16:18 Y yo también te digo, que
El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción
Philosopher’s Stone
The Holy Grail is the Philosopher’s Stone

Guardians of the Grail – J.R. Church pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”
Ravenscroft equates the brain with the tree of knowledge.
Cup of Destiny pg 88
“There is a moment when the figures in the Grail procession describe two separate circles of twelve, with the Grail bearer standing alone with one circle to her left and the other to her right. At this moment the two circles represent the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. And they also represent two distinct and separate sides of the human brain. It is with the left brain that man must pass beyond matter to the spirit which lives within it – that is, man must pass through the phenomena to the perception of the archetypes. It is through the holistic right brain that the unity of relationship is known. Here is the centre of inspiration, the source of spiritual hearing, through which the harmonies of the universe are understood.”
Cup of Destiny pg 153-154
“Another chalice besides the silver cup of Melchisedek was present at the Lord’s supper. This jasper chalice encrusted with jewels was presented by the temple builder, Hiram of Tyre, to Solomon. While the silver cup passed down the line of kings mentioned in the genealogical tree of the race in St Matthew’s Gospel, the jasper chalice followed the generations of the high priests of Israel described in St Luke’s Gospel. It would appear that these two precious reliquaries represent the two sides of the human brain, for without doubt the cup as symbol of the Grail represents the human head, and the consecrated host within it depicts both the brain and the pineal gland.
The outward symbol of the Holy Grail is depicted by a dove winging its way from the sun towards the invisible disc held with the arch of the crescent moon. In this instance, the dove represents the purified feelings of the heart which arise to permeate and spiritualize the cold intellectual thinking of the brain. This process was named by the alchemists of the Middle Ages as ‘the aetherization of the blood’ because they perceived in spiritual vision how an ethereal rose light arose from the blood in the human heart to initiate an alchemical transformation in the brain, and especially in the pineal gland which passes through the equivalent of seven phases of the moon to become the very highest organ of clairvoyant perception – the third eye. And, according to Chretien do Troyes, it is with such a faculty that Percival (Parzival) perceives his name inscribed on the lip of the cup as King of the Grail.”
Spear of Destiny – Trevor Ravenscroft pg xv
“…the quest for the Holy Grail veiled a unique Western path to transcendent consciousness.”
This ‘magic square of the sun’ which is a veiled reference to the number 666, is associated with the ‘The Philosophers stone’

The Philosopher’s stone is associated with the hexagram…a symbol that comes up over and over again in connection with the number 666click here.
The Hexagram of Earth represents the Solar energy that makes concrete matter that we can move and touch, in short, The Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist of Queen Elizabeth I, in his book Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the following quote:
“‘Mahatma Letters,’ page 345: ‘The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon’s Seal is…the Sri–Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the whole occult doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the ’squaring of the Circle,’ the ‘Philosophers’ Stone,’ the great problems of Life and Death–the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.’” Hieroglyphic Monad, Dr John Dee page 76
Gavin Wince – Lapis Exillis
“By virtue of this stone the Phoenix is burned to ashes, in which she is reborn…thus does the Phoenix mold her feathers after which she shines dazzling and bright and as lovely as before.”

Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 260
“The Egyptians occasionally represented the Phoenix as having the body of a man and the wings of a bird. This biform, creature had a tuft of feathers upon its head and its arms were upraised in an attitude of prayer. As the phoenix was the symbol of regeneration, the tuft of feathers on the back of its head might well symbolize the activity of the Pineal gland, or third eye, the occult function of which was apparently well understood by the ancient priest craft.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark – Laurence Gardner pg 265
“They {Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton} knew that the Stone {Philosopher’s Stone} was directly related to higher degrees of consciousness and perception, while being represented by the legendary Phoenix which rises from destruction in a blaze of rebirth and new light.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 27
“In the romance of Parzival by the Bavarian knight Wolfram von Eschenbach, we read: ‘Around the end of the stone, an inscription in letters tells the name and lineage of those, be they maids or boys, who are called to make the journey of the Grail. No one needs to read the inscription, for as soon as it has been read it vanishes.’ The stone being discussed here was said to be the ‘perfection of earthly paradise,’ with remarkable healing and anti-ageing properties. It was called Lapis Elixis, a variant of Lapis Elixir, the alchemical Philosopher’s Stone. The text continues: ‘By the power of that stone the Phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes speedily restore him to life again. Thus doth the Phoenix Destiny.”
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s Stone.”
Morals and Dogma pg 64
…Grand Arcanum,…that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and Heaven. Let no one expect us to give them its explanation! He who passes behind the veil that hides this mystery, understands that it is in its very nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by surprise, as well as to him who reveals it. This secret is the Royalty of the Sages, the Crown of the Initiate whom we see redescend victorious from the summit of Trials, in the fine allegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanun makes him master of gold and the light, which are at bottom the same thing, he has solved the problem of the quadrature of the circle, he directs the perpetual movement, and he possesses the philosophical stone. Here the Adepts will understand us. There is neither interruption in the toil of nature, nor gap in her work. The Harmonies of Heaven correspond to those of Earth, and the Eternal Life accomplishes its evolutions in accordance with the same laws as the life of a dog. “God has arranged all things by weight, number, and measure,” says the Bible; and this luminous doctrine was also that of Plato.”
Azoth was considered to be a ‘universal medicine’ or ‘universal solvent’ sought in alchemy, its symbol was the Caduceus (the rod of Hermes)click here and so the term, which being originally a term for an occult formula sought by alchemists much like the philosopher’s stone, became a poetic word for the element Mercury.
As the works of more of the alchemists have come to light, it becomes clear that the philosopher’s stone wasn’t really a stone at all—even though it is always referred to as such. Sometimes the catalyst of transmutation is described as a divine child, an angel, a dragon, an elixir, a tincture, or an as-yet unknown chemical compound.
Many alchemists began to consider that somehow the philosopher’s stone was not a thing at all, but a system of knowledge. Once the alchemist truly perceived the reality that lay behind the symbols, he would achieve an intellectual and spiritual level wherein he would become one with the power that existed within the mysterious goal for which he searched so long. Once he understood what the philosopher’ stone represented, he would have found it at last—and he would have become one with it.
Many scholars have since insisted that the true alchemists sought not to turn base metals into gold, but to transform the dense material of their physical bodies into a spiritually evolved immaterial entity. In this perspective, the philosopher’s stone becomes the Holy Spirit that mystically transmutes humans into true manifestations of God on Earth.
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 157
“The oldest and most revered of all the alchemical formulæ is the sacred Emerald Tablet of Hermes….While the symbol of the Emerald Table is of special Masonic import–relating as it does to the personality of CHiram (Hiram)–it is first and fundamentally an alchemical formula, relating both to the alchemy of the base metals and the divine alchemy of human regeneration.”
The Merovingian Mythos – Tracy Twyman pg 149
“The story of the Emerald Table of Hermes appears to be yet another incarnation of the Grail as stone…The legend connected to these items, and the stone they came from, relate that the stone bounced off Cain‘s head as it fell to Earth…leaving a scar on his forehead in the shape of a red serpent: the Mark of Cain…This is what the Grail as a stone represents.”
Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly Hall pg 280
“…since the beginning of all things were under the control of Saturn, the most reasonable inference is that the first forms of worship were dedicated to him and his peculiar symbol — the stone.”
Turning lead into gold is related to Saturnclick here
“Saturn :: Lead
Saturn corresponds to the metal Lead, the elemental separating force of Salt(), and the imprisonment of the Spirit and the Soul . The glyph alludes to this “fallen” state of man as the elements (+) are displayed in dominion over the passive Lunar consciousness of Spirit (). It is what the Orphic mysteries called the titanic corporal body and the “tomb” of the Spirit
Unlike the other classical planets, Saturn’s synodic cycle does not produce a coherent geometric form- it is always in fractional state continuing for 360 years at which point the 360-pronged geometry of the Saturn ecliptic cycles completely engulfs the ecliptic circle into a black mass of connecting lines. This in one sense represents the bindings and restrictions of the karmic universe and the human condition of being entombed in the life-death cycles, and in another sense is equated with the Philosopher’s stone as hiding the principle by which the initiate can unshackle the bonds of terminal existence and obtain true spiritual immortality (“Gold hidden in Saturn”). The dual nature of Saturn relates to the Greek Khronos as the syncretic form of the Titan Kronos (temporal and material Demiurge) with the Orphic Æon Chronos (timeless and incorporeal). Thus, in Saturn we find the sacred black stone of the Alchemist said to have fallen from the heavens. Isaac the Hollander writes:
From Saturn proceeds, and from Saturn is made, the Philosopher’s Stone….There is no greater secret that this: that is found is Saturn, since in the Sun [the vulgar Sun, that is to say in the intellectual faculties of external consciousness] we do not find the perfection that we find in Saturn. In its interior, and in this all the Philosophers agree, it is a most excellent Sun…In truth, Saturn is the stone that the ancient philosophers did not want to name. (as quoted in Evola, 1995:80).”
Cup of Destiny pg 134
“No one can come to the Grail without knowledge of the secrets of time – Chronos. And it is Saturn that teaches these secrets.