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Siguiendo con el patron de Rosh Hashanah el 8 de marzo (DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER)
21 de marzo/ (14 de Nissan osea Pascua)
1 de mayo/25 de Ishar
13 de mayo/8 de sivan (Exodo 19)
20 de mayo/15 de sivan/(conjuncion de las pleyades con el sol/caida del mana/Exodo 16)
21 de junio/17 de Thamus
4 de Julio/29 de Thamus o 1 de Av (Verdadero Pentecostes en el dia numero 118/119 desde el 8 de marzo/1 de NISSAN. El 4 de julio fue la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ¿Sera este el MENSAJE QUE ESTA DETRAS DEL 911? SOLO DIOS LO SABE)
15 de Agosto /13 de Elul (Dia numero 161 del calendario luni-solar hebreo interrelacionado con el numero de oro phi. Tambien tenemos una referencia con el comienzo del calendario maya en el 13 de agosto o 13/6. El calendario LUNI-SOLAR GREGORIANO de origen EGIPCIO esta DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO/ISIS/MARIA MAGDALENA. El 15 de agosto esta en UNA POSICION DE ORO en funcion al 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre, entre el 13 de mayo y 13 de octubre primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen en FATIMA, entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre que fue el 911. El arca de Noe, la gran piramide, el arca del pacto, el universo, la naturaleza integra, etc, etc fueron diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO. La CONSPIRACION PATRIARCAL y MISOGENA, que demonizo a la mujer, IMPLICITAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO NEGO QUE LA CREACION FUE HECHA POR DIOS. En realidad la creacion es una cualidad femenina, espiritu santo, de DIOS. EL PATRIARCADO, DETRAS DE LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN NEGO A DIOS/DIOSA COMO CREADOR/CREADORA. LA MUJER ES LA QUE TIENE Y PROCREA AL HIJO ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD?)
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
15 de septiembre/15 de Tisri o Fiesta de los Tabernaculos
21 de septiembre/21 de Tisri (Oshanah rabbah o septimo dia de los Tabernaculos)
13 de Octubre/13 del Octavo mes hebreo (Curiosa es la analogia 13/8vo mes hebreo con el 13 de Octubre)
20 de noviembre/22 de Kislev
Asunción de María
La Asunción de la Virgen María a los Cielos |

Asunción de María o Asunción de la Virgen es la creencia, de acuerdo a la tradición y teología de la Iglesia ortodoxa y de la Iglesia católica, de que el cuerpo y alma de la Virgen María fueron llevados al cielo después de terminar sus días en la tierra.
Este traslado es llamado Assumptio Beatæ Mariæ Virginis (Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María) por los católicos romanos, cuya doctrina fue definida como dogma (verdad de la que no puede dudarse) por el Papa Pío XII el 1 de noviembre de 1950. La Iglesia Católica celebra esta fiesta en honor de la Virgen María en Oriente desde el siglo VI y en Roma desde el siglo VII. La festividad se celebra el 15 de agosto.
4:22 Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre. 4:23 Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa. 4:24 Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar. 4:25 Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud. 4:26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (Fijense que aqui PABLO dice que la JERUSALEN ES NUESTRA MADRE)
4:27 Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido. 4:28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. (Pablo se esta incluyendo o igualando con ISAAC, OSEA EL HIJO DE ABRAHAM Y DE SARA. Pablo esta reconociendo que ISAAC ES TIPO DE LA IGLESIA)
MATEO 16:18 GALATAS 4:28 1 PEDRO 5:13 JUAN MARCOS 4:29 Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora. 4:30 Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre. 4:31 De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
Juan 8:1 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos. 8:2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. 8:3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio, 8:4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio. 8:5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? (La PIEDRA, en contexto a la RAMERA es una REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO, osea PEDRO, que en el contexto a la SEÑAL DE JONAS es irrefutable su NEXO CON EL PAPADO)
8:6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. 8:7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. (Esta es una alegoria espiritual con REFERENCIA A QUE NO TENEMOS QUE DEMONIZAR AL CATOLICISMO A PESAR DE SUS ERRORES. ¿QUE DENOMINACION NO LOS TIENE? El termino libre es un enganche con GALATAS 4:26 especificamente con la JERUSALEM DE ARRIBA, QUE ES LIBRE, Y QUE ES NUESTRA MADRE. JESUCRISTO, NUEVO ABRAHAM, ES NUESTRO PADRE Y MARIA MAGDALENA, NUEVA SARA, ES NUESTRA MADRE. HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE)
89. Gálatas 4:22: Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la LIBRE.
90. Gálatas 4:23: Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la LIBRE, por la promesa.
91. Gálatas 4:26: Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es LIBRE.
92. Gálatas 4:30: Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la LIBRE.
93. Gálatas 4:31: De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la LIBRE.
94. Gálatas 5:1: Estad, pues, firmes en la libertad con que Cristo nos hizo LIBREs, y no estéis otra vez sujetos al yugo de esclavitud.
8:8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra.
8:32 y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres. 8:33 Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres?
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Message 2 of 219 on the subject |
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Thursday, Cheshvan 13, 5704. Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayeira, Chamishi with Rashi. Tehillim: 69-71. Tanya: (XXVIIb). It is stated (p. 567) ...effect, as known.
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9 Nov 2011 – Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan, 5772 · November 9, 2011 · Thursday, 13 Cheshvan, 5772 · November 10, 2011 · Friday, 14 Cheshvan, 5772 ...
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20 Oct 2007 – 7-13 Cheshvan Yartzeits. 7 Cheshvan - R' Yehuda Meir ben R' Yaakov Shimshon Shapiro (1933), Rosh Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin and ...
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Candle Lighting times are for Austin. Cheshvan 4. Cheshvan 5. Cheshvan 6. Cheshvan 7 ...
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5 entradas - 4 autores - 19 Nov 2011
Cheshvan 17- the day Noah entered the ark and the flood began. Falls Sunday sunset Israel to Monday sunset Israel 11/13-11/14.
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7 Dec 2011 – 13 Cheshvan 5521 - October 23, 1760: The first Siddur was printed in the United States. 13 Cheshvan 5705 - October 30, 1944: Anne Frank ...
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6 Nov 2011 – 13 Cheshvan,5772 (Nov. 10) Issue 7204. Click here for Rob's Shul newsletter. Print out and distribute in your community. Click here for full print ...
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10 Nov 2011 – Convert between Gregorian/civil and Hebrew/Jewish calendar dates. 13th of Cheshvan, 5772 = Thu, 10 November 2011.
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Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida6 9 Cheshvan. 7 10 Cheshvan 8 11 Cheshvan. ELECTION. DAY. NO. LUNCH &. LEARN. NO Jewish. Experience and. NO 7th. Grade. 9 12 Cheshvan 10 13 ...
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3 entradas - 1 autor - 10 Nov 2011
13 Cheshvan. Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud. In the merit of this learning may Dorit bat Dalia be blessed with an immediate refuah ...
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Message 3 of 219 on the subject |
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Message 4 of 219 on the subject |
Ola Ilori (4 Oct 2011) "NOAH ENTERED THE ARK TWICE!!!"
Hi Doves,
We need to continue to watch for the Lord's coming whatever happens - even if it means we're going to be here on earth until next Year!
Paul pointed out a possible Rapture on Wednesday the 5th of October 2011.
This comes 7 Days after Ruth's dream of a possible rapture just before Sunset Jerusalem Time on Wednesday 28th of September 2011.
The Word tells us that Noah was commanded to enter the Ark on two occasions.
The 1st Time was on the 10th of Cheshvan.
For we read,
"Then the Lord said to Noah.
"Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous [that is, you are continually doing good to others] before Me in this generation...For after seven more days [11th-17th of Cheshvan] I will cause it to rain on the earth...And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him" [Gen.7:1,4,5]
The 2nd time is on the 17th of Cheshvan, the very Day the flood began.
"And it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were on the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up...On the very same day Noah and Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark..." [Gen.7:10,11,13,]
On the 10th of Cheshvan Noah and his family relocated to the Ark while they continued day to day business for another 7 Days on earth!
They entered the ark the last time on the very Day the flood began.
Could it be that every man, woman and child that is going to be raptured have already been relocated spiritually to the "Ark" on Wednesday, the 28th of September 2011?
The Ark being Jesus Christ in "Resurrection and Translation ready" mode.
This could be what Ruth saw in her dream!
And that now we are within a 7 Day period to tie up a few loose ends?
For the Rapture could occur for real by 17:20 hrs [Sunset Jerusalem Time] on Wednesday the 5th of October 2011!!!
If we are still here beyond this Date, let us be courageous, for He will come just has He has promised.
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Message 5 of 219 on the subject |
Today we read the story of Noah and his family from the portion NOACH!
5146 נֹחַ Noach {no'-akh}
Meaning: Noah = "rest" 1) son of Lamech, father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth; builder of the ark which saved his family from the destruction of the world which God sent on the world by the flood; became the new seminal head of the human race because his family were the only survivors of the flood Origin: the same as 5118
We are celebrating the 8th new moon of Bul (meaning produce of the Earth).
It is connected to yevul (meaning wealth, fruit, increase, to flow, to bring forth).
945 בּוּל Buwl {bool}
Meaning: Bul = "increase: produce" 1) the eighth Hebrew month, corresponding to modern Nov-Dec Origin: the same as 944 (in the sense of rain);
We call it today Cheshvan. It is also referred to as Mar-Cheshvan (meaning bitter, drop, refers to the first rains of the year “3138 - the yoreh”. This is also representative of the first coming of Yeshua and the birth of the Ecclesia or Church. Also the word teacher is rooted in this word. Point to the target.
3384 יָרָה yarah {yaw-raw'} or (2 Chr. 26:15) יָרָא yara' {yaw-raw'} Meaning: 1) to throw, shoot, cast, pour 1a) 1a1) to throw, cast 1a2) to cast, lay, set 1a3) to shoot arrows 1a4) to throw water, rain 1b) to be shot 1c) 1c1) to throw, cast 1c2) to shoot 1c3) to point out, show 1c4) to direct, teach, instruct 1c5) to throw water, rain Origin: a primitive root; Usage: teach, shoot, archers, cast, teacher, rain, laid, direct, inform, instructed, shewed, shooters, through, watered
It also means “sprinkling”. (Isaiah 52:13-15, this scripture is “5137 – naza” meaning to spirt or sprinkle)
5137 נָזָה nazah {naw-zaw'}
Meaning: 1) to spurt, spatter, sprinkle 1a) to spurt, spatter 1b) to cause to spurt, sprinkle upon 2) to spring, leap 2a) to cause to leap, startle Origin: a primitive root
They fall in Cheshvan. The Jews named this month Cheshvan after the Babylonian Exile. At this time the earth is said to be thirsty for water. This month is when plowing and planting begin in Yisrael.
1. It is seen as Mabul (meaning flood) because Noah’s flood began on the 17th of this month.
2. Solomon’s Temple (the 1st Temple) was finished on the 17th day of this month (1st Kings 6:38).
3. The numeric equivalent to the Hebrew word Tov (meaning good) is 17.
4. Yeshua and others were first-fruits “bikkurim” of the resurrection. Isn’t it interesting that He resurrected on the 17th of Nisan or Aviv.
The word for latter rain, referring to the end of the 6000 years of man and the beginning of the 1000 year Shabbat, is “4456 – malkosh”. That means “eloquence”. Also means to gather the after crop or gather the latter growth.
Ezekiel 34:26 – There will be showers of blessing in the Messianic Kingdom. This is geshem in Hebrew.
1653 גֶּשֶׁם geshem {gheh'-shem} Meaning: 1) rain, shower Origin: from 1652;
It is the last violent heavy showers of the winter season. The latter rains very much represent the time of the second coming of the Messiah. It is a blessing even though these rains can be violent. A woman must travail to bring forth the new life, the baby. The Earth will travail to bring forth the sons of light. (Romans 8:18-23)
Prayer for Rain (from site)
We pray for rain on Sukkot. In Israel, we also add a request for rain to our prayers starting from the 7th day of Cheshvan. We see rain as the physical manifestation of life force at its very source. Everything that lives depends on water to survive. Our bodies are close to 86 percent water. The spiritual source of life, God's compassion and creativity, is manifested concretely through His gift. In fact the Hebrew word "gashmiut - physicality," literally means "raininess," the word for rain being "1653 - geshem". The rain we see is the source of being and becoming. We have to be mindful enough to see it all, and not to fall into the trap of thinking that it is just a source of having and consuming.
When we open our hearts to see the rainfall for the blessing it is, each time it rains, our awareness is altered. The Talmud tells us that rain is an enormous statement of God’s presence in the day to day world, just see the comparisons that Talmud presents to us.
1. A rainy day is greater than the day the Torah was given 2. A rainy day is greater than the day the heavens and earth were created. 3. It makes salvation multiply 4. It tells us that our sins are forgiven 5. Whatever we own is blessed 6. It is greater than the day when the exiled Jews return to Israel. 7. Even the armies are stopped by its force.
Why is rain considered to be greater than the most significant moments in all of history? In what sense is it s source of inspiration and blessing?
The answer is that we were put in a physical world with all of its temptations and inherent concealment of God's presence. Our role is to light a candle in a dark place, and let the goodness that it reflects illuminate the entire world. Rain gives everything material life. God is as much there as He is in the realms of being. There is one critical difference. In the higher realms of being, and in the more dramatic moments of history, it took very little soul searching for us to know God. When the world is in its less dramatic mode, far more is required for us to have an authentic relationship to know God.
In Cheshvan, we have choices to make about our relationship to the real world, the ordinary days and months that we have yet to face. We have to make commitments to not flinch in the face of the mundane things we see, and the simple choices we make.
Cheshvan is a time of great opportunity. Let's close our eyes, swallow the phrase "just be normal" with a cup of water to wash it down, and fight the good fight, the one in which goodness, in its highest sense, always prevails.
There are no appointed feasts in this month. So seemingly it seems like nothing is happening. But there is something happening.
The Ruach haKodesh is compared to water. Actually, the living water (mayim chayim). This is a month to focus on the living water and receive all that the Ruach pours out on us that we may grow like the produce of the Earth. We actually have that living water of Yeshua with us always, but this month, the physical and spiritual are happening together. [John 4:5-14; John 16:5-15; Romans 8:1-14]
There is also light in the glory of the Ruach. [Exodus 34:27-35 (2nd Cor. 3:1-18)]
Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. [Exodus 35:30-35; Daniel 4:8,9; 5:11]
Prophetic Words. [Numbers 11:23-30]
Imparting the Ruach and gifts, Healing, Speaking in Tongues[Acts 9:17-19; 10:38-48]
What is coming to believers in Yeshua haMashiach [Joel 2:23, 28-32; Zech 10:1; Ezek. 34:20-26]
Conclusion: Acts 1:1-8, 1st Cor. 2:1-5, and Mark 16:14-20
This is what we as believers are called to do. However, we must know the Ruach haKodesh’s nature to do these things. We should begin a greater pursuit to know the Ruach.
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Message 6 of 219 on the subject |
Noah’s Flood
In the 600th year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on this day, all the fountains of the great deep broke open and the windows of the heaven were opened… And the waters of the Flood were upon the earth…
In the 601st year… on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the earth dried.
Genesis 7:10-11; ibid. 8:13-14
The discrepancy between these two dates] represents the eleven days which the solar year is greater than the lunar year; hence the Flood lasted a complete year.
Rashi, on Genesis 8:13.
You’ve designated the weekend for some quality time with your family when the phone rings; naturally, it’s an emergency at the office which requires your immediate involvement. You’ve set aside the evening for volunteer work in your community; instead, you spend it with your neighborhood mechanic attending to another eruption of car trouble.
Few of us, fortunately, have faced a “real” flood in which torrents of water threaten to engulf one’s home. But we’re all familiar with the experience of being flooded with the cares of material life, of being swamped with all sorts of matters demanding our attention just when we were finally getting down to the things which are truly important and precious to us.
The Chassidic masters explain that this is the contemporary significance of the great Flood which the Torah describes in the seventh and eighth chapters of Genesis. A basic tenet of Chassidic teaching is that everything in the Torah is eternal, its “historical” events ever-present realities in our lives. Noah’s Flood is the prototype for a challenge which we all face: the flood of material concerns which threatens to smother the flame of spiritual striving we harbor in our souls.[1]
Indeed, our sages tell us that Noah’s Flood began as an ordinary rainfall, which the misdeeds of man caused to escalate into the Flood. In other words, in their proper proportion and context as a regulated means to a higher end, the metaphorical waters of materiality are a beneficial, life-nurturing rain; but when allowed to overstep their bounds, they become a destructive deluge.
The deeper significance of Noah’s Flood is also reflected in the fact that it began and ended in the second month of the Jewish year, the month of Cheshvan.
The first month of the year, the festival-rich month of Tishrei, is wholly devoted to spiritual pursuits: the renewal of our commitment to the Divine Sovereignty on Rosh HaShanah; repenting our failings on Yom Kippur; celebrating our unity as a people and G-d’s providence of our lives on Sukkot; rejoicing in our bond with the Torah on Simchat Torah. The following month, Cheshvan, marks our return to the “daily grind” of material life. On Cheshvan, rain begins to fall in the Holy Land and the Israelite farmer plows and sows his fields, signifying the return to a life that derives its nourishment from the earth. It is no coincidence that Cheshvan (also called Mar-Cheshvan—mar meaning both “bitter” and “water”) is the most ordinary of months —the only month of the year without a single festival or special occasion.[2]
The Jewish Calendar
Noah’s Flood commenced on the 17th of Cheshvan in the year 1656 from creation, and ended on Cheshvan 27 of the following year.
The biblical commentaries explain that the Flood lasted exactly one year, and that the 11-day discrepancy in the dates represents the 11-day difference between the solar and lunar years.
This reflects the fact that different components of the calendar are based on a variety of natural cycles which do not easily lend themselves to synchronization. The month derives from the moon’s 29.5 day orbit of the earth; the year, from the 365-day solar cycle. The problem is that 12 lunar months add up to 354 days—eleven days short of the solar year.
Most calendars deal with this discrepancy by simply ignoring one or the other celestial timekeepers. For example, the Gregorian Calendar (which has attained near-universal status) is completely solar based. Its 365 days are divided into 12 segments of 30 or 31 days, but these “months” have lost all connection with their original association with the moon. There are also calendars (such as the Moslem Calendar) which are exclusively lunar-based, with months that are faithfully attuned to the phases of the moon. Twelve such months are regarded as a year, but these “years” bear no relation to the solar cycle (a given date in such a calendar will, in certain years, fall in the midst of summer and, in other years, in the dead of winter).
The Jewish calendar is unique in that it reconciles the solar and lunar time-streams. By employing a complex 19-year cycle in which months alternate between 29 and 30 days and years alternate between 12 and 13 months, the Jewish calendar sets its months by the moon, and its years by the sun, combining lunar time and solar time into a single system while preserving the integrity of each.
For the sun and the moon represent the two sides of a dichotomy which bisects virtually every aspect of our existence—a dichotomy whose differences we must respect and preserve even as we incorporate them in a cohesive approach to life.
Light and Darkness
In previous essays, we have explored various aspects of the solar/lunar polarity: the contrast between the surety and consistency of tradition on the one hand, and the yen for flux, innovation and creativity on the other[3]; the male/female dynamic, which imbues us with the passion to give and bestow on the one hand, and the capacity to accept and receive on the other.[4] On this occasion, we shall dwell on another aspect of this cosmic duality: the twinship of spirit and matter.
The spiritual and the material are often equated with light and darkness. Indeed, a number of religions and moral-systems regard the spiritual as enlightened, virtuous and desirable, and the physical-material side of life as belonging to the “forces of darkness.” The Torah, however, has a different conception of spirituality and materiality—a conception embodied by the solar/lunar model.
The sun is a luminous body while the moon is a dark lump of matter.Yet both are luminaries.[5] Both serve us as sources of light, the difference being that the sun’s light is self-generated, while the moon illuminates by receiving and reflecting the light of the sun.
Spirituality is a direct effusion of divine light. When studying Torah, praying, or performing a mitzvah, we are in direct contact with G-d; we are manifestly revealing His truth in the world. But not every thought of man relates directly to the Divine Wisdom; not every word we utter is a prayer; not every deed we perform is a mitzvah. G-d created us as material creatures, compelled to devote a considerable part of our time and energies to satisfy a multitude of material needs. By necessity and design, much of our life is “lunar,” comprised of the “dark matter” of non-holy pursuits.
Dark matter, however, need not mean an absence of light. It can be a moon—dark matter serving as a conduit of light. It’s all a matter of positioning. The moon is dark matter positioned in such a way as to convey the light of the sun to places to which it cannot flow directly from its source. Placed in the proper context, the material involvements of life can serve as facilitators of divine truth to places which, in and of themselves, are not in the “direct line” of spirituality and holiness. The proceeds of unavoidable overtime at the workplace can be translated into additional resources for charity; the unplanned trip to the mechanic can be the start of a new friendship and a positive influence on a fellow man.
A Complete Year
Our lives include both a solar and a lunar track—a course of spiritual achievement as well as a path of material endeavor. These orbits do not run in tandem—at times they clash, giving rise to dissonance and conflict. The simple solution would be to follow a single route, choosing an exclusively solar or exclusively lunar path through life. But the Jewish calendar does not avail itself of the simple solution.
Our calendar insists that we incorporate both systems in our time-trajectory: that we cultivate a solar self—thoughts and feelings, deeds and endeavors, moments and occasions of consummate holiness and spirituality; and at the same time develop a lunar personality—a material life which reflects and projects our other, spiritual self.
This is also the lesson implicit in the 365-day duration of Noah’s Flood. The deluge of material concerns which threaten to overwhelm our lives can be mastered and sublimated. The Flood can be reconciled with the solar calendar and made part of a “complete year” in which lunar and solar time converge and the moon receives and conveys the light of the sun. |
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Message 7 of 219 on the subject |
67. Génesis 8:13: Y sucedió que en el año seiscientos uno de Noé, en el mes primero, el día primero del mes, las aguas se secaron sobre la TIERRA; y quitó Noé la cubierta del arca, y miró, y he aquí que la faz de la TIERRA estaba seca. |
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Message 8 of 219 on the subject |
Diluvio de Noé
In the 600 th year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on this day, all the fountains of the great deep broke open and the windows of the heaven were opened… And the waters of the Flood were upon the earth… En el cuarto año 600 la vida de Noé, en el decimoséptimo día del segundo mes a la fecha, todas las fuentes del gran abismo se abrió y las ventanas de los cielos se abrieron ... Y las aguas del diluvio vinieron sobre la tierra ...
In the 601 st year… on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, the earth dried. En el año 601 ª ... en el vigésimo séptimo día del segundo mes, la tierra seca.
Genesis 7:10-11; ibid. Génesis 7:10-11; ibid. 8:13-14 8:13-14
The discrepancy between these two dates] represents the eleven days which the solar year is greater than the lunar year; hence the Flood lasted a complete year. La discrepancia entre estas dos fechas] representa a los once días que el año solar es mayor que el año lunar, por lo que el diluvio duró un año completo.
Rashi, on Genesis 8:13. Rashi, en Génesis 8:13.
You've designated the weekend for some quality time with your family when the phone rings; naturally, it's an emergency at the office which requires your immediate involvement. Usted ha designado el fin de semana desde hace algún tiempo de calidad con su familia cuando suena el teléfono, por supuesto, que es una emergencia en la oficina que haga necesaria su intervención inmediata. You've set aside the evening for volunteer work in your community; instead, you spend it with your neighborhood mechanic attending to another eruption of car trouble. Se han reservado la tarde para el trabajo voluntario en su comunidad, sino que lo pasa con su mecánico de barrio de asistir a otra erupción de problemas con el coche.
Few of us, fortunately, have faced a “real” flood in which torrents of water threaten to engulf one's home. Pocos de nosotros, afortunadamente, se han enfrentado a una "verdadera" inundación en la que torrentes de agua amenazan con engullir su casa propia. But we're all familiar with the experience of being flooded with the cares of material life, of being swamped with all sorts of matters demanding our attention just when we were finally getting down to the things which are truly important and precious to us. Pero todos estamos familiarizados con la experiencia de ser inundado con las preocupaciones de la vida material, de ser inundado con todo tipo de asuntos que exigen nuestra atención justo cuando estábamos por fin ponerse a las cosas que son verdaderamente importante y valioso para nosotros.
The Chassidic masters explain that this is the contemporary significance of the great Flood which the Torah describes in the seventh and eighth chapters of Genesis. Los maestros jasídicos explican que este es el significado contemporáneo de la gran inundación que la Torá describe en los capítulos séptimo y octavo del libro del Génesis. A basic tenet of Chassidic teaching is that everything in the Torah is eternal, its “historical” events ever-present realities in our lives. Un principio básico de la enseñanza jasídica es que todo en la Torá es eterna, la realidad de sus "históricos" los acontecimientos cada vez más presentes en nuestras vidas. Noah's Flood is the prototype for a challenge which we all face: the flood of material concerns which threatens to smother the flame of spiritual striving we harbor in our souls. [1] Diluvio de Noé es el prototipo de un desafío que todos enfrentamos. La inundación de las preocupaciones materiales que amenaza con sofocar la llama de la lucha espiritual albergamos en nuestra alma [1]
Indeed, our sages tell us that Noah's Flood began as an ordinary rainfall, which the misdeeds of man caused to escalate into the Flood. En efecto, nuestros sabios nos dicen que el diluvio de Noé comenzó como una lluvia normal, que las fechorías del hombre causadas con derivar en la inundación. In other words, in their proper proportion and context as a regulated means to a higher end, the metaphorical waters of materiality are a beneficial, life-nurturing rain; but when allowed to overstep their bounds, they become a destructive deluge. En otras palabras, en su debida proporción y el contexto como una forma regulada a un fin superior, las aguas metafóricas de la materialidad es un beneficio, la vida, la crianza de lluvia, pero cuando se les permite traspasar sus límites, se convierten en un diluvio destructivo.
The deeper significance of Noah's Flood is also reflected in the fact that it began and ended in the second month of the Jewish year, the month of Cheshvan. El significado más profundo del Diluvio de Noé también se refleja en el hecho de que comenzó y terminó en el segundo mes del año judío, el mes de Jeshvan.
The first month of the year, the festival-rich month of Tishrei, is wholly devoted to spiritual pursuits: the renewal of our commitment to the Divine Sovereignty on Rosh HaShanah; repenting our failings on Yom Kippur; celebrating our unity as a people and Gd's providence of our lives on Sukkot; rejoicing in our bond with the Torah on Simchat Torah. El primer mes del año, el mes del festival rico de Tishrei, está totalmente dedicado a la búsqueda espiritual: la renovación de nuestro compromiso con la soberanía de Dios en Rosh Hashaná, arrepintiéndose nuestros fracasos en Iom Kipur, la celebración de nuestra unidad como pueblo y los de Di-s la providencia de nuestras vidas en Sucot, regocijándose en nuestro vínculo con la Torá en Simjat Torá. The following month, Cheshvan, marks our return to the “daily grind” of material life. Al mes siguiente, Jeshvan, marca el regreso a la "rutina diaria" de la vida material. On Cheshvan, rain begins to fall in the Holy Land and the Israelite farmer plows and sows his fields, signifying the return to a life that derives its nourishment from the earth. En Jeshvan, la lluvia comienza a caer en la Tierra Santa y los arados de los agricultores de Israel y la siembra de sus campos, lo que significa el retorno a una vida que se deriva su alimento de la tierra. It is no coincidence that Cheshvan (also called Mar-Cheshvan— mar meaning both “bitter” and “water”) is the most ordinary of months —the only month of the year without a single festival or special occasion. [2] No es casualidad que Jeshvan (también llamado Mar-Jeshvan-mar que significa tanto "amargo" y "agua") es el más ordinario de los meses, el único mes del año sin una sola fiesta o una ocasión especial. [2]
The Jewish Calendar El calendario judío
Noah's Flood commenced on the 17 th of Cheshvan in the year 1656 from creation, and ended on Cheshvan 27 of the following year. Diluvio de Noé comenzó el 17 de Jeshvan en el año 1656 desde la creación, y terminó el 27 de Jeshvan del año siguiente.
The biblical commentaries explain that the Flood lasted exactly one year, and that the 11-day discrepancy in the dates represents the 11-day difference between the solar and lunar years. Los comentarios bíblicos explican que el diluvio duró exactamente un año, y que la discrepancia de 11 días en las fechas representa la diferencia de 11 días entre los años solares y lunares.
This reflects the fact that different components of the calendar are based on a variety of natural cycles which do not easily lend themselves to synchronization. Esto refleja el hecho de que diferentes componentes del calendario se basan en una variedad de ciclos naturales que no se prestan fácilmente a la sincronización. The month derives from the moon's 29.5 day orbit of the earth; the year, from the 365-day solar cycle. El mes se deriva de 29,5 días órbita de la luna de la tierra, el año, desde el ciclo solar de 365 días. The problem is that 12 lunar months add up to 354 days—eleven days short of the solar year. El problema es que 12 meses lunares suman 354 días, once días menos que el año solar.
Most calendars deal with this discrepancy by simply ignoring one or the other celestial timekeepers. La mayoría de los calendarios de hacer frente a esta discrepancia, simplemente haciendo caso omiso de uno o los relojes celestes. For example, the Gregorian Calendar (which has attained near-universal status) is completely solar based. Por ejemplo, el calendario gregoriano (que ha alcanzado casi universal de estado) es completamente solar con base. Its 365 days are divided into 12 segments of 30 or 31 days, but these “months” have lost all connection with their original association with the moon. Sus 365 días se divide en 12 segmentos de 30 o 31 días, pero estos "meses" han perdido toda relación con su asociación original con la luna. There are also calendars (such as the Moslem Calendar) which are exclusively lunar-based, with months that are faithfully attuned to the phases of the moon. También hay calendarios (como el calendario musulmán) que son exclusivamente de base lunar, con meses de que se cumplan fielmente en sintonía con las fases de la luna. Twelve such months are regarded as a year, but these “years” bear no relation to the solar cycle (a given date in such a calendar will, in certain years, fall in the midst of summer and, in other years, in the dead of winter). Doce meses son considerados como tales un año, pero estos "años" no guardan relación con el ciclo solar (de una fecha determinada, de tal calendario, en algunos años, caer en medio del verano y, en otros años, en los muertos de invierno).
The Jewish calendar is unique in that it reconciles the solar and lunar time-streams. El calendario judío es único en que concilia el tiempo de las corrientes solar y lunar. By employing a complex 19-year cycle in which months alternate between 29 and 30 days and years alternate between 12 and 13 months, the Jewish calendar sets its months by the moon, and its years by the sun, combining lunar time and solar time into a single system while preserving the integrity of each. Mediante el empleo de un complejo de 19 años del ciclo en el que se alternan meses entre 29 y 30 días y los años se alternan entre 12 y 13 meses, el calendario judío establece sus meses por la luna, y sus años por el sol, la combinación de tiempo lunar y el tiempo solar en un solo sistema, manteniendo la integridad de cada uno.
For the sun and the moon represent the two sides of a dichotomy which bisects virtually every aspect of our existence—a dichotomy whose differences we must respect and preserve even as we incorporate them in a cohesive approach to life. Para el sol y la luna representan las dos caras de una dicotomía que divide prácticamente todos los aspectos de nuestra existencia-una dicotomía cuyas diferencias debemos respetar y preservar así como que las incorporan en un enfoque coherente a la vida.
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Luz y la Oscuridad
In previous essays, we have explored various aspects of the solar/lunar polarity: the contrast between the surety and consistency of tradition on the one hand, and the yen for flux, innovation and creativity on the other [3] ; the male/female dynamic, which imbues us with the passion to give and bestow on the one hand, and the capacity to accept and receive on the other. [4] On this occasion, we shall dwell on another aspect of this cosmic duality: the twinship of spirit and matter. En ensayos anteriores, se han explorado diversos aspectos de la polaridad solar / lunar: el contraste entre la certeza y la consistencia de la tradición, por un lado, y el yen para el flujo, la innovación y la creatividad, por otro [3] , el hombre / mujer dinámica, que nos impregna con la pasión de dar y conceder, por un lado, y la capacidad de aceptar y recibir en el otro. [4] En esta ocasión, nos detendremos en otro aspecto de esta dualidad cósmica: el hermanamiento de espíritu y la materia.
The spiritual and the material are often equated with light and darkness. Lo espiritual y lo material a menudo se equipara con la luz y la oscuridad. Indeed, a number of religions and moral-systems regard the spiritual as enlightened, virtuous and desirable, and the physical-material side of life as belonging to the “forces of darkness.” The Torah, however, has a different conception of spirituality and materiality—a conception embodied by the solar/lunar model. De hecho, una serie de religiones y los sistemas de moral, de considerar lo espiritual como ilustrado, virtuoso y deseable, y el aspecto físico-material de la vida como perteneciente a las "fuerzas de la oscuridad." La Torá, sin embargo, tiene una concepción diferente de la espiritualidad y materialidad-una concepción encarnada en el modelo solar / lunar.
The sun is a luminous body while the moon is a dark lump of matter.Yet both are luminaries. [5] Both serve us as sources of light, the difference being that the sun's light is self-generated, while the moon illuminates by receiving and reflecting the light of the sun. El sol es un cuerpo luminoso, mientras que la luna es un bulto oscuro de matter.Yet ambos son luminarias. [5] Los dos nos sirven como fuentes de luz, con la diferencia que la luz del sol es auto-generada, mientras que la luna ilumina al recibir y reflejando la luz del sol.
Spirituality is a direct effusion of divine light. La espiritualidad es un derrame directo de la luz divina. When studying Torah, praying, or performing a mitzvah, we are in direct contact with Gd; we are manifestly revealing His truth in the world. Al estudiar la Torá, la oración, o la realización de una mitzvá, estamos en contacto directo con Dios, estamos claramente que revele su verdad en el mundo. But not every thought of man relates directly to the Divine Wisdom; not every word we utter is a prayer; not every deed we perform is a mitzvah. Pero no todos los pensamientos del hombre se relaciona directamente con la Sabiduría Divina, no cada palabra que pronunciamos es una oración, no toda acción que realizamos es una mitzvá. Gd created us as material creatures, compelled to devote a considerable part of our time and energies to satisfy a multitude of material needs. Di-s nos creó como criaturas materiales, obligados a dedicar una parte considerable de nuestro tiempo y energías para satisfacer a una multitud de necesidades materiales. By necessity and design, much of our life is “lunar,” comprised of the “dark matter” of non-holy pursuits. Por necesidad y el diseño, gran parte de nuestra vida es "lunar", compuesto por la "materia oscura" de la no-santos actividades.
Dark matter, however, need not mean an absence of light. La materia oscura, sin embargo, no significa necesariamente la ausencia de luz. It can be a moon—dark matter serving as a conduit of light. Puede ser una cuestión de luna oscura actúa como un conducto de luz. It's all a matter of positioning. Es todo una cuestión de posicionamiento. The moon is dark matter positioned in such a way as to convey the light of the sun to places to which it cannot flow directly from its source. La luna es la materia oscura posicionado de tal manera como para transmitir la luz del sol a los lugares en los que no puede fluir directamente en su fuente. Placed in the proper context, the material involvements of life can serve as facilitators of divine truth to places which, in and of themselves, are not in the “direct line” of spirituality and holiness. Situado en el contexto adecuado, las implicaciones materiales de la vida puede servir como facilitadores de la verdad divina a los lugares que, en sí mismos, no están en la "línea directa" de la espiritualidad y la santidad. The proceeds of unavoidable overtime at the workplace can be translated into additional resources for charity; the unplanned trip to the mechanic can be the start of a new friendship and a positive influence on a fellow man. El producto de las horas extraordinarias inevitables en el lugar de trabajo puede traducirse en recursos adicionales para obras de caridad, el viaje no planeado a la mecánica puede ser el comienzo de una nueva amistad y una influencia positiva en el prójimo.
A Complete Year Un año completo
Our lives include both a solar and a lunar track—a course of spiritual achievement as well as a path of material endeavor. Nuestras vidas deben incluir tanto la solar y lunar-una pista de un curso de realización espiritual, así como un camino de esfuerzo material. These orbits do not run in tandem—at times they clash, giving rise to dissonance and conflict. Estas órbitas no se ejecutan en paralelo-a veces chocan, dando lugar a la disonancia y conflicto. The simple solution would be to follow a single route, choosing an exclusively solar or exclusively lunar path through life. La solución más sencilla sería la de seguir una ruta única, la elección de un camino exclusivamente solar o lunar exclusivamente a través de la vida. But the Jewish calendar does not avail itself of the simple solution. Sin embargo, el calendario judío no recurrir a la solución simple.
Our calendar insists that we incorporate both systems in our time-trajectory: that we cultivate a solar self—thoughts and feelings, deeds and endeavors, moments and occasions of consummate holiness and spirituality; and at the same time develop a lunar personality—a material life which reflects and projects our other, spiritual self. Nuestro calendario insiste en que se incorporan ambos sistemas en nuestro tiempo-trayectoria: que cultivemos un solar auto-pensamientos y sentimientos, acciones y esfuerzos, momentos y ocasiones de la santidad consumada y la espiritualidad, y al mismo tiempo, desarrollar una personalidad, un lunar de materiales la vida que refleja y proyecta nuestro otro yo, espiritual.
This is also the lesson implicit in the 365-day duration of Noah's Flood. Esta es también la lección implícita en la duración de 365 días del Diluvio de Noé. The deluge of material concerns which threaten to overwhelm our lives can be mastered and sublimated. El diluvio de preocupaciones materiales que amenazan con abrumar a nuestras vidas puede ser dominada y sublimada. The Flood can be reconciled with the solar calendar and made part of a “complete year” in which lunar and solar time converge and the moon receives and conveys the light of the sun. La inundación puede conciliarse con el calendario solar y forman parte de un "año completo" en el que el tiempo lunar y solar y la luna convergen recibe y transmite la luz del sol.
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8:13-14. The discrepancy between these two dates] represents the eleven days ... Noah's Flood commenced on the 17th of Cheshvan in the year 1656 from ...
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