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Just after midday on July 22, 1946, Zionist terrorists, under the leadership of Menachem Begin, set the fuses on bombs planted in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. At 12:37 a huge explosion ripped through the building, killing 91 people. Among the dead were 25 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.
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Did You Know About the Relics of the Three Wise Men?
When I was in college, I journeyed to Cologne, Germany and visited the city’s glorious cathedral. I was a Protestant at the time, but I remember being amazed that people had been building this cathedral for so many centuries. It is one of the greatest Gothic churches of all time.
St Peter and St Mary Cathedral in Cologne, Germany
A tour guide informed me that the bodies of the three Wise Men were enshrined inside. I wasn’t much impressed by the remains of dead people, but this was something that perked my interest – the earthly remains of “we three kings of orient are.” It was perhaps my first investigation into one of those things that Protestants find icky: relics.
According to legend, the bodies of Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior (the traditional names of the Wise Men) were discovered by Saint Helena during her pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The fourteenth century account by John of Hildesheim entitled History of the Three Kings explains how Queen Saint Helen brought the mummies of the Magi to Constantinople.
After she had found the bodies of Melchior, Balthazar, and Gaspar, Queen Helen put them into one chest and ornamented it with great riches, and she brought them into Constantinople.
Later, the three mummies were transferred from Constantinople to Milan. The city of Milan was once known for its festive observance of the feast of Epiphany, and the presence of the three Wise Men’s relics in that city may be the context and origin for this ancient custom. The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick moved the mummified Magi one last time to Cologne in AD 1164 where they rest till this day. If you get to Germany, be sure to check it out.
 Photo of the golden casket of the three Wise Men
Are the bones of three Wise Men really in Germany? God only knows…but I like to think so. And remember: Wise Men still seek Jesus.
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The string theory time travel paradox^2
Tanuj Handa
Tanuj Handa
IITR | IIT-BHU | USCT | Developing research and creativity quotient | Curious about life |
Fecha de publicación: 28 oct 2019
Time is like a river, it swifts and shores in one direction
This is a notion with which everyone must be familiar with, the obsession to know more about the universe and how things are happening the way they happen goes way back in 20,000 BC when cosmologist made attempts to describe the force which makes it all stable. Time is one leg of the chair of the universe in which we all stand, thus it is quite dangerous to tamper the force and experiment with it.
Consider this analogy of time and river, both have a unidirectional flow and we are just the boat sailing along whether be time or the river. Travelling backwards against the flow requires a lot of energy like what quoted by the theory of relativity E=mc^2 is the amount of energy we have to achieve, to begin with, time travel.
Now, as you might have a little idea about string theory, which discusses the how the river of time is divided into different streams and the stream which we get depends upon the actions we take in present.
From the concept of time travel, we can conclude that if we get enough energy we can flow back in time, but if we don't give it in the right direction, we might face consequences. Some of the hypothesis of the event that may follow are :
1. We can end up being an alternate form of reality ( the one we can't relate to from our past)
2. We might alter the space-time and end up having both the different reality come together
3. The concept to enter in an alternate reality may require more energy than to go in our reality of past, hence it might not be achieved
Following it all, it might be difficult to relate but consider like this, you have just started to move the boat against the stream but instead of going to the diversion from where you came in, you chose the alternate stream and thus you are in an alternate past. OR you try to go back to your path from where you came and suddenly the stream takes you to different diversion and you end up in an alternate reality of your time, both of which are equally exciting and terrifying.
My notion to say it as paradox square is because as both time travel and string theory are a big paradox in itself, it's quite difficult to imagine such an event to happen. The only way we can know it all when we get to know how to flow against the flow of time and look it all by ourselves. |
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Time Travel - The Foundation of the Beginning of the Beginning
Siddharth Rana
Siddharth Rana
Content Writer at SciAstra | Manifesting the Universe | an 'old-school' guy
Fecha de publicación: 12 jun 2024
Time Travel is a fascinating phenomenon, allowing an individual to embark on a journey in the continuous flow of reality - Time. However, it comes with its constraints due to the limited comprehension of the Human Mind about the picture of Time.
Time Travel does not provide the freedom of moving all across in Time, in other words -
"Humans are the slaves of Time, trapped in a constant flow, moving towards the future, yet completely free to move in space."
- Time snatches more than what it offers.
Humans are constantly travelling into the unknown - the future, at a rate of 1 second per second, or in other words, the distance that humans are covering in time is precisely equal to the time they take to cover it.
A clock showing 5 o'clock, after one hour, will show 6 o'clock, making the humanity travel 1 hour into the future, taking 1 hour of time. - this is the basic time travelling that humans have been doing since they learned about time, however, this may not fascinate people, the only time travel that involves travelling a huge distance in time, within almost 'no-time' will be enough to quench the thirst of human beings. - the extreme time travel.
Albert Einstein came up with his papers describing a special case of a moving body allowing the 'real' effect of time to play-in.
One of his theories - SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY, states that :
"The faster you move in space, the slower you would move in time."
The faster an object moves or more precisely, the closer an object travels to the speed of light (299792458 m/s), the slower time passes for 'that' object, with respect to every other stationary object. Travelling at a greater speed makes the time of the moving-object 'lag' behind as compared with the other objects. But why?
Let us define the concept of "Now" (Nothing is actually now, as the moment you refer to a moment as 'now' it has already gone and become a part of the past, yet we'll use it for understanding):
The concept of 'Now' can be defined as the piece of time taken for a cause-and-effect to be witnessed by the human (including the interpretation by the brain).
The 'c' used in many formulas depicting the speed of light, actually refers to the Speed of Causality (Cause-effect), and since photons are the only particles (so far) that carries the potential to be the fastest and make their way to an event, this specific property of photons makes them an ideal "first" candidate for a medium (after sounds, sensation etc), allowing humans to witness the cause-and-effect of an event, in almost real-time.
As an object approaches the speed of light or the speed of causality, it surpasses every other object in witnessing the cause-and-effect of an event and becomes the first candidate to witness the event (by being closer to the cause or speed of light), in other words, since at an instant, the object travelling would happen to be closer to the coming-light (from an event) with respect to other stationary objects, would make the object perceive the event before any other object or in other words the object would be in the future.
- But, how? If the object happens to be in the future, that means the future is already there some-where and some-when.
Indeed the future is always present, the only difference is that it takes light to reach to an individual. At a very small-scale the event that happens 'now' makes no difference, however, as one zoom-out into the universe, the definition of 'now' makes no sense.
What happens 'now' in the Universe, has already happened in the past and what might happen in the Universe (in the future) will never make its way to Humanity.
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