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Message 1 of 83 on the subject |
The word 'vatican' comes from Latin and is a contraction of two words in the following way:
'Vatis'='prophetic' or 'diviner' 'Can'='serpent/snake' These two words combined make:
'the prophetic- or made divine serpent' The Vaticaan is a place, so you may say, that 'Vatican' means 'the place of the prophetic- and worshipped serpent'.
The RCC/Vatican was in control of every aspect of society.. in our Westernized history.. They are reponsible for putting away the Ophiuchus Constellation and even the Ophiuchus sign in the Zodiac...because it didn't go along with their man made religion of 12 months, 12 constellations, 12 signs.. They also are responsible for labling the Tanach/Torah/Ophiuchus script as the "Old Testament" and placing their man-made manipulation script as the New Testament and New Order.But Ophiuchus has always been present..
There is..what is physically "real" and then you have...what's man-made.
Our ancestors knew the Gods were stellar forces. The stars of scorpio,ophiuchus and saggitarius are drectly 180 degrees from the stars of Sirius,Orion(Osiris)and pleiades(Taurus). Ophiuchus(con stellation of Ra) and orion(osiris) are twins who share one soul between them (the Bennu bird/pheonix/Nibiru). The center of the Milky way(Nile) is in Ophiuchus. The pheonix(Bennu/Nibiru) is a cosmic force that comes from Ophiuchus and travels from the Milky way(Nile) into Orion(Osiris).
In Slosmans book "Le Livre de l'Au-dela , de la Vie", there is a passage concerning "Mathematical Combinations" of the starry sky that portends what happened when "the Old Lion(sphynx) Turned Around", which involved "The Twins" and "Osiris" (Orion). "the survivors of the catastrophe coming from heaven, are purified, in order to accomplish the Orders originally passed on by Osiris (Orion)." Which basically to me would imply that if you were lucky enough (and trust that there would only be few that would live to tell) to survive such a sudden shift in paradigm, you would have no other choice but to be purified by the innately simplsitic lifestyle of survival thrust upon you with only the Earth to rely on and the stars to guide you like a compass.
Ancient skywatchers are said to have looked for Nibiru's grand arrival in the Constellation of ophiuchus/Sagittarius(Gate of God). When it periodically returns to this part of the solar system, it sort of appears out of nowhere. Suddenly it's up there, like a golden miniature sun with a long and fearsome cometary tail trailing along behind it and its host of satellites, hovering, dangling like a jewel over the earths North Pole for a "millennium of the Gods."
"The Pyramid of Asiatic Nations,Like Giza,will then be aligned in harmony with the Orion Star Constellations,just beyond the Sirius constellations.Osiris(Asar) secretly praised by Freemasonry,the Orion Belt is the Universal umbilical cord of the Orion people called "Orion thinking man" or ORIGINAL MAN.This cord is the ethereal pathway connecting the original man of wisdom with his divine parent-mind,the God-self".-(The Exhuming of a Nation)
"Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live" (Numbers 21:8).
In Kaballah language both the word Serpent and Messiah in the bible have the same numerical value of 358. The serpent was God in disguise in the garden of eden myth.
Phil Valentine --"We must overstand that the fundamental philosophies based in the ancient science of ASTRONOMY— like Christianism and Judaism today, is practiced through its anthropomorphic and profane twin "ASTROLATRY"——a dogmatized convolution of our original sciences that mapped and decoded the mathematical and photo-geometric Light-Code 'spectraglyphs' of the sky, which they translated into the elaborately woven cryptic prose and verses that became "scriptures" about God's (the stars') overall relationship to Nature and Man taught to the world by our "black" ancestors for a thousand millennia BEFORE an "Allah" or "Yahwe", or even the language that created his name ever existed; high sciences which, in the end, were twisted into a theo-political tool conjured up to organize and control the peoples of that region to serve the greed and avarice of the Papal Emperors of Rome".
"Again I say to you, my name has been written on this […] of the generations of the stars through the human generations".-Gospel of JudasDo the ruling elite know of the cycles of natural disasters this earth goes through as it cleanses herself? Certain members at least of the Roman Catholic Church are or were "in the know" and an education in ancient Greek and Latin texts certainly reveals much that is lost to us through translation.Pope Leo IX (Pope from 1513-1522) wrote in 1514 of what is coming: "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." 500 years hence would be 2014, just two years after the Mayan Prophecy End Date
Plato refers to a pole shift in his work Politicus: "In certain periods, the universe has its present rotating movement and in other periods it turns in the opposite direction… Of all the changes that take place in the sky, this reversal is the biggest and the most complete." Also the last Pope, John Paul, knew about and obviously believed a prediction of some coming future disaster. So why didnt he and the Church share that information? In response to questions about a third part of the Fatima Prophecy (that had been entrusted to the Church and not passed on to the people), he told a small German audience in November 1980 something that was published in Stimme des Glaubens: "It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message".
Are volcanos some sort of "clock" destined to erupt? The description in the Chilam Balam or Jaguar Priest texts, created after the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, but thought to refer to the older Long Count prophecies of 2012 (according to Geoff Stray), is more revealing in terms of the volcanic mountain connection. However, one seeming confusion could come through the idea that they are going to descend. The Chilam balam texts (Tizimin p 16 Makemson) transforms the above idea of a possible descent into a more likely ascent or arising.Here in these texts we are told "the Nine shall arise in sorrow, alas... And when over the dark sea I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire, to that generation there will come the day of withered fruit. There will be rain. The face of the sun shall be extinguished because of the great tempests...Further we are told about the coming of Kukulkan "The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come... Blood vomit shall come. Kukulkan shall come with them for the second time.(It is) the word of God." All this, as many other ancient texts related to the End Time, describe what happens when volcanoes erupt: the chalice of fire, withered fruits, rain, tempest, sun extinguished and blood vomit = lava.
The ancient astronomer priesthood functioned like a secret society, with secret initiation rites, and hidden knowledge that only initiates were privy too.
Scientists and scholars of ancient India, were forced to take vows of secrecy and to become members of a secret society who could only communicate openly through riddles, parables, and secret codes.
According to the Mayan/Olmec/Aztec calendar (the same calendar adopted by the Aztecs), the last great period of destruction occurred 12,000 years ago, when the Earth was rattled by Earthquakes,volcanic eruptions, and terrible floods: events they blamed on a cosmic calamity, and which they, and other ancient peoples, associated with the Great Serpent.We are at that same cross road.
The Return of the Great Serpent. Every spiral galaxy is a "great serpent" and some serpent's eat their own tail.
And every galaxy is a keeper of time, a great cosmic clock... and precise predictions can be made... clocks within clocks, circles within circles... and coiling round the great Milkyway galaxy, snakes the serpent ophiuchus, the 13th missing zodiac sign.
"But beware and rejoice not because the rod of his that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root and of his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent...-Isaiah, 14
what time does Asar(Orion) and Ra(Ophiuchus) make their transformations?.Dawn and dusk.You must chart the sky and look for Asar/Osiris(orion constellation) to be on one horizen and Ophiuchus on the other side.
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The great circle alignment from Giza to Alexandria has an azimuth of 51.85° north of due west from Giza (the same angle as the slope of the Great Pyramid). Extended beyond Alexandria, this great circle also crosses over Delphi, Rollright and Newgrange, as well as the city of London.

Map image © VectorGlobe
The azimuth of a great circle alignment from Dendera to Paris is also 51.85° north of due west.

Map image - Roger Hedin
Dendera was dedicated to Isis/Sirius. The ancient Egyptian year began on the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in mid July. The helical rising of Sirius heralded the annual inundation of the Nile that was essential to the welfare of ancient Egypt. The axis of the temple of Isis at Dendera was aligned 20° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius from the latitude of Dendera.
Robert Bauval describes a number of connections between Isis/Sirius and Paris in Talisman (2004). Isis is shown riding on a boat in many ancient Egyptian drawings and carvings. At the direction of Napoleon, Sirius and a statue of Isis were added to the coat of arms for Paris shown below.

During the French revolution, a statue of Isis known as the Fountain of Regeneration was constructed on the former site of the Bastille. The engraving below commemorated this statue.

Fountain of Regeneration Engraving
The Elysian Fields is described as a place of eternal salvation in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Named after the Elysian Fields, the Champs Elysees is the main axis of Paris. The names Elysian and Elysees both suggest an association with Isis. The photograph below is facing southeast. The Arc de Triumphe is visible in the background. Beyond the Arc de Triumphe is the Louvre. The azimuth of the Champs Elysees is 26° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius/Isis from the latitude of Paris.

The termination point of the Champs Elysees to the northwest is the Grande Arche, in the foreground of the picture above. The axis of the Grande Arche is offset 6.33° south of the axis of the Champs Elysees. With an azimuth of just over 32° south of due east, the azimuth of the axis of the Grande Arche is the same as the azimuth of the great circle alignment from Paris to Dendera.
The Grande Arche is a nearly perfect cube with a height of 110 meters, a width of 108 meters and a depth of 112 meters. It is often described as a cube with side lengths of 110 meters. This is equal to 210 ancient Egyptian cubits:
110/210 = .5238
.5238 meters is a precise measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit, equating to 20.6222 inches, well within the ± .005 inches in Petrie's 20.62 inch measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit. Instead of the usual comparisons between the cubit and the meter of .52375/1 or .524/1, the best comparative measure may be the simple fraction of 11/21 that is suggested by the Grande Arche.

Image ©
The sides of the Grande Arche are divided into 5 x 5 large panels and within each large panel are 7 x 7 smaller panels. Side lengths of 110 meters suggest lengths of 22 meters for the sides of the large panels with lengths of 22/7 meters for the sides of the smaller panels. The fraction 22/7 equals 3.1428, an accurate expression of π that is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Side lengths of 210 cubits in the Grande Arche suggest lengths of 42 cubits for the sides of the large panels and 6 cubits for the sides of the smaller panels. This also shows that the relationship between the meter and the cubit is 6/π, using the measure of 22/7 for π:
21/11 = 6/π
22/7 x 21/11 = 6

The northern pyramid at Dashur, known as the Red Pyramid, was the first true (smooth sided) pyramid built in Egypt and it was the last pyramid built prior to construction of the Great Pyramid. The baselengths of the Red Pyramid are 420 cubits (220 meters) long, 20x multiples of 21/11.

Image by Jon Bodsworth
One of the oldest stone circles in England is at Rollright. The diameter of the Rollright circle is 31.4 meters, an accurate expression of π times 10 meters. Given the 6/π relationship between the meter and the cubit, the diameter of the Rollright circle is also 60 ancient Egyptian cubits.

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Message 79 of 83 on the subject |
'Sirius and Orion sailing across the sky at Dendera.' Sirius and Orion are sailing across the firmament in boats on the astronomical ceiling in the outer hypostyle hall of the Hathor Temple at Dendera. The ceiling consists of seven separate strips but here we are looking at a detail of the upper register of the EASTERNMOST STRIP. The star Sirius, or Sothis as it was known by the Egyptians, is depicted here as a reclining cow on a boat but the star was also identified with the goddess Isis. The rise of Sirius on the eastern horizon, after a few weeks of invisibility, signaled the beginning of the summer Nile flood for the Egyptians and the beginning of the New Year. The second boat carries a god who personifies the constellation Orion, or Sahu as he was called by the Egyptians. The text above the god describes him as 'Sahu, the soul (ba) of Osiris' and thus it can be understood that Osiris is looking back at his wife Isis (in the shape of a cow) to see if she is following him across the sky. Orion/Osiris as a god looking back first appears in Egyptian iconography in stars clocks on coffin
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The azimuth of the Champs Elysees is 26° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius/Isis from the latitude of Paris. |
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