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Reply  Message 1 of 183 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 07/06/2015 16:56

Phi Vortex Based Mathematics Torus Array - YouTube

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KS5XvP_rGI21 Ago. 2013 - 12 min. - Subido por mikethedj4
Video Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuU8jYkA1k Music by Simon Mathewson ...
  • Phi VBM Tori Array - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxuU8jYkA1k13 Feb. 2013 - 12 min. - Subido por Tom Barnett
    ... and ideas linking the divine ratio or Phi, and Vortex Based Mathematics. ..... would give you ...

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    Reply  Message 4 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/06/2015 18:13

    Reply  Message 5 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/06/2015 04:02

    Reply  Message 6 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/06/2015 15:56


    Cronos devora a sus hijos





    Cronos (Saturno) era el más jóven de los Titanes, hijos de la Madre Tierra y Urano (la tierra y el cielo). Urano, odiaba a sus hijos y los escondió en la Madre Tierra causándole gran dolor. Como venganza fabricó una hoz para Cronos y le convenció de que diese muerte a su padre. Cuando cumplió sus deseos, se desposó con su hermana Rea, pero temeroso de que sus propios hijos se levantasen en su contra, se los tragaba en cuanto nacían: primero Hestia, luego a Deméter, Hera, Hades y Posidón. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus, su sexto hijo, estaba por nacer, Rea lo alumbró en el silencio de la noche y lo confió a los cuidados de su madre, la Madre Tierra. En lugar de entregarle al bebé, le dió a Crono una piedra para que se la comiera. Cuando Zeus creció, pidió ser el copero de Cronos.. le preparó pues a su padre una poderosa sustancia que le hizo vomitar a la piedra y a sus otro cinco hijos mayores. Zeus, luego condujo a sus hermanos a la guerra contra los Titanes, a los que vencen y destierran al Tártro, en el mundo subterraneo. En adelante, Zeuz reinaría como el jefe supremo de los dioses.

    Reply  Message 7 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/07/2015 23:28

    Resultado de imagen de youtube simbolo infinito serpiente             Serpiente - símbolos del infinito        
    El símbolo matemático del infinito nació en el sigo XVII. Parece un ocho tumbado pero en realidad corresponde a una figura matemática llamada lemiscata de Bernouilli. Antes, sin embargo la idea del infinito se representaba con un circulo. La serpiente que se muerde la cola data del 1600 AC y representa un ciclo eterno. En latín, de hecho, caelum significa tanto ¿círculo¿ como ¿eternidad¿ y da la idea de un camino que no tiene ni principio ni final, como el infinito.
      Banda de Moëbius por M.C. Escher                   http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemniscata

    Los orígenes del símbolo de infinito son inciertos. Dado que la forma se asemeja a la curva lemniscata (del latín lemniscus, es decir cinta), se ha sugerido que representa un lazo cerrado. Se ha querido ver también una Banda de Möbius en su forma, aunque el símbolo se usó durante cientos de años antes de que August Möbius descubriera la banda que lleva su nombre.

    También se cree posible que la forma provenga de otros símbolos alquímicos o religiosos, como por ejemplo ciertas representaciones de la serpiente Ouroboros.

    En la literatura matemática, John Wallis es el primero en usar el símbolo para representar al infinito en su tratado De sectionibus conicus de 1655.

    La representación del concepto "infinito", tiene una relación formal con el sentido del orden de las letras en el alfabeto griego. Los griegos, según parece, asignaron el primer lugar en su alfabeto a α (alfa) por ser precisamente el lugar que "Dios" merecía en su cosmogonía. De ahí que - según algún maestro de literatura de buena voluntad - todas las palabras griegas cuya letra inicial era esa tenían, de un modo u otro, relación con lo divino.


    Artículo de Gaussianos (enlace)
    Parece ser que fue en el año 1694 cuando Jakob Bernoulli describió dicha curva. La definición de la misma se asemeja en cierto sentido a la de la elipse:
    • Elipse: conjunto de puntos que cumplen que la suma de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.

    • Lemniscata: conjuntos de puntos que cumplen que el producto de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
    La ecuación implícita de la lemniscata es:
    (x^2+y^2)^2=2 a^2 (x^2-y^2)
    El parámetro a es el que determina qué lemniscata tenemos, ya que los focos están a distancia 2a y ese producto de distancias constante es exactamente a^2.
    Artículo de ACATOS (enlace)     ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre infinito y eterno?

    Según la RAE:
    InfinitoQue no tiene ni puede tener fin ni término.
    EternoQue no tiene principio ni fin.
    Entonces, la diferencia es que el infinito puede tener un principio, al contrario que lo eterno, que no tiene. Digamos que el infinito es un subconjunto de lo eterno.
    ¿Por qué relacionamos el concepto de infinito con las distancias y el concepto de eterno con el tiempo?

    Reply  Message 8 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/07/2015 00:36


    torus TorusSquare

    An (ordinary) torus is a surface having genus one, and therefore possessing a single "hole" (left figure). The single-holed "ring" torus is known in older literature as an "anchor ring." It can be constructed from a rectangle by gluing both pairs of opposite edges together with no twists (right figure; Gardner 1971, pp. 15-17; Gray 1997, pp. 323-324). The usual torus embedded in three-dimensional space is shaped like a donut, but the concept of the torus is extremely useful in higher dimensional space as well.

    In general, tori can also have multiple holes, with the term n-torus used for a torus with n holes. The special case of a 2-torus is sometimes called the double torus, the 3-torus is called the triple torus, and the usual single-holed torus is then simple called "the" or "a" torus.

    A second definition for n-tori relates to dimensionality. In one dimension, a line bends into circle, giving the 1-torus. In two dimensions, a rectangle wraps to a usual torus, also called the 2-torus. In three dimensions, the cube wraps to form a 3-manifold, or 3-torus. In each case, the n-torus is an object that exists in dimension n+1. One of the more common uses of n-dimensional tori is in dynamical systems. A fundamental result states that the phase space trajectories of a Hamiltonian system with n degrees of freedom and possessing n integrals of motion lie on an n-dimensional manifold which is topologically equivalent to an n-torus (Tabor 1989).

    Torus coloring of an ordinary (one-holed) torus requires 7 colors, consistent with the Heawood conjecture.

    Let the radius from the center of the hole to the center of the torus tube be c, and the radius of the tube be a. Then the equation in Cartesian coordinates for a torus azimuthally symmetric about the z-axis is


    and the parametric equations are

    x = (c+acosv)cosu
    y = (c+acosv)sinu
    z = asinv

    for u,v in [0,2pi). Three types of torus, known as the standard tori, are possible, depending on the relative sizes of a and c. c>a corresponds to the ring torus (shown above), c=a corresponds to a horn torus which is tangent to itself at the point (0, 0, 0), and c<a corresponds to a self-intersecting spindle torus (Pinkall 1986).

    If no specification is made, "torus" is taken to mean ring torus. The three standard tori are illustrated below, where the first image shows the full torus, the second a cut-away of the bottom half, and the third a cross section of a plane passing through the z-axis.


    The standard tori and their inversions are cyclides. If the coefficient of sinv in the formula for z is changed to b!=a, an elliptic torus results.


    Reply  Message 9 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/07/2015 00:37

    To compute the metric properties of the ring torus, define the inner and outer radii by

    r = c-a
    R = c+a.

    Solving for a and c gives

    a = 1/2(R-r)
    c = 1/2(R+r).

    Then the surface area of this torus is

    S = (2pia)(2pic)
    = 4pi^2ac
    = pi^2(R+r)(R-r),

    and the volume can be computed from Pappus's centroid theorem

    V = (pia^2)(2pic)
    = 2pi^2a^2c
    = 1/4pi^2(R+r)(R-r)^2.

    The volume can also be found by integrating the Jacobian computed from the parametric equations of the solid,

    x = (c+r^'cosv)cosu
    y = (c+r^'cosv)sinu
    z = r^'sinv,

    which simplifies to



    V = int_0^(2pi)int_0^(2pi)int_0^ar^'(c+r^'cosv)dr^'dudv
    = 2pi^2a^2c,

    as before.

    The moment of inertia tensor of a solid torus with mass M is given by

     I=[(5/8a^2+1/2c^2)M 0 0; 0 (5/8a^2+1/2c^2)M 0; 0 0 (3/4a^2+c^2)M].

    The coefficients of the first fundamental form are

    E = (c+acosv)^2
    F = 0
    G = a^2

    and the coefficients of the second fundamental form are

    e = -(c+acosv)cosv
    f = 0
    g = -a,

    giving Riemannian metric


    area element

     dA=a(c+acosv)du ^ dv

    (where du ^ dv is a wedge product), and Gaussian and mean curvatures as

    K = (cosv)/(a(c+acosv))
    H = -(c+2acosv)/(2a(c+acosv))

    (Gray 1997, pp. 384-386).

    A torus with a hole in its surface can be turned inside out to yield an identical torus. A torus can be knotted externally or internally, but not both. These two cases are ambient isotopies, but not regular isotopies. There are therefore three possible ways of embedding a torus with zero or one knot.

    TorusCircles VillarceauCircleXSections

    An arbitrary point P on a torus (not lying in the xy-plane) can have four circles drawn through it. The first circle is in the plane of the torus and the second is perpendicular to it. The third and fourth circles are called Villarceau circles (Villarceau 1848, Schmidt 1950, Coxeter 1969, Melnick 1983).


    Reply  Message 10 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/07/2015 01:42

    7 Mystical Seals – PHOsphenes – Rock Art Symbols – Giordano Bruno – Hans Jenny – Cymatics – Ernest Chladni – Fibonacci


    “Let no one destitute of geometry enter my doors.”


    Symmetry breaking in physics describes a phenomenon where (infinitesimally) small fluctuations acting on a system which is crossing a critical point decide the system’s fate, by determining which branch of a bifurcation is taken. To an outside observer unaware of the fluctuations (or “noise”), the choice will appear arbitrary. This process is called symmetry “breaking”, because such transitions usually bring the system from a disorderly state into one of two definite states.

    Symmetry breaking is supposed to play a major role in pattern formation.

    How does this next image merge with the everything mentioned thus far?

    Tian Tan Buddha – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    List of statues by height ~ most of which are Buddhist statues.
    • The Tian Tan Buddha appears serene and dignified.
    • His right hand is raised, representing the removal of affliction.
    • The Buddha’s left hand rests on his lap in a gesture of giving dhana.
    • The Buddha faces north, which is unique among the great Buddha statues, as all others face south.
    • In addition, there are 3 floors beneath the Buddha statue: The Hall of UniverseThe Hall of Benevolent Merit, and The Hall of Remembrance.
    • There is a huge carved bell inscribed with images of Buddhas in the show room.
    • It was designed to ring every seven minutes, 108 times a day symbolizing the release of 108 kinds of human vexations.

    image on the left: The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Lévi.
    The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together)
    image on the right: Card V of the Rider-Waite Tarot – Hierophant is the high priest


    We are presented with two interesting choices between what is RIGHT and what we have been led to beLIEve is a more sinister LEFT.

    SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together)

    It was suggested to me that we reverse the word Baphomet to arrive at “Tem OHP Ab” which are abbreviations for “Templi Omnium Hominum Pacis Abbas” meaning;

    “The Temple of the Father of Peace Among Men”

    or according to Google Translation

    “The abbot of the temple of peace of all men”

    And the word PHO or OHP maybe even HOP resonates with me.

    “Omnium Hominum Pacis” which I believe would translate to something like peace among men.

    Peace among men is a great reason to like the letters OHP, but why else do I like PHO, what was it that attracted me to these three letters?

    Friend or Foe/Pho?

    Words that begin with PHO

    Data and inFOrmation or inPHOrmation reflecting the fractal environment.

    I noticed a pattern regarding the prefix PHO
    Do you see it?

    • PHOenicians helped the Semitic languages go viral
    • PHOnetics
    • PHOnology
    • PHOneme
    • PHOsphenes
    • PHOenix and pyre and fire
    • PHOtons are light messages
    • PHOnons are sound messages
    • PHOsphorus DNA backbone
    • PHObos is the god of FEAR
    • PHObos is a moon of Mars
    • PHOebus is a reference to Apollo
    • PHOroneus
    • tele-PHOnes
    • i-PHOnes
    • PHOnographs
    • PHOtographs
    • and finally due to a communication breakdown the PHOs get distorted and seem to become the FOEs (real or imagined) that slander/libel/gossip, who we do battle with, is this in itself a form of cosmic retribution a.k.a. karma?
    Phosphorus a promising semiconductorA point defect appears in a two-dimensional material when atoms don’t line up quite right
    as in the puckered pair of a heptagon and a pentagon seen at top.
    In many materials, this disruption of regular six-atom rings (as seen at bottom)
    would change the material’s electronic properties.
    But Rice University theorists have determined that 2-D phosphorus
    would not be affected by such defects.
    Credit: Evgeni Penev

    What other evidence exists for my galactic anagram telegram that arrives thousands of years later on our i-PHOne?

    PHOroneus discovers fire

    In Argos, Phoroneus was still remembered in historical times, and the Argives brought offerings to his grave as to a hero, keeping also a statue of him, next to which there was an ever burning fire, for according to the Argives, it was Phoroneus who discovered fire, and not Prometheus 1 as others think.

    Now the Greek word [[Phoroneus]] is the rigid equivalent of the Sanskrit word bhuranyu (‘the rapid’) an epithet of Agni, considered as the carrier of the divine spark. Phoroneus, son of Melia or of the celestial ash, thus corresponds to a conception far more ancient, probably, than that one which transformed the pramantha (of the old Aryan Hindus) into the Greek Prometheus.

    Phoroneus is the (personified) bird, that brings the heavenly lightning to the Earth. Traditions relating to the birth and origin of the race of Bronze, and those which made of Phoroneus the father of the Argians, are an evidence to us that this thunderbolt (or lightning), as in the legends of Hephaestus or Prometheus, was the origin of the human race”

    Source of the next image, Coptic Magical Texts SLIDE #13

    The names given to the four living creatures, the cherubim, appearing in Revelation and Ezekiel, comprise a formula that is often repeated in early Christian charms and amulets.It has been referred to as the Alpha formula, since the first letter of each name makes a notarichon [acronym] of the first letter in the Greek alphabet.i.e. A L Ph AAlpha is the bull, derived from the Phoenician aleph
    Leon is the Greek word for “lion
    Phone the eagle‘s name is the Greek word for “voice”
    Aner is Greek for “man“-author Kieren Barry p. 151-2.

    PHOne the eagle’s name is the Greek word for “voice” … AHA!

    It appears that the Eagle/St John, the number 8 in the code 11258, and the number 3 in the code 13769 represents the PHOne!

    And both codes can be found on any tarot card that depicts the 4 Evangelists positioned in the four corners assigned their various guises as the man/angel, bull, lion, and eagle, usually illustrated in the Major Arcana on Card X or Card XXI.


    And by coincidence this early Christian ‘charm/amulet’ referred to as the ALPhA formula contains in ‘code’ the number associated with the fine structure constant coincidentally called alpha, 1/137.

    please note: genes and memes, seems to default to efficient data transfer, from electrons emitting/absorbing photons/phonons, using them to navigate energy levels, and of course human ignorance at the same time on another level/dimension use their i-PHOnes to scale the ivory white Towers of Babel and Towers of Power?

    Thomas Campbell’s My Big TOE or My Big Theory of Everything
    A interesting theory that defaults to LOVE and Entropy

    Harmonic Resonance Theory:

    An Alternative to the “Neuron Doctrine” Paradigm of Neurocomputation to Address Gestalt Properties of Perception

    Faraday (1831) extended Chladni’s phenomenon by observing standing waves on the surface of liquids, which produces geometrical arrays of standing waves on the surface of the fluid in the form of concentric rings, parallel ridges, grid and checkerboard patterns, arrays of cone-like points, and even brick patterns. This work has been extended more recently by Cristiansen et al (1992), Kumar & Bajaj (1995), Kudrolli & Gollub (1996), Kudrolli et al. (1998) and others, who have demonstrated patterns of equilateral triangles, regular hexagons, superlattice, and quasi-crystal array patterns by driving the oscillation of the fluid layer with a controlled waveform. Figure 2 shows some of the patterns produced by Kudrolli et al.It seems that this work is only touching the surface of the full potential of this phenomenon for producing complex geometrical patterns by relatively simple driving oscillations.

    In the 1st minute of this video Dr. Michael Persinger mentions the importance of the 4 basic micro-static patterns that have been listed below that are the ‘building blocks of ‘consciousness’.

    What these videos are implying is very very profound.

    Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena

    Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena.

    It is typically associated with the physical patterns produced through the interaction of sound waves in a medium.

    A simple experiment demonstrating the visualisation of cymatics can be done by sprinkling sand on a metal plate and vibrating the plate, for example by drawing a violin bow along the edge, the sand will then form itself into standing wave patterns such as simple concentric circles.

    The higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes produced, with certain shapes having similarities to traditional mandala designs.

    The term cymatics was coined by the Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny.

    It is derived from the Greek kyma meaning “wave,” and ta kymatika  meaning “matters pertaining to waves.”

    GREAT Cymatics website!

    Note in above image that there is a direct correlation between cymatics patterns and the vowels.

    A E I O U

    SONS of the SUN


    According to Prof. Marcel F. Homet this petroglyph is named by the native Brazilian people the ‘SONS OF THE SUN’.
    These symbols are engraved in brazilian megalithic stone in Pedra Pintada, northern Amazon River basin of Brazil, discovered in 1963 by the french archaeologist Prof. Marcel F. Homet.
    The petr0glyphs are estimated to be at least 10,000-years-old.

    Source:  ‘THE SONS OF THE SUN’, 1963 by Marcel F. Homet, Ph.D.

    George Adamski’s aliens in Brazil, eons ago?

    … alien scribblings and provided addenda about the controversial findings of noted archeologist Marcel Homet, who some have claimed, discovered, in the cavern known as Pedra Pintada  in the Amazon River basin near the town of Monte Alegre in northern Brazil, images that duplicated, exactly, those provided by George Adamski’s flying saucer visitors in the 1950s.

    controversy involving UFOs, aLIEns, and swastika petroglyphs:

    go to page 155

    Illustration © Kellogg, R, Knoll, M., Kugler, J. (1965).
    Form-similarity between phosphenes of adults and pre-school children’s scribblings.
    Later Acheulian Marking Motifs II

    Table 1: Occurrence of 15 Typical Phosphene Form Groups in 328 Scribblings of One Single Child.”

    more inPHO on phosphenes:

    (you must cut and paste url to make link work)

    Knoll and Kugler (1959) used temporal stimulation to elicit a ‘spectrum of subjective abstract light patterns’ for 24 test individuals (50 depictions). Reviewing this and subsequent studies, including ‘phosphenes’ produced by hallucinogenic drugs, Kellogg, Knoll and Kugler (1965) group 520 phosphene drawings by 313 subjects into fifteen ‘phosphene form groups’ and also argue that these correlate to typical children’s scribbles (’20 basic scribbles and 6 diagrams’) and may also correlate to images in rock art. They provide a table showing frequencies of these fifteen ‘form constants’ among 806 scribbles of one subject on multiple occasions. Watson has now extended these findings, providing a new data set for adult’doodles’ based on a ‘sample of 50 doodles’ and suggests there are similarities between these and the Kellogg et al. list of fifteen phosphene motifs as well as similarities to Palaeolithic marking motifs.”A phosphene is an entoptic phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye. The word phosphene comes from the Greek words phos (light) and phainein (to show). Phosphenes can be directly induced by mechanical, electrical, or magnetic stimulation of the retina or visual cortex as well as by random firing of cells in the visual system. Phosphenes have also been reported by meditators, people who go for long periods without visual stimulation (also known as the prisoner’s cinema) or who are under the influence of drugs, especially a hallucinogen.”

    The artist Aaron Ross has a great definition of phosphenes: “phantom images seen only in the mind’s eye.”

    Phosphenes (literally “light that shines forth”) are luminous, ephemeral signposts marking the landscape of inner space. Several scientists have found that phosphenes have common features across cultural boundaries.
    Such findings point to a universal library of symbols.A phosphene is a multicolored shape or pattern seen in the darkness, without external visual stimulation.
    Phosphenes can be seen with closed eyes or in a completely dark room with open eyes.
    Phosphenes may appear as: * spirals * exploding stars * wispy clouds * wheels * tunnels * parallel lines * wavy lines * dotted lines * zigzags * checkerboards * honeycombs * spider webs * dot patterns * circles within circles * crosses * thin meandering lines, like lightning * geometric shapes, like triangles, squares, pentagons * and so on.
    Phosphenes may swirl, pulse, superimpose, fragment, or morph into other images. If you have ever bumped your head and seen stars, those were phosphenes.You can, however, stimulate the appearance of phosphenes without hurting your head in the process. Hold your fingers over your closed eyelids and make very slow and gentle circular motions or apply very gentle pressure. When images begin appearing, remove your fingers, keep your eyes closed, and watch the visions. Having a tape recorder handy will allow you to describe out loud the colors, shapes, and other phenomena you witness. This information will be helpful later as you study the symbolic meaning of your visions.

    Why does pressure on the eyeballs create phosphenes?

    Mathematician G. Bard Ermentrout explains that the pressure inhibits signals from the retina, thereby encouraging the brain’s cortex to fill the void. The brain begins firing spontaneously and creates hallucinatory patterns.

    Phosphenes can also be seen under such conditions as: * hypnosis * reverie * fever delirium * fatigue * sensory deprivation * sweat lodges * profound concentration * hyperventilation * medicinal herbs * psychoactive drugs (such as LSD) * food and water deprivation * electrical and magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex * strobe lights * rhythmic movement * migraine headaches * meditation * trance states * intense emotion * stress * crystal gazing

    The behaviour of phosphenes seems to be uncontrollable by scientists.

    In 1994, vision researcher William H. Dobelle discovered that the phosphene lights flicker at a rate which seems unrelated to the cardiac pulse, breathing rate, or other physiologic functions.
    Phosphene researcher and artist Lorena Babcock Moore says that under the influence of drugs and other intense forms of stimulation, phosphenes become “more pronounced and the patterns (called entoptics) increase in complexity and may include flashes, spirals, circles, or zigzags that move in concentric circling, horizontal streaking, vertical falling, or scattering fragments.
    Motifs may overlap and transform into one another.” However, Moore does not use intense methods for her own phosphene work. She prefers outdoor solitary drumming. Distinct shapes are commonly seen in phosphenes.

    Phosphenes are said to be generated by the nervous system’s intrinsic geometry.

    Vivid, morphing colors are typical.
    Phosphenes typically change color in phases:

    1. Yellow
    2. Bright green with a red halo expanding toward the center
    3. Red with a blue halo expanding toward the center
    4. Blue
    5. Grey, faint afterimage

    These inner visions have inspired artistic works throughout human history.

    In 1989, researcher Richard Bradley applied the concept of phosphenes to European megalithic art.
    He attributed many mysterious cave drawings with the phosphene visions of the ancient artists.

    Art historian A. E. Iribas has traced the influence of phosphenes on such art as:

    * the “childlike” art of Miro
    * the psychedelic art of Michaux
    * the surrealist art of Dali
    * the mandalas of Tibetan Buddhism
    * the architecture of temples
    * alchemical imagery
    * Hildegard von Bingen’s illuminations
    * the work of contemporary painters such as Onslow-Ford, Kupka, Kandinsky, av Klint, and others

    In 1983, Qabala expert Philo Stone suggested that phosphenes are actually “sparks of pure energy, light perceived at the moment of its conversion into nervous-system information between the cornea and the brain.
    Thus, phosphenes may be the behavior of atomic particles as observed by the naked eye: the interface of two worlds, the normal and the nuclear — the fourth dimension.”

    The French physician Francis Lefebure (1916-1988) experimented with a technique of combining a thought with a phosphene in order to transform the energy of light into mental energy.

    He believed that conscious phosphene work would stimulate memory, attention, intelligence, imagination, intuition, creativity, decision making, patience, perseverance, self confidence, dreaming, and the discovery of new dimensions.

    His technique involved stimulating phosphenes with a light source:

    1. Sit in a darkened room.
    2. Look at the bulb of a small pocket flashlight (non-halogen) for thirty seconds.
    3. Turn off the light and, with open eyes, see the phosphene.
    4. Place a thought inside the phosphene: “A thought of love, goodness, peace, wisdom, a thought dedicated to unhappy and unlucky people of the planet.”
    5. Keep both the phosphene and the thought for at least one minute, smiling throughout.

    image: ‘The Seven Mysteries of Life’ – Guy Murchie

    Several important dates of the history of Phosphenism

    This morning I was reading the book called Amulets and Superstitions by E.A.Walls Budge, and after seeing an amulet depicting the SEVEN SEALS (on page 40)

     I realized I was onto something extraordinary!

    image: ‘The Seven Mysteries of Life’ – Guy Murchie

    Figure 1:

    “As Knoll varied the frequency of the pulses the patterns changed, and by altering the frequency Knoll’s group identified 15 classes of figures and a number of variations within each class. For each person tested the spectrum of phosphenes (the kind of pattern at each frequency) was repeatable, even after six months” (Oster 1970:85).

    The Munich group also found that electrically induced phosphenes were considerably more elaborate for subjects who had been given a very small dose of a hallucinogenic drug, say 10 micrograms of LSD (Oster 1970:85).

    The SEVEN SEALS resemble many of those 15 documented NASA phosphenes.
    And the images of the SEVEN SEALS are said to be depicting the “great Names or Symbols of God”.


    7 SEALS – the Great Names or Symbols of God

    Arrow   image of the SEVEN SEALS found on page 40:

    Is there a connection between the EvIL Eye emitting PHOtons and geometric PHOsphenes which later became the symbols/names for god?

    Old Testament Hebrew God = YHVH = Tetragrammaton 

    Tetragrammaton was derived from a Greek term attributed to a particular Hebrew deity called YHVH i.e the four letter name. And as we know the New Testament was first authored in Greek. And everybody studying esoteric/occult/hidden meanings knows that the YHVH = tetragrammaton = swastika.



    Turn to page 138 for an image of more shapes generated by phosphenes. i.e. the 7 mystical seals.

    On page 142 you will find an image of the ‘unique name’ that you should be constantly focused on. You could start meditating using the TETRAGRAMMATON now.

    A model for the origin and properties of flicker-induced geometric phosphene
    We use symmetric bifurcation theory to show why low frequency flicker should produce hexagonal patterns whilehigh frequency produces pinwheels, targets, and spirals.

    Illustrations of basic phosphene patterns and their transformation to “cortical coordinates.”


    Was the heretic Giordano Bruno onto something?

    Three diagrams representing the Hermetic trinity, as devised by Giordano Bruno in his 1588 Articuli centum et sexaginta adversus huius tempestatis mathematicos atque philosophos, and as appearing in Frances A. Yates’s 1964 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition.

    Figura Mentis, p307. C.f. Cusanus’s paradigmatic diagram and the mouth of Ra.

    Figura Intellectus, p307.

    Figura Amoris, p307

    “These three figures are said to be most ‘fecund’, not only for geometry but for all sciences and for contemplating and operating” (p314).

    Reply  Message 11 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/07/2015 01:52


    Was the heretic Giordano Bruno onto something?

    Three diagrams representing the Hermetic trinity, as devised by Giordano Bruno in his 1588 Articuli centum et sexaginta adversus huius tempestatis mathematicos atque philosophos, and as appearing in Frances A. Yates’s 1964 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition.

    Figura Mentis, p307. C.f. Cusanus’s paradigmatic diagram and the mouth of Ra.

    Figura Intellectus, p307.

    Figura Amoris, p307

    “These three figures are said to be most ‘fecund’, not only for geometry but for all sciences and for contemplating and operating” (p314).


    Reply  Message 12 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 31/07/2015 23:54

    Reply  Message 13 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/08/2015 00:21

    Reply  Message 14 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 07/08/2015 00:52
    LHC Large Hadron Collider as the Snowpiercer Sacred Engine

    LHC Large Hadron Collider project in Geneve (“New Genesis”) as the “Snowpiercer” film’s Sacred Engine

    Reply  Message 15 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/08/2015 03:31
    Hypercube or Tesseract 32 sides encoding 32 paths of Masonic hierarchy before the invisible top 33 symbolizing breaking through the other side.

    Reply  Message 16 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/08/2015 00:00

    Paolo Uccello antes del descubrimiento de America ya nos indicaba la forma de Toro

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    Torta del Rey o roscon de Reyes

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    El templo de Salomon o Sol-o-mon que esta inspirado en esto-

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    La molecula de azufre octogonal utilizada en alquimia y las tantas Iglesias Romanicas y Templarias que hemos visto.

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    Como se arreglan las moleculas de S8 rombico ?

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    Jardines del Taj Mahal

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    Aljibe octogonal en el Taj Mahal- agua - Acuario

    Tumba Taj Majal

    En fin los indicios estan alli para el que los busque, solo restaba atar los cabos.
    Por ejemplo con la granada del Cristo de Da Vinci, vamos a buscar la forma de la granada y resulta que sus semillas forman un rombododecaedro, se llama granada por analogia del cristal de granate que tambien tiene esa forma, continuando con las analogias tenemos la granada explosiva por que es en esta forma que la galaxia explota.
    Buscando formas del hipercubo encontramos el rombododecaedro, por lo cual tenemos el indicio de que esta forma es especial.
    Descomponemos esta figura en dos cubos, y asignamos las coordenadas binarias y tenemos el diagrama, vemos que el 6 y el 9 que son espirales geometricos coinciden en un punto medio lo cual indica un claro choque o rebote ya que hay contacto.
    Nos falta entonces interpretar el eje w sobre el cual se mueven los cubos, que es el espiral que se come la cola, me llevo unos meses descifrarlo, pero el codigo esta por todos lados como hemos visto.
    Superponemos la figura al Zodiaco y tenemos un mapeo, ademas en base a su construccion podemos descifrar el siginificado de la gran Piramide, el obelisco, que surgen de los ciclos pentagonales y heptagonales.
    Atando cabos, vamos armando el puzzle, sin mas misterios.

    The Six Cornered Snowflake

    En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos

    Ensayo de Kepler, "En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos", es considerado como el primer trabajo que analiza y describe la estructura de los cristales.

    Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 14-abr-2012 a las 04:31

    Reply  Message 17 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/08/2015 01:27
    Iniciado por Gabi Ver Mensaje
    Corrígeme pliz

    -Entonces el area del rombo que se inscribe en la vesica piscis es 4/3 el area del cruce de los arcos (círculos de Villarceau).
    -A su vez también era utilizada como la señal del pez con que se ocultaban los cristianos.
    -Es el tejido rómbico que simboliza el azufre. Azufre gaseoso del centro de la galaxia ojo de gato. (cristalización ortorrómbico también he visto en las gemas)
    -Es el tiempo del no-tiempo que dicen los manuscritos Mayas?
    -El toro de donde parte la sección vesica-piscis es la forma del Universo? o es la representación de los ciclos?

    ¿Cúal es la conexión toroide-rombododecaedro-vesica-piscis?

    -¿rombo-dodecahedro que es la representación en planta 2D del hipercubo en el momento actual que vivimos? o es una plano genérico?

    Tiene algo que ver Torus con Horus, supongo

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    Casualidad o no?

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    No se que entiendo la relacion 4/3, con que arco ? con que fin dicha relacion ?
    La relacion de la vesica piscis es 256/153, lo mismo el rombo que esta comprendido en ella.

    Aunque esta todo conectado, vamos a no mezclar la actividad gaseosa en el centro de la galaxia con el movimiento del hipercubo sobre su eje en espiral que es lo que en definitiva forma la vesica piscis en la forma del Toro geometrico de la galaxia, no el Universo.

    Todo esto ya lo explique varias veces desde diferentes angulos, te recomiendo revises mis posts anteriores, si es a lo que se referian lo Mayas, seguramente.
    La relacion del Toro al hipercubo es la misma que la del circulo al cuadrado y la vesica piscis al rombo, digamos que a traves del cubismo es mas facil interpretar la realidad pero el Toro es la verdadera forma geometrica de la galaxia, tiene 4 dimensiones por lo tanto su forma varia en el tiempo, si la vesica piscis se forma al finalizar un ciclo de tiempo, cuando el espiral o la serpiente se come la cola, para dar comienzo a otro a traves de la regeneracion explosiva en el centro de la galaxia la cual invierte los cubos dando lugar a un nuevo ciclo de tiempo.

    El pan de cristo, la levadura y la fermentacion, el murecillo, el roscon, etc, todo fue explicado, no quiero repetir siempre lo mismo.
    Los tioles mercaptores, codigo del mercurio, y los enlaces S-S, gases combustibles en el centro de la galaxia que se activaran el fuego cosmico al chocar los cubos del hipercubo en el 9-6 del rombo dodecahedro.
    Torus es la definicion del Toro en Ingles, seguramente se inspiraron en Horus, el Cristo Egipcio, pero la clave del nombre es el toro Egipcio Apis - Venus en los cuernos del Tauro, o sea Isis.



    Reply  Message 18 of 183 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/08/2015 23:39

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    Eight Rayed Star Round Clock
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    clock designs in that era.
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    Eight Pointed Star Quilt Wall
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    Eight It S Eight O Clock
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    Symbol - Five-Pointed Star
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    Blue Star Aqua Clock
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    with fairy star Clocks
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    Bright Red Five-Pointed Star
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    8 Point Star Wall Clock
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