Poised on the threshold of the third Christian millennium, she stands in all her power and majesty, still clasping her alabaster jar. Who is the woman whom the Christian Gospels call "the Magdalene"? How can we have failed for so many centuries to recognize the Bride, the "Divine Complement" of Christ? As Jesus incarnates the "Logos," the masculine manifestation of the unseen and indescribably holy One, Mary Magdalene embodies his beloved sister-bride, the "Sophia," described in Gnostic texts as the "spouse" and "mirror of God's creative power" and in Hebrew Scripture as God's "delight."
Numerous medieval artists painted Mary Magdalene regal, dressed in gold brocade, wrapped in a crimson robe. They were fully aware that in the nuptial ode of the Messianic King, Psalm 45, the Bride is dressed in embroidered apparel of gold brocade, a passage that was part of her feast-day Mass liturgy for centuries, until 1969 when the Roman Catholic Church reorganized its calendar and dropped the allusion to the Bride. That earlier liturgy had also included a passage spoken by the Bride from the Song of Songs: "Set me as a seal on your heart, a seal on your arm" along with a reference the raising of her brother Lazarus. Church Fathers had thus acknowledged the passionate devotion of Mary Magdalene for Jesus, so obvious in the Gospels, and recognized her as the "Beloved" who had anointed Jesus at Bethany (John 11:2; 12:3).
Mary Magdalene is the only person mentioned by all four evangelists at the scene of both cross and tomb, and John's Gospel assigns to her alone the unique privilege of being the first witness to the Resurrection. She embodies the archetype of the "Sister Bride" who, in ancient liturgies honoring the "Sacred Marriage" of the Divine Complements, first anoints the Sacred King and later goes to the tomb to mourn the his death and is overjoyed to find him resurrected. How can we have failed to identify the archetypal Bride and Bridegroom of the Christian mythology, so clearly parallel to other divine couples celebrated in rites of Spring?—Easter is named for Oestare, one of the goddesses derived from Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon. The ancient rites celebrated the gifts of renewal and regeneration at the Spring Equinox—the eternal return of the Life Force and the balance manifested in the "Cosmic Dance" of all that is.
Modern scholars have been working hard to reclaim for Mary Magdalene the title "Apostle to the Apostles," based on her encounter with Jesus on Easter morning (John 20) when he sends her to tell his brothers that he is going to his father. Since apostolos means "messenger," that title is justified. She was the first witness to the Good News of the Risen Christ and joyfully carried that news to the community. The title "Apostle" makes Mary Magdalene about equal to Peter and others of the "chosen twelve." Acknowledging this role of Mary Magdalene may help women to reclaim positions of authority in the Church, to preach and to teach alongside the male clergy.
But reclaiming Mary Magdalene as an Apostle will not heal the wasteland of western culture nor cause the desert to bloom.
Only by reclaiming Mary Magdalene as "Bride" can we restore the balance that was once at the very heart of the Christian story, modeled by the Archetypal Bridegroom and his Beloved. The "Way" of Christ and Magdalene is the Sacred Union of the Mind and Heart, the Reunion of the Logos and the Sophia.
No longer shall she be called "Forsaken" and her lands "Desolate"— but she shall be called "Beloved," and her lands "Espoused." Isaiah 62:4
About The Author Margaret Starbird is the widely acclaimed author of several books that seek to restore Mary Magdalene to a position of honor denied her for 2000 years by the entrenched hierarchy of the patriarchal system. Her first two books, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar and The Goddess in the Gospels were cited as catalysts for The Da Vinci Code. Her other titles include Magdalene's Lost Legacy and Mary Magdalene, Bride in Exile. Starbird gives lectures and retreats focused on the Divine Feminine. Please visit her website.
All rights reserved. No portion of this text can be reproduced without the written permission of the author.
The Goddess Freedom, a form of Isis, stands atop the US Capitol Building at Washington DC
This post is a complete mini-course in everything you need to know to make virtuous use of March Equinox 2012.
A Sacred Earth Circle Is Cast
Last year the Heart of Ophiuchus rose in the East at 3 of the 4 seasonal turning points of 2011 while the Crowned Head of Ophiuchus’s Serpent of Wisdom1 rose alongside Virgo at Due East on the September Equinox.
The Serpent is an esoteric form of Sophia – Wisdom. Virgo of course is the celestial embodiment of Isis. And September is the ‘solar month of Virgo.’ How perfect was that?
Through this celestial alchemy process the Queen of Heaven can be seen to have used the 2011 Solar Cycle of Earth to seed Healing, Wisdom & Transformation Light at each of the 4 turning points of our Seasonal Year, thus casting a Magic Circle around the Sun from Stonehenge and Squaring it.
In so doing the Heart of Ophiuchus has brought into the Sacred Circle the Triple Goddess — Maiden, Mother, Crone in spring, summer and winter. In autumn She unveiled Herself fully in her own Zodiac Sign Virgo as Isis, the Virgin Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Eve in the Garden accompanied by Sophia, the Serpent of Wisdom Crowned.
Wait! What just happened here? Ophiuchus is Isis? This question is answered in Ophiuchus-Isis Unveiled below.
While the Earth on her tilted axis was moving from Station to Station around the Solar Star with the Zodiac Constellations as Her starry backdrop, the Sun was participating in this ritual too. Every single X-Class Solar Flare in 2011 found Constellation Ophiuchus at one of the Cardinal Directions (NEWS) or inside the Sacred Circle at Stonehenge.
I should note for the record that we have already had several X-Class Solar Flares in 2012 and this pattern of Ophiuchus camping on all of the X-Class Flares did not repeat itself this year. However, having sustained this extraordinary Ophiuchus-X-Class Solar Flare connection throughout the year in 2011 we conclude with a high degree of certainty that 2011 was a year of Sacred Circle preparation for Ceremonial Celestial Magic to commence at March Equinox 2012.
Moving to our consideration of the present, as we began gathering information for this article, the Sun began to crackle with Solar Flare energy.
Aurora in Iceland March 8, 2012
On March 7 at 00:24 UT, exactly 2 weeks to Equinox, an X-5.4 Class CME hurled Solar Plasma earthward. The sky chart of this burst one more time finds the Heart of Ophiuchus rising Due East at Stonehenge in accompaniment with the waxing gibbous Moon in its astronomical alignment with Alpha Leo, Regulus, the Heart of the Lion.
We received feedback from a number of sensitive people who all reported the same uplifting sensations and visions being generated by the quality of the Solar energy that reached Earth as it coincided with the conjunction of the Full Moon and Mars retrograde in Constellation Leo on March 8.
Scientifically measurable effects were reported as mild. There were no Communication system interruptions reported though simultaneously I must tell you by its very nature Ophidian Current ultimately does interrupt communications at cosmically fundamental levels to create insertion points and facilitate change. If Light Workers are feeling good, it means the last round of high intensity Ophiuchus Solar Matter has already been processed by folks who resonate with the higher frequencies of new incoming Light.
Geomagnetic storming conditions overflowing into March 9th were reported as “favorable” as the Moon floated through the Coma-Virgo X-Ray/Radio Galaxy Streaming described in Essays for Astrologers: Constellation Virgo (Virginis).
Asclepius’s ‘daughter’ & serpent handler Hygeia (“Hygeine”), pre-patriarchal age Goddess of Health
The March 7 X-5.4 Class Ophiuchus solar event also puts us on notice that the Solar-Ophiuchus Consciousness connection with Stonehenge has been reestablished and the energy that washed over the planetary sphere between March 7-9 was in all likelihood in preparation for the Ceremonial Magic to be co-created on the first Equinox of 2012.
As I write this sunspots are growing and harbor energy capable of producing more X-Class flares. As always, we will continue to monitor Solar activity and keep you fully updated.
Isis-Snake Goddess connection unveiled
Speaking of preparation, please bear with me while I work into the fabric of this post a number of back stories necessary to give context to the March 2012 Equinox. If we were in some other year I might not spend this much time on it. But given this is the year we’ve all been talking about and waiting for, I’m sure you’ll agree thoroughness is called for.
The first issue I want to bring forward involves the mainstream impression that the Ancient Gods of Healing & Wisdom Asclepius (Greek) and Imhotep (Egyptian) are the alpha and omega of Constellation Ophiuchus’s personality and essence. This simply is not the case.
Which figure depicted in this Sculpture is the Serpent Handler? | Asclepius and ‘daughter’ Hygeia, Roman Diptych, c. 400/430 AD Museum on Merseyside, Liverpool
The name of the constellation is “serpent holder,” not Asclepius. Seekers after Truth quickly learn that overlooking little details such as this is sometimes all it takes to sabotage a lifetime of work.
In researching spiritual anthropology and the genealogy of the gods beginning with the Myth of Asclepius (written in Patriarchal times), we are able to navigate our way through the tangled web of history and myth to find the original serpent holder was not a god but a goddess of nature whose place was usurped and whose stories were rewritten by warrior culture conquerors. Not even her name survived the cover-up.
Egyptian art and artifacts found at Knossos together with Minoan Crete artifacts found in the tombs of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III are strongly suggestive of a cultural exchange between Egypt and Crete, two sophisticated civilizations whose ports were linked by the Greco-Egyptian-Phoenician Trade Routes.
Geraldine Gesell argues that the snake goddess was not a household goddess as no snake goddess has ever been found in a true domestic context. Rather, the “Snake Goddess” had the broader function of universal Mother or Earth Goddess and was thereby principally a fertility deity.
Women in the Aegean – Snake Goddess, Christopher L.C.E. Whitcombe
One of the hieroglyphic signs used to write the word sa, meaning to protect, is a looped cord made of linen thread or leather. It was suggested above that the looped cord projecting above a “knot” between the breasts of both the “Snake Goddess” and the votary may be symbolical. It may in fact represent a magical knot, or sa, to which the Minoan “sacral knot” may be related. The loop of the knot has been identified as a sign of the vulva.
Sa was also the name given to the “the blood of Isis.” On statues of Isis, or of women dressed as Isis (such as that from the Ptolomaic period in the Staatlichen Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, Munich, …), the Isis-knot is shown between the breasts in the same position it appears on the “Snake Goddess” and on the votary.
Women in the Aegean – Snake Charmers, Christopher L.C.E. Whitcombe
Hence it is the question of identity and gender that holds the key to understanding the esoteric and intrinsic meaning of the 13th Zodiac Constellation and what it has to do with the theme of the March 2012 Equinox.
Isis & the planetary grid system
Isis, Goddess of the Throne
Throughout world history Master Planners, Architects and Builders have used sacred geometry to design structures of certain proportion and to align city streets, buildings and monuments with megaliths, sacred sites, the sun, moon and key planets in our solar system, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and certain fixed stars including in particular Constellation Virgo (as Isis) and Sirius (the Star of Isis).
This practice has created a sprawling network and energy grid binding the Earth, Moon, Sun and Stars together as though this specialized design drives some sort of great cosmic engine.
In an attempt to harness the Power of Isis, Goddess of the Throne, the grid builders have incorporated Her numbers, shapes and forms into the system and brought Her to life iconically in paintings and statues. But there the reverence for Her seems to have ended as in all other respects expressions of the Divine Feminine in Nature on this planet (the Domain of Isis) have been methodically invalidated, violated, and abused.
Call me a hopeless romantic. It is my contention that it takes more than tokens to secure the patronage of The Great Lady Isis, Goddess of the Throne, Agriculture, Inundations, Motherhood and Magic.
Washington DC | Obelisk inside Vesica Piscis
Hence our Mission will be to serve as enlightened and willing vessels for the Light and Life Force of the Queen of Heaven to bring balance to what we will take for the moment as a competent planetary grid system.
Those who are up for the task will join with the Queen of Heaven in infusing the Grid with Light. I’m not talking about the kind of light that’s going to empower the people who think they’re currently in power. I’m talking about a current of energy that’s going to be more in the nature of an anti-virus at first. Later it will heal, regenerate and nurture.
We’ll take it slowly at first. We may have cause as we go along to question some symbols on the grid that we don’t understand, such as why great towering obelisks are protruding from the centers of some of the Vesica Pisces.2 Have the master builders presumptuously bound Isis & Osiris together in ceaseless coupling without asking Them?
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
snike in Simple Gematria Equals: 58
phi in Simple Gematria Equals: 33
Hageo 2:8: Mía es la plata, y mío es el ORO, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.
2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
9. Mateo 21:12: Y entró Jesús en el templo de Dios, y echó fuera a todos los que vendían y compraban en el templo, y volcó las mesas de los cambistas, y las sillas de los que vendían PALOMAS;
10. Marcos 11:15: Vinieron, pues, a Jerusalén; y entrando Jesús en el templo, comenzó a echar fuera a los que vendían y compraban en el templo; y volcó las mesas de los cambistas, y las sillas de los que vendían PALOMAS;
11. Juan 2:14: y halló en el templo a los que vendían bueyes, ovejas y PALOMAS, y a los cambistas allí sentados.
12. Juan 2:16: y dijo a los que vendían PALOMAS: Quitad de aquí esto, y no hagáis de la casa de mi Padre casa de mercado.
678. Hageo 2:8: Mía es la plata, y mío es el ORO, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
58. Génesis 49:16:DAN juzgará a su pueblo, Como una de las tribus de Israel.
59. Génesis 49:17: Será DAN serpiente junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta) de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales) y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos." (Mateo 11: 25-26).
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
Mateo 23:1 Entonces habló Jesús a la gente y a sus discípulos, diciendo: (CAPITULO 23 ES UN NEXO CON LOS 2300 DIAS, JUBILEO, PENTECOSTES EN EL CONTEXTO A DANIEL 8 Y 9)
23:2 En la cátedra de Moisés se sientan los escribas y los fariseos. 23:3 Así que, todo lo que os digan que guardéis, guardadlo y hacedlo; mas no hagáis conforme a sus obras, porque dicen, y no hacen. 23:4 Porque atan cargas pesadas y difíciles de llevar, y las ponen sobre los hombros de los hombres; pero ellos ni con un dedo quieren moverlas. (Una referencia al shabbat/jubileo/Pentecostes. El dedo es una referencia al DEDO DE DIOS/TABLAS DE LA LEY DE LOS 10 MANDAMIENTOS)
23:5 Antes, hacen todas sus obras para ser vistos por los hombres. Pues ensanchan sus filacterias, y extienden los flecos de sus mantos; 23:6 y aman los primeros asientos en las cenas, y las primeras sillas en las sinagogas, 23:7 y las salutaciones en las plazas, y que los hombres los llamen: Rabí, Rabí. 23:8 Pero vosotros no queráis que os llamen Rabí; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo, y todos vosotros sois hermanos.
MASTER/MAESTRO/MOTHER-SON/MOTHER-STAR/MASON- 23:9 Y no llaméis padre vuestro a nadie en la tierra; porque uno es vuestro Padre, el que está en los cielos. 23:10 Ni seáis llamados maestros; porque uno es vuestro Maestro, el Cristo.
MASTER/MAESTRO/MOTHER-SON/MOTHER-STAR/MASON- 23:11 El que es el mayor de vosotros, sea vuestro siervo. (Una clara referencia espiritual al SALMO 119 (ALFA Y EL OMEGA, EL PRINCIPIO Y EL FIN), APOCALIPSIS 1:8 Y 22:13))
¿RESURRECCION DE CRISTO AL TERCER DIA ES SIMBOLO DEL 23:12 Porque el que se enaltece será humillado, y el que se humilla será enaltecido. 23:13 Mas ¡ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque cerráis el reino de los cielos delante de los hombres; pues ni entráis vosotros, ni dejáis entrar a los que están entrando. 23:14 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las viudas, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación. (Una OBVIA REFERENCIA A LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA LA VIUDA/MARIA MAGDALENA en un obvio nexo con el SALMO 119)
23:15 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque recorréis mar y tierra para hacer un prosélito, y una vez hecho, le hacéis dos veces más hijo del infierno que vosotros. (Una referencia al TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION/TERCER DIA DE RESURRECCION ADONDE JUSTAMENTE CRISTO SE LE APARECIO POR PRIMERA VEZ A NUESTRA MADRE MARIA MAGDALENA. ESTA TODO CODIFICADO PARA GLORIA DE YHWH)
¿RESURRECCION DE CRISTO AL TERCER DIA ES SIMBOLO DEL 23:16 ¡Ay de vosotros, guías ciegos! que decís: Si alguno jura por el templo, no es nada; pero si alguno jura por el oro del templo, es deudor. 23:17 ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el oro, o el templo que santifica al oro?(EL ORO ES EL GRIAL)
Colosenses 2:1 Porque quiero que sepáis cuán gran lucha sostengo por vosotros, y por los que están en Laodicea, y por todos los que nunca han visto mi rostro;
2:2 para que sean consolados sus corazones, unidos en amor, hasta alcanzar todas las riquezas de pleno entendimiento, a fin de conocer el misterio de Dios el Padre, y de Cristo, 2:3 en quien están escondidos todos los tesoros de la sabiduría y del conocimiento. (sabiduria/sophia y conocimiento/gnosis)
2:4 Y esto lo digo para que nadie os engañe con palabras persuasivas. 2:5 Porque aunque estoy ausente en cuerpo, no obstante en espíritu estoy con vosotros, gozándome y mirando vuestro buen orden y la firmeza de vuestra fe en Cristo. 2:6 Por tanto, de la manera que habéis recibido al Señor Jesucristo, andad en él; 2:7 arraigados y sobreedificados en él, y confirmados en la fe, así como habéis sido enseñados, abundando en acciones de gracias. 2:8 Mirad que nadie os engañe por medio de filosofías y huecas sutilezas, según las tradiciones de los hombres, conforme a los rudimentos del mundo, y no según Cristo. (FILOSO-PHI-A/S-O-PHI-A/O-PHI-R/SALMO 45:9)
2:9 Porque en él habita corporalmente toda la plenitud de la Deidad, 2:10 y vosotros estáis completos en él, que es la cabeza de todo principado y potestad. 2:11 En él también fuisteis circuncidados con circuncisión no hecha a mano, al echar de vosotros el cuerpo pecaminoso carnal, en la circuncisión de Cristo; (CIRCUNCISION/NUMERO 8/ISHTAR)
2:12 sepultados con él en el bautismo, en el cual fuisteis también resucitados con él, mediante la fe en el poder de Dios que le levantó de los muertos. (EL 8 ES EL NUMERO DE LA RESURRECCION) 2:13 Y a vosotros, estando muertos en pecados y en la incircuncisión de vuestra carne, os dio vida juntamente con él, perdonándoos todos los pecados, 2:14 anulando el acta de los decretos que había contra nosotros, que nos era contraria, quitándola de en medio y clavándola en la cruz, 2:15 y despojando a los principados y a las potestades, los exhibió públicamente, triunfando sobre ellos en la cruz. 2:16 Por tanto, nadie os juzgue en comida o en bebida, o en cuanto a días de fiesta, luna nueva o días de reposo, (Alli Pablo le dice que NINGUN JUDIO los puede juzgar por guardar las FIESTAS, lunas nuevas y sabados. Pablo le esta escribiendo a los COLOSENSES/GENTILES) 2:17 todo lo cual es sombra de lo que ha de venir; pero el cuerpo es de Cristo. 2:18 Nadie os prive de vuestro premio, afectando humildad y culto a los ángeles, entremetiéndose en lo que no ha visto, vanamente hinchado por su propia mente carnal, 2:19 y no asiéndose de la Cabeza, en virtud de quien todo el cuerpo, nutriéndose y uniéndose por las coyunturas y ligamentos, crece con el crecimiento que da Dios. 2:20 Pues si habéis muerto con Cristo en cuanto a los rudimentos del mundo, ¿por qué, como si vivieseis en el mundo, os sometéis a preceptos 2:21 tales como: No manejes, ni gustes, ni aun toques 2:22(en conformidad a mandamientos y doctrinas de hombres), cosas que todas se destruyen con el uso? 2:23 Tales cosas tienen a la verdad cierta reputación de sabiduría en culto voluntario, en humildad y en duro trato del cuerpo; pero no tienen valor alguno contra los apetitos de la carne.
Serpens (la serpiente) es una de las 88 constelaciones modernas y era una de las 48 listadas por Ptolomeo. Entre las modernas constelaciones es la única dividida en dos partes:
Serpens Caput, que representa la cabeza de la serpiente, situada al oeste.
Serpens Cauda, que representa la cola, al este.
Entre estas dos partes se sitúa la constelación de Ofiuco, el portador de la serpiente. Dado que se considera una única constelación, el ordenamiento de acuerdo a la denominación de Bayer tiene en cuenta ambas partes. En la cabeza de la serpiente se sitúan α, β, γ, δ, ε, ι, κ, λ, μ, π, ρ, σ, τ, χ y ω Serpentis. En la cola se localizan ζ, η, θ, ν, ξ y ο Serpentis.
η Serpentis, aunque ostenta la denominación de BayerEta, es la segunda estrella más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 3,26. Es una estrella naranja gigante o subgigante.
Cúmulo globularM5, situado 8º al suroeste de Unukalhai (α Serpentis). Con una edad aproximada de 13.000 millones de años, es uno de los cúmulos globulares más viejos asociados a la Vía Láctea.
Objeto de Hoag (PGC 54559), distante galaxia anular cuyo aspecto ha fascinado tanto a astrónomos aficionados como a profesionales desde su descubrimiento en 1950. Sobre su origen no existe un claro consenso.
Representación de las constelaciones de Ofiuco y Serpens.
Serpens es la serpiente que tiene agarrada Ofiuco, el portador de la serpiente, y lógicamente está muy asociada con él. Originariamente, Serpens y Ofiuco eran consideradas como una única constelación, a partir de la cual surgió un mito asciado con la fundación de la medicina. Se identifica en la mitología griega con la serpiente que revela a Asclepio los secretos de la medicina.
La clave de la "señal de Jonas", en Mateo 12:40, en el contexto a la REINA DE SABA QUE ERA DE ETIOPIA, justo adonde esta la curva del Nilo a 33 Oeste y 19.47 Norte, es justamente JUAN MARCOS QUE PREDICO EN ETIOPIA Y JUSTAMENTE ES EL PADRE DE LA IGLESIA COPTA. LA NUEVA "ARCA PERDIDA ESPIRITUAL" ES JUAN MARCOS. Recordemos que el antigua ARCA PERDIDA fue escondida por Jeremias. Esto explica de la fuerte relacion del ARCA DEL CONVENIO, con la estrella SIRIO. LA RELACION 911, CON EL AÑO NUEVO COPTO, ESCONDE ESE MENSAJE en el contexto insisto a que en dicho calendario el 11 de Septiembre es el primer dia del año.
33. O haced el árbol bueno, y su fruto bueno, o haced el árbol malo, y su fruto malo; porque por el fruto se conoce el árbol. (Nuestro Señor hace referencia primero a el mismo, pero esotericamente tambien esta haciendo referencia al GRIAL. EL ARBOL, nexo con el TERCER DIA DE LA CREACION, simboliza a la madre y el fruto al hijo. LA RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR SIMBOLIZA A LA RESURRECCION DEL AVE PHOENIX, OSEA EL GRIAL. ¿PORQUE CREE USTED QUE CRISTO SE LE APARECIO POR PRIMERA VEZ A MAGDALENA LUEGO DE SU RESURRECCION? GLORIA A YHWH TODOPODEROSO QUE SU PALABRA ESTA CODIFICADA EN TODO.)
35. El hombre bueno, del buen tesoro del corazón saca buenas cosas; y el hombre malo, del mal tesoro saca malas cosas.
36. Mas yo os digo que de toda palabra ociosa que hablen los hombres, de ella darán cuenta en el día del juicio. (El 911, en el contexto al verdadero calendario LUNI-SOLAR HEBREO FUE EN EL DIA DEL JUICIO, OSEA EN EL DIA DE LA EXPIACION, EL 9/10 DE TISRI O DEL SEPTIMO MES)
39. El respondió y les dijo: La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás.
40. Porque como estuvo Jonás en el vientre del gran pez tres días y tres noches, así estará el Hijo del Hombre en el corazón de la tierra tres días y tres noches. (33 ES EL NUMERO DEL GRIAL)
41. Los hombres de Nínive se levantarán en el juicio con esta generación, y la condenarán; porque ellos se arrepintieron a la predicación de Jonás, y he aquí más que Jonás en este lugar.
42. La reina del Sur se levantaráen el juicio con esta generación, y la condenará; porque ella vino de los fines de la tierra para oír la sabiduría de Salomón, y he aquí más que Salomón en este lugar. (Aqui esta la clave. JUAN MARCOS ES EL PADRE, INSISTO, DE LA IGLESIA COPTA, ubicada principalmente en ETIOPIA. MARIA LA MAGDALENA/JUAN MARCOS ES LA NUEVA ARCA PERDIDA. SABIDURIA/SOPHIA/NUMERO DE ORO PHI/ORO REFINADO/SANTO GRIAL.)
'G', the letter of 'God', the 'Great Architect', the 'Geometer', for G is the 7th letter -
The Square and Compass is aligned horizontally to revere the direction in which the Sun as well as the 'Sun behind the Sun' - the Star of Set, or Sirius which is also included in the layout as the White House is not only at the left side of the Compass, but it is at the bottom of the averse pentagram aligned with the North.
The Star Sirius is a binary star, and the lesser star - Sirius B - is depicted as the smaller star to the bottom left; 'The Pentagon'. Even the hieroglyph of Sirius contains the predominant elements of the architecture;
the Obelisk (Washington Monument), the 5 pointed star, and the Dome (The Capital Building).
11. Proverbios 25:11:MANZANA de oro con figuras de plata Es la palabra dicha como conviene.
99. Ezequiel 22:7: Al padre y a la madre despreciaron en ti; al EXTRANJERO trataron con violencia en medio de ti; al huérfano y a la viuda despojaron en ti.
The MRO 2.4-meter (7.9 ft) telescope is a Nasmyth design on an azimuth-elevation (az-el) mount. The telescope is capable of slew rates of 10 degrees per second, enabling it to observe artificial objects in low Earth orbit. The telescope is also used for asteroid studies and observations of other solar system objects.[4]The MRO 2.4-meter achieved first light on October 31, 2006, and began regular operations on September 1, 2008, after a commissioning phase that included tracking near-Earth asteroid 2007 WD5 for NASA.[5]
The telescope's primary mirror has a complicated history. It was built by Itek as part of a competition for the contract for the Hubble mirror (although it has a different prescription than the one used to construct the Hubble). When Perkin-Elmer was chosen instead as the Hubble contractor, the mirror was passed to a classified Air Force project. When this project was in turn discontinued, the mirror was transferred to the Magdalena Ridge Observatory, along with a blank for the secondary.[6][7]
As of May 2008, the facility is under a multi-year contract with NASA to provide follow-up astrometry and characterization data on near-Earth asteroids and comets as part of Spaceguard, and also collaborates with the Air Force to track and characterize satellites in GEO and LEO orbits.[8] On October 9, 2009, New Mexico Tech scientists used instruments on the MRO 2.4-meter and at the Etscorn Campus Observatory to observe controlled impacts of two NASA Centaur rockets at the southern polar region of the moon as part of the LCROSS Project.[9][10]
On October 23, 2015, it was announced that the MRO telescope will receive funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in early 2016 to monitor the launch and re-entry of commercial space vehicles from Spaceport America.[11]
The Magdalena Ridge Optical Interferometer (MROI) is an optical and near infraredinterferometer under construction at MRO. When the MROI is completed, it will have ten 1.4 m (55 in) telescopes located on three 340 m (1,120 ft) arms. Each arm will have nine stations where the telescopes can be positioned, and one telescope can be positioned at the center. The telescopes and their enclosures will be moved with a customized crane. Light from the telescopes' primary mirrors will be directed along the arms to the Beam Combining Facility (BCF). These pipes will be evacuated of all air in order to reduce distortions. Inside the BCF, the light will first travel through extensions of the pipes in the Delay Line Area, which will bring the light beams into phase. Then light will exit the vacuum pipes in the Beam Combining Area (BCA), where the light will be directed into one of three permanent sensors, or to a temporary instrument on a fourth table. The light will strike a total of eleven mirrors before entering a sensor.
The basic design of MROI was completed in 2006. Construction of the facility began in August 2006 with the BCF building, which was completed in 2008. In July 2007, the contract for the design of the ten 1.4 m telescopes was awarded to Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems S.A. (AMOS) of Belgium. In 2009 the design of the infrastructure of interferometer arms was completed, as was the design for the telescope enclosures. In 2010 construction of the arms began. Also in 2010 the first delay line was installed in the BCF.[13]
On October 19, 2015, New Mexico Tech signed a five-year, $25 million cooperative agreement with the Air Force Research Laboratory to support continued development of the interferometer at the observatory. Dr. Van Romero, Vice President of Research at Tech, said the new funding will allow the completion of three telescopes, mounts and enclosures on the mountaintop facility.[14]
New Mexico Exoplanet Spectroscopic Survey Instrument[edit]
The New Mexico Exoplanet Spectroscopic Survey Instrument (NESSI) is a ground-based instrument specifically designed to study the atmospheres of exoplanets.[15][16] The $3.5 million instrument is the first purpose-built device for the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres,[17] and is expected to have a powerful impact on the field of exoplanet characterization.[18]
The Principal Investigator is Michele Creech-Eakman at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, working with seven co-investigators.[18] The NESSI instrument was mounted on the observatory's 2.4 meter telescope. The instrument's first exoplanet observations began in April 2014.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
---- George Orwell
My own reproduction of the Templar relics in the form of a female silver head containing a couple of skull bones of a small woman with the word Caput LVIII M.
Templar Foundations
A Templar ship Brass Plate Magdalene Vault
During my past life regression along with my spiritual portrait, my research on Mary Magdalene and my conversations with various mediums and historians there is one group of people who keep cropping up time and time again, The Knights Templar.
The Templars were founded around the year 1118 as an order of fighting monks whose job was to protect the pilgrims visiting the Holy land. It must be noted here however that no evidence has suggested the Templars actually carried out this particular task. Moreover, there have been suggestions their actual task was for something else like excavation work. It’s also important to note that the order began with only nine members for the first nine or so years which would have made it very difficult to cover all pilgrim routes to the Holy land.
By 1127 the Templars had established themselves in Western Europe with countries including Portugal, France, England and Scotland. The church had even officially recognized them as a religious order dedicated to the defence of Christendom. Further down the line in 1139, a papal bull was issued that the Templars would owe allegiance to the pope only, making them immune to political and religious authorities.
Old antique Templar pendant Magdalene Vault
However during the latter part of the 12th century the Templars were facing serious problems. The Templars enormous wealth and influence which had built up over a number of years brought them into growing opposition to the Church and worldly monarchs. The Knights Templar were accused of many heinous crimes including denial of an immortal Christ, ritual murders and of worshipping a bearded head called Baphomet to name but a few.
It all came to a head in 1307 on Friday, October 13th, Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars and sixty of his Knights were imprisoned in Paris. In 1312 the pope officially dissolved the Knights Templar Order and then in 1314, after Jacques de Molay was burned alive, it seemed that the Knights Templar had ceased to exist, yet the Order continued in other countries under various names.
The Templars venerated Mary Magdalene and to them she represented Sophia, the female side of god. The word Sophia means “wisdom” and many people believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene herself. During the Templars inquisition, one accusation amongst many was the worshipping of a goat head called “Baphomet”. It was not apparent why the Templars would worship such a thing until you apply something called the Atbash Cipher. This code was used as early as 500BC and was found to be used in some of the Dead Sea scrolls. When applied to the name Baphomet we get the name Sophia!
Relic and Cathars
Antique engravings from an old french book showing scenes from the Cathar crusade at Montseguer & the massacre at Beziers. Magdalene Vault
Whilst on the subjects of heads, the Templars also had in their possession an interesting relic in the form of a female silver head containing a couple of skull bones of a small woman. It also came with a label on which read the following; Caput LVIII M (Head 58M). At first glance the message is a just a random few numbers and a letter but when you add five with eight you get thirteen. The letter M is the thirteen letter of the alphabet and together with the other M we have a double hit. Could this female relic have been the bones of Mary Magdalene? It is also noteworthy that the bones themselves were wrapped in a red cloth, the colour most associated with Mary Magdalene.
With the worship of Sophia through the disguise of Baphomet along with the 58M female headed relic we can possibly assume that the Templars regarded the importance of Sophia and acknowledge her human existence in the form of Mary Magdalene. It would not be the first time that both Sophia and Mary Magdalene have had a connection. In one Gnostic Gospel called The Pisits Sophia, Mary Magdalene plays a central role. It contains 46 questions in the dialogues of which 31 are asked by Mary Magdalene herself.
The Templars also had a connection with the Cathars, a Christian dualist or Gnostic movement which arrived in France around the 12th century. Like the Templars, they held Mary Magdalene in very high esteem calling her the femine aspect of the divine and recognised her equal status with Jesus. It is also known that at least one of the nine founders of the Templars was a Cathar. The 4th grand master of the Templars, Bertrand de Blanchefort was from a Cathar family.
Cathar Templar connection
Old St Mary Magdalene Relic The Magdalene Museum
Another question which arises is why this particular area in the south of France is the focal point for both the Cathars and Templars. Could it be argued that the Magdalene arrival in France after the crucifixion set the motion of the events that followed? It is most likely that the Cathars had in their possession Gnostic Texts amongst their many other documents and may have had knowledge of the Magdalene voyage itself.
I strongly believe that the Templars were set up or influenced by the Cathars themselves with the objective to befriend the Church and gaining their trust, a kind of double agents type. One of the nine founding members, Hugues de Pagens, had ties with many Cathar people and possibly had been a Cathar himself. Indeed his genealogy points to Cathar heartland and another member, Godfrey de Saint-Omer appears to have been a relative of his. Their mission to protect the pilgrims from the holyland had simply been a “smoke screen” for their main intentions and activites.
Being just a normal Cathar would simply have got them nowhere, even before the Templar establishment they were already being hounded out including the burning at the stakes of Cathars in Orleans in 1022. They already had in their possession gospels and documents of Gnostic nature and more than likely had the Magdalene relics too. There was far more to be discovered in the Holyland which they could attain and keep. Also the Cathars knew the church at one point would come down hard on them, it was just a matter of time. What the Cathars needed was an army of knights to gain entry into the holyland and then to guard their sacred documents, relics and even their own beliefs and history.
Templar Postcard, Temple London Magdalene Vault
In 1208 began a series of wars known as the Cathar crusade which was organised and directed by the Catholic Church on the orders of Pope Innocent lll. From the first seize in Beziers on July 22nd 1209 (St Mary Magdalene’s feast day), to the last Cathar foothold at the Chateau of Montsegur, the Cathars were hounded out, burned at the stake and slaughtered in what many people call the first genocide of Europe.
During the crusades against the Cathars, the Templars had no choice but to remain neutral. If they sided with the Catholic Church then they would be fighting against their own people, against similar beliefs and even possibly their own families. On the other hand if they sided with the Cathars then it would put the order at risk and everything they protected including their connections with the “heretics” along with sacred documents and treasures would be revealed. The only logical thing to do was to stay neutral although it has been reported that the Templars did provide a haven for Cathar refugees and the increase of Cathars which joined the Templar ranks at that period of time rose sharply.
At the last stronghold of Cathars at Montsegur in 1244, a few Cathars did manage to escape the oncoming slaughter and with them they carried some form of treasure. It could well be that these Cathars and their treasure, ended up with the Templars and thus their treasure were safe and protected……...for now.
Fall of the Templars
Postcard Port of La Rochelle, France
In the aftermath of the Cathar crusade the Templars remained protected and their influence and wealth was still growing. However by the turn of the 14th century the Templars had also attracted many powerful enemies, one of whom would lay the first stone to the demise of the Templar order, or at least, so he thought. Philippe lV of France had become envious and angry with the Templars, he owed them a great deal of money, thought they were arrogant and unruly ,no control was over the Templars as they only answered to the pope and all this on Philippe’s own territory. This all gave reason for Philippe to use heresy as an excuse to get rid of the order.
After the kidnapping and subsequent death of Pope Boniface Vlll along with the poison of another, namely Benedict Xl, Philippe conveniently secured the election of one Clement V, who was at the time archbishop of Bordeaux. This allowed Philippe to get what he wanted, the suppression of the Templars because after all, Clement V was indebted to him for making him pope.
From that moment on the Templars had become wanted men and many were tortured and interrogated on October 13th, 1307. Philippe may have quashed the Templars but their treasure had eluded him, nothing was found. It is more than probable that the Templars knew of this impending danger and took their treasure of wealth, sacred documents and relics and sent them to their naval base at La Rochelle were they transported all this onto around eighteen galleys ready to disembark. What happened to those ships remains a mystery, maybe some ended up in Portugal or more so to Scotland, the only monarchy in the 14 century Europe that did not recognize the authority of the Catholic Church.
Meanwhile the Templars were officially dissolved in 1312, despite the lack of evidence and information that Philippe had accused them of. In 1314 the grand master if the Templars, Jacque de Molay was roasted to death over a burning fire. Philippe had even gone to lengths after to persuade other monarchs to follow his lead to make sure no Templar survived but this mainly fell on deaf ears, particularly in Scotland. Philippe himself died of mystery causes at the end of 1314, the same year as he ordered the death of Molay. Indeed one month after the burning of the grand master, Pope clement was dead. It was reported that Molay had called his persecutors to join him before God’s court within a year while he was about to be burned!