporarily shouldered by Hercules during his 11th Labor, is Plato's legendary king of Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by 7 sets of Twins!
    # 77 is an Illuminated signal, the number of the Revenge of Lamech, ancestor of Hiram Abiff the Master Mason.

    THE NUMBERS 7-11:

    While the date 9-11 is evocative for the association with #911 emergency phone number, this date's Illuminated significance can be discerned by remembering it as the Roman (mars worshipping) 11TH DAY OF 7TH MONTH = 7-11.

    Islam In Europe from AD 711-1492

    STRAIGHTS OF GIBRALTER AND7-11 : On the surface, it is interesting that the US "royal" family the Rockefeller's financed the Taliban and empowered Osama bin Laden -- the alleged culprits in the destruction of Rockefeller's monument to the dollar, the Twin Towers. The date of the attack is significant in the history of the Jewish vs Muslim conflict. Sept. 11 would be 7 - 11 if the west reckoned the year as the Romans did -- March, named after their god Mars, was the first month of the new year, and September the seventh.

    Because Abraham was the father of both the Jewish and Arabic nations, the Jews through Isaac and the Arabs through Ishmael, contention for earth ruler ship exists symbolic of the rebellious spiritual forces ultimately behind earthly conflicts. This is because God promised to make Abraham's descendants not only numerous as the stars, but also joint heirs with Him over the earth through His Messiah. Abraham sent Ishmael away but maintained Isaac as his heir. The 1st Muslim expansion into 'Catholic' Europe began in 711 AD when the Berber Tarik-ibn-Ziyad, the Governor of Tangier invaded and rapidly conquered Visigothic Spain, also known as Iberia. Iberia is from the same root as Hebrew, "Iber".

    Tarik gave his name to "Jabal (mount of) Tarik" or, as we say, Gibraltar -- as in the Twin Pillars that adorn the proto dollar. Tarik sailed across the Strait by night, and so not to arouse suspicion used Visigothic ships landing undetected on Gibraltar. Within 7 years the conquest of the peninsula was complete It became one of the centers of Moslem civilization. Famously by 733 (22 years later) the Muslims reached Poitiers in France. There a the battle of Tours halted the Muslim advance. Spain remained at least partially under Muslim control until 1492 when Granada was conquered by Ferdinand and Isabella -- the Spanish royals whose crest is emblazoned on the Pillar Dollar. 1492 was also the date of the legendary discovery of America by Columbus.

    "With Granada fell all Spain's greatness. For a brief while, indeed, the reflection of the Moorish splendour cast a borrowed light upon the history of the land which it had once warmed with its sunny radiance. The great epoch of Isabella, Charles V and Philip II, of Columbus, Cortes and Pizarro, shed a last halo about the dying monuments of a mighty state. When followed the abomination of dissolution, the rule of inquisition and the blackness of darkness in which Spain has been plunged ever since. Conde as Quoted in Prescott, ‘Philip II of Spain,’ Vol. III.

    "Yet there were knowledge and learning everywhere except in Catholic Europe. At a time when even kings could not read or write, a Moorish king had a private library of six hundred thousand books. At a time when ninety-nine percent of the Christian people were wholly illiterate, the Moorish city of Cordova had eight hundred public schools, and there was not a village within the limits of the empire where the blessings of education could not be enjoyed by the children of the most indigent peasant, ...and it was difficult to encounter even a Moorish peasant who could not read and write." S.P. Scott in 'The History of the Moorish Empire in Europe.'

    The USS Cole was attacked on October 12, Columbus Day. This uniquely American "holiday" celebrates the date 1492, which saw both Infidel expansion into the New World under Columbus, and defeat of Muslims in Granada under Spanish Catholic Infidels. The Sept. 11 or 7-11 attack took down the "twin pillars" of the almighty US dollar, breached the pentagonal womb of US defense, and re-ignited the Muslim expansion that began in 711 AD.

    Osama bin Laden refers to the Muslim defeat of 1492!

    "Let the whole world know that we shall never accept that the tragedy of Andalusia be repeated in Palestine," bin Laden said, referring to the medieval Christian reconquest of Spain from Muslims. "We cannot accept that Palestine will become Jewish." OSAMA BIN LADEN - OCT. 8, 2001 Fox News
      SYMBOLS are used by Illuminated Brethren to 1) indoctrinate the unwashed masses on an unconscious level and 2) signal in a cryptic way to their fellow "Brothers of the House" , in a language that will be understood by fellow members of the Frer Macons (Free Masons).

      Sirius -- Egyptian Hieroglyph for Isis Sirius Osiris Boat of Isis Venus Aphrodite Ishtar AstarteThis is the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, invoked by illuminated brethren in the ritual worship of Isis, Osiris and ultimately Horus. According to Masonic authors Albert Pike & Manley P. Hall, the religion of Illuminated Brethren is revealed in the Isis- Osiris - Horus Mythos. Note the three-part symbol for Sirius encompasses an obelisk, a star & half dome. Towers, Pillars, or Columns are all architectural references evoking the mythology of Isis & Osiris and the religion of the Illuminated Brethren. It is symbology that is recognized by * THEM * even if it seems mundane to the common sheeple.

    The 7 11 Connection : Atlantis AGAIN

    The 9-11 (7-11) mass murder seemed like an obvious reference to Gemini, the sign associated with Mercury, god who flies through the air bringing information. The Twin motif connotes the dualistic offspring of Isis/Sirius, and Romulus & Remus, the Twins whose rivalry is associated with the Building of the Walls of Rome. I had written an earlier study called "Shakespeare, Kubrick & Gnostic Dualism" discussing, among other things, the Roman veneration of the combined twin deity Janus as the God of Buildings and Architecture.

    The symbolism of Gemini=Mercury=Hermes=Thoth was not lost on the Architects who planned the Twin Pillars of the WTC -- Mercury being the god of commerce and Hermes & Thoth the aspects of that deity associated with Illuminated Knowledge (the WTC was a symbol of the Information Age as well). Illuminated Rockefellers were well aware of the identity of the God of Commerce, and as bankers surely knew the origin of the symbol of the Almighty Dollar, commonly known as the dollar sign. It is in the origin of the US dollar -- double-pillars surmounted by a serpent motif -- that the relevancy of the Gemini allusion -- Castor and Pollux twin patrons of Navigation -- becomes clear.

      QUEST FOR THE GOLDEN APPLES, THE 11TH LABOR OF HERCULES: These apples were kept in a garden at the northern edge of the world, and they were guarded not only by a hundred-headed dragon, named Ladon, but also by the Hesperides, nymphs who were daughters of Atlas, the titan who held the sky and the earth upon his shoulders. Through cunning Hercules destroyed the DRAGON LADON and tricked Atlas and his daughters the Hesperides out of the Golden Apples. The Atlas Mountains in Morocco are said to be the place heaven is born on the strong shoulders of Atlas.
    While Hesiod says Atlas was the son of a Titan who rose up against Zeus, and that Atlas's daughters kept the Golden Apples, there is a parallel tale of the children of Atlas who became kings of Atlantis. Atlas was said to be the son of Poseidon in this account, which comes only from the Atlantis description of Plato. Plato's name means broad shoulder and strong one. The Twin Columns between Heaven and Earth refer to the location of Plato's Atlantis, and more importantly to the land of Bacon's New Atlantis. Lord Bacon named America as the site of New Atlantis -- the revived Atlantis where the Old World could rebuild the Lost Golden Age.

    September means the Seventh Month, so the WTC tragic date could be abbreviated as 7 - 11... Significant if one were from France, and an enthusiastic occultist. The number 711 is significant as the year which saw the area of the Pillars of Hercules (beyond which lies Plato's Atlantis) overrun by Muslims-- Iberia (Land of the Ibers or Hebrews) in conflict with Muslims (Sons of Ham) in 711AD. The numbers 7 and 11 are not insignificant in the WTC Pentagon tragedy. Flight 11 and Flight 77 were both "twin" numbers. Atlas, whose pillars were temporarily shouldered by Hercules during his 11th Labor, is also a legendary king of Atlantis. Atlantis was ruled by 7 sets of Twins!

    Comments from Watcher's Dave Flynn:

        "And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength [lieth], and by what [means] we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred [pieces] of silver. (Flight 11 hit the first of the twin towers ) Jdg 16:5 And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. Jdg 16: 28 (the reverse of this, Horus lost one of his eyes in the fight with the killer of Osiris, his twin Seth) And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house (of Dagon) stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. Judges

        16:29 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. (the Twin towers attack was suicidal) And he bowed himself with [all his] might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that [were] therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than [they] which he slew in his life. Jdg 16:30"

    • The attack of the 'twin towers' in America symbolizes the revenge of Lamech, and the toppling of the American-ruled governing institution - economic and spiritual. The number of Lamech’s revenge is 77 (Lamech is ancestor of Hiram Abiff) - Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, on the 77th meridian.

      The alleged mastermind behind the attacks, Osama Bin Laden has a remarkably symbolic last name - Bin = "son" of Ladon. Ladon is the mythical serpent described in the 11th labor of Hercules, the guardian of the tree of golden fruit of Hesperides at the pillars of Atlas.

      The combined occultic symbolism of numbers, places, and people and TIMING involved in the “terrorist attack” is so consistent with the Mysteries that it goes beyond the agency of mere humans alone. The symbolic act of destroying the Twin Towers and the Pentagon are ultimate sacrifices towards achieving the Great Work -- world rule under the forces of the Fiery Dragon. It is the blood sacrifice for the forces of the Spirit of Antichrist who is to rule the world from Israel. These forces attacked the epitome of what represents them -- the greatest sacrifice they can offer -- as providing a symbolic cue to the angelic rebels.

      The attack was the symbolic antithesis of the story of Samson.

      Samson is an anagram for Masons (Anagram of Osama Bin = I B a Mason). Samson also toppled two pillars - of the temple of "Dagon" - the Fish / Dragon god of the Philistines (Dragon Ladon in Greek myth). The events that caused the first airline to collide with the "twin towers" were put into motion around 13:00 Greenwich mean time. 13 is the number of Isis, whose symbol is the 5 pointed star (Pentagon).
    "Brothers of the House" seeking to communicate with their fellow brethren would seize the opportunity to imbue their architectural undertaking with such a rich symbolic motif, and it is no surprise that the Rockefeller duo are members of the Illuminati, immersed completely in the pursuit of the power that money brings. In the guise of The Great Work, the Rockefeller World Trade Center sought to embody the ideals of the modern age, the Age of Information, and the concept of World Peace through World Trade. One sees a foreshadowing of antichrist in those goals, Revelation 13.

     9 - 11 - 1 : 9 x 111 = 999 nostradamus musings

    The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards which are protected by the womb-shaped PENTAGON at the center - the United States Pentagon is appropriately associated with defense and protection. Because the United States has symbolically lost the protection of its Pentagon, look for more war reigning happily ... perhaps along the 13th meridian or, more likely, the 33rd latitude (i.e. symbolic areas might include Phoenix, Atlanta or Texas)
  • The quatrain X.72 of Nostradamus, one of the world most famous persons from the 16th century: L'an mil neuf cent nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra um grand Roy d'effrayeur Ressusciter le grand Roy d'Angoulmois Avant apr& egrave;s Mars regner par bonheur." Translated: the number 1 999 - a cryptic reference not necessarily the year 1999 - perhaps "the year of the millennium - 999" SEPT (the 7th month), from the sky will come a great frightening king. The great king of Angoulmois is revived. Before and after Mars reigns."
  • Sibyl of Prague, an old woman (17th century) "From the east a dragon will come, terrible to look at, because from its 9 times 99 eyes (1999?), mortal rays will be emitted and a poisonous air leaves its mouth".
  • Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) was a simple Christian man who lived in Freilassing, Germany. During his life, he did several prophecies correctly, helping the police to discover criminals... etc. He spoke on the third war, and according to him, it would begin anywhere exactly after the murder of a big one near the Arabs and a murder in the Balkans. "I see three nines, but I don't know what this means."
    reference Prophecies of the Millennium
  • http://www.mt.net/~watcher/columbuscorrelations.html

  • Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2012 22:01
    End of the Age - Return of the Nephilim?
    The book of Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red, an Old Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the earth - Yaw-rad "descend". It is interesting to note that "Jordan" comes from that same root word denoting "descent, coming down or falling" - Yar-dane "the place of the descent". The source of the Jordan river is Mount Hermon - the point of descent of the Watchers. Mt. Hermon resides in the ancient land formally known as "Sidonia". The super-human angelic beings descended, created hybrid offspring with human women, the "nephilim" and mighty men of renknown preserved in ancient myths. The source for the dispersion of angelic "alien" technology, and the Hermetic knowledge that influenced human civilization since the days of Noah, was Sidonia / Cydonia. UFO sightings increase as 2012 approaches - significant?


    The symbolism surrounding the coming End of the Aion in 2012 suggests perhaps another "descent" is approaching. The time & location should not be a mystery as it has been looked for, advanced & ardently pursued by the Mystery Schools for centuries, from its earliest advocacy in the Edfu Texts to the current wizardry going on at NASA. At the very least, could there be a revelation that alien intelligences left evidence of their civilizations on Mars?

    Mount Hermon place of the descent fallen angels alien intervention nephilim the watchers



    2012 End of the Age - End Times AION symbol Ouroboros, serpent eating its own tail end time prophecy David Flynn research

    RE: 2012 & End of the Age. The Greeks called the End of the Age the SUNTELIA AION Ancient historians and especially Plato referred to a cycle of catastrophe at the End of the Age. The AION was symbolized by the Ouroboros.
    The Milky Way Galaxy is the inspiration for the symbol of the Ouroboros. Hermeticism and myth refer to a serpent of light residing in the heavens. The Milky Way is this serpent, and viewed at galactic central point near sagittarius, this serpent eats its own tail.
    David Flynn 2012 research, sign of the end of times, the Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail Illuminated hermeticism synchromysticism & apocalyptic symbolism.

    The Milky Way galaxy keeps a great time cycle that ends in catastrophic change. The sign of the SUNTELIA AION is the sun rising out of the mouth of the oroborus, which will occur on the solstice December 2012.



    Flynn: Lost Ark of the Covenant Location disclosed


    Temple at the Center of Time: Investigations of Sacred Dimension, Revealed in Prophecy, the Temple of Jerusalem, and the Ark of the Covenant, from the works of Isaac Newton by David Flynn In "Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the Year 2012" David Flynn's examines clues found in illuminated literature and ancient texts which Isaac Newton had access to, using his knowledge of the Bible in the original languages, in this examination of the works of Isaac Newton dealing with End Time Prophecy, especially found in the Books of Daniel and Revelation ( The Apocalypse ). Flynn asserts that although Newton had solved riddles of space, time, gravity, light, physics & mathematics, Newton seemed to be looking for "proof that God is in control of the universe". Flynn's book demonstrates how pivotal events in history are unquestionably connected in time and space to Jerusalem. In "Temple at the Center of Time" one may find not only research into why such a great "scientific mind" as Newton's would be obsessed by the Biblical End Times, but also insite into such fascinating topics as the placement and purpose of ancient megaliths like Baalbek and Avebury, and why there is a significance placed on the galactic event which will occur on December 21, 2012. read more about David Flynn's book "Temple at the Center of Time ...." at World Net Daily




    david flynn on freemason symbols 33 and 2012 end times and bible prophecy David Flynn 's book "Cydonia: the Secret Chronicles of Mars" and his DVD lectures from the annual Roswell UFOs & the Bible Conference reveal:


  • 2012 significance the great Cosmic Clock embodied in the symbol the Ouroboros
  • "the gods" who walked the earth in the ages before Adam
  • the nephilim of Genesis 6 and the technology & wisdom they imparted to humankind
  • the distinctly Martian Cydonian influence on human civilization
  • megaliths magick & the meaning behind the esoteric tenet "As Above, So Below"
  • 33 & 2012 -- freemason symbols mystery schools & the modern alchememy of NASA

    Sorry all the first edition "CYDONIA BOOKS" are sold out however ... DAVID FLYNN LECTUREs FROM 2003-2008 AVAILABLE FROM WATCHERWEBSITE VIA PAYPAL BELOW.



    WHAT IS AVAILABLE ON FLYNN 'S 5 HOUR DVD SET 2003-2005? The oroboros was used in traditions of hermeticism, occultism, gnosticism, alchemy, secret societies & illuminated fraternities like Freemasons & Rosicrucians. This serpent symbolism referred to the fateful CELESTIAL CLOCK -- the Milky Way as viewed from the earth -- which has as its "hour and minute hands" the zodiac as powered by the precession of the equinox. Flynn 's lectures from 2003-2005 demonstrate how symbolism has kept secret, yet preserved, the knowledge of the heavens, and how it pertains to our modern age, as we approach the END OF THE AGE IN 2012. click this paypal button to order Flynn's lectures from 2003-2005:
    FLYNN 'S 5 HOUR DVD SET 2003-2005 Includes Hoagland Roundtable
    NEW 4 HOUR DVD SET: FLYNN 'S 2008 PRESENTATION ON MYTH, SYMBOLISM, 2012 AND THE END OF THE AGE. This four hour DVD set contains David Flynn's newest material, building on the research presented in the previous DVD lectures and Flynn's first book "Cydonia ...". This 2008 series delves further into a potential signifcant prophetic occurance in the near future, an examination of the growing public fascination with the date December 21, 2012, and continues into the realm of mystical toponomy, the significance of Solomon 's Temple within hermeticism and freemasonry, and the location of the Temple in Jerusalem in the works of Isaac Newton, who was obsessed with deciphering the prophecies in Daniel & John 's Apocalypse concerning the end times. click this paypal button to order Flynn's lectures from 2008:
    FLYNN 'S 4 HOUR DVD SET 2008 includes End of Age 2012 Analysis
    All 9 hours of David Flynn 's DVD presentations


    As you may have heard mentioned on the Sept. 20 2011 CoasttoCoastAM show w/ Doug Elwell & Richard Hoagland and on the incredible Oct. 30 2011 show with LA Marzulli, or read about on Steve Quayle's (author of Genesis 6 Giants) website and Tom Horn's (author of Apollyon Rising 2012) website, controversial Bible scholar & lecturer David Flynn was diagnosed with brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme. He passed away January 22, 2012.

    If you would like to contribute towards the upkeep of David Flynn's Watcher Website, you may do so through Paypal below.
    watcher website David Flynn author Cydonia: Secret Chronicles of Mars, Temple at the Center of Time, lectured on Pax TV
    DAILY UPDATES ON THE WATCHER WEBSITE DISCUSSION FORUM topics include: Antichrist & End Time Prophecy, 2012 End of Days, UFOs & the Bible, Genesis 6 & the Nephelim, Angels & Aliens, 2012 & End of the Age, Apocalypse 2012, Bible Prophecy & NWO Conspiracy, unique research from David Flynn & many others!






    Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/07/2012 18:44

    Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 205 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/08/2012 02:22

    Estados Unidos, ¿un país hispano?

    por Antonio Rodríguez

    ¿Es Estados Unidos un país hispano? Ciertamente, un análisis de la historia y del momento presente da motivos más que suficientes para pensar en una respuesta afirmativa, o al menos para considerar que la Hispanidad ha influido decisivamente en la formación de la actual realidad norteamericana.

    Obviamente, el carácter anglosajón ha sido la seña de identidad lingüística y cultural de los Estados Unidos, pero ésta se basa en una superioridad marcada muchas veces por la imposición sobre otras culturas, incluidas las indígenas. Esto indica cual ha sido la cultura más poderosa pero no da una imagen completa de la realidad porque ignora la presencia de unas raíces que, de una u otra manera, están latentes en el pueblo norteamericano.

    Hasta tal punto la colonización de los Estados Unidos está ligada a los españoles, que la ciudad más antigua del país es San Agustín en la Florida, fundada por el asturiano Pedro Menéndez de Avilés en el año 1565. Todavía hoy en día la ciudad conserva el estilo arquitectónico colonial español y en su castillo ondea la bandera de la Cruz de Borgoña en recuerdo de la presencia hispana. Respecto a este símbolo utilizado por los españoles antes de que se instituyera la enseña roja y gualda como estandarte nacional, es interesante reseñar que las actuales banderas de los estados de Luisiana y Florida son precisamente una cruz de borgoña roja sobre fondo blanco como recuerdo a su pasado español.

    En este punto resulta curioso explicar también que en los Estados Unidos actuales pervive un símbolo de origen español que es además uno de los más importantes del país. Se trata de la representación abreviada que se hace del dólar ($). La explicación viene de la utilización que se hizo en los Estados Unidos del peso español, ya que esta fue la moneda oficial del país desde su independencia (1776) hasta la aparición del dólar (1793). La razón es que era la moneda más valiosa en el momento y la que más circulaba por el continente americano. Esta moneda tenía en su reverso dibujados dos mundos entre dos columnas y una banda que las unía con el lema “Plus Ultra”. En los Estados Unidos comenzó a usarse una abreviatura ($) que era una S como representación de la banda y dos barras como representación de las columnas. Es una historia anecdótica pero que da una idea de hasta qué punto la importancia de España influyó en la creación de los principales símbolos americanos.

    Hay que recordar que los españoles llegaron a estas tierras antes que los ingleses y tomaron posesión de buena parte del territorio. Numerosos estados formaron parte en algún momento de la historia parte del Imperio Español tal como se puede ver en la tabla que ofrecemos más adelante y, por lo tanto, quedan algunas huellas de la presencia española en estos lugares. En los nombres de las ciudades que fundaron (Los Ángeles, San Francisco, etc.), sus monumentos, su arquitectura, su cultura e incluso en su lengua y costumbres.

    Ya en 1512, Juan Ponce de León tomaba posesión de la Florida en nombre de España. Luego llegaría la fundación de San Agustín como ya hemos mencionado y de muchas otras como Santa Fe, San Diego, y así una larga lista de ciudades hoy en día muy importantes de Estados Unidos. Por su parte, fue en 1607 cuando los ingleses fundaban su primera colonia en Jamestown, Virgina. De los primeros 105 colonos, 73 murieron de hambre y enfermedades en los primeros siete meses después de su arribo. Pero la colonia con el tiempo creció y prosperó con el cultivo del tabaco, el cual empezaron a enviar a Inglaterra en 1614. Luego comenzarían a extenderse las colonizaciones inglesas en el norte del actual país, con la llegada del Mayflower y nuevas remesas de colonos a distintos puntos como Massachusetts de Rhode Island, Marylandy o Pennsylvania; mientras el sur era dominio de los españoles. Incluso los ingleses debieron compartir las glorias de la colonización americana con otras naciones como franceses y holandeses. Por ejemplo, una de las ciudades más representativas de los Estados Unidos, Nueva York, fue en realidad fundada por los holandeses que le pusieron inicialmente el nombre de Nueva Ámsterdam.

    Entre los españoles, sería Hernando de Soto uno de los principales colonizadores españoles en Norteamérica, explorando Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Luisiana y Texas, mientras Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo hacia lo mismo en California y la costa del Pacífico. De Soto descubrió además el Mississippi, uno de los mayores ríos del mundo, donde finalmente moriría enfermo. Sería muy extenso contar la historia de la colonización española de los Estados Unidos, así que como dato reseñable, presentamos esta tabla donde se puede ver los estados que formaron parte de la Corona de España, como mejor demostración de la presencia hispana en la zona desde tiempos remotos.

    Alabama Español hasta 1783
    Arizona Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848
    Arkansas Español hasta 1800 Francés hasta 1803
    California Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848
    Colorado Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848
    Florida Español hasta 1819
    Luisiana Español hasta 1800 Francés hasta 1803
    Mississippi Español hasta 1783
    Nevada Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848
    Nuevo México Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848
    Texas Español hasta 1836 Independiente hasta 1836 y mexicano hasta 1848
    Utah Español hasta 1821 Mexicano hasta 1848

    Estados Unidos también habla español

    Además de la historia, la lengua es el exponente más claro de la herencia cultural y ciertamente la española no permanecería en los Estados Unidos de no ser por la constante y abundante inmigración de hispanoamericanos, como veremos más adelante. Pero aun así, hay hechos que demuestran que pervive una herencia española en estos estados y que se ha demostrado, por ejemplo, en una serie de estudios lingüísticos que reflejan, por ejemplo, el uso de algunas palabras españolas mezcladas con el francés en el habla tradicional de Luisiana. Incluso estudios de la fonética tejana y de Nuevo México han encontrado similitudes del acento de estos estados con el andaluz y extremeño, como la aspiración de la ese, que no existen en el dialecto mexicano, demostrando que ha quedado un pequeño rastro de la presencia siglos atrás de pobladores españoles. En estos estados de Texas y Nuevo México se conoce como pachuco a un dialecto que tiene mezcla de inglés y del español, pero no del español mexicano como piensan la mayoría sino del español del siglo XVII. Uno de los estudios más completos sobre el pachuco es el de C.G. Baker quien cuenta que a principios del siglo XX hubo una emigración de habitantes de El Paso a California y allí se juntaron con inmigrantes filipinos, coincidiendo en algunas de sus expresiones y forma de hablar, ya que ambos tenían influencias, aun sin ser conscientes de ello, del español antiguo. Existe también una completa investigación de este tema por parte de Sergio Valdés y Nuria Gregori. Como curiosidad, señalan por ejemplo que en Florida existe el insulto garlic face que traducido literalmente significaría “cara ajo” y que en realidad es una adaptación al inglés de nuestro español “carajo”.

    Más interesante aún es el estudio de las lenguas de las tribus indias en estos estados, ya que los indígenas estuvieron en abundante contacto con misioneros españoles y ese trato que tuvieron en los albores de la colonización les marcó tanto que actualmente muchas palabras de sus idiomas proceden del español, concretamente las que se refieren a objetos que no conocían hasta la llegada de los españoles. Podría decirse que éstos influyeron en los indios como hacen hoy en día los estadounidenses en los hispanos, al usar anglicismos para definir nuevos conceptos que no existían como, por ejemplo, Internet y buena parte de los términos informáticos.

    Así pues, el filólogo Gamble detalla esta influencia española en las lenguas indígenas y cita en la lengua wikchammi de los indios de California palabras con raíz hispana como awoxa ('aguja'), alosha ('arroz'), palaxa ('baraja'), paka ('vaca'), kaxa ('caja'), khulush ('cruz'), pilholesh ('frijoles'), layetha ('galleta'), japhuna ('jabón'), alina ('harina'), xalu ('jarro'), mivel ('miel'). La pérdida de la cultura indígena es un fenómeno que se acelera con el paso de los años en los Estados Unidos pero se han conseguido hacer muchos estudios e incluso diccionarios de diferentes lenguas. La sorpresa es mayúscula cuando en esos diccionarios hay palabras que recuerdan mucho al español. Por ejemplo: kalte ('alcalde') en nisenan; hagón ('jabón') en chiricagua, hawón ('jabón') en wappo y háwon (‘jabón’) en miwak, karawash ('cabra') en keres y kapera (‘cabra’) en cotonac, opeah ('oveja') en keres, etc. El caso más impactante es el reflejado en una investigación de Kiddle sobre las tribus indígenas más aisladas de la cultura anglosajona. En 1960 logró encontrar a indios miwok que no entendían apenas el inglés. Este estudioso reflejó en su cuaderno lo que le dijo una india, sin entender que idioma le hablaba. Su sorpresa fue mayúscula cuando descubrió que le estaba hablando en una especie de dialecto español. La india miwok le dijo, según la trasncripción fonética que este filólogo hizo: “: you no entvende ustée. Nosotros tivéen jámre. Biyéme con nosotros”. La segunda conquista de los Estados Unidos

    Después de comprobar la influencia que tuvieron los españoles en el pasado y en la historia de la colonización de Norteamérica, se podría decir que en la actualidad, España vuelve a conquistar Estados Unidos y lo hace de una forma pacífica, silenciosa pero más efectiva y profunda que una invasión colonial. Ya que esta conquista se produce a través de la cultura y en concreto de la inmersión del idioma español en tierra estadounidense. La masiva inmigración procedente de Hispanoamérica, sus mayores índices de natalidad respecto a otros grupos poblacionales de Estados Unidos y la pervivencia de las raíces culturales y lingüísticas como signo de identidad de estos nuevos ciudadanos norteamericanos, tiene como efecto el aumento espectacular del número de hispanohablantes en este país. Resulta interesante el hecho de que los hispanos a diferencia de otras comunidades de inmigrantes conservan el idioma natal hasta la tercera generación. Es decir, que los nietos de inmigrantes hispanos conocen y hablan español en sus casas, mientras que otras comunidades mantienen su idioma de origen tan solo de padres a hijos y, a veces, ni siquiera eso. Pese a esta situación, la oficialidad del inglés no peligra ya que de hecho este idioma también penetra en las naciones hispanoamericanas e incluso en España con numerosos anglicismos que se incorporan al castellano. Pero la importancia del idioma español es tan creciente en algunos estados que incluso se están planteando la declaración como segunda lengua. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de Florida, Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona o California.

    En la actualidad, un 13 por ciento de la población de Estados Unidos habla español, nada menos que más de 35 millones de personas. En unos pocos años, habrá mayor número de hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos que en la propia España. YA LOS HAY SI HAY MAS DE 50000000. PRIMER PAIS EN CANTIDAD DE HISPANOS A NIVEL MUNDIAL.

    La mayor parte de estos hispanos son de procedencia mexicana, un 60 por ciento, le siguen en importancia los puertorriqueños (14 por ciento) y los cubanos (6 por ciento). Están aumentando también de forma notable los inmigrantes dominicanos, salvadoreños, hondureños, colombianos, bolivianos, ecuatorianos, argentinos y españoles. Por estados, el que cuenta con mayor porcentaje de hispanohablantes es Nuevo México (29,4 %) seguido de Texas (19,2%), California (14,5%), Arizona (13,3%) y Florida (8,6%). La implantación del idioma español en cada estado es diferente, además de las comunidades nacionales puesto que en el suroeste son mayoría los mexicanos, en Florida los cubanos y en el nordeste los puertorriqueños y dominicanos. En cuanto a los españoles, hay que señalar que, por el contrario a lo que se suele pensar, la emigración a los Estados Unidos no disminuye sino todo lo contrario. En los últimos diez años se ha duplicado, siendo ya alrededor de 45.000 los españoles censados en este país. Las razones de la emigración suelen ser diferentes a las de hace algunos años, ya que España alcanza niveles económicos y de nivel de vida que son ya semejantes a los de Estados Unidos, y muchos de los españoles en este país ocupan puestos cualificados y hay numerosos profesionales de la ciencia, la medicina o la enseñanza. Además las empresas españolas que acaparan cada vez mayor mercado dentro de los Estados Unidos también han atraído a un buen numero de trabajadores hasta aquí. Sin olvidar la importante presencia de estudiantes. Por ciudades es Nueva York la que acoge mayor número de españoles, con una población de 14.811 seguida de Miami con 10.244.

    Las previsiones indican que para el año 2030 los hispanos serán el grupo étnico más numeroso del país, superando incluso a los anglosajones y afroamericanos. Esto prevé importantes efectos sociales que ya se están empezando a notar por ejemplo en la gran cantidad de medios de prensa en español que existen actualmente en Estados Unidos. Son 13 diarios, 150 periódicos no diarios, 125 revistas, unas 600 emisoras de radio y unas 100 de televisión. Todo esto denota que los inmigrantes no quieren olvidar su lengua y esto va a dar lugar a un nuevo mestizaje que terminará hispanizando a los Estados Unidos por una simple cuestión matemática al convertirse los hispanos en la mayoría de habitantes de este país. Será un interesante fenómeno que abre muchos interrogantes en el impacto que causará en la que sigue siendo una de las naciones más poderosas del mundo.

    •- •-• -••• •••-•
    Antonio Rodríguez

    Todos a Colonia con el Papa

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