White Sands Launch Complex 33
Launch Complex 33 is where the Nazis brought over after WW2 under Project Paperclip inaugurated America’s space program. Note: there is only one launch complex in the vicinity.

Launch Complex 33 was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1985. This is where captured V-2 rockets were launched under the leadership of Dr. Werner von Braun.

I have always been amazed at how quickly these “scientists” went from being war criminals responsible for the deaths of so many people in London who should have been tried and hung for crimes against humanity to the heros of the American space program.

It’s shocking how short the public’s attention span is. Dark Mission, the book by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara is a real eye opener to the secret history of NASA in how it is run by a cabal of Nazis, Masons, and Magicians (those in Crowley’s Order of the Golden Dawn).

Sturmbannführer Werner von Braun received the National Medal of Science in 1975. His stance looks like the mirror of this famous gesture (as above so below):

Note the all seeing eye within the triangle in background. Everything with Hitler was symbolic.
It’s fascinating to me that Werner von Braun went to Antarctica in 66-67 on NASA’s dime. It reminds me of the Nazi’s Neuschwabenland in Antarctica where they discovered warm freshwater lakes…

…and Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program (46-47). Highjump was a United States Navy operation organized by Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr. which included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The “primary mission” of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. The secondary mission may have been to track down the fleeing Nazis who may have made it to the hollow earth where they met with Innerterrestrials.

Some say Highjump was “a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes.”
“As Werner Von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine – the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex – would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today) to the ultimate trump card: A Hoaxed Threat From Space.” Steven M. Greer MD, Director, The Disclosure Project. See here for more info.
Whatever the case von Braun was into some heavy duty stuff. Here he is with Walt Disney.

Disney and von Braun made a series together called Man in Space in 1954. This series made the former Sturmbannführer a family friendly figure, selling the idea of space travel to the public.
Richard Hoagland has pointed out that in one scene in “Man in Space” they show an alien base on the far side of the Moon which they say in the film is located “at 33 degrees…”
Disneyland Club 33
The Magic Kingdom has a mysterious private organization called Club 33. Perhaps it is no wonder because Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree freemason, although he died just before Club 33 was opened.
Officially maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club is located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at “33 Royal Street” with the entrance recognizable by an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it. When riding Pirates of the Caribbean, just as the ride departs, the Blue Bayou restaurant is visible, but the balconies above it are actually a part of Club 33…To enter Club 33, a guest must press a buzzer on an intercom concealed by a hidden panel in the doorway. A receptionist will ask for their name over the intercom and, if access is granted, open the door to a small, ornate lobby.

(Fair use logo of Club 33)
As of 2010, there is a 14 year wait list for membership and it is closed to new additions. It only allows 487 members. Members pay an initiation fee of $27,500 (if they are a corporation) or $10,450 (for individuals). On top of that, they pay annual fees of about $6,100 or $3,275, respectively.
NASA Runway 33
The single runway at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is called Runway 33. It has a heading of 330 degrees that matches the angle of the coastline at Cape Canaveral. Perhaps they chose this spot because of the 330 degree bearing of the coast?

This is where the space shuttle has landed many times. Its immediately adjacent to the two launch complexes where all Apollo and Space Shuttle mission left Earth.

Here’s a letter from Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin wrote on NASA letterhead sent to the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33° regarding the Scottish Rite Flag he supposedly carried to the moon.

Spaceport America
Spaceport America is a $200,000,000 taxpayer funded project in the middle of nowhere, close to Truth or Consequences NM. Spaceport America is located right on the dot at 33°0′ N.

Maybe that’s what this is all about: GEODETIC CONTROL.
Virgin Galactic is Spaceport America’s “anchor tenant” having signed a 20 year lease at $1,000,000 per year. This is where Richard Bransons space planes will takeoff and land after giving some of the world’s richest people short flights in space. Here’s a picture of White Knight 2 carrying Space Ship 2. Do you see the all seeing eye logo on SS-2? Who do you suppose the virgin is? Hint: she’s Egyptian.

(Image courtesy Jeff Foust under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license)
Escape velocity is just beyond Mach 33 (just beyond 11.1km/s). You must be going 34 times the speed of sound (Mach 34) or 11.2 km/s to escape from Earth’s gravitational pull and leave the planet. This picture was taken by Apollo 17 after it had reached escape velocity. It transformed the way we see our planet and ourselves. We’re all together on spaceship Earth.

Image NASA
The 33rd Degree
The House of the Temple is the headquarters of Scottish Freemasonry in the United States. The 33 columns which are 33′ high support a 13 step Egyptian unfinished pyramid just like the one on the dollar bill. The 33 members of the Supreme Council confer the highest 33rd degree on select brothers who have already attained the 32nd degree.

Money of the Empire
There are 32 feathers on one wing and 33 feathers on the other wing of the reverse of the great seal of the united states.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The address of the Fed in NYC is 33 Liberty Street.
33 Liberty Street reportedly holds 25% of the world’s existing gold bullion ($335 billion as of April 2011), making it the largest known treasury in the world. However the Fed cannot be audited (find out why) so there’s no telling how much if any gold is actually there.

(Image courtesy Gryffindor under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)
The Postal Service and the Library of Congress
The Library of Congress commemorative 33 cent stamp was issued by the USPS on the Library’s bicentennial on 24 April 2000. Coincidentally on that same day in 2005 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was inaugurated as Pope Benedict XVI.

Image source
Dr. Mark Gray has uncovered amazing things about the Library of Congress. For example there are 33 “Ethnological Heads” carved into the exterior of the building.

Image from rare book Egypt on the Potomic by Anthony T. Browder
The United Nations
The UN Flag and emblem divides the Earth into 33 sectors.

The City of London is surrounded by 32 boroughs, making 33 jurisdictions.

The London Eye
This 444′ wheel has 32 cars which officially represent the boroughs surrounding the City of London. With Masonic compasses holding up an all seeing eye I can’t imagine a more potent “secret in plain sight”. Please wake up people! It’s not just a ” tourist attraction”. The London Eye is operated at a huge financial loss for a reason. Look out for ferris wheels, obelisks, and cenotaphs.

(Image credit Mike Peel under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 license)
The Grand Arch in Paris
The Grand Arch is nearly a perfect cube, measuring 108m x 110m x 112m on each edge. Adding horizontally we get 1+0+8=9, 11+0=11, and 1+12=13. And 9+11+13=33. I discuss its deeper hypercubic meaning in my Paris Part 3 video.

The Homeric Hymns
The Homeric Hymns are a collection of 33 anonymous Ancient Greek hymns celebrating individual gods. The oldest of the hymns were written in the seventh century BC…This still places the older Homeric Hymns among the oldest monuments of Greek literature. -Source
My thanks to Martin for pointing this connection out. The ancients understood the significance of 33.

The Ziggurat
The “Ziggurat” as it is known (recalling Babylonian architecture, see Magic of Hollywood) is the name of the Chet Holifield Federal Building in Laguna Niguel California (see 2013).
The Ziggurat is located at 33°33′ North latitude.
Its two anchor tenants are the Department of Homeland Security and the IRS. This building was designed by William Pereira who also designed the Transamerica Pyramid (see 864).

Phoenix, Arizona
A patent for the city was issued in 1874 by President Ulysses S. Grant, and in 1881 it was incorporated as the City of Phoenix (see Phoenixes).
“After the USA civil war, once General and then President Ulysses S. Grant, a 33rd degree Freemason, wanted to move the Capital of the USA to Phoenix, Arizona” -Source
Phoenix Arizona sprawls over 33°N. The Phoenix metropolitan area is called the Valley of the Sun. Heliopolis means City of the Sun.

Children of Dan
By about 1200 BCE, the children of Dan ended up settling in the far north of modern Israel under the shadow of Mt. Hermon. Mt. Hermon is located 33° north of the equator and 33° east of the Paris prime meridian. See my post Children of Dan for more on this.

Jesus and King David
Jesus is said to have been crucified at age 33. King David (father of Sol-Amun) ruled for 33 years.
Jacob had thirty-three sons and daughters.

The Kabbalah
The Tree of Life from Jewish mysticism encodes 33:

The Foundation Stone
The foundation stone inside the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is an omphalos or world center point.

Image courtesy Victorgrigas under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
The distance from the Foundation Stone (FS) to the sea is exactly 33 miles.

I drew a series of lines (actually sections of great circles) from the foundation stone (FS) using degrees as the unit of measure. A mean degree of latitude is 111,111 meters.
The distance from the FS to the Cherhill Obelisk is 33.0 degrees.
I have discovered much more relating to the Cherhill obelisk in Finding the Center.

The distance from the FS to Glastonbury Tor is 33.3 degrees.

See my post Foundation Stone for more info.
In my opinion it is important to realize that Nazis, NASA, Disney, Freemasons, the US government, the Federal Reserve, Billionaires, Judeo-Christianity, the United Nations and other entities that are trying to control the world do not own 33.
33 is a number that belongs to everyone.
Perhaps the reason all the aforementioned parties ritualistically use 33 is because they understand what it is all about. 33 is part of us, and part of the architecture of the universe. They hijack this sacred knowledge and use it in plain sight in order to control and manipulate.
The Human Spine
There are 33 vertebrae in the spinal column if you count the fused bones in the lower spine individually.

Our Relationship with the Earth
The Earth vibrates at 7.83 Hz due to lightning discharges and this is called the Schumann resonance. The human scale resonates at 33 harmonics or 32 overtones above this frequency. This is the range where our ears hear and where we make music.
A 1 inch square column of air as tall as the atmosphere (about 50 miles) weighs 14.7 pounds. This unit is referred to as 1 Atmosphere of pressure, or 1 ATM. At 33 feet below sea level, that same force (1 ATM) is exerted for the 1 inch square column. Every additional 33 feet below sea level, the pressure increases by an additional 1 ATM.

The Sun
The Sun’s core apparently spins once every 33 days and scientists have just figured this out at Stanford University. Read about it here.
The Sun’s mass is 333,000 times the mass of Earth.

Our Relationship with the Universe
Planck’s Constant is 1.616252×10−33 cm. That’s 33 orders of magnitude smaller than your thumbnail.
The Planck length (the smallest theoretical structure in the universe) is one of the three most important physical constants, the other two being Einstein’s speed of light and Newton’s gravitational constant.
Please contact me if you find another 33.
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