by Walter Hain
October 25, 2006
from Mahain Website

Two pyramids under the coordinates 34.26 North and 108.52 East.

A further pyramid on 34.24 North and 108.45 East.

A field smaller pyramids near the city Xian.

Two further pyramids in that area of the province Shaanxi.

The probable "white pyramid" near the City Xian, on 34.22 North and 108.41 East.
It is definitely NOT the "white pyramid".

A comparison of a former satellite image of a pyramid in Shaanxi
with the photo of 1947 found in the homepage of of November 2001.

This pyramid. found by Google Earth in September 2006 is the well-known Maoling Mausoleum.
The comparison above shows that is the "white pyramid".

Pyramids map.

A comparison of the Gizeh pyramid complex with a pyramid complex in Shaanxi.
Since many years already in the popular scientific community and in publications there are many announcements and contentions of gigantic pyramids in China. The puzzle around the look-up seems final after new discoveries. With the help of Google Earth, the objects are to be seen impressively. It can not be maintained longer, there might be no pyramids in China.!
They have four sides and they are even square like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Its size can quite be matched with those of the Pharaohs and of the Mexican rulers.
Already in 1912 of the two travel agents Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Maman reported of a tremendous building that they had seen in China.
"It was more eerie than if we had found them in the wilderness. Here they had been under the nose of the world, but unknown to the western countries... The big pyramid is about 1,000 feet high (other descriptions estimate 1,000 to 1,200 feet high) and roughly 1,500 feet at the base, which makes it twice as large as any pyramid in Egypt. The four faces of the structure are oriented with the compass points," the two travellers reported.
During the second world war, the pilot of the American Air Force, James Gaussman, with his co-pilot, flow - through a technical defect at his machine -, for several times over a specific territory in China. What he later reported sounds completely unbelievable:
"I banked to avoid a mountain and we came out over a level valley. Directly below was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was encased in shimmering white. This could have been metal, or some sort of stone. It was pure white on all sides. The remarkable thing was the capstone, a huge piece of jewel-like material that could have been crystal. There was no way we could have landed, although we wanted to. We were struck by the immensity of the thing", the pilots reported.
On March 28, 1947 the "New York Times" reported about that discovery. In an interview with the newspaper, the former far east director of the Transworld Airlines, Maurice Sheahan, says he has seen 40 miles southwest of Xian a gigantic pyramid.
"I was impressed by its perfect pyramidal form and its great size," says Sheahan.
Later, on March 30, 1947 the "New York Sunday Times" take over the report and published at the first the photo, which is actually made in 1945 by Gaussman, and that was soon forgotten.

The photo of the "white pyramid" of 1945
In 1978 the New Zealand researcher Bruce L. Cathie bothered itself of a clarification of the puzzle. According to some correspondence with the Chinese embassy and the US air force he kept up the photo of 1947. He published the picture later in the first edition of his book "The Bridge to Infinity" of 1983. According to the photograph and the reports, the New Zealand researcher estimate that the pyramid must have at their basis a length of 450 meters (1500 feet) and a height of about 300 meters (1000 feet). It is a pyramid with four flat trapezoid shaped sides, a square plateau on the top and a square base, like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico.
Such pyramids were up to now unknown to the experts in the western world and its existence was always denied:
"There are no pyramids in China! Only pagodas - temple liked, peaked buildings", so the opinion of the world experts.
I came to the "white pyramid" when I already read reports in specialized books before and then I saw the appropriate photograph in the book "The Face on Mars" of 1989 from the two Australian authors Brian Crowley and James J. Hurtak. Brian Crowley then sent a copy of the image in his book to me and then I passed it to Peter Krassa - a Austrian book author and China researcher. Later I published it in my German book "Das Marsgesicht" (The Face on Mars) of 1995.
I have left indeed Peter Krassa the photograph, but I wanted to however make and therefore prove attentive, that there are in fact pyramids in China. At the German edition "Ancient Skies", the journal of the "Ancient Astronaut Society", no. 6, 1991, I published a short report. One did not want to however publish the photograph of 1947. Gene Phillips, the founder of the mentioned society, has refused a report from me in the American journal of the Society - with the reason, the photograph could be "something doctored", somehow falsified. He considered the photograph for a forgery.
However, I was some extent amazed when I saw a German book in a bookshop in Hamburg, Germany - during a lecture trip - with the title "Die weisse Pyramide" (The white pyramid), written by Hartwig Hausdorf, he was until then completely unknown to me. The book appeared in 1994 and then I found out that Peter Krassa had made the photograph available to him - without my knowledge. However, Hartwig Hausdorf mentioned me in his book so the case is functional. Hartwig Hausdorf was very much strove anyway - and that was also my aim - for the thing and he has undertaken several China trips, around the report to go onto the basis. He found several pyramid mountains in China in fact and he has also published photographs from that. These were the first real evidence that there are pyramidal buildings in China exist. The "white pyramid" could constitute Hausdorf nonetheless not.
Bruce L. Cathie announces many details in its book "The bridge to Infinity" over pyramids in China and especially over the "white pyramid" - so too precise coordinate information. They should be had found north of the contemporary city Sian (Xi´an), by the foot of the river Wei-ho - exact at 34.26 degrees of northern width and 108.52 degrees of eastern length. This data were for me very helpful when I searched in September 2006, with "Google Earth" over China after the pyramids. This program was in the last years set up extended from Google into the Internet and one can recognize fantastic details of the Earth's surface, by means of satellite consumption - as e.g. too the mysterious lines in the plain of Nazca. The solution is not in all fields optimally, nevertheless mostly quite well.
According to some trouble I then kept up after the coordinate information of Bruce L. Cathie two pyramids. As result, I found further, more than twenty and bigger pyramids. They are square earth-pillars, constructed by Chinese craftsmen a long time ago very obviously. The professional world has therefore improper. There are indeed pyramids in China! Google Earth confirmed that again. The biggest one in this area is on 34.23 degrees North and 108.42 degrees East. The opinions diverge via the age of the pyramids. Some speak of 2500 to 3500 years. The legendary "Emperor of the prehistoric time" should at that time have been there.
The pyramids are in the province Shaanxi, north of the city Sian (Xi´an). On the satellite photographs of Google Earth, no "white pyramid" is to be recognized. Under the coordinates 34.26 degrees of North and 108.52 degrees East, two pyramids are visible, but however they are not identical to the photo from 1947. The pyramid lying a little southwest, in my opinion, comes onto 34.22 North most of all and 108.41 East, north of the small city Hsien-yang into consideration. An arrangement shows similar factors as on the photograph from 1947: A square plateau, grazes (excavations) on the sidewalls, similar ones walkways (streets) and in the background, a small settlement. But that pyramid is definitely not the "white pyramid".
In some Internet pages (Chris Maier) and in the homepage of wikipedia, the Maoling mausoleum is compared with the "white pyramid". And that is in actual fact correct. Already on former satellite images which were published in the homepage of of November 2001, that is to be recognized. With Google Earth, this pyramid - although at present another with bad resolution - is it to be seen also. They lies west of the pyramids of Hsien-yang, close to the city Xianyang, on 30.20 degrees North and 108.34 degrees East.
The "white pyramid" needs not to be a tremendous mystic building. The pilots and the travel agents to see the Maoling mausoleum, with his size - according to the measurements via Google Earth - of about 222 to 217 meters on the ground and his height of about 46 meters, can quite have appeared below glistening sunlight glimmering and quite big. No other pyramid in this area is so big. Only the one on 34.23 North and 108.42 East, which has a size of 219 to 230 meters on the ground.

Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum
The well-known Shi Huang-ti Mausoleum, situated 50 kilometers East, has a size of 357 to 354 meters on the base and the whole complex has a size of 488 to 581 meters. But that grave mountain is actually a square mound and not a pyramid. Attainable is the area near Hsien-yang over the city Xi´an (Sian) obvious the airport that Hartwig Hausdorf with some traveling companions already used in 1994. They could for instance constitute seventeen pyramids within a radius of about three kilometers and they estimated its heights at sixty to seventy meters.
Some coordinates

Maoling Mausoleum 1: size 222 x 217 m, 34°20'17"N 108°34'11"E
Pyramid 6: size 153 x 158 m, 34°21'47.16"N 108°37'49.80"E
Pyramid 7: size 149 x 155 m, 34°21'42.48"N 108°38'24.36"E
Pyramid 11: size 155 x 154 m, 34°22'29.64"N 108°41'51.36"E
Pyramid 15: size 219 x 230 m, 34°23'52"N 108°42'43"E
Pyramid 31: size 126 x 149 m, 34°14'09.00"N 109°07'05.00"E
Pyramids 33,34,35: biggest 160 x 167 m, 34°10'45.00"N 109°01'41.00"E
Huang-ti Mausoleum 37: size 354 x 357 m, 34°22'52"N 109°15'12"E