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From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 17/01/2016 18:57
Secrets of Free4masonry7 - Sacred Geometry/gematria74, the key74: A=1...Z=26, i.e. GOD=7_4; whereas, G is the 7th letter, O is either 15 or zerO, and D is the 4th letter. 7/4=July 4 or 7 April 30 AD - Good(7__4) Friday with Jesus74 the Jewish74 Messiah74 on the Cross74 . Grand Master Masons Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John447 Hancock740, Robert Livingston, and other Founding Fathers. General Washington's first full day as Commander of Continental Army was 7/4/1775. He would eventually have 74 generals, 33 were Mason47s. Liberty7 letters Bell4. 74 representatives to Constitutional Convention. Constitution's 7 Articles written on 4 pages. Federal7 City4's Southern Boundary was laid in a Masonic(M13+A1+S19+O15+N14+I9+C3=74) ceremony on March 15, 1787: the 74th day of the year. Capitol7 Hill4 and Lady4 Freedom7.

The Statue of Lady(4) Liberty(7) in the New York(7) City(4) harbor at 74 degrees west longitude was a gift from Mason(47)s from France(47). Masons in the US paid for and built the pedestal. She holds a tablet that has July 4, 1776 written on it (in Roman numerals), she has 7 rays coming from above her crown(73) and 4 columns on each of the 4 sides of the pedestal.

The upper degrees of Freemasonry teach the immortality of the soul through reincarnation, i.e. Hiram Abiff, and like the Kaballists, know that "The soul of Moses is reincarnated in every generation." Benjamin Franklin was 'the Christ' and he died on Y'shua(74)'s Birthday: 17/4 (4/17). July 4, 1776 encoded Jesus' Birthday of 4/17/6 BC. The Natl(47) Lincoln Memorial in DC ("4 score & 7 years ago") and the Natl Franklin Memorial in Philly were built around the same time and both sculptures are 19' with them sitting on a throne.

The ancient Egyptians with "As above, so below" began the science of sacred geometry. The naked eye sees 7 moving objects(74) in the heavens(74) and 4 don't cast shadows(74) on Earth. Lunar months(74) are 29.5 days and its 4 phases of 7.4 days each is where we get our 7-day-weeks x 4 in a 'moonth'. Lunar year of 354 days + 7-day-week + 4 days = 365 day solar year.

The Bible Code of GOD=7_4

The Standard/Biblical Cubits(74) are 6 palms x 4 fingers . The Egyptian Royal Cubit added a palm to make it sacred by mirroring the heavens: 7 palms x 4 fingers. This was used as the basic measurement for the py-ra-mids and all sacred buildings. Moses knew their Osiris74 religion(74) and aligned the 4th Commandment "Keep the seventh7 day holy (Sabbath[7])". Moses knew the story of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set, & 70 others when G-d & he aligned himself, Aaron, his two sons, & 70 others on Mt. Sinai.

Noah's Ark was 50 cubits74 or 74 feet wide. The Courtyard of Moses' Tabernacle was also 50 cubits/74' wide.

Isaac's son was named Jacob or Yakov74 before God changed it to Israel.

The musical direction "Selah" is encoded in the Bible 74x (71x in Psalms, 3x in Habakkuk 3).

On the Cross was a placard that said, "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" in LATIN, Greek, and Aramaic. Jesus' name in LATIN was IESVS74.

When Christ returns, he open the "7 seals" which unleash the "4 horsemen".

King James I was a GMM. He had his 47 experts compile The Authorized Version of the Bible (KJV) and encode "The Gospel74 according74 to St.74 Matthew(7), Mark(4), Luke(4), & John(4,47)". Genasis74 7:4 "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days & nights". Gn 7:4 is the first time the #40 appears in the Bible and then becomes a sacred recurring theme.

Joshua74 was taught the 7_4 code by Moses. Because Joshua=74, this is why G-d didn't allow Moses to cross74 into the Promise7 Land4. Joshua then used this secret and very powerful code to win the Battle of Jericho! He had 7 priests with 7 horns74 circle the city 7 times for 7 days. On the last day, he had the priests blow their horns and an earthquake occured that brought the walls tumbling down!

King4 Solomon7's Temple encoded the 4 phases of the Moon's day's at 7.4 days with the width of the cherubim's 4 wings being 5 cubits each (7.4 ft).  

Daniel's prophecy re: "Mene, mene74" - "your days are number73ed" - was fulfilled when the Babylonian king died that night!

The New World Order is democratic-republics with individual rights that God & His Christ oversee.

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Reply  Message 2 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/01/2016 02:40
Quantum theory, modern math, must take into account 'probabilities'.
Conspiracy theories are far more probable than modern science wankers trying to time travel by building a time tunnel or a worm hole.
Beam me up stevepenny?

Don't ya think a land based terrestrial conspiracy probably exists?
More than a celestial one based on aliens, ufos or messiahs?

Originally Posted by stevepenny View Post
What is the mathematical construct of a swastika, i.e. how is it described mathematically. Can it also be described on a 'fractal' basis using Chaos theory?
chaos theory?
is it connected to fractals in any way?
Yes I can find the swastika inside the Mandelbrot Set. 

Shall we take a psychedelic trip with the SWASTIKA, herr Mandelbrot, LSD, DMT and the 4 Evangelists? 
go here: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11002

Can we also connect the swastika to the world's largest megalithic stones ever quarried in a place called Baalbek?
And to the magnificent Roman Temple of Jupiter?
Go here: 

So what did I just do Steve?
Did you notice what I just accomplished? 
Why I believe the swastika symbol is the MISSING LINK, the real Lost Symbol, that Dan Brown never even found?
Any potential theory of everything, to be considered must accomplish what I just did...show profound connections between the MACROCOSM and the MICROCOSM.

please note: I just linked the swastika to the first 4 lines of the Emerald Tablet.

Sir Isaac Newton's interpretation of the Emerald Tablet.

1. Tis true without lying, certain most true.
2. That which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother...

Tis true without lying, certain most true, I have just linked the two versions of the swastika to that which is below is like that which is above that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
Have I not illustrated that the biggest MACROCOSMIC stones ever quarried by man can be linked to the same processes, meditations and adaptions of this one thing given birth by the infinitesimal small MICROCOSMIC fractal?

The Sun is its father and it rotates clockwise or sunwise, and the Moon its mother, rotating counter-clockwise or ANTI.

And archetypes can be translated as you move from one dimension to another.
We can use the same definition for the two interlaced helices of DNA that are rotating in opposite directions.

Could the Holy Grail have something to do with our DNA?

Thus the SWASTIKA continues to prove itself the KEY to Universal Movement(spinning vortex) being veiled by both biblical and scientific scholars.

Any connection between the Emerald Tablet, LSD, 4 leaf clovers and little green men is souly by design.

Maybe one of the Freemasons can offer why the barbershop spiral is RED and WHITE?
Any connection to Satan, err I mean the red and white coca cola promotion depicting Santa?
Is there a connection to red and white flags?
Red crosses on White backgrounds or is it White crosses on Red backgrounds?


Last edited by raphael; 14-11-2009 at 04:18 PM.

Reply  Message 3 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/03/2016 14:00
Default Love 2 the 9s

Love 2 the 9s

God said to Haggai (2:18, 2the9)

“From this day on – from this twenty fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought: 
Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until this day the vine (bride of Christ) and 
the fig tree (Israel – bride of God) the pomgranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. 
From this day on I will bless you.”
In verse 12 God says to Israel:

“Return, faithless Israel, declares the Lord.
I will frown on you no longer, for I am merciful, declares the Lord. 
I will not be angry forever. 
Only acknowledge your guilt – you have rebelled against the Lord your God, 
you have scattered your favors to foreign gods under every spreading tree, 
and have not obeyed me.”
The Dawn of Earth's Great Millennium
Magnificent Evidences that the New Day is Dawning!


“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. 
After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. 
Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. 
As surely as the sun rises, (the dawn of the Millennium) he will appear; 
he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. 
The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.... 
The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death. 
Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord... 
I will give thanks for you answered me; you have become my salvation.... 
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
O Lord, save us; 
O Lord grant us success. 
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”

“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; 
the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."

21 12 (20+1) 12


= 1 + 8


Last edited by science2art; 29-07-2012 at 07:00 PM.
Reply  Message 51 of 51 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 05/03/2016 20:34
Default Monad

24 permutations 

The Hieroglyphic Monad

"he who causes to exist"

4 x 6 = 24 = 12 + 12

The term tetragrammaton (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning "4 letters")

external link:

Last edited by science2art; 12-12-2012 at 08:43 PM.

Reply  Message 4 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/07/2017 14:48

Ancient cultures knew about sacred geometry reflected in nature and derived their individual measures of length from it. Many ancient writings suggest that this knowledge was given to mankind by god(s). The ‘Gods’ of certain cultures could be early post-flood founders a few generations after Noah. In Egypt, building overseers required the Royal Egyptian Cubit to be calibrated against a precision standard at regular intervals. Failure to do so was punishable by death.  This extreme respect for the royal cubit indicates an important legacy, like a standard handed down from the ‘Gods’.

According to the “Secrets of the Great Pyramid” (by L. Stecchini) the Egyptian measures of length, originating from at least the 3rd millennium BC, were directly derived from the circumference of the earth with an amazing accuracy. On page 346, his claim is that the Egyptian measurement was equal to 40,075,000 meters, which compared to the International Spheroid of 40,076,596 meters gives an error of 0.004%. No consideration seems to be made to the question of, on purely technical and procedural grounds, how the early Egyptians, in defining their cubit, could have achieved a degree of accuracy that to our current knowledge can only be achieved with very sophisticated equipment and techniques.

Note: Egyptians calculated polar radius as 12,000,000 Royal Cubits (of 0.525 m per cubit) which is equivalent of 6300 km (modern value for the polar radius of the  Earth is 6,357km)

The Sacred Cubit (aka Royal Cubit) was used in constructing buildings and monuments and in surveying in ancient Egypt. Royal Cubit consists of 28 units, digits ( 7 palms of 4 digits). The names of divisions of royal cubit may suggest anatomical origin, however the division numbers indicate astronomical origin of the cubit (7 days per week, 28 days lunar calendar, 4 weeks per lunar month)…

Note: Here is an  interesting connection between modern and ancient units of length with astronomy and geodesy:  1 foot = 12 inches1 mile = 5280 feet = 63,360 inches = 4800 Sumerian Feet = 3200 Sumerian Cubits.

There is great confusion today concerning metrology, the history of measurement systems around the world. Beyond the child’s tales of the “foot” deriving from some king’s foot, measurement was actually part of a sacred system of knowledge established in prehistory and based on timeless truths seen in the harmony of the cosmos. Standards of measure were everywhere framed upon never-changing principles of number, in particular, the interplay of natural tension between ten and twelve, and the dimensions of the turning Earth. Except for the survival of the English system in the U.S., most other traditional systems of measurement worldwide have succumbed to the “easy” and modern, but inferior “metric” system, which uses only ten, is divorced from nature and the human scale, and requires its users to conform to the measuring tools themselves, not to the nature of the objects measured, as was traditionally done. 

The Cosmological Diagram (The New Jerusalem Diagram)

The Sacred Geometric Community has fallen short of the grand prize, the New Jerusalem and her fullness of purpose, they have at least seen, especially through the apostolic efforts of John Michell, the suburbs of the Holy City and from this afar view have come imminently close to her profound and universal meaning; and certainly by framing their quests for universal understanding and sustainable social systems in terms of the Celestial City (or as in Plato’s case, Magnesia).  Their approach to the City Whose Builder and Maker is God (even though that “god” is NOT the One of revelation and authority held by their antagonists amongst the aforesaid monotheists), as we all, is seen through a glass darkly but, nevertheless, they are searching to unlock the mystery of the New Jerusalem and to confirm their findings through geodetic discovery.

Another version of the NJ Diagram is Magical Seal of Solomon.

In Medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon, which variously gave him the power to command demons, genies (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In some versions the seal was made of brass and iron, carved with the Name of God, and set with four jewels. In later versions the ring simply bore the symbol now called the Star of David (hexagram), often within a circle, usually with the two triangles interlaced  rather than intersecting.

To them the “geometric construction” of the New Jerusalem presents cosmological realities which govern the universe – a universe numerically understood far more by the “ancients” who have left us a testament in their objects and writings to these realities whereby John’s vision of the Holy City is the culmination of all their most vivid aspirations; to wit, the elaborate geometric configurations from the New Jerusalem Diagram to intriguing planetary measurements of circles, squares, triangles, polygons of all sorts which provide immediate connectivity between earth and heaven’s realms – as well as those earthly objects of antiquity which replicate the heavenly dimensions of Paradise, and all within the context, preservation and accuracies of antiquity:

“Another relic of the archaic tradition that produced these divisions of time is our present system of measurement by units of feet, furlongs, and miles, with the acre as the unit of land measuring.  Those measures, which are still found the most convenient today, were canonized and held sacred, because not only do they relate both to the human and to the astronomical scales, expressing the unity between macrocosm and microcosm, but they bring out the same numbers in the dimensions of the solar system as were given to the units of time.”  — Dimensions of Paradise, Michell, p. 117.

One of the foremost metrologists of Teotihuacán is, without equivocation, Dr. Hugh Harleston Jr., who during the late 1960s and 1970s measured this “ritual city” from a “…unified geometrical composition whose intervals are clearly defined, and Harleston was soon able to establish the basic unit of measure in its dimensions.  This proved to be a unit of 1.0594 meters, which Harleston called the Standard Teotihuacán Unit (STU) or Hunab after the Mayan word, adopted by the Aztecs, for Measure.  He also recognized the geodetic significance of that unit:  1.0594063 meters is equivalent to the ‘Jewish rod’ of 3.4757485 ft., the same unit which represents the width of the Stonehenge lintels, a six-millionth part of the earth’s polar radius and one part in 37,800,000 of its mean circumference.” (Ref. The New View Over Atlantis, Dr. John Michell, 1995, p. 131).

Also:  “Harleston says of Teotihuacan’s builders: ‘When they draw a line, they’re telling you an area. When they draw an area, they’re telling you a volume.  When they put volume, they’re telling you time.”

Geodesy and geodetic placement of “sacred sites” of ancient origins has long been affirmatively suspect – especially, the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Geodesy involves a fundamental understanding of plane or solid geometry, astronomy relative to latitude and longitude with latitude of more recent vintage since ships-clock (cir. 1540) came into vogue.   These geodetic or geometric relationships both on earth and in the heavens are a frequent haunt of pagans and occultists and of novel interest to science – though science with its unfortunate proliferation of skeptic is apt to go off into “metric tangents” and miss out on all the “fun!”For quite some time researchers have been documenting the astronomical alignments of ancient archaeological and megalithic stone sites all over the world. But discovery of their geodesic alignment has been more recent. Geodesy refers to the theory and practice of surveying to determine the position of specific points on Earth’s surface. It is distinguished from plane surveying in that it deals with areas whose dimensions are so great that the curvature of the Earth must be taken into account. Geometric geodesy involves the creation of a mathematical model of Earth, while physical geodesy studies Earth’s gravity field.  The discovery of the precise alignment of Mayan sites along the 90th parallel is significant because it demonstrates that the Maya were aware of Earth’s curvature and knew the advanced formulas used in geodesy.

Note: Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which ancient monuments – across the globe – encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian – discovered by Munck – that ran from pole to pole across the Great Pyramid.

PS1  The Forgotten Harmonical Science of the Bible

Note: The following segment is from “The forgotten harmonical science of the Bible” by Ernest G. McClain

“…but thou hast ordered all things in measure and number and weight” — Wisdom of Solomon 11:20  (1611 King James Bible)

Biblical creation “by measure, number and weight”  required God to possess a fluency in arithmetic not always shared by the faithful. And so Bible arithmetic of the first millennium BC eventually became incomprehensible.

Today much of the astronomy, arithmetic, and music attributed to Classical Greece is documented to Semitic Babylon in the second millennium B.C.   Mesopotamian fluency in calculation–in the age of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob–already was 3000 years ahead of 16th century AD Europe. Babylonian exile in the sixth century BC made accessible to the Jews anything not already known.

With help of Philo of Alexandria I am reading Divine prescience as pre-scientific musical insight encoded in tribal mythology.  Biblical emphasis on twelve sons as eponymous ancestors of twelve tribes who build an altar of twelve stones concerns twelve idealized “boundary markers” in a cyclic octave needed for Davidic musicology. The pattern was long symbolized in the concentric circles of the Babylonian astrolabe, adjusted monthly to correlate the watches with the varying lengths of day and night.  Figure 2 strips all star data from van der Waerden’s reconstruction, and converts his base-60 water-clock weights (for full watches in the outer circle, and half and quarter watches in the inner circles) to base 10 arithmetic.

The astrolabe’s naked geometry and simple arithmetical doubling expose the idealist mind set which guided the evolution of Chaldaean sciences — converted to priestly ritual by Jewish ingenuity. Twelve ideal months of 30 fictitious days were superimposed on the heavens, and the ratio of longest night to shortest day, known to be about 3:2, was computed as 2:1, so that only music offered a “manipulable” example which conformed to these rounded measures.

Concentric circles anticipate Ezekiel’s “wheel in a wheel” as the throne of heaven. Within each circle maxima and minima water clock weights of 2:1 anticipate the ratio of cyclic octaves. But equal weight differences between successive months (reversing at the solstices in months III and IX) had to give way to proportional differences between successive semitones when this geometry was applied to music. Rational tonal    arithmetic, cleverly mimed by Ezekiel, could anticipate this conceptual equality only via a slight but cumulative excess or deficiency, for in a cyclic octave of ratio 1:2 all equal divisions are defined by irrationals. Thus the Holy Land of a spiritual Israel had to be conquered conceptually in intricate warfare between the excess of primordial “giants” (products of 3) and the deficiency of human “weaklings” (products of 5) among rational numbers, and “weaklings” won only with Divine help in circumventing the lack of real number. Bible narrative brilliantly allegorizes every aspect of Diophantine approximation to modern Equal Temperament, and it does so with exhausting respect for numerical detail–making the Bible a priceless repository of tuning lore and its elementary number theory. The “unhewn” stones of Jewish altars are integers, meaning the natural or counting numbers to which harmonical theory normally was restricted, although its calculation demanded great fluency with reciprocal fractions. From the perspective of any reference pitch all integers except 2n necessarily “sinned” by “missing the mark” to some degree because octave doubling imposed, a priori, a universal matrix (“womb”) tied to integral powers of 2. Problems arose immediately with division into 2 equal parts (requiring the square root of 2) and 3 parts (requiring the cube root of 2).

Sensory intuition always fails at some level of arithmetical subtlety where least noticeable differences create a Platonic “no man’s land” of uncertainty. Greek, Jewish, and Chinese cultures are unanimous in accepting the comma of 80:81 as its convenient normative value. It is the difference between a “giant” wholetone of 8:9 (worth 204 cents in modern logarithmic measure) and a “human weakling” of 9:10 (worth only 190). They are approximations to the sixth root of 2 worth 200 cents, the value necessary to divide an octave 1:2 into six equal parts. How Davidic tuning theory reconciles this conflict becomes the central focus of Bible allegory  And in the sixth century BC only God could have solved this problem numerically–although any geometer could map results to his own satisfaction for the astrolabe pointed the way.

For musician/philosophers of Philo’s temperament,  tuning theory may always have been a contest in the soul between the potential tyranny of masculine intellection, considered mankind’s very highest power, and the relative benevolence of our feminine sensorium, where least noticeable differences create some measure of perceptual tolerance. Wisdom required a congenial mating between our own masculine concepts and feminine percepts, and sometimes rewarded it with the experience of transcendent beauty in “out of the body” adventures like Philo enjoyed when listening to the antiphonal singing of segregated sexes in his Alexandrine synagogue. I am trying here to articulate Bible harmonics in Philo’s spirit while paying closer attention to its computational logic.


Reply  Message 5 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/09/2024 01:40
Bible Question Box. 2 Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 speaks of “Mary Magdalene,  from whom He had cast out seven demons.” Is there anything else mentioned  about. - ppt download

Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 38 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/09/2024 22:00
Matthew 15:39 And he sent away the multitude, and took ship, and came into  the coasts of Magdala.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/09/2024 22:20
Matthew 15:39

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