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Crisis Económica: What Happened in Pittsburg (ONE.org)
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De: Piedro  (Missatge original) Enviat: 08/10/2009 02:16

Dear ONE Member,

ONE members painting the mural with a message

ONE was present in a big way at the G20’s meeting of presidents and prime ministers in Pittsburgh.

We delivered a petition, signed by 80,000 ONE members, asking for a future G20 summit to be hosted in Africa – where leaders will have to tackle some of the tough issues around development. We also joined with the local community in Pittsburgh to paint a giant mural along the main route to the summit. The mural delivered a clear message that Africa needs to be a part of the solution to the financial crisis.

You can read more, see pictures, and talk with other ONE members about the G20 and ONE’s presence at the summit on the ONE Blog:

The summit’s outcomes  were mixed. The leaders did re-affirm previous commitments for the African Development Bank and followed up on the G8’s new food security initiative, both positive steps. And while they didn’t announce plans to hold a G20 summit in Africa, the G20 did push for greater representation for developing countries in both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

But it’s going to take more than that to truly integrate Africa in the recovery. It’s going to require real solutions on trade and a comprehensive approach on climate change. It will also require that leaders in the G20 listen to African input on what’s needed.

Find out more about the outcomes and discuss them with other ONE members on the ONE Blog:

On the eve of the summit, we learned the G20 will become a permanent forum for handling global economic issues. This is a major step toward more inclusivity in global governance, but a move that still leaves Africa without a seat at the table. Our challenge is to ensure Africa and the rest of the developing world is on the agenda, so keep your eyes on your inbox.

Thanks, as always, for your support,

David Lane, ONE.org


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