Snowflakes and Flowers...
To truly understand the snowflake&'s relationship to the flower we need some background.
The Hexagon / Hexagram
6 is the number of structure. The hexagon is used for structure at all scales in the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Snowflakes are always hexagonal.
Consider something as simple as coins or cylinders packing in hexagonal rows. 6 fit perfectly around a central 7th with all of them touching. This is really the essence of structure.
Many crystals other than ice have hexagonal crystal systems:

Image courtesy Citypeek under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Even the gaseous planet Saturn has hexagonal clouds on its north pole discovered by Voyager 1 in 1977 and verified again in 2006 by the Cassini spacecraft, meaning this hexagon is a persistent structure on the scale of a planet. Think about that.
In the microcosm living creatures such as bees create hexagonal houses and birthing chambers for their young. Hexagonal space frames make solid structures:
Image courtesy Waugsberg under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The Pentagon / Pentagram
5 is the number of life. All trees bearing fruit we can eat have blossoms with 5 petals. Apples have pentagrams inside that you'll discover if you ever cut one across its equator. Perhaps Eve cut her first apple this way and received a bit of knowledge from the old tree?
Image courtesy Rasbak under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Man's body fits a pentagram and his parts are are interrelated with the golden proportion which is based on Phi.
Image by renaissance alchemist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
The pentagram encodes the golden number Phi within itself fractally.
Bridging Macrocosm and Microcosm, Life and Structure
The relationship between 6 and 5 is the key.
"He who joins the hexagram and pentagram has solved half of the sacred secret." -Eliphas Levi (19th century magician)
Digital art by Scott Onstott
In order of increasing scale from microcosm to macrocosm, what follows are some relationships I've observed between 6 and 5. I would love to hear from you if you discover any more.
The relationship between Phi and Pi is as follows:
1.2 x 1.6180 x 1.6180 = 3.1415
This relationship isn't exact due to the transcendental nature of Pi. I see 6/5 more as a resonance built into the architecture of the universe.
The Daylight Standard
As you heat objects up they start to emit visible wavelengths appearing red, orange, yellow, white, and blue with increasing temperature. The average color of daylight is calibrated by a color temperature of 6500 degrees Kelvin (degrees above absolute zero). The International Commission on Illumination calls this standard Illuminant D65. Many professional photographers and graphic designers use D65 lamps for studio work where color accuracy is important.
Adenine is one of four bases that code for all life in deoxyribonucleic acid. Adenine's molecular structure is based on a hexagonal ring bonded to a pentagonal ring:
Dimethyltryptamine is known as the Spirit Molecule because of its psychoactive qualities used for centuries by shamans to access altered states of consciousness. DMT is a naturally occurring compound found in some plants and in trace amounts in every human brain. DMT has a molecular structure based on a hexagonal ring bonded to a pentagonal ring:
Melatonin is secreted by the pinecone shaped pineal gland in the center of the human brain. The core of this molecule is a pentagonal ring bonded to a hexagonal ring. Melatonin is associated with sunlight and enlightenment.
Image courtesy Sbrools under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
There was a crop circle of this molecule that appeared on July 23rd, 2011 in Wiltshire UK. Look closely, it's a perfect match.
Image source.
[See my post on Melatonin for more information.]
Hermetic Renaissance Art
Albrecht Durer's Melancholia I is packed with Hermetic symbolism. The hidden controlling geometry is the wedding of hexagon and pentagon in the analysis that Franz Deckwitz presented to John Michell in 1979 and later published in The Dimensions of Paradise.
By the way, the infant at the center of the pentagram above reminds me of L’Enfant who designed the incredible symbolism in the streets and public spaces of Washington DC.
The Sublime Genius of Athanasius Kircher
Athanasius Kircher was an anomalous Jesuit and perhaps the most knowledgable person in the 17th century. Take a close look at the keys in this large image by Kircher and then come back here.
Wisdom for those who have eyes to see.
This little image is a detail from the larger image. Look, what's written in the book? A pentagram and hexagram.
Catholic Rosary
Errata: I mistakenly said that the rosary has 108 beads in my Stonehenge episode. Thank you to Joe Mullen for setting me straight: there are exactly 59 beads in the Rosary. Japa Mala prayer necklaces sacred to Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains have 108 beads (and so resonate with the Moon whose radius is 1080 miles).
The interesting thing that has come to light in my conversation with Joe is the total number of prayers the worshipper says with the Rosary:
There are 59 beads on the Rosary corresponding to 53 Hail Mary’s and 6 Our Fathers. 6 Gloria Patris for which there are no beads are also said in the Rosary bringing the total number of prayers to 65.
The Great Seal
The obverse of The Great Seal of the United States has 13 stripes (representing the colonies), 13 stars in the "glory" above the eagle's head, 13 arrows, 13 leaves, and 13 olives. 13 x 5 = 65.
In addition the feathers on the wings, 33 on the left and 32 on the right, add up to 65.
Also through "Pythagorean addition" 32 becomes 3+2 = 5 and 33 becomes 3+3 = 6. The wings of the bird then represent the relationship between 6 and 5.
It was right in front of my face but I didn't see it until now. Secrets in plain sight on every dollar bill in existence.
In the Washington DC Part 2 episode I talk about how the 9 tail feathers represent the 9 chambers under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem leading to Enoch's cube, but the 9 also symbolize the Egyptian ennead discussed in the San Francisco episode. Amazing how everything is interlinked.
Osiris and Isis
Osiris and Isis are the 6th and 5th gods in the ancient Egyptian ennead, or pantheon of 9 gods as worshipped in Heliopolis. Osiris and Isis are the great grandchildren of the creator god Atum and their famous relationship is the relationship between 6 and 5.
I think there are only 9 numbers and the Egyptians worshipped numbers as gods.
Gods courtesy Jeff Dahl under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
World's Most Popular Sport
The Soccer ball is the spherical marriage of pentagon and hexagon in 32 masonic panels.
Gateway to the Temple of Karnac in Egypt
This drawing was originally done by Schwaller de Lubicz, then John Anthony West in Serpent in the Sky (which is where I found out about it), and then I made my own drawing of it. This is the main gate at the Temple of Karnac.
See the relationship of 6 to 5 in the pillars to the void? The height of 2 to the width of 1 is like an octave in music. The ancient Egyptians were doubtless aware of far more than is generally accepted by archaeologists.
The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur Egypt
My Egypt Part 2 episode shows how the Bent Pyramid slope angles are based on pentagons and hexagons.
The Bent Pyramid is really an exquisite temple unfolding the relationship between 6 and 5.
To the best of my knowledge this was first decoded at
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid and the other two pyramids of Giza (as well as nearby Heliopolis) is located 6.5 degrees north of the Tropic of Cancer.
The Tropic of Cancer, also referred to as the Northern tropic, is the circle of latitude on the Earth that marks the most northerly position at which the Sun may appear directly overhead at its zenith. This event occurs once per year, at the time of the June solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun to its maximum extent.
Image courtesy Blueshade under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Structured Landscape Surrounding Rennes le Chateau
Henry Lincoln's The Holy Place goes into many of the mysteries in the structured landscape surrounding the mysterious village of Rennes le Chateau in southwest France. Foremost among them in my opinion is the overarching geometry: a hexagon and a pentagon.
The 5:12 rectangle John Michell, Christine Rhone, Robin and Richard Heath all contributed to placing over Jerusalem is really a mind blower. They all deserve huge recognition for this breakthrough analysis.
Each X marks the spot of the holiest places in Christianity and Judaism (see my Jerusalem Part 1 episode for more info). Each X has the proportions of 6:5.
The canonical egyptian cubit is 1.728 english feet in length.
1.728 = 6/5 x 6/5 x 6/5
This must be where we get the word cubit as a cube has equal length, width, and height
The fact that the longer edge encompassing Jerusalem measures 1728 of these cubits validates the metrology, putting the sacred in sacred geometry.
Pope Sixtus V
The last of the Renaissance popes, Felice Peretti, chose an interesting name for himself referencing both 6 and 5 in Sixtus V when he became pope in 1567. See my Rome Part 1 video for the astronomical alignments he set up by moving ancient Egyptian obelisks.
St. Paul’s Cathedral in London
Steven Skinner showed in his book Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code how St. Paul's Cathedral is 555′ long if you include its entrance steps. St. Paul's architect, Sir Christopher Wren, also encoded the solar 365 in the height of the cross on top of the dome as measured in English feet.
It is an amazing fact that 555 feet = 6660 inches. Pull out your calculator and check this fact yourself to experience the mystery.
The Washington Monument in DC
The "world's tallest stone structure and world's tallest obelisk" (if you don't count the Transamerica Pyramid) measures 555′ in height. It was the tallest structure in the world in 1888 until the Eiffel Tower was built a year later.
That Egyptian Gateway shown earlier in reference to the Temple of Karnac also frames the elevator in the Washington Monument, taking visitors up the shaft of this phallic symbol of America. Except here French freemason Houdon made a bas relief of George Washington to fill the space between the top of the elevator car and the winged disc of Horus.
Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth UK
This 35 million pound sterling tower was originally christened the Millennium Tower but the name was changed because the project wasn't completed until 2005.
The Millennium Wheel (aka London Eye) and Millennium Dome (aka O2 Arena) likewise encode many secrets in plain sight. By the way the Millennium Dome is 52m in height, 365m in diameter and has 12 masts making it a calendar (52 weeks / 365 days / 12 months) sited nearly on the prime meridian.
Image courtesy Peter Trimming under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
The Spinnaker Tower is quoted as being 170m tall but I wonder if it isn't really 169m and some change because that would make it 555′. Anybody have a laser surveying rig?
The roof is quoted as being 110m which is one unit shy of the magic 111, but 110m might be special in its own right because at 360′ it is the same height as La Grande Arche in Paris (see my Paris Part 3 episode).
In gematria it is considered acceptable to add or subtract exactly one from any number, so a sum of 110 resonates with 111 under that system.
The staircase inside the Spinnaker Tower recalls the all seeing eye:
Image courtesy Mark Boyce under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The ridiculous mascot of Spinnaker Tower shows how the "sail" is really a vesica pisces, bringing the female yoni together with the male obelisk in one bizarre hermaphroditic symbol:
Image courtesy Unisouth under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
The union of male and female in one symbol reminds me of Baphomet. I'll let you look into that one on your own as this post is getting too long already.
The Spinnaker Tower is also a geodetic marker. A line from the center of Stonehenge over the Spinnaker Tower leads directly to the French Pentagon, which I'll save for a future post.
San Francisco
There is currently a plan in the works to build a large mixed-use development on Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay. The plan scheduled to be completed in 2022 calls for a 650 foot tall Sun Tower to be constructed where the star shaped barracks are today which is the approximate location of the tower built for the Golden Gate International Expo in 1937 (the reason Treasure Island was built in the first place).
Fair use image copyright Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Coincidentally, the single bus line that serves Treasure Island is Route 108. Perhaps in a few years you'll be able to ride the Moon bus to the Sun tower and appreciate these masonic symbols in plain sight.
In San Francisco itself 555 California Street (former Bank of America HQ) and 666 Filbert Street (which is quite an address for the Peter and Paul Catholic Church) resonate with the Transamerica Pyramid.
A.P. Giannini Plaza is at the base of 555 California (I used to eat my lunch there when I worked in downtown SF). It has a famous sculpture by Masayuki Nagare known colloquially as the Banker's Heart: black as night and hard as stone.
555 California's 52 floors echo the Millennium Dome's 52m height, both being symbols of the number of weeks in a solar year.
Image courtesy Dgies under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The Transamerica Pyramid occupies the site that AP Giannini moved his Bank of Italy to after the 1906 earthquake. Giannini founded the Transamerica corporation in 1928 as a holding company for his financial empire. The Bank of Italy later became the world's largest commercial bank, known today as the Bank of America.
See the post on Repeating Ones for my analysis of the Bank of America logo.
666 Filbert Street is featured on the Transamerica Pyramid's official website perhaps because its spires have the same forms as the "pyramid". William Pereira might have used 666 Filbert as inspiration when he designed the Trance-America Pyramid which is really the world's tallest obelisk at the solar 864 feet height (diameter of the Sun is 864,000 miles). See my San Francisco videos for more.
Fair use image source
Next: Secrets in Structured Architecture