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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 16/08/2012 20:44

Bigfoot, giant foot, giants... Genesis 6, the Nephilim, heaven-earth interbreeding, i.e. human genetic manipulation ('guided evolution'):

Book of Genesis chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. [...] There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

A monstrous Sin deemed irreversible, Earth had to be cleansed by a Great Flood.

Sin is the name of a Sumerian (and Minaean) god of the Moon...
Still standing after the Flood as 'Noah'.

A forbidden 'lunar strain' of mankind...
A 'Diana bloodline'.

*      *      *

Diana = Bigfoot = Nephilim = Noah

Argentina is both a moon...

  • 'Argentina' means 'silver' traditionally represented by symbol for Moon

...and a Bigfoot:

  • Argentina is geographically Patagonia meaning 'land of the big feet'

...making headlines the day before Michael Jackson's death:

Jun 24 Gov. Sanford admits to extramarital affair
with Argentine woman

For all intents and purposes a missing person from June 18 until 24 (i.e. around Prince William's birthday), Governor Sanford spent five days 'crying in Argentina' with 'Maria'...

Maria = Mary = Madonna

Madonna singing 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'

...in 'Evita' (1996), playing Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952, a Diana-like beloved female figure who died young at the age of 33 (Diana was 36 when she died).

Maria/Mary = Marianne

She is essentially Lady Liberty standing gracefully with her torch in New York and Paris very near where Princess Diana was killed marked by a torch.

She is interchangeable with Columbia - the feminine personification of the United States. It was in the South Carolina state capital Columbia that Gov. Sanford revealed his Argentine affair... echoed by a train collision in the District of Columbia (Washington DC) on June 22:

June 22 DC Metro subway trains collide - 9 dead, 80 injured

June 18-24: Gov. Sanford missing/crying in Argentina
June 21: 'Impact' Part 1 on ABC; Prince William birthday

June 22: DC Metro Red Line trains in collision
June 23: US Moon probes (LRO/LCROSS) reach Moon
June 24: Gov. Sanford reveals Argentine affair
June 25: Death of Michael Jackson & Farahh Fawcett

'Metro' means 'meter' in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc. The meter is historically defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the North Pole and the equator through Paris, or in other words the Paris Meridian between the North Pole and the equator. The Paris Meridian is also the 'Rose Line' (an esoteric concept popularized by The Da Vinci Code) i.e. a 'Red Line'...

DC Metro Red Line = French/Columbian Rose Line

...traditionally implying the Blood Royal/Sangraal or the Marian/Columbian Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

In Bloodline of the Holy Grail Laurence Gardner writes of the House of Stuart, the royal bloodline to which Princess Diana and her children belong (pp. 344-5):

The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.

Nephilim/Bigfoot bloodline = Moon/Diana bloodline = Rose Line = Bloodline of the Holy Grail = Stuart Bloodline (?) = Princess Diana bloodline...

Was Princess Diana a product of a particularly special strain of the Grail bloodline and the Stuart bloodline? Perhaps (argued for instance in Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence). But that's speculative and should be treated as a storyline rather than fact. It may well be that the name 'Diana' was all it took to make her 'special' in the esoteric context of Grail symbolism.

Nevertheless there is an interesting dichotomy in the current British Royal Family configuration more or less pitting the House of Windsor (Queen, Charles, etc.) against the House of Spencer/Stuart (Diana, William & Harry). The House of Windsor stems from the House of Hanover which back in the 18th century supersede the House of Stuart with a transitional period of King William III of the House of Orange (joint rule with his Stuart wife Mary II) sandwiched in between who acceded to the throne following the questionable removal of Stuart monarch King James II - an event of great significance for the 'Grail bloodline'. Following two years of challenging the 'userpers', James and his supports the 'Jacobites' were resoundingly crushed at the Battle of the Boyne on July 12, 1690, annually celebrated to this day as Orangemen's Day (which at the time using the old-style calendar was July 1st, Princess Diana's birthday).

That paved the way for the Parliament-centered rule of the incoming Germanic House of Hanover which would morph into today's House of Windsor. In that sense, the British Royal Family as it exists today stands in opposition to the supposed 'Grail bloodline' (the Stuarts), reflected in the Windsors' not-so-friendly relationship with Princess Diana. The Diana family in this context would at least symbolically (possibly literally) represent the special strain of the House of Stuart crawling its way back to the throne, with Prince William now just one or two steps away from destination. Reenacting, in a sense, the 'Return of King Arthur' - 'Once and Future King'.


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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 2 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2012 17:40



GODDESS NIKE (Roman name VICTORIA) on Olympic Medal


The village was originally recorded as Stoches in the Domesday Book of 1086, from the Old English word stoc meaning an outlying farm or hamlet. The suffix Mandeville was first recorded in 1284 when the manor was listed as being in the hands of the powerful Norman de Mandeville family. The former medieval parish church on the outskirts of the village was condemned in the mid 20th Century and was demolished in January 1966. The newer red brick parish church of St Mary, consecrated in July 1866 by Bishop of Oxford Samuel Wilberforce, remains as the only church in the village apart from the Methodist church in Eskdale Road.

Stoke Mandeville was also the location of the Stoke Mandeville Games, which first took place in 1948 and are now known as the World Wheelchair and Amputee Games. The Games, which were held eight times at Stoke Mandeville, were the inspiration for the first Paralympic Games, also called The Stoke Mandeville Games, which were organised in Rome in 1960. The wheelchair aspects of the 1984 Paralympics were also held in the village. The London 2012 Summer Paralympics mascot, Mandeville, is named after the village due to its legacy with the Games. Stoke Mandeville Stadium was developed alongside the hospital and is the National Centre for Disability Sport in the United Kingdom, enhancing the hospital as a world centre for paraplegics and spinal injuries.

On May 13, 2000, the new Stoke Mandeville Millennium sign[2] was unveiled. It stands on a small brick plinth on the green outside the primary school. The sign shows aspects of village life over the centuries.

Effigy of Geoffrey de MANDEVILLE in the Temple Church

Geoffrey de MANDEVILLE - Knights Templar
Former owner of the land where Buckingham Palace (and the statue of NIKE) is now located.


The NIKE sects of today

Their are many small cults that still worship NIKE today. The ceremonies amongst the cults differ slightly from sect to sect but still closely follow the ancient traditions of tribute as set forth by the Greeks. All of them still incorporate live sacrifices into their rituals.
- Wikipedia

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2012 14:37

Iglesia de la Merced (San Miguel de Tucumán)

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Basílica Nuestra Señora de la Merced
San Miguel de Tucumán - Iglesia La Merced.JPG
Tipo Basílica
Advocación Virgen de la Merced
Ubicación Bandera de Argentina San Miguel de Tucumán
Coordenadas 26°49′53.53″S 65°12′4.91″O / -26.8315361, -65.2013639
Culto Iglesia católica
Orden Orden de la Merced
Construcción 1947-1950
Estilo arquitectónico Neocolonial
Catalogación Monumento Histórico Nacional (1997)

La Basílica Nuestra Señora de la Merced, también llamada de la Victoria,[1] es una Basílica Menor de la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán. Este templo es famoso por haber sido esta ciudad, el lugar donde se coronara a la Virgen María, en su advocación como Nuestra Señora de la Merced, como patrona del Ejército Argentino el 24 de septiembre de 1812.



[editar] Nuestra Señora de la Merced

La Orden Mercedaria estuvo presente en San Miguel de Tucumán desde la fundación de la ciudad en 1565, y edificó su templo y su convento en Ibatín.[2]

Cuando en 1685 la ciudad se trasladó a su ubicación actual le fue entregado a los mercedarios el solar de la actual esquina de Virgen de la Merced y 24 de Septiembre, donde se levantó el claustro y la iglesia.

En 1687 el Cabildo de San Miguel de Tucumán la nombró Patrona y Abogada de la ciudad.[3]

[editar] Batalla de Tucumán

El 24 de septiembre de 1812 se llevó a cabo uno de los combates más importantes de la lucha por la independencia argentina. Unos 800 soldados argentinos, al mando del general Manuel Belgrano, derrotaron a casi 3000 soldados realistas.

En la mañana día del combate Belgrano estuvo orando largo rato ante el altar de la Virgen.

En el parte que transmitió al gobierno luego de la victoria, Belgrano hizo resaltar que se obtuvo el día de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, bajo cuya protección se habían puesto las tropas. El parte decía textualmente: "La patria puede gloriarse de la completa victoria que han tenido sus armas el día 24 del corriente, día de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes bajo cuya protección nos pusimos".[3]

Tras esa victoria, Nuestra Señora de la Merced, se convirtió en Patrona y Generala del Ejército Argentino.

[editar] Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Merced

Según el historiador fray José Brunet, "el primitivo templo se situaba con su frente a la actual calle 24 de Septiembre y tenía una sola torre o campanario. Era de una sola nave, sin crucero ni ventanas".[2]

Lo que no está claro es si en 1812, cuando Manuel Belgrano entregó, en modo de agradecimiento, su bastón de mando a la Virgen, la iglesia que se usaba era la primitiva o estaba en funciones la que se había comenzado a construir a fines del siglo XVIII. Hay quienes dicen que era la primera y que a su lado se veía la segunda sin terminar.[2]

En 1834 se comenzó a edificar otro templo que quedó abandonado en 1845. Las obras fueron retomadas en 1865 y el templo fue bendecido en 1880.

Este templo pronto comenzó a deteriorarse. En 1914 se lo demolió en parte y en 1927 se lo derribó totalmente.[2]

En 1947, Alfredo Guzmán y su esposa, Guillermina Leston, costearon la construcción de la iglesia actual, que fue inaugurada el 24 de septiembre de 1950.[2] Fue construida, por encargo de Guzmán, por la empresa Sollazzo Hnos S.A. y la fachada se debe al jefe de obra, el destacado arquitecto Manuel Luis Graña (1916-1991) quien también es el autor del camarín de la Virgen (Monumento Histórico Nacional).

En esta iglesia, que posee un estilo neocolonial, se conserva la imagen de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes que en 1812 fue declarada Generala de los ejércitos de la patria. Se guarda también el bastón con empuñadura de oro que le ofreció Manuel Belgrano al final de la Batalla de Tucumán.[1]

El 12 de septiembre de 1997, la Comisión Nacional de Monumentos y Lugares Históricos, declaró "lugar histórico" a la parroquia y santuario de Nuestra Señora de La Merced. Por decreto de 5 de agosto de 1957, el camarín de la Virgen ya había sido declarado Monumento Histórico Nacional.[2]

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