seems I went from 'respect' to 'disrespect'
eh Lee?
no comment Raph?
Liar Liar
your post should have ended right there then?
watch me prove you are a liar lee, and IGNORANT too?
why does your post drivel on dude, if ewe had no comment?
poor Lee is not as intuitive as I had hoped for.
sadly not he has just identified himself as another of the IGNORANT sheeple who refuse ENLIGHTENMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly what defines an ignorant sheeple is their refusal to LEARN something which lay beyond their grasp, out in the open.
Watch me prove it?
Originally Posted by lived live 
followed links down the so called rabbit hole. But more like shithole as all it was was you having a go at people??? Im not a hand clapper Raph, so no cheer from here for that crap.
didn't like going down my shithole?
barbi thinks I am a butthole?
I think your hole stinks dude?
The one ewe went down?
Barbi loves the smell of your hole not my butthole?
How did the rabbit hole become all of the above?
The fellas who call me all kinds of names, have trouble following the DIRECT path I am trying to lay out for them?
I have been called crazy by nearly everybody whose work I dis?
Of course.
Yet I am merely trying to help folks get to the next level, in spite of themselves?
Happens all the time on planet IGNORANCE, you folks call earth.
All I ever do is call you folks IGNORANT because you do not understand what I do and how I do it.
Apparently if I am not on the same page as the IGNORANT I become the object, the 'butt' 'shithole' of all their IGNORANT frustrations?
Originally Posted by lived live 
Was there any particular argument you would have prefered me read??
YES there was...I thought you might 'see it' or 'feel it'
hey no problemo Lee,
If you can prove Sadukans 4 Royal Stars are the real 4 ROYAL STARS that should be honored, then I will leave this thread.The same challenge is open to all of you.
But the FACT is I am 100% correct about what the 4 ROYAL STARS represent.
THE REAL significance.
Sadukan and his IGNORANT ego has the herd of ewe jumping through his fruit loops?
Originally Posted by lived live 
Thanks Sudukan- stacks more that i havent put up yet that will help as all mod9 possbilities done in 3D and unified torus continuos switchover.
the only word that interested me in the above was the word 'switchover', which is what we could call a 'crossover'?
And I know of a fella who has a musical 'crossover' that exists between the numbers 4 and 5.
You folks should get together and compare notes.
I am not in any way insinuating that you folks are not on the right track...
we all are...and we will all suffer the same fate, some of us are in the lead car either pulling or pushing the entire train, some of us are in the caboose with no engine of its own.
Originally Posted by lived live 
No comment Raph! ps Raph That sator square you call Alex Patty is the work of Scott Nelson- shit then, shit now.
glad you mentioned that.
But hey clearly you are focusing on the wrong two guys?
Petty alex and Scotty Nelson.
I must admit, I am ignorant too, who can possibly know everything?
But hey I am not telling you to focus on those fellas.
ED WITTEN is the name EVERYBODY on this THREAD should learn to RESPECT.The next heir apparent to Einstein according to some folks in the know?
What do I know and care about the spiritual thieves who want to prosper using the work of others, like Alex who appears Petty?
It might work that way in the material world, but in the spiritual world, theft of spirit is much more difficult a crime to pull off than one involving 'matter'.
That is why I offer the TRUTH for free.
Any idea of how many gold stars I shall be rewarded for this unselfish effort?
As it will become more and more apparent that I am full on, and most of ewe are full of it?who cares though...
because I leave a trail of
'public domain' as I build over the work of others.
Personally I think *intellectual* property rights are a scam, listen to sadukan whine about his silly picture he recovered from the 'mem', all the while he builds on the work of others?
Is there any evidence of the Egyptians having such a scam in place,
intellectual property rights?
Oh yes, I forgot the Temple Priest guarded the secrets until *copyright* was institutionalized.
I love the fact the SWASTIKA is in fact public domain.
Originally Posted by lived live 
And the numerology with cipher 3 mason!?
THE 3 is very important, ever hear of a trinity?
Is the triangle associated with divinity?
What is the first complete 'shape' or 'form'?
A right angle triangle maybe?
3 = Osiris
4 = Isis
5 = Horus
3 and 4 are discussed at the end of this post.GOOD Freemason books might help you with this concept Lee, not the mainstream fictional crap but out by fellas like Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh...i.e. Holy Blood, Holy Grail = Holy Crap the Freemasons Frank C. Higgins, I. Edward Clark, Albert Churchward to the list we see on this page.
Mr. HIGGINS helped me understand the HIGGS Boson.Please understand fellas, your connections are done using number patterns garnered from a
tree of knowledge, I also use the
poetree I found in Eden to interpret the cosmos.
A kind of allegorical celestial wisdom
that cannot be found using only VBM.Freemasonry's language is geometry?DO I NEED TO PROVE THAT TOO, to the ignorance that pervades this thread?
Do you want my reading list Lee, so ewe, you and u can TRY to follow along with me?
EWE need to read books that were written before WWI/WWII/NAZI rhetoric and 21st century judeao-christian propaganda,which has been turned up a notch using the boob-tube and radio.
THE IGNORANT and PROFANE have been given a voice?
Originally Posted by lived live 
If the letters do fit [and i have no reason to think they dont if you say they do] then its the best thing that atrocity has ever produced.. whether Marko likes it or not?
I agree who cares about what Marko thinks in the big picture?
you, me and marko are cogs.
Why do you say ATROCITY?
Has Marko and Nassim Haramein, working together come up with any 'real answers'?
It is you fellas who are building on certain aspects of Marko's work using VBM and then even dissing him sometimes?
I admit I do not use VBM to arrive alive.
Not the ticket I bought, into.
Many folks do not use VBM to get to the TRUTH.Many roads lead into the center where TRUTH can be found?
forget petty Alex who stole from Scott Nelson?
forget Marko and Nassim for a moment?
you folks worship Nassim Haramein too?
but you folks are IGNORANT of Ed Witten's accomplishments?
Okay most of the folks on this thread have heard about Marko and Nassim?
thanks to Barbitone's signature perhaps.
But how many have heard of Ed Witten?

Edward Witten (born August 26, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist with a focus on mathematical physics. He is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is a leading researcher in superstring theory, supersymmetric quantum field theories and other areas of mathematical physics. Edward Witten is regarded by many of his peers as one of the greatest living physicists. He currently is theonly physicist to have received the highest honor in mathematics, the Fields Medal. |
So folks what is the connection between the SS, SATOR SQUARE and Ed Witten's SS theory?
I shall take one last kick at the can with my big T.O.E. in trying to explain myself.I will even try to be respectful of the IGNORANCE I see before me.
I can only try, dealing with IGNORANCE is very trying.
Contempt is a difficult thing to master on the road to compaSSion.
The notation that Ed Witten uses in his Twistor String Theory uses the following 'letters'.
M, N, R, P, T, and the letter 'C' is introduced when discussing
Supertwistor Space,
where 'N' is the number of supersymmetries. 
so now let us compare, see if we can find
PATTERNS between the MODERN SS theory to the ancient SS theory found in Pompeii alongside the swastika, both of which have been OBVIOUSLY buried under Roman Catholic Christian rhetoric.
(shhh do not tell anyone Lee, especially those that believe in the jesus theory that the
villa of the mysteries in Pompeii has swastikas?
How to create a religion?
You must start with a mystery, my friend.
Let us start with the letter
'N' that defines the NUMBER of Supersymmetries in Ed Witten's theory, the LEAD RESEARCHER in string theory.
It is not Marko, it is not Nassim.
Who will be crowned the next 'Einstein'?
Where do we find the 'N' in the SATOR/ROTAS square?
IN THE CENTER.I found that odd when I was analyzing this particular 'SHAPE/FORM' that originates FIRST in the
RIGHT BRAIN and then gets
translated into a letter by the
LEFT BRAIN, where speech/writing originated.
Expressed as the 'N'.
So what how does the mind compute the letter 'N'.
Using physics (the geometer pythagoras in your mind) what are the possible permutations of the letter 'N' when translated through x,y,z?
there are 5 of them.
what are they?
the most obvious is to rotate the 'N', through 90 degrees to make the letter 'Z'.
The 'Z' my friends is the first glyph (100,000 BC) we have as evidence of our evolution to a writing culture.
Does the 'Z' look like a '2' too.
YES of course it does.
So rotations of N become Z or 2
What about reflections?
recap on the letter 'N':
The letter N rotated to a Z (zig zag)
reflected in a mirror, along y or z looks like a S or 5.
What actually becomes apparent is the SUPER-SYMMETRIC N can be rotated/reflected through 5 different shapes.
N, Z, 2, 5, Sdo you see the 25 fellas?
and the reflection of 25 in the y,z axis is 52? we move on to the next ring or valance of the Sator Square represented by the letters
RP and E.
We note right away the following:
1 - N
4 - E
4 - TThus we have 9 LETTERS that form the word NET or TEN.
Thus depending on if you read the letters moving toward the center we obviously read the word TEN four times, (nassim gravity pulls in) or radiating out from the center (nassim radiation) we read the words NET four times.But E rotated through x,y,z, looks like an M, 3, and W.
Lee there is your reason for the '3' perhaps?
So the numbers we are left with after all translations of the glyph/letter 'N' through x,y,z, are 2, 3, and 5?
How important are 2, 3, and 5 in music fellas?

And a reminder here.
The Temple of Delphi (re:Apollo) is intimately connected to the glyph 'E'.
Take a look at this image from
5000 BC?
Swastika Plate from 5000 BC is a Model of the Milky Way>>> who does NOT see the following in the above image?
'M' positioned in the northwest
'E' positioned in the southwest
'W' positioned in the southeast
'3' positioned in the northeast
re: my research that has NOT been acknowledged.recap of what I just said:As I have contended time and again since posting that blog on Sept. 3/2008 (
but folks need to hear it from the likes of a Bauvel or Hancock or ? to be true), this swastika plate is an ancient mnemonic, for an ancient vortex theory that CENTERED around the swastika and the letter 'E' and 'N' and 4 x T (tau cross)
Also fellas that means the Lo Shu Magic Square with the EVEN/yin numbers positioned in the corners where we find the R and P.
It also means that the gylphs 3MEW are to be associated with the ODD/yang numbers.
Prime numbers = ODD except the '2'
But hey do not forget
the only PRIME number that is EVEN is a '2' or maybe sometimes an 'N' or a 'Z'.
So the 9 squares that make up the CROSS are comprised of the letters N, R, P, and E.
And the 4 letters left in each of the four quadrants of the ROTAS SQUARE, divided by the cross, spell either SARA or POOR?
too funny, just something I happen to notice.
POOR abraham and his sister SARA?
mooving on......
We are thus left with 16 squares positioned in the corners of the ROTAS SQUARE?
How many elementary particles have so far been identified?
16The SabeanS/Vatican associate with the number 16 too.
And we know the HIGGS BOSON/gravity is the 17th particle they have been searching for, and they have found it, and it has a musical SOUND component to it.
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9And as I predict right now...they will determine the HIGGS BOSON has 9 frequencies reduced to the original '3' solfeggio and '3' letters NET comprising the SATOR CROSS, numbers which are anagrams of the numbers found on all keypads we still use today to communicate and do buSineSS.
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Chang3
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
The magical/elusive 17th particle isolated by CERN forms a cross comprised of the letters that spell NET?Thus the NET/GRAVITY comprises the CROSS?
oh my I really am wasting my time sharing celestial poetry composed by the creator with sheeple who continually reBLEAT nonsense?
Clearly you folks are DEAD DEAD DEAD and sadukan who continually fucks around with TRUTH manipulating 4 ROYAL STARS to fit his cosmology is evidence of what?
blame math only stupid shit for that, dissing the prophets, YES ME, who see the poetry behind all the BS going on around me.
So please do continue to play this game of rotations/reflections using the notation of the TWISTOR STRING THEORY, matching it to the SATOR/ROTAS square ... SOURCE UNKNOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use the relationships between the letters/notation (ask Ed Witten) to solve the Sator Square...could Ed's insights help us understand how we transit from the 4x4 square of Jupiter
UP to the 5x5 Sator Square...or maybe
DOWN to the 3x3 square of Saturn?
UP and DOWN is how quantum spin is defined?
BTW when attempting to mesh these two theories, separated by nearly 2000 years, please remember that the 'C' notation used in Super-Symmetry, i.e
in CP3/4 represents the As and the Os that we find in the SATOR Square.Understand?
Let me show you how ART imitates LIFE, or is ART actually being used to lead the sheeple in a certain direction, toward a certain LIFE style?
Hey did any of you see the film INCEPTION yet?The gal who becomes the architect of the MAZES, her name is Ariadne.
Just like in the myth about Theseus who kills the minotaur and escapes with the assistance of her 'LIFELINE', a thread.
In firefighting we follow the hoseline out if we get in trouble. Remember what was found in the SAFE alongside the 'WILL' suggesting the SON build a new empire, once PAPA was dead?
The entire film is about planting seeds in the mind = INCEPTIONDid you notice that in FACT a seed or two was planted in the minds of the viewing audience once the safe was open?
What were the 3 SEEDS planted into the MINDS of the IGNORANT moovie attending sheeple, once the safe was opened and the secret was exposed?#1 seed WILL to live?
#2 seed a WINDMILL
this blog explains why a windmill was used...scroll down till you see the images of the windmill and start reading.
>> #3 seed the numbers 3 and 4 can be clearly seen on two of the arms of the WINDMILL. (I happen to notice, I live at #43)
but why 43 or 34, what is the more profound significance?
>> using another formula I stumbled and bumbled upon, found in books, NOT on the interNET, is a formula that is comprised 16 letters, and it is very clear to me that I can suggest that concealed on the two other arms of the WINDMILL, that we do not see are the numbers 4 and 5?NOW here is where my Freemason 'deep throat' offers some gems in helping me prove this FACT that THEY are planting SEEDS in the human subconscious.
The Beginning of Masonry by Frank C. Higgins
http://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfThe formula I want to share taken from that text (written in 1913) looks like this.
It is a formula the represents the 4 forces modern physics has identified.
Actually I have found two opposing formulas.
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 = 5 + 4 + 3 + 4 = VIHIH + HVVH + HIH + JHVHhttp://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfGo to page 116 to see the formula I used above on the right using the letters:
H used 8 times
V used 4 times
I used 3 times
J used only once?
But remember that the
I = J Now do you want to see the simple proof I have recovered connecting all of the above to the swastika, NOT found in a Freemason text, but a Rosicrucian one, along with a 12th century manuscript detailing a wheel that represents the 4 BEASTS, that we know as 11, 2, 5, 8.
YES we are back at the CODE found on CARD X.
CARD X solves X folks, including the BS regarding the ZS/25 (Zach Sitchen) planet called Nibiru?
What if?
Another piece to the jigsaw puzzle I have recovered?
That confirms all of the above?
The proof is continually ARRIVING folks.
Just in TIME, as our TIME is running out.
Raphael is clearly a prophet
who seeks NO PROFITS
NOW if any of the ignorant folks on this forum want to learn more about how to interpret all of this nonsense.
ALL you gotta do is HUMBLE your IGNORANT self and ask.
put a cap on IGNORANCE first and FOURmost?THE ONLY REASON to keep it going is to help Ed Witten and me incorporate VBM into this GOLDEN, BEAUTIFUL, SIMPLE, ELEGANT THEORY OF EVERYTHING that is not yet complete....But obviously the
numbers and letters are falling into place.
All has been written fellas.
I am only the messenger sharing the OBVIOUS
Written by Witten and r. (me)
and ALL OF YOU are doing what the IGNORANT PROFANE MASS OF HUMANITY DOES BEST, from cradle to grave.
reBLEAT IGNORANCE till the end of time.