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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 04/03/2017 16:36
Resultado de imagen para dan brown inferno
7. Génesis 49:17 Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
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Statue of St. Mark

The Horses of St. Mark's

The Winged Lion of St. Mark
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/01/2017 21:36
7. Mateo 23:33 ¡Serpientes, generación de víboras! ¿Cómo escaparéis de la condenación del INFIERNO?
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Resposta  Missatge 17 de 166 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:45


Returning now to the genetic development of our universal birth story, or our Genesis, we will see that the gematria for the medical terminology as well as the mythological terms surrounding the entire process of human reproduction correlates directly to mathematics in quite astounding ways. Human procreation and the words used to describe this process give us the precise numbers and concepts attributed to the creation of our universe. 

Let’s start at the beginning, again

During ovulation the woman’s hormones trigger her body to produce and release one egg (or symbolically, our primordial egg)—from either her right or left ovary. This egg drops from the ovaries into her uterusthrough a canal called her fallopian tubes. It is in this window of time that a woman may become pregnant. Notice the word fallopian, the tubes that our great egg of creation travels through for fertilization, can be broken up in the most interesting way: FALL O PI AN. Considering that we are speaking of the FALL of an egg, (with the egg recognized by the letter O) through the ovaries to the uterus to be fertilized or broken by our primordial scission of PI by the sperm of M(AN), the word fallopian seems to be a perfect fit to describe symbolically through the letters of our own English Alphabet, this reproductive act. FALL – O – PI – AN. The fallopian tubes were rediscovered in the sixteenth century by one of the most prominent anatomists and physicians of the time, Gabriele Falloppio (1523 – October 9, 1562), often known by his Latin name, Fallopius. How could a man’s name reflect the story of universal birth? Is making such a correlation utter nonsense? To those who have forgotten how to see the magic within our great creation, such things are trifle and represent the absurdity of unscientific and unreasonable thinking. To the mystic, nothing is separate, everything has meaning and every aspect of creation reflects the universal patterns of the great creator. The handiwork of the Grand Architect of the Universe can be seen every which way one looks and these interrelations bring the awesome beauty of the magic of our world into the tangible, the graspableand immediately recognizable. It allows us to see heaven every which way we look and interestingly enough, like Heaven, fallopian sums to 23


The egg or ovum, with 23 chromosomes, falls through the fallopian tubes and marries with the sperm, known as a haploid cell. Haploid as well sums to 23 (H6 A1 P3 L2 O2 I5 D4 = 23). After the sperm fuses with the egg during fertilization, a new organism begins developing known as the zygote, summing to 24(Z1 Y2 G7 O2 T7 E5 = 24). The most important aspect of this story is that before the forming of the zygote, or the organism created by the merging of the chromosomes from both sexes, all of our terminology sums to 23, the precise number of chromosomes each gender brings to the act of reproduction. The only time we see any other number is in the zygote, summing to 24. During the passing of the egg from the ovaries to the uterus, through the fallopian tubes, setting the conditions for genetic union, we find the number attributed to Heaven and what we came to symbolically understand previously as the ethereal aspect of our reality and our primordial beginning – THE MATERNAL WATERS OF NUN / NONE. As soon as the chromosomes intermingle, and the sperm merges with the egg to start the process of reproduction, we find our number of Earth, 24, representing the material aspect of creation. 23 and 24, Heaven and Earth  the eternal merging of opposites we find in the opening verse of the Genesis and the exact same numbers and concepts we find within human PRO-creation

Are such numerical, linguistic and symbolic similarities merely coincidental? The claim of such things being “just coincidences” loses ground when we explore the magnificent power of the number 23

The number 23 is of profound importance not only human genetics, but also in English Gematria. There are many words, dealing directly with sacredness, that sum to 23. Circle, Temple, Chosen, Occult, Lotus, Rebis, Death, Natural, Beauty, Ancient, GAOTU (Grand Architect of the Universe), Fish, Mirror, Nurse and Doctor all sum to 23. The Lakota deity Wakan Tanka, known as the Great Mystery or Great Spirit, sums to 23. The Seneca natives of North America named their greator creator God Swenio, and using the English cipher on it we find the number 23 yet again. A notable relationship to pi is found when we add the first 6 digits of pi together; 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 9 sums to 23 as well. The most important place we see this number 23 though is in the direct correlation we may make with it and our story. With each human being contributing 23chromosomes in the act of procreating the human race on mother Earth, and Heaven summing to 23 as well, we can obtain a better understanding of where exactly Heaven is. Apparently, according to the math, Heaven is within every single human being on planet Earth. “The kingdom of Heaven resides in you” might be as much of a scientific statement as it is a religious one. 

The number 23 also allows us to crack pi. 


Is the mathematical riddle of cracking pi actually a spiritual process, an alchemical quest that one may undergo to realize the Heaven (23) within the temple (23) of oneself? 

Using our cipher on the diploid cell, the cell containing both sets of chromosomes, we find the number 25(D4 I5 P3 L2 O2 I5 D4 = 25). Notice the natural sequential progression from the numbers 23 (fallopian, haploid), 24 (zygote) and 25 (diploid). The number 25 actual incorporates the merging of Heaven and Earth, a reflection of the merging of the male and female sex chromosomes, within its own occult nature. The words Twenty Five sum to 47 and the number 47 is recognized most notably in the study of gematria as representing the merging of both the Heaven and the Earth, with the angle of 47 degrees, being the angle of The Eye of Providence on the back of the United States one dollar bill. 


The most quintessential point about this particular aspect of the genetic marriage that needs to be noted is the fact that the term diploid is defining the very idea of opposites unifying into one being. In our cosmic birth story this union is recognized in the primordial scission of Pi, with the symmetrical 180 degrees each forming our sphere of creation, creating the hands of Adam and the hands of Eve with the mirroring of our base-ten system. In your birth story, this one cell, encapsulating both sets of chromosomes, eventually becomes the universe of you. It would seem that the mathematics and language surrounding these most epic of universal creation tales wants to inform us that they are indeed, one and the same. 

We established earlier that the term gamete (From the ancient Greek gametes meaning husband and gamete meaning wife) is a cell that fuses with another cell during fertilization with the husband and wiferepresenting the male and female sex chromosome. This union we have come to know as the merging of opposites recognized in Adam and Eve, or the Odd and Even numbers. Using our cipher on the gamete cell, we find the number 26. Yet again, take notice of the natural sequential progression from the numbers 23 (fallopian, haploid), 24 (zygote) and 25 (diploid) and 26 (gamete). Considering the gamete cells embody the principle of the fusion of odd and even, or husband and wife, it is most appropriate then to find the words odd and even equaling 26 as well. 


In looking at our cipher in the chapter on Decoding the Numerology of the English Alphabet, we find the importance of the number 26 seen not only the Hebraic Tetragrammaton, not only in the gematria value for LordGod but as well as in the number of letters in the English Alphabet. How beautiful is it that the very cell named for unifying opposites, shares the same numeric value as the biblical LordGod


The merging of these opposites finally creates the sphere of dividing cells called the embryo. Embryo, using our cipher, sums to 17 (E5 M1 B2 R5 Y2 O2 = 17). In our universal creation story, we found that when the first egg or sphere of creation divided, it created the Vesica Piscis and within the womb of the Vescia Piscis we found the number 153. Adding 1 through 17 together, sums to 153 (1 +2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 +10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153). The embryo, or sphere of divided cells shares the same numbers with our first division of our sphere of creation. 


Let’s now take a deeper look at this unification of opposites by exploring the power of the number 46 – the number of chromosomes that make up the universe of man. 

“Within you is found the treasure of treasures. Oh man know thyself and you shall know the universe and the gods.” — From the Oracle of Delphi in Greece 

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” — John Muir 

Resposta  Missatge 18 de 166 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:49


Using our cipher on the eternally unified opposites within the gamete cell, or the husband and wife, we find that they, when fused together, sum to the 46 chromosomes of human genetic union. 


We have explored the notion that sacred geometrical canon declares that the circle is a representation of Heaven and the square is a representation of Earth. We found our square Earth and circular Heaven within the opening lines of the Holy Bible, Genesis 1:1 (In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth). This square and circle, creating a cube and a sphere in three dimensions, finds us the once again with that all-important number 46


This merging of opposites found within the concepts of Heaven and Earth, Square and Circle, Adam and Eve, As Above and So Below, Yin and Yang that we find within mythology, geometry, occultism, spirituality and philosophy, if indeed be one of the great cosmic laws of the creator, is sure to be found within the creation of the human being. The male and female, or XX and XY chromosomes, come together in the act of procreation to unify, beginning the process that will eventually create an elegant, living reflection of the universal pattern of the creator, the human body

The sacred geometrical SEED OF LIFE, a symbol known and used heavily in esoterica and occult circles, using the English cipher, sums to 46


The symbol for the Seed of Life is a ubiquitous sacred geometric symbol. The Seed of Life was even deemed the “Egg of Life” and “Fruit of Life”, a direct reference once again to our primordial egg. The Seed of Life is said to be a reflection or geometric expression of the story of creation with God doing his mighty work in six days and resting on the seventh or Sabbath, the same motif we used to discover the cryptogram or cipher for the English Alphabet. The Seed of Life is created by adding one circle a day to the original egg or sphere of creation, with the second day, creating our ever-present Vesica Piscis, what we deemed as the Vessel of the PI SCISSION. Symbolically, this entire process reflects the process of cell division that we see in human reproduction called Meiosis


Meiosis sounds strikingly similar to the Egyptian mother of all creation, ISIS, who is akin to the Virgin Mary of the New Testament and the Virgin Mari within Hindu scripture, all supernal mother figures in ancient mythology. Notice that we are dealing with the female ovum or egg as a reflection of the egg of creation, our GENESIS, and upon the splitting of this egg, reflective of the cosmic MEIOSIS and PI SCIS during our universal birth, the first geometric form we create is the motherly womb of ISIS, or the VESICA PISCIS. Genesis, Vesica Piscis, Meiosis, Isis. Phonetically these words are remarkably close and it seems like a charge against reason to not relate these words to each other considering what fundamental cosmic principles these terms and names are embodying. 

The Seed of Life is a flower with 6 leaves resembling almost verbatim the ancient Jewish and Pagan symbol known as the Star of David. Both the Star of David and the Seed of Life embody the principles of uniting the eternal opposites most exalted in the philosophical credo of As Above, So Below. Not coincidentally, Star of David sums to the 46 chromosomes of human sexual union. 


The Star of David, within its geometry, is actually embodying the principle of sexual union. The 3 points within the triangle pointing up, symbolizing Heaven, merge with the 3 points within the triangle pointing down, symbolizing Earth, in a cosmic sexual union, making for a total of SIX points. What makes this so compelling is that the word SEX, is extremely close to the word SIX and even shares the same numerical equivalents (S6 E5 X3 and S6 I5 X3). These six points are recognized in the six directions of space with the central axis point, or the seventh point, representing the perspective of the human being, the very being created during sexual reproduction. And least we not forget, that the seventh point, denoted by the numberSeven, created by the confluence of the six directions, encodes pi, confirming once again that you are indeed a reflection of all creation. 

Quite possibly the most important concept of all embedded within the number 46 is Equilibrium, the state of balance forever maintained by the great creator. Equilibrium is the golden mean, the universal stability and harmony exquisitely expressed within the balance of the opposites of creation. Man and woman, up and down, within and without, all that is above and all that is below are balanced within a single point of consciousness within you. The embracing of balance is of utmost importance to one’s spiritual journey as noted by the deep symbolic meaning behind the scales of Libra, the Egyptian scales of Ma’at as well as in the three-fold archways, or triptychs found consistently in temples, pyramids and cathedrals worldwide. Buddha did not say take the right way. Buddha did not say take the left way. Buddha said to find the Middle Way – the balance or equilibrium

Everything proceeds according to the Mystery of the Balance.” – The Zohar 

So far we have looked at Husband/Wife, Sphere/Cube, Seed of Life, Star of David and Equilibrium, the last concept we are going to explore surrounding the number 46 is one of the most heavily referenced creation stories of all time and that being the Garden of Eden. Using our cipher Garden of Eden sums to 46


The biblical Garden of Eden, a story about Adam and Eve being cast out of the original primordial garden for what is commonly believed to be an abomination against God, committing original sin, is actually a symbolical story cryptically veiling the story of human reproduction. Adam and Eve represent the male and female chromosomes of human procreation with the Garden of Eden representing the equilibrium or equality of the two sexes within the first merging of cells. Not only does Garden of Eden sum to 46, but Adam and Eve sum to 22 and 22 divided by the 7 letters of ADAM and EVE, equals pi, 3.142. This gives us yet again, the very transcendental ratio that we used to understand the birth of our universe and the very same ratio that we attributed to the seventh point of the six directions of the human perspective. We also see that we are given the exact mathematics attributed to procreation with Adam and Eve summing to 22, representing the 22 autosomes within each sperm and egg, as well as Adam and Eve representing the XYand XX sex chromosomes, respectively. 


Resposta  Missatge 19 de 166 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:50

Before we can understand the layers that this mythological story has to offer us, we first need to look at the merging of the sperm and egg within a mother’s womb symbolically, and in doing so, this will help us obtain a better understanding of just why the biblical writers of old chose to write stories in the way that they did. Since we are relating the ovum or egg to the primordial egg of universal birth, the male’s serpentine and tadpole like sperm takes on a uniquely strong role in the symbolic understanding of our story. Notice that the sperm strongly resembles a serpent. 


The sperm penetrating the ovum or egg of the female is cryptically symbolized in the story of Adam and Eve as well. The very animal that tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the Knowledge of Good and Evil was indeed a serpent (with Good and Evil being, yet again, references to the unification of opposites). 

And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. — Genesis 3:13

We explored the fact that etymologically, temptation has its roots in the word time and as we know, without the unification of opposites, there can be no time for everything in time is two aspects of one unified reality. The serpent in this case represents the love between the eternal opposites, the lust, passion and drive for sex, the greatest temptation of all. Adam and Eve’s motives in the Garden of Eden are understood through human emotion, sexual energies, impulses and the electromagnetic attraction of heavenly bodies. This impulse towards union, this great temptation of Adam and Eve – THE TEMPTATION TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER – was so great that it was the only force capable of existing beyond the immediate ethereal realms of the undifferentiated light and source of the creator. In other words, the love that humans have for one another is as strong as the love of God. This temptation cast Adam and Eve, or the eternal opposites, out into space, creating the dimension of time, where both past and future merge onto the singular eternal moment of now – the great gift of the present – and the place where both Heaven and Earth meet. Though this original sin has been taken on by fundamentalists to be mankind’s most egregious sin, such was never intended to be the case. 

We can come to a deeper understanding of our encounter with this trickster serpent when we delve into this myth even further utilizing mathematics and symbolism as our guide. One of the most interesting lines within this great beguiling of the serpent is the pi verse, Genesis 3:14

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 

The Garden of Eden is the place where the original sin occurred. Original sin can be decoded linguistically as the Origins of Sine. The origin point, being the center of the circle, or the “belly”, is the origins of the 6 directions of space (X, Y, Z) and the place on our graph where we begin to create a sine wave. This origin of the sine wave is the central point of seven, one of the most holy of numbers as we know and the encoder of our transcendental pi. Sine and Cosine are the trigonometric functions we saw present in our exploration of the number 153, with all six trigonometric functions summing to this most esteemed number. The sine of an angle is defined in the context of a right triangle: it is the ratio of the length of the side opposite that angle to the length of the hypotenuse. Sine and cosine are the first functions of trigonometry, and it is most interesting that not only is the sine function abbreviated with the letters SIN, but the graph itself, viewed symbolically, can easily be construed as a serpent (sine wave) cast out of the egg of creation (circle). 


The characteristics and symbolism of the snake is extremely important to focus on when trying to understand why the inclusion of serpents in religious and creation myths is so prevalent and ubiquitous worldwide. The snake is noted in Genesis to be the most subtle beast of the field and this reference is symbolic of one’s spirit, the very source that makes up one’s subtle body. The snake also sheds its skin for rebirth, a reference to the process of spiritual death and resurrection. The snake slithers along the ground in a sine wave motion, the same motion our sun and moon use when coursing across our skies. The most interesting aspect of the snake though is in its venom. A snake’s venom is both the posion as well as the anti-venom, showing very clearly the dual nature of its energy. If one is bit by a snake, the only remedy to the bite is the snake itself. With the snake being regarded here as sexual energy, it is most fitting to recall the classic romantic credo many of us are all too familiar with: Love bites. Least we not forget that the Greek word for love is eros and eros is nothing more than sore backwards. The snake venom being both poison and cure speaks volumes about the dualistic nature of our world and a deep contemplation on this is highly suggested

Recognizing the original sin in the Garden of Eden as the origins of sine and understanding the sexual energy principled within the symbolism of the serpent leads us to multiple ways in which we may understand how the archetypal snake comes in handy when trying to synthesize two aspects of the same universal creation story; the story of human birth and universal birth. By using our creativity on our myths,allows us to enter the minds of our ancestors and gaze upon the imaginative, artistic and ingenious methods they used when crafting our most holy of mythologies. 

The serpent and egg motif is particularly found in two very prominent places. The Great Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio is a 1,348-foot long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater in the shape of a serpent taking a bite into an egg. The mound unfurls at the tale and then snakes across the landscape, with its jaws resolving at an egg or oval like mound. The site was created by prehistoric indigenous tribes and its original intention cannot be verified though we do know for certain that this snake creates a solar, lunar and star map – or in other words, a map of Heaven on Earth


The other very prominent place we see the egg and serpent is within the Grecian story of the Orphic Egg, the primordial egg that the universe originated from. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light. In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged hermaphroditic primordial being who was hatched from the silver shining cosmic Orphic Egg. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means manifestor or revealer, and is related to the Greek words “light” and “to shine forth.” Again we see the same themes as we did within Hindu and Biblical creation tales, the creation of light, all starting from a primordial cosmic egg or source of universal potential, as well as the unification of gender in the hermaphroditic Phanes. This primordial cosmic Orphic Egg is often depicted with a serpent wound about it reminiscent very strongly to the symbolism we saw half way around the world in Adams County Ohio. 

With the story of universal of human procreation reflecting the story of all creation, it should matter not what language is being spoken, or how the mythological creation tales of various cultures ultimately are creatively expressed, the underlying myth must inherently be one and the same. It could be said that this story of birth and rebirth or death and resurrection is the one and only story that is being told in this universe. In myriad ways, through endless divisions of its unified self, this universal story plays out again and again. With the number 46, found in the 46 chromosomes of human genetics as well in the gematria for Husband/Wife, Seed of Life, Star of David, Cube / Sphere, Equilibrium and Garden of Eden we must assume a deeper intelligence and connective supreme power at work within the world. The fact that all of these symbols and concepts all share this very particular number and are all speaking about the birth of creation holds a deeply profound spiritual message for the human being. 

“The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him – that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.” — Swami Vivekananda 


Resposta  Missatge 20 de 166 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:52


Our 46 chromosomes undergo a process of cell division in the creation of the universe of you. Cell reproduction can occur in two ways – mitosis and meiosis. The difference between these processes is important though they have very similar characteristics: Both Meiosis and Mitosis are found in complex organisms which reproduce sexually. Mitosis may be used for human growth, the replenishment of depleted organs and tissues, healing, and sustenance of the body while Meiosis is a special process reserved for the creation of the egg and sperm cells. 

The general process of cell division follows a doubling pattern: the first cell splits into two more cells, and those two split again and those four yet again, eventually forming the human being within the womb. The process of doubling starts with ONE and continues to double from this wholly / holy ONE giving us the sequence of 1  2  4  8  16  32  64. This math is a doubling process that, as we will see, is encoded in many various places, cleverly crafted into games, mythologies, texts and mystic symbols. 

The game of chess utilizes these numbers with the 1 game, 2 players, 2 Kings and 2 Queens, 4 Rooks, 4Knights and 4 Bishops, 8 Pawns per side, 16 players per side, 32 black squares on the board and 32 white squares, making for a total of 64 squares creating the playing field or board. 1  2  4  8  16  32  64


The game of chess is known as a “Nobleman’s Game” or a “King’s Game” and works entirely off the philosophical and geometrical constants we have utilized to crack pi and deconstruct human reproduction. The concepts of the unity of black and white (opposites), the gender of the king and queen and the symmetry of the pieces all are present within our universal birth story. 

We also see these numbers within three very important mathematical cornerstones of both ancient and modern times, Marko Rodin’s Vortex-Based Mathematics, the Pythagorean mystery schools Tetractys and the Egyptian Eye of Horus. Marko Rodin developed a mathematics using digital-rooting and the Vedic number dial that doubles or halves infinitely in an ever looping set of numbers that always and forever resolves back on the one (for a further explanation of this mathematics, please see Pi & The English Alphabet Vol. 1 and 2). We see this same pattern running down the left side of the Pythagorean Tetractys, 1 2  4 and 8, setting up the beginning sequence of mitosis. The Egyptian Eye of Horus is a myth about how the Egyptian sun god Horus was once whole and his rival Set broke him into 64 pieces. Thoth, the god of writing, mathematics and astronomy, went to retrieve the pieces and only found 63. The Eye of Horus was broken up into fractions of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64, once again, the exact same numbers found within the cell division of mitosis. Also notice that the Eye of Horus was once whole, broke apart and is now irreparable, a story having strikingly similar characteristics as the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. 


The Hermapolitan Mystery of the Thrice Great Hermes Trismegistus as well exalts these numbers. Hermes, a god of Greek antiquity, akin to the Egyptian Thoth, was an archetypal figure representing the enlightened state of human attainment and his mysterious riddle began as: 

“I am the one that becomes the two that becomes the four that becomes the eight that becomes one again.” — The Hermapolitan Mystery 

Understanding our universal birth story allows us to easily see that the mathematics that the Thrice Great Hermes was speaking of was indeed the godly mathematics of human reproduction. 

Using the English cipher on both processes of cell division, meiosis and mitosis leads us directly to the number 32. Mitosis equals 32 (M1 I5 T7 O2 S6 I5 S6 = 32), and Meiosis equals 30 (M1 E5 I5 O2 S6 I5 S6 = 30) with the word thirty summing to 32 (T7 H6 I5 R5 T7 Y2 = 32). 

The number 32 has its mirror of 23, which is once again, the number of chromosomes each member contributes during procreation. Doubling 32, with doubling being the very act the cells undergo during the process of meiosis and mitosis, we yield 64 (32 x 2 = 64). Notice, 64 is the mirror of the number 46. 23 and 32. 46 and 64. The numbers equated to the process of cell division perfectly represent our primordial beginnings and the scission and symmetry of our primordial pi. 


The fact that we find these numbers mirroring themselves in the very place where the first symmetry or mirroring occurred should come as no surprise. Within the primordial creation of pi, whose diameter cut through the sphere of creation creating two symmetrical halves of the circle, we find the first instance of this numeric and geometric mirroring. This first divide created the first mirror to then create the initial golden womb of our universal birth. The doubling of cells in meiosis, found within Marko Rodin’s Vortex-Based Math, has an extremely interesting and unique characteristic. When the male’s sperm fertilized the female’s egg, we unified opposites and then divided our first egg of creation. When we divide these cells again we find that they create two more complete cells. So what did we do? Did we divide or did we double our initial egg? The answer is both. Division and multiplication are merely mirrors or reflections of each other. 

“I divide; but that which I divide I multiply.” — The Divine Iliad 

This number 64 is a key component directly expressed in Marko Rodin’s Vortex-Based Math, in the Egyptian Eye of Horus, in the doubling sequence of mitosis, as well as being clearly present in chess, on the Tetractysand in the Hermapolitan Mystery. The number 64 is found in many other interesting places. There are 64hexagrams in the classic Chinese divinatory oracle of the I Ching. 64 positions find their way into the Kama Sutra, an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior. 64is also the number utilized in DNA, which is the chemical basis for all known living organisms. Without the self-replicating structure of the 64 codons in DNA, no life on this planet would exist. With 46(chromosomes) being the mirror of 64 (codons/DNA), both being key numbers in genetic development, this just shows yet again the simplistic, elegant and magical way in which nature undergoes microcosmic and macrocosmic universal construction. 

Beyond the eighth week after conception (tenth week of pregnancy), the developing human is then called a foetus. Using the English cipher on foetus we find once again the number 32 (F6 O2 E5 T7 U6 U6 S6 = 32). Foetus is often spelled without the “o”, becoming fetus, which then sums to 30. We saw this exact same phenomenon in mitosis (32) meiosis (30) with the word thirty summing sum to 32! (T7 H6 I5 R5 T7 Y2 = 32!) This number 32 is not only important when it comes to human meiosis but is very prevalent in mystical lore and occultism. There are 32 and 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Great Seal of the United States on the back of the one dollar bill displays 32 and 33 feathers on the eagle’s wings and the Sefer Yetzirah, “Book of Formation,” or “Book of Creation,” is the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism and includes in its revelations the “32 wondrous ways of wisdom.” There are many important words that share this most mystical number: Present, English, Lucifer, Freemason, Trinity, Axis Mundi, King Solomon, Holy Grail, Gematria, Religion, Christ. Quite possibly the most important terms that share the value of 32 are the eternal opposites man is subjected to within his temptation of time, for Good and Evil together sum to 32


“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever:” — Genesis 3:22 

“When you make the two one, you will become sons of Man and if you say: ‘Mountain, move!, it will move.” — Gospel of Thomas 

Now that we made our journey to this stage of microcosmic universal creation, let’s take a look at the 9months of gestation, or the time period you spent in the maternal waters of nun within your mum. Let’s end our journey by recognizing the beginning within all things. Let us try to find our circle unbroken


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:55


“…man has to pass through successive births, to undergo reincarnation….This “gnosis”, moreover, is to be not so much a “knowing” as a remembering; it is to awaken the neophyte, to recall him to what was his original nature, superior to matter…” — Jean Doresse 

“In the Egyptian myth, Set dismembered Osiris into 14 pieces. Isis, the counterpart of Osiris, tried to retrieve the pieces but only found 13 of the 14. The riddle of this story lies in the missing piece that Isis could not find. Where is this missing piece you ask? It is no further than where you stand. Only by including in the mathematcis will you understand that it is you that are the missing piece. Re-memberwhat has been dismembered and never forget to make yourself count.” — Claudia Pavonis 

This universal story of the birth of you lasts for roughly 9 months, a time period called gestation. Gestation is defined as the period of development in the uterus from conception until birth as well as the conception and development of a plan or an idea in the mind. Considering that we are making the corollary between the stories of our cosmic birth and the conception of all of creation within the mind of God to your birth, the fact that gestation means both human development and the development of a plan or idea is most captivating. According to the language, the gestation of all of creation and the gestation of your creation are synonymous. The 9 months of human gestation are segmented into trimesters, or three months each, in which afterwards through the rather trying process of labor, a new child is born. We have previously explored the power of the number 9 with nine being the horizon of our base-ten system as well as symbolically representing one’s spirit. The term trimesters sums to 52 (T7 R5 I5 M1 E5 S6 T7 E5 R5 S6 = 52) which is most interesting since there are 52 weeks in a year and the human being actually goes through two sets of teeth in his life, his 20 baby and his 32 adult set, totaling 52. There are also 52 cards in a traditional deck of cards and the deck of cards actually encodes a calendar within its numerology (see Pi – The Great Work, Pi & The English Alphabet Vol. 1 or the Quadrivium for an explanation of this phenomenon). Since there are roughly 39 weeks composing the three trimesters (with each trimester being roughly 13 weeks each), we should therefore, rationally, find a number within the word trimesters that would approximate this time period, be it 38, 39 or 40. But as we see, we do not find this since trimesters sums to 52. Is there a flaw in our universal birth story? 

The word trimesters summing to 52 actually unveils to us the awesome architecture of the English Alphabet when we peer into the occult aspect of this number. Using our cipher on the words FIFTY TWO, lo and behold, we find the number 39


With the numbers 52 and 39 encoded within the word trimesters, we find the two precise numbers needed to calculate not only the period of human gestation but also the period of time the Earth revolves around the sun. 52 weeks in the year and 39 weeks in your mother’s womb, or in other words, one cycle of time for the mom and one for the growing child. The beauty of the gematria displays the perfection and simple elegance of the cycles of universal growth embedded within our language. What’s more is that the number 39 is exactly 75% of 52 and this number 75 has a direct relationship to pi. Adding the first 75 digits of pi together sums to 360 recognized in the 360 degrees of a circle and the 52 weeks in one Earth year. Understanding the number 75 as 75% of the number 360 we find when adding together these 75 digits of pi, we see the exact same cycles of universal growth in the mathematical representation of all creation that we do in the word trimesters


This 75% also shows its face in the mythology of Christ. The letters above Christ when he was crucified were INRI which using the Hebrew cipher, finds us the number 270 (270 is exactly 75% of the 360 degrees of a circle giving us yet again, the same numbers found within universal gestation). 


Astonishingly, the words TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY sums to none other than 75


What’s more? The number 86 found in both the circumference and diameter (53 + 33 = 86) and in the words three point one four two (86) multiplied by 3.14 equals 270.04, or rounded down to 270

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 14:56

The occulted number 39 within the 52 of trimesters shows its face in some of the most interesting places. Many important ideas, concepts and titles encode the number of weeks of human gestation: Freemasonry, Christian, Golden Rule, Root / Octave, Stargate and Do the Math all sum to 39. The most important concepts that sum to 39 and the one’s that we are going to focus on to conclude our universal story of creation are the first two trigonometric functions, sine and cosine


We came to understand the sine wave symbolically as a serpent leaving our egg of creation in the virgin birth of our universe and what we also correlated to the father’s sperm cracking the mother’s egg in the first moments of human embryology. The number 39 found within sine and cosine leads us to the first great act of temptation and what we interpreted to be the “sinning and co-sinning” of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, or the great love affair or unity of opposites within the conception of our cosmic creation story. It is most interesting then that we find this very same number 39 within the two carries of genetic information, the sperm and the egg, clarifying to us just what the story of Genesis is really speaking of – the Genesis of universal creation within the Genetics of human creation. 


It must also be noted that there are 39 books in the Old Testament, showing us very clearly, the grand importance of this number to our ancient ancestors. This number hints very strongly to the concepts of spiritual rebirth found in so many ancient divinations. The motif of death and resurrection, transfiguration or the trans-substantiation process is the spiritual quest of dying to the lower animal self and being rebornwithin the womb of creation and ultimately recognizing one’s true divine status. Entire volumes could be written about this ascension, and have, and it is only mentioned here for the reader to do his own due diligence to discover what other treasures lie veiled within this universal cycle of growth. 

After the 39 weeks of human gestation the child is born. Using our cipher on the word CHILD, not only do we find it sums to 20 recognized in the 20 fingers and toes of the newborn child, but we also see it gives us the numbers 36524 reading left to right. 

Pi3_34As we explored earlier in the section “Cast Your Net to The Right” we found the numbers 36524 to be the number of days in our solar year (365.24 – with Three Hundred Sixty Five Point Two Four summing to the153 of the womb of the Vesica Piscis). The sun to our ancient ancestors was a symbolic representation of the light of all creation. The energy within the human being and the energy within the sun were but sparks of energy from the source of all being. Finding the exact number of days of the solar year within the word childallows us to confirm mathematically the philosophical and deeply spiritual notion that every child that is born on this great Earth is indeed a child of god. We are a reflection of the beginning of all time and space. The patterns and energy that create us are the same patterns and energy composing the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotence of the Grand Architect of the Universe. We are gods in the flesh and our cosmic journey is to recognize the divine within. It is a story written in the symbols, in the numbers, in the language, in the mythologies and is carved upon every facet of creation. It is the story written on your two hands. 


“You must act ever in the consciousness of your divinity and recognize in each being, a brother, a child of God. The whole world is one family.” — Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” — Luke 17:21 

“It is no coincidence that ‘AMEN’ is merely an anagram of ‘NAME’. To speak your own name is to speak the individualized name of the creator.” — Claudia Pavonis 

It is the understanding shared by many religions that every human being, through successive reincarnations, must eventually come to understand his own mystery. And in order to understand that mystery one must know the depths of what is above and what is below. One must comprehend the infinite universe in its totality as well as the finite universe of man and luckily for us, the great creator being did us the most considerable of favors and made them one and the same

When undergoing your spiritual quest, be sure to remind yourself of the one universal, immutable truth that will forever remain: The MYSTERY of all being is nothing more and nothing less than MY STORY


– – –

Please see blog.worldmysteries.com/category/guest_authors/martyleeds for the first two segments or click on direct links below:

Cracking Pi – Part 1       |      Cracking Pi – Part 2

This entire series will be available in the upcoming book The Peacock’s Tales, the Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis.  


 Please visit www.martyleeds3.com for more information, free videos and music as well as books, DVDs and CDs for purchase. 

Resposta  Missatge 23 de 166 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 17:12
The same can be said about the other side of the straight  

-------------------and on the South/ Female Pole you get a different kind of "Cathedral"

The Alcázar of Seville (Spanish "Reales Alcázares de Sevilla" or "Royal Alcazars of Seville") is a royal palace in Seville, Spain, originally a Moorish fort.

The Almohades were the first to build a palace, which was called Al-Muwarak, on the site of the modern day Alcázar. The palace is one of the best remaining examples of mudéjar architecture. Subsequent monarchs have added their own additions to the Alcázar. The upper levels of the Alcázar are still used by the royal family as the official Seville residence and are administered by the Patrimonio Nacional.
Baths of Lady María de Padilla


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 22:04
I was wondering what the yellow design in the Re-designed Moroccan Flag could be useful for...to point towards a direction 

from The Code by CarlMunck


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 22:06

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/03/2017 22:29

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/03/2017 00:31
Old 02-29-2012, 10:15 PM
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Economy of Morocco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Morocco consistently ranks among the world's largest producers and exporters of cannabis, and its cultivation and sale provide the economic base for much of northern Morocco. The cannabis is typically processed into hashish.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 02/04/2017 04:14
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comp 2014


22 de julio es el DIA DE MARIA MAGDALENA

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