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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:39
Los rollos del "mar muerto", tan promocionado por los evangelios gnosticos en EL CODIGO DA VINCI, pueden ser un SIMBOLO espiritual por la CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, en el contexto al fuerte enlace de MARIA/MIRYAM y su relacion con el MAR/GENTILES. "MAR MUERTO" es una obvia analogia esoterica a la MUERTE ESPIRITUAL QUE LE HA PRODIGADO EL "CRISTIANISMO" A MARIA MAGDALENA, LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. Haciendo un analisis numerologico el numero 1947=33x59. El numero 33 tiene un fuerte nexo con el SANTO GRIAL/JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2 O 3:3). ¿Si no es asi, porque tuvieron estos rollos tanta influencia en EL CODIGO DA VINCI e incluso en su nexo con el matrimonio de JESUCRISTO? El "experimento philadelphia" tambien fue en 1947. FILADELFIA SIGNIFICA UTERO DE ISIS. Los mismos ESTADOS UNIDOS, QUE SON LA NACION DEL SANTO GRIAL, nacieron en FILADELFIA, CIUDAD DE 7 COLINAS. NOTEN SU RELACION CON EL NUMERO DE ORO PHI (PHI-LADEL-PHI-A).LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN EQUIVALE AL SHABBAT Y EL GRIAL. "PUERTA DE TU CIUDAD"/STAR GATE/ESCALERA DE JACOB. Observen la "cuadratura del circulo"/hombre de Vitrubio/escalera de Jacob interrelacionadas con el NUMERO 19.47. La mayoria de las piramides de este planeta estan ubicadas cerca del paralelo 19.47. Concretamente este numero tiene fuerte nexo con la ESCALERA DE JACOB QUE ES LA ALQUIMIA, OSEA JESUCRISTO SEGUN JUAN 1:51, QUE ES TIPO DEL GRIAL (JUAN MARCOS). La VERDADERA TRINIDAD CRISTIANA ES JESUCRISTO QUE SIMBOLIZA A DIOS EL PADRE, MARIA MAGDALENA QUE SIMBOLIZA AL ESPIRITU SANTO Y JUAN MARCOS EL GRIAL, OSEA EL HIJO. ESA ES LA TRINIDAD CON SU ANTAGONISMO EGIPCIO OSIRIS, ISIS Y HORUS. LOS CRISTIANOS TENEMOS UN SOLO DIOS CON DOS FACETAS UNA MASCULINA CUYO ARQUETIPO ES JESUCRISTO Y UNA FEMENINA SIMBOLIZADA POR MARIA MAGDALENA. EN INTERNET TODOS ESTOS CODIGOS SON MAYORMENTE MAL UTILIZADOS BUSCANDO UN NEXO CON LOS EXTRATERRESTRES  que en realidad es una obvia referencia a los ANGELES QUE SUBEN Y BAJAN EN LA ESCALERA DE JACOB. PARA LOS CRISTIANOS TODOS ESTOS MENSAJES, mal utilizados por la mayoria desgraciadamente porque no buscan a DIOS, son fuertes nexos con el GRIAL.
21. Éxodo 20:10: mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus PUERTAs.
85. Deuteronomio 5:14: mas el séptimo día es reposo a Jehová tu Dios; ninguna obra harás tú,ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu sierva, ni tu buey, ni tu asno, ni ningún animal tuyo, ni el extranjero que está dentro de tus PUERTAs, para que descanse tu siervo y tu sierva como tú.
501. Apocalipsis 3:20: He aquí, yo estoy a la PUERTA y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la PUERTA, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo.

502. Apocalipsis 4:1: Después de esto miré, y he aquí una PUERTA abierta en el cielo; y la primera voz que oí, como de trompeta, hablando conmigo, dijo: Sube acá, y yo te mostraré las cosas que sucederán después de estas.

503. Apocalipsis 21:12: Tenía un muro grande y alto con doce PUERTAs; y en las PUERTAs, doce ángeles, y nombres inscritos, que son los de las doce tribus de los hijos de Israel;

504. Apocalipsis 21:13: al oriente tres PUERTAs; al norte tres PUERTAs; al sur tres PUERTAs; al occidente tres PUERTAs.

505. Apocalipsis 21:15: El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus PUERTAs y su muro.

506. Apocalipsis 21:21: Las doce PUERTAs eran doce perlas; cada una de las PUERTAs era una perla. Y la calle de la ciudad era de oro puro, transparente como vidrio.

507. Apocalipsis 21:25: Sus PUERTAs nunca serán cerradas de día, pues allí no habrá noche.

508. Apocalipsis 22:14: Bienaventurados los que lavan sus ropas, para tener derecho al árbol de la vida,y para entrar por las PUERTAs en la ciudad.

Here is an interesting read on Stargates and 19.47
"YO SOY EL ALFA Y EL OMEGA, EL PRINCIPIO Y EL FIN"/SALMO 119 (comienza por la primera y termina por la ultima letra del abecedario hebreo)
15. Apocalipsis 1:8: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso.
18. Apocalipsis 21:6: Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida.

19. Apocalipsis 22:13: Yo soy el ALFA y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.



Capítulo 7 

Incredulidad de los hermanos de Jesús
7:1 Después de estas cosas, andaba Jesús en Galilea; pues no quería andar en Judea, porque los judíos procuraban matarle. 
7:2 Estaba cerca la fiesta de los judíos, la de los tabernáculos;Levitico 23. 34Deuteronomio 16. 13
7:3 y le dijeron sus hermanos: Sal de aquí, y vete a Judea, para que también tus discípulos vean las obras que haces. 
7:4 Porque ninguno que procura darse a conocer hace algo en secreto. Si estas cosas haces, manifiéstate al mundo. 
7:5 Porque ni aun sus hermanos creían en él. 
7:6 Entonces Jesús les dijo: Mi tiempo aún no ha llegado, mas vuestro tiempo siempre está presto. 
7:7 No puede el mundo aborreceros a vosotros; mas a mí me aborrece, porque yo testifico de él, que sus obras son malas. 
7:8 Subid vosotros a la fiesta; yo no subo todavía a esa fiesta, porque mi tiempo aún no se ha cumplido. 
7:9 Y habiéndoles dicho esto, se quedó en Galilea. 

Jesús en la fiesta de los tabernáculos 

7:10 Pero después que sus hermanos habían subido, entonces él también subió a la fiesta, no abiertamente, sino como en secreto. 
7:11 Y le buscaban los judíos en la fiesta, y decían: ¿Dónde está aquél? 
7:12 Y había gran murmullo acerca de él entre la multitud, pues unos decían: Es bueno; pero otros decían: No, sino que engaña al pueblo. 
7:13 Pero ninguno hablaba abiertamente de él, por miedo a los judíos. 
7:14 Mas a la mitad de la fiesta subió Jesús al templo, y enseñaba. 
7:15 Y se maravillaban los judíos, diciendo: ¿Cómo sabe éste letras, sin haber estudiado? 
7:16 Jesús les respondió y dijo: Mi doctrina no es mía, sino de aquel que me envió. 
7:17 El que quiera hacer la voluntad de Dios, conocerá si la doctrina es de Dios, o si yo hablo por mi propia cuenta. 
7:18 El que habla por su propia cuenta, su propia gloria busca; pero el que busca la gloria del que le envió, éste es verdadero, y no hay en él injusticia. 
7:19 ¿No os dio Moisés la ley, y ninguno de vosotros cumple la ley? ¿Por qué procuráis matarme? 
7:20 Respondió la multitud y dijo: Demonio tienes; ¿quién procura matarte? 
7:21 Jesús respondió y les dijo: Una obra hice, y todos os maravilláis. 
7:22 Por cierto, Moisés os dio la circuncisión (no porque sea de Moisés, sino de los padresGenesis 17. 10); y en el día de reposo circuncidáis al hombre(22/7=3.14 (Numero PI). increiblemente tenemos un NEXO DE LA PI-RAMIDE TRUNCADA (SIMBOLO FALICO CIRCUNCIDADO) INTERRELACIONADO INCLUSO CON EL DIA DE REPOSO)

illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
7:23 Si recibe el hombre la circuncisiónLevitico 12. 3 en el día de reposo, para que la ley de Moisés no sea quebrantada, ¿os enojáis conmigo porque en el día de reposo sané completamente a un hombre?Juan 5. 9
eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)

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Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:51

Stargate Cipher 2012

Athens Olympics, Contact, Life On Mars,
Holy Grail, Ultra Technology
& Mayan Calendar

By Goro Adachi
Oct 23, 2004

© Goro Adachi

...continued from Page 2:

Eye In the Sky

The notion of 'stargate' technology coming from the Nazis, as implied in Contact and the 'super torch ritual', is probably closer to reality than the 'alien' scenario. This would at least partially explain the cartoonish appearance of the alien crop glyph. The 'ET' is in effect a puppet covering for someone else... someone foreign and mysterious but more earthly. The 'aliens' from the Third Reich.

As explained in Endgame II (Oct 16, '02), the sudden appearance of the glyph coincided with the US release of 'The Hunt for Zero Point' by Nick Cook, aviation editor of Jane's Defence Weekly in Britain. I wrote:

...the alien crop formation was reportedly created on/around August 14, 2002 in England (the land of Nick Cook, the author of the book). Due to geography, U.S. time is as much as 8 hours behind Britain. So, the August 14 of Britain was necessarily overlapping the August 13 of the U.S.

In other words, for all intents and purposes, the 'alien warning' and The Hunt for Zero Point appeared simultaneously!

The book is all about the rumored existence of 'stargate'/antigravity technology which Cook traces back to Nazi Germany. Here is from the book's inside flap:

The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists during the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, on that still may be in effect today. Now, for the first time, an acclaimed journalist with unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the atomic bomb. [...]

The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for numerous UFO sightings during the past fifty years.

Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces American involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war, and reveals the United States' suppression of Germany's attempts to harness hitherto unacknowledged forms of propulsion, which would have devastated the world's petroleum industry overnight.

Has it been proven that the Nazis mastered antigravity? Not quite. But Cook does plausibly argue that there was a machine kept extremely secret by the Nazis which may well have been the Holy Grail technology - not just an antigravity machine, but possibly a time machine... a bona fide 'stargate'. The project went by two codenames: Chronos and Laternentrager ('lantern holder'). The machine itself was called Die Glocke or 'the Bell'. I postulated this might be relevant to the Crabwood formation's 'bell' reference...

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL)

In the original ASCII computer code (in which this message was encoded), 'Bell' is actually '007', which brings to mind the 007 (James Bond) movies. The 1995 installment, 'GoldenEye', is particularly interesting in that it features the Arecibo telescope. We learn:

The telescope was used in the filming of two notable movies: as the villain's antenna in the James Bond movie GoldenEye and as the real antenna in the movie Contact.

Perhaps the alien's creepy, distinct eye - unusual for a 'grey'-type alien - was a hint. Together with an allusion to phi - or the Golden Ratio - the GoldenEye connection actually becomes quite plausible. The phi link here is this: the glyph's appearance on/around August 14 marked the phi point - i.e. 1.618:1 ratio - of the year 2002 as did the opening day of the Athens Games (2004 is a leap year).

Eye + Golden Ratio + '007' = 'GoldenEye'

There is even a potential connection with Tesla because 'GoldenEye' in the movie refers to a secret satellite-based electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon system capable of destroying any electronic device. This sounds like Tesla's 'Death Ray' weapon but in a more 'Star Wars'-type context. Incidentally the American Star Wars/SDI program was initiated by Ronald Reagan whose last name evokes 'ray gun'. His death in June was one of the year's biggest US events and his funeral (June 11) was a big part of the 'super torch ritual' commemorating the passing of the 'kingship' to Schwarzenegger. We covered all that...

Another possibility here is the GoldenEye link being a hint as to how the crop glyph was created. Assuming that 'stargate' technology does exist somewhere today, we can easily envision those few with access to it, probably in the dark world of the military-industrial complex, having some 'fun' creating elegant crop circles with a special satellite. It's not that fetched an idea at this point.

Under the flashy 'alien contact' storyline is therefore hidden the 'real' message all about super-advanced secret technology, or 'Ultra-Tech'. This is supported by the strange fact that the glyph was a close replica of a graphic found on the 'Watcher' website (first mentioned in Endgame II) on which is discussed familiar issues such as Mars/Cydonia, fallen angels (Lucifer), and the Antichrist (though with more Christian overtones overall). The graphic says 'Ultra-Tech'...

The main brain behind the Watcher website is David Flynn who recently published his own book Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars, now endorsed by Hoagland. I have communicated with him and having read each other's book we agreed that our findings (mine being The Time Rivers) are pieces of the same grand puzzle.

David Flynn left, Hoagland right

He informed me that the 'Ultra-Tech' logo design (done by his brother) alludes to the rumored story of the US military-industrial complex secretly back-engineering alien technologies recovered from the legendary Roswell UFO crash. As noted earlier, 'flying saucers' are associated with antigravity and often theorized to have been advanced vehicles developed by the Nazis. I for one cannot discount the possibility that the whole UFO/alien mythology is in fact a contextually modulated story about the hidden Nazi legacy.

So the 'Ultra-Tech' graphic brings us right back to the 'stargate' theme, further corroborated by the existence of another version of the graphic showing a rotating tetrahedron instead of a computer circuit. Recall that tetrahedral geometry is the key to 'stargate'/hyperdimensional physics as deriving from Hoagland's Cydonia investigation - most prominently expressed by the latitude pinpointed by a circumscribed tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees, or to be more accurate, 19.47 degrees.

Curiously, the Roswell crash took place in '1947' - which is even the year of Schwarzenegger's birth. In fact these two events came in the same month... July.

There is more to this hyperdimensional aspect of the glyph, as I found out when I contacted David Flynn recently via email to check if I got the story of the Ultra-Tech logo correct. I did, but after being told about my article he informed me that he had done his own investigation into the glyph and promptly sent me a collection of graphics, originally created for his presentation at Roswell July 4th this year. These were exciting discoveries very much in line with my own findings and decidedly hyperdimensional...

David noted there were 59 horizontal lines in the rectangular frame and 33 lines of spiraled ASCII codes along the bisected disc which together pointed to 1947 and 19.47 because: 59 x 33 = 1947, and 33% of 59 = 19.47!

He also found pi (= 3.14159...) deeply embedded in the puzzle. The glyph's bisected circle was a hint since pi is a mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Going beyond this, David discovered that the Roswell crash site itself was a pi-encoded geographical position, as shown in these illustrations:

This even correlates with Contact because Sagan's novel includes an important development involving pi:

In a kind of postscript, Ellie, acting upon a suggestion by the senders of the message, programs a supercomputer to compute the digits of π [= pi] to record lengths, and to analyze the stream of numbers for a non-random pattern. Far from the decimal point, she finds that a special pattern does exist far earlier than statistically likely. It is an unmistakably intelligent artifact, "the artist's signature," woven into the fabric of space.

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:52

It's also an important point that the Roswell UFO crash came on/around July 4, Independence Day. We have the 1996 alien movie involving Roswell titled 'Independence Day'. The holiday's most prominent symbol is the Statue of Liberty which is also a memorable symbol used in the film. The same director who did 'ID4' is behind The Day After Tomorrow released earlier this year, reiterating the Lady Liberty/torch connection - see graphics below - and the weather/hurricane connection... (after all ,the film is all about the weather going crazy).



(There is also a 1949 book called 'Sixth Column' published also under the name 'The Day After Tomorrow'. The story involves electro-gravitic 'ultra technology'!)

Lady Liberty is of course the world's most famous torch-bearer - a big part of the 'super torch ritual' anchored by the 'light-bearer' star Venus. Tellingly, this year's 'Lady Liberty day' (i.e. Independence Day) was specifically designed to interact with the Athens Games, the climax of the torch ritual, in that:

  • On July 4 (the 'torch' day), Greece's national soccer team won the European Championship in a historic upset.

  • The Tour de France (another major sporting event) began on July 4. (The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.) As per tradition the race ended in Paris, the city of Isis-Venus ('Par-Isis'). Paris as a character in Greek mythology is analogous to a torch.

  • On July 4 the cornerstone of 'Freedom Tower' was laid at Ground Zero, the site of the WTC towers. 1) The new tower is designed to reflect the basic shape of the Statue of Liberty. 2) A 'tower' is representative of Mary Magdalene (= Isis-Venus), an alter ego of Lady Liberty, as 'Magdalene' ('Magdala') denotes 'tower'. 3) The name 'Tour de France' can mean 'Tower of France', practically synonymous with 'Freedom Tower'. 4) The Pentagon, another structure attacked on 9/11, signifies Sirius-Venus-Lady Liberty (traditionally symbolized by a pentagram). 5) 2001 was 225 years after the birth of the United States (1776), '225' being the orbital period (in earth days) of Venus around the Sun and matching the opening day of the Athens Games (225 days after 1/1/04).


Common to both Athens and Paris is the notion of the prime meridian (chief longitudinal line). Paris has the historically and Gnostically important Zero Meridian/'Rose Line', and the Mars rover Opportunity carrying the 'Athena' payload landed in Meridiani Planum ('Meridian Plane') near the Martian Meridian in January 2004. This becomes important combined with the following...

Just a month after its rare union with the Sun, Venus crossed the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°) on Independence Day and at the hyperdimensional latitude of -19.5°!

The crossing occurred just as Venus was making a U-turn, changing its (apparent) direction from retrograde to direct. This was indeed yet another manifestation of the 'Tour/Tower de France' theme since 'tower', as well as 'tour', etymologically derives from a root word denoting 'spinning' or 'turning'! It also relates back to the twister theme.

Apparent path of Venus as it crossed Galactic Meridian
near Aldebaran (meridian not shown).

All together, Independence Day 2004 featured no less than four 'Tour de France' manifestations: 1) start of the Tour de France race, 2) Freedom Tower's cornerstone laid, 3) Statue of Liberty, a form of Venus and a gift from France, highlighted by the holiday celebrations, and 4) Venus making a 'hyperdimensional turn' at the Galactic Meridian. Another 'Tour de France' manifestation worth noting is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where the Tour race traditionally ends (Champs Elysees). It is the 'tower' of France, if not of the entire world, standing in the Champ de Mars, or 'Field of Mars', hence underscoring the Martian Meridian association.

Another key point here is the fact that the Meridian crossing was closely marked by the position of Aldebaran, a bright star in Taurus known also as... the 'Torch-Bearer'! It's also called 'Bull's or God's Eye', conjuring up the (Golden) 'Eye' theme again.

As already noted, GoldenEye refers to a 'Star Wars'-type satellite weapon relatable to Reagan whose recent death event coincided with the Transit of Venus and concluded on June 11 with the 'passing of the torch' ritual involving Schwarzenegger. Well, it just happens that Venus was crossing the Galactic Meridian on that very day too! I wrote elsewhere:

...the recent Transit of Venus... coincided with the week-long funerary proceedings following Ronald Reagan's passing. The transit took place on June 8 at the edge of the Milky Way and very close to the Galactic Meridian (i.e. longitude 0°/180°).

Few days later on June 11 Venus actually crossed the Meridian, coinciding with the funeral/burying of Reagan down on earth which also simultaneously signaled the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.

Back to the July 4 crossing, I noticed that it took place at a V-shaped region of Taurus known as the Hyades. As pointed out by Jane B. Sellers and later by Robert Bauval (The Orion Mystery, pp.147ff), it was associated with the Egyptian god Seth (or Set), the embodiment of evil/chaos and Horus' archenemy. In their epic battle, Horus lost his left eye and Seth his testicles.

In this context the left eye of the Crabwood alien was perhaps an allusion to Seth. Indeed, Seth was considered a 'foreigner' or 'alien', and the name Seth - also spelt 'Set' - brings to mind SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence...

The fact that only the right side of the face was highlighted alludes to the double-face model of the Face on Mars in which the right side represents the head of the beast (leonine). Now check out the following, written by me back on October 24, '03:

In the first Endgame article, I discussed what appeared to be a 'leak' by an 'insider' posted on the former message board of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise website. [...] The post by 'KBS' included only a series of numbers that was hyperlinked to a webpage displaying the 2002 'alien disk' crop glyph. Soon another poster there (perhaps the same 'insider')... found the following encoded message: 'HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd'.

...The key: the message was posted on August 27 ('02) . And with the mention of 'anniversary', meaning 'returning with the year at a stated time', it became clear... that it was pointing ahead to the August 27 of the following year, 2003 - the exact date of [Mars' historic close approach to Earth]! Since Hoagland is [the famous 'Mars/Cydonia guy'], there was no question that this was the intended message.

...The alien crop glyph, to which the coded message was hyperlinked, was created on Aug. 14 (= Aug. 27 Gregorian); and the message itself was posted on Aug. 27 (= Aug. 14 Julian) and pointed ahead to the Aug. 27 of 2003. [...]

...On [or very near] the predicted 'Hoagland anniversary' day (8/27/03), Richard Hoagland [published] his new paper on his website [featuring] a new picture of the 'Face on Mars' taken by the Odyssey spacecraft...

Hoagland begins the paper by stating:

This startling new image of the well-known "Face on Mars" (above [right]) may ultimately be regarded as one of the most important photographs of the entire Space Program. For, after almost 30 years of acrid controversy and debate, a "whole new side" to this perplexing Martian mystery - and the profound social and scientific questions it continues to present - has now literally dawned...

He goes on to discuss how the lighting of the rising sun reflected on the eastern side of the 'Face' reveals a new mystery, an inexplicable amount of reflectivity. The paper is all about the brightly lit right half of the Face.

This 'beast' revelation closely coincided with the 'rise of Schwarzenegger' whose political ascension began on August 6 ('03). His designated role in the 'super torch ritual' is an 'Antichrist' or... 'Beast' which is symbolically coherent. But Arnie is also a form of Horus, contradicting his Seth/Beast connection. It would still make coherent sense, however, if - as likely - the 'rise of the Terminator' signifies the 'rise of a false Horus', i.e. Seth.

At any rate, it cannot be missed that the 'light bearer' star (Venus) illuminating the Hyades (= Seth) on the torch/light day (July 4, '04) was a reproduction of sunlight illuminating the beast side of the Face. A direct comparison (using the glyph) below reveals an intriguing resemblance.

Even the glyph's angle relative to the grooves in the field corresponds to the angle made by the Galactic (shown) and Ecliptic (not shown but basically horizontal) grid systems.

Finally, interactions between Seth and Horus (such as their great battle) can be epitomized by the pictorial theme showing them in the 'act of churning/drilling' which, combined with Seth being the god of wind and storm, brings back the twister theme.

The act of churning had another version in which the Nile twin gods do the 'drilling' instead of Seth and Horus. The interchangeability is also evident in the close link found between the Horus-Seth battle and the 'Winding Waterway', an Egyptian term for the Milky Way and its earthly counterpart the Nile. From Pyramid Texts 594-6:

Horus has cried out because of his Eye, Seth has cried out because of his testicles, and there leaps up the Eye of Horus, who had fallen on yonder side of the Winding Waterway, so that it may protect itself from Seth. Thoth saw it on yonder side of the Winding Waterway when the Eye of Horus leapt up on yonder side of the Winding Waterway and fell on Thoth's wing on yonder side of the Winding Waterway. O you gods who cross over on the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, in order to dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus: I will cross with you upon the wing of Thoth to yonder side of the Winding Waterway, to the eastern side of the sky, and I will dispute with Seth about this Eye of Horus. [emphasis added]

In my book The Time Rivers I argue that the 'Winding Waterway' is a more specific reference to the Nile's huge, anomalous bend in Sudan. The Nile being an unusually straight river flowing directly northward - the first hint that it's an intelligently designed river - the big bend, where the water suddenly turns around and flows southward, is very notable. It is the only section of the Nile that clearly 'winds' - hence a 'Winding Waterway'. And here '19.5' emerges again: the bend's northern peak precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 (or 19.47) degrees north!

The Nile bend even pinpoints longitude 33.0 degrees east... '33' being the other important hyperdimensional, as well as ritualistic/Masonic, number. (The Nile is a 'hyperdimensional river'.) You may recall that the the alien glyph's disk contained exactly 33 lines... The frame contained 59 lines; 33% of 59 is - as David Flynn pointed out - exactly 19.47...

The Time River Theory is not yet widely known - I call it the 'Nile denial'. But it is a major piece of the grand cosmic 'puzzle'. It's an 'alien message' so big and unexpected that it had been overlooked all this time.

While this article puts emphasis more on the Nazi/ultra-tech aspect of the 'alien message', the involvement of Cydonia, the Nile, and such make it plain that we are ultimately dealing with a cosmic design that is truly 'out of this world'. These are quiet whispers of a higher intelligence...

Go to Page 4

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:52

Power of the Tetrahedron - Sacred Geometry of the Pyramid

de Imperial Sevens, el Sábado, 01 de enero de 2011, 23:50

The energy of the tetrahedron exists in the nucleus of every atom, every planet, and every star; the tetrahedron is the base building block shape of the physical universe.


Understanding of the mathematics of the tetrahedron can allow one to harness energy from other spatial dimensions (which can be mastered) to manifest behavior such as defying gravity and other laws of physics.


If one can harness the energy of the tetrahedron, they may access unlimited energy, and technology. To understand this secret is to possess the science of flying saucers and the power of them.


33° is code for 19.47° –the Sin of 19.47 is 0.3333, and the tetrahedron is scientifically denoted as 3,3.


The American spacecraft Mars Pathfinder (MESUR Pathfinder) was a tetrahedron, and it landed on Mars at 19.33° N latitude, 33.22° W longitude, arriving on July 4, 1997.


Similarly, purposely, the pyramids of the underwater city of Yonaguni-Jima in Japan are at 19.47° latitude.

Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:52

Star of Solomon

The 6-pointed Star of Solomon in two dimensions, represent a three dimensional object, the dual tetrahedrons. That is an object which maps the points of interface of a higher dimensional energy field into the three dimensional realm, having an inverted tetrahedron, with collocated centers, one flipped vertically and rotated 180 degrees from the other, we see that it is actually an eight pointed star, with two of the points hidden behind the opaque 3d solid. Yeah, so what? Well, it turns out, that planets, e.g. Ter-Ra, embody this shape... If you inscribe the dual tetrahedron inside a sphere, you get one point each at the north and south pole, plus three in the northern hemisphere at 19.47 degrees above the equator, and spaced between these but at 19.47 degrees below the equator, three other points. Now, map this onto earth. Compare with NASA photos of other planets in our solar system. Even the Sun has tendencies to have major storms at the point locations. Other planets evidence permanent storms centered around these points.

Big Island, Hawaii, is the volcano evidencing the "hot spot" below the floor of the ocean, which represents one of these tetrahedral vertices. The Pacific Tectonic plate slides north east over the hot spot vertex, magma keeps breaking through the tectonic plate building volcanic mountains some 6 miles high off the ocean floor to barely break water surface and make an "island". Go ahead, map the other 5 tropical vertices. Now, compare that with a map of places controlled by the United States of America, and you will see that somebody, with a very high security clearance, already figured out the importance of these points in the earth energy grid, and that it was important, if you were an evil government intent on dominating the planet and controlling other humans, to take control of as many points as possible in order to take control of the earth energy grid.

It turns out that the earth electromagnetic energy grid, (and its higher dimensional correspondences) are the very fields/grids which UFO's travel upon, if they use field propulsion "engines". The saucer shaped craft are field propulsion craft. Bruce Cathie, a pilot, began investigating UFO sightings and discovered that their appearances and paths traveled predominantly along specific grid lines, and he began to map the earth energy grid. The energy grid affects our moods and thoughts. Controlling and /or modulating the energy grid allows weather modification, thought control, etc.

The U.S. has Hawai`i. The U.S. has the H.A.A.R.P. project near the north pole. The U.S. has the only permanent scientific research station in Antarctica. The U.S., violating all principles of the U.S. Constitution and international law, has waged wars on foreign soil to gain control of the other vertices. The Japan Triangle has even more disappearance activity than the Bermuda triangle, and the U.S. gained control of that point by conquering Japan in W.W.II. The U.S. has a permanent secret installation at Alice Springs, Australia... That leaves only two vertices unaccounted for. I better reconsult my map... One in Algeria. One in Iwo Jima. Bermuda is a halfway point, corresponding to a second set of two tetrahedrons rotated halfway between the other major points. One at Easter Island. One in South Africa. One in the Loyalty Islands. Yup. I don't know who controls the Loyalty Islands, but the U.S. and its partner the U.K. control at least 7 of the 8 vertices of the dual tetrahedron of earth, and many of the secondary points on the grid at the half-way points. Maybe it's just not so obvious about the 8th vertex.

Now, that's playing with the Star of Solomon in earth grid terms, but it also relates to the MerKaBah vehicle of Ascension, the energy field/grid we generate around us (aura + light body) through meditation. There are special properties of sacred geometry in all of the male Platonic solids (equal angles equal sides) and in the curved feminine torus and sphere. If you take an opaque tube torus and put each end of it into a vertex of a clear tetrahedron, and arrange it just right, then each of the Hebrew fire letters may be generated as a two dimensional shadow of the three dimensional object. Sacred geometry is everywhere.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:53

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:53

The dollar bill

thecomingepiphany.com/.../DollarCode.pdfSimilares - Traducir esta página
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The Encoding. The numbers used in the encoding are 1776, 12, and 19.47. ... "circumscribed tetrahedral latitude" memoralized all over Cydonia ... 19.5 degrees ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:53

Geometry of Alphabets


Over thirty years of research by the Meru Foundation has been directed toward understanding the origin and nature of the Hebrew alphabet, as well as the mathematical structure underlying the sequence of letters in the Hebrew text of Genesis; in effect the geometry of the Hebrew alphabet.

In this process, Stan Tenen and others have discovered “an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world.  This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization.  It applies to all whole systems, including those as seemingly diverse as meditational practices and the mathematics fundamental to physics and cosmology...  Meru Project findings demonstrate that the relationship between physical theory and Consciousness, expressed in explicit geometric metaphor, was understood and developed several thousand years ago.”

That says a very great deal!  In essence, the book of Genesis -- in the original Hebrew -- is geometrically structured.  The very first verse of Genesis, for example, is shown to form a dodecahedron <http://www.meru.org/Lettermaps/GenesisWords.html>, which is then interpreted as a 13-petaled Rose, a Shoshon Flower, or a Menorah of 6 flames.  The over all effect is strangely reminiscent of a six-sided Celtic drawing of spirals.  <http://www.meru.org/Lettermaps/BreshitHierarchy.html> also shows the geometry of an unfurling vortex funnel, called “The Internal Structure of B’Reshit”.  Essential reading in this regard is an article taken from the website, entitled, “The God of Abraham: A Mathematician’s View” [1], which introduces and explores the philosophical implications of the Meru Foundation research.  Astounding material!

On an adjacent webpage, <http://www.meru.org/Posters/trsknotrngsphere.html> a so-called 3,10 Torus Knot in a standard Ring form is shown evolving into a dimpled-sphere torus, and then into a tetrahelix (looking a bit like a DNA helix), and then ultimately mimicking a human hand.  In fact...

An idealized model human hand when viewed from different angles

can be shown to form all of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet --

as well as the ancient Greek and Arabic alphabets!  

Effectively each hand gesture displays a different view of the model hand (referred to as the “First Hand”), with these different views including immediately identifiable outlines of the Hebrew letters. Stan Tenen has stated <http://www.arthuryoung.com> that, “The Hebrew letters are said to connect our inner wisdom with our outer knowledge of the world.  We can easily see our hands, and what our hands hold, in our mind’s eye.  So our hands bring the external physical world into our personal inner world.  They are also our primary instrument for expressing our personal conscious will in the consensus physical reality.  Each pointing of our hands projects a quantum of our Consciousness.

“Because Arthur Young’s toroidal models of process are so elegant and topologically minimal, they are truly universal.  This means that it should be no surprise that the model human hand designed by the Meru Foundation, whose two-dimensional outlines look like the Hebrew letters, is actually a clearly defined section of a torus!  Likewise, although it might otherwise appear extraordinary, it should also be no surprise to learn that the most compact self-referential geometric form that the letters of the first verse of the Hebrew text of Genesis can take, is also a torus.  In fact, this is where the alphabet generating human hand was found.”  [emphasis added]

The First Hand is shown at <http://www.meru.org/Posters/handappl.html> and as a result in “squaring the circle” at <http://www.meru.org/3220lecture/stpresrl.html>.  The latter shows that this ancient geometrical puzzlement may have had another reasons for being.  Inasmuch as p, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, is one of the Transcendental Numbers, and the Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic alphabets are held to be sacred, perhaps the model hand is in itself transcendental.

Tenen goes on to show a figure of a tangent line to a circular ring, which can be shown to form the model hand.  He goes on to say, “We express our will to others by both gestures and words.  When we wear this transcendental hand and make meaningful gestures, we see outlines of the model hand that match both the shapes and the meanings of the names of the Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic letters.”

The meanings as well as the shapes!  Delightfully amazing!  [This also suggests why hand movements in spiritually based rituals may be so important.  It’s as if we’re speaking an unknown sign language -- or at least unknown to many of the ritual followers.]


We might also take note of the upward spiraling shape portion of the “First Hand” (shown in the Meru website).  The spiral is strangely similar to the horn of a Kudu antelope (shown here). 

 This connection might not get anyone’s immediate attention until they realize that a Kudu antelope horn was used in experiments at the Technical College in Stuttgart, Germany some fifty years ago, and the results are nothing short of amazing.  As recounted in Olof Alexandersson’s book, Living Water; Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy [2], a water pipe was constructed in the shape of the Kudu antelope’s horn.   





When tests were conducted with this pipe at a relatively high rate of flow, the resistance (to the water flow) in the horn shaped pipe “dropped towards zero, and then suddenly became a negative value.  When the rate of flow was increased there were certain resonance points when friction was at a minimum.  In a straight pipe the resistance increased towards a point when it reached a ‘wall’ where resistance became greater than the energy required in creating the flow. (See results to right.)

“The glass pipe was shown to have a greater resistance to the water flow than the copper pipe, and the precise measurements had indicated a tendency to wave building in straight pipes.  The water apparently tried to break into wave formation and winding meanders, although it constantly met up with the sides of the pipe, which were not ‘in step’ with its own natural flow.  In the spiral pipe, however, the water could move as it wanted, and so resistance was reduced.”  [2]

How do you say “Kudu antelope horn” in Hebrew?  How about Greek or Arabic?  

[4/1/05] One reader's answer to the above questions is that the Kudu horm was used by ancient Hebrews as a ceremonial musical instrument, called the Shofar. It was used to announce the Jubilee Year, going to battle, and other important events. While a ram's horn was also used, and the Ibex, the Kudu horn seemed to be the most ideal and by far the most impressive. For a good photo of a Kudu with horn, see Davar Emet.

The concept of an antelope horn providing a non-resistance -- even a negative resistance -- to the flow of water (or whatever), and this spiraling geometrical shape being responsible for the transcendental Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic alphabets may appear a bit outrageous.  But one curious aspect is the measurement of the cross-sectional angles between the curls of the horn.  This yields approximately 19.5o -- one of the more notable angles in Hyperdimensional Physics.  This angle corresponds roughly to the 19.47o of latitude where the points of an inscribed tetrahedron in a sphere touch the sphere’s surface (in addition to the pole).  Planetary examples of the 19.5o latitude include the Red Spot of Jupiter, and the Blue Spot of Neptune, as well as the volcanoes Olympus Mons on Mars, Mauna Loa on Earth, and Mount Popocatepetl in central Mexico.  These locations are generally construed as extremely high energy sources.

When the Meru Foundation’s “First Hand” is inscribed in a tetrahedron (referred to as “The Light in the Meeting Tent” <http://www.meru.org/GodofAbe/onegdpix.html> [shown on page 8], the cross-sectional angle of the spiral is again approximately 19.5o!  Is the “unfurling vortex funnel, called ‘The Internal Structure of B’Reshit’,” just another form of non-resistant energy flow -- or another form of Superconductivity?


 Sacred Geometry         Golden Mean         Philosophy

Forward to:

The Great Pyramids         Orion         Sirius         The Dogon Tribe

Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 19:54

The Conspiracy

The Tetrahedral World of Washington D.C.



Part Three

Freemasonry and the Tetrahedron

The iconography of Freemasonry certainly includes the two dimensional equivalent of a tetrahedron circumscribed within a sphere, namely an equilateral triangle circumscribed within a circle as shown in the Masonic banner below. However, this secret society never seems explicitly to portray tetrahedrons circumscribed by spheres even though there are very strong hints that the tetrahedron is important to the Scottish Rite. This section sets out to look at some of the evidence that lurking in the shadows behind the equilateral triangles and hexagrams of Freemasonry lies the circumscribed tetrahedron.





Freemasonry in the form that we know it today doesn't really go any further back than the 17th century. It owes much to the Rosicrucian explosion of idealism and occultism mixed with religion. However, Freemasonry is the inheritor and collector of a long tradition of occult geometry beliefs stretching back to Pythagoras and probably much earlier. If the geometry of a tetrahedron circumscribed by a sphere was of importance to occultists in the period just prior to the gestation of modern Freemasonry then there is a good chance that Freemasonry has adopted it.

Readers may be bemused that the next illustration is of the Barbury Castle crop "circle" of 1991. Those who have read earlier editions of Richard Hoagland's Monuments of Mars will remember that Hoagland was fascinated that this depiction of a tetrahedron bounded by circles yielded some specific tetrahedral angles (including 19.5 degrees). What Hoagland didn't know then - but surely knows now - is that this piece of crop art is a copy of an important alchemy symbol illustrated in Cabala, Speculum Artis et Naturae in Alchymia by Steffan Michelspacher, published in 1654 and in use long before that date, (see µµµ). As was explained in Part One (µµµ) Hoagland theorises that tetrahedral geometry applied to spinning bodies identifies a key effect in hyperdimensional physics. It is little wonder then that he has become equally as fascinated with the ancient geometry beliefs of secret societies.


(The artists making the most spectacular crop art have always seemed well versed in occult diagrams and complicated geometry. One researcher claims that they have even invented a few new geometry theorems - see µµµ).




Cydonia Quest is not very familiar with the confusing centuries old body of occult study known as the Cabbala / Kabbala / Qabbala which has held a fascination for Freemasonry since its earliest origins, (see µµµ). An internet trawl indicated that Kabbalists have a deep interest in the geometry of the platonic solids, including the tetrahedron. (For an example see µµµ &µµµ).

In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry the hexagram turns up with increasing frequency in the jewels that accompany each degree as the highest degrees are reached. In the 18th (Royal Arch) degree a mystical geometry lecture is given on the meaning of the jewel. One side of this jewel is shown in the illustration below and the lecture can be read at the end of this "stargate" µµµ. It is interesting that this lecture equates figure 3 - which is an unfolded tetrahedron - with the triple Tau which symbolises God. The lecture describes the hexagram as the "Seal of Solomon" and by combining it with the value of the triple Tau, in a difficult to follow numbers game, connects it to all the regular Platonic solids. Perhaps the coded message here is that the "Seal of Solomon" itself represents a three dimensional object, namely the "star tetrahedron", (µµµ). The hexagram in the jewel is after all circumscribed by a circle and is not shown as the creation of joining the corners of a hexagon.




The diagram below looks in more detail at a double (star) tetrahedron circumscribed within a spinning sphere with the polar axis marked in red. It can be seen that from a side view (the left hand illustration) the hexagram shape produced is not perfect. This is because from this perspective both the component tetrahedrons are being viewed as pyramids. This means that the facets are sloping away from us to create the pyramid shape with the result that the height of the pyramid will be less than the length of the base (assuming that the three angles in each facet are kept at 60 degrees). This is why when an apex of a circumscribed tetrahedron is attached to one of the poles of a sphere, the other three apexes touch the surface at 19.47 degrees latitude - and not the 30 degrees latitude that we would expect from an equilateral triangle circumscribed by a circle.

However, seen from above the polar axis (the right hand illustration) our double (star) tetrahedron takes on the appearance of a perfect hexagram. It can also be noted that from this perspective foreshortening effects create twelve internal 30 degree angles showing that this is indeed a tetrahedral number as discussed in Part Two.




As noted in Part Two many geometry web pages assume that the two dimensional hexagram is taken from the three dimensional star tetrahedron derived from the geometry of the Platonic solids. In fact even a hexagon can produce a diagram of interlocking tetrahedrons. The familiar hexagram only makes half the possible connections between the corners of a hexagon. If all the connections are made then a line diagram of two tetrahedrons is made as seen in the illustration below.




The tetrahedral geometry theme in the degrees of the Scottish Rite would seem to take on a more focused form when we reach the final 33rd degree. The jewel for this degree is shown below. It has not been possible to discover whether there is a geometry lecture accompanying this jewel as is the case with the 18th degree. Of particular interest is that the 33 degree jewel has a frame of three overlapping equilateral triangles in the form of a nine pointed star or nonagram. This form of the nonagram is also used outside Freemasonry by other followers of things esoteric and is the emblem for the Baha'i religion which was founded by a 19th century Iranian mystic. As mentioned in Part Two some esotericists state that the form of the nonagram as used in the 33 degree jewel is the framework of a tetrahedron. The three triangular frames can be fitted together to form the frame of a tetrahedron, with the fourth facet of the tetrahedron forming automatically on completion.




The nonagram used in the 33 degree jewel is not the only method of creating a nine pointed star from a nine sided shape or nonagon. It is a fact that once a polygon reaches seven or more sides then there is a choice of joining up the corners to create either a star with blunt points or spiky points (stellations). In the case of the pentagon there is only one way of making a pentagram. This is spiky with the internal angle of the stellations equalling only half the value of the divergence angle between adjacent stellations. The diagram below shows a spiky nonagram that follows the same principle as the pentagram.




There are two things of note about this version of the nonagram. Firstly, the internal angle of the stellations is 20 degrees, i.e. half the divergence angle of 40 degrees that all versions of the nonagram have. In fact the spiky nonagram has the stellations with the nearest angle to 19.5 degrees of any spiky polygram. An eight pointed star has stellations with a 22.5 degree angle and a ten pointed star produces an angle of 18 degrees. Secondly, when we look at the centre of the spiky nonagram then we find the blunt version with the three overlapping equilateral triangles lurking there (as shown in the previous illustration). So when we look at the nonagram in the 33 degree jewel there is another "dimension" to it. Projected from the sides of its stellations is a virtual spiky nonagram with stellations meeting at a 20 degree angle intriguingly close to the Enterprise Mission's key tetrahedral latitude of 19.5 degrees.

There are some other intriguing things about the 33 degree jewel when viewed from the standpoint of the geometry lecture for the 18th degree. In the 18th degree lecture a triple Tau is used to help describe all the three dimensional Platonic solids. In the 33 degree jewel the nonagram is fixed to a Teutonic Cross, which just happens to resemble a quadruple Tau. Does this quadruple Tau point to the Platonic solids of the 4th spatial dimension? The geometrical co-ordinate system for regular solids gives a value of "3,3" for the tetrahedron, (i.e. each apex joins three facets with each facet having three sides). The same co-ordinate system applied to a four dimensional hyper-tetra is "3,3,3". Does 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 mean anything in connection with the nine pointed star of the 33 degree jewel, which is itself a de-constructed tetrahedron? We will look at this hyperdimensional issue in more detail in Part Four where we will consider the 2,500 year old argument over the possibility of a fourth spatial dimension.

To finish off the issue of the regalia of the 33rd degree it will be noted here that there are some further hints concerning the tetrahedron. The 33 degree ring comprises an equilateral triangle engraved with the number 33. The 33 degree collar comprises a chain made up of 18 gold links - 16 triangles engraved with the number 33 and two pentacles overlaid on pentagons.




The Tetrahedron and the Eye of Horus

The religion of the ancient Egyptians metaphorically linked any source of light with spiritual enlightenment. They also linked by association the eye as a collector of light to the sources of light. The Sun and Moon were thus often described as "eyes". The Egyptians also tended to merge their gods as if they were a continuum. The creator god Atum and the Sun god Ra/Re became Atum-Ra/Re. Similarly, through the association of sunrise with resurrection the god Horus became the patron of the rising Sun. Hence the title of "Horus of the Horizon". The rising Sun and anything that reflected its light first became the "Eye of Horus". It does not take much imagination to realise that the capstone (pyramidion) of a tall pyramid caught the light of the rising Sun noticeably earlier than an observer at ground level was able to do so. The well preserved pyramidion of Amenemhet III's pyramid actually has the pharaoh's eyes engraved on it - but then each pharaoh was the incarnation of Horus.

When the pharaohs could no longer build huge pyramids they began to erect very tall obelisks. They plated the pyramidions of these obelisks with polished gold or electrum, which is an amalgam of gold and silver. Each dawn, before those on the ground were illuminated, the mirror surface of the obelisk pyramidion would give off a sun-flash - a symbolic "Eye of Horus".




In the Egyptian leaning Hermetic tradition of Western esoterics the obelisk and the pyramidion became symbols of the source of enlightenment. In other words God and the realm of the divine. Freemasons are an inheritor of this tradition as the excerpt below illustrates. In the Masonic banner that headed this page the "all seeing eye" is not just a symbol of God's omniscience but also of the source of spiritual enlightenment.

"These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the Eye of Mind or the Eye of Horus ... and conveying the idea of the 'All seeing Eye'. The end set before the Egyptian neophyte was illumination, that is to be 'brought to light'. The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light". [Thomas Milton Stewart, The Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry, London, England, Baskerville Press, Ltd., 1927, p. 5]

It is not just the seekers after hidden knowledge that caught the "Eye of Horus" bug. In the 16th and 17th centuries the Catholic Church engaged in a form of architecture known as the "theology of light". If Jesus is the "Light of the World" then it seemed appropriate to make more use of light effects to symbolise this. It is no accident that a genuine Egyptian obelisk stands in the centre of St.Peter's Square with a clear view to the East to catch the first rays of the rising Sun. This obelisk symbolises Christ as Light of the World.




This brings us to the Great Seal of the United States which is full of this kind of symbolism in the form of the "unfinished pyramid". This design for the unfinished pyramid with the "Eye of Horus" hovering over it was first proposed by Freemason William Barton in 1782 and he may have invented it, (see µµµ & µµµ). In the 18th century the "Eye of Horus" design was widely popular and turned up everywhere from Catholic Churches in Europe, to Russian palaces, to Freemason's Lodges. (Freemasons would mostly call it the "Eye of Providence"). The pyramid too could often be found on Masonic "tracing boards".

However, Freemasonry has never officially adopted the combination of the "unfinished pyramid" and the "Eye of Horus" with its symbolism that a New Age of spiritual enlightenment was just within reach. In esoteric symbolism the circle, sphere and triangle represent the spiritual realm. The earthly realm is represented by the square. The pyramid with its triangular sides and square base is seen as symbolic of the shining of enlightenment from the spiritual realm to the earthly plane.

The symbolism of the Great Seal of the United States has certainly fired the imagination of some Freemasons brim full with New Age idealism. In 1933 the Secretary of Commerce Henry A.Wallace (32 degree Freemason) suggested to President Franklyn D.Roosevelt (32 degree Freemason) that the Great Seal might usefully be incorporated into the design of a coin. FDR suggested that the one Dollar bill would be even better - and so it came to pass. Appropriately for a Freemason Wallace later became the 33rd Vice President of the United States.

"It will take a more definite recognition of the Grand Architect of the Universe before the apex stone is finally fitted into place and this nation in the full strength of its power is in a position to assume leadership among the nations in inaugurating "the new order of the ages" [the motto of the Great Seal]. - Henry A.Wallace, 1934.

So, where does the tetrahedron come into this. Well there is some reason to believe that the "Eye of Horus" in the Great Seal may have been thought of as a tetrahedron by its adopters. As the illustrations below show on the obverse side of the Great Seal the exact same position of the radiant eye in the capstone is taken up by a radiant hexagram of pentacle stars. A star tetrahedron perhaps?



A more convincing piece of evidence is that Pierre Charles L'Enfant apparently equates the "Eye of Horus" directly with the "radiant tetrahedron of Capitol Hill" that was identified in his street plan for Washington in Part One, (see µµµ). In a discussion thread on Anomalies.net Keith Laney drew the participants attention to another interesting image that seems to share the space with the Capitol's radiant tetrahedron - a representation of an "Eye of Horus". This shares the same boundaries as the Capitol tetrahedron and uses many of the same avenues. The illustration below shows this representation of the radiant eye in the capstone with West rotated to the top of the picture.




The "eye" in this particular capstone representation is made up of Lincoln Park, which is also the peak of the virtual tetrahedral pyramid that Cydonia Quest has discovered. There are some reasons why L'Enfant and his Freemason contemporaries might have associated the tetrahedron with the pyramidion as "Eye of Horus".

(1)- Followers of Plato associated each of the Platonic solids with the Four Elements that made up the World, believing that each element was made up of fundamental entities that were the shape of the appropriate Platonic solid. The element of Fire was made up of entities that were tetrahedron shaped. The word "pyramid" translates as "fire shaped". So there is a link by word association between the pyramidion capstone and the tetrahedron.

(2)- Some followers of Pythagoras believed that the soul was made out of fire and hence out of tetrahedral entities, µµµ. Of course the whole point of Freemasonry is to enlighten the soul.

(3)- As mentioned earlier the triangle, circle and sphere have long symbolised the spiritual realm in the esoteric movement. The tetrahedron is entirely made up of triangular facets and hence carries a highly spiritual symbolism. A tetrahedron circumscribed by a sphere would carry even greater spiritual connotations.

It may even be that an underground movement of ancient dissident Greek geometrists worked out the mathematics for the four dimensional hyper-tetra. In geometry the simplest shape in each dimension is known as the "simplex". In two dimensions the simplex is the triangle and in three dimensions it is the tetrahedron. For ancient Greek geometrists who believed a 4th dimension was possible, the geometry of the hyper-tetra would have been the simplest for them to solve. Part Four will explore this issue in more detail.

Finally, internet trawls revealed a single web page that made the same connection between the nine pointed star, the tetrahedron and the "Eye of God" that has been made here by Cydonia Quest. I was amused to find that it belonged to a hashish smoking sect with an interest in the Knights Templars, (see µµµ). Readers may be assured that the conclusions reached on this Cydonia Quest page were reached with nothing more intoxicating than a nice cup of tea. J

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µ Click "Stargate" to Proceed to Part Four


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Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 155 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 03:27


1  HIZOME tornar luego á la entrada de la casa; y he aquí aguas que salían de debajo del umbral de la casa hacia el oriente: porque la fachada de la casa estaba al oriente: y las aguas descendían de debajo, hacia el lado derecho de la casa, al mediodía del altar.

2  Y sacóme por el camino de la puerta del norte, é hízome rodear por el camino fuera de la puerta, por de fuera al camino de la que mira al oriente: y he aquí las aguas que salían al lado derecho.

3  Y saliendo el varón hacia el oriente, tenía un cordel en su mano; y midió mil codos, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta los tobillos.

4  Y midió otros mil, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta las rodillas. Midió luego otros mil, é hízome pasar por las aguas hasta los lomos.

5  Y midió otros mil, é iba ya el arroyo que yo no podía pasar: porque las aguas se habían alzado, y el arroyo no se podía pasar sino á nado.

6  Y díjome: ¿Has visto, hijo del hombre? Después me llevó, é hízome tornar por la ribera del arroyo.

7  Y tornando yo, he aquí en la ribera del arroyo había árboles muy muchos de la una parte y de la otra.

8  Y díjome: Estas aguas salen á la región del oriente, y descenderán á la llanura, y entrarán en la mar: y entradas en la mar, recibirán sanidad las aguas.

9  Y será que toda alma viviente que nadare por donde quiera que entraren estos dos arroyos, vivirá: y habrá muy muchos peces por haber entrado allá estas aguas, y recibirán sanidad; y vivirá todo lo que entrare en este arroyo.

10  Y será que junto á él estarán pescadores; y desde En-gadi hasta En-eglaim será tendedero de redes: en su clase será su pescado como el pescado de la gran mar, mucho en gran manera.

11  Sus charcos y sus lagunas no se sanarán; quedarán para salinas.

12  Y junto al arroyo, en su ribera de una parte y de otra, crecerá todo árbol de comer: su hoja nunca caerá, ni faltará su fruto: á sus meses madurará, porque sus aguas salen del santuario: y su fruto será para comer, y su hoja para medicina.

13  Así ha dicho el Señor Jehová: Este es el término en que partiréis la tierra en heredad entre las doce tribus de Israel: José dos partes.

14  Y la heredaréis así los unos como los otros: por ella alcé mi mano que la había de dar á vuestros padres: por tanto, esta tierra os caerá en heredad.

15  Y este será el término de la tierra hacia la parte del norte; desde la gran mar, camino de Hethlon viniendo á Sedad;

16  Hamath, Berotha, Sibrahim, que está entre el término de Damasco y el término de Hamath; Haser-hatticon, que es el término de Hauran.

17  Y será el término del norte desde la mar de Haser-enon al término de Damasco al norte, y al término de Hamath al lado del norte.

18  Al lado del oriente, por medio de Hauran y de Damasco, y de Galaad, y de la tierra de Israel, al Jordán: esto mediréis de término hasta la mar del oriente.

19  Y al lado del mediodía, hacia el mediodía, desde Tamar hasta las aguas de las rencillas; desde Cades y el arroyo hasta la gran mar: y esto será el lado austral, al mediodía.

20  Y al lado del occidente la gran mar será el término hasta en derecho para venir á Hamath: este será el lado del occidente.

21  Partiréis, pues, esta tierra entre vosotros por las tribus de Israel.

22  Y será que echaréis sobre ella suertes por herencia para vosotros, y para los extranjeros que peregrinan entre vosotros, que entre vosotros han engendrado hijos: y los tendréis como naturales entre los hijos de Israel; echarán suertes con vosotros para heredarse entre las tribus de Israel.

23  Y será que en la tribu en que peregrinare el extranjero, allí le daréis su heredad, ha dicho el Señor Jehová.




  • The Master's Square - compares the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the New Jerusalem to the Masonic Temple, and investigates the universal, astronomically based, geometric method for Temple design and construction. This relates the patterns in the Masonic Floor to all the sacred objects in the Bible, as well as temples around the world.
  • http://www.gabitogrupos.com/DESENMASCARANDO_LAS_FALSAS_DOCTRINAS/template.php?nm=1319509113

    Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/11/2011 02:14









     -  Significance of the Number Nineteen



     -  Spherical Geometry & 19.5 Degrees throughout the solar system



    Reportajes Relacionados


     -  Interplanetary 'Day After Tomorrow?' - Part 2 and Part 3


     -  Global Grid II - Hyperdimensional Crystals begin taking shape on Planets


     -  The Martian Message


     -  The Niniveh Constant - Celestial Harmonics


     -  New Cydonia City



    Return to Fisica Hiperdimensional



    Return to Temas / Paraciencia





















    Nineteen squared equals 361,

    one degree more than a full circle.



    North-south axis of whole site of Teotihuacan divided by distance between the centers of the Sun and Moon pyramids (2,400 meters / 800 meters) = 3.

    The spacing of the city's streets, fifty-seven (57) meters divided by 3 = 19.
    19 = 3 x 3 x 1.059 (the twelfth root of 2).
    1.059 x 60 x 100,000 = 6,354,000. (Very near the span of the polar radius of the planet in meters.)

    Harleston... believed that... he had also located Pythagorean triangles in the layout of the "Citadel" surrounding the temple of Quetzalcoatl, (and) proportions equal to pi, phi, and even the speed of light.

    Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids,

    by Tompkins,

    referenced in Ancient Stones Speak, Zink page 96


    Cube to sphere ratio

    When sphere = 10 then cube = 19.0983
    When cube = 1, then sphere = 0.5236

    Lindisfarne #10,

    Cosmic Numbers and Temple Architecture: the Number Nineteen,
    by Robert Lawlor,

    pages 66- 99.

    19 and the pentagon

    The number nineteen also plays a unique role in the measure of the pentagon... the diagonal of the pentagon has the remarkable property of being the geometric mean between the diameters of the circumscribing circle and the height of the pentagon.


    These numerical relationships which approach those of the Pharaonic canon of 18 and 19, are as follows:

    • diameter/diagonal=20/19.021=diagonal/height=19.021/18.092=1.051

      page 11, Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science,

      Christopher Bamford,

      ed., Lindisfarne Press, 1994.

    The number 19 is significant to the Baha'i, whose calendar is 19 months of 19 days each.


    The Bahai also attribute significance to the number 95, which is 19 x 5. Coincidentally, the EarthStar western North America map actually has 95 points; the 19 'main' points, the points of the 19 triangles, the 19 'half-way' points on the inner ring, and the 38 points on the middle ring.







    Based on Richard Dannelley's book,

    Sedona: Beyond the Vortexand Bruce Rawles


    9.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes
    where the apex points of a star tetrahedra within a sphere
    will contact that sphere's surface,
    when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole.

    -  On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degrees north and south.
    -  On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees.
    -  On Earth:

    • Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6 degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii.

    • Mexico City, Mexico (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north.

    • Dzibalchen, (Yucatan), Mexico (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 89 degrees 46 minutes W)

    • Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island (19 degrees 18 minutes N, 81 degrees 26 minutes W)

    • Mount Emi Koussi, Chad, Africa (19 degrees 47 minutes N, 18 degrees 34 minutes E)

    • Mount Kalsubai, (near Bombay), India (19 degrees 33 minutes N, 73 degrees 43 minutes E)

    • Mountain near Xiangkhoang, Laos (19 degrees 17 minutes N, 103 degrees 17 minutes E)

    • Mountain near Potosi, Bolivia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 66 degrees 22 minutes W)

    • Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island, Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 169 degrees 25 minutes E)

    • Mount Samuel, Northwest Territory, Australia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 134 degrees 8 minutes E)

    • Gweru, Zimbabwe, Africa (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 29 degrees 49 minutes E)

    -  On Mars: the "vast" Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees. (see Mars)
    -  On Jupiter: the "red spot" which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees.
    -  On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.


    Why '19.5 degrees' is Significant

    19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers (Richard C. Hoagland, Stanley McDaniel, Erol Torun, Horace W. Crater, etc.) to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia (see Mars).


    It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude.


    Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics").



    Nile Time-Map & tetrahedral geometry - 19.5 degrees

    The emphasis on 19.5 degrees is not confined to the Martian structures.


    It has been found to be associated with various ancient structures here on earth, like Giza pyramids, Avebury (the largest stone circle in the world, near Stonehenge), Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, etc. It is also worth noting that the Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky which was extremely important to ancient Egyptians, is an equilateral triangle which can be viewed as a 2-dimensional representation of a tetrahedron; and in the Egyptian translation, it means a doorway... a sort of 'stargate'.


    Curiously, it has also been observed that 19.5 degrees is closely linked, for some reason, with the NASA space missions (for example, Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees lat. of Mars on July 4, '97). In fact, not only did Pathfinder landed at 19.5 N, the longitude of the landing site was approximately 33 W - which is the very number of the longitude of the apex of the Great Bend of the Nile (33 E)!.


    Now, this strongly insists on the relevance of the Nile numbers, and someone behind the scenes is well aware of it. As we move on, the number, 19.5, will also be very important in my Nile Time-map theory. Perhaps, as the Nile-Mars connection bridged by '19.5' appears to suggest, Mars was somehow involved during the 'Prometheus / Pandora period'.


    Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/12/2011 03:23

    Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2012 02:51

    Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man (where the people of the Ancient Near East believed angels first came to Earth to interact with mankind), lies precisely at 33.33° north 33.33° east … 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian.

    To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 “.9″ This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012. This is also the year their serpent god and founder of civilization, Quetzalcoatl, will return from heaven.
    The impact area near Roswell lays 33° north latitude, at a distance 2,012 miles from the equator.

    When the latitude of the impact site 33° north, is multiplied by the universal mathematical constant PI, (3.1415926572…) the result is 104°, the longitude of the impact site. The value of PI is one of the most important numbers of geometry. Without an understanding of this number, the science of building, architecture and navigation is not possible. Historians actually base one of the classifications of a true civilization on its achievement of PI.
    The only place on earth where 33° latitude and 104° longitude exist without lying in an ocean, as it does south of the equator, or an uninhabited mountain plateau as it does in the eastern hemisphere…is a few miles north west of Roswell, New Mexico, USA. The sacred number 33 multiplied by PI, just happens to produce the location where a flying saucer crashed landed in 1947.
    19.47° or “19.5″ is a universal number signifying the meeting of a tetrahedron with a sphere. 19.47° is the latitude where 3 points of the 4 sided tetrahedron touch north or south the equator if the 4th point is anchored at the pole of a rotating sphere. If the number 19.47 was discovered in an extraterrestrial radio signal, SETI scientists would have proof that the broadcasters understood advanced Platonic geometry. The Roswell message numerologically interconnects 19.47 with the date, latitude, longitude and distance from the equator of the impact event itself.

    The earth is 21,600 nautical miles around. This measurement is based on the ratio of 360 x 60 first used by the Phoenicians and still in use by modern ocean and flight navigators.

    The number 6,480 is exactly 1/4th of the total 25,920 years it takes earth to complete one circuit through the signs of the zodiac. 6,480 years is unique because it marks the duration between a series of global cataclysms left in earth’s historic and geologic record.

    At Roswell, 19.47 appears in relationship between 21,600, 6,480 and 33.33

    When the earth’s circumference, 21,600 is divided by 33.33 the number 6,480 appears in a variation:

    21,600 / 33.33 = 648.06480648064…

    648.06480648064..divided by 19.47, the number suggested by the year of the Roswell crash itself (1947)…produces a modification of 33.33:

    648.064806480 / 19.47 = 33.28

    …Latitude 33.28°

    This latitude, 33.28° multiplied by PI (3.141592653589…) results in a longitude 104.56° … pinpointing the exact coordinates of the disc impact site near Roswell NM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2012 03:27

    Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/06/2012 17:46

    by Goro Adachi
    May 19, 2003
    from Etemenanki Website


    House of God

    At the heart of the 'Time River scheme' is the 'Great Bend' of the Nile. It is intimately associated with the 'gifts', the flood, and Eden. Egyptologists have long thought the 'Winding Waterway' mentioned often in ancient Egyptian texts was a reference to the Nile and/or the Milky Way, but it is actually more applicable to this Great Bend in particular where the generally straight river suddenly 'winds' like a snake.


    This is supported by the texts connecting the Winding Waterway with 'flood', which for the Nile was caused by the 'gift rivers' (i.e. Blue Nile and Atbara connected to the Great Bend).

    As the 'flood-heralding star', Sirius is naturally relevant to the Great Bend as well. It is certainly fitting that Sirius - like the 'gift rivers' - is often associated with the idea of a 'stargate'; after all, the pentagram (a 'stargate symbol' via the embedded phi ratio and vesica piscis) traditionally signifies 'goddess stars' such as Sirius and Venus.

    In terms of Richard Hoagland's 'hyperdimensional physics' derived from the geometric 'message' of Cydonia (Mars), the conduit or 'stargate' between this world
    and the Otherworld (i.e. hyperspace) is prominently represented by the angle 19.5°. According to the theory, it is the tetrahedral geometry signified by this angle that enables inter-dimensional energy transfer between the two realms.

    This 'stargate' geometry is expressed by a circumscribed tetrahedron (made up of four equilateral triangles). Interestingly enough, the hieroglyphic sign denoting Sirius was a triangle in ancient Egypt.

    The connection is made evident by archaeo-astronomy. First, it is widely accepted these days that the 'air shafts' inside the Great Pyramid were designed to aligned with certain stars. One was specifically targeted toward Sirius in c. 2350 BC.


    And at that pinpointed time (c. 2350 BC), Sirius and Orion's Alnitak (representing the Great Pyramid as per the Orion Correlation Theory) together produced the angle 19.5° (when Sirius was rising on the Giza horizon).[10]

    Next, it is natural - given the Sirius-Great Bend connection - to wonder about the possibility of the Nile's 'Winding Waterway' having some relevance to tetrahedral geometry. Indeed, we do find a clear connection!


    Believe it or not, the northern peak of the Great Bend precisely pinpoints the tetrahedral/stargate latitude, 19.5°N.!

    What's even more incredible is the fact that the same Bend peak also pinpoints 33°E longitude. As those familiar with Hoagland's work would surely know, '33' and '19.5' are considered the two key numbers in the 'hyperdimensional code'! (Hoagland is just not yet aware of this Nile connection.)

    In 1997, the esoteric importance of those numbers was overtly demonstrated as NASA landed a tetrahedron-shaped Mars Pathfinder lander on the Red Planet at 19.5 N and 33 W.! (That's pretty in your face, isn't it?)


    Not only that, at the moment of touchdown, Earth was positioned 19.5 degrees above the eastern Martian horizon as seen from Pathfinder's landing site.[11]


    As Mike Bara, Hoagland's right-hand man at the Enterprise Mission, wrote:

    Pathfinder's unique tetrahedral spacecraft design geometry, coupled with the totally "recursive" tetrahedral geometry of the landing site itself, was obviously intended by NASA "ritualists" behind the scenes to celebrate – on their first return to Mars in over twenty years – the two key Hyperdimensional numbers underlying all the NASA rituals – "19.5" and "33."

    Indeed, NASA obsessively incorporates those two numbers again and again into its space missions.[12]

    The implication is clear: the Great Bend, along with the entire Nile system, is a key part of the 'stargate game' - or 'Stargate Conspiracy' - and the Nile is likely an 'intelligently designed' river with a profound message concerning the Red Planet as well as reality itself.

    In The Time Rivers, I further discuss how the above interpretation seems to interact harmoniously with certain ancient Egyptian art themes having to do with the Otherworld (or the 'Duat').

    The drawing shown right, for instance, depicts a pyramidal 'mound' of the 'House of Sokar' (the 'Fifth Division of the Duat') - a form of Giza-Rostau - with a female head at the apex. While the first impression is that it is a stylized Giza pyramid, the general shape also evokes the Great Bend especially given the mutual 'stargate' connection.

    This interpretation is strongly supported by the fact that the female head at the apex belongs to Isis (according to the accompanying text) - the goddess signified by Sirius.[13] As we have seen, the Great Bend's apex (19.5°) is similarly associated with Sirius.

    The Sirian nature of the pyramid apex reinforces the 'stargate-ness' of the Giza/30°N latitude because Giza sits at the southern apex of the triangular, or 'pyramidal', Nile Delta.


    Indeed, as Jim Alison has recently pointed out, the angles of the Great Pyramid almost perfectly match those made by the Delta using Giza, Alexandria, and Port Said. (click on image left.) This 'Delta pyramid' is even exactly 1000 times the size of the Great Pyramid!

    Pyramid apexes were also associated with the resurrection of Osiris. As the embodiment of the phoenix, the pyramid capstone (the Benben stone) signified the god's death-rebirth cycle. And the annual Nile flood that Sirius heralded was viewed in ancient Egypt as the revitalization of Osiris.


    This is very fitting, after all resurrection occurs through an inter-dimensional gateway - a stargate - separating this world and the Otherworld of the dead.

    As for the strange bell-like object placed just above Isis' head in the drawing, it is usually thought to represent the Benben Stone (or the omphalos, the navel stone), which is a form of the shem ('fire-stone') associated with the Tower of Babel etc. as discussed earlier. We recall that the Tower - analogous to the Jacob's stone pillar - is a form of stargate.

    Let's take another look at the Genesis passage describing the pillar-stargate of Jacob:

    ...How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and... this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house... [emphasis added]

    Notice how the pillar-stargate is being described as the 'house of God'. This directly relates to the pyramidal 'House of Sokar' (i.e. the drawing above-right), because Sokar is an alter ego of Osiris - the most revered god of ancient Egypt.


    The 'House of Sokar', in other words, is a 'House of God' and vice versa.


    Hall of Records

    The House of Sokar/House of God is basically another name for the 'Tomb of Osiris'. In a Gnostic context, it corresponds to the fabled 'Hall of Records' - made famous by the psychic 'readings' of Edgar Cayce, the 'Sleeping Prophet'. It is generally thought of as a 'black box' from the antediluvian world, often called 'Atlantis'. Ancient tradition concerning such a 'secret chamber' is discussed notably in Andrew Collins' Gods of Eden (1998) and more extensively in Robert Bauval's Secret Chamber (1999).

    In The Stargate Conspiracy is also described the evolving interest and mythology surrounding it:

    In our present fin de siecle era, a rising Hall of Records hysteria is carefully being whipped up by books, videos and the instant whispering machine of the Internet. Where is this fabled place located? What does it contain? Who will find it - and what will happen when they do? Already this has become, in every possible sense, the modern quest for the Holy Grail...


    [T]he Chosen will eventually win through, and when the Grail Hall is uncovered, somehow magically the whole of our civilization will be transformed. We shall understand our past and even our future. We shall suddenly see humankind for what it is, and know the truth about the gods.[14]

    The prevalent view has been that the 'secret chamber' is likely hidden underground somewhere in Giza, most notably beneath the Great Sphinx. Seemingly supportive of this suspicion is the stylized depiction of the House of Sokar (such as the one we just saw) in which twin sphinxes ('Aker') are shown guarding an underground 'chamber'.

    We find a similar configuration depicted in the drawing of the Sphinx/Dream Stela placed between the paws of the Great Sphinx itself.

    Collins writes:

    Curiously enough, the relief on the Sphinx Stela set up by Thutmose IV in front of the stone monument shows him venerating the Sphinx, which appears to be resting on an underground temple or building with a large entrance door. Could this image have been alluding to some kind of hidden temple or chamber located beneath the Great Sphinx?[15]

    What gets our attention here is the rectilinear pattern of the subterranean 'chamber'.

    If we recall, what kick-started the Endgame series was the IR (infrared) image of Cydonia taken last year by the Odyssey spacecraft orbiting Mars. As discussed in the first Endgame article, the big controversy was that the IR photograph seemed to show a huge complex of rectangular underground 'structures' (click on image below right).


    And in Endgame III I discussed how the infamous 'Face on Mars' in Cydonia was a form of the Sphinx, because the Face, if the left and right sides were mirrored, would show the head of a lion and a human body (click on image left), which is the reverse of the traditional image of the sphinx (a human head on a lion's body).

    So the underground 'blockies' of Cydonia seen in the IR image are in effect situated 'under the Martian Sphinx' - thus visually and symbolically echoing the 'secret chamber' shown beneath the sphinx in the ancient drawing. In other words, in a transposed context, we may have already detected the first sign of the so-called 'Hall of Records'... under the Martian Sphinx!

    The Cydonia picture controversy, if we recall, also resonates with the 'false gift' theme, in that the name 'Odyssey' (the spacecraft that took the picture) alludes to the mythological figure Odysseus in Homer's masterpiece The Odyssey who orchestrated the great deception involving the Trojan Horse - an archetypal 'false gift' - to successfully destroy Troy in the great war.

    On a more exoteric level, however, the name is a reference to another masterpiece: Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey. The obvious link is that Odyssey was launched in '2001'.

    The emergence of the year '2001' here is interesting, as the 2-year cycle pattern established in The Message of Cycle 23 would next point to the year 2003. The relevance of this pattern is strengthened by Mars having an approximately 2-year orbital period around the sun.

    And as the projected timeline above shows, it is the time around September 2003 that specifically represents the 'echo window' of 9/11 (2001). Amazingly enough, it just happens that we will have a close encounter with the planet Mars around that time (late August); indeed, this will be the closest encounter in nearly 60,00 years!

    Quite clearly, 2003 is the year of Mars. And it appears that the Martian climax this summer is somehow designed to open up a 'stargate'.


    Let me mention this again: in The Stargate Conspiracy it is pointed out that the year 2003 has been singled out by an 'insiders' source (namely James Hurtak, author of Keys of Enoch) as a time of great significance.


    Stargate Sequence

    Speaking of 'insiders', we recall that there were some potential 'insiders' in Hoagland's Enterprise Mission forum who posted cryptic messages as if to subtly 'leak' some key information. This was something discussed in the first Endgame article.

    One of the those messages was a numerical cipher posted by 'KBS', which was decoded to reveal a strange statement. Let's take a look at what I wrote about this:

    The relevance of the Cydonia IR picture to this supposed crop-circle "SETI" communication has been further suggested by another strange message from 'KBS', the person who sent 'spacecatfish' the enigmatic 'llama & priests' picture. On Aug. 27, in the Enterprise Mission forum, 'KBS' posted a hyperlink to a page showing the 2002/'disk' crop formation.


    The hypertext itself read:


    The post was then followed by a comment from "Dr. Peter Martin":

    [...] I was fascinated by your link title however:


    As it is obviously a code of some sort and as I have considerable experience with such things in addition to my interest with the crop circle phenomena here in the UK, I thought that I'd attempt to decipher it.


    Eventually I figured out how it was composed and have decoded it to read:

    HaPPy AnNiVerSaRy, HoAglAnd


    This was achieved by grouping 3 digits at a time working left to right and interpreting them as the octal representation of an ASCII character code. [...]

    "Happy anniversary, Hoagland"? Whatever that really means, the 'insider' poster (?) 'KBS' seemed to subtly suggest that there indeed was some kind of link between the crop messages and Hoagland's work. Therefore there is now more reason to suspect that the 'false gifts'/'broken promises'/'deception' mentioned in the coded crop message had some relevance to the THEMIS IR picture, the 'gift' from the Odyssey spacecraft...

    Back then I naturally assumed that the 'anniversary' reference was pertaining to some event in the past. But now I have realized that 'anniversary' - meaning' 'returning with the year, at a stated time' - could also easily point to a future time, one year ahead.

    As the above message was posted last year on August 27, its 'anniversary' would point ahead to August 27, 2003. Well, let me quote from a space.com article:

    "At 5:51 a.m. EDT on Aug. 27, 2003, Mars will be within 34,646,418 miles (55,758,006 kilometers) of Earth... the closest that Mars has come to our planet in nearly 60,000 years."

    Yes, the historic 'close encounter of the red kind' this summer will climax exactly on the 'anniversary' date - August 27!


    In hindsight, it's quite obvious that the poster 'KBS' was alluding to this future event. This is yet another clue suggesting that the '9/11 echo window' coming this summer/fall will be an important time.

    And the underlying message seems to be that we are in for a 'stargate event' - whatever that may be.

    There are some intriguing 'signs in the sky' as well. For instance, one of the celestial points associated with the concept of a 'stargate' is the intersection of the ecliptic (the sun's path) and the Milky Way.[16] While there are two such points, the more notable one is the intersection marking the border between the constellations Gemini and Taurus.


    Its significance here derives largely from the fact that it is pinpointed by the raised arm of Orion (= Osiris; an 'stargate' constellation) as the image below illustrates.

    This makes us wonder if the 'stargate year' 2003 will produce a special configuration involving this particular spot in the sky. I quickly found out that this indeed was the case.

    Around June, or around the summer solstice, the planet Saturn happens to be transiting this region. Saturn, the planet/god of time, is an alter ego of Orion-Osiris.

    And on June 24 - just 3 days after the solstice - Saturn will be united with the sun. This date pinpointed here is quite meaningful, as June 24 is the feast day of John the Baptist - a biblical figure associated in Endgame III with the 'Face on Mars', the Sphinx, the Turin Shroud, etc., thus relevant to the stargate theme. (by the way, doesn't the image shown left remind you of the Statue of Liberty?)

    This is interesting enough, but there is more. Although Saturn generally moves in one direction along the ecliptic, it does (appear to) go back and forth rather frequently. This means that the planet would pass a given spot more than once in one 30-year cycle around the sun. As such, the coming 'stargate' transit near the solstice will not be the first in the current cycle of Saturn.


    It was at the same spot back in the fall of 2002 - starting around the beginning of September. This was the exact time when Hoagland's analysis of the Cydonia IR picture was hitting the fan! (He released the data on Sept. 5, though the buzz was already building in August.)

    Adding to this is the fact that the same configuration was repeated just recently around May 15, 2003.


    Now... this is an intriguing date.


    'May 15' of this year attracted a lot of attention because of the widespread rumor regarding 'Planet X' or 'Nibiru' (i.e. Zecharia Sitchin's speculative '12th Planet'), supposedly coming this way to wreak havoc on earth... around May 15, '03.


    The buzz was created largely by 'Zetatalk', a lady claiming to channel gray aliens ('Zetas').

    While I personally consider Zetatalk to be rather silly (like the Raelians), it did conceptually fit into the 'pattern' pretty well. After all, our 'alien crop glyph' featured a cartoonish 'gray'-type alien. Additionally, there have been some discussions about Nibiru actually being a reference to a stargate.


    And even Iraq - a 'stargate land' - responded to this, as we were told on May 15 that the US military there executed 'Operation Planet X' (no joke). So, I'd say there was a minor 'echo effect'. It was a little 'stargate preview window'. (It's kind of interesting that I am positing this article on May 19... perhaps part of the pattern as well? That would be just... weird.)

    If the pattern continues, we should see a similar but more amplified 'echo' on/around June 24 - beginning the process of 'stargate activation'.

    And it is of course during the climax window around September that we will see a special 'convergence' that is likely to produce some kind of major stargate event.

    Go to Part 3         




    [10] Atmospheric refraction taken into account; Adachi, The Time Rivers, pp.42, 65.
    [11] See Michael Bara and Richard C. Hoagland, “Table of ‘Coincidence’: A Guide to the Improbable at NASA and in History

    [12] Mary Anne Weaver, "Investigation into the Enterprise Mission's Proposition that the 19.5 and 33.0 Degree Star Alignments Constitute a Pattern," www.angelfire.com/ca3/citystars/
    [13] Mark Lehner, The Complete Pyramids (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997), p.30.
    [14] Picknett and Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy, pp.58-9.
    [15] Andrew Collins, Gods of Eden (London: Headline Book Publishing, 1998), p.185.
    [16] Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, Hamlet's Mill (Boston: David R. Godine, 1977), pp.63, 258.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 155 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/06/2012 17:55
    Campos electromagnéticos torcidos es la especialidad de los físicos rusos:
    Me llama mucho la atención al experimento hecho con pirámides en miniatura pues usando COBRE (el metal preferido de los antiguos) y procedimientos técnicos de Nikolai Tesla permite escapar a partir del ápice de la pirámide una energía en forma de DNA! Vean la foto:
    En Egipto esto era llamado de Ben Ben o serpiente arco iris y en verdad el DNA parece el símbolo de la medicina usado desde antes de Hipócrates en Grecia: 2 serpientes cruzadas. El mismo símbolo usado por los mayas:
    Este hombre es el austriaco Antón Zeilenger:
    Él dobló fotones (luz) en forma de DNA múltiple.

    Hay muchos que especulan por qué la Gran Pirámide no tiene su piedra faltante o piramidión. Sospechan que pudo ser algo de cuarzo o un meteorito o de basalto cubierto con láminas de oro, cobre, aleación de metales, etc. Es probable que nunca tuviera ninguna piedra de ángulo coronándola. La masonería conoce bien esto y era parte del conocimiento de Tolkien quien escribió El Señor de los Anillos donde una torre poderosa tenía un OJO omnipresente y poderoso.

    Esto nos vuelve a llamar la atención a la Gran Pirámide de Egipto que tuve ocasión de ver y equivale a un rascacielos de 45 pisos hecho de un tipo de granito especial.

    Christopher Dunn escribió un libro muy interesante con base científica y menos especulativa sugiriendo que la Gran Galería de la pirámide tenía 27 resonadores Helmholtz cuyas marcas son visibles hasta hoy (vean fotos y traduzcan el documento). Esto sugiere que todo el edificio fue hecho como una máquina pétrea generadora de poder nuclear que funcionaba con ultrasonido. Lo que demuestra que hubo una explosión nuclear dentro de la Gran Pirámide. Las paredes interiores fueron calcinadas.
    El físico ucraniano, Dr.Volodymyr Krasnoholovets comparte el entusiasmo de esta teoría y literalmente se saca el sombrero en base a las conclusiones de Dunn. Quien quiera escribirle -algunos de esos idiotas que me critican en el foro- puede anotar la dirección aquí:
    Su website es éste:
    Y su e-mail es éste:
    krasnoh@iop.kiev.ua */ // -->
    Su especialidad es materia condensada e inertons. No es un “charlatán” amateur sino que tiene 20 años de experiencia en alta física que ni en sueños tendremos en Perú:
    Otra versión del asunto es el uso de Fisión nuclear con plutonio.

    La Cámara del Rey contenía -según el autor- óxido de uranio además de otros ingredientes dentro del sarcófago de granito mucho más duro y denso que el resto del granito en esa Cámara que aparentemente estaba sellada para que entrase agua. Es importante mencionar QUE NUNCA SE HA ENCONTRADO ALGUNA MOMIA EN EL INTERIOR DE LAS PIRÁMIDES como acostumbran mentir. Las momias están en el Valle de los Reyes y se supone que fueron llevadas allá desde las pirámides pero no hay evidencia. El sarcófago no era más que un CENOTAFIO, una cámara ritual o de otros propósitos. Agua aparentemente pudo entrar por la Gran Galería. Durante siglos han estado robando partes encontradas y el gobierno egipcio realmente no muestra todo lo que encuentra “al vivo” como han documentado. Vale la pena imprimir y traducir lo siguiente:


    El problema, sin embargo, es que quien escribe en este caso sugiere que debe investigarse tal o cual cosa porque él mismo no debe haber tenido acceso como sí lo tuvo Chris Dunn mencionado más arriba.

    Habían 144.000 piedras externas que fueron removidas por los árabes y los registros indican que habían marcas de agua hasta la mitad de la pirámide. Fue en 1920 que el francés Antoine Boyis hizo un descubrimiento que, a pesar de la alta humedad y el calor en la cámara principal, los cuerpos de los animales muertos no se descomponían sino que estaban completamente deshidratados. Él fue el iniciador de hacer modelos a escala orientados en la misma dirección de la Gran Pirámide y colocó un gato muerto a aproximadamente el mismo nivel de la cámara principal. El resultado fue el mismo. Ya en la década de los 60 los investigadores de Checoslovaquia (notan que en esa región del globo son ellos siempre los pioneros y no los americanos?) hicieron estudios limitados con relación a la geometría y repitieron los experimentos con los mismos resultados. Resulta que el formato en sí permite preservar comidas, afilar hojas de afeitarse, inducir a la germinación de plantas y su crecimiento más veloz o sanar heridas de animales. Otros científicos creen que es el contenido de cuarzo (a propósito el silicio del computador es tomado de joyas) en los bloques de granito y la increíble presión a que tales bloques son sometidos que creen que tal cámara es el foco principal de campos piezoeléctricos. Las medidas del magnetómetro dentro de la cámara muestran altos niveles de un campo geomagnético.

    ¡Esto me llama la atención porque recordé que en Machu Picchu las piedras cargan pilas cerca al Intihuatana que “amarra el Sol” y que la aguja de las brújulas puede ser alterada. Resulta que la Gran Pirámide es la más pesada estructura en un solo punto que está al medio de los continentes!
    Esto en un planeta que gira como un trompo sobre su propio eje y que quizás sea como un imán en su interior. Es como si los egipcios hubiesen hecho el monumento para servirse de la gravedad o el electromagnetismo. Un dínamo o máquina de piedra con facultad de usar poder nuclear. PERO NO COMO EN EL FILM STARGATE. Esto no es una pirámide-cohete:
    Esa película original tiene conceptos interesantes como el efecto especial acuoso que recuerda el extraño EFECTO CASIMIR LÍQUIDO conocido en física. También vemos que el Et que se transporta a la nave usa ANILLOS y ya hay físicos que creen que la Gran Pirámide pudo de alguna forma estar relacionado con ANILLOS TORO.


    Traduciendo: para mí ciertos fenómenos conocidos por las antiguas civilizaciones y actualmente la masonería y la NASA masónica funcionan en los “ombligos” electromagnéticos del mundo. En determinados días como eclipses, solsticios, equinoccios, etc., es posible que las estructuras del espacio-tiempo se abran si se construyen los megalitos de piedra –huesos de la Tierra- en esos puntos. ESA ES LA RAZÓN POR LA CUAL TODOS LOS MEGALITOS ANTIGUOS ESTÁN SEPARADOS MATEMÁTICAMENTE A INTERVALOS Y LATITUDES EXACTAS a pesar de que cada una de esas civilizaciones no co-existiese con otras necesariamente o siempre. Es como si el proyecto hubiese sido visto desde arriba (y desde adentro de la Tierra) por entidades hiperdimensionales que usaron las mentes de los hombres para sus fines. Vean el mapa de los megalitos en el mundo:
    Solo que en todos esos megalitos (excepto quizás la Gran Pirámide pero no sé) sangre fue derramada como holocausto a los dioses. No hay jeroglíficos de dioses hum-animales en la Gran Pirámide. Era como si el proyecto fuese literalmente llenar la Tierra de violencia y sabemos que las batallas acostumbran librarse en los mismos lugares por generaciones o que fenómenos paranormales acostumbran pasar donde homicidio o suicidio ya aconteció antes.

    Los masones de la NASA en el 97 enviaron el Pathfinder tetraédrico a aterrizar en Marte a la latitud 19.5 Norte y 33 Oeste mientras la Tierra estaba posicionada a 19.5 grados arriba del horizonte oriental marciano visto desde el Pathfinder. Por buenas razones ellos están OBSESIONADOS con las latitudes como 19.5 y 33. Saben por qué? Lo que voy a decirles ahora es un SECRETO EN EL PERÚ y deseo compartirlo con ustedes aunque me llamen de los nombres o adjetivos que gusten.

    Todas las esferas rotatorias con cuerpos líquidos permiten una CASCADA DE ENERGÍA HIPERDIMENSIONAL que simplemente hace aparecer “de la nada” formas geométricas. Es en la latitud 19.6 N que se encuentra el más grande volcán terrestre en Hawai, Mauna Kea; el fenómeno del Niño a 19.5 en Marte los mayores volcanes de la Vía Láctea están en Olympus Mons en latitud 19.3 N. La mancha roja de Júpiter está justamente en la latitud 19.5 Sur. Formas geométricas también aparecen en los polos de planetas así como hexágonos solares. Producción de nubes brillantes en Saturno en 1994 fueron en la latitud 19.5 grados N. El inmenso Mare Orientale de la Luna es en la misma latitud. Lo mismo es cierto en la gran mancha azul de Neptuno cerca de la latitud 19.5 y su gemelo Urano irradiando 3 veces + energía que la que reciben del Sol, etc. La pirámide del Sol en Teotihuacan además de los volcanes Iztaccihuatl y Popocatepetl en México están en la misma latitud. No es extraño que la NASA se ofrezca a ayudar a los arqueólogos mexicanos a encontrar ruinas mayas.
    Quien desee saber + sobre hiperfísica lea aquí:


    ¿La Tierra ha estado desacelerando en su movimiento alrededor de su eje?

    Curioso porque se supone que se ha mantenido “estable” más o menos 1 segundo en un millón de años. Solo que literalmente para “ajustar” tuvieron que usar relojes atómicos ajustando más de 20 segundos en 20 años. En otras palabras hay un cambio entre la rotación de la Tierra y las constantes a nivel atómico que gobiernan el quantum Standard de los relojes. Un cambio en el momento angular de la Tierra. Simultáneamente LOS PROPIOS RELOJES SON ALTERADOS INTERNAMENTE. Una reestructura de la realidad hiperdimensional a cada 13.000 años:


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